v. N V , . i t -l i. . ' 1 . V v . . ' j ... - J 1 . p II 111 V "'- mS -v- "una v ". i . ."V w,l IV 1 fc. 1 V0L. IV.THIUD SEKIE-V PUBLISIIEn WEEKLY : J. J. " BUUNEIl, Proprietor nd Editor. J.'j. STEW AIIT, Associate Editor. OmE: F.ARt payiM iu advance. ... Six (Months, " f .$2.fi(l . !. .10.00 BIJEIS, TOMBS. FOOT STONES, &C JOHN H. GUIS In- cuiiijiiiiiM nt to Lis frauds ji'iMu', nul lii tl.irt uiflbod wonJd .- mreution lite exl iuiHl f.acilitM'n ';iiitul. in Li- liiM' if I'Usincsj . ;i'f,ir ! lu furni-b all kind of v,-. Irnin tl'o Humix-m' lltad Stnp, ;i.'f i:!'i!!ii:u.Mit, Tho.-o rcfi-i ir.jr I t-t' i o-tly wiik not . turliHiul, ran simrt li;nc, -t di tly i; at- vitii -ji-'viliiMtiniis, (Irnl'ts. ami the i In f 'ut'-nct. S.iTfr-t'nction sritnran il'.' f'l' 1 1 will !) t In iii:ilci M!,' North or JoHN H. fir IS. S.UisV.urv. K. B11YCE SILL HEW FIRM 7 ; HAYS & SILL Druggist & Apothecaries, ; SALISSUZ17, II. c. Uiiving purchased the contents of the .Drug Store foruK-ily occupied by Dr. ' Kdwsrd Sill. We resptctiully call the at tfntiotitof the (yiti.ens of Salisbury and the swr'rouuding country, to tlie new ar rangement, and inform ihem that we will continue to carry on the business at the fatne jilrtce, and the same excellent 'wayT We Will endeavor to keep on hand all the various goods the people may need per tuinin'g "to otir litie ntid therefore hope by utnet attention to busiuesd. to receive a lilnial patronage. ' ' Physician's Orders Prompt . j ly -Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and care i'ulhi com noiimled hu reliable and competent )ruaahts dan or . V V j. . -J night '43 Iv TRIUMPHANT! CD IV AUlw OF FIFTY FIRST PRE M 1 C M S th -i i, .hi llv,i Silrcr Medals . .Je award, 'i lo I'jIALICS M. Si'IEFF '1 .' the. I'st I'iaims iu comjieiition wfnh i.l! il.c leadihg muutactur- , J '' the country. flce and 17 ew Warcrooms, .WM Libcihi Si I! t i.tiucmv v.r l Jiyii JI x Pianos contain all the latest ini , -.oenreiits t. lie luiind in a fiit-ctas Piano, a linmal iintirovxjiietits of liis own in. '' tii'i-j i,i j,, i, jn ,,tiu.f in-tninuMil. ii-v t"ie, tench and titiish ..f .their inM fu - lit, eiiian-t he excelled hy any uniuiitaetur- j 1 - -" large assortment of sccond-huml Piunos - ay- .in hand, from !".'. to .:i!0. I' l..r in. ,1 l'l. ... j . ". v ii it .i -j i is n : i -.11 1 ic i wei; r 111 - iv.it Ktyh.s ..n hand from 0t ,,d Uij itnls SMnl:j..r lii-tsnted Calaloirui. coiifaininL' :u'..f! f over tv,.v hi:iwt I ..iiil...i-i.i..-J lave n-r'tdied . :,-!, ,.re Viri. tw.. . 1 v- .. . ' . l .Ollll a is J3 a Home Insurance Co. ; Of COLUMBUS, Ga. Incorporated, I8o0. Capital. $350,000 J- JlirrrDES BROWNE, Aideut, ' D- V. W'lLLCOX, Setrdaryl AH Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly Paid in; Full! Jperty owners desiring to obtain reliable ln Tnee will do well to protect themselves bv -unng a pQylc j :(ieorKiH jIomi Inw,ran Agencies at prominent points in nil the botall,rn Slates. . . 1 . j t J. ALLEIn" BROWN, Agent, . ' j . i Office No. 2, Granlle Row, 252- It : Salisbury,! N.C. , Marriage CertifWfr foraae horo. t ! . ,va f. !ft J) 'iT"T J. 1 i" . l YS. i ' v' J .-" ii ; r . iuth i 1 , . t i i i a . IJ cims-n,,.. avd olhers throgh..,,t )U While speaki,,- of the clock ' H,,ld.? MHM,,iUi ;,,"'-' i,r"vt'd al tie; South). ho ...,v,. Hnnght the Stiell l'iaiio 5 i , 1 bouse the identical proceedings enacted at .n.c.,tl,iM lose,,, .lH mention that ou Sunday evening, f Surrency 's begin at M. Peterson's 20 ,0 J.Mld;N into WN Agent : presence ot- your corre-s,so;de,,t, . aa f Surrency's a soon aa the ..iw, Salisbury,' N. 0. and two or three friends that, at .the hour jj . f-..lt l,.i 1 i . n . . : r 1 - i i i ..... , ladle left, i hey remained at Paitei sou s : I e'gutt l M"'-k only tour, while it had j r.. .....i .j ... i a firf iii 21 ( From the Savannan Kewi. A SUXDAY AT URUENCY. A5? JSRTI?HNG"0UXT FROM TH E Iicliuhle Rport of the Mysterious Phe, tion.tua. As wp intiraatrd in-otir Ii.soe of Satur day, we now have ih j)!t.H,,r. Javing More the nad.-rg of jT.e News an intVUi. pMit, cnect and inrereninp account f i fie late wonderful plieiiomiwl mai.ifnia imi.H at Snrrem-y, N. 6. on the Macon & Brutif w itk RiroMd : r Savanxah. Oct. 28, 1872 Editor Morning Ncics : - According Jo promiee.I herewith tranii rait j ori the naoit important portion! of.au' int. rviw Ud on yePterday with the Sar rency furuil , whose recent myeterionf history hni gwne so far toward exciuog' the attention of our citizens and the pub lic 'i!Prally. Th 7 p. in. Macoh train on the Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad leaving your city oii-llie evening of ili 26 h inst., bore your coni-fpoiident tafV-ly lo RKEXCT STATIOX, on th.- Maron ai.d Urunfvick Railroad, a d the pc ne .-f the- late in vptrii-.ii mm; pc?. We left the car., at 11 j o'clock on bapii ay -night, aijd t-iok a caMial tur vev . t our Miuv.Ui.d.g. It ii certainly one of tin lait places that I would iUp p'?e a fpiri'. onld choose to locate plMHtly prankt i i Ifjrerdeuiaiti, or a magi-, ciau to d if play his ekill THE HOUSE, comfortable, though bnrlt man olden style, in situated near the railroad and near the centre of a circle ot cypres-? pond, pnr rojindirig Iandn of a low, damp nature, and covered with saw palmetto. The train left 'and e proceeded to th Iioiihc, whert we found several young men around n bright fire. We soon enlivened the scene with jokes, phoit stories, &e., and in thh way passed off theremaindt-r of the night, and the next day proceeded to converse with different nu mbers of the family, wit nesses of the late exciting Scenes. MR. A. P SCKUENCT, ! tiie owner of the ptace, was the first whom we approached ; hut as he wa in this city at the coniruencetnent of the affair, he only told us a portion of what was done. and. which was told hy members of his family who witnessed the'whole proceed ing. On his return he was made" acquaint ed with what was goiug on, and skui af ter witnessed se-eral mysteries hituselt. ",m, ns thejr will come in j under the testimony of the others. THE MOST SINGULAR THING told es$by Mr. Surrency was the affair of j the clock, already mentioned in the Ma : con Enterprise, and w hie If was witnessed ' by the representative of that journal. 'I'lir cioi k was hanging to the wall iu the par-' irtiiud h id ever been character zed for the correctness of ita time. Suddenly with ' WEIRD, BUZZING NOISE, the hands began to n ove around with ex ceedingly rapid motion, the hour hand exactly five minims ahead ol thtmiuute hand. In this singular position they con tinued lo move for seventeen minutes, in which time it had described five hours, and each timei as it arrived at the 12 o'clock mark it would jtause and si, ike, though with the greatest irregularity Sometimes it would strike one hour for another, sue'a as twelve for one, Sec, and a. the end ot the five hours ceased its wild movements and was i-Pi'idate Kv a r.ai-tv - - -.a j j present, and who was a watchmaker and jeweller by trade. It was then started, f ver Klnce lots tent it nsnal crttA limn I which w aa always very accurate, being i kept according lo i he etandardlime of the !, M. and B Ii R. Duiii.g this occurrence! the gentlemen prt sent looked at their ... r o , watches and found tint e1Cl, had the pro- j i . j . 4"'1' ,,uie, h h)t tl,e 'd,'a of A CONCEALED MAGNET aV I Js dissipalefl. as the watches as well as . . ... been su.king correctly from twelve the j tiight previous, and 1 distinctly rememfier counting seven on the eveuiug in qu-stmn, j at that hour. e merely mention this as r .i ocen.a u, u0 ,,. , witnout asc luiug u ; t r out' afliu tuit l.uff at ti t kaitrai ff at ra I r t lia 1 !i a . . . . . . .. . a . . , . .a . ll...n . a r , deiiingeinent of machinery It continued I running, and when examined was appa rently all right. This is all that we wit nessed during our stay, aa we arrived too late to see any of the performances, which i ceased ABOUT TW I LIGHT on Friday evening, the 25. It, ajod very nearly at theatne bonral which It began on Thursday, the 17ih. As I have said Mr. Sunency was iu this city at the be ginning of the alT.iir, aud -was expected home that evening. The train, however, was behind, and his daughter, a young lady of, I suppobe, 17 years, walked out tb the track aud looked up the railroad to see if she could discover the lights of the expected train. While anxiously looking she distinctly ' , SAW AN OBTECT in the form of a man approaching her, but apparently with no bad intention. She, however, turned, and walked quietly lack to the steps, and just as she reached thm heard something like a chunk come whiz zing through the air and fell to the ground iiuile near Iter. , For ear of being laughed at for cowardice, she concluded not to mention it to the family, and tat down oo the steps. -She looked immediately in the 1 I f r I direction he had come, but could see nothing. -T THE APPARITION'. S'ie could see it in no direction, though the grounds are quite open, and we feel sure, from the distance iliowu us, that she could plainly have seen an object of a much smaller six, especially when mov ing. As uhe took her seat on the step, oTher, things Htijilar to the fiisi fell around her in vif-rv ratnd succession, and in Quite close pro miiy, none striking her. Hiey , w I ' A all came from the direction whencelche had seen tliM apparition. She then nnjved into the parlor, lK-re were nm gentle uieii, Nii,ig llte'iu ia luinicier. She still (aid nothing of it, and went iulo j THE KITCHEN, which adjoins the bouse, where her moth- er was superintending the preparation of supper, j As he was grung frou th par lor through a passage war to the kitcUtn. she could distinctly bear things similar to those described, falling m ine yard and againstnhe end of the house, apparently moving inline ntrectton ot the kitchen. By thti'titne she had gained the entrance, bricEbats, bottles, &c, were idling iS THICK PROFUSION on .cverf side. The gentlemen prrsent wire called, and diligent search nude, though fiojou'e could be s-en. yet those missiles "were falling around. It then got among the pots nu the pt,', ihiew t)u m oft, o vet turned the coff.-e pot. threw crock ery, kidves, Sec , ab.Ht ih. ti or, and en tered .he house, where similar etiong took place. Books, glasses and oibr things, were scattered a bout ih- fl .or. A youi ger bro her ot Mr. Surr ncy wmf here, sent fori and remained with the family during! the night. : ile was one of the priucipa) witnesses jof the j STRANGE SCENES, and detailed us many interesting itero. One in particular was, that while standing before jl he fire in tlie par or, looking to wards some book shelves in tin; opposite end of the room, hej distinctly taw a book from the middle of a pileof six or eight DRAW STOWLT OUT, describe an arch upward from the ehelf, and then gradually ; descend some six or seven feet from theVhelf, and lie quietly on the. floor. He! picked it up, laid it hack, and the same- motion n was gone through again. He then called Al.ss Surre.cy frouj an adpuning room, tind i showed it to her as it lav ou the floor, i and she said that she had'put it back f.otn lh me ....itio. ll.ro lin.- il.t v i The boi.k was a quarto volume ot Walker's ' Ti;-.;, ....... ...... .... i w ' lfiliii iini t, . miu n n pi riniviii in its. .1 c 1 could enumerate vjery numeious instances of the kiud, but space forbids. IT IS 'SINGULAR, to say thlest ot it, that thes- things cou'd go on in d:ff rent pans, of :He house at the same time, and-th.lt they usually choose this manner of proceeding; and fiequent Iv open day titno would thev go on inside i he house over the yaid at the same moment, and with articles t fan altogether niflerent aey ad nature. We were also dhowu ' i in the middle of tin put lor fl.ior, where a bottle of oil is said to have fallen The bottle was reru.t.edi from the house .or fear of its coining lira contract with fire. its coining lira and placed on a pot in the back van!, when it suddenly left, passed ar mud to the front of the house, came tlnonh the front door while closed, fell u i he floor and broke near the. able where it tonner ly sat. The spot wii evidently cans-d from oil, and it cet iainly fell from the dir- ection of the front door as can be easily seen fixm its shape ve were torn mat MRS SURRi NCY lefi her home for a day by the advice of 1 I... I ' J . .. J i .i j i . i . uer uusoaiiu ; auu irienns, ana w uuiirr J.,,,,., ..... ,i... I . r - i i oc . o, a menu V,r" Pa,r,), o- t" mile distant. Al,f",U8 U &'1 al1 'he i","nnrtt'" Wt Ctuld' We ,at ,,ut ,lk'', lu AIr Al,a Ju1 ll, ,e colI,v s THE STRANGEST PART of our tab. . Mrs. S. and daughter did leave home during the week, and went to .urs. i . t wiiu i lie intention ol lemaiinn" hou8eboJ -ood9 -i- destryyed, jruA ,U a.. ' ' remained at Mr. Patterson's and her . l i . ...... SE...Liirrr rriiinipn. h ill i :.h Hiftr.i. m a.i.. nrriv. Lotne 8Ut , fae y . - . SAME FREAKS, began again. They ceased at Patterson's when she left there and .have never re turned, though the young lady rciniiued, aud was seen there hy jour coirespon dent ami frieiids. 1'hese strange things have never happened except where Mrs. Surreucy was present ; and always ceased when she left ; and it is Very clear, assum ing it to be fiom a supernatural souree, that she is the medium through which it acted. She et ted to ,.s that she bad neer been mesmerized, nevcrjsaw, a mesmerist or spiritualist that she ! know of, utver read a woik ou i SPIRITUALISM, and lias never thought a when she heard o.hers about it except imention it. The same may be said of daughter, while Mr F i i tr j w - - Surrency has always bej-n a strong oppo nent of the doctrine of spiritnlism iu any form. He ia a plain, practical farmer, a well-to-do and popular citizen, and has an excellent uaine among his neighbors, many of whom we met at bis house, and all ot the railroads employes with whom we spoke, eem to' sie with ach iu heaping praLte upou hiihaelf and jwife. , .."J ..,.!. iii. suspictoj-4 . was orer known to rest upon h! conduct, SALISBURY JS.C., i KOVLMUKK and in politics we were lold h- ws s.anucb Democrat-m prn..f Df which I w.Il say :hat hew a subscriber to th- 8a- TannabJ,ews Yourcompondent m.ticed aeveral hies o d.ffere.tt papers in the bouse and al ol th.m were Manucli Democratic journals. Tb part of the long ad inn test ing murviews that we bad with , liw l-iniiltf A.tf k.. tl.ua J ..... .rH1r, M , rfl w cu, manor other agency, lhe lude thing is A 8TASGE MfSTERY, ittrueand weal least lave n vrV lta ui l K. r.verv ord siaiken bvtli. n .-u.n. - will, an air of candor that in inulligt ,i auditor can disiegnrd Each -I ihem was questioned by us apart lntn t'ie I'thers. and at dijferent times, wlirn th-y did ,;.t expect it, and end, tallii A 'with ibetiihvr ... , mm LitA.lt a i.ibjiI I . -111 I... . i , , V t I "-n..r. - furj sa,u was also suUtnttated by many t their ; neighbor and away f.oor Wr preaeuce. j 11 " " . " CERTAINLY SINfJcLAR, ! that humaii agencies co4i!d operate s..dif- : f us. ly ovev a Inane and grounds, iu the pie.enceot hundreds, all ou he alert, and i . . - yet not be delected, unless we asumetbe ! tmp.obable poaitiou that a man's eves and til an. sure ot little value to him. That the f-cheme is c. ncocted froui motives of pro hf, is alike l,utib,as we were assured by disinterested authority, that in the past week Mr. Surrency had fed no lees ihau ONE TUOUrAND PEOPLE, lodg-'i.g them at night, and all without cln:gi ig one dime. We can bear witness to this to some extent fioiu last Sunday's olserations, and judittg troui what we 8 tw in the tieighborhood ot Mr. uriency's cane patch, we would gueos that a good ly numl bad paid court there as well as al the table. That euch things are done by either himself or family, is equally absurd, as it is highly iwij.robable tlit they would continue a thit g so COSTLY AND DESTRUCTIVE. This assertioa seems to hurt tin m verv much, and they seem to he quite worn out with it, and hope it has gone forever Mr. S. is also pained to see so many ab surd stone? and exaggerations iu regard to it, as for instance the. SHAMFCL T A I E. about the hog appearing in th house, and al-Ol ubollt. the H liiltfV twiflt.. mmii cr tn ; . " " J b u.ms voinntanlv Mrs. b. as- 8l'red "h" bd mI ,,"z"n P" " " c,,"kt rv' V, china. Sec, and fhn e! ,,,f ,he, ." reu.at dug piece o ' 'r ,d W,4,ch wa" ' bil.a satu-er, and which she had for six d ffer- ent tinipa hih-ii remtvr.d e 1 u..u by AN UNSEJ X POWER, from one pnrt of the house to another, without being broken. No live object has ever been seen by any o the b. mil y that seerned at all i vstetVuis, except he apparition seen by the young lady. No mysterious voice lias ever been heart!. No. questions have ever heen asked fr. m eith- party, ami " .'.tiinattot.R hnve ever bv lvc" Jmm u""" power, j I he whole thing is clothing in darks i ness and to us bear the SPIRIT OF THE SUPERNATURAL, and if any one will do as we did, a- d com" tr. any other conclu-ioo. it more th t-t we can now snppose It at b ar a phe nonienon, and one thatW would I ke to have explain, d, IX, conch sion. we will r turn our sincere 'barks to Mr Snrn iicy and tao-ily foi their uiiiing Mt tentions a' ri kit dness during our brief lav I ho m.iiii r ii ... I . p,ompt and cheerful answers, and each reined to aid the othef iu those little kindnesses that f?o to m:iLs life and LnaJ. mp nlt'ai,itnt. St !l P t a- t 1 T v. a iiciioAii gjm SAD AFFAIR A HflBWVWX If I 1 1,1 ED TO DEATH AND TWO C1R CUS MEN BADLY BURNED. 1 Wlal l4.tl- Ui.e n the mot diKiroi- uj HSaim wp IiaVr- ever leen called imou to miiit a ttrka.L I l -t . N lute, walkd into an ld open well, supposed to be bout j-0 feet dp, aud on the same lot where the tents hid been erected. Hrr cries ii,UIm &itru-terl tlr "I'"1 Al,W 'f 'he Circus " employees, who immediaielv ! a,U r U,e w A large crowd unnn hsnu in - wiuu ur scene or ine accuieut, eacu crowding ihe other to get a position nearest lo it. when x- . . .... . . . " .Mcuaia 11. Aslie, auofuer of the circus men, w hile endeavoring o render aid to those already iu the well, was accidents- puslu-d iu a . ,ere being 0 rurb around the excavation. To add to ihe horrors a large lamp, such as showmen generally use, which had carelessly been pla ed near tin edge, to enable those out side preparing to rescue to see, was upset a .d knocked into the well ou top of the lhre unfortunate within. This did the wo,k of death. The woman was soon r-r.vel.tped in the fiery fl .iu and before assistance could be rendered burned to deith ; the two men were rescued alive hut more or less burned about their arms, face and legs. The two suff-reia were immediately taken to Dr. Hauler's Infir mary where all possible assistance was rendered them by Drs. : Woodley, Faisou and UuntT. They art not dangerously iniur. d. A colored mau was also slight ly burned. 1'he colored wo.ran is the wife' of Silas Uhite She had no children. Aa aoot, as Mr. John Roliinson, Jr., heard of the sad calamity, he called at our ofSce and deposited $20 for the purpose of defray ing the expenses of a decent burial of toe onfortanate'rictirA.' ' -v W hardly know to whom the Liaise of place last night, edi.esdav, Oct. 30 h. K"ulJ rt,, !'gn'en Hie I'.inoc. ul so tliat , fc ' '" eonmry ana to tlie While the people were I. aving the large ' ,,H y w,'l never duru lo pursue the bnsi- wo',,4 fervent admirtisi tation. pavilions of John Rohioson's t'itcas and ne!"'- I ' 0P,r,"''v laws, the iiivi-lnou dis MeiMgetie, at the close of iheevenioe ex- I The net was drawn yesterday. The c oins, -h- class role, the raid-and nut hinMon, a colored woman named Eliza ' offic rs commenced about 2 o'clock, walk- r ',,cn Froude adto t ed had 7, 172. , bis .ffair ought to le attach. Thewell opening is located only within a few feet ' of the sidewlk, lhnm h uft fenJ ,mnnd the lot. it w, not covcrrd nor had h n p.nicle of curb It is . wonder that some such ac, idet has not haopeed be- f.,re this. Mr. Rabin-..,, assures n that r .- ... I : j .... . t,f nc opetdne wason the n .,n 1 here t,Hd a bouse b tw., ,. c? I ' einse. ?rrns pavilion and the sctpcr. Wfll.G..tdbiiu' Mes wh.x r WK tVK TO THE Ml: CHAMi . r l.-'ll il.g M'e W,. ptt U,Ur, it,,t,,J m - s .i i-.t-wiiiMM., i cr nix d fr il. o,if ' " - ... nni ...... m MM ..11 i, ... .... ... imny n , am n.g all ctvUized pei.ple, to the dUcove.ies. iuventi..,,,, d inj. pmv. UieTiir. iV She mechanical art. Wite'll,e iy.of W-tt, IU., awl Aikwught, all the great movements af. c,i"K ,ht' "lions of the different or- V M" 1,1 ""''i' ? nWr lbir . .... ... mm 1 "" u" " Uiuc I'tatl c il.le only by UlU'tUu ,iou "d ' " m.chineiy as , IO U1U4U ",,,u'".ry in ine giwio: ..in tnu'-F these in, by ueieoi.ary ngtii.1 r ov sDjm rior prowess assumed or usmpi-d ihe rt-l.t lo rule ov. r . .1... ......... I .1 ...... i I the great lalwuing masses, w ho content to have their wauls supplied, wlieth.r of courtly display and extravagance, or of prodaiory waifare upon their rivals, wi.h oi.t a i bought or caie as to the amout.t or kind ot labor r quired for grrtif'ving the demands of their pride and ambition. The tillers ot the soil, the artisan and the manufacturer, all upon a common level, w.-re legaroVd as mere eeifs, us ful only as producers of w hat was required by the higher orders. Labor-saving machinery baa changed all this. It has been the greu elevaiiog and equal zing ageucy of modern times, ai d made il Mssthle tor the ioechnic and the laborer to supply his wants and sur round himself with cotntoits, convenience, and luxuries unknown in burner times to even the very highest oiders. He is no longer the pert of dependent of other ranks, compelled lo devote his lif' subject to the r will, in luinist. rin to the wants of others, f..r the mere' right of existence for himself. All this we owe te the mechanic and mechanical arts. The great movement in this dir.-ction is still going on at con stantly accelerated ratio One improve ment onlv stimiiUiea to another ; a com fort of luxury fr to-dar is a necessity for tomonow one improvement or advance secures the means and opportunity for still fui titer triumphs. The mechanic of to-day is not defined, as he nnw by a liier-iy lion of ihe old aristocrat.c court ciicles, as 4a low mean f'.-llow." He may, if he improves his opportunities, be the peer of men in any rank or professionion. A CUSTOMS COMEDY ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY WOMEN -EAUCIIED. Th- Detroit Free Press of the 22d piints the follow ing history : It is a fuel piobnt.lv better known to the cost in bouse ..fi.-iU th u, to ou sid. rs It a' al l";st e.-i ten. I, v..rn;.t I.. c i h D t : i..t i i t r i i - s't. -g'".d T: i g . d- in i i . s.'ck-, -: t. r:1.!... .s ol - U. '.. ot no g'. i va.. ; hi. th.- i,.i. ,. -gh- i- ti" -i it the s ce. s 11, bi g! - ovira-m.ll lo is -i a.l v al a s an in d'lf. ni nt f'l ill.- Mlingi'ler f liv the gine on a larger scale. Men may and do s nuggle c'othiug now at:d then, bnt it is the feiti-ih' sex which carries the burden of g'tir. The custom-house offi 'uls at j .1 J 1 . I ... ine ,err cock iii lilt" ci'v are as vigilant h nmv is can but what chaiices"have th v ag tins' i, o i-ter' hop skirts and gi- i ic lust!e? They cannot stop to e. p ler shawls, examine ,i-kt-ls. look into .... 1 : n j under . . hftV 'Hftat dl.fl lirtll ta a . a- .1 fl... I.. a -' " " aia ir-m n inn . I'll llll" IMl.H, oiid bo they tmit cMii;Mit thr-ir wo. k will, i Im kunwli dp. that e'Md ar- Inline finMjrjrlert, and ih.it nmy on pHiul hikI ' Hidden IjmuI of tlo ir ut-tn c-iii tmn ih -. " ed fif een or twenty Women up stair into the custom rooms and handed them over to a woman to be searched. Every boat load which lauded tor about three hours -. was heated iu the same minuet that is, all the female portion. Some were indig nant aud appealed to their husband, who vainly appealed lo the custom ofScers Others want, d to fdntaway, but after looking at the planks and considering the dust concluded not to. OthciS went laughed or turned pile, but none .f ih -m were allowed toeactiw. During the afier noon about one hundred and, fjlty Women were- co. fionted by Uncle Sam, aud the old man had a good deal of fun and made some, wonderful discoveries. For iusianc a uiodest little woman, wi,o was in a great hurry to go borne to her sick child, pulled out a few pins, and ten yard of English fl.ntul fell to the tbeor. A tall woman, with tears iu Iwr eyes, who asserted that she w..uld sooner chop her head off than to think of uug gling, unfastened a pound of tea from her skeleton, and asserted that must have b-cn placed there by some designing per on. Another one indignantly - denied "ihe right of searrh," but after remaining a prisoner for an hour or l wo, told the searcher o ake it ai .1 go to grass throw ing a package of ribbons and laces on the tloor. A lot o calico was found on another, rome velvet ou another, aud at eat ten per cent, of the w bole number were fo-tud to le euaged in smuggling. The were satisfied with coufiaca- (iuglhe goods. Man' extreme action come net from Li trill bat from hia nature. NO. FUOUDE. We hare already nntd the advent t f this uotrd English historian, and com men ted ou hi first Irxiarr. N"w r ,... tice Im- has roGd the wrath of Father Tom Buike and that htlet iUum put his Uncc iu rest and ridden a dough ty till against the Euglish chawpht,. Lp..n the m-rit. .f ibt coutrtivery hich we pri,.l eUewhen tLc Savannah Jlrpubi'cuu thi.s couimenls : i '.. K- g.Uh and Irish Knight Errants, I . u.leand Faihei Tui Buike, Lrr ii. .. i ill iih rhaipeued Lncvinthe rt New V.,k - and each has done m. .lifUlii ll.V,.ir 1. 1. I j W--J .... nu imiir lauu. B.:t. aie ruui.ii. c .f fence both .l.nr.t ai learoml, and Ufh enttiuuf n-n Uial a nil brlweei, two orh chatauious is . dee4 a aight lout. Fb come ral 1 Uuay up to the lisu Mr Fro.de the ! ehalgrr. Father Barker lhslrfewti., j hitting bard blows back lh bis eler- , caJ eroxier, the stalwart EnglisUr armed ' t,,l,t w,, w"rd and pear. Ifc.ih are i I 1 . . - ""ler -Jead :n earnest., that the tighl proinx o be fj. ICe One, lM.uld t Couliuiie. and Froude lovokedto more retofis. It is nn-si iogeniuus id.- lor r.ngl tiU to send over an advtcaie In i.lead its Cause g,i,.st I.eUnd's corupU.nf j i . .. . . and pay biu, liberally f.,r doing s.-of Anrricun p,ltta for Fruude geis jwtuJ bis pa tun; is ui by Ins Yankee audience. There really i. much ..f Yaukee4 stnart liesa" in this; and il proves thai our But ish brethrru are not above taking useful hints in greenback gaiherine froui Itroih.-r .lonat hau, at whose m.,aU and luat.ueta Ibey turn up their amtocraiic and coi lemptuos iiwri -ofieu decruly, we must say. Father Buike, on the contrary, fights for faith and country gallantly aud gra toitouSly. The condict is a very ioieres ting and instructive one, and we tiusi ii will go oo. We gire ou our outside mgt a syuopsis of M. Fn.ud's assault, a..d am. I b.-r of Father Buike'a pairy aud tv tun, in tieice. lutbe same papper we 6ed the po m we give, to-day ; and aprons to Mr. Ftoii-l.-'s use of the phrase. "H .,d is ihvcker ibto water," the ashingu.ii 1'ntriut poiuu-U-ly say s : Iu the speech which Mr. Fn.ude, the einin-nt histoiiau, injile at the dinner given lo l.im in N. w V.,rk by his pub liehers, th. te occ.iire.l rt sirguiatlv in ant atin-ion I for One wlm so scnii.ulonslv tn.d as Mr Fjoude rVuleuily did, Iu all reference to our civil di.ar.Aiuen s His oH-,.n.g paragraph referied to ihe ui. inor- " V"uhiii"'.i e 1 .nu. nil. li.n be dashed Ins ships i. ihe fiie i.l P. ihn t rt in f'hiua ami hmughl ..ff ihe ciicplel aiid suffering English boms, cxci .lining, ' BI.mmI ia ihick.r than wut.r." Mr. Fnude waa exidently unconseci iht Commodore Vatttii-H's gallantry had b.-eu quite forgot in the bit;, rer r membrtnee that be was an . fficer of the boatile Con federacy, and Mr. Froude seems alo lo hae be, ;, unaware thu he was address i g a collection of gentlemen the tu .j'-riiy ot w h,.Qi had bng been, and were then. particularly and epc:ally occupied in' a:gutng against aud lefuttng the doctrine Wn,Hl lUk' than water," and in oj,p.,s.ng to it the more acceptably IV ii a .ic de ri,,e that "hale is righteous, i d sin uld long pre:!. I rb-rinian hiinsi lf of the dinner at ' ' Mr. Fronde was speaking, even h l-tMii.n tliat the srho.11 should prac I Sir Phillip Hd.eyV, noble raxitn, ''"I knowledge was of no use, but as it affo.deif us practical piii.ciplcs, which we could so apply 44tbat public advantage may be the result," was all the same ex hausting all the powers of his intt-lh rt and cuitHre in bringing to bear all tl, di'H,ncH' mechin-ry of the jwerful press e j " ro,"r"l'' J, i" order to perpetuate st i "n'1 r-' thiuw,licy..f "hate " f ! h ,n ,n:' c"n":r7 alieady suff. n-t ... I. 'IM A . J trife from rel so tll'icl'. 1 lie Colidui.tu of In ai.d ali I. fit Mr F-onde d.M.rerat -d n tHiat-rliitlu ..... the v.-iy rot dition o which Mr. Curtis ami his c dleapu.-a were striving m reduce t at U h-inv SoU'b. w i h hid riven the 1 mm MA . II a... I.. . 1. , m . ''"" ,Mr hui.dreda jears the '. chroi,'c 'deer of the British Sute, wer ! n-0'-' pn which Mr Curts and bis . . i i i.i - pary uaa eiectea tlieir system 4 lecu, st ruction for the South, and to perpetuus which they were now an urgently pre- ing General Grant's re-election. I u fact, never was a speech hs'S suited to an to. diei.ee than Mr. Froude'a to the guesu at crioner s dinner, - and hw tsandopp and happy shots, so uncons.-isusly aud eirnea- ' K'". tnnst have made cars burn, to the light and to the left of him, with un wonted tingling. 7Vc'd(f At the recent term of ihe Son-r,or Ouri. Judge Wat's decided the sui's. of the Governor's Directors ap pointed tor the Insane A-ylnm, Deaf, uurao ana tinna Asyiutn, jVitiientur v, and K-eper of the , apital, against the appointees of ihe Legislature, i., f,-or ( the Directors. An appeal was taken lo the .Mpretue Court. In tlecase of W. II .Howertoti aairst S McDlate, for Kts -esciou of the W. N. (j. lUilroa'l, ihe facts were submitted to Jne'ge ('lood t his we k at Salisbury. He baa uot rend -ted bis decision a, this writing. These cases will be argued aud deelded on app-a) by the Supreme Coutt at tlie next tersa which comm-nces on the first Monday of -January next. Era. Lately an English plow was indnced into one of the province of ludia aud the native were taught its supeiiority over their own clumsy machinery. At first as lonished and celighred at its ofT-cts, as oon aa the agent's back was twn.ed. ihev painted it red and set it op en one end aud worshipped it. 8. WHOLE NO. 848. THE HISTORY Of TWO CELE njtATED SOUTH CJLXOLIXA EPIGRAMS. At a Superior Coart. UU eatty rri rii.ee, 1,1 the Welerw ptlt frt lh mt here were preset.! fmir rn,ioet UVrrt p4vid L. Sw,i. S-rfl- H, IIn),nt la.. !ews and John R. lHdg. On eertain day of the trrm they wrr. .JJ in room without C4 .r m tn n,g,t0 tleu. ; and. Uing .ii rrrattj-.! f:,et.ii ard men of soei habits by nstnrw and edo caiiou.they soon instinctively congrc paled themUes, and becauvs etigajrd m bly and htiraomut Coneimion. In truth, howeter. Swain, Hilimn,ata Dews bd prrrion.lv coosprrej to have s.me fun over their fHrnd Dodte, for their own aroueroeut, and to bia special daaa age. Swaio ii the leader iu the coospi. racy. He bad latrly set n an epirramaa lie piu.h on owe John Iodrs," ef Knglisb memory, and as o charmed with lit humor, that he- brought it to the notice of llillman and I)ewt ; atd they all tesoUed to ue it over their brother Dwlge. So, on the cecal ion alio Jed to iu the court-room. Swain, the leader, got np as the topic of conversation the subject of '.bili.4,i,-t" U'd j-co-ely inquired w hat epiuph -ach migtit nr. peri v have after death I Now, says Dews, odreM ni: himself i, feUw-crnspiraior, whal shall we say of our U.rt her MI lodge, af'.er be ia g..e. Swain, who was the prepared shaker, said piuaingly, let tae see ; and irat.el.auly wro'e, aa il Le veta tliet, ronjM.iiig it, mid having finished r.se and will write this over hia tomb : "Hft He JJ.. who dodftj ail And nt ver diaipni n (n ; He dj.l(e'f him'f. wbttrer be could, ouuid tea Uodr tl dviL" The epitaph was received nih the highest glee by thrrn all except poor D.Hlge, who faintly lanrb.-d, WithtlIipl, but not ih the heart, tu.ck, however, as the rr of Uugbter ws over, Hodge was sen sitting. Mini sujili..gly writing, at a table a f.-w f. i t w,a a Batter l P Iprise and w..o.l.-r with his com pa o- ' 'o ".-e him so quickly gather up hia ... mi p.. sure, a..d imi e4roedy rcribbl ""' I" 'le..ee they ruriously watch ed ihe pi..grea ,.( ihe w , iting and awaited side by sub-. o s.-e lnt he cald proba bl v Im- d...,. .,..d. r sncli circumstances. In a f w minute he f.. m it It that tr...!. .1 and l se..! wl.i.-l. ..-... I.J- b.o.d and U f.Ce . . ruoVed wjlh pleo,,,. , aod. aJivaorii.g to hia brnhnrr, be held up his wntieu paper aiid aaid "U.ia w:ll ,..r 1 1. - . t ..r ... i atr all g,,e, and y..a ate all laid betide me," and he read aloud : "Here !ie a lliilrnan ao.2 a Swain. Tl-ir hi , .. it.aii iIi.kh., The livtl in .in at,. I ,J,J ; tIn, And the d.nl p-.t hj. Krum the Cieatf land Herald (itM)D DoJ. IU fiiU a lst t;i,li ,,t Xifkf, and Kc Guard Orrr Jllm or Many Hours. On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning The H trail chronicled the fact that a little boy seven yeara old, who bad wandered away from his home on Chat bam strwt, Wrpi Side, and beenm lrnt, was found by a pnficeman on Tbursc'sr morning crouched iu the corner of a yard at the corner of Bank and Lake streets, aleep and hif frozen, for the weather was quite eld. To this should now Le added the fart that the boy, finding him self unable to make his way Ir-me, began tq cry, aud while thus engagtd, a large dog.appaicmly a croe. between the bonod aid ahepherd breeds, which tke boy had never seen betoie, came along, and appre ciating the boy's diatress, took up a posi tion close to the boy. and rsmainsJ nn r... !.!:. ... r t his ahiegy coveriu? to keep c-rafortabla j the fret and lnubs ot bi hutein ward, II- raa in dowmil.! s.f-r.. .. 1.;. .tr impftM-o guardianship, f.r when the ofEcer attempted lo arouse the little sleeper, and tke him to the station for better security, the dn loanitt stei a disposition to rrritl anv tutederrnce with l,i char re. audit J required coi.fid-rat.le coaxing on the prt J ol the patrolman to induce compliance on ' the part of the can-ne conafable. He - , n ill r cmi ceded ibr noiuL Lowarrr. and .. ... . suffered the lilt Ic wanderer u be lei to the central station, whrrv be bad a chance to g-t a good nap on a lounge in a arm r.ia. Bat Una dog did tuvt oert hia even here, AstVr la think the Lor m'gitt require further attentiao. and he followed on to the st iltoo, stole quietly i..o the room w here be u taken, atrecb el lnru. If on the floor beside the couch o his litile companion, and when the rgeam went ihiiher at 7 o'dk in the to..n,ii.g. to l.a.k after the little fellow, the doc man if. -ried oo little anger at the in-tru-w.u. a..d stark ty the boy with a ti j d-liiy aa d. voted as lt waa wood erf uL Tbe liiib- f. ).,w wag then taken to the Weal Side aiaiion o li-trit street, tha dog a i. at' n ling l.im, and taking up a poi .n at hia fee' aa aon aa they reach r.1 there, and ieh g all comers with an rye of j-h.o and deieruined guardian, snip. Wh t l-erarae of the xo after tbi, beyond the fact that the boy was ret to red to bia home, we know rior, but the peca liar, and wnnderfal conduct of that dg e -rtaiulv deaerve the mentioo and cota auvudaiioo w here make of iL Colonel Blaxtox Dcxcax, in disrait, ha shaken off the duat from hi fret and gone to Europe. Bourbons on tbi side of the water are in tears but the Bour booic NapoLEOXS are ia rapt ares. It is supposed that he is gone to Europe to engineer tle reitaratKMi ot hi hiead. 1 Locxs NaroLcox Lock attend him

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