i . - - - T - - . . - - - - - , - -1 - v.. i. if 3 i': mm hi-";- .-'N i.':.v; 7nEJcui;qpMosEs4 GENUBLAJj ASSEMBLY, Dj TCvImi'b lonely mountain r ' . Oo ibU side Jordan's ware :' Tk faletu Jhriuid of Jloabj n r ? . ' ,7 f There lies a V'f 7 K1" U ' 1 1 Ami to man dost that sepulchre. Xji it - 1 .And do man saw it e'er, j I UnamDeriainj ttepuDlicans. f aCS" "'Cf tor the am And laid UTbat waa Thatrer passed Bat too man beard th tramp :.' Or saw the.train go forth, ' KoMess as the daylight " felaofOod optortedtbesod r 4 2ndvd sttict Tyrrell, T Washington, ? ;ftrrT7:f the dead man there; Martin. Dare, Beaufort and Hyde John f fJ '-:w;4 Wi. 4. ! I o Respesi. H E StiHey, Republican. -1 eanoyer-oameaon the ferandest funeral t i j-js.J. Jtl nrkllu... n- 1 Ham H Mctiurin. eol d.Alfred Llody. a eann, t i . , . t nlM -Jni " ttl ; Ilie.GD 1D, , Comes .wbeq the,nieht is done i 'And the crimson streak on ' ocean's cheek I e, Grows iota the great sua, y- - IS Notselesblr as the spring time i ' 1 Her erown of Terdare weats; ; ' i And all the trees en U the hills . . ' J ; Open their thousand leaves f v So, without sound of musio . ; ui . Or. foiee of them that wept, . Bilently down from the mountain's crown : The great proesion swept. . Perchance the bald old eagle. 'Ootorbis rock te rrie, ' t 4 7 Looked on.the wondrous sight ; "' ... Perchance the lion, stalking, , 4 , Still shuns that hallowed! spot, I For beast and birds have seen and heard . That which man knoweth not. Bnt when the warrior dieth, 'Ilis comrades In the warl' ; ' 4 With arms reversed and muffld drum. I Follow the faneral ear ; I ; They show the banners taken, '. Thev tell his battles wot,- l And after him lead his masteries steed. fT r While peals the minute gun . f .? .- v .... , '. t j . , 'Amid the noblest of the land I ; v Ken lay tneeageto rest.; f ' ' And give the bard an honored place 'With eostly marble dressed, j " Tn. the great minister transept, ? "r Where lights glories rail And the sweet choir sings, and the organ I II1 Along the emblazoned wall. This was the bravest warrir That ever buckled sword, This the most gifted poet , y-'1 That ever breathed a word; ' And never earth's philosopher J V; ." Traced with his golden pen, I , ' i On the deathless page, truths half so sage .1 iAs ue wrote oown wr men. And had he not high honor - ,t v? The hillside f r h is pail ." To he.fn state while angols wait f V With stars fbr tapers tall, V! MP16 drlt ;ock-pioes likej tossing ruUJWV ' p . i X i And God's own hand, in that lonely land, ' ' ; To lay In the grave.' 1 j . ' I la that deerf" grave without a name. - ; v Whence lijs uncoffined clay 4 Shall break again, moat wondrous thought, .., Before the Judgment, pay. Aiid ftand with glory wapped around ' jOnthe hill8fK uever tnd. 1 And speak of the strife tiat won our life With the incarnate Son of Gd. ' . ' j -.. l .V'v 0, lebejy tmb in Moab's land 1 . C.Amc ltlli.n.r' hill i aO, dark Beth-poor's hill! Speak to these curious hearts of our, 'i Anovteaeh tht-m to be! still,' i God ha his mysteries of grace, i ? t WaysHhat we cannot, tell ; j i 1 :Ky He bides the de?p like the secret sleep Of him he loved so well. L , ( Vi J ""NEWSPAPER laws.: .We receive so many inquires as to the laws Awn tn M . V k mi Mnl a si lit w Almond naM ,1-ta, I . -j ui:i .iTa fc.n. aommary, which will cover all the questions that have been addressed to ui i J Subscribers are considered wishing foj CODUuue iiieir buosctiuviuu. . - 2. If subscribers ordering the discontinance . , . of their periodicals may j continue-, to send them until all arrearages are paid. 1 ;'3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they ire directed, they are held responsible till itbey bave settled their bill,' and ordered them discontinued. I DT :A.' If subscribers more to other places j . without informing the publbhers,' and the papers are sent to the former direction, tbey w are held responsible. I , - 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take papers from the office. r removing "and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fcand. , . G. Any person who receives a newspaper - and makes uie of it, whether he has ordered lit or not, is held In law! to be a subscriber k , and must pay for it. J POSTAL ilNFOBMATION. 1 1 Detters go to any part of the United States tor three cents per half once, if prepaid. Unpaid letters are sent to the Dead-letter 1 olhce at Washington. x r " Letters Weigtang over an ounce, and pre- paid a single rate, are forwarded to their des- dcllvervr - "' i. ! City letters must be prepaid two cents per 1 usii uuuee. t -f u ' VBooks. PoBtage on books, not exceeding four ounces In weight 4 cents, r ' Each additional four ounces or fraction ". r thereof. "' ;.y- 1T . 4 cents. ' I : ' Newspapers Newspapers sent from the ulce of publication may be prepaid at the , following rates per qiarter : . . ' Dailies. V. ' A".'. 35 cts. per qr. WeekUeSv . .'jr' 5 " 1. "Xfiintltlioa. truA fttW 1 nV 1 3 I Quarterlies, u V ; -fr .1 " I ' i Miscellaneous Matter-On unsealed circu lars, maps, prints, engraviugs.'musici cards, photographs types, cuttings, rMts.' seeds, &C. on one package to one address, prepnid. not excerdin? four ounces 2 cents ; over four and not .exceeding eight; onnees. 4' cents. The weighU of packages is limited to-thirty-two oances. - - ' ;. Y .. "Money Orders. Money can be sent to any part r tn country with absolute safety, by obtaining a; Mouey . Order, for which fees are ; ; ". . - . - ' On'not less than $1. and not over $20, 10 'cents; '"-.i-V- - n . f- : ' 5 Over $20 and nnt exceeding $50. 25 cents. No order issued tor less than $1 , or more .-tbatr20.. -..;. ; : ' Snudry Peines It costs 15 cents! extra, ' besides the regular postage to register a let-. ;w;;.5 tf?. ; ' su. ... . '.-A'. ,." 1 1 Stamps cut out from Stamped Envelopes ,f;-fl are not allowed to be placed upon otW let- trs. 1 'ft.' lucre m jcanon 10 ueneve inai jn- "Una rwiu snortljr liave artother Royal marriage. The visit of the Duke of Ed ) inbiirg iq tho, Hanoverian ex &yal family .ft Gmuodera is believed on the coutinent io -tie connoted with the duke's betrothal torftnOof the ;,x-king, daughters. lie lis" two, both M them, It U said, ? under 1- twenty-one, and both very pretty. J Their r 4 fathw is reported to be one of the rich! """men in Europe, so that'tbere ought to no aitucuity about tpe dowry, which will be especially gratifying to Mr. Lowe, at this tvasou ol discontent. v i SENATE..'. 1st distdct Carrrituck.v Camden Pas- way, Republican.; . c ? 4th die -Halifax, - Henry Eppes, col'd Republican. 5th dUfrick -Edgecombe,' Alex McCa- Repuhlican. 6th disridt--Pittt Jj:McCotter, Repub lican. fl ; I. ,-...- . . 7th district Wi?son, Nash and Frankf lin. Wm K Davis, Jno W . Dunham, Conservativ 8th ' district Craren. A S Seymour, reps Republican.! 9tb district JoneF, Unslow and Uap teret, Jatpes G Scott, Conservalive. lOth dptrct Duplin and Wayne, W A Allen, , (LrtV Humphrey Conservatives. 11th District Green and lenoir, It W Kmgj Republican. laJth district New, Hanover, Gkolli Mabson, jcol'd, Republican. 13th district Brunswick and Bladen, G N- Hill, Republican. 14ih jiisinct Sampson, ,C T. Mur? pW Conservative. r .i. I?a,L;-r!rti 15th district- Columbus and Robeson, JohniW Ellis, Conservative. t 16h district--Cumberland and Har nett, W. 0 Troy, Conservative. 17th, iistrict Johusou, 1 ;" William IV A vera, Con j . , 18th listrict Wake, James H Harris, col'd. Renublican. 19th district Warren, John A iiyman col'd," Republican. 20th district? Orange, Person and Cas- well, Jcjhn ! W Norwood, John W Cun- ninsrham. Conservatives. 21st istrict Granville Bourbou Smith Republican. . 22nd! district Chatham, 11 J Powell, Consertative. 23rd idUtrict Rockingham, J T More, head, Cpnsiervative. 24th jdistrict Alamance and Guilford, J T Moiiehcad, Jr., W J Murray, Con 8ervativ.e. i 25ihdislrict Randolph aud Moore, J M Worth Conservatives. 26th 'district Richmond and Montgo mery, 11 1 hong, Kepublican. 27th al!?tract T'McCStn, Co Anson and Union U M onservative. 28th Idisiiict Cabarrus and Stanley, J C Bat nhardt, Consen'ative. 29thpisirict- Meckledburg, RP War- lug, Coiiselrvativc 30th lis -ict Rowan and Davie, Char les Pricr, user vat ive, 31stdii3trict - Davison, John T.Cramerj Republijcaa. , . . i 32d 4atrict Stokes and Forsythc, J M StafFvid!, Goftservaitve. . 33d Ulelrict Surry aud Yadkin, A C Cowles, conservative. . 34th aishict-Iredill, Wilkes, and Al exander, jrboa A Nicholson, Phineas llorton, cohservatives. j j 35th district Alleghany,' Ashe, Wat auga, T W" Todd Conservative. 36th Idie'rict Caldwell, Burke, Mc DowelliJIj ' ell and Yancer, W W Flem ming pujdt,er,' conservatives. 37lh district Catawbi and Lincoln, James R Ellis conservative. 38th tiskrict Gaston and Clcaveland, 1 W J Milller, conservative. 39fhe district Rutherford and Polk. jiartlll iVAIker, republican. 40th Biatrict Buncombe, and Madison, jas jj Mjerrimon, conservative. 4lst. district- Hay wood, Henderson, audTrabsyivania, W P Welch, couserva live. 421 district Jackson, Swair, Macon, CherokejejClay and Graham, W L. Love, conservative. - Republicans 18 : Conservaties 32. FOR HjOlJsB OF EPttESBJTTATIVES. Alamance Gannt. con. Alezainde -J M Carson, ind Alleg'ialr V. M. liryan, dem. 1 Ansot -iU r Bennct, con. . Asht- Squire 'Xi"r rep. Beaufort Samuel Carson, rep. Bertie (P C Miller, rep. Blade i4-AF Perry, rep. Brunswick J .H Brooks, rep. Buncombe T D Johnston und David JlackwdllJcon. Buik( jPinkney Warlick, con. Cabarrus rShinn, con. Caldwell Ed Jones, con. Camdeu Simeon A Jones, rep. Carteeti Silas Webb, con. Caswejlli-T J Foster, , Geo W Bowe, reps.-. I I. i . Catawbl R B B Houston, con. Chatlijam J M Morihg, - llanua, cons Cherokde-T B K Dickey, con. Chow mj John L Winslow,rep. Clay-"-Anderson, con. -Clcavi'lind John W Gidney, con. , Colurr bos V v Richardson, con. Craveh-j-I B Abbott, E R Dudley, Cumberland G W Bollard, con., T S Lutteraob, rep. Cnrritbck - James M Woodhouse, con Dare-f Oliver Gray, rep. Davispur J T Brown, John Micheal, reps. Davie-- Charb a Anderson, con. DupU-fJuo BStandfbrd, J K Outlaw cons. j I ' - Edgecbibbc W V Mabson, "Willis Ilunn, repi. .c 1 . - w ForevtlJe W II Wheeler, rep , IVankliii John H Willirui3on, rep lTd8torf-i-William A Stowe, con. Gates 4-Ttobf Ii Ballard, con. Gran vie Rich G Snctd II, T Ilugbes reps. Graha Greene4-John Pattrick, rep; Guilfom Joseph Glimer, Wilev, cons Halifax; f-J no Bryant, J J AYoodwyn, reps. j I ' , Harncttj J R Grady, con. Haywood II P Haynes, con. Hender: ton James H Biythe, rep. , Hertfod--Jaroe8.Sharpe. ren. . Hydef Iredellf iVm S Carter, con. Shinn and Turner, con.' Jacksulii J. N Bry son, con. Johnston--Wm. HJoyuer, Jesse Hin- I nant, coii be Jones-UJacob Scott, repj Lpniorl-fStenhen Lasslter.' ren! XlucolofA J Monreoa, eon, T Jlacon J L Ucjiuion, con Mar tia--J ii Moore; too.-f-co'ntcsted. MeiiQtreiirif. reeman, coo, . J eckIeliBafg:-?noEsvBforiJ iUUCUeU- "U IT JJU WUJO.ll. Jiru. col'drensrt'fl ft d Northampton Barton H 'Jones,? rep. Onilow Jf ;W Shackleford. con. . Orange - Pride i Jones, j pnes'Wataon, con. .1 V ,;f - Pamjico 'l Pasquotank, F M Godfrey, rep. J li Darden, rep. Person, Montfort McGehee, con. Pitt, Wn. P Bryant, Guilford Cox, Polk. N. B Hampton, rep. Randolph J!W Bean, Harrison Fra zier, reps. Richmond, Robert Fletcher, col'd, rep. Robeson, W S Norment; T.A McNeil, con8.i ; . . Rochingham, David Settle, A B Jones, cons, i Rowan. F N Lnckey, Kef r Craige, con- servative. Rutherford, Eli Whitsnant, rep Sampson ; J K Moror!! Ttrvnn I cons.' StanlyM T Waddell, con. Stokes, J G H Michell. con. urry, Harrison M Wauh, con. Swain T D Bry son, con. Transylvania F J Whitmire, con. Tyrrell, Bertie t Jooee, con. Union Lemuel Presson, con. Wake, Richard C Badger, John C Gorman, Stewart Ellison, col., Rob't S Perry, reps. Warren, Goe H King, J Wm n Pas cball; reps. ; Washington, D C Gnytner, rep. Watauga Jos. 13 Todd; con Wavne. J C Rhodes. E. G Coneland. . ' ' I p Wilkes, A C Bryan, T J Dula, reps. AVilson, If U Moss, con.: Yadkin, J G Marler, eon. Yatvcey . J R. Byrd Prospectus for 1873. Sixth Year. THE ALDINE, Anlustrated Monthly Journal, univer- sally ad mi ted to be the Handsomest Periodical in the W.orld. A Rep- i resentative and Champion of American laste. Not for Sale in Book r News Stores. ! THE ALDINE, while issued with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodica-ls. it is an elegent miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature ; and a collection of pictuers, the rarest ppeeimena of artistic skill, in black and whit. Although each succeeding number ailbrds a fresh pleasure to its friend, the real value and beaut v of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it h:is been bound up at the close of the year. While other publination pay claim superior cheapness, as compared With rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE U a unique and originaiconeeption alone and nnapproached absolutely without compe tition in price or character. The iwssessor of a complete volume connot duplicate the quan tity ofj fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost; and then, there are the ehromos, besides! As.? depahti&ent. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALIJIXF assumed its pfesent noble proportions and rep resentative character, the edition vas more than doubled during the past year; proving that the American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. The pub lishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to develop and improve the work ; and the plans for the comingyear, as unfolded by the! montiily ifwues, will asioniuli and delight even the most sanguiue.- friends of THE ALDISK- r ; xne puDiisners are authonzeu to announce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDINE will reproduce examples 01 the bext foreign masters, Relecteu with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as have become familiar, through photographs, or copies of anv kind. The quarterly tinted plates for 1872, will re produce four of John h. Davis' inimitable child sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. These platen, a ppeariug in the issues for Jauuarv. Aprih J uly, and October, would be alone worth tue price of a years subscription I The popular feature of a copiously illustrated "Christmas" number will be continued. j To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so trifling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country ; but, as the usefulness and attractions of THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in propor tion to the numerical increase of its supporters, 4he publishers propose to make "assurance dou ble sure," by the following unparalleled ofler o. Premium Chromos For 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE who pays in advance for the yean 1873, will receive, without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chromos, after J. J. Hill, the eminent Eng lish painter. The pictures entitled, "The VilU age lJelle," and "Crossing the Moor," are 14 x 2Q inches are printed from 25 different plates, requiring 25 impressions and tints to perfect each picture. The same chroiuos are sold fur $30 per pair, in the art stores. As it is the de termination of its conductors to keep THE AL DlNE out 'of the reach of competition in every department, the chromos will be found corres ponding! t ahead of any that can be offered by other ieriodicals. Every subscriber will receive a, certificate, over the signature of the publish en. ouarantteina that the chromos delivered sjiall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. 1 he distribu tion of pictures of this grade, free to the subscri bers to a live dollar periodical, will mark an e poch in the history of Art ; and, considering the unprecedented cheapness of the price of THE ALDINE itself, the marvel fails little short of a! miracle, even to those best acquainted with the achievements of inventive genius and im proved mechanical appliances. (For illustra tions of these chromos, see November issue of THE ALDINE.) i She Literary Department will continue under the care of Mb. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted bv the best Writers and poets of the rfav, who will strive to have the liteiature of THE ALDINF always in keeping with its artistic "attractions, $5 per annum, in advance with Oil Gbronios Free. I THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only bv subscription. There will be no reduc ed or club rate ; cash for subscriptions must In? sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, vititout responsibility to the publishers, except in cases where tne ceruncate is . given bearing the facsimile signature of Jaiies Sut tox uo. , i t li AGEITS WANTED, Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent, will receive full und prompt infor mation by applying to ' i ; v JAMES SUTTON & Co., PnbhMiWs, A 68 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN Button-Hole, Overseaminff Complete Sewing t MACHINE. The first arid onlr BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that has made its advent in this or any other country. tSThe following reasons are given why this is the best . Family - Machine to Purchase. l. liecanseit will oo, 7. uectsue yon caa everything that any ma anicklr raise or lower the chine can do, sewing feed to adapt It to thick or from - the finest to the tninciom. coarsest material, hem 8. Because too have a hori deep bobbin by ming, iMllinir, cording. braiding, binding, bath wmca tiietnread is con ering and sewing on, at stantly drawn from the the same time raffling, centre:, the tension is quilting, etc., better than ; consequently 4 even and anv other machine. aoesnot ureaameuireaa 9. Because the presser foot turns back; that the a e more easily, adjusted than anv other machine cloth can be easily te 3. Because it can worn . . . . moved 4fter being sewed a beantuui Duuan-noie 10. Because the best making as fine a pearl as mechanics pronounce it the best finished and by the hand. 4. because n wm em made on the best princi pie of any machine man broider lover the edge. making a neat aad beau tiful border on any gar uiacturea. it has no sprints to break; noth ment, i ing to get tut of order 6. Because it will work 11. Because it is two a beautiful eyelet hole machinesin one. A Birr 6. Because it can do tokuolk Working and over-hand seaming by'Sr.wiNq MxoniM com which sheets, pillow cas-'bined. I es and the like are sewed over and over. I BSf No other Machine can accomplish th kind of sewing stated in Iso. 3, 4, o, and C n..!-i : t !t : 4 x anics uxiii a liiuiiiy new tug luiiciiiiic wain a u hole': Machine, one with ail the improve one with all the ments. It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do the best ; and this machine can do severa kinds of sewing not done on any other machine, besides doing every kind that all outers can do I7ie Ainerican or Plain Seicing Machine. (Without the bulton-hole parts), does all that done on the Combination except Lulton-ho and oversea min. M KRONE Y & BR0., Agts. i Salisbury, N. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. I do not hesitate tosiv the American Combina tion, snrnasses ail otber mtict.iiies. lifsnles doing all the work that other machines can.itoverseirms, and works button-holes in any fabric, from Swiss muslin, to Beaver cloth I have ned Sintcei's. Stoats", Howe's and the WeM. machines, and find the American far superior to them aU. Mis M. r.iTi.ErGt. I have nsed six different Sea ing Machines. The American surpasses them aU. Mas. a . Ij. Kaivky. I have u'l The tinier and other machines and would not exchange the Amtrican fnroi-y. MKS. 11 . IJIUNGLE. S.XLISBUUV, X Meboxey A B0., Agt. ('.. May 23.1. 1872. American Com. S. M. Sikt 1 hive n ! tl.e Howe. Singer, WLeeler A Wilson, Wjicox CibliS j-cwing i!:ac'.ii!es. and would not give the American Coinbination for ull of them, it will do at! that is chtinitil for it in tlic circular. I consider it nuperior to all otbvrs 1 have ever ecen. Very liespcctfuUy, Ms. lizo. W. Harbixson. We the umlursignoil take jnvat pleasure in giving onr testimony in f;ivor of the American Sewing XHchinc ir pit-lercuie to anv otl.tr. btliev in l tl.at is it truthfully recominen k-tl tl.e bet mat hit e made. Itis simple, durable, runs very light and docs not eel out of order or drop wtin-Ws. MKS. liACKA M. UVKKMAN, ; " A . L. Fot-sT. " J. Am.es Ukowk, " A. W. N'OKTUEKN. " A. K: JNKS, " M. K. Tuomasox, We hare seen flaming advertisements and heard mnclrsatd by XgenUol other machines. We will forfeit one hundred dollars to the con tending party, if after a fail trial before competent judge the American Machine will not do as well. if not better, the work done on any other niachiDe, and do valuable work that uo other machine can do. We have been Agents for Sewing Machines since 1866, have sold Singer's, L&d Webiter's. Atwateis's and Florence's, and Lave abandoned all for the American. Send and get samples of work. 27:ly MEliOXEV & BR0., Ax'ti BO WJIILLS ! rI',IIE proprietors of thee lastly celebrated I Mills aro in the market for WHEAT, and solicit calls from all who have it to sell. Tbey pay the highest market cash pricf. Flour! Flour!! They also solicit orders f" Flour They manufacture four different grades of Flour, ranging Best Family, Family, Ex tra, and Super. They also solicit orders for Bran. They exchange, or grind for toll, as may be desired, c EMilERT, BEOS & CO. 39-.Gmp'd Dowaro of Counterfeits I JOB HOSES' 81 'VUraVMSP" r sttnrivly ooo. fll?iiTD. DUKtnett Drvf. rut MiMW to M'i iu cnmurjnu to max rrt prqAu. Tkt rtnuin hav tA4 name afJmW ftla on mca rcmte. AU inert mrs loortniui tmumtionu Th qbkvihb Pi 111 are nnftUlinf in the enr of those painful and dangeroa dlwaiwa to which th female comtitntion ii rabject. They moderate all xceaaea and remove aU obstructions, rom what, ever cause. ) TO MARRIED LADIES tupy are particularly suited. They wiU in a abort time bring on the monthly period with reruiarity; na aitnoajra Tery Mwamu. eonmn notnin nnrt ful to the constitution. In alt caees of Kerron and Spinal Affection, Pains in the Back and Limba, Fatigue on tlijrht exertion. Palpitation of the Heart. Bnterica and Whiten, they will effect a car when all other meant hare failed. The circulars around each pacta rir fall directions and ad rice, or will be ent e to all wrlUnc lor tiuun, eealcd from obwrration. : N. B. In all case where to asxrora cannot b obtained. One Dollar enclosed to the Sole Proprie tor, JOB MOSES. 18 Oortlandt SU New York, will Iruntr a bottle of the fenuin. containlna Plfty knowledr of iu contents. Pills, by return nail, cury stats Irom any RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. J BRTAIT8 PUtMOKIO VTAFtM Care Cocoas, Colds, Asthma, Bkoichitis, Soma TaaoaT, Hoaaaassss, Pirricn.T BaaaTiuio, la. cintaT Coitrarnoi aid Luao DtsiAaaa. They hare no taste of medicine, and any ehild win Like them. Thonaande hare been etord to health that had before denyaired. Testimony ri' -n in hundred f cane Ak TbKTAN'3 PUtMONIO WAIXR3. Price 33 rente ar bx JOB MOiZS, Proprie tor, I i Cortlandt Street, New York. - THE GREAT' FRENCH REMEDY. DELAMATtinrS PPTCTFTCPILLS, t Prepared by J. OARANCIXRX,. Ro.tl4 Roe Lombard, Paris. . The pfua are highly recommend od by the rntir jaedical Fa lity ol Franc aa to Tery beet remedy in aU ci aeu : Nil art rhtlr. Dily or PrnmatvTt KmiaaiofM ; i ar fmeefracv : Weaknea arUincfrom nal Weakneea Secret Habit and Sexual Ezceeee ; tLtlmsmtUm of th Genital Ornn.- Weak Bnin : DerwaiU la th Urine. and all th ghastly trainr of Diaeaae arUini from OTersMOf Ezeeaee. T her car when all oUwrrem diee UXl. Pamphlet of AdTie hi arh box, or will be nt Pre to any addr. Frle St ar Bax Bent br maiL curtlf tledfrim afteteereartea a reoeipt of pric. OSCAB O. MOS13, 11 Ooaraaasff St-t Tots, Sol 0aral Aant for America aug 14, '72. 48: lj. ALL KINDS of COURT AKD21A I GISTHATES1 BLANKS a( r &ce BxOMAKE MERCHANTS, Main Street, Salisbury, J ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING New, improved and valuable Tools, Im pie-! menis, jiacnwes, oDinvancies, ccc sc., lor the convenience and facility of Farmers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Shoe-Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, . Masons, Carriage Builders, Coopers, House-Keepers, Butchers, Cooks, &cM &c. In fact, few persons unacquainted with our establishment, arc aware of the widej HAS taken the room recently occupied by ' How, and PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. fIIe solicits ca.k orders from abrod. notice. liesnectfullv defers to lniine.HS en ff"Cash paid for uh b.adin articles of THE Scientific -American, FOR 1873. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The fkiKTiFic American, nowiniu2$t year, enjoys the widest circuluiiou of any auU gutm periodical in the world. Its contents embrace tie latest and niot inter esting information pertaining to the Industriid, Mechanical, ami Scientific 1'rogre of tlie World; Descriptions, with Iieautiful Kngravin, of New lnvctitions,NcW'ImIe:ncnt!, New lr ceKsc, and Improved Industries ol all kind ; LVefnl Notes, Facts, K wipes, irupcslions aifl Advice, by 1 radical nters, 1r oikmcn a hm plovers, in all the various Arts. Descriptions of Improvement. Disco verit. and Inijortant ork, pertaining to Civil njd Mechanical Kngineering, Milling, Mining and '. .Metallurgy ; lkccords ol tlie latest progress n the Apjdications of Sterfru, Steam Enginverinp, Kallwavs, Ship-building, Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, Electricitv, Magnetism, Light and Ileal. f The Latest Discoveries in Photography, Chern- . jsiry in uic .vns anu iu lomesiic or iiouseuoiu Economy. The latest Irforinatioh pertaining to Techno logy, Microscopy Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Geology, Zoology, Lotany, Morticulture, Agriculture, Architecture, Rural Economy, Household Econ omy, Food, Lighting, Heating, Ventilation, and Health. j In short the whole range of the Sciences sad Practical Arts are embraced within the cotcof the (Scientific American. No person who detunes to be intelligently informed can afford to be without this paper: Fanners, Mechanics, Engineers, Inventor, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers, and People jof all Professions, will find the Scientific American to be of great value. It should have a placejin. cverv Family, Library, Study, Office and Count ing Jioom ; in every Heading Room, College, Academy, or School. j Published weekly, splendidly Illustrated only $3 a year. The yearly Numbers of the Scientific Ameri can make two splendid vol urns of nearly one thnusaud pages, equivalent "in contents to Fuvr Thousand ordinary Hook pages. A n Official Lbt of all Patents issued is published weekly. fiSySpecimen copies sent free. Address the pub lishers, Mrxs X Co., o7 Park Kow New ldrk. In connection with the Scien tific American,Messra.MlJNX .& Co. are Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, have had over 25 years' experience, and have the largest establishment in the world. If you have made an Invention, write them a letter and send a sketch . they will promptly inform you, free" of charge, whether your device is new and patentable. They frill also send yon, free cf charge, a copy of the Patent Laws in full, with instruction how to proceed to obtain a patent. Addrets Mcxs & co., 37 Park llow, New York. Subscription to tlie Scientific American taken at this office. Price 53 a year. nov. 2S.I1 tf "The Oldest and Best of the Eclectic1. 1873. Eclectic Magazine lySUBSCIUljE- NOW With the nntnher for jauuary.tlieEt'LEC- llt. enters upon lis twenty-mntli year gleans u cr.uicfvt articles from th entire field of foreign P'TiukIum! liienttare, nudolfera. The best SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES The best ESSAYS. ) The bet REVIEWS. Th- bst ClilTICISjig. The Wt IO UAlMUCALSKETCIiES The best NOVELS. The best SHOUT sf OKIES. The best POEMS. I Th best MISCELLANIES. The finest STEEL ENGRAVINGS The aim of tha ECLECTIC is to be in structive without lemc dull. and entertaitiinir without being traviaL Readers who l-eek instruction as well amusement should 'ive it a trial. Terms. $5 a year ; Single Copie. 45 cents. Liberal termt to clubs. The EC LECTIC will be sent with any other periodi cal at unrest club rates. Address. E. K. PELTON, Publisher. . ,108 Fulton Street. New. Ywt December $r- 12;tf .'. j GheajpChdt tel Mortgage J aaid various otbec blanlta for sale berp PATENTS r fX:- :: v.. - . -.1 : ranjre of wants rc arc prepared to meet, nor 01 , the exact ana ix-autiiui auapiauuuv 01 our troods for the purposes for-whlcu tCey are made.! jor can we descnue tnera in an .... 1 advertisement. They must bo seen. Come, therefore, ! to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a strawcutter anv- thing alpioa cverv tiling. incy nave A FULL STOCK always on hand of every variety of Kaila. Iron. SteeL Iloe Oram Cra dle. Scvtheft. 100 Dozen Axea at low price. Gums 1'irtolfl, Krivea.and. Forks, Fairbanks Scale, the beat Wrought Iron Plows to be found. We warrant them to give satisfaction. Thomp son s rlows and Subsoilera. CORN SIIELLERS, STRAW CUTTEHS, and a thoorand other tMns you need. Send j in your orders or cotne and buy. 13:tf Salibnry, N C. P4g5grS Overman, llolrhes fc Co., in Murphy's Granite ojiened a Protlucc "bought and ship pod on very fcliort of the itv. country! Produce. ll:tf I SALISBURY i P f.PH A I 11 IV ICS wms-a 4l Si ai s i v. aj At the Dook Streo. llYilX?. At the IUm.Ic Store JJSAliMS AND I UTIIL'liAN Books or Wor-hip. 1 At the l'M.k St-re. S" OOL t HOOK. liircc vjrii t At the l'.M.k Store. f.ict any tbii'gin the way of Hooks and Statiiuerv, t nnjK.- bad at obort notice a:id on reasonable teru. ! At the Bok Store. QPECI AL order will i O lion) Send in j t-uro receive prompt attca- rder. CALVIN PLYLER. Jan. til. Iffj. Itfaf FURNITURE! J. A. CL0DFELTER k CO. lianMfacturer$ ami Dealeu im Furniture, Invite attention to-their stock of Cottage Beadsteads. Cottage Chamber Suits, paint ed Chamber Suits, irench Suits. Walnut and naiuted Cane cat Chairs. Rockiiur rhairs of all de-crintions. Extension DiningTables tables of all kinds Wardrobes, Bureaus, "NVashstand, "What-Nots, Mattresses. Sofas, Reception Chairs and Parlor Sets. Also. Rustic Window Shades, a novelty for complete- . i ,., . , ness, of auty, cneapness anu unraoiuiy. Alo, many other articles which we are prepared to! sell as (heap or cheaper than any llousein the hcmciu pan im iuc rime Bo gnro to call, nearly opposite the Mansion notel.jucxt dwr below the Express office, see our storft and hear our prices. Special orders (made from photographs in our otucc) will be supplied. A full assortment of Eosewood, Uetalie end, Walnut Burial Caes, which can belur- nished at :i hours notice. ap5s).0m RIBBONS, MILLINARY- .'. AND STEAW GOOBS, 1872. ALSO "Wliito Goods, Eraliroiderics, ic. ARMSTRONGTOATOR&CO. ilinportcra, Manafaeturer aad Jobbers Bonnet Trimin, Neck and S.x-h Ribbons, Vtlvtt Ribbons, Neck Tie. Bonnet Silks, civet and Lrapes, r lowers, reathera, Ornaments, Frames, &c 8TUAW PO'kKT- LA"!E.s AND CniLOBEN'S j UAfi, TRIMMtD ANl I'NTRlWMtD And in conuccling Warerooma It ! White Good, Linens, Embroideries. Lacet. Nets. Collars, fretts. Handkerchiefs, Head Vet. ic., Ac. So; J37aud 139 Bait. Rt., Ualtimore4 Md. These eooU are manufactured by u or bought ! ur t;Ii dircftly from the turopean and Amer. . lean Mannfac!ir?rs, emhracine all the latest novehiex, luieqtialcd iu variety sjui cheaptveM to any market. Orders filled with care, promptness and atch. 51-Sn: pd. i , i Drs. Summereli r & Gaither s ! n izP 3" 'irs 152 BlKKEK & CQ4S Drug Store ; VP Sl AinS. Aug. 2, 46: 5ni.v ' ; ' ' - vx OWlDb1 fiTV ri l Pi y,rfJ??rV'"' Iarid Deeds, Trustee Deedi, Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, &iv i - iur caicai uus Quit k. -i THE WATCHMAN OFFICE 1 1 - is well supplied with' A large arid elegant assortment of plain im .:. j l .A i Pictorial or CUT ILLTJSTEATIOXS &.C 1 vi - - i all kinds of suitable for IANB11ML 1 1 PRINTING. Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional 2 i ; Visiting, Party attl AVedtling Cards ; College and School Circular; of all kiiiiU PAMIILETS. Tobacco -Notices and LiBELS for all purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors : Or anything else required in tho Printing Line. TIIE (EaroltnalDntc!)mQn 18 1 XEWSPAPEB, i ; - ' Is a candidate for public (avor. li j t'Mge improving. It beat of the best advicrtisinir rowliumt in the State, and offers its facilities on u liberal terms as any. L : H SHOTCUID . Jew Jozk QZoo, 27 OTMf BS April 26, 187833:1 j '1 J. It. BLIsIOT & Coi Manufacturers of r Witmtboro J i C I : . Also 1 ''i M 'sV ' eii 11 fillU I iS-Siarat j. f i f ; "i S ' 4 T t

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