1 JfiMWWWIBMHMMMMMaBMjM 1J ! .. " ' ' -f . - - ateiung place gossip. Jfcie time is Spent alike yrhlt$ Sl phurmat full tfrtss gleans Ukgging Set to MusicPlain 0irls. rnrranntirlnt of tlm $f uldogton Patriot, writing from White fettlbbw Sprangs. West Virginia, gives an W1 nuance; thr painted beauty or T McCanley, Conservative. -interesting faccouiU of life at the Sprang J "asocial instrosive bore. But isn't the 23tj district CaUrrus an, X7 extract the following from a recent Utters After a juccssfol season of over two months the stream of health and pleasure seekers have commenced to peek their patient spring Saratoga as and turned their laces Hiomeward to bound commence again, after a short respite, the same fashionable invuiues wmcn tney came nere to parti cipata In, (and which they bad a perfect right to do,) under the guise, be it knowu of,"! healthy-seeking and a little creation "yon know." from the labor worry and wears of a city life. But I have bad my ye on these recreation seekers watch log them and made a note on 'em" and their mode of recreating." You may not believe it, but it is done nevertbless, that .ri - ,i t fltLlthv fat and healthy ?X some yonng lean come here and danced themselves lean ble dissipation o'uights, and when the sun was in his 1 tenith. too. But T suppose what fashion, in ber inexorable will, dicta Kiwmi vociuicMi iuwiriUEUttiiw nmt llhtUt. -n-1 1 ; -liter I have little time to indulge here iere in mture s i weet restorer, balmy sleep, and just time enough barely to swallow their victuals, certainly not time sufficient to masticate their food properly with their patent i vories for healthful nutriment, Reading their Bible and saying jtheir prayers there is no time for until they arrive borne and get "good" again. The beauty and belle who rise in the ;mornine at eight, get down to breakfast at nine, finisb breakfast a romeoade m toe parlor eraau pw axxa tilTeleven, then go into the ball room and dance the ' german " or hugging set to music for two hours; (9 P. M.,) then dress for dinner and down at three j finish at iVcloek, promenade in the parlor un til 3, then drive or walk till ball-past six ; dress for Supper! and ball by half-past seven supper by eight ; promenade in the parlor or flirtfin the piazza till nine 5 ia oul .w lue s.0 Ibedance until eleven , thengood b; mMl rtfa,n ver as dead cam ul, or, what - . i . O .! naarlv oa nniloDirahln will nnlo nnm- at the door, and get into bed by twelve o'clock, "witching hour of night," and then percbanee to sleep or dream, or have a white sulphur nightmare until seven or eight o'clock in the morning. This is the way ' the beaux and belles spend jheir lime at the Greenbrier White. Can you discover a loop-hole for ''recreation 1" This not the mode sensible or discreet people spend precious time here, but in a far more rational; way; Hut jam satis. Every Wednesday nigbtthere is a fall dress ball by mutual understanding of the pit-a-paters, shufflers, and " jry risters, Rut there is bardlv anv nerceDtible dif ference between Wednesdsy night 'hops" than any other of the six dancing nights In the week in the matter or manner of dress as observed by the "boppists. With, several a full ires ball may mean full dressed up to the throat, and with others just the reverse. If a full dress means an open one half way down the back, exposing the charms of the spinal column in punk naturalib'us, and two yards of the skirts weeping the floor, which vuKuur wvucDvr bc, ue uu iuc oiuer end, then you see a "full dress" in all its naked deformity or ingenuity. Rut in the matter 01 aress peopio ao nere as tney piease. xuey can go in iuu aress, as ae scribed above, or in undress, which I think . . ' , . ... - f- r J -i I certaiuly more full than the other; howt lull M n IIIUIHTI IV SI 1 Ifll M I II IT I m I II I 1 nill i.v t k .u t , j X t,on of their brains in their beela why they t k. u j y i ai ii i rays find plenty oflady -partners, provided they dance well. They ( BlcFlimseys) never A Tl, irT7"i: discriminate in a ball-room between a dan- ting buffoon and the polished, cultivated gentleman of brains. It would be an in vidious distinction which they cannot make without. i .t . . ... . souls ! Hut to be en regie, and the elegant a - , - - - thiner ladies admirA in a hull ronm. ia tn go in a claw-nammer coat, (black vest and nants. whita cravat and whit u trlmrea Arrayed in these; with a clean shirt som&l mAi :rt-A .:.u - n... iner toneua and an abundance of nonsen sical small talk, you are bound to succeed: tn tne smiles and affections of the oppo- sit sex in a watering place room, it not bar room. It may not be out of place to mention a quaint circumstance indeed, I fear the thing occurs too often to be now called quantiness of a young fellow who caught ber with bis heels, by weaving! the "poetry of motion (so-called) into an enchanting webb of fascination in the eyes of a fair young Baltai3rean here a few years ago. ; lie bad ' nothing in the face of God's earth to recommend him other than he dressed well and was a match for Madame Celeste in a waltz, of the bus ging "german. His danciner, in her eyes was perfect Itself and irrestible. Of course he married him, silly young thing that sne was. v Bus ber eye have been opened since to bis virtues, and she now values the husband of ber bosom at the standard of bis true merits. She sowed the wind in the mazy waltz, and she is now reapinc the whirlwind. "Whv wilt ' girls make fools of themselves 1 " is a ques tion often asked,! and will continue to be until the end of the chapter. Let Lord Dundreary answer thatconundrum ; but I (ant afraid bis answer will be, "that is something no fellow can find but, yon know until after they are married. Plain girls Lava not much chance here of ever becoming belles. They do uot appear to be properly appreciated by the light-heeled gentry. (And between you and me, I don't think the aforesaid girls lost much; it's all on the other side.) When I say "plain girls' I don't mean those who are dressed until they looked arrayed in all ihe rainbow, (their faces roughed dp au natural, eye brows and r eye lashes dying, and, who sail under false colors generally, patent ivories in cluded. Plain, unpretending girls are the very ones who get married first, from the fact that that bail bells hi at the mercy and is beset by every snob and bora of society, and their time monopolized by the social pest without brains. And sensible marrying men are thus thrown more into the society of "plain girls," and thus discover their true worth. The con sequence and, natural result of these com- miugliugs of the sexes w that the plain guia innajm warry ucucr snu nap pier I than ilia painted ball room beauties, who cultivate their mirrors more than their brains inkier the delusive idea that bean ty is erery thing in a woman in the nine- teeth cent ory. I don't know which is the !wffVPum. joy of every hose: noia IMMENSE WHEAT FARMS. Everything seems to be on a grand scale m California. The biz trees have for some time been classed with the won ders of the world. Now thy are, accord ing to the San Francisco JDulltten, rivaled by the vast wheat farms. That journal declares that there are three wheat farms in the San Joaqniu Valley, with areas respectively by 36,000 acres, 26,000 and 17,000 acres. On the largest- of theao farms the wheat crop this year is reputed to be equal to an average of forty bushels to the acre, the yield running up on some io me acre, me yieia runn ?uts of the farm to sixty rodaet of u,is farm fotl 1,444,000 bushels. Tl bushels- The the present year The boundary on one side of this farm is about seventeen miles long. At the season of plowing, ten four-horse teams were attached to; gang i i e i ! f,wp "acu tjaviujj iur piowp r I twuM mssaMisuuiG, hiu Kaiu. iwuun- ing in close succession. . Lunch or dinner I was servea at a midway station and supper at toe terminus ot tne held, seven- j teen miles distant from the starting point. The teams returned on the following day. Tk . i. - -. i i.s : t.i . . x uo nucai ia mis iiuiscusq sua ww cut i with twenty of the largest reapers, and, we believe, has now all been thrashed and ' ?? " wtIw,u H j .1 . ' r , . wheat raised on this farm to foreign .market. &ven tne sacjes required would make a large jhole in the surplus fnoney of most tarmets. We nave not tue hgnres touch, ing the product of the other two farms ; but presume that the average is not much below that of the first. There are ;thou sands of tons of wheat which cannot be ..1 L .t II 1 -J is nearly as undesirable, will only com mand Advances at heavy rates of interest. Plowing Twice fou Wheat. A rnrrnondpnt writ pa ; If any one will break bis ground deeply and thoroughly two or three times during the spring and summer, tne extra amount ot wneat per acre will pay tor plowing and leave a handsome profit besides. I have tested this practice several times with most sat isfactory results. in 1869 I had a field like fertility. I ex f of sixteen acres of pected to plant half the field in corn, but for sose reason I did not. Iu the half that had been broken the weeds 1 grew more rapidly. Consequently I broke it again the 20th of June. On the! first of September following I plowed the entire field and sowed in wheat The result was as folows : The half which had re- ceivea ouiy a single plowing yielded per 1 1 acre thirteen bushels and eighteen pounds; the half that received three breakings yielded per acre twenty-three bushels and forty pounds, which made a difference of i more man ien Dusneis per acre. At one dollar per bushel this would pay for the extra plowing and leave a net profit of six dollars per acre besides, i j;ouui.K ijs xioKsjss. 1 sena you a Podsdee in Horses. I send I m m -m - . i receipt lor iounaer in norses. it is a mmm. M f BMAAI m . A ' I I. m. ' A L 1 horse's tongue ont of his, mouth as far LOMible. Ja thraw tW fllnm ... as bis WT ' til h." .w.ll" i .T, I - - -. - uuu.s time no matter how bad the founder, be will be nt for modderate service. have seen this remedy tested So often with perfect success, that I would not ujaao c uuimio uiunc icq iu i UOrBc w mum . Life accordng to the arabic proverb, is composed of two parts, that whieh is Pa8V.a dream lnd lhat WD8CD 18 10 come la wian. IJXLiJN JUHAJj AbblijMBIi X senate. 1st district Currrituck, Camden Pas quotank, liertford, Gates, Chowan and Perquimans, C Wirandy, Jr.' John L. Chamberlain Republicans. 2nd district Tyrrell, Washington, I Martin, Dare, Beaufort and Hyde! John 1 C Eespess, H Stilley, -Republicans. 3rd district Xorthamhpton and Ber tie, 6 D Holloman, Republican, i 4th district Halifax, Henry Eones. col'd Republican. 5th district Edgecombe. Alex McCa- I be, Republican. ' 1 6tb district Fitt, J 3IcCotter, Repub ,,Cr.-,. . . .1 . in aisinci nson, iNash and rank lin, Wm. K Davis, Jno W Dunham, Conservatives. ' I . 8th districtCraven. A S Sevmonr. Republican. 9th district Jones, Onslow and Car teret, James G Scott, Conservative!. 10th district Duplin and Wayne, W A Allen, L W Humphrey, Conservatives. 11th District Greene aud Lenoir, R W King, Republican, ltfth district New Hanover, Geo L. Mabson, col'd,' Republican, I 13th district Brunswick and Bladen. G N Hill, Republican. j 14th district Sampson, C. Tj Mur phey, Conservative. 15th district Columbus and Robeson, John W Ellis, Conservative. I6th district Cumberland and Har nett, W. C Troy, Conservative. ? 17tb district Yake, James H Harris, lyinuistriet barren, Jobn Ally man. col'd, Republiean, 20th district Orange, Person and Cas well, John W Norwood John WfCunn ningbam, Conservatives. ; I 21st district Granville Bourbon Smitb Republican. I 22nd district 5uatiamj R J Powdl Conservative; ) 23rd district Rockingtam, J T ?Iore bead, Conservative. 24th district Alamance and OaiSord, s . n m ' ii .. ! i. .i - i H , , rr u m mmm mmm mm wmm JaT Morebcad, Jr., WJ Hurray, Con BerTail?e S5th district IUndolph and Moore. J M Worth Conservatives. -;; : etkh district Richmond and Monto metf tU TXong, Republican. 7 th distract Anson and Union CTll and Stanley, J 0 Earnhardt, Conservative, 29th district-Meckledburg, U P War ing. Conservative. 30th district Bowan and Pavje, Char les Price, Conservative, 3 1st district Davison, John T.Cramer, Republican. 32d district Stokes and Foray the, J M Stafford, Conservative. 33d district Surry and Yadkin, A O Cow les, conservative. 34th district Iredell, Wilkes, and Al exander, Tbos A Nicholson, Phineaa Uorton, conservatives. 35th district Alleghany. Ashe, Wat auga, W B Counceil, conservative. 36th district Caldwell, Burke, Mc Dowell, Michell and Yancey, W W Flem miog Gudger, conservatives. 37 th district Catawba and Lincoln, James R Ellis conservative. : 38th district Gaston and Cleaveland, V J Milller, conservative. 39 the district Rutherford and Polk, ' .1 ., ... aruu wauer, repuoncan. t . n . . ' i 1 ting, x.. I'iernmou, conscrTail TC (41st. district Haywood, Henderson, and Transylvania, W P Welch, conserva tive. i , 43d jdistrict Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokee, Clay and Graham. W L. Love. ' conservative. Republicans 18 5 Conservaties 39. i i FOB HOUSE OF KPBXSEXTATIVES. Alamance Grant, eon, Alexander J M Carson, ind 'Alleghany Anson & T Bennct, eon. 'Ashe Squire Trivett, rep. Beaufort Samuel Carson, rep. Bertie F C Miller, rep. Bladen A F Perry, rep. limns wick- BuncombeT D Johnston, Burke Pinkney Warlick, con. Cabarrus Sbtnn, con. Caldwell Ed Jones, con. Camden Simeon A Jones, rep, Carteret Silas Webb, con. Caswell T J Foster, Geo W Bowe, reps. Catawba R B B Houston, con. Chatham J M Moring, llanna, cons Cherokee Chowan John L Winslow, rep. Clay Anderson, con. Cleaveland John W Gidney, eon. Columbus V V Richardson, con. Craven-I B Abbott, E R Dudley, reps. S ! Cumberland G W Bullard, con., T S Lutterloh, rep. ! iCorrituCk - James M Woodhouse, con Dare-Oliver N Gray, rep. ; i Davison J T Brown, John Micbeal, reps. ; S Davie Charles Anderson, con. Duplin J jo B Standford, -i , cons. Edgecombe W P Mabson, Willis Bunn, reps. Forsythe W H Wheeler, rep. Franklin John H Williamson, rep. - Gaston-William A Stowe, eon. Gates Robt H Ballard, con. Granville Rith G Snetd H, T Hughes reps. . Graham I Greene i Guilford Joseph Glimer, Wiley, cons Halifax Jno Bryant, J J Woodwyn, reps. ! Harnett J R Grady, con. Haywood H P Haynee, con. Henderson James H Blythe, rep. Hertford James Sharpe, rep. Williams, Stevenson, cons. Jackson. Johnston Wm. H Joyner, Jesse Hiu pant, cons. Jones Jacob Scott rep. lnior Stephen Lassiter, rep. Lincoln- A J Morirson, con, Macon J L Robbinson, con, Madison ; Martin McDowell Mecklenburg Jno E Brown, S W Reid, eon. ! Mitchell J W Bowman, rep. , Montgomery Allen Jordan, rep. Moore Dr John Shaw, con. Nash Lindsey, eon. New Hanover James Heaton. Wll Ham H McLaurin, col'd, Alfred Llody, wu, reps. 1 Northampton Burton H Jonesrep. Onslow J W Shackleford, con. Orange Pride Jones, Jones Watson, cob. Pamlico, Pasquotank, F M Godfrey, rep. Perquimans, J R Darden, rep. Person. Montfort McGehe. eon. j Pitt, WmP Bryant, Guilford Cox, reps. t ! Polk, N. B Hampton, rep. A j Randolph J W Bean, Harrison Fra aier, reps. Richmond, Robert Fletcher, eol'd, rep Robeson, W S Normeot; T. A McNeil cons. I Rocbingbam, David Settle, A B Jones cons. f- ; Jiowan. F N Luckey, Kerr Craige, eon ! pervaiive. Rutherford, Eli Wbitsnant, rep. Sampson ; J R Maxwell, Bryant cons. gtanly Stokes, J GH Michell. con. Sorry, Harrison M Waugb, con. Swain Transylvania Tyrrell, Bertlet J ones, eon. Union Gorman, Stewart EUiaonu col. Rtfb S Perry, reps. Warren, Goe H King, J Wm U Pas cbali, reps. U Washington, D CGuyther, rep. "Watauga- Way ne, J C Rhodes, E. GCoxidand, reps. Wilkes, A U Bryan, T J DIa, reps, Wilson, H C Moss, con. radkin,JG Marltr,con. Yancey.- TRIUMPHANT! S3" CD UPWARDS OFFIFTT FIRST PRE MIUMS and GgU and Silver Medals were awarded to Chales M. Stieff for the best Pianos In competition with all the leading manufactur ers of the country. Oflce and TXew Warerooms, No. 9 North IrUrti Sl, ZAITIXOJIE, Md. The StieCs Pianos contain all the latent im provement to be found in a firt-o!aas Piano, with additional improvements of his own in Tentioa, not tor bo found in other inftrntne ntn. The tone, touch and finish of their instru ment cannot be excelled by any manufactur ed. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos always un hand. from I7& to $300. Parlor and Church Organs, some twenty dif ferent styles en hand from $50 snd upwards. Send tor Illustrated Catalogue, contaiuing names of over twelve hundred Southerners (five hundred of which are Tlrgi&ian, two hundred North . Carolinians, one hundred and fifty East Teunesaeansi and others throughout the South), who hsve bought the Btieff Piano since the close of the war. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, 22:40t Salisbury, N. C. Valuable House and Lot FOR SALE. I wish to sell ray House 6c Lot situated on lonias street, fronting four hundred teet. The Lot contains four acres, or one square of the town, the House is a twelve-foot story, and contains six rooms, besides a base ment eook-roem of brick. Kitchen. Smoke house, Lumber room and Wood honse. also a first-rate Well of water with a brick Dairy 8x 16; a large Barn, sheded on two sides 30 k 20, with a20 foot square threshing fliKr; three acres of the lot is we'.l set in clover; also an excellent garden. An person wishing a Yaltialle Lot, would do icell to give me a call at once as, 1 am determined to sell a barqutn. Ii. J. WEST. ang 6th 72; 47: 4t R. W. Pkice. T. J. Price PRICE & BRO. Have Removed THEIR AMILY GROCERY "STORE TO JENKIN'S CORNER, Wlwre they will continue to Sell Flour. Meal, Fresh Meats. Bacon. Lard. Butter. Eggs. Coffee. Teas. Sugar, Salt, Pickles, Mo- asses, ice, together with a large and varied stock of household aud table necessities. Bring yonr country produce to PRICE & BUG. (17:tf) FOR SALE. TWO SMALL TRACTS OF LAND from four to five miles of Town, containing WOOD and MEADOW, with a part cleared nnd in orchard. If not sold before the fih of Julr next it will then be told at Public wile. Arpfv to J. K. BUKKll Air't. ' May IT, 1S72. St:3o. 3JIAK K HAY V While The SUN SHINES. respectfully pivo notice t the farmers that 1 am Atrunt fur tl (Vl.Uruti-.l fiXT CKEYE Motcer.und Iicawr and Stccensta les TU RES II En. Manufactured by C. Aultman A Co.. Canton. Ohio, and I repct fully request thoe in need of anypr either of these Machine, to call'sml see me, and get a Book giving full instructions and prices. Tfce fcareity of laborers and the high price of Hay, Ac, make these Machines a necessity. Please bring or send me yonr orders as soon as possible. J. K. BUKKE, 3l:tf Salisbury, N.C. ROWAN MILLS ! THE proprietors of thee justly celebrated Mills are in the market for tVIIEAT .nH solicit calls from all who Save it to sell. Ther patf me ntgHcsi market ecu price. Flour! Flour!! They also solicit orders for Floor. They manufacture four different grades of Flour, raoginjt Best Family, Family, Ex tra, auu auper. iwy ais sor.cu oraers ior iran. Thev exchauce. or rrind Tor toll. u mnv K aesrrea. EMMERT, BEOS & CO. 3Ih6inp'd Dewaro of Counterfeits ! JOB HOSES' "VaiWiil ' stentiwmlp oocariBVBiTio. DUmm4t Drum, ftf mmdmm tan nth. count Tftiu tommk rrtmtr TAt. Tkw rmriiM km tJu Mm of A M ea Zmch pmekmre. AU0tMer mrt inHUm muiuwm. The tliuin PIUs tn nnfailinc in tb car of all thM ainna and danfaroos diaeuwa to which tha . famaU contitntion ia rabject. They ntodcraU all icassM Bad remora aU obatrucUona. from what. Tarcaoae. TO MABRIZO LADIES ) they ara particularly snited. They will in a tbort time hrin on the noontbly period with reruUritT ; and althoach very powerfuL ounUU nothinc hart fai to the constitution. Ia all caaet of Nervosa and Spinal Aflectiona, Paina in the Back and Limbe, Fatirne on sllirht exertion. Palpitation of the Heart. Hraterie and Whiten, they will effect a cure when all other wteant have failed. The circulars around each packat-e rire full direction! and adrica. or will be sent flee to all writinf far them, aaled poea-obee 1 1 at ion. S. B. In aUcaaM where the Hnin cannot be otainM, One Dollar f nclo)cd to the Sole Proprie-t-w, JOB MOSI3. is Cortlandt Su New Torkwill wwe a bottle of the genuine, containlnc Fifty Pilla, by return mail, tcurtif teul4 Iron any knowledre of iu content. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES". BttTATTS PTJLMOKIO WAFERS cure lonoaa. Cold. Astima. BaoaoaiTia. Soas TaaoAT, HoaaiiKiaa. PirriccLy Bbbathii, 1m oimiT Coascarnoa aib Lea Duaasas. They hare ao taate of medicine, and any child win take v,7B- Taonaandi have been restored to health that Dad before demired. TetinonT t' ti tn hundrwla ofcMee. Ak for BRYAN'S P UtMONTC WAf IRS. Pliro S3 crate r box. JOB MOSX3, Proprie tor. U Cortlnndt Street, New Tork. THE GREAT' FRENCH REMEDY. J Prepared by J. OARANC1XRX, t.mt Wrhly recommended by the entire iedieai PacuHy of Prance aa the very best rented r in au.caMe of 8tennatnrrhaa. or Seminal Weak. ery beet remedy ir Beminal Weak. netu Kirhtly. Daily or aal Wen PrtmutuTm Emiaeiona ; Sr- Vecret Babiu and Sexual Kxeemee ; KtUmimtton of the aaneaaor lmti w aaanena analog front GafitaU Organa; Weak Spine : Ikeeoeite ia the Urine, and all the rhaatly train of Diaeaeee aHeina froaa Oreruee or I x ceeaea. They ewra when all otherrem diee faiU pamphle of Adyice in earh boa. or will SUTTv ,mX ,nr aaareea. nvi ar no: ""T KTBTil TMrrfwriirrrffl-niM eft t.r r..f i.m n. oceirc Of price. OSCAa O. MOSK8, KCOBTtABPf jvaaooie uenerai Agent KTAatenca. ang 14, '72. 48: ly. Land Deeds, Trustee Deeda, Commissioner's Depds, Sheriff1 Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, &t . For Sale at this offic . CO I . i 1 r . a . HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Main Street, Salisbury t A C, AUK CONSTANTLY APDISQ New, inipr)ve4 and valuable ToU, Imple ments, Machines, Contrivanrle, Jcc Ac, for the conrenience and facility of Fanners, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Shoe-Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Masons, Carriage Builders, Coopers, House-Keepers, Butchers, Cooks, &c., &c. In fact, few persons unacquainted with our establishment, are aware of Ihe wide' HAS taken the rom ret-cntly (K-capied by Oyermaru Holmes A Co., In Murphy's Granite Ilow, and opened a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. HT'Iii' wlicits cash orders from abrod. Produce boueht and shinned on xrrx aliori notit-e. Ibrnftfullv refers to businrsa en JrtT'Ca.di paid for all leading, articles of IND Commission Merchants, (P At ihe Sign of the lied Flag, MEROXEY'S OLD STAND, MAIN STKKKT SALISBURY, N. C. J. K. r.lT.KK J. h. corns. CriT(.)rde!n and cotisicnmtnl. rvectfiilly ao-1 licttl. fca Aucliun halt cvtry SaturUar aud ; public da-. " j I Oh! Yes Oh! Yes Oh ! Yes!1 II.iviii fa 11 fii back to a Utter jxition and Uin rcinfi.rtnl ly lurriiin- a a-j-artnervhip with jno. m. KAtvvxs, who ha bwn long and furor ably known in the Mercantile community, I would nH.-otfully rt-turn my thank to the public generally, and aolicit a continuance of their iwitronaj-e to the new Firm ; with the an num nee that we will do all wc can to aatlafy all who may have anything to sell or bu. J. K. BVRKE. January 1872. N. I). I will continue to attend to the aell- ine of any kind of property in the country, for Adminidtratoraand others when notified in time. tf:18 J. K. BLRKr; Auctioneer. 1 have anulyzcd the Wkiskry known under the brand of SELECT," con trolled hy Messrs. WALTER D. II LA lit &L Co., Ridimond, Va., and tlnd it Free IV0111 Fuil Oil, and and other impurities, and recommend its useor medicinal andamity purjvsts. J. H. McCAW, M. D, Late Prof, of Chemistry M. College, Va. This brand is beyond all doubt a supe rior article and can onlj be bad genuine, at T. J Fostke's, No. 3 Main St., nearly opposite Mansion Uotel, Saliabury, N. C. 33:4t WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BARBER, RETITRXS HIS THANKS to hia OLD FJilLNDS aud the Public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. He now intormg them that he baa fitted up a new and commodious Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Stick Building', Room two 2, where he would be pleaded to aee them. He ! guarantees to gtve iUfactio in evrry caae. He ha in his em ploy of tfce beat Hair Dreer in Western North Caroliua. II rronnottta a oil from all. Salisbury, N.C, Dec. 17. 1819. 50 tf State of North Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Superior Court, Srig Term. 1872. irandiall T. Bell aa A igr.ee of William Griffin, Itankrupt, ayiinrt (.eorge C. Mclienry and Daniel It. Welch, defendanU. IT appearing to the aatiafaction of the Court on affidavit filed, that the defendant (ieore C. Mc lienry ia not a rw-ident ofvhe Slate of North Carolina. It U thcrcforeorderedand a4judgd that iMib- lica'ion be- made m the CarJin Wateht-nm a new.oter ublihed in the Town of Kali.bury, North Carolina, for ii week, notifying the de fendant, Gorge C. McIIcnrr that a Surumona ha U-wi Mncd in the I.otc action again hjn a j ' ,,e l- no,'ne, tht a complaint will W filed in thia action at ih nrt torn. ,.t I ii i Superior Court, on theaccond MoikUv after ike third Monday ux Auguat, A. D. 1872, within tk urxt three dav of the Trm ui1 .n1 ti. a . rendant. George C. McIIenrf anawee the unu withw ihe tin pr-ecribe4 by law, the plainti will mmk fcr the relief dnaded ia the com plaint. Witne C. L. Suaunens Clerk of our aaid Court at office, in StateiHe. thia 20th dar ofApril. 1872. C. L. SUMMERS, C8 G 63: fee $S of Iredell county. ALL KINDS of COURT ANDUA GISTRATES BLANKS at this ect RKE I COFFIN. ranjje of wants we are prrpaml to inert, nor of the exact and beautiful adaptability of our goods for the purposes for which they are made. Nor cava we describe them ia aa adrertiscment. They oort be arm. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing too want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a strawcutter any. thing a!niut ever? thing. Thej hare X FULL STOCK always on hand of rrrry variety of Naila, Iron, Steel, Hoea, Uraia Cra dle, berth, 100 iXoceii Atra at low price. CiuiM, rii4ols Krivra and Furka, Fairbanka Soilea, the best Wrought Iron Piowa tobr foond. We warraat thctn togiw ealiaf action. Tbotnp son's IIowa and Subauilcra. COUX SIIELLERS, 8TUAW CUTTERS, and a thousand other thing ywu need. Send in your orders or com and buy. litf Saltabory, N. C ST in II III i f " 'l iltL t jmwe of the ritr country Produce, llrtf SALISBURY SALEM ALMANACS At the Bcik Streo 13SALMS AND HYMNS, At th li.w.L Ci.n UTUERAN I$4.ka of Worship. At the JWH.k Store C11UOL HOOKS, larce Triet . At tLf !U,k Store. IN fact any thing in the way of 1;.K and Statioiierr, can In- had at nhort notice and on reasonable term. At the n.Hk Store s riXI AL onlera will reeei re prompt atten- itou sycua m your iru. CALVIN ILY LEU. Jan. '21. 7t. lunf FURNITURE! J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. JUammfaetmrrrt amd DcaUm im Fmmiturt, Invite attention to their stock of Cottage Bcadstcad. Cottage ChamberSuita, paint hnit. Walnut and painted Cane Seat Cbaira. ltockinr halra of all deriptioo. Extenko iti v . i in rri i mt omu rnmn Dining Tablet Ublea of all kinda Wardrobe. Ilareaua, Wabatand. What-Nuta, Mattreea. Sofaa. Keren Lion Chair, and 1'irinr a lu. Uui'tie Window Sbadea. a norelt r Un txmplete- .fc. a a . ur, urmj. coeapneM ana aarabtllty. AIo. many other artidea which we are irrtar4 to aell aa cheap or cheaper Uaa any Douaein the western part of ue fetata. ry a fan ttuwtiiuiii r rm..j i nd.Walnnt Hurial Caaea, which can b lur nixhed at Shonra hd(!m. ie Be anre to call, nearlj oppodte the Manaion Hotel, next door below the Kipreaa oflke. aee Special order (made from phoUtgrapha our office) will be aupplk-d. ap.V29.9in Assignee's Sale, OF Id $4000 to $6000 WOKTll OF T JLL begin at 10 o'clock on Saturday. ub -bui. hum aaeuoa Uouae the STOCK OP GOODS laUdr belonrinc to Jn Y. Hittinr. UnVmni Thia SUx-k conirta of a general aartment oi Mere naudie. uch aa ia uaually found in aar SaUjrJji" till the whole Stock U clad out. Merchant and Trader are reapectfullr Ibti- ...I m m. A a . .a "a. vtaiw BTnii PliauieoiiunnttTrnr iuu reqTPii to attena mee bale. Terma will U- aULud at the time of vale. J. K. HUHKE. knfumi f J. W. Dtrnno. Saliabury. April la.l"H 3HH SHOT cur GlBE5XLlIlTHC WORLDS Sew Tork OSoa, 27 BIXXKUr EX April 26, 1872. ZLj Marriage Cfrtificatw for sale here. HUNK tW mm m W a mmm n TUB WATCHMAN OFFICE U wall supplied with a Urje ao4 elrDt tJa.ortiarnt of PLAIN S FANCY M JlM) "lid ilk tlaikL 3 Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTILVTIOXS, &C, suitable for all kinds of lAIBBIMi PRINTING. Also- Finer and more Ornamental Type for Business & Professional Ca&B&g Ar Visiting, Party ajui Wedding Cards ; College and School wmmi mm m 1 ret liars of all Linda PAMPHLETS, Tobacco Notices and LABELS for all purjocs ; f ato lank For Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors ; Or anything cIms required in the Printing Line: THE Carolina iDatcljmau AM X SEWSPArEE, Is a candidate for public favor. Iu circulation ia good, and tU tandin and patronage improving. It ia one of the best advertising medium, in the State, and o fieri iu facilities on a liberal terms as anv. FANCY HAIR WORK. MRS. 8. W. TEEREIX. will d aay kli.4 of Fancy Hair Work. Repair IJraiJ-a, tnak Carta, SitcL. Or cauvreta and Jw-lry S-tt ; alw wake Iwn ly hair iolo Wiratha. aad lUo-U- tut wm call at fcer m4rm oa L LrrM W rat of the MHhodit Criorrh. ham pUa raa W at 8. W. Ttaarix'i om I nsia atiwl. MayO. 1872 34 if. HEP AIRING. rWi&f MarkiM. 1'aaV.rrlUs fr-ok W alt ln Cae, A p4 axvd Ira Ii Parrra, Nrar t Ciaaora, Haby Vajx. a ad frmcrmijuk wnmL. -clidut repair to UtckcU, Tutja, imtm Ac Slopia lt rax of C1dtrltrr'a Frtiu.ra Slor. Tartna low, but eah tm aVIirerr. J. T. litLA July 2J m-4t.la4.

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