J i i --i .M-ffciMiiw.1 'rM','tririrt"wrTmTirOTiiriMaiii. -n - - . .. .. u ...-i : .. . i- -; r AS-lJ ' mmmem:m 1 ,rTTrr'r,r'iii"iMiiiiiiliiiiiMiili X 1 ' ! . . .. , ( ' 'l '- ' ' ... ; " i - ' . - - , v .: - - " . ; . . . , , . a.ll 2.?:: i : . ViJL.! IV. TUIKD SE11I12I?. SALISBURY N. C, IN0VEMBI!R1, 172. NO. 7.WU0LE NO. 847. r icm.iKi weekly ; - J . JJ UUNER, 'r)rietor anl t!4itor. J. S I E WART, ciate' Editor. f J ' ' i f ! J - 1UTI OK M KCIIIi'-l iN i- I 10.00 ! A CUICAGQ SENSATION. .i . Story of a Fifteex Teab Old Ac tress who Makeikd hee Father's COACHSLlSr. A correepoudent write from Chicago. under date of the 18th,, aa follows; , Quite oft en a herniation of considerable iiiurt st ia epiuiig in our eourta. Some tiroes h may be in- the matter of au early real rotate txantactioo ; and again the di vree court may open to the vi-w of the public the diffident phase mil ich married life , may atttaine. A ejise was called in the Superior ourt on Saturday, from ihe 1 facts of which the fanciful might draw an ' rT. ' , fcjteitinp romance, fitto adoru thepag-s X ES kO. tft f'iwrible Temptation" novel, or a ' i work of a similar nature. It seems that the parties to the action were the daughter of one f or wealthiest citizeus-a resi dent of Michigan! avenue and his coach man. It necessarily follows that where a divorce is wanted a marriage exists ; and f . ii Hh' ch."iM st Head Stones, .gI1(.n ja tfo fHvt, j tils mauer, and upon r ,' -;T ibt, inures; f the ease. - (. (!) wui'M not. on nana, can 6 , , ; m '.uhhort Umic. strictly in aer L Oossipj,- people those who know all .,;tccitk-ivtinmi drafts, and tlie about tlie piivatc afftirs of everybody be :'.r. -act. SafislWtion inwraii. Canse th-v sav" told Un-ib so deliffht in indulging in intimations that the marriage TO MRS m:i 13 ''Ml-' 4-!it-lLv FOOT6T0XI ?OHII H. BUIS . - lu- ct tjipliim ntR to his friend )j i'i;t( ,iind ru'tbis method wonltf4 . I 1 ! 1 it j'Mi.iuu.i in ui. nnu oi ,uinesi. . i. :-'-,;;v I'd to furnish all kind.' of I" r iii t' it- he TindiMSold, oith or t ' i ' "o'ift-d. Addrenn, ; I , i ; ! , JOHN' U. HU1S. SalilurF. .. ;f jVs. E. BRYCE SILL 1 i ! HAYS & SILL 3 WAS ADVISED BY THE OLD GENTLEMAN trial of strength j between Greeley and Grant irt any oft the ' State that have voted. ' The elections which have been held were purely local, and in many cases the issues were made up and the candid" ates nominated before the Liberal move ment was fully develop 6V We believe that Mr. Greeley I is personally stronger in almost every State, and in every local ity, that) were the vaiious' candidates running In opposition to the Administra tion, and that his vote in November will be greatly in advance of their. Thou sands off men will vote for Mr. GreeleT who would net vote for any other man agaiuct fan Administration Republican. We agree with the Times, that 'the true crisis of 'the fiht. has not yet been reach ed. RitfVd Wh g Fifty Avenue Hotel, to answer to a eharW of violating the Enforcemmt Act. xi- siructiug an o5cr in ; the1 diwharjje of his duties, &t, refused liail (although a retired merchant aorth fifty time thi mount of bail, oflVred himself as surety) was sent to jail and kept there, aud fiually was released on the security ol t he same par ty bat was refused an ezamii a i n because the witnesses against him were"on duty !' The gentleman, whose name is lleiurich. ana us irwnos are very indignant, ami the papers are loud in denoatictng the "tyran ny." &., &c We don't see why they should get xciedah.ut it. Theeffpnd-r is not au attached of ihe JleraU. The.y are allowed by Genera) Grant to n-ake a living, and get along, provided they qo nuining against uw re-elect Mn. II J une 23. sixty-three vessels hav left that p rt for Kngla ud loaded with wha. Of this uuniber. IS cleared in July, 32 in Aujnsfand 15 more in September to date. B fore the fiist one reaches Iverpoil. nearly, or quite, 100 vessels will be on the wy, with tbvir prows pntntir to the same port,' and currying 125,000 tons oH wheat. It adl that, with sufficient ton nage, such a fleet cn be maintained for ix months. Jiurul Xetc Yorker. Druggist & Apothecaries, - sALxsirtrav, u. c. 1 jlaving purchased the contents of the i pni Htbrc forineily occupied by Dr. Jvlwuid Sill. Weesp ctfully call the at tention ojf -the Citizens of Salisbury and the! iMirrouii(liiig cniufry, to the new ar rniigcincnt, and inform them that we will continue to carry on the business at; the :itnoi!cvf"'d the same excellent way. We will endeavor to keep on hand all the y v.irioiip goods the peojde may nted per- great importance to relate, arid with the after the discovery of certain facta more important to his filhc tbau any one else, 11 1 "1 Mr. Vjoacnmau excepted, luese same people also are of the opinion that, after frequent, too frequent, rides, on which occusions the old gentlemau's close car riage was" used to a ggod advantage, as subsequently appeared, a lively feeling of friendship sprung up between the fair heiress aud the gallant coachman. How ever, the facts as divulged at the trial warrant your correspondent in saying that on one of. these rides the subject ol marriage was broached, a ready acquie scence followed, the license was procured, and before the setting of that day's sun, THE TWAIN WERE MADE ONE by a Methodist clergyman. The happy couple drove back to the father's home, and the bride, her heart palpitating with joy for the noble impulses influencing her lu ge lord, considered the matter of too i X - 4 taiiiii.g o our line, ami therefore hope secret sale in her own young heart betook iiyirttictj attention to bupinegs. to receive her to her virgin chamber, while the gal a liberal! patronage. I. j lant, handsome coachman hied himself to T) .no n nno florin TWmn L ' lo 1,1 ie staute, ana dreamed as only .x nj piiuiaii o uoi o xx umpu- a haplV groomSloan can. Tte ecivt w78 too much for the 'childtd wife for she was only fifteen and her sifter was in formed of tlie status of her domestic affairs. The, father-iu-liw. ly Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded ly reliable H a iid competent Druggists day or r mght. THE. STA Y- ATr 1 1 0 M THE MIS From the Richmond Dispatch. Nf.gR'i RtJLK. We have negro rule in this State on account of the disgraceful apathy of a large portion of the while voters -KalelghrrW True and such would have been the case in Virginia bad not the Conservative mas-es, white and colored, risen in their might in 1869 and by the election of Gov Tvr it i .i . ernor y aiaer aixa ineir veto oi tlie pro scriptive clauses of the Constitution dc clared that the interest of the people should not bo thus subordinated to the supposed interest of otie race. The good fieople of North Carolina, following the ead of iVifgiuia, took the same position iu 1870. and redeemed their State irom the worst forms of corruption, but now only two yeah later they have by apa thy lost uearly all they then gamed, the Radical candidate for Governor carrying the S;ate at the .last election. t , Here is the moral : If North Carolina, with a registered while majority of 50, 000, aiid with only 20,L00 while Radicals is loet to the Conservatives by Conserva tive voters remaining away from the polls, are not; we in Vliginia, with a registered white majority of only 30,000, and with 15,000 white Radicals, iu some danger of having our State turned over to the igno rant and vicious who would overwhelm us if we fail to carry a single election. Had not twentysfive or thirty thousand North Carolina Conservatives remained at home in August the old North State would now have been iii the van of the Libera) army, tlie election of Greeley aud Brown would have been assured, aud North parolina would have hpr own gov eminent in her own hands. "Ihe stay at nome j voters cause tne loss ot many an important political battle. If we would the file of North Carolina, and the and Indiana? tVilmington Journal. HUSHAND AND WIFE. Harmony in the married state is the very first object to be aimed at. Nothing can preserve affection 'uninterrupted but rum resolution never to differ in will. and a determination in each to consider saved the Union, and it, with the appur- the love of the other a of more vnla Knin;re, urioiigs ID 1IU. IeSiae,- Wf !." nj i'rii wiltirTfT nn WIUCII a wonldlikrfd'know IT John Umw'nV soul wish has beeu fifed: How ligfii.ln fact, is not marchiue on, and if the colored ia he ssrriCi e of any other wih weiched troops did not fight nobly iu iVnnsylvaia jgaint the sffctions f one with whout we are to pa our lif And thngh op position in a single instance will hardlv of itelf produce alienation, vet everyone has his pouch into which all these oppo si ionn are put, and wlnle that is fillinr. the alienation is insensibly going on, and when filled incomplete. If wonld nuzzle either to say why ; becanse no one differ ence ban been maiked enonjrh to produce a serious i ffect by tuelf. Hut be fi.ols bis afi.-clion wearied out by a constant stream of checks and obstacles. Other resources of di'coutent very common, in deed, are the cmis purposes of husband and ifc. in common conversation : a din- jtonition to criticise and qo-stion whatever the other says a depire always to d. monstrate and make him feel himself wrong, espeeialy in sympathy. Nothing IS so goading. .Much better, tluref re, if our companion vi.-ws a thing in a diff-r-ent light from what we do, to leave him in quiet possession. What is the use of ree living him if the thing be unimportant? And if important, let it pass for the prej- ent, aud watt a softer moment and more conciliatory occasion of revising the snb- t r 1v TRIUMPHANT! i 4 . t I. TV J l K . i-UJ t sua; r VV' Al:is OF FIFTY FIRST PRE . .M 1 L AS S and (i old and Silver JlecLtls ' j . h p .w aid. '1 10 ClIALES MSl'IEl-V ' i jlje !.e.-t l'ianos ill coinpctitiou .tli the leading inaiiulactur ; ' f the c )untry. Ouic and UewWarcroom?, LrUrty st., Baltimore, ml Pianos contain all the latest im . u. In-found in a hVst-ct Piano, '! 1 "i-al .iinproreiuents o( his own in. ' " ' ' to he found ill other instruments. ' 1 '" i tend) and titiVh of their inxtru t t he fuelled by any manufaetur .!!. ' '.- u-j'oit nier.t of 4ccnnd-haiid Pianos 4 hand, l'roin $7f to $:tn(J. , "i .nn! t.'limvh Organ-, souvp twenty dif- i : vif s on hand troiii-i" slid upwards. :'r Illustrated Catalogue, containing i. ti DEQPPED ON THAT BIGH. TQNED COaCH- ... MAN, - aiidia "compttent horeeman" wanted a place in the morning papers. The bill lor the divorce next appeared, and the case wat on trial when 1 dropped in. The argument was just concluded, and the council accompanied by the irate father-in-law, were -engaged in drawing up an amendment to the bill, as suggested by the Court, when in walked the' groom of all groomr, iu the matter ofjhe separation of L. VS. L. His manly figure was pain fully erect, and r manifestly much money hail been squandered in his make-up for -the occasion. He approached thecouiiBel, aud tremulously inquired WHETHER OR NO II E WAS A MARRIED MAN. escape! still more disastrous condition of 'States in the vote o extreme South, let us poll the full our party for Crreeley aud Browu WHAT ARE THE PROFITS The harvest is neatly ended. There is some corn to husk, po;a oes to dig, roots to ge her, apple t pit k, butter and chei e o market, etc., etc iJU the farmers who tag rareiuilv kept account with the dioVr ent department of the farm can approxi mately estimate his profits for the year. W hat are they I e do not ask for this question because we desire it answered to ourselves. Aud ifhe finds out there are profits, we hope he can put his finger iiq his ledger and telljast what crops did, and what did not, yield him his net re venues This course we deem absolutely essen tial to intel igetit, economical, and proges sive husbandry. If the blind leads the blind they both fall in the ditch. It a mau's corn crop has cost him $1 per bush el, and is worth in market bui 75 cents that is, if he can buy corn for 75 cents ..I I I II I I 4ll per ousnei. equally eooa. tn fodder he gets from the crop grown will scarcely fill A BEAUTIFUL SKETCH. Let a man fail in business, what an effect it has on his former creditors 1 Meu who have taken him by the boor, shrug i heir shoulders, and pass on with a cold How do OQ do?" Every trifle of bill is hunted up and presented lhat would not have seen light for months to emit, but fir the uv fortunes of ihe debtor. 1 f it is paid, w ell and gol; if not, the scow) of the sheriff prhaps meets him at the corner. A raau bo baa never failed knows but little of bumu future. In prosperity be sails alot.g gently, wafted by favorable smile and kind words from everybody. He pHdns himseli on his name and spotless character, and makt s his boast that be has not an enemy in the world. Alt! the change. He look at the world ia a different light when reverses come upon him. He rends suspicion on every brw. He batdly know bow lo move, or to do this thing or the other ; 'here are spies about Inm, a writ is ready lor hi lark. To k mow w hat quality ol stuff the wurlu is nude uf. a person must b rnbmanatc, and slop paying once in bis lifetime. If he has kind liieuds, then they are made m ni(. l. A failure is a moral sieve, it brings out the aheat, and shows 'he chaff. A man thus barns that word find pretended good will ate not and do uut constitute real friendship. m w a 1 II E Li KANT lNO.Ng. Here IS the style of speech employed by Col. Fok sky's Press, in speMkinir' of bis brother (irantite GuaM's owu' tLc Nt Y..tk limes : Saisg Wood WiTiiorr a Saw. The Scientific American records ' the change of one of the trppos sibUitie of the past lnt a reality " Geo. Robinson, M. I , of New Ymk, has invented a mode of sawing or catting wood withont sawcr axs, by electricity. The galvanic current w Wh paeiug over platinum wite in taS. ceiit qoantity beats the wire to while heat. This wire thus heaU-d dvx-s the wotk of stw or sXe, without any appreciable ex endilare of muscuUr force. Uy arraag ing the w ires w iib baudl-s or other mcana, by which it may Lv guided, any kind of luwb-r wbetLrr ia tites, logs, or pla&k may be cut as detlrrd. The battery need be only of ihe simplest ktud, aa qaAntity not intensity ci current is rt-quiml. A child by this means, may 11 U largest tree in the forrst, divide it into logs, r cut It Into Wards, without saw or as T" Only tU.V of it! The !dta of mtti; down a Hag' pine tree with a wite ! S rae wircre stands op and declares : I don't believe it. It can't fe done," but soeh should remember that they talked jast so alien the telegraph was prx.jf-cied. It U only another urool that ibe impossibilities ot to day arc the scientific facts tf to morrow. New ToaK, Oct. 21 Mrs. Greeley has relapsed. Ti.baco manufactures and dealer have r-soled to uor no cat.d.dale Ir Utn grcrs wlo will not pledge himself to con tend for modification oi the preseut oa- .- r . ' . presstre taxation oi ineir in teres is. A. U. Stoib -, Itc Private SecreUry to Cot.sul Rut U r, i:i Egypt, prints long affidavit detailing proceedings of Roller, by which the latter made some twenty rtrm of The New Yotk Times in the camnairn now bappvly almost over has earned for I thousand dollars in gold by itself a reputation for tnftimv only surnas- hlack mMling and other reprehensible sed bv that of the men in Pennsylvania, ways- Stollogo also stales that butler 'i-.. ..... whom in us slavish subserviency it has w drunk nearly all the time, and was m hud d to the sku a. It i the D.ile. t'V ol frequent strset row and fights, and wa the American press, and as such it p lid under a subsidy of some thousand pound lor slanders can be passed by, but us u-niog per year irom ibe rvnedive brutality, il. ignorance, and lack of p itriot out the margin of.diff rence ; and hen, if Je" togwner." it is wonderlul how msny he blindly goes on raising corn, year after P-"0"8 re renuerea nnuappy ny inatten year, with no knowledge of what it costs him, it will require tho profits be may derive Irom some other cron to counter a balance his hiss on corn. tiit if he knows what the com coetg him, and whence th profits he gets are derived, it will be an easy matter, comparatively, to stop the leaks and tucreatfc the profits the succeed ing year. Have the profits been derived from econ omy, or from bberabty of expenditure iu I .1 m w i rem. ion to espeeial crops i In other words", is there any o-'e crop which res turned $2 for every SI expeneded in pro ducing it; aud if.iUy Xpen4j ut culture or tor plant food per Aftuaa beeu iu creased, would the pronts Dave corres poudii.gly increased ? Or has the firmer tion to the rule of prudence. Thomas Jejferson. m ism, nonor, ana decency, constitute it a mean critic of even the mo?t ordinary of Americans. found the maximum of expense per acre lP,acH.ry ad baseness. POOR SOUTH CAROLINA. m t II . 1 liu returns ot the recent election in the State come in very slowly, yet enough is known of the result to state that the Moses ticket (the rogues party) has been elected by a ui gority of not less than twenty-.fi v'e thousand iuo.-t probably by a greater majority. U chard II . Cain, colored, ia elected to Congress lor the State at Jargj ; J. H. Raiuey, colored, from the first district ; A. J. Ransier, col ored, from lh second district ; R. 1J. El liot, colored, from the third district ; and A. SJ Wallace, white, from the fourth district, over Perry, democrat. Cain and At that moment he caught sight of that Rauster are nt w men the others were father-in-law, who sat in a corner glai ing . members of the last Congress. Accor savagely, at him. The spinal column i ding to the best data we have been able willed, the bald head shrank down behind to obtain, Wallace is elected from the the Alexis collar; the red neclie fluttered I fourth district by a majority of over fif- . vy i c iu"Uiuiii niiu iiic rifiucrit 11 riir-i I Ltrrrii 1111 iiirtHi m lit ttrti ir. nil ili m f.r i n.i , . i . . . ... 1 J . . ' , 1 resuirs. i tie trouble is, that in making auib.t.ous p ebian swung upon his heel, Poor South Carolina, she is again des. ! up accounts with crops loo many f .rmeis secretly folded his tent, and uleiitly stole l5nt d to be rAi.d by negrori aud ,hieves, estimate the amount ot time consumed in fiorn the room m lime to evade the pater-! backed up by i.ant and his Adininistra- their production, instead ot charging each na ueiieoicuoi. : "U.i, w nat a rascal tve tio. And yet you may hear some white ! crop, daily, with the time actually ex- IK I I liu uiunn trt.t tskl Iha aar a a ionwl I'll . , 7,v ' vi-, me,, W10 (lilve tne reputation ot being ponded upon it. a mtr o,u ge ai. ui.il looa. , u e hoiie8t AAy Uwt imul 18 a better man than j Tlie result of sn. h inquiry as We In noor in autues, occasionally bursting toith Oree ! v. Iffti,.4v el. et. d I,- u ill SECRET MARRIAGES. Every now ai.d then the pub'ic is start led by the exj-o-ur? of some domestic or social villainy based on a secret marriage. "Mime confiding oung lady has been in- I luirlit cixtv v. duced to marry her lover secretly, and to keen the tnarnatre secret tor months, and perhaps for years. In a recent case tnarnage had been kept secret tor nea ly seven years. Of com se, a man who wishes to keep his iatriage a secret is always actuated by elffih, and usually be mo. lives lie is acting a part pMyine a game ; and his confiding wile is pretty sun in tut end, to h id herself the victuo of Wltat it Cot to Carry Mai me. A W.-U tes ted writer in tlie Tribune, a n-Mdent f M'u.e. says tha' the last elctn.n in that State roit tlie (irantitn hard njK.n tw.. hundrJ thei! n.l it.llr ! Says the writer : "lu th firet ( o eri-Mi'iiiHl )i-tr;rt t.i't twow-ek since a Jraut p!ilira n lxastd that hi p'ty f r !liirl.-it:h in th tovro where he liv". aii.l a suiall t'vij t.Ni. If t- -u m ui an tm r no th. pa... 1 Itf l.iWf.t TC w a ?.). w hil- t' -..pie f ey gave a barrel .J Emir. atil t-r -!ii..r taint- IV tnT tMiuiflit a fnw. Mt o.u iiiiuin is and it seen e. t he the eei.fral diift f di cuasiou all durititt the last of the cuvm and oo elcliou day itself, that ihe Iputd'teaus made utr of mouey vi tieri-vrr t'lev eulJ. In some instance, to tl.e ktinwtmie ofhuuJ- reds. il was frly off-reil at the t Advising Whf.rk to Go We ofiea getiuquires like thie : I t aut to know la hat part of th- Li.iud elates yoo re commend me to go. 1 want logo lo some arm climate. My means are limited. I am a sii.cle man anddou I mind Lard work. s 1 want to get a home fur myself." We have no advice to give in response to such an ii.quiry exc-pt this : There is not a -late in the l oi..n h.rh has wrrn cli mate, that has not some advantage over some .b:-r Stste ; and any vrorig man able and wiliii. to wr.tk, who is frugal, ran mik- him!f a hme in any of ibcta lion t ask bir advice, but goand begin the wotk ol securing a home at obce. it pays to gave to any one crop i 1 hese are interesting and profitable questions for htm to answer. Mtt I Mr . I . . m i no tf.sses or en rt and lime on a tarm are very tn ch greater than rait men rea lize. I h- loss ot time perhaps is greater. not ith.-tanding the a 't that farmers woik so many hours per day. i bis loss is not due lo ihe tact that the time is not all oi nearly all occupied, but to the other fact that it is too often improperly directed, is is i:ot economized and hence is wasted But if the time absolutely spent in the producting, harvesting and" marketing ot a crop is charged to that Ciop, the hus L I I It oanuinaii soon discovers its value, now in lie n it enters into cost, and will uevi-e ways aud means to economize i: that is, to expend less time in producing the same . iii i .v woman anoniu in ver conseirx to be man ted secretly. Her marri-tge !ioilii be sob mnZd iu the light ot publicity, and not in ihe cli oh-w of co;icetiliu -ui . i i ii.- rut' smoini ns i ust a uitn who has a reason for eh: oiidi 'tr in dokm-M the a- which in b:s istiinat o . at b at slnoil be the ciowni g trior v of his life. '1 be man who als ha m ux nlot on h. 1 - who nat. ra ly tak a to 'ickey and con ce.iliuei.t, auo is never ralv to hiv,- In i i actions brought out into ( pen ! iy, is ap to be so cnusiUuiiniiuliy i. i(ie that he sel dom, even by accid.-nt, deviate into the paih ot honor or virtue. No woman who vallb s her domestic "Happiness should ey r listen to the sngg. r-ti-ms ot such a man iu lavor ot a secret nnrtiage, Disraeli and Io-thai. .4ro;o ol theexp-cted new novel fn-tn tl;e eii ( Mr. Iiraeii. ii in Mfi'imd that -Ixihair" might never have been Htitien but for lb illties- of All. Irira'li, now i-cointe IJeMC'Oiffi' hi. She w.i making low re t-overv, and lor liutiaiil, aulimii lo amue tb- huis of conVMlerei nee, though -I 1 ... !"! Illeti tire .1 Willi Hie CHim .l lUe l.X lie. i . qoer, connived to u nl tun' to write a i.ri i l t-i CtMpter ol Hie OOV l every dV. n' !l. l . . . - I : i -l D' lo'T wutieii out I'l IU ill. I ;i lo Hie a a a rooming, was earth d nn to lle nek t liini ber and aronse! tin- tedious h urs of lh invalid in the cenin?. The finest spicimeo ef Brussels lace U so complicated as to require the labor of seven persons on one roere. and each jN-raTMe is employed at diolinct ftatote "I the oik. The thread oed U ef ex- qit?ite tififie, which is spun In data nn .ergronnd rooms, where jt is tafScteut ly insist t" prevent the ibicad fiuiaMpsr- liing. If is so di'licalc as scarcely lo bo s en, and the rfm is so irrsnf-d that all ihe liglit admi:i-d shall f!I epoti the work. It in snch sniteu.tl thai renders the Hr3"e! grouud sn Cftly. f)n a pie.ee of ValT.rienr.ee not two tnebe wid.frora two bin. died to thre bunird bobbin r ornetiroei ud ; and for a larger width, a matiy at iiht buudreo on the same piece. into a spasm of vchcmeul expletives, -vow ing lhat he IF UK HAD would - cane 'THAT SCOUNDREL" him : and 1 believe he never keep a unci in otace or sustain such a Slate Government as Scott's and Musts iu Sokith '..aioliua. Democrat. over twelve hundred Southerners would, lor the elderly gen ileman was con- ii e Uai.dred of which are Virginians, two aidei ably "on the ecite." His solicitors n-MMiir-o .M.vin i nroiii.iaiis, one iiumtreil and Pllfl.iivorid Ii")- hi t r-:iiii'-!M-?i:iM and others throughout the .South), who have h. rtght the Stit-fl' I'iano since the close of the. war. J. ALLEN IMtOWN Airent. .2&40t Sali,b.trv.N. 0. endeavored to calm him by whispering "newt-paper men were in the room," but all to no avail. is I lie strangest ot eases on the divorce record of either nu i t ! CONCERNING THE OXEN. Tlilere is a venerable maxim tire truth of which, we believe, no one is ive suggested above will be lo cause a higher value to he placid upon time, to see that . it is not wasted and therefore, a better i direction of ihe idT.n ts or force expended in producing crop. The bent wavs and GORING OF ' ni"a',! will be devised and adopted fordo ing the most woik m the least tune and at the" le; t expei.se ; for eve.y thougntfi.l fi4l IIKT k IlllH M I h:4t I !. I ill t.rr i i .. il-l i.ii. .. J h. Ul Ulf.l u 1 .1 I . '4 Muibu, ni, iii ill. ri , nn unr IC U 11" IMil 11 1 ! I .1 a- 1 I ana me ecal)aue or h - ! - .. . . r uuniuiftn? w coi oi orodiuMiun lit en giddy, foolish girl was rold by an injudi- !" uWrr. " w verity- hanc,g yr,tnHal Xeic Ywker, Clous tiarent to w ntr I'l.U "I V l'r . llb-M If'li trLriil d i kVW hara .xn 1 strangest ot all the remaikable L x- V'I.k. UVIUIII'IIIC 111 llliK, 1,11 which the new-nap i are commeutincr. this maxim very vividly to our OF ST e-9 V5 It t J 4 n Georgia Hdiiie Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. Incorporate, iiV). Capital. $350,000 J. RHODES U HOW ME, PreMent, I) K. WILUXlX.&cretary. All losses Equitably Adjusted j And Promptly Paid in Full! Property owners desiring to obtain reliable In surance will do well to protect themselves hv sc. wring a 1 W ui "(.'eorgia Ihaueliisurancje i Aitetieiea at pronioeut point in All the I Vmiht-m biiite. . , - ., ! J. A7.LEN liKOWN, Agent, Dflice o. Granite Row, !' Salisbury, N.C April 2, 72 r 4 i, : "4 .Marriage Certificates for salo here. FOR FAINT HEAKTED LIBERALS. While the lesser. Administration organs are engaged iu boasting over their antici pated t ii urn j ii in November, the leading organ of thai party, the New York 'limes (Grant's own ) strikes a much lower key, and admonishes the ll publicans against indulging au overweening confidence. It reminds them that "ihe Presidential bat tle" has not yet been fought. While ta king hope from the result of the October elections, it yet admonishes its friends of the importancefif continued effort. The Ttmes says : " The tide of a campaign 'has been turned -before now, botp in the "stiugle of actual wai fare and in that of "politics, by the rash assumption that a "beaten enemy was as good as no enemy "at all." It declares, with emphasis, that "the true crisis of the fight bus not yet been reached." f We commend these enggestion of the President's chief organ to the fajut heart ed iu our owu rank who are disposed to give up before tha great battle has been lought While wedo not underrate the successes achieved by the Radicals in lnneylvaiiiaand Ohio (albeit accomplish ed by fraud and false counting), neither do'we underrate the4 Liberal' success in Indian;!, and the u loads mada by; Liber alism in. Ohio. j- It should also be borne in mind that thus far there has not teen any .actual brings memories. I" and ? Sout ted their z-al to establish perfect just'ee , heavenly Condition of things in the i, the Radical Congress of the Uui- I tales passed iii 1870 what is known as the Enfoi cement Act, and again in 1S71 and again in 1872 re-forced that act so that the aforesaid beatific"conditi n should be preserved and perpetuated. The acts were-made of general application to the I whole com. try, although it was well under stood that the blessings they provided were really intended for theso-ealled "in surrectionary" States. Under their bene cent operation innocent men were instruct ed in their duties by th gentle means of detetjtives, deputy-marshals, blank war rants, perjury, &ct resulting in shaved heads, strip d clo.hes convict labor and blasted lives; and ihe spectacle refreshed all hyal hearts, illustrating as it did the valo of liberty and the triumph of repub licaiusra But by some strange misappre hension on the part of the rfficers ot the biw, Ian attempt his been made to extend the ' blessi. g exclusively iuteuded for us, into the latitude of loyalty. respectable citizen of New York has visited by two strangers at his pri- r sidericej b 8 beeen cross-examined as to hi residence, n uv. age, &c. until his iudigfnaiion prompted him to show the strangers the door, whereupon he was ar rested,' carried, not to Court, bat to the A eti tr SOMETHING IN THE SHAPE A WHEAI FIELD. Let oar Eesteru readers try to form some conception of the way wheat is grown in California, from the following stat -met.t gathered from the San Francis co bulletin. There is a wheat field in Joaquin Valley which covers 36.000 acres The crop this jear is r- p-i'ed to average 40 bushels per acre, oi 1 440.000 hustiel in all, w hich would require over forty ships of medium size to transport it to market. One side of this "lot" is 17 miles long. When ploweo, ten four-horse teams were attat h to ten gang plows, each gang hav ing four plows. Luueh was served at a midwar station, and supper at the termi nus, 17 m:e fiom the place of starting. The grain was cut by twenty of the larg est reapers. There are two other wheat fields in this valley, one of which con tains 23,000 acres aud the oilier 17,00. Then as an offset to this magnificent state ment, we have this : "There are thous ands of tons of wheat which cannot be taken out of the valley this season, and must remain over, a dead capita), or what is nearly as undesirable, will only com mand adranae at heavy rate of interest ." And then, to how the wheat growers of the Western States the importance of W t m providing tor the consumption at home Tiik New Ymk HirnUl hiving said :hat Greeley allies h i4 sutler d Irom "the absence ot any w-ll defined ii-su- s involv log a prn c pie of government," ihe Tri bane makes the ti-llowiug jus' reply : ii .i.? -i.i . i . necnucnaiioii wim tin- o-'UUl, Id I irm al the South, R form at the North, an end to proscitption, to carpet-bag robbery, to the reign of cot ruption and the t hoice of Governors by convict are not tin se w 11 defined issue 7 do not iheie involve priu Ciples of government ? If members of Congress sell their o'.es tor rail way shares aud divid mis ; if a Sei ator of the L . S goes back telling taUeh-iods to catch the votes of lohiti -ii and Germans ; if Grant mikes it f.mily mailer of the i.ffices, and ee.l.U Unworthy persons to repre-elit us al loreigu courts, ii.her becaure they are relations or thoee of bis particular friends ; it all the P.ist blasters in theeouu try neglect their business, and conspire to br -ak down the circulation ot a newspap-r b cause ihey do not bke it any better than it likes tln m ; if the Heads of the Depaitv U'ents leave their duties to make p:irti- n stump speeches iu behalf of ihe President ; if cleiks paid by the nation are detailed i i . i i ... io euvei'.p uocuincuia anfi to ciieal itie post office by forging franks then we say that there is a plenty of issues always j i i ana wuerever aim uy wuomsoever lUeee offense are defended. Grant nnd 1h' Ctln-ct R tc ew1r-d orati.r. iitnieil l;Mii.l.!-h. in a h -- I . at 1 'tHipr I nstii ute X Vi.rk. ia-t lnd y a ght d--elar.il wi h ur-Mt emoliaiis thai wlnu rn-.U-ri- 'K H-.u'rf- .i rt. .1. mhi r-- i i-'Hj i- .i--rrt. tre.ui. a f v wU !.f..ri- tii.it i I a lit W . re.I race than r 'A And imiit (v'i- lr. who. in it f i Ali bi tter fi ii-iul 1.-V - he li- d. W" it. tain I . lf.l. !-r ing l-m, Va.. Iat a. lid ti.e ..;.a.-J t pie. timng '.tin r thing-, that U ut a eral otucr r during ttie ar. aud l.eru 'eu ('rant t-ay. w ith his v n ears. 1 lint if r.nil.l he rm vinee.l tlit the i r w m wng.-d for the freed nn f the uegrohe woull return hi sword to the iienbhatd. l.arr it on th rack, and there 'et it ren.ni:i t.U the rust I. ad coaauined it. 7t-i. Whig. Hartranft's mijority in the State will be just whatever the Radical Sute Com mittee ehooe to count it. They will nvmipnlate the figures to s:it themselves and W" will hive to eicept the result Tney may make it thirty or fifty thousand As perpetrators of election trauds and main pultors of election returns the present Rad ical managements in Pennsylvania is the greatest success of the age. Simon Came ron has taught iliern their Umou well and they have been very apt scholars, .'ust make it whatever you please, gentlemen we doo't care a . Bcllciunte (P'l J Watchmau. IV.f-t-or Harris, the well known and i i .i i 1. popular lecturer on l tirenology aoa LUc Scietice of lltlioot.ii j, nude a w " u - derf .1 fuircs i?i Yotk tb's eas.n mi ll his e i li.bun.iit of flic wotks. He ia .!: d now at evirv rrat.d ftsUvaloc n.g eiliiUii ' s. x r n I iii c cars. run-Ooau in a.r, aed r.t'.n r new pv rt W clinic iuvtn ti .i . the bke a.d roTi Itv ol which never has been i!nessfj in ibis city before. If this country ;s to celebrate its centernai antiiversaiy of American Indfpendioce, Coi.gns rhould engage Proftssor Hanis to get up the displays fui.the large citiesf tor he m the only man wb can make fin vv r. k - fj Mith mi ulc union. J'iitteroy's henKicrut. TnE Outlaws. The UAjcsonian has the following on the outlaw r: - "We learn from p4-rsans residing in the neighborhood that the remaining out laws have been seen occasionally, ot late, about their old hatinla m ScutH-iowu, and that tbey have beeu reiulorceti by a white man of the neighborhood, who ha n et in ly joined them. N e were uuabled to learn the uame ot ibis uew recruit, but are informed lhat he is a native of South Car olioa who moved lo this county with hi i a m i ly last spring, for the purpose ot far ming in connection with his wife's father, ou the plantation of Mr. Robert MrKenzie, who has siuce died. He and his father- iu-Uw eooit had a tailing out, aud be sud- of their product by encouraging home j denly disappeared, h aving hia wife and . .. J .1: :iJ I . . ! i 1 . 1 r. ... manuiaciures anu utverauy ww industry, cnitdren uuprovidt d lor. vv. tien next Gkxi'ink Fools. He who wipes his nose ou a nutmeg graier, and picks his teelh wilh a raz.r. She who say "no" to a proposal f a genih nun when she has reach-d the age of llnr'y. He who g Is so drunk at night, that he puts his cloth to bed, and hang hitn-'ell on the back of a chair She w liorolt her clo-eks a ith hiickb.tts in order to give them color. He who puir on hi hat, lakes bis cane, and star a oat in pursuit of an honest and disinterested p -litician. he w ho pit ches and slaps a child to make it quit bawling. SrTESvii.LB Oixror. We learn from the American that Capt. Tat lor Mjttiu ha !e.n.td tbe Simonlon Fetsala Colli ge. ii. is a couria of Prt-f. Martio of I -id "ou College, and was a noble sMdier of the Ct.fetlerncy. At Peters burg, Capt. M. x-rformed one of the moS heroic rts of the war. He attacked with his battery of artillery a Yankee gunboat ascending tbe Appomattox and set it on fire with bis shells. Capt. M's. pieces bad to cross an open plun before gelling into poeilion, and dutiug the engagement had no shelter whatever. We with him great emcees. Cbatlor.e IIo$uC. in nn article upon says: ''Here we lean The new bridge i,ow i.i course of con struction over the Frith oYTay, iu Scot la. d, will be the longest bridge in the wotld longer even than lh Yctoiii bridge, Montreal. Tle Victotia bii.ge is 9.194 feet long, while tbe Tay budge will be 10,321, tnak ng a difference in favor of Tay bridge ol 1.136 feet. Ifibe lay bridge were eighty yards longer, it A;: Illinois editor i tnt aurora ixireaiie over ll-e verge of the infinite, longing to grasp lis myotrriee lout in ihe profandi tie of imno i-sity ." Previous to this bis friend in'endi d to run hint for Congress ujxin the t nip-rance li k t ; bol tiow tbe project his rt abaudoi.ei betaose tbey say that a man who would "lean over the v re of tli infinite" in order to try to grasp tbe autota bon l;n iu ibe middle of the night, must get into rondiliotia which unfit birn for the duties of Good Templar-sb-p. would be tw.) mi'es exactly, and for nil thus rendering themselves independent of seen In- was in company with tlie outlaws, I i , tents and nuries it may therefore be foreign markets, we print a statement of where he has been seen frequently within ! called a two rode bridge, and will have the same paper, dated Sep. ?0, that since . the past few mouth." I ninety piers and eighty-bint spies. The first bal of iVier tbefjreat, whiod is loi.ki d npori by the llnseians as tbe progei.bor oJ the Roaetan tiet, has ben li(-ught fiom the Moscow ExbXiiioa to its f.rrner and reeiiog place by the fort of St. Peter and Paul, wilh ceremoaie similar to tboi which accompanied its transport to Mecow sortie lime lince. Lady Fvar.k'.iu writes ibe IxmdonTinvs tbal she is not suffrring tota waxt of a competency

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