? dliarolinii tUatcljinnn LOCAL AOTJ STATE XTEHI3 . i i . i 1 h j I SALISBURY MARKET. ' ' AUGUST 29. ' rORN-70 a 72., . j COTTON 20 a 22. ' FLM.lO a 3 G0- f MK L 72 a 73, j H)TATOES-rIrirf. 3? a 4& Sweet, 100. i UACOX (country) 12(15 -hog roujod,; KOflS 10 a ' i CniCKENS-l.S0 a $i ier doz. I UHI)-12al5. KEATJIKHS new, 50 TALLOW-10 a 12. HVK-75 a 80. j , ' flEKSWA)' 2S ft 30. WJlKAT-1.17(?,1.3o. r ntTTER 10 a 20. 1 liMED FKUIT- Apples, j 4(cA,n pr. tu I'caoh, unpolled, 3K4J j Jo peeled, 8&12J B1ackTerr.e, 7fe8. VV5rkMif AuirE l'KARsox wdl re-opeh a... - - ; ! TiU. IIoo ORDiNANCK EKFOnCED.-4- Otir City fathers have been amusiiig thern- Selves the ipal w etK caicning auu peii ning bogs. ! ' - ; Tim Hai.eiou Daily News. This ocjrasionally. Thia 13 a, great annoyancci to u, as it s one oi our mot valued ex changes. WhatVthc matter Stone ? Watermelons .-Vg are indebted to Capti John Heard fur a couple of fine Watermelon. They were of a superior kind and flavor. The seed were procured irom Mr. Jatnes Vick, the great eut-dsinau, Jloclirstcr, N. Y. w The M AKfioN Hotel, under the hand i . ....... j . X)f the propirietor, Mr. John I. Shaver, fa recovering ita ancient renown. llis eon, Ilr, Ldwad Shaver, is tfie immediate part jr. cont'roling, Mrs. Wnjrcx presiding vi r i.1m' i ..ntinary department., The House ! i- Uen thoroughly, overhauled, painted and ffcfitted ; and wit li Us1 ample shades u now one of the ploa.santjpsi. placet to be , foud during this sultry feather. , Artificial Plotters dc. We were Shown a lev days ince a box of artifi ; cial flowers, mad? of paper ,-which will compare favorably with any thing of the kiud wc have ever seen : Also, a couple of I'icturo f .amen decorated Avith iiun . drcds of tiny , pca-e hells in the, most beautiful and tasteful manner, andui,i- king l veryh-iu(lioineiramn for a picture. The work in both cases was done by-Mrs . Tim. K. Loo-g, and will Ir on exhibition, we uridert!Wid, at the tit ate Fair. Tli: News from :tl counties in West Vir ginians to the,, efl'wt that. Jacobs, present otHiioir. puis a iiu.j..ritj' of (,)00, Jacobs is probably .'lectihl. W was not the remi- JariiiiJininVe. hut a Democrat. The result iljuHi rat, he (ffiistitiitioii is doubtful.. hIs in I'.elfast, Ireland: were pro- fiuely at last aceoTints. Dix. of NVw York, declines the grHMtid (en 1U ieal liomiua ou for governor his da'd that Charles O'Connor will decline ihe nftjnination of the '-Straights" for th I'reiitleiiey. . Ou the 12th inst., two men. named Win den aii.l Clendenin were waiting atVest Colmnjua, Mhsoii rounty. West Virginia, f-r j a steamer to arrive. A storm eanile tip wnl leuly and they ran up a hill to get I shelter from Pome tret a. About half war up both were- kil ed by lightning, The bodies jweie terribly illsfiured. H- ,mm - FirUoflJu'Xcawa.yMr. Charles F. Baker has gent us the first specimen of the growing Syeet Potato crop. If these mniples are a fair representation oi the coming crop generally it will ie lari?e and hue. l.tnt r- - " y x l W U HI cpmes, and that is at least six frost weeks oil', and the feimple- before us weig two pounds. i Ip Luising. The G reeley men of uowafijhad a llag raisjng in this place on Saturday. They run up the U. S. ' ""ft "l 1 , tuu naniGsi- oi urceley v Brown attaclicd at the end. j Below the name is the motto, " Unipn and Peace.? The names ofl 1 ' - - " - V, VV4I1U- id this' motto went up gallant lie tune Ierforn(jd by our unsurpassed aina-tCHn- himd led b lheir nccom- i "'Mii-ar prec-eptor, Air. JtM. Ntu'vcl It vas greeted with hearty enccrs Dy the assembled peoplnd floated oit in grand stile. - Several public speakers wcrejn-e-H'utBobbius, Leach, and Shobdr vho, on being called, addressed the people in term s at once stiring and amoprie. f.:hey were listened to ith marked attention, aiideliciteil fre quent applause. The lists of the Grce y club were 'then openetl and a large number en rolle their names. tv i!S,?pv' J lluirLE, for some wlw.fulfiljirig appointment for mis wonaryvork bek oud the Blue Ridce is exiHjcted fn rfJfnrr. x,rUU i.:., ' f,tembcr. At lastliccoun'ts verv r hCa!th U- lias H, e.Sa-cd his temporal-S3"-an H """tains and the " ta ii PeoplrJ has been exceedino-. pieasant. c W;.Ment lb Old on' Saturday. eacaa - if ..- -...-. - -ts-- ki)'-m -en-i-n . Fig iits. The fiery, heat of last week developed an unusual amount eornbativeness in our orderly Town. To lcgin at the beginning: The Tri bune sprung a mine under Windy Billy, and sent him high up gyrating in-the air, with various offensive appendages. which, however pleasing to Billy for at least two days, did Anally, generate an electrical explosion. ; The petty, but most mysterious storm, gathered unperceived, and fell with a crash up on the editor of the Trib unef who just had ime to catch its fury upon the little finger of his right hand. The parties very soon clinched, and " they say," had out-siders left themnlone,1 Billy would have gone down, next time, instead of up. Casualties, one little finger broken and some hair pulled. No. Scott Brown laughed at Billy while in the air, as did others, and understanding the case,said "serv ed him right," or words to that pur port. Hearing which, he trapped Scott in ja, rpon in presence of cronies, and demanded explanations, defini tions, or specifications, the which Scott gave with real boyish bluntness, and of a tenor so unexDected.that Billv fired a pistol at him while passing to- warda the door. This was highly sen snTirn.f. I nnl mirrht hor irwt sational, and might have, led to a fear- ! 1.. -.-. nil row, -out it passed without any thing more oT consequence between the parties themselves. .No. 3. Next day, Saturday, jabout noon,iVindy was struting the streets with his hat to one side, as lorclly as " a Bashaw-with three tails," not im probably reviewing the incidents of his exploits j of the preceeding two nights ; and chancinr? to nnss nenr oeou, mat iittie leilow sprang up, and, with a stick, at one blow, felled him to the ground. This was a reopen ing of the trouble of the preceeding night, and also a closing of it ; for now, at last, the officers of the law came in and took the parties under arrest and botint them over to answer, le these heroic (isn't 4th. But wh Billy a hero !) dfeds were transpiring, there wprpntliAr lUtlo lcnnl ..vvvlIvt .io.iv .fviouiiai ciltwuil- ters, having more or less connection with thpm Alt nf flw o,. e 1,. oJl Ulig II uui the turbulence of Billy and his friendsj who scemto have gathered bere for the purpose Of makingBilly fight, or doing it themselves. Billy made no thing by it his friend, Walser, of Davidson, got a sore place, and Win. B. March carried off his winninrr In . . . ........ jyj . . ii Jits pipe. If they aimed to renew the u rebellion." thev fnJhwl mnl. thing jviden out.' Their little storm ! tore themselves to tire amusenie.tif nf! the public. 'j I . S. Since the above was in type ; weiiuve learned-that-a U. S. officer is I here in obedience to a call for troops, sent, no drorht lr cnm ,.i:.i wuo tumks he jitas but to speak, and f .iack4n, the whole jxj.wer of the Government! "hn.on, will be instantly exerted to do lus'i0" 1 i 1 r n n , . i Lenoir,- bidding. AVe are informed that the ! Lineolu, otHcer is an. intelligent -man, and if so, j MaeWi he will go away dissrustcd at the nmi- i a,,i-n? ;: 'v iiiu.u iiuiu wuo iiiitui tney stand so near tiie throne as that its power is thcir's. inr.i . i J-he annuaL meetino- of stnnl-- holders in the West. N. C1 R. R. place at Old lort to-diy. Eclectic Magazine. The Eclectic for September is at hand. It' furnishes its readers by way of embellishment wiih a frne portrait on steel of Dr. Dollixger, the great (Jermau Theologian, jhe leader of the opposition to Papal Infallibility, and onelwho gives promise of being the Lutlu?r of a new Reformation The table of contents has been selected with an eye to midsnmmer reading, and among the more solid papers which the Eclectic alwaVS contains, nrnannta o, at trmivo' iit. fi:.i.. -I.... .nv.'vijr ui ii-ui aim entertaining literature. The leading article is in en joyable -essay on "Wit and Humor," abounding in shrewd analysis and apt quotation. General Cmtseret, of Com munistic fame, gives a suggestive account of his "Connection icith -Fcniankm " "Thoughts upon Government," by "Arjrncn J IlEI.ls, is continued ; there is a finelJcture by U . Q. Claijk on "The Middle Ays and the Revival of Learning,-" and pa pers on "Clever Fishes; " qiateabrland;' "from Cairo to Athens;" "IiomanceAyf ArmnneUcr "fhe Recent Fossil Ma!n;" etc- "The Strange Adventures of a I'hac ton" is continued, and there is an excel lent short etory by the author of ''2ktfg." "Barney GtoghcganUhcr Irish Maker" 's a nigniy amusing fcancature. , Published by E. It. Pkt.tov ins . s. t - w . , , w JL lll- "L'ei, is.W-1 oi it. J i ms, Sa year two copies, 9. Sindle uumber,45 fents. SCirOOIi HISTORY, BV HOX. i TT C'l'TIIIIU'ii . . " oi i umo A KihiVlfclW BY RPV 1) WILLS. 1). D, PRESIDENT OF OGLETHORPE UN 1 VIE It S 1 T Yl AT- -1 compendium of the history of the Unl earliest settlements ted Mates, from the fa 1872, designed td answer thepuirpose . - .vyyoC oj a text book m scltools and colleges, as wc. us 10 meei ine wants of general readers by Alexander II. Stephen?, au thor of the " Constitutional Jiew of the late War between tty States." and Pro Xmor elect of Utikry and Political Science ii,m Univeristy of Georgia, -New ork : E. J fate, & Son, At! usher f Murrray street : . Thio valuable word Which has been anx iously looke4 for, has I recently appeared in a decidedly attractive and popular form. Its 'pograhicarand mechanical execu tion rtttecta credit on thfc house yrhkh has isened jiij 'and its convenient size, solid binding and hajppy arrangement in n .1.. i rill....' -t . i vupicio. aim sfcnonB, aamiraoiy aaapi it to the ntejof echobla and eoneges.- 3As a text book,re predict for this compend a hearty anrj exienslveadoption ; and as a work for general instrnctidn, no reader in the land ought to be without a copy of it. The Southern people may be justly proud of this noblej contribjation to their growing literature, anl thegianl oldcomtuoa wealth f Georgia jwifi doubtless evince an ap preciation of the industry, patriotism and talents of h; distinguished sou, by giv ing this ricjhry-etored volume a cordial welcome tojthe thousands of her intelli gent .and Siappy households. We fce iive that thii work of the great Georgian is designed o beconie the standard of his toric truth and excellence for centuries to come, just as Mr. Stephens work on the War between the States is acknowledged to be the uiast complete and triumphant vindication, if the tSoothern people ever placed on record. I Very Natural. An old lady, on entering a store the other day, piid: "W(iy, it can't be that you ke p tbi- store lyet ! I thought you had gone ojt of buslines. T ain't seen your name or .anything about your store in the paper' for over a year, and every body in our neighborhood thinks you have gone out of burnees." OFFICIAL VOTE. Alitor. Gen. I 1870. Governor. 1872. c o 3 COVXTIR. 1 9 . . 73 1013 504 217 377 158 10-52 988 791 698 1503 1346 8G7 lag i 111,5 1223 720 719 143G 981 803 693 9i53 8ol 633 2l j 63 o2ti ; 8S1 821 1043 149 1S01 1124 522 304 603 692 218 174 1212 314 937 487 1500 2764 1741 1671 846 337 1216 mo 762 683 1505 952 265 168 776 2S72 9)4 1014 1379 1437 958 696 741 no; 0999 2008 23:58 794 1006 1793 1717 I3t7 3230 8 tO 562 723 401 4f3 297 273 754 629 Pii'.3 401 5i7 229 1709 1302 ol o.-.a 911 1224 822 510 530 2 ki 510 489 nt no7 599 ool 2161 1936 2S0 471 481 54-3 1118 791 980 788 2027 2914 959 1 800 788 368 1708 991 837 920 656 795 1092 765 1752 1754 189 360 12r) 1212 836 1162 1685 1623 1590 1143 1459 973 898 1134 1397 915 598 452 989 1 560 1007 1 588 0000 i 0000- 307 149 429 328 788 i 634 3112 3504 873 2206 561 798 500 268 186 1 17.S5 913 ! 911 1191 i 948 879 511 596 ! 245 o 10!5 389 1019 761 1565 1514 1443 1019 1114 083 811 332 554 Alamance, Alexander, Alleghany, Anfon Ashe, I'eauforf, Bertie.: 127l 545 1191 752 1331 944 128 711 1533 853 1161 . 829 562 1062 1415 1261 1774 4S6 576 252 1095 1045 1146 1890 0000 826 8-i0 1750 232 1474 1038 1475 927 754 (;i km i l'.76 7S: 1849 1673 778 ' 479 5 1.5 Ouoo OOtl.) 17.5S 55 i 1151 559 914 (.(3 655 63-5 1035 706 251 1 0000 475 1 055 1293 2261 1095 89 1945 . 657 612 446 11 01 1782 224 1364 101 o" 1631 1653 1656 : 727 1 G97 6 16 004 i 0S9 .. 379 ! 391 1 022 $2GU Bladen, Brunnwtek, Buncombe, Burke. Cabarrus, Caldwell. Camden, Carteret, Caweli. 739 1456 426 Catavrba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clav. 16831 ..,. m 1"! - 142 547 693 -ws Cleveland, vicYciiiuu ' cjlll,uhuH I c r!iven. Cuniberland, turruiiek, Davidrfon, Davie, Dllpljll, ; Darej V Edgeronib', Forsyth, Franklin, . (K.x'6i 662 662 1935 152 1115 1560 6SX ! Crate-, . I Craluna, (jra.Hton, :o Jrecne, GniifVud. ii,. - !!. 1S31 Halifax, uay wo.'l, Hen.lorso'n. 6(i: 120 716 OOdo OUOO 994 lt-6 1374 G5-9 127H 7li'i l::o 641 104S 519 2261 0000 65: 8 124 3614 1990 492 1321 1053 910 35S 819 1775 310 1369 1309 1583 1301 lll.S 1013 1434 830 83S 29 204 347 63! 3S43 23.SO 9.7 0000 1919 1494 1 152 -fer1'f,r', .Jlyoei McDowfll, Mecklert'bursf. Miultell. Montgomery, Moore, i Nadi, I : New Hanover Northaiiipton, OnsloW,! Grange,; Pasquotjanfcy lVrqnimans. Pamlietj (new cpunfy) i ersou, Pitt, Polk, I Iimdolph, Kiehmojul, Ilockingham Rowan,! Uiitherfprd, Samjipon, Stanlev, Stokes, Surry, wain Iran-ylvania TvrrelL; Lnion, Yake, Warren j Washington Wataugn, i Wayne,; Wilkes,? ? WilMin, Yadkin, Yanecv, 1107 1492 C'000 1706 I03J 13 9 758 503 S66 3S2 Total, 89029 81034 IShipp's nraj. 4,221. A PERILOUS SEASON. Glorious I and; deliglitfal m the Summer weather us its tropical heat i.s a severe trial to the vital odwersJ liven .i.,... . . limes proHtrated -by iih il The common m.rxs applied ttlus condition of the Ihk!v is genera debility." Sow, general debiiitv ariTC and Mndes -A variety of ailments Iheltyer M more or less aflected, the bowels are euhr constipated or to much relaxed, the rtomaeni btit hall performs the work of diction theappetite ;i poor, and the spirits depressed! Ibis is what is called general debiiitv. It U a general dirrangcment of all the physical func tions, and retpures as a remedy a medicine that Will rPr.lltrt tl.fcr., ll II. ... . lutera is snenallv nitam.. .i.r. l : -.v inin JH.ritose. its general operation is not confined to a n-Ie orcan. It 1 H : n-.. 1 .. r.'e t . if , v', f .'iiecieu. u restores lis tor e. If the RtoItiat.h js torpid r ratti, j If the nerves are tremulous and weak i, hr. and reinforce them. If ,he mimjf which ver sympailuze withj the body, i gloomy and de spondent, it rdieyen the diflictdtv, im oot brinqnihe wlm mechanism tof the bodv jnto harmonv with th Iputj r.f . X I here in no civilized nation in the Western Heiiiisphere it. which the utility of listener .unci. 1, yen as a tome, corrective, and anti biliotw medicine, 1, not knownland appreciated. Througliont the Tropic it ia ton4tferedf both by the peon e and tie profeftitOIlt the ad d 27a 7u v f. a medin for all seasons ana all climates, it u t;i! . . .. , . i. r ' r- - 1 r-v""1: euiieu 10 lite eomplaints generated by the weather, bein- the world , potable stimulant in hl Beware of thebitters mide of acrid and danReroiM materially whih nnmpulous parties are endeavoring to iuitf'npon the people. Their S1810"' 3f th-6 P"WS no guarantee that they are not poiaonona. j Adhere to the trad remedy, Hqstetter's Bit en, sold only in glass, and never" ia kegs 6r barrels 7' Admixustiitps 'Notice. or A. Judson Mason decd are herebv, notified to exhibit the same; to the ilndcmign before the indebted to said estate are requested td ttl promptly. 1 JOHN S. Hfcx DERSON Aug. 8, 1872. f 4761: . ,R. JfF GRIFF IT a, v DENTIST. Ilaving located in Salisbury, solicit a prac tice in the town ind surrounding country CXXAHOE3 Z&ODSXLAXS OFFICE i ! op All kiisros Furnished to order, at .Short Softs, at Steam Saw ihil or, W extern N.C. Ii. li.. twenty n,il from Salisbury, j Price at mil) $1 At Salisbury $1 20 Kiln Dried at kSal ibajry, 3 1 ,50 ' TERMS CASH. J. L. ELLIOT & Co. Mantifadurers of i i 45-3ui ptl ' W. A. II A VS. j E. KRVCE SILL. HEW HAYS & SILL Druggist l Apothecaries, SALISBURY, TT. C. Having jmrehased the contents of the tujr Stre loiiiu-ilv (n-ciii.ii., 1 Li. It, Dm- j Edward hill. - resjjtcllully cll the at- j trillion of the Cili.enn of Slidbury and the surroiinili,,- ....r..,. ! w new r- . ranKl merit, and iuf,)rn ihcm that we will . coniinue to carry on the buiinein t il... .1 I I DUliiwa at the ; '.u,e I;';"-'', and the u,ue excellent way. I e wdl endeavor to keep on hind all the vanon g,M,d l ie j,.-.,,(. may i-ed per- " HU(l 'herif.ire hope i v. v 1 ,uu lo u,,inctf8, to receive a 1'btral patronage. r-u o70!J.iiy5iuiajiB uruers rromDt- i , . , iy iuienaea to. p iv . , , wanted that will ilo t!.,. i.h,m w..rk and d it 1 teuriptions accurately andiiu u-t: ami u,i. ....uiiin, t, .u '1 : J - yTrii, ,4.. J Tl ... . . y,,""" J.,iVvirlu urUffrftTS (lay or nbjht. l 43 !v Drs. Suinmorell & (jaitlier's i nit'i JJAlliVL. & CO'S Dm- Store 1 TP S JAIL'S. An?. 2, 46: 5m. Threshing PIachine Oil. The very best quality at t he lowest price. Clnnrantfcd nut to lu-:it, giim, orcit Onlv at TULX). F. KLl'TTZ & Go's. 11:11 Drugstore. PRESERVE your FRUIT! We deire to call the attention of house keeper to our aborted stix k of Fruit Jars W l.ave the (Jkm, f 'kt, Melville, Ma.-on' I.Mi'iu.VEi), ami IMkcelaix lined. Call ami txamwie the difhtcnt style, and make vour selections. We offer them verv low. We have also extra lluhber Mml for .l,l" Jars, aml-ouM camion o:ir lady friends to examine the'ir old ones bef.H-e putting uj., as fruit is often lost v Usui? defective bands. Call before purrlnsin? elscwlu rf T1IKO. V. KLl'TTZ Co., "1:t j Druggists. JELLY TUMBLERS WITH SCXII3W Tlie nicest thing out for housekeeper Chenn KLL'TTZ ( Co's. ' SPEARS' Preserving Solution. One bottle to 136 !bs. Fruit, l. Also, Xorny's 1'ivservin?' Powder. 59 cU at TJiliO. F; KLl'TTZ & ( Vs. i1) Dm- S:ore. STEWAKU WAITED, For Davidson Colk-gc. Apply to 11. G. McDowell. Ksq., or Rev. Vni. W. p,;,lr, Mr. Mourue, N. 0., or to IW. W. J. Martin, Dnrsar, at the College. FARMERS' WAREE0USE AVILIE,VIRCIIIA. ' o::- To the planters ol Virginia a t.d N. Carolina: As the present fi sen I roar is dravirpt n a ( !o-e and the bulk ofthe Tobacco c-r-w marketed, w deem it our duty to express or.r thanks for tbe parrot: extended tour House duiinir the year. U e do not t-on.plain. but feel rrcaiiv ea eouracred by the pr..J.,.rtin of trade done 1 v " this Reason and while some older CMtabiish uie:us may have bold more ToUc-cn than we. n,iul a'ter monthly oryea.lv Oor average for the mouth of May, was f 14 8-j '" 4 .TnTe tt in Uur innrket ilninrifir ....T-i.., 1 . I,-,. i. V e j1"1 u'i" oeenajive- one sHi.l li u 1. . 1 1 na V uiaiKcu ny a steauiiief a .rl UTmnes-c unsurpassed by any marktt in the aiaw.aiid 111 view of the early mat writ v ol t e growing crop, we advise all, to market prtic-tble0 f VUl " Our senior partner havin? lea.ed the lanc lor a termf yearn, nur bm-inemi. (ritb utanv material chaupe in tb.e fame ?f the firm,)wiil hecmlnctedin the Kanie efficient manner as heretc.rore ; and ith the houc enlarred and in?o ean saf-'-r fo onr Mend.. ioi.ceereraiiy.in again wtfieitine their patronajie. H at we can tier them a inwd ac cunnnodabonK and serve tbein as efficient Ir and satisfactorily as any othcriortMnn Danville". "ben you come to town, give ur a call. Par ties wishing tn send ns tobacco can do so by rail aud it will ba taken from the depot free charges and remittance promptly ma(jP bj Lxpreos or ruailr AY'ecan promise quick returns a the sales are now small and the prire pood. ULTCUIXGS, TUOMAS & BDRTOX, n J ; Proprietrg. Dantihc, ra.f August 7th 1872, 49,-lmo. MACMANUS 'SM I1T I A natupo ww l.lMUtlUiLO THRESHING MACHINES & , HOESE POWERS h CIDER AND VI11E MILLS- thehandientUungouC APPLE AHD PEAGH PARER Core aad SlfetliSi , L"erV " Uore." lW "tUfae. CRAWFORD A HEILKJ. 42 tf THE AMERICAN BliTTOil-HOLE. OVtRSEAKlMQ AND Complete Scwing MA C1UXE. The first and onlv 1 11 "Irnv.trkT i- SEW1XU MACH1N K tun.Ci,, liniZ ,urtUl"rfdvtn.,, ,hU or ai'.v ull'vr ci.ui.lrv. . fcri) flit- toUmvi.:- reaouH arc given whv thin ih the best - , Fa mi! Machine to Purchase. ' 1. Uc.:aue a will ii.. 7. Horace v."-i can ' eyeryth.ii- t.iat any m. ,ju.,klv rj, n i he ' clnuc can tb, K.-.VI...U BltaUa,!i,lttiiickor from the linv.Nt ty the t.ui cl jtii coainet material, l.ui- H. Ik-. n'.. vo, l.ave a ' ming. leiling cor.lin.M.l.ou ,!.,.,, I,0l.lin Lt branling o.u.l.Dg, gath- wh.ch tUtiia-.l in WJ. i ermg and sewing on, at .su.-tly drawn from the the name time raMing. ceutre : the ttuniua . quilt. n-?, etc. U-tUir than ooujut t.tlv ivtn .nj any othe. uiioh.ue. d -i u,t huak tl rthtvad. 2 t.e. au.- tlie t .-u;,,:!, !). ll,-, aU.-e the i.n-..r. P In nr. .idi v i .1 ii ji.i i I ....... i . any tu.eruiac;iice. - fc tii can 1, .itr 3. - . ii .i i , rr . liCCilUne it cull will K uuiv.nl jIi. I ..: . a lieu.it:ru! b.ut.iu-lioie 10. Iltvam the !nt makinjrai fiueajiearl a mi-clianus ixormir)'-'' if by the hana. u t. u-t finisWJ l? ! J"0' ! UL-om.-e it will eiu- j..i.eon tl.e ,vt iniiu i- i mK.nr neat ar.-l lau- ta,tur,.... It !.. j Mm Dot'ir ou y gar- mcii. ti l,roak- uoth j "1,"'t: t .t t ..t of or-w. ' ?' Ian it will work 11. it , a Le4Ut,f,.l eyelel lo!e. ma. Linos .n one. A Hi t- 6. Beu.e it MU .! t...n.,.u,.k w,!,m. , j "vt'r".hMI"1 l0 -in Machink com. and the like .re He.l over inJ 3V-r overanuDvcr. f Xo other M.iebine can nrvnmjln-b ibc kind (.f fwiS Mated in Noa. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Part ics iiMi-.g a familV twing machine want a Whole Machine, one With all the imi-ruve- ment.- It is to ht a T.IFKTIMF, and thcrcf. ..ne 1K.,!uu .-...n cvu v k:, Uai ail u;l.ir, Ca J.,. TU Amnion IWtin Swiuj MmMh ( Without the button-hob- parti', does all tli:t i lone on tl.e Combiiiaiion txiepl butten bole ar.d ovv. re:ini:ng. MKIIONKV cV 1JKO., Asm. Sali.-buiy, X. (.'. Fxamine them before purchasing anv other Sewing .Machine. 1 dim' 'le-ititi' 1'ixiv the Amrri. -n Pn.nl -1:1-tion. snr. ises Hi! ..ti.ei 'ii..u-i.ir. . I:. . ,i, - , ,, u! ;ii! the w..r!x ihat niher m i.-hln, - ran A u,-.-:-, ..,n-. n.l viii-k. li..::.oa-!.:.. in .1 ,iy !.i!.i f, om - . '"! :l- I'H-aver eb.tli I h ive ne'l -iV. lnatV. M(ie".: ami the UVi 1 ni.i!'; aud l.i.ii the Aiii Tican fjr sti;x 1 mr to lli-in all. Mis M Kt 1 1.1 ! .. j I h ive n-ic l six .i:.T-M'iit. S iv. M.'.-hil.es. T!; Amri-aii si'.rji.i.-.ii ti.em i.'.i. j Mus. A. I.. I!mm.v. i I !iv.'u.el Tie- -i.'-r aj.il .itl.r m -!,ii,f - an. I woiilU not e.xt h-ui-c t Lo A nu r ;.i . , v. ! Mus. ii X. :;':v;i.tl 1 j Sai.ish ry. N. C. Miy '22',. 1ST-2. ; VnRONEY A Uko.. a-I. American in'ii. s.'jj. Put: I hive me 1 tie lio-ve. S'.:,pT. Whif'trA , Wilwiii, Wi;n,x l.il.U ew irv liu.-'.ir.e. ; vnn'ii n;t five t!ie Am.-ri.-.ia f..'.iiLitl.,t;on .'.i a'l ! or ih-M-i. it win c .. fr , t-;( (.''. ';ir. I onsii'i-r if -:vii;(.i tn all utlur I I have ever se-.-n. l.'c-;: t tfu My. .Mm. (,i; ,. V IJ ;;i!,,s. I Wet!i? nn.lfrs:-ne.l taK.? zr--.it ph-a-.i.e in -iv intf j 'nr t'.-Ntiinony 'ii U,.f .,f :!:e Vnti . n -ev.,: I 's it trut!i!'i.l:y iivnnn :-,. :i tie 1 -t in.nhu ina!e. It.s sinijiie .Iif.ii runs ve: v lil.t ai..l I fbe- not pet out of .r.l(r r l:5 utiN-hVs M -S . I, At K A Vl . Ii F.K MAX, A . I.. forsV, ' .' . I I.VN l!- TT ;. ' . V.' . , 1 1: 7 k 1. r v . " A . K. .1 1 v m . II. Ti:i j Ve have soon flainiin: a ! vet ti- ir.ri:tf and hear-l intuii Hiii.J t.y c! ',. i- mu'.-l.ji.e-i. will r.ilc;t oi..- ! i,i..;;e.l .T.jIIair to' f;.. , on ten.iinT j.aity. if urcr a .1 j 1,,.;, if. ,.t.,,., t Jil. ':. the Aii.orie.iis Ma, I in. w . , ,)., r not. .j-t' r t',.e to. !- ,:,,,. , , ;, 1r.1l ilo valuable wm k that no otf.r ..a l,,i,e i-n 1 1I0 . 'A'c have Seen A r..r o:.nz M k!.:, .. since 1S-V. haw i,l Sinc: L:,,l W'cii. .! - !t ami r'Jorcnce'K, uml 1 av o nhaiidoi.-.l ii'iii-i'tU-Aniorican. Jjeiil anJ .qet -ariii)!ev of vvnik. 2"iy m:'30x::v .v 3::i , i r-t, Q R 8 n R Ll ll.' I n PS I I II III I I M U i - S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CIIARTEIi Perpetual. Assetts, 23,633.864.83. GEORGE W. HILL I'lvsidciit. BOA.KT3 OF A LT. X AND: Hon-. JA-!. POLLOCK, I. LIXJAU ALHF.KTC. IIOi:i:iM'-J, 1'IIILIF J5 I8AAP II AZLKII L'UbT, L M. WII ILLDLN. ' fiEO. W. HILL, JA.S. L. CLAJillOIIX, Issues all forms of Life LOWEST RATES PG3SS3L1:. ALL policies No.v-roi:n:iT.iiLE. '1 HV. AMKR1CAX has been in lu-tive nuer.it "ava. air . . 111 Lv 1V" '-' ' " - JL proverr.ed and controlled I.y re::t!men di-r!r?!ii-hi-ii f.-r i -t comiiiercial probity, find has been eminently sm-i ew-fi-.l. t It has met its obligations with -i?nal i roiiiiitiM--s, ;i:id :a .1 ' jt 1. Aai4ng its insuriu? membcis, the Coinpany ha- th. 3i.o .- i.i-: eminent and leadinir men. in .1!! n.-..fesio:in and tlafe-1. tr.M-e.. 1 c" ikcuauie acfni" wanieu, tvi:o :lolila npj.iv Or to Col. St. Claib Dzxztso, Supt Acat. T .ir.i l . . , 1 i. i t 2 j IS z -"-'V - V. fv, ....... C3 1 1 M S3 rn Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of CdLUMBUS, Ga. j IxconrorTtrt, 185 'aPital. $350,000 ! All Lofm Equitably Adjusted And rronmtlv Pni.! in vw ring ;Pulicv iu-Gc-U, Home In'nrTr'; 1 O. AefllON lit 1ir.m.l i 11. ! , ; J. ai.liin i:i:uv.v, A.i.t, ,"Ml -u- -. 'TsiiKe ilu -T i'Uicv .No. 2. (.rsiiiif Huw. 3 .-f HV." WAITCD A itrrr ixibiL.ii n. iii in i i Krapniir and Mowinjr Maclnno. Till' liltl nun.! .(li.-M-.ni; .! l ..I . 1 !ii niNi! il . . . ' . . nn 'icnunl mi. o. Ki.l!r , nrr,n. ,1 1 l;rt-I,itiar .Mjri,us Ho,-,, pi.vv.r-o! van.,1M,?t-r,tSM., !1a-t!,.-c, S .lIua a:ii J.aIaiircoit.4. S. m! , . , , r J. II. '1 1 1 ' M i J. F. RUSCKERT, MASOMC HALL, ."?7 nntl o! .Tlnrkrf s:.. WILM!H8Te!if H. C. ni " J 'cL r-7t j'O&WHii Si V . T CW J5fe PIAfyQS V and of Tin: IsCTi&lnz Factories h fi .- r. 11 Nos f.f ALL vTVf ., 1 '.it pnrJinM r- i. : . J .1T.,; 4 .-1 t. I-Kh t - ! ! r : -.: t"if 'A i;;J'..-iTi,, u ;; !,:; .... Xo-ib.-ni V:.m..,-f r. t. . t 1, !.,.;,;-. State at the :;f tn,. pi 1, ,-. cf no. wood j tz co'. loh and vr-Trnr oasa::. : it Jhiy tttt- j4 Cm,,,..! 1 r "... ,r ( nt S-.!:, S'. f -. , ut d Tun' t ,J Tor- E'"jr.tt )..,;, ,,, ,,,. f i-' I', f s.ir-. ,v li.V)" ;.;. :.v Hereto." 1 M:-.;i or in: r :t , .! in t!ui; Call, Iliar snj Geo then:! t ... in-in. :t:ents . .-,tr..i ii .! i..r i'.e 1M..i ii . , x 1 1 i.-L.-'Aii;.!. A c.o:re M.i iiiu.i 1 i ."!.i,: "j ,, lire M.-i'. -.i!c. ai 10 :.) Ill it v V. DO YOU LQ VH ME. NitV an I J.i-tti-; ; , ... , v. ! '1 variety ..J" . :!i r . ; f ,i ! at- el. lei, it: ii:i :l.ie f) I!. :- n:! I i; ..f i! , , . c. l; l;i:':i l; a in-.. st- y.'li v-;-!: to ... j.,, ! ry s-i!'.- i, , ; . j !.;:. i 1 ., I re-i'ir-d a' 1:. ,v i i - i ;- J'i- Nv). 1 t an:: Tr-in-,. A K K i ' i ( priiet. nt V ! I -1:1 !:!!:' ri i i.v ' of Piiv-ici- :.-. M, . : .... .-lieraltv I ,r w I)rrg- ('., .. . I.:. qi.... . -i :i:i ! '.- ; ; -rare an I a:t.ti. ;i I :.rt!n 11!. I , J..t.itj -Iii -. if v it 1 .in; "!, j. ,r, . 1 . It: i : :i 1 :iv :i o 1. t. '. 1 .i: J:::i i: a iS ici i !-. 1,-1 1 . i n i 1 - I ; -!.rv. :-: tf I ! ! i sr.". .. i.. - r YOUK HvllCAMP?! nn n? niirr t u iHouimnuEj! oj. ut nil. . JllHX S. WILSON". Si ndai . : TT?TJSTP:J - JS. It V II 1 1. DUX. THOMl'Sf N', UYJ). Nl IlN T. MINTILF HON A. (i. t A I I'LLL. IIKNKV K. I'.KNM J.o. WAl NAM A1 r r II' and Eivliitnunt I'ufici'S. ion f'r n ! .ft .! ii' I. 1 I: r.i' e' w I A uy ieiii 01 n i . ii KfciV. L. F H'aT. ir n'i A r t :,;, N. C Wuniirp'on. K. C. L5Uy3.5J:ly ) 1 . . ... . C W TPDDri .T .kJ. U U 1 , m 1 v IT Auction and Ccmirilssion AXU IIKALEB IN ... CMAL MERCHANDISE Staple, Dry Goods, a.J GUtt llirr, ami Vanm GENE Ii A Li li X , SHALL n-r. ruik, r.h and sit n,t, Buttli. rU H;Oen.. (ab: . rAlX3 Urj f 1 lour and Mr !, Sr.Mr. O.ff. ir ia 1 k. JV"Jt"y n kind,fc-J Ct " u:r. Rp-. r c. r 1 W. TJiUitELU 1 ' SEWING IrlACHTN'P! ; .-.a.,.I,u.:4i.,y ..,,1 ...a. H rui4,Va4rr oiLer l. hi: e 4u ,.t, , i t t " - ' II III, r t wttbaav 'il.T II. !. 11 ,r.i I.. t ; It i Mittl ' t-.tila t. . KI.L, .lurwf. kJr. ' - .,1, t.w C(i CB: ) ... . ' f !. .wtr.it ff;l,r., i Ulr In ;i i, i i ,! :t t..tlf jol,i.r. 1 Lat i 'k tl.r Hi i.ABirr 1 ;!-', "Wh1" ai.J '' i -; 'r-j.1 I L..W tr H I !....; ., t!-i ... I . I. ., II i r . r t !: . ; . t i a :i v. "4" t trr i'.i um Liii fc'l ai.y calz 5.. i, ; 1,1,4 c4 iasit '" ' .i f i.t c'.a. 14a -it. N. ! H.urci. N Ytl lit.. N.U. I'4TKL, ' -M : 4 U. IS i - "' . .' ? ,t.'.. i i :" 4 .,ii I ... . .u iii i. 1 l.t t la-. 1. -" 4 . i r . n. u - r . A ItK.ji..ti I - '. Ill A pi 11 i '.1. Mckenzie lands. u'...t .'-..ti.-I. i 11, ,r 4 id .nlr of Tin ''- '. I i i.1i r, t Of :. 1 . . r 4 i v :i 1. ' f A-'i!. 172. I: 12 i J ii- i I. oir - to il 'I o Iw.., d.x' i.!: ' ' u.: . 4 it. !... Ilcnj- 1 1 I . .i .; ill 1 i, a it ii li. ' iv. 7 'be Ian 1 f '1 be bitJtlmgc xii'ii; the jt,j. Tbr bidding irh 1 ir l I! .r.U. J I'. n.,0 i t a.., in- t-ubiitided iuU ' 1 the bilance on a i h 'u ; !:. irlrrt ffwn ii; ; r vfl Lfjty. Till re- ' tt . i-ir i - t :r.n-r i fiat ii V,l . ii. M, KI.N.E, !"iiN v. m.ki:nzii. l.T.c J 1 : i v J 'Mil- M : : .'I. Kctui . Jev'd. K Dowaro of Countcrfeite ! JOB riin?p?s' suia yri.knwc - w r r. -i 1 . r. riLL frj.i.i. J-ie ,-r, f H()w ,f Mr J1 'e' r" "' ' e .-;.- imiaMw, . 1: t in tt r.i- 4 all tt. '"li. I -.i: . ..; x aM'ktlia ' !"'''.; . -.! .. 7 r inMrrata aU m.i 1 .. ...i 1, ...jiitatj, ra ).tl. ' "to -t nnrrr) unir-i t..'T-r-T. .. ;...,,,. 1 r 1 In a .Vart '; - i' t . 1, r t.h.' f.nt,; " ; '.".- i... -a:, .a nnkii,caan. ' ' - I . ;.i i. (,( ,VTi.1;, la At. . r - ,., Hslr ct L-nrtM, ' :! ' -! .!' .tl'5(!btHrt. i 1 , . , t . t. 1 V. . .. -,. r .! t cart lwa .i -aa. : '. - ' . 7- en aaa4 j . -. c .f :. I , ..,--.!. anra. wt !' :. ' 5 l' kJ -- Ua, aaUat a h. a.-I k V-r rrr .at ha ' . . . ..(- IfTri- t .r. Jo:. :- j. ;i, Vera, wirt i ' ' ' ' ' i '. r.'t.t liAf '' '"-' t...'.. ..ext..' ;.4" frota as RELtCF L'J TEft " MINUTltiS nr.TAV rri.'iocir vv. run. " r-V ..'.( T . .ii, E .c aittn. Tbi Iiiiiiti. iMinrrir HcBAtaiaa. 1-rniM- 1 it.i-rTc i i.l.'o li'imi. Tfer 1 l"'1' ' '- T i:- . ini rtiii !!! !! 1 t.j.rn. 7 .-i.ml. 1 . (- n i t Italia lki4 till-.' ... f ,. mn. r. n 1. itinwll . - I "V1V fl lM'iv. WHl IM'fMrrfi.frki. Jon uatUrrvui- t . . . -i. . THE CREAT FRENCH REMEDY. l-r. t.-. . lili, A VrltEt, u. f i I. i lViar4. t-ana. TS. rl". r 1 r- r w-4 4 ltkl raHra . 1 F' - ir r f t, t. j Ut nw4f :-. . 1 ' i.f '-fail -t!.-... or P.snHkaJ Wt I : !t.f t."'-. r r V EiuiMkmi; -. l W ..-. - m . Mi, riM. arltf frwia . ! II , n- 1 T .- . i.titffrmn lb (r.j..s.0 --. Wnl ! u : ! r-i:ia1H Cri, a'l I!, r'.- If 11 1 ( li nf frcaa Or.r - I" 1 .... 7 .. fvi a .i Lrrf .'; f-'l. !--t.- l-t f Al" n ki ij Unir inn iHwi lrW-0l arr Aai. S ; r 1 ' t .r. -?,' - ' '-wrfan a Tm?t r4 r . II. A It I. t. . i" . Ilf'nilt 1IM i-t Al 1 (H I. i.. 0U:.i At U' t A i ... . I Valuable lie use and Lot 1 1 ' II '. A !!;. .at-l m Iii-. .-! . -i 5 f .-.r buuc-l f-K. ' ' I. i ' f r swr-, .r on Miar ; f :... ; -t --r . 1 . :i . r I. . '.I l " i - ' l. : . .'1 J). I Jlotj-. ii t fl rlml , - -.r.! ... Ialia a Ua- 1 .f .":c,. Kic:.-u. fttawke t : 1. h i..J "'"1 ... a!ao r 41 r i"i 4 brick Dairf I". ; !. :.! ..n to aldr ' ' J ' ' ' . ' k.i r- t ' i i!iiu flowTt i ... f ; ' . : ' . ' j . ; . t ia elover ; ) H ' .-. . ..-" : j if I. "(''t ' f ' ut' 'I r it tft 'tnct, 11 K.J. KST. -it 47 - . '. Ae. nt d-. U-loaf-. . . J. W .;ito I'atikmrK. i. : 1 1.. n re- . fid , U t.t.a4irsj till Mea. . ... . . - day. Awi-i t i - M.at (be Court Uoo a vr 4 a 1 Juir 23, is::. J. K. HI r.I.'F, A4gnea. 1 '-7-1