v 1 I i ;i 'ii " i - 5. J -J 5 A VOE. IV -THIRD SERIES. S LISBURY N.,0... JN UARY- 0, lH7y. NO. 17 WOOLE NO. 857- I St - l - h . i- . . . -.. . i; , , , ;:; . 1 : Si j, J. UIIUNER, Propriety" and Editor. 7. J. STEWART, , SHOclate Editor. RATES Of SLBCniPTIOTt na Ybak. payablin advance. .i..$2.06 Six Mo'NTUS, " . 1.00 5 Conie to onkaddfeas, ......L.;i0.00 j A SVEET SOUTHERN SONG. Mrs. B. A. Vance's F three years she has broiled in sadness over her widowed love. She has ' been bereft of the husband who, no doubt, inspired the following wauuiui noes, puousnea ui i860: TO COLIN. Come over the bright seasi toy Colin, to u t. ve waicnea lor inee loncn Halleck wrote to him to destroy Charles o" i i l mil niiu bow it w m sau. inn no more Stuck away in a corner, rolled op al-j ,vt. --.i.x..f3Zy jDQst like a ball, was the countryman bx , . . rr, Ci i '.ri had paidfiftj Nnt8 for having h.s boot. V rr."' i j- y w-" - - w MOXUMEMS, : watched for thee longrram still waiting for 'thee! : t ' II- I've built in the far Sonth. ajrose-bowered home, Wbere the blue, leaping wun loam , Where, the clear sky aboveL wreatn, j -. Is scarcely more fair th - beneath. ,' .-. ' wave is besprintled ith its star-jeweled the green earth Why dost thou lincerf lias love roat its wines That I'm calling thee." likfe the sad bird that Ana plaintively ,woos back her bright plnm- ; seed mate. i a rilEJJDERS his comnliinents to his friends o as wanaerea loo iar ana wno tames wo - ' . . J . l - I.t t EAD & FOOT STONES, &C. JOHN H.BUIS . JL and the ptiblic, and in thU method would . 'Hi . , LL ... ; bring to their attention his extended facilities TheferdloTeaher mataandheler itabreeia, ' '.for meeting demands in his line of Wotinesi. 1 V ,CoIin far f er these. . f. or. r w iikri c I Knowest thou not of the Lesbian maid VI 1 v t. oiAiilvni iiVUluo vuiuLun u.uu wvuy7e i i . . I i i . k- .,.,n; ti.. ...r;r.. wroite ner sweei narpt woen iter love was - - . -.. . . . . . I luilKUil? 1 ntvlos anu yrr cnxtlv wrK nt on nana, can l L be accommodated on short timo. Ktrlctlv in ac-1 T.1?8. paonate children of frordanco with specifications, ; draftJ.- and the ieldp the fierce life t fnnita or tn cimtTAPt. fSAtwription' inmmn. I . -- T- ( ! TT Tl . L. 1 n North or uer rnaon was iaife, ourmv uoun is true a ine iar 10 lis place .in jn neaven oi uiue teed. He will not be under. sold. South. Orders sohctod. AddrcHx,' J7;tf jpiIX II. ItU IS. 8 iliaburv. W. A. HATS. E. BRYCE SILL HEW. HAYS & SILIJ Druggist 8c Apothecaries, Having iurcla8 d the contends of-the Druir 8totfefoimrly occupied! by Dr. Edward SilK riep ctfully call the at tcntion)f the Citizens of Salib.uryand the-,surrouiidiiiK country, to te new ar rangement, and inform tlicm that we will contiuuo to carry on the bnsineES at the same place, and the same excellent way We will endeavor to keop-'on nana alltne various-goods the, people may Ineed per taining to Innr line, and therefore hope br strict attention to business, to, receiver a liberal patronage. !Pliysiciatf s Orders Prompt ly Attended To. - Prescrintions accurately and carefully compounded hy and competent Druggists night. v ' 43 lv ove and song ut 13 darkened with r i .'hev tell me the land wliieh thou dwellest in now II J- 8 bright m tlie Bmileon beautiful brow ! know that it is fair 1 e dreamed of tl clime i.i i NeatU the shade of jhe . s,weet time, Jixt I mile at the folly t be ' ' I One charm in that country tp win thee from me BACK TO NORTH CAROLINA. ! Dr. Henry Victor Redfield's Railroad Letter ; in Cincinnati Commercial. , . exasperated, and divined hia feelingf only i - From the Saturday Review. - too well. When on his way to Columbia A DEFENfiE OP PRETTY WOMKN 1HOUOUTFUL -DELICACY: A story is told by Dickens in the nar ration of his residence in Switzerland, 'm. jaat now going iat niyrtle in thinks there could la Thou jart' coming I know ly the gleam of yon star , c , I i'. Reflecting the glory it ses from afar : The dewy-lipped zephyr awnkens and Kings palled off. "Please rad my ticket," he said, hand ing it to me : i fI can t read. 1 did so, and asked where be was from. "Indiana, he replied. ! -Indiana, and can't read ! It was most too unnatural! and I ventured to ask him ii ne was uorn in iuai oiaie. t 4No, sir,' he answered, ,MI was born m North Carolina.' ! My guess was right, after all. He was a veritable Tar-heel. : , "How long have youj been living in Indiana T 1. asked. "Two years, I back.". ; 4 tDon't yon like it up there.!' J Mlfnt a micrlitTT wll - A. SnntTiArn man don't. Lave a fair how. You seeil was in the rebel army four years. I'm willing to ackno wledge that I am whipped, but I don't want to take all the blame on onr side for all the trouble. Up in In diana they seem to think that all the blame ehould go agin the South. Jdon't quite acknowledge tliero pnuciples, and that makes discord. The DemocraTs sor ter hold up for me, but the re am t many about where I live. We only polled summer's thirty-four yotes in the township out of about three hundred. "You cot in among the Radicals, then 1" ' "No ; the sort about where I live.are not old stralirht out 'Publicans : I call bia would soon be in his hands, and Hal leck have no cause to complain of his treatment of them : that he had-lb&Fif- . . After all. is the world so Yerr absured In its lore of ; pretty women I Is women J given the world by Mr. Forster, of a Swiss so very ridiculons in her chase after beau- ; bride who, baying, According to e Jtom, to ty I A pretty woman is doing a woman s work in the world, bnt not making speech es, nor makinz nuddiues. but, makinsr life sunnier and more beautiful. Man has buy a black dress lor her wedding, observed to her mother, an old lady oi eighty-two years You know, mother, I am sure to want motuninsr for you soon, and the raise foresworn the pursuit of beauty altogether, j gown will do." Similar want of reverent Halt a. MiluosT EmoxAxxi Bxrx: 1TXQ Ilourj iv Amcrica'. The German , Emigration As social kmi of this city iar received further advices froa .ibe borne organization, relative to the movement of the German farmers and mechanic to e ml- grate to this country. The bom organi- sation, to efet this purpose, Is said now to number eighty-two thousand,' and it Is proposed it farm a Union whh ij tbe National Arneoltural Laborers Union ot . - teenth Coras with him. and that corns did i . ' " , i i r i - ir i - j i - l : - . - A i . A .M A i i ..'ir. i --..I. - . t i ue seea, n lor nimseii. ne is nesseu i ueuccy is wku iucuwuiiure t ntt 1. 1 s (Sherman) would not spare the public to be poetic, there are whisper, that h,s affection tn the case of perwo. defictentin mcmberahip of 200,000, it Uconte.pUud building, at Columbia as be had at Mil- la are no better than they should be. cultivation. District rt.it.ri when the Vas.,n open, to end;a? ieaat . ledgeviL -len. Sherman admitted on 1 oewty resolute to be ugly there U no with instance, of th,. obtosenes. n the . bis examination, that this correspondence P"" ao on s, out tna, ox . moae. oi Tery P.r " r" 7 u" 7" " v; farmer, and mechanic, to Tarion.;, point, was authentic. Ho stated that be occu- pardmen- Vut women does for man good feel.ng The Scotch psantry, a .q WwM Ul n0,u w a pied Columbia with the Fifteenth Corps. I Fd.e?im rom c" wa"n. hSeiA8 K !HTJCJ IE UnUed Sute.. Both of these association. In reply to the auction whether h?od is to bebeAutifub Lven as a school- ne this mpec L f wleolwho haTeor lbelr priDcipAi oljtcl thelicf of kept the men in ranks after taking po.- 1 she note, the progress of her charms, devoted herself to soothing the prent overcrowded" labor tnar session of the city, he said, No. - ' !be ning color ot her hair, the glow, the sick and sorrowful in "Scotch . ijjo. nM fJd op We grieve for the siuvhaUies upon tbe 77 . the "pemng pan.h being par "i, " caplal of 4hree thousand pound. fTcarry soulsof all the 1 chronicler c6n4smen contour of her check. We watch, with amiable young girl the daughter of jot- P h u p anoc. and iiewsnaDcrwrucr..l0 connection with "eal .nwre. ne ia creamy ier, wno - other thine.. .1 . f , A tr'. ii .v ri I oi coming beauty, ana panting lor ine l visuea ner cominuaiiy iu u.-r tunc gnv. i . . this mnch mooted affair. All the false I , . p., i! xr . P.. rni ,:. .v-, .r.,1 ...i-J. A I American oods are without avail, for here is the I v ... . ' . . . !. .C . . . i?..i. j -iTItiouof em . . - i - if ' i Insensible, she becomes an arUst, uer uer aina iriena enirriaiuea mwe uouui . oi the thuig. Bad enough it is to he, but , . . j f . e tt j i."r academy. 1 be joy of her toilet is the joy to do so for a chief who pleads guilty ot . , J . .... J J. .u i i i.i .i j V- o Raphael over his canvass, of Michael the charge which they stoutly deny i 1 1 Cl glass that the end was near, when, on calling as oeusal to see the sufferer, she was as for lnS It I tkM to urge legulauon . by me Congress for the better protee- izrants. A commission .will Bremen in the middle of January the puopope of purchasing band for I i 1 1. ..,.MJ.u a.tlrltnB tonished to find her down stairs in the I ! f, . . . K this must indeed be excruciating to their Cut u mo i a Phoentx. ieeungs. Angelo over his marble. She is creating beauty in the silence and loneliness of her " keeping-room." mother as to the On qnestioning the improvement sue sup- ri fanned, into life by tlW Thou hart com And Biirer than all, by th,.- Meifithia4 Tenft., 1800. beautiful wings by'tiic-shajlows that move and oy in my Heart. 'tlran Radicals. to return to North j ' USURt. The Jews allowed usury to be taken only bf strangers. For n hundred years, in North Carolina, it wa unlawful to take more; than six per ceutj The party or person taking more Ulan';; six per cent, for feited double, the-amount loaned. These were? years of honestjr afid prosperity tor the State. - The rate jot interest in. .North Carol ina'to-day is established by custom and practice and varies j from eighteen to thirty per cent. The1 matter of interest and .UiHiry will engage lc attention of the General Assembly wlien lthey re assemble. reliable day or TRIUMPHANT I " -WmM. mt them worse "Are you going Carolina' Hi-t: "Yes; Ij can't be satisfied in Indiana. A Southcrii poor man baa little show there, I telj you. 'Pears the whole com munity is suspicious of him. Then. I be lieve eyeryf man gets along bet among his own sort of people. The Northern folks are different from Southerners a hean 'different.'' They don't even chew tobacco alike Up there they use what they call lfinecut.' I don't want any of it in me. i W e isortn jaroiiuiaus buck io the old plug. Well, but that ain't the Only difference. Southern peopel have bigger hearts. They are more kind and consideratiiig. They don't make money like the Yankees. I know men about Indianapolis, that have got money enough to buy out half of North Carolina, but still they are on the hunt for more. Seems like they can't get enough. So much 'money,; or trying to get more, or something, makes them crops. 1 ney FOUR MEN TO BE HANGED ON CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. -i Four men, all of them whites, are now lying in the county jail of Burnet county, Texas, under sentence of death, all to be executed at the same place on January 15. Tlinr names are Benjamin Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Ball Woods and William Smiih. They were all eenteuced for the murder of Benjamin McKeever. Their cage, taken in all its details, is one of the most interesting in the annals of criminal trials. The evidence against them, though conclusive, was entirely circum stautial. McKeever was shot from his horse at night uear the residence of the Slielbvs, his ihroat then cut, and his body carried on horseback three miles and thrown into a cave. A large rock was placed on the bloody spot where his throat chamber :the crows like any artcreatiori. posed must have taken place to warraut the result of patience, of hope and of a this change, the tender parent imroediate- inousana aeucaie loucuing anu remucu- i icjjicu, uci vunu o -ii" , incs. Women is never Dertect : never ma leddy, we were fain to move her; we complete. A restlees night undoes the coulena hae gotten the corpse doou the beauty of the day; sunlight blurs the stair. evanescent of her cheek ; frost uips the in the Spring ; also, to make report, upon the particular eectioh of the United States, i both for climate ana tu, wnicot i. oes adapted to German. .Yattongton mar. I: yeas, ago, in Buffalo township, county, Pa., there lived a couple ' Hows, of the'name of Bob Maek-J J . c: T:.Ll. v. i..: J .!.:..( i tender outlines of her face into sudden harsbuess. Care blows lines across her brow ; motherhood destroyes the elastic lightneas of her form, tins bloom of her cheek, the flash of her rye, fade and van ish as the years go by. But woman is true to her idea. She won't know that she is beaten, and she manages to steal fresh victories even in her defeat. Sheiu vents new conceptions of womanly grace ; she rallies at forty and coufronts us with the beauty of womanhood ; she makes a last stand at sixty with the beauty of age. She falls like Caesar, wrapping her mantle around her. Death listens pitifully to the loneinc of a life time, and the wrinkled Remakkable Gift Exterpriks. There is a smart family up town. It con sists of a father, mother, and seven child ren. Before Christmas the old folks bit upon the following shrewd plan: Select ting families of friends in which there was but a single child, a handsome present was purchased and sent to it a day in ad vance iu the name of the seven youngsters of the scheming: family. Of course this Many V Li nion coun of old fell ey and Simon Pickle. Not beingf strictly nious. tbev crossed Buffalo Mountain one bright Sunday morning to White Deer Creek to fish for trout. Tradition aahh not what their lock wa. ; but a few week. afterward an itinerant Methodist preacher i held services at the Union School house,! as there were no churches in that neigh- borhood in those days, and court u serrt ces were few and far between5. The school house wa. crowded, and atnon implied reciprocity on the part of the old tbem were present Boh Macaeyjand hit folks who owned the single juvenile. It (companion Simon Pickle. I , would not do to send one present for sev- After the preliminary exercise, the en gift makers, neither would it be appro- I preacher announced hi. text, j" Simon; pnate to send oue less costly or elegant Peter went a hsbing, be repeated uf than received. There beine no other tiU " Simon Peter went a fishing." iTbeDld. siuiuai , ., ,;.l, l., f 1a itrett I- I . - .1 : I ! LI. r.l I.... iha was cut, but this precaution, instead ot VT u- j V , " ,r , ' 1 T a r,t concealing the crime, led to the arrest of the criminals. The keen eyes of a fron tiersman saw the rock had been recently placed there; so it waa removed and in dications of blood found. A closer search resulted in the further finding of a paper wadding that had been fired from a shot- gun. un examining a gun oi Benjamin We subjoin a word oit two on this sub ject from: the Shenandoah Valley: a Erreater interest man o per cem, wu break up the mass of tlie people if they; jf ak oue 0f lnom way are induced to borrow ati that rate. Manu-1 l- will nearlv snaD vour head off A tucturers nrght pay it, Where machinery goulherh man will stop and give you all ! . . -1.11 -.1 ness ot eighteen. POWER OF MUSIC. Nothing contributes more to the pleas ure of evenings at home, than music in families. To cultivate a love of music amon children, creates and fosters a res fined 3entiment that is not forgotten when they arrive at maturity, waste engen merit to all kind, the Ulner oi l be lone l desk. yonngster, with a heavy heart, dispatched the text, he jumped up, went sinmtliog seven nresents. each in value en ual to I out. alamoing his cane down, anil jail a. the one his darling was favored with, and j he got to the door, be turned round, and thus by a littlo shrewd management, the I in a loud voice exclaimed: enables one hand to do the work of four, but it will not pay in anything else. If youj fix a higher rate than' 6 per cent., then a higher rate than ix per cent.will rule. It has beeu tried;, it failed in this countiy. ltdepreciattdiland zo percent Shelby paper-wadding was likewise found in it. :uid vet another waddinff that had ders and promotes good feelinz. The -, . O I t ' fAii rvwlittlv fiif(l from Blint-fiin like hloiidinf of the voices of uarents and won't stfp and talk like a Southern man. j fifg wa, fttUn utldor Shelby's door- children in song, strengthens the ties that u'v " "'V Rten. In hi- house was found a couv ot bind them together, and tbe- love tbai the Chimney Corner and by comparisons I centres ibont tlic home nreside. it is tne it was ascertained that the three pieces of home circle where it is tolerated and cul- gunw adding had been obtained from that tivated, there will be found a greater free- paper. Placed together the following dom from all those discords and luuaimo- paternal ancestors of the seven olive bran ches reaned a sevenfold dividend from their thoughtful investment. Verily, veri ly, "Cast thy bread upon waters, and alter many days it shall return unto thee." Phila. Star. " Yes, and Bob Mackey went along I the directions you want and talk with you a long time, and ask abovt your crop. and family, and it you won'tcome in aud take a drink, and if you dou't want to come around to the field and see some of his stock, and all that. But up Nortli, I tell UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE MIUMS and Gold and Silver Medals were awarded to ChalesM. Stieff , for the best Pianos in competition ' with all the leading manufactv era of the country. ' Office and Ucw Warerooms, in three months, it has; embirrassed all you they don't do things iu that style. i i i wj i.d.n ia i i - - . . . : . wno uonowcu. u uayc .iu uujcuuuu 'jhey won t stop long enougn to answer banks discounting at 9 per cent., but then on a cjvjj qaedtion. In the cities every only on short time I he more capital fenow walks like the devil was after him, that is introduced at a greater rate than 6 1 Northern man in a city will walk faster Der cent, the worse it is for the State. thari ajVorth Carolina horse can eo, and enigma could be easily read : With phee of paper or a slate. Sit round the tire both large and small; A letter make, almost on eight. Aud now jou see what covers all. There were several other circumstances pointing strongly to the accused men as the murderers; therefore the, jury that tried them did not hesitate to find them Let us use what wo have form associa- tjjev run; over you ,f you don't get out guilty of murder in the first degree. The tions and we will be 04 how; ' " 1 A Frenchman's Or ijt IiOUisi ana. The Ceurrier des Etate UniSf Speaking of fjhe says : the safe side any of the,fway. which a horse won't do. I verdict is generally approved by the citi nUw .nri. rnnlft to kLivo ahead and I zens of Burnet county, and the latest ad . lt PvJrv 'fellow look out for himself vices from there indicate that there will 1 r- 1.. .. I t 1 . i . : e. 1 cs : NION OF THINGS 'Peara like they! don't care anything tor prouauijr ue m unic.cuc uj u,..w. one another. I They ain't jovial, and don't Courts or the Governor to preveut the de- uious contentions, that render so many parents miserable, and their childreu anx ious to find a more congenial atmosphere elsewhere. Musie is not an unmanly or effeminate way of spending one's time, as many unrefined parents aver, when they proscribe even the coveted fiddle' their sons eniov scrauinz iu the attic. Every home should have a musical instrument j feels entirely confident ot his ability to in it that can be used as an accompani- make the quickest trip on record across ment to the family voices. It will give j the Atlantic. Quite a number of scicn eniploviuent and amusement to the cbil- j tific gentlemen have made application to en in their otherwise unoccupied hours. I accompany him in this greatest of all bal- A Balloon Voyage Across the Atlai.'ic. The Philadelphia Star says, Prof. J no. Wise, the well known aoeronaut, has it in contemplation to make a balloon trip across the Atlantic uext summer, prepar ations for the great serial voyage beiug in process of arrangement now. 1 be pro fessor, it will be remembered, mtde the famous air trip from .St. Louis to the eastern extremity of Lake Ontario, a dis tance of over twelve hundred miles, iu the short space of nineteen hours, or at the rata of sixtv-three miles an hour. He Ab. 9 -forth Lrbcrly SI, BALTIMORE, Md. . s ; .. 11 iui iAi,.i nifen w: 1 1 m ' iriiinikj onnriiu 11 1 1 1 1 1 i:u hvi. 1 111- r provcnients'to be found in a first-c4asH Piano, Mandarins as is Luisi4na by a handful with additional improvements of his own in-1 0f miscreants- and adveturers, to whom vention, not to bo found in (ither instruments. 1 jt jg delivered, bodnd Maud and foot, by The tone, ' toucli and finish of their intttru-, . , r, '..iLrnpIt Never did a nn..r i. -,n,.,l hv Hiif niauufactur- i the 5 ederul Govertimeft. Xvever did: a ed. ' 1 j ' ' , A. large assortment of secon.d-hand Tianos always on haml.lroiu ?;to irule in Louisiana, j go in! for a .good time like we in North Carolina, lou can stay in inaiana a "We may state as faci, that there is not year and never be mvittd to drink, but a Chinese province jso shlamefully Jrodc'e 1 you can't in North Carolina.. But they under foot by shAraellsa and lawhss get us on the money. They have got - .i - . .1 ;!.J I . .1..'.. more money tuan we uave, uiiik b nw n.. ' 1' in i. I he two iKJopig are aime oniy in creed quadruple execution. drer It will keep them at home, and out of bad influences elsewhere. t Frin the Detriot Free Press. A SINGULAR REMEDY. Parlor and Chusch Orirani. Home twenty uil- 1 fcrent styles on hand from $."T8nd upwards. Send for Illustrated "Catalogue, containing .-names of over twelve h'undred Southerners (five hundred of which are Virginians, two hundred Nttrth Carolinians, one hundred. and r fifty Eist Teunes'ttus and others throughout , the South), who have .Jxtuglit the SUeff Piano ' since tho close of the war.. - t.' J J. AIJTKN UU0WN, Agent, ,x '.22:401 J SalishiTy,-N. C. . Turkish pachatick prcseijjt a more disgrace ful spectacle of corruption ad despotism ; never was a people o maatrcatea, numuia ted,; robbed and ruified 4s this people, on wliftm weighs. not!l the iron heel ot one de'sbot. but a whole fihhv wretches, wj much better at the the capitol of a free -,t: M9 K HQ4f 4S 11 Aysv ViJ.l :fwi'-i O its- -ni.j; I ft .1-.. ; F3 msuiiE IN Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ikcokporatep, i800. CaVitaiL .$350,000 Ga. .1. z f ' Ji RHODES BROWN ERrsiuVnl, 4 I DaF. WILLOOX, Secretary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted :i krid Promptl jPaid in : Full! Property bwners'desirig to obtain Reliable Inh ttl An welt io Drotect Uicmselves by eeurin a Policy in leoreia Home Insurance Co. : Agencies .at prominent pointi in all the Southern fetates. - , 'r -, ! J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent s ! Office. No. g; Cxanlte Row, 4 April 25, 72. lyf 1 SallsburyJ JJ. C. f V Clican Chattel Mortgages, . A HEALTHY bald; of sordid and hose pjace would be uub hi a tree, than In Stat.7 - one DON'T ASK FAVORS. Rely upon yourself and a?k no favors. It is a great deal better to be put to eerious inconvenience, and to suffer more than a way,1 they have both got to die and leave ; little, than to be dependent npon others, what they have and there wo have the ; Obtain what you desire by your own ex advantage, for we hayen't much to leave ' ertions, or make up your mind to go with out it. There is more true dignity in comparative poverty, than in the most luxurious indolence gained through cring' There is a man who is 79 years o! our times, all four OLD CHAP. in Alamance county d ; has been married of hil wives are dead. He had eieht daughters land one son, the . r m 7,0 . fl' - soil having died pn intant. uis eigni, dahuhteis gave brH to 73 children, forty f v bom have ruafriediaud had nearly all- arc youn a 40t children ; of the 400 children, nearly hut soipe have married, 50 chi Iklren ; Bevera 1 of mi r.-uspd POill 1 - !.- whom havii married ajd had about 10 liihlroii." FTv of these hve also married " 1 . 1 1 aiiu raised auoui uri. iliid man had . - I ?i ii r a Kurt 1 sou 73 ciaiiov duuaren, ou gn-at great grand childr, 15 great, great grand cliildreti, and 6 grat, gfeat, great, great gfaud children. He 14 just old ejiougu The) old woman -has soured says cabin who she would! rather hake a dirt floor home in! North Carolina e township in Iudianal" THE BURNING OF COLUMBIA. Most of bur City reader have not yet been able to recover from the horrors of that dreadful night-when Columbia was burnt by the Federal army. They can never forget the atrocities and cruelties whiich accompanied the vandal act. The city1, was formerly surrerdercd by the Mayor aud Aldermen about twelve or oue and be sorry for." "So you don't like Indiana 1" I mused "No, she's tod cold aud sjwift for me. I want to get back to the old Noith State, I jg anj asking favors. And then, too, it wbete things ar0 run more according to j s s0 humiliating to be refused by those my hoiion. j 1 km plumb sijck of Indiana. I wi,0 are abundantly able to aid you, with. Some two mot.ths ago a resident of Maple street named Broef was taken ill with some port of fever, and for two week, there was little hooes of saving his life. He continued to sink in spite of all the physicians could do aud they finally cave him up. All-through his sickness the man had continually asked for pickles ! looning expeditions. As showing bow far America is ahead in acronautcrs, so far as distance travelled is concerned, the longest trip ever made by a European balloonn st was 400 milrp, while that of Prof. Wise's was three times that dis tance, and what u more, the greater por- ! tion of it was accomplished in the midst of a cyclone, and with three passengers besides himself What a Sixole Wate Cas Do There is a vessel in Qoeeuitown harbor of 1,200 tons, which received, from a .in gle sea, a surprising amouut fj damage. This vessel, a Norwegian, wa. tniek by a sea or wave, of so tremendous W charac ter, in the lave gale, a. to .weepjthat por tion of her cargo which wa. stowed upon the deck, in a moment into the .ea ; to carry off her cooking apparatus, made of cast-iron ; to empty and injure her deckt house, to smash her bulwark, aud stanch ions, to wound s'nd bruise three of her men, and rcdacc four more to state 01 weakness and syncope: to break the mate. . thigh and ah a seaman ottf board, and 6nally, f fill the cabin and damage all the provisions, so' that the crew were nearly starving when they came into QueeoHown. All these injarkk were produced in a moment by! a iingU wave. It not ouly cleared the deck., but it extinguished hope in the heart, f the crew, who, the moment they were struck. never expected to see iana (vb. tw Tekgrapn. j ( Mrs. Edwin Forrest at Her Hus band's Bier. Mrs. Edwin Forrest, wifr of the tragedian, was according to :be and cider, and when he had got w . guleocftt ol the rporter, at ber buiband'i K . I. i n Jinilt n.ia .Amiflfirpn ntilv a mica 1 - . liutuiDuram T.na -M--- fmpr. . lie SaVS on it too. She than a o c !! rti . tlx cliiwiren. to sum. 4 wives, 8 daughters to marry again, aniprdba)y will. Mews v . f I. T. 1 w ... t r ..r.r '1 tTufp iff atnrp will be reported. All things are engaged iu Writing their history. JUie pianet, tne i.ibble. cues attended by its shadow. The rolling rock jeaves it. scratcher pn ihe mountains, the rivejr its channels in soil, the animal ita bondjB in the stratum, tie fern and the lef the modest epitaph ihfi coal.. The falling drop makes its lnllllV III the Hand of atone: not a foot step in the snow,) or ahing the ground, nritita in characters more or less last ing a man of Us r4archevery: f mn inscribe, tself in tlie memory or nia follAw and in bis own face The air m lull of sounds -tie .ky of tokens, the nnn i all Wniorauda and signature, ia cohered over with hint., wjiifb ep?aV thi intelligence.; ' lock in the day, and taken regularly under the protection of the Federal com mander. He told the Mayor and friends who were With him that they need be un der no apprehension, and that they aud all the citizens I might sleep in peace. General Sherman himself, we suppose. slept soundly while the loth Army Corps " did their; Work well :" as it seems , he knew they would do it. Such waB the in dimation which this atrocious abuse of the betrayal of pledges, and need less heartless cruelty caused throughout met Civilize'l worm, turn ib was lueaiujr attempted, by j certain writers of fiction called, historians, and by sudsidized Con gressmen, to saddle the crime npon Gen eral Hampton. (Nobody believed this but those brutal and vulgar wretches who nrefer a1 lie! to Ithe truth always. Now, curioasly enonffh, we htve Gen Sherman himself ou the Bland, giving his testimony before the American and, Jiritisu Claims Commission iajregard to the burning of Cftlnmbia. I He did not issue order, to dot it. Of course not. There waa a bet tef way. He had but to let the exaspe rated army -atone,' and they would know what to do.lThej knew that he, too, waa I'm very sorry I can't accommodate you.' "1 really wish it was in my power. "Dear me, if you had only applied yester day," and all the other old, musty speech-J es which have been stereotyped from time immemorial, ready for use by those who gladly avail themselves of any excuse rather than put themselves to anyj incon venience to do a favor for those who they say are their friends. How many such people there are in the world aud who wants to dance attendance upon them forever ? We recently knew a man who had al- ways b en ready to do- favors ior ins kind'.ed, brought into rather a tight pecu niary fix ; arid though he had many weal thy relatives, who, without any trouble, might have assisted, yet there was not one of them that was willing to do the least thing for him. The better way is not to try even the nearest relative, we have ou eatth, by asking favors of them. If a man, however, has connections or friends who are really noble hearted, and who, when they see him in trouble, come forward of their own accord and otter him assistance. let him accept it, aud lejoice that he has such, "That are friends indeed Because friends ia need.' Don't ask favors, then, and don't refute them when they come in the right shape Rely upon your own effort. ; go ahead, work hard : and if sometime, embarrass ed, and a whole-souled man come, along and offers the helping hand, do not let foolish Pride nor a mistaken notion of in dependence prevent you from cordially and gratefully accepting the proffered aid ; and be ready to prove your appreciation of hit kindness by doing him a good turn the first opportunity that occurs.; tion of a few hours, Mrs. Broef decided to gratify hid w shea. A g' tss of sweetcider was given him, a epoontul at a time, and be declared that he felt better for it. More was given through the night in place of medicine, and the next morning the doctor declared that a most favorable change had taken place. Some good stronge pickles were procured and given im, and he began to call for gnu 1 and broth. To bo brief, he is now able to move arouud the house, and everybody in the neighborhood, as well as the physi cian, gives the cider and pickles the credit of performing the cure. The Sale at Chujaqua. -- All the farm utensils, horses, cattle, and household goods belonging to the Greeley family, at Chappaqua, were sold at auction on Sat urday. I he cattle sold al oidinary rates, the oxen going nt from $62 to &9 a yoke, the cows from 810 to 550, and a tine Al- demy bull, valued at SGOO, for S30. The famous old cow, 24 years old, which had furnished milk for Mr. Greeley .chil dren and was a historic old creature, sold for$7.G0. The grain went off aV low rates also. It is stated that the farm will be cultivated next vear by the young la dies, probably on shares with some manager. This winter Miss Ida Grce- .a '' ley will make her heme at the resi dence of her aunt, Mrs. John F. Clevej land.Jo. 12 Cottage Place, and Miss Ga- brielle will finish her education at, the in stitutiou which she is attending. The total amount realized for cattle, grain, provender, farm utensils, house and kitcheu furniture, Sec, was less than $1,000- probably a fifth of the original valuation. Sitting at the window facing Broad street, aud with no one near her, her aims, resting listlessly npon her knees, her fin gers nervously drumming and and toy ing e.sch other, was Catherine Sinclair, the divorced "wife of the dead. If any one knew who she was thej appeared to keep their distance. She arrived yes terday morning and entered the house at half past twelve. She was dressed nn in deep morning, with a double black crs.pt veil uowing nearly io uer icei. She moved, nervously towards the rear palor. where the remains were lying. There were but five or six persons in the -i.i :i .i. . I room. i tiro wing aside uer tch pii ni for nearly ten minutes. Then he glided toward the foot of the coffi.i and plucked oue of two flowers from the cross which lay upon the dead man's feet. She then w . a 1 moved rapidly toward the trout parlor, where she was seated unltl li the bouse." Two Of the chair, of 76 h.ve found their way to independence Uallj Philadel The Modoc Wae There can be little doubt that the Modoc war ha. been brought on by the ssme cauc. tbit haje occasioned nearly all the quarrel, between white men and Indian, since the days bf Columbus to the present time. :The white men first debauch their women, cheat them in trade, reduce them to itarvatUn by depriving them of the mean, by which they have been used to lire,i and then when the Indian steals or rise, in self- defence they organize and butcher tbem by wholesale. So long as the white m.u cheats the Indian with bad whiskey there never will be an end of these out-breaks. If the Indian is a thief it ia the white who has driven him to it by depriving him of that liberty in hunting and shoal ing where he will which is a necessary to bis habits as the air be breathe.. A. almost every difficulty between ctvuia- ed and barbarous race, the aggression apd wrong has been begun by the former California IiepuUicait Dec 10. left A Neat Hit. Two well known cler-. gvmen were consvtrsing when fuie sta.t- led the other hy abruptly asking : "Brother G , is it poueible you chew tobacco ? "I roust confess I do " the other quiet lv replied. "Tben I would quite it sir," the old gentleman energetically continued, "It', a very unclencal practice, and, 1 musi say a very uncleanly one. Tobacco I Wbj , sir, even a hog would not chew it. Father C," responded hi amused lis terar, "do you ue tobacco !" "1 1 No, sir 1" he answered gruffly, with much indignation. Then, pray, which is most like the hog, you or I ? The old doctor, fat side, .hook with laughter, as he said ; "Well, I have been fairl caught thi ltimer A Mocxtain or Salt. Tber are la tht posssion of the chemist of the Agricul tural Department some very beautiful specimen, of rock .alt, which are proven by chemical analysis 'jo be pure chloride of sodium, and are so transparent that fine priut may be read through rubes mire than an inch thick. They jwere taken from a mountain of rock .alt tn the region of the Colorado, in Arizono. 400 feet high and 15 miles long. The width of the stratau is not known, but jit ha. Wen penetrated to a distance of three nilea, through .c.v. The dieofery waa re ported to tbe Department by, a Don pro festional man, and until proper .denU&O investigation is made it can net be known .. .. m f.. it - whether tne eve t. asure pet tiraxiug tue stratam itstlft, or whether he' wall, of the cave are merely an excrrsceoc from the great mass. j i An editor announces the marrUre of a friend thusly : " He baartad himself eat of the jolly brotherhood of bachelor., .old hi. .ingle-breasted lounge, I packed &ic , baggage and checked it for glory, walked tbe gang plank of coaiulip o the reuel of matrimony, and i. now .teaming down the stream of blit. by the light cf tb hnnVfnoon. f ' 'i r 'I. M 4 t -1 i I f 1 - V. - 'V.