rALlSBTRY. ailtJESDAT OCT. 10 FOR PRESIDENT: !; HORACE GREELEY. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT.! &. GK1TZ I1ROWJV. Mr Stephen Laraiter, Representative elect from Lenoir County, is dead, y fi - , I piah stiff rh A. nm UKamm ' ah a Jersey Railroad have had a 6ght. The malt Utm Irishman and three Negroes killed and aeveral of the Utter were) y wounded and their ahantiea burned. Tb effect of Radical Constitutions and Rad ical rnfi is aadly felt in Robeson count j. The sheriff there advertises 310 tracts of land for sale to pay taxes. The next Legislature will contain 16 colored members 4 in the Senate and 12 in the House. This is a gain of 1 in the Senate, and a loss of 4 in the House. Bishop Pain will preside over the following annual Conferences: Virginia Conference, at Petersburg,' November 20th ; North Carolina, at Fayetteville, December 4th ; South Carolina, . at Anderson, December, 12th ; Baltimore, at " Baltimore, March Cth. Chas. O'Coner has presistently declined ihe nomination tendered him by the Duncan-Grant anti-Grecley-straightput farce; hut says he will serve if elected. We have no doubt that there are numerous families that would do the same thing ; but there is no chance for the Great de cliner, Mr. O'Coner, Jle won't get an electo- rial vote, OrMmn haa ftleeted Mltrhol Hail. In the, IT 8. Senate. He succeeds Cor bet t, Had. e , . It is reported that the Vice President of San Salvador has been assassinated. y It b now thought that Andy Johnson, Inde pendent candidate, and the man who sanction' ed the murder of a woman, will be elected Congressman at large in Tennessee. - A terrible Railroad accident occnred on the 2nd Instant, in England, on the Road between London and Edinburgh. The Passenger train, while rnnning at a very rapid speed, came in collision with a freight train, causing the instant death of nine persons. Many others were in jured, and it is thought several of them wil die. The storing barn of R. F. Webb, Esq- of Orange, was burned on last Saturday. A large quantity of tobacco was destroyed. The Chesnut crop in the mountains of this Mate is very nne tnis year. A destructive f re occurred in New Jrw on the moraine olfhe fourth. The fire broke out In Wataon'a Machine Shop and Silk fbundery In Patterson, and soon nothing was left but the wall. The whole loss is estimated at $150,000. On Wednesday last, Mr. Henry Bridgers, , eldest sen of Hon. R. R. Bridgers President of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, died in the cars at the Petersburg depot while on his way to his home in Wilmington, N. C. Mr. Bridgers was in his twenty-first year, and recent ly graduated at the Virginia Military Institute with the highest honors. He had been in bad health for some time and was returning from the Springs at the time of his deatl whither he had gone in the hope of recovery. 1 he Ashville UUizen says the Apple crop in the mountains was never better, many trees yielding from 30 to 40 bushels to the tree. A mass meeting of the Democrats will he held, at Alexaudriana on the Nth : inst, and the Hons. W. A. Graham, M. W, Ransom, and Ex-Gov. Vance are expected to addreesa the people then and there. j Ex-Sheriff Flanagan, of Pitt county, is dead. The Raleigh Siewa says seventy thousand bush els of wheat were raised in Haywood county this year. The female College at Ashville is full and flourishing. Gen. Bragg spent the whole summer at the Warm Springs in Madison county. He left for his home a few days ago. Mr. Miles Stout, of Wilkes, who was tried at the last term of Court there for the murder of Robert Vannoy, was acquited, the testimony showing that the act was done in self defence. The two negroes, Baldy Gailher and George Graham, were tried lor the murder of Margaret Semon, a white woman, at Wilkes Court. Gai ther was acquited ; G.-aham convicted, but took an appeal. A true bill was found against Maj. . J as. 1 1. Foot, for intimidating voters. A telegraph office haa been established at Luniberton, Robeson cor-nty, N. C, and N.' A. Lee, of Petersburg! appointed operator. The tobacco barn of Mr. John R. Adams, of Jredell, was burned last Thursday. The Statesville Intelligencer learns that the to bacco barn of Mr. Cool, near Cool Springs, Ire dell, has been burned, also a quantity of tobacco. - They have a religious revival at Statesville. Many persons have made confession. Dr. Francis Lieber is dead. The Dr. was born at Berlin March 18, 1800. He was one of the most distinguished American writers on Government and Civil law. Married ; on the morning of Sept 25th, lion. C. L. Cobb to Miss Pattie Pool, both of Eliza beth CUy.N.C. York Lattimer and Jerry Thompson for the murder of Sam Martin, all colored, were tried at Rutherford last week. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. James Morris, of N.Y., a soldier of 1812, is dead. John C. Thompson, of New York, horticul turist, is dead. The Fayetteville Eaglt saya some 30Q barrels or 12,000 gallons of wine is the result of the , present grape crop at Tokay Vinyard near that place. I ' The latest news from Georgia is to the effect that the returns from 103 counties give Smith, Democrat, fifty thousand six hundred and seventy-one majority. THE RECENT ELECTION. The three great Middle or Northern States that roted last Tuesday have been carried, Itjs said bf the Radical or Grant party. These States were Pennsyljrauia, Ohio, and Indiana. We cannot say that we are disappointed, though we had been told that there was a fair prospect of car rying then all for the Qreeley-Liberal- Rt-fbm-ConserVatl ve-anti Gr&ut f party. We ire not just uw prepared to j aay what the effect of the result in these States will Ve upon the presidential election wmcu utaes piace on tbe tub of next November. . Thai there was and that there is a ipa jorjty of the people of the United Stnti-s opposed to the Graut or Radical party, we do not doqbr, hutVo rreanTTlTtnat the opportunity for making it effectlvf in the present canvaea haa teen abused and iost. " V ' ' To the friends of good government those who are actuated - by priciple and Strive for the right, we would say be firm, be of good'xheer, it often happens that good comes out of evil, and that defeat to ns does not always prove a victory to our adversaries. THE FIRE. Our Town has been subjected to an other disastrous conflagration. A fire broke out in the store of Mr. Thos. J. Foster, Saturday night last, between the hour of 12 and 2 A, M. If was discovered about. 2$ o'clock, and al though too far advanced to be arrested with the means at command, it spread slowly but steadily to everything Ijpth- in its reach, H ive new and handsome store-rooms four of them occupied were destroyed. The loss in buildings is estimate at about $25,000. This is distributable between Messrs. Reeves &West, (no insurance) ; T.J.Foster, Dr. JL-W. Hall, and John I. Shaver. Mr, Shaver is the heaviest looser in Ibuildings, on which there was no in- surancc. All the persons merchandis ing in these buildings were ' tnpre or less insured on their stocks : Foster, to the amount of $18,000 ; Bernhardt & Co., $8,000; Mills & Kerns, $7,000 and Price & Bro., $1,000. It is not yet ascertained what amount of loss these gentlemen have sustained over and above their insurance ; but it is believed it will be considerable. ;) It is not known how the fire orart nated. Mr. Foster left his storfe about three hours before the fire was discov ered ; and as everything was then ap parently secure, it remains a mystery how it originated. The north-eastern wall of Kluttz & (Vs. Drug Store, was also the south western wall of the row of buildings destroyed ; but by reason of its height above the burning buildings, those gentlemen sustained no serious loss. The fire was easily fought oft from the windows, there being no wind to drive the flames to fierceness. There was no attempt to remove the stock. It may be mentioned as a sigular oversight, after so manv warnings, that so little precaution was taken against fire by those who built the new stores now in ruins. Had the division walls been run well up above the roof, and each apartment thus entirely separated, the fire might been confined to the room in which it originated, With oat this important precaution there is no chance to save buildings when fire once gets a start. It runs from roof to roof, and soon involves the whole block. There are other necessary jirovisions to be made to fortify us against fire, which it ia hoped will be provided as speedily as possible. OUR ANNUAL FAIR is in full tide. The Town is full of people. The Fair ground is thronged with: exhibitors and visitors. Every body and everything looking pleased and lively. Carriages, omnibuses and buggies dashing hither and thither. Horseback-riders moving likecouriers. Pedestrians, watchfully and hastily. To the gouty and crippled Fair week must be a bore To the young and active, a festival. To the; moralist, a study and aMesson ; and to the reli gious a knoty question ' But 1 The Fair is in progress. Every one is busy : committees are inspecting and noting down results, and out of the confusion of sounds and goings is to come the statistical reports of goods and wares, machines and implements, stock and poultry, etc., etc., which show what was exhibited and to whom premiums were awarded! .This list we hope to present in our next, since it is impossible to give it in this issue. The aickness in this eomtonnity has abated, and the doctors say it ia now dig ireasingiy ueaxtny. stateaville InteUigtn cer. I; JDne would hare sapposed, judging from the reports of the American about Row an, that no lickneaa erer occnred in Ire dell. Bat we sappose Iredell, like all other sections of country, U afflicted with its peculiar local diseases, and that about as many people die there,1 according to the pop alation, as anywhere else. If bil ious fever and chills kill people in one sectiou of the country, tiphug fever and cholera kill them in othcrsl So that there a but, little difference where we live, sick- uees and death come to all sooner or later. A few malignant evil disposed persons' and a Winer blacknrd sheet have attemot- ed to' produce the impression that Salis bury and Rowan County are unhealthy. But this is not true. Salisbary is fully as healthy, if not more healthy, as any town or city in the State east of Newton. If we except i slight prevalence of ehills during the? fall, and these are common to nearly all sections of (be State, there is no town in North Carolina to compare with it in point of health and , desirableness as a piace or residence, uur water is as pore as that which gushes from the Blue Ridge, and the country around is sum ciently rolling and elevated to protect us against undue malarious or miasmatic in fluences. The man is simply an ignoramus who Is acquainted with this paction of the coutry and the diseases incident thereto, who saya it is sickly and undesirable as a place to- live in. I ' - MuBpxjt in Davidsox Cofhty. The Raleigh Sentinel learns that on Toes day, the lstinst, a murder was committed ten miles of Lexington, which creates no little excitement in the community. Mr Fraiikliu Harris a highly respectable cit tzen was the victim, and one Elliott the perpetrator of the deed. The following are the particulars as we learned them from a friend j Sometime during the ai ternoou in jquestion, Mr. H. started out to search for some stray sheep, and in th search passed by Elliott's corn field when he saw Es dogs running down his bog which had strayed into the field. 11 picked up a etoue and struck one of the dugs. ' Elliott eame up and told him strike again, When Harris staoped down as if to procure another rock, wherenpon Elliott seized a piece of fence rail and struck him with such force npon the head as to crush the skull aud cause instanta neous death. r Mr. H.j is a young man, about 34 years of age, and laves a wife and two young -L!l 1 1-1 1 1 ... . . cuuuren. .111011 is now in the county jail at Lexington; From the New York World. A meAn little government SWINDLE. The Postmaster GeDend seems determin ed to InsiBt upou the rule that insufficiently prepaid letters shall be held at their place of destittHti'jn until the payment of double the amoant of the deficit. Thus, if a letter so bulky as to require two 3 cent str inps be mailed iu New ork for Buffalo with but one it is to be held at the latter office, uutil the persou to whom it it addressed days the post master 0 teuts. There is uu iusti-, rtasoii or law in this ruliug. and it is to be hoped fz rhTi nlf! s;1 tri-, !n ' a A-rf ! HIPPODROME AND CIRCUS June 8th. 1871, bearing ou this matter, are man who raised him pav f.,r every pound he C,' ' V' " ' 1 1 ' u v "f """ U-,1 n II t u I , , L,ULU as f.Jluws : weighedThey don't' furnii L ounce of! lle Lil,',,,bc;'1' "V ' . ..1,,,"?rC 1 '-n. U, M:iK. Ilidiog lbs, Ukev. Trick isec. 150. That postage ou all mail mat- ment gratu, but charge full price fr every I uuK"tW Ol the late Dr. Ja. (Jlliuer. I Jl'T !-, 1J. phin'i', aud r ifty f. tin M.i'n ntnl r'ea. .U: Anint in tit Ynrtd ter must be prepaid bv 8taimts at the time f : atirn nf tlir VI,., tt i .......i I I If traveling bv waroi. would rtuire ib a'iu:l irt ..r r.. n . . mailing, uuless hereiu o:hervf ise proxidedjit takes a lony .iu,e to get one cool to tl r . . marrow ot the b.ue. and when the hams" a Sec. 151. That all trail matter deposited : for mailing, ou whii-h at least onefjll rate of postage has beeu paid as required by law. shall bei forwarded toils destination, charged on ueuvery. j See. 15i. That if any mail matter ou which by law the Mistake is require 1 to U prepaid at the mailiug office, shall by iuad verteuce reach its destination with out puch repayment, double the prepaid rates shall e e .arged aud collected on delivery." It would be hard to find in these provis ions any warrant for th arbitary ruling which Mr. Cresw ell had approved. He aud his, subordinates Dial thiuk it a good thiug to fine A at Buffalo 3 ceuts fir the oversitlit of B in New York, aud this after B has paid one-half the postage and A the other, but people are not to be thus mulcded at the mere wiil aud pleasure f their public fer vantg. Section 151 of the uew Postal law most positively says that if one 3 cent stamp be put ujkju a letter requriug two. the letter is nevertheless to be forwarded and -the un paid rates." that is the other 3 cents, collec ted on delivery. There is no such thiug iu this ease as the "inadvertence" mentiouted in section 152. A double letter with one 3 cent SUmp upon it has a clear b gal right to oe foi warded, subject, of course, to a charge of the three lacking cents. Effects of Radical Ki le atthf. Km; It does seem that tha Southern Stale do not enjoy a monopoly of the crime and rulhuisui of the country, and that the mythical Ku Klux are not the only violators of the Uw and distur bers pf the peace. From the North, city and country, our exchanges come teeming witl.Jre cords of murders, burglaries, anon. mobs, riou highway robbery, and all the crimes koown.to tbe law. Only a few days si nee we read of the formation of a vigilance couuuittee in Chicago, aad we learn from the New Yort Sun that crime in New York and Bropklin is increasing so fast that eaceable citizens are considering the necessity of forming combinations for the protection of life and property in those cities. A correspondent of the Hum. writes as follows; 1 "I am an ex-officer in the Uniud Statea : r. my, and an ex-member of the famous Vigilance Committee of California, and I am the pox-e- sor, in real estate and cash, of 30,000. lama resident of lirooklyn, doing business m New York. I know that both cities are infest.! with a large gang of cut-throats and thieves, and that our courts of justice are not adequate ... .1 T 1 . 1 yj me occasion, i ao noi propose to tresusson your timvUtnd space, and enter into anv argu ment as to why this is so. You know, and I kinjw. ami over a nun urea uiousand other law abiding citizens are aware of these facts. ii "Now, sir, I proiiose the immediate fWrm. fion of a igilance Committee, censisting of propeny-noioera nrm, reliable, trustworthy men men who mean business. T will m'vp m'v services and fivethonsainl dollars cah towards tbe enterprise." Tbe above indicates prettv clearly the esti mate placed npon the constituted authorities to arrest and punish criminals. Such wide- sprea ana universal aemoraiization can only be . . . j . i i .1. . .. accuuuicu iu: on me uypoiiiesis that a corrupt. piuig.w miu iiwuuuuk government, by its example, engenders a spirit of lawlessness and depravity among the masses. "When the wicked rule the people mourn." Savannah Newt. Augusta is blessed. The election on Wednesday showed that there are not a. half dozen white Radicals in the city. The white men who formerly voted with the Rads, abandoned them and voted the straight Democratic ticket. The State Fair, The Charlotte Dcmocrai has the following appropriate notice of tho approaching State Fair, it Dreatnesa proper spirit ana we should be gratified if the other State papers would express similar views. Quite a number of the papers of the State seem, judging from the tenor of their allusions, to look upon the Jb air as a Raleigh Institution, This is a mistake. " The J air is a btate enter prise, and every locality has, or ought Tl 1 to nave, as mucn interest in 11 as xva leigh. The Democrat says : The North, Carolina State Fair opens on Tuesday, the 15th of October. The Bail-r road fare from and back to Charlotte has been reduced to the low rate pf six dollars. We hope there will be a general gathering of the Western people at Raleigh during the air week. .Let our people trom dinerent sections meet often and get acquainted with each other, and talk about farming and oth er topics, and learn more of the excellent qualities of , the good C14 North State. The young men and youpg women, as well as the old ones, from evory quarter of the btate, ought to see each other, and, by so doing, it might be the means of promoting hapnine&s J 1 1 A- T- a. t . 1 sou pleasure uereauer. .crj native onn Carolinian ouzht to go to Raleigh on some public occasion and see something of the leading mep if the" Btate. We don't mix together enough, and therefore we suggest a full attendance at the btate Fair next week. We feel it a duty to attend, and ex pect to be there. 0 Old John Robinson A hnge adrertise ment of this mammoth show appears in our issue to-day. As it exhibits here on the 28th inst, curiousitj is about on th tip-tee to knovr if it can really he the true that it is such an immene establishment as it is represented to be. As evidence of the fact we copy here an extract relative to it from th Hagerstown (Md.) Nar$: Two hundred and seventeen teams puss ed through the toll-rate bf fore half past ele ven this uioruing to John Kobinsou's Great Show. Tbe travel ud a half-do2en roads leading to the fjitv was about as large. At the time announced for the opening. 2 P. M.. the tour large tents were completely jam med, and thousands who crowded around the ticket sellers were refused admission. The streets wen- filled with teams and the crowd exceeds any that ever gatht rtd here to a 4th of July exhibition. The procession through fttraaftt. t.htaMirYi iunrrinff of Atitfa an early hour, was witnessed by thousauds .f people. The Houses, shops, stores aud of-1 hVe were desort fur a time. The whole emu- try is out to see the show. The fpecial traiu ou the Southern Central bring in hun dreds beside those thronging hither with teams There has not leeu so much excite ment for years. KifWa fio - sand people will visit the flfw this afteruoon and enveuing. We would sdgest to Mr. Kobiupon. if he comes tlws aj next season, to add more tents and more seats to acc.mim'Mlatet he multitude. Fourc lossal tents are not eunnj:h to hold the people. All pronounce Kilinyoii's the great est and- best show ever seeu. Hoos Small Brf.eds A stock raiser of such experience, iu an article upon ever grown and mediiirasized animals, thus llie small breeds : 'Plluru I c rii.t uriu ein.vl.. . A m n n . 1... I . ..vn. .t. u-.. cuiir nut aci- ii inj put in salt, it is iroubl r" in tufinwli ih t theceutn Foni l.undrml m,u.U.lie -..bt : - i i i , .. -fs is as large as tiofis Mioiihl be, in oroer to be good bacon. Uevonnd this ize. tlir ia u 1 oss somewhere. Either the fd. r. b.itcb.r I r eonmmiPr i bo.t I i . geuerai tuiue. every one who has anything to do with the big hog. will hud if observes closely, that they are uot so profitable as the smooth. nice hogs of owl three hundred and fifty i i . V. ... ""-J pounds weight. Small breed, with little up- right ears, and legs and feet delicate to per- faction, are ma.ks which indicate the grl-at- est amounts of flesh for auv iriven .. .,if HhkI consumed and will more rea.bl v .iP.r the HtteutH.u ..f th buteher." Farmerg' and Menkanics Journal. GoUls- boro, 2f. C. The Presidential Election Law. We learn that Dr. Mfcuninger, Secret tary ol the Sute, iu the absence ol any special law, bearing upon the Presiden tial election, haa deemed it advisable io obtain the views of prominent Wal "en- nemen oi uotti political parties with a view of obtaining uuifonnilv of action in election returns, at the several precincts throughout the State. In the opinion of these gentlemen the 3rd Section oi Chapter 45 Laws of 1SG8 is still inforce, to wit : "This election bI.hII Ue conducted and tbe returns mdu as nearly an m ty bo dir rected in relation to election of State of ficers and representatives in Congn-ss, except as herein otherwise expressed." In thia view the law of 1872. chapter 18o, is applicable to ibe . lection as far as may be. Dates which in litis law are designated for 1 1: State election should be approximated in the ensuing one ; Registration should begin at once in ac cordance with sectious G, 7 aud 8 of the Act of ISG3 THE N. y. IIEKALD'g OPINION The New York Herald i independent in politic and cousequen'ly it cannot be ch.irged with any partisan motives when it gives utterance to the following : " As an independent journal, laboring for the prosperity ol the riiy ,, tbe in terest of the people, the Herald earnestly desires reform, without regard to the pol ticians, aud will cuppoit any party thai will io honest y and sincerity carry out the work of official purification. In tlte iia.ioual administration we fi-.id good evidence that Congress is but little less corrupt than our ovu notorious State Legislature. We have no charge? to make against any in dividual ; but it is undeniable that the Pacific Pailroad sch ties, the Citdit Mo oilier Rud oilier job have been carried to success only through the corruption ol I"gislalion and al ihe expense ot llie peo ple. Iu the federal offices there is foul ness at every step. Custom li-nsc in all outof-tbeay places, as the democratic contemporary has been recently showing i j excuse ior farming a horde ot idle pensioners upon the Dublie nrj. The busiuess of all tbe de could, no doubt, be done as tfficiently as atthe present time witb a very malerial reduction of tbe lorce aud a great sarin" u pense. ie The choice giren to every man born into this world is simply, whether be will be a laborer or an assassin t and whoever has not his hand on the stilt of the plow. has it on the hilt oi tho dagger. Judge Requler streak the right ehord hen be declared "that a man who sold his Tote was a greater traitor to his conn try that that he assailed his Government with a gun lub ut band." The ' Georgia Election Ninety-Kin Counties Heard from gives a majori ty of 4i,000. Atlanta, Oct. 5. The official report of ninety-nine counties show a majority for Smith, .Democrat, of 40,013. One hundred and twenty-nine Democrats and six .Radicals are so far reported elected as Kepresentati ves. The Democratic ma jority has been increased by two things; many negroes were tax defaulters, and their leaders took the money sent to pay their taxes, and the negroes in ma ny places sought to scire the polls and get up trouble, and failing, refused en masse to vote, though invited, in order to make a point on the Democrats. Fwr th Watchmiit. Cou WM. n. 1L COWLES, or Wilms. Editors Watchman : We have heard thin gentleman favorably opoken of in connection with tho Rending CUrkthiu of the Senate. Col. Cowles distinuifbed himself as a hnrt and skillful officer in the Army, and was se verely wounded in several engajrementa. Since the close of the war he has devoted himself to the practice of the Law, and by his talents, energy, and popular manner, has contributed largely to the unccess of the Conservative party in lib taction of the State. His election to the position of Rend ing Cirri, would be but a fit recognition of his gallant and meritorious condoct during the war, and of his untiring efforts since that time, to advance the caue of Conservatism. 1th Congrtuional DUtricL o A CARD. To onr many friends who stood by as so faithfully during the late terrific fire, and to whom under Providence we are indebted tor eTl'initt ion from trrtut Iowa w tsnil.p rn I - - w 1 IIUI sincere and grateful thanks. Kindness such this; in, the ,,our of -nmnnent peril, can ncTcr w ,or- f" "v TIIEO. F. KLITTZ & CO. C. A. 1IENDEHSON. A CAUD. The undersigned, feeling sincerely thank- iui to llioe who assisted him in removm In this County, on the -c insf, by Ucv. (Joe. Ii. Welmorr, Mr. J. Li. Hyde to Miss Maigirci U. d iu-l u-r of K. .!. M. T 4 . I ? ji Vll- VlflCI f In this Town Friday inoniinir. Octola-r :...... m in! i i i ii ii-.i iv 'O' i"iniii, .'ii. ii.i.i.v.u .-v. i) .biu., autr a,K,ul lwo "". n be oMh V i . - . - ,. - ,. - i. : i: -,. . n-i , ..... , r., , .r e. i . ... A .. . . . w.ttU Ul. unvvn .v,'ar' 1 ,e xv.as -? to " al u,e Mnt Au;Ut election. lie sIm .a,.ntl tK.. 1 '.mi.' in tl... I ,-ri-la. I v , me I ountv in t ie UVl- LV , - hatev,'r.lsU1Ion trst J""1? U "n,!onn,-v t''tory to the 7'- ll"dut, ere d. charged with OUU't IK'XA Kill irint li'iw l.nt a-tli rakn. f... r " f, , , , "t- tZ , r "7Z. " P t'l objervance of nj-jdcration and ... ,., u, u.t, j.mi u ?n mwkneM, ami a generons conri- I ,u 'n ",c ,nUrn and hme-tyof others iiinui: uiiu an amiaoie and potuilar man. It wiis not possible for any one to till the office of Sheritf with more quictnc than he did it. Its duties, under his administration, fell upon the people as noiseless as dew upon the grass. He was in truth a public servant serving as one expecting to le called on to render account. He was faithful in all his public and private relations, wjicthcr as a county or church officer, or as a private citi zen. His death is a public lews. To his fani- "J 'a an "1 VJMiiraijiC caiuMtur. Fifty and Onk IIcsureo Dollar bills wanted at '.he Post Office, for which smaller bills will be iriven in exrlmn r - n - SEW AUVKUTISF.MKATS, SAMCEI.RKEVC, Jr. Jo1Iv BEA R 200 HEAD OF BEEF CtUe Wanted. The underpinned wUh in t...r-k.Tn t?.. derd fine Ik-cf Cattle, for wUich thev are pre pared io par tl.e lngheat cah pr'cea. Tliey would alsoinfbrta tbe Ciuxenaof Rali. bury that thev are furninliit. ik. ft . ainnlH beef four times each week: mml Vr...i. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning 4 lm: II K WAR I) S-25. House brok.n open and Money Stolen. From the lat to the 4lh of (At, In-L mr T,nrInV,-',0n 7Un,-T' W" " "i and the followins stolen : I hi. I nn?i . i' ' drU)ollar Kill. One r&u?,'"uV" n" n;n . -i .i x ' Loiiar Bill ; aUo .Specie, the amount not known A reward of Twenty fire Dollars will be ei en for the recoTery of the money Oct. 6th 1872. 4 3L &&&& ,l Sr;.0""." & KHtud receive tbetr Fall Mock of Miliary Goods, conv r :.;'V" ";".m uie,r lin d of .o j.ea. iJlt-. re invited to c M.c.rse.e.tmn, wfc.cl, embrace ere J lu,"S Yna MUriil for Hats and vriiamenu lor the H lair. o: im: NOTICE TO ALL WHO ARK CONCERNED. Lz :s!t k on .1, tUemenL " make ntdUte Now I mn !ii.l V - a T for it is meant for roo. . ' w eU' J-- IU HON to rhallenre the admiration not oi.lr of NatoraliaU. bot of ptl M.f.- , h limitlLIIMJ. I w i ...u m -I , I H -. R. P- BESSENT. 3:tf 8.ili4nry, Sept. 3, 1872. THE WORLD'S FAIR. SATiTSBTJRY, MONDAY . October Tho 28th JOHN ROBINSON'S Great Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan, and Hippodrome, Combined with THE GRAND IXTERXATIOXAI. ZOOLOGIC AL GARDEN. POLYTECNIC INSTITUTE. MAMMOTH CIRCUS, In Four to Ten Tenls, n the Spare of the Ground will permit JOHN ItOBlXftdX, Proprietor nrul General Director JOHN BOH1SSOX, J., Manager. ' r. IT i. ; . ? .... SwelT. Oup.nor SSOWS in On.. iu me .uueciioo sdi ornn.ulioo r ttr " nuivina wi uuinyc m- I r -. . I1HMM t' I Tt'th V V W Hill I V'IV w . . ' m w mm l- u i V, r 4,0 Urn Time L..t Vr.r; but OeT Kare W t' largely .upplemeuwd for the present M-ason l-j New Action Cnlnu ZCZ almost every Mraiuer In.ui K..n igu IVrU hi, h ha- artiv. 4 in .v T.-l f"i7b. r2J. J, month. A- a-i illustration of the Io.b loit.ble Energy of " wi Tu I'nZJTf1 tbt,hment. it in.r In, well to remark that the Kih. " ui! KZfrYmXpASl and Amenc. wb tbe bdiv.u. of Ch.aa, J.p.B. Aatrali uSTKu, SSST Mand4, Arab.a.Turkey.Sisrn.LircaMatK(rvpt,alrl-a. i.A7.tic InXn awflTuriL aggregate of This Mugle Pepartn.ei t. whic h, after all. eoMnote. bu, a 2rty .In tV.t be stcn. - It is estimated tbat in the Aqn.riam. Munm. Uen.rerie and fflaral .2J I Twenty Thontand Cariosities. . aoU rublicv hoo T".i hem ever ii. t Mit.l . n ..ri... ..ir..,..., .. ..... in no i ui. h- i.;w. iii,.n o;.j.-. t r-M '.in:" I v tui.o vut .irr.iv i a.Uei! in m t.. Pt-M.le. " ' M AGNI FIC Il.ref, it U Inriln rnn.reii,fi'!ttitlv UIiev.il '-"eiit :iri v rycminnti.- in tiientatemvni tbxt! . k; ii.. ......... i i i : i . i a I....! II.. i -a- . '""t ' ! "Mm aiirii'iinn, imru , ' ' comsu.eo in imi.lt l in on it lli.il i li 1'nl.l .- l-r. .. i ....... . : . . . J tl.i-f-....,-.. .-..i,.... . i. . ... .i iH-n Mi-nliii. Ji 111 V l'l iltl Vvi iv I-Vll ..r .... 'r'. 1 ' Y'J 'k'lr . ' "x ' , V 1 - , "V . 1 m America II in llun-fc.re, iih no ordiairr . ,'1rt ' e.'nti.l ih tt.al the mnai:i dm nl aiu.ooi.n- il.ee T. i I rice OI A .1 in l l.w. mrt. tk. Mi.t t. 1. I 1 ! : - - - - - v , - -t., . v. tA.i ikik'i i.ici .Trrii 'n rinn j Weiully solicit the atteiiiion of the read, r to l!, Uluwing enameraliot. of onlc - Ieadine r eature of the Great Kvbil.iiinn .. I .r. r,i .1 . . 1 ., V ' u cunwitie- with which the entire Exposition so amamigl .b..,Hi: Tbe Hon, r SE 1 1N from Alaska nine in number, the largest writl. n . Two tl ouaand I'Kind..rw,-M,oe fie Luadr-J pounds of fiah daily ; the Egyptian Crocodile, twenty feri lonX ; a U-n of African aod Suutli Km. z i??. ,hi.r-r T"""r NVvh n ... , - , iur irKcK l-liu. or lamel of the AnUe. rum, or Amt V. '.'J?-'"11 -Pr.M. Australian t ab I'.J. w" 1 V 1 a a v a . w l.ion, ol A.rtra; hettnJ U,w, B.byrm-a; African I orcopine arl IWarersiW whole Animals ever Mn at one time- w rove oi ame.M.uti, lut Uwona, Sacml Cat. Ie, Uamasj Forty of tbe Smllet P.e- erer am a Khinocen or I nicorn of Holy Writ, one of t,t nxM narveloii. uimk. rv mtimi weiRl.l Kight Thonsand Ici..l enat t.V-; a P.ir ,U (iianl IKTlMCIIrX fcira rKiipT?" !' H-P-ta.no. H.rte lln-t HorneJ Ilor.t,. IUr C. ulSlW Headed I alaline Sheep. J-4tel Axis Iwer, Um U 1 ol ra-l... .enrriin Kal Urr Wl Amenoan Jiruar Silvt-r lj..i. ,J t -.t;.'....:.. 4 -.. - . .. . ' it . ' . . . . "i-i -. .i"a-o nyena. rmnui Al ir;;; i r , , , IN THE ARENA " Ut he Introduced the Folhny UmexamjM Array o Fuestrion, Acr4 Athletic and Gymnastic Talent: 1 be f!rt mtiA :. .1 I nrvt.im r. . The Jffr 1? -i V.. 7. ,"""B",'"e U"l)t.lil SlILKMiX. ' "C Icerred ,Jcr the Paris Er,sitU.n and a n.n-ni u V- ..nu Wsil OAOUOE M. KKLLKY, The Champion Leaper. XTtV,'1.? W,LSnN- l b,- Or..t Four horse Rider. Mm. f'KmVM KO'N.STbe D.-hing Somersaa't Kqoe.trian. Mr. OLOUOL SLOMAX, The Dr, Sou.h Ameie4n Horseman and Tn- ' I f I I l l L" I t ......... ThC wad ri..,,;. .'"r": c tuUre o raw - ... 1 A IS' Tbe Lnwl"i Gymnasu. ILLIAM CARROLL, The Flvinr Leaner The WONDERFUL COXUvik a AllllL'l 1 . t.r i v !. . v-. -.-w, .iiiowif uymuasu ana - M LLK t BA.NCKS. 1 lie Ure.t E,.pu,rf ,U li.b a.u.1.1 K,.v I. 1.0H ,1,. 1-,. AIIC1I1K UAlll'IIHU- In ? "R0T" K,l. their woncYrf., Gy-.i CUAKLKS MACARTYJUattoute r .nd v..i,i-eur. TUi, Entri,nJyr lMru",,-i "! '"--"UW M'LLK L'AMoL'R. . j t in T hcUaaA'tt'mUhrr Prbut ritJUnth, C .r M ADA VL ;r RTRIJDK: The F ar'essand Uuti.ul XV.ld U,,.l T" ! Vill.l-ol2 I V ,( ,N iA,) S Vt ":.S IMMSS a,,d MUNKF.VS ! ' ' iU" l"-eeanj ibeabw buu.Ar .cily mlul lUj o.. uemrmucr, a bhow, th,. Kqna! I a Knropc M ""J- Mrt by the Old John tvi Exhibitions" ii. c- name i a fir. u . . . JOT ADMIIOX TO ALL 75et 1 erfi.rmainx-a al 1 and 7;.0 o'cb -"""win OAU3BLKJ All Cor a Sinrtt Trice of AdaUtl.. Unjoin iu uluii.lcu. h. l. 1.1.. .. .h 'il.l l-rin mind (h.t V rv,i i; v.. i . .. ' . . U"nQ V'V rt "blw EtbiK.U- IntoitK.n bicb arrfoacj t... , . . .. 4 ,1 "fcjMiuicuf ciuanc Tt a TbnM ENT HO.M AX tir tb.-r m...t .-.i. .......'. ... ' , . tiLin in il.e a . .rw.i.. I i. irn'vJiv .7. "71!" . ami value. i . . . ilh a iir?r anetv of MarveU. unimirv Mi(,. i i .... marnicue 1 mill ,v.. .i' ie aaiiy et- . '"O uu" K" rr- IV1 U --m w i t- . i Lirpnani in me wori.i actual Wriffl.t Kiy T.- - r'imn C.-r American B-irTilo. Virriaia Pu.- Knrrr: flat Ksniramo. erf New ZaJat! Tint " ... K -7k. or Oi Nuod.; Spotted Tirer Uaw Tic-r (.rawing U.e Mt l.rni&.i Col lecliua of uj .. N Iiaredack flvrseminship a nd JImrdU Ui:i- nf WMd. IUs Never Been J'ee or America. Veteran showman of the WorJJ Kohlnon, 'to tbe I aid fcyrTKLajEiiBr thi Dav. Mom ikX 11 loUfreMinr i..r thv public to Dbdr.i.iwt n,., t . a . t lWLKl KX drnJirlOi .'A.. o'clock DaiN.