- - , - , .. ' , , ; , : , . y . ' "' '.."! - ' - - "''.'' . - 5 i - ? ' -. - . ' t , - ' , . "' '- ' y ''. . ... J - r - - I' - . v , . 1 WW - . .7v . ... IK 111 '- C fit IMMM. I II I t Vwifc, f. I Ml II II Mil I I II I I II VOL. IV THIltD SERIES. PUBL1SIIKD WEEKLY J. J. BflUNER, Proprietor al Editor. J. J. S T E V AItT, ABOcite Editor. ! KATES Or StBCRIl'TfON Oxb TOR. paynWein advaMce. ....$2.0(M Six months, l.fX) 5 Cuyif'S to one address, tti 10.00 TOMBS. HKAD & FOOT STONES,. JOHN H. BUIS rpESDBHS liin coniplimcuta tu hi Wend I nd the puhlic.antl iu tlii method wtild bring to their attention cxU'pdcd liioiJitien for meeting (IciiihikIs n hi lint of business. lltinK prepured to t'unh nil kinds of Oral- Stonon. from tbo fh(M-st Head Stone, to the toMti(t monuments. Those prefci inj trie and vi ry costly work not on lmud, cun be accoimnodittfd on hort t'uno, strictly in nv ronlauce Uh sptH'itii'ations, drnf'ts. mid the triiH of tb'o coiitriH-t. Sitislju tion jrnarun tpd. Ho will not he undersold, North or South. Orders solictcd. ddnsN I7;tf J(Hi II. IMJIS. S.ilisWr. in i K. IJItYCE SILL. FIRM HAYS & SILL Druggist & Apothecaries. 8ALXS23UR.V, W. C. Having ptvrchased the contents ofUie Drug Store formerly occupied yDr. Eil ward Sill We respt etfully call the at tention of the Citizens of Salisbury and the surrounding country, to the new ar rangement, ami inform ih-m that we will continue tf carry on the business at the pHine place, and the same excellent way. e wui enaeavor to keep on hand all the . various goods th?' people may need nerf Uining 1( our line, and therefore .hope' by strict ntlentiou to business, to receive a liberal patronage. Physician's Orders Prompt ly Attended To. j'rescnptwns accurately anth mA.I.. Jii 7- ! CarcjuUjI compounded hlj rehuhk ttfid VOMpefent Dmqnhh dan Or iiiylit. " 13 lv TRIUMPHANT! UrWAUDS OF FIFTY FIRST FRE- M I U M 8 ami Gold and Silver Medals ; we're awarded to ClI A LES MTStiekf lor the last 1'iauos in competition with all the leading Manufacture trs of the country. Office and net-zarej-ooms, yJ.O Xw th Irleily St., liALTlMOllE, .1, llm Niftr Pianos contain all the latest iiti im.viMi.cnt, tol.fund iu a hrst-class Piano, with additional improvements of his own in Tsntiorwiiot to hv found in other instmit:entH. ln tone, touch and lkiish of their ir-tru-went canm.t I.e excelled bv any unwiufaetur- A largo assortment of second-hand Pianos 01 " hrtn,l troiu 7.r to $;:no. Prrlor and Church 'OrganVsome twenfvdif KTCtit styles nn hand from RiOnnd upwards. . heml tor f Hunt rated Catah'.g'ie. eoutainui-r names f ver twelve ;nd,ed Soutlieriiers -(Uve hundred of which are Virginians, two 5ft. I TV-"11 ''"'""hmH, one hundred and k Jc Tvimesans. and others thioimhout ifn'I'. b"v,Uight the Sliefl- Piano lnce the close of the war. J. ALLEN IUIOWN. Apent, Salisbury, N. C. BO 3 t?' .V '1 J v. e.i:i-'- . 1 -a 4 INSURE IN ;ia Home Insurance Co. Of nnTnTTTTiTTa Iscorporatkd, 1800. Ca pita i.. $350,000 J. RHODES BROWN E, President, D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted ; And Troiuptly Taid in Full! Prtirty owners desiring to obtain reliable In- jrance do well to protect themselves hv J iiririg a Policy in Georgia Homednsiirance g- Agencies at 'proniin en t taints in all the Southern Slatea. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, OfficelNo. -Granite Row. Salisbury, N, C Marriage CJertificatm fnr sale horc . ft W. A. HA VS. HEW I From the Daily Nevrt. A LETTER EUOi! GOV. VANCE, Editors qf the Keics : GextlememI My attentiou has beert calkd lo an article iu Statt-aville AmerC can, purport ing to-be a letter ofOct. 22.1 (ronribat place to the New. Y.,rtr 7;,, itg implicated iu certain fraudulent iran C5 - tit Miir-. us 111 sactions w il h Geo. W. S wepori. The letter from We to Judge Ilenry. embraced in the article, nd up.in wbicli the assault iu based, carries on its face a refutation of the . wloW elanth r. The zealous wiitir felt, then-fore, the necessi ty of sustaining his allegations by various collateral assertions, andhich, perhaps, requites souic notice at niyliands. 1 have some difficulty at the outset in deciding wheiher the wiiier is tiife greater tiar1 r fooU I incline to the former concjtuion, but I will cite a few speci mens troiu the article mi support, also, of the rhore clutritabk opinion. First, and-comprehensively however the charge th it i am or ever have br en' luterested for or with Geo. W. Sw pson is wholly and absolutely false. I have ?io interest wbaiever, 1 any kind, in any transaction with Swepson, n-r ever had. TlKkt Swepson purchased from T D. Car ter the Cranberry property is alo false. Gen. II. F. ilo'i , P. J. Summer, and E. N. llutthinfon purchased the property, and Swepson -had an interest only by smms private arrangement with them. The price f r Carter's interest was not S40.000, but $44, GOO, ai d for the remain ing interests, extinguishment of hostile claims,-&t, they paid, about SG4.000 more. Tlie charge th at I was associated with Wuodfin as Carter's cotmeel is also un qualifi. dly false-. L never, appeared with him in any of the half dozen suits grow ingutot thti Cianbvrry matters. Ik-fore. 1 wasetnphryed iu any of lliem. Carle? informed me that, he had detected Wood fin in the Hct. of" betraying him selling him oct to.Swepson, and had discharg ed him. Of any attempt to ue Woodfin to pro cure a compromise of Carter's suit-, I know notliiug. "I never did so, nor dj I believe any one else ever did. Aa .o t,)e letter to Judge Henry, and . v ,Lcnme IO b(- written; my clieTit in- iormett" me that the pn.posmon had been madeto.Ww that if the t ommission would receive the Cranbeny property from him, Nwepnon, at p(iine figure, that In-. Sa pi,on, would pay oil' the claims against me nrniK jrv n'ni noiifo nim- l tl M it j - - - - ' - , - 1 1 e u:iiir" :,i ' -H'paey; m parr payment of the n,l!il"8 i'ei.wedn ; and Carter instructed me, -.M ii, Htto.ney, ,o see the Co.nmis- f,i"""r-S ascertain what they would receive I 1.. ....A ... 1 .1 in- iijun. a . a iu men S ?e Ovvep.onN Now read the letter ; -that id quite cor red, hearing a iitMe error of two years iu tl.e date. It Wijs written, not in in JS72, ad set forth ia the indictment, hut iu 1S70 : "L'UAULOTiE, Stpt. 5. 1872. Jl-DGE IIemRT : ... . . . c.c-w nuj n u ii, n pin, an oat into the famous Cranberry. Swepiou will clear off Carter's claim, and put in that propertf, in part payment to the Commrissioners, it they will take jt at a big priee. I am interested only for Carter, who will get his money only if the trade pi maite witn the Loirmis.-loners, As one of them, what will you agree to ! receive the property at t I meatr clear of all encumbrances. I have got Gen. Vance to see the others, except -Woodfin, and will go to see Swepson as soon -as I get a definite 'proposal from the Commissioners. In tuy opinion, anything you can get fmiii S. at unu price, is just that much B:V('d and that you could afford to give 0110 nfiuuuy. Please write me at once just what you would be willing to do, that I may show il .vep, as the basis ol a trade, should 1 he able to effect one. You know his interest to be three-fourths of tin-whole property, the other belong-J-ni ing to Russell. Oblige me by writing by I f Jng to itusseH. Oblige me by wntuig by i ri'liirn in 11I .10 t a 1 ... 1 1 I... I - ,- .v.,..,, Un x cuaii uo n auuig iui your , repiy to start to li.illimore. (Sgned,) Z.B.VaxcE." I did not keep Judge Helipy's reply, nor do 1 n collect the exact language of 11, uui 11 was in substances to agree to . nng the rest of the commission might accept. And was t here anything impro- anything impi per 111 my proposition as above ? Swepson was reputed and generally believed to be insolvent. The property we proposed to the commission was purchased by the owners tor ahove 108,000, and they now ask for ti 8250.000.- Events fully justify my then opinion that they could well have affr el togtvean insolvent even $2001 000 tor so valuable a piece of property a sum more than the whole amount yet rcaliz-tJ. or ever liktly to be realized by that com mission. - The nbject-of this assault upon me. at this time, must, be sufficiently obvious, to the public ; and I. could disclose the name of the Democratic author, loo whoever the mere Radical tool aud instrument may have been but I wtH-uot further intrude upon valuable space in your columns. nor upon the time and patience of your read ers. The public will surely agree with me tk slights attempt- to itrjare me is a gross libel and an egregious ami coulemptibb failure. Rptctfully, Z B. Vaxce Charlotte, Nov. 9ilr, 1872. The small iox lately took off a very old and eccentric . man of St. Louis, known as Dr. Hotchkiss. lie claimed to be 140, having been a Mason over 100 years, nd 'expressed a determination1 to fjive nntil the sceoud coming of Christ. It ia said that for4 twenty I yearalhehaa not (washed hi msef f tior ; fierm ittedaj broom on the place. . He claimed ; also iuper; natural agency in healing the sick. From the Raleigh News. axiEEPIIIIPPIC, NEARLY EVERY HORSE IN TUE . CITY ATTACKED. iPsa and LSnles Oaly Seen on the strrais. ITS SPRExVD IN TUE COUNTRY. , Appearance of the llorse Dropsy. Nearly every horse in the city with the exception of a few tdd hardened stagers, are now down with the malady, but up to a late hour last evening no fatal cases were reported. Only tin' overworked horses seem to be suffering from the malady, those that have been properly at tended to and well fed have it ouly in a mild form I m well-known --Tom Benton of Dr. Eugene Jrisoti, the fin black cha rger ol Dr. F. II Haywood Jr., and the pair of mires of Dr. Jas. McKee, succumbed yesterday morning. The old Roan" rf Dr. Fab Haywood, Jr., Dr, Win. G. Hill's Dun," Dr. Chas. E. Johnson's old ' U hiteyV aod Dr. Bu.ke IIaywood' pair still bold out, but all of your young M. D.'s are either on foot or accomun date themselves to mule transportation. The horses at three public stables are all oil the mend and tho proprietors ex pect to resume business iu a very few days. It is generally believed that we are now in tie nid-t of the crisis, and Us worst is being passed, V r; few horses ate seen on the treetP, all the dravs and nnblic CHrts being drawn by mules and oxen. W ,1 i . . W o ts scarce, but owing !o the large iin-J portHiioji of oxen from the country tin pi ice so iar ins not been raised. Contra ry to the expectation and fears ot m iuy in this city the market is well supplied with meats, vegetthh s, &c, &c , from the country, and there has been no occa- ston tor an advance iu the commodities. i. oo uiucu ior uetng prepared and conven- lenity located for em,y ocated tor exen transportation, 5 "?LrS l! 8,OW; V.yet, Che""' hou, several pomts ,u the country we w 1 spreading to nearly every farm, hut for tunately Mr our farmer!!, it occurs at a season that the loss of time does not conil c with the tanning interest. ror the benefit ot our countrv friends (and all others) we publish below any Monseigneur w.,s veiy pale hut lu other treatment which we take from a late comes of a brave race, and I could see i, numl er of a celebrated medical journal, was only rage and pride slrng-'l ng with and especially recommended by a leading : him. wl. he turned and said, wuivin- hi, physician ot this city : ' j haud. - What will you have t" " I he pat.e,,' shou-d be excused from With ,. mighty roar came back the all lahor and allowed complete res.. The answer "Bread" Monsieur smiled. "He stables ahuubl be cleanly and well ven- ! hind that chateau yonder are soldiers and t'lated. D.siufestants may be use ful and j cannon ; they are the king's ; with them is I ,f " necessary. Ana ol t he folio wiinc will answer: l-arhotic a en . I ! , , . , , , ' a little salt added. I iy 1.1 limiud quan-' tites may be allowed. Tu regard to remedies I wish to say that hfroic treatemrnt should not be tol erated; Blood 1 and arterial sedative are all of them either injurious or uncalled for. Next , whatever medicines are administered should not be g.veu.uiueioHJio, urangutBordiencl.es, as the animal is sure to be thrown into a ..: :.. . 1. . p i- 1 1 . . . i pn.i'Aj-un.i -.'uj;uiijgiiieuioiutiuaniench iu uijimi, o.m rumw 01 me meuiciue will, in such event, be almost sure to find its way into the windpipe and bronchial tubes, thus inducing fatal bronchitis or pueumotii.i. Balls should not be given as they will be coughed back or out. and B A f t j.rn t Zi4 u,,a A .1. . . 1 the irritability of the throat will be increas ed in attempting to pass them over with ine ua in or n iirer. I owders are well- u useless, as when mixed with the f oJ and powders. ELetuaii -s. sv., .i. I . l- . . . ui pao i e a ! e i tie on i iorms m whichmcdi- f,Ja, ,JI ron, cr hromo chloralum. and abused me. Take it " The patient should he properly groumed, The,e was no outcry, there a9 no and the noso and eyes frequently sponged! shunting, but the multidude looked at with water, and the limbs, if cold, band- ' each other, and they knew that to attempt aged I he drink should have the chill : those walls would he death Th- kintr sl.ffu.tiy removed, but not enough to make was great and powerful ; he had many it warm and unpilatahly. The diet should soldiers and cannon ; the people c,e poor be light- and ot a laxative nature ; any j and weak, and scarcely armed at all. Be spont teed or bran, wjetted or sealed, with ' fore thev took those walls th- re w-,hl 1 c.oes may bv euccwsfully adm,,.,st( red in the old warehouse at the quay near bv cases where the throat is tender and irri- where in the morning he was to be that tihle, and coughing easily induced. f ,r having insulted the people "al.ue med.cine. I regard as the most j Monseignenr, wl,.,, he heard the de meiuiiiij this , d:sea-e. . Anv of tl lowing will answer .Chlorate of potash, ' muriate of ammonia, or hyposulnhate or soda. As au anod vne to relieve the cough, mob. There, and he so proved, was some fluid extract of belladonna may be added, one else who said nothing, and only smi!ed i he proper dose of either ot these medi- and prayed, but she was only a poor-flow-cinesmay.be rubbed up with two or three , er gi.l, and so nobody cared for her, even ounces of honey or molasses and these pour- ! in the last decree ed in the mouth from a small bottle or plac- j You know,0 Monseignenr, that we are ed on the tongue with a spoon. Given only a poor country town, with few riches in this way th medicines w ill be readily ; and less history, and so one of the -real lapped up and easily swadowed. But lit- nobles scarcely" ever came, here only M.m tle trouble is required togive it, and nodau- j seigneur the Marquis, because it w-as the gor of gettmg.anv medicine in the trachea J seat of his chateau. There were al-o few will be incurred by this method. About ; troops, and the behind the barricades uie inroat and over the wmd-p,pe, a sharp stimulating liniment should he nil. hod in In cases that pfove severe, or are compli cated with other! and more set ious diseases, a competent veterinarian should be em ployed.' We are now pained to recoid the most alarming aympiomsof the Epihippic that has yet occurred in the city, vrz : the ap pearance of the' Hor-e biopsy, which ac cording to our telegrams yesterday morn- tnr, attacks horses that h ive suffered sev erely from. the Epizootic. The cases referred to appeared in ihe stables of Samuel Merrill, Esq., Snperin tendent of the Rdeigbt Gas Works. The symptoms are nearly in accoidauce with those contained in our telegrams from Tew YTork yesterday morning, viz: Swel- nngAi the Deny and legs, arid other symp Ums ad described. Only a few mules have as jret taken the EDizootic. and we are glad to say the uialadj does not spread in this direiction. U the mulea and Wtle are taken, with it as is reported in otLer lnltriia"tT.U -.Ml !J .3 CI 'iL luvuuv.ir, uivu ue wmmueeu oe iu a pitta' LiiK cnnniiinn. ' SALISBURY N. C. fNOYEBIBEK WHAT LOVE DID FOR MOXSEIG- : NEUR THK MARQUIS. Ho was a Marquis Monseignenr, and she only a Hor giil wh sold flowers She raw him one day riding iu bt"b es tate at the ht-ad of the .bobles, and she loved him. She 1 What ctuild a poor git! do who fell in love with snch a Marquis T He Irnd wealth, and pnwtrj arid pride. She had tithing ; but love will do great things sometimes. Mouseigneur great things sometimes. iV You see that old chatran there behind the hish wall and the terrace, an embank- ment overgrown with flJwers.atid trees. "Yes." -.isi K--i - Well, one day that chateau was a fort bristling with cannon, the terrace an em bankment, glittering witTi bayonets, and therreet here, and the street thrr, and the street yonder, and the '' oif he other side of that a .g1 of TuVKfngft.rii-us podo. , There had hern no bread that day, nor the oue bf..re, nor lie "nr.e b foe that, and the people were famished, thoujrh the nobles tolled in wealth and splendor. Through the city that morning men witjf ominous faces and red caps ruiht have been seen standing before the wine shops, and up in by-ways talking with the pen pie; about mid-day there began to aiise a murmuring throughout the city later il culminated info a roar, and then with one wild outcry the people were running mad in the streets, armed and furious, ravii,g for bread or blood. Mongeiirneur tho M.trm.ij ln1 V lrnui away that morning somewhere in the countrv. and retnrninc- th.. ri...w,l o.. j him. .Aloit8eir;ieur s O ( ' - - . . c n o winner and ins grandfather before him had borne hard farther and liir names ; Uo . seigneur himself .vas you g yet, and though he had done all in all fo"r j people, there were bad men amongst his j class, as there are everywhere, and so he j was hated. Ah ! he was fair that moro i inir. lirliii" on ih. litn.r.t.. i.; .. .i i r -r " i im i ip. iitp iiii r iiiih : and ao'illo... hi- I. ..,t i.:. a . rich and costlv When the people saw him there ro8e a mighty mrtciy, and with ar they eWed him;' they had torn him from his ho.se, borne him on tin? chateau swarmed with soldiers, and - 1 n"" cannon nrrc tliev lett turn, Hie tor mine is more tu me than all the and as by one mighty iinjuiUe they drew i piide of Amsterdam," he said, and search back and h it him standine- ;il..n.. I... t ... 1 e.l mi the barri.-ade. :!... nl.li..r- euouI, fr ihousni.ds of vour starving ! nmn: n. u f :,;., V..,. 1 : ,. .1 '" u"'" A wu lj.l I." IIJSUUI U many killed and llnir starvinrr fau.ili..M worso than before. "Ha !" It swept like an echo through the crowd. There was one thing then i.i th hands of the people ; It was revenge. Ah there wis something in that; and there were those who whispered that to t ill i..., . 1 r Sail the I,,ng lbt of evils that his cruel family had done forever ; and so a-ain . ft .tioureigiii'ui was 10 oe revenged on they se,ze l him It was with no sudden outcrv this time. but wi;h a firm determination and resolve, thai he was seized, pinioned and home to the markut place, where poor girls sell flowers. Here there was a scaffold ai d a bench, when? the girls sat, and Monseignenr was tried and decieed to die at sunrise for having defied the people. It was so de creed, and as the piison stood in where the cluteau and barricades were, they tl teed him down l.e il,' . :.. muttered an epithet of abhorrence at the infamv of h., ,n.,.A...,. i... ..i ... and so Monseignenr the Marquis was left witu only a tew hundreds of a guard, w ho were placed at 8 o'clock in the evening to wateh all night. In the morning he was to die. Early that night a horse rattled out on the north ever yonder by the marshes and from the way the horse's head was turned and the way the dust rose, he waa judged by the sentinel at the chateau to j i.a.e gone on me road to 1'an. 1 uai nignt, ot course, mere was no re joicing in the village; partly because there was no bread, and partly because there was no joy ; but there was restless nee and excitement on account of what was to take place at sunrise. The people have been sometimes called bloody, Mon sieur, but wc are not and I believe that if it had been possible in the minds of the people to have saved Mouseigneur the Marquife, be would ha-e been saved, but they, had settled it in their minds, and there was no possibility. The people also knew that after thev had threatened to take Mooselgneur's life, ! when tha Iroopa came, u' they itxtely 21 187 ' would there would be a terrible r. tribo .".. , ou alter be was drtd who was to fay who hhd thrcateued this thing, and so it nas to be done. At 4 o'clock it wag daybreak ; at 5 sun rise -about 3, Monseignenr, sitting lean jug his back against a pillar of the qoay. heard something fall into the water. He listened ; there was some one talking. It was well he thought they bad come to muruer Inra in the night, and he rose op to face them. It Monsieur had been outside he would have seen the caps of soldiers climbing up over the quay, but iindde be saw nothing, nntil presently a challenge, suddenly a flash, a roar, and with loud cheers n body id soldiers rose up out of boats and poured over the quay. There was a fight, the neoola tiinnrh u was a desperate sally from the cbaiean, a-d foughtWd to drive them back the so.diers in the chateau thought it was .1 tum h atnongn the people, and nonred out upon th.ni. Ah! but there was a desperate fight, and many were killed, iuos-y f the p.-ople, and when the, sun rose, the quay was piled with slain, and the soldiers were in possession of the town, and hundreds of the people piisoners. Monseignenr was safe. Count St. Mar ccau on the river on the road to Fans with boat and soldiers, h-urd all and came. I bus it was said. "And.-'asked Monseigneur,wbow heard you this ? ' Excuse me, nir?. It was a girl, Marie. Hie said. At midnight the senlinelon the I onion mad brought to me a girl f, borse b ick. She stated all to ine, and implored me to save you." "The girl -at where she is now I do not know-came i;,Us. 1 thought some hason of yours, Monseignenr, though she was a fair giil ai.d a unahst one too " They found h. r, Monsieur, close up against the chaieau wM where the fight was thick st. .She lay between the bodv ,.(..,!.: i i ' . . . . J 1 en. "Thev SZ yrlU ! l-e if she h.d hi the . n'f a , h" ' I there, lor Monsurthe uu j 2 un. s. ioier anu that ..I a dead c iti 1 himself, and w.mhl no: he stayed. She that ij-ked Mi- was dying. In ike next room of the old chateau she lay on the great bed, n v, r i:. d since the death of Madame the ManjuM ; her Line eyes closed, her b. own hair tlii,,g on the ptllnw, and her small hand lying outside, .-he, a poor flower g.ii, dying iu the chateau of the proud Marquise. She opened her eyes. "Is Monseignenr the Maiquis here V' "es. li.lv." His voice was marvel ously tremulous, and he tok her band. "On the me irow, sir, the people taken in riot are going o he executed. Can they he saved "Yes lady." "Will you do something for me T" He pr-ssed her hand. "1 hope you w ill save them. The .'..a rim 1 moil peopic an e hard opp.essed, th,e rich low h;nd, and when we rise do not know I sometimes a?a ust wio..,- l.. tr i-a a.-w-o tl. I t. - 1 we are snie lo be defeated because we are ' fo ,"ui. i iii you uo wuat you can tor them, sir?" "Yes." Mouseigneur, the prond Marquis, eat by ' ..v. p.iic in, ii iu"iii. anu nexi iiav hur I...H .1,1. , L 1 .! no-,lo..r. w .. "1 a .... i . . j W, : , i " ' I hey came, and said she uii-'ht be s iv, Clj... ' Ul Dc dT - . ,. 1 ,1 . , lou see, Vnnsir-ur. that handsome o d ladv yonder, thai is she Varie the fl,w- : . V . ''Iru U1C now- ! I'll- O..W I,.re,.., ,... 11 1.-I ami l.i .l V ' 1 ..... . u u . T. V I '.IIJUIO. CTIIC ...... .a..aai ii an; n 111 11 1 111111 1 inn , ...r , i.i -- v peop:e. in.-yc.inot want bread, they are. happy and on tinted ; and why ? be cause love will do cient things fometimcs. From the Wa-diinton Patriot, JCov. 5. DISTANT Dlv AY. "l'overty" sivs the says the grim novelist, ' rai party over a" New Albany. Nei sed, b, ore it takes posses- th. r did he receive the ironical and mali- "seems dispose ..1...1 ... . . . , C-1...1 a iii.iu euineiy, 10 aitacK Ins . , neiy, ,0 attacK his ex- : the coM lings of l.is bead, tiemities hist : the teet and hands 5 ,m H.ways us nrst prey " We sometimes think this is tiue of other than human beings. A cortioratoin, for instance, first shows decay at iHimts re- I , - V" ""ea uegail IO i""al,rri u "ibi uiue sympioms were on its purchased branches in Mississippi. The first crack in the credit of the Ver mont Central, soon to increase till all was shivered to peices, was in one of its leases or guaranteed roads, or its subsidiary ex- r . r. . m ritmrittriiwd ...... ,. 1 1 i t , as if the mammoth corperation which de- l I . .-. uu iiu,.uciiii iikhj nomiuates I'ennsy Ivania, and its tryiiic i i , V " to clutch the railway rule of the whole DsTn,r,n Vr , VnThi' v rf r " "EljPI,6n, for 7rrrvyM , . ., , V.m y. 1 l ir,9 P ' A? lI'e L U t , ;UTJ CO,nn panyis the trunk out of which sprout all tnamerof m.nor corporations, guaranteed, leased, purchasid, improvement compt- ' Pre compa- nits r.xcepi or the sap generated m the main body, and which is sure in the bud to tail, they would have been leafless long ago. One has fallen ai most uuob- ! served. Ist summer, amid universal local execration, peiuhcd the Southern ; .it thousand year, or more to grand old Improvement Company, which dealt in Adam, and then u:l. It was a coufe.scd branch of tho -.Not a wave of trouble roil, acroaa ihi peace great tree, but the parentage was adroitly j ful breast." concealed. Next aud quite recently we , ,mmt ' sec what is known as the Southern Secu- ' There is one comfort left us, anyhow, rity Company mysteriously involved with We know how lo bat (Jrant next time, a worthless Memphis bank, and a deeper- We'll nomiuate him LonisrtUe ConrUr ate creditor to au enormous amount for Journal. cash deposits. AI) this was the money : This witticism earru. with it a vobime of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.- of meaning. If the late election haa de Aud now we Lave mutiny and damage mo nitrated anything at all, it is that the nearer home. It loilra it ill K . t mIan,imii f n v.. ...i. r .lease of the.New Jtr.ey coxnpanie., eo.1- NO. I r mm l . - t , . 1 :ir"Vr ,4?. not north ;,:ir:rvn wuicn",p d tin. urvugo ioai sort cr n tkbssness which pple in the moment of delirium (for cor porations get drunk as well as men ) exhibit. 1 o accompli those leases to engineer tbem along throughJegiaUturrs and courts and besitatmg stockholders must have coat millions. The legitimate expendi tures most have been enormoua, and what those of another description are never will be known till, in the day of eonsum mate trouble, stock or bondholder's cum mtttee of investigation .kt for them, ine .New Jersey act of Assembly rcquu lug the lease lo be recorded, is as plain as Mr. Justice Bradley could make it, and be is not at band to remove the difficulty. U, as is most probable, the work will have to be doue over agai,,k the prospect tve outlay must be terrible. There is too snucl, stock and ' Louda in the market already. fw ,'trsey may thing her uiiud and recUiro her independence, fetockbolders may recover thetr senses, and decide, after all, that honest New Jersey divideus arc safer than the Urgcr ones which rest upon a qu stionable guar amy iucl, a fmare t,f expense and trouble, will probably be too much even for the intrepidity of the financial mana gers, who hare flinched at nothing bvfore, and the New Jersey offshoot tuav be al lowed to drop. All those we repeat, are ugly signs. There i a limit lo corpora tion credit, and there are watchful eyes that quickly detect it when il ia reached. It looks very much as if the day of reckoning has come or was approachiug A HOUT ADAM. FrotM the Louitille Courur-Jourriil. We have always believed in Adam. We have hx.ked upon biin as one to h.ni mankind has Ueu under j-culur obbg,. lions. btandiiiL' bv ihf .:.! .i I . .. tliA finl m r.i...l . A 1 . - j - - ... .v Ji " I ... ''in nun, uressea m a sun.p tuous bear skin, he af-peara to us, as we l.M.k backward through the dim vista of the centum s upon him, as a pers ,n iudis penaabl to ibwuture ol his rare. Origin philosophers would try to itfake u U liet e that that niaj.-siic figure is a iuc.uk. v ; and sometimes the result of human events', elections for instance, seem unaccountj hie, except upon the Darwinian hypothe sis. Hut we hold that the man w h'o would n fleet upon the d. nr d. put4d-io such an ungrateful way d-.et uui deserve the sympathies ol his kind ; as f.,r oumKes. we intend to nad on: fig laf to the rim.! and cling to the old Adam. What h. knew aUiut farming served hiai in go.,d stead in the hour ot his dis.ipK,i:itiUen;, and, though overmuch girm to hit g in the shade and munching npph s, we know that w hen be found hiras. !l one mornii." on the wrong side of a certain g iT.l, n gate be indulged in no unmanly repining - he neither whimpered over bis fate, i.r.r made faces and shook bis fn-t at the guardian of the forfeited premises, but diligently act Uimse f to woilt 1., , 1 1 ! I anl I. ....... I T . . I. .11 .1.1 i .. ... 1 .bv...., uiiu.-i 11 10 WOIK IO UeVrl.it : liriltl...!. M . I . ...... .1 - ; pi,)piu J VW , r Th,.ro ,r . ,M . I ' we use 10 i turmoil of upon lin L IIU j character of tl present age and dwill ie rrand old tiatnarrh Sometimes, even when our desk m iy be covered with hsl aicouuta lost on the t-hction, we gei to thinking on Adam and don t care bow big the Liberal maiorilv ; . :.. v v . i. J :. : v - i i ia iu .cw i oik. ,,:w was never t,ou bled aUut election bets, or anythint: el- ! .1 . . ' 3 ,U,"K 1 I except the grafts in his orchard. 11c had ' 1,0 tnotber in-law, and bis w ife never Kn.Uo,,! I.;m ;,i 1 1, T ,, , . her mill.uer's Will. 11, had a natural aoii.ail.v tr. ... .L 1 ... t"J " t v , ui U-.. o ......... ... ...I I - , . u'"-r wuuieu over missing shirt w Duttoi 118. He never snppoitdlan unsucressful candidate for Pusident and saw hi- hopes for a seal in the Cabinet grow dimmer and dimmer as the reports came in. Nor were his ears dea'cned and bis fielines 1 hull bv the boom iii" of il ciuU8 congratula.in of his neighbor the niorniug af.er the electiouon the fortitude ilH wU5ci, ue bor re up under adverse news. His eves were never . T.., ,.!... I I,- the rmni.no, 1 u. . -iliraMwaMu U4U Iti i' U.ftll II I' I H f i,;- r i. .. . r ,g al ,ue i,lManCe 0f his siceoinr partner when the devil made a corner iu apples, his life Po be sure, was emiueutly a success, he never had the pioud consciousness of having established piio ciplcs that be knew would ultimately win in spite of the influenc of a hostile . . ir1tni..uiral ,.n i ., t l.:l. I t. inevitable defeat ..mm i.in, . t;.t l. l,BV, . t ', ,7 nave the pleasure of seeing the old party inei of ignorance and pr.jud.ee bioken ln- disapring bcf.r the hills facing th. sunset, iu the bappv Uime before bis eldest began to V; "J to run around will, urange wo. Wrn ff"ra l,,e Und ol could watch hi. shooting .coin, wi.bo.it a care, ,,or troable Lim8elt witL lLe fular Li, offspring. lle ,Uod. (or u, M tht zrini CXPnjr,Ur 'of, uccc1. ad as we hear the noiaV of unsympathetic thousands shoutiug- over eniDtv victonea. and sueil th fi.mf-a c.t .nU,Ml i. .1 u. i mMM ww m. A U 11 ft A. A M ft I 111 II fta W 1 ftfti IIII the South i. .officieot cause for hi rrjec- 10.WUOLE NO. 850. .lion by tU Northern n, It tattura not ho or hat .h ' bow Dure and nstrimi il . . t .1 . . r - -. woHiiivi AX9 dootb in accepting bi, iitsaiUn. TU instant the South approves the North 'condemns. Reconciliation neither tails their interests nor their inclination. Cow ardicr. malice and greed role the Lour. Ikkr&utg Ajj-ral. Ynm thl Ohio StatcMasn. TWINS-HOW A YOUNG COUPLE SAW DAYLIGHT OX THE CARS. i.Th.T IC'.fic "l,r trnn the Pan Handle R.tilrtad left the Coloaibai depot on Friday evening Uet, onder the charge of Conductor Drury. Nothing transpired to distuib the monotony of the condnctor'a call on drowsy passengers for 'lickeu, gc.tlen)en( until tbn train wai bet tnH Denoison and teabenrille. Tbi to waa noufied that a lad passenger drf:red . Lis pretence. He fraod the lady evident Jy in sme 1 rouble and embarrassmenU To his afHimativc response in the query whether she was marri-d. jhe lady stated tbat she was on b. r uay from Cincinnati to meet hr husband iu New Y ik, and that a crisis was impending, involving tbo appearance of an additional pVefger 1 hi suit led the conductor, of cour,bat with a heart big at an elephant be H to ork to nuke the lady cnmforuble. Ait the passengrr were lustily sbufil-d into another car, and suchferxialc as is :a nee as could be procured on the train at brought into rrquieilion. u a briifiiroe the luilo stranger -a fn.c bouncing gu it ih phrase pnt iu au appeaianc, and tb conductor omgratulauJ birasi'f cn hi h ippy escape lioia a cih taaa. With a bent overwhelming with syrupafbv, b arranged on its prompt a wanfnp ior tie very young lady fir.m hi own tutderrloth 'i g. Il -is rot ctactlv in l vl of ItlTtnl u:fll" n.h.nl. .. . j ! Vork papers, vti it nrvtd a ! n.. the Ntw 6"J pr- Itat this is not .11. The train kfi Sten U nvt'le on tuce. and wo cvn ihundedi.g thmu-h and around the hd'o! Vrst Vir giui.i, when hf rmn.l'jcter reeetred aa other shk Thia litm it was Cn bouncing boy." I'w ,ns, by j.v J (lac a Hack, ye and the ..thrr a Pan-H audb r. 1 he remaind. r of lury". litH t. wrul to siart the little f. In w c.t, hi. j .rtey through I he world. Then f.r l-ar d what mi-la lupj-e.,, the train hanted up; iu due time ,t i eachrd Piftthurg, and the lady and the lo unjicketi d pa4-ng ra wiiC tcndciljr roovcred to rotbiottallo quaitcr. at the I uhoi Iir,t Htr !, U i lelegtatn h..RrJrd lo tbr buba.Ml in New Yoik, wh eh probably Idled Uta -ut of his bK.ts. At lat advtcw tbo mother and chu irrn were liutng wrlf. I hr twins err taii-ly crniu 'i,r-J Iif on der ( xtraidiiary circum.utai s. Ikrn ei a fa.t poing IV' tic tra i. the one in h:u md ihe otb-r in Wr-l Viiibia, it it sifclopiom.se they will be leaaouably fast young pw.p!e. The mother is reprc eti led is a mort estimable lady, but not given to the study of almanacs." GOOD TEMPER. Good temper is the sunshine of ihe do m-stic circle, and must Ik- prin-d and cul tivated accordingly. Fretfuliifss, ptevUb ness, biltcrnrss aud anger must t-e view id as so many hissing tnak-sf and driven from every hcirt that cleraj the diMinc tion c-f be'ng happy. When Usnptrd to giveaway to any ill-f -tli,g, s. If restraint must be exercised, and mutual forbearance shown. Much will be accomplished ly carrying out the dcirnoinatioa that bold shall never lose their ttnp-r at th saroa lim the one lunging water where lb other bring fire. "En tU m treat each other's te. lings," it hasten well said, "with b-uity, aud leam to b. at ocraMon firve, 1.1 md. def and ilnrub esecia?ly dumb. Not sullenly dumb, but sTenrl dumb. Nr t sib-nt fiota modisbues. and Keer!, but aileut fiom ,ej .n aud affec tion, looking out the while hkc a mariner in a dark nig hi f.r ihe first :uak ol the dawn, and bailing it with a grv, ful wel come " A gentle contrast, a ueil ar.aig-.-d diversity, gives a rlih to tnaiiii I fr-. It if the necessary Condition, howtver, of such a diversity lhat the parties should vi w things occasionally f.vra a ddTrre nt point of View, and wisdom will be repair ed, iheii fore, by mutual concession, gen tleness, god humor and for bears tce, to .revtnt such diieraitiea of iaU, ol opin mn, Ucotn.ng ihe source .,f quarrel, mi tatiou, or, lo uc a phrase of modem coin age, "uapjrle." A clergyrcao, who had lied the mirriage knot fr many a couple, waa cartful alwaya t whisper lo the bride, at bit parting counsel, "R sure nevi r to have the Lot word" an ad vice which is excellent, but which is aar pisscd by the rcconi.ocnuatiyn that bcilh cr t arty should take th rf. one. CHICAGO. Chicago bat gaiocd one tbiog by tbo great fire; she ha. grt an anniversary. The seventh of OctotM-r, I S7 1 , has barnrd its memoiial iridil,bly into the life of that busy. cs.ttrprUii.g city. A year has parsed, and lac city ia blf rebuilt, in a more durable manner, ou a grander stale, and with far better provisions for lb? fu ture than before. Individual! have .affer ed irrejrable lossc, and iho whole com munity sharrd to aoroe extent in the calamity ; and yet a finer and larger city is rapidly rising to completion where on year ago was a chanetT ar.d smoking heap of ruins. The buitle of basine. and the song of workmen has taken the place of sobs and lamentations, and happy homes obliterate ihe traret ot the great deeolution. All of which shows tha abounding energy and hopt fahi.aa of our pcople.and is ui earnest of fat are growth aud glory. Chicsgo deserre. the congrat ulilioos, aud ha. won the respect, of lb whole country. If she kpf on at her present rate sue will not haveatbes enoagh leA for her sinner, lo sprinkle their head. with. GAlen Aye.

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