. i; . t ,..-..!,. !.'- , :' .-I ' . , - ! . -V , - : i-."-i ' I . t . ' ". - , y . . - I . f . I '. . - ' ; , i .1 . V f -V' -f x4 i r ' " ' - i ' : r- I- : I'M ! i : ! " j i t li 1 1 - ! i 1 - SALISBURY N 0.,r J4.NUARY 80, 1873. rcBLiiuKD whut: J J J. BRUNER, Propriety ndS Editor. j. J. STEWART, AwocUte Editor. - itiTES OF 8CBCHIPTION rt ' Vm. wTMein advance. ....$2.00 S Months. . " . l.fX) k rnnii to one address, , .10.00 w i wr- - i TT. A; I Reprint from Chlcjifio papers. I , 'XOWIWYlte. pb t fair, little fiattcring darling, t VVould God I cood elotef creep To yonr btaatiful trust and innocence 1 Atkine the Father to kken I One of His own ; $leep, Jittle one, deep 1?-' ' t . - j : V- : j -. IP before yon wake how little to thee ; I It means, dear, kjve, thjy feet . ? Haye wandered froti the summer land po Buori a way, meir ecnoes meet i i i ne augei s iootsttps on. . me eowen IN. no. 20. wiiolk so..pup; ; , made galnsUBe in toe eooteat' for Got- I his wsilive strength. lie says the cancus I TUB QEIIVI AN SETTLEVIKKTS, ernoriast amraer bj If.hn 1, matle hls nomlnaUoa unanimous Tbt We xnake the following extraet frora (...!. -..4 .1 !A 0...m 1 m M Ml Tin T Irnnw IrAm MlilUmM tt I ICHCT. IU fc1 f lUBIDgHIU W VliinUta W HHCU I , . . f tV I . T T f . . ' i V , V, . V ;, " . - t?--, w a m, .". i .iY, I leglalatkm enacted tolcir fo. jadT.ptN i sslf rcDeattdlr dnonneed as false.tnfamotw nnqueslionable veracUV. that there was a I by he Uer. W. A. Maognm, cooeerning n owl before his eres. had atied Lis i- .i.- .i, iZJ r ; landnufoninded! .Gov. Vance knows them Marge iIori7!n the caucas who did not! the; Rev. G. D Bernheim's book, m notice fancied ternags and nenched hlf tW7 J pnt eTeo to Repablicaa joomala f4 ri n0 Tfiiafaa T3T BB nn run k niiw Hnrn i winL iu vrn inr iiitti n l mi- i irn im pi 1 1 r I r i 1 - I A j . a w. . I vanmanii in nnTnsn iiinnn . i mi lmlcv& . . . i l i w wn w - - r I w: ' - I ni WU CU UU UrESUT DDCOmi 1U IU1B tF ivui,..vv .u -. - m I ; a . , 1 Atrruit f. ftf .a reld-tjlooded a tToe tuat T. HE AaLT ON TH n LATEST iTlinCEALDirnCULTX AT TUC ,, . I .MURDER. EOUTU. - A : l And we hTe another narder. Anoth-1 -t-u-- ftr eMrriiiuial I mm? A liW UC tiUBC as lax AO uv vau a.uvn euyu l t.o.ub w uia iui uiiu an ", '""'ura v charges to be false. He told the people 1 gentlemen who did not go y into the can . t 111 .. kv wsra fata .' Vint nnw Kn Vi WOTlld I CUl. injure me when he is disappointed and r -v it tisncs and imputations anjnst to the ancrrv ho lAikt tn ni a b P. the Tieonlft DClieYe themi and thus BCandafize me !, "What must disinterested people think of a gentleman I a lit riPcrrMt tn mo and in m V inflinntnt a I Cifciuu nniBA nnd im'nnliti nW nninst.'ln ivnf I dant8 of the nnhlic cohd. had net been thrniit h I deV0te pert Mr, Aiangnm says : i His volume is worthy of special consid ; r -.t. J-J atrocity the I i Girecuy nnaer iue coniroi pi u suvcrBpa i " -'Z 17 . s . I ioui xuuucaiifm. mnienunir viku w I people of yew York must at last be I TW,:.,,. th- V.- York JVil mxkf. 1 from the succeisor. 'and jde.ee.. ""V"" . 11 S VadC the tolwtng nent remaxL..Bpvape - a ft U& V AaWtt- WWW a m.wi a aaMw m v .a n aVJV a I T I tbos trngal, enterprising and w. .i..,. ,r?n In ..vtn r14 7 , 1 nioneers who first established and. 7r T:!:" lu ' " ?7 5e ior .vrr -nri i . a s-. u j i " -fe6-"i" e --y ;o i -it mar ds an easr urn? ior ue itm. ttiv 1 ... v BSTCESitL I The augers footsteps on. . the goWeo disinterested people think of a gentleman l the public goodt. had nt oeen thrnst be p'-f II i l. for "most every murder committed ; I end Administratkw at WeaVtogtotj "deV I the rather. f sustained me uerman cuurcnes in b . vc.r.'tl,e mode of admin- ZiT: I,.t. . ii i fB? V L J i 1 mislead themnd Injure his neigbborl- the legislature, b V&ft TVTIPiTir Myoultotake. He holds it still j Butbe his motive or belief in that respect assembled, Gov. Vance never could have shouW know, of the pnvatioos, struggles, wholeJ ve8,,a 0ntfmptible haa justice . .ndofpowti: iWt U does ootffoUoir ,i ?yk$ I own, and whe theWrs are finding vhat-it may,1 1 reepectfully and cordially received that half a vote m&rifr or in- 4 beroic Uvea of missionariee and Chn.. wthattal crime, have become the "e vtr AoU io ioT - ' VTS J-'awi PnlSTlV ( invite bimWjbin Mr. Pool in defending deed; any majority. So I confidently bo- U.t refugee, who loved religion and liber- JmbUten of Uwlces, since it i. safer SjSHnd U i.uelj tST , dDB TS1 WlT Uolo HSarShVS erSin. himself in the ! indictment against him in lievel J! J7 conscieuce more tha n bev loved and bring. .l.rger jnr. of noloriety Bf5ZZ& - ,K j; Jr6: 1V1 .Up to His heart-nthe closer: bmaing. i Bttn-mb Superior qouri for circulating Thus it will be seen that bis strength the endearmenU o home, kindred and na- l0 ontnt the most wcred iohibitbn of one of essential Timportanceprhi.-U ' -yv , ' " - i tJUla earth ancels rn'to His own: - 1 a,Kbetou. )ablicatim? conutining these was manufactured; and iiotihe free vol- Uve laud. Here they are S" both human knd divin.law than to violate ,.. f tt e a cf IxWana, - I I Hush, darling hisu 1 Kiss downhis very, charges,! and! tojprove any on of notary offering he would UvSlbe country JWigauon. w weir "a f Z 10 lbo Tightest degree ;the simple code or f CongTeM to decide r and tbel reaaosiM sweet eep,l rH f0-"? fS.P"TS! JfJlorceby. The erne V!cold-Uoodcd nr iLeTarenotfr-e to do io at this toomen! I The blessing of hsfaitfi. Oh! Fathef that erei8 no troth in them. The Van afer all he did, was not the choice Prl sto."- cials court hi favor and beg his pardon bM t u in power 0f aUoiM48utcj ' U I . ep. . . ! trnth,V thftv WPremereinventious to seie of a maioritv of the Conservative po It it just 1 k nn. nf ..K R..tP n,l 1 have the atrontr- ifiee the true principles aud ineones ana . . bthaU f be k JuJ esU0 - .f,nmiri1irf Jo, nok bemn. HAYS & SILL Druggist & Apothecaries. 8AAXSBTJXVX7 XT. C. Having purchased the contents of the Drug Store' formerly occupied by .t)r. ii T.dward Sill. We resDtctfullv call the kt- iltentlott of the Citizens of Salisbury and ' the euf rounding country, to the new ar .nment. and inform them that we will aa w - y I . 'continue to carry on the business at the same placed and the same excellent way. We will endeavor to keep on hand all the Wrfona c'ooda the oeonle may need per taining to our line, and therefore, hope by striet attention to business, to receive a liberal patronage. y j ; ' Physician's Orders ftompt- ! ly Attended To. . : Prescription accurately and carefully compounded by reliable (and competent Druggists day or night 1 43 It TRIUMPHANT! Our souls all Thiiie, awake or sleep I PATltNGE. 1 I ' .. ' -f- J - I Storms are above thee, Q, heart of doubt, r Heaven looks . cjld, jthe earth looks I drear; :, I j. 1 But sometimes, out 6f the parted cloud, I .... ... . ! T 1 I I ljignt may tail anatneiway do ciear. i ' i Bat if not here thou.heart of doubt, t Just across, wher theingels be, 1 Quiet isles, and stormiest seas, And the light of home J are waiting thee. ' j Be patient, then thqu hefirt of doubt, With aloving faitthak knows not fear; For soroetimes,'outiottnepartea eioua, . ...... i ., I . i. . i Lagbt wm tan, aua me way u cir. , col m UPWARDS OFIFTY FIRST rRE- MIUMS antl Gold and SiUcr Medals were awarded to Chalks M. Stieff 1 for the beat Pianos in competition .with all the leading manufactur ers of the country. '. OfUce and ITcw STarerooms, ; No. VNorlh Lrberty St. BALTIMORE, Md. Tha RtlofTa Pinnna ountrtln All tho latest ini- l.nf.mti1 in a firntxilarts Pianft. with additional improvements of hi ovrnin- 'Pk. (iinA tiurh mi 1 finish f their inntru- ments cannot bo excelled by any manufactur-1 ed. 1 ! A. laree asortment of second-hand Pianos always n hand, from $75 to $M)0. Parlor and Church Organ, some twenty dif- f.Mnt itrlnt'nn hunil from ftT0 and UDWardS. i Rnnd fnr. Illint.rat.ftJ Cataloiruo. containine k names of over ; twelve hundred Southerners - (ftro hundred of which are Virginians, two . Vnrth i pAriilininntt. one hundred and UUUUI'IM 4V M J rxmvmm-- F , " fiftr East Tenne8seans. and others throughout i-a. a .14. XI O a 1 DI n V-t , the South;, wno nave oougni ma oueu irmuw ' ' smco the close of the war. r J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, J2:4(H Salisbury, N. C. THE OLD, pLE HOME. When I long for Uined memories. Like angel troops tey come, If I fold my hands to fonder On the old, old honje. Th heart has mihy passages Through Whicli thtj feelings roam, . But its middle aiile is sacred To the thoughts off old, old home. Where infancy was s altered Like 8in5ebuds frou the blast, Where girlhoocNbrif elysium In joyousness as assed ; To that sweet spot forever As to some haljowtd douie. Life's pilgrim beiids Jier vision. Tb her old, old hme. A father sat, howiprudly. By that ofa heartHstones rays ; And told his child stories Of his early minhbod's days. And one.auft eye wai beaming, From child 'twbulU roam ; Thus a mother coaiits her treasures In the uld, old j hcKne. oleT ! I a nnrnose for Mrl Pool last summer, and II IIav Vonoa bnnwmv t hlm tn lA HTlOn inventions, in turn, seeks to mate tnem answer his purpose now ! Let him take such benefit aud gratification as he can by such a course ot conduct ! Knowing that Mr. Pool and Gov. Hoi den are exceedingly odious among the i Conservatives of the State, he seeks to produce the impression that I was. tbeir special choice ior senator, etc. x nave iuc information from gentlemen of nnques tionble veracity, that both these gentlemen were unalterable opposed to my election, and the latter favored Gov. Vance's clefi- tinn nnPlrF tUn rirp.umstanccs. and he twu v. m . knows the fact. The account Gov. Vance gives of in terviews between him and myself is not rorreistlv eiven. even in Bubatance he (riven his deductions from what Tas not aaiH rathor than what was said. I did net complain that he had failed to join me in . . v-fc T a combination against ven. ttansom cians of the State, and I have the stronc- eet conviction that he as not the choice i. i . r. r .L. j.-.: ofeiDcnmcnt. A knowlease of the hia- and Usmocratic peotie oi ine oiate. i . . tji Many of the wannest congratulations I tuiion that has existed for geaeratiou. is V . i . . . I ,'ninnjillfl to a wise and competent received after my lection were irony gen- r- . tlemen who voted for Gov. Vance solely control and dis ,i; a m.nata nf th Macns. rom mis wort me leaucvo ui uC B.ta. preater IU Vuw.,m,Bli.w. T r-.l ni U : A mnat loarn. IT 0 ... . . . t i. .11 olft.aoa of I uovuciaa vjuuiv-u m AUi.IM - , 1 1. wretched vatrrarrt to ua ner- of larccnyT ai send him with State, expressing cordial congratulations -r- - "rrr" pompous ceremony 10 iuo . nri roicmrs at mv election, and many mm.0. u---6" . " :r- him oti behall of the people ; J udgt-s ieuo . . tf -h .yr BOk bed. . a. 4 . .a Al" .MAaAt,1ll1(-J' t BtVA Vital V la 111 1 - a. a eiay i piwuiu.. .... . tne m0ll(jlo uoes, aua tue easiest way out . from a well deserved loop otnemp, ana ifj, for Congress to repeal alii la wa whereby auy faction can involve any , when nublic excilcmcnt has died away he walks abroad amoug us wearing a look ol a a..an.M v fcv , wa.1 Ics aUroau amoug us wcanug a ioo w to a wise and competent injQrcd innocenCe. The poor, puny hand isposition of its economy. of nowadays accomplish rk the leaders of the great n0 -rCater cffort that to drag some friend- bar on a State iu any such trouble. Let Louisiana ( go to her own courts with hex owndiS- i cullies, if it is there that she can bod a remray. ii someuxing more rmaicu needed we should still insist that she bo let alone. If her people should! have a little comfortable blood-letting among 1 ii U 1 ailU OUCbUIUVU .UW, " i' i persons have heaped upon me unmeasured, and 1 think, unmeritea aocse.- ana wuuo most of the newspapers ot the otaie nave deprecated imrespectful terms, party dis organization, they have expressed confi-n'-npp. in me and saliefaction. and I have the strongest assurance that I mat luentuKu iuv,ui " j Will nln nrove intereetinc and valuable to many who are not members of the Luth eran Church, and who do not approve us doctrines. It is au important comriuuuua to tho general history of the Carolioas in those earliest days. JJr. JJ.awa.8 waa au i nleased with part of tie contents that ho .F ... .. .1.-11 l. euaii ue i r r ... . . , . 3 AX Serial election .stained by tliem, with two or three ex - 0; in January, 187, m order to sunseivu cepi ons 3 the lessons of Church experience which it his private interests ana grainy ms amoi- ment 01 me peoP. j . .v1 7- contains very instructive. Besides, it tion,hefailedtodoiustice to his section rejoiced at my elevation to tbe Senate, nm. ti . . . of the State, his party and his friend. and that high in numbeV. of .of esT anYa said that the wee , his party ana 1 wou.u tnem arc saueu. a. V' - communicant, among the denomination. t7 : m., their an .earauce warded as next to the hichi ponutrv could bestowi when noue but tho ablest and most honest men were sent there to rcDresent their States, and when nnnt hnt honorable wavs wero used at the elcct'iout.1 But how all this is changed now 1 There are no les thau four Sena tors in that bodv who are directly charged with having got there by corruption, and at least two cf ibiin arc ou trial upon charges of havine boucht their elections with mouev. Another, uuder like charges on bin wav to tha Senate, waitinc for . . 1 ;. .. saiu iuc ".o v -7 , 1 i, , j f 1 1 j communicants among the aenomina.ions t . e i l. r 1!I - a ot nn !, nnnn n wiri R-.tlsfied I WOUld not UOld COUiuiuuaauM b , , , . . not iorgive um bciuouucco i v-v. 0f the United SUtes. and thereiore euan of duty in that respect. " - lenecs the atteutiouof all intelligent Ubns- W'i..3f : A:- . o tbnt t m?rrlt o p-n manv cosrent reasons lengcs me aiieuuuu ui .u 0v nr nin l sav IU uilu an our .u.v - i w.... ' c o . I would not have a radical vote or u-e a why Gov. Vance ought not to have been coarse expression, as he sngge.t. ; but I elected, but I do not choose to discuss this told him at all our interviews that I did matter here or to annoy and distress him. not belie the radicals would vote for At another time, however, I may, if nec-. either of us. 1 On one occasion lie came cssarv, give the people a true and faithful to mv office and said he had come to account of the real cause that gave rise to tian people. HARMONIOUS. The birthday gifts 4nd festivals, The blended vtesjler hymn. Some dear one woSweHing it, , Is with the Seraptiim, The fond "good iights" at bed-time. How quiet sleep wtould come, And fold US all together gee what was 10 oe aone wuu mo uur vMv T repeated what I had often said, that I did not believe they would vote for cither of ne, but eaid I, you have asked me a question about a possible con iingency and; I will answer you fraukly. I said that if the Radicals should nomi nate me and ask me to accept such nomina tion, I -would no more think of accepting it, than of thrusting my hand into the fire then burning before ns, for in that caSe I i would sacrifice conscience, In the old. old home. Like a wreath of sweet scented flswers Closs intertwined) each heart, But time aud chajrgp in concert Have blown thje wreath apart ; But dear and saiate memories Like angels evjer Icouie ; I fold my arms afid jpouder On the old, old home. servatives in the Logialature in reference .cry of harmony. to the late Senatorial election in that body, about which So much has been said in tho beat of excited passion, and when it were ...... a 1 well, if it had not been saia. I am not sensible of having done wrong. The cause which prompted aud governed my action was, in my judgment, potent aud involved my self -respect, tho best in terests of the people of the State, and, in some measure, the same of the whole Hear that New man, will yon T The Hickory E,i'jle (now JVmdoh't like the Hear it : least four morp will make their appearance on the coming 4th of March. In several of the new yesteru States there seems to bo but one way of settling Senatorial elections, and that is to settle in cah. In the pocket State of Nevada they have a canvass on hand at mis lime, ana so uu- ter is it thtt one party threatens to make it a 14 conflict so memorable and terrible" as to deter all future attempts to buy the Legislature. But that Legislature will be bought all the Barne. The people in the State are lost isight of in tho contest, the whole business of who ball be benator '- 'Z' ' a From the Sentinel. to the Editors of the Sentinel : but V vuwv j ' I nA rtnnAr art wnnld deserve I o.nnntrv fall U i I LM V ClUVt aaVMva "" - - the exercratioh of my political friends, and I have no disposition to assail Governor would not be entitled to the confidence Vance or his frtends. This is not the ... j lJnXf tha HfiM it wonld be limp nr nlaee to discuss the merits of the HUU ICCpCVk V "- I . . manifestl I jhad sold my conscience and controversy growing out of tbe benatonai . : fvU . nUoo Vint. Birl T farther, i pIpcIiob. and I will not do so. I confine A number of our exchanges are cry- in" Harmony ! Harmony ! Harmony 1 1 1 iM-.. 1 TKb ITi,ab rjnTna"bft 1 uai a niuiig i auj . . . , been played o long already.: If there from Nevada being settled outside of the I Rtat in Pan Francisco bv a tew tndivia- ty h t it out If it ii hazardous to tho uale. The next ?sevada fceaator will pro party to dbcuas the Merriuion-Vance- bably be tho immediate personal re pre Seaatorial Imbroglio and Public Printing eentative of the San Francisco owner of a all we've got to Bay the party t in a bad silver mine, just as the new Oregon ben- I . . . . - .. T la 1 m a I 1 fix, and needs a little ventilation, uqu i i aioriuo iui De aiarmcu, Kniiciucu. .1 ' - , - , . , We did not tumx. tno proiongauon vi msni uauwajo. t"-; "iv :., 1 , a personal controversy ;hrough the pres. sentcd in the Senate now, who will spend would be beneficial to the Conservative cash enough, j m . .. The above is from; the Philadelphia Neither do we, nor ao we miu. n x-c(cr, unmy I From Uu QtvioU IJomu. f - . REASONS WHY WE WA2TC THE J FHNCH LAW. . j' . j lit Because it will save timber. I 2d Because it will aave tbeuSaodsf dollars that tbe land holder pay a out foe f making, naming raua aua uuuuiog icncri. 4d Because it will lay open io cultU j vation thousauds of acres of the best land j in the Stale, now occupied by fence, aod j briars. j ! ith Because it will improve toe land. I by keeping tbe stock off tbe wood land j and redeeming waste land. 4 Cih Becaoec it will Improve the stock. For the owner will keep bis own trick instead ot his neighbor's. 1 Gth Because it will im crease the val ue of labor. For the employer can af ford to mv the laborer hieher1 ware, for D . - 4 corap(.ting than lor keeping up enubce- eary fences. j , 7th Because it will make the poor man! rich and the rich man richer. Tho onof cau furnieh the land and tbe other enclose; for the pasturage of both. Then the t- I hies of all will rroan under th. heavy; burden of the sweetest meat.-4sueh as ator the immediate personal r-prescutative , , , . . . u f - of BrarrV of a great builder ot subsidized Govern- fftll.wtr. when ftxiuA on Kemtockvt Berkshires, which were skinned in th twilight and boiled with white oak acom-J instead of tho razor back and borules! scrubs, of whieb it ukes two or three t jf make a respectable shadow "when ready for the butcher. ! R. f P. S. Is it just that one man should .. .. ..... u uui uvr .w... ... '-.f I . . pnucipiep iu v , - , , . i.. i ; t j ' . ,i. .t-r Wp ni,;l ono. of Grant's most lutimate per thev know me and my recora mcy Know myseu to ine points bowgui, u uc us. wouia ue iiasamuuc i v; T ' 1- i e t i -U they Know me anay , , . . MnM. ' b Ln th-n-rtv was held toeether by sonal and political friends ; so the .Id youanaiyour ru, ------- " .;A rrnm vSn- ".V.r" .s" r Hl-r tl.M Ronior Evans of howl of rebol" or Democratic slander is .- n ,wv bi. timber and cumstancesot your nomniauou, wuicu i i mre uuucuu "" -B biruugn .. . j imi n t rUnm it rfrm " J i , . . worn A tb.t noue. if they chooeo ono word in Wodication of myH, lu.e tUc Milion Cro icfe . Au "1 i? in .n. b" t"'"m?u' ""H'l , i : -J ailh tliA 1 I tn.,rr!if ln nnhhc iroon enlllQ Ue UcCl I VnmA nt thR I OnSCTTll TC USUCI S VI luio I io IUV.U1UVI" v., o o V: raSfibM Statrm'to think that the!little split Radical party) V'uTUsS: fSd electlmi, Tshall accept the election, mission to such injustice as has been done betwcen Vance and Menimon and the ae- on the Tirtue.aad punty and pa."t anaeiect mq, x aw , n.in no doubt. ii,. I.Utnre in sivinir the nab- of which that concern claims tho monop- wituout aoaiius one juk i ui iuwi, i mv, h - -, - , . wu vt. kUU o- o . , , t i zeal in the interests of my party-that 1 unintentionally, and was willing to rely lie printing to the Kaleigh lievs insteaa oiy self a?aint the ravages of a tew little U -j grunters of his neighbor T Cabarrus county, N. C. I My attention hasj been directed to a J ' Tnej overtrurus directly or iudir- firmly on my course oflifo aud conduct of e Smtihel, has " ruined the party.; paper dated January Sth, lb73, publish- the Radicals for their votes, nor in the future as in the past, to vindicate If act 6Uch as these can " ruin a party, cd in "The Southern under the signature S in which that gentlcina SELF-IMPORTANT PEOPLE. Ohservo how eclf-iniportancc makes a man moody and unhappy. . ..a. i is asser Biela's Comet Did It. It ' ... I W I. I f. ' 1 M I 'I I IV ft V 1 I 1 . IPIjU. I TPI1 II V 1111 Ill'll ULIUUUU1CI ,U UIBU T . If acta such as these can " ruin a party, - -? v . . ".V. - c.,: w:-,..ir .i... .u-U the integrity of my character personally let it rip. and the .ooner tho better.. Par- Observe h,w scif-orUncc a - , J (.at was said and politically. ties are not formed for the special benefit man moody ana unnaPr7. . C nT-l.n dJ in which that gentleman seeKs uy insinua-; . and mQch o dl, Unguage Ai a Senator, by the blessing of Prov- of a few individuals, but are supposed to al ways think, ug ot his own c b f oe Vi" 5 of mei tion, suggestioujM afsort of argumenta-, reduced to writing what wa! said idence, it is my unalterable purpose to do be predicated on measures. And he who renders himself thereby n to cn oy the tiou to prouuee i T r - - - prv ROOW after Gov. Vance left my of my utmost to benefit and bless the wooie turns hi- back on these principles o-cnuau goou "-- .. J 1 '7Z . Rom. Itrealan and Goetlinrtn U believed l ff,ir.rt m used rettmcr a I that everv toaen ui anauuii tnvii i . UQ or u uauibiu 0 f- , . ,v fl, mn rir narlisan I otber is as an insult ottered to bimsclt ; he on,ht to be. hence he is touchy, sensitive unublc vote in the KgU , 1 hours I learned that the Republicans had I will not willingly tolerate wrang or op- 0u? harmonious cotemporary further and envious, tic iukcs '" Senator, ad that liad Ld, I would pression to any. I am nxious to see the aads: With great deference to the opin. is meant, and even wtWewnd trigued with the Republicans in and out .the Kadteal o.e-and the lln ion rest firmly and forever upon the ion of lhe Eagle, we still think where b.in are not thinking of him at he of the legislature, for khesame PnrPMfr that I1iad "gold out" to Constitution-to see it completely and there i9 no principle at stake, it is hasard- interprets their conduct as if i wii, itudH And I learn that a ftw bf that gentleman'. that 1 naa corfially restored in the hearts of the peo- ous to lhc party for our leading public ouely di-tsourteoje, aud goes through the ...liiM. Wnda niake a milar imou- i tbe KadLc.als 1 , ... , l;,.;.tl ' ; .r,n.l wriiirlinir world smartio2 from wounds which have SS- , -HI - . L . . Ur,.be collar. hould be pureed of I am surprised that Wov. vance .noma ; - " Mrtv for Senator. This political good. I wish to .ee iu govern- We reply to this by saying : It is a I ers as irom nis own ovr.wcc.u5 thua seek to produce an impression wnicu -v , , .'l.i: md mlnriona. exercisrae? I n.rtv intWd. that tnteffrate. upon I ccit. "b--. J. u:". 1 deny ana ao nor ueiiT. i jm b. , " I i v -? :i i tnina. u ugv. . t d' not Dr0l)0,e here to discuss the its mighty powers for its own protection, the "personal wrangnngs oi icauiog pu.- bto , Ti V V : merits aud demerit, ot ni. nomination, i u wen u ror ia mmwauw i uiciane. i . ill niiiiniain n aa aav va - - a a w . a a. : . a, a k a a. a m a m a aj n B j r a a wtrnrw i r .', v, . , a. i ..i : . ; i . , , . r insiftt andi thinK 1 can snow on a proper wcuuu ui ui wo nguw -v.. All Losses Eqmty Adju v" r- db , f i j i nednle that he bad uo legitimate nomina- i tive spneres as goverawouw. t rTh mattpr wa rcDeatedlv consid- PI"6 vnT 6 , . r n : I . w m . t I .. . a;: . M ndn-A o nOPDI I am OStMIII!! V I inilSfl TallTC III UI T PropcVty ownVrt desW ereLby the CentrjU Executive Commit-! ntion , h;. ttp. opinions and conduct, and as in the past - iftt ..ii .,rwo.f tKomaplres bv I Rtutn. nulbdibv able aud Iearu" i J i - . I . . , n . . n..... ; n iurD ui m w v .. - v v , . -- nopd atrehoth tso iu the lutuie, i snan uc a uocuii, i mguDoraiuauyu iuu uioife.... i ' . . , 'i t . v, l ingaPolicyin-ofgiaHomelnsuntnee lfcgll gentlemen as vell as rby tbe opin- Pd etreP a nm bavin- for ' poUticjl guindance no cuter iu protest against bolting and per- as. It gives a jaundiced bca to the be- Co.-- Ageneie. at prominent points ,n all the judgment ol many influential He admitted m the presence of a com- bwing or my po 1 g enter prat g 0lt tge .pirU of bavior of those who, so far from meaning Southern SUtes ' . r!a,aivM and Democrats, and tho mittee ot dur trieud., tnat ne nao aone t t ...mi I V. V T j:.-...: ..". .triv-to tft do evil to us. have our best interests a,, T - ft T T ITI 1 W TV A fvpni. 1 VVUOV w a.- - - w I T - F ... f : ...J-l-lrtt VY V "it1 fllf . 1 Will IlCf CI tCJOO IV ttVA" I ii1BAI'M U ISallAV U muu w - 1 - - - . , , - I i aJ . TV. lil J 1 J 11 JFV . W 1 . t a a. Ilka 4 . .1 Sk A..ttta tl B ll m U M I1H I V IU W X Va I UI CT a t . a a I 111 . .II. a .. I n AVI I I " " v " .. r,m ttee abontihfe time the liCffisiature uimosi awuwcvi.u...vu-- . .? , ',. .,i .k. ,.,in.;,;n .i. irLiv and weltaro I at heart, ana iove uf w.m ku-iim.v.u6 . , urseOih A mnn- ifnnsf V.W-- T t ' . . " I .1. . l . .1 .m Hnnnc thA no. I X- .. r tlinn SPnSP. l)rO. Y 11- I aUUUk U'm, ; -rf - IlNSUUli UN Gedrgia Home Insnrance Ca Of OOLUMBtJS. Ga. IvooaroaAtcn, 1850. Cxpitax. $380,000 ! j i RHODES BROWNE, President, C ' 1 1). F. WILliOOX, Secretary. There is no surer wav to make our. 1,n miierable than to think of ourselves i . . V. 1... i do--, cr. .o Ulooe a. . more th.n w oog., a - . .o- Araiu "It is th duty ox tne presa laies u- irom . --- to condemn the wrong even in their own alike from all human sympathy and di party to point out errors, if any have vine assistance It makes us very I.h- been committea, to renuite m i " . - ; ., : insnbordination aud disorganization, to and every man s nana. aPP-reu. 7 .5u April 25, 72. i' i t . Office No. 2, Granite Row, 1,25,72. Iy Salisbury, N.-U. sMErirs improved .Patent Well Fixture. tnedded to 'private families, being conveni- ol io cor,test the nt for qntek jfilling,- self-emptying aad ease crtaj0ly do so sui iu drawing;;. -iFor darabiUty it is unsurpass- J grounds, .luglstoTohmi' rtnv Vance bin I Committee about hfe time the Legislature ! met resolved unaniinoilely that it was in expedieut to contest! tle election and ad vised me not to doj so. Besides this, I rpfpivfd more than a hundred letters, from uJinv mid it-ell informed Conservatives 'm .i . i- .Oii;. tlila I fm oworv apo.tioti of the State, and every aHmtrAKb Invention' Itis especially recom-; 1 orie of them with one exception advised me meijded to 'private families, being conveni- ' t lo cor,test the election, unless I could successtuliy ana npou suo- and that exception was . t 1 - ir I ll .! o.itria. l"h"v "l"a:!?? "TZ"Z SLw & Wt SOIUie StklelJ iroiu acvitucuv. ii no i , r ox tne most careieia, aou wiuiuii uo&iguif i u ivv... - tit... . I ; M-ka arbnla truth is4-the Rppublteaus . ; ' MERONEY & BRO. " I new, Oov. Vance iau4 his record they X - 7i-tf. t I ' I inniv triA nd mv fccoiid. and they chose . 1 a.uv-" v i i , , - t . . i ' : , I . ? r. uritliftnt unv : nlpnP'R oi anv . i. - I VOIO iur mo miuw. v i r o , :DrS. SulOmef ell & Gaitler'S character. They asked no pledge-they iBABKER &, CO'S Drup; Store .,:,''! J UP S1AIKS. ;: . Aug. 2,40: 5ra. ' ' f " :- v This - imputation intended to support tely groundjesa Maawsge Cotifist!e for salclrcrd; like that which it is is untrue ana ansoiu f ianvi human being know, to the cotttraiyI call upon him to speax oat. j- L i ;. L . - v lie awo reprQuucv. mo ivu. to have been the filling within our atmos pbere of comctary lrtgmenu, i ana uie I subsequent violent lonn. and j tern peati which visited Jvortheru ana uentrai xUf ope are attributed to the almespberiA . .1 ..nr.l I.M f I. . rvI1.tM ! " " - f Hotc to lit CoRart on Horses Shovt TV nlUr knald ba narchased of . u . -..n.. aSva . imt Kpfnr BBtiinir it oA the firt tima, immerse it in water, leton it remain in one minute, and imraidiateJy put it on the bors-, eing careful to nave : i ... J : . A a id. n il twttk. ine DIlIirB PV auju.iru w auaia - ft the shoulder, and then pat ihi horse to work. Tbe collar by being wat will adapti:elf to the booldcr, and shoo'd be left in tbe samo shape it ocpupied oft the bcrse, and ever after you will. havi a snnc niling coiiar ana wwauu. Valley iarmrr. l. , I r. .1 .. eaucus, 14 secure his nomination. His - r-. -r ""1 r i. dniv ?o rebuke the spir- feel, it to be always in his way. Let b,m - T'. on 1 friends or many of them, gav. U out very "YbVdou for troubling the public at of insubo diuatiou to party, disorgani- do what he wi , or go Where be may, he Ao(J -n a,wc, generally tha he had a large I bjg Pjr dou l Mn.ub u bul m0ve himself but be ,s conscious of R e djd JTdiflcteri .1" Sthtli LBlftd bv Gov. Vance', strange kL rrvinharmoav I harmony ! har- it. pain. In like manner he who Us t Ins J of ....boti ."irrfrZ.'TdT. .aenee in reference to it. I Vl -P Pr,oreWy lfc- feeling of sHf- mpor uoee .. ona,. j w and B-t all these year, tlak Lfl II IB DUUUU1 tkl.u .. . . " i I J 1 - Ti I imir iiii .(1 II1C UUU T llS ainawo . 1 . nterestea Uirit advised me not to allow venture to trust that ne anu u Qfg .accrn ' " 'Vl. He is constantly complain " to before the caucus, and friends will yet nave occ.ou 'f l.,.n incited, and whe,. d he did not want to beat me, &c., &c -ore favorable of me than tneynow seem ..r. Holland bo'or isli- to another he feel, nothing A. S. MERRIMON. ba;ing resolved to have the wall before but that be has been overlooked. lh he Raleigh, Jan. 22, 1873. iffid House Uken down, and to have .hut, himseli 8 ' ' ... iron ra-li,. nut up in its stead, it was mopes most of .La hen aibr- are merry . Boo, o, Ho.n, - CWl.'. (Tana ? S?" ,(.- My 4., - m u uiu iii .- , Tn thU Wav he drove everv gentleman nrVtn til nil ah i of bein? a candidate before the caucui dut of it -no one waiited to go there just to be beaten no gentleman was I . a l..n a at - .a J i- aala. .aH I M il VaVrtl" IT IIP. lilt 11 111 LI I1A lailllA VJ aitlfl. I Ctii Waa . . though others were voted ior including "jjook ot Hours 18 Beco,m ,u !tt u.c tt"u u ihi hesW completely immo- mvaelf. When the caucus assembled, he historical interest to no mansenpt in James box hat he should hid the field to himsellWhowa. tho only world. It is eleven hundrea years old, evei -tue PIOB" . had the neia w mm .JL i,.a Keen considered a most the laborers bad blasted the brick-work in w:iminn Journa, h7fa P-iouV example of tbe arts of those dis. .h otninktehii ,aU. hi. efirtsUt ages. Tbel and the effort, ot hi. friends, to say notu- mm ; tne cnaracer. ; b " -"T SrkkwSriteTboT ; at lb. same time advia intr f the! areuments aud means employed with miniatures, whose colors are a. tresn nis xavonie noy , Sv&fe s--"f- f ti. Wilmington Journal of Thursday sav-: Sales were eff-ctcd yi-sterday of S2,000 of City ; 7 per cent bonds (lity tt-ii In- .Tdnnarw let. 1876. at SO cent This is a inde. bf the good credit of our city. -1 he wis looking for them be not that the Heavens were bright above p-hn. , ir. never let bis eys turn away from tbe filt and mud iu which he sought bhi trfauxf; and when he died a rich old msh. he only knew ih: fair earth as a iirty roa a m a - t 1 in wbicb to pica up money. i caught on the coast near St. ugustfii Florida. It waa about eight feet from tij i . . . A large and curious fia was reeeuut :ij. loriua. it waa aoooicigui y f i. Cn. tn ll.a tin of lhe boltOD fin. anfl 11 .Wft M.. V" .MW J- . . about eight feet from it noae Jor moath to the Uil : waa about tweuty-uvo incbea thick ; eyes large, and the mouth exeeeq ingly small, and weighed over One thoui aadpouncj.