..1 1 i; ARTIIQUAKE - SOME - CURIOUS STOU1ES AliOUT THE MAKI- TESTATIONS OF ELECTUICTr IN CALIFORNIA. The Inyo (California) Independent of April 20:li, relates these singular circum- . . i i t'ancee t "Scientific men every wbeie are busy in nrcBtigatfng the caij?c of those -terrible .'jttrnlfionB f the earth, earthquakes, i,nd. there is a faint hope that something J value may be deduced fWm their in quiries. It iseems to' be generally con ceded that "electrictyj in tome form is the prime cause if these movements of earth it is much to berJiopjwl thai tonae person r persons possessing the necessary ecien lifie attainments will pay this section a visit. No better place or opportunity was ever presented to American scientist to investigate theee pheuonicna on their own soil than this country has afforded daring the past two or three weeks. For the information of such we will mention a few facts, mainly relating to . .1 . l :j electrical pnenoraena, mat nave occurred within our knowledge. A few days after the big shock, so called, at Cerro Gordo vr-rv lrtiirl thmufer wns heard durin? a violent snow storm. Wjih the exception it.A .am tl.inv nnrpil lii i nd perhaps at other)lace in the valley avaawavaavsna -w m v - w . w This is remarkable, because almost un precedent. Immediately following the great shock, men whose judgment and veracity sire beyond question, while sitting n the gBpuncTnear the Eclipse mine, saw sheets of flame on the Inyo mountains," bnt a half mile distant. These flames, observed in several places, waved to and fro apparently clear of the ground like vast torches. , They continued for only a few minutes. In this office one day last week, while one of the proprietors was running a large number of sheets of flat Cap paper through a . job press, these sheets, after leaving the press were affect ed by tho "movements of the operator's hand as a strong magnet wmldaifect iron filings. When his, hand was near them the whole pile, or at least a hundred of them from the top, seemed to flout in the nir like tiasfic paper in a slight breeze. n. . . i . 1.1 : " .. 1. 4 i lie top aiiuct wouiu i;h.-l- ui cacu cuu up lo the hand when held four inches above it, and thus by attraction be moved cntire- r away from the others. At times during in niehtiSraits of fire were repeatedly einiltca trorn a wooien siiawt on Deinjj a . i : i i i t touched by the hand. At the Kearsage Mill, located at an altitnde of nearly 8,000 feet above! the sea, the followingoccurrence was n6ted by Harry Llawson and 1. J. Joslyt) : The former, while sitting-with his knee within about three inches of a cast iron stove, felt a peculiar numbing sensation, and supposing his limbs lo be "asleep," essayed tot rub them with his hand. As soon as his hand touched his knee he felt a shock, and immediately af :er and for a number of seconds a stream f fire ran between both knees and Uie tove. , We will here, on the authority of a man who had an opportunity of knowing, ptate he item going the rounds to the effect Lhai no movement of the earth was obser vable three hundred feet under ground, n the mines, is not correct.: At Ueiro 1 1 arid 6, and also at Eclipse mine, the rocking motion"-was distinctly observed, specially in the timbering. Small parti- . vi, iulk nri;iu uciailldl. UIIU III UUIU laces the miners went to the surface in Iarmi h resumed work as before. No subsequent shocks have been remarked at that depth." SUNSET ON THE ROCKY MO UN. TAINS. . If I bad the pencil of a Uierstact, or the penol a Knskin, I would like to picture h sunset in the rocky Mountains. But the strange illusion , as of an amber sea jtouching and leaving the adjacent hills jand then stretching away to far distant hores, dotted here and there with dark islands and flecked wiih golden sails ; the Klaming banners of ihelford unfolding and -waving in the mellow twilight, and then furling again as if by -unseen hand, or gradually dissolving into airy nothings and fading avvuy; the innumerable shades Vf scarlet and purple, silver, amber and gold, ever blending and changing in fan tastic shapes and infinite variety ; kaleido scope on which the angels look with awe and wonder, these bewilder my brain, and .buftle the descriptive power of ray prosy pen. The bandied or tro of miles this .side' of Ogden are through mountain scen rrj which once seen will j never be forgot ten. ThePe are Echo audi Webber canons, ijlaths through the mountains for the con venience and comfort of men, cu by the (JJod of Nature, which ttie best engineer j log skill of mortals could not have open-jf-d iu a thousand years. There are cis lies and 'temples with turrets and towers jand majestic doarei, which make .one feel .j that tho gods may have worshipped lure i even ince the morning stars sangtogeth , ; Andhere4s "Pulpit Rock," in pass ing which you instinctivelv nncnvpr vn..r h'eadjind wait to hear if Jehovah will as he spoke to Moses of old from the rugged cliff of Sinai ! Ah! th r A urn. aignifiq ante in the fact that the ?reat law giver afecended the mountain to receive the word of the Lord If man pvpp hn. before he Infinite Jlajesty in a we, if ever hissouUopen to hear what God will say, if ever he feels that God is about him, that the very air pulsates' with his presence aud spidtthat he has hia very being in Go 1, such must be his expeiience amid tlie awful majesty of these mountain. It is not not strange that th Mormon pi grims after their long and weam m ,W riejr across the canon, they came suddi n'y upon tlit rock, and heard the voice of their " prophet noclaim from its h.ui,. that theie pilgrimace was at ah end. nnrt ' Nthejfair field of Canaan would sooji burst itipoh their admiring sigh, should have f liouted ' it is the voice of God and n t of map' It wag a shrewd stroke of oolicv on the part of, Brigham Young to civ his people such a surprise and such a welfom 'ijtb the land of their dreams and prayers. rbtr Democrats must rote for Sum Civit KlGnTR hil t, before we can trust yon, and stop talking about the 'despotism of the Federal Government when yon know1 thre is no despotism. Senator Wilson at Wilmington. MAD-DOG MANIA. -Amoug the many recorded ,,ca?ea of authorized brutality which have come to our kuowledge throogh the medium of the newspapers, none,, for utter oselessness, exceeds that of the late wholesale slaoghten of dogs at Louisville, Ky., by order of the city government. Three hundred of these animals, brought in by boys and police men the larger number stolen from tbr owners for the! pake of life premium offejlr ed by the city-i many ofHhem! yaluablje, and probably not a tenth part coming ttfi der the head of "stray" or "worthies" dogs, were enclosed in a pen and two stalwart buicbcr&oys, armed with light sledgeham oners, commissioned to enter the I enclousure and destroy them. Ibisjib was executed under the direct eye 6f SOtne of the representatives of the j local govern ment, who sat aloft aud enjoyed the strug gles of the poor brutes, very much as we may imagine the old emperqrt of heathin Rome enjoyed the cambats of the gladia tors or the slaughter of Christians by wild beasts. Not more than half the wretched animabv were killed outright j some of them writhing ard moaning for hours afterward, Uppareutly in intense Jufferfrg ' We abhor cruelty in all its s lima doubly when1 exercised towards dumb animals. There was not the jshadobf an excuse for this outrage upon theijife, against which theyictims had iio pcjjwjer to protest. As well might the' city Ward have issued "an ordinance authorizing the summary seizure and slaughter in j! the public streets of all the little children ;to be found, lieast they might grow up to be murderersiand criminals. The case ii a a pei fectlyl analogous one, only at the pfe sen't stagejof civilization human life alone is looking; npon as sap red, and human rights only as worthy of respect. K 1 ' The mad-dog mania, which rages an nually throughout the country, is one yf the most jabsurd "and senseless terrors with which society has ever been curbed. According to the statement of one of the oldest and: best known physicians of lite country, not more than four well-authen-.ticated cases of hydrophobia from the bite of dogs have ever been known in1:, the United States. These, of course, do not include the fits and spa?ms of ne Vous and incredulous people, who will insist upou having hydrophobia if bitten bynur- ly or provoked dogs, though with no more lawful title to it than if they had been bit ten by sheep. Every few dayB we meet in some one of our exchanges stories Has to some man havingtteda most excrucia tingly painful death from tbet fft ctsfofaj bite received from a (102 ten, twenty, or even thirty years before. These cases are al ways located "in Kentucky," or "Minne sota, or more commonly "out West " PTiey are certain to be so distant or so obscurely located that nobody would ever think of looking them up, if they ever i bought of doubting their truth. ; How many people have ever thought how utterly absurd was the idea Itha; an active and virulent poison co aid remain dormant in the system for a score of years or even six months ? Who knows of a caselwhere"a flea bite appeared years aftr the extinction of the offending flea by the finger and thumb 1 Is there any well-authenticated fact of a person cryifig about a dose of's try ch nine in hidstoiuach for years, and then suddenly "curling lip hn tlte floor" from its effects l And again how many of readers ever actually saw a case of hydraphobiaior hov many evet kftpw, beyound doubt or question, of one 1 Vc do not take into account what Jonei's wife's mother has heard, or what a man who formerly lived ont West has said, but such testimony only as would be received in-a court of justice. Brought to this point, we opiuepeople wonld begin to question whether it would not be just as w ll to let every harmless dog have nis aay. jjoston Jlove SHALL WE MEET AGAIN f j the t.iilowing is said to be one of the most brilliant articles written by the la- intni( i ueorge u. i'reutic : ' 1 he "nat of nature is inexorable. There is no appeal for relief from the great law which dooms us to dust. We flourish and tade as the leaves ti the forest, and tin- Mowers that bloom and wither in a day have no trailer hold upon life, than the mtghtest monarch that ever shoot til earth with his footsteps. Generations if men will appear and disappear as the grass, and the multitude that throng the world to day, will disappear as the foot steps on the shore. Men seldom thiuk of the great event of death until the shadow talis across their own pathway, hiding from thir eyes the faces of loved !ones wnose living smile was the sunlight of i ii jeam is tlie antagonist ot nte, and the cold thought of the fowl is tne sKeieton ot alt -fpast9. We do not want to go through the dark valb-y, al though its dark passage may lead to para dise; we do not want to lay down in the uarnp grave, even with princes for bed fellows. In the beautiful A the hope of Imortalitv. so flonnntltr uttered by the death-devoted Greek, finds ueep respouse in every thoughtful soul; -uuui tu yivia ins voung existence as a sacrifice to fate, his Clemantha asks it luey snouw meet againj to which he replies: i hwe asked that dreadful question of the hills that loot Airat of the clear streams that flow forever f tne stars among whose fields of azure ray pj,,,,, Ui,B wamea iu glory. Al wp re dumb ; but as I gkze npon thy liv mpf fap T loot !.'-. i :'. f t i . ' llilh fie is sometntng in me love that mantles throogh its beauty inat cannot wholly perish, j We shall: meet again, u;iemantha." p xennyson is an inveterate smoker Ann, moreovei, he smokesVirginia tobac co in a ciay pipe. Jiutl he never nses p.Pe ine second time. When he smokea a m ot tobacco h breaks the pip. i r . a, ew Dow ! talking all the while if he has anvbodv t tuiir ... he keeps a variety of pipes for visitors. His working -denh M at the top of the faS. x uuuer ne; repairs after breakfastL and, m the midst i of a eea of books on shelves, tables, chairs and floor, toll. until be is fcU.gued.'The6ehour8 of labor 8 aosomteiy aacred as were Rtdkt Wo hman being, unless npon an of life and death, is allowed i to i upon him then. .1 er errand intrude TRIUMPHANT ! 13 UP WARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE MIUMS and Gold and Silver MedaU were awarded to Cuales M. Stjeit - for the best Pianos in competition with all the leading manufactur ers of the country. Of3ce and Hew Wareroomv, No. 0 AoriA Lrberty St BALTIMORE, Md. The Stieff'S Pianos contain all the latest im provements to be fonnd jn a first-lass Piano, wild aauitional lmprorcmeots of bis own in vention, not to bo found in other instruments. Tho tone, tonch and finish of their instru ments cannot be excelled by any manufactur ed. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos always on hand, from $75 to $300. Parlor and Church Oreans. some twentr dif ferent styles on hand from 50 and upwards, i &ena lor tlla.strateu uatatnirne, containing names of-over twelve hundred Southerners (five hundred of which are Virginians, two handred Xorth Canlinians, one hundred and fifty East Tenne8sean. and others throughout the South), who have bought the Stieff Piano since the close f t he war. J. ALIEN BROWN, Agent, 22:fc I j . - Salisbury, N. C. Studwell Brothers ... i i 17 MURRAY Street NEW YORK, (ftanafricturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, FOll SOUTHERN TRADI3, Have a complete stock in all line?, includ ing their popular Granite State JJals, Kip Plate shoes, and Womcns Pel. bals. ' Orders solicited and carefully filled at lowest market rates. 1 J. E. MOOSE, Salesman, feb 2 ; k0:4m. A. M. Sullivan. J. P. Gowan. NEW OPENING. '-r,HE undersigned having associated them A selves in holiness under the firm name of A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., TTAVE opened in R. J. 'Holmes' new bnild- LAinff, next door to the Hardware Store. where they will be pleased to meet old and new lnend. 1 he v have a masntticent room the large.-t and best iu tow n and jSl. Largo c Siplonolici. STOCK OF GOODS, OMrKISING a genrral assortment. Ifard- J ware excepted, and will enarrantee a jrood bargains as can be sold by anv JJouse ii the South. They will deal heavilv In Grocerie and country Pmdnce, buyiu? and sidling, and invite all who wih either to buy or sell to call on mem ; a. M. SULLIV AN &. Co. Jan. 24th, IS72. 10:tf R. W. PiijCE. T.J. PnicE PRICE & BRO. Have Removed THEIR FAMILY GROCERY STORE TO JEXKIX'S COUXEIi, V here they will continue to Sell Flour Meal, Fresh Meats. Bacon, Lard. Butter Eggs, Coffee. Teas Sugar, Salt, Pickle?. Mo lasses, Sec together with a large and varied stock ot nousfhold and table necessities Bring your country produce to PlilCE Sc BRO. (17:tf) FOR SALE. TWO SMALL TRAfrrs OP T. a vn t four to five miles of Town, containing WOOD and MEADOW, with a part cleared nnd in orcnard. If not sold before the 6th of July next it will then be Bold at public nale. Apply MAM E HAY While The SUN SHINES! I WOULD respeetftilly pive- notice to the farmers that I am Ageot for the Celebrated. BUCKEYE Mower and Reaper and Sxccpsta les THRESHER, Mannfactured by C. Ahltman & Co. Canton, Ohio, and I respectfully request those in need of any, or either of these Machines, to call and fee i me, and get a Book giving full instructions and pricesi ! ; Tte pcarcity cf laborers and the high price t,f JJay. c-. makri thes Machines a necessity. Please bring or Bend me ronr orders as soon as possible. 1 J. K. BDKKE, 3l:tf 8a.ticl.nrtr fi P. MILLS! ''PIIE proprietors of these justlr celebrated L MilUiar;iu the market for WHEAT, and solicit calls from all vrbo have it to sell. Thev pay the highest market cash prices. Flour! Flour!! They tbo solicit orders for Floor, manufacture four different trades .f They Flour, ranging Best Family, Family, Sz t Titty also solicit orders for Bran. Tbey cxihange, or grind for toll, ai may be desired. ) T' - EMMERT, BROS A CO. liand Deeds, Trustee Deeds, Commissioner's Deeds, Sheriff Deeds phattel Mortgages, &t. For Sale at this offie i ' Cheap! Chattel Mortgages, and various other blasnks for sale here. ROWAN HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main Street, Salisbury, J C A EE CONSTANTLY ADDING New, improved and valuable Tools, Imple ments, Machines, Contrivancics, fce., &c., for the convenience and facility of Fanners, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Shoe Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Masons, Varriajre UUllUCrS, i CoODPT j IIouse-Keepers, T?ntp.hpr fnrlra Art i T r x . ...... i n laci. icw liersons unaroualnted with our establishment, arc aware of the wide' HAS taken the room recently oocnpio.l by iiov, ana ojK-ned a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. J-IIe tsolicits cash orders from abroil. notice. f lies nectfully refers to business en dfJCash paid for all leading articles BUflKE t COFFIN, AM) Commission Merchants, 03 At the Siyn of the Pud Flay, MERONEY'S OLD STAND, MAIN m:i:i.i . SALISBURY, N. C. J. K. Bl'RKK. J. M. OiKKlN. BOrdeis and consignments respectfully m lieted. ""Auction alcs every Suturd;tyand public days. Oh! Yes Oh! YesOh! Yes! ITaving fallen back to a better position nnd ' been reinforced by forming a copartnership with j Jno. M. Coffin, who has leen long and favor ably known in the Mercantile community, I would respectfully return my thanks to the public generally, and solicit a continuance of their patronage to the new Firm ; with the as surance that we will do all wc can to satisfy all who may have anything to sell or buv. J. K. BURKE. January 1S72. N. B. I will continue to attend to the sell ing of any kind of projerty in the country, for Administrators and others when notified in time. tf:18 J. K. BURKE, Auctioneer. 1 hate analyzed the Whisker knoun under the brand of "7? SELECT," con trolled by Messrs. WALTER IK B LAI It & Co., Richmond, la, and find it Free from Fiiil Oil, und and other impurities, and recommend its use for medicinal and family purposes. J. B. McCAW, M. I) , Late Prof, of Chemistry J. College, Va. . This brand is beyond all doubt a supe rior article and can only be had genuine, at T. J Foster's, No. 3 Maiu et., nearly opposite Mansion Hotel, Salisbury. N. C. 3S:4t WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BABER, RETURNS ni3 THANKS to hit. OLb , FRIENDS and the Public for the liberal ratronnpc heretofore extended to him. Jle now informs them that he ha tilted up a new ard commodious Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Srick Building", Room I7o 2, where he would be pjensed to see thnn. lie guarantees to give salisfaction in even- cape. lie has in his employ of the bpf-t Hair I)re:ers in Western North Carolina, lie requests a call from all. Salibry, N. C, Dec. 17, 50 If State of North Carolina, ! IREDELt CX)UNTY. ; j Superior Court, $)riny Term. 1872. J ! Marshall T. Bell as Assignee of William Griffin, Bankrnpt, against Oeorge C. McIIenr and Daniel B. Welch, defendant. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court on auiuavn niei, inai me oeienoannjeorge ks. Mv- Henry not a resident of the State of 'orth Carolina. ! It i therefore ordered and adjudged that pnl- i lication be made in the Carolina Watchman a newspaper published in the Town of SaJNbnry, I North Carolina, for six week!, notifying thede- , fendant, George C. McHenry that a Summon ' ha been issued in the above action again: him in which he is notified that a complaint will I filed in this action at the next term of Iredell ! Supetior Court, on the second Monday after the third Monday in August, A. D. 1S72, "within the ! firat three days of the Term, and unless the de- j fendant, George C. McHenry answer the same ' within the time prescribed by law, the plaintiff i will ask for the relief demanded in tlie com- I plaint. Witness C L. Summers, Clerk of our ' raid Conrt at office, in Statesiille. this 29th day j Bi apni, ISiZ. U ihCSUMAItKH, VSU 6w33:pr fee $3 of Iredell county. ALL KINDS of CO URT ANDMA GISTRA TES' BLANKS at this offire N range of wants we are prepared to meet, nor of the exact nnd beautiful adaptability of our goods for the purpose for which they are made. Nor can we descril them in an advertisement. They mut4e seen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a strawtutter any thing almost every tiling. They have A FULL STOCK always on hand of every variety of Xaifc, Iron, Steel, Hoe, Grain Cra dle, Hmhes, 100 Dozen Axe at low price. Courts I i j ( , .1 1' t wA Vh.L. Vm il.nl-tt al, the btlW roujrU Iron l'ios toU-found. e warrant them togive atiiaclioii. Thomp- 11 ... - r ! ton s Plows and SuK-oHcrs. COUN SIIELLKRS, CPU t nr niTTTunc; l,rtt.Mnt .1 : 1 Send . . r . in your enters or come and Lnr. 13 tf K.lttl,.,r- v r- J.T.c.1 . i .im EOWI Overman, Holmes & Co., in Murphy's Granite Produce bought and shipiH-d on verv hliort of the city. of country" Produce. ll:(f SALISBURY E. alj;j: almanacs At th II VMXS. At t! ps.vLMS a: Haok .Store J i"Tin:ii.vx iiooks of V..; ! A t!.i- I'.i.uk St.r- k-7 At tii.- Ho k St.re. IN fact an Stationer any thing ni V.o war .f IMik and ry. can In- huil ut hhoit notice aud on iv iMi:uble terms. At the Hook Ptore U i W IAI."MiT wi.l receive prompt utten- llOll P!:l I in vnur .r'!.T. CALVIN PLYI.ER. ll:lf .Inn. ,M. 1- FURNITURE! J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. Sjanufiicturcr an 1 DcVc,nin furniture. Invite attention to their stock of Cottage Beailstead. fc Cottage CluunlH'rSuit, paint ed Chamber Suit., French Suite, Walnut and painted Cane Seat Chairs Mocking Chairs of all description. Extension Dining Tables- -tab!' j of all kind Ward robe. Hnreans, Wnshstarids, What-Not, Mattresses, Sofas. Kecejition ('Imirs a.'ul I'itrlor Set. Also Rustic Window Shades, a novelty for complete ness. beauty, cheapness and durability. AUo, manv other articles which we are prepared to I sell as cheap or cheaper than any IIouein the , western p irt ol the Mate A fall assortment of Rosewood, Metal ic nd Wahiut IHirial Cases, which can be lor nished at 3 hours notice. He sure to call, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, next door below the Kxprcas otSce, aee our stock and hear our prices. Special order (mado from photographs in our ffiee) will be supplied. aj.':'2U.iui Assignee's OF Salo S4000 to $6000 WORTH OF r"WILL bepn at .'0 o'clock on Saturday. XVXavthe 4th, at the Anetion LIuuM-of BUiiKC L COFFIN, to, sell at public sale, the STOCK OP GOODS lately belonging to John W. Bittin?, bankmpt This Stock consist of a general a-w.rtment. of ilerchai.dise, such as is utally found in anr First Class Store. SaLKS to continue every Saturday till the whole Stock i closed ont. Merchant and Traders are repect fully inri ted and requested to attend thee Sale. ; Tcrma will be stated at the time of alc. ! J. K- 151" K K K. ; Assir.cc f J. W. BtTTlNO. Salisbury. April 1,12. Sl:!f rWi -inifAU. rrw 4SSH0TCUMl CTr BEST 1M THE WORLD. t3T 5ew York Office, 27 BEEZHAH BH April S6, 1872. 32:1 y Marriage Orti float of for aU- herpj 1 i'l Mi III v .JT i "w L BOOK V U1U11 PATENT LIGHTNING SAW Super Extra Spring Steel, Warranted Refinei EBEN MOODY BOYNTO eo BnnnaxAi? sxheet, new rork. . Nor. 27, UCC; Julj 23, 18C7.; Jan! 14, 14, 1SG8; July 27f ISc9 tt mm. -- or htrd wood, hmt noft timtn-r rrtjoirei it tot Mtm - for use when ent oot; re two f r tliiroroa E. M BoTKTOM.WneekiranM., New Votk - ft w. lntkd lir r ind rv Iwrt hmh A M " , j r ma mwi wm m U I II.am t. iti nia 1 .A UJ It .i .11 to vun vi pn.c. iwuiiiiuusTif. in iwo wjDB'r ate cross-tut and oo1 mti lire no rival in Tel. I b iereU-eir on':erMil mould t a iat ma ii u lie ui i ii u m, mm miii wm. a Jiiini ii in r m l i h illioua f men. r J. W. W.aKE. PrjwrinnadrntaTid !frtT. Janrruaa Irirtat Tt r IS. n. These estreme tects are qnotrd merfr to m wliat sLoaid I cWt Laa.iL.i dt is better llian tie old V frirlii imorrw nn-ii l r Honest hardware men will prueare the rrnnine inferior enoA. Lot wlere Ih-rrlo not keen trxm. X B. Milliona of axesaie bmi! for ceturt rood: forta-o. will rut fie tinses a fjit a an axe. WLr lonp. uital tor pn ral oe. See that the name and warrant are on earhoaw. K. M. BOTXTOX.sole PropneWr and E. M. Rori.tot.'a I.ifhtnlnr Ore man rio r tit itlf liw H rt-i ( onij.lrte i; u.f . tt..r Million r i,.atr in uk. I i ", I v uni.f: il , fuel oreur. Why i:e the Lightning Saw ! Because the fteM i the ( Leat. IF MMM.K. Aa ,t cfcU live ImnilitJ or n.uie du!lar tot llir .! f.r thit vtir out thr rrta- ! t. a air( afaa fifth by i)evtl and t'MM-ol an uuirotrd aaa ut U.r ewkt ol a duua. TLe only d.junnv lu la that unikiliful n.m u-piei t u uortu u rlraniiia u-th ioirri) . if ccili oa'd. 1 lit s- pateul inUi are a.l uf uue length iiuil no khoiiun.; tt-unrd and wt t xr a favt aa mm saw a. Then- have U-en many device tor Water tr. th. l.jt not. tier .atDt cvU.Pf leelh lor rre eairf bat tliese are known w h I.oii.n mu t-.ti. I t u an irditttt iajed V. noiif ttr lL i.iUr.tkt. if the ooti e.lp-i hr -tujerU -1 ai.il j. ii.ij. c.,i.l,' nh drt f.f a d iet! ttunt aad riirr in tuUtitiiUd I Iiif.it ilim,oiie Ittiu Mirl and Larurr Uaaprribf tr I rtlUi m. UK buy a i...r tool f any oil or o. 1 1 t .. n r iir a i uf 1 1- u, l.tiii y .rjft.ll.4ii T .Note .aia'iai 1) the-e i'jtt nt Cutie.a. how d.f irut fion. u ott r !t. toub e iir,i-.l. a ah on. I ki s asi, tk.v lorlaa o.uli a or ie o( lerf. ltd i i ta vermeil ei:t .ii tl.-r t.n'.f. 2nd. lne point lnuuellhe ot! er. ror.x,i, M j rt trfl rleai orty ill obiif edp . Na a'latrat to puaice out. It oi.t-i-ou.t ol M l-otu vj.t n.f my mi ct il.e otl-er. U t itt otxd nd aea lift oi.t thetooUi. 3J. t'bt, at diivct or criwrnin- aiiile to the eld of a hallow. 4'h. Are el?t-d with an oil stone after filinp t t b . flh. 3 l.ce re the cn'y jiatet d:ie:l t ultitijt -no c.nrf 'e-ih Lroaa ferrrrn reft f tai; rH fjsier, ejsitr thauany other, and aie. niih pnat-ut Joiai. a i,m lo )rra a tie old tooth, ail sha;e. ; IIOV.TOAS IMTE.XT MC.'HTAI.0 SAW. This Mw posseaaea aereral pr- t iJnMirM vr the .kM V Uoth. abxh lai htbeito bae'4 on, efcially in cruw-eat a. ti.e fctrenjtib. .liBne. a id durability ( trtth. aid U en rtKS; for de f jrumniinjr are o bvtona tl at aiil oa!j Laa.ef.ci otXcr'-oiata of eoaipahj!. tt care, aitnplicity acdrlert cirt.. Srr.KU a1 lie an aie t!.t an oidiran hand nan mis only one ry : i. v. tie front cat la v ef fective than th back, or rvtreatinjr eat Tbe tret) . lth tWir opjoxt rvttiny fare. i,uig ia lis, are equivolent to the 'rer.t cut both aaja of tLt Land , ia diauattiok to tbe lack wui Uaa.a T aar. Ienee speed iriietitab'e. or fcmo. It ieaierto r!ow prove in Cta'-r than to era oneoot Tbe apprabM 4 tliis principle ia very peife-ct. all the Ur-tb tfii.p of trtn leeptk doab e i-oicted, cat nith o,u.ot teru e al an. projtinfr ehv. and e!eai m u'lii ei i a'y ilk tie ran e. Siari icMT. lh..t is ohviouf. all the po-ut Uirf iiket atda teeih .iit: Ike sa W-afik. a hooks, or thick rakinc teeth, to be ahvrtened: oniy oix mill t e ia rviid to kr-p tWau ia cVr a ad th. j ane t easy tor the nnkilied laUxer to tXaiptt, aa the old akcid aaw. I'l t Her t "I iae. 4'ontinnonsly cnttii a and eltarrg . tl e cpfita entt $ far" not '1 eut. bcrt clear, by lifting the nbrv aboe tic rojectjrt l'.a. hke a f ioar. Ytr ta tbe aanat 1t elearirifi ircptrment. hy tketr circoUr w that fan PovtUo lrot-era. bj Land, cnt of a twe!e Jnh aye awfaU wood)o7 in eipht second. tfoit Major (rn kirade aedothrr ditir racked nn. al t a Srioare. I'hllai'eJphia. Pej toi.Ur 1. 1Ht.9. He ai r. t. a yref of the taae tkat j-ariat oaU efTort. the sawing, by Latd of tebiT tord of hard lch. trtp'.e, elm. ah and hirL; ad m eijtht hxora(incluj!nf loat time) In Mkligaa. t-aek woik. ty two mea. ilh neaan oaet.i wonderfal. Ihese Sawa are made andaold by Mr. E. M. Romtoa. fd rWVmig trrrt, Nav York, aad af r leeted by four patents. dt4 respectirelr 27. W. Jaly ftS. January 14. Jalr ft. We trust that thjovrntor'f so va'nabte an iraprorainrnt in aa arUr.e of sack oniera' a tl saw, will be able tenjoj tKe fruit of tbeir labors free frota in!nnrrantt or riraey aay ksad.-la-a Aow, Araiu 1, 1370. ' ' TJiese Sates are unirersaUy ccrctded to Sutjtss all ethers for Cress cvttirf Trmhrr. Although f 500 challenge for ejrpense of tet has Urn adcertitcd in mulf ' of paptrs, and engraved on each stc, no one has ever DARED to publicly test the matter, NO other sate has double pointed teeth, CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IX LINE SO AS TO CUT WITH OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH ONLY by direct act hn. a H. The cutting of all single pointed teeth are equal, and these 11 are doxdAe, with direct-action, spaced, and slant concealed between points (f M. If one point of M was set one tcay and one the other, the slant would ride and lifl out the tooth. When the Lard ware trade do not tell, agenti wanted, and no poTfmmetit l is rcqnired- A aix foot cross cut and a brick taw-Made will be rent to any a"rrt oa receipt of $6, or $1 per foot. One tnn awi tl 25 per foot. 26:tf Not One Failed in 20,000. Homy .f tb. I.M i.p,., The larre mrm nf ,i ? pel W Ut f X.. Hi IWInT. ,t.. 1 woeii.iwn!l UoilJ-trpf,iT ' f t. iMiU tS I XO EU( K lf re.l v1 tJT .tl'r:. c'urt iij kit iuwu. the n,.rtH. tl lJrMirrV.rL Kacb I.IVta.r 'aw . ni j . . aiajarra. .-xf t trtr UkOMMal til prmti iwfiWL ao tLta.a L i. "V M . r . mwm mmwm I tiieae rvrstar rx4 ki b,iu ' ... " wrfc BBaVilid - rta tot rt TIJ tfcin nr. a fntft Lett Wfil.aa rrrt'ar ID. ,, e imwrusl to rdr. StrerSaien f 4 ' pace, w yir in. no romnlaiat rrl.r4.. e received. Mally tit4 hr tarfttS!, 1 I.it.1 tuleifa.. atealltaa4 hru4in idrr ck. Hr: Tln-ceit tea Ut 1 m ll e !.irltat I ,'!,: .m . l. o : t .1 , - . - II H PUI' M rAV m T 1 r H It m m m 1 M . - . 4 ... in eifBfc. or t ti rai mi m a ia ese ! in aimptieitT. ' Jw ib.cci.1 of nrer aa4 tie. axJ 1 rt t n. i.n rr wi .m -miiib. m all ollift . for their rostomera. errn if ther arvatmiij acrntaare nantt-d. a Ijririnr (o Crt v.w ;it. Ur - Lot trr tWiu 1 11m. I.uLtn . lr. . . Maanfactiirtr- X Vil. (.r r uttitf ti iK.d Jni1 I xa it d " a tr t 1 i v Kl ..f li.l.r 1t I HJO 4r l MOrt. - Lall l Un-e a acid It td. and n a tkir U V Xxt'h aa, beneath al! saadott. t a ' iarieil 23

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