I I I 1 3 A' ! oumuu uuuujwuu i - I .. , .. X.OCAI ATJD STATS ITEMS SALISBURY MARKET. - j OCTOBEU 3. I f CORN 70 72. I CQTTON-i-18 a J5. ! FI.OUn-t3.25 8.73. 1 , i i MEAL 7$ a 0. i A I'OTATOEB-Irish, 37 J a 40 Street, 50. BACON-fcountry) 12!5-hOg.rouni. ? CHICKEN'S 11.50. $3 per do. - i LAHD-12 a 15, i FEAtHKIlS-ncw, 50. I LTAIXOWiO a 12. 1 r ! ! UYE-l-75 80, I ' . J VltEAT-1.17afl .33. BUTTEH a 20 25. I) HI El) FRUIT ApMc., 38 prIb upcelcd, 3i4t peeled, 12y ' Bla:klcrries, & 7 7. ttfr We tender thanks to the Hesperian and 1 Columbian Literary Societies of rrinity Col h rt. N. C., for complimentary tickets to the "! Anniversary Celebration, to take pace on th ! ; ttmU October.inst. Ii' : ) 1, ' 1 TIIAIJK8. (We return thanks Ib a com pi i 1 roeutarv ticket of admission to the Charlotte l- Fair; and .hope that we shall hare; the time to f 'use it.' I - ; r tf& AlttUion Ladies!--Mr. Correll and lMn. Maud haying just recei t Htock of Millinery will give a grapd opening next Saturday. The ladies are specially wvi 1 i T trd to be present. I - 1 tm The Bcv. W. II. CUtXTsfET; will preach at McNeely's Hall next Sunday o'clock P. M, night, at 7 J Db. BkssRnt i again at hi office in Salh- ' bury, lifter several weeks absence, readyto re crire the call of those needing his professional Wo return thanks' to the lion. F. K. goober for valuable public documents 1 r i Siikmr Walton. We to Uaru that Sheriff Waltonv who lifta been tint loroetime cotkiincd to bis house by '; nickntB, if pinking fat. and H id feared he will not recover. ... 4- !MPagk Badges. We acjucwj 1 our indebtedneim to Mr. II. II IiIIkli'KR, bf the Salisbury Tribune, for a I 0 JT I life 1U aru ot ureeM'y aua thrown meaanin cunipaign (badges Wh- The Old Fort Mills were entirely d stroyed by fire on the 2!iih of Sept. hist. The firr was discovered about fifteen minuter after ii in, but had mde sueh progrew that it was impfwuihle to save anything. The lire was un- iioiintviiiy the wont or an incendiary. T11 lo will bi alnMit $;i,")00 no insurance. . ti !! , I ChAulottk OnsERVER. We notice by our . xchangesthat this excellent pajn-r has chang ; -d hlndrf, Messrs. Smith and Watson having ! ixild to .Mewrs. Johnstone Jones and Peter S. McLaughlin. Succesk to both the Retiring and piciiniing eilitors. W e have not gotten the Ob- server fur some lime 'tack; we don't know why n po.se the hooks have been changed and the B'i((.t(irtaccideiitally left off. Withdrawal.- A. J. Burton, Esq. j has been compelled,! on account of failing health, to sey r hjs connection with the Raleigh Kews. Mr. Burjon is a clever writer, and we regret the ne cessity which forces his withdrawal. ' ii.. i- Drake 01 the' Statesville American, calls us s plunderer ecaiwewif proved his statemente to 1h falne. Wonder if he has lost his reason, or I4s chracter for truth, honesty, and, fairness, which ? We "really pitty the poor old man. j ! . j ilT There will be a citizen's meeting at Town Hall SAturd.iy night for the purpose of hearing a report from a Co in tuit tee on ja subject of general interest to the people! of Town mid vicinity. It in volves; important questions and the at tendance should bo large. Ovit FIR. Our second annual Fair opens here next Tharsday. We do hope our country friends will honor the occa easion with (heir presence, and also with stock. Weibope to see the people of not only Rowan' but of all the surrounding counties, here. t iiftng yjur fine horses, hogs, cattle, sbeep, poultry, butter, grain, &e., &c. j It is good for our fanners, the main stay of the country, to meet together on such occasions, to interchange views, to renew aid acquaintances, and to see the improvements in agricultural implements. 1 THE SALISBURY FAIR-OFFICERS. P. T. W. KKKX, President. ' ! LUKK HI.ACKMKlt, First Vice President 1 J. V. HALL, Second Vice President. M. L. IIOLMKS. V I h. It. ll AUHI-OX, f Executive Comblttee. J. S. McLL'BUI,S, V C A. HENDERSON, Treasurer. I). A. DAVIS. Secretary. V. B. Mears. Superintendent Trial of S need. f. W. lianes, j 1 r. 1 1 f T in 1. A. Frercks, g. iuiteiueniK. - Mechanical " Manuf'd Articles. Floral Hall. u 41 14 (( !H J.S. MeCubbins, j J J. W. Uall, il J. K.Burke. Poultry I)epartm't. ! The President, Dr. T. W. Keen, and the Com mittee-men,; who have charge of the Agricuh turat and Mechanical Association, Vhieh is to commence on the 8th instant, are very efficient. and they have made extensive preparations to accommodate tlie necessities of the occasion New buildings have been erected, and the track has been put in thorough repair. The celebra. ted Salisbury Brass Band will be present each lay during) the Fair. Salisbury U accessible, I being immediately on the N. C. Railroad, and the terounuB of the V estern road, j The trarun portation of j asscngers, articles and stock to . an,, in mc piuc Ha luai 10 me piner fairs. Distinguished gentlemen of great llteray ahilU ties have been invited to address tbe people each day or the; i air, among whom we note the follow. ing: Hon, R P Dick. Hon T L Clingman, Gen j Robert Vaiice, L M McCorkle, Esq,, , Hon J C liarmr. Gen Rritla Tf rn. iun..i. j Tlw Tuurnament will cope offon Friday. A gra n dA grieul tural Ball will be given Si the Boyden Ilonse on Friday night. Col.C. S. Brown, trho has thTurnuJung f the Supper, and who every bidyJknowstfichs the bee Hoi 1 tel wanajer in the Staie, will apare neither pains nor money to make the complete Hoccess. Salisbury TrSio J Eclectic MAGAP.ii. The Eclectic for October is fall of good tbinga, the con tenia varying judiciously froia gravtj to gay, irom lively to severe. There is nothing in recent magazine literature which surpasses, for droll humor aud wit ty characterization, the brilliant sketch of Barney Geoheganrtlie Irish Member" ot which the second installment is given in this number. It reminds one ot Lover in his best pays, though ill would be difficult, to find any thing of Lover s that will com pare wiUi it iu point of power and variety, Dome ot the other papers to be noted. are Jjord lSyran Anmher View j" "J tie Middle Ages and the lievivaluf Learning;" 'LaUrZuni ' l he Longevity 0 Uie Matrix archs;" "Domestic Lrje Mirubeau;" Russian Ghott Storied ;" "Lr. Carpen ter's Address before the Jiiitish Associa Hon;" "'Betwixt Two Hfuola;" "The Strange Adventures of a l'haeton;" aud "Mazztni" of whom a finely engraved portrait is gtveu. TbeLdiiorial Departments present tbe usual fresh literary reviews, scieutitic and art items, aud aiiecellany. Published by E. It. Felton, 108 Ful ton Street, New York. Teriuo, $5 a year; two copies, $9. Dingle number, 45 cents. O, That X were Beautiful ! is the un- gpoken wish of thousand of women to whom nature has denied the charm of a pure, fresh transparent complexion. To gratily this wish Haoasn's Magnolia Balm was introduced. The cosmetics of the day had been pronounced poisonous by the most distinguished chemists, and it was also found that their ultimate effect was to wither the skin as well as to paralize the external nerves. he herbal and floral prepar ation capable of imparting to their faces, necks and arms a porcelain smoothness and a tinge like that of the finest oriental pearl. They soon iJiscovered that it was a " new thing nnder the sun, incomparable and unapproachable. Un questionably the Magnolia Balm has been the great toilet success of the present century. $1,000 Reward is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for a medicine that will equal It in thecureofallse verecasesof" Liver Complaint and all diseas es arining from impurity of the blood, as Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches, Boils,, etc. SPECIAL NOTICES, VALUABLE HINTS. A regular habit of body is absolutely es sential to physical health aud clearness of ltitelleet. Isor is this ail. Beauty of person cannot , co-exist with an unnatural couditjou of the bowels. A free passage of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste-pipes, is as necessary to the punty of the body as free passage of theotjulofa city through, its seweis .is necessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestiou is the pi iinary cause of most of the diseases of the discharging organs, and one its most common results is 'Coiistipa' itn. This complaint, besides being dangercmis it itself has many disagreeabIeconcomitaiits- such as an unpleasant hfl-eath. a sallow skin, contaminating blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, and general de bility. , Hosfetter's Stomaeli Bttters remove' all evils by removing their immediate cause in digestive organs, and regulating the action of the intestines. The comhimttion of pro perties in this celebrated preparation is one of its chief merits. It is not merely a stimu lant or a tonic, or an antiiilicus agent, or a uervitie, or a blod depureut, or a cathartic, but all tlese curative, elements judiciously blended in one powerful, restorative. It lend activity and vigor to the inert and en ervated stomach, relieves the alimentary canal of its obstructions, and gives (oueto the membrane which Hues it. gently stimulates the liver, braces the nerves, aud cheers the animal spirits. No other remedy possesses such a variety ofhygieniic vi'tues. It is to these characteristic viitPe that'it owes Us prestigw as a housth Id md'ciue. Exper ieuee has proved thai it is as harinless as it is eSicaeious, and h'M t it is as popular with the weaker sex as with the stronger. ilostetter s Stomach Bitters are sold in xttties ouly, and th tiade-inirk bhwu in the glass-eugraved on the !ah is the testcf genuineuess. JJeware ofeountTfeits. TUti UALESOP AKAbV are not sunfier than the aionia which the ti a grant bozodont injjHrl.-to breath . Nor is t lie liea it of the ivory nnt whiter tli n the teeth that are cleaned daily with that matchless fluid. TU OWNERS OF IiORSEI No one has ever used Dr. Tobias llarsa Venetian Liniment, will ever bt; without it: it i. a certain cuie for Colic, frore Throat, Cuts, bruises, and Old Sores. Warranted mnerior to any other; in pint bottles, at One Dol lar. Sold by all aiuggiste. I'epot, iu rark Place, New y oik, BURNETTS STANDARD FLAVORING EX- TRAC IS are neatly put np in Unpannemed 2 ox 5 o, and 10 or bottles, and are for sale by the trade centrally iu every, principal city and town in the United States, Ca it 11 das. and Bhtich I'lovinccs, as wetrasia many other foreign counlnes. HELP FOR THE HOPELESS. You are weak, dejected, miserable, and nothing doesou anv good, you saj-. Jon't despair. Tlieie ishairain Oilead. Have vou fried Vinegar Bittejsl No! Then why dont you ? Whether your coni plaint be dysjiepsia, bilUus.nesSf nervous weakness, conntit- utional uebil.ty, or any ou.er tronbie Vinegar Ditters Will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a genial rain refreshes the withered flower , ' - Worn DnriMu, " InilieesOon.depreMlon of gptrlu and grnera' ilebt tty in th- Ir vloa tprtm; !. .p-o- ventivc mm-v t ' f vtr and Siiue, oirer 'otermiit ni feer, The Ferro-PlMHiihorst'rt "lller ol Cnliy, made by Cmit L lUsvrd Co., ew York. ' d fold by 1 Dru gtf h lhe bctt tontc, n4 a a t nio for patirnls recovering from i ver - r otter tcknR, H ha n equal Thcbstos's Ivort Pbarl Totn Powmir. 1 he best ar tide kr.own fcr cleai-yl').' ai d prrsei vuii; th tei tl. i d irumt. fold by all Dui; lts. I", ice i aud 50 1 er bottle K. 0. Welti t M.. N w Vork. CHRIST ADORO'S H AIR DTE, stands unrivalled in the world. No lady or gentleman of discrhnina tion Uses any other It is the most perfect, reliable and effective Hair Dye iu the World. Manufactory, 68 Madeo Lane, New York. CARBOLIC SALVE, recommended by Physi- ciansaStbe greit Healing Coniponnd. Price 25 CeiUsper box. John Henry, bole 1'ropr etor, o oHegfi Place, Nejw York. - RlSLRY'S BUCHU is reliable Dieretic and Toe- ic firall dera isements of the urinay and genital otgaus. The genuine, as formerly bom ity Havi- land. tlarral k Uislev and their cranches, is now prepared by H. W. kisley, the orinator and Pro- irietor; and ti e trad s.ifjiiea is euccessors, lorgan & Risley, New York. 8VAPNIA, or opium purified, the most perfect anod 3 ne in the maket. n:ade by process of pr. J . M . BigelrwfI)etroit"iledicl Colhge. Isalways uni- form in strength, which is rarely lm case iu ottiet pa ratio ris pf Opiunc . , , ; , ' x PR ATT i ASTRAL OIL has a world-wide repn ttion as the surest and best-illuminating oil. Over two million callena have been sold for the past two years, from which no accident of any de scription have occorred. ena lor i,iruiar. un House of Chas. Pratt, Established IT70, New York. WE HAVE FBEQUESTLt FEAED motors say 4 hey would not be wrtl'out Mrs. W inflow's Soothing Syrnp-4m the Wrth of the child until it h finished with the teething siege, under any con sidsraAioA whatever., . - v J TH E, KECEET OF BEUATY. What is it no longer aske.(U for tbe world of fashion arid the ladies knowlhatis produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet preparation known aaG. W. Laird's ' Bloom of Y'Duth." Its beantifyimr-effects are truly wonderful. Depot, B, (lohl St, K. Y JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. The Building on. Dr. Siimmercll'e Jxt, for- merit sued by him as an office i for sale. Any person desiroos of purchasing would do well to call on the imdervhined.. The building can be easily moved, as it has no chimnev. ' ' lmo-52 J i J. J. smiMERELL. . Dissolution. THE firm! of Bcrke & Coffik is this day dissolved'by: mutual consent. Sept. 12, 1872. The undersigned will continue to attend to sales In Town or country when called upon. tf-52 P 1 1 J.K.BUKKE. Adzniiiistrator's Notice. .. Alt Dersons havlncr claims iwrainst the es'ste of Dr. M. A; Loekf, 5;'d, are hereby notified to exhibit the sarae-to the nndersigned before the l2thjay of Septemler, Af D., 1873. And all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment promptly, as but very short indulgence will be given. if! r. IX)WAN, i ! ! AinCr of Dr. M. A. Locke det?d. Sept. 12th 1 872. tf: I SETTLE UP. All; those indebted to me for subscrintion to the I2raniittert for Advertising, or job work, are respectiuly requested to come forward and set tie np without farther delay. Corn, Wheat, 'our, 1 earn,-; or any conntryj produce taken in exchange! toit claims and the market price allow ed. I i J. jJ. STEWART. , Sept. S,-61:tf I I BR. J. F GRIFFITH, k I j DEICTIST. jiavuig iqeaieu; in cansoury, solicits a prac- uce in trie town and surrounding country. CHARGES iZODX3XLATX3f offick! t : McXcelg Building, Entrance to McJSeely sHulL 45 3m pd STOP THE TCIIEF, N the night of the 3d instant, stolen from my wagon, near Dulins School House, a bav Mare and c?lt. The mare was 13 or 14 years oia, wart on right ear, one white fore foot, and in good order, lhe colt was five months old iron grey, white face, black Inane and tail. I offer Twenty -five Dollars reward for the delivery of said mare and colt, or any in formation iri regard to them will be thankfully received. Kev. UAMii'j 1 UT IS. Smith Gbove,!N. C, Sept. 7th, 1872. lmo52 Dr; B. H. GREENE, 1 CHARGE OF j TFIE BRANCH UFF1CE TO DR. Kiisk's Philadelphia BelLvue Institute and Qancer Infirmary at Charlotte, X. C 'if l WILL BE AT Salisbury, N. C, is'ational Hotel, Oct. 1st. Greensboro',! N. Cl, Ben bow House, Oct. 2d. Goldbdrb h. Ci Principal Hotel, Oct. 3d. Raleigh. N. CJtTVarborough House, Oct. 4th. Fsyeitevjlle, K. C, Exchange Hotel, Ot'-L 6th. Rockinghi!i4 X.C RuWlls Hotel, Oct. 8th. For tlif purpose of seeing any who may wish to consult hiin widiout a visit to Charlotte, with refferenrf trt Cancers and Cancerous Dis eases, Scrofula, likp, &e. ' fiSafCall and see him.Ta Sept. 12, 1872 3wo2. Smith's Shoe Store! Chai lcUe, X. C, ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS AGO. THE LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RE TA1L SHOE HOUSE IN ; THE STATE 1 nAVE Agents always in the Northern mnr kets. Froi long experience in the Shoe Trade and superior advantn-res in huving, we guarantee to sell BOOTS AND SHOES at as low prices ajs any New York Jobber. For proof of pur Hssertion, the next time yon are in Charlotte corihe aad examine our Stock and prices whether you wish to buy or not. We are now receiving our large Fall Stock, consisting of i Boots. Shoos, Leather, Shoe Findings Truiiksand Hats. If you only iant a single pair of Shoes, send yonr order t SMI HI, and you will be suited or you can return thje felloes. Always buy iyour Shoes at a Shoe Store, you 4an be better suited, and get them cheaper. SI P, SIHITII & CO., Smjth's iShoe Store, Charlotte, N. C. Sept. 12 72, S52: 31: GKAIGE&CKAIGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tn ' j I AND Sollritdrs in panhrnplri). iSpechtl atlenfion paid to Proceedings in Bankruptcy. J Sept. 5,-5 l:3mos. I NOTICE! Valuable Land for Sale. As agent foi- Bs R, Ratts, 1 will sell at public sale, on the piiblic square,; Salisbury, on Satur day the feth off Oet., at 1 1 o'clock, A. M., his valuable tracts of land lying on the Sherrill's Foard Road, containing 150 acres. Said tract is 5 miles west of Salisbury. Terms made known on day efsale. ! JOHN L1NGLE. Aj;t. Aug. 31, 1S72. 5t: pd. RIBBONS, MILLINARY j A1T2 STEAW GOODS, 1872. ai.sd White Goods, Enihroidcries, &e. ARMSTROHG CATGR & CO. tnlpcrteri. Manufacturers and Jobbers Bonnet Triining, Neck and Sash Ribbons, Velvet i Ribbbns, Neck Ties. Bonnet Silks, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers. Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, &c. STKAW PO NEjr t LA' lES AND rHILi)BENfl HATS, TRTMMtD ANU UXTRIMMi-D. I And ii) connecting Warerooms White- Goods, Linens, Embroideries, Laees, Netsj Coll ars. Setts, Handkerchiefs, Head Net, Jtc, A:c. Nos. 137 and 139 Bait, st., Baltimore, Md. These goodsare manufactured by nror liought for Cash directly from the European snd Amer ican Manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, unetpialed in variety and cheapness in anv market. Orders filled with care, promptness and dis patch, i 51-3c: pd. 1 NOTICE. The Commissioners of Iredell County will receive at their Office jo Statesville until the 28th day of September next sealed projiosaU for building a new Jail in said county. The house to be built of Shriek. 30 by 40 feet, three stories high,; With a Cage on the 3rd Door. Plan and specifications of the. building, cage &c, to be seen at office of Regiter of Deeds. I j JOHN DAVIDSON, Chair' ra B'rd County Commissioners 4$i 4t: Iredell County, N. C. . ; r 'f j " Cheapj !Chattel Mortgages, a&4 Ivarioui other blanks for sale here. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.- - 4 -; -- - in.. Th firm heretofore existing nnder the name Mills & Boyd eir i this day dissolved It ntual consent, r . i .' J "4-n i 4 2 ? Those indebted to the late firm will please come forward and make settlement with Messrs. Mills, Kerns S Co., to whom all claims are due. i' MILLS & BUiDEN. W.J, MILLS T. M. XfRXS. J B. KEKXS MILLS, KERNS & CO: WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL And Coadssiai Merdunts, Saisbcet, March 1st, 1872. Keen const antlr on hand a larce and rhnW stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Ware, etc! winch they would especially mention Sugar and Coffee, of all gratfes, MOLASSES, BACON, LARD, SOLE and Upper LEATHER. SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, . BONNETS, PRINTS. JLACKHEL, SALMON TROUT, FLOUR and MEAL, SO .PS i- ' PEPPER and SPICES, TOBACCO, LIQUORS, of all kinds always on hand, of choice quality. its? Hisnecial attention given to consign ments and prompt Tet urns made. 34:tf vriPTiT ripnt tvi YADKIN cocnty In Supenor Court S.T. Spur Admr.of J. Sheek dec Plff egaiiut Milly Sheek, John V. Sheek, I Petition Mills C. Sheek, and to sell S. r. Spur and wife land for Jancy Jane Defendants J assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Miles C. Sheek one of the Defendants above named is not a resident of this State ; It is there fore ordered that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in Salisbury N. C. for six weeks successively, requiring said Dependents to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court for the Courts of Yankin at the Court House in Yandkinville on the first day of Oct. next and answer the complaint of Plaintiff or the same will be heard ex parte as to him. Thistlrday of Angnst 1872. JAMES A. MARTIN, C. S. C. Yadkin Cocjitt. 43tw-$3. North Carolina, 1 J In the Superior Court. dayie county W. R. Sharp Adm'r of Hiram Phelps, dee'ed, aoainst E. G. Clouse and wife Julia A. Clouse, LV H. Pheljw, Anderson Cornatzor and wife Ida Cornatzer, Falla Phelps, Hiram Phelps and Solomon Phels. Petition to sell land for assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that U. II. Phelps, one of the defendants above named is not a resident of this State; It is there fore ordered that publication be made in the ' Carolina Watchman" a newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, for six successive weeics, requiring said defendant to appeal at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, at the court house in Mocksville on the 7lh dav of October next and answer the complaint of plaintiff or ltieame will be heard ezvarte as to him. ieame will be heard ezpartenn This 20th day of August 1872. II. B. Howard, C. S. C. 49: 6t $3 of Davie county. Drs. Summerell & Gaither's BARKER & C0S Dm Store UP SlAIItS. Aug. 2, 40: 001. Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of A. Judson Mason dee'd are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned before the 8th day of August, A. D. 1873. And all persons indebted to said estate are requested to settle promptly. JU1I S. HENDERSON, Adax'i of A. Judson Mason, deed. Aug. 8, 1372. 47-6t: OP ALL KINDS Furnished to order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Miil on Western N. C. R. R., twenty miles Irom Salisbury. Trice at mill SI. At Salisbury 31,20 Kiln Dried at Salisbury, $1,50. TERMS CASH. 47 : tf: R. II. COWAN. Threshing Machine Oil. The very best quality at the lowest price. Guaranteed not to heat, gum, or cut. Only at THEl). F. KLUTTZ & Co's. 41:tf Drug Store. PRESERVE your FRUIT! We desire to call the attention of house keepers to our assorted su:k of Fruit Tars. We have the Gem, Pet, Melville, Mason's Improved, and Porcelain lined. Call and examine the different styles, and make your selections. We offer them verv low. We have also extra Rubber Hands for old Jars, and'would caution our lady friends to examine their old ones before putting up, as fruit is often lost by using defective bands. Call before purchasing elsewhere. & T1IEO. F. KLUTTZ & Co., 41:tf) Druggisu. JELLY TUMBLERS WIT XX SCREW TOPS The nicest thing out for housekeepers. Cheap, (41 if ) at KLUTTZ A Co'a. SPEARS' Preserving Solution. One bottle to 13G lbs. Fruit, $1. Also, Norny's Preserving Powder. 50 ct. at THEO. F. KLUTTZ & Co. 41:tf) Drug Store. LAND SALE. Having taken out Letters of Administra tion, with Will annexed, of Thomas Gheen dee'd- I will sell at public sale on tlie premise. 7 milea west of Salisbury, the tract of land known aa the Joe CJheen place, containing 216 acres, about 75 of which is finely timbered : the remainder consists of a good deal of fresh land suitable for grain and tobacco : some ex cellent bottom land and a small orchard. There art two dwelling houses on it, and plenty of water. Tle sale will take place on the 5th of O.-tober, 1872, at 12 o'clock, M. Terms one-third cah, one other third in six months, and the remainder in 18 months, litle reserv ed nntil full payment i made. CT. WAGGONER, Ana. ?) 873. Admr. with WUI anntxed. auaSCi:ECI.G!fachincs,h THRESHING WACHINES& 4 Several varieties, on wheek or withoaL . rCIDER A1ID:V1HE MIlLSr- the handt thing ouC ' " ; APPLE AND PEAGH PAGERS. .'TJorefii and SHcera labor aavera, We warrant all tbeae articles to civ aatisfac tion or no Sale. CP.AWFORD A HEILIG. 42 tf THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE. 0 VERSE AM Iff Q . r..- f - . AND Complete . Sewing MACHINE. ' ' " The first and only BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACH IN K touibined that has made its advent in this or any other country. SfcgT The following reasons are given why this is the best Family Machine to Purchase. ' 1. Becaoe it will do, 7. Becasne yon eaa everything that any ma- qnickly raise or loirertb chine can do, aewiug' leed to adapt it to thick or froia the finest to the tin u cloth, coarsest material, heui-l 8. Because yoa hare a ming, felling, cording,. short deep bobbin by braiding, oiudiug, gath- which the thread is con- eriug and sewing ou, at stantly drawn from the the same time ruftiing, 'centre ; the teaaion ia quilting, etc.. better than oourteqaently even and any otner mac 11 me. uoesuoiureaKtiieuiread. 3 Becau the tensions V. Because the nrenser- a e more easily adj listed, fot turns back; that the than any other machine, cloth can be easily re- 3. Because it can work moved after bemgaeved. tieautiful button-hole j 10. Because tbe best making as fine a pearl as mechanics pronounce it by the hand. jtLe bet finbed and 4. Bec iuxe it will em- made on the bent prioci- brnider over the edire, pie of any machine luan- making aneat and beau- ufactured. It has bo tiful border on any gar-xprinas to break; noth- ment. , ing to get ut of order. 6. Because it will work; 11. Because it in two a beautiful eyelet hole, iiiachinexin on. A Bvt- 6. Berause it can no rox bulk Wosiisoand over-hand seaming, by ewino Macbim com. which HheeU. piliow ca- biued. es snd tbe like are sewedl over and :rer. tf3 No other Machine can accomplish the kind of sewing stated in Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Parties using a familr sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one i wanted that will do the most work and do it the best : and this machine can do several kimN of sewingjiot done on any other machine, be-ide doing every kind that all others can do. The American or Plain Serving Machine. (Without the button-hole parts , doe all that is done on the Combination except button-hole and overweaming. MLUONEY & BRO., Agts. Salisbury, N. C. Examine them before purcha-ing any other Sewing Machine. I do not hesitate to my the American Combina tion, surpactit'H all other inurhines. Bt-ttides doing all the u-urk that other machine csn. itoverveatus, aud works button-hole in any fabric, from in muliu. to Beaver cloth I have oed Singer'a, "floats, Ilowe' and the Weed machine, and Cud the American far superior to thera all. Mi si M. RrTLEiGi I have used mix different Sewing Machines. The American surpasses Ibt-ni all. Mas. A . L. FUiMiT. I hive ned The tinier and other machines and would not exchange the Amtrican for any. Mus. II X. Bbinclk. Rmsbcst. N. C, May 3M. 1872. Mkboney & Bko., arU. American Com. S. M. Sib: I hare used ti e Howe. Singer, Wheeler A Wilsoii, vt'ilcoxA (iibls Sewing machiue. and would ni give the American Combination for all of th'rn. it will da all that is claimed for it iu the circular. 1 consider it auperior to all othtr I have ever seen. Very Ho-pectfully, Mas. ;e'. W. Hakbikso. Wethe undersigned take great pleasure in giving our testimony in favor of the American Sewing Machine ir piflerence to any other, believing that in it truthfully recouiniended as the be ft machir-e made. Iti simple. "durable, runs very light and docs not get out of order or drop atitche. Mas. Lacba M. uvebmak, " A . L. ForsT, J. Allen Bhowm. " A . W. N'ORTUfcllS. A . E. Jones, M. E. Tbomason, We have seen flaming advertisements and hesrd ranch said by IgenWol other tLachines. We will forfeit one hundred dollars to the eon- tending party, if after a fail trial before competent u lgej the Aincru-itn .Machine wji not do r. well, f not better, the work done on anyoth-r machine. and do valuable aork that no other machine can do. We have been Agont fir Sewing Machines since 1850, have soid Singer's. Lad Webiter'a. Atwaters's and Florence's, and Lave abandoned allfct the American. Send aud get samples of work. 27:ly MfcltOXEV Jt BRO., Ag U INSUHE AMERICAN LB INSURANCE CO. OF PHILA. S. E. Corner Fourth ORGANIZED 1850. XJkJVv t VkJa MUjUUlVjUVTtOUi ' Yoa are herrby commandej, roa have GEORGE W. HILL, President, JOHN S. WILSON. Secretarvjt"? 7XZu7b!Z. 1 .fTl4 u ALEXANDKU Will I.I F.N. Hovl .TA. POLLOCK. 1. EDGAR THOMPSON, OKO. Ni;OHT, ALHEUTC. BOBEUTS PHILIP B. MIXOLE, HON. A. (i. CATTKLL, ISAAC I1AZLEHLBST, L. M. W111LLDEN. - HENIiV K. BEN.F '"r GEO. W. HILL, JAS. L.CLA(iHOUN, J.(J. WALNAMAKFP Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Pulicier, LOWEST rates possible. ALL POLICIES NOX-FOKFEITABLE. 'I'TJE AMERICAN ha been in active operation for nearly a qtrtr f i rafary. kberti 1 governed and controlled by geutlemen dhttingaiKhed for tb-ir bu.-:D-- iper.rnre and commercial probity, and has been eminently tact-eful. It has met its obligations with signal i rompUies. and iu a most liberal spirit. Among its innrinr memler. the Company ha the hon..r of iiCuWrir g unj of the most eminent aud leading men, in all prnfioas and clas-s. tt rtrxigtoct N rth Can liua. Uehable AgeuU WiUU'd, waw sawulu apply j 4 Or k C!. St. ClAIS TSAit!?, ispt. If ent, - frjvln r - Lstiu: IN Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. Incorporated, 1 S50. Ca pital. $X0,(i00 J. RHODES BROWNE, PresSdt, D. F. W1LLCOX, Secretary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly raid in Full! T 1 I . 1 . . , . . a ivjirnT owner uevirinz 10 001am reiiabie 1 n- surancw will do well to protect ihenwlvea by expiring a Policy in "(uia Home Incur no Co." Agencies at promiiiti ioinU in all the oouluern Mates. J. ALLEN BKOWN, Agent, Office No. 2, Granite How, April 25, '72. fly SalWniry, N.C. rji t!jai(2t-i. '(js WALTER A. WOOD. Reaping and Mowing Machine. The lightest, nut st.-tanlin! and ticapTt Imjdemcnt made. Fully warranted. Threshing Machiius and Jior-e Powers of various patUnU, uri a thecvU-bratcd A lamancc and Baltimore powtrs. Sml in vour onhr. J. II. TIIOMPSON, 41:3rho. Tyro. IVirj.jn CV, X.C. J. F. RUEC K BR MASONIC 1TALL ,os 37 and .19 TXnrLrt St., WILMIHGTOK, H. C. PIANOS and ORCAIMS OF Till: BEST Leading Factories in the i"i.in-d state. ! PIANOS of ALL STYLES and rKH K-Stol suit purchanrs con.trt!v on hand and for sale. ! Lrif .111 ii:4ioii'iiit-iu iiAiiiiiir i.. i.t rtt t.,- i -.j in i ,,. V.. nli. th f i,i,r,..ii,r. r- . ... i. i.. .i". i i.,,, .i.,, iiau in ,it- i State at the auve .v. OEO. WOOD'3 &. C03. FAR LOU aad vustutt 0?.aAIC I Titcy arc j rc cm.itCul fur th:ir ( luir til ing Solo Sl'ij'S, lira at g and Purify tf Tunc Klrj a, t I'istgn arid I'm ish. In fact thry nirjMits axy una ax Heretofore known or introduced in this city. Call, Hear and See Them! All Instrument Warranted fjr Five Year. tl-PlAN'ns TrNi:i ASH !,.KI,tIltKI..r3 A choii-C M-!eithili .f Sht Miiic rill hand and for Mle J. F. Ill LVKhKT. may ill-oclf iliiiintun, N. C. DO YOU L0V5 ME. VNF.W and lasting erfume, with a great variety of other xtr:u-u for tin handker- chief, including nil kiml of toiln-t article-, at C. K. BAKKF.K AX'S Drug Store. UO I t'll Wi-h to eijoy a giHl -iin.ke ? Th'-n try s'dno of the genuine Havana Cigars just received a' C. K. BAI.KKR t I'O'S Drug Store. NO. 1 TANNF.US Oil. Magic ami Transparent Machine Oil at loi prices at C. K. BABKKB 6. CO S Drug Siore. E BEl'ECTl'L'LLY call the attention of l livsician. M reliant .n. d the public generally to our well U-cU-d ttock o f Drugs, Clicthuuh, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, lint Jits, gc Stuffs, Lain', Lump Fixtures, d'c, f c. A I.L fSOODS warranted, pure, freh and gennine, and j.riot tf nit the time. All or'It-r prompt I " :itt-ndttl to. lierial care and attention jiiveii to our procription de- , ,n ... I'm nun". C. R. BAKKEB A Co., DrncsUt, (.snccxsor to Jno. H. Fnxi-j.'i 2G tf Sali-lMirv. N. C. YOUR LIFE and Walnut Streets. CHARTER Perpetual.! A I by letter 01 iu itii to BbV. L. F. WAT. Geul Agent, teTille. N. C . Wilmington, N. C. I may3cXkly ) 1 Sarah A. Frirt". !'.:., 1 oqainH JLaeinntcK., J Toihe Sheriff of Ilow.n tV.or.tj - fTrV'tt?!? ' f? r irty eotanran4el U -Rit JA J.trMK. the del 't above naAl if 1.. l iyt,ar connty, to appear at tbt cQct of lb rhtkof the Superior Coort for tht event t tT ' . Bowaa within twerty day after the service ef - , v w kva nvdiwi iw una, cicjutiTt 01 in oay 01 such Bervice, and Answer the complaint wblrlt a t-r- deported i ihejcof tke rterk of u lh Sonerior Ctnr I Bow a a fovBtj; and lt him take nok- tbi U le bril to mtr la i saJ romplamt within iht tiasc,' the Haiait5 will take judgment arU.4 iM Jot U rtlif demaitdea in tbe cotnidaint. Herein fail not, aud vt ihie BUKuona makw due return. t Uiven under my had tDd iheealr LJ " ! court, tLU 10th day of Angus!, 1ST 2. ? ' JOHN A. DOYPET," - " . CUrl Superior Court. ctta D. ' 43: 6u $8. . ! STEWARD WAITED, , f Kor Davidson College. Anply to VL O. McDowell, lq, or Ilev. Wm. W. IharT, ' Mt. Monrne, N. C., or to Piof. W. J. Manin, Bursar, at lhe College. r , t , f FARMERS' WAEEHOTJSE, iAvibi.i:, vm;i.iA. :o;:- To the planters of Virginia and N. Carol in at A the pre-ert ncal rear is drawirg to ai'ote, ' and the bulk ol the TuWco crep marketed, w deiu it uur duty to riprrsji our thinks tor tbt pa'xonage extended to nor Hone darlrg tht year. AVe do nr cmnplain.bat feel grei:y ea . eonragr-dy tbe prop.utK.n of tradrdone by thu M.-a-iu. and wbil mist older estahU. . mecU may bare sold more Tobacco than wa, none have made a letter, monthly or yearly average ttan we hare. Our average for the mocth of May.w&s f 14 ; " " Jnre. - 15 30 " " Jaly. - 13 Our markrt daring the year Laa Wat live ly one and ha litii marked by a steedfaret " and firm'iednnsurpasfced I r any markeC ia the . Slate; a'jd in view of tie krly matanty of t e gmmiug enp. we advise all, to a market -f the balan e of their old crop aa early aa practicable. Our siiiior rttuer harirr lcaej the hont for a term or years, oar tannest, (althcttany material charge in tbe same of the Crm.)wifl be conducted in the urn efiiment inajmrr mm heretofore ; and with tbe houe ealaraxt 4 improved we can aX$ly sy to out (rie4s s aud the public, trrcnafly.in agaia soliciting their pats on age. that we can offer theia aa prood ac commodation aud Mrive them aa e&tieclly and satisfactorily a any othf r hoot In Basrille.' Panie wishing to send as tobai-co rat d e by rail, and it w ill he taken from the depot fret of charge and remittanoe prct ptly made Vy Eipre or mail. Wecan nror.i!M qukk rettrrw a the Kales are ih.w aotall and the pncerwd. Xi hen you onue to t n. give ut a rail. . Bt TClll.VGS, TUOMaS I BUlTTOy, Bnprif Ur. kIar,l!r, J.y.W Tfl lCi. 49-Ibm. Wm. Bowzrc M. A. II ai a out. NATIONAL HOTEL, Nalinbury, .. C, AFirslClassHouse,silualed in the center of the City. Thi well klKtwn II. .ul h rhatred lurxla and i rniw in Tko'tm ., l,in,. J , tfati.t ....t.- . ..." i .... ,, I'UMiat ma, -urt-,l j, ai li . r v. ,.i uill First Class AccomodAtioai, 1 l e I nn rcg iltel lo iut the time. T1t Tab! II U- ni.h,xj iih lhe Ui the markrt The Furniiure and Iktlimr are Am afford. and tbe momn largr and airr. C.i U ST A IILI-S tximmed iih the House, tajr Uuii.jbu. and lUcjrav, frt-e f charge. TTic uudcr!gnri would rticrlfuHv ek h'u uld friend lo vtrf ikf rJtwvr. a he ha hn kaw-rw ing the Maitnioii 11. ;- fur lb.- twel" wmm. ; With that ei j ri nee be ftl- warranted in mr t ing entire tali'faclinn will be giveti. Hia olj c-u-ioroer are rejcrtfuliy invited lo rail at tbe National. U 71 nOTTZCK. tf: 41 A. HAYS. t. BUYCI SILL NEW FIRM ri6 jPs j"wi J HAYS & SILL Druggist 8c Apothecaries, SAIaXSBTJR'2', II. C. Having pnrchasf d the contents of tht Diug Stoic f.utaeily occupied bj Df. Kdward Sill. We rt ui rif u!l v rl! iha L : fJ. f i :,;,... , r .i:.i J . . i , . iuc iui iKuiiuuig ruuuirj, io iue new ar rangement, and inlotni ihcro that wt will continue to carry on the basinets at tbt same placr, end the imt eicellent srsT. Wc w ill endeavor to keep on hand all tht various goods tbe people may need per tainii) io our line, and tht it fore hope by trict altentiou to hasiueta. to recti vt a liberal natrons re. I ei Physician's Orders Prompt ly Attended To. Prescription accurately and carefully compounded by rclialU and competent Urvggitts day or night. 43 w fttTJI.TIOXM for IIIVORCD Superior Co'1, fieri Csmntp. Lanra Chance, p!aintif Thootaa Franklin Chance, Stuoaaecav dricodant, j STATE OF NOBTH C'AKuLINA. ik? Skmf tf Earn 0Kjr, Grmttmf t J KKind within your cuanl. la I and appear b- lore tin JtMiyr of wrK.jK..K . .rt, U bhi4 fur the vHtutt of iloaan. a; .,.-t- IIk ia NjlitMirT, fti tlie fuoriJi M : miu r ti.e tKir4 in r-V4t-uhi r r i .. . -i Ttrr the tn4aiot !. i, . . .T.oe of iKe t U-ra ut iJ Jiirf n.t t . i Ani Cuae'y. mhI ix the J hfi-t.Ja(it uii il r U.al if ke Li! l ii ir iht rrapliit.t ujriog tht nit Term, the j Sii.iiff ill j jIt io theCetrt for tSe rvlief drmandeid in tbe rfhue4. Ileiem lau n4, and f thr Snamc dr return. i rm xtrxirX r.i t kand al of aaid urt, tbi fi da v U Angwt, 1K7X. . JOHN A HOYDEN. 1 aealof ibe I Iter. f the Knperisar Court. won of Lu aa cobtty. J. It. ELIaIOT & Co. Manufacturers of VUbVU ILU IVinnsboro U-Zm pd f c '4 ; i

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