'', ' ' vi:v '-J. I'-''- ' ? - t . ; -"f; : -4 i t - - . i. - 1 j rm i , v V ;A. v; ,:( i j... . .:; Li.;, vtf 1 1 . i t ; t', i9 i'l't ; i. 1 1 IE 'i ' 1 J y I - r K : ; s;i;i : L.! (itwlitia tllotrljrafln. iULISBriit. 'IBtESlUT OCT. J?.. 'FOR PRESIDENT : ClOtlACC GREELEY. : FORVrCE-PRESIDENT: 1 13, ; CJHATZ BROWIV. BUMMABY OP THE NEWS. ; "They hare est lo Lenoir county 23y ears old. J '"Mr. Uriah Herring, Coroner of Duplin conn- One Robert Leggit, with--whHa-skin, eloped from Kew Bern; a fe days , agit Fanny 1 Uell, a colored married woman,- The women is fcoshatuL'-EThef wnawat.re! arrested "and LtM .tnl,lwi txw ifi ..iHiJ : ri -V; vtVf'c?'.s.fi .v? I Hon. Wm. H. Seward died at hw resudencel lo Auburn; K.4JtThqi4ia0tKinrt;iIi It was whoboaited that h Secretary of State , tjnderIcoln! durire'wir,;clJ touch . . bell rone nt linra a Mliion orrMlwl In n euuthnnnder thcontrol of Lincoln. Thhi j wraaanexerewe or power that would ,cost Ue It XJueen of England her head. It was carrying out- rtge and oppression to an extent rarely reached by the most bruUl and tyrannical crowned Jads of Uie world. Uut ne lias gone to render aa account before the bar of God. - James Gordon Bennett, Jr is preparing to .i . . . i. i.:. r..iL. : r' i Cemetery, Brooklyn, which j is to cost$200,000. i Bayhns Ilenderson who was confined in Ma con county Jail for the murder of Opt. Rim rod Jarrttt, jroke out on the 2nd inst. s.' A murder has been committed in Madinon county Th yictim was a distiller named B. VT. Clark alias Benlnman. lie was sleeping .in i . .i n fiisi 9xiilI.lkAiiaA mt tha timA M Imsi aofinaainii. u T. . ,L..i.. .k.t v ri anil (tlknfi liim jrttlkrtiit walrincr Kim. I ? The GmilKMuw of Mr. It. F. Boyken, of Ssropson county, was burned about a week ago. AIM ura WMwiuenui, iiifing uu rauneu ...w, vUWU. . v.,. nmu"S "U18- ueeuof source oi nres 01 late years, in mere bo way to prevent the destruction of gin house j this means? A little care and attention might help the matter. The local elections in Connecticut, on the Elb Instant, . how a gain for the Democrats of Court, some time hst year, on the charge Charlotte and taking a horse rode off to ..T -i . 'I f. t- t-, , . . . f ward his home in the upper part of Row- AAA i Miss Minnie Deems, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Deems, was, on Thursday last, married in Ifsw York to Mr. Verbrey.adistlniruwhedlaw. jer of Augusta, Ga. j The Charlotte Denoerat sars. the Stockhold- ers ef the North Carolina rresbulerian met in thlaette la eek. dnrin .M.mn Kvnod and elected Rev. T. L. Pevaux of Florida, as Editor of the Preshvterian. Wtr learn he is a Wntfeman f .Mm ami mMn inA mm.' tn n "j . , . v- c.- t,;i.i . the State highly recommended. .anavufriwua fair opens on iUeuay ue 22nd inst. A grand times is anticipated. . lion. A, M. Waddell has Lued a stirring ap- peal to his constituents, urging hem to stand i .. . i .... i... , .i t-l i arm auu renew iiieir enuns ior ine luiuerai- Greeley cause. He telU tlieni that, Greeley will be the next president if hi. friends do their jfts- an1 tVar I aa rr iV imrtAvrfltiAA hnj Ivaam uuSjt M4VS a,a vr ui uv am j'vi iuiivvi .liao Lmril given to' the rehultin Pennsylvania and Ohio; that we can give theae States to Grant and tlun beat him badlr. ftfru IraA errant Clktinrrra firanno vaav sj ;wi buildings, costing $4o,oo800 have been erect- ' .t TlilrtMft Itnlolj tinrn I K..;if ILTiVnnn . fr, . ,.. , Prenident Grant liaa issued nrorl.-Mtinf inn ine forth tha 28th ,lae nr vn,u w me day Of thanksgiving". Bars" raysoa WillU Fannv Fern, wife of James barton, died at her residence, in New York, on Thursday evening the 10th inst., in uie sixiy-um year oi ner ago. one was Known America and the univer.nl world of letters jas Fanny Fern. She was married twice. The t m -At"-' C r- . . . f productions of her pen always found ready sale. u.nnnWrAr rt ximAA.- t. i... . been re-cantared. He was overtaken nr th Scene of the murder and the watch of Capt. larrett found concealed en his person. He now conneBBCT to crime. in citizens oi Ma- eoonty have petitioned the Governor for a ., E special term of court, in order that Henderson's caTmaytbe disposed o - In. . . . .. .. r 7 w &Daar- ;,Tille CUfen, and will take charge of it at once. Ik. M.srnnnin. rjwi ' lima rwinrriit tia i Capt. Najt Atkinson retires. Gen. Ws room at the Washington and Lee University is to be kept forever untouched, . - It will be in future the favorite resort of pil , TfTlms, who. will assemble there to Ideas the , name an I hallow the memory of the great war- rior.;. . '.' .' i J, j. .Jas, Sjpaulding, founder of lhe N. Y. ITaria, r- ( la dcaLy r . ; ! . ' '4,' TTis worklngmen's TJnioiT have nominated , 'James O'Brien for Mayor of New York City. . . , " famrsiany has nominated Abraham E. Law : rence tok Mayor. .rifteep business houses at White Hall, Illi nol hate been burned. Judge R. T. Gibson, of Geonria. Is dead. . ! I. jA wgine exploded her boiler last Tuesdarl f Kt tBat lnere rjsny 4o fool ll .t i.i . .ILL j . aaorntng, at Hover fetation, on Uie Atlantic and North Carolina Eailroad, instantly killing B. U rendeft t Deaufort, N. C, the conductor, ami i engineer Faison. The fireman was also badly j'lnjuredi . - f , ' Tlie Iutherfirdtn- Vindiemtor of 14th inst. 1' eaya, the case of Harry Churchhill, for the , -.'U. killing pttho UtUe bey Lewis, moved from r that corjnty to Cleaveland, was tried last week V at HeUy, and resulted in his acquittal. , Col. ohn A. Rowland, f Robeson county, ' Is dead'! - c If- 'jP'.t.Son"y'veninftnear Rocky Point, Nl a? negro by the name of Jonas Baits a vaulted pr.. W. T. Ennett and was by the Dr. x. vf hutf r lhe awanlt was unprovoked. The negro . erillrecver.: 5 ... - . : I Theref Irf a negro preacher in the work-honse ' ' - stt WHmington for stealing a piece of meat. ? Alexander Dillon, a youth f about 18 years, ' attempted to kill his father, at Savannah, Ga., ' :' few das since, because the old man called him . jl puppyL After firing three shots Itrto the .old swan an foiling to kill him, he-concluded to try .. - jVIa plstdl on himself. He succeeded in putting period; to bi4 &wn worthless , existence. The lather will recover,' Xh Greeley A Rrown paper throughout the country, unanimously sjrree that there 13 noth Ing in tW wit loot to prodHce di'pondgncy or justify fears s fo the final result of Uiecanvass, and thai Horace Greeley will be the next Pre. sident. . It all ' depends . on the action' of hi friends. 5 The citizens of the village of Durham have raised $75,50 which they hare ' forwarded to Mr. Geo, D, stiller to he used in buying a! new press fur Mr, J.Turner, Jr." Bully for Durham! Jacob July died at Warren ton, Vaim SunH day last, aged 101 years, The "trial of GpT. Leach, on a charge of Ka Kluxisni, hi been postponed' again. The Gerw eral has heretofore proved that he never had anv connection with such an order, yet he is hoiin!i Ani.n t,- nri Sanetm lUti The dk deeds of thVBaidi will yet xvtvA. upon i their head. JZ mneder d. groengagedjn ap affray at NadJaon, Rocking- bam Co-- Sundaynight; last.' J The negro was ur,, j . . f : I " " s . - Cfts' V i. fX Tf!FT Fnday n.ght last while she Ung - WNTCSTIG TnELECjTION. The Ralekh Jcira. sneakina of the recent meeting of the Executive' Committers of . the Democratic and Liberal parties BayV,after a full and free interchange of opinion, the senti- ment wa8 nnanimous that there should be no abandonment of the purpow to contest, but on the other hand it wxf determined that the work f:..(: : 1.1 i. .i i T neweil tjgor. ! ' SylT highly probable jthat the vote of North Carolina, in the coming elec tion, will determine whether Greeley pr Grant shnll be Hie next prpeieut. I H(w 3 I roru imnntunr is 1 1 inti flint iva I lvJ iuiuvuiu i is ui ii t asciw W rilUUJU I 1 - i I strive to carry the State for Greeley. Will Democrats and Conservatives tun Will Democrats and Conservatives tnrn I ' . j i i ' J, H,,u rme , wo snau catry ne j State. Ijet every conservative go to the pong. i.1 13 Ulgniy lmpOrtAnl 1 mat We 1 mould enny the State whether Ureeley i8 elected or not. It can be done. REV. R. G. BARRET, H 1 It will be remembered that this gentle- man was indicted in the U. $. District I k,.: .. XT.. I'li. J i.J ters. He has been put to no little trouble and expense attendiug Court hi different timpahia chra hoinv wor;t0W Lff h fin1Iv tl, U ..; j Ua He finally trot the nromise of a t,ia Ud k:. . , V . V. i ",'"B" " uesoay ot last week, at Greensboro : but befoio the day arrit- e1 a nolPros- was enterciTin his case, and he was discharged final! v. Tile Solie trik fr T.tr -i...;..t.. ti'L lJ-s!L ......un. u.viiii( ujut iic iiiiu CAtfUiin ,- . . i l ed the witnene the case arid, that there wfts na eviaetKe to sustain the cliarffes tagamet him. The whole tblnsr w as; a malicious persecution ou the Urt of Some I . r, t ;! I T ; cHievou-xfcauicaw. HORSE THIEVES KILLED. "St. Loub, Oct. 12, 1872.UThe Vigi- I ' ' O lance Committee of Lafayette county have killed two horse thieves." N e give the above as a specimen I of I 1ia n Atva flmf . .. ' ! it i kuv "vie tnak Maiijr jjruufca U9 IrOu lue North and North-west. I I . i It would really seem thatcrime! Imd "ot those sections, andbat Lynch i . . . . ' T J , v law liad teen adopted as the mode of punishment. Now Jt ma7 be tne Jnret way to gel rid of liorse thieves, to have them lynched by Vigilance Committees ; but if it Is the hest way to firet rid of cr m rials in tl. North, why .hould these northern people . , . , , , f . raise such a howl when a few desnerate . - " uesperaie metl ,n tue Soath adoPl ibe eame method to r,a lhe commanity of a barn-burher, or otuer daring criminal 1 If it ia ku kluxism to hang a barn-burner in the Fonth it is Ku Kiuxism to liang a horse thief in the North. But the northern people seem to ,i u-,i . , . , i . th nlr whatever they do is right, j They will yet awake to this ereat error. ! 11 he destruction of the Sentinel 0ffice h? 8ome fiend 8 on of the most jdiabolicalowar dly and useless outra Kes of the times. If i was done by a politi- cal onnnnpnt. ho vua Krtt. fni L.il H- j rr ... .w auu uBiiu. If bvaDersonalenemvof Mr T i: m -w - m--m & HI n aii- I 1 is a coward and assassin at heart Wi.. -. . , ii j ; c,uo motive, me aaataruijr perpetrator nas placed bimselt without the DalHcf hn. man sympathy if not mercy, and deserves tlw. -f. .l . 1 ii ! 1 . ru" UHW penalty tne :im can inflict. fc.very good citizen of whatever party should and will condemn hint. H I' ! We were glad to see the Inst denancU aUon f tlie crime by the Baleigh Era, t 1 , 1 . isb. thoughtless and , uncharitable aa tn , - , . . t 1 j i . .vM,.aMou. own a spirit U-.iiorrible. Beeidt, two evils tiirpntpn that rktfipa wit I. e.. never make a right. Whatk bitv nnnl ,u.l.fi,r r vui uvt arcu vuia jaci ueiore meir eves t . , r . .. " .1 1 1 J b be no soeh thoubl U W, r , . 7i f, i mau strive to liod tke eailty iei mere tion, but party, andesee that he is duly aud law- . . . fullv Dunished. II! Presidevtiai. : fi!f.v.rrTrrVr il. ber that the Presidential Election takes -m v VrfS s 7 UCUICIJJM place this year, on Tnesdfr ! the tth of November. i. j The Cotton , CROP.-Accordin tk the most carefalestbn-i.. ihW ,t ...... vi tne cotton worm , have resulted in a loss to the producers alone of more than eigh teen millions of dollars, while a nroDor tionate loss fall on the cotton merchants in the way of revenue. ?r I - All this harne ha bn nmvuilr! k. . !:,.!. 'SZl':n :7'"T iu ou, maa jarameQ ine 1 . j labor at the very moment lie 1 was about .1 lo rean it. " it ii u?ws, w ,., MU nWQ uuo oi mi A O0RFAIB, &a IFair week Oast) passed peaceably and p!eas antly j sbdt althongU th Fair of itself vas not si grand a auttesa as was desired, it was as sue- cewful as could reasonably hare been expected, eonsiderlnflhat it vas our second attempt.; j io i We bare na reason to be dispirited. VKa expected to make progress by degrees, and by cotnpieieij demolisned. uic ijrpe in tue t,- w-. m.-..a ,.t,.n K-lcotnDosinr room adioiuiuall knoeked belter able to iiow marked improTement. We aow no P na : every uung ; in u.e hare been sufficiently encouraged lo make re SrPa "l confosion and disorder. A large LtLfl!J-.-..f-:--.i.,.,,. crowd of citizens soon crathend, around JlCf) Uvl W BUM U MlWUi V VUI IS IVUUV VIM I Fair is a fixed institution which shall yet coo pete with the best in the State. We have, beard the address of Gen. Bofiw Barringer, delivered on the occasion, avorably spoken of. T w The tournament came off Friday morning be fore a large assembly of visitors. Messrs y R Barker. W L Ranking, J R HendersonJ A L KlutU. A J Neal. E R j Brown, C 8 Brown, Jr.. B A Long, F M I Thompson,1 and C 6 Lanier, were the cum- pet ing knights.: After a spirited contest, the honors. were won by Messrs A J Neat. C S Brown, Jr.; J R Ilenderson, and W R Bar ker respectively. -i.,';. The Coronation Ball, Friday night at the Borden House, was alao an enjoyable a flair. ' Mr, A. J. Neal crowned Mb Bryant of Mocksville Queen of Love and Beauty t Mr. 8. C Brown crowned Miss Annie Ruwzee of Salis bury, first maid of honor: Mr. J. R. Hender" son, Mis Annie Moore of Statesville, second maid of honor: and Mr. W. R. Barker, Mwb Bettie Bacon, of Concord, After thia ceremony the dance began and I was kept up till the wee hours Saturday morn- Such an act of fieiidUhness is too inf.t ing. , moua to bjsjiropeily charucteiizcd aud de- ine supper was gotten np in Uol. (J. S. Brown s usual good styla. The whole was a very pleasant entertainment. ye hope there are many such 5n store forour wvi n lA fUlt. JVUHK UHH UU1 VIM IVtSVO. The secretary has kindly furnished us with a list whch be found in another column. AXTEMPT AT IIIGIIVTAT TlfOV We learn from 2ke Charlotte Observer that Dr.!F. NLueky, of Rowan, visited I .liflrlnttn ln&t t rinav. An tmaiiipsd Mu tfl ,iie ei. v Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock on the uue8ville train. He got off at Mooresville, thirty -one miles distant from caU2ht up with him on the road, and bv their rather peculiar actions somewhat excited the susnicions of the Doctor. V f "ve. muea Irom u,ef When four or five miles from the depot, about niglit-lall, Uie men ordered Uim lo baltf cattght hi8 horae.g bridle rein, and demanded bis money, saying to him that tbey knew he bad been to Charlotte to get nwy. . TbU-odden and rather peremptory d j . j- i .r , - . mand somewhat surprised the Dr. but he kept Cobl, and proceeded to discuss the matter with the robbers, which he did in so civil and courteous a manner that they were thrown completelely off their guard, ! - L i : i cr j t put spurs to his horae and effected his es- i .1 . armed, was verv lucku. Although T)r. Lnckey knows nearly l O J w j ever7 bdy throughout that section of country, these robbers were entire stran gers to him. 'Raleigh Era. There are several crrorB in the above, as we Iparn the facts from Dr. Lucky. There were but two men ; (col'd) the Dr. was in a buggy ; his horse was not seized, : I . I. nil . t-v . l iimuvi was uv uaiieu. x ue uoctor niaae his escape by fortunately taking a differ- ent road from that on which the would be robbers and murderers took their stand. w . i , , , , , - It is not true that be does not know the parties. The negroes suspected are of bad character. , , Tnis Raleigh Sentinel. We rrSret l.:. 1 . ii i this valuable paper is compelled to eus- , i ii,. , pend a conpleot weeks in order to give time for repairing damages sustained by the recent disaster inflicted by some cowardlv villain. The subjoined notice has been issued by the editor of the Sentinel : TO THE PATRONS OF THE SEN- TIXEL Owing to the destruction of onr press the piing of type, and the blowincr un of 1 a Dart ot tne Diuiuinsrs ocenmed I 1 V r we find it impossible lo continue the nub! 1 Heatihn nf 011 r nn rvrr n t nroaunt W ...... .. f" r-r--f"- raove mio new onuaings, procure a dew . I niPfll hftVA m. larrro pmMant nf BA ... r V V B 7 . f OCk "P ana uislriouted, and make other ananere- Iments before we can re commence the Publication of the Sentinel. Wi t1.r fore ver7 Iebintl7 suspend publication I with this issue, and nn wun mis issue and on i Vr"V 0-.,.r . . ...r . wwocr win oegin to DHOiisu onr Uailv edition - . - - a m. 7 w-k m the jSemi-Weekly and Weekly to follow in due course. Vfe regret exceedingly the necessity which forces os to this course, but the un- eapecieu caiamuy mat lias visited us ab- Li.V.i. .r.-u expected calamity that has visited us ah jdii;i wuiuci eutu acuuii. i e ieei . 1 r . , ... I 1 uueu mat our inenas, doiii subscribers I ad ad veriisere, will make all due allow- ance under the circumsUnces. m : I i I How It War T)nw rFtia nm IJow It Was Done. -The correspon- dni bf lhe Baltimore Sun says that sVme af th flnnaprvativn dpttira. i, 1 : - - -v.v v... . v v un retitrned to Washington from Philadel- 1 abundant proof of the frauds I Dhia fnrniah there. In one instance a Washington I colored man was followed nntil h haA T?1 .in6 Jli"ei' Mch Ume dgig 1 -- a aw ,'"5 W I w wmmmm a MaW aS.V. BVS m From The Daily News Oct. 11th. Diabolism in Rakiah-The Sentinel fim i-RZosw. Alnn.aTL. i Blown io Atoms -The Pre and T:-. .. a -A.? 7 Damning Act of Fiendishjness and Crime A Slow Maich found in the Mums. Unk it tks Jl: . . m Iti. '... . . A piosion, wnica snoot nearly everr build mg In the city. Soon thei irm nf r .-J j ft t . was soon ascertained that the noise pro- I A v't uu eeeded from the ofEce of The It nl rial I I " 0" t!nel. The firemen were proraptl.on the spot, at TJi Sentinel odcc adjoined the engine Iiousp. Upon e xaroination The Seni'mcl press Toom was Found io be in ruins, the roof ol the boose being blown piece una f cauerea in every uirccuun, iua press wuicn prmtea jl lie oenunn wae the dismantled building, and the impres sion was nniversa) th.nt some fiend in hti msn form had blown np The Sentinel press by placing powder underneath. : This opinion was confirmed by sub srqnent etamtnation of the ruins. A small job prvss in the composing room, which escaped destruction, was examined and a VHpt.r 0f pow.ler found under it with a low match which had been lightcucd, but had gone out. This was proof conclusive that the oat rage was planned by some enemy or ene mies of the Editor of The tenttnel. ' It is said that about ten minutes before the explosion, a colored boy "who lives near the office, saw two individuals ruu ning off from the spot in the direction of the depot, with bat in baud. We learn that the office and press were partly insured, but we do not know to what f xtt nt. 1 lie press cost some 53,000 This diabolical and hellish outrage has excited great indignation, and the vile wretch who conceived and carried it into execution, deserves the severest penalty that the law can inflict, noancea THE TRIBUNE ON THE ELKC- TION. It will be seen from the following cdi- trtrilil wlurh annenrtd in double-leaded coiumilP in the Tribune of the 10th inst., that the contest for President is not yet over, but has fairly begun. The article is headed "ludiaua andVictory." It is as follows : Waiting before the October elections, we said : 11 oar friends carry either one of the three States we shall have the bet ter chance of success in November. The other side . mnn carry all three to give them the better prospect." We hare carried one of them, and the one mot desperately contested. We h.tve overthrown the ablest of tli3 cabal that led the President to his rnin we would say also the mo.t unscrupulous, if, iu tin hour ol Pennsylvania's shame, we could forget Simon Cameron. Thos. A. Hend ricks U elected Governor of Indiana. Wc have no desire to underrate the gravity of the situation. We have been counted out of Pennsylvania, which we should have carried. We could eauily have dispensed with its votes in the Elec toral Collage but the moral effect of the loss is depressing, to a greater extent than the number of electoral votes would indU cate. The work is made harder for us in New York, harder for our brether in all the States we mean to carry, by the I triumph of Cameron s- money, in the suc- v , i . is I CCSS Ol tue l eiiiieiiiiary cuuuuiaie f rom this dav till the first Tuesday of Novem ber, we shall have upon us a steady, con tinuous strain. But we shall win ! Oar Liberal He publicans did well in Pennsylvania. In parts of Ohio they won signal victory, while the Grant majority in the State i handsomely reduced. In Indiana the Liberal and Democratic victory h;is been won in the race of such lavish efforts to kill the free suffrages of a State by im Dortation and by midnight vinherrin as even Morton never before attempted, and neither he nor anybody can again arhive. . And now we are in the open field! It is no longer possible to concentrate a Uab- inc,t a TreasUry, all the patronage and all the mnncv of the National Administra- tio i on two or three States. Thirity-sev- en States cannot be gapged in a night, ,ike Norlh 9lrolT Rnd V,nn',VH"i ,'or overpowereu uy siu-er wciui iikc .iaine. , i J Mli . . On the broader field the contt-st assumes a fair aspect ; and Indiana gives us the omen of victory. Under her iuspiiation the splendid Liberal Republicans and 1 ueinociaiic or ganzaiioiwr in Illinois ue- C w 7.1" W"' 5 ' T"6,, , " Consider once more the list of States as itmay f-ir,y be ll ced to-day, in theli-h: of the elections within a week in Georgia, Connecticut and Indiana : Greeley, Electors Grant. Electors Alabama, - - " lowa. ....... 6 Kansas, in . ..11 ...5 . . . Arkansas... . , I . Connecticut... -'J Miii up -t Massachusetts,. . Uelavvare... .13 Khirada Micliiirau. ...11 . . . 3 . . . . 3 .. .?? 1 - I s 1 1 vt . - 'S'" rsenrasna. ludiaua lo Navada.. Kentucky IS.OIuo. lxuisiaua a Orir..u.3- - ...3 JJf rJlaud- - - Jl'unsyivanU.. . . 22 ..7 ..7 i..w.u... .",oonin Carolina.. New .lersy .9 Ver.i out New York :il t..- to Texas,...'... V--".? Vireiuia II Total. ..111) West Virginia, 5 Total 176 Leaving still seriously contested i.aiiloruia b New IIainphire.. . .5 IUiufds ,.,.12'Xorth Camliua.. ! !i Minnesota 5 Khode Islaud 4 Mississippi;. 8iscmsiu 10 1 fpt . 1 I hat leaves us r lHvesus but six votes to win f"m U.,e doublful Suj ; it leaves Grant I sixtynve. On that showing, who can ... . aou&l side the ch:nces lie? Illi. n,l ,wou,d decl Nlr- (Jm J-or North ,iaa-"r aiiiwma or sIinnsMta w promising ; either one ol the four 1 t 1 . t rould settle the fizht. Couraire. Tiiends the enemy have done their worst; we have wrested Indiana from their grasp, and tin: way to bnal victory is clear 1 t-V f f 1 "n" "79 ot ,he 8,1 tt T tl 1 a mm - . ijwinei will De lll-IU, commenc T 1 . nV "mows ; Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Rowan, Davison Forsythe, Stokes, Monday, Mondar, a Monday, Monday, Monday. Monday, M.onday, Sept 2nd 'Sept. lCih Jept. 30 h OeL 14tl M 23ih Nor. 11th 4 15th T. 1 .1 . &k 10 aa error to imagine mat women talk more than men. They're listened . .a. a to most mat s all. - w 1 m .. it PREMIUM L-ISTi' ; PE ABTXEXT TlttST- CLASS I.'i Stallion 1st premium. Thus. T. Goodman. -.24 . Tbos. A. UmaU Brood mare 1st V J C Miller. 2.1 - J A Fisher. Saddlehorse2d - Thus Manhr. " Matched 1st R A Brown Wst sioele harness hJYse. A J Mock. 2d . - -WBMeareS. s 1st best draft horse. JPSiok. best etlt between 3 and 4 yrs. John Graham'. 2d " 3anl 4 yrs. S A Iwraoee. It best eolt between 1 and 2 yrs. W U Mears. best siuglo Mule 1st premium. II A Knot. 1st best eolt bet. 2 and 3 yrs pr. V r Merony. colt between 1 and 2 jra, 1st pr. J C M)ers. eolt 1 and 2 vrs. 24 ir.; ! do - , CLASS 11. : Bull, lt premiaiu. Ranxxn Jacobs. calf between 2 and 3 yrs. Istpr J A Uradaha w eatf 1 and 2 lt pr. Willie llarrUva. ealf under 1 year 1st pr. Hubert Knox. CLASS III. Buek. 1st premium. W B Meares. Ewe, 1st " Willi Harrison. CLASS IV. Boar lstprrmum, Geo ThomjLsoa. 24 J 11 VerbU. Sow 1st - JC Miller. 24 8ALwra&e. Fatted hog 1st M Geo Miwery. Fair of pis 1st - 1111 Knot. ' ' Utter pigs, 1st - JC Miller. DKPARTMKXT IV. 2i Aud Uargvr. 3d do Table chickens lt - MrsCB McLean pair Turkeys 1st Wil. llarrifuo iugle 1st - T Johnson Domestic geese 1st W B Meares. Nild geese 1st " LV Brown, domestic Ducks 1st " W B Meares. do do 24 " And Barger. Pea fowls 1st T Johusou. pair Guineas 1st " W C Fraley. Ha u tain chickens 1st J Rumple. DEPARTMENT V. Burbon wheat 1st premium C A I fee. do do 24 J C Miller. Oats 1st II G Miller. Peas 1st AV II Holt. Tobacco 34 " Albert Watum Sorghum syrup 1st " GTThomasoo Sack flour 1st " Eimnett Br. do do 24 Adam llartman Torn meal 1st, AM Peeler. Bread cm 1st " J A Holt, bale of llay 1st Fisher & Webb, native Grass 1st Burgees Owens, bale Cotton 1st ' J A Fisher. Case of Oils, special premiam, C A liege. DEPARTMENT VI. Sweet Potatoes 1st premium Mrs M LChonn do do 2d do II G Miller. Irish do 1st do W Howard, do do 2d do do Table Beets l!.t do J P Gowao. Stock do do do I) A Davis. Pumpkin do do A M Snllivao bullet apples do do HJSwiuk. l'ears do do J A Hudson, do 2d do Mrs FK Shbvr Grapes lit do J A Hudson. DEPARTMKXT VII. Bacon Hams 1st premium D A Davis. Butter do do Ms C C Kridr. Wine do do Mrs E Hearue. do 2d do d DEPARTMENT VIII. iiiiiMUe plow jsi premium J 11 1 hoinpson ! M-pie. i uiey rnnseiu to it or bear m 2 horse mould , diff reiice, tlo ir di moralizatiou and tor- boa nl plow do do do do ruptioii have gone further and reached a 2 lo wrouglit do do Crawford A: Heilig morc dangtrous stage than has been imag 1 do do do do do do i ,MJ SubiMiil plow do do J II Thotnpvm Cotton pltiw do do DutiD A: HiKcan ! ,t. . T , Mauufacturers Forettville. Wake Co, by j illichmoiid AM.ig J S W Terrell I It is not tileaint In cinUin At f.-t a Ti t 11 a mm Ho-serake do do J K Brk Mou iiij; Msrhine 1st pr. C A liege do do no l C I lamer S t raw cutter do do J H Thompson laud saw mill do do C A Ileire do peg machine do do do do W M Barker do C V Baker & Co do Kintnert Bros, do J V Buon do Karohart & Co. do Crawford Sc Ileilitr, do do do do do do do J II Thompson do do do do do do do Hippy &i KisOer p ;Ky do Cooking stote i!o do do do do do do do do Wheat drill Axe hors- wagon otton ein (irle cuu L rse Kwer rn shellt-r ioad scraper folding Harrow do Cottou planter do Grau cradio do do C A Hege NN eed Family Favorite Sewiug Machine, J5 NV Ternll DEPAHTMEXT IX. Sole leather lt premium J II VerbU Calfskins do do do 00 Upper leather do do do do Fa1 111 basket . do Phillip Oweos. Faucy basket do C A liege I.on haudle brooms do J 11 Watson Mattt ass do A J DuvmI I)Mirs and Sash do P I Mrr oey Cedar Ited.tead do do do Jeanes cloth do C A liege Shirting do do Toweling do do j Blankets Jo Mrs D A Davis Flannel 00 do do DEPARTUE5T X. F LOCAL HALL. Flour bread ndla, Mrs F E Shobrr. Lstavvt. Mrs U N Etnmrrt. Cocoanut cake. Mrs Jane Brown. " C K McLean. " MeCabbins. " CKMcUd. Miss Essie Meares. " Emily Howerlon Mock At Brow n. . .. C A liege Mrs C K McLean. Mis R Fisher. Mrs E II Fowler. do do do do I lly Preserves, I'ickles. Catsup. I nrdial. Dritl IVaehea, Apples, Prunes Home made soap,. NN hitewtiven cotton Counterpaioe, Nn t counteriksue. col'd woven do col'd woolen do (die pateh work quilt. Mrs Fm!nr ratch work quilt. Silk patch work quilt. - Lot HaiUy. Miss Bit Miller. Y ooleu do do do Mr Shuman. Miss FKreth. do do Miss Sammerell, Mrs 8 Leaid. MrsT B l.ng. Mrs 8 W Terrell Crutehel work. 1st nr. do do 2d pr. Embroidered Linen, do Worsted, Shell wotk. Knit work. Oil I'aiutine, Mis May MeCorkl Lady's Bonnet Child's Hat Leather work frame, " Hoinespnn larn Home kbit Socks Shirt mad by hand. Wool flower wreath. Paper do do Net Tidies Taltiog Pin Cushion Coooterpaos) Laeo Pencil sketch. Crayon do Ornamental Lake Sweet Pickle Tomato Canned fruit Jliss alcMurray. do U MrS UTeirell "DA Davis, KriJer. " do S W Terrell. T B Long. - F..wUr. Miss MeMorrav. Jane E Davis EKiLehe, " Eswle Cowan MrsnrksT. Mrs EH Marsh. Mrs MeCubbios. Mrs Sallivaa Worsted Lamp Mat ; Mrs J K Graham. iliim madeCarprt llrs IIeinrch. Collection of Flowi rs ; Mrs M L Holtac. do ht boose plants pr da ' da do do da do 2d pr ' do -Fr the most meritorious articles ot men Honed io the fUt if premiums fancy straw basket first pretniota Earnl Rrache. Hearth mg 24 do Miss Loa Graham. ' Water 5doc pintio 3d pr. Miss May Shober colored Yarn 4th premium. Mr Urge. A funny scene took place at the WbiteIToas opoa the eettatfoa vt ik dcW siloa of lb Teton isoox tath l'raOdefiL. Tb Waahing ton -Sur vancKra ior ll truth of the tnW raaing liule incident. Medicine Bear, chtrfof tl Teton CHOOX, opettnl lb bif talk" wuh a speech very similar to the one be recently soade bclorr Secretary of the iLterior ; bat before do inS laid hU bore ralamet oa the taaaii- pira, and after removing hU featber bead drew, deliberately praceeded la onaLirt LJraatlf. to the o small astoouhmeat of the pale face preaent. After diverting Liawlf of his sblrt, beadvsne. ed lovsn: the I're-ident, and koldinr it sMi was about to not it over Ike Great Fathers bead, ln General Cowra took bold of it and 4ac- ing It on a chair 144 Medidne Bear, thrunch th ioterpreur, tbst the Uresi Father would acrei it. Of eou be vouUL Iltaevrrde rlinra anythirtg. and even the dinv, fivwsy war skirt t'l a big cxotix Int.tan as eUoc. II te caaaot wear it bimaelf, it will, at lea-t, male aa exrelleni roverug ikla winter lor thane boll pu. Catch bin rcfuaine anythlrf so tuefitL Xo man in Georgia can vote nnleci be con aliovr that he has raid his poll tax. In some part of the rotate the Hadicals collectctl the poll-tax from the negroes, pocketttl the cah, and gave the poor tliijK lxjtw reccipta,on which thev claimed the right in vote. This is the latest dcvclopemcnt of Rad ical meanness. PRESS COMMENTS ON TUES DAY'S ELECTIONS. NIL DESl'EUANDCM. UI acing the Music icitha ConfdenX Front ' New Y'ork Tribanr.J In Pennsylvania the work was done in the precise form and manner prescribed. The majority in Philadelphia was put op io a monslions figure, to cover all con tingencies, and we bare n doubt it will do it. The returns are nndertrolnr c ha nres still in the reports but Grant Republicans claim 20.000 now for Hartranfi in a city which at lhe last test election gave only 1 1,494 ! Nobody doubts that this i- fraud, unabashed, nneonceah-d, gigantic Wheth er Peunsylvanians choose to have the convict's candidate forced on them by such inejus, they must decide for themselves. New Yoik Sun. This majority H-irlranft's is altogether the product of fraud. Such open, andis guised, shameless villainy was never be fore practiced in any Ameiican tlcetion. The evidence is pivi-n at Urge iu another part of this jwiper. It will be pondered with sadncrs und wUrin by all honest men. We a ill no, here inquire how snch un precedented fraud aiil be rrccivt-d bt lh- 1 1 f .1 a I a . aKa i is u.id enough lo endure tlieiu. nut ihrse J bad as they are, do no; tender the Liberal .cause derperate. In a sense, llo-sr ibree States wire uieiely the rkirmirh line, ol j the great Liberal array, and if lhy had sided with us, our work would have been done As it is, ihev have our reserves f ! ... . uutouciud, winch, auu proper energy, are fully equal lo ul.iinale liiumph. IXotfdk Virg:nian It is equally mournful that elsewhere than in lVnuy IvaniaJ the systems of colonisation and fraudulent voting have been successfully applied ; but, even with these facts before us, " all is not losL" Far from it I We have a reasonable chance for the November election, lor tho NovtmUr election, lor then, hen the fight is along the whole line, the Ad ministration cannot concentrate on any one separate S ate with its colonists and money, liut even rranlin!? that w are ong hcie, it is ui4mfirt that a new complexion has been giveu lo public af- lairs. 1 he Liberal movement means am- nesiy as opjK.sMl to the policy ol central- ixation. These grand and beiuficenl ideas ltjaaaa.. . . . nave isrvii laulr placed before the propW 1 ine rsoriu, and although the n sponse f . a .1 a a a 1 as not been hal we hoped, we arc in nni IH.inn tt f.flm . . i.i. - t. . rant us in declaring that the safety of the r tit . f . .. nepuuucaa party may ue louna in this 1 - . ... UMVIUUIL kw ADvaaruajsKorra. FoCS D. Mr Oliver P. Hnbb. ol Oreensboro', found ou Monday 15th Oct a ur Lajx, lined wi'h silk, which be has left at our office, lo be reclaimed by a lhe owner by patiuj for this notice. No other charres. NORTH CAROLINA. Io tU RapeHor alJtEJiKht ooi snr. Court. Sarah Vstt Plaintiff atfaimii rUubinWatuAdminUatorofBerjaaninW.t K e'aJtrri'"? w'i- AVl UnAi Prrher and wife KlisaWih, 8oo llarriarum o'l wile hsrah, Michael Kwsim and wife Caroline, J. J. NVaiu, Larkia II. Jooe. .nl wife Lreeer, illiaro lUrrrs and wifa Mis- a . 1 a ....... m m mmmr- auetn, .eiiy jonea, v Ulia Jonea afld wife I reeey, Andrew SieI and wile Sarah, TW J. NN alt and wife Ann'aa. DefradaBta It appearing to tha saikfacUott of IhNa Ccwrt tkal J. J. NVaif, Lsrkin II. Jonea asJ ie -eeeey, reuy joow, YkilJisas Junn su.1 mlU Lreeev and Andrew Si eel asd wiU K.r.k .1 lenoania in in shove mio are tManrrWdenta f tfiM iMaie. It M lbrrfumdrtJ L. iL 1 that fmUiealluM h m! for ix aatmaasve week in rhe SalUmrv -NVatehma- a a t aa " "I""' per MlhdisJ .1 Salubory, North Carolina, t.f a iinisiHisni aa sa r 1 smaa a . mppnr ml the rouiplsint of plaintilT, or the beard rz parte aa 10 them. aaansi vt uneaa i Al. rMrrenanfi. rWk nm.lA r a . Sk a Uwnty of Aleiasaler , al l the C-art II-h U public P7rallr. ..l mit . , Taylot.ville.ott ta 3d Mon.l.v ia Warrh 187J, Iheir tnaer' tu H.e t- t : ' . " then tni there to idea a. iMtr iUu. . ' .1. :i .i .11 !. V rJilT'JUK h lk day of Ootob'r iipiinsii i ii GOOD ADVICE. 5 M ATHA, do yoa know that laree Urw IL A A. MUIirllY. next W t. IWUsal i easi do much better tLrr tV ( y at aay other store. A J urn all rwir fn,o. lofoand sea R. & A. Murphy's NEW STOCK OF FALLS WINTER GOODS For 1872. - - - VTs take tJesara ia atinAtmrinj tthcw sros t4 Hoasn sa l tL miy&tim muatM tka wt ara o rroritiag ai4 wpmier tW . . LARGEST AND r , . MOST ELEGANT . , t Kiock 4 GOU3 we KsreVrr kad ( kiUtloocr fiututroua f;ir.J s!.d cu4otkrr. We have tskea tauh time, and aaoMrl lo look t bargains L mr patfe d r that all Tuo4 a s4.it. to bay will L4 u u tbir auvsntsgt lo call an4 exsxixj: ovn stock. and prices bcibrt porchaCrx ar.ytl.ir.r . lerr. Wc have a lare toe of aU kinds U Dry Goods, Boots, SJoex, and GaiUrt fr Ladt, Gents, JJUiuand CUUrt, all good stock ( and no SluLltf tntkj CLOTJIIXG, CROCKERY. . ,; is Caps, Xotions, Gtocrj, ltot'trn J ,. tori, SJe Leather, C,f SUt, Liming Skins, Drvpps, Sjucrt, Soap, and a 1 Air ye Stock of Fine Grocericof Hih quality and low prkta. Salt, Stfrnj, Bngjirg n C4 in Jtct, Chtese. Cruder, Clctr Srrd nd in fart ncatlv tverrthitij wsii!il sik! a!! at LOW PRICES. netnrninr nor thanks tr lL pitrtnCfn lilierall U-t.-J on u in'.t me r-tt. N Manh lau, nt lrut l.y urUi aJUMtkiti tu t-. nc, aud -oi i j -n.-M to t.i.r cuktutxrt to sserit a cuuiinnaitOe lte mr. Very Uejrtfa!lr, jl d a. X burn V All or.lT aI1 Lavs our promt a'- ltdllT. Ml lll HY. ANDUW MUKI'UKV. Slibiirr, (let. 17. 1. '."t 200 HEAD OlMil-LF Cattle Wanted. The undrrMiNxl imlt tu r Um-e T. Jl drrd fine ll -ci -V ii: r uv-i.rrt.; prrl to U.-t.l.t4 i.J, .r".- TUry wiKiM alu.r.iw ! tA it U .... bury il.al il.rr rr fun,..in- il.f D4t.4 U-t t fvHir lii:M-rclj - I; narl, : 4-, Mtaa, Vednc.UT, Friday 'l Hiuidr tn..t,, UKKVKS Jk l;KKI. ItKNVABl) KJ. House brr.kfn Ojrii aud Money $l4-fc. From the li to iU iut U m, w, f hoic in Iatidn eour.ir, a V.-n M-a. and lhe fr.lorit. rtolm : I nr (t. W .uu- dred IVJUr l;li, t.a Tetrfv tUs- iiill; al- !M-er-t lb amount aca it..an. A reward o( Troi-vr Il,dir. aiU l riv en for tbt reroiery of lbs oiuixt. K Alt AH w. l.iuvt;u. Dvireox N. c. Oct. Mb lbTi. 4 3c !TI t'-orrt 11 2c Kflsnd have tmirei their Kali Stock of Millii.erv (Jousc- piifinr everr ll inr in tin sr ur at.d I . Lstest Stjles. ladies are iuiu-6 k 3 Undsec their seht'ton. a Lith enil.raee ere- ry thin New and iVautiful for llaU sJ Uoui.c ts aud Omaraeuts for the Hair. I 3: 1m: I ' " I J U i I L h I m irr wtrn 1 r.e wi-pit?! 1 .aaa " i u ait( tl.i u.i..1 I am araia andrr the n;iT uf eslhrtc who are doe m to call mud make iavaved rtllrtucnl. Now 1 mnn mM akat I aar and as k 'Mtht lo think ll.i i meaatXr a-ne It-:.: - . or 11 ia nieaai Kr ou. IM 1 : "t RalUbwrr, SrpC 3. 1U rriTrtrrtireZen sfrirvoVi O Tit C UUilUiOOlUU Cltua CO At tlit Sign of the Iltd iVf . J J MEROXbl S OLD STAMV WAIX 7l.llT SALISBURY, N. C. a t ! fca?OrUeta at.d nnfcirtiit t t ren t I"Mlr!. tT AiMtiosi ; er "'" i ttUic d a. Oh! Ycs-Oh! Yes-Oh! IIai. fallrn twtk to a Mwi"-,. been rtiaturced ! ..rniwn a ci''""-fJf wa.- Mia Usui iwv t'w m j ,0. M. ( . 1 1. -!.. I ,b , ,u, kno1lll i0 ,itr jj.rratm.- a . be who may haveaTikis u M u . January 1PT2. N. R. I nirrmtinw t attr4 S "wwj aii auxia oi fooos at Mit,. dented low pricvk? , Now after bona clnnirtr; yon kad 1-t-t, what Too aeed in llieir line and po iU. a BURKE 8 COM. irtc of anr kind of prt-fene i 7TI Admiauriral sod itrre Kea , tf:U J. K. 1.1 KKI, i 1 ti Jt 4 2! 1 1 u ll e - ! 1 1 1 -rl 1 .1- l; I