- i r. " r a ?. I it 4 1:1 ..it) i i I ; 'II V 3- i I ' 1 : Ittotcljman, SBURT. THURSDAY SEPT. J 9. FOR PRESIDENT: ' OH ACT, OKEELEY. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : CRATZ RROW1V SUpiAEY OF THE NWSJ "Bwhop Atkinson Preaches here next Tuesday, Two Women hare Taught i duel in the City ( Mexico. The anas were daggers, "One was Richard King, on of Mr. Alwortb King of Rampaon Co., was accidently wounded a few data since. shot and mortally jj , ,4 - I ;They hare had a my deatrnctiTe fire in Memphis, Tenn, The riae of $200,000 worth (property bas been destroyed. Mr. Henry L. Perrin, of Charleston. S.C wa shot by L. I. Woojf and instantly killed, U that city a few days iince.l The murder was cowardly and brnul. tr I V4 Hggert, a U. S. Soldier. Stationed at Atlanta, Ga wan run oyer; and killed by the ears near tbat city a few days ago. : A letter from Pere Ilyacinthe, in which he defends the sacrament of Christian marriage, and his own marriage in particular, wilt appear 4 Jf- x . Independent of next week, lie claim that perpetnal tows ate one of the chfef vNw vi w viiiviic vnurcn, ana mat tney are unwarranted by Scripture or the early fathers f the Church. Neit London. Connecticut is eloauent oyer team drill that bores thirty inches into the solid granite in jour minutes. 1 ' Thk Cost. The New York iWtfs editor lareporied to haye ststed that the search for Jjylogstona has cost that establishment $60 000, and the expenses are not all in yet I That Is a large sum to be wasted in search of m nrsi ciass nnmbug. Uonjectnre8 and sensation al stones ol Dr. Liringatone have filled the pub lic prinU of two Hemispheres for these many years, and if anything worth mentioning has been added to science, or if his discoveries have been such as to entitle him to any notice what Vr,KUhunterf and flatterers have been nnable to demonstrate It. He is simply, in our hum ble opinion, a first class humbug. We regret to hear tha the Daily Eagle, Fayetteville is to be discontinued. It will be lollowed, however, by a semi-weekly. j During the prevalence of a thunder storm a lew days ajzoT Mr. J. M. Johnaon'i new mill omaj twenty miles west of Fayetteville. was u-uck oy ueinmng ancr consumed j Th Fayetteville, Greensboro, and the papers or other towns are complaining of an unusual n7 f, iicklyjse'ason. Clylls and bilhous "fever seem to j ; be the. prevailing diseases, j In this section and , I b counties north of herei the same diseases nave been severe and unusujally common. ! Heijri Rochefort, a notorious Rad of Paris, is dangerously ilL j Y i Tnti Ga,,alin Cotton; mills in Sumner Co., Tenn j owned by the Fitzgerald Co., has been detroed by fire. Low, $50,000. No insurance. The Meaner tug-boat, Agnes, exploded her boiler km the James river below City Point, a lew uays ago, and killed five persons. They had two steam boiler explosions in one Mm. U . a . ay instant) in Cincinnati. By the first, even men were killed and several wounded. The second, killed three j persons instantly, and wounded nine others, some fatally. The roliowingBaltiraore houses are announced as havi ng failwlon the 12th instant. The aggre gate amount involved in these suspensions will l-eacli, it is estimated, two pillions of dollars : tear Eros., wholesale grocers, Exchange Place, who went to protest on Wednesday, and t Vrhose suspension Was followed yesterday by that 6t the Id firm of Kirkland, Chasedt Co heavy Importers, engaged in the Wjt India and Brazil trade;! J. C. Bridges & Co., and Wm. Bayne & Co., wholesale grocers, Commerce street, and A. A. Perry & Co.y wholesale lumber merchants extensively engaged inmanuiacturing staves lind slwoks for the West India trade. Several other failures were reported to-day. j ' j .'f j ' A prisoner in the jail at Statesville, by name Danid Dihman, desiring to escape concluded he would try the experiment of setting the jail 6n fiit) with a view of consummating his wish. But it failed. The alarm was given and the fire was extinguished without any one escaping. ; Revenue stamps on hand the 1st of October aext, jnay be redeemed by check 'stamps, by forwarding them to Commissioner of Internal ilevtnue at Washington. Silks Which are colored with pierate of lead are liable to explode if subjected to too great heat . . . j . y -- f Th re u not a merchant in Weldon that does Hot ac vertisa in the Roanok New of that place. Thia must be encouraging Uj the proprietors of the Aw, and is no doubt tlie secret of iu being gooa jpaper. I Messrs. II. L. Bailey, N. It Carpenter, James W. DeVeny, John H. Gross,L. S. Mctormick, B. o. ragne, William A. Saunders and Herbert bloclam, from this State, have passed exami nation, and are to be admitted to West Point Charles Sumner, the negro worshippine eu puch, has been nominated as a candidate for governor or Massachusetts. ! Msj. Wm. Hearne, late of! the Charlotte Ik MeAl has become Associate Editor of the Rad leal Raleiirh ICra. Thi Raleigh JVeva says Perry, the Supervisor of Internal Revenue for North and South Caro" lina, has been tranaferred to Missouri and Ktn 7011 Jt. Cobb appointed in his stead. ! Wm i8. Esq., formerly one of the editors of the Raleigh Carolinian, is going to remove to Denver city, Colorado, where he pro poses to locate for the practice of his profession as a lawyer. . The Potomac at Washington Gtj is lower than it has been in twenty years. Mr. Jaa, A. Cowardm, editor-in-chief of the Richmond Dif patch, is very I at Beauregard, hh farm near the Greenbtier white Sulphur ' 5t : I " fiprings. i Chas. Sumner has declined the nomination for governor tendered hum by the Liberals of hisSUt. ' 1 " Tb Right Rev. Manton EaMburn, If D., Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the piocese of MaasHchiisetts, died Thursday morning last at bis residence at Boston. He wa borri in Eng aod ia 1801 bwt was Vrnght to thWaoantry by his parents when ouite vounir. lie was an -jw m r 7 - ' - - " " able minister and aulhor,jind much belored. . vjch, vcur$o jj. iuiiunu 1a m jreeiey elec tor in Xe Jersey -i, i .' -J Ex-Governor Cuitin, of Pennfiriyania. has! been nominated as a delegate at large' to the Constitutional Convention. He is for Greelet. Col. E. M. Yerger. announces himself a can didate for Congress in the Third district of Maryland. They had a Greeley rally in New York City list Tburwlay, at which there was a crowd. variously estimated at from fiftv to one hundred I tnousana persons. .. . 'I Mr, A. T. Stewart, of N. Y. City, is nominated for Mayor by the New-York Sun. - GEN. A. R. WRIGHT. s We are glad to see that the noble services of this Gallant Officer are about tube recognized and rewarded by the good people of his State. He was a lew days ago nominated for Congress by the Democratic Convention of, the eighth or Augusta Congressional district; and he will be elected by a handsome mninrUw. it Wright's brigade that met and hurled back Burnside's black bonis on the morning of the cv mine explosion at Petersburg i but the eeneral is distinguished for noble service on other fields as well, bince the war he has been deyoting bis Um and Ulents, rnr part, to the editorial management of one of the best papers in the bute of Georgia the Augusta Ckronid and Sentinel. He is a eentleman that of his Stafe and ha' will reflect credit iponJier in the councils of tlwNatioriZ ; i PATAL-SICKSE88. We learn thai nnt nf some 21 persons that attended the late term "iineu nuea states uourt at Salisbury, from Wilkes countV. 18 of them were tftWn with already died; and that 8, by thtS name of .cawaras, were buried In one day. The par ty had remained in Salisbury several A nunc uicic, it, is supposed, contracted, the seeds of disease, they coming from a bealthy region. Statewille American. Rather hard on Salisbnrv. hut va thinv Salisburv is about as health v a. SttAcviii We don't believe in sickly and healthy b urines. um 1, get up too early in the morn ing, and be sure and eat your breakfast be fore coiner out in the Fall nf t.h tice and habit have more influence on health man locaniy. unarioUe Depuxrat. We thank the editor of the Demo crat tor his reasonable viewb and common sense notice of the American's article, and all the more as we see it in other papers without note or com ment. We do not dotibt;' however1, the prevalence of terrible stories Statesville and elsewhere West, espe cially, concerning the health of Salis bury. The American's article is 'mod erate in comparison to somq of these stories. We met a man a day or two ago evidently wrought-up an up country man who said to us, " Mis ter, its right smart sickly 'bout here, aint it?" " Well, yes," we answered, this is the chill season of tie year and we have more of that kind of sickness this year than we have had for twelve or fifteen years. But it is not very dangerous yields readily to ordinary remedies," &c. " I heard," said he, " that there was a powerful o.gnt, wi. pcuuie uyin- nere. a man told me that there was five dead peo ple lyin in one house back here, and a signt .ot sicknessall around." " It is not true as to the five dead people," we answered, "and may not be as to the sickness of the neighborhood." We learn that it is reported in the counties North-west of here, that we were burying ten corpses a day. If this story increases as it travels out according to custom, the number will soon reach one or two hundred ! afld finally frazzel itself out to libthing. I There is veryjittle dangerous sick ness in Salisbury, of any kind. We do not know of a single case of typhoid fever, or any other mdlignant disease either known or supposed to be con tagious. We have mild cases of bit u u imerumieuii levers, iust as they are prevailing all over the coun try at this season of the year. There is more of sjich sickness this year than usual more here as well as in all the surrounding coantry as far as we have heard. 1 hw, and nothing more, all wild stories to the contrary, notwith standing. We challenge any comma nity of equal size-in the State to an ex hibition of bills of mortality. If there be more sickness here than elsewhere in the country, it is owing to some lo- cat cause, and these questions are now engaging attention of citizens. There will be an adjourned meeting at Town Hall, Friday nigt, to hear a report upon them. It is a time of year, as wisely sug gested by the Democrat, when it is im portant people should practice more than ordinary prudence. Excesses in eating and drinking, and other bodilv auuses, ui lais season oi the year, are 1 t iL!. a . . T more apt than at any other to result in sicsness. w ny it is so. is yet a - tTTI . . mystery. " Doctors differ " about it 1 1 "v ' wc wuiy khow n is so ; and the3' are wisest who live prudently, but always ' t . W ready for sickness and death, come when they may, as come they wfll, j Once in a while a rood ?rfW flaying weeps into The New National Era, -a. It treeley candidly remarks : "CoDDerhead C3 newspapers ure asking tbe question: Grant what I The Mril nf ' alter iprea- ant AdnumatrmUoa ia a o5eitnt antwtc tTTbe CJiarlnttk TirmnZ-nt. r Th Agricultaral Tair at Salisbury begins on the vciuocr, ana vre nope a large aeiega i from lIecklenliurT-will nttmA1 . , We cnrrliallyiinvite our editoral brethren r Oat IS V. L i ii J : mm of oiHry, ana especially xne omcers ana mbera Ifithe Affrieultural tPair of that section, td vtoi Charlotte on the 22d of Oc tober, and remain with na three or frmr dav iring this Pahr of the Carolinaa.w '''Come bver and heln n ' And r mien m Horace Omelet." We will btvp witti vwloaan a o Ha1ova4iAtt from Mecklenbnrs. and theTlarerer the more far 'OUsl V. iW don lit ot Ram will mnwml A . the rordial invitation of the Democrat as U a portion of the "editorial brethren " wUl at least. jThese interchangea will be plea- sant to see Old Horace n under that time-honor- ed wiute hat of his and would rather dap eyes on nan nrst at un&riotta than- anywhere in the world. ' Ha lovca Hhertv. nd we else feel sure that sett In hia foot.im the hs.llnw. ed soil of jMecKleDbnrg will quicken the old n'a Dulse, and fill hia heart with-a warm- man' er Clow towards the South than ha ver felt EIt hast teen just one year since e revival of the lfateAmmi. Its re. the Buscitatlon was designed by its propri- wji oai u cipeniucui. - xie uia nox know eonldi not -how it would suc ceed. AVelliafter twelve inohths. it Still afloat! We are entering the second year under more favorable cir- cumscances. n ve are hopeful of ma- jemg n a W$vng institution. . it ought to pay; tell, jestimated by the amount of labor bestowed on it j and it will, when its patrons become more prompt. iie extend; kindly greetings to our friends on entering upon the II Vol. Of the III Series of our narer. and shall continue to labor for the promo- lion ot tneirt j interest and happiness, without Idoubtine- as to the nltimntA reward. We have made some friends during the past year, and some ene mies. Ah editor of a political paper must oe a very lamb oi a fellow if he . 1 . wuum mate no enemies. He may pop away at! the man that's got no inenas ana beat the air with immuni ty; but he must be careful not to exposerespectable rascality, or to en danger the prospects of influential egotists. We have always had just this mixture of erood and evil in edi torial life, and suppose it is unavoida- oie. i-ersonauy, we cherish no ani mosities, and fear no one's malice. A sensible man can't afford to practice malighanty very long, and a fool hurts himself j more than he can damage any one else. II t3Withj this No. the price of the Watchman changes from $2.50 to $2 in advance, per year. Those delaying to nay in advance, will be charged $3, a iieretoiore. Our advertising rates are lower than formerly, as any one may ascertain by applying. j ; For tU Wafcl TnE EXTENT OF NEGRO INTOLER- 5 A Ji C. Messrs Editors : Here is aninatance of the extent to whichij negroes earrj their prejudice and political intolerance : About the 5th of September a negro man died in this neighborhood, and the man on wh. land he lived, got the coffin, thinking that the colored people would attend to the burial ; but, to the surprise of the neighborhood, the corpse lay in me House from Thursday evening till Saturday morning, and not a neero came nr except the grave diggers. The weather was very warm and the corpse had become so nutrid and offensive that it had to be wraiml nn !k the filthy soiled clothes that were on it when death took places and thus laid in th mffln The causa of this treatment was because the de ceased was a Conservative, having cast his vote ine f nIt PopI. This shows the extent of negro Intolerance, and how bitter and clone! leagued they are against Conservative. TKi", wijl vote ! for Grant and reject Greeley. Let 7 oniy oasten me triumph of white man's party. ; From the Baleigh JW RaLSIGH, N. C, Sept. 12, 1872. My Dear Sir : As raitcb has been said with to conteatibj the result of onr late elec tion, and as par political frieuda feel a deep iuterest j ia the matter. 1 take the liberty of requesting you to state your purpose m the premise, with the view of having your reply publiahed for general information. ! Very respectfully, yours &c., Hok.1 A. 8. Mebbimok. Baleigh, N. 0. Balbib N. C. Sept. W. 1878. Mr Da3 Sib: Your letter to-day inquiring whether it ia my purpoae to con teat the late election for approacbing tession of the General As- aemoiy, or not, has just been handed to xne ; ; , J - VVben in May Uet I accepted the nomi nation for Governor mad hw th a boro Convention, I became the candidate of a great party and such other citizens as might choose to honor me with their votes for that! high 1 office, and thereby grave duties were Revolved upon me. Not the least among these was that of securing to the, Siate aad those w'o voted for me tbe lawful fruits of the ballot box. , I am satjaSed, by gceat variety of tacts and eircnmatnM ti. ' , i i r c tame to my knowledge, and by in controvertible evidence alrjeady In the possession of tbe Executive Committees, that frauds were perpetrated at the election, and wiai great numoers ot illegal votes were east asrainst me as the, ...j.-j.... associated wth me on the Democratic Conservative ticket for State officers, I sincercely brieve that we each received rJ"j " ioc rotes cast; but whether those who Demetrated iht ly d dii so irtfully as to avoid complete legal detection, remains to be seen. 1 1 wobW think of the grave atep of con teelinfir the election tioyjwvty or to grafty party caprice j but tf there is subsUntial ground for dos ing so nd i. believe there is and it can be made to aoDear trMn)inf n .i if the people -demand.tt, it will be my! vf uuf pioaaurej to eon- test it.and I shall do io at the instance of ( the people. ;. 1 Ti;' r " . . , ' If on the other band, in the oniuon of friendfl.compctcnt to' judge of such mat tersr sufficient proof of frauds actually perpetratod, cannot be made, contest sue cesefaJly, I will not attempt a fruitless niidprtskinc T dn not doHtrA to entrape in an unavailing controversy and I am sure we people ao not. i But I have the most abundant informa twn to aatisfr me that the great body of .t- - -t. .1 i .t o. . " ina nronie irrnnnnni ine nine wuo anu- r-- t e i - r ported me and those associated with me, L-i? i e j . . believe aneli trrnum franda were rwrnrlrat- e r i - - ed. nnd drairp that aneli contest shall be made, if sufficient proof can be produced to t. r m 1 mate it successful not otherwise. So that if it tnrnn ont nnon the examina- r ti on now being made by my friends through . a . . . . i a toe executive uommmecs, tnat substan tial grounds for couttst can be established I will contest the election and vindicate tbe rights of the people, and as 1 believe, tbe best interests of the State and conn. try by so doing, to the utmost of my cap- . 1 .s a acuy ana io toe last extremity. I will not do anvthin? rashlv or nn- advisedly, or to gratify party spite or pol itical revenge ; Out 1 wm do everything that is just and lawful to establish the rignt. I believe this is the spirit and determina tion of my associates on our ticket. I am, ice., very truly, yours, A. S. Merkimon. 8. A- Ashx, ''Esq., Raleigh, N. G. THE DRESS OF CIVILIZED WO MEN. I do there declare that I think it would be better to die aud get out of tormeut at once than to have to rise everv mominc for soma forty or filty years and box one's body up in a sort of compressive armor, hang, weights to one's hips and more weights up on one's head-wbich lust are supported by tue roots ot tbe bair ; put one s teet into shoea a number too small, and not of the right shape, and with heels like stilts ; and then set above doinsr the whole dntv of women with a cheerful face and a spry air, tor trom blteen to seventeen mortal hours out of tbe tweenty-four ! That there are so many women who are not frighten ed into a decline at such a nrosnect. and they bravely uudertake to do it, any more, that they even dream that under disadvantages they can woik side with i . i . . . ... unsnacaiea man, aud that they die in try ing to do it. certainly savs much for their Courage, but little forthUr common sense. a a ... A man s aress to a great extent is fash ioned for comfort, lie baa contrivances for suspending the weight of his clothing Irom his shoulders. If tbe east wind blows he can turn un bis enatrnllar Kiittm. r - himself UD snno-lv. alnneh hi t nvr vaa tbrust hi bands into his pockets and -r . -o-y i uravo iu weainer. uut imagine a woman removing her hat or bonnet from tbe an mnArin(P rutr kn) n knnl.ut 4... 1. I gle at which fashion says she must wear it on account of the weather, or turuinir any of her "fixtures" up to protect her neck and throat, or button up' anything that was unbuttoned before, or sticking her bands into her pockets ! She would be taken for an improper character not on a mild spree, or for an escaped inmate of a lunatic asylum, should she by en im promptu arrangement of her habiliments endeavor to save her health. Science of Health. THE ROBBERY OF THE SOUTH. Hon. S. S. Cox mnrle a brilliant cam paign speech in New York Tuesday nigth, in which he spoke as follows about the robbery of the South by Grant's carpet baggers : Talk to those Southern men of Arkan sas and South Carolina on the tariff and on matters of Federal taxation, and the fiscal policy of the Government, you might as well talk to the winds. Do you talk ton man of the components of calo ric when his house is on fire? He will not reason with y ou then. I wat, on the Kc Klux Committee. I offered a resolution with iegard to the State debts and the other sources Of Southern impoverishment and discouteut. The majority voted it down, but we finally got to the canse of all the trouble, and it was just bad gov ernment, not the enormous taxation alone, the maladministration of justice alone, but all the various causes combined. We found that over two honored and fiftv millions dollars of debts had been piled on the States of the South, and nothing to show for it not a poor house, not a Courthouse, net a hospital, not a Peniten tiary, although they were much needed there. (Laughter. And there they stand in all the Sonthern States, asking that we give them relief from this bccurscmcnt nnd bedevilment, and say, tbe man who will put down this oppression and testore peace is Horace Greeley. Applause. And if Greeley is not elected, by his candidature we have smothered down the asperities between the sections ; we bring up a better state of feeling, more in accord with the spirit wLich ebould animate the people. Mark Twain at the adam. "I be tomb of Adam f H w touching it was here in a land of stran gers far away from home and friends, and all who cared for me, thus to discover the grave of a blood relation. True a distant one, but still a relation. The unerring in stiuct of nature thrilled at its recognition. The fountain of my- filial affection was stirred to its profoundeet depths, and 1 gave way to tumultuous emotion. I lean ed upon a pillar and burst into tears. I deem it no shame to have wept over the grave of my poor dead relative. Let him who would sneer at my emotion close this volume heare for he will find little tohif taste in my journeyings through the Holy Land. Noble old man he did not live to see me bedid4int live to see his child. And I I alas ! I did not live to see him. Weighed down by sorrow and disappoint ment, he died bofore I was born six thou sand brief snmmers before I was born. But let us try to bear it with fortitude. Let us trust that be is better off where he is. XFew people know, and thousands oo not know, says an exchange paper that by setting a glaes fruit jar on a fold the fruit can be nonred in r.n?lin T,. I STAMPS TO BE ABOLISHED ON AND AFTER 1st OF OCTOBER KEXTf H The following stamps are abolished by tb next tax-law or 1st October next : c Contracts fur iasurance against accidental injuries.' ! ' . AffidaviU. ' . All agreements of contracts, or renewals of the same - rvj'ioi-uivui. ui vaiue or aamag, or lor n7 purjK.se. Appraisements, of value or damage, or for Assignments of a lease, mortgage, or for lanvoiner nnrrwse. any other nnrrmse aasignmenta of a lease mortgage, policy or insurance, or any thing else. Bills of exchange, foreign, inland. letters of credit or anything of that kind now taxed by stumps. Bills of lading and receipts in the United States or for aoythiug else. - Bills o sale, of auy kind. Bills of indentincation of any kind. Bonds, administrator or guardian, or any thing that has the name of bond io it, aud now taxed hy stamp. Brokers' cotes. Certificates of measurement of anything. Certificates of stock, profit detnage deposit, or auy other kind of certificate now taxed by stamp. Charter, or its renewal or a charter-party of auy kind. Conveyance, any part of the work of con veyance Indorsements of any negotiable or not negotiable instruments. Entry, for consumption warehousing or withdrawal. Gauger's returns. Insurance on policies, contracts, tickets, re newals, etc, (life, marine, inland and firej Lease. All through the lease list is abol ished. Lgal documents. Writ or other process. Couft-jjsion of judgment, cognoTit. appeals, warrants, etc . letters of administration, tea tameutary. etc, Mauifests at custom house, or anywhere else, or for any purpose. Mortgage of any kind. Passage ticket to auy place in ;he world. Pawners' checks. Power of attorney for any purpose. Probate of will of any kiud. Promissory note for anything. Protest of any kind. Quit claim deed. Receipt Now generally exempt, and if included in present law in any ease, will b hereafter exempt. Sheriflf return. Trust deed. Warehouse receipt. Warraut of attorney " Weigher's return of any character. The'Late Shooting Affart in Robe son Gilchrist Not DEAD.Iutilligenc. reached us yesterday, through a trustworthy source, that Tom. Gilchrist, one of the par ties to the terrible affruy which occurred in Robeson county last week, in which it was stated that he and his autagouist both per ished, is not yet dead. Three balls were shot through the bask of his head and one .1.1a m m m m . . . 1 mroutrn nis tnoutti. ear. This, with one of the other balls, was tnrougn nis inoutn, wmcb lodged back of his extracted l.y the phvsieian in attendance on nn id. .niT...u. C .....J j .1 . it is his opinion cw that Gilelirist may pos tnn oamiuaj, ana w learu mat eioiy recover, lie lormerly resided at Ben neUsville, S. C. but remoted with his father to Robeson county some time since. Star, A Truthful Alleoort A traveler was pereued by a Unicorn. In hie affright he fell, aud as a fallen man. ranght at what ever was in his way ; he caught the branch es of a tree. II looked before hitn and saw a fearful preciprice. He looked back and saw the unicorn ready to destroy him. He Inde ed acaiubefore and saw a dragon with jaws ready to receive him. He looked to the root of the tree and naw two rats, one white aud tlie other black, gnawing alternately at them He looked among nhe branches of the tree aud ?aw it filled with poionioua sep. "ready to stiog ; but from ihir lips droped honey. Regardless of Hurronndiog danger heeanght the honey, ate it and perished. O man ! see hee thyself ! the tree is life the onlcorn death; the precipice eternity ; the dragon thy des troyer :the- rat day and night numbering the hours of thy stay on earth ; the asps, thy own bad pasaious : the houey, pleasure, of which thou partaketh to thy eternal ruin. Truth Straxckr max Fiction. A ReMARKABMX ClRCrMSTASCItv J. W. Lashlev, a bigbl j, respected and much esteemed citizen of this county, died at the residence of his mother near Mew Hill, but a short distance from the citv, on the 30th ult. Aftei bis corpse bad been laid out on the bier in the eentre of the room, and his friends and relatives standing around, some of whom were giv ing vent to their grief by sobs and'teare, a turtle dove flew in tbe room and light ing upon the breast of the corpse, sang its mournful and plaintive ditty, then flap ping its wings over the, corpse, arose and flew out agaiu. The circumstance, which was related to us by a gentleman present, witnessed by every one iu the room, and effect of this strange freak of the bird on tho audience cannot be described. -Raleigh News. A STRANGE SCENE AT A MORGUE. Yesterday morning a strange scene was enacted at the Morgue. Tbe body of John Gerlacb which had been found io Conner's ruu on Sunday morning, was exposed for identification, and among tbe parties who arrived, all at about the same tirtfe, for that purpose, were a daugh ter of the deceased hv a fn TOMB orjdcad, a woman whom he recently ma'rried auu uan i.ecn living wttb as her husband, and another woman to whom he was' married several years ago and whom be deserted to marry tbe one last mentioned They all folly identified the body and both tbe women exhibited considerable feeling, but they did not appear to have any enmity toward each other. None of the parties would take charge of the body and it was sent to tbe Potter's Field for burial. Philadelphia Ledger. nosEoas or the Coolxb Tradi. 1 be trench ship Jacques Beviin, from Macao, April 6th, anived in Havana on the 4th instant, biinging a eargo ot Cbi neee. 1 be Chinamen mutinied shortly after leaving Macao, aud it is reported that the cap'ain killed several of them. Minppinga were practiced durin- the entire voyage. The Chinamen anived in terrible condition. Sixty-five out of three hundred died dnrin it,. The survivors, on landing, presented a e -FFc"ice. juany j.ench and Spanish vessels - principally the former SB 9-mm, AWWamvJ m 1 vugogwj m me coolie trade. t. Tttl with NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, -mmm III . , i N h. MULE: Taken up on the 1 6tb Inst, a largt mule sp- poaca to ociong to John Holt of SiibarT. The owner can get bU property by paying lor this oouoe ana proving property. . D. It BARRIER. Sept. 17, 1872-4t FOR S ALB. Tlie Building on Dr. Snmmereirs Lot, for merly used by him as an office, is for sale. A ay person desiroi of purchaing would do well to call on the tradenujrned. - The bo ltd ing can be easily moved, as it has no chimnev. J.J. SUM&EBEIX. Dissolution. THE firm of Br-RKF A Pnrnv t. ikt. dissolved by mutual consent. Dept. 1Z, The undersirned will mnt!nn in mtt-nA in sales in Town or country when calleJ upon. Administrator's Notice. AH persons bavin? claim nlnl ih mi.u of Dr. M. A. Locke, dee'd, are hereby notified to exhibit tbe same to the nndenigned before the I2lh day of September A. O, 1873. And all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment promptly, as but very Lert indulgence will be given. S. F. COWAN, A dm'r of Dr. if. A. Lode dee'd. Sept, 12th 1872. tf: SETTLE UP. All U iwf indebted to me for subscription to the Emminer, for advert'ifting, or job vork. are respectfully reqntd to come forward and net tle np without further delay. Corn, Wheat, Flour, Teas, or any country' produce lake in exchange for claims and the market price allow ed. J.J. STEWART. Sept. V51.tf STOP THE TZIIEF. X the nisrht of the 2d inntanL Lfir fmm my wagon, near Dolin School llonw, a bar jjnre ana coil ltie mare wm 13 or 14 yearn old, wart on right ear, one white fore foot, and in good order. The colt waa fire months old, iron grey, white fce, black mane and tail. I offer Twenty-five Dollars reward for the delirerj of Mid mare and colt, or any in formation In regard to them will b thankfully received. Kt. DANIEL POTTS. Smith Oaove, N. Cn Sept. 7th, 1872. IrooSS Dr. E. H. GREENE, 1 CHASOE Or THE BRAXCH OFFICE TO Dr. Kuse'j Philadelphia DeiUwwe InMiluXe and Cancer Infirmary at Charlotte, X. CM WILL BE AT Salibary, N. C, National Hotel, Oct. lat. Greencboro', N. C, Benbow Hmw, Oct. 2d. Goldboro', N. Princh! Hotel, OcL 3d. Raleigh, N. C Yarborough Hoiw, Oct. 4th. FajetteTille, N. C, Eichangc Hotel, 0. 5th. Rockingham, N. C, Rmwelln Hotel, OcL otb. For the purpose of seeing any who may ih to commit him withont a rih to Charlotte, with refference to CAcRa and Cawcerocb Di EAita, Scrofula, EpiUpty, r dc. tT Call and ee him."Stt Sept. 12, 1872 3 w32. Sxnith'fl Shoo Store! Charlollc, CM ESTABLI8HKD 20 YEARS AGO. THE LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL SHOE HOUtfE IN THE STATU TT AVE A Tf fit alvsr in lit VahKam a X ket. 1- rorn long experience in the Shoe iaur ami puprrior MnnUfpt in bttrine we parantce to nell BOOTS AND SHOES 'at nm low price a any New York Jobber. For proof of oir amnion, the next time you arc in Charlotte come and examine our S'tock and price whether you wUh to bur or not. We are now receiving our large Fall Stock, coniitliig of Boots. Shoes, Leather, Shoe Findings Trunks and Hats. f yon onlj waot a ainple pair of Shoes, send your order to SMI I H, and you will be mited or jou can retorn tbe ehoea. Always boy your Shoea at a Shoe Store, voa can be better euitcd, and get them cheaper. P. STHTII Sc CO.t Smith'a Shoe Store, Charlotte, N. C Sept. 12 '72, 62: 3t: CRAIGE & CRAIGE ATTORIVEVN AT LAW, AND Solicitors in panhntpfni. Special attcntiou paid to Proceeding ia Baukruptcy. Sept. 5,-.51:3mog. NOTICE! Valuable Land for Sale. Aa agent for B. R. Ratts, I will at public wle, on the public square, Salisbury, on Satur day the 6th of Oct., at 11 o'clock, A. M, hu valuable tract of land l7ing on the Sherriira oanJRoad,conUiningl50acrea. Saidtractia 5 milea we-t of Salisbury. Ternw made known n1ref?...s7t.5nxt-1X(iL11- RIBBONS, MILLINARY A1ID ST2AW CCOSS, 1872. At kTk White Goods, Embroideries, ic. ARMSTRONG CATOB & CO. Import, MannUctaren and Jobber liOnnM Trimino Va.tr A L I -1 l - & cwu mooctrm. Velvet Ribbom, Neck Tie. Bonnet Silka. v-i.fwn, rKiwera, t feather, Ornamentn. FraniM Ar 8TBAW FOMTT A R LADIES !D CHTI0Kf And in connecting Warvmnma White Gooda, Linena, Eicbroideriei, uacea, ets. Cottar. Ptt. Haadkerckieb. Head Keta. Ac.. Ac. Nog. 137 and 139 Bait. t., Baltimore, Md. I heae goob are manufactured by ua or bought for Canh directly from tbe European and Amer- .'uHuiiur, emoracm ail the Iatet noveltiea. uneoualed in vrii mA in any market. Order filled with care, promrtnea and dia patch. 5 1 -So: pd. NOTICE. the ComroiA-ioncrs of Iredell Coonty will 28th day of September next tealed propoaahifbr UU..U...K n wiii m uia county. iue botme to be built of brkk. 30 by 40 teet, three aloriea hizh, with a Case 00 the 3rd floor. rlan and fpecificationa of the building, cae dwx, to be seen at office of Revter of Deed. JOHN DAVIDSON, Chair'm M Brd Conntr Ccmrnuwiooer O t: Iredell County, N. C. Cheap Chattel Mortgafres, ad varioua thee Wanka for aU hero. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. MtixaABiiVic U thu d.y dlmulttd W Botoa con-rot 3 .Thorn indebted to ti.. l.e fim wK2 .4 con,, forward and m.Ve tletntkh jier MIL, Kerua A Co, to whom all elaim. are da July I, 1972 W.J. MILLS. T. M. EEBK8. J.B.XEKXf MILLS, KERNS & CO. , ( i WHOLESALE AX ltETAtL"" And Csnnbdca Hcthrrls, SALifm-RT, March lt, 1F72. rTeen rrmi nftr nn ) . . t.. 1 t 1 1 " -' uu twice toek of OPAT.Rlt. Vtnottvnri. comprising Dry G(oK Groceriea, Ware, ttr. - " ..-. u i 1 wum.u wouia especially m en t i cm Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES. . t BACON, LARD. SOI.K and Upper LEATHER. SHOES & BOOTS, HAT?, BOXXETS. Pmvrs MACKItEL 8.VLiIOX TROUT. r FLOUR and MEAL, , w SOAPg. V PEPPER and SPICES, TOBACCO, i inrnn t .11 kind always on hand, of choice quiuitj tT Especial fitti-ntion given to exnigA menla and prompt return made. :tl NORTH CAROLINA t .. VAtKiK ixaTY In,hSuiH nor Court aT. Spur Adair.of J. Shek dec PiT) mymmM Milly Sheek, John Sheik, MitU C. Sl.eck, and S. T. Spur and wife Nancy Jane Defendant , Petition to tell land for twit, It apnearine to the astiafcrtioa r.f it,- that ililea C. Sheek one of U.e IX lendar.u abov named ia not a resident of thi btala ; it ia there fore ordered tUt jKit.lioaiM.n be md ia tbe "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper puLli-bel in SalUbory N. C. i-jr px wU iorewely, requiring Mid DcCrndenU to appear at the Of the clrrk of the Superior Court for the Co-irta of Yankin at the Court Houtc in Yandkinill on tlie first day of Oct. next and an.wer the complaint of I'laiotifl or the ue will ULeard exparte to him. Thi d.i of Anjrust 1ST 2. j AXILS A. MARTIN. C. S. C. Yadkjs Cocstt. 43-tw-$?. North Carolina, JyN ' J In the Superior Court. DA VIE UJtMV W. IL Sharp Adm'r of Hiram rttlj, decd, E. O, C1otte ar.d wife Julia A. aoaf. II. rhrljw, Andf-r-on Com!.-r arid fife Id Cornattrr, Fall I'hcJjw, Hiram VLt rvd bolommi l'bel. 1 IViilioo 10 m!1 laud for awsrt. J It apf-sring to the .ali-Ortiun of the court tht U. H. 1'hrlj. one of the dtfrrslmt ahoe named i liot a mki.ieM uf Uii Stat ; IlUlht rt fur ordert-d tht publication 1 made ia the '-Carolina Wnfrhman a newprer pbtiHed in tlie town of s Jii.i4rr, for mix cc-"if vt-, requiripc.iid dtfm-I.nt to nj "' t the offi'-e' of Ihedrrk f ibe Suji Vmrt, at the eirt h(Mie in MKli:ie on the Tib day of tVihrr ntltand nwer the rornpUint of plir.u3 -r the ame will be heard erparte mm to him. . e H n. lUsriCRC 45 Cl fS- of DaTioounl5. Drs. Snnimercir&n&aithePs BARKER A i:o'S Drn- Store VP S7AIIIS. Adj. 2, 4: 5m. SALISBURY HIGH SCHOOL The Fall Term of Mr. H. T. ilnr'. KrUi for lOVi will (ijiaauriY Krtrf l T 1 K 1 12,50 per eemion of twenty week. Contin gent fc $ 1,00. D. A. DAVIS, ) D.A.DAVIS, ) J. J. RKUXKHt H MeCL BBLXs. j Cm. Aug 21, 72. it. ! J SrKClAL NOTICHS. THE OAl.RS OP AH AkY ... i .1..- the iron. fatrh tKe frrriM ,tnloi i ruto trrer.tb. Nor tle iertf tltttftrj tui biUr tho the Ufth that ar cWaced diljr wttb taat TOOWNEUSOF HiiP;: v.k . I)r. Tobia Hor-e Va-ta Liainebt. ill ever Ue without it: it it acrrUin rsre tur !ir. Nor Tbeoat. Cut. Brci . anJ iha Ka. w aperior U ant ether id pint Unite. t 00 Hot. I a C .1 1 . -It I . . . . . - l-i". . J "'t;iiu. in rar I lace. BURNETTS KTAfi4r?fi pi ivntuvr TltAl. I rr ntlllr l.nt nf. in t:.k. . . n 6 oa and lOof tv.ttie. and are lor f1e kj the trad M-n.,., lutim 'Tit,ciFl Clljr Ibd UB il Ut United Mate, t'anada. and Drill lYoviace, at welt in mDj olbpr furrij: roanlrie. HKLP FOIi THK UOPULKss v.. . v dejected, tuiK-riLi, and tiolLite dve roa r rood, too Mr. ront nir. TTiere it hilm n Hilead. Have Ton 'tieJ Vinegar biitf1 Then w l.y t5.,nt you 1 W ketber Tor roa.p.ain tw dTpep:a. billiookoe. uervoon etkre. eoitit. Bitter Will revive and renorat- voor btiered jem. aa a genial rajn refreaiie tL withered m 7 m Fo CfrtPMi. Iattitm. dnrtMlM bt nJrfu f ar' d.W it j la Ih-lr '1Mt f trai : a 1m. mm m m.. jTCMvLHuirO C.. rw Tr. 4 4 my . i. mt r-i tome, imu unx tor Mtvtu rrco vertag ttmmt h rtr r Uarr lcnrM, It & w twt. Tarnar lov r tmm tn-.. uct arosa i .r ciltr r rrwrnBf t- t-ni rmmt. rM tr ill Dnm imi. hk. n it . m uui 4 r. c. w.ii.a oc Wtw TrE. niniSTADORtrs nAlRDrE. ataad.narfTtnea in tie world. So lady or jrentletaaa of 4tcrimir. tioa irsea itit other. It U in ru n.w.t .i:..' and effective H.ir tye ui the world. Mnnctor7. vira Aaoe, .ev i or. CARBOLIC I.VE. eiaaathe frml Healiaa; roinpr.ond. Prlee . ' n nenry. role I ronr etor, s rl!ere Place, New Vork. RlSLErs BUTHU iareliaUe Dierttic and Tot. Ic f.r tl di;-Benu ofth oriT nd reatul organ. 1 he frr-anine. a funrwrij mal4 by Hai laod. Harral k Kwter and their eraacbe, now prefared bj H W. h.ley.the orpnur and Pro erietor; and the trd norptied bia intotwnTi. Morgan A Uialrj, New York. SV.VPXI V. or opin pir.Sed. th mM jxr'ect anodjne inthemaket e adeby procesaofDr. J. 11. JtigeJow. tetroit Medirv Coliere. Utlwav al form iBtrm?th wliivb U rarelj the cae ia other parationa of UjHom PHATTf srRAL OTL btt a world-wide repa- ttiOtt aVA lm mn rvvi (! lMw.lt rm m naii V Over two million pallon. Lae teen old forth Pt two rrtm. from hick no IrcJfMi of aaj dr crlptioa have OTrmnl. Send for Tin alar, thl f t . . . . . . . .. iwnwgiiwi. rrati. ttiib ittu. v Tort. WE II a vr Fnroirrvri.t vnvn m.iwrr. taylbtywoald not be wiDont Mr. Wia!w" C . . at 1 t M . mi - . a a at -a. oovioing evrwp. i'tni mt biiia r ine ewia neni n kalniWd with taw Uethint; Jef. naicr aaj r aioVration whatever. TUE KIXHET OF B EC ATT. What ia itl o tocrer aked. forth world of faaklow aodthcladir know tht i prodooed by dlirLUl 4 karmleMtoUeA preparatioaknowsaaU. W. LairTa "Rlaan of Vonlk " tfa V..(f. "wt& mrm jUolj wonderful. Iepot, 6. flali fet, N. T. r i j i ,

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