- .... . 1 " ' 1 1 - ' ' ' ' 1 1 . ' 1 - ' ' " . ' - .-. J t - - X- - - -i : , s t -.r m t am i Li . j -r . i j i i - . . - t i . . . , . t. ... - . :' : - r ' a- - -. - !. ? r PUBU8IIKD WEEKLY :. J. J . BKUNER, Proprietor and Editor. J. J. STEWART. A ociat Editor. Omb If ear, p'ajuMe in aa vaoce. . . . .$2.00 Sir Months, ,k -J 1.00 5 Cp;ie tu one address, 10.00 ' And with hU skinny hand Tbea Scofield did a hellish thing And it did work-him wo." His ten shares clipped hint on the wing 1 And iaia the Quaker low.' - y W - i J. I - -J1m I'Hii wavrw y - the Distinguished Dcad-Mdt- n earl v May. Music by the band: "Down in mi awa metrical Itibutea to-their M. wa mQf-" " - i Hacaaes of the. (Irlnf. voi:4. tj - i 'Terrible : Mortality at the Cuxitol yr. a. iiays. E. BliYCE SILL. ;? MEW mmimw - - HAYS l' The EvilMen &o Zires Wilsorjf Henry,1 of Maggachusrtts, died of U. 31. (great hopes were euleruiued of After Them. J bis recovrj), aged 61. & SILL Druggist1 & Apothecaries, OALZSHUUTZ, W. C. i Having purchased the contents of the 'iPrug't. Store formerly occupied by Dr. Kdward Sill. We respectfully call the at tention of the Citizens of Salisbury and the surrounding country, to tbo new ar rangement, and inform ihem that we will continue to carry on the business at the tame place, and the same excellent way. We will endeavor tdTccep on hand all the various goods the people may need per taining to our line, and therefore hope by strict attention to business, to receive a liberal patronage. Physician's Orders Prompt ly Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded by reliable and Competent Ejuggixts day or night. x TRIUMPHANT! 1 Uterriblft and wldeppread ravagea-of mat extraorditary diseise called Credit Mobilier are alarming! the1 whole nation. The epizootic was! as toild as the measles compared to it. It has already carried off many most distinguished victims. It did not .come from Canada like the epi zootic to or from Asia 1 ike the cholera, nor from tlje West Indies like; the yellew fe ver. It is believed ta have started some where n PtniiisylvaniiL, and meeting with a favorable coudition of the atmosphere in VYashinErton, stayed Uiere, and District : of Columbia, was! developed by rea- son or the detective; paiutary arrange ments; in the political system of the capi tal. Lrieat sympathy is telt for Massa chusetts, so many of! her; distinguished citizens having been swept off. The sub fr ills Honing spre time he bore, JUiKe martyr on a rock. Till bad Ifnax Atnes, 9F sinful games. " Had eased hini of his stock. His Msole"had ne'er into the void been cast Had he "waxed" firm and struck nnto his "last. Notice (Maw,) paper pUae copy. Memori al services I at Fancuil Halt No. uri&h need app'yf - i - ; .' ..... , i Wiiaonv James P., of Iowa, died of 0 M. (astonished everybody, he had hither to enjoyed sach excellent health aged 45. Tears, idle tears I he knew not what they "meant lut counted them three dollars for a share They blotted but a life we thought well epent- Ah ; was his sweetness nothing but a snare? Kev. Dr Newman will conduct the services and preachr the panegyric from his campaign notes. . r ree list entirely suspended. chair; and lie. tool swears th tliinv that I those who' h&vs AtrYA' th ..nn.U Ar ' -.It ' . A - w ... M, - O" " UUIf a uut auu j mho uib uwu eigu manuuai on I f iuu pouotea oar uapttois. 1 u. I. 1f j - J - A -tt a--- - . . I t t - uw a , uuseu occasions ciea op 10 CoU- I vVJirnm, uis wiiui. , uero 1a uarian. anotn er of the same kind lacking thenlture. tne maeiatigatjie .exhorter, the reformer of other .mcaV sins, tho prjuclafmcr on all occasions that neoullicauis'm ' was a sort of theologyj of itself he, too, is shown to nave received dishonest hire, and that by no subterfuge, but in cash paid down in baud, and u bis purchasers knew him to have as little shame or scruple as any painted harridan jof the 'street. ,The daii- ly frowniug Logan, a Don Diego of chiv ,MTfivn xneaniugj of : AX 'AND T..- uppiPif. bout, and VICE-PRESIDENT COLY TOE CREDIT MOBILIER DAL TALK ABOUT IMPEACH- MEXT. . . . ; Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sua.. view WHAT ? CREDIT MOBILIER- We hare been! frequently asked the the wards above which bave. : -r-r NO. 21. WHOLE NO. SGl: : n so much talked au.d written we civ below, from the Chi cago Trdunet a plain and salUfactory ex planation of the term : ' ' A correspondent aks the meaning of the words " Credit Nobilier." . "Several . Washington, Jan. 28. Tho taken that no original action could lie in I Congressmen, hav asked the same qui- the Senate against Mr. Colfax, wai eus- tion.) We prrsupe he wuhps to b iu tained by the coarse of that body to-day. formed ionceruing" the original derivation Abe request made by Mr. Colfax for ft j And nseUf the tcrtn. : We will endeavor 2.1 . r . t i - I 1 v ri i.rt j-,w nlrie Inftin.. nA nkt . .tJ v. special couimuiee 10 invcsugaie nis vrenu , 10 expwn iu ti e "vreatt roncier nas tl i1t:j c.-L- . .1. tt.. V- Mobilier transactions was shown by Mr. : long been the central liale in France for iiumiug uiririiprii : ; me uuicr Ill)lr- I m .1. t.. 1 .1 o Tilt 1 i ' if h.tn . pm,;,.!n;( v til- - 1 b - barman to be one which the Senate had associ .lions that advance money 011 land- Mounter was tue name civen to a pow erful corporation, hrgamzed in France in 1852, fr advancing money on moveable property. The biidj , was adopted evi dently with tbo purriMrc t of off rding a ready definition ol the ol -ct of the arso ciation. MoUlie : ' I wuiiuiiy w grain, i ur ocnaiccTinrin ..ri... " .i.- .... " " x y wa lhe opinion that if any proceed L u,cT.se , , at aj, were Ucd for asraiust the " u L7 T Vice-President, it was . f . r th T House to JSiwl f-lf 1 ghhe b"ebf take the initiative by impeaching him. and shuung I ghta laminar oneand .11 T,i(.re Wa eXtiemenT wUUver die- 'i me xteuiiunrau neavens. ana vet not a l t j : .1 . a . j .1 r .1 i t .i. 1 j J 1 . pypd in the matter by Senati rs, and tlie man of them but traded more or less in . f u. n tf . ' , ' . 5 1, .... 1 - , . 0 ""rCB 1 request of Mr. Oolfax was altuost unaoi- vjreuu aiouuier i ana is more or less at joined list of deaths will be read with painful interest by the; public: Ames, Hoax, of; Massachusetts. Died THE REPUBLICAN READERS. The Credit Mobilier venality of the foremost Republican Congressmen is the of Credit Mobilier! (lcig lingering), aged greatest shame to which the couutry has 60. I ! I - I ever been;subjected. The corruptions of 0 lofty worth, whoi vir ues were unknown , e Tamrjjany Ring by which the City of ranks of what has assumed to be the party 0 sainine liKht. whose klamor was unseen; ew lor wa? Pun.aerea 01 u,uuu,uuu ; ot great moral ideas. H. X. JleraUtJ, TVhose latest Kpasm bf godlike work has shown the corruptions ot the carpet-bag govern- w nat men are not.hut what they might have I ments imposed upon the Southern states by which they were plundered of more than is more or tainted, according as under fear of expo sure he ?rew out soon or late. Recognized leaders all of these generals and lieoteu ant generals, admirals and vice admirals, oi the ltepubhcan forces no poor JUtle brigadiers, with a detached column of knavery, like Tweed ; no scrubby icap- wuub ana corporals ns:e tne carpet Lag try, but the very first and foremoet meu in the been. ThOuloldVt the truth, tho' hid 'neath many cloaks, j . j . .. . 0 thou concentrated essence of a Hoax. Alj stockholder of jthe Union Pacific Railroad who received; a higher dividend thau-7&0 per eentJare cordially invited to attend the tunerali i: MassachuseUs papers please copy. W. , L w'K&V jll fcd w vrr & -v TWJ 1 1 I) i W ARDS OY Y ITTY FIRST PJIE- i MIU MS and Gold and Silver Medals were awarded to. Cu ales M. StIei-f for the best Pianos in coruiK;tition with all the leading mantifactur j , n era 'r of the ou.ntry.- Ofllco and new Warerooms, "2o.9 North Liberty 6Y., JA LTIMOIlE, MJ, The StilTs i'iuivo.-i contain all the latest tm. pruvementft to he foiuul in a first-class Piano, with additional improvements of his own. in vention, not to he-fuunu'in other iiiftrumerits. The tone: touch and fiuith of their iut.u hicnts caiinot ho excelled by any lnauufactur . ed. . - A large a.-ortment of second-hand Pianos ; always ou hand, from $75 ta$.5(0. , lirlor and Church Organs, some twenty dif ferent styles on hand from i"0 and upwards, cad for Illustrated Catalogue, containing nvm Of over twelve hundred Southerners .(five hundred of which are Virginians, two hundred North Carolinians, one hundred and' . fifty Enafc TennesMe'aus. aud others throughout the South) who have bought the StiefF Piano since the close of tho war, r : .J-f ir J. ALLliN DROWN, Agent, , 22:40t yPalibnry, N. C. '.' ' V.. ' -i : 7 - i Alley, John, Bi, oi Massachusetts, Died;of G.3I., (riot Oboleta morbus was discovered with t le disease two late for tlie physic), agjed about a ceutury. - O'er this sad wreck let mankind never dally ; fraud knocked down every nine-pin in this Alley. . j . 7 This is nobody 's funeral. ! Allison, John B., ofl Iowa, died of C. M ,) ftu overdoseojf dividend hastened his departure), aged 60 years. . Long dead to usl sweet Allison, . If so soon done, jwhy wert begun, I Thou fragrant! son bf Alley ?" Itemains will be embalmed. Bingham, John! A., of Ohio, died of C. M., (supposed to have caught the fatal infection from Dawes)j aged 62 years. Moan for him, welkin, he'll wake yon no more With shouts against theft, Buck-eye Bing ham. - j The death bells shall boom bow he garnered Iiis store, 1 ! . And gentle Ben Buller will ring 'em. I Announcement of funeral hereafter, f Ohio papers dleacej copy. $200,000,000, were do such shame to the United States as the less profitable venal ity of the Credit Mobilier Congressmen. Neither of these public scandals inculpa ted the real or the reputed leaders of a great political party. The Credit Mobil ier scandal inculpates tho very foremost leaders of the Republican party, lweed 3 . - was THE EVIL OF THE DAY. Addison, in his Cato, makes that illus trious man declare that "the world had grown to be so wicked" that he 'iWas surprised at nothing.'! The developments of our modern national demoralization:are so multiplied and heinous as to disarm astonishment , however much they excite a prominent Democrat in a single indignation and wound honest and patrio cipafity. He grasped at power in tic sensibilities. It is very much the fah tate! and the Democratic party de- ion to attribute the fashionable degeneracy :..:..-Ji .... J ' un-ciuiiaiuu uiu leimeu- , . J , tt.. l . . w ' . iiv uc uinuc 1 lx luc x u u b Xj xj iLiMiirrniiia" cy. in one section men grew suddenly ,t... : ..- ... tereupoii was denied and immensely rich by dishonest speculu- , , ,-,. 1 1 , i 1 ,1 f, v . . , ... , 1 j 1 , , , 1 movement to this end can be made by the Convention in the tions, and this sowed the seed of creed tf j f ... '" S3 . liNl'llH IN Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of -COLUMBUS, Ga. IxcouroHATEi, 1850. X'a pit a u $350,000 IIIIODES BROWNE, PrMnt, I F. V I LLCOX, Secretary . i . .-. r All - Losses Equitably Aftj nstcd And Promptly -Paid in Full! Trotterty' owners desiring to obtain reliable In surance will do well to protect themselves lv securing a "Policy in fSeorgia Home Insnranee Co." Agenciesat prominent point9 in all the fioutheA latest " ' -. - ' ' ' J.' ALLEN BKOWNAAgent; 1 Office No. 2,'Cranite Row, raumcip the State! aud the Democratic party nied it to. him. He grasped at power in the city, and by the purchase of venal Ke publican .legislators at Albany be obtained it and held it long enough to consummate his Tobbea-ies, bat recognition , in the Di-mocraijc party aud within three years was expelled from power, sued for hi mouey, aod pnsecuted for his crimes. In the field of Federal politics he never figured ndr'attempted to figure, and upon the principles or policy of his party in the city or State he exercised no influ ence. He twore the Democratic livery because iji gave him better opportunities of plundetithe, Democrats being a. major ity 111 New York. The cal pet baggers of the South were confined to a few blates, aud although imposed upon by those States by the votes ot the Kepublican party m Congress it was indirectly, the denial of power to the natural leaders in the section and 01 the day personal, official, and govern mental to the war and its influences,' These, doubtless, req mo 1. sly refuted. After he preferred his request the Vice President left the chair, and was not seen in the Senate Chamber for the remainder of the day. It is undeniable that the re cent testimony before the Poland Credit Mobilier committee, including particularly that given to-day, places the Vice-President in a very awkward position before Congress and before the country. ' It in very certain that perjury has been "com mitted by some one, and painful as it may be to give utterance to such a suspicion, it is a fact that not a few of these who have been among the warmest personal and political friends of the Vice President are not satisfied as to which party this crime can be fastened upon. The Vice-Fresident expresses Xhe utmost confidence in his ability to clear himself entirely of all damaging charges and suss picions. It is now4 very plain that the opportunity which he asked of the Senate to-day caji be afforded him by no other process than that of impeachment. Rumors were very thick abont the Capitol this afternoon that the motion to impeach the V ice-President w uld certain The "Sutiete Oenerab- de Credit ' became! a great and pn fiiable enlerpiize. It lmd ?mtiui priviictces an- 1 - der its charter. :lt assisted ciMUrullv iu 1 - the construction tf railway? and the pro motion of mii.inir. schemes. Among other enterprises in which it. was notably inter ested w.-re the Government loan on ac count of the Russian war, the Grand Cen tral Railway Company, aud the General Omnib.s Company of Paris. At one time itdvauced!2.'0,000,000 francs, and at another time 375,000,000 francs, to the French Government. lis business was so great in 1&55 tXat it declared a dividend of 40 pier cent, op its capital. tYhile it was manifestly the mcaua of doinsr much good iii France, It evmtually failed. 1 he in traduction of the terras "t redit xoncier aud Credit Mobilier into American are due to Mr. George Fruncis Train. I He established a '"Credit Fon- cier" with Omaha lands which he hawk ed about the country some vars ago. He gave tlie name of Credit Mobilit-r of Ameri- a corporation wiih universal piivi- A'hich was organized in Pcniisyl It Was i appiopiiated by Mct-trs, AmesDiirant Co., to herve as the patty of the1 the thud part in the fa mous 1 a ' 1 lue matia:T4 ol lue DO CLIMATES CIUXGEt ?f; Ut Oor people complain that the atixo&i tjt! warmer, col Jer, or more ratnj ihaa wbia , they were yoaag. Their commtoU aift ridiculed because moit praoot bliet' V Out no very marked changes hare cretril will take place in a section of eoan try where auuiliiy tn nature i a fctuod Ucl. that is, snows in wiuter, show en la . April, aud trees have leaves in spring, f r ' . Atmospbene alteratioo is etrtaialy fpJ ing on from age to age, morn'ttrocgly evident in some parti of tea country ttta hi others. ' , ' . ; litre are illustrations. Two tboasxid years ago the climate of, Italy wea ix colder than now. .The Loire and BIcbef' in ancient Gaol, ased to freeze over ah. noslly. Juvenal ssy I the Tiber fnixeVo 1 firmly io his' 47 1 lM Lad to W ' cut to get at the water. ' 'Horace Indicate tin presence of ice and snow la the strte'i ef Rrrroe, atd Ovid asserts that the Blxtk . . Sea freezes over every year. . ; . , . So extreme was the cold at thai fxr-43" , period in history, that it stands ebrooielfi i v .1... : .1... : r:i r? L. Pannonia, and Thrace, snows poaitirer covered the ground so long as to prevent tne cuuivaiion 01 otives, grspef ana oiorr fruits, which are raued there at the pm rent timo iu abundance. Ice or mow. It any considerable amount, would now Ve apbeuomeuon ia Italy. Brooks, Jim, of New1! York, died of C. M., (prnstesting tb -tbe la8the was well 111 lioaltu, no remedies were administered) agedj 62. M He chattered, chatteiied as he went To join the grat Salt River ; Hoax might threat or Iloax relent, i1 But he' deny forever, 'Mong well-filled"baiik8"hi8wayhepicked 1 With watered i'Creits," ever McComb might fdarnj,'? McComb convict, 3 Jim Brooks denied itor forever. His funeral will havej bo olitical significance. Cblfax. Fmilfir. of Indiana, died ef C. M.. 1 the aironies of this poor victim were intense ; to the last he insisted that it was something else besides Credit Mdbilier), aged 42. ' ' A beautiful smiler came in our midst, Too lively and fair! to remain : Thev? stretch him on racks ti U jthe soul of Colfax i Flapped up into Ilave again. NIayj the fate of poor Schktyler warn men of a smiler, j i Whci dividends gets cn the brain ! however illicit ; in another sectiou the accumulations of a life-time we're swept away at one ft-11 swoop, and thjat virtue would have been incomparable, in deed, that could in every such iuetaLte have withstood the temptations of exj g' cy. I In a more maiked degree, perhaps, the war told for evil on our political sj-stem and national life. "The tinkle of the little bell,' that could consign free and innocent citizens to the damps of a dungaon was, in a very large sens', the knell of Consti tutional liberty while the license of those days gave to office the charm of great authority,' with the additional attraction of great gains, not always lawful. Anid yet, after all, the desensus Arcrni muft have commenced before the war gave the downward impetus ; and the fact is 00 flattering commentary on the stability pf Republican institutions. j The great and trying political evil pf the day is the luet of office. It is the giant evil which has prostituted the char acter of the Government, which has lent fuctitiouaJiuportauce to bad men, which has made men of previous good name fale to prestige and to principle, apd which has ruptured the peace and dis turbed the tranquility of communities ap.d States. 1 But, behind this effect lies a cuusel by the gift of suffrage to an ignorant class incapable f of conceiving of its use as a trust, or even of its prudent use as a per sonal emolument. Their plunder) was huge. Ten times the sum stolen from rich New York by the Ring, for tho car pet baggers stole Irom the devastated, disordered, impoverished bouth. Bat even thouirh -pjeirroes vole, all men know the time of the carpet bagger is short. The foremost of them are running for snug Quarters in the benate. but they do not expect to j keep their hold on their States, they do not erasp after the combined political power of their section. They do not figure in Federal politics and will not attempt to figure, except as they will Men would not be 00 greedy of office, as sell their votes for every land grab, every there not patent the damning lact, tliiat, Indiana papers please cpy Daweer Henry L., died of C. M . (he had of Massachuetts, jthe reputation of a powerful constitution but it was eviden tly a delusion), aged 51. j , Retrf nvher ! Leader I, Thqu has left us ; Plymouth Eqck thy lossjwill feel; For a pottage-mess bereft fs, i Old lloaesty is oj epUtt. Funeral strictly private. 0 wake. Garfield, James A-, f Ohio, died of C. M. (struggled hard, against the dreadful epkU mic, bat it wai no pse. He caved in unexpectedly),. aged only 42. Hera rests his head upon itp lap of earth, A youth to fortune land misfortune known ; Jlobflier frowned upon hisihuoible berth, Aiid Hoax Ames hencefdrlh marked him for )is own. i Will be buried at Congressional Cemetery, Washing, D. C. No cards.! AprliV72 ,N. C. SMITIIIS IMPROVED terf' 1 . AVe caU tne attention of the puolic to this adiniraliiivauiiMU It is especially recoin mepded to private faiwlles' beiri I conveni ent for net fiHi-ng-selt emptying and ea?e. in drawing. Fur.4vxability iLis uusurpass-. ed havitr "(Tn Iron eorered Top. fhe-wnnd-, lass, n)fjl iaJ,Vuclifct are prutectea from tlie 'tVKathr: It IrfSlr'atfanffed a to kenm ah'- aolut SKftTVrmn'ncHdent. eveu in thehnudi 1 end! in supposing iti of the mopt a,rwleis8, and'wpUfully ineg:H"ent f plaint), aeed -50 ycirs . ... .. ... y r. , . - 1 'MEIIONEY & BRO. 7r-tf.- -1 - person V. J)rsSuiamerell & UAHlvEEt CO'S m?, Store t 'i . a T7D ,C7 A mS : ers Aug, 2, 4G:' iom. Kelley, William D., bf Pennsylvania, died of O. M. (too machliron in his blood and too little protection jof himself made him Ian easy victim to the fell distroyer), aged CO. Weep not "pig iron' public dear, I lie is not dead, tjio' sleeping here; , His thunder's hnshed, Ins eye is'dim, ; ' jlobilier put a hejad on! him. life remains will bej"potiected', in a metallic casket. A one horse Ijunreal.announced nereal- Patterson, Jamed "W.L of New Hamp- shire, died of C. M.i (his; sufferings drew tears from his friends : he persisted the was! a different com- PmptfiA be Uriah's slumber, i . :1 II a.'Ped he is in bursal low ; Thirty'shares his boffin jcumber, 4 :i How it Is yourself yoa know. Mfln mi nff bv Senators for ilhirty days. A granite sarcpohagus vfll-enclose the mummy 1. it "'" tir - se 'rt 1 I OcoQeld, weuni W ., ox. x:eunayi"i-, subsidy for internal improvements 'every ship building job, and every ;ariff scheme of the protectionist1, like the repeal of tea and coffee duties aud abolition of all internal reVennc. But the! Credit Mobilier Congressmen are the foremost men in the whole Repub lican party. Not to Orwell upon the fact that Thadens Stevens, the most venal and prostitute politician of his lime, who a iid his votes and influence to these same Pacific Railroad men for $80,000, was the first among the foremost Republicans, the leader tn the House of Representatives during tho whole of the war period- here is the chief Republican representative from Indiana for .seven snccessive Uun- gresses, the- Speaker of the Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth, andr Fortieth Congresses, the presiding officer of the Senate apd the Vice Presideut of the U. Stales, Schuyler Colfax proven to have bad share in the Credit llotrilier corruption, to have, pub lish' d a false. denial of the fact. to. have attempted a sneaking concealment of his crime, ahdf when confronted with an un exp'Cted and couclusive proof, to; have retreated into flat pWjnry, silly, useless, obvious perjury which does not even throw dust in the; eyes of his dearest friend. Hero is Henry. Wilson, long a Senatrr from Massachusetts, just elected Vice President qf the pnited States, as much as any man responsible fr the policy of his party, engaged actually in the same vile jobbery, and only seemingly inno cent because his trafficking was - carried on behind the name of his . wife. Here is Henry L. Dawes, for so many years in Congress from th same State, and the successor it) the House of Thadeus Ste vena in itsi premiership, being the fore most man ii the financial questions which liave succeeded the reconstruction issue, just as Stevens was foremost in the recon etruction d4ys he, too, bought stock at corrupt valuation, paid far it, drew divi dends thereorv and then nnder oath; denied any ownership in the premises, bat ad mitted that he held on to'his bargain till there was danger the Iight,would strike it. Here is Patterson, "of New. Hampshire, generally speaking, office is the ";JJ(? sc- suwe" to concealed treasures, and I hat the possession of an official, title is the keyj to the possession of great official and uuo cial perquisities. It is this lust of office, more than atj tliins: else-niore than party rancor or the ic politicil hate that has embroiled governments and imperilled the publ tranquility of those States of ihe SoOth where a cormorant crew have set at d-fi-ance the law and determined to ruin if they cannot' "rule,' O; rather, gather he spoils of place. j Aud it is more mehmcholy still, per haps, to be compelled to realize that this lust of office has infected others who, pot m it tee is erroneous. I he investigation into the Credit Mobilier being conducted with opeu doors, all the statements which bave been made lmpiuaiing Mr. Colfax and others ir matti rs i t c u.uiii notorie ty. It i?, lucnfuie, WiiLiu tlie province oi uuv uicuiner oi lue li.ife i.i i,.,-. in bis placn, ret iie the fal!-g-tti;ns ;iaii,et Mr t 1 'a lo tif. an I m-'Ve lr itistructioiiS to Uie judiciary committee to u-pnit articles of impeachment. The ll'iuse, Liin in the possession of the Mm- inloi mation a has been spr ad Ltf.i e ihe country, can instruct or reluse to insli u.t the judiciary commit ten according to its discretion. 1 Aithougit : lie mmors which w ere Boat ing aiound the (Japilol this afternoon were repeated with more confidence in the saloons to-night, it has not as yet authentically transpired that any member of the House proposes at this tiue tr) cal for articles ot impeachment airaiust the Vice-President. Yet if that officer is sin cere in his expression of a desire to courl the fullest investigation, it would appear that he must himself favor the only method by which lliat investigation can be obtained. It has been reported that Senators Patterson aud ilsou would ask the appointment of a Senate commit tee, which they have the undoubted right to do, to investigate the charges made against tbem. This 'mixing np of the Vice-President and Vice-President elect in these very unpleasant transactions is regarded here as extremely unfortunate by those of all shades of political opinion, aud the wish and hope of all would l.e that gentlemen who had been so highly honored by their fellow-countrymen had it in their power to prove the absence of aught that could reflect in slighlett degice upon their honesty and integrity. ca leges. vauia. Oakes triplicate agreement," by w hich Lniuti Pacific Ivail- road hit out the cor. tract oi building ilu road td themrelyes, in pavinent for which they modestly took the rovl its-lf, all the first mortgage bonds, nil the United btatcs lands, etc., at a profit of over 1,000 per cent, on an entire! fictitious capital. This is what "Credit Mobilier" means, iu the modern American and Congressional useof;the word. The transaction was literally a Credit on movables the Uui States: Government furuishiug the credit and the money, and Messrs. Oaks Ames ! 5c Co., taking the movables - that is, the securictii'S and the piofits. It appears that, in this countr", the Credit Mobilier is a ring fanned to enrich those interested at the expense of the natioiial government. In order to effect this object, of course, influential persons bad td be bought or bribed aud Coi.gres sional'aid became indisponsable. It was charged during the late Presidential cam paign that meo'bers of Cougrcss had been bought with Credit Mabilier stock, which charg was tben bitterly denied, aud pro nounced a Dolitical li. This matter, how ever, is now uniU-rgoing investigation by j a Congressional Committee, and it lias i already been made lo appear that a r.um her of Loneresa have beeu more or less n aeepiy couccrnca in mis in iob, ubich ameuntt lo a conspiracy lo I rob tho national; treasury. 1 he investi gation of this matter is still progressing, implicating person in higii slalion, Ler tofore coiijeitd ubove repioach. A New Lvr Ffiorosxo. Georgia ) in the hands of her best and truest neb. Radicalism is dead in the State. And In consequence of this, a happy conditioner affairs exists' there at this time. j That the tax-payers have control of the State is duo in a great meaato the godd election laws which they have. Be for a man is allowed to vote in Georgia, be inert exhibit his poll-tax receipt; This excel lent law works like a charm and'enablM the Conservatives tolteep! the State oft of the hands of nnedacated negiocs and unprincipled bite men. j The law is a most capital one, Mjn who arc too poor or too good-for-nothing to pay their poll-tax have no right tola voice iu the government of the the coot try. j The adoption of ibis law is proposed io the L-j;islature of North Carolina by oar esteemed coteinporary of! the RiieieH Xnrs; and we think it weald be wise tn the G-neral Afsembly to enact it at onrts. It would prove one of the best safe guards to Conservatism iu this Stat. Charlotte Obsrrter. Truf every word of it. LxTiiAoiriJiSAKY AxswxKS. A pupil of Abbe bicoid gave the following extra ordinary answers : ; j "tVhat Is gratitude I" j r "(iratimde is the memory of the heart?" What is hope ?" ! ! "Hope is the blossom of bappmeas "What is the difference between bog and desire t - i Desire is a tree iu leaf. Lope it a tree inflower, enjoyment is a tree in fruii."t 'What is eUrnity t" j f "A day without yesterday or to-morrow, a I'm that has no end." "Wlut is God !" "The necessary being, the ion of ettt- liitv, the merchant of nature, the eyes f justice, the watchmaker of the najvene, ar.', the soul of ihe world." ' Does God reason?" "Man reasons, bt cause be doubts; is iiev siealit." 'deliberates, he decides. God-ia erarp onty sieam.0 , scieni, lie never uuuuu , 440 uicieivio I S 1 t:tver reasons. NORTH CAROLINA ROMANCE. The Norfolk Journal of Friday gives the following interesting account of a 'Story of a Ring" in its local columns, in which a citizen of this State is made to figure conspicuously. The Journal Eays : "inincen years ago uapt. 1 . a GciicruJ B-i'Xr Tlcr.tlinkJ S-ivcth'ng. As1 General Butler, the valiant b-'CiLar-ditr of pat belligTent scenes, was pass ing through th(f c rridtr .f the Il-mse of Represeuiativf s Thursday afieruoon, he was accf'fited by Mis. Brown, of South CaroSna, a l'it(;giew by birth who has stood by lit r hiisbaud in his various trou bles : "General," said she, "can 1 say a word to ycii ?" - j "Madame," responded the bombardier. griiff lone, "1 have always Distressing On banday normrtg last. Miss Anna By num. a most estimable I young lady, about sixteen years of sgf, daughterof Benj Bynum, Eq., of Stokts ennntv, was found lying deaii in her roc p : wiili her head in the fire. Ve learn tha'. sh wasaffiicted wiih disease of the beat, and it is supposed that white reading sb- Ml dead. Miss Anna Bynum was a favorite with a large" circle of friends wk. sincererly mourn her sadden and c-arlr I d. ath. and her afUicted.reUUves have th hcMrtfeli svmnathv of all their friends t , a. 1.1.. I tr-f vi men t ' 1 111: ik LLiiiuic a we fc in'nsfott ScntincL in a j loud , 1 made; it a rule i.ever to speak to a womau 111 the capitol. , The Foor Qckstioh. It is estircate-I that during the interval between tha har- shrill clear voipe, "have always made it to feed her ppnlation, mast pay to fo a rule never to spak lo a mau that I cigu. countries S17,000,OO0 lor whe;, 1 rorft ih.t' m.d S50.000.GOO for corn aod other loofl- altogether avaricious of the emoluraeuts, gallant son of the Old North State-, be have a hankering for office, for the niere came enamored with a lovely young lady SflLfi nffiffirp.. Timo waa In n na mi ulrrmnt of hia imlivp State, and nfrtr th hkiiuI . J r . ' 1 j ' . . I W..,.. .. i. .,, T , 1. ,.A ftcil nniversal rule, office sought the man. We courtship eucceeded iu gaining her consent j 7, .. e-..cU...... , ! I.o.mi h-v this, nroincttba ' e. . I . . r . . - .. . I have iloTtaitiirl from it 5.1 this uri'M-lit Flia arilXllOU CSOSfcO OT UlU prOSDCCW na, nave a recent casein point in our own to tbeir union at a not very distant day. i. , 1 I 1.1 , ri,;.,Kr tnnrh " State. Governor Caldwell, with wnat- As a pledge of their betrothal the lovlr "1 , i , .... "",7" Sa"?i.r. SvZ!uJlI: ever motives (we will not quesiion them), gave the bride expectant a splendid subs f m.u",a,"V, " , 7 T f V.m anJ for li . j : . i . .r o -IT: j: x n: .. . t&cv.Xac Work Jlcrald. the preservation of game,j and tor if . in iutiiriiiir liim HiiTUiini iiifiiL he ryj. nprin i LHirt: ukiiiimiiii i mm n on1 uu. uii . i i i. r ij..ui: ir it -.4 .i. i - : mainlenaiiC found a man who, without solicitation or I marriage at the appoiuted time, the lovers a a m -m m si m - -s i agency on his nart. is cmiueiiUwauauhcd quarreled (as an lovers do.) and li A McRPERu'us Wkapox.- M.Kranka, i,,obi!ilJ ac tho iiiventor of the breecu-lfa;ier u Licl k r.i paiks in the hands of tl d gentry. j i I? - w i ' a i a . . - t v w i i . r t f i iv iiY e -mm i jisioriH iiam aui for the position, and who, from a concur-, the engagement was broken off-lhe lady hi3 ceen adopted hy tin: hi lh partment . , , fc. - - . , , reucc of rircumstancee, can biing peculiar returning the ring. Eight years afier- t St. Peters! tirg for th Rusian army, " fW ,',UIW , fJ;' TJl .ari.I. adaptabilities to a successful dbcharge of wards the parties, neither of whom lud basj.yt pu' lih. d a pamphlet at Prague, New.,,gUn d .U ut.us .eoaa J'" i its important duties. The present incnm- married, became rccouciled, and after a . which be dcicriUa a new iuveuti iu cf l'KyS '" ar' "j , ! fri, b nt, while prolesscdly deeply inter.a.d short engagement, were married. The hie called :u "ku'om. t," or I. ..d mitra'.ll-' P1 ,n .r ? -r EoUlns tl-: in the cause of public education, aifd sure- diamond ring the pledge of the first eu- cur. The kuWnet, he 8a, it i ..f ..implo ( quite bard " Mynr7 ' P J1 V ly not covetous of the inconsiderable pay gagement, had been s ld, in the meantime, constnicti in, aiid miy l ns. d hy the . "rtei are kept ct :a 5 attached to his office, refuses to vacate The happy groom, wishing to recover ir, soldi j on my rcuT.d, howvt r hilly, jast p-i.ed until the onion here th for no other reason, it is to be apprehend- advertised for it, but all traces of the pur like a rifle. Ii is comparatively cktaper practice io eep mitt!.,ri. ed, lhau because be id enamored of place ! chasrrwas lost, and there seemed liitle than the Wernel and other breech-loaders ; ,rot j. f . j So true is it that the "evil commnni.-. chaneos of regaining it. ; nseil in :h Hurppean armies, and a solJicr , tr7 disagreea , I T A few day ago Capt. acciden- diedof C. M., (passed off quietly) aged! - i jr -t r i t ? i r. v. j?. ! - i lenain? sirenin io iue neuuuiicau uuaai I T. f?T.lrl J ' of cnlthre'lnd morality by hia saintly feiWW' '! - k walk and cbnvewation, ;ii:d the learned times "corrupt the good manners" of men tally m-t the purchaser of Jii ring in this naturally well disposed i . . cliy. flu mentioning the cause of liis It would be to despair of the Republic auxiety to recover the ring the geiith njeii ... - i - . . . to believe that this condition of things is to last We have an abiding confidence in the recuperative energy and sober re flection of the masses of the people. The day will yet come when we shall return to the ancient and safe paths when hon esty," fidelity t and capacity will be the re cognized , qualifications of office w hen, for instance, it will bo remembered, only with shame, 'that there were such Con gressmen as DeWeeee;. Governors Tike Hblden.' or Bullock j such Judges as Toargee and Boud, or Legislators like reauuy consentea to sen it to mm. it was tikr-n to Freeman's jewelry store, where it was reset aud the gleefal husband td.k it back to his wife in Washington, N. C., yesterday morning Thus, after the la pie of an eighth of a century, .the riog is re turned to its original fair possessor. Tlie gallantry of the husband deserves apecial mention, because the ladies say the men are ' all devotion ant il marriage, after anm d with it cm. under .tlTcirciiinstaiice Fcraioni There ii: ff I C I . 4." .m nre inriee as ripiaiy as i.u ine z'iniu i-i ... . v .U . j i 1 i i ' i ..! . m c . . . religious set in Hristol, t wnowaa. drlgwebr. In l atile it wi4 fire tweniy- . . (. n-uL ;,. M b.el .i i i ,i i "t :cu eih-rs ttt, ui mwa, rc . onrrhoiW, wh.lc .U.rr b,e. ch-. . , farm their w.Uing lo.?d,rl only Cte twelve or ihuteeu a. j . ,,t(W mo4 J.U mrnnte. A -y nfl may L j erted int., rUns.-bmwn brd. if a kulomet, and buy ca.:.;dg may Ik, used I J ; H-frday the kcp est wun it. ' 4- Fotjt -Track. RiLaoAn. Commo dore VandeiLiUiauJ the Nrw Y'uk Cn- trial railr.i'l inumgement are conideiin the expt'dieiicy u laying tracks along tho entire route, making a I rd and wnrk on SandsT. ! The wrine . .. .l.. I k . IM,. Blomner drrss. which !fhey; think more of their comfert ! graod Ifoar-traek toad - frum' terminus to than of i the divine passion (are the two ' terrniiifas. The freight -cars eaa Incompatible I" The dreuful nov kurricaD wbica ljr inmLr aet .t i weut r i!iuiroU aod otLcr pnrtioca of tl r. t u Ljieihii'g juit anparsutd it Sinus to t-v,:,itjT tnon. hut U tMimml rnr fr-f infcs. T he freight can mr tifa m' i-iM.fti .ml kmJMAi f 4nU Kr - i run mdependeutly of pisscugcr traffic. been froieo to death or buried alive iathtff i -

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