; .- - .-. . , i . . ..- - t i .Vv V - v. tU ,- - - - . " . ( . ' v - "t - . . ... - " . f Ir.- 1 1 t Carolina liUatcfjntatt 0 C All ATXD AM X7Z2Z2S j RALlSnVUYnrARKET. ! ; octodeii 10. a 72. COTTON K a 16. , , . fIX)Clt-$3. n 3.75. ! x "MEAL T3 a 80. i r POTATOES tA,V a 10 Sweet, 50. BACON (country) 12l.T-hog round. a 15 I - ' CHICKENS $1 .50 2 Fer lo LAltP 12 H 15. FEATHERS new, 50. j . TAIXOW.--.10ft 12. v (; ill HY E 75 a 80. " . j tJEESWAY 2S a 30. WHEAT 1. 1711.35. 4 -liUTTEH a 20 25. D1UE4) FRUIT ; ; ! j Apple, - ' . ) . : ; Teaches, xmpecle!, WA do peeled, Blackberries., 7 7L 3(3,6 pr. lb iCE AKD FnosT. We hud .a heavy froat and some fco ia this section, laal 1 Tueaday morning. , vr . ; Count VrEK. - Our Superior Conrt I. in session thin week. Ilia Honor Judge Chmd presiding. J t& ST ndvertif etnent of Mcms R &: A MurpHy, and then go and examine their olendid atock as you lire Invited to do. I ... wVorlh Carolina Svnod' which was uA , ------- ----- session at Charlotte lajjt week, after transacting great amount of business, and a most pleas ant aession, adjourned to nrcct again in October, 1873,Jn the city of Wilmington, X C. J. 13. iluwey, Kh., of the Hickory Tavern Fttglc, and Ool. Jones of the Stateaville Intelligencer, passed down the Koad yesteidny evening on their way to the-State Fair. GTMUa. Eruilic Ilowcrton'a Fchoo 2 . i -'.. i r..i. too rm opencu wcioier iuih. aoi a cum vten dollars per seeiou of twenty-weeks. j Fifty and Oxk Hundred Dollar hills wanted at f.hu Poet Office, for which smaller bill will he &iven in exchange, i ... . i The most sensible premium,, we have heard of is offered at a California fair to the young woman, who shall prepare the beat dinner at the smallest cost. LltlaskS and Paces. Ladies who mask tjitir lace itnd nekH wiU enatmls endanger ' their.liealtli to till purpne. The plaster wirk dervi vv nobody. There w hot one article known which will restore a blemished complexion or i create external brilliancy and bloom where' they havejiever heretofore existed, and that ar Ylcle i Haoa's Maosoiu Balm. It p-r-.fcTmH this toilet mirade bj infusing vitality in to the kin; Tlte floral and herbal juices of Which il iV compiled gently xtuuulnte the cir iil.ni idii in the ininutu hlood vessel", and brace the.ivetwork of uorves through which thev inss. Thou quickened ami strengthened the oxiernnl cvvering skn aeijuirts a freh and healthful hue, and every trace ,of sail owners disappears, the iKifest vhex-ks denvp Iroin the tioauHlyiug iap- tjm ul ,thi ueliRlittut rosmeiic a warm nue, and the arlns, hanils and ne k, a blond lustre -which the barl.ata'ns, win) proftSM.nl to make l(di "Ik- Mitiful forever" w ith tlfeir poisonous cement, can never hwpe to imitate. . ' .i lll.OO Heward will be paid by the pro prietor, of Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discov ery for a niedicine that will equal it in curing severe and, lingering Coughs, Bronchitis and all diseases of the bm?a. T1 ic'vitlgar phrase of " can't see it in that lieht!" is now rendered "iIip incan- descent illumination produced by tliOTric libn of ar improved lncife sheds no rays dUcernable by niy ocular oibitS." ' 1 he Pt'esbyterian Church, Fouth, has 54 l'or'ign missionaries. T!ie annual expenses are $60,00(1." North Carolina Jess than any other otate. Three barrels of tinman remains were found on common at Louisville the oth rr day, but a neighboring nu'dical college blunts any suspicion of foul play The difference ''Humph V said an Knglishnian to a Scotchman, as they were walking cver the fields, "oats a"J v'0' good in their, way, but in England we feed them to ouc horses, while here they are . food for tneu." "And, just see what fine 'licyses there arc in Ejigland, and what fine men wc have in Scotland!" s f f, Heart disease, paralysis, and nervous -exhaustion tire ihe diseases that make havoc on- tho Pacific coast, and break J.. Jown men apparently in prime of life. " The climatei s a stimu'.cnt, leading men ! on to do their utmost, and deceitfully ' leaving theni to die, when they break ' "down. ! . , 4 1 ; A modest bachelor sa' all ho would ask is a good temper, sound health, good ! temper, sound health, good understand- - ngroeable physiognomy, pretty fig ure, good connections, domestic habits, resources1 of amusement, good apirits, cofi vertatioiial talents, elegant manuers, and , money. j, ; '.'Inflatable rubber bustles" are an. noohced. They are said to impart great botiyancy to the movements. In case of shipwreck they would undoubtedly be advantageous, although a girt floated by one of them might be, taken lr a buoy, atvd so passed unnoticed. Wvnd. is a world of difierence between being simply good ayd good or some thing. x Northern drummers arc being arretted in Charleston lor doing business without license. 1 ' The caterpillars are pretty baji in some portions of South Carolina, and. are doing serious harm to the Crops. Never speak unless you have something "fo eay,! and always stop when you get through, says Davy Crockett., Bjw Holmes fays : "The brain women never interest like the heart-women W hite roses please lees than red. Among tho taxes proposed to.be raised In France was one on musical instrument which was to be levied in proportion to " the noise they emitted. ' '?---M. i : A citizen of AVilminirton. Del.. 9G vcara old. Who, within the past year or two La proposed tarrwge to orer fifty Udie,: ma ucb auvmeu ny me Mayor to take a A Western editor sole editorial in one wek wast If anything will mak man feel tucy aliout the heart, it is to talk velvet to ajmir of sky colored eye8 by moonlight, in a clover nefu. . , William who used to-boast that he djd not owea dollar, and, never would, found that in' less than a year after mar riage ho had a little Jill to take ap eyery day. A-husband can rsadily foot the bills of a wife who Knot afraid of beiuz set'n noting the stocking of her husband. Sohimon says u virtuons woman ia a crown U her. husband'; By this rule the most valuable of the sex W only worth one dollar and ten cents. Barx Burnt Loss of Life. On Wednesday night of the 2nd inet., three sons of Jehn I, and Lucy Flint, residine near OM Town in this county ,ldged in the barn, as is customary with many. boys in the country, during the smnrner season. About midnight, one of the boya awoke, and discovered the barn to be on fire, he aroused his brother who slept neur him, but in the excitement did not think of an other brother who was asleep at the other end of the barn. The two boys succeed ed in rescuing the horse and stock in the stables, but wheo the other portion of the family came to the barn, they yiissed one of the boys, named Napoleon P., "when his distressed father calling aloud for him. he appeared at the "mow hole," envelop ed in tlames, but went back and threw him self down on the barn floor, all his clothes having 'been .burnt from his body. He was-carried-to the house where he suffered until' about half-passed six o'clock in the morning, and expired. He was conscious to the last, but his eye-sight was destroy ed by the-fiie, and could only recognize pessons by their voice. Ilia age was 12 years 4 mouths and 21 days. Origin of the fire unknown, but suppos ed to have been accidental, one of the boys having had matches a boot his person when he entered the barn. Salem Press. SPECIAL" NOTICES. VALUABLE" HINTS, A regular habit of body is absolutely es sentiaL to physical health aud clearness of intellect Nor is t his all. Beauty of persou cannot co-exist with an unnatural condition of the bowels. A free passage of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste pipes, is as .necessary- to the parity of the body as: free passage of the offal of a city through its sew eis is necessary to the health of its iahabitarits. Iudigestton is the primary cause of most of the diseases of the discharging organs, and one its most common results is constipation. This complaint, besides being dangerous it itself has many disagreeable concomitants such asjm unpleasant breath, h sallow skin, contaminating blood an! bile, hemorrhoids. ! headache, loss of uieuiort, and general de- bility. Ilostetter's Stomach Bifter3 remove all evjts by removing their iuunediate cause in digestive organs, and regulating the action of th intestines. The combination of pro perties in this celebrated preparation is one of its chief merits. It is not merely a stimu lant or atonic. or an autitiilirus agent, or a nervine, or a blood depureut, or a cathartic, but all V est.' curative eleiueuts judiciously blended in one powerful restorative. It lend activity and vigor to the inert and en ervated stomach, relieves the ailuieutary cauat of its obstructions, aud gives tone to 4he ir eirihraue which lines it. gently stimulates the liver, bracers thle nerves, aud cheers the auitral spirits. N other remedy -possesses such a variety of hygienic virtues. It is to these characteristic virtue' that it owes its prestige as a househv Id nvd'eine. Exper ience has proved thai it is a harmless as it is efficacious, and hVLrc it is as popular with the weaker sex a3 with the stronger. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters are sold in bottles only, and the tradf'-nurk blown in the glass engraved on the !b' is the test'ef genuineuess. Beware of count ifeits. ASTHMA Any medicine which will alle vatethe Paroxysms of this dreadful disease will be hailed with joy by thousands of nrTerrs. The certificates which teeonipauy Jonas'WHit comb's Kemedy are from the most reliable sources, and attest to its wonderful power, ev en in the most sever cases, Joseph Burnett A' Co., proprietors, -Boston, FinCE ADVERTISING From family to family, trnni city to city, trom state to state, the fame of Da. Walkf.rs Vegetable Vinegar Bitters as a specific for all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, is continually extending. Its voluntary missionaries are in nmnerabJe, any public enthusiasm in its favor spreads faster than a prairie fire. DON'T SLIGHT YOUR TEETH ? Remem ber that upon their labor, the health' of the (stomach depends Keep them perfect, and in order to do so, manipulate them with a brush dipped in the fragrant Sozodent, once or twic a day, WHO WILL-SUFFER? It is now 24 rears since Dr. Tobias' Vcnitian Liniment was put lie- lore the public ; 'Warranting u to euie Chronic Uheumatism. Headache Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Old Sure. Pains in the Limbs, Back and Chest, and it has never failed. Sold bv all Druggists. JLepot, iu rarK t lace, xew lora. '-..- " Fo nTrrsu, IndtgetMon, deprnwlrn o tpirits and K' ner' di bi Ity in tli lr 'tiifl crmg; also. a a p-. rentlve nt 'H 'iverand Atue, and oter Interml't nl fever. br Ferri-l,lis.lior.t p ier ol Crtigny., B,adr hy Oaitwl. 1'aaTt) Co., New York, .' d .l.l by a) Dru Kts i the l'et U.nic. and as a tn!c forptlnt recovennp iriim ritr r one r lcknrs, 11 ha & rqual THCM-toa'a Ivoar Pribu TiK)Tif fowoBB. The ket ar ucl Ki,on r -r e!ea. si (.' ard l.rnerv.nj th tfrti. iril irtmis. old i.jr an Da'K lice 25 and CO -t er boitlr. r. v. His m J . , w 'org. CmnSTAD0iurU inr)YR. stands unrivalled in the. world. Xo lady or gentleman of discrimipa tion uses any other. It U the most perfect, reliable and eirfciiye Hair Dye in the world. Manufactory. 6s.!aileii Lane, New York. CAlllWiLHJ nLVR, recommended by Physi ciiiiisastlie ret Healing Compound. Price 25 Cents per box.-John Henry. 8ole Propi'etor, 8 '"olleae Place, Xew York. HtSLEY'S Bt'CIIL is re'lable Pieuttic and Ton. ieir all dsra-Kfetueau f the urinay and genital irigans. Tlio penu inc. as formerly sold by Ha vi lunH. Ilnrrul & llislev ami tl.eir crunches, is now prepared by II. W. ttisley, the orpnator and Pro. prietor; and the trade sappiied bia mccessors Morgan & ltisley, New York. SVAPXIA, oropinin pari tied, the mot perect auoibne in themaket. wade by process of Dr. J. M. Rigeiow; Detroit Medical College, lsalways nni furm in utrengtb, which U rarely the case in othet pa ratio is of Opium - ,; P TT$ ASTRAL OIL has a world-wide repu tation as the surest and best illnmtnating oiL Oyer two million gallons have been sold for trie pst two-year,'frnt which no accidents of any de scription have occgrred. end for Cfrtnlar. Oil llouseof Chat. Pratt EgUblfelied 1770, New York. 3F. IUVB' FREQUENTLY BElBD mothers say they woold- aot be witbont Mr. Winslow's nothiair Syrnps from the b'ulh of the child until it h4 finished with the teething siege, under any con gidratioB whatever. j;,,-.-:' THE SECRET OP BEUATY. What ia iiJno longer axked. for the world of fashion and the ! a die know that is produced by nsinjr a deliphtful and harmless toilet preparation known as G. W. Laird's ' Bloom t Youth." , its beantifylnfr -etTeetsr are trnly wonderfnl. ! Depot, t, Cold St, N. Y. tE;V ADVEllTISEMENTS: " Tht Building on Dr. SummerellV Lot, for raerljr used by him as an office, is for sale. Any person desiroi-s of parchairig woo Id do well to call on the nndenugned. The building can be easily moved, as it has no chimnev. . lmM? J J (SUMXIEBELX. Dissolution. TITE firm of Burke & Comjr u this day uikhoi ?eu uy muiuai consent. Kept. 12, 1872. : j Th0 nridersicned will whtinue to attend to sale In Town or country when called npon. J. K. BURKE. Administrator's Notice. All persons bavin claim acainHt the ente of DrlMA.Locke.dec'd, ire hereby notified loextubitl the same to the nndersigned before the thdayof September, A. 1873. And all perMi indebted tp Raid estate are requested to make payment promptly, as bat very short indulgence will be given, j m; V. COWAN, Adm'r of Drj, M. A. Locke dtd. SeptJ 12th 1872. tf: SETTLE TJP. f. All those indehttxl to mp far aiiKarinlinn tr the Examiner for advertkinff. or iob work. ar respetptfully requested to come forward ami set tle u without further elay. Corn, Wheat, FIoiir Pejaa, or any country produce taken in exchafigfeilbr claims and the market pnee allow ed. I it t 3. J.STEWA11T Sept..5,-51:tf ) j . PH. J. F GRIFFITH, S i DENTIST. Haying located in SalUburv. BolicitH a nrae- .? !J1 .IT - t.' uce me town ana. surrounding country. CHARGES MODERATE, 1 I McNeelg Building, Entrance to McmeiysUaU.j j 45 3m pdj TOP THE TCIIEF. tKp night of jthe 3dinstant, stolen from my ifagon, near Dnlins School House, a bav Mararidj colt. The mare was 13 or 14 years old, Mart pn right ear, one white fore foot, and in gofd order. The colt was five months old, iron frey, white face, black mane and tail. I otter Twentr-five Dollars reward far the delivery of said mare and colt, or any in- lormauon W regara to them will be thankfully received., SRevL DANIEL POTTS. a UROTE, IS. Cnl 1 Bept. 7th,T872. lmoa2 r. E. H, GREENE, In HABUE OF THE 1SRAXCH UFFICE TO Dll KijJJE's PhUaddhhia BeUtrue Institute aid Cancer Infirinartf at Charlotte, AT. C P WLL BE AT Salisbury, N, C, National Hotel, Oct. 1st. Greensboro', N. C. Ben bow House, Oct . 2d. Goldeboro', N. C, Principal Hotel, Oct. 3d rot the puriKwe of seeing any who mar wish to cofisul him Without ft visit to Charlotte, with renefence to Cancers and Cancerous Dis- EASEjB, Scrofula, Epilepsy, dc, fec. I &JaF Call and see him.-J Sept. 12, 18-72 3w52. Smith's! Shoe Store! Charlotte. IV. c. KBTHLISIlEI) 20 YEARS AGO THE LAjKGEST WHOLESALE AND RE i I i i TAIL SHOE HOUSE IN THE jHTATE. 1" t lAVE Agents alw4.V9 ,n t',e Northern mar s kcis. rrom ions exnenence in the & hoe jTradje and superior advantages in buving, we guariintef to sell BOOTS AND SHOES at as low jprices as anyNew York Jobber. For proojTof 6nr assertion, the next time yon are in Cliarlotte come and examine our Stock and prices whether yoii wish to buy or not. Yie ar now receiving our large Fall Stock, consisting of Bbtp. Shoes, Leather, Shoe findings Trunks and Hats. If you only want a single pair of Shoes, sen( yonr order t Sll I II, and you ivill benited or you can Return the shoesj Always bny your Shoes at a Shoe btoije, you can be better suited, and get therb cheaper, t 1 . f. I. 8 .11 IT II & CO., ! Smithes Shoe Store, Charlotte, N. C. Sept 12 '72, 52: 3t: . OKAIGrE & CliAIGE, ATTOK.VEVS AT LAW, Solfritors in Ipankmp(fi). l-S'peciirl attentiofj paid to Proceedings hi Bankruptcy; Sept. 5,-5l:3mos. NOTICE! Valuable Land for Sale. Aji aent for B, R. Ratts, I will sell at public ale, on the public square, Salisbury, on Satur- daythej 6th of Oct., at 11 o'clock, A. M, his valuable tract of land lying on the Sherrillv Foa-d Road, containing 150 acres. Said tract is 5 miles west of Salisbury. Tcrnjs made known on day bf sale. ! Jf)IIN LINtiLE. Agt. jiAug. 31, 1S72. ot: pd. RIBBONS, MILLINARY !" Aid STEAW GOODS, 'I i j 1872. " In 1 :aLSO W'liitc (joods, Emltroidcrics, &c. ARMSTRQNGl CAT0R & CO ; Importers, !Bamifctnren and Johoors Bonnet Triniiag, Neck and Sash Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Xeck Ties. Bonnet Silks, el vets ami Crapes Jr lowers, leathers, i! Ornaments, I-ramei, &c. STU vWi tn- MCT-! M) LA' IE? AND CHILOBE'v'S HATS, Tlt'MMtD ASU CNTKIMMH). 'iAnd in tonnccting Warefooma Whites Good, Linens, Embroideries, Laeei, ..Nets, Collars. ISetts, Handkerchiefs, Head Xeta Jtc, Ae. JCos. 137 and 139 Bait. St., Baltimore, Md. These goods are manufactured by us or bought for Cash directly from the European tnd Amer ican ISnufactutrs, embracing all the latest Qoveltiex, nneqtialed in variety and cheapness m any market, i Qrders filled with care, promptness and dis patch, h" I l-3ti: pd. AtlSBURY HIGH SCHOOL. thejFall Term of Mr. If. T. Burke' School forboys will commence Sept. 17th. Terms $li50jper session of twenty weeks. Contin gent fee $1,00. : D. A. DAVIS, ) 1 J. J BRUNER, Com. J. S. McCUBBIXS. I ugl.'TlIt: KaleSgli, p. C, larborOugh House, Oct. 4th. Faytftevlle, N. Exchange Hotel, Oct. 5th. Itoclfingham, X. C;, Russells Hotel, Oct. Sth. i e; j ! T.Iis SZeZUXURXLA'S' will open her wetl stlectA atock ofi Fall and Winter MIL LINERY Satnrtlay the oih of October, and will be pleased to wait on all who will give her a call. fAUBCYOct.5iaV!lS7 H3 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm heretofore existing nnder the name Mtlxs & Botdex w this day duitolved by titaal consent. - . ":'Z. U - l-f " Tho indebted to the late firm will pletme com Aii-ward and make settlement with Mer. Mills, Kerns Jt Ckx, to whom all claiuis are doe. i ; MILLS & HOYDEN.- W.J. 'MILLS. T. U.KIBXS. J. B. KSBXS MILLS, KERNS ;& CO. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL ' ' And Conmissicn Herc!i2at3, Sajlisburt, March 1st, 1872. eep constantly on hand a large and choice stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Wares, etc. oi wnicn tney would especially mention Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES, BACON, LARD, SOLE and Upper LEATnERr- SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, BONNETS, PRINTS. SALMON TROUT, FLOUR and 3IEAL, SOAPS. PEPPER and SPICES, TOBACCO, LIQUORS, of all Kinds always on hand, of choice oualitv. iispecial attention given to consign ments aud prompt returns made. Z4:tt NORTH CAROLINA T 0 - . yadkin county In Superior Court S.T. Spur Admr.of J. Sheek dec Plffl agtunxt Milly Sheek, John Sheek, Mills C. Sheek, and Petition to sell land for assets. S. T. Sour and wife Nancy Jane Defendants It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Miles C. Sheek one of the Defendants above named is not a resident of this State ; It is there fore ordered that publication be made in the ''Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in Salisbury N. C. for six weeks successively, requiring said Defendents to appear at the office of the clerk 'of the Superior Court for the Court of Yankin at the Court House in Yandkinville on the first day of Oct. next and answer the complaint of Plaintifl'or the same will be heard exparte as to him. This 9th dav of August 1872. JAMES A. MARTIN, C. S. C. Y'adkin County. 43 tw-$S. North Carolina.) t , davie county. In lhfc P"0' Court. W. R. Sharp Adm'r of Hiram Phelps, dee'ed, agaimt E. G. Clonse and wife Julia A. Clonse, U. II. Phelps, Anderson Cornatr.er and wife Ida Cornatzer, Falla Pheljw, riiram Phelps- aftd Solomon Phelt. 1'etition to sell land for assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of the conrt that U. II. Phelps, one of the defendants above named is not a resident of this State; It is there fore ordered that publication be made in the 'Carolina Watchman" a newspacr published in the town of Salisbury, forsix successive weeKs, requiring said defendant to apcai at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, at the court house in MoeksviMe on the 7th day of October next and answer the complaint of'plaintitT or the same will be heard exparte an to him, This20lh day of August 1872. II. U. Iloward.C.S. C. 49: 6t $S- of Davie couniv. Drs. Summerell & Gaither's C3 25" 2 C3 S3 BARKER & CO'S' Dritjr Store UP SI A MS. A us. 2, 4fi: 5 om. Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims azainst the estate of A. Judson Mason dee'd are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned before the 8th day of August, A. D. 1873. And all persons indebted to said estate are requested to settle promptly. Jtmrs !S. IIESiDfcKSON, Adm't of A. Judson Mason, deed. Aug. 8, 1872. 47-6t: OP ALL KINDS Fuinished to order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Mill on Western N. C. It. li., twenty mile ironi uiisoury. Price at mill 81. At Salisbury $1,20 Kiln Dried at Salisbury, 8 1 ,50. lTEIUIS CASH. 47 : tf: R. H. COWAN. Threshing Machine Oil. The very best quality at the lowest price. Guaranteed not to heat, gum, or cut. Only at TIIEO. F. KLL'TTZ & CoV. 41:lf Drug Store. PRESERVE your FRUIT ! We desire to call the attention of house keepers to our -assorted stock of Fruit Jars. We have the Gem, Pet, Melville, Mason' Improved, and Porcelain lined. Call and examine the different styles, and make yonr elections. We offer them very low. We have o extra Pirbber Band for old Jars, and'would caution our lady friends to examine their old ones before putting up, as fruit is often lost by using defective bands. Call before purchasing elsewhere. TIIEO. F. KLL'TTZ & Co., -Hjtf) "ssj!!- JELLY TUMBLERS WITH SCTXZW TOPS- The nicest thing out for housekeepers. Cheap. (4ltf ) at KLurrz d ( o s. SPEARS' Preserving Solution. One bottle to IGG lbs. Fruit, $l. Also, Nornv's Preserving Powder. 50 cts at TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ & Cos. 4I:tf ) Drug Store. LAND SALE. Having taken out Letters of Administra tion, with Will annexed, of Thomas Oheen dee'd., I will sell at p-iblic sale on the premises, 7 miles west of Salisbury, the tract of land known as the Joe Gheen place, containing 2IG acres, about 75 of which is finely timbered: the remainder consists of a good deal of fresh land suitable tor grain and tobacco : some excellent- bottom land and a small orchard. There are two dwelline houses on it, and plenty of water. The sale will take place on the 5ih of a-tober, 1872, at 12 o'clock, M. Terma one-third cah, one other third in six months, and the remainder in 18 months. Title reserv ed until full pavment ia made. V. WAGGONER, Ang. 26 87? Admr. with Will annexe.!. M cMANNEN'JS, SMUT and SIREEMXG llachincs. THRESHING MACHINES & HORSE POWERS- Several varieties, on wheel or without. CZD3321 and T7ZIXI2 BZXLZiS the handiest thing out. . , - ATPLE and rEACEC PA2L22X3, Corera and Slicert labor savers. .- We warrant all these articles to give Mil. faction or no sale. - CRAWFORD A IIEILIQ. 42-tf : THE AMERICAN . Button-Holei OveKeaming AND Complete Sewing MACHINE. The first and only BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that baa made its advent in this or any other country. aftsT" The following reason are given why this is the best Family Machine to PitrcJiase. t. Because it will do. 7. Decaine yon can everything that any ma- quickly rieor iowerthe chine cuii do, be a nig leed to adapt it to thick or fioiu the finest to the thin cloth, coarsest m iterial. heia-, 8. Because you bave a ming, le.liug. curdm-, ahoil deep ItoLbin by braiding, uiudug, gatli- which the thread is eon ering and se.ving on, at stantly drawn from the the same time rnnhujr. ceutre ; the tensioa is quilting, etc.. bettar than oonseqneutly even and any other m ichiue. doesnot break thetliread. 2 Because the tensions. 9. Because the presser a e more easily adjusted foot tcyns back ; that the than any other m ichiue. cloth can he easily re- 3. Because it can work moved after being hewed, a beautiful buttjn-hole It). Because the bet making s fine a pearl a h mechanics pronounce it bytbhand. the bet tfitished and 4. Bee use it w ill em- made on the best princi broider over the edge, pie of any machine man making a neat and beau- iitHctureu. It has no tiful border on any gar-springs to break; notb ment. inu to get ont of order. 5. Because it will work, if. lieraof it is two a beautiful eyelet hole, raarhinenin one. A Bit- 6. Bean it can do 'ton Bolk Workiko and over-hand se.ii'iing, py'Srwio Machine com which sheet pil.ow ca- bined. es indthc like are sewed over and sver. i No other Machine can accomplish the kind of sew ing slated in Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Partiin ii-ing a family m w ing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. It is to last a LI FET1ME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do it the lest : and this machine can do seTersl kinds of sewing not done mi ony other ninrhime. besides doing everv Kind that all others can do. The American or Plain String Machine. (Without the button-hole pans), dce all that is lone on ti,e Combination except button-hole and ovcrsiaming. M KRONE Y A- BRO., Agts. Salisbury, N. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. 1 do not hesitate tn say the American Combina tion. tiir;iuM-x all other niuehinec. BeaM-ea doing all the work that other iiK.eliiiicf can. it oeram, and works biifon-holi-s in any faliric, from .Hwia muslin, to Beaver cloth 1 have used .Singer's, Moats". Howe's and the Weed" machines, and Cud the -Vinorii-an far superior to them all. ill M. rtCTI.F.1 C. I have useil six ili.Trent Sewing Machines. The American stu passes tLeiu all. Mks. A. L. Raixet. I hive ned The "'Jn jor and other machines and would not exchange the Aniiru sti for any. Mits. II X. Bmi.volk. SAiisni BT, X. C. May 221. 1872. Mkroney A IJito., Agts. American Com. S. M. Sir : 1 h ive ncd ti e Howe Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Wjroxt (.ibhs Sewing mac'.ioes. . and would lot cive the A nn-riean Combination for all of lhui. it will di ali that is claimed for it in the circular. I consider it superior to all other 1 have ever se?n. Very llo-jwctfullr, Mas. (iKo. W. IIAkbixsok. Wetlie un'ler.signed take great pleasure in giving our testimony in favor of the American Sewing Machine ic pie-lerein e to any other, believing that is it truthfully u-'.-ommeiiilcd as the best machine made. It i s:tnj)le. durable, runs very light and does not get out of order or diop stitches. Man. I.tCKA M. OVKRMAK, " A. L. ForsT, " J. Al.UEN BliOWK, "A. W. N'ORTIIKBX. A . K. Jokes, " M. L'. Thoxasox, We have seen (laming advertisements and heard much said by tgents of other machine. We will forfeit one handled dollars to the con tending pattv. if afters fail trial before coinretent judges tlm American Machine will not do as well. if not tivtter. the woik done on any other machine, and do valuable wi k that no other machine can do. We have been Agents fir Sewing Machines since IS5R. have s iid dinger's, Lad Webster's. Atwaters's and Florence's, and l ave abandoned all for the American. Send and get samples of work. 27:ly Mb'UOXEV & BRO., A,r"t INSURE YOUR LIFE ixrQa3 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PEL S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,864.88. GEORGE W. IIILL.Tresidcnt, JOHN S. WILSOX, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ALEXANDKU Will LI) EN. IIok. .TA-. P()LI)CK, 1. EDOAK THOMPSON, GEO. NUGENT, ALHEKT C UOHElt F-5. l'HILIF II. MINGLE, HON. A. G. CATTKLL ISAAC HAZLEHLK8T, L M. WHILLDEN, II EN II V K. DENNF GEO. W. HILL, JAS. L. CLAGHOnX. JXO. WAL'NAMAKKP Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES ' IIIE AMERICAN has been in active attention for near! a ntutrUr f m ixrir h. 1. 1 governed and coutndled by geutJenien Among its insuring members th Company havi tht bour f unmU-rirg u.sr.y of the most ainent and leading mon, in all profe4oo and claaMM, tt.roigbotJt Nortit Carolina. eminent Keliable AgouU wanted, who should arnlr - EEV. L. F. WAT, G-n'1 Agent. ,:. - -J :,v - - " "' State-vllle, N. C. Or to Col. St. Ciua Dauuxo, Sept. Jtgnnt. WUmiagtnn, N. C. linayatXtcly - 'is INSURE IN (ieorgia Home Insurance Cc. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. Ixcx)roATED, 180. Carrrau $050,000 J. RHODES BBOWNE, FrmUtnf-, r, D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly Paid in Full! Property owners desiring to obtain reliable In auranco will do well to protect themsely aecuring a Policy in (ieorgia Ilotnt Insnnmc Co." Agencies at proruincnt poinU In all th Southern State. if J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, Office No. 2, Granite Row, April Zni fly! PstMjurr.N.C WALTER A. WOOD. Reaping and Mowing Machine. The lightest, most substantial and cheap! Implement made. Fully warranted. Thretdiing Machines 'and Ilor-c Power of various pM tents, mieh as the celebrated Alamance and Baltimore iower. Send in voir nrdrr. J. II. THOMPSON, 4 1:3m on. Tyro. Davidson Co N. C. J. P. RUECKERT, MASONIC HALL, on. ."57 and 39 .TInrkef St., WILMINGTON, N. C. PIANOS and ORG AIMS OF THE BEST Leading Factories in the United States PIANOS of ALL STYLES ainl PP.lt t suit purchasers constantly on hand and for sale. Afca? All inducements utallv held out b .Aortnern .Manulaitun r ran only be had in the ! State at the above place. " j QUO. WOOD'S &. CO'S. TAXI IiOn and VS3TH."2 OEOANt ! They are preeminent fur tltdr Charm ingSolo Stop, llettultt and Purify of Tone. Elegant Design and Fin ish. In fact they gurjMis.i ANY OllGAX Heretofore known or introduced in this city. Call, Hear and See Them! All Instruments Warranted for Five Year. tJ-PIANOS Tl XKU ANli RKPAlUM..f A choice selection of Shci-t Mu.ic on hand and fr sale. J. F. Hl'KCKKHT. may 31-K7-tf Wilmington, N. C. DO YOU 10 VE M NEW and lasting perfume, with a jrreat yarietv of other extracts for the handker chief, including all kind of toibi-t suit l, at C. It. BAKKF.R ACQ'S Drug Store. DO you wish to enjoy a good smoke I Thi n try some of the genuine Havana Cigar just received at C. R. BARKER i CO'S Drag Store. 'i 1 TANNhlLS !. Magicand l'Va 1 Tranarciil Machine Chi at low prices at C. U. RAIIKER ACXXS Prog Store. A7E H ES PECT Fl LL Y call thamhTu i' of Physician-, Merchants and the jmblic generally to our well ik-ctel stock of Drugs, Chctnicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, lirmhis, Dye Stuffs, iMiups, iMiup Fixtures, dc., dr LL GOODS warranted, pure, freh and V Kenuine, and prices to suit the limes. All order prompt I attended to. LViHcia! care and attention given to our prescription de partment. C. IL BARKER A Co., DrnczUt, (Successor to Jxo. H. Exms) 2Ctf Salisbury. N. C. "urn - si NOX - FOIiFElTAULE. dirtUngtii - bed fcr their buiues xp r-n.-e and by letter oi in person to wa . sl. . tr-' --71. r! fiaral. A. Fricte, I'laintiS; 1 - Joel J. FrUce, . .J f , y .Tf! th SberifTof SwvaartMybrvet;; 4 . i rW tb fid t iUf if U ullI - . , - , . : - hmii ., w " fntt4 la h c Cce a !l.e rktk a1 tbe PCil CaKirt for nw,i, wtwcTy;! trft him t.V ftojkt. that if U Uil to awWe- tat! detnanded tn tit coraplaiaU Herein fail not, and f tl.it icmoeLi tt dtie return." j t t Given Bder my UM an4 The eJ cLk U Ctmrt, this 10th day ef Anrtt. lgTi . John A.rxjYDEN,r. i JT ficm Cii. Martin, llarwr, l ike Ctalhrgts. I f t FARMERS' -WAREH0U8E;' T a Vtrav . f "iiLK, VIRGINIA: To tW plitilerf Virginia at N. Carol; Jmi 0 dJfJTu tl th, P rketd. wi ' oeem it onr doty u expiM oar ttanka for t prn'ruuage cxteoded to our lIoo durinr U Jrr" J" corny lain. but feel rrraiiy ea I cimriged by the pn portion of trade one fy xt this wasnn. and while sims oldf nta4utfc. meets may have sold more Totatco U,.a we. couehave mad- a better montllr orrewrly average than we hare. Oatmxtrfe for tbe mouUi of lLiy.waa $14 3a Oor maiket dnricr the rnri., . n d has Ueu uiaiked by a teadiaet mud hrmu nDMirpasd J-y aiij tl:jka itfc state; and in view of" the ear!r tnatSrttf of t -e gro iuf crop, we adrf-e aHJo market tbe Ulaii.-C 0J tiriT olJ wJ practicable. r , . Our s. nior patlner b a virr; leased, tbo hanM or a term of year., our lmUMe. (wUbctUaar imitermlcbai p iu lb- sairatU rm,)wi& bec..ndnrfcd in the .nie eric!rr.t man net aw berrtoWe : and with the Ih.um. enlarged and impwred we can saf-iy M.y t9 our friend, and tbe public, c rciallr.in agais s. lk-i tire their patmnap-. ttat t, can c ffer ibem as rood onminlations and serve theui a tfl.cicr.tly and satisfactorily as any otber lo8e in Dwy G!f. Parties wishing to Mr.d ns t.lsoco rand m by rail, and it ill W taken from the depot fre of" charge and remittance promptly tuad ty Kxpre or mail. Wecan pr.rt.dw Ikk retire a tbe sabs rue low n.a!l ard Ihe prices eyx4 T7hnyou r..m to town, rive uf m ewll . in Tciii.viis.TimMAsi liLirroy. ProprirUr. Wm. lUmzir. .M777ntKCtX NATIONAL HOTEL;1 A First Class House, situated in tho center oflhe City. Thi w, II known llMel ha t hseged hafWts and i now in 7Wo,- f.ir. Tlje traytiiaw jHiblk may rt auri-u that tfcey wiU rtr Tirtt Clatt Accoxaodationa. lite Pri-- rrtfi!att-t lo ruit the tiaae. TV Table iil U- wi,;lwd iiJ, U, ut Um aaarket aHonl. The 1 i.n.i.tm and Ldifg ar .Ysar anl the rM.m. li . yd airr . x H st p.Liv , K ,i; ! with fl Ho. I r;' nnoi'.o. sn J l'.r,-,;-. t fre tt( rbirr. ! Howrt:inni(itt The ur.derim-. would r tcctfalle ak t- j friend ! mUr tl, x. j,t k in.-1 1. r Mai -i. 11 II..U-! k r il.j.ja iwtlte yatra. j Willi th.ii -ii.iMie lirf:. arrar.fed inaay inK n!ire a:i-f.,ii.i will U giren. IHs old j cflomer. are rtjwvtfolly invited to rati at tf , Natiunl. tvyi newztr. tf: Si A. HAYS. aarca arix. NEW FIRM HAYS & SILL Druggist 'Apothecaries, SAIISBUB.V, IT. c. Harin- purchajed the con tent of tha Drug intuit- fiiarrly occopitxl bj Ir. Edward Sill. We re.jx ctf ully call tba at tention of the Citizen of Satiabtuy and the surronnd:nf: coo u try, (o the new ar rangemfiif, at.d inf irm ihcm that we will coi.tinu" t carry on the insinet at the same phce, and the atiie eicdlcnt war. We ill i ucit avnr to kcp on hand all tha various p.,r ds the p.-ople may nt-ed per tainii t.. onr line, ai.d iLetrfora Iiofsa by etrict attention to buiit.tf.. to receive a literal p.i:rona. Physician's Orders Prompt ly Attended To. . Prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded by reliable and competent Druggists day or night. - , t J 43 ly .. sun ii o. ror nivoncn. Superior Cbrr, Run Cowxtj. Laura tltance, plaiouT, "j 9w I c Thoma. Fr.ullin NlTnn0ft STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. " Tj tk Skrnf of Rwmm Csa Gnetimjr Yui if Jx rrby com m nded, asyoa kavw heretofore l-o, to ftlttimor Tbotuaa Fraatlui t nance, the dtieudar.l above earned, ii km tsa footMt wilhiri rwir countr. lu Lt- and inrnfU. f re the J lulge f c-ir tri Cort, to be beid t..r ite cnir.iy tf !U,wan, at the CMirt-Haat la iMlbiiry, on the Coarth Monday after tta laird M.-rnlay iu S- SuriuUr tot al, uk atMWcr tW ('.niplaint afuch i now QU4 in tbe odre cfta ( lerk of the --p. ti.-r .s rt Lr said Cowaty. simI Urt ihe .aid d. f rAstA trke rwttrv that tf M fail, lu aiaer the ..id tv.f.Lstr4 dawilkg' CW neit Term, the piair.iifj wi: a-4y to IttVawrt for the relU f b tnirvlf-,1 i, 1, rtMttlaiM. Ilrtein fail no, and .f tl t swmw,ess aaaat due rtt'irn. nvi n rui. r tn Uatid aad tka Mral of Mid t tr li.i- !",, A'lftwt, IS7X. , - - , J!fN . HOYDILV. j H-alof tLc Cbtk the HwtierW CVmrt. 'uri of iLuwaa cumtj. i ' J. Xa. SliXiXOI? & Co llanufiirliirrrs nf j f a C" m tmm mm bp - rk,a r- Niperbr Uoort for the ctMt0f - lSir mmtmTmm Ww. wluirf tW day of 8TEWAUD VAiTMU' McDowell, Lso, w Uer. m. W. I W, III. Alourne, N. C. or irt Vt.t ,r t AVinmboro 45- lm .J