Carolina Ulatrijmau. 3 A USTirKT. TflU HSI) AY PtCEM BEH 5. SUMMAItY OF THE NEWS. OoT, C'aMwplI !. pardoned Kinchy Ann Edwards. She la the only white woman ever in - x , j v. won Jfcttll , 14 oioHinKC, uunyicicu at Ann IV.mi 1S71, of Lincoln Court, and sentenced to two years, has also jjcen pardoned by the Governor, , The & say Judge Watts will hold a special terra of Pitt court next week. Oyer and Terminer forJV"anceyJudg0 Cir non to meet early in January. Judge Moore U to hold a Special Term of howan Court, beginning on the 23d irmt. Special Court have been asked for Halifax Hftd Northampton, It i probable Judge Cloud -.wall prewue. - - A Court of Oyer and Terminer has been or dered for Macorj county by Gov. Caldwell. Ilia! Honor Judge Henry lias been commissioned to preside. The murderer of the late Calt. Jarratt h to be tried, ahd the court will be held next ( .Monday. 4 r Judge Uuxton will hold a Special term of Itobeson court, beginning on the Cth of January - In the recent Presidential Wi; ;n ' .t- ftate the total for Grant) 91,393 and the tota - ( , . wa.wva Ia a in for (,reeley I 07,439. Majority r Grant 23. iW-l with the counties of Currituck, Harnett, Hertford, ; .McDowell and Martin to hear from. Hog are selline at seven eenfainvma in 1L bevilleS.C. The Jew of Columbia, 8. C, are making ar rangement to build a synagogue. There are fifty three students at the Theologi cal seminary in Columbia, S. C. Rev, WhiteforTSmith is 4o resume his pro fessional chair in Waffbrd College S. C, The residence of Rev. E. A. Edwards, in the wiburbsof Sumter, S. C, was completely destroy ed by fire on the 21t ult. ' Tliree gin honse have been burned in Jasper counfy Georgia within the Jastlen day. The work of an incendiary. Several gin houses hare also been destroyed in other countie. If these diabolical outrages continue, we pre- rum vi ttuium in mat section ere long. . Woe be to the miscreant when the peo ple oecome aroused. The Epizooty i reported among the Oxen of Augusta, Ua. A negro father," mother and danehter csrnna- in at St. Louis, burned their shanty and per- inei in me mimes. Mary Somerville, mathematician and astrono mical writer, is dead. nni. - - w-v . neamer ixumation. from Liverpool for the Mediteranean ha been wrecked. Forty five jwenger and the crew were lost, The horse malady has reach Gal vestonJexas, , a neueoi statement from Washington hows a decreaee of tbe. tt.Lt .i jl.i million ; coirt in the Treasury, sixty nine and one Half million ; currencv. ten and o.;ni.ti. millions. , w ---V"' -aV,fcB Thf Trooana-oo c.ll, ill' r ..v......v, win uire. iiuuion oi ooia on each Thursdayand buy one million of bond each Wednesday of December. V rewvai oi religion is progression in the Jsaptist church at Raleigh. Svim A ronWdKato . t - n jorrine, r ranc. are putting up a mannfacturing'establishment in MorriHtown, Tenn. The wife of an Oregon Representative in tliP legislature has. trapped and not 358 squirrels i ma year. Sunny Side, the old Virginia home of Presi dent Madison, has Wen lately pojd for $5,700 Game ia so plentiful in Wameeo, Kansas, that quans are captured in house and cellar. A Yv . - vapi. iaviu imams, u. S. Guazer in Nash county, died from email kx at hi residence Jast Saturday nght. Several otlfler cases are re- loneu in tpat county The small pox, scarlet fever, and the measles are rageing about Barkersville in Harnett county. Twn tips; i joj 0,.,ii . v.. nui.ii jmja nave occurea in ' harlot te. Jlr. J. M. alton, of Burke connty, died at in latrter resi4ence las Sunday night. Jhn-M.McLanghlin, of Iredell, is dead, IleH wa a man or great usefulness in his conntv, and wa ihm mjiigli Chletm. Charlotte ha? the Epizooty very mildly. Senator Morton ha been re-elected to the U. Senator by the Indiana legislature. In St. Louis, according to the Hepriblican, tSey mane me best and handsomest bricks in the world, out of clay just a it is dug fromtheriver side. It l thrown first into a rolling mill and rnuea, arm thence passeMo a hydraulic Drew where the clay i forced into the mold by enorm on pressure, at the ratejuHObricWa mtniita The bn'ck i theft piled up to dry a little, and then burned. These brick have withstood a pressure of ninety .tons on a single brickwithout injury. That Yankeo scpnndrel and imposter, S. A (1.1 ma T.u rml.iil..,i..J! ! . ..v.nrummiiuuijf ins exposure in numbers of the Southern newspaper, ha made nw Appearance in i exas, and was recently elect ed to a professorship in a female college in Paris, Lamar county. He I still claiming to Be a nephew of Gen. R. E. Lee, and repeaU hi stolen lecture on "God in the Ocean," Jnd start ing that he lost his leg in the Merrjmac, in the amiiij-ion xioaua cght. Wr hnShca committed suicide in Savan nahr fa., few day ago. Urn. Woodhul! & Claflin have been baiM In 1 the run) of $2,oJ)0 each. This look like a dis position ca-tlie part of somebody to compromise matters. WhyAn't Beecher, the stnpendou huoibug, prove hi innocence of the charge made against lim by these women? J ndge Nelson of thp V. S. Supreme court has resigned. . (Dgrcps assembled last Monday. Antlionv of Rhode Island has been elected President protein of the Senate. DEATH OF HORACE GREELEY. The sad intelligence of the death-of the Hon. Horace Greely ha been received with univer sal sorrow. He was in piajy respects s grea man- ;HI snccessfnl career a a journalist and la persistence in what he believed to be right entitle im to our respect and sympathy. Peace io hi ashes. y' TUK ALABAMA KUilUOUL'O. The Ablxttaa Jgl8latnre,tratl tie re mains abputthu arne;'"friK'y!liave two laturc8,r each jclairnTtig to be a- le gal, body- .The, fiadV got , piorura by admitting several lufmbtra witlioat' icjer- lificaU s of election, who gave notice that they would oMitest the election f con servative members. TUe retiiing Gov ernor refased to recognize them, but the Tiewly elected Ooirenior : who has . jnt been installed nnl who is a Radical i coinstauicafing with the illegal body as thongh it waa the lawful legislature. The Conserved vea, met at the Capitol and having a quorum proceeded to busi Hess. The Governor refuses to recognize them, but they appealed tor (cn. Grant. In the mean time there is a dead lock, but -tike that in our Town. Legislature a few days ago, the people have to pay for it. What care the politicians I We fear the Associate'Editor of the Ral eigh Sentinel Ls assuming rather too much by seemingly undertaking to force hi own idea of aien and book upon others. He insists in making as believe that Mr. Fronde is the great- est living historian, (9m worthy successor of Hume, Macaulay, Allison, and the long Mid 1 lustriou line of Englishwrlters, &c., Sow, we .are inclined to doubt whether thefeditor re ferred . to will find any one who i ac quainted with Mr. Froude's historical effort that will agree with him in the high estimate le places upon him. - '. - The'Associate also throws a stone at the po em entitled 44 Beautiful snow," and calls In Mr. Wm. Hand Browne, the scholarly editor of the Southern Review, to help him annihilate it. Bat notwithstanding alj this there will yet be some people who will admire the sentiment, if not the measure and grammatical exactness, of the poem. We-have not the space to say more at present concerning the extreme literary style of our es teemed contemporary, hut promise hereafter,' as occasion may offer, to note such eccentricities a shall be deemed proper subjects for legiti mate criticism. THE AGONY OVER, The great agony is at last over, and we trust that all hand feel better, Judge Merrimon ha been chosen 'Senator for six years to come, not by the Conservatives,' but by'the Radicals. The united Radical vote with a few so-called Conservatives did the work, and deprived the white people bf the State of their first choice. With a majority of 22 so-called Conservatives, on joint ballot, the Rads have.elected a Senator What a 6ham 1 - Now, we believe in party discipline in loy alty to party organization in obedience to the will of the majority. This requires that the unan imous support of all the members be given to the candidate who shall have been first regu larly nominated by a majority of the conven tion or caucus having the right to make a nom ination for the party. Unless such support is given anrnch obedience to party organization is observed, it is worse than useless to attempt to effect anything as an organization, or reform ation in the Government. If we can not have harmony and concert of action if we can not have submission to the will of the majority as expressed through conventions. and caucuses of the party, then the so-called conservative party is a sham and delusion, and t organization should j at once lie abandoned as a miserable swindle? We have no patience with men who are continually berating about the oppressive measure of Radicalism, and who are yet un willing to atand by the nominee of the party- unleas such nominee happens to be his, own special favorite. But the so-called conservative party is made up of conflicting elements and we believe that it is impossible to merge them without a new organization. We want new and better men to lead. The people are true and will not surrender to Radicalism to the ne groes and carpet bagger if a fvw so-called leader do turn traitor and attempt to sell them out. We are in hopes that Judge Merrimon will not prove unworthy of the confidence hereto fore reposed in him by the good people'of this State. , He i able and understands, our wants well, and he can do u good service. We do not believe that he has changed his polities, and we shall not fall out with him merely be cause he ha been successful in procuring a seat in the U. S. Senate. He will disappoint those who elected him. - x y YADKIN RAIL ROAD. Editors Watchman f Attention ha alreadv been called to the meeting of the Stockholder at Al bemarle on the 17th of December. The impor tanceof this Road to our town and county, and the fact that the grave question of whether it hall or thall notbe built, will in all probability bedecided at that raeeting'must be my excuse for trespassing upon your column this week. Why ha this important' enterprise been nf. fercd to languish so long? Why thedelav, and whosethe responsibility? We all remember the enthusiasm with which the project was re ceived in its first Jnception. A liberal private subscription was raised with little trouble, and five per cent actually paid in to secure the char ter which is very liberal in its term. Stanley was ready to vote a liberal county subscription Anson was anxious and only awaited the ac tion of Rowan. Prominent business men, our leading capitalists, and largest land-holders were enthusiastic and active in their exertion The prospect waa fair and flattering of success. Business men were more hopeful property owner didn't know so well abont selling just yet men of means were examining our advan tages a a manufacturing point, and really our Kip van Winkle town was opening it eyes to the fact that it had a future ; when all at once and unexpectedly onr worthy County Commis sioners frustrated and thwarted the whole affair by declining the . very reasonable request to leave thequestion to the people to decide I 'Twa like a shower of icicles in June! Nobody ex pected, and very few desired any such action, and we protest that thU strangling-before-birth jolicy has been kept up long enough. It is detrimental to our best interests, and is proving disastrous in its rulS. We want an outlet to our natural, market. Who does'nt recollect when our fathers wagoned to Cheraw, car rying produce thither at high paying price? We want competition in freights" and increased shipping.facilities, to relieve us of present op pressive disci iniination practiced by the N C wiuuu our reuciw it us to vrcrtK in enmesi to bnild the Yadkin Railroad. It will open' op to ua i the natural 'market lor our product;-it will enhance the value oi . real estate fiftf per cent in twelve months : it will give hew life to larming: new energy and emerprif e 10 manuue tnring,' pev impetus to trade. Let u build this Road by all mean, or at least let ns not give j up the charter nntil after every effort has been put forth and exhausted. Wen treat once more our Commissioner to take some definite action, that the people may decide for themselves. Let eveiy stockholder be represented at Albemarle to prevent any factious, suicidal action. STOCKHOLDER. From the Greensboro Patriot. , SACRIFICE OF REAL ESTATE. It ia a Fell known fact that real estate in this country, put up under a forced sale, is generally sacrificed little or nothing being realized from it. 1 here arc reasons for this, not the. least of which is the in sufficient notifications given on sale. Sheriffs, trustees, executors, Ate, hereto fore have been in the habit of sticking up tiotice at a few points, generally speaking in writing, and at points where they fail to attract public attention, and are read but byte. Th cousequence is, when the sale takes place it is attended by a half a dozen or less people and the pro perty is knocked down for little or noth ime because here is no competition. This is-all wrong and not the intention of the framers of laars. The owners of property euff-r by it ; creditors suffer by it; the State indirectly suffers by it, and no one gams by it hut a few land sharks who watch the courts and take advantage of the misfortunes of their neighbors. We know of instances where good lands lave been actually thrown a way, and but a few wi eki- ago we heard of lauds sold within a few miles of here for less than $1 per acre, well worth five times a much lhis can be remedied to some extent and justice secured to those interested, if the Legislature will pass a law leqnmng Sheriffs and others acting in official capa citie9 to advertise appropriately properties coming into tht-ir hands for sale, m some- newspaper, and where that cannot be done then by printed poster. We venture to sav if this he done it will have a beneficial effect and materially iucrease the amounts received from lands sold nnder executions, &c. We endorse the above suggestion as rijrht and proper; but we have never said much about it because some of the member of the Legislature last year pretended to consider the proposition to compel execution sale to be advertised in a newspaper as a scheme to benefit newspaper publishers. ut we do think that execu tion sales ought to be adverti.ed in the news papers, and we don t care wlfether such notices are given to us or not. e were never a great favorite with omce-holders. Charlotte Democrat. We fully concur with our esteemed contemporaries-, and we liopo that the Legislature will act upon the suggestions made. They are worthy of careful consid eration. We would atao suggest the propriety of a law requiring all public Boards, mu nicipal and count, and all public officers who have charge of public funds, county treasurers, wardens, &c.,&c, to make a public annual statement through the pub lic prints of all moneys received and dis bursed by them. The present method of keeping the people in the dark with re spect lo these things, is an outrage that demands redress at "What say the Legislature ? BANKRUPTCY. Under the amendment of Juno the 8th. 1872, bankrupt are allowed, in addition to the Exceptions under the 14th section of the Bankrupt law, the Exemptions of our State law, viz : a homestead of the value of 1,600, and personal property of the value of $500, amounting; iu all to more than two thousand dollars. In all cases where the homestead has been laid off and allotted by assessors, or ap praisers, under the provisions of the St,ate law, and "fraud, complicity or other irre gularity " in the matter is not shown, the same will be respected and enforced by the Bankrupt Courts. In all cases where the homestead has not leen laid off and allotted pursuant to the provisions of the State law, the Bankrupt Courts will order it to le appraised by three disinterested appraisers, as provided by the State law. The lleterxion in the homestead will not 1 sold by the assignee under the orders of the Bankrupt Court?, whic h, practically, gives the homestead to the bankrupt in fee iiIe. ' 2 To secure the'payment of fees and insure immediate action in all rases, the follow ing deposit must be made with the Clerk of the Bankrupt Court at Salisbury, to wit: $30 for the fees of the Register, and $35 for the fees of the Marshal and Clerk of the District Court. A deposit of $r0 to secure the payment of the Register's fees is provided for by tJts.lair, and the Tistriet Judge require it, as well as the other, to be made. These deposits must be made bv the bankrupt at the time of tiling his M titin nnd until they are made, no proceed iiurs will be had in the case. This sum ($85) will be sutlhient to pay all the cost I'm nearly every case, (except the assignees fees.) and where it is not sufficient, the remainder will be taxed by the Clerk, and. w ith the assignee's fees, must be paid before the bankrupt can obtain his discharge. All communications, and papers of every kind, m relation to the administration of the omce, and all deposits of money, must tic sent to ."Lewis II asks. Clerk of the Court of Bankruptcy," at Salisbury, N. C, who viU hate rharte of the hifneA of the ojftee. which will continue to be kept there. The Schedule wuxt altrav le huule. tmt in duplicate, and nil the forms prescribed y tne supreme Court ahould U fl,d If all the forms are not filed, the petitioner should state under oath, that it is lwcause the missing ones are not needed to com plete the schedules of his property and in debtedness that he has none of that nar- tic-ular kind of property or that particular kind of indebtedness. Oaths to thei Sched ules and Petition, or other statement, may le made before any U. S. Commissioner in the District, and the papers and deposits forwarded in any mfe way at the risk of the party sending them. In all cases where there are no assets, or where there are no debts proven, the bankrupt may apply for a discharge from his indebtedness at any time after the ex piration of sixty days from the adjudication of his bankruptcy, and in other cases after the expiration of "six months. All interest ed are poriicnlArty requested to bear this r 4t i ? . t A r- , , . circular n. wneU tor the m-t form at ion of all ccmcenietl. - ... - - , . anu inw Hie ! sanction, of HghM avthorify. By ; K. H. BROA I) FIELD, Ilriter in lianknipev. LEWIS II AXES. Clerk. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 2, 1872. A Sun reporter visited the bedside of r r i i . ir. ureeiey, eaucsuay nigiii. j- rom . 1ns repoit we gather the following facts ' . ,1 .1 i I relating to the causes of the untimely death of the distinguished journalist and 1 philosopher : Dr. Brown-Seqnard, the great Pr:t physician wlio cured the Hon. Charles Sumner, Dr. Brown and Dr. Choate, wire in consultation !i.Tliey d fined Mr. Oree- ley's disease as anorganic affetrtin of the brain, the result of physical proetrati.iii consequent upon his unremitting attend ance ut the bedside of hie dying wife. He went weeke and weeks "WITHOUT SLEEPIXO more thau an hour a night ; oftentimes and for long periods without food. His affection for Mrs. Greeley was deep-seated anp sincere, and the probability of her ap proaching loss kept his tuiud in a con tinual state of exhaustive excitement. Sine her death, the immense power of endurance which Was so severely tested during her long sickness and suffering, suddenly gave way and a powerful reac tion set in which h fi hiui completely enervated and prostrate. Ilia nervous system was utterly gone. The nerves of hi stomach were first affected to such a degree that he could not retain his food. Since then lie ha gradual ly failed. On the d.iy before yesterday be lost consciousness. His last coherent words were: "The country is gone, the Ttibune is gone, and ( am gone." From this it would seem that Mr. flrec ley himself had a premonition of his ap proaching dissolution. THE OVER VOKK TH AT DID IT. The representatives of the pre, who accompanied Mr. fJreeley on hi journeys in New England and in t ho West in An-ust. and S-ptembrr last, say that he did not average six hours a night in bed whilo making those great journeys and dcliveiing the wonderful series of speeches w hich so happily surprised hi friends. One day and night he delivered eighteen speeches, and on another twenty-two. Add to this tremendous strain of nerve and brain, the throe weeks of constant watching at hi suffering Wife's bedside, to which he hastened. on his return from his trip to the West, and wc have the problem solved. SYNOPSIS OF THE PUESDEXT'S MESSAGE. After a short recess, the President's mes sage was, at 1:10, received and r-ad It commences with a recognition of th,- biss ings wltis'h th American people hav enjoy od within the past year, the only exception b.-int thu creat tire in lWton ; it refi is to the Genera arbitration and its satisfactory iesuua wuicn ii leit me two fioverntnnts, : A 1 t.-..i:.L ... t , .-iinr-i nau .inn iiituMi. Miiooui a naiow n i their friendly relations, which it is aiiwerely hoped may forever remain equa'ly unelou vil. It recommends th immediate creation of a board of eonnnisMoneTs to decide on the amounts to be paid to individuals. It com pliment Mr. Adams aud Mr. Bancroft tor their eniiuent services iu the-mutter of the Geneva and the San Juan Arbitrations, the d-cis-on in the latter cae leaving the Uni ted States with nit question as to the d'imu ted boundaries. In regard to the fisher i.-s and to our relations with the British North Americau prov inces, the Presidont says tha. he has received notice that, the Imperial Parliairirut and the Dominion Government had passed laws to catry the provis'ous of the treaty of Washington into operation, and he there! re recommends the legislation of Congress in the eatne direction. lie speaks of the friendly relations of the United State with all th government f Europe. He refers to the Vienna Interna tional Exposition, and recommend the tit ting np of two National vessels to convey th Igoods of exhibitors to Trieste, ar.d that a proposition be mad to have the next great Exposition in this country iu lG at th time of tha Centennial Celebration iu Phila delphia. He refers to the distiitlxul condition of Cu ba, and says that no advaocH towards naeifi- catiou in that Island ha been mad, while the insurrection had gained no advantages, and exhibited no more the elements of pow er, or ai hieved succe than a year ago. Neither had Spain succeeded in repressing the insurrection The parties to the strife were standing in the ram attitude a for a long time pat. The continuation of slavery in that I1aiid he regards a am ng the strongest cause of the continuation of the strife, and he thinks that the abolition f slavery and the institution of other reforms thre could uot fail to advance th restora tion of peace and order. It was greatly to be hoed that the present liberal coverument of Spain will voluntarily adopt that view. Referring to au relations with Chill i an.l Japan, the Presid-nt recommend provis ions for maintaining fair American youth in each of those countries as part of the de poiie family of Ministers. He gives detail of ti e Revenue received in the past year, and of the reduction of the amount of ,,ver oue hundred millions of the public: debt. II expresc a doubt whether any further reduction intaxatiou is practica ble for the present, and he recommends that no more legislation be had on that subject except to correct errors of omisidou or eom Mdssion iu the present law until sufficient time shall have elapsed to prove that it can b done, and still have sufficient revenue to meet current expense, pay iuterest ua the public debt aad provide for the sinking fuud. He suggests also that the curreuey ahall be as bimiu a possible brought to a par with gold. He say that various enterprises will be brought t the attention of Congress f,,r the cheapening of trxnstwirt from ihe West the Abintie searost. and sug gests that sreps should he taken to gain all a mi. ante information to t-r.sure equitable and judicious legislation. In this connection, he refers favorably to the proposed route to connect the Mississip pi valley w ith the Atlantic at Charleston aud Savannah, by wav of the Ohio and Tennes see rivers, also to the propo extension of the Kanawha and James river rat al and Chesapeake and Ohio caual. ai d to Ihe pro posed canal around Niagara Fall. He say that there should be an almost cent iu nous syaem of land-looked navigation from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico, uature having provi ded a greater part of the route, ar.d the ob stacles to be overcome being within the skill o engineers. He calls attention to the weak cess of the American navy, and endorse the recommendation of the Secretary of the nary t.'C'.'vii ! n . n . i : . ...A v:t iiuiruus. . iiH iaium Hie nuoiiiioD li li.v i.i;.t . .v.i.- r.-i.: t..ti . commends a modificatjou f its isttc 4 vil H He also reoommend the adoption of the test method of acquiring title to all U-itgra4i lines now in operation, and of connecting that ser vice with the postal service. It U not probable that the subject can receive proper ooiJ era lin at this n-ion, but be ti)itiktbc movement might be initiated so thai ftXmuon n.av U bad fair lo the covcrn- umzP J"1 ' private partiea concern!. I,r J5iir!jr nnw isr.tZiia ai-i He cJU auemioa to the-ahriuiug fallirsg efffarr in lhs AmeIWAU Wrxir trade, and rtvatbatflifc a yearly mveotuivot of five nullum dolbrs fur the next five years, to restore that trade, would up a profitable iiiYi-trm-nt. Referring to the Kn Klux outrages, the Pre sident exprisKn his ecnvietiuii that ihv time i not far dUlant l-n the ottioos advantage- of good order and peace will induce an abandon ment Of such combination, when it will be un necessary to carry on the roeentior. or to in flict punishment in or lo protect cilixrlt from the lawle thing of sach coiubinatioits. He uiaKT aucgffttioiis in regard to the Indi an, that thev sha!I all be confined to the terri tory south of Kansas, and that farm be secured to them in fee and m wveralty. He recommend that a further reran l-e ta ken iu 1&7G, but that no re-appoinUnt ut of member of Conre-a be made undr it. In only one of the territories, Utah, is the condi tion of affair rejrarded by the President on satisfactorv. It had seemed to be the jolicv of the l'uh Legislature to evade all rr-j.orwilaJiiy to the Government, and even to hold, iiioa hctilc to it. He recommend a careful revi ion of the present laws, and the enactment of law thnt will secure jn-ace and the eqnalify of -ill citizen before the law, and the ultimate ez-tinjriii-diiiient of oligauiy. He recommend an appropriation to reim burse the city of Washington for reservation and for the eDileIli-lim nt of the public build ing and grounds. He firur action to cire greater eclat and icr to the obwrvnrtof the ( tntenuial Anniversary of American Inuc ndence. In regard to civil service, he will carry out thi rules during his term of .Ecc, but tugg! that there should le direct action of Congre to make the system binding on hissuemwor so as to scure to the pu'.lio servioe a praetieal method of oVrfaining fiiihful and cCiciri-t ufii cei and em ploy ci. The reading of the macc vm completrl at 2:5U p. ni.f having occupied one hour and ten minutes. THROW OUT T1IK VOTES. We arc delighted to learn lint tin-re i (rood nrosnedof bavin''o i. be Attorney d Xereu Mend.-n. h ill to bo supeni:teiilent of Public Iu structioti I be counliiig of votes in the legislature, it is said, reveal such a re sult. As to not counting the votes in which the initial were wrong we have excellent K idival precedent far the same. It will he remembered that Mr. Mnrler, of Yadkin was unseat d i: 1SG3 because of a similar mistake in his name. We are for commending h.r same chalice, bitter as arc the ingredients, to th lips of the men who foiced us to dthik of it in the days of their plunder ar.u power. M ike theiu swallow luedicine of tlu ir own com pounding. Do not even allow them to hold their no.-ea io the act of deglutition. We learn that iu the county of Franklin there is a man by lite nam-o .Jami8'C" Held but ho a-s not i f :.da; t!e for the othce of Sup. i itilend nt 4 I'uLlie 1 ii:nic- tlrTi 1 1... i..,,..... ... pL'i.o:i who was a ca'iiii.iaie in hi uanii. Th" vot cast had no 'C t IO" J unit " ." Reid etin lv did not b;-- or" to him. Si iilo cl. JUDGE MEIJIUMON ELECTED U. b. SENATOR. Th" folh.wing is the proceedings of the Eeljtnre : point ses on last Tue-'dav Tl.e Joint Assembly convened at 12 o'clock. The c! ik of the lla-se it a 1 ihe pro- C erUigs of the pievious djv .-I'SS'MI . 1 In- 1 resuh'iit aniiouiicnl the t-iccliot! of E. 8. St n ilor to be i:i order. Mr. Cowle- no'iiinated Hon. Z. 11. Vance, ol Mr-ckh nbur-r. Mr. llanner nominated Hon. A. S Meiiimon, of Wake. PENATC. For Vance Missis .pi .iker, Allen, Hamhardt, (.'owh s, Cunnir,cham. Davis, Dunham. Ellis, of Catawbe, EUi, ofC0. umbus, Flemuiingj-fiidger, Horton, Mc C'auley, Miller, Mofiiiead, f llockiiiham, Murphy, Muirav, Nicholson. Norwood, Price, Scott, Sia'tl-ud, Todd, Troy, War ing and Worth 20. For Merrimon Messrs Av. ry Cramer Chamberlain, Eppcs. C-andv" Hauis, Hill, Holhiman, Humphrey, Hymati Kinp Long, Love, Mahson, McCahe," McCotler, Meriirnou, Powell, Kfsp .-, N'voiour, fcmith, Stilhy, Walker nnd Welch 21. HOUSE. For Hon. Z. H. Vane, Messrs, Speak er Hobinsoii, Anderson, of Davie. H dlard, Ucnneit, Ulackwcll, Drown, of Mecklen burg, Dryson, of Swain, D.yant, of Pin, Bryan, of Sampson, Bryan of Alleghany, P..- . . j i i iiuiiarii. nvtii i nner i Trior, l." lianl, (Jidney, (iilmer. (iraudv. Cudr "'-sssa.awm i-auiiful. , ., , A o rai.ui, i Haynes, Uoastou. J. l,ron. ' Jone. : h,!L,V?k"i "V. Liihlwell, .Jones, ol Oranire. .Innpi !,...... . . . Jm it ' vi x' wy. UCM'' Ma"!"ivl.ialdetu ll.e lov.rof fl ,-w-rs Oue weil, McUibee, MtNell, Mitchell, Moore, Hundf el and Fftf jn.g.-s. ..t, fine tUt-. MossMorrinon, Noiruenl, Oml iw, Pres- pr m e H-e Hundr. ,1 Kt-ca try. atnl a son, Heid, of Meckleuhur-;, Uichardfou fM''1; Colored Vltte nt-d Vltmi i,rtr. Settle, Shaw, Shiun of Cab uiiis, Shack ' i1 ll" V)xy l ! '"' "f - " " HtM Ki. I nor- ellord, Mandf .rd, Stowc. Todd Turner Wailick. Waddell Watson Vel.h Ut ' Woodhouso. ' ' i tor Hon. A. S. Merrimon Meiigif. Abbott, col., Anderson, of Cky. Bvd 'er 1) !!.! I. .. J . O t B I'd II IIIVII10 Krnm. II nf Davidson, Bryan, of Wiike,, B.ks', Bunn.Coiiekiid.Cari.oii lljt.!.... ii..:.' - J V , IUV. U'lKUIl . lrnvii Dudley. Dula, Elliso., Fktcln r, Fur Godfrey, Gorman, (ioud y, Gray, Hca,! mr, Hea'OM, Ilinnaot, Hu-Iics. j.,cs of Camden, Jones, of Noithmupton. Jo uer Kiug, Lh.yd, Lutterhd! MaUot,. col., MrLanrio, col . M.lh r. Mirhtl X...J Putiick , Kischall. lny,cf Biaden, 'lT' ! f M . 1. I.. . . 9 ' ive, it liiiilt 8 1 tea. "to't, Siiatpe, o.hc.i, inveit, W.vuU, Winrh.xvn, Wil i.auis.-n, v. iiiu inore, U be. Ui 'I ? Ik . 1 IlWJiS.Ult that th i. 1 . . ill'-' rU?l( (tit riiii. ni. . w.A Were vo.... . 1 . i -- '....v-U 1 tlalL llli-i. 1 i t t ' ' I'Utulrrj J Uoire en in...', r.....;. ...1 t - 1 i T. ..o.uu a) m,u n,if,r. nor SO, ai d declared that Ju.lg.. Jleriiinon liut ii g ireeived h major:! v of iU tote cast, was thctid Ut.Ued Sutcs oenator tor tl. i-cxt term. av. A V011 KING BODY. After a two week's acq,ii,,tanc we feci justified in informing th people of ortll Carolina thai the prcjcm lM tDrsu wotkin-r, practical, inielligeut body of Keprepentatives. Seertlimporuiot billf hire kea 1. 1 lT-ay f if I It ,rl d'.Ht . I i- 1 L wiV s'"" M o"i oHVidcralie rr. rgy aw4 i-", 2 i i and ' iri licatiof.i set to to pntrt to a ihort Cfiion,, Tbf , Only dchy thus tar has bceu the 4emdlok oa th- Betmttriai ro trttbul w mm iu hope thai brfore th; Usue rvaci.r many of nur readers, the matter will be satisfactorily sc'.tled, and a god and, true man ch 'ecn. We bv Ih-h struck with the fact that the- L-giUlure 14 few piraiit for !un- Com, 'rrpatalioa. Although it c uUina a ti iiumU'f of voting turn, some tf de cided promise ai.d tab ut yet wr lnvt strii iia caca iii mrrres ivpteat, out toodestr, lh' t t t vUh-nc of tnrif, has charttiiiiizcd the di-.aitn.cut of ih jut ir Jlepri'srntati . On this subirrt wc rr, mwml ihr f.illow- tne hint t all ttir nu mUis of the un sent . . . . . . . . igiMaiurx-. o,a aua veuug, wuicu we uiki i i . .i i .. j . t!i in an : "I Served," say Tfoma JrfT-rn.n iu his Mcio'.irs, -with Cct.eral W'upbirgtoo in the legislature of Virginia lef.,reihe "Revolution, and dmitig iu i:h Ir. "Franklin in Ci.grfs. I nevirheatd 44 oitht-r of iheiu apeak ten uiii.ute it ' time, nor to any but the ruin p-u.t, which n i oi cit.e ine tjuesiiwji. 1 v 'laid thii shoulder to tbr rwioi "knowing that the li tie ones ..uld lak. " care of lhi-utlvr ' Xrtrs. f!fOI FAttUINO -Ws ar Iwava paa,ea io note oprovr,c,,ts , ui,,,,,- and cl.eeilu.j v K-ne yUcc to the folio i faniuhid hy fr;c:.d, a aa c:d ncc of p-i..'. I i 1 1 pf : Mr V I i :;.i.!.. ..r.i.: ;!. ., . i " m 0. ntoii i'i hup u i" iiimi i'ihj raiw d 2?b bn-hel -f cm nn .' acr, bring a fraction ove r .'54 huih U to the acre. Of i he ." arte was htlom, ai.t1 3J cmiiioii unl.ii.J. Tin- jrtund wan w 11 ploughed tn iru to f.lanli.ij:. hut after wids, the ciop being kept c'ei Lj a Cultivator or 1Im- Harrow. Mr. (iriinblrV corn is .f m fine yellow variety, and wrio ronidt-rabh ntxivr the tl.iud.-itd wei-ht r,i ,'jG iiod to the bushel, when slu lhd. See l c iu tw ob taiued of hi.u f wii!el. S'ihm Press. An i iiiiii V.i.n i imn." The Phila- J. 1. i : . r. . ... .i . .... u tpoi.i i c-.v Mate uni oi;u lut-n, eni- ployui jo tin navy Vatd in tliat rit-, ; ' re ii. formed n Tuei!ay that ih-ir -r- ; vices wen- no ho -.-r rin;rd. It i al.-o ' staled in the N tfolk p.p.-rs that number j have been discharge. 1 f'roin:h navy atd l'ortmouth, Va. The New Vik papers say there will also be a pieat reduction about 200 in that navy yard. THE GUEAT PltTuIUAL AXNTAL. HofitMer' United Staes Almanac f .r lT.'l. for listiibt!!ioTi. qrrtti. through , ut tiit U :iit tl States, and aU tivi!'.7el coiititri' of the Western I J"!nipi,,-r'. i tow ti.ij;.i,,? and ready in n. Kr:. for rll. :ei,v r to f (Jer- irwii'a:!, ei.-!i. Suivi:i i H 1I 1 1 .1 . 11 ,lo i.i n. !.;;! Sp.ei.Uh l.u: !.: c-c. i a :-d who vri-h to 'in !,! ! :!. jn... ;Oi;!- o.-o;.!.y ( h 1 r. :oi y-.- .l.-r I i. ! s:'ir---P:,..i s it -.Ins. Ii; a ! :i I ti..n to aa'.- i:;t-i!;ral alir" on tl ', e. --;. j'l t- "iif iJti I r .f a tiet v;i ri ty . .' 1 --. s -s. K -ii"r ( a .r.'f of irif rio i'ioi! to the r.-!..-u.t. ihe ineeh ui t! e i;-i'.ei . i !. f -inner, t i.e j .4 u r r . and professional :nmi: ifid tU-clr.i!.i k.ijs ha"l.een uind- l' rso.h i- i -idians arid lati- ! x V Ii - a- nre ioo-t mi : l 'e f r a e.. re t aud p'l'.rel: 1 -ive N. ; i". t, C.m.kxpxk 1 l.e i:a!uie. i;m-, at '1 e tr.e ri"i: . .: rv -;t'ii :iry. .ti' ftsof Hosti-'Tcr's -o:iiarh l"iUer. 5 lie ionic and ':-:! i e ..f n ore than half !! Chri-tiaii v.oil i. are full v set fortli in ' its pag'-s, w iiu h are hiso inter -or...l ui: 1 p;cor:al ll ' ..i s, v a r c" for the Lousi hold ar.d firiii. ii'imi T"ii an-cl 'te. a:.i! o'her i:-;re,-tir and .'.ning lea'.ler. iriginal and sehtel. Am. n the Annuals to appear wit ir e opei . 1 pe;ii g of t! te vea, 1 lii 1 in- one 01 11.- IU..-1 list nil. aii l tii't( tf ! had for the a.hit,.j. The proprietors. Messis. j Hotetter Ac fMnitli. Pitt-burg. Pa., ou re- -:ii - r.j . -1 , , ij'i "i a 1 wort ut si i'i j. w 1:1 T.rvvartl a ipy by mail to any person w'ai caniio piiHur- one in h's lieighli i), 1. T;n. I5ill-rs are sold in every ty . town -od vidiag-. .iml are extensively used t iiroiigho'.'l tlie entire ci ii ized v.rld. M AU1.1ED, , At the Kcsiter' Ofli.-e in thi cilv bv J Thoniasoii, E-j., Wm. M. Caublc :ind Na:n-r U'.fiV. Ur the natie, Nov. 2S. Mr. Jlv'ier C. .. i4it nd I iss S ian ( '. llof iSi. r-eoi'. v. VICE'S FLnliAL ,ril);.l FUR lino. The fJritr. is now pub died tr rni.v j which U ti..t l.aii :W r-'t. i ri-mi jiajs n.r tl.e jeitr. Jour I.uuiImts, r tl. f., i i. ., i t.-.i ii.iu -He oi. i i,i s- w:io aiier- ,. ; ..... I .;. .' . . . 'vi ...i r wanls fend money tota- auo:iitf mr lkl bir or more for Se. d. uiy :il or.ler Tu.-n-t) five Ceut worth extra the price for j the (i uide. . . . ... givtog -nigim for arums. vv" ' o.i.:uu . umm oi iu:oriuaiiiu J'1' pnui.-i m hi a- d t;ruiu. i ud r1a 1.. out. JAMES Vli K, i:tH iiE'n:u. N. Y December ." p:tf. -The Oldest and B t of the Kclc clics." Ecleclic Magazine. nrSLUSt lUBE N(iV!.j With the nomlH-r f -r January, the ECLKC TlC eutr npoo its twenty. idnth var. It eleans 'he rb...r.-i at lirhi th eitir f.el.l of f.,r. j .-it .;.-.! jre. t.d...Ttf The u-ri . lENTHTC AUT1CEE.S. The best ESSAYS. The l.,t Hi. VIEWS. T e ,..t ( l I l-MS. The 1. m I'.! ri U.M'SI 1 !.KETCin:s The ! , ,t u EES. The i.e.. sjik: r s i;n;i:. The be.t I HAMS. . Th- bet MlsrilEE ANTE'. The fi-.. m I EEE i:N;ii.TN(;s. The n.i , . f the ECLECTIC i 'oh. j Strnrtive U i::i.- t be:Uii didl. a .1 e21ertitiili2 j without beil,if Ilendiri tf. IM-eil I ititn. ti .11 a !! it. hin'-ieme-.t ..ti'd iv !:. t-. . . .. . 11 a on., j crittn. -,j a y tr : tvle ( o;.ir Vietnts. Ltlrml IrruiM to dnh. The EC LECTIC iriti U tmt irilh ov bther perioii ctd at hn e$t c1b rates, A d lrta. E. U. 1-KLTON. pah i.Eer. 1W Enlto!! St reel, Nrw-Y".tk. Deccmher S - m . - . ' r iMTbv (. Jll'tlol W I . 4tM It- rur I dvrJnetl oa or before tL 1 ih !r , (, 4 I ., tert A. v. i.3. - - WILLIAM A 1! i Xer. IS. !? 1 Adm'fJ T!,., ... , . ,. m 'liKi Attenlion Everybody!" All ihnxe having cUinw acir.rt W. I . w" ' T. C Wkiaon, eiiLtr a tTitij.j M ectirity iSl prot the nnr to Hirttm rftr. n .r Ufi the day 4 !rrkUf. A;r the iuHrrimcd. N. 11, 12) W. F. W ATsriN T. C. W.t iMiS o:-y. A STHAY COW. i u,r1 LT V e ucr. crc-y o.4 i Jit lb I.ri t . u ji t, i.BB i, . - . .T' ... . ! . . ; U f.f(MWr, T. etmrra lr t by proriu prujny anj paring iat iLt 1 'i,r e. V T' iL Mil4. CAlifLINA m.nV. Di3scIution. I Till: firm nf Hrsiur. A Corns U U.U . ot-w.lveJ by n i:ua1 (uikki.l pu iz, it, z. The nrJ-tipTXNj mil rrnt rw ts attrJ Ut ah in Toau or cvuitrv ml,t, t mlU4 u ! tf5- J. K. LL'HKIl FOR SALE. Tb Iitir,, , W. Kir. L. t. tuctir n-.-d by .; aa .3,r. UWV. Ai.y , i"1 J ' ba-ire W !! i j ti e tuJTiri-'l. Tlx- UoildiiHt a U 1 r. i, ! t ri.mi)i, jr. J.J. St MMi:i:LLL join t r !.. 200 IIKADOFBMICF Cattle WAotf d. The- m ?er;-l rn'ih to : .irrir T " lit t. dir l ft IWf Citj!r, fr ak a thrt t parel lo ia thr hifht M . T . TbeV WiHjld aloolt.f.m the e i4t-t .f sV l:rv that tin r an- ftmuhir, tbc tu&rte l- f f 'r titt.r- ft t.ti4 r ; on W. Jr, Wt-doiaV, IriJ tS S!i.f. n, ft i:i.i:vi a i' i:hiX ? A -Ito: PAl.lsiiri; V, N r . Nvoi'-r lt 1 1 2 he Pjrr.i .f Tbeo. V. !C! i:ti A. V. ".. t T t.H t OH ti- .Utii i!,f hi.tira 1 of I r i 1 1 a 3 r-a. TLi- l.-: ,;. f.., a iier lofore bv Tlo. 1". Vr arecrtteful U otir friod tJ l,f j.t. jr for toe very stm-rou patn.n.-if e cin-n u m.C IruKt it my Ik- cxnUuoed U ihw Ui' xn:;ir ineoi r of i!k- jirn:. ( .ir rtiM. arr all made oit. ar-l will ! pr . nt'-i .it oocjr pnfmftd. inr f riet.d iH : V"-" t tv eiliii:jr rttnUv. TilWi. V. KLITT7, 8: tfj t. . ih:nik!:.. THE0. F. KLUTTZ I' l i i: ". t:;a.. f. Kt.t TU a Drucist riiarinacLst. salisi;i j:v, x a by j..:-! I'll- I : ; v b.isi 1 e :i-.-t - ergv, .11, J ((,., i ! - a ui.reniitlim. I "fu:cih to :'. dettl of loisio i 'r s - . 1 ! -,.. t d t t (ply in ct-r ' I'n.-.-. Ft- 't a ; ! K-l'afie (. : lie i...-. ,,t jh,. ;;.!.. pr.rrs. P.1jic;.i ra-! .mil 1". - ipti.-i -! alany mf r"Upt a'id . r. I . pi.riMlii Mtteutiofi. I'm- l.'-l i'f.! leu of i:tl. fV.iiM-t -. .1 t :e .is ,.,..i.;,. 1 ii)) 1 I : ' 2 1 ci" ' at t! r Tl'.l ' I fit O tl C 'f ' I ii i if tl it i .f tri.l ur 1 ' - 1 trust that mv ffitol; w ii re-i.uiU " " -""-( in 11-11 IIMUH rti... ii; . 1 ' J f r it i til TH1. P. KEI T17. r-.-tf. A CAKD. -; I'". 11 retire f rt m the I'ru-; lw in- with i!o- inteii'ion of r-utuiiy tl.e l'rr-lu-e of Mi3irinc al ri esrly dny, and lr-ir t re: urn r.itu li thanl for the hta-ral ptr nak' civet, loe firm of Kiuttz A Co., and tru-l itut the vifnc iu ; v Kc crntiniHl to hi T-ffim I I .'fmir Mr. 'I heo. V. Kl i'tt. : Mr. K'.uttx i a r uil'-iimi i' rr rgv tt.d, r ..U'lru. and a !rjrKt on liuai sii aa- wl;h J-ru-;- conli'JrlKXS. Nov. 7 "11: t: if. SPECIAL NOTICES. AST1I VI A Ar y mod u.e im I, ; U;s vr.:e'lv !'.iros, ya of thi dn-ajful j, vrx'.V i.e h.iliei! ui't'W.y 1 t':oi4i'iU of -.!..?.-. i'(iee. ri;ljettes .c.t. ..j.a: y Ji.t o tt HJT-; " t h' llt'ui'V 4 fc..;i tii""m t nh.Ui: ...i:ri-e-.s!.l ..itest tt. it wo-Let.'ul f r- CTi in the a, o-t -er-r cs-e. t h i; I C . proprietor, il'e-t;.!. YilY.Y. A U KUTlI Nr. ft-r.rr ta f . fn-ui H ti. i it .' f...ui' .f la '.V 3. .!. Vl'.l r I V! I" M il' :m i i: a a -p - .fi tl.e - ;o i L. If w't-1-t . c It- v ! ; ti i n-..;. a i v t .' f ..t 5 1" i' J.v-r. nil--- ..' ..i.T i ! .e I!- e"i '.' .11 ui i! li pre.l, f (.Vr th 1 A Ji'-.f.e IKINT.SLKUIT V: n TKl.T.'I l-Ker-h r j tij.u in u 1!.- '.; t'. f . h dr'wkdn K' ; t . t. j i ter1. i-.4 i ik r t j do .t. ia 1 tti . 1 . h!.- ( ' t "1 .; ti'ifc 1i;.;h-J ia tic frtf-..t t.t. k. r a day. who wile srrFKK ! it -wutw im e lr.TtU' Vra:tin Eit a.i.-t : pt.t le. ior the pi Me-; warrant: ;.r ' ' 1 - '5 "Livi.if It i-iiaaiii... llejuii.-. v . ' Erfi-e. Old ..f..., ii, sr. I.:...; ! . ,. - a: . atid it 1 r-rrer failed. NdJ a'.i i '..(i l-t. lo J4Tk l'iaee. N ot. r .- . tif in ia it - ' I 94 . ;S li.. 4 1 .1.. ... . I !.' ( -rr. 'I.. rr r .' -t . t. .! &,.. 4 .. . , s ., '' ( mU I U Iwt .f t,,4 . . ' t t: . j 't . , r . !l.-t .i. . 1 er iui-i I vt J t 1 ., 1 .10 a' '' e' mt t ... o- ram. if ai, ! . . t ) . : uw : r. w, ibic . .a In t!r ttt-J. laJt l rri .: ' ata cT t tf Hi t w j.'J-. t-i !. . i i ft t'le!.! 1 VK. r .Trtf- Ifil E' ''": ! a. t; f gtrxt !'r1.f i t ) ' ! isU!tl. Jol.r lio-t;. t f -. . et ' f lie, Nt V.'lk. . l:l-i.KV - hl II! ,rr fei 'f ' is ' 't ;! of t )- ti' " r"1 r0.. Tl rt'M. r la f-.--.r-; ' ' :.i. 1trrl A t t ai .5 I! 1 ' : x- ;rr I , H . !. . . ti,. :...'. -"' ''' ' i-r -.!. M it- t-ir -. ,t t J..r.'n l;, r. r ... . , . .'ViV: . ir'.-o---a -. n-1 IV n. K'' Z, : : r 1 . - ! ! c i ' ;!ti 1U1 n '. 1. . t ' I ' IM '! l, e'l. I n t tl,. -j j -. 1 l.,i : r ,- -rj'te, '. U , ... f..' t! I . t t o it,, .', -, .': . ' 1 ( t & r. It -w I ' 1 t a- ' t' ir. l."t. I .0 or. (de!. t..' -' ' 11- lio.iw rtf 1 "l a. Itl t.;t , 4 1 . y. Ii i hut A LhTl F' it.v uti.d ra t i t !"" t'h.fiff f;t,m tl ' ' St ! a: J-rat. al tUot. . . t:?k n'H'.T ir hfr tv. v. i !oni-rf Vr4. t'U lr ur!(! '.1 "'' . " know that sa im.ur-i tjr ' a 'lt, of I'l'rn f I oaii Ita l.a'.f. '.I f f"er 4 rT raslorfal.