r (H1LI8UDRT. THURSDAY JANUARY 4- ; I- ; -i .. ' . NEWS AND COMMENT. J H v. .r,Wto.porfmortemexarainaUonwhn ; Captain , Jack,, the Modoc Indian Leader. 8BiT"-iVMcOttley presented a levered tha Bedmaa Wk was bro- stacked a small force of United gtatea troo petition bfcUizen of Union count pray- ' ; ; i repulsed, Ope aoWier willed. nor flie paasaKO of an to'incorpor- fihrUmaa, and who itfwaa thoncht at the time, jrious implicitkm are reported between XTotth Caroliaa legislator. . i j k. aiiii. I !i f Utit viv I TfriaaU nT FrKtlmu? mi ttiA Khedivan mention. I f :V i; - i'.--1 .' , ttnn naa frozen 10 ueiu.iw-' ; a juiim,-.vu vi "; 1 -" - -t . t -. r ; ? however, led to a'porijnwrfew examination when itwaa'discoTered ken. M.tor Geo. 'A. Alien, of AueustaGa, wis d two; wounded. The Indiani jjortea. were ilc Mount Piospect Camp Ground, and found dead a few days in with a pistol , ahot captured; , . - for authority to the County Commissioners I I through, the brain, ind a pistol lying by his Won and Colfax delivered addressee to the to make the necessity by-lawt W Buppreag V v..Vvr.V,.. X.-. tUUiA r.mlAm IVr - 7 . I nunr mri,B f Christian Association.' at Wash I uiruruera 111 saio. camp grouuii 1 s z. -- rj'TT -7 r " 1 r 1 ,? -j- - , Mr McCauley introduced a bm in rela- aw to repeal the Banknipt Law. .. p.trick Cot?y een arretted charged with fogton the other day. Thw too after their con- lion to the feci of Kegiatera of Deedf and -i1 The Credit MobHier CominltteehaTe been themorderby poiaonofhiamothr4n-larMr. nectlon with the Credit Mobilier swindle. How J0gtice4tf the Peaces Referred. 4 . Mtnicted to investigate the central Pacino aqd Clara Itfniundson impious not to say sacligious I j ; : ; , r r -The jbill in relation to townships waa other Eailroad opcratiouaaffectinf the members Tbt demd of U - jonn Haye, a citizen An attempt waa made to rob the People'a put upoii ite pkasage. Mr Cunningham yCoagreaa.:.-- v.; , - : of Wayne cou.iy, ha been found in a fwamp, National Bank at Fayettevilie last Sunday night explained the obiect oflhe U to be to ThenUjiantahlp; jM plying between bearing marksof rioLce. S ,VT.f Am ture entanskmentntinue. In PfP5?!! Iodeti :aad Auatralia,. and a a teto Irom th. honaa f. J -Al PiikerelL near Littleton. Alabama. I Li ! iAnnAAL,t ,- 7 t - I : - - r id jl . s-r -1 - r -!: v. iiivuvg avr i;huviiui va aiia rort waa made in the Legislatare thence to the Supreme Cpttrf. Al tbe ... . t law .now, atood TownahiD i Board a had i i , v new aaTiKo, ui reiwuMw luini v. - r r. 3 i.. . ance. : i 4 '. .1 ' iiJj aw t ; vv Vnw Aatbndv power to lay out new ana cioae oi! roada Ltral.a, and on atrip ftomr f The booae of J. A Piekerell, near Littleton, Alabama, j latter place, with four hundrfd Warreti county, wat iurhed on Sunday ayening X, taaengers excluwre of the crew, Jait... Th JoaaWnt.to$8,006.' Kiasur in unknown teamer. Thraa hun- Mil. 1 - a lew a0o, I former to tbe and twelte panaengem, rollided withan"unknown teamer. Three hun idred and twenty persona including the Captain rf the 2forjUrt,neTt drownod. The ateatner tlhat propoied; an amendmeut extending the i COUNT riEllEFONDS. r VT":.t. i..5?;. n . Il U. aata haf;cofcrencharbeen iT? Bm' Held at ChUelburit. Vhen. it waa decided "tXr) Z ULat the-Empreaa Euireni. and- Prince .i," IT .oWrJT orthe Prince Imperial.. No njanlfeiU iu I KSw fcpln ; ;k , r ,u dicaling l8 intentiona6f the llonapart already been pasted to . authorize the col. . KWl..n w ti.. p4.t. ected to a fourth bUU- Tbe Legislatitra r;: 7 " JrV- t" " w pre aauauctwo. .hrvnMl.h .l,Ar?ff- 1 ciumub, u -uupwru a. uia muiio, jan. ID SIDO. 1. "I nlVu .I Strength but not impatience ahould not The bill a. propoaed to ean aud ,1 : the la.t be practfced f be amended by the committee would t, ,7 t ... i:I -.;n v, u iLi .u. reetore tbe old law nn the subject. VU "T .r ;uu" "! rule had been eatabli.hed that lhre Taafa "?rif r "tauuui u,0-fc ,B? ,or l"crB The IW tvpe- 4,a. fixtuti-s of ika . . . . . lean hA nn uinrea rMrmnnir. inch i ir - . 'i . . . . i. - waa authcienuy long for .Sheriffs, &c, to - ..I c0llfidea .t7,;m ' ftbroad. iuune uce, lonner y tna Umiaer . . .1 ' ' e I . ' umcr, is ontrea ir me on reasoaabla An affray occurred at! Hillro last Sator-k composed of atatesmen. but we eonfesa our without their act6n W,,g renewed except collided with the Xorfieri U Mi tied to have 1 day in a dram alo. JeweArche, a ginger 1 aurpriae at a moe so eminently farcical. sunk also. V ; . ' j i cake mulatto, abd Bpclc priana were me par- j S KEW YORK MARKETS xwMVWU..Uy.u:..,u. ftvnft.fi-. time b!Areh.v and glory, has been elected United States Sena-1 ' .j T . !. : The dwelling 01 nr. Biaai ty,ww burned on Bimday 01 last weea. u was gj6 T urpentinefirmat67a67. Rosin firm the finest house In the county and coat $8,0W. ,t $$77 for strained. Freights ojiiet, w .'mV!,H,J;W''-,':!T,rJli Stocksdull, Gold quiet, 131: MoneyfirmaC pr.J.T. Leach, Mi Charity Utley, and f iExchiDgl w, 9; short tOJ. OoTern- Frank King, all hntig within five miles pi th t mepu steady State bonds qnieti other, and all idled fof iconsmmption last week tor from Georgia. This Is I decidedly thf aelecUosj yet made to the next Congress. by comity boarda. Tbe bill proposed to restore' the right of appeal to a judge for rerittw and from Lis decision to; the Su New? York January 29. Cotton steady ; j prenie Court. . Great hardship was com aw second 1 ! sales 431 bales. Uplands 21J j! Orleans 21 1, pla!nedj,oCundthe operation of the J le of Warren coun- Fiourateady.1 Wheat quiet. Corn steady. Port at present. The bill passed iti seco 1 . T. firm, mess $14 50. Lard firm, western steam 8J K . . 1 -J - r - i T f last week. It waa rTe'Tii?. .aV-pti nn fim, and thud reaaWs. . Hon. Alexander U. Stephens has been nomi nated for Congress in the eighth diatrict , of Geor gia.' This la th district the late Gen,l. Wright was elected to represent. f ; Six persone were drowned in the Ohio. Friday, at Eyanatille, n attempting to skill' the in the lower part of! Wake county. So j saith GIVE US THE GEORGIA LAW NO .j A. B i - . . i. I iir KHl H IKf. Nil VlllCi. ' Housb -The,, House bill to allow the Carolina Narrow Guage Railroad Conv pany to consolidate with the Chester and Lenoir Narrow 'Guage Railroad Company of South Carolina, passed ita third read x uc icoutuiiuii 111 rctlcvo ' IT )l nut Mrs. Laura D. Fair, the murdereas, has de livered her lecture on f Wolves in the Fold.'' nartianft, ' Governor elect of. Pennsylvania jn a lager beet saloon at Sacramento. w a-ww r a .a a ni - 1 A 1 . i 1 aln.BIi,r.ie .1 jiamsourg, on me msw Pratu 0il porks at New York; were ine vprcesaun wasne nnest, it n. saio, ever burBd on 27lh $60,000. seen in mac cut, 11 jiariranit naa not peen 1 i 1 Jn Georgia btor a man is allowed to jen 0f the r-disabiVitie imposed! by the vote, he must exhibit his poll-tax receipt. Court of Impeachment was read. Mr This is a good law. It ought to be en- Badger addrewied the House at some acted, in North Carolina. Ileneih in simoon of the resolution. O jAt the last State election in Georgia motion ot Mr Jones of Caldwell, the further the Conservatives carried the State by. consideration of the resolution was post- . i . ; . , I i C.e .1.1 .. nil m.innlo Th I'jlll. . - 1 I 1- 1 . . . ' most ontfiMOUslf belied. Be is'-most consbm. '-Two mo a quarter muuona specie wens luu.u""u, " poueu ana maoesue epeciai oraer ior 11 matos(ndref.hieIt issaidmarheh ! Bervatives paid their poiMax, ana voiea. on Tuesday the 2$ib ol January 1 , i i . A larcre number ot itaaicais riusea to pay . been proven to be guilty of theft and other The Jersey City Methodist Church, at Buffa- J .J an( tu(.y were' nit allowed to TuesDxt, Jan. 21. ely lmfsmouscrim Thepleof 3 r Sexatc Mr Norwood, from the com ay unn. must oe aware 01 me zact lorn.s , . i . . houde? rol)er. j If a man will not pay his poll-tax he Uitteo on the State debt and liabilities, in fiWi.T? k .T1 ty at Plymouth, N.lc, has passed the lower ought not to be allowed. the elective Iran- response to the Governor, message aud puh.ucprtwthatSute.tnseemsthat ; cbf8e.f " r . " bill on that subject, reported as followa : torn outlnTery large numbers to celebrate his ousa 01 ingress. ; ; 1 Who can reasonable object to this pro- 'The joiut aeleet committee! on the iiianguraUoo. ThUa giving approval and eclat j Tlie Empress Eugenie, wife of the late bm to the triumph of the uoscrupulous and' venal. I eror Napoleon, leaves Chiselhurst, but remains ;NE W A V VE RT 1 3 E t EjTrS . ; H 4; IN MOCVlLLjiN. O,; . . So long and favoraWy kwo to the poblie, haa been dosed, as rejmrtrd f bulla still kept ' bT Mrs. Henry Aoxtin & Sn, who rcvpectfallT olicit the patronise of t!ktr Old friends and wi4 I ap&re4 m ( i - collect arrears ges. - ,4 :.u i L. r . T'u- r Dunham favored the amendment. I . i . r . j The time bad come to make it understood I j -n u j .i - .l...".!.. loit . - . bul ooncrjor later it will be, and the son I! ' nL3 .CI J:.'." orVL: of Eugene the nephew of the great Na terms. Jan. Apply to J 16 tf. .J. jStewari. HI right to use a discreuonm the performance Nale lhe xvjjfdfcaW ir of a peremptory duty. Mill Destroyed by Fire. . Mr Merrimou opposed Hba amendment. Tbe Sheriffs had indulged an impoverish Paper I rrr . I ... I ed people by pacing their Uxes, and bad " c 5&IC1 '"", XI. 1 T K?,,.,: gw"y. .n k.n V.on t Krrnw frt, tM. nr from Mr. R. G ray, of inston, N . C.that UIU left eitutr at Lu pose, from the banksat'a high rate of l PFf were entirely SJreJ I m. , . - Uulrnvk1 t fir S.lnri nirvl.f lam I yruB C'lOr Will rccrlVC interest, inese arrears were a debt, for J , ' y: , ' "'"" " Salwburr, IXsc 2G. the most part, the State should compel "" u"",Mrr - Ojfi,2cS.X5;"a;N'. Da. c. a: uuOTjnriaorx siw-tfully announce that jhe has Homd tbe practice of medicine, and will be pleased lo re- cfive the calls of him fornier patrbna and la t. 1 ; residence, formerlr on. - bbui or Tj F. Kkitf a prbnrpt alien litm. 4 SCHOOL:. payment of. ine loss was a very ueavy one, ana, un- JflftKI'S Mr Waring concurred in the views of 1",kUUlc,7 "w MrMerrimon. Air Nicholson also concur- vtr'y: V- - vr r e, Rrv Impp, Svi n r r 1 red in those view..; . i office with the paper upon wh.cL r K- An Mr Gudger concurred ia tho riew. of . P"01 l0 some V?.e PMl bd a. .u.Aaa.;!.: -;xi "Mr Love. These arrears were usually lDO proprietor nae ever xouna nim prompt The aixtr-cond terra onhwacWj Vill eoo. held over the people as au engine of power Ee mn J ana fqn" n deings, menca on tna twenty-nnh of Janmarr, lrJ78,an4.j , to heln Sheriffs to a reelection It was whl,e b, P8 h l"rJ been of the conlimre nntil the avimeenlh of June. i to help auenns to a. re election, n was r r . f jOP a circular, ai.plv uiU Uertor. t for tbe rre"'iu,,v vul -uw ix-c 2a 1272-15 :4w I . i defeated candidates who wen! collection, ot arrears, air bul ley was opposed to the entire bill.: Tbe arrearages were debts of honor in which the State had no right to interfere.' The amendment was! rejected 31 to 12. The bill then passed its 3d reading 38 to 7. f After considerable debate the matter was postponed till Saturday. ' IIoi'SE Mr Brown of Mecklenburg, sympathies in his misfortune, which we hope will not permanently affect his bui- MILLINERY EEMOVED. MwsMrMnrrayherebT informs her tniAm. DOWN WITH SOCIAL LEGISlJlJ dh TION 1 Such announcement as the above reads very I in England for the present. like French history during the summer of 1792, . AitnJ fi,. at T).rien. Geor- rhep ignorance, theft; and yenalty demanded a . WBllJ nkt Th rnnrt-lwv with premium. The Paper Mill of Mr. R. Gray of Winston ed. losLf.Less about $8,000. No insurstfee. f L the public records add other property was burn- position 1 Surely, no person can ask for State debt and liabilities, to w)iom was a voice at the ballot box who is unwilling I referred the message and draft o a bill on to pay the small pittance assessed on the that subject from the; Governor, have had poll. the same under consideration. The com I Let a bill be introduced and passed at rnittee believe they apprehend tleimpor- once, requiring every man who oftVra to tance of the subject , of the Stite debt, vote, to snowa rect-ipi mai ne nas pnia ins wtucu uas oecn commutca to iueu ennrge, . ' Tri. A . ,:. k. I : . I I J u o ' j .... - "J" ' I poll ii a. ii iic uctuiiuk ui r-v, ict uiui us iii ivs vaiuiui HFurcii anu u-aiit:B, nuu w con-umea ny ore on eunaay morning, win . - t t iTYMr -C. "V.. flj-Ktrnvpil the tele- I J.n:l V.n' vV tn tha Kollnf I ;.wl,,ln.. iL. !,. V - '" -s -i j ucilicu kiic iil", v v- i lurj iuuuii lie uui suat iuci iutT ill graph and-Kx press bffices with, their contents, j The Legislature Iras full power and due time be nb-e to recommend such a Special I legislation in its abuses and it almost 'always if abused has been a curse to this Slate. V e refer to SDCcial laws for cbaneinr the namea of I . .. . . i r " -' presenteo: a petition praying me repeal oi persons or places, for directing the elec- .1 . . . : i.. g - me lenco ia. t lion oi snnervisors in towns or ciuee. lor Mr Michael offered a resolution reqnest- Umending villaeecUaiters, for designating . . . : !J I In ui. I r ' 1 ha adiltrd to her well srieeti'd stock bf Milliner all kind of lai'i, furniliuij gfMjd-iusnallv kept in-Mil!inery Stur. She will beplead tokava llielaJU call on her at lkr new place, and cx amine bcr stock. dec. 19 Jmo.' SBTTLB UP. AU thoHe indebtel to me for aobivriptioa ta the Ernmiurr, for 1 vtrtinj:, or vurk. are l .ur r.pr,.-0U.i- M Oo,.6r. .o ... p,.. .f voting, .d for ,.reeu. 'OT SST. lIS Wh Iheir mfluei.ee .giioat lhe repeal of lhe hn m0,t ji.uncei those arc imiguificaot Hour, or .n couiiur' iW uln The proprietors of the Mobile Tribunt failed; I and also the adjoining buildings. L6is$200,-1 autbority under the Constitnt ion and laws course with regard to it as may best pro- 1 1 000. L f C of the State, to amend the election act ot mote the public interests. Thekpprccia- thetr ofce, type -and fixtures were sold ; -the Kads bought them, and started a Radical paper. The Radical papers would now have you believe that the former owners of the Tri&un had gone over to the Grant party. There ia not a word of truth in it. 1 ! 1 J J ..' .. . " ! 4 The Car-hook murderer, Foster, of New York Every stage line ruaning into Salt Lake City, is stopped by the epizooty. - i s ' Alfred V.l Dockery, xf this State has been confirmed as Consul at Oporto. l" . In the lower House of Congress a resolution of March next. City, has been ntenced to be hanged on the 7th mstrucUng t.e Committee of ay. and Mean, h noll-tair. if thev were required to do so before being allowed to Vote, many of them would pay the tax rather than be deprived 'of their votes. The depleted treasury of tbt State would, last session, so as to make (he payment hion by the committee of the 'immense Of the polNtax a necessary qualification importance of the subject induces of a Voter. !, Tbis oueht to be donebvj all The principle ia right. Such a measure is aeraanueu uy me exigency u iuk inure ui i to report a bill refunding the Cotton tax was niiraa nn Kill .Tbeexereises of the Mercer Univcrsitv. at i...iL.-j.ili! .-.t.-o-..i.:i:u-i. ' T -j t . 7 ui iBdticuiiiieu iu uenvu iu uieouuuiuiiftcij iu aiacoi ua, nae been temporanlytipe.,ded Congr That body is now composed main- ...i..i.rii : ?.? . , ---'" 8 uie atuuents. . ly of bhtcr Tinaict parUsan vulgar tyrantsl - - henefiitcd. Kev. U..Pavis,f the Episcopal Church, nd corrupt;villains 1 here is not a legislative There j8 no rengon ! why such a them to refrain ,froin the reflections upon means, the communication ct the (governor which to some it may seem to provoke. The committee respectfully ask to bejdischarg ed from the further coueideration of the said communication." . Mr Norwood,- from the comfniltoe on Agriculture, reported a bill foir tb im provement of the Agiiculture of jthe State, which was made the special iordt-r for 1 uesday next, v Tli hill to rinonl tkf nanrv lUw. inlrn was thrown from his boras and so injured asto body in the, world t6-dy so justly odioasforitsL ghould not be Dassed by the Lfffifla- dncrd hv Mr (i.wman. was ticen un.- cause death at Union Court House, S.CpO the unblushing yillainiei and narrow minded states- tW. .Look to Georgia I There the whole The substitute offered by Mr Urown of 2lst Inst. He was a son of the late Bishop manship. j State Government is overwhelmingly in Mecklenburg, was read and discussed at Uavia,., .-. ' " , There is Small pox in Washington City; If i"e hands of the true men of the State Pfnuo length by the author. Mij Brown of Mrs. Francis L. Bartow, the mother ot Gen. tt should get hold of the members of the Credit d lne representatives oi ine tax payer?. Davidson, moved to postpone tie bill till Bartow: of K.v.nn.K .Kn w.av;iii .t ' MftWiw.wtn.tu ihirA nmUhl v would hewme Aaopi ine ueorgia iaw in iNorm Vviii ouna Monday. Mr Lrorman moved to reter to . t .m ww ma inn iiini i v.a.r. w w, - w v. wwv. j - .--- i . ........ .... i ' I ' , . I I ; 1 1 i . f ,1 n j 1. 1. aim w win uciiuiii hiumuii- 'ictnauic tuu- dition of affairs. Raleigh Xctcs. h)tte Deiioerat reports a heavy fresh battle of. Manassas, died in Chattanooga on the unbreastingi lata, and was buried in Macon on the 22d. -She tk- rw A aav vuai . was 80 years of age. et in Gaston; county. Twenty one years ago and npward Two white men, John Morrison and Town- ic r.,-i.T... Lfc.-fT r t. t? WTiar T.nnU Nmnlonn nnrntxl th fl.iv w... 1 I , iiira. -uiij iatc( iwiic vi . x. x . nic, i - r I seoa Miller, and a negro man, John Robinson, ofMonranton, and Ir. Samuel Tate of the same ernment of France, among those who action iilUrt.:;: " wu""nKDU Plarebothdead the Judiciary Coinmilteo. Messrs. Mc- Gchee, Anderson oi Clay, and Dudley, col., opposed auy further postponement. Mr McGehee in a speech of some length opposed the passage of the bull No iinal 111a river, Ga. - . i . ' Mary Ann Prince, age 35, committed suicide, were arrested was M. Thiers. He was e . r..:i.. j . . . : . .. Gov.Curtin, of Pennsylvania, late Minister U tll time bu, Boon recovered from it. Wkdnksday, Jan. 22. i Sknate - A message was received from a-Tw.--..JAa--. L' i . . .It I 1 . ' 1 - . - by cottbg her throat with 'her husband'. taar 7 T' " being treated wan great leniency by lhe House ; transmittiug a; message from th , LU v ooofl .u . q U ,ra" OI ine P1" wun a -uuipu- jNapuIeou and escaped at last with only a ?K?'lf.: Goruch.hofl;., rom.d fewPday.- de.en.ioS. Ahbongb tben'an Napoleon and escaped at last with only a the Governor on the sale of the Western N C. Railroad. The reading was dis A Kill kl iatiinrr Uia fmnlrinrr nrtilMv St it if said that Baltimore exports annually I ,a Q AAA AAA -at It I "aw, syeaoa j m, , Va w W w. .vw wutu.u. ojaen. I It goes to the President. The bill is pure and Mr. J. CL Bancroft Davis, of the Joint nigh simple. old man, much fuither advanced in life than Napoleon, he lived to see the end of his long life and to become his successor - wa. ' - 4 a a 1 in power. uat a remai kabie man ! He witnessed the glories and the over throw of the first Empire. He saw the pensed with and the message referred to the joint select committee on that subject. Mr McCaulcy offered a resolution for the relief of John J. Hasty, Sheriff of Union county. Mr. Nicholson called np the resolution instructing the joint committee on the affairs of the .Western North Carolina Bankrupt Law. The bill to amend the School Law was discussed at considerable length. FbIdaY, Jan. 24. t Senate. Mr Flcmming introduced a bill to change the name ot tbe town of Catawba Vale, McDowell county. Mr. Nicholson called up his resolution instructing our Senators aud requesting our Representatives in :Cougres lo use their efforts to have abolished the entiie Internal Revenue Ltws of the United States. After considerable discussion the resolution was rejected. The special order, the bill to incorpor ate "lhe Midland is orth Carolina Hall way Company," was taken up. The bill proposes to build a railway with one or mure iracks from some i point at or near Beaufort harbor, in this State, to the Tennessee line, so as to itieure an unin terrupted through connection f;om Mem phis to Beaufort, with a Capital stock ot tive millions of dollars, divided into fifty thousand shares of one . hundred dollars each. Many of the named corporators ure distinguished foreign capitalists. The first board ol director are, chosen fromj . . 1 ' l.V . 1 . .1 l- ! corporators resiuing in ciiiauu, r miici-, i Spain, Germany, New loik and North Can-lina. The bill was postponed for future consideration. House - House bill to change the time of holding the Courts of the 10th Judicial District was adopted. Ou motion of Mr. Anderson of Clay, the report of the committee on Privileges and Elections, unseating W. . Mabson, representative from Kdgecombe, was adopted. lie marked -rn aTlow J. J.hTlIWAKT. I u affairs, unworthy of attention of a great I exchange for claitnt and i legislative body, and better ordered by a J general law than they possibly ceuld be Sept. 5,-5 l:tf by special enactments. ' Jitit special en- Settle XOUr AcCOUllts! actmeuts.; But special legislation in its . w L . . i , ' ,.' . b. The 1-irni of Sjraru trail A daither ail end bearing upon this city involves interests wilhli., Tt.ar. TWimfc-bied to i, bv account of far greater magnitude not only to tax- will p!eae cme fi.rwardTand i-ule "up. Wa payers Leie but the people t the whole nave l:ilnre.l f uihlullj f.y mir ptimu ur two State, who cannot help sharing lorour prosperity or adversity. Therefore e see with pleasure that the committee nrge the fol' wing described two amendments to the Constitution : oue forbidding tLi passage of special charters or the amend' meut of charters for cities ; and the othci forbidding the -grants to any corporation, association or individual, of the right to lay railroad tracks or amend exinting rail road charters. A third most corupn.-l.ei; sive amendment, which will ailt-ct tir beiH fiti.ill y in a huudred ways if adopted, ij that prohibiling the granting of any special or exclusive privilege or immunity or franchise whatever. MT .a mm , . , eTln - '"" R. J. Davant, Esi a dbtinguUhed citiien of reetoiation of tbe Bonrboin and the en " rv south Carolina, died at residence, on the trauce ot the allied monarctis m o rans ",r?"r"i" V9 I 1 17th instant, near Grahamville. in Beaufort He was the Prime Minister and moving Rilm.. Onmniinv tn innnirA intn th I O I A." i w " f J - ..." county, qf pneumonia. spirits during a larger part ot tne eignteen validity aud legality of th On the 27th insi and Emma left Richmand, with 2.586 barrels of flour, ;The President has approved the Act of Con grasa to Incorporate tlie Loomis Aerial 1 Tele graph.Company. ; "John .Roberta, employed at Slatington, afell into a quarry about" fifty feet deep, and le matters and "',tMUrkmed' U leaves wife and SaturdaT CTinLlff tn bavannah. Ga. i:.. aL U . . " - i I T " f j .: cam. : t, I f- staJt the American brig Sarah JU. PiS g to the sale of that U j , r- t owing to hia advice and hit policy that road, and to provide for tha payment of Jichmand, ya, for Rio Janei- reniain8 Gf Napok-en 1. were broughj tho debt for which the road is to be sold, back from St.-Helena in 1849. -He wrote hf i,e bonds, morteazes, &c , be found Ten frame houses were destroyed by fir last the best history of the first Empire, aud legal. Mr Nicholson, in support of the I? -w rt . . 1 IT I . a . " w . was tne successor or tne oecona. lie nas resolution, said there was much feeling t... nf lt?n .1r.A. tn.Wwm I . 1 . I C . . 1 i I t. t, . . , , ?rcu. kuc vuuioc uio dwio i amonT me p:ouie ot nis section ou mi. ? i n. a. uransion. oiirroviQence. rt. iiurmer i l i , .t ij i . . - . . . . . . T . ,7 ' years.no less man eigui or ten govern- .nbiect. The sale ot the road lor a sum m IMAWakAa At I II II I III! II 17 A mm MB ! nients rise and fall, i he political endur- Qf 8on,e 650.000 was considered a great ance of, 1 heirs is wonderful; and almost .outrage upon the State. The people of Wn bout a parallel. Several years ago he the State were deeply interested iu the t The New York papers publUh a graphic ae- Ir . membeJ of rniL. U dead. eodht of the awful tempeat that swooped dowa i 0 the prairia State of 'Minnesota, It Jasted A Charleston, South Carolina parson has been without intermission for over fifty hours. As fined for obWg;mpney under falsa Pretenses, many astwo hundred lives were lost, and the Hia name wis, Caia. j , snowdrifts mounted higher than the houses. The bill for relief of Ex-Gov. HoWen came I Babies were frozen stifl at their mothers' breasts,! up in tlie Legislatare on Tuesday and was in- na Ui scene presented after the . hurricane I definitely postponed by a vote of8 to 51. ' r,l mmm all i i 1 i i I .- 1 i awBi aaawi w myaAWf wn any ever witnessed on the tornade swept plains of .1- rtf. , - t ti IJncolnebrMaa, Jlh youngest city ia the j respondent of tha Kw York Herald promptl .world, la flghted by gas.; Raleigh, a pretty old I repaired to tne Executive Mansion to learn th - .1;- A painful j rumor was put in circulation in Washington,5 and New York last Saturday, that President Grant had ,been assasinated. . A cor- ptiy the City, U not lighted at all. : I I truth of the report. He found the President in a J-.ldi- - ii j '-mi mi $ full possession of life and health, calmly seated : A newspaper'to be called The IVioutie, will . -! u .. J nuo . i - be tarS-at Henderaon by ProFj. A. W AVl ? Haitell, of Hertford. f ' ? PHt h " a..-( . v - i-i ; mation of the rumor until the correspondent lm- vQn the R&nkroptcy Law, the vote of the parted the intelligence to him. ,4 He then got off jorw rounaueiegation stood thus: Waddeii, a joke, clearly demonstrating that he has a fine for It ; Cobb, Harper, Leach, Rogers, and Sho-1 aepse pf humor, which his enemiehave always earnestly begged the Emperor to consent matter and it was the duty of the General to removal of the remains of ex- Assembly to do all in he 'power to prevent King Louis Phillippe fioiu England I he sacrifice of four- million dollars worth where they might he interred with his 0f property to"satisfy a debt of $2f0,000 royal ancestors. I he Emperor, fearing j A. motion to lay the resolution on the table political consequences from a revival ot I wafl unaiiiinously relected and the reeolu the Orleans feeling declined. He little J tio ' aa adopted aud transmitted to the thought that he was soon to follow in the! House. footsteps of the ex-Kmg, and like him die on English soil. Wheu the political pas sions of the day have subsided, the re mains of both will, we persume, be remov ed to Pahs. Louis Napoleon, we believe, left a place for himself m the magnificent tomb which prepared for his uncle at State. Denis a tomb which cost over $ 12,000,000. Cincinnati Enqn irer. ber against. Thomas did not vote. denied him. ' The Enfield Time, says: Anica UrquharVa h,d beenin farnest consultation with him about . colored woman ef Bertie county, N. C, has been J iuranre irouoieaoma awry, ne saio, oe ' l Hhe mother of S thirty five children. She badtwen Pufl"pf his segar,l Senator, if I am as i : vttr i .... ,. . r. .inoafrtatMl I am not ! awara of it" ' Tbe Sena. . wiiib izieen unioa. ana u mill nirntn twwii - . Turning to Senator Harlan, who health." ' t ; ii tor made the ongihaL remark, "If one were 'v" . f : 11 " I really deadit would be embarrassing notto k: .rcn,nmma acK Katun was committed! know it," L ! ;iorinaiaaaeHixrotontiTendinstaUstfbr Senator Harlan's kiticism was very happy, Aape upoa a girl 17 years of age. Oyer thirty-four thousand dollars of I not to say brilliant These words will lire and rth fort they deserve: to. ii. r..--.- s i i - . N mm. KA..T X . ' 1. . . a Ij - .1 ! ' .. ! - tTTVw . 1 09 raisea poutn or Tlie NaUonal Theatre,; Washington Citj, Wrbiad county,-ha. been sub- W1U edlwith aome adjoinining buildines. V T J : WCOTmthei,tt,Ucrip- The damage to the Imperial Hotel is $3b,000. tl$7o.000 to be raised by the town Of Favetta-1 7 v .lVnklTba''roa4h, regarded aa a certakntvl'. Pident Thiers has signed the Treaty oil -LCoftT. S. Singletary at Granville on 1 between England and France. ' j i Saturday last. . ? j I The Yellow Fever is raging at Rio Janerio, .fOnaihondred and -twenty-eight i marriage li- " Aculty omirredfn Foraythe county, Gag n i ; eyseea were'hued in, Forsythe eutl;in 1872, between a United States Marshal and some ciU ! iiiur negro' meii;-Jnliu Bob, Adotpliue and ngj-Oatit K 'Alumbu; Sharpe have all been arrested and w UQed H. t9 P? Marahals woundedi I lodged in Jail at Statesville, chsrgedjwkh the I i AM'iaearoyed half Uie business portion f i, muroer or xienaeraon Aauiuai, w ww wa iu&w, i utuuusDurg vunricv, ooum varo? f?nnd dead a short distance from Subferillt cm Jhmv Losafo0,000i i HoUSE' Mr Wbienant.prcsented a poti tion for a new county from por.ion of Ru'.ht-ifoid ''and Cleavcland counties, nam d Ceutn. ! ' fl'lie ustny bill introduced by Mr G.r mail wns indefinitely postponed iby a vote of yeas 70, naja 41. j Tli- li! I to iiurcase the compensation of (he Chii t Jtisiiceaud Associate Justices of the Supreme Court was indefinitely The Neyro Speaks out An Meeting. postponed. The National Progress the organ of the ' r lngT int rotincei a Dili ro better . t i .i i . 1 eniurce me iawe in rejrani mi irguwiyi. negroes in Pennsylvania thus speaks out : J 'We and the colored people of the 1 Thuesday, Jan. 23. a" ' i W- 4tlY.I' aute ot, rennsyivania leei cnagrined at Sekatk On motion of Mr Love the aa . . -a . . m - being so sougnt tor miring tne truuoies or ruleiJ weie M8penacd aud the bill for the l.l , mm m. m. mm m m, m It.lnM . . ft m 7. a B 1 ' luc w B w.aHu uaug un "- relief 0f sheriffs and Tax Collectors, re- getlully thrust aside, . A b , - hi mominir. waa put uron 11 a . - l I?,.., t.: : r . . ." .... . . UCIIULUIB UUU l.rICDTUWIl'CB Scljr 11 Does brain work kill, or worry t That is the question which has been started by the London rimes, aud is now under dis cussion in t be various papers. Many of us pray to be delivered from sudden death ; and do we worry ourselves into it ! If we do, can we help it To most of us it is not given to choose onr lives, to avoid tbe rough places, to gently shoulder to one side disagreable facts. We must climb over ihe rocks though they hurt us sore, and, the difficulties, however they annoy us, must be met with brain fret and wear until they are conquered, or we have pass ed them. They are as real, living, an noying as any tangible ache or pain could be ; as bruising and irriating as the peas in the shoes of the pilgrims of old. Ner vous health is one thing, and moral health but purely physical he.ilth is quite another and different thing. Calm and steady mental work that is conducive to long life ; but nervous emotion, mental work that is a constant urging, and, at the same time. is an unhanging of the even tenor of the mind, eats away the brain faster than any mental labor, no matter how hard, that is systematic. As men do not really die of heart disease as often as supposed, but of apoplexy or congestion of the lungs, so they do uot die of brain work, but brain worry. Scott d'ed of it, touthey. Swift, Horace Greeley, and i probalby Thack eray. The Bankhlm-t Act. Notwithstand ing the large vot Ly whiwli the lining re peult d the bankrupt act, and the f.ttt iT majority of tin; Senate judiciary com- tnillee aMvinjr atao ra-nottrd for repeal, i' lis not probable that the Senate will ugro 1 !. 1 t - to it. p Iiat seems to be in.i ucsiri u ir that the clause compelling iuvulunlaiy bankruptcy be expunged from lhe acis. In thf South, paiticulaily, this has been of greai injury, aa many men hive bem unnecessarily forced into bankruptcy by officials; for the sake of obtaining fees. In New OHeans alone, it is said the fees t the commissioner of bankruptcy have, through the workings of this clause, been swelled to hundrds of thousands. Wash. An Ex-Government Official ArtesteJ District Attorney Bliss obtained a bench warring in the U. States Circuit Court on Saturday for the ariest of Geo. F. Don ning, formerly superintendent f 'he U. S. assay office. The defendant was taken into custody by Deputy Marshal Robin son, anil remanded by Judge Sl.ipman nntil h4 could furnish bail iu 20,000. He is (charged with having cmbr-zzlcd severaljthousand dollars of the funds in trusted ;to his care w hile in the service of the government. He was arrested some time ago, and then subsequently indicted, but when his case was called for trial he failed to appear. t Hence his rearrest, t : Xctc York San 20th, rears and we wnt Ut enjoy iiuw tbe frails of our lalur. j j Our b-k are xaaed imd read.f for settla inent. In o-ir aWnce 5tr. Ueory Iiui, or L'. IL Ilarker will receive mbney and Lite reveipu for the wira?. I T ' (8: if) FUMMKUKLL A (ijlTHEK. t Admioistratbr's Notice, j All ie!on haviop clpn against tie ertata ' of Tbeophihx Auiono AiiUon, drcea(.ti, arc i hereby iio;i:i.-d i. tx!iilit the att)c lo the un- , oeri-ienttl on or UCore lh 11th dat of XoTcin. Vr, A. I). 167 3. I ; I WILLIAM A. iil't KKY. Nov. in. 172 Adm itof neoi Al4ono f th if. t. Mii-xn, jre'd. ; Attention Everybody! Al! tlio-e li.ivinr ' laiml ai?aint W. K. WaU or T . C Va;-u., c.ihfrr iaa principal or aa .-nriiv wi.i r-tit iJi- ittue o IJ jrtoi Crmif i. ur Uf..r ih 2-".h iixvjof I Vit iiiWr, 1871. ! l,v o inin ili-v in iv t-iiK-iat lhctacUra, and ; lilif iiM? uinl'-i-i-i.el. ) Nov. 11, IST.'.J VT. W.VTSON, Cw:-'Jl fr. r. Watson. SALS OF, ; VALUABLE LAND. I IJv virtue of a I htt of the Sat eior Coort of 1 Rowan County. 1 will ofu-r for c-sle at puLHe au li ui, l the (."oirt-H4 door iti Sali-burr, j n Saturday, tne first day ci retmr-- ary Plezt, tle fjliwii Tracu !of Land, K 1 wit : One Tract omiainitqr alnat ACRCS.I Irinp ob the Yadkin Hivr, ai!hinirig tlie lands j of tlicliciraof Wiili.im IKkr, 1ec'Ja,arMlof Jod. ; II. J ni lint, tU:'.L, and i.-RilijU If on th lina , of i!ie !C C K P.. Ai-o, otieotUr TrartcooUia- , in? aljont 49 3-4 Acres. Ktkate on the : South Yadkin Utvtr, atljoiriinz tLe land of Lwii. (Vrell ami l'etef W. Kmirftuo. 8aid !arnl belong tollie i(irtf Jacob (rrell deeat. i lutf Ttrum. ofic-thinl tWh, one-tiiird in aiz , numih, and ilie n-mainjrr in lwe,re month, with bond and approved 4itirity. ' 5itle reaerf ed until the purchase uudtr i tai4. JOHN A. lit) V UKNI Com'r. . January I lib 1873. At the ciinc time m.I !aci riJow' lrwer in lhe abpve 3C was an oversight it was not thought of in lime. All we have to say is, that these oversights are too infernally common, and that the caucuses of each House knew of the necessity in lhi case in time sufficient to remedy the difficulty." f The colored voters are now in consul tation over all such matters, and they have nearly come to the conclusion that to radically remedy these things, holding aa they do the balance of power in the m mm . a its passage. I tie original bill provided that the collfciion of arrears of taxea for the years 18C9, 1870, 1871 and 1872 be extended to the let ol January, 1874.J The amendments of the committee inelud ed the striking out of the year J8G9 ; the provisiou that no taxpayer who can swear that lie has paid or believes that he has pVid the taxes elaimed, . shall be required to pay the alleged arrears, aud that execu tors and administrators shall not be re qmred to pay arrearages. In no ease connty and tat?e, they must 'stiike out a eherff orlax collector who has not fully settled for . bis Stale and county taxes be entitled to the benefits ot the for ;hemselve8.' act,' it.. hnm.n M th imnrwinn rsfi 1 Mr Love explained toe -amendments o the electrical flash for a much loncer period. ' I the committee ts DOYe. Mr Walker SxirDTtNO the Doctor When pa tients ponder on pills and potion. I rather wonder why they do not examine into the nature and idiosyncrasy of their medical man. lhey may depend upon it that, if he is worth much, he will be examining into their nature and idio syncrasy. The great question for the patient to solve is whether his dictor has got the mystic gift. He may be chock- ful ot science ; tap htsa.any were, and there will be a clear-running stream of fcl and comment ; but the practical question is whether he will prove a healer to ine. High science may leave a man very stupid for practice. The knowledge of thiugrs is but an adjunct to the knowledge of ends. Popular science MonUdy. The Italian Emigrant Swindles. In the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Monday, Signer Pizzavian asked that measures be taken to prevent the cruel frauds prac ticed by American emigration' compa nies. Mister Visconti replied that tbe government had had 'iu attention called to the deplorable occurrence which the honorable deputy sought to prevent, and had meaaores under contemplation , which it hoped! would put a stop to them. Among the Methodists. The Mctho dists are warmly disputing over the na- ' ture and extent of future pnntsbincnt, one side seeming to favorannihilation and the other everlasting torment. It is out of our province to espouse either wing of tms controversy ; out, peroaps, u comes legitimately wnuin our pnvn?ge to ex press an interestin the curious psycholog ical condition presented by lhe compla cency with which the Uev. Mr. Gorham contemplates th horrors of unending toriuro. In an aadress t mane uy mm a w dn'ys ago) he said, " W say we be eve that when mm die in their rins they go to a place of everlasting burnings, and that there Goi -Almighty tortures them alive so long as God Almighty lives- Well, if we believe this, why dou'l we preach it?" And again, a little further on, X le'" you 'e dral too tendeily w ith Souls iiiih-r conviction. Let it w.rj; ; let them eudare nil lhe h'rr.rs i f dn ad, even unto d,eaih, that they may fully know the secret? of eternity." As we snid before, on the; question whether hat Mr. Gor ham U1 lifs is a fact, o have nothi'ig to eav : but, certainly, the slet k ldaemity. - a i a , the spiritiiaJ c.tloi, not to say rrjoiriug, with which a man who thinVi himr on the safe side can cnU'inpUt- the endless agonw of thoe on ihe ;Ler, i among the oloica.1 cutiosities of the ae. A. Y. Herald. V mm m ace l a-ui th aiaow s Ifcrwer in ibc above oUa arn ol land. So aa to give i He purchaser an unincumbered Ulle to the lio! tract. ( 1 Jan. 22 tf. J. A BOTH EX. THE Sl'RilEXIIER OF GEXEftAL LEE, ZLt Appomattcr c E.. Vi., AprU, &th, 1QS5 j A MAGNIFICENT M x I I irh Engrav ing of tl- s.'irrt-od.-r of (Jt-o. Wautlfully c!ri-d. Kinjrav-d in th'a- hii;het sly'e f tha art and riiMl u LeaVy tdattt jar.' It is tn:lj a p-ni .f art. ti- which sli.eiid haC n the j-arlor f ev-ry SoOthrra htrtn. .Hat y not il. rr.oiut-d on a r!r and ruM-paia. '..r 20 c nu or :tfr cut. Auixra a-. Tr.i. Address psycoiogu Usury Laves. The Georgia Senate has passed a bill to repeal the usury laws. It fixes the rate ot mierest only in hi absence of an agreement. A similar met sure is peuc'ing in the Ohio L ;gis!ature. Modificatioii of this sort is the tendency o enlightened legislation, and as other S at come to .adopt it it, without federal inter ference or i.ulirect coercion, each for lUel a sourid prii. civile will be tiudJcated. j. c. dc wira; 2Uruow. ! Hristol ' Teoa. Catalogos of rirtnre9.;JlooV, sent tree. Jan. 22. H:Jt. I ABOORrORTlTEMTtXIOJft laurt tiaiart la ilt mm fm 9w aa ,mmi tm niiiin,. niali liinaii wrtalw alra4 mmi fm$m, vtafc aaa.ra aafraite(a. mmt mmmmmmm i nam la fi i ami i a Tn lim ii l airni a, a. ana,' nan. aauttlia aawfl a W a aa t at a ai kaf . aa4 llaa4 aaMaaaat aaaal tk hi m It naaalai ia aara 4 ainaa a ffcraalaa mt ra,aiaa).a aa ,an Ua. aatia laU aala f Taaa tnnr m! trmrj mmim mm Hm i i iai aaaaaaa ax aav laaa. a a araryattaaj ayaaaf afca mmr raaaaayaaaaa Ifcaa la awl taiaal aa aaaaka B mrnx aMaaba4 la aa, ataar nrt. Saa aa aa mm ifrmm mt aaaaart lar VWr I aalnil Dr. aaaW Pail miri Ja. Xfl U. Imm m a. i Vctict to tit aiCictii tzi V: aaMaaaalrac MM aaaat ,,ar kaaaa- aaft a aaa alfaMraVtaiaaaaaa. m h'mmfm t l Mtnaf aaaUaaa. Dr. aata.jMa.iw a VaMaJka aa I p r,aaaaaia f aala aaaaa 1 mmm mmrm aalnl aaraaaali ar kr aialli ia tha Saa aa, mmrxt. Oaa, mm aaraara. IS . S aarkaaa Ca aaaaa, S Uaa, mm. Mcl A N S EN'S ?MUT, and SCRCi:.IA Uoclilne. THRESHING MACHINES & HORSE POWERS" , Several varinieson wheels or iithout, CZDzfo. and WXTXH IkXIIilaS the handio4 thing out. .! ' ' ArrM and rSACH TA UTTTlPi Cortrx and SiJictra labor saverW ' ! We warrant all theeanides " lo' gte alle factioa or no Kle. ' i. 2 ' j t m, 9