- - - - i :i ' - . . - , ' 1 " ' - ' ' - ' cr-vsnrls.' i v - " '" " j ""Tr -r ;,. , .,.., . .. , , m-rraa. ,,,, na-ia" .p. mum ivm)m ii.,. . . . . ! !- a i-..-: arLp.v.fof ci,,. rr.. I v - - -v-v and tY --t )p.- yJK - .l77.Mr.r tr,1rT",iVt J V Jlf RcLr!, Til Ccbwd Alld CLlkL - - ,?PmfiIM, nnlln "e r-. v,d X wantt!,..';.-' "'r'i 1" 1 '1 1 1 11 if H 1 - " r SALISBURY MA It Kill1. DECEMBER 5. ' CORN old 70 a 72. uc.v f.0 a CO. COTTON 10 a 17. FLOUR-fri TS n 4.23. I . . I MEAL 70 a 0. . , ! 1()TAT0ES Irish, 37 i a 40 Sweet, 50. J1ACON country) 12j 10 hug ropiwl KGGS a 20 ,.,V CHICKEN S $2.50 a $3 per do&, LAUD 12 a LI. FEAT1IEHS new, 50. I TALLOW 10 "a 12. KYE 73 a8fr. BEESWAY 2ft a 30. WHEAT tl.40vtL0. nUTTEll a 20 2 5. DRIED FKL'IT V Apple, ' ' Peachea, impeded. (tA dov peeled, 8l2J Blackberries, 7 7J, . 3fl pr. lb - Lookout for the y AT " When you see a cross upon your pa ' yuu u tiw up.,, r- ter. you may know that your time is n n 1 vn nro J.wlnl.tn.! f fl,. nffi " i -j " .w ...... - v... ..w , . . .. .it t 1 or mat your time win soon Me up. in ,i i - ip i eitlier event ecud forward your sub- ... 1 1 : " $75,000 In Cask rok $I.-V call the at-; tention i of our reiide rnilo (lit) ad vcrtUenipnt in another oliinm of thh NtLra.-ka Stall? Ornluin I . i ... .I.'k v..i.- I... u.. ft., i A.yh.m. Here UaH,ncttwm a fortune in - Public Legal Drawing, and at the same time help a noble and worthy institution R?" LOOK OUT.-After this week wo shall strike off all delinquent eubfcribcrB and put our claims in the hands of an ofii cer for collection. There are piany persons to whom we have bceti sending the paper for years ; who have not pnid u any thing. Thoie who are hom8t will pay us and that promptly those wUq are dihoneHt and who "never intended to pay, we bhall fiiid out, I We are determined to do a cash busi ness hereafter as far as-practicable, and shall "notify our fuhseiibirs bv a cross mntr ;n f!. i c .1 mark tn time to renew before the exbira- . ' e t. . lion of the timtf paid for, and if the sub scription is not renewed, the paper will be stopped at the end of that time, W., P. Caldwell, Kq., was in ourjfjity to-day. We were glad to see him look ing well. Ueiwintki). Pr C. A. Ileudersdrf-U hiving the front of hiri building, occupied by Mr. Thoo. F. Klultz- as a drug store, repainted. N'outh Caiiolina Almanac. We are indebted, to Mr. L. Hr iupon, thi? pub lisher, for a copy of thoi aiov irned a! manacT It is caVcuUw d by Hev. B. Cra ven, I). 1)., and contains much valuable aiuj Jiitm-eliHg matter. V - -wr- Tun House M a la nr. Hordes in large numbers, both in town and country, a e now suili iing from the strange disease, which hat comedown from Canada through the Northern plates, and promises to visit all sections of the country. A Cold Day. -Last Friday was a cold day, and w ill do very well to be re membered as an.equ.ll to the cold .Friday we have heard so often mentioned by Grandnamas and Papas. Almost a FiRic.K.nly in the morn ing of lam Fcr,bjyK with the -cold wind almostbl.winga huriic ine, the shingleson Dr. Bason's house,, ou I uniss street, oc cupied by the. Miss.s llutledge, took fire from a spark from the chimney. But for tunately it fwas discovered in time to be extinguished before it had time to do harm. If it had remained undiscovered a few mo ments longer it is difScu't to tell where it would Lave stopped. tir Mr. JVP. Caldwell, of Statesville, and formerly local editor of the States- ville HiklUgcnccr, is now associated with the Charlotte -Observer. Mr. C. is a gentle man of fine taste and much promise, f ac cess to him and the jourual with which he is connected. M ri.lVrrtli"nd Miss Kreth , "i t will b seen hv t- f..r.. . i .. m,f?l,.Dit,l0,," place, have added a new ,, -- j. - , auui.)! lien feature to the onliiurv r;:i; ! nerv businesi, 4",,l"ir' uufiueep. r nave seen some of their work in Hair4J and Wool, equal in all respects to t! and Woo 5.. ll , . e oest tbat cau be done. Caught Fike During the high wind last Friday, we. learn that he residence of Col. Clark; near Rowan Mills, caught fire from the, chimney, but was dtscover 'd in lime. to prevent the" destruction ol die buildinjr. ' A Serious Accident. - We learn that Ifowe Pearson, colored, was caught "'be- lee the cars near Statosyille last FrU i , . ' ----- oay, and seriously, hurt, lie was pcr Arming liia duties as a train haml we be- i; . IfURAL CaROMNTaX. 1ti . . , .. ' A1 'cultural Journal for December is to - hand 1. " .. ' . n 1 a very cxceilent number, MlOnzh not r.nwli Imir !... V V L tl I , 1 1 d 4 1 UBUAll Plowrr Seeds Frkb. In giving put -!'. t the following from Mr, W. li jr. urooRiyn, hl, we have no lire to iuiure the trRil nf .mm who wverti with us .but tnia t it will ere iti I nrae Laikfpur, etc. ; also choice Pink and Sweet William S.ted, in large excess of my individual need, will furnish a pack age free of chaige to any, of the subscrib ers of this Paper who will' send mc their address upon an envelope,-with a postage stamp to pay jlie return postage"." ..v Jaes Vick's Florat fJnruK have received the January No. of Mr. Jas. r:..U W I - . . i. ,1 'iw i oai uume. ji is now ptlDIislied quarterly, fine tiuted paper, most bean til fiUly illustrated, with eorue five huiidrtd engravings cored plate and chromo cover. II M the neatest catalogue he has yet is sued. James Vick has almost a world wJde faroe a8 scedsaian and fl(irit. TfU DrouiDtnee. encrifr. anH if.A r..Hln;tv f . 4. ' hi8 seed hav e 'won for him the coulidence - -r " - - " . - uinugiromuiui "tO get just what they order. - i Willie 111 KnCllIlT Irtat an minor uto I - , passed a very pleasant hoar at the creat , , ,- . , , 8ecdraan'ibn8ine88 head-quarter's, and we were not only pleased wkh the man, but at tlle oant of businesa done bv him. Tlift utmost Kvstpm nnrlnm hv him Tlirt lllmnet ui-atnm a J - I i i . - W e ODwrTca m every departmeot. It his seeds always prove to be genuine and a.... i.' .i people. See advertisement in another column. Mayor's Office, Salisbury N. C. December 2nd 1872. At a regular meeting of The Town Board held this date, tliere were present, T. G. Hanghton, Mayor, John H. Verble, J. M. Coffin, llobt. Murphy, J. S.McCubbins, John I. Shaver. John A. Snider and Jehu Foster, of the Board. Absent J. Bruuer. Capt. RX,Yaw?ord asked and wa3 allowed to make agfattmbnt in regard to a bill he had sent in for work done on the street in front of his home. - motion ot Mr. bhaver Mr. Crawford was ,, , , aowed ten dollars for work. on pavement. Application was made by P. A. Kennerly for license to retail spirituous liquors in J. H, Ver bles brick office on Imiiss street, which was al lowed. vjii motion ot Mr. feiiaver, Mr. was granted license to retail opirituoua liquors at the Mansion House, on complying with the law in such cases. Jason Hunt bffl-rreuf his resignation as Tax Colleetor and Town Constable, which was ac cepted. . On motion of MrrMcCubbins' the Mayor, the Secretary, and MnRobt. Murphy were appoint ed a committee tm settle with Mr. Hunt. J. W. MeKenzie was eiev-ted Tax-collector & Town Constable. Jolin I Trcxlcr-was elected night police. A Bill in favor of Jas. S. MeCubbins was passed. On motion of Mr. MeCubbins it was Resolved, That the Board of Commissioners assume the' amount, advanced and paid by the Building Committee of the Lutheran Grave Yard, which committee was composed ff J. A. Rcmsay, S. R. Harrison, S: E. Linton and E. II. Marsh ; and that the snbsuription list to said work be turned over jo the Commissioners. The question wasraised by Mr. Jehu Foster as to whether two Physicians in copartnership were liable for the Town'per capita or as a firm, it was decided that they are liable per capita 'or the tax imposed on practicing physicians. Mr. MeCubbins stated, that he intended to re move to the country, and as the charter required members of the Board to be residents of the city, Ire desired to tender his resignation. On motion thejresignation of Mr. MeCubbins was accepted and D. A. Davis elected in Jrfs stead. The following "claims were allowed : One by J. O. Whtte, for hauling $19,75 " 44 J. B. Shaver, policing 1S.0O " " Srahhdeal & Co. V 1;S0 " " T. J. Foster , 1,50 " " J. A. MeConnaughey 90 " " D. R. Trexler 4,25 " " George Hoffner 24,00 Total ' 70,20 DON'T HAWK, HAWK, SriT, SPIT, BLOW, BLOW, and disgust everybody with your Catarrh and it. offensive odor, when Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy speedily destroy all odor and arrest the discharge. Have S"on Seca ECar? A lady who for the last live vears has been a leader of fnnh- ion in New York, and who may be seen twice u week in her elecant ealeche driving a pair of ava v v,(ii uiv,hv uiuiug c rnu rw superb poniee iu Central Park, has riecently stilled. In t!w u!i'rl irtrlo tn wliinh oKo-'hliino'O i nnnim in (Vnlr.il Pnrlr. hn.o rwenllv I ... , ... ...w.. . tliat the only article in existence which impartsl :ie io wnicn sne'teionrs. v 1 1 k tAllinlltVIAn IBTtf lllt I r..... o collapse and wrinkle, is Hagak s Maoxolia i 7,1 ,e ua,,,t-' w " uw T' m ' tur ot me oca u moTiue vno made tins ovclara- qon canmt with propriety in he mentione! en xiitant that ca w,lh propy De given, but it may- uc" eiuionei enjimntinni sue oas mjih S?v- era years of her lite in Lurojie and is familiar , v , . " " rM"""-"'",-"T"'.-" -v the court beauties of the old wond to enhance their flinrmii Ki;V AUVEUTISEMEN'TS. NOTICE T j 1iA.rvltr t! ron fhfl n i? irvak rr urlil hamoa to 6 present Legislature for an Amended Carter to the Town of Salisbury N. C. a i iiiul uiiiiiii nuiiu n in a v. iiifiiiLi i . Dec. 5 12:1 mo. December 1872. County Treasurer's Notice Having determined io move to the country I hereby give Notice to all pursons having busi- lle8 wil1' ,ne th:lt 1 wiU in Sa,ib,,py-at my old oflice on Saturday of each week and on the f-iifcL-il! ! j rtiv rcrnlnr ilitttil tf ond irlH frxi 1 Vitia J "V'vi v j Hill ia,t.VVa J I 1 1 . . n i i rc . . i . 1 I to ;r- uti cm hp ai my uici uuku in iny.at)euce: or per- iHfirw iiyiiilt in iiit-r 11 'm iMirr if n ni i n r( 111 1 mdiih living ii nr 11 oiern oruuii 01 uiecoiiiiij can call (if theychoose) on me t-my resideXct ij i fee I Ill miU V'i-kI of K:iliiKiirv. A ' XS. McCUEBINS Dec, 5 12u County Treasii rer. 9J lJ 4AU ik.injiPHipi,ef her aex, f ihiuic or olo. make mr mnner mi work f r i in their jwr aia iccnai or U the tiine than t mnj Ihina eisa. IParficaton tn. Adinu (X titlamm Jt Co, Portland, Uaiu. ' h TA TtlKTlRi CHlilTlT A NTiWA GISTMAX&SMLAKKS M . to ftffux Produce Dealer. Staple Dry Moods and-Suxs, AH kinds of Country Protluce bought and sold. , . - , tiFurs and Birds. Wanted. Kit ti. J. K. Bt'UKfcJ. f S. w. TEU11ELL. BURKE & TERRELL Auction & Coxamission Wftrpiiaiits' " (Sah etcrn SATURDAY 1 o'clock 1 t' n i-. - - . n . . Inniss St., SALISBURY, N. C- Weed Family Favorite Sewina Machine." 1st premium awarded to the "Weed" Salisbury Fair. Ut Th cheapest, most durable, and runs easier 'J?? other Machine. For Sale on Time or -MWrt. S. W. TERRELL. .Aft. lOCtf. L'rpch Fish -f. .Ilraf ato PnmSm? L , ' 7 ? ! uii ii cuir'kiimv aim .dTnni in iinmx.n.H ..1 " . lu; l J At i r.LCUhL. 6 Mountain Cabbage And APPLES At 'TJEUKELL'S 10: 4t. "P lH li C II IflU lilT'u , n .. -. , .- ' and UllCKWH, At TERRELL'S. VARIETY ' CONFECTION St iust leceivc-d At TVimvi i;c 10: 4t The LARGEST and BEST Variety of Eatables can be found 0: L At TERRELL'S. FOR SALE. One Fine New BUGGY, Late Style 10- tf- BLKKE A TERUELL. L 1 A LlVj I T t a -w- w . Une Very 1 ,i,e -PIANO and Ouo com mon l'lano. 11: if. HITRK'F s-TrPPrrr Ol 1UVI, 1 l.UkLLL. I MRS teerell MLSS F. KRirrir. Mrs. TERRELL ti KRETH'S MILLINERY, Fancy Hair and Woo! Work SuitcJies, Braids and Curls Made to order. A Share of patronage is respectfully solicti ed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Next " door to Messrs. Burke & Terrell's Aiuti..n U.m r...,:J Street. io- tf tlAlU WAITED. Mrs. Terrell will pay a liberal price for hu man, hair. The rtrice will drn.t ..r. i.,. i. .i. and quality of the hair. I2;tf. CATAWBA EXGLlNil Aii CLASSICAL NEWTON, N. C. Rev. J.C. Clapp, A . B. S. M. Finger, A. M. j Principals, J. D. Rowe, Assistant. Tlie loth Session of 20 weeks will begin on me otu ot January next. , Tuition, from S10 to $22,50 per session. Board in families, from $8 to $10 per month. 3? Discipline ii rjxnland Lixtruciinn, thorough. For Circular aud paiticr.lars address CLAPP & FINGKR," ov':25' '72;-2m: pd. Newton, N. C. ; YADKIN 11. R. COMPANY The annual raaeting of the Sl'ocklnld (rs of the Yadkin Railroad Company will bo held in Albemarle, on Tuesday the 1 7th day of December, 1872. All who have paid thefiist. Installment, are requested to have theij Receipts pres et, E. MAUNEY, Pres. Nov. 20th, 1872- A. M. Sullivan. J. P. Gowa NEW OPENING. IHE undersigned having associated them selves in business under the linn name of A. M, SULLIVAN, CO I T AVE opeued in R. J. Holmes' new bnibl LXinjT. l'iext door to tha Hardware Store, where they will be pleased to meet old and' new friends. They have a magnificent room the large t and best in town aud STOCK OF GOODS, COMPRISING a general asortuicut. Hard ware excepted, and will guarrantee as good bargains as ffi,n sold by any House in the South. They will deal heavily in Groceries and coun ry Pioduee. buying and selling, and invite all who wish either to hnr or sell to caU on them A. M. SULLIVAN & Co. Jan 24th, 1.972.. lll tf w v p . ,,r M, . Y il. v. AUltL. X JlLbHA it; A L C1' A - Pair Association. Notice to Delinquent Stockholders. ft 1 . I ' - At a meeting oi ine uireetors otthealwve it WM ordered that publication be aiade for Six uccfsive weeks in the Salisbury Watchman notifvintr all delinr forward and iwy to the Treasurer of said Com- ,mnv all their-nrrears on Kubrrinlion ofKt.l- oi sam xxmipanv, unlcr the ptnailv, if pavment nf Cimjpanv. unlcr the utnallv. If i.yvment snail oe uoierrea lor lwentv tlav 'sailer the ex- vnHim of this notice, of forfeiting anv shares ..fi?...i- .1 i i . oi oiuck niev inay nave suuscnoeu tor, andall previous payments made there on. SalkburN. C. Nov. 2Gih IS72. r T. W. KE. KEEN Prest. D Ai DAVIS Sec'y. ll:6t. East Bend Male Academy, LEast Benl, ITadkill Co.. IV. C. Rev. M. 'BALDWIN. A. R Prl,!n.i Mrs, A. L. BALDWIN, Assistant. -- - ww-a vi niviv mau uvtf years, in succesaful operation, under the present QiicntAM auspices, The next session will ope day in Jamiarv, 1S73. Tl embraces Ancient and A' 1 he next session will open on the 1st Mon- t lie course of-stud v Mm! urn I janmii..u rathpninties. and the Vnlnril I ) iakiiv. 1 I 1 1 ?llV H suck other ranches as relate directly to busi iiess,- Good loard cjhi le had on satisfactory nes lerow. in ine vuiage, or wiin Uie J'nncipal. Til if. ion frnm iiS f.i -ll i.. TiUtion, from S6 to $20, according to ad vancement, hir particulars, address the Prin cipal nVEast Bend, Yadkin Countr, N. C. 11: 4t Dri.'Siiiiimerell & Gaither's BAEKER & CO'S Dmglstore : ivy up siAiRs. Ti l v.-e want toisjv now the fii.it .u'l. oi. r i,ur. t ' - Our btokf. are pOf4el and ready for Kelt lenient.- In our absence Mr. George Buis, or C R. Barker will receive money and give receipts for the Kama. - . tf- SUMMERELLctGAITIIER. SETTLE UP. All those indebted to me for "ubscription to the Kxamirur, for advertising, or job work ore respectfully requested to e.nie forward and net tle up without further delay. Corn, Wheat, r lour, 1 eas, or any country prinhice taken in exchange for claims and the market price allow- , m I J. J. STEWART. Sept. 5,-51 :tf SMITH'S' IMPROVED Tateiit Well Fixture. We call the attention ..f the public to this admirable invention- It is especially recom mended to private families, Wing iimveni ent for quick filling, sell emptying and ease in drawing. Fr durability it is inison-ass- " ..rAiiS .iu irun cov4reu lop, th wind 'asa. rop and buck are protect fn.m the 3 ! 111 nllly lutM " ,s s' ranged as to secure ab- ,kfMl ccid.u. even iu the h,Ud3 I w l ri e inner ruico j llfully uegligent person. MEROXEY Sc BUO. 7:-tf. T.J. FOSTER & WEST Buy and tell all kinds of produce whole sale dealers, iit whiskey &c. Orders solicited. Ixxiss Street, Rkfer TO Salisbury, N. C. D A. DAVIS, B inker, JXO. 1. SHAVER, Esq. MOCK & BROWN, HON. N. BuYDEN. Oct. 31 2ms. - NORTH CAROLINA, Superior Court, Rowan Coi xty. j Petition to sell Land. John Freeze, LiJia Baker and other ayiirust Thomas Freeze, Amanda Earnheart and others, In this case it aptHaring to the satisfaction of the court that Thomas Freeze, the heirs of Henry Freeze, the heirs of Daniel Freeze and . 1. .. .. n,iwne Amanda are nor residents of this State, it is ordered that adver i-..ieiifio r.arnnean ami wile Amanda r non iiseuunt te made in the "Carolina Watchman" for six weeks notifying the said non resident to appear at the office ol" the clerk of the Supe rior Court in Salisbury on the 14th day of 1K. eember, 172, and an-wer the complaint in this Case or the suit will be heard crixirte as to thtm. JOHN A. BOY DEN, C. S. C. Oct. 23th '7'J: Gw. (S.".o ) R W. Price. t. J. Vmct. . PRICE &BRO. THEIR FA JULY GROCERY STORE To Phillips' Old Stand OPPOSITE THE MARKET HOUSE, Where they will contiune to Sell Flmir. Meal, Fresli Meats. Bacon. Lard. li;.tter. Kgijs. ('..ife... Teas Sugar, Salt. Pit-kles. Mo lasses, Are , together with a large and varie.1 stock of household and table uecessities. Bring your countrv produce to PRICE & BRO. 07:lQ THE Scientific American, - FOR 1873. Beautifully illcstrateh. The Scientific A:lru-a,v, now in its 2Sth year; enjoys the widest circulation of any anla gons pcriodieal in lire world. Its eitiiter.ts embrace the latent and mo-t inter esting information pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, and Scientific Progress of the World; De.-criptions, with Beautiful Eiiuravings. of New Inventions, New Implements, New Pro cesses, and Improved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Facts, Recipes, Smrgistions and Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen and Employers, in all the various Arts. Descrip lions of Improvements, Discoveries, and Important Works, pertaining.to Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Milling, 'Mining and Metallurgy ;. Records of the latest progress in the Applications of Steam, Sieaui Engineering, Railways, Shin-building, Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, EJectricitv, Magnetism, Liht and Ileal. The Latest Discoveries in Phot'-graphv, Chem istry in the Arts and in Domenlic or Household Economy. The bit est Ii-formation pertaining to Techno logy, Microscopy, Mathematics, Astrotiomv, Geography, Meteorology, Mineralogv, ieologv, .oology, Botany, Morticulturc, Agriculture, Architecture, Ri:ral Ivonomy, Household Ivcon omv. Food, Lighting, Heating, Ventilation, and Hca.dl. In short the whole range of the Sciences ami Practical Arts are embraced within the scoieof I he cientitie American. No iktmhi whodiires to In; inteiligenlly iiifcrwed can aflord to be without this paer. 'Farmers, Mechanics, Engineer-, Inventors, Manufacturer, Ch-mbu, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers, ail iVojdc f all Professions, will hod thc.ScP nsiSc American to lie of great value. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study, Office ami Count ing Room; in every Reading Room, College, Academy, or School. Published wecklr. btiIdimIMIv tltoMil i.. i -. , i - - . ..v, ,.,.-kiaim viiit i 53 a vear. The yearly Numbers of the Scientific Ameri can make two splendid voiuins of nearly one thunsaud pages, equivalent in contents to Four Thousand ordinary ILmjIc Pu.jfs. An Oif.cial List o( alt Patents issued is published weeklv. Sneciinen coni extent fre Vil.lr ,,,i iKlu rs. Miss & Co., ; PATENTSit li-hers. Miss & Co., 37 Park Row New York. connect ion with tl.eS ien- America n, Messrs. M CNN o sreSolw can and Foreign Patents, have had over 25 vears' cxerience, an.i nave tne largest establishment iu the world. If you have made an invention, write them, a letter and send a sketch, they will promptly inform you, free of charge, whether your device is new and patentable. They will also send yon,ree of cluirye, a copy of the Patent Laws in full, with, instruction how to proceed to obtain a patent: Address Miss 4 co, 37 Park Row, New York. Subscription fx. the Scientific American taken aMthisofnce. Price $3 a year. nov.23:i tf WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAHBEIi, RETURNS niS THANKS to his OLD I'MEXDS and the Public for the libera! patronage heretofore extended U him. He now informs them that be has litted up a new and commodious Shop, in Sr. XZcaderson's 3rick- Suildin?, Room T7o 2. t ..... .. r -. iRnnu n' niem. tie iniHrlTllHItl In tri frt .1 1 I - "w.l i. Tn w : . v . ow.tv .ii rinj cuse. He has in hi employ of the IhM Hair Dressers in Western orth Carobna. Herequests a call from all. , Salisbury, 2,. C, Dec. 17,1609. 50 U UtEKPniSE nV Reliable Gift Distribution in il v otintry J L.D.SIlTE'STJi o-.HWVVUMt Grand Annual Distribution, lovearatcn Wednesday, Jan'y 1st, 1673 S200,000 00 I3T VALXXADI.TJ GXPTS ! SIO.000 IN AMERICAN GOLD! 810,000 IN AMERICAN SILVER' Fl ve prizes $1,000 1 . f Eac, in OREENBACKa x eu prues $OUU J One Span of Matched Horses, trilh Fami Ig Carriage, and Silver-Mounted Harness irnrlh 81,500 ! Fife Horcs & Iliixsie. wit. Silver mounted Harness " worth $COO each! Five Fine-Toned Rosewood rianos, worth cacti : 25 Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each! 230Q CM .Silrcr Lrrrr lUiUinn Watcka ; (ia all,) tn.rthfrom $20 to S-"0 eack. Gold Chains, Silver ware, Jewelry Ac. IWumber of Girts, 23,000 Tickets Limited to 100,000. AGENTS WANTED to 8.11 Tickets, to w hom Liberal Paemiums will be paid. Single Tickets $2; Six Tickets SI 0; Twelve' Tick ets 5-2U ; Twcnty-fi ve Tickets $ 10. Circulars containinir a fill li-i of tirivo.. .1. w-ription of the manner of drawing, and other auniiBuun in reference io tne Distribution, ill be sent to anv one ordering ili.-m l n i.' , . . . , - -n ni ters must be addressed to M aix offh k, L, D. SINE, liox 86. ,U1 Xm Sf C1 X ATI, O. Oct. :i t r.w. OP ALL KINDS Fumilw 1 to order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Mi,; Western N.C. It. R , twenty miks Irom S.Uibury. Prici- at mill SI. At Salisbury $1,20. Kiln Dried at Salisbury, SI ,50. lyTKIMIS CAMS. 47 : tf: U. n. COWAN. OMAHA LOTTERY To be Drawn iu Public, Dec. .Kth, D72. TiekeU SI eaehorix To; 8.7. ncKei seal Uy bxprei CJ. O. V., if UesireJ Grand Cash Prize $75,000 (-rami C'aab l'ri.e Cran J C"ai.!i Prize, (IrnnJ ('ash I'r.ze Ca-di Prize ...351KA .. 15 WW .. 10(X1 .. 6 . . 4 (X0 . . fi.OUU . . R 000 . . a.ouo 1 t'aU Tiize 2 Culi Prir.es. 3U00e.v't 4 Cash Jiizet, ii.iuso ra,-li 2 Cah Pii.is, l.ooOfacli For lia!jii. : o.' i.J lor c lrrnlar. This Legal Ktiterj.ri.-e ..enlorse.l !-v the likliot authority of the tate an;i l,.-t tejii:rV men. The limited aiiini.cr ..1 iii ketsou Lund will be ftirnifl'p'l tli-ise m lio ip'.iv f!r-t. All Prizes wiil Ne .a':.l in lull. Agents Wast ed. Fur lull iai't;cu!ara aiidresa J. M I'ATI'KK, fi:-r,w'- (M-iieral Manager. OpiaLa. Neb. ' The Great Democratic Journal. THE aEW YOKK Weekly News. BUTIJ. X7QQZ3, Editor fc Trop'r. A Mammolh Ei-l.t Pa e Sheet, Fifty-six Columns of Reading Mailer. Contains all ih.e tin.-, foreign, domestic, pdit ical and general, with lull and reliable market repons. Each iniiuber alM contains wveral short Htories, and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific luattcr.'ctc., etc., con stituting, it U donfi I. -fitly asserted, the most complete weekly newspacr in this country. TERMS $2A YEAR. Iduceinciits to Clubs: Five copii s, one your 89 00 Ten copies, one yar, and an extra copy to the se nder S15 00 Twenty cpb s, one ye ar, and an extra copy f sender 25 00 Filly copied, one year, and nu extra cpy to sender $55 00 Parties set. ding ehtls as above, may rc tain 20 per o ni , the money nceiied by them, as com mission. Persons desiring to act a agent supplied wiih sjiecinic n huiidU-s. Sieiiiicji mm.- se nt free to any addros. All letter-should liedincted to NKW YOIIK UKIKI.V KUS. Rox :i,7y-". SEW YOr.K CITY POST OFFICII 9:-tf. i NOTICE TO ALL WHO ARE CONCERNED. I am again under the ne-sity of calling on all who lire due me to call ai.d "make immediate settlement. Now I mean juM what I say, and no one ln a riji hi to think tl.i is meant lor someone cIm-, for ii is meant for von. R. P. D ESSE NT. Sahsbui7,Sept3,J72. :;:ef ilcMX NN KN S SMTtT, anc! i: 11 E E I Mi Tl ncli i tie. THRESHING MACHINES & HORSE POWERS- Several. varieties, on whceUor without. c id six and wmn axil.1,3 the InndirKt thing out. APPX.I3 and. TSACIZ PACBIin Corers and Sliccrs labor savers. ' We warr.int all these artielea to give atia faclion or no sale. CRAWIORDAIIEILIG. 42 tf: Copartnership Dissolution. The copartner-hip lierttofreexi-tingletweert Mrs. Corn 11 anil Ff'-ssul, kv diolveil on the 21st October, 172. Mr. E.'land retires, Mr, Ci.rrell having purchased licr intcre-t in Stoc k and accounts due. Mix Correll ha not and does not intend to "Shut r.j.," as reported but '-"""'c iu ian ) on me nu-inerii a iierctc- ji v. -!,.- win receive a vifw sfrteK ol miiiu.erv 1 .1. : .. .. t .1 . .. . . ncwiuTiL auu inm tjine to time, nu't addiUorw as ber busing mar reouirc. She solicits a continuance" of patronage and , Er. -:n i. -1.1.. . : Oct. 21.6 ii MS. IL A. COKRELL. 1 . 1.4:' Mm m Mm eo. of phila.- .S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. Assells, 53,638,864.88. GEORGE W. HILL. President, JOHN S. WILS0S, Secretarr. BOARD OTP TRUSTEES. A!TV tvntn ... . v. ..uiinui - I II I IjI l II ISAAC IIAZLEIIITUST t xi it, ,t let ttitrTi. ? ' OLO. W. JULL, JAS. L, CLAOUORN, Issues all forms of Life LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES NOX-FOHFEITABLE. THE AMERICAN 1 fovernivl.nacon.runed by fcJX commercial probity. and baa U-en euiinentlr eminent niuent and leading men, fnaH pr!f "5! Xd e liT "iTf u Relible Arenu wanted. wfc iZni.i Z ..Slrj-11 C.r,.lis.. Relive iU waated. who WES'i Or toCol St. Vl tut Diriaixr.. ?P Asrwit. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The tirra herc-tofon; ! .!.- .1- --- nv name ai II.. . n r. Ii . ... . JJIl.Jf IS UlU tUV UiMM0lV.-d muiual coitM iit. Tho-e indebted to iho ltf. - - --- i'ii tkie come forward and mike ctib nu nt iih l.--.r Mill, Kerns Jc Ccs to whom all claim an due. . illl.Lo x IXiVIiEN. July 1, 1572 J. B. KU:.S W.J. MILLS. T. M KKKNK. MILLS, KERNS & CO. VnOI.E5AI.E A.NU It KTA IL OS-SROS Ci2 CtZ Ar.3 CczlriJl!c-, lfrrv-- Sai.isi.i rv. March 1-t. Ih72. Kee p constantly on hand a large and do. ice slock of CENEHAL MEIU Jl.NDI-E coinjiriing Dry iood. V,t eric. arc . 1 1 . t'f w hich they would ojx-c ialh uu-iiiion Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES. HA COX. LAUD. SOLE and Upper LEATHER. SHOES BOOTS, HATS. RON NETS. PPINTS SALMON Tnoi'T. FLOl It and MEAL. bOA PS. PLi'i'EH and SpRES. TOIJAI t o. LIQI KS, (,f u kinds always on hand, of choh e .juality. t-i "Esimi ial art ml i.in ments and prompt returns rm.de. 2-1 :tf DO YOU LOVE" ME? KW and listing -crfiinie, with a zr(it T v,ri,t.T "f other extracts f..r the handker chief, including all kind of loilect artieb at C. R. RARKER A LVS IrtTg Stdrc. nO ymi wi.-h to erjoy a g.Hd -m.d.p ? Th n try soive of the sretiUiiie Il.iC.ii r; - - jut received a C. U. It AUK EH A CO'S Drug Store. J i ) 1 TANNERS' oil. Magic ,ml iW. 1 Tran pnrcnt Machine (il at low prices at low prices C. R. BARKER & CO'S bm... Ss.m VE inCSPIXTEliLY call tlie attention 1 1 of Phicians. Men bants and the public generally to our well n-leclcd sloe k of j Drugs, Chemicals, Taints, Od-, Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Slufs, Lamps, Iaih'p Fixtures, dr., de. VLL C(K)IrS warranted, p.re, fn-h i.d Cefiiiinc, and prices P "iii the tim-. All orders promptly attended io. E-js.inl care ar.d attention gitn to our j rescript ion do- ; partmcnt. C. R. BARKER A Co., Imcri-t, j (Succeor to Jmi. 11. K.xm-aj 20 f SalUburr. N. C. ' Administrator's Notice. 1 All ern having claim again! the c.M of Ir. M. A. Iis ke, die'd, arc hereby iM.iifi.d loexhibit the wuf to the ur.der-igt.Vd U d.fe the M day of January. A. I ., l7:i. Atid , all rou- indebiml to iaid estate sin ntpi.-twl ! to make payment romptiy, a Lu: very hoit ! indulgence ill be given. . S. E. (Y WAN, Adm'r nf lr. AI. A. 1st-1 An-' A i Sept. 12th IS72. tf: DR. J. F GRIFFITH, DENTIST. Having located in Sali-Uinr, Md'tcit a prac tice iu the lown and mrrminJing c-ouuirv. CZZAS.az:3 XfcIODI3IlATZ3, OFFICK McNccly Building, Enfnnee to McNcclg'.i Hull. 4", 2 m p '! NORTH CAROLINA, T .. c . , IUVIK CotM v. i In he.S.ipMrr ( ourt. l1l Pa . Aigw,, pit. C.corirel). Sprrr-e (.ecg. R-C-rter. RoUrt IMi.ii an wifeN.rT.OeeW kelhatHl his wi e Hannah, IW Kunlnek and I... wife Harriet, Lucy Hoi ei.g.wof ih. 1 bom, r,n7,'- V""" an'1 .o;,uT thiMrv, of Nalhe Joirf-, who waadi!igh!r of Martha Sproue, a -j-Mer of Rrfrt Kpr.H,-, d.r,l, daughter of aid Mailha Si.r...-r. I)rf, fi,ia. Pitition to R-al for Partition. It "I earinr to the sari-f.i l.on of tlie t Virf il.i defendani Ccore R. Carter, RoUrt iKmirl and wile .Nancy, ieorjre l. te!lyainl wife Hatinali, David Kicdrick and Id wife Hrrit(, Iah) HoMengsworth. Th my Jote and two other c hildren of Sallie Jone, derM nbo-e name art not known and Jiiiim Sruiih r; d lo other children of Jan- Smith w!.o-e ftarr.is arc un known, are i'oi.-reidef Is of i! i Sl .le: Ji i therefore orden-d that xibii-a!ion I loa'ie ii, the ''(.'ii'oiina Va!el,nn," a i.eipaifr f.iM;h- Ki in S.ili.liiirv N. (' for iz k .'i.o.ii. ly, for the defendant a'oe n ir,-d i par at the ofi' e of" the hrk of th- Si.p-i'i r Court, at I tlie tmrt IliVfe in .v-kvti!i-. or. He rrI day of Decern l-c-r. 1STT2. ird rpwi r I he corr.plaii.t ol Plaintifl'or the unie will lie hesrd njiiit aa to them. Thin lSih day of e"Vio! r A. D. l-7?. II. R. Howard, r.s.r. (WW 410 ul Lwvie Cvuntf 5"' t1 . Tt ...... MINl.I 1 ,V?AV.J - 'i I . I r I .tj Hti A tl i i'irit t UEXnVK.'BKSXn JXO. WAfXAMAKKB" and Endowment Policies, iW ' -" aweWful uj., &jr ctf tb caeit REV. L. P. WAT. Oral Aat. WilmSn v PuttilU.N. C. IliPIIH STORE. GOOD ADVICE. MARIA, do vrn kr.n fk.i !-. 1 l. A. .. U ill II V . ntit aiur to Ltngham A J- Jin.g all LitLi of good, at u.tH Now after hotc tVnirg. vrwi d U4 hit y-n r.d in tU-ir lit. d rr. ih,rtr ,4 r t 11, y.Hi Can d.. i.nid, 1-nirr iire thaa Id l.oy a ny oiUr U. AdtW all wr fmtoCa lo jpj and m R. & A. Murphy's NEW STOCK OF FALU WINTER GOODS For 1872. j Wc take pWurc in irsmmwing to iWrli'r- ! of Iw n at,. U.r a r.,;,,ij ccHioli.t U.U c iit nw rrcciving and j-i.u.g tLe L A R G E S T AM) MOST ELEGAXT . K:or-k croon! is we have ever had to ex- ; h.t.ii t ..ur mirnrr!.!.. fntod. and cuMrwiera. ; We hate taken iuim 1, ihur, and unuaoal ina 1 l. li.k up bargain- A.r ;r pairt,t and do mv t :;l a!l r.ii i-h:rg to bUv fitd jt llicir advaniage tu tall and j EXAMINE (,UR STOCK, , and price U fore puicbaaiirf antlhine a!- C-o, Dry Goods, i Ifc'f, Shoes, and Gaittr for Ixidi t (ients, Misses ar.d Children, all good it rl; (and no Shtdy trorkj CLOTHING, CROCKERY HATS "'M"', Caps, Notions, Glotrs, Hosiery. Fane (;.-, S-Ae Isathrr, Cf Skins, Lining SI ins, Drugg$, Spiect, i Soipt, a.d a Large Stock of Fine OroctTK-sof IIii.li quality and lew prim. Salt, Syruj,, It i'jjn g ad Ct-tfvn Jtest Cht. Ciaelcts, ClcTtr Seed audii.fj.-t nearly everything wanted and aJl at LOW PRICES. IU lurr-in.' our ihanVi fur ihe pn r imge :iir.ill if.iod ,,fl u. ;rnr we t.tMd;tt Manh lat, -i lra-t bj fcJfil aM.tlKi o, Lrfoi-iie-, and j-.lit.ru- to our cutcfur lo merit Cxiiit im.m.U. of the .iritr. Very R-p-ifullv, d A. Ml 'It PHY. tV All rdtr hall hava our rvcr4 at teiiliofi. ROI'.T. MfRI'in. AN DRW MURl'HKT, Salitbury, Oct. 17, lh72. k7:lj RIBBONS, MILLINARY 1872. l hi White (ioetls. KnilToidcrics. if. ; AKMSTKOXG, CATOl. & CO. IUnn Tri...i, .A .nk.l,., K,bor. Velv.t BiU,, k Tie. lUmrnlhilks Velvet aud ( ri( J I .r. I ratbc bmiiucw., Kmw.Ar. ! W rn r ai. I- iu M omr.i I IUis. i vm su t Miiifwu. . in fttt r.Hif J. v,rt rrr,. U l"tC -:-,"'b J.trbf. klrii La Net. ' :;.!. tt. Ilaailirr. L. W . ! N t. 1 .. At. Noa. 137aiul U'J R,!t m , Iial'imow Md. Ti lf are riari'ifaj in red by r ot lf A-r ( "aa lnvetir fr. r-i ll.r K r -., J Alrr car Msnofr-tiiri. i..t.i h..; all il. lat-4 it-hit-, oi-pial-. iu variny arid rhwtXNM any iiiJirk.il. Of ! f. Li., J It tare, piou.pti.coa ard di- tea. ol Hi pf. OK I(.i:( HAI(-I ATT(i.i;Vs AT ls AM 5jlirito'5 in Bsnhroplfi). ."i5Spctil aitc .iliof, paij to l'rorctdiut in Baukrup?rv. Sept. 5, SI3rooaV

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