(I ur 1 -r ---,' -. - VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C., . SEPTEMBER 2G, 1872. NO. 2. WHOLE NO.' 844 1 i i ; if' n tr I i:? m 'i 1 ' ! j j ! ' : 1. PUBL1SHKI WEEKLY . J, J JUt UN EK, ! proprietor and Editor. J, J. STEWART, Aociate Editor . RATES OF BUBCItlKTIOTI f)E YiUr, payables advance f 2.5ft Six Months, " 7 150 5 t:i tu ou ddresa, I ........ . 10.00 A TOMBS. H 11KAD & FOOT STONES, &G. JOHN H. BUIS f pESbKRa hi courpliuMnits to his friend JL and the DtiCiic.and iu this method would btinfl U their attention, his extended facilities lor meeting demands In hi line of business. II is now prepared to furnish all kiud of (Irave Stoned, from the cheapest Head Stones, to the costliest monument. Those prefefiug strlea aid very costly work not on hand, can Im accommodated on short time, strictly in ac cordance with specifications!, draft, and the term x( the contract. , Satisfaction puaran teed. UteiWill not bo undersold, North or Houth; Order xoVictcd. ilres, I7:tf I JOHN II. ItjUIS. Saliburv. liis aiu. i : 1 : R.fc A. MURPHY TTnTlnff ag-ain Organized for JUL BUslNESS, have juatpentd a rom the Baltimorean. AT THE SEA. BT VIOLET FULLER. The moon a path ot light doih make Across the calm and waveles sea, A path angel feet might take, A mtfassengera, O Lord, from thee ! FINAL AWARE OF THE TRIBU- THE ADMINISTRATION RESPON- NAL OF ARBITRATION !; " AT GENEVA. I ' The following ia the text of final award of the Geneva Arbitration : I Whereaa, iq accordance with the spirit and letter of the Treaty of Washington, it ia preferable to adopt the form of adju SIBLE FOR OFFICIAL CORRUP- TION; i A YEAR WITHOUT A SUMMER. While every one i ipeaking of the pre ient season as being remarkable in its characteristics, a correspondent of the NAUSEOUS NUPTIALS. STOCK of GOODS, I . .... entirely new and fresh, in the room formerly occupied as the Hardware Store, and nc:;t door to Biirgtiain & Co., to the iiifpiction of which they most cor dially invite the public. Their Entire Slock was carefully selected by the senior ra?m- The boats with snowy sails outspread, Thywhite-wknged emissaries seem. 4. As up the shining path they tread, ! P8- And onward float as ia a dream. Around, abore, 'tis bright and fair. The Heavens, the silvered sea that ' sleeps. y In solemn beauty no rnde air Across its quiet beauty sweeps. We know not what these waters bide. What shades in deepest darkness lie, ' 'Tis but the surface of the tide That shines serenely 'neath the sky. O Lord, these human hearts of ours Iu deep recesses oft conceal ' Dread' thoughts jof darkness, evil powers. We never to the world reveal, What hidden griefs are buried there, Far from the gaze of friend or foe. And yet the face a smile can wear Above the awful depths of woe. 0, Lord ! across the tide of grief, Thy light descends in purest rays. Like mooulight milk it brings relief, - Too fierce ihe sun for our weak gaze. And treading over this pathway bright With feet that shine upon the sea. The Saviour comes ! He is the Light That leads us safely Home to Thee ! Baltimore, September 13, 1872. THE ELECTION LOST BY APA THY. Let the reader compare the vote of 1872 with the voting population as given by me census ot ieu. to be louna in our election table. He will there see that the total voting power, of the State in 1870 was '214,142 Total vote in 1872, 196,264 Governor Gratz B0-Vjr. the Liberal candidate lor Vice President, delivered a Boston Globe has gathered for the readers powerful speech at Indianapolis a few of that paper some reliable facts of the days ago. The Indianapolis Sentinel yrar 1S16, known as theyear without a Seems to biiVA rn nrnfnnndlv iinnrua, aA nm mor Vaw nor.Ana now Caini, mr dicatiou of a sum iq gross rather than re- bj iu That paper thus closes a notice of recollect it, but it was the coldest ever fer the subject! of ctmpensauon for further tlie 8peech . knQwn throu b Euro ud America tiaanaaiAn A dJSAAkAtiAit t St t It A W A 1"H m W m ... . - . W uicvuHivu aim uciuqauuu tu iuo I "II inT VldPnri Win noHH Ih 1 Th fA nn n. . Kf .k.tM ,1 ThAgot Mrjr. Profetser Fars day adopts Flourio's physiological tbeorr Four Headless 2Ien Dance a Quadrille 1 that the are of man is one b indeed Tears, 1 be duration of life be believes to be meajared frocs the lime &f growth. When in a Bride's lied CltamUr. The following grotesquely horrible story ia translated from the Paris YigaTQ. 1 his day eight years a wedding was celebrated at A . A merchant's clerk named Marius Crampin married a young girl of eighteen, called Anna R . An- ua R was an orphan from childhood. once the boot and epiphyses are uniteal the body groa no more, and it is at twenty years ibis aoioa ia effected ia man. The uatral termination of lift la five le moves front the everal poitts. Man being twenty year in fro whig, live i i . . I J iuliiv ncto unucu. IU1Q I x UO iuiiuwiue IS aV unci KOBiraCl oi me i ' I c . . of Asscssora-provided in article 10 of the BDeeeh of fipirr ftwv fr,,;.h.. it w.t. Anr:2 ,u r .u- and bad been educated by an old priest 6re 5,.met Tenl7 JtAn "at ia to aay. f viu:.i !.. T.;knnl nf t . . . 7 r I b " . - . (mabandml vcm ih ml Im mlwt Vr?' ,l B.u,u6fcvf " mat ne is eminently qnalihed for the January waa mild eo much as to reu- .u.l,uuu-1,a ug .uui u.,. hlu p08lUon ior WD,c5 he has been der fire aimoat needleeg in parlora. De- ou its members by article 7 of the treaty by a majority of four voices awarda to the United States of America the sum of fifteen millions five hundred thousand dollars in gold; aa the indemnity to be paid by Great Britain to the use of the A merican government for satisfaction-of all claims referred to the consideration of the arbitrating tribunal. Conformably! to the provisions contain- named. He is a scholar, a thinker, and cember Drevioua waa verv cold. " thoroughly eomprehtnds American poli- February was not very cold. With the " tics, we mean it in the higher acceptation exception of a few days it was mild, like "of the term, and he knows how to give its predecessor. hU ideas expression." March was cold and boisterous during W.e, too, have 'Tead this speech, and the fir t part of it; the remainder waa have In the same manner been impressed mild. A great freshet on the Ohio aud by its force and eloquence. One of its Kentucky rivers caused great loss of pro moat striking passages is the the following perty. in whlll (tnvurniir It Inwv ami A ireot . Anvil tiAvn vam V f mm ed in article 7 of the treaty aud in ae- u u pre3idcnt 6mT responsibility the month advanced, and ended with u v.o K.u..u. ix u for an tnp. yiiiaiuies 0f the carpet-bag offl ine treaty, uie triDunal declares tnat all c:aia ire . The conduct of affairs at the South has been a syetem of elaborate spoliation, de fended in the press and whitewashed by the party of the President. With whom did Governor Scott, of South Carolina, concoct his surreptitious issues and sale of bonds except with Radical confreres T dcid bit months ico. ThrmrK ah u Hondred yeara ; tb camel la verv attractive and had a dowrr of fiftr je" lnr. fiva eirbt times . ber of rates low, f t w or to h rui in pcron, hicli will enable them to CASlfj as and bought at tell as claims which have been referred to it for adjudication are hereby fully, perfectly aud finally settled. I be Court furthermore declares that each and every one of the said claims, whether the same may or may not have been presented to notice or laid before the tribuual, shall henceforth be considered and traeted aa settled and barred. In testimony whereof the present decision and award has been made in duplicate and signed by the arbitrators, who bave given assent thereto ; the whole being in exact conformity with the provisions of itho treaty ot Washington. Made aud concluded at the Hotel de Yille, ; Geneva, bwitzerland, September the j fourteenth, in the year of our Lord oue ; thousand eight hundred aud seventy- i tWO. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, COUNT SCLOPIS, JACOB STAEMFLI, BARON D'lTAJUBA. If it be true, as alleged, that the claims of British subjects against the United Peraons failing io vote, '- 18.87S States Government will exceed in the .Remember these figures are based upon amount above specified, President trrant the voting population of 1 S70. It is reas and Secretary Fish will not have much cause to congratulate themselves upon their skill and success in diplomacy. snow and ice and a temperature more like winter lhan tpring. May was more remarkable for frowns than smiles, ttnds and fruits were frozen, ice-formed half an inch thick, corn killed and the fields again and again replanted until deemed too late. June was the coldest ever known in this latitude. Frost, ice, and snow were With whom waa Governor Bullock, of common. Almost every green thing Georgia, closeted repeatedly at Washing- killed. I mil nearly all destroyed. Snow ton save the trusted leaders of the Admin- it" " " aTlu OI len cues in ermoni, - . . . T I 1 - f . t .., ... m istration ? Whither did Governor Ilolden, of North Carolina, floe from the arath to come but to the sanctum of the Govern ment organ and the bosom of the Preai dent T And when the great hegira shall take place, when those nondescripts, yclept carpet baggers, shall return, webfooted, as prep.ired for land or water, poutcred in several in Maine, three in the interior of 2uw loik, aud also iu Massachusetts. Considerable damage was done at New Orleans in consequence of the rapid rise of the river. The suburbs were covered with water, and the roads were only passa ble with boats. July was accompanied by frost and ice. the breast with their ill-eotten eains. to On the 5th ice was formed of the thick what haven of rest, think you, they will ness of a common window glass through hasten other than the While House, unless, out New England, New Yo'k and some nerehance. it shall then be occiiuied bv parts of Pennsylvania. Indian corn was r- : . ig popul sonable to suppose that in two years the number of voters in the State has beeu increased at least fifteen hundred. This would make an increase of about eisht WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE. in the City, for Good of same quality. I heir Slock i general, tmUcmg all the various branches of "" Dry Goods, per annum in-each county r-stiuiainie the loss caused Dv neat lis i ana emigration, ceitain, mat there will be a gain, per annum, of one voter in each towushiu in v (it'uecrirs, Crockery ITtrc, Boots and S titles Sole Lea I he r, Calf and Binding Shins, Grain and Grass, Scythes, Cap, Letter What assertions will make one believe it is almost absolutely tnat 'n 011C second of time, one beat of the I ia r li i t . penuuium or a ciock, a ray ot iigui -.ravels over 152,000: miles, and would, there fore perfornl the lonr of the world in about the rame time that it requires to wink our eyelids, and in much less time than a swift runner occupies in taking a single stride ! What mortal can be made to be-. Tieve, without demonstration, that the sun is almost a million miles larger than the earth ? and tlitit, although so remote and Xote Paper, . KS'KLOVES, PENS, INK, dr., i ' and a beautiful assortment of i - They feel assured of their ability to give, entire satifaction, and especially in vile old friend aud cutouaen to call and bring with 'them their acquaintances They exjK-ct and intend to maintain the reputation of the Old Murphy House, which is well known throughout Western North Carolina. All they ask is an ex animation of their stock and the prices. Ni trouble to "how goods, so come right 'ulongj ; 1 heir motto, tiriiall profits, ready pay and QUICK SALES, w trt. i ir e tvuna gooa stocK, low prices, tair the State, by youngK-rsoiis reaching the age of twenty one years. This would give us an increase of over fifteen hundred iu every two years. I herefore, we conclude that over twenty thousand voters in North Carolina failed to vote on the first day of August. But the Radicals always vote, u here youiind one who failes to do so, you will iinu twenty Conservatives. Of the eighty thousand negro voters in North Carolina, how many do you sup pose were absent on electiou day ? The lame, the fufirm, the sick, were brought to the poila, as if their eternal salvation depended on the result of the election. Vv e know of an instance tn xash County, Liberty Township, where a colored man who was dangerously ill was hauled to the polls by his Radical friends, and when he was borne to the ballot-box to deposit his vote, he was too feebh to utter a sylla ble, and seemed to be totally insensible. He was taken away without voting. We learn that he died two or three days after wards. The figures above set forth prove con clusively that we could have elected Judge Merrimon in spite of all the Radi cal frauds aud intimidation, if our full strength had been brought out. Raleigh Kens. HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. The Louisville Courier Journal has ihe following in regard to Hon. Jefferson Davis, -who is on a visit to that city on dealing and prompt attention, they will I business relating to his insurance compa endeavor to merit their share of the pub- I nies lie patronage They are iu the market .r all kinds of produce aud solicit calls from both sellers and buyers. 1 R.& A. MURPHY. :uR01jT. MlRl'HY, t ANDREW MURPHY. Salisbury, March 23, 1872. f27:ly i -v A. M. St'LLIVAX. J. P. Gowav. NEW OPENING. rPllE linderijrned having asoeiatod theii -I; Helve in business under the lirm name of A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., UAVK opened in U. j. Holme' new build ing, next d.Kr to the Hardware Store, whn they will be pleaed to meet old and new friend. They have a magnificent room t ue urgent ana best in town and iVXiarjyoOj Splondicl ST6CR of goods, lOju uim.Xi a general auHortment. llard v wr rxcHpu-a, and w,u KUarrantee a Khhi o-arjrain an can un noia by anv House in the South. They will d,-l heavily in (irocerie ituti rounirr rnxiuee, ouyin(!:aud eeltinp, and invite all who wih cither to buy or 11 to call on mem. a. ai. u LI A VAN L Co Jun. Villi. a;tf Mr. Davis looks younger than he did ten years ago. we are told that he is enjoying excellent health, and his appear $uce ia the parlor of the Gait House last night confirmed the report. He is in the sixty-fifth year of his age. yet his step is aa firm aa thaCof a young man, and bis eye as bright. He had a cane in his band, bat it did not seem to be carried in the least degree for support. Uis hair is considerably grayed a medium iron gray in color aud his beard is also tolerably white, though that on his jtemples is still dark, and apparently but little touched by time- He sears a full beard, with a clo8ely 4rimed moustache, anJ this possi bly aided to make his face, appear round er and fuller than we have seen it in i long time. He is not quite six feet in height, of slender build, and his carriage is erect and graceful, his manner kind and grave, his countenance placid, and his tone clear and round and resonant His brow is broad aud deep, with the phrenological location of the powers of observation fairly developed, and hia whole appearance, while not impressing the casual ob.erver with the idea that he is a man of extraordinary powers, still bears the stamp of "Intellect and force of character. iom us, a cannon balL shot directly to ard it, and maintaining its lull spreed, would be twenty years in reaching it, yet t affects the earth by its attraction in an appreciable instajnt of time ' Who would not ask for demonstration when told that a gnat's wing, in its ordinary flight, beats many hundred tunes in a second ? or that there exist j animated and regularly organized beings many thousands of whose bodies laid together would not extend an inch ? But what are these to the astonish ing truths which modern optical inquires have disclosed, which ttachts that every point of a medium thorugh which a ray of light passes is affected with a succession of periodical movemeuts ; regularly recur ring at equal inteivals, no less than five hundred minion of millions times in a sin gle second ? That is by such movements communicated to the nerves of the eye that we see : nay, more, that is the difi'er- erence between the frequency of their re currence which affect us with the sense of the diversity of colors? That, for in stance, in acquiring the sensation of red ness, our eyes are anvctr.d four hundred ana eignty-two millions ot minions ot times of yellowness, five, hundred and forty -pqe million of millions times and violet, seven hundrend and seven millions of times per second ? Do not such things sound more like the raving of madmen than the sober conclusions of people in their waking sense J They are, never theless, to which: any one may most cer taiuly arriye, who will only be at the trouble of examining the claim of reason jug by which they have-been obtaiued. ORGANIZATION. We cannot allude too often to the nec essity of a thorough organization iu this State. Without;it we are destined to be defeated, nxt only iu November, but in every State, coutoat hereafter. The following sensible remarks on this suhject,' although addressed to the Con servative Executive Commit tee of Catawba county, apply with equal force to every one who has expressed hia own righteoua indignation in the prediction that ''after. the 4ih of March next their iniquity shall be gainful and iusoleut no longer." Of the encouragement given to official knavery and theiving throughout the country, Governor Bkovx thus spoke : How cau the public service bs reformed when every inducement to knavery and thievery is thus held out by the head of the government itself by converting the whole officering into a retinue of partisans, intent only on retailing place and curry ing political favor That there will still be found houest men in place whom no inducement can tempt to be wrong, is readily conceded ; but it cannot be denied that the system is utterly demoralizing, and that the demoralization has been openly, as well as elaborately, encouraged by the present Administration. To such an extent has it gone that these creatures who fatten on the spoils assume an air of mastery over the people, threaten them in their business, anuoy tbem with malicious prosccuiious, disciiarflate in the service betweeu friend ancNbe, as they choose to classify the public. Iu New York city testimony could only be gotten-by a com mittee of Congress, when sitting with closed doors, and under a quasi secrecy, to secure the merchants who might give evidence from ruiu and vexatious delays involving great lotes at the hands of the Custom-house ring. Iu Texas large uum bers of citizens are said to have been sum moned to Austin in November on spurious charges, to defeat them of casting a vote. Bills are lobbied in Congress with direct reference to the political character of the parties interested. No man of opposing thought feels safe from the hostility of the Government if it can touch him any where. In short, the "reform" actually vouchsafed amounts to a raid on the pub lic Treasury, a campaign agaioet the people generally, a war upon all the prin ciples aud professions putforward in 1SGS to entice the confidence of the nation. nearly all destroyed ; som? lavorably situated fields escaped. This was true of some of the hill farms of Masiachusetts. August was more chterles s, if possible, than the summer months already passed. Ice was formed half an inch thick. Indian corn was so frozen that the great part was cut down and dried for fodder. Almost every green thing was destroyed both in this country and in Europe. Papers re ceived from England state "that it would be remembered by the present generation that the year 181C was a year in which there was no summer." Very little corn ripened iu the New England and Middle States. Farmers supplied themselves from the corn produced in 1S15 for the seed of the spring of 1817. It sold at from $4 to 6' 5 per bushel. September furnished about two weeks of the mildest weather of the season. Soon after the middle it became very cold and frosty ; ice formed a quarter of an inch thick. October produced more than its share of cold weather, frost and ice in common. November was cold and blustering. Snow fell so as to make good sleighing. December was mild and comfortable. The above is a brief nummary of "the cold summer of 1816," as it was called in order to distinguish it from the cold sea son. The winter was mild. Frost and ice were common in every month f f 'he year. Very little vegetation matured in Eastern and Middle States. The eun's raysseemed to bedestilutc of heat through out summer; all nature was clad in a sable hue, and men exhibited no little anxiety concerning the future of this life. The average wholesale price of flour during that year in the Philadelphia market was 13 per barrel. The average price of wheat in England was ninety three ehilings per quarter. thousand francs a respectable torn for a simple elcrk. Crampin was far fraea ja bilant when he left the eburcb. Some of! hia friends, in fact, on hearing of bis mar riage, had sneered at the matter ia rather a singular manner, without offering any explanations, and bad declined to be present at the wedding. Beaidea, wbea the sacrifice waa conanmated, Crampin Yelt tormented by suspiciona which before marriage be repelled with cootrtnpt. In order to dispel tbem be drank deep, and towards midnight he waa pretty mellow. It was now time to rest. The bride went first and extinguihed the taper. Five minutes after Crampin himself arrived. "Hallo!" he exclaimed "my wife pretends to be asleep. We mnst light the candle again." But just as be waa about to strike a light with a match he heard a rustling of curtains, and a man appeared a man of great heighth, wrapped in a white shroud tha. waa spotted with blood and without bead. He carried a red lan tern. Crampin uttered a stifled exclama tion, the bride rose hastily, and the two remained spell-bonnd by horror at the frightful spectacle before their eyea. For from the comer cf the room emerged eth er three headless persons, all clothed in white but blood-bespattered winding sheets, each with a red lauttrn in the one hand and his head in the other. They stationed themselves in front of the fire- a place aud saluted the young couple in a ceremonious manner. Then, strange to eight years, that ia to aay, forty years j tba horse is five years ia growing. a&4 lives twenty-fiva years, and o vita other animala. Tba toaa wba does tvot die of slckneas Uvea aay wbera from eighty to ona hundred years. Provider baa given man a eeotwy to live, Vat a does not attain it betas W taberita dis eaae, eats oawbcleaome food, gives Ivet&M to bis passions, and permits vxalMCo disturb bis healthy eoaipciae; ! does not die, ha kUla himself. Tha Proieaaot. divides life into two eqaal halves, growtli and d celiac, and tbeaa halves into infaa cy, youth, virility and aga. Infaacy ex. lends to the twentieth year, yootb to tba fiftieth, because it la daring thia lime tba tiatnea become firm ; virility from fifty to seventy-five, daring which the oagAnlam remains complete, and at seventy-five obi sge commence. Tn G rxrva. Tmbcjt l Cotdxmszt. Los IX) X Sept. 17. The Tory jcarnals condemn in nmeatared terms tha actior of the Geneva tribunal. The Londo Advertiser says: What a Care baa beta played at Geneva, wbtie England baa bren adjudged to pay a tribavo U a bally, who repudiated bis on obligation 1 America ia not yet contented with acult- ment of claims against England. The Herald breathe defiance aod hatred of America, and says that lb breach between the two couotriea baa only been wideoed. Of coarse, bad tba abitra- say, they spoke. Crampin, iu his terror, I tors decided upon a larga iam of ioden knew not whether the voice issued from I nitv, England would pay it. If tbey bad the body or from the head. 'Good day to you (jitizeu Crampin," said one of the headless. beings ; "1 am Joseph Grigois a client of your wife's great grandfather." "Give me thy hand Crampin, " said the other, sneetingly ; "Madame knowa me, loo I lost my head in the year 1833 at the bauds of 1 er grandfather" By thia awarded nothinr. America could btat show her teeth. What humiliation next await us? The Standard comments upon tba award in a similar manner. It says wa went to Geneva for jastice and reconcilia tion, but instead met with invective from tne American counsel, and a paruauy aa time Crampin was down on his knees, and verse award, dictated rather by a cetr lus bride was inormnng in a state of dis- fof compromise than by equity. Tba " traction from fear. But they were alone J whole proceedings in connection witb tb in the house, which waa situated at the j arbitration arc entirely uatatii factory to gates of the town, and nobody came near I England them. 1 he third phantom then advanced. Tsiimxo a Balkt Hoksl Id India, when a horse becomes stubborn and refutes to more, instead of whipping him, as is our custom, or setting fire to straw under the belly aa practiced ia "Little one," he said, iu an amiable tone, "thou cans', boast of having a grandfather who did his work admirably. I, too, passed through his hand. "Good God!" groaned Crampin, in dispair, "the man without a head speaks through his nose." England, a rope is attached to bis foreleg. "Step out, children, called out the lourtli and one or two persons go ahead and pau spectre, "the nuptial ball is about to be- (be rope. It ;s said this starts the mast gin. Forward both!" And the four guil- refractory horse. Th-1 Michigan Farmer lotincd persons, taking their places, broke ays a horse became balky in Detroit a into a dance a supernatural cancan that ihort time since, and neither whipping froze the blood iu the veins of the young nor coaxing could moke him stir. A rope couple. They leaped up and down, waa fastened around bis neck, and be waa backwards and forwards, spread wide dragged a short distance by another team, their winding sheets like great while but this did not effect a care. The rope wings, and played like jugglers with their waa then taken from bia neck, passed be heads. It was frightful, and all the more twecn bis legs, and fastened firmly to his when suddenly they bust out in chorus, tail. In thia mannar be waa dragged a and sang some staves of a horrible gro- .hort distance, and when tb rope w;s tesque song. Then, all at once, opening a taken off the hitherto unruly animal waa door, thev disappeared in the dark lobby, perfectly obedient to tbe will of bia anas after having deposited the four heads ou I ter. We have aeen this method trid, with similar results. Farmer ami Jic-chanic. NO WAR WITH ENGLAND. The details of tho award of the Geneva Commission bave been made through tho enterprise of the New York journals. We have those details in a special dispatch to the New York Herald, from which wo condense the following particulars : Tbe aggregate award is fifteen and one-half millions of dollars, of which the amount awarded to individuals ia $11,500,000, and to the United States about $4,000,000 for expenses incurred in the pursuit of the Alabama, Shenandoah and Florada. On all questions of international impor tance the arbitrators were a unit. On tbe money award Sir Alexander Cockburu thought $15,000,000 too big a sum for John Bull tn pay to allay the fiery patri otism of the United States claimants; and, therefore, did not sign the award, and Count Sciopis virtually coincided with the gallant admiral. This ends the ques tion. John iiuu nays a small nne tor That the President of the United States received a bribe of $65,000 fmm A. T. Stewart. The President in return ap pointed A. T. Stewart Fecretary of the Treasury, Hoar, of Massachusetts, was appointed Attorney General in considera tion of a gift of a library, valued at $10, 000. Borie presented him with a house and lot worth $10,000, tor which he was appointed Secretary of the Navy. I might, if time woold permit, enumerate a long list of such cases. Estimate of gifts r?- S.B . S t m. i mm. mW ceived oy ivrant to me amount oi siao, 000 have already been made. Here, on the surface, appears to be a the knees of the bride. "Merciful heav ens !" gasped the latter, with horror, "the clients of my family ?" What family, i n i, : i : c - J : madaine ! yeneii v rnmpin, nomuni 10 the roidt of his terror, by tbe exclama tion. "Forgive me," suplicated the bride throwing herself on her knees before him. "Grandpapa was an executioner." The wretch Cranpin sprang to hi feet, and then fell senseless. As soon as be rcturn- T)e Western Celt, published si St. Louis, Mo , paya thia tribute to tbe Lib eral candidate. When we threw wp Grant we did so becanse we felt that Greeley waa a belter friend to our country earn than Grant. Nor shall we ever repent the step re bave taken. We feel a pride ed to himself, without taking time to pack jn being the conscientious champion of his trunk, he prccipi'ately left the town, and has not pcen agaiu seen. Tbe iuvea tigation of the police into this mysterious affair resulted in the discovery that the four guillotined persons were none others than the friends of Ciampin, who bad learned, one knows not bow, the uufortu nate connections of the bride. Their four heads were four melons. Fairs. We give below the times and places for holding of Fairs : North Carolina Agricultural Society, very bitter and, possibly, to the mind of I Ilaleigb, October lih to l&tb. the prejudiced, a very wild accusation I Farmers and Mechanics' Association of against the honesty of General Grant I N. C, Guldsbore, October 22nd to 25th, man w doc we know io nave aiooo ap tor our country and our race. In tbe language of a fellow countryman, we feci that llo pice Greeley is, of all Americans, tbe beat friend Ireland ever had. In 1854, when Henry WUaon sat. in tbe city of P !a- delphia, aa Chairman of a Koow-Jw committee, whose ttcxt was, no Germans, French, or other fore- need apply, Horace ureeley waa t ing the Irish emigrant on tbe sh : America aith a "cend miUe failth'." '-5 rt. eir- n rr t 0 I uuui V uuu villi ia j o pu.au uu& ' county .1, the State. We clip them from a,jcged want of dJ dfjignce in prevent ISut, alter ail, trie airect testimony cx one President for is eqnal to the direct tet; mony of another President against. The author of the above charge is Andrew Johnson ex-President of the United States. The accused is one U. S. Grant, actual President of the United States. The po sition of the accuser i, at least, equal to that of the accused. Wash. Patriot. Roanoke and Tar River Society. Weldon, October c, the Carolina Eagle; We call upon the j chairman of the County Executive Committee to organize the jcounty at once. Organize every town ship; iu the bounty. Organize the active, intelligent and patriotic young men iu their respective townships, into township com mittees. Make it their duty to see that ever Democrat and Conservative in their hips register oeforo tbe ing the escape of the Confederate cruisers, of which the largest moiety goes to the clamorous, and the smaller to the Gov ernment. 4. he sum is payable in gold within one'year from the date of the , ri, V .1 .11 award. iws enaa tue -Aiauaina ques tion. in the right respective, towns He is not, probably, the man I dy bf elccthu. Make it their duty to 1 j , . . . . rj; i& j&l . EL S3 . A desirable Brick IIouseJ with 7 rooms an4 all noesnary out houses ; situated in th iifcwtiaesirable part of Town. Persona wishiflir. 1,1 np.litj ..... ... r . c who would be selected by a stranger from among a thousand others as tbe rep-1 resentative of the extraordinary life tnat he has led." and the hero of so many and such great vicisitudes ; the engineer of the greatest revolution, rebellion call it wiiteli you please in the annals ot bis iory. it .l.! .ij i a see inat mi; oiu unu luuiui uicu me icgio' tered and carried to the polls. Make it their: duty to distribute public documents. We must work if we win. Let us begin mm. nVirk Wi Kra vri timt r f nam Bt UUUC if 111 uu klUlVi , J uui v- BLACK HOGS FOR THE SOUTH. A correspondent of the Country Gen tleman, writing from Virginia, saya : "Here I find the Chester will not do on account of the mange. I have given them three years' trial, and am going baik to black hogs, using either an L: A ke.autiful woman, said Fontenelle, is the purgatory of the purse, and the par- neither hav$ we a single rote to lose, even sex. or Berkshire boar the first if I can in Catala. Every man is expected to do get one. The black hogs do not mange bis fiill duty in the present contest. The aud tbe white ones do ; this is the expeii- nmeaa are full of hope and encouragement: ence of every ene near me, and all that I but we mast relax no! effort or energy j bave the opportunity of consulting, and as I istration, which now fetter the mbs of unti the contest is over and the enemy far as I can learn it is the case all through J 0Tg"r forljr ikmaaud tax payers of Arkan. TnE heart of Arkansas is spot. Here is what the Arkansas demo cratic Executive Committee, after urging people to supjort the Cincinnati and Bal timore nominations, says, speaking of the movement against the present corrupt State government: "This is not an ordi nary political contest, such as we used to have in the 'better days' of the Republic. It is not a question of national bank or tariff, but a 'question of bread.' We are not battling for an abstract idea, but for freedom for equal rights for freedom from the horrors of niariul law, and for an honest administration of the Govern ment, both State and Naiional ; and above all, and beyond all other things, we winh to burst asunder the 'iron bauds of reg- Agricaliural 2ith to No vember 1st. Fair of the Carnlinas, Charlotte, N October 22ud. to 2oth. Cape Fear Agricultural Association, Willnjington, November 12lh. and 15lb. State Agricultural Society of Richmond Va., October 59:11 November 2nd. Border Agricultural Society of Virgin ia, and North Carolina, Danville, October 22nd. Maryland Institute, Baltimore, Octo ber lot. Cumberland County Agricultural So ciety, Fayeeteville, N. C, November 19ih to 22nd. New Gas den Agricultural Club Fair, New Garden, N C. October Jill. oursi I the South," pas. Old C Jcb Cushipg, uow in hia seventy third year, while iu Pari last May, devoted three houra each day to the study of French underan eminent teacher. Now, when we reflect that he baa spoken and written the French langnage fluently fW over forty years, some iJ-a of bis devo tion to study may be arrived at. If at such au advanced age he desire to acquire, as he says, "a greater felicity of exprea eion," ia anybody justified iu considering it too late" to undertake auytbing T That Debt. It is a srsall ona to ba sure, and apparei.'ly not wwi'.h a serious thought. Why not tin ii pay it T Why be com pell t-d to suffer the cf.iliCcitiwb cf a dun T Why not take lUl lilll thorn out of your finger at once 1 It will fester if allowed to remain, and can ten tim the' trouble. Why not relieve tbe con science of that little had t Yoa will feel better for it by so doing. Yea contracted the debt knowingly and willingly. Did you mean to pay it 1 Certainly yon did. Then why not do it at once I Every day 'a delay increase, morally, tba axnoaat of your obligation, lirm tuber, too, tnai . .i j ..i yjur little debt, ana a Uioaaaua auur m. m m . A men a little debt, make a little tartan) for your creditor the poor printer, for i atance. CP" Of all the love affair in lb world, says the Warren ton Gazette, noon Ca . m a surpass tbe true love o! a big boy lor Sua mother. It U a love pure and noble, honorable in the highest degree la both. I do not mean merely a datiful e flection. I mean a love which makes a boy gallant and courteous to bu mother, aaylag to everybody plainly tbt be is fairly la love whb ber. Next to tbe lore of akna baos, nothing fto crown a woman life with honor, a this second love, ibu de votion of the on to brr, and 1 never yet knew a boy to 'tarn out' bad who begaa by falling in love with hi mother. o.(Jiaa of the eye. ! . i i