:&'rlrernn the h ;. I f ff J f 1 1 t - t ll i ill ! 1 M LOCAL AStJi 8TAT23 XTBXB ; 4- SALISBURY MAJiKJtT.! COUN-70 a 72. COTTON 16( a 19. j FLOUO-t3.fll 3.M. I MKAL4-75 alBO. : IHITATOES- Irish, 87 a 40 Sweet, 50. 11ACON (country) 12(0 15 hog round. 1X3S4-12. 4 15 L C'HICKEXS 1$1.50 a f2 pef doz. LAKDM3 a 15. ! FKATlIEUS-inew, 50. TAIXOWlM 12. llVjWW a 81 t HEKSWAY fe a IlO. WlllUT flJl?1.35. BUTTfcH a ?0. DRIED FRUIT Annlea. i 36 pr. lb Peaches, mipeelcd, 84I Black berrieB, 8. - - Mr. Uhgh Jones id creating a tety liAiidioioe dwelling on Blank, betweeu Fulton and JacksoiK'atrectsji Tt" rUGltlSTiC, -Two figlije, up to tliia wriiine- Tu 8kv evening, this week. All or ; " I hands old men:, far in the decline of life - Mr. I. P. eroney'ii splendid brick re sideneeJon lnniss, between -Church and Jackflon Streaa, ia rapidly growing to completion. ' "? & - :: r i . Misi Jennie Caldwell's school commrn cfd to-day unper very favorable auspices The turn out U quite full. Wanted.- A Boy whoi can read and who is hot afraid to work, wanted at this office aav an apprentice tcf the printing business. 1 - tdp" Salisbury has some reputation for an accasibnal fisticuff, but it is very rarely that two of her old staid citizens, and "city fathers" a, that, Indulge in this puerile pastime, as was the Case a few days ago. K - A Fatal accident. pa last Satur day evening near this place, Mrs. Suan Minor was instantly killed by the N. C. llailro.id tt aid j She had a pet dog that ran out on the tract as the train was ad vancing, and in her efforts to - get ft off was struck by the engine and killed, Jon's Robinson's Circus. John Robinson, the great Shoman, will be here on the 28th October. He hajs been through here often, ind has. giveju such univrr snl patjafactior that all ekenu going peo ple will know pretty well j hat to expct KaVh i'ir, ,nk alwaysj accompanied with increased variety andj additional in terest 'See hiid advertisement. OsG.vr J. McFek This individual was arrested here last Monday, charged with coiiinterfifftiiig coin. He i one of a pang who havje been operating in Cabar- rns and adjiijitig coimticd for some time back. U. S. Deputy Marshal Boshe. is working up the cane, and promises tase- cure all the r scals engaged in; the busi- ness. j McFe was taken to Raleigh aud jailed A Chakgb. We notice by the Carol i fia Ijagk that John B. Husscy, Esq., will berrafter conduct the editorial department of thk paper Messrs. J. R. Ellis and J. II. niis.dijposingof their interest to, and yithdrawing jin favor of hitn. Mr. Hussey iliakf s a vejry (creditable debut as an editor, and we doubt not will prove an excellent new paper writer. We hejartily welcome him into the fraternity and wish him every imaginable success. A gentlemijin from Rowan, has just in I fortn ;d us that, in one day last week, six perst ns, blac k and Tvhite, died on the fJanjation of John I. Shaver, Esq., hear Salisbury.- Stakscillc American. ; We have asked John I. Shaver, Esq., about the truth of thti above, and he in orred us that there was not a word of truth iin it; that' perhaps "six persons nau itiiru on ui8 plantation tins year. j Hereafter, it will not be necessary to nders of the American. notice the el FARMERS AKD M ECIIAKIS SfiOCIA. T'OK bF N. C It is gratifying to see the interest manifested by tlie people of the mis j v-nr in uieiriocai lairs. ' rom all Quarters we recjeive prrmium liti and announcements of approaching fairs; and i4ergy and interpiise are displayed tliat nercr fil ta insure success. Thee are" thepuri.uiti of peace, and the fruita they 'a ii. yield will be amploJid beneficial j The premjam list of the above named Association has been received and is se eowcj to none that have yet come to hand. The Fair kill take place at Goldsboro, A.jU, begining Qctober 22od and con tinuing four days. . ; Travlorsville, Henry Co., Va. j Sept. :9, 1372. Mortajl.- Mr. Evan ; A. Davis, of lli ury coon y, Ya.f while attending to the fiuednig oi his Stock of horea arid mules fatally kickid by one VAjhe animals that' Re died alrabst momentei-ily ,a,fter receiv ing the riiodking blow, hisilieart and inn being crushed. JJe was, bhrn in Davids?!. Co. N. C, ia-the year 1813. He remov ed from IioWs bottom plantation on the uiyn river, in tnat county to Forsythe. Co., near Silera in 1840 tl thence to Vir. ginia where! he resided tin to th timn f J.ts uufortunjate death-of his famHy he left an aged wife au4 an only son. 1 . . Atheville Citizen pays Dr. Greene a high compUmeot u at skillful Surgeon and sue cessful cancer doctor, T)r.' Greene-will be at the National Hotel in this eitv on the first day of October.! Those whp may wish to consult him should remember the time. &r The Young Fourt I Rural w a novel ty among publications for Young People, entirely different from any other in style and chaiacter. Cash prizes are given for best "compositions" Write for a rpeci- meo number and particulars, which will be sent free. Terms, $1.50 per year $1.00 in clubs of four and more, and every subscriber - receives & pair of beautiful chromos as a gift". Splendid premiums to those who form clubs. Address II. N, F. Lewis, Publisher, Chicago Pocket Dictionary.-Webster's Pock et Dictionary, in its present shape, is a great improvement over all previous edi tions and all similar work. In the first place it is neatly printed, and bound in morocco, with giltf edges. Then it con tains 200 pictorial illustiatiom, which give a much clearer tdea ot the meaning of many words than could possibly be con veyed by the usual definition. The little Tolumn, while being no longer than an ordinary pocket-book, embraces in its vo cabulary a careful selection of over 18,000 of the most important words of the lan guage, with defiuitionssufficiently clear, though necessarily brief, to meet the or dinary wants of any ontj requiring its use. Prefixed to the work are tables of rroney, weight aud measure, abbreviations, words and phrases from foreign languages, rules ior speiung, explanations, etc. - it is in fact a most , valuable little . book, and is doubly worth the dollar it.eosts. , His very beautifully and substantially bound, with tnckS and gilt edges," The Pabltshers, Ivison, BUkcman, Taylor & Co., 13S and 140 Grand street, New York, will forward it by mail on recipt of One Dollar , or it can be brought anywhere. Th Fall Term of the Courts of the 8th Judicial District will be held, commenc iug as follows ; Jsurry, Monday. Sept 2nd. Yadkin, Monday, Sept. 16tb. . Uavie, Monday, Sept. 30th Rowan, Monday, Oct. 14 th Davison Monday, " 28th. -r Forsythe, Monday, Nov". 11th Stokes, Monday, 15th Pudiic Speeking. TJio Prrsidrntial ettctorn, F. B. McDowell and J. G. Ram jay, will arfdref8 Mie people at the follow limes and places: VViI;kesloro, Wilkes ca Boone Watauga ' Tuesday, Pep. 17. Thursday, " 10. Saturday. " 21. Mnday, " 23. Tuesday, 24. Weduesdav, " 2o. Tliursday." 26 Saturday, 28. Monday, " 30 Tuesday, Oct 1st. Tuesday. " 15. Jefferson. Ashe Sparta, Alleghany" Trap Hill. Wilkes, Dobsou, Surry Mt. Airy. Winston, Forsyth Yadkinville, Yadkin Mocksville, Davie Salisbury; Rowan i All paper? in 7jih Congressional District are requested to-copy. i 'J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Administrator's Notice. AH persona having claims againsl' the estate of A. Judson Mason dee'd are herebv notified to exhibit the same to the underrygned before the ptli Say of August. X. D. 1873. And all norsnno pindebted to said estate are requested to settle prompuy. JUHjN o. HENDERSON, Adm'r of A. Judson Mason, daZd. Ang. 8,1872. 47-6U DP ALL KINDS Furnished to order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Mill on Western N. C. K. R., twenty miles from Salisbury. : ' " ' ' s Price at mill $1. At Salisbury $1,20. Kiln Dried at Salisbury, $1,50. TERMS CASII. 47 : tfi ' r W R. H. COWAN. Threshing Machine Oil. The very best quality at the lowest price. Guaranteed not to heat, gum, or cut. Only at THEO. F. KLUTTZ & Co's. 41:tf Drugstore. PRESERVE your FRUffi We desire to call the attention of honset keepers to our assorted stock of Fruit Jars; We have the Gem, Pet, Melville, Mason's Improved, and Porcelain lined. Call and exaraino'tlie dierent jtyles, and make yonr selections.. - We offer them verylow.j We have aIo aUrdrltwbber Bands for old Jaiariwouhf caution our -Jadv friends to examine their old oneii before putting up, as fruit is often lost by usinff defective bands, , ; ".-' J : Cali before p'urehasing elsewhere.' S -i - f H1MJ. . hLUTlZ & Co., 41:tf) Druggists. ..... ' JELLY TUMBLERS wixn sciiBwiTOPs-- ; The nicest thing out for hoiifsekeepers. Cheap, (41tf)at ... KLUTfZ t Co's. SPEARS Preserving Solution. One bottle to 136 lbs. Fruit, $1. Also, Norny's Preserving Powder. -50 cts. at THEO. P. KLUTTZ & Co's. 4I:tf) Drugstore. Ilavintaken out Letters of Administra tion, wkjj AVill annexed of .Thomas Cheen dee'd., t will sell at public sale on tlie premises, 7 niires west. of Salisbury, the tract of land known as the Joe Gbeen place, containing 216 acres; ahout 75 6T whieh ia finely Umbered: the remainder fconsisTt o 'Vgdodeal C fresh ,hnd suitable for grain ind tobacco : ome ex cellent bottom land and 11 small orchard. There are two dwelling houses on it, and plenty ol water. ; jt be a4e will take- place on the Pib of Oober I8?at T2 o'clock; MI Terms one-third ah, one other third in si months, And tlio renaainder in 18 Inontiis. Title reserv ed until full pavment is made. - , V ' C. F. WAGGONER, i Au26 ?.75v". Admr,,wjth Win njm&dT THE TWQR&tTS 1 X0 3HJ3SS 2S3S32L,30 jfis.'TS?1 , . i SAIiISBTJRY, MONDAY- October . The ..' 28th;' JOHN ROBINSON'S I Great Traveling Museum, Menaqerie, '.' , Caravan, and THE GRAND INTERNATIONAL ZOOLOGIC AL tfAKDEN, POL YTECNIG INSTITUTE. MAMMOTH CIMCUS, In Four to Ten Tents, Am Hie 8pace of the Ground will ''permit, JOHN ROBINSON, Proprietor and General Director. f This gigantic Enterprise, which has been at oueniv Keorgamzeu and LauiDDcd for tho Tovel Unique and Colosal Si)ectaelek never before witnessed in the annals of 'amusement en terpnseeithef in this1 or any other age, of Twelve Cnpenor SHOWS in One, All for a Singled ice of Admission. ' In the Collection and Organization of the Museum the utmost care has been taken to grati fy and enlighten the public by presentingin One Vast Assemblage an accumulation such a has never been attempted or dreamed of by the combined tact, talent aud liberality of all other managers mA meriea or Europe. It may be interesting for the public to understand that for nearly (Two Years Mr. ROBINSON'S Numerous Agents, who are found in almost every partof the World, have beeu actively employed in procuring Curiosities for bis Great Traveling Show Some of these were put on 'exhibition for the First Time Lat fear; but they have been very largely! supplemented for the pre.sent season by New Accession and Consignments bro"htbv almost;everyj Steamer iroin Foreign l'oits which has arrived in New Yoik for the pateeiht month4. As au illustration of the Indomitable Energy of the well known I'roprietorof tbis'es. tablish(nent, it may be well to remark tbat the Exhaustles Itesourees of Europe, Asia Africa and Anricavwith the subdivsions of China, Japan, Australia, the Polar Regions, South Sea Island; Arabia. Turkey,-Siam, Circassia, Egypt, the Pacific, Antic. Indian andAtlantic Oceanr. together. with the Red Sea aud lloly Land, have all been levied into, contributing to swell the aggregate of This Single Department, which, after all, costitutes but a moietr of all tVat may he seen. H It is estimated tbat yj the Aquarium, Museum, ileuagerie and Caravan there are I 'I Twenty Thousand Curiosities. Tbia Slapendous Combination has been brought together at an actual cost to the Proprietor of More Than a Million of Dollars; whieh is ten times more than was ever invested in a single Show, i The (curiosities of the several departments represents the choicest excerpts, from the realms of Zoology, Ornilhology, Urology, Ichthyology, Couchology, Entomology, Anthropolo gy, Mechanics, Numismatics, Science, Statuary, Oil Paintings, and manv rare and exquUite productions of the Automatic and Ileliographie Arts, and so clasMtu d for this CHEAT EXHI BITION" as to challenge the admiration not ouly of Naturalists, but of Poets, Statesmen, Phi losophera and Divines. Parents, SAbbath and Public S hool Tff.rhors slionld bear in mind that No Pa'. lie Exhibition ever instituted in America all'onb-d a tithe of the Piuctkal Ees.-o .s .f Intuition which are found in this Unique Exposition ot Object Teaching. To this vast array is ad Jed, iu a Seniuro I'ulo?:;. T.r.t lapiible of holding Ti n Thousand rcopie. HIPPODROME AND CIRCUS, With One Hundred Horses, Ponies, Camels, Mules, Riding Dogs, Monkeys, Trick Horses, Klephant?, aud Filty of the Vx st Male and F male Artists in the World. If traveling by wagons would require the actual services of nearly Two Thousand Men and Iforses, it is furthermore confidently believed by those most competent to ju.ljj,., while the man agement are rery emphatic in the statement that taken in tlieareg ite, J. ROBINSON'S World's Fair has mote real aud solid attraction, merit and value, with a Greater Variety of Marvelous Features than is usually contained in Twentv Ordinary Show?. In order that the Public may be a'le to form mis coiicero we volunteer me eiaiemem mat wnicu win oe OjUaJihed atanv time thed iiiv ex penses attending JOHN ROBINSON'S EXHIBITION are three times more than the gro re ceipts of anyjof theself-styled first-class shows iu America. It is, therefore, with no ordinary degree of confidence that the management announces these Twelve tJreat Shows For Only One Price of Admission are positively the LARGEST Ever Seen On Earth. " We respedtfully solicit the attention of the reader to the following enumeration of onlv the Leading Features of the Great Exhibition, as we have not the f pace to mention the multitudinous curiosities with which the eutire Exposition so amazingly abounds: The Monster SEA LIONS, from Alaskaljnine in number, the largest weighing Two T1:ohsuk1 Pounds, consume fivehnndred pounds of fish daily ; the Egyptian Crocodile,' twenty feet long; a Den of African and South Amer ican SnakeaLthe longest one thirty feet; a Texas Steer With Three Horns and Eves- an Ediicited nog, uiai can neaa anu laiK; me jargesi r.iepnni in ine woriu actual weight Five Tons a Drove of Camels, Buflaloes, Bisons, Sacred Cattle, Llamas; Forty of the Smallest Ponies ever seen- a Rhinoceros or Unicorn of Holy Writ, one of the mo4 marvelous specimens ever imported wetght Eight Thousand Pounds, cost $15,000; a Tair of Giant OSTRICHES twelve feet hieh o...u a .nA.tkn i r :... . xr. i . ir 1 11 . t. . ' o mcr, ius,c,, ociicgai ivfoparu.i, -vusu ivnugarou, xkai ivangaroo, ol iSew Zealand; Tawnv Lion, of 2afpa; Shetland Cow, Babyronsa; the Zebu, or Ox Xuuda; Spotted Tigers, Black Tiger African Popcjiipine and Beavers, the whole forming the Most Magnificent Collection of Wild Animais ever seen at one time. IN THE ARENA " be Introduced lite Follow iny Unexampled Array of Equestrian, Acrobatic, ' Athletic and Gymnastic Talent: . : i Tle Great and Indomitable ROBERT STICKNEY, Tlie Preferred JUder of the Paris Exposition and the Champion Horseman of the World. GAORGE M. K-ELLEY, The Champion Leaper. ! j JOHN WILSON,- The Great Four-horse Rider. ( MASTER F. ROBBINS, The Dashing Somersault Equestrian. ; Mr. GEORGE SLOMAN, The Daring South American Horseman and Trainer. " COLORED BOY, LEWIS, ThcWtldund Dashing r Representative of Buralack Horsemanship and Hurdle Leaping. ' i ' .Mr ABDELL AND DAVIS, The Uncalled Gymnasts. . jM WILLIAM CARROLL, The Flying Leaper. Thf (WONDERFUL CONRADS, Acrobat?, Gymnasts and Voltigenrs . M'LLEjFRANCES, The Great Exemplar of the High School of Equestrianism. FOUR GREAT CLOWNS, Embodying gome of the Most Original in America: ! JOAN LOWLOW, the Peerless ; ARCHIE CAMPBELL, j WILLIAM CONRAD, F. ROBINSON. The HOLLAND BROTH ERS, In their wonderful Gymiwstic Specialties. t CHARLES MACARTY, Battoute Leaper and Voltigeur. ; . i 'r"P harming and Beautiful M'LLE L' AMOUR. This Eqvestrianne Eclipses any Artiste that fins made her Debt within the Charmed Circle. I M ADA. ME GERTRUDE: The Fearless and Beantiful Wild Beast Tamer. 1 M'LLE MARGARKT, Tlu. Qn. t n of the Menage. 1 WILLIAM CONRAD'S P. if.iinu.g DOGS and MONKEYS Will also be introduced, and the World is Challenged to Produce their Equals in the ra j rty of 'beir perforuiartce and tlie a!mot human sagacity which they display. ; Rprnember, a Show, tlio Equal of Which Has Never Ben Seen in u t I . Europe or America. j ' j Managed and Owned by the Veteran Sbowman of the World j Old John Robinson, tin - . ... wf ... Pae 13 a !nre P"rantee that the PuLIic iiiomon; ever witnessed in oALlbisLK i . JtfaTREXEMBER the Day, Mokday Oct. 28tb JBST ADMISSION TO ALL 75cW CHILDREN (under 10) 30cU. IPerfbrmances at 1 and 7:30 o'clock Daily. .JC-XSUIJCRT Hippodrome, Combined witii .a Vast. an approximate conception of the magnitude of will witness theFinet and Met Elaborate and SCnEEI.YG.1Iaclilnct, THRESHING MACHINES & Several varietiav on wheel or without ) CIDER AIIO WINE MILLS the handiest thing out. . ... I APPLE AKD PEAGH PAP.EBS, Corert and SlicersliW wvern. , We warrant all these articles toirsatufac tion or no sale. f CRAWFORD A HEILIO. 42 tf - . "i ' THE. AMERICAN If BUTTON-HOLE. 0VERSEAMINQ AND Complete Sewing, MACHINE. The first and only' BIJTTON'-IIOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that has made iu adrt nt in ihis or any oilier country. jtz7 The following reuoru are given why uiu u me oesi Family Machine fo PurUuise. Decaaae it wili do, 7. Iecaue von 1. ran everytbing that any oia- unickly rineor lowerthe chine CHn do, sewing feril to adapt it to thick ur from the tiuest to tlie thin clot Ii. coarsett material, hem-' H. Because yoa have a ining. felling. corJtnsr, hon deep bobbin bv braiding, binding, gath-i which tlie thread ia con- ering uud aewing on, at PUntly tliawn from the the same tune ruminir. ceutre ; tlie tenaton ii quilting, etc.. better tbaoioonsequently even and any other m.chiue. ,uoesnoibjca the thread. 3 BecauoetUe tension! 9. Boca use the preaaer ae more easily adjusted 'foot turns back: that the than any other machine, cloth can be easily re- 3. Because it can work.movad after beinKeea ed. a beautiful button-hole. I 10. Because (lie beet making at fine a pearl an mechanics pronounce it by the hand. t he best tiniahtd and A. Because it will em- made on the best princi broider over the ele, pi- f any machine- man- making aneat and beau-lul.icUrea. It baa Do' tiful border on any gar- iprins to break; noth-I ment. ing to pet 'ut of orJ';r. j 5. Be cause It will work I ll. Becnnw it la two i a beautiful eyelet hole, jmachinesiu one. A Bit- 6. Because it can i!o,ton-imle Wokkinu aud I over-hand acannng, by'SewiNo Machise com which aheeta. pillow caa-fbined. ea and the like are sew ed ; over and aver. No other Machine can accomplish the kind of sewing slated in No. A, 4, 5, and ti. Partiea lining a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all tlie improve ments. It is to last a LIFETIME, ani therefore one is wanted that will do the mo-t work and do it the best: and thi- machine on do several kinds of sewing not done n any other machine, I uesiueu iying every kiuu mat an ouiers can Uo. mg every Tlie American or Plain Setting Machine iVVithotlt the button-hole parta), doea all tbat is one on tlie Combination except button-hole and overaeanuiig. ME HONEY & BRO., Acts. Salisbury, N. C. Examine thcra before purchaing any other Sewing Macbine. I do not hesitate tosv the American romh'rn- 1 tion. surpasses all nthi-r inacliinc. Ht-aiuea doitiff all the work that otber Biarlin can. it ow't-nu. aud wnrki lntton-!io!os in any fabric, from Swi muslin, to Beaver cloth I have uned SinperV. Sloatn", Howe's and the Weed machine, and bad the American far superior to them all. Miss M. rttTLrrct. I have nscd six different Pcwing Machines. Tin American surpasses them all. Mks. A . L. IUlNET. I have n fed The Jinscr and uther tnachinea and would not excbanKV the American for any. Mrs. II X. Ckinclk. Sai.isuiuT. X. P.. May 22.1. 1S72. Mekoxky ABko., gt. American corn. s. M. Sir : I h ive used tl c Howe, Sinrcr. Wheeler A W'ilsou, ViiooxA Gfbba Scwinp mar.inc. and would not give the American Combination lor all of tlim. it will do all tLat ia claimed for it in tin circular. I consider It xiipcrior to all others 1 have ever seen. Very I-jH.'ctfiillv, Mrs. Gko. W. Uabcinsok. Wethe undersigned take great pleasure in giving our teatimouy in favor ot tlie American bewing Machine ip picferfixe to any other, bcllc virc tl.Mt in it truthfully rerninineinlcd an the tet machine made. Uiu iniile. durable, rune very light an! does not gel out of order or drop .-titehes. Mrs. I.AVKA M. OVKRMAK, " A . L. Foi-t, J. Alun llacws, " A . W. N'oKTHEUN. ' A . K. .Iones, il. K. 1'uomaso.v, We Lave seen flaniins advertisements and heard mneh aaid by tgei.tsot other mac hi nea. We will forfeit one humlrcd dollar to the con tending party, if after a trial l.c!ore cuu iirtviit jmlfres the American Machine will nut do as well. if not better, the work done on a nv other machine. and do valuable work that uo oilier machine can do. We have been Agents for Sewine; Maehines since 1356. have sold Singer' a. Lad Webster 8, At water' and Florence's, aud Lave abandoned all for the A merican . Send and get sample of work. 27:ly MEUuN'EV & BItO., AjfU 4, , , A IHSUHE YOUR LIFE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILA.. S. E. Corner Fourth and Valnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,864.88. GEORGE W. HILL, President, JIHIX S. WILSON. Secretary. BOARD OF TR USTEES. . ALEXANUKU VrillLhKN. Hox. .JX. POLIiOK, I. EDGAR THOill'.suN, (;i;o. MJOKNT. ALbKKTC. liOBKKTS, 1MIILU' It. MINtil.i: HON. A. G. CA1TKI.L, ISAAC IIAZLKUCUST, L. M. W1JII.LDKN, HKNitV K. DKXNF "i GEO. W. HILL, JAS. L. CLAGIlOKX, JXO. WAl'XAMAKKP Issues all forms of Life ami Endowment 1'olicies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES N0N-l'l)i:i'i:iTAItl.K. 1TIK AMERICAS' ha been in active nperati tn for f!--r'r a nf a c try, ha bco ffoveruod aad cotitrdl(4i by gcKtleir.ea ditn '-'. d !: ui ,r 1 .,uc nwjucje aad cmiiiorcial probity, and ha leen eminently m ci c t'.l. It tia-s met iti obli'ition with rigoal ?-rrniptiif. nnl ii a tnnt lilwral pir t. Atnongrit ia-uriii)r menibera, th Company lm- iL - .' i.mi ' .. .. r f the mot eminent and lcadin men. in profi"-i4ua ad clura, tv.r.tie! - m .,f;b Cavoiiu. Reliable A genu vaaUui, who should apply by letter v. t.. r-.n i. W WAY. CvulAffcst. ' StatcaHtk. N C Or toCvl ST. CLAtB DbaiiQ, 6upt-Airent. Wilmir..n, N C. mar l .Tkly fa o S cj Tv--IS 2 - rs Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. Ixcorporatei., CAriTAI-. $250,000 J. RHODES BIIOWNF., JWrfoU, D, F. WILLCOX, Studary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted Aud rromptly Paid in Full! Property owners desiring to obtain reliable la arance will do well to protect theotMlve by securing a Poiicy in '' Georgia Home I iMuraece Co." Agenciea at proruibeat oioU in ail the Southern Sute. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, Office Xo. 2, Granite Row, April 2 , '72. ly S.lUbory, X. C. 0 WALTER A. WOOD. Reaping and Mowing Machine. The li;;htct, not stiH.intiil and cheapeet Implement made. Fully wnrranted. Tbrexlung Machines and Home Power of variouapalU-nU,uch atbec.-lebraled Alamance aid JkiUuuore povur. Send in vnr order. J. H. THOMPjsoN, 41:Zmr. Tyro. IHvidn Co., N. C. J. F. RUECKERT, MASONIC HALL, tfo. .17 ami .10 .TIarLet St., WILMINGTON, H. C. PIANOS 9 UKGAPJS OF THE IlKST Zieadinf XaCtorict in tbe T'tiitinl Plate. ntivi.j , e i t t STY LKS and PKICUS to aoit purcbaitcr ttii-lantly on band and for Bale. All ind'iccmenti una!lv held out by Northern M ji.u.'.nlun r- can only be had in the State ul the almve place. QUO. WOOD'3 & CO'S. FAIL LOR and VESTRY OB.aAX7s ! They arc jrr- enuuevl fr I heir Chirm i)ff Solu Sh s, Utility an! Purity ff Tut'C, KU jiiit Ihiijn tunl Fin ish. In fact I hey surjmss ANY OHGAX Heretofore known or introduced in this cily. Call, Hear and See Them! All Instrument Warranu-d fur Five Year. tJ-IMAN'oS TUN Kl A Ml UKPA I Htl. A choice dcleilioii i.f Shott Music on hand and for aale. J . F. K I Ft ' K F.HT. uay iIl-37-tf Wiiuiington, N. C. D0 yoTlove W. ir. ana la-ting pcrlurne, with arrest variety of cilur t xirjit fur the hamiker chief, includwic ail kind of toiltct article, at C. P.. 1:AI:K1:I: A-rcrs Drug Store. 1 0 j ou w.h to t uj.", a piHjJL Muoke ? Tbeu XJ try ..cue uf the gcuuiae Havana Cigars just received C. K PARKER Jt CO'S Dm Store. NO. 1 TANNERS O'.I, Magic and J r.i:i-i arci:t Machine Oil at low price at C.K. HA IiKFRjVi CP'S ImC Store 'K PKSPK'TFCI.I.Y call the attention ? I if 1 'liy-iri;n-, M r bnnb' and tbeiHiblic gciu raiiy to our wen selected stock ot Drvys, Chcinicils, Paints, Oils, Vui i, i shr. llritshr. Dye StitjTs, J.'nnj.--, J.'inip Fix! ares, dc, de. VI.L (( )! u ;'rrit!.:ed, pure, fresh and pinuinv. and j-ri'-c-; to uit tbe time. All orb'r rcnn'ly attended to. KapenaT care and attt iiiin civen to our prefer ipli on de partment. c. ii. p. i:ki:i: a Co., iinit, i'Succr to Jxu. 11. I!v.m,) 21 tf SalM.urv. N. C. fillip I ! . , AMI mmt ' Xoel J. Krtece.' Rowan within VwtT4nrm1e wktuf thtaMunBtoofloa bi,exclnirar th da U wh atrrice, ami aaer U.c ,a.i4ik mhUh baa been drjwittd im the ufJccf Use dtrW the Superior t'twrt for lujwan o'm pU : ai.d Li him tale notice-llat if ,efl;j t6iUr nt aaid complaint nitf.in that time, pJmitf will uke jodjrment airsliut Lisa fora.W ref dejnaAded io the eoajr Uui.t. ", s. Herein fail out, axJ of lLL euffiaow' oait uu rvtarb. - - Given onder ray ni tH rx!5 coort, tbia lOUt day f Av.mt, 1K72. - 45; CL$i?Upa"" CWt J2" tWf. J steTvaud VA 1TKD,i For Daridaon Collie. Apj lr t II G MeDawel!, En, or Her. Wp, W. PHrV; Mt. Moome, N. C., cr to Yrvf. Y. ' JT! Martin, Itarear, at th Clle FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. da.wi Ltc, vi rci.-via: To the plantc ra rfVi'r-Vnta ir. 3 Carolfrof atid the bulk of the T.A.a.T-n crep um:U Ul,s den It or duty to eipr.-wi Br Ihal fr fW patroaafl etuadd to out U 4irizg ikm year. We do toteouiplam, better! frtmtir a. ix.urap d by the pri.u.sUuu 4 Uude Cit by ci Uui won, asd wh:Je fnr rir rabUjb- tneata nay bare aoM rar T.W th&n w. nao bare nado bvtter to -at'-ly, treulr arerago tLaa we bare. , VT Our average fur the moLlh Y.tj; tt f 14 H. Z " " J"e. - 1351 " " Jalr. 44 - y Oar market daring the j car Ua leeaaLra lyouejaafl bju tca tua lid by te4if3t and firmuea uiarpaK d l i,.ktt.Btb HUte; r.d iu r! w r t: st!t u atuniv of t! e growlug crop. w mirlw Uf.M tnsrket the beJauM of their old crop aj lr m practic-able. Our iwnk.r partner havii t I. tbeboVie for a term of year, enr uireP. (frffctcttTiT material ibar.p m th aim , f the "Srm.) will be con Jutted iu tb- arue tbcie-M t:iaabev aa heretofore j and a ilii tU Lui.- cvlarpeil. j4 improved we cau J-ij j :,r frjetsda aad the puM.c. CTeralJr.'n aa'alit i:ix.f tidr pat roc. are, that we can of cr th-m a r4 ne crnntnrtdatione aod Mnr th-jn a -f -i)Hy and aatiafactohly a aiyut U-r bwue iaiUutuie. Parties i.Linr ti ci.J u UA ;.rc .an da w. ir rail, and it ;J1 t.ii.c: .lei .arjre. an! ret:n?snc f;uin tVr rc t free hxpre r mil. Wcii jtrvi.ua qiuck teaaraa atlbe ruie an now iua'i Lke prurftvud. 7 b-n run c.m- ti t n. 'n u (All. iiCTcniNGs.TiinM Af . p.Tirrfr. lTf.prWra. Itamttlle. lu.,.4Qwt:tJk 4..lnv Wm. Ilowzrr. M. A. VvjZIiZ NATIONAL HOTEL,'" A First Class House, situated in the center of the City; Tlii well known I.,!p! Vn r:.r-d l.M and i now in Trch .'Tt-V. H.e tmrrlin liblc may nt aurrd that ibry will rrviT ririt Class Accomodations. The Price rt-culated to iit il, limoa Tl. Table will be upd-d iih tttcbcH ibiiiarkrV afiorda. The Ir uruiiuie and Lti... r. V and tbe room Imvk ail a.rv. OOtI.ST.nLlo.iiict,-dM, ihellon Prif Otunita and Parrs?. . fre- of i,rmt. HOUHK a HttlfJLw" The ondcrMned wuU rvfxif,.il mk bia frieixla to uff Otc tJiihy, a tie k.t b tit iulbe Mancicn II.- '. -i j.i . t ; 1 1 eaia, lib tb.it eip rid iv be " ' e -.i;. i,;vd in Hav ing entire atifsctin vull lv vlrtn. I!f ciiatomerr arc rcjctfolly invitd to call at the National. W. A. nAVS. r. RBTCB f ILL. FIRM HAYS L SILL ' Druggist t Apothseariea, sAiiisBTxmr, ii. a ' f Havinp pnrcliavrfl the con?nt t( tb Drag 8 ton; formrlr v-cnpie! by Ir. Kdwird Sill. Wr rcfpoctfnlly cll tl at tention of thff (litiren 4 Haliabury anl the earroandin cnatitrr, t th! new tr ranpemenl, and inform thm ibm ill continue to carry on the biMnfi an lhe fme place, nnd the aa;e cmrcl'cnt war. We will endeavor to keep mi .ihA all the Tarionp poode the people may iteed er tainin to onr line, and thnf.re hep by strict attention t buiucF. ti recetro a liberal fatronaro. Physician's Orders Prompt ly Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded ly nlialle and competent l)rvgyiU day or night. 43 lr SII.n.HO.XN lor ii vokci:, Stlr'.tr Ci'Dit, Jv i i La-;ra ( l.artc plainlilf, , iiffntitM ' Tboma Franklin Cbnnc, ' d f.Ttdant. i STATK OK N0T:TII C MOLINA Tj tht SKTiJ of You are I t by a mw. a- t.j Jj?' e heretofore b-n, to nrim' n Tt"r'-st ' .'rk ,:ti Chance, the dt Irndaiit altc riaiu d, if if found within joi.r cui ' tr, tr ri a.jar ih f -re the Judr in.i a- . u lm In fur ibe x inly .f I! : i i.e i;-llc.tv VatMurr, rn tl.c fM:rib Mfi J f :fur .!.. t: '. '. Mndir in St t'nf-rr n- it. .rd w. r'?' i ra.liiil wl.ii-ii i p.-.r f U-l H t'tc t rf i.lrrk of ibe S., ii r m.n,UH CHily. and i' l ll- .i-i '' . f.l n.i i t i )!' kai U La fail a t ai.'' r ! . .j.iicl I.irir.g th m it T rm. tl... ! ii ff iM, ,3 . 1 . tn'br".rt for lb r-li f lui .U-! ii. . . mf'tiii.f. lli-tcin fil tt-tt, i il.i 'umnMiia wak due riliirn iTtn uii..r n, u4 lU tal rJLtd L'sU l, I i.f 1 . .. u J 1 A i.-l-t, Ictl. f A. l. l DJ.N, ! ,i rli - ' t f v.,. r;r i .iM.t NEW J. L. ELLIOT c Co. , . MaiiufMctiin m of Cotton Gins. Vinnlori s. V. 4V5m pd J Km 1 .X tl A

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