: . - ' ; ! 1 X . i j - -U - - lr i--' ! - - '- J" r t , , - . i . .... ., -n.ti--T "; r""' '"-trr nr "'iii'"f' "r"' i r " ri 'n mm . i n. , . . . -;,,-, .L, ..i, . :. - . f i.' : w ! - . - - -1 ' I ' , v - 1 i ! - w . I j -j . - . I ! i s j 4 1 ! 7J ..... . i ... . VOL. IV. THIRD SEME - . '1 r . . . , -. , i i i. . . r. . r : ; I r r i i 1 .; l-;'f , I PUBUSniSD WEEKLY . J. J. BRUNER,, " proprietor a4 Editor-r' ;, . J. J. STK VV ART, !. '' A8oci.t,EJito,. ., HATES OF SCBCHIPTiON Okk V ear, paylloitt ad vauce. i . ,$2.(K Six Month 8, - ; 1.00 5 Gonlea to one ad dress, . ;.V .VJ'.l 1.0.00 V. A J n ATS . J J ' E. BJirCB SILL. HAYS & Bra ggist & Ap othe c aries. CALI3BUR7T, IX. C. '. J' ' . M . ' . I . ,, l - I. I GOOD 1 5 i.'U ADVICE I i I LlTTL lOET FE0U THE GEElitAN K & AMUItPHY.Mxt doorto lJingham & woc-Bft,to marrr. j and iul etdcr CVft, i wiling all kibds of eodda at unnrvc ; Uo Hdilireelfpf icr suitor, of .wbom.there iKmmmtUwM btt Allowing device : 'If yeurlordsWp xiib t)y;t any other 'Mor. .(Advise all your Wenda t ' . u a wowa. , , - t : jijreraemuer, ! tuea l am; ready ta become your bride Bot il!; ou'tho contrary, yon receiye. any tiling irom mei wtitbouttlnuk to go and Bee . & A. til. i; Mur .1 .(: . SWOOKOP:' ER: FALLS W1IERG0ODS i For We talte pWsure :ihj announcing, to tjie citi4 1 So i& wa3 useless for ler suitors to make reniof Kowiitt and tlid we are now receiving k LA R i. - 187 2, Oil 'ng to speak these words, then you must agreef to "have youi j hair ehayeu entirely off your; head! aiid leAve? the kingdojoi. . Xhjs however, wa4AuarLfttUiratageoi, for, acccydiugito theoucustomgi juo dared to , hand any thing directly, to the princest", but first to the court lady, who1 then offered it to her. But if, on the other hand, the princess should deeire.lo give or take anything, who could refuse her 1 H opening the G E S T fit T)Wm'i;nt)'n (rA A rD-mrnf ti,n! a" I' W'fS lo buy will AT UV Diyiau D UAUOA o A. AUjaijJ L- I tUc-ir advantage to cafl and Prescriptions accurately and carefuUi cwyiQjfnfled, hy reUalle and 'comjpeieriiij or night, ; 43 it -t. H3R1UMEHAHT! J- tr-.' - mmmm Jr - 5 Wf 1 . ; cKeeka 'm' 'Uie paiiBed:; Thi pViLcea'a iatr them' and ticiiiimedl . f J :WWi bity that yrjMTs!hot: able; to pickja' few for me." ; u '''I tNecctBiu khowa.Vd Iaw1, h'e uriucp'!aftd hb'TokVntf'ot'te.'cIiArVar with Lis leeth'fVo'm abranfclr. !iid bffJrtd iVtxi tb'rticc'saTrVm.b'moufh'.'':1 than Tfceiyeitfroui HlaJmomKfaitd aoer face wa8.'b'fdugnt'-cld8e' 18 1 hta. f So when' eue.uau xne enci ry oeiween nei ipf ' and akissfromMilWbeMdinewis no abU to'sayt'tKlnitaVi "I reminjber.r ' " The6 b ctitJ.iy f nyVbol "ttidrnittgi mu'chJoVedl one -and.'dre'wrilils' bartdj fv6tA hU girdle, and V&iractd jier'j-And they fpentjiib rest; of iheb iy&tftgetlrci' irt;perfA:crae:an'd KapJts j " T v 1 ;feVM5Srife j AXj Fraj: cjsco. Fobuary. . 4-Tbef bykf D. C-rMnrray, from .ilouolala brings riqyi o( "tfyj rauGcatiilii by the Legilktif e Ays&nbly ohbc electtn of Pi i:tec Lun'ali lipoHki. or Hid' Haw.iiau' Ialands.Und hiaborooaUon January 8 V. -m? :i' .. M . 1 tui caLiutt oibe. ueyr King of Hawaii Having purchased the contents of the Drugstore fmjn,erly occupied hy Dr. Kdward Sill. We i ceptcllully call the at tention of the Cili tJB of SAlMbury and the surrounding country, to the new ar rangement, and inform them that we will continue? toHarry on the business at the name nlace. and Aha same excellent wav. We will endeavor U keep on hand all the lY!$jJJS jL ' JLliBjKtirA'N 1 airlmti rrn An 4li. Vutrt1n TYr tiin tir. 1 . ii ,T I taining jo our line! and tUercfare hope ,?Y? V1 ?ve ever- una to ex i nv Mtrict niipniinn m iininPRS. to rc-ctivo i . . . - . : . ' rr. ...... --n - r .--t: - - . - no-nave iskcu muciitune. and nnuanjii in'i uer lest., oveieouio wuu invi inn . fine a liberal patronnge. h - " " to l.k up bargains f our '. natronk and. do sayi would seize nvon an vtliinff' near her. as m u 10 l tlioup-i bv aecidpnt " liikHthia n a nmenibrance of me" and when be had it in hi, bands. before, he tould :bink or f ltTU' r.a I intArn r.ifrihdni r a i 1, T , i I wiicre. - j . We have a large slbc of all kinds of adjoining. counties thai the trial, for when they seemed likely, to be sueceselul, aud had diverted the prin cess so. that she was about to take some thing from them, the court lady always stepped between and spoiled the best laid plan ;-. ,-. r ,. . . .. : When the princess wished to dispose of one of them, she would appear so charm ing aud encouraging to him, that he would be entirely fascin'atf d. and when lie sat at Good r- it . w-i . UPWARDS OF FIFTY" FIRST PRE- Jil 1UM Sbml GoUl Let Silccr Medals w'je awarded vto CllALKS ii. SxiKi'F ift the best Pianos in cnmpetition I 'iwitb all the lendi Ofllco aad ZJctWarercoiaf! .The StirflV I'iaiKM contain all the latent im- Hohts, SJioesi am Get iters for Gents, Hisses and Children, all good stock (and id Shoddy work) H Cr.OTITlNG. mOCKEHY. ' HATS Caps, Notions,. Moves, Hosiery, Fan-cg G-tods, Sole Mzlhtr, Calf S&ms, ! Druggs, Spices, - j Liniiij Slluf, J Soaand a Large t Stock j of ig manufactur- j country. Testimony as To ihc Qwsliob of ilie Iiis'ctn- ! ' -i i. . ' ' ; ' The examiimtion into the mttter of the two wills ofl Mr. Greeley, nftwipuigrt-Ba ing before the Sari-ogaio at While Plaints, New York, has developed sonje painful facta touching bis insauiiy everi previous to the death of his wife. . , . 1. ; l i : " Mr. Alvjn J. Joln?on, his friend, at whose house Mrs. Greeley died, testifies that he was first surprised at Mr. Greeley's couduct wliile cbopping "wood atjGbappa qua, while up iu't a tree, triraufitg it,; be houtcd "No" several time, and at an other time, out in the barn, he 6ad, Metii er (meaning Ida wife) is going to die,.nndl want to take her to your houfcJ' Jilr. John son suggested want of accoinUiodation, when' Mr. Greeley grabbed bimr.d said. "Mother's dying, and you are oot going to let me ga to your house to did 1" Al ter her dealfi he alhnl d lVequeuly to th fact that he was ruined and Lid ruined friends, and wanted Mr. Johnson to take c larp-p. til nia nrotipi-iv. Mr. .Jn niisnn - . e .11 rj - i-"r found him in his room packing lit a trunks and asked where hc. v;si fcomg . 41 Ic said 1 am going .tof leave, because you Uoa want me. but I do not want to leuvo until am taken to Greenwood Ccmeujy." . Mr Johnson says on ar.olbcr occasioii 'he aid he wanted me to tell everybody that he wasn t a Democrat, never was ii i mo crat, and had uoihiug to do wi "n iiu, I) ca ccrutic paity, bat that lie v. a- 11 ' ; t : 1 v luiu w.f . ii' in he tia'i al nnojliirr tune Fitie ! Cir0cerie of High flnlity and low prices. Salt, Siri(is, Baojing and Cotton Ties wsfrlrAur8 Clover Seed -L't. r.ndinftiepiearly evferytliing wanted and ail at ' LOW PRIGES. Util'tllO' rtl of 1 ; 1 1 frnviri t tvLvIiana .a fisr fcr vu uv tiiujy ft V A.U Illy XV. I LACILJC, CS 11 or a hornet, or. a hat, and so startle him that he would . forgt ; tho words. Then, upon the spot, he was shaven, and away with him This weut on for some years, and in all the palaces of; the other, five kingdoms the priucea wore wigs. Thus it came to le the cua torn From that time;. Fiualiy it happened tbak a foreign prince came upon ?ome peculiar business, and by accident saw the almond princess. He thought her : very beautiful, and at once perceived the stratflgein. A friendly little ;;i.ay loan had given :bho,! an apple tlkit once a year die was urivilcged to smell. and then there came in his mind a very"; ed aud i.ad cveiyb dy nowtied on'acconut of Id, deep wifdvm ' be, anted V know it I v.asgi:vi tolaud Now. it Was exactly lime for him ti make I by hiia4 1 said, " M-gt as-nieoly what . . . . ... - in itt .ii.i . 1 euiQ tie. a tr sro 10 11. e mean avc to n is coujposedL. lpr.lli most part,pf An..i cans." Tlic mniisVer for foreign aFairs is CbHtVpBisKotCiHdtmrsrJ K.!O.Tfall : .1 i Upturn inir nnr tlilula for fk . I : .....- . - . ..1 - 1.;. I - ---- J'. l " ""T' ' " proyeDinwwii)on.uuuin ursciawa nam., jibftfji Jbeatowed. ti ,hh Vnce we opeiMKT in use cf hi apple. S , with the scent from J do you mean ? Ho euid he.'d tf go l it came this "warning : ' ' j penitentiary. I Siiid, "Wh it do jnu "If thou w'ouldst win in the srarne of : Mr. Git-eley i" lio said, "I shall b; giving and taking, under no circjunkances tgo to the penit wti 'ry unlcas joti stand by must thou either give or take anyjhing " mj " I aid, '"What do you ir.ev.i ? 4T imwce, ilouert btarlug; atttorncy-gener-al, A'. F. Jndd, .. ' f . i . r ,j i.jADDKsSOP THE KINft. . v tr ' ' Fpon taking tie oath office, King Lun- alillo ma!e-an. address to .tho nobles and repjesi'i.Utive?; saying : .- 1 his Is thti.fiist jiiu' in the Litorv of bh'Kingdom'tlie Ivii'latnrc A.sembly bas'-Jbeeii convened1 For 'the- ..ihT-pose cl electin u snve'reign?.t ( 'teddewyoti myl tUauks lor tlkasvoidul asMiranceA aud good will w Inch have characterized; your nro- Before advening tj any con- sideiatior.s of duty or responsibility,' it is uvwiuiHf,. as 'wb- s in accoruance 'Wiin the promptings of. our ireoyle, to express our. sorrow at the suddeu dealhof our illus trious chief, w hose successor I am "ilie late' King ad devoted trals of cnaractet.S "He was cntcrpiisiog, and la bored to develop the resources of the country, and extended his protecting band to Hawaiian people, lie was ;juat to all r : ..1?'.. :. r . . uiB sunjecie : was very scnsiwve 10 me right ;f tliO I!awftiians)'aiid desirous of rom'vmig every prejeet whkh would ad vaucn their . interest and increase their nnruber. I S3mpat!iized deeply with the lale King the gradual diminution ot the people, and 1 nerd no afsuraiice for you that ;U1 reasonable measures to prevent it will meet with ymr cordial approval ' ''This riation presents the m6st intercs- ing example of history 'br the cordial co ojpf-ration of the natives and foreign races in the administration of the government and most happily, too, in all the relation of liio thre exists a feeling wjiich every goud man wiil eiiive to promote. The government may be said to enter npon a new eia on' the accession to thb throne of every sovereign. '" '?- . "it wiil make an endeavor! to sustain the character of the government iu its good lepule whhoth'.r nation., jn this con necl:nii it becomes tis to chrriih a' cordial recollection of my lamented predecessor, a? well ns i f th" disinterested and patrio tic id n w ho ui l.'d liitn ii enrolling the kinilciti .ui'.; ii: f..iiily of na'ions. It will '-v i.iv .1 . ir to t-t;-:..in the char- traiismitled to In k late ddressi delivered' before tbo Tennessee ' Press lAoeiAtSon Gen Ira Jones, editor of thb Nashville Union and American gives the cause of Newspaper decay;and- morulijy-iTheaQ'jTifrws are appropriate we n-prodoco some cf thrm making noapologyj tor .the length of this TopicM.IWedo too much wotk without any. return ..whatever. U e cttibliah aa eemosynary. institution at ear expense. We keep a charity school on our own U ok, We eonduetjUisiness kt if we owe everything to the pnblie, and the public. is 11 r.iitcoirn 10 na a lartinng. i c au- vertise gratuitoftslyievery wefk, when we 'TOO POOR TO'TAkK ArlAPElL - Mobre, f iht-Xarai Xtic' Torftr, Vm sitting in Ida oEce,- one ' awcDOon ion yeiara a?rof' when arfArmarv friend eaeae lm and said : -"Jlr-Ueore, 1 likely ear papetw bnt timr are so. hardl cancel pay ArUt MIs thtt so, f ciend Jpnce 1'sa Ttrj . sorry to near mat yon aie to poor; u jxm are o hard rort I will Hva yoa'Hry canex." "Oh no, I ean'l'uke'it a a jnft.-- 'Well, then, let's aee how we cam fix IU Yoo raise thick ens, I-beTiTe.. 'trrz. r 1 es, a few, bat tbey don I brio? f thine, hardly'. i. t ..j 1 1 Don't they I -. 2seUhr. dooa.tnj Ppf should have the money for it; Tiie gen- cost anything, hardly. Now I have apro eral public are cat'n4 ly TrT(rant-pffib.bly pisuionli makcyoal ; I ' 'wK eonumte are not fully awarei otsrselvejs of th ex- your Jsap?r, and 'when yoa 'gn bome ywi v "iin-ti in:iT:T;jitijn:to ait iruiuiin.u i niav riect iroin ynnr lot one CiiiCKCU, aoa by this insidious di m tipon their rcFonr"- j call itinine. 'Take -good cafe, of her JJ& cfs. ' 1 here is not n dispenser of gingn;- bTrng-rne thfr pfoecedff,- whether yt-efi cakes and cider - td tht?- largest nwnufaeJ or chickens', and We IrlU rail l iquare-''t tory,-wh-win-t.dt advert Ttie-witli yotf t'4 .rbt. . Bratrbtr . Iortv, ; end lU gratiswhich will, if ronf jfisten tolr; Wlow cbtukJed at. vlit be tbos-bt 'a 1 " . T . . I .. - . L-uucatt r 10 convince yoo iai u is yonr i capuat uargitn., .Jie. rpi iaj jconirseu doty to the poblk j do po. fl'here is not j strictly, and at lh end oMbetyear fonsl " u urp.raot ror puuuc naiion. aca wnen i tuat lie nau pam aiooi lour pt'cea tor mi I contemplate the ntiraberpf these I exper- j paper. He often tells the pc i .himself icuto ail uTcrwiiiiniDg Brnf:oi comming- anu saya uo never utu me lace to eaj be led amazement aitd disgust -from consta- was too por to takn a papcl since ibit ble to the Senate fit the LJuteu, who doee MtJel Vernier. ' '"'"."ft uotconscientiouslyjbeltcve it to bo the im- o r H I " pcrative duty of tho mess, daily and COOKING FOOD FOR BTOClL? J LI.. , . l T).. ir f . j f ...u wv.a.ijr, io epea& wun a pen; oi telescope iMrnanuifi wrwMnjiiwuniw, power, of bis microscopic' descrvings. especially 'milch cows and ycmng ttocfcj Even that army or strollers which inf. sis f!t U-coming.ono of the etuled quea- tne country aud the reoid.j as a wort of l,"'8 -gncuiinrc. i o narsiiy anew a visiutiou oi Providence for pur inhjuitrs, d.tiri nia-i w ho does not par toiling wa froai the street conjer seller ol pi ize candy tet over ble cat bay and tnrtiJ-or brsi, or magic oil to the owritic emnress irlo. crenif he does not took it by steaming. win expi-ctyou to write an indefinite num.- 11 " 'un cconoaaiae teeow increase her of editorial on a three iquare advtr- bef!,wr.f milk, attd promote : appetite, listraent inserted fi r five dav. c! wH cat much more of cut hay aid ble daily without hargo ! We ntf. re. . feed s Uanwd or1 tneristened ith bofliijr quired to write npin-ge np,aud put through WBtcr-t,wn lnf,T of rrriv&-& every enterprise. I irrt at or small, tlt w" no,rt il polreyef the dairy eema to have a rxisdd inmni..n ".il. man to, indue hia cowi U eat aa nachat ... . I i a .1 . e i a poastavras tbe more tey ukt m try aray e r. i . .1 . . . Mi I .f . I oi iooav ine raort) win oe given out in ui funnel milk. To stint tows JaA all in ia ample rurp-Ht of pioper i food to krrp fif) n air it ion and promcrta tank eecrruon. caa omry le called "a penny wisflj aud pooad fuflillak-4'flicv. It will not pay. When ro M are also hnsled tj- tranj'd, the nu tritive matter tber entatn laf more fatly d-v loiK-d, and th? itme weight of roeta produces l.irrtr result, bothiin the con- So he had bis hands in bis belt : and went with his marshal to the palace, and asked to be allowed to . eat bis almond. The princess was secretly much pleas'-d e patronage to I with him, aod immediateiy banded him with additional .improvement of his own in- m-U lnt ir,',"l!i. ci,i,.eli..i: w. mil I.. ii f tn In t..iinii ii jT-hii invtrTimtntii I L ' . " ... -A The tone, toinh; aDd ih of tbeafr iustru meuta cannot bo cicell;(LHt any man ufae lur ed. ,t v .' . : . , , f ! ,iA, largo avrtmcnt joff second-hand Pianoa . always ou hand , from $75) Ui $tltJ0. . ' parlor aud Church Organs, vome twenty on- fereut styles on band from &0 and upwards. Seud fur. llliHtratnd OatalotfnK containing names, of jjver twelve huiidreu"Southeruem i net, and ttolitencfisHo our customers to merit !a- corttinuarfCe of tlie hme. " - ' ' Vey Respectfully, I I; ; it & A. MURPHY. $$U-A1! orders shall lhave - our prompt "at- tern ion. uobt. murpiit: AN DRW MUltPHEY, an almond, which his marshal took aud placed in his mo u. h., Th.e princess in quired what.' this meant, and moreover, why he constantly carried his handi in his Eirdle. ; . i have broken open nif thei's will. Sutrogate That was Lis wife? A Yes, he al.voys called her mother, He said 41 have broken open mother's will." Well, I know nothing about the matter and I said, 'What of it V He said he bad no right, to break it open he said the will must be taken to the Surrogate's oifice, and in the presence oi the Surro gate the scid must be broken. I asked ii. ' .' l : lili.l.l' (fiTebuitdfcd of which .aro; , Virgitiiaus, two, Salisbury; Oct.' f7,"tS7d.: f27:lyl hundred North CarulUiians, one haudred aud i ;: . il.,,.. . ' . f fifty East Tennesseaiik and others throuabout J A.til, SuLLIVANt the bonlh). who havu bought tno btieJx-ian( aince tho v-ios or tno wair. He replied that at his conrt the custom him who was present. He eaid Idathat was-even more stronwlv 'enforced than nt he was S40.000 in debt to mother's estate. hers, and he dared not give or take any- and that be could notmake up that amouut thing w ith his bands, at the most, only . and he would have to be committed, to tho' with his bead and feet. Then the princess ' penitentiary Ida, ; would have to send fi H J., ALLKN'UROXTN, Agent, Falisbnry, . U. 22:40t - , - : " 1 I 1 . 1 - 11 11 ' 1 - NEW OPENING. laughed and said : J. P.'Gowan-. I . In this case we will never be able to have our little game together.'! ir . He .sighed and answered : ' . , "Not unless you will be pleased to'take f llHE. nder4en4 haviag' aociated theni- fiomtthing fiom my, boots." " I jJjL'-seiyesin husiues uader the firm name ofi "That can never happen !" exclaimed Si- I ' ' - ' fi i, .1 i t v.. i . . ;' - ' g It1:-11 OMfuiViUN, UU., j J iyiiy have you come hither,Maskc d 'the Tiihuae stock ; I told him 1 would TTAYEtyriedil : LA ii'troit itooi if IHJ.lV lllPU TX$l t 1 lik tifcW friends.- Thy ! thqj largest ahdb him to the penitentary, I asked lum who was the executor ot that wiil. Ho said he was one and Ida was the executrix. I told him I was, not, a lawyer. "Nor-.' said he, 'You. dou't kuow anything about it, but Ida' got to. scud me to tha peni tentiary unless I can raise S40.U00.' I tried topacity him. I told him I wouiu tako ac t r OS. TI.e' Kl-i aildrp-d the pcyp1c to the saute pHijrot, ill tnkifig nt ior the on- aiii:nity nl voice .with which they faior his aeci'-ft-i.in in'i! ihioi.e. , On tl.o oce.t."s;o':i of ihe Tate funeral theie was an im jr:t:pr n.'.liluty and civic dirj.lay by thj uati o Jir.d foreign p puhw tioa. i VJ J. ffnlmes' ncwhuild in - tho Hardware Store, pleaded to meet old and l i !- in town-and. OF GOODS, STOCK. COMPRISING af "OI' OOliTiMBTJS, Qa. , IxcoaronATxn( 1 830. J j , 17 $350,000" J.' PvIIOPF-i WWKkiSWcaV - " - t D.fFi WJLUXJX, Secretary, . ' XU XosscsTEqiiitaMyiVtljiisted I "'. .A. I ; i ' 1 " -; . t -1 it 1 t. .1 ' ' T..'i v r Alia iTpmpiiy iu,-i un ; property owOerscFiring toxbt:iin reliahle In auranceMfUl,da well to prtAect tlieiasclreshy ecurirtiaipolii iirC-'V-l'"1'1"'!1106 Co". Agencies at prominent points iitail, the . Southern States. ' " r " .'. ' .Vl J.Jl -f 3, ALLKNlUROWN, -Agent, ; i .j .Mil OnW Nd 2, CJ ranite Row, i Aprils '72.,. p vl ) k Salisbury, Nfc, i SMITJr i M VRO VEI ; Patent Well Kixtnre.; ' . iWK eallthe atteiition of the public totbia admirable Invention: Tt ia especially recoin-: mended to privatp famfjTs being touyeiiM eat fox 4'dck. filling;. sell euiptyiug and east In drawing';?. darability it Utinsurpas-;, d having an Iron covered Top. the--wind laasji rope an bucket aro. protyeteu froin the Weatner, It is o arrnngeds to secure ab fcdateShfetyfivm accident. eWn in tiih ndf of theSnoSt-careless, 'and winftfilj ' uegllgeii't pereo9.w '. 15 ' r :t' " 1 s' V . H 'rN. .,n MiJt MEUONEY'&'BUO. wcneral assortment. ETard- O - i .1 - ... ' - vjlware 'excepted, and tviu saftrrantee pood barcai ns a ctjih bo ml by any tliei oiMitr.. They w f t aoat Heavily n and couutrr Pidnieujuyiiir aud s invite ailwho wihfleither to bay. or sell to ! ou Ihem.ixT. AIM. SCLLIVA t Co. Jari.24th, -'1872. 'lfl:tf BRIGGS & BHOTHBHS 'll&tkated the princes,?, angrily, "when you have take. it at fcS.OQO, and that s.vuu J to re- such stupid cn?toius ?' , , j leave him, when lie begau to tell lueaboui 1 'JBecause you,are a beautiful," replied the l.mu being ruiued,. tic wamea to go. the .prince.. "Aud if I cannot win you, I and see tne pigs', we watkeu over there ana may at least, have the pleasure of seeii g he tavle a remark that amuaed me, ho you.'"-. . 1 . "(said: . See those fcJataus cominhig down 'Oa the. other hand,, I have no similar the hill, I never wanted a hog on this gratification." said she.1 ' 'f place, they; eat up all tho coin, and yet F.o tli. nnnee remained nt th n il:i."e thev are so . poor they can t run. .ar. ... ' . , Til ' 1 . - UANDKEBOHIEFS. In jujging of the people by their belonging.- the. pocket handkerchief gives a wouuiifill clue. A hat is uot wholly with out a kind of human expression. It puts on something of its wearer's manner? ; it may be pert, graved or apologetic. One has been seen before this the very turn up of whose brim insulted every other hat within sight in the street. Now and agniii a coat is met with that has something decidedly characteristic in i:s 'wi Inkles. Huon betray a disposition they turn up at the toe and swuy down at tho htels, till you could indentifj their owners from tltin. Bnt the pocket Innd- kerchief ii. t'le vi.-il 1 ci.il.odiiii'Mit ofi;s nser.. Watch t man haudligHt, and you kno'v hi c!iarr,eH r at once. ; the public'Bat we never bear of a share of stock or of a divide nd. The church. the 8lale, commerce, indusliy, art, iuven- tion, and humbug alike pct-m to regard the prees at theirj servitor, and to b nm and sustained for their advantage. There is a line of d -markatioa in all lh?c lliingn betwen public deiaaud, public unlility, newepaper duty aud individual cam. I't . I : t ill r- . , . .. x 11.11 hoc biiouiu pt: ii ruteu, and Held, as 11 111 reuii.v is, ww untu j,inc. Nol a letter, nor a ptce, nor a figure, not a! comma, nor a period, notlring of all the i'li.uinberaUe j.ir:ch s that enter info the furm and Btrucluru of a daily or weekly newpn.-mer ia tni re nisi ts picking uri aud ptittif g dnwnjdocs ur.l roct ca?b mon ey. Not'a revolution of iltn pre, not a pquare inch of pbinr, tbal'dK-' not co.l something In cak'i. Thin; shnruld be un- deretood by the public. If is not its cor relative should be practised by the press. To get lid ot this stupendous fraud of gratuitous advertising, this, cawcer, canker- call it anything, provided you select an epithet that will characteriz it utrohg ly enough 'I' can prescribe no other rule than this : Putf voluntary and without charge any and jevcry thing into yonr pa per which yon deem advantageous 10 it in being beneficial Uo the public. Ml eUe' exclude, being cf advantage to w ho wi?h i-h to make money 11 pony our capital and enterprise. Fixy oar rates at a fair pi ice for your ciicujation, and adhere to them. From dealing will accomplish more than ioui, ax an umervana evcrwnerc. A Won-tjrfIt. PiiKypMEVox. The steamship Indiaj of the Anchor line, ar rived here yestf-yday froni:Glaglow, after an unusually lng trip of eighteen days, caused by strong fi'-.id wind and heavy sf-is. During the p i igt) thoe on bouri I t a fiv.t wli.cn u r.r.'r ditiou of the cow and in bcr milk tion. - Pructicjl Fanncf. t lecro- .1; Commit the following to memory, aU you will hire at yonr "tongqea end". ike namrf ot the Monarch of . KiiglaQd from the titu bf the conquest do wtviOUlO. pre set. tda'e; .Fhot William the Norman, liam hi son. He nry, S:eahcn aod Henry ard and J 0 Next Henry the Third; Ld wards ena two and three. I - , Andagaio afier Richard, ihreo llefitTS Two E Iwaids. third, if rightly ltsl Two Hcnrvs, sixth Edward Queens Mary and Bess, : j nl I hcn Jami. the Scott, then Charles , ihji,U theo liici- we see Wor.'' tie it--Soen at m-.i, f.-.'.!!i 2 ;. nu fiiov. : ()o the 18. it iriM., till 10 p :u., e:coui:t ri'J a train aloiit., f.ntHi: f?ioini.iie(.:ifly, uv.il i o some nervous uv-n tlio pftcket hard- ' tiie hohi ext-ii : .t'-tlie verse), tiM'! k' ttliiet is really a tort of other self. yard 1 hey are furcvi-r palling 11 forward ; they 1 t-d I move above it; liny pass though the work" I , i . t . 1 . Ir. ' T. r worl.V' rirrlv iiMdcr mver of u. a rvteuier, wuaoui yard, rigiwg,V' ed witli icel; at work at:', rigiiig, dirt, clioo, w-Ae f:ii UIAI. .1 ... ..1.1 . . t ( . 1 Ov Ail TM llv I .in,! if l.!.,iQPil Iw-r rnni'D a ii mriru linf lilCtleV EOCIDeil laOOi'llI? Unde.l irOllwii'. , , , , , . ' . . , , -, y I as - V ' . . , "V, 1 . t .. - v, 0 1 .. ...... f.' 1 Ucy.coulJUo noiiini -cuiu;oriat;iy. liave House n when he humor eeizeU her she pied in, , some time peioieur,. ureei.y d uvatu , a rool oUl comCf thc pnck: l uroeenp. every, manner u persuade turn to akeliia , weeiey auoweu fc.gue. or a uo,ur,.u ,ahdWerph;. f a,id lhc flrgt" thing Vim- ! cllinp, and nndi.frnm his trirdle and receive dnmc, 1 miod. aDartments had been rented tor him i, ., ..-. -.. t -a.. " .t i eall r:--:r ; -T" " ." , , , l ... xt' v... .... , ... : ;.ii . . &ie or fn'r entrance is us appearing iiirn , ! : ; . .Kuft tl ill ft iW i 1 CRAIGE& CHAISE. ATTORNEYS A'JC; IATy, .A V .. f, -;ato, SaUcit0rs in 13 a nhrtiuff 0 Sii ' B3?j3pocial atteniioi pa?d to lrpcccdjqg jJaukryptc ; '" J V -tVf FOR J A TJAET, 373, XOwi OUT. Issued as A 6'.i;irtoriv. TiuHllbrir uurnbers sent to aav 1 ,m'flv hv mil it. r.ll-sa frfk'. 'Th rcx,&titi I ltnt. r.vM in-4.rfK:tiye ! ltiAtThtet!aM' T6 ritral Guidtvevih)nblirfi:cL ,1 Thttsfr thiuET from her, eharntiniriv. and"frrnneritlv offered hfm ' ing expressions to witness that he was flowers, bonbons, and trinkets, and finally j wholly ruined and had no money, and ap her bracelet; bnt not fne. did he forget ' pearcd to be wholly occupied with'ima and stfei'ch out hi3,ba?rid:to take thrnr, for ! gined bankruptcy ; on November 9th bd the pTPsWrc'of bis girdle reminded him in said he wanted 10,000 to get him out of time, go he, would 'nod to his 'marohal , his tronble,".and that he would be sent to the neiiit'emtiary for breaking open Mrs. Gh-elev's wlU: be then said VhA wanted i $10,000 Tor ten minute him have :-he wanted lo sciwtitci cliu f Lhas fallen J can vtmr Icinlshiu" nick stock, but its he seemc r'- T otir it "nil fori me Vi Whereupon the piihee the ma ib jatid iiceived thpm, sayiiigj "We re-' ; !.Th(n IK? pincess wnnld become impA and would exclaim ; 3Iv' handker g, sko , betaoic thickly cmtx saiile time all d'-ck r'inriog in a hrizmisl It ? a '. dirictioo. wAe f;ii ed with icicles as large which ' a:td rhapeiVke hu; narfnip. 'i'he to clf'se-rM'feJf sails set became solid sheets of ice three inches thick. When the tun shone out at tne beginning of the thaw tm a the spectacle was maginncent. riucn a iho door way. i 'I .': phenomenon had never fore been seen . Another very dilL-rent class there is by tho oldest seamen on board. During who effective ly display their liarshcr dis- the time of the abovo occurrence all liat.d nnsitior.a by continually ill -using iheir , ling of siils waa impossible. The gilo pocket hindkcrcblefV. If they hare to ' wa fierce, and tho heavy rain auJ 'spray them in j! if they have to pull tbetn our, j j.; they drag tuem lorto, . i uey savagely Tr.E Vat iai: Eynrjsw D vncp A , writer in a London journal p'wd at t!ie whom they slew, Then followed Cromwell, anolief, Charles, too, ' - : ! - 1 H Next James, called the second, asead ed the throne. i Then Wilihm and Mary toeather eatae on, Till Anne, Georges four, Wil'iam all past, God sent them Victoria, the and last. and folrth. yonnesi 8MAI.L FIELD.' It a-t j;r:.-')' a grrit man yf men' toaio- lice Ii..w cui.y in-io Mht r rnrri perri la ftrncing in kt-epirg Bpioccea mSere they aro iot i.rd- d, and ploughing alatt t'aiiwHa vkl.vio l.n o.p s oalti aave a fast deal 1 lute. i-.tr, besides a voiding lha t-4Uipii:g o; the grouaa jia turnbg, which fw itcM ki "w Low torvvrU. Jbe .e u'i.iy o: i.ut: aud uuu m larmisg a as :ibi oilJiit a lb? earing ot:cropa. i wo loi.g icws f potatoes are far morn esjil 1.1 ? .1-T a I. aoir.WnaVu.nrelH- princes? said to herself ; .! . es. Ci.'andtrieirtu1-i I "This cannot remain; so. It must be tivatiiferiindalii&auatcr as, wa formerly ! fettled in one'wayonlie' oTher." iil.d in o?rAuai4Cablogue;o Ton wninifes ; sle eaia l0 the princeVH ' auitablo fjr fr.t.uinf. aad our ?cr!rel)Uf Froral Chrouaos' tir to "Flowers-, 5 Vfeetitb ' es,r 'c h and tfi ei r t ul- ir. if rou order SEfflDS before seeinc BRIGUS t BkO.'S QUA Hit iELt. recbaikaiffecoiii pafisbtfon qiinlity 1 f Seed aMpriees and sizes of fWkt i Cur jhlemhi r A dvanco Sheet aid PtiuI-5t f ir-lP:i f &ht free.-i:: ' f I : i'.4ddfdss..? . . liKIOtlS. BROTHERJ' .Gtlrrv.M-'-'i , , . , -h r- 'l have one of thd finest; gardens in the world. . 1 willbow your lordship over it 1 he- iriiic0 f smelt of hi apple, and ae tuey. ,jetttereatU.gameM.iie.aid : . i JL'lt .wVftryfceAutuTui'-vbere. and in or iti tlit wt ni v A-:tllr i-.fir .fifti'nt l.i-ri Si TIEOT2FinKRMT.FAEBMi 1,FK. Peace and Jiotbe disturbed) by the desire a4 Anmnttikia?.-'.;. tTsil '-ril: ttry ouc game. Ibeg Vou, ray lady, fbat . K - k . m M rf 09 -..i..-- IP... ll.t.: t.niv ! Aiivurill t .Ir ....... inJpvT 1 1 - i4 ri. I it., l.. ...tf .r i... Then we will be and tlier u-ill artiind nrmted- ort heavy .opiate paper. : Jim it --. --.i.t... IrUiy.a a"ul n ' ST'"" n.weu ouwum ...... (... . j the phrlbr,ofevi! . i t i n VTOl mat of ihr surreadtir ifGeu. Lee. ln?aautnlly j ,aoda also be faateinid. t ' eolorwLiEhcraVeit in the, highest style of tlio j rrAni anoh mliWa irta. by mailiifi ountetf or'20 cent, orJlfw 5 : Address ,.MU.twm,i..i ftki I 'ThoDrhicessrdidE ttotfeel very "wife- on roUeraad post-paid J about tins arrangement, bat he begged; so r 50oentsAGl:sTS Wan- I strongly; that he" cvuld iiotyef use him i v , s'X-U ':. ; Ithiaismall favor.Sdr'they went 4alne -..w- tr"TT i togetuer, wilu tnenr napaa insieoeuy iu tueir 'JLW&f i ti girdles. .The birds- sib gi the, iab fclioai vrr" v: VI -..i Bristel...TniiT j h y at ter rosted. i- .1. .!.... , .. , 1 crumpio if.eiu up, ij-y uom.i i w.im ?. which witness-let . . ' ' J. r.,- . , assign bis flibuuelt .'., f- . d not in a lit state,, 1 i i .. . .-I .like a bui-sv-wfiii)., ... ..j 1 ! I .. .1 -.1 Ilia chief apprehension iffnicl; to be, i f . . . h.tufr:.t -I -' .1 ,1, : U .. Il .1... , HVlilVft ......... tuat ine irionne wr.f iu ihu, um, n. ue not appear from thc testimotiy that I here ' w-as any cause tor alarm in una respect on. account ot Ins personal iiinet.ine.ss. All the Wiiue,sse,'llr; Grexleys most1 intimate' frfbnda," concur'ih tho 'etaterucitt thai his mind was affect d aud wholly' oc cupied with his 'imaginary ba.t.iu$sfcvv .h mo, funeral wuy iu whkh Englishmen dance, fin nil vyvn ine- niajutiy i-oK as if a dres'-cjitj wen lite; tunic of "Nes.T.f, and treafiire mj llit-ir wrlj aa if precious ...j ianr ilf (rum lli!r nittilliA wlu n Ut tim thby wllow the nnippieciated ' lUtfr nI;lk M.rcover,Uhey evince a re-brticle- to draggb nut-nf th tau-poekef. I m,;ir,i1i. ,ii..;,inn to M,i iLom.vrafn nrt way. to their heclslimp, belpbrs; Jj, oWb Hs, ad tbey fidget with " ; ........ .ifkw,t M'll.iff . Nft mf ll I fl CP Ulg i ,r.I.l. Mt.l.- t... a.il . !. tt.A t,tini nn 'jrriri wnjr. in ujiir iitrv is -:iiup, utijn Tdined': 'or they, nuv Vhow no s"g. wi ever of 'having, tnch a treasure, it In QT-EEN VIC'S DOMINIONS'. It appears from the recent ce nsn4ti-In- 11. d-ia-tli.it th prople owii g the Tin-rt:;ti-tboriiy-of tbiQeei number iSi,i37r,jOO asd those Jwho. obey the rula of ;iitire1 chiefs subject ito n. Lnush pratectaiate number 6iV.20,O00. Soi that icr all tho Empress of Hindostan, ruiea ovi r 241, 2S7.000 i:iIiidia'nlone L64 'aa lbe,popii- lation of the world is about l,78.000jOOO nut far abort bfonfi-sevenLtt of tbo whole race. rTo'i-bese must he addejll their pop idatirin Df thee .British; Islands, -$f .British America,, of Australasia- and .ofj. other smaller possessions,. .and thesul'jpcts of Victoria will then. reach the very resnec uWtotarnfSSG'OOO.OOO.' CbrnVi arobc beat's tlifslwhii autSOiOOO.OOCITUii klal bfchHtrfkridi nexi 'beidV.Ardnl V .1. u,u,v,a .away. ui inc. 'j, vi )fg lll(J flit! lint under the arm in the packet; orthcy wilil.-t.it dfOalose fium French fa,hioo ; but thU they will not doi scat or floor, actually l.wmg it. A roan -jo - tulir ' ,taJaiII With. a wUk-boub who exhibit 'Jeh a want "f appfpciafionf. tt 1 jJuh.liii air with, which, iher of a pocket h iTtdkeixrhiM a- tirt is not m ilt r ro uke! rd Ue caculicr he'-rrd tri"-i;- .';1l dl inft as easily JeT txrjate.in at way lhat woald .pa3 -ovl ffoV-ct, -of droi you. " ' ' . '.- vvin an amh-rtakrr toanarlv gtave ; ..iShrVniiid fyfr !..Wuo- I witlr hujthi-n Ai.d when ibey do talk .wnb.n'it Ving.ei'tbfer randy !gft bfyo'ud bi unhappy ofJii3.p7cket band.';rchict,.U iiever upon w ij. f Lic he tjie manners'of thf good terms .witUit.. A perpetual tiff st- nisi wkit U foi is tiie EnglUh funeral Id (Ttll-Deiwreii iiiera ; un-v arc ui.i , , , , Visioiv t eroes nnrpotfer.'-- ine nanaaer- 1 y . . I , 'll- .. w.. chief will not enmebrrt -ns'it engbt to do"; -7tPw a l Mrs. b'pmc'rviUe "Wlii-n 5f,wili pdt unfold pretyrly ; it ylil noi gJ'iLePI m-t Wo Mr. Siueivillc Lt info ' die. bnckeMfY'uhoat cpmpnWoru' tho first. tiim ha said,-j hia lofty w ay, j 'ut'wyethaivaiiv'auia Atut these, a, '3fadam,there hare been Tnly three wo 4wu'exViicable pcepU arc. tojbVmet. with men whe hafe 6i.d'irst6d 'nc--'yourtlf, !who'reducQtbUrIpciet,Wnikerchie M a Mis CreJgr-of :hetitotibgly.frOBiaw!Kpcetiliplaecs about i.wlBiBi.-urihtrpjvnrvi-tj been abba i leara , Jtliem, andethe haatUyardlogeticaHy'JanVtbM .Mis. Crcig,". sai Ittrddliii thef tjoeket'hine.'euiels" awiajr the modvst jlittle , woman. o, tbca, anlt of sight; 'aril ashtmitl Wiling seetyVthero are only two of.:your exrUlmed '. i i cuitivatul l!ian ei'ht sLr.r:. cr.;s contJo ing ihe same uuralxr of h'lV. Aa erB or "ten acres f corn cols f tf lejs mofcey to cnltirate if embraced In 'tnl Cy.er fifty rows than if double or tritdc the tj tia brr. Then thcie iiM inj tfcectre'ctf th loss from breaking ii down l.i'Idmlrf rf th farmer has h ft no hfad labdi te turn on, er has not two er tpree rows cf potite-'f-pJ.irted eo the otibide of ilile4 field. ' ' ; r ; '-' . il An r-M STmnt ef(Jen iftr&Mrjfpi' KtVrllM TaV'tnrj Tnr Basil Lea. the old.-st colored man in the ednory, fcclns;' in h rte hnndrrdth year, Waf killed lii thin eooeiy wiile lv waa bnrwieg break' in a" atw prmind and near a tree eotae men felieil with the axe. They hallooed at him and told hum to gtt of ib way bat U-iag" rather deaf, ho dkl- aet. lieaa them, and Ue tree fell 00 Jitia aad kilhnL hira. , Ho was a former tUve of General Washington, and waa twtUf years tdd. when Gi iHral Wabiigiu f ar hiia iii cJaoice to iic with bia aX. lj. Vmoi OT, ba.-old ;.bo pa ferrid being noli, aud j as, teut to Richmond aod put of 1 tie blr.k aad was bought by a, xaember of the Lea( flui'Iy Iu tb: to luty, ard bas rtm'aiecd. i.i that fa 10 iy" evt r ince. j ! j - MiUjn piewfefd. : m p- .:. We ai.vfniieuily -askedj what lathe Creditt loLi!.:r.. Here U a lacid dUcri liou of gm.iouily fornUhfd . hyThV Iotiisrille Couriuournallti , im ieiiereuc rref rKM.m-ux iu ine ifirnor wire ti ask Mliat ia tbia, Credit ' ilotfhVr ha papers' artr talkfngVol IhtfCh cibobf f ' VttlP it is simply a double joiuttdi hack aetjng eeuidlUigBiar b'me,mtdirtfvferA Frearh invention, biit it.u.c Mchititnca'ccea strnctioa that wecoiild'tweU deeciibe it withant "the'aisiatanes of a nnantit of diagrams and tbe portrait of naif the into J Wariau4irmtlic trees the red cherries )ibout oue-ijnarter of tbesegwres. Jau.22, 9rl$t. I,