GUAMM Alt XS I ONNECTED WITH v KISSING AND, HUGGING.' , The Ilnclsorv RrHMtpri1aTatirjmrironRlr With a question of grammar as follows": "A lurcher after truth writes to us, 'Which ie grammatically correct,', to sajr The Iioubo is( building, or 'The house is being built -'The street is paving or "Hie sireei is ueirg -paveu i xucre is a wide diversity df opinion upon this sub ject, but we incline to favor' 'is being ' tuilt for the following reason : Suppose you wish to express another kind of an idea, Would you say, for instance, 'John ny is spanking or 'Johnny is" being spanked V The difference to you may seem immaterial, but it is a matter of con siderable importance to'Johnuy; and if is Erobable. that if any choice were given iui, he would suddenly select the former alternative. You jay, again, that the 'missionary is eating.' Certainly this ex presses a very different and much pleasan ter idea than tbe form : 'the missionary is being eaten and the sensatiou is very ' different ifor the missionary, too. We have consulted several missionaries about 't, and they all seem to think that the wo things are somehow not the same, no matter what the grammarians say. , "But it is. to be confessed that there are occasions when the difference in the form is not so marked. You assert, we say, -that 'Hannah is nagging which, by the i way, would be a very improper thing for Hannah to do ; it would be positively urAndalnnn. indeed! Precisely a similar idea is conveyed 11 you say, 'iiaanan xa VioSrxv nrrtraA tpanen it ii o rMil In rit.v of the act that it is hardly ever one-aided ; there is no selfishness about it. And it is the same with kissing. 'June is kiss inc' and her mother ought to know about it if she is is just exactly asrif we oar J auv id uviiig aiwvu - uuu.kiiv dvu Mama is noinn iriaaoi o t rl t na con sation is the same, although none of the grammars, .'.by' a singular inadvertacce, mention the fact. It will not be necessa ry, however for ourcorrceponueut to at- "tenant to nrove these last mentioued facts byjracticc. He must take our word for them. Unless he does so, we shall an- Swer no more questions in lyntax for him, r, any one else Our duty is to conserve ' the morals of the community, not to start the neenle to Tilavin? mivate tramca of Copenhagen. - f t r o't - Uoper NEWSPAPER LAWS. We receive so many inquires as to the laws governing the circulation of newspapers, that we find it necessary to publish the following summary, which will cover ailtuetjuestious that have been addressed to ui . , Subscribers are considered wishing to continue their subscription. 4 ?. If subscribers ordering the discontinaUce of their periodicals may continue ta send them nntil all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect ofrefuse to take their periodicals from the oifioe to which they are directed, they are held responsible till they' have settled their bill, tfud ordered them discontinued. 4. J,f subscribers move to other places without iufonning the publishers, aud the papefs are seut to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided that refusing io xaae papeis iroin ine omce. or removing and leaving them uncalled fnvi3iKia facie evidence of ; intentional fraud. 6. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether he has ordered it or not, is held In law, to be asuWriber and must pay for it. POSTAL INFORMATION. Letters go to any part of the United States for three cents per half once, if prepaid, j Unpaid letters are s"ent to the Dead-letter pffice at Washington -. letter weighing over ah ounce, and pre paid a single rate, are forwarded to their des tination, and the balance due collected on delivery. City letters must bo prepaid two centsper half ounce. 'Books. Postage on books, not exceeding , four ounces in weight 4 cents, - Each additional four ounces or fraction thereof 4 ceuts. Newspapers, Newspapers sent from the office of publication may be prepail at the following rates" per quarter : -' Dailies, . 35cts. per qr. ' Weeklies, 5 " Monthlies, (not over 4 oz) & ' " Quarjerlies, - iu 1 , Hiscellaneons Matter. Ou unsealed circu lars, maps, prints, engraviugs, music, cards, photographs, type?, cuttings roots, seeds, &0. on one package to one address, prepaid, not exceeding four ounces ii cents ; over four and not-exceeding eight ounces, 4 cents. The" weights of packages id limited to thirty ( two ounces. - I Money Orders. Money can be6enttoany " part of the couutry ; with absolute safety, by obtaining a Money Order for. which - fees are; On not less than $1, and not over $20, 10 cents. .. Over $20 and not exceeding $5,0,, 25 cents, f No order issued tor less than $1, or more than $20. . Sundry Iiemes It eosts 15 cents extra, besides the regular postage to register a let - tor. '. . . S . v Stamps cut ou' from Stamped Envelopes re not allowed to be placed upon other Ivy ters. . - y COURTSHIP FROM A BUSINESS ' STANDPOINT. r- -' . - Papa, observed to hir daughter's beau: "Jim, if you want Lu, you can have her; hut I don't want jbn banging around nn- llia tnn m nn n . tinclnnga 1 t . ... X . 1 to marry, hurry np.for I can't be kept ' awako nights much longer.'' Clipping. ? ; Tins old gentleman's head was emin ently level. He first displays au eyeYor business and then for comfort. The fact jis, there are few parents who would not j rather see their daughters happily married, ' than to lose one night's comfortable r- pose. But to speak more to the poiut, u niiiisc iiiiiiiy rest is oiitm . broken by the dallying of the beau in the parlor or the hall, until the wee hours of V the morning, but the fair ladies themselvi-s ' prefer the business man who proceeds to ' business in ft business way. This view t'cf the matter i well illustrated by an an v rcdote f old by Gov. Vance. A girl when h r bashful sweetheart, ashamed to Kpeak iiis muia, fat in eiupiu cmuarrasmeut, aim Icput iii-i Hin lipr foot with hia nndor tKa -. r i c lable, exclaimed r "John, if you love me why can t yon say so like a man, aud jnit -dirtying my clean stockings . Petersburg vtiWJ. r r - ' . i OsE"f ihe saddeftt: things about human ititure i, thut-ft" may euicle others in the pa til of liie without walking in it him pelf ; that he may be a pilot, aud yet a caat-away. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Istdistrict-Ourrrituck. Camden Pas- quotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perquimans, V W Urandy, Jr. John L. Chamberlain Republicans. S ; v f 2nd district Tyrrell, -': Washmston. Martin, JDare, Beaufort and Uyde John C Respess. II E Stilley, Republicans. jra district rtortuamhpton and lier tie, G'D llolloman, Republican. v 4th district Halifax, Henry Eddcs. col'd Republican. ... -5th district Edgecombe, Alex ilcCa- be, Republican. ' Gth district Pitt, J McCotter, RepuV lican. ' . t 7tlLdistrict--5Vi'son; Nash and Frank lin, Wm. K Davis, Jno W Dunham, Conservatives. , 8th district Craven, A S Seymour, Republican. - . , .;. 9th district Jonen, Onslow and Car teret, James G Scott, Conservative. 10th district Duplin and Wayne, W A Allen, L W Uumphrev. Conservatives. ll,tfL District Greene and Lenoir, R lviug, itepuDiican. lth district New Hanover, Geo L. Mabson, col'd, Republican. - JSth district -Brunswick and Bladen, G N Hill, Republican. - 14th district Sampson, : C. T. Mur- phey, Uoneervative. 15th district Columbus and Robeson, John W Ellis, Conservative. - 16th district Cumberland and Har nett, W. C Troy, Conservative 17th district Wake, Jams H Harris col u, Republican. 19th district Warren, John A Hyman col'd, Republican-.. 20th district Orange, Person and Cas well, Jcmn,W Norwood John W Cun- ningham, Conservatives,- 21st district Granville Bourbon Smith Republican. 22nd district Chatham, R J Powell, V.onserrative. 23rd district Rockingham, J T More head, Conservative. 24th district Alamance and Guilford, J T Morehead, Jr., W Jiklurray, Con servative. 25th district Randolph aud Moore, J M Worth Conservatives. 2Cth district Richmond, and Montgo mery, R T Long, Republican. 27th distract Anson and Union C M T McCanley, Conservative. 28th disttiet Cabarrus and Stanley, J O Barnhardt, Conservative. 29th district- Meckledfrurg, R P War ing, Conservative 30th district Rowan and Davie, Char les P. ice, Conservative, 31st district - Davisou, John T.Cramer, Republican. 32d district Stokes and Forsythc, J M 8tafiitrd, Conservaitve. 33d district Surry aud , Yadkin, A C I'owles, conservative. 34th district Iredell, Wilkes, and Al exander, Thos A Nicholson, Phineas llorton, conservatives. 35th district Alleghany, Ashe, Wat auga, W B Counceil, conservative. 36th district Caldwell, Burke, Mc Dowell, Michel! and Yancey, W W Flem ining Gndger, conservatives. . 37th district Catawb.-i and Lincoln, James Jl Ellis conservative. 38th district Gaston and Cleaveland, W J Milller, conservative. 39ihe district Rutherford and Polk, Martin Walker, republican. 40th district Buncombeand Madison, ia3. li. iMtirimon, conservative. 4 1st. district Haywood, Henderson, d Transylvania, W P Welch, conserva an live - 42d district Jackson, Swaip, Macon, Ulierokee, Olay and Graham, W L. Love, conservative. Republican 18 ; Conservaties 32. FOa HOUSE OF KETRESK2TTATIVES. Alamance Grant, con. Alexander J M Carson, ind - Alleghany - Anson R T Bennet, con. Aslit Squire Tiivett, rep. Beaufort Samuel Carson, rep. Bertie -F C Miller, rep. Bladen A F Perry, rep. Brunswick Bniicombe T D Johnston, , con. Bnrke Pinkney Warlick, con. Cabarrus Shinn, con. Caldwell Ed Jones, con. Camden Simeon A Jones, rep, Carteret Silas Webb, con. Caswell T J Foster, Geo W Bowe, reps. Catawba R B B Houston, con. Chatham J M Moring,- llanca, cens Cherokee-- Chowan John L Winslow, rep. Clay Anderson, con. Cleaveland John W Gidney, con. Columbus V V Richardson, con. Craven I B Abbott, E R Duiley, reps. , Cumberland G W Bullard, con., T S Lutterloh, rep. Currituck - James M Woodhouse, con Dare OliveN Grav. ren. Davison J T Brown, John MicLeal, reps. Davie Charh s Anderson, con. DupJin Juo B Standford, r , cons. i Edgecombe W P Mabson, Willis Bunn, reps. Foray the W H Wheeler, rep. Franklin J$hn H Williamson, rep. Gaston William A Stowe, con. Gates -Robt II Ballard, con. Granville Rich G Snetd H, T Hurhei reps. Graham ,. Greene ' -. Guilford Joseph Glimei, Wiley, cons Halifax Juo Bryaut,--J J Woodwyn, reps. HarneJt J R Grady, con. Haywood II P Haynes, con. Henderson James H Bly the, rep. ueruora James oharpe, rep. Hyde " ' Irt'deil-Williarusi Stevenson, cons. Jackson'. ! John6ton-;-Wm. H Joyuer, Jess Hin nant, cons. . a j Jouts Jacob Scott rep, Lenior Stephen Lassiter, rep. . Lincoln A J Morirson, con, MaWu--L Robblnson, con, - Madison Martin McDowell-r - - ; Mecklenburs: Jno' E Brown R :W Reid, con. .V -- ; r-: ; J , .Mitchell- J1V Bowman, rep. . . Montgomery Allen Jordan, f ep.- - i Moore Dr John Shaw,' cbn ' Nash Lindsey, con. . t- '.. ' New Hanover-James TIpaton. W1W liam H McLaurin, col'd, Alfred Llody, col'd, reps.- .- ..;': .-.. y.'ji;,; Northampton Burton n Jones, rep. -Onslow J AV Shackh;ford, con. 4 -Orange - Prider Jones," Jones" Watson, con. Pamlico, Pasquotank, F M Godfrey, rep. Perquimans, J R Darden, rep. Person, Montfort McGehee, con. Pitt, Wn.P Bryant, Guilford Cox, reps, Polk, N. B Hampton, rep. Randolph J W Bean, Harrison Fra zier, reps. , Richmond-, Robert Fletcher, col'd, rep. Robeson, W S Norment; T. A McNeil, cons. Rochingham, David Settle, A B Jones, cons. Rowan. F N Lnckey, Kerr Craige, con servative. Rutherford, Eli Whitsnant, rep. Sampson ; J R Maxwell, Bryant, cons. . - Stanly Stokes, J G H Michell, con. Surry, Harrison M Waugh, con. Swain Transylvania Tyrrell, Bertlet Jones, con. Union Wake, Richard C li; ger, John C Gorman, Stewart Elliso , f Rob't S Perry, reps. JVVarren, Goe H King, J Wm H Pas chall, reps. Washington, D C Gliyther, rep. Watauga Wayne, J C Rhodes, E. G Copeland, reps. Wilkes, A C Bryan, T J Dula, reps. Wilson, II C"Moss, con. Yadkin, J G Marltr, cou. Yancey. Prospectus for IS73. Sixth "STear. THE ALDiRE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, univer sally admired to be the Handsomest Periodical in the World. A Rep resentative and Champion of American Taste. Not for Sale in Book or Xeics Stores.' THE ALDIXE, while issued with all the regularity, lias none of the ttroiorary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary ji riodieals. It is an elegent miscel!anv of ptire, lilit, and graceful literature; and a "collection of pictners, the rarest specimens of artUic skill, in Hack and whit. Although each succeeding number afforda a fresh pleasure to its friends the real value and beauty of TJUJ ALDISE will be most appreciated after it h:ia l.ftn tmtnul up nt the close of the year. While other pnblination may claim superior cheapness, as cotnp.-ired with rivals of a similar class, THE A LI) IS E 13 a unique and original t-onct-ption alone and nnapproachrd absolutely wiihont compe tition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume connot duplicate the quan tity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten. ti'm's i(s cost; end then, there AXIS' E-23PAH2?r,IZ3rl2. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALIUS I-' assumed its present nobiu proportions and rep resentative character, the edition u-i more i:,.n doubled during the pa.t year; proving that the American public appreciate, and will supiort. a sincere eribrt in the caure of A it. The pub lishers, anxious to justify the rendv confidence" thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the. utmost to develop and improve the work and the plans for the coming year, as unfolded by the monthly issue, vriil astonish, and drlbi.t even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDIE. The publishers are authorized to announce designs from many of the mot eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDISE will reproduce examples of the best foreign nm-ters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as h;ive become familiar, through photographs, or c .pica of any kind. The quarterly tinted plates for 1872, will re produce four of John S. liivis' iniiniiablechild sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. Thee plates, appearing in the issues for Janu.-.rv, April, July, and October, would he alone worth the price of a year' subscription. The popular feature of a copiously illustrated "Christmas" number will be continued. To possess such a valuable epitomeof the art world, .at a cost fo trilling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country ; but, as the usefulness and attractions of THE ALDISE can be enhanced, in propor tion to the numerical increar-; of its supporters the publishers propose to make "assurance dou ble sure," by the following unparalleled ofier of remiura CLrocros Fcr ZC70. Every subscriber to THE ALDISE, who pays in advance for the 1R7S Will renoii'a without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chromos, after J. J. Hill, the eminent Ev,- tisn painter, ine pictures entitled, "The Vill age Belle," and "Crossing the; Moor," are 14 x 2U inches are printed from 2o different plates, requiring 25 impressions and'tints to perfect each pjcture. The same chromos are so!d for $30 perpair, in the art stores. As it is the de termination of its conductors to keep THE AL IHSE out of the reach of competition in every department, the chromos will be found corres pondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every subscriber will receive a certilicate, over the signature of the publifh ers, guaranteeing that the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furni.-hed the agent, or the money will be refunded. The distribu tion of pictures of this grade, free to the Pubscri bere to a five dollar periodical, Will mark an e poch in the history of Art; and, considering the unprecedented cheapness of the nrirp nf Til ' ALDISE itself, the marvel falls little short of a miracle, even to those bestcquainted with the achievements of inventive-genius and im proved mechanical appliances. Il nr illustra tions of these chronios. see .November issue of The ZJterary Department will continue under the care of Mr. RICHARD II EX.R Y STODDARD, asLsteil by the best writers and poeUof the dav, who wi'll strive to have the lite;ature of THE ALDISF alway in keeping witlrits artistic attractions, S5 per annum, in advance with Oil Chromos Free. THE ALDISE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduc ed or clnb rate; cash for subscriptions must he sent'to the publishers direct, or handed t- the local agent, without re-?jcnuibility totU pub' sherg except in cas-s where the certificate is given) bearingnhe facsimile signature of James Scr T03T & Co. ACEIVTS W A XT ED. Any person, wishing to act jermanemlT as a local ngent, will receive full and prompt "infor mation by applying to J AM E S ri UTTO X & Co., Publishers, 53 MAIDEN LASE, SEW YORK. if. THE AMERICAN S-4 Button-Hole, Overseaming AND Complete Sewing MACIIINE. The first and only BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that has made its advent in this or anv other countrr. 3" The following reasons are given why this is the best Family Machine io Purchase. 1. Because it will do. 7. Dec a sue you can everything that any roa-iqnickly raise or lower the cliiue can do, bewiug leedto adapt ittotLickor from the finest to the thin cloth, coarsest material, hera-j 8. Hecauseyou have a ining, falling. cordin., short deej bobbin by braiding, biuding, gath-, which the thread i coh ering sewing oO. at stastiy drawn from the the same time ruffling, ' centre ; the tension qui'ting, etc, better than oonsequetitly even and any other raie hi ue. ; does not break tl etliivad. :i BocAuse the tensions 9. Because the pressor a e more easily adjusted ' foot turns back ; that ti e t'aan any other tnachine. 'cloth can be easily re- 3. BecU!!it can work moled dlier beingsewed. a beaatiml buttja-hi!e ! 10. Because the tx?t makingas &ni a pearl as mechanics pronounce it by the hand. ,tl.e best finished and 4. Uec tuse it will em- made on the b ht princi bioider over the euge. .e ot any machice uian niftking aneat and len; - uta- tuied. It has no t.tul bolder on any gar-:.-j rinfcs to break; noth ment. ina to get out of order. B. Because it will work 11. Uccanse it is two a beiutiful eyelet hole. jma hintain one. A HrT- 6. Because it can do Toy -ir.LK Worsixo and over-hand eaniinj:, by ewio Macuine torn which slieets. pillow cks- bined. es and the like are sewed; over and jver. 1 fir? No other Machine can accomplish the kind of sewins stated in Xo. o, '4, , and i. Parties using a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. It is to lnt a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted th:it will do the most work and do it the best: and thU machine can do several kinds of sewing not done on nay other mnefiine, besides doing even- kind that ail others can do. Tl.e American or Plain Sctrinj Machine. (Without the button-hole parts), does all that is done en the Combination except button-hole and oversea micg. MlTkONEY & IJKO., A-tn. Salisbury, X. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. T do not he-itste t.siy the American Combina tion, surpasses ai! oMut micMncr. ltnhi.hs doing ail Ihe work that other inachiin cat: . it 'v..r-raiiiH, and works bntfon-lioh-s in any I'al.r from S !m muslin, to leaver r! I f. iv.- n-.-.l :i!rci. , floats'. Howe's an.l the Weed ma-1 i!ics, and tind the American f ir superior tothrm all. Ilia M. V.iTLtici I have ne I s;x d'TTct)t.-.rh!g M !.::... The Americ.iu .-uiju ..-.. al!. Mm. A. L. Kaimt. I hive nv I Iha ":i '.t ami i.t'.or mi.-1. in i -.:n'.'S unit MOTiiu jici t.i.:iui:v(! II. c l l '. v 1. r ; i . 'ii:s. II N . 1.i."i:..;i.k. kt, N". llERONEY A )., A-t. A'lle ?:.iy -21A. i::. ic .11 I o'-l. S. U . Pih: 1 h ive m-j tl.f liowe Si-..-. r. Whrc'erA Vi'.-..oii, v. ,,x ,r tirl.l s Son i-.f u .t t.ii..-,. and ffonlil nM?:U:e .Ui. ii.-ii:, oiul ii; it on lor uli of th-Mu, it will (! a!i that is c'ric.e.i f r it ! tV- ircitlar. I cnisii' r if have ever seen. Vt ry I: i r t.j all C'l.. r- I -;e lv. ! I l K 11 N S ' -. Wet ho u'i 1 -r-ii.-ti d ; j.t,,a onr testimony in fivi.r ti e . :'ier .V chine K lM'.cvite to n i: l tl.i. Iii.vii.i tlf.t :in .-ewtnii is it trut! io-oi.i;m-h ' J a. t he U-t niac!.:t. made. Itism:.-. d.iia.Ic. runs vtiv pght and diss not get out of r.rlcr or dr.,j; tit.-ht. Ir-,. I.u j, !. oviinms. " A. I.. l'ofr, " J. Ai.iev !;:;ovn, " A . W. N iKTIIKKX. " A. n. .h.vrs. " J! . I.. 'I'iioj: a sox, We have scon r.amin; aavcrti.-.-tr.cntr. and heard mn"li sal ! i y l;:e.-.Noi o-!n r mi i ' : r-. We wi!l en.- !.ni-.!re:l 1o!lim to th ron ten.'.lne i-ut. it ntura !n trial he-ore con-e:it judges the . :; ; .( .:, :,i-L,i t. v ill r -i.t -i t n , :i if n jt Wttf-r. t o -srt k (:..:0(, anvotlnr mncHne' and do valuable work that uo wtin-r tnaclruc cto do. We have Veen Agontsf-r Pw:mu' Ma-ldte inp 1S56. have - I iiu' -"-. i , Wc'.rV. .Wn'at.-s" and FloicTues, and have abaudoned alitor the American. Send and e'et sair.jiVv of work. 27: 1 y M f HON E V CRO., A g'tt ROAKMILLS ! rPHK proprietor of tbe ytr celebrated I Mills ;! in the market fir WHEAT, and solicir i. ill- from all who have it to tell. TLcv pay the hi'jhrfit uarlrt .( j-riref. Flour! Flour!! Thoy clso ?;iliciL ord rs f..r I'lonr Thfv manufaeteri f. r i'"ff,.r-nt grade- of f,.rf ranging -nest 2r.!r.ii7, l-Jnilv, trc, and Super. They also solicit; orders fir I'.rr.T. They exchange, or grind for toil, f.3 mav be desired. EM1TERT, EROS t CO. 39-.rnip'J Qovvare of Counterfeits I JOB HOSES' 8tf&MEff frylf. The genuine have the nameofj nov Tunfui and daua-erouii duxas to which th female conetltntion is nubjoct. Thr irodermte all xcetMw ud remove all ol traction, tram wh&u evercaaae. L PrtCTily auneO. They wiil la a inert aod Pplnal Affections, Palm in th Back and Limba, Str'lnci and Whiter , thor will effect a cur whew il other iMan hare failrd. Tha elrmUra around packa rira rail dirrtiou and adrioa? will U aent to aU writing for them, iaaiid -vV". .1S ll J" her the nmrt eawnt be eUind,pT,IolUrenelokl to the Bole Proprie tor. JOB MOSES. 19 Cortlandt Su New TorEwiU nre a bottle of the ftnntne, eontaininic Vuty RELIEF IN TET, MINUTES. r,J!HAVnS r 0. OTIC WA FERje & Cure toooH. Cotpa, Ata. fiimontii, Soaa TaoT, ItoAiKts8. PirricrLT BaaaTaiae. i. ciPiciT CoaecupTio aib Lna Dm Ther fi?T' D0lt '.medicine, and any eblld will take L.',1?- ThouMid hare bn retored to halth that bad r-fors de.Twtrjd. T Hwiory ri- n in hnndr-da BRYAN '8 Pri.VOMO WAFERS. . r??3 rente ler kez. JOBUO&X&, Propria tor, HCortlind ' rr t , Nw York. THE GREAT' FRENCH REMEDY" DELAMATimrS PPrCTFTO PILLS, f Prepare t trry. C ABA Xrl rax. No. tl4 Rue Lombard, Paris. -J1?. tRJ w hbrhly recommeAded art be entire rfsival PacuMy T Trawre at the very bntr.ndr ta ail erpperrnat'whosa. or Seminal Wtk- es i; ia-htly. Dalle or Prt mature Emiaeions : c or nporenrw; WaakneM artinfra eecrst Hhit and Kexnal E xee ; Kelasmttem m t he trMital Onninii; Weak fpino : lVpolUt the Crine. and all the rhaetly trvn of Diaae ariin from weraje pr Excew. Theyevrs when all other rtn diee fciU Pamphlet of AdTlce in eyk boa. or will . ge tent Free to any addreee. Price St perr fie. gfP-t ty mail. eeere'rifrrm eilteerwmtiem em yeeeWof prioo. OSCABO. MOSIS. lICoaTLiana -av-.HavToax.SoU General AcantfceAjMrlca. ng 14, '72. 4S: ly. ALL K1XDS of COURT AXD3IA GISTRATES' BLANKS oi m ejftx altboufh Terr powerful, contain notuin hurt! ' VU kU MIUI1I.U1 W DPrilia Til n HARDWARE Main Slrcct, ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING New, improved anl valuable Tools, Imple ments, Machines, Contrivance. At.. Ac, for the convenience and facility of Fanner, Blacksmiths, - Carp enters, Shoe-Makers. Tannere, Cabinet Makers, jlasons, r, T)' ... Larnagc Builders, Coopers, ITouse-Kecpers, Butchers, Cooks, &c, &c. In fact, few per.onH nnfieqn.niritftl with our establishment, arc aware of the vide' - -.A .. . . - -, 7 ' -- -n HAS taken tlic rruKn recent lr rccupietl by Orcnnan. Holme A Co., in Murphy's Granite How, and ojn-ned it PRODUCE COrilP.4IS3!ON BUSIfJEGS. rHe solicits cali order fmui ebro.L Irolco loht and l.ipiKl on very abort notK-iv H --ikh U'iIIv rd.t, to ba-inc en of the ity. fd'Ciifh p:iid lor ail Katling articles of country Froducc. 11 tf J. F. RUECKERT, - MASONIC HALL, Vo ,77 and .10 .TSarLTt SI., WILMINGTON, N. C. PEAfJOS or Tin: hkst Lcadin? Factories i:, ti.r. rid:-.! I'IA.Vds of ALL STYLUS m d I KH i - uit J iinhat-r et.r.-t ini'y on l,.ui.! and (jt t-A." All ii.d ir w.'-nte i;n.i;:r J,...J.l o-:t l.v Northrrn M:un:h !nr. r- , oi.Iy k had in the S::ilv :il t!u' :t' vo j.'if. G20. A CO'G. rAH- Tl;, rj arc pre ecirr.f r ih C'nim ivy Suh SI j s, J:, ,t,, ,n ,l Vnr.lji.f Tone, FJcyr., Jc ;.;, a nl Fin ish. In fid lucj S'irj'tcs ANY ORdAX Heretofore known cr ii-r.-.-!'ieid in t!ii. tilv. Cr.Il, IZzzr rsi Zoo tbsm! All Jnnniicrr U .irri;td for Live Yvtr. VlSf-i Tl " X K I A N : 1 i:!:."AIKH. r-j A choi-f iItTti.n of Slc. t ?!:i.ic .n l,aIII and for mi-. J. IA may 31-U7-tf Wiiaiin-ion, N. C. Smith's Shoo Store! C.iar.olle. ."V. , KGTAIJLlifllKI) oy YKAllS AP.O. TIlELARfiKT WHOLlALK AND IiE TAIL SHos; J(U IN Tin: statu TTAYE Aroiiir.lwayn in the Northern mar J , lt;J- r""1 '-'''K fXper'u-niv in the She Trade an.l eupt-rior ai!v:m!:i' in Inning, we guaranty- to Y.t A . I s AM) S!Hi:Tat nn Umv prioe r. ai.y Y.rk JuM-tr. 1 or (Tool of our amnion, tiieiuxt rime yon are in Charlotte vm ;ir,d exunino onr Slotk and priew whciher yon H;.di to hnv or not. We are now receiving onr large Fail Stock eon.ijtinj of ' Boots, Shoos, Leather, Shce Fnidings Trunks and Hats. K yon only want a F-nle pair of Shoes, send yonr ordtir to SMI Til, and yon will be nited or you can n turn the ehoes. Always buy your Shots ut a Shoe Store, yon cm be better fuited, and tret ihem clieaper. S. P. S-2ITSI & CO., Sept.1:; . lotie, N. c. n WALTER A. WOOD. Reaping and Mowing Jlaehine. TheliKhtcrt raont vnUtanthl and cheat, ImphnuntnMjo. K.illy wrra,.U.I. 1 Thn-lung Ma..!,in an.l or powcra of nd Ialuuiotc po. vr. Si,J in rt.r ordm 41.moa. Tyro. laridn Co N. C Land Deeds, Trustee Deeda, Ujrainissioner's Deeds, SherilT' Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, U. - For Sale at this oflift . MERCHANTS, Salisbury, A mnire of Wants we ire Trtvrr1 InmM rrr of the exaft and 1cantiful adantaMlit v of our pooti! iur Ilie purooa for wuicn the-y are made. Nor can we describe them in an advertisement. Tliey mn-t le itccn. Conic, therefore, to the IIanlwarc rtorr for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a att ain engine; fnan a jin to a atrawruttcr anv thin almost everv tiling. They hae A IVlAt SRX K always on hand cf ever Tariff e rtf Vt I. T .-. i:t.."i it,., " : - - ..i n, i mi, vii jwi v ra- I d.w, .S-ythe, 1(H) IVt-n Axt-e at low rrifv. In..... Irt- - . . . . . I ""'." 1 o'N rnre arwi rnrka, ; s71, the iwwmaTf.: iwn imow. touumd. I Ve mnt itrr. . '. . : r : t - - r- ---- - - - - w - r . w.trrant them toeive eatLkfarti. Timmn. on'a riow and Sulrii!cra. STKAW CUTTEPS, and a li.ot,ar.d lh;nr tiki n-d. Send in your order cr corr.e a;.d buy. Silikhnry, N C SALISBURY BOOK m C.i.;:m a:.i:a. A ! "h I'-.x a, l rt-o j 1 A V.... V f it :::!: i j i r ii , ; si, re vii"-'L i: i V;::; V J". . v. a: ! A V. S rnn. r.W.VIN I1.VI I R l'.';tf g M ; : i. : - A J.i .M.t-7- FURNITURE! J. A. CLODr MLTKU CO. .'nn('r n' Ihii't i, i I', rxiture. Invith :tN::tir.n to their . .1. C I . . . T 1 . 1 cl C i:.t!:il r Suit. French Suir-. Walrus? nr., j ..;.l C.,vf (-at Chair i 1.'.'.'. ! ;.:,.,'tlfi!,.'i:.,i WarJruW. . n. Vu. ?:;...:.. U'...l, X.Mro. j s' fa. bVe-pt.!.-i- I : j. r- i.i tl r.r; rS I.;. Al-i. j l:.ittrV f.t '(. .t !ty i'.ir.-otnpU-te- i-s. if:i.;- v. ( .:. .;. :ui.l .3 : -aln'it r. Abo. in iiiy otl,r aiiir w'.i,:, u p are jrepnretl tr well n- cht i or h aver any L' orcein the wc?rn p irt i the Stale r-- v .'. -t.r--.-. ' K Va W --'trj. vuv-i. - w tTr.wo . j j r? A fill n. ortc-.eiit of Koirroor rrtki; I ndAVolnnt r.uri.-il ( an wLith can be Inr- j ni:i.-u at ::in.i,:. m.:i-e. 1'"' -uri. to e;..l.ner!y oprK.sitc the Mansion i Not,-!. .-m i . -r ! . :-iv tVe Kit.rt .K t,f?:, e enr !.t(i4- nr;il hearo'ir jirieta. S;:.-ei-d nr.: t (:n ,'.. froui photographs in our t :Y. ) will L il1 j::. J. A deiraldc Unci: IIo with 7 room ard V ml no i-..,- . .it hor.c, t,,atsl in the moutd-MrH".!.. vir: of ;;,. lVr.awiahir(r tnp;i.t!i.4 v, can ai j.lvat lLi ofCce. tf:l- J. ii. ELLIOT c Co Manufacturers of Qotton Ca-ms. Witmiboro r 4V3m 1 SALISBURY IIKJII SCHOOL The Fall Term of Mr. II. T. BnrkVi School for y wiil .mrr.(nrc Sci. 17th. Tcrroa Sl2,.VifKr M-k.ion of t-n:r wrvka. Contin- gent fc I. A. DAVIS. 1 j..i intrxER. y J. S. Met UIJCINS. j Corn. An: 21, '72. Il: SHOTGUN CAlBESt Jit THE W0RUr.g at.a7 JJ M OR . THE WATCHMAN OFFICE is well supplied with A large and elegant assortment of PtAIN t EAICY 4 ... Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C.( suitable for all kinds of lANBMIil PRINTING. Also- Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Vi&iting, Party and Wcxliling Crrii ; College and School Circulars of all LinJt ; PAMPHLETS, Tubacxro Xotices and s LABELS for all purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrales and Solicitors; Or anything else required in tie Printing Line. THE (Earoltna iDaleijiiiQii XS X SETTST-ATER, Is a canditlxte for public favor. V circulation is good, and it ttanditf and patronage improving. It U ca of the best advertising nirxliurai the State, and offers its facilities a liberal terms as anj. REPAIRING. Swir.r Machir, UoVrllas rrf K " in Can, Atflt aod IWh hart, Ciwora, Btby Wajga, and ormol 'fA rt eluding rrpaira u bKkrt, 1v A, t Shop in ht rar 4 CVJfhrr Kur1 Store. Trrma low, but cavh oo 4Ur. J. T. UU Joly 1A 1872 4 limn. NOTICE. Tht Cotfits'iMnfirer of Iwdell Ct: , rrrfriteat their Officw io SiaUtrillf tBU JL 2Sti day of SrptrtnUT rX1 rW pnt1 Uiildinj a new Jail in ail cririty. to U boilt UVY. SO by 40 c. Urr hir. with a Capw a the 3rd fUr. - VUn and aprcitraJiooa tf lt r-iiW'"fcj Ar ta m at rJT.r fit V-r frr JOHN I) A VII N.. t rr4 rvi i ann ' " . . IrvdcllCVaxySXC- Cli ran fThMtrl Mortri April Srt. 18723My and wioM 2icr Uaalrf s

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