-V- - 'I . ' L I 1 ' - -- . - . , i J ' VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. -T SALISBURY Nl C., : J UARY 1G, 1873. - PUDL1SUKD WEEKLY ; Ji J. BftUNER, . 1 proprietor nd Editor. J. J. STEWART, Auoclato Editor. -1 I. fcATES OF SCBCHIPTION b l!AK,.pyWi,1 advance. ,...$2.00 Six Months, " j : ..w.. 1.00 5 Cope to ooei addreis, . . . . ; ...10.00 tiieconvictin of stokes.; ' --1 I ". i . v ;:i;;;J ,N18.-VHOLE Kp.,8o8. SCENES IS .TUBiCOTOTrBOOai. i1; Tftc DeaA Sentence Pr6nounced Great : , ' 4 lExcittment m New York. The rwiult of theffeecond trial of Ed ward Stokes for ?hei murder of James TTT.T. T I 1 telesrraph. , VVe co the New fork jooroals : From the San. n briefltr fpnnrta hv OtokM, what hare too to say w p4 some details from tenc4 of dealh' should not be pronounced Court: Chambers with his counsel and. re Jative$-k'! 4yfvi-iJi --ya I:: . , . MONDAY'S PROCEEDINGS From the Commercial Adrertuer. 'A ! WHAT THE P&ISOHSK SAID. . Me. Spiirks, the clerk, bavin? intimated to thi prisoner that he must now tand up, asked him in a loud voiceV"Edward Si by sea any one,; an4 it ieems probable that he 1 will contmue.to mamtam the same retU cence with alter a Tew I moments hia unhappy jbrother. pen now, and cannot fail to happen, un- les President Rrant will IiaM VW A . His brother appeared bowed dowr( forced conhjca4ion of property in Louisiana ' grief and sympathy. -He retired folio wed swiftly by a general emigration wuu 1 01 in wnues, win tbrow tbe mootbs of conversation AN AMERICAN AUTOCRAT, y? It will surprise most of our readers to be . informed that we -hire a Kior in 'America, , a moriareh as absoluta as the the Miesiasinni into thi tv.wr i iK. 1 Vwi ot -"nssia, u.on6n tie name U not . ii 1 i I found in the Almanach de Ootha. and his NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRG IN- for tbe commercial interests of the North, dominions are not larger tUu tbose of west-to bare Franee, or 8paio,or Great 01 ;u.0. ?V"M T"?"0. "" Briuin,or the Southern Confederacy in wyltaisb. control of the Lower MiMiMmnLf L J of an Interesting article in Ltppincotrs have Santo HEAD & SOOT STONES, &0. F I JOHN H. BUIS i ! rilENDEUS bis eompIimenU to his friends . Jl and the public, and in thi method would I far meeting demands, In bis line of business. lie is now prepared 1 to mnnnn 1 an kinds 01 Grave' Stones, from the cheapest Head Stones, to the cotliet monuments. Those ; prefeting tries and very cotly works not on hand, can ! ; be accommodated on short time, strictly in ao . eordance with Apecitications, drafts, and tbe j, terms of the contract. Satififuction pnaran- j teed, lie will not be undersold, Korth or I 800th. Orders wlicied. Addresa, . i J7;tf . ' JOaX H. BUIS. Salisbnrv. At ten minutes pat eleven (Saturday plied, after a brief pause, in a low and night) a gentleman ektiered the court-room somewhat complaining tone of voice i I and said to Mr. lowiaend, one of Stokes have only ! lb say, I am innocent of ! the ' IA TROOPS. - C6l. S. D; Pool, editor of the Newbern nnnn vau fnr th orim nf -rnn ianA I Journal of Commerce, in onotiner the -on. convicted! 1 f I elusion of Gen. Early's letter in renlv to P1'1 is.the al and practical question iri - i . - I I nnVlt Hint 'I'liii ,a mmm U ...k-JI sne prisoner, loowng on vacancy, re: Uen. Kufus BarrinEer, says: . ; tttiirATA VM?. rTw,eu ISutes about seventeen i veari 'ih: and Is. 1 I . ' I 1MH11CS1 CUlCKBn LDKL III immM1UU V MfTI.l . o io home to roost. - .1 . und Grmsu eobny near Pertland, Domingo in control there? ff. f TV J u Saxony, but emigrated to the United counsel, "Don't bel too crime for which I now stand, convicted. I did hot intentionally violate any of the 0 5 We admire the grand old Roman, and cannot blame him lor tafcuig up the cud- gels in State. JTbe levee at New Orleans T a ereat I Oregon. lie setups so-called commanistic rule In his settlement, but as far as be concerned it is thoroughly monocratic He obtained the land gratis W. A. HATS. C. BEYCE SILL. HEW sanguine, iie 1 crime for which I now stand convicted. rto ,"T1',,s"wfPivl,,l UIUY PWi'"BU..OM Decn "erverai umes piayea . . . prepared, for, the. w&st.X The verdict is j I did not intentionally violate any of the Pute; As a. Worth Carolinian, wer are for with unscrupulous tut skilful cards. . murder in the first Qegree., - At a onarter Dast eleven Mr. Soar' the clerk, entered from an inner room. His unsual radiants lace was gloomy and saa. v dit x ownseno eaia r r"Sparksj what is he verdictr I "Murder in the first degree," was Lri i iinr x&iin w rr i -'jb invariL wir n var ninri :m n l w v m u i inn iimsi ii a Before Mr. Towifeend could leave' the had' never fired off. when the inrv all V16 reT,ve UD"n8 01 0Qr Drave. mn'l or Miirt nuim Ia nrna L tK ,;. fnr tKw . t i,- fi. ;,i, to we tear to discuss llie conauct of our rf-'r . " uh nil uitu .. wat-c, " I C,., TT..JI- , V1 . . U.JJ .:.U .U- - . . r.l - areaaini wsue tne omcers ot tne court en- Colonel FeUows. 1 have only to say if r .7 i; XV! .1 " . rdVi - L bands, and tara1 Sw Ia n am. 4 I a. .1' ; - " - A . I a T . i:uJ I v juas V a v wux o u v st uv ivil I v r- ajca llTC a T UliUamail B1IU UIU I . witu luiiuncuu; io.jWjujrjuB ttfc.cuu- luai luieniew is xruef .uai x uercr ureu 1 r u j a ol a u j j , . . I pro bit k a endures as lone & iba iorcr- ants. IThen the prisoner walked in with that nistol off at Sarato'n. and that it ?e8Ure f, her duty. She sent to the tected puaey and wrecking upon the J.S " if ,.n5lf Uft3 - .,..! - . I T. O . I . .i.t. h a.. M . . . . I Iv I . V . H C T iI . TtT 1 a. . . w u a farmtreadand ani ndaunted bearing never has been discharged by me but " -6- '"t---' satisfactory he get. back hi. capital with surrounded by his jtriends. Stokes took twice. I know that all the testimony . i"" " t Gnt intent, bat with uro rati share, of .-;. i i rt . i '. ... . .1 - . .. - . nif pnnivirnt tn wvfutv.inrpfi nr tinr I - . . - - - ms accusiomea piaoe ana nis relatives sat given for the defence was viewed ligbtiy . -i- " , 1 ,v ; . laws of khe iland. ; I would also, like to Pa V e grear recora maae, by our n can make many people rich, bot.it can Ir.rT JJrTlI k: 1 y.i;i,f i nf t.v. WW,, a Bw,er8 durg - We believe make many more people poor. The gold T .".V-.T"? V15r ! l rVVmfif thfr tarors. ' Mr. i tbem . to be second, to KOXE who shed that flows into the' coffers" of the negroes V?' V BowlesVl think it is in which be' stated & r ?,hSV T H & af Ncw t leaM ,!- .hWofUer I . ..." ... ... . .. I rinna flputlu nnnil tlm "In.t'o.iilD " Tnlrhtrin. Ii Jmm. lTl, V.1 J - it. I "VI UUUfc mill. UD UO lOUDUAUOQ to tbe reporter mat It wouWDe Dfcttertnat rrr:"i" j 1 rj i I . V V i .MT ,l"u',r of si crosDeroua eommonitT. tie has some I should hoi have gone upon the stand: nttmbe"; m!.d,"& fTTT H1 lndB,ue,: 0 J,nlLerwr: V11 tta kn'SwTIT the and the reason washat I testified to the ery on; the fi Jd of b.ttle they were Jyet .come to pass indeed, that the farmers Sf nil ms m nii n Tin wn Tiar nn ninnneiinn i ni i nnrvia w r m at mm. m amm. i r j j ib a i v vmM ve w v iiv usw V Moosvsfl ua l wmm HAY , , .1- p .- . Druggist l -! & SILL Apothecaries, ' : OA TiTSSTJTXTr, IT. C. Hating purchased the contents of the Drug; Store formerly occupied by"Dr7 Edward Sill. Wei respectfully call the at tention of the Citizens of Salisbury and the surroundincr country, to the new ar rangement, and inform them that we will continue to carryjon the business at the same place, and the same excellent way, We will endeavoij to keep on hand all the various goods the people may need per tainiug to our line; and therefore hope by strict attention to bucinees, to receive niioerai patronage. . Physician's Orders Prompt ly. Attended To. port the protected monopolies of PennsyT- dl. be mrnges and (has s a pries L . VaniaandNewEgnland; will be further , trtr7 man who comes to the vidlage ..aa -,:.u .t. . . to live most put all his money into Kelt's put an nis money is then taken on trial. His down facing the jurors. . The, Judge en j by the; jury. Li i t i iir.n - - . - .. . - nn piminn 11 ir 1 1 m i i .iiiit I mr- i I v npii. w i n'yri iTiii i itmh k r: t l inpm .nmir.ui v i m ri I h i I iihi i n I nr., - i ieei convmcea oi n. i . , , . , . f know nublic clamor has-been raised from iVl 7 ,eB,uretu:uk 1' THE vERDICT. . Then amid the most solemn silence the twelve jurymen fild in and seated them selves The awful I conclusion at which they had arrived ;cbuld be read in their S1IPRRMR fiOTIRT t .1 :. i .i.v r. j I the frequent murders in New York city. "w jT" " Among the decisions of:the United I know that the Evidence of Thomas us Ption) and by ' voluntary . enl st- 8 5 announoed in . . - . a i iiifii ia stills- KpitL iiKr rfinmpiua. iiiili. ilii i Hart, on which I was couvicted, ts false, I , f I Washington . , . c . . i ' . t I standing the terriblo depletion they no-1 . t .i and manufactured from first to last, and I , kl, ... JA. interest to tl ueiiCTB lue orosecuiiou &new it. iur jmo by of b?ttle rendered was i their trict Attorney Garvin never alluded to it "l TTU called, When addressing the Jury, on the last trial. gJJJJJ' PASSING SESTEKCB. laces.;! x.acn juror s name with the usual response. Then the Judge turned toward them, and in a low, clear Voice asked : "Gentle- J Judge Board man then, fixing his eyes men, have you agreed on a vir&ict V I upon the prisoner, thus addressed him 1 he foreman ofitbejury arose, and said, I Edwp.rd S. Stokes, you have been defend- 'Wn hova ' i I I J U An.Inct.n' xnnii,.! Willi Clerk of the Court : Gentlemen of the I extraordinary skill and devotion. You inry, rise. Prisoner, stand up. Uentle-1 have been supported and sustained oy tne men ot tne jury, pqoK upon tne prisoner. I sympatny ot loving relatives ana araen. Prisoner, look upon the iurv. What sav I friends.! All that wealth, affection, or a ' m ar m ' i . r A SISTER'S. ANGUISH. carefully compounded hy and competent Druggists day or CixigW , ;V p. ' -13 ly TRIUIflPHANT! as dead bama. in South C in Kentucky, in Maryland, in Pennsyl vania, from tbe seaboard to the mountains, in her ovn toil, and everywhere in brave old Virginia where a battle was fought, a victory lost or won. or where a hospital was estalisied or a tent pitched. Their bones lie in every place where Con federate prisoners w ere buried, lier maim The latter holds the common purse and buys all kind, of soppl.es, which are furniehed free to the people. Ale design nates everybody, employment, rives new yesterday was one of general I married couples their houses, and has the whole people of the nation I everything his own way. He has the but only colonial or 12,800 recorded in , - .i i i ana special imuorc&uce u me ciiiteu vi wc i aisisuiacc oi a ixaru oi Xj.acrs, glorious by their gaU . JV r T r j .u. sj . I . . t nl f Tl aU it,.' ..( rlt I xacmc eioub. l.cuiiunura vuc juugmcu. iu ar lar as no cuooaes. ids .ui. d .wvdo v. i ,i .f : ri . .i.:u l. t..i. . ;-, ii IUI IUTJ IU1C1IU1 UUUII lli.U tUDMlUCU tu I IUIUI CUTCf IWCUtT irC.HUI, . IT- i 'P I mtr- ui tun um.o ui uoiuuiuw vr am h" I Kics, iuu sis tuimtiTCiT ruiiua, iu ichuwiw. ,,, v :.t.u t .: 1 tr.u. c 1 lit., j : 1 AXC5 HANDS BELOW. r 1 A good story is . told .of a parrot who had always lived on board a ship, bat whe escaped at one ef the Southern ports and took refuge in a cburch. ouon afterward. be congregation assembled, and the mu-" later began preaching to them la his earn est fashion, saying there was ho virtue in tbem, that every one or them would go to hell unless they speedily repented, just as be spoke tbe sentence, ep spoke the parrot from his hiding place: .;. .- . . t . "All hands below!" . To say that "all bands" rere startled would be a mild way of patting it. The peculiar voice and , unknown, source bad more effect on them thau ahe . parson's voice ever bad. He waited a moment and then, afchade or two pata be repeat ed tbe warning, j j t "All bands below 1 again rang oat from somewhere, j . The preacher started from bis purpit,! and looked anxiously around. Inqured If - aaynocy oaa spoaen.. '? " j. "All bands below !" was theoaly reply,! at which the entire panic-stricken cougro- -gation rot up. and a momest afier. thert all bolted fr the doors, the preacher trvj ing to be the nrt j oat, and .daring the, time the mischevioas bird kept up his yell-) ing. - , "All hands below 1- t I. There was one old lady who W"as lame, and could not get out as quickly as tbo others,' and in a short time she was; left entirely alone.- Jatt as she was about to bobble out, tbe parrot flew down, and, alighting ' on.ber shoulder, again yelled in her ear t All bands below 1 j 1 . "No, no, Muter Davil Pi shrieked the; old lady, "you can't mean me. 1 dou belong here; I go to the ether church ' across the wsy." , t ' -. i i lnt.tatjk fhn I ' i th3 great of Congress. The claim of one ia now xty years old) his heirs would A Urocer in kixxc aavenieeo "int Hatchings to pre-emptive right in a part get all his property and bis subjects be Pcar anicacics oi iue wbh of the Park being thus defeated carries left out in the cold ; but it is likely that flavored and hussaniatog leaf oJ with it all the similar claims, and the de- he will take some steps to prevent saeh a m " iimner vaiaay ; uw mot c- -1 i ' I s ii a I a tKAnivh rrf lass A 1 SI neWW Af jiaMn en at ti sAei i f i fi a Tef rlt ia. n e vti i mm I & m 1 1 awam at ff h a sv t m w t iAes I iur. suw u. aa uvs d tv j . w libiuu tuoutvo mM u w a.vaav ova vvaawM i icauib. m.a aaaa VTCuaBB iiig iaiu la v m aw w a ' -I voo. Pentlfimen of the iurr 1 Do von find inn.t rnnld do for von has been we 1 ea are mmo?t ue ney are cu ,u ewerjr w. ' O. F 1 w jf . w - I ef . ..1 lAAAlifw a k 1 erhAnsVos aaAn thaw mci hlvv the prisoner atthd bar, Edward S. Stokes, arid cheerfully done. A jury carefully ,vv""-' "p p-niltv or not ?uiltv 1 . - , .pIpp of ntel ie-ent and nnriffht pentle- I '"w -"b O J O TJl ' .,....-, D ' "t o. p . foreman of thd Jury: Guilty of mar- I men, have listened patiently and kindly der in the first degree., I to your own account of this mod terrible act, as well as to the other evideuce tuat has been put in on your behalf, i hey A piercing waiil that made men's have found you guilty of murder m the blood curdle andl their hearts leap, rote first degree, the higheRt crime known to from the croup' ilhkt clustered round the jour laws; in having caused the death of . Prescrivtians accurately and prisoner;, and the head of the Lorror-strick- James Fisk, J r., one year ago to-day. - ,, " , , , j. f en gifl, fiotn whqse bosom the anguished The verdict was wrung from their judg tat i .i i 2 t j: :. 1 liar men ouuuiu ne iear uibuuboiwu , . ,, , -. , - . . .- , . , Ijei H go on. Jjei mo wuuio truiii lto wiu. i, . , - i i. . ? , ., ., u . i. l less scenery from the cupidity of lawless California acts as trustee, the preservation prosperous and apparently happy under of that region of surpassing natural beau his dominion, and the iron hand of dea ty as a national public pleasure ground, potism carefully concealed by the velvet Thus confirmed in Us authority, Califor I glove. nia win, it is to do nopea, taae lmmeaiaie JM . II . and cflective steps to stop an trespass upon v0T Geverallt Ksows. Martin the ehoulder(of J ment not prompted by their hearts. I am cry was rent, leill npon her doomed brother. Horace Stokes sure I do each juror but justice in eaysng buret into a passionate .flood of tears, and I that, and iu assuring you that their con the other relatives of the HNfated prisoner currence. in this verdict was the most seemed; like, men thunderstruck. I painful act of their liveaJ That result is The jnry were polled by request of the not the fruit of enkindnces to yon, but of prisoner's counsel . ho sooner had the juet reepect for, and obecieuce to the !v. last niiatn aiTswerOdj 'yes" to the question I The evidence in the cace, ever, your cvrn whelherMl had .8 i 1 . . i. tnan we prisoner, j erect ana arm, turnea saneuou , ine.r couu.,u .:u jm...u . reide Boiae idea of how some of -liia fjiA full nnokilll r Kiuh vim at nnn I thpir vprHtct. I am not P.nnr.innS. BO tar time had been hjsjcoansel in a civil case, as I 'am personally concerned that I ! the people of Louisiana "accept" the situ "Mr. Beach'ithe prisoner said slowly have : erred in any respect . againct you alio n : and in a full-tonsed voice, "you have done I during the progress of the tnarr I havs .0 lauguage can convey a distinct and recently written hy one of the moet dis (agreed on the verdict, testimony, I am .cenctrained to Relieve, .. pj !enliemen nf tie gonth will , erect and firm, turned sanctions their conclusion and justmee i . . 3 I . - I viva rtiif rprtPrfi Go into detail?, if need be; but let the discussion be conducted m a proper spir it. VTlwt we, as North Carolinians, may write touchiug the part borne by onr gaU laut compatriots ehall be written not be cause we ibve Virginia or other States lees, hut because we love North Carolina more. Van Buren is the only man who held tbe office of Preaident, V ice President, Minis ter to England, Governor of bis own State, and member of both houses of Congress. Brazil, and the a pices, sugars and luscious fruits of the Antilles ; ibe lagared coodl- menta and the blood enriching wines Of the Mediterran, and the salt-cured and brain renewing fish of our own stormy gulf." What he mana to say is that be sella tea, coffee, and codfish, cheap far cash. ; f i remember the atate- "LOUILlANA ACCEPTS THE SIT j CATION.'" The following extracta which we are permitted to make from a private letter settlers who would divert to their own pront tne common property oi too nauon. , member 0f bolU honsea of Congress. Our readers will Another decision ol a claim npon the gov- Thom.8 n Benton is the only man who ment of crossroads politicians and politics ernment lor sugar seized in uisana our- ba3 he,d ft eeat in the y g Senate for demagogues generally, that the public ing the war will effectually shut the door of thirt conBecative years. The only in-t debt was abont being reduced by Grant, inu x leaourj ugamrt a viaD3 u. ri,uw.. stance of father and eon in the Senate at in a very remarkable degree, and the rn- the came time is that of the Hon. Henry ferenee- drawn that probably the oldest Dodge, Senator from Wiaconsin, and person io the country might ee the Na- Augustus C. Dodge, Senator from Iowa, tional debt extinguished, totally Now General James Shields is the ouly man we have it from tbe Secretary of tne whoever represented two States in the Treasury that the public .debt instead, of United States Senate. At one time he bein? decreased, has i7creased upwards Affairs in Massachusetts The Burn' was Senatorfrom Illiuois, and subsequent, of one million and a half of dollars, do- cd District in Boston. Monday last was J i Senator from Minnesota. John Quin- ring the last month. Salem Press. a general municipal inauguration aay cy Ajain8 beld a position under the Uov throughout Massachusetts, and the beads ernment during every Administration of government in all tbe principal cities from that of Washington to that of Polk, nreseutcd their slates, showing an account faring which he died. He had been current of thoir indebtedness, treasury Minister to England, member of both baknees and other local matters in the vmigeg 0f Congrss. Secretary of State, localities. '1 he most interesting .j pre-;,!.,, of the United Sutea. Hi t0 w who have neither law, justice nor equity on their side, who failing in contraband trade with rebels, now ask tbe United States to pay, not only their losses, bnt the pro fits they hoped for. N. Y. Herald. i Belting is immoral, but bow can the man who bets be worst than the man who is no better t i UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE- . MlUMS artd Gold and Silver Medals 1 were awarded! to Chalks M. Stieff for the best piauos in competition - ' Vitb k) tne leading manufacture, ers I of the country. OfSce and! Hew Warerooms, 1 Xo. 9 XrtthLrbaiy St., . BALTIMORE, Md. The StieflTs Pianos contain all the latest im- pruvements to bo found in a first-clans KaUo, wito aumuonai luiprovcmeius ui m wu iu vention, not to ho found in other instruments. Thi ttme, touch and finish of their instru ments cannot be excelled by any inanufa'ctur- . ed. ' ' ';, r .. -. ; 1 A large assortment of second-hand Pianos aiwaynon band, from $75 to $3U0.: ,Parlor and Church Orpans, some twenty dif- - ferent styles on hand from $50 and upwards. jV Send lot Illustrated Catalogue, containing names, of over twelve hundred Southerners (five hundred of which areJ Virpiniaris, two hondred North Carolinians, one hundred and -' . fifty Eat TennesHean. and others throughout the South), who have bought the Stieff Piano , . since the close of the wlar. ' i : ; l J. ALLEN BROWN, A pent, - 22;40t . : ' 1 Salisbury, N. C j venous localities, i ue most loirreeunc ..j , .nt ot the United Mate., lie your work well J ! I hope you have beeu endeavored, in all cases of doubt, to give ! complete idea of the condition in which we R.tu piven iu this mass of etatistics are j;C(i while a member of the Uonse of you the fc-enem ot suen gouw. ao me mm una m. uarui u, uiu thcs3 tarnished by the Mayor ot uosion, Rporcgenutives. per sank slowly into his remains the painful duty of pronouncing ' out of a hundred wno are not verging to Dau.- fd tQ the laU couflgration jn that ' m cu7. u u,,, ,u JourncitofLirc.Ttn thousand hu man beings set forth together on their j we l paid for it.? j i Then the prigoi seat. ! Mr. Beaehimade no renly. ' the iudgment cf the law," not alone as a Mr Fellows exnLiiaed that he had re- i nuniehmeut of vour crime, but also that fused 'to try tbe lease unless Mr. Beech and Sfr. Fuller-tan were jassociated with ling frotn your ead, cuhappy fate. So him. I Thev hak consented to ioin him at I vbnn and attractive i:i person, with so stiU utcv. Uur courts ot justice are crropt;on ; our Governor is a youag mulat to who lately was a barber cn a steamboat. The majority in our Legislaturo is composed of ignorant plantation negros, wha do not kcow even bow to read tud write, and the minority h made up of whits carpct-bagrers and without any ifee from any member of greater is my sorrcw to- realize the tin- j wLo pre infiuitely more tecpicable and inor Colonel risk s lzmy. merited anguisn you nave Drougni upon , uiu,uhc.; -u " .-..:.. The prisoner hlf arooe and sweeping the yoar family and friends. Your disgrace ; When witnessing such a parody of repebu- airwh his c4cH, said: , eflect upon them who are pur "ifr. Fellowi,!say that they were lured your dishonor caets an. unjust but mevtta- Mgt,inbfy. 66uch a profane carkaiu e of the by Jay Gould.l (Please say that." 1 hie stam upon their truth and virtue, it Luinau race, one ;3 teicpted to beli. ve iathc I I - - I II 9 frltrtllttM PWPV tO IP.ave VGCf laClllV ,V, Va t-tnV a frru rf i IN COURT 6pectrQ tha deatUaaslone cm make if aCerds rr.erriment to tbe North, h death eldom known. You could T vanish. 'Twere idle if it were potsible ' ta ca. A houe worth 2o,000 tLrea yciro nd stirring the I for me to trace the path from innacence to ago vroila not 6ell new for go.UKJ. l eveu. .rim to te 1 the tale of enrestrjiined Dae- count u a ma wouia oeCiver.. ?emvti. i .L..3 I I r i j . :. t . lature nistoriau oi i-iOU'.aiai:a ra.tn tF . i . I . . . . r, . nlni-k Ina auiil from & bUZZHra a wiuc auC to move. j the law gives you be devoted to rejection .., . ., . , , ... mrA K;. t Stokes , stood and conversed with his Upon the pact and repentance fcr your u. th (wh fhall uttemnt to affix tbe Presently he turned again to J tins, Ihd in preparation for the great ceal 0fjufA,ny to the filthy anl stinking r- ana saia : i change ho terriDiy near to you. uo uot cords ot Dassine eveuts. 1 his is getting w It seems that the extent of territo ry burned over covered about 65 acres ; i , l . :ll! J... 1 wtoie nuraoer oi nuuaings ucoirujcu, . , nnm 77;,; value of personal PPtJ ' a Jtbrd have disappeared. At the middle buildings destroyed 873 591,000, and he of w bQt number ot nve loci, 14, seven oi tne f ... . , V.tr mnA was snch as ia bear it as you. neat the wi trees' of the forfait. Theu j relatives. ward Mr. Beach INSURE IN Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of COIiUMBUS, Ga. Jcoar6aATn,1850. .Capital $350,000 J. RHODES BROWNE, President, D. F. WILL0OX, Secretary. All Losses EfinitaDly Adjusted And Promptly Paid in Full Property owners desiring to obtain reliable In aarancewill do! well to protect themselves by aeeurihg a Policy In t ieorgia Home Insurance k ITyuiiuou JVIUW IU MIS J. ALLEN jeROWN, Agentj Office No, 2j Crtnite Row, April 25, '71 ly Salisbury,' N. C Co. : Agencies 6ouhem Stateai "Mr, Beach of lives locf, 14, seven of the number being ren.en. Boston baa a debt of over 200,000,000; Worcester, $2,637,910 Cambridge, ' 8,185,843 ; Lynn, $1,508,000; Lowell, $1,718,124 ; Che'.sca, $1,362,700; Charlestown, $1, 105,7;7 all the oth-rs owing less than a in.. cctq a inuiion oomuicrTiiiv;, mm iu ' I natriarcha 334 indebtedness, being the next highest. Y , . ,. , t t I cimmif hllll There ficmres show an increase of muicipal , , .... . i . i . .i iridebteanes' iu cacn city, out at iu euic time 't h ett rdd with an increased de greo of prosperity iu eve.y case. Every thing ceems to be vigorous and'progress ivo in the Old Bay Ma;e. N. Y. Herald. Sad Accident.- We regret to learn, npon faster, as the ranks grow thinner, they that remain till now become weary, and lie down and rise no more. At three score and ten a baud of some four hundred yet atruggle on. At ninety these have been reduced to a handful of thirty trembling Year after year they fall in 1 g numbers, uue lingers, per haps, a lonely marvel, till the centurv is over. We look again, and tbe work of death is finished. 'Fan bim with your booti," ia said-by those familiar with tbo subject to be the lateat thing in 'slang. M ' i f A Georgia authoress haa written anov el, in which Alexander U. Stephens sp. pears as the hero. j At. Elmira female College the fair "aopbe" have interdicted tbe wearing of falee hair and bustles by tbe fVeahwoman. A connle were recently married! in Naugatuck, Conn , three hours after their first introduction to each' other. The editor of the Knoxville Press baa unpleansant feeling toward, the' Chtvni cle man, and, as a result; one gnes armed with a aione in a stocking, and the other carries a cheese knife down hi. neck. . I. . Variety wedding. Shave been intro duced into Hhode I.lanc. They take the yW should be satisfied for delude yourself, with .uncertain hopes of be a new Santo Domingo, from which ry J tj,4t c Utile daughter ot our fellow citizen, you ihave-doneNour work well " I nardon or clemency. - i honest intelligent member of the Crncasion i. m s a , ! . : a m m a Rir. riea.en annearea irreativ eicuru iu i rnvira n. rLoite.s. in ooeuicnce 10 mo . " 10 -.' i- . ., ... m , , said, "I am noUatisfied, Mr. Stokes." requirements of the law, this court orders I " jw ru,?f PJ" A . z . . j. Li e.-i.. ' .l j I 3 j. .-t.- l. ' rvertv ia to be taxed to death hy our African x uemena. o. j-H"-"-. ana a rects tnat you oe ar. Mi8tl. It ia better to abandon what it ana uur. i remain morea w iuu uneoucr b ensway ; oi wi onerin oi ipc vuj wiu , i -j w.i Mni ia . ii riH heui Diauui ui unucuuikf auv ide One of f be jurors leaned over and County of New York, to the prison from , w,v:n- 0D to tbe rcilit? of dis-uiaed coa- said: ; 1 whence you came, and that you be there f Mation. it is the part of wiadm to renounce and burdetaome delusion. 1 riwlit to NttA tliatJair. - e"T " . : n ' .. District Attorney D'ellows . 1. w all over, you . Juryman : for couviction have mercy on your soul I Mr. Tremala, I hope that you do' not Iconfiued in close custody, by snch sheriff, at once a costly a feel any way bad gaiast ub, as we tried until the 28th jday of February, 1873, ' assure you that I express the common feeling to do our duty! 1 1 am sure you did yours." and that on that day, between the hours . here " 'it. Mr. Tremaihj: How did yon'atand on of 11 o'clock iu the morning and 3 o'clock This, then, is the way in which the the jury?! f! I ; in the i afternoon, you ) bo hanged by the iespectable people of Louisana accept the - -;Ba -W i - - m : - Juryman : ; f 1 dp not thina l nave any i neca uutil you are dead ; and may uo .lohn Phifer, Esq., ws accidentally kill ed a". ElBether Church in this county, last week. The little girl was only ten years old, and during a recees, was run ning around the house A young man was running around the bouse iu an opposite di rection, and meeting her at the corner, atruck her in the breast with hia knee before he could check hia speed. She fell and died in a few minutes. Cleavtland Banner. place of woeden, tin, or crystal weddiug,. "Xkd Buxtlise" Arrested. bT. the httppy couple receiving a variety - m Louis, Dec. 26, "Ned Buntlioe," who, preseuU iustead of having tbem an 01 with "Buffalo Bill" and "Texas Jack." one material. I I ias been playing a sensational drama at . . . , . . c i, T .v. -tJi,. the Grand Opera House, was arrested to. 1 y wai nerer ainiher Ui t. a m. - ; . . .. . i : . . f day on warrants isaueu at toe moiaucj ui Prosecuting Attorney ormuie lor com plicity in the riot which occurred iu the Southern part of this city m loox. Alter examination "Ned Buutline'Vwaa raleaaed $500 bail on each of the two .indictments bund against bim twenty year. ago. 1 be proceeding, are regarded aa a farce. iky speak your mind. We stood, going out, ten and; two for acquittal. Now it is I The prisoner was then handed over to the sheriff, and removed I - - TO THE CONDEMNED CELLS- Mr. Dos PftBsoa (one of Stoke's coun-1 Stokes was conveyed back to the Tombs sell: And those two gave in like cravens I in a close carriage, accompanied by his and cowards. Stokes (to the inry): You don't mean brother,' Sheriff Brennan, and Deputy Sheriff Shields. Tbe greatest excitement to tell ine, asrhbuest men, that any of you prevailed at the Tombs, and when the believe in the! testimony of that scoundrel carriage stopped at the entrance. Hart I I kiow how jfis. Every one An immense crowd rushed forward, and has; been humbugged by false and perjur- almost blocked! up tbe thoroughfare. The 0 nt imAn4ihnnp.il t and caid for. That is long balcony which extends across the the5 truth, so help me God, at this solemn I building opposite .was crowded to its uN moment. District Ajtdrney Fellows : Ed., I hope yott have nolhSrd leeiings against mc , dull not try to exceed my duty, as God made me. f . ., Mr. Fellows was areeping. He offered hisjhand to! Stokes, who refused it, and said: .H -i most extent, and it , was found necessary y the police to remove some of the peo de. - . f ' v The prisoner alighted from the carriage, perfectly cool taken at ouce "All right, Fellows , I hearaU yon say j 1 SUDDOSe Von think it's all right, but a verdict given fn perjured testimony is a villainy tbslt ho one will countenante.as m l it i nrnva v 1 1 .1 .1.. wm-M atanda " . ' 1 tenances wnico auorucu uio wm vtiu . m w and seli-posBessed, was into the reception room, from whence he was removed, after a few minutes, to cell No. 4, on the ground floors It is esteemedr the safer to lodge him there. The furniture is of the scant iest and plainest description, and be will Ka 11am1 none of the comfortable anDux- tenances which adorned bis other cell. situation: by surrendering in despair and going into exile. They abandon further attempts to save-their State and flee from it. This elenebe the ivadical nail, end .definitively band over Louisiana to ne gro dominion. , A question comes up just her, and we are very curious to know j what our Radi cal friends are going to do about it. When the West was yet feeble, poor, and sparse- The nickel used in our smaller coins comes from a mine of this metal in Lan caster county, Pennsylvania. This mine has been worVed for eeventeen years. A large mine of nickel, copper and cobalt has been discovered in N ew York, near Stony Point, on the Hudson River. It is now being opened preparatory to ex. tensive operation, by a compauy. oe veral nickel mine, have been discovered i i i . ..ii j . i rerai mcaei OTS U FCd toK in M'l- !' TO as a lauiiiiuw mi tmci u ui.m b.w, iron and other metal. It ia worth about the men and supplies for a great battle with England, in order to bring under it. own dominion and control that great out let the only one then existing for its nrosDective commerce, the Mississippi River. In 1860, when the question of $3 per pound. Cleaveland Banner. Extinct English families it is said that there ia not now living a single i l r I J . J !. (L. n.l. lin. .F I :h.iiMr secesion was. brouea, wnen iew persons aeceuuui, iu mo une told Shaks peare. fcpencer, Wilton, uowiey, thought of war, Mr. E. B. Waahbune the, Southern members of Congress that go Butler. Dry den. Pope, Cowpei, Gold the seaboard States might go, and Ukc smith, acott, uyron, or iioore.; not one Alabama with them, and welcome ; but if of ir Philip Sydney, of Sir Walter IUI Louisiana, Mississippi Arkansas, or Tn- eigh, of Drake. Cromwell, Hampden secede there would I Nelson. Addison, Swift, Johnson, Bohng i-ta;n?v K firrl.t'ino-. for North wnet woald I broke. Walnole, Chatham, Pitt, Foi sacrifice Its last man and last dollar sooner Burke, G rattan, Canning, Bacon, Locke, than see the mouths of the Mississippi Newton, Hume, Gibbons, Macauley pass into the control of any foreign power. Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Garnck But this thing ia virtually about to hap- ? John Jtemoie, or xjamuaji xveau. Postmasters not IiesponsiUeor the loss of Iiegistered Letters. The Postmaster General seems considerably amused over the discussion now going on in tbe news- papera over a supposed decision ot tbe Postoffice DeDartment to the effect that postmasters are held responsible for tbe loss of registered letter.. He .ay. that no such decision has ever been made, ana that neither noatmaater nor tbe Poatomce Department are responsible in any way for the loss of auch letters. Once, and that too. when Mr. Greeley waa verv friendly with the Vice-President, a friend said to Mr. Greeley: "If you are elected in November, you bad better take Reid to Washington with you and pnt Colfax in charge of the Tribune; be will draw 1 To which Mr. Greeley responded with more than usual vigor in hia drawl, Senvler wouldn't make a reporter on the eity f'.rce, and the Tribune would make a rjrettv poor figure with bim to woik out its destiny." The latest exl-ream of fashion i. wa tered .ilk with jet trimming, and flowing train ; eoifore higbtied. More apnropri ate, one would .ay, for diving bell, than for land divinities. J l7l K 4 . . . summer aoore grouna, u ucn bb ic thirty-seven widow, will mourn pis loss, . and one hundred and seventeen children ill be faiherle... j j The Mail sav. that In eonaeqaeuee el the prevalence of amH-pox in Nashville, the next term of Nh "Superior Court, (second Monday in I tbuary.) canot be beld, and suggests a apeciai ttioi AMra bly requiring the Coert to be held at Rocky Mount. i r From a at- id and puritonical New Eog land town come, the startling inU!U renee that "matching coppera, is the fa- voriteamaaement at partiea and receptions. Not long aince a profelaor's daughter won $3 60 at twenty-deck! poker" at single sitting. Thia domesticating tbe tiger bodes, no good. ( j j In a murder ease at Columbia, Ga" Dr. -Terry teatified : Saw deceaW after be waa ahot ; he waa lyisg on tne boot io a pool of blood, in a dyiegcooditou ; Idon know how long be lired afierwarda? I did not make any minute examination, for the reason I did not want yon lawyers -to prove I killed bim with a probe.; . k Jcdck Bailet. The Citizen, in noti cing the law school of Jndr Bailey, at Aaheville, saya : Judge Bailey, notwith atanding hia ag, continues active In both mind and body, and bet for the dgridio bs flueuce. of radiealiaro, which can tolerate nothing pore io roan or principle. lhh able and IncormpUble genilr4n and jorUt would occupy apUeeon the judical Wocb Of Ottr Biaie now uw oy anwwjw.j i n i M l ' . t i ii -

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