V' J, , 'A - 'V-'.'f ' I'-.-f'-'-!'.'--.. " : .!" " -": - . - i; -v :. - r - i 51 I'- X . V i -Jr. M i "V I !i I?. . a i 4 (Carolina latcbnatt fiAUSBPBT.TnUKSBAT EBRTURT13- NEWS AND COMMENT. ty Mren thotySnd four hundred and thirty fire dollars mustj provided the current year to meet the bonds falling doe, and to pay interest on (he publkjiebtTr Among the debts are I To meet Russell Image's claim of three hundred and seventy five housand dollars :Mto pay Interest on fire hundred and sixty! seven . thousand in gold quarter bonds1 to Jan. 1, 1870. ; to pay bonds fallbg due thla year and 1874, and to psy the Interest on the public debt. The mes sage was referred to the joint financial commit tee to report yo-morrow. ... r , J When we Remember that the revenue deriv ed from Georgia's public Improvements, Ratl- VACCINATION. ; :l AQUAKEIlPIlINTEa'SPKOVEUBS The fallowing brief extract Is from an I Thou sbanltjst nevei tend an article for the last Boston Medical and nnbHc&Uon without rivinr the editor thy i ... I : t n, .. . - P i ' A young man by the name of Alonso L. Ad suns of Raleigh, while laboring under a tempo rary sbbcrstion, leaped from a second story w, tndow, frajtorinf his skull and causing death soon after. . ... jT , 'pvans of Boston, known as the North Wood I roaj- Jfor the war was sufficient to relieve iporaerer, coniesses vo uw auuug m ner people almostentlreiy oi taxes, we are .n iboyawwnan. x, ; dined 'to ask) yhence all this present d?b this t iRiAkls. ths Piir mnrderder. has been denied necessity for bnrdensome Uxes? -As there was a new trial or astay of iroceedIngs by Judge I no public debt of any consequence before the Soardraan. ; Ills oonnsel U1 apply to Judge 1 war, was the y resent debt incurreu ny tne wa i OavIsbftheSjpwMCourt. I No 1 jhat was repudiated in obedienc to th THE FENCE LAW.' ' f f wr the aaaisUnee of the powerles South or A coodly nttmber of farmers has urged 1 Er. th K.w vrk -Tms. the most mL. m tn adroes.tA the nnal of the fen'ee law. I liffnaot and onrdentiDZenemy of the South. I stride in or ratbertheenaetment of m law dobff U constrained to gits . its , approval to the Surgical Journal upon th anbjeet of rac- namd j it ofleniimca teeores pnbiicatioa to - . . . , - proposea scueme ot reuei. cinaiion. xue journal ttrery blzu tned- worthless articiea. . awaw,wiiK the sUyftnee. tho f.r - ' id authority in thi eoWry.and Twt add : Thoo ahonWst net r,p at the door of a protection of th farmer - against Uxa en- ' -. JUSTICE TO THE SOUTH. tt the recent preralenee of a malignant printing office,' for be that answerelh the croacnmenta ei nw uciguuur iwca. . i phe It' Is urged that eyery stock owner I . should I be rcqnircd to keep his stock on I jn -gjip f i r i I edicts oi the reoersi uovernmenw now come .(T.Oeary.oPennaylTania. died suddenly L. ettjj that the war-ruined people of iseae we ae j v of the Fed ersl Government How come bis own farm, and if this be done, the ne cejs. nav eessity for fences, in a great measure, will I ' ' . ; r ' ave been dispensed witb,andmm.ous of dollars in labor and wood saved annuaHy. , roU8 lne I Southern survivors of We know the greatest tax the farmer the war of 1812. That they should have has is ihcurred in being compelled to keep been stricken off that brief roll in a moment up his fences and this is not merely to pamowc passion wW cnougn, - I kon 4hnmrh tl ma. tint navn hMI KOflaln j-i nuv-. ,-,..(!- l;r Vl sihsii pox. in ios.on is excumg i rap toses umc v, NeT Y0! ' eofeilne anwonted degree of professional atten- ItJfver do thou loaf about, and ask : uoo, w mc iqdicci : ique&uona or a;noca qowq tvpr, or mo S the names Of DOUthern Dens I The followiui? nranoaitions am offend I ha lowiDsr nronosi , as matters ot belief. protect b.s own farmT against hi. stock, that they .volnnuJily, sympathized with KJS but bU neighbor's. It would take very the rebellion j' but is too late now to dis- ifh Wi ivi will love thee like they and some of them as I trees; when tbon leavest. matters f record : I Thou ahouldst -never read the copy on 1st. IVithout vaccination, one death in the printers case, or the sharp book eon ten from all causes would be the result of taining thereof, or be may knock thee small dot. 'i down. t. 2nd. Without vaccination, nineteen out I Never Inquire thou of the editor for the of twenty would have small pox. ' I news, for behold it is his business at the 3d. V ithout vecination. sixty-seven I appointed time to etve it to thee without even though it may not have been certain cenU of lho of ,mal, woold hat IliM' wnln.ililtf ilimiMl n.l1 tea K If . i It is not right that thou shouldst ask ! last 8aturday morninc at llarrisburg. - He had I uLTlifctf just returned the evening before from, x.cny, crifioe ? - Jt lg the child of Radicansm, the fruit apparently in good health. He was breakfosting of Radical robberies, the work of Radical with his family, and while in the act of helping ,v: t, L .J. ;n.i mi!nn nA iiV tl his little son, his head fell back, and before his xor& CuoliM swindle, ychjpt by some the wifo'could reach him he was dead. gute debt having been illegally tncn'rred, by Lrl1e Secretary of the treasury has revoked force and frand, and for corrupt purposes, It the order calling in one hundred millions of should be blotted out, wpudioed, and he pov- , . , . nveiweuiies to oe paw just ui. oecauiw luir i rvjr f-vivivii jw w w5-" . . . . . j it. . m.. I .j :. Tni v..AtuAnr.vi4itor fnrl uselessly exrjended in this way every ' she new loan are maue pavaois j ud am. mpvm, wui ! i , - i . i . . is The colored men of Washington Qty, held a . ' . ha ktaw.i immi- Lu t: L : widows to the pension roll is more impor ..t.. W.7h l( rTrdino' i jilmn tTiir I H v - l suau uave to maite some arr&iiKvuicuk w v"" w litUe fencing if each farmer was reqmred cuss w fa duty lo keep such things unto io proicct uis ianp sgamst iu ravKgc t r.-"r? T- , I OtU. With viccinatlon, tbs per centage himselt. bis.own stock only. But, besides keep- J"1 3unV f""' "" om5Qam of deaths from small pox! is only about When thou dost enter bis office, take ion dost not look inir fenced up necessary pasturage for bis V "S ""J I' S. 'vTl eight of the two per cent, who will take it. beed unto thyself that th own stock, b. must also keen up a fence iT? a!Z? . 6th: 4 P" "b.o T Uying open or concerneth v.T . i . , ., T S T VM""wr 7 -r; have bad small pox will have the second-1 tbe nor, for that ie not meet in sight of around his entire place,' on either side of the late campaign.. We are heartily glad disease than those who have been good breeding. every road that passes through his farm, imi ipese gentlemen can nooesMv oeciare y iccinJllea. That is to say, vaccinia is a Neither es amine thou the pro of sheet, and around every field, to keep off bis l"cnj f uv ruKT Tu' , 1,w" better prevention of varioloid than small for it is not ready for thine eyes, that thou wnsa wn a m nwnm v w na m a iiinn in ni-viss in b . ii ill t r. .. - . : - i i i . m . - . ia. xiamanizcu virus is more iiKciy 10 i i reier mine own town paper to any mmAnini stocK. it is nara w esumaie . sMwaa w saasre crushed enter- And the Baltimore Sun says : " The late decision of the House of Repreaenta- taut as indicative of a readiness to look ! take than the orijnnnl virus from the cow. I other, and subscribe for it immediatelr. 8th. Humanized virus, whether it takes Pay for it iu advance and it shall be or not, does not produce such severe con I well, with thee and thine. peopl no objection to their aiding the Cubans. think the Cubans entitled to sympathy apd ma terial aid. Their struggle is for liberty and indepeiidence, I . MrKUlian of Gaston county, was killed by a saw log rolling upon him. ( Davidson College has one hundred and eight students In the regular classes. '' CapL Juho C Brain is trying to establish an Ice Manufactory at Charlotte, Is. C repudlat!e Or be 8QPP,y l!fi Place of wood fcnceB wb not orer 1861 to 1812 than from any great ized Tjru8 0f S cow Tirns l$ . people' of the Uow t beneft. it oufer un the number of ier ,n iu protectiTe effects; , 01 asmngvoo v.y, . - M haTe k, inst, regarding Cuban affairs I . 'K ,natrv and passed resolution that it was the duty of the I ""1 12 T"v "7 7 loredpeoDleoftheU.S.toaid Cuban patriots I T . V TT ' " T." :T"ir7 .hyVwbutmaterially. The mas. " KlSien Our own opinion is that the legislature persons in meetini orders preliminary arrangements for a I0" 'li10 "T.- " kI-..--L.-M 'r.- cted by this action of the House. do geem ' --- ri ann in inwir nnnnrui mnL niuiiiuEr uie iraiiinif uuuiu iiul uiiiici s a cabci uaasBiascx. uuvu w. 11 . - i National Convention to be held the 3d of March , . Tr . , ..1 7 , , , i . Al 11 now rau Blxv ye".,nco luo B1- if colored oeoDle in Cuban interest. We have cb"n8 nd cWl way th burden lha,f T1 U,c tote than b PMluS law at once diers of that period bore arms in defence sMtational symptoms virus does. 9th. It is not proved that either human- the bet as ; primary cow I Uut the above out and put it in your hat tor future; reference. ho are certain individuals do not seem sncceplible of variola. 1 1th. There are certain individuals who do not seem susceptible of vaec'natioo There is a ship now railing from Hoi land, built in 1G58, when tbo Prince o Orange was fighting Phillip II of Spain She was sailipg to the Indies when the Hollanders organized themselves into the t4Beggars of the Sea," and as a privateers NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. Bargains! In order to make Barg room for !! A off my re. stock, I am com pelted to sel vwr m . ri m tnamtni wier owee eortsuunr f BEADY MADE CLOTJIlNfJ, HATS BOOTS. AND SHOES, in all of which GREAT BARGAINS are givWi. VICTOR WALLACE,. ,Feb.g,tf V ( . ,j TBTMMTNG- THBES,. The ondendrned has had SO y of exnerL eae, and has qttalioed himself by careful Rtadr in uam mn oi uimmms; iron iree. ana gralting. He solicits orders ia this line of bosiocM. Cat furaUh grafts of choice: Applet Pears, Cherriea. aad Gages. " ' Orders iprompUy annrered If left at Foster & norah's Store, Salinbory. I . G. E. 1IUMF0RD. Feb.6,2L i I C v w. . wm jLGom vuTto rei stcctnurt GULUEtt t.Mof Im,So jnr.Vat Vitf UjJUxtt wlL TUXT m OCX, Ixiuni, Cavisii. Fresh Garden sieds.fT G K Barker A Co, J would mrriluI7y ar txxmc that tbey havejunt received larnsvp ply Fanai Qardci HEEce, of every vmristyi irom LaiKirdh and Bulrt. The public is inrilej to gite them a call si their Drug Store on Main Street. Jan. 1C if. ( j DAVIE HOTUL, IN MOdKSVlLLH,N.C. at home under penalty of forfeiture. It . ' ss a f . t a t reoeaiiner all nreseut, tence laws ana re-1 ot toe country, ana tne numoer ox survii 10. u .uf ...11 .r.. 00 . : ' . . . . tempted to fill upon the bones and muscles of I ' LAtviAl mtv vor. must be very small. But the money T " "l man "lea .fepuUtiop which astonished O - ' " g' ' 1 m l l was is uv as a wa 1 as w ss w v wn 1 a" 1 jj 13th. A succeesfnl re-vaccination is no individual re vaccinated taken small pox. parties. ! nere is too mucn money, wooa piay w uie oouiucm cumuiuuum, it cuu and labor wasted in" keeping up fences J7 a jgificance which is of interest to What say the farmers? We would be WUU1' f-t the present and future generations. Cast off the unclan thing I .The President has approved the bill for eight mr alnnnal !i I. 1 ! The funeral; ceremonies of the late Vica-Gen- eral Starrs, took place at St. Patricks Cathedral, .m.ll.al na i-f nf t K mittpr If I Via artinn might bear hard npon some at first, but it of lhe may fegaraed as iudica- proof that the would soon work to the advantage of all tjng a returning sense of jus.ice andair woum naYe t. . . mi : 3 .1 :: :. ! The Ikfarauis of Lome presided at a meeting ted by Archbishop McCloskey, the funeral ora- hld In London, on the 8th instant, bv the West lion was preached by Bishop Loughjin, of County hishlanders. The Marquis deprecated Brooklyn, f New York cltv. on the 10th inst. The church , T i" ' l. m was draped id lblack, and was crowded to almost glad to Lave an expression ot opinion suflbcatum. Aj pontifical high mass was celebra-1 from theui. LETl'ER FROM MISS IDA GREE LEY TO JUDGE HAST. Cottage Place, Jan. 29. 1873. Dear Judge Hast: I am so much dis- It is estimated that the profits for the last ten years on the l, sewine machines manufactured in this country amonnt to I tressed by the report of yesterday's pro Even Beast Butler makes fliugs at the $200,000,000, and the estimated profits in eeediiigs at White Plains that I must Mobilierites. In a discussion with Gar 1871. S20.000.000. In 1872 at least withdraw from a contest which oar oppo- world. She passed the Cape cf Good Hope in October, 18G4, from B itavia for liolland, being then 201 years old. An other old ship is the whaler Rosseau, one of Stephen Girard's, built at PhikdelpbU in 1802, and repaired recently at New Bedfoi d. The planking was remored, the first time in seventy years. The live oak timbers underneath were found as sonnd as they were' the day tbey were first put together. i Scottish emmigration. j He regretted to see I , dispatchlirom Cincinnati, Feb. 10 says the &eId tno olner day he said : MY bat, at- s.5venhundred thousand machines were nents are determined shall be waged over Scotchmen leave the country, even to go tq i tow beat PaM reported as having struck a log. I toes; you 7 Wo. I have too much respeet made; and allowing that two hundred ray faibere grave; for not even to carry Hox. Jamts Bkooes. It irems that Hon. Jamrs Brooks, about whose compli city with Crt-dit Mobilier fo much valoa ble lndirnaiion was eipetided by the " ftt -O" t r mm . . m k I . . I . - . HIVIi&UUiui WW S S V M IS SSUVT B V Y W Glasgow, but was deeply grieved when they Captain wam uhon but was chilled to or a e ae mortma uU n181 Don- thousand of them were exported, the sev. out bis ast wishes can 1 permit a memo- thicvillg Rieals, purchased his. shares of went to the United States. If, however, people death, and seven others were lost. i um e corapsnir. uuiusn nwreu v ibi . '"""' the stock before he became a meraW of were determined to emmigrate, he hoped they would stick to the old flag, and go the British colonies. 1 Two persons were killed and one hurt by the caving of an excavation near Louisville, Ky, Saturday last. r The boilerlof Yates and Brothers' Agricul tural Works, pavana, I1L, exploded on the 10th j inst, killing both proprietors. I . It is said that President Grant is shortly to ; make an. extended tour of the South. He did this thing three or four years ago, returned I consistency in it. The government of Turkey has sent assist I home, and published flattering reports concern-1 may be, we do not consider that any of his ance to, the fcarthouafce suflerers on the island ing the poopl of the South ; but as soon as he to,'. .wiJU nm Ttn1o . CXO.UUU.uuu lor uie nve nunarea tnousana, crawu. nn dcbi inanas 10 y ourseu, iur. , J. , . ' $5,000,000 covering the cost of manufac- Neleou and Mr. Choate, for the very kind man whose crimes m number almost equal turin ftnd patentfecl. r It ia wel known efrorts which yon have all made in behalf the sands on the sea shore, throwing stones tnat (J,e gewingmaehino patents are about of myself and s'ster, I remain, with much at the poor devils wbo have sold their J to expire, and there is a formidable combi-1 respct, very truly yours, votes for monev. And vet there is some nation of interests at Washington to lobby I.i ! K n ml TTntfovnr haA Pnttor I lDe,r extension inrougn congress, a uere w wa wa - . t are aooui iwcoiyrnve sewiiig-inacu.ne (Sigocd.) IDA F. J ioin in the sentiments of this hi tor. of Lam oa. i found it necessary to promote his selfish . ends to eat his words, he proceeded to do so with the utmost gusto. I We hope that the Southern peo- Late intelligence from the North of Spain ays the Oar lints force which was defeated by the Spanish troops at Aya has re-formed and is 'Wgaln ready to take the field. General Mori voea, commander of the royal troops at Alaaque, is spprehenstve of an attack by tbe Insurgent which he fears he would not be able to resist, and .urgently demands that reinforcements be sent to him. General Olio, who commands 20,M Januaiy r 20th,fdoing great destruction. companies in the United States, five of . : r -1 - - crimes aie equal in enormity to that ot a them manufacturing probably three-fourths representative of the people selling his of all the machines produced. The norai vote. These credit Mobilierites have nl capital of there twenty-five companies r 1: 1- v- nnn rrn 1 :.. .J l:.:... i t . .1 T"i . : I IB BDODl CU.VUU.UUV. BIJU 111 UUIIIliOIl lO pie will not jd crazy over his visit. He has done J7 n re..c..ry, . . , , , nothing for them to demand their love and and it they get justic there is wber they a uy y on tUo various patents usrd esteem. . Lt .him pasi through quietly, and will go. by the "tributary" companies, as thov aie .1 . ! . 1 ... . I . - ... wunoui any ringing oi oeiis or cupping oil uut w,n Consrress punish them and called. Wilmington Journal. thus purge the body of those who have OREFLEY. i of this h'ttor. (Signed,) OABBIELLE GREELEY. Congress. IU share amounted to ut thw : hen the people clccUd him to Congress he translerml the slock to his son-in-law Nfilson S 10,000 and XeiUon subsi-qut-ntly repaid Mr. Brooks his outlay (S10,000) ahd there the matter ended. That is the head and front of all the offi nding charged against the Democrats hands. COO Carlists, has defeated the government force 1 vessels were near Devain the Province of Guipuicoa; and now threatens to attack the troops under Gen; ; TJrgara.! ': ';-.. - ' - I j A court at Liseux has sentenced nine persons to a fiae and imprisonment for affiliating with Jjiternationals. ' The Swiss Council of State, has stopped the ked and lives lost. A terrible Cyclone passed over Aspinwall, on brought shame and disgrace upon the Manf conutry t We shall see. For the Watchman. ORIGIN OF THE TERM, "NULLI- FIER." r7r Arroic Rock Tragedy - Tate of the Men who tried to Fire a Toicn. The tel egraph mentioned some tiuc ago an at tempt to burn the lit lie town of Arrow Rock, Missouri. We now grt the dra matic and exciting particular: of the do ings of the 44 fire fiends," fas they were called, and the sndden exit of the le.ulcr from the scene of his crime. The fires were a mercantile venture. Being liquor traders, the inccudiarirs wished to destroy all competition. So the town was set on So long snd favorably known tq the nubile, ' bas not Urti ckd, ax reported ; bet u null kcrt KHiut iu-uaag i mcir OKI irkenoa anJ me travelling putlje. paios via U sfisrad n . k . l . . : i Jan. IS Snioa. j 1 Ir 1 PKI.TIJ'Q OFFICE FOR SALE. The Press, tynoj and fixtures of the Tribune Office, formerly the lamitxtr Of5ce, is off.-rrd for sale on iW&aAn&l.I tTms. Apt4y to Ji J. Stewarti Jan. 16 if. ' MILLINERY REMOVED. W'vm McMnrrav herel informa hef customer and th public t nrral lr that abs baa reeaovctl . oi:e dour V where; ahe fonuerlf vw, nd ha mdded to ber well aelrcted atork of Millmerr, -all kind- of ladies, fnmiahing good oaual) j kepi in Millinery Storr. She willtw pleased to ksvs the ladirt call on ber at ber new plav, and ex amine bvr Mutk. oecjly lara, To Fanaeraj Fertiliasrs. 1IAVIXO leconte agent for Jonlr McxaT Mix Sl Vo Ikliimorr, for lhe a tjf their an pvrior Anvifilated Ito!va.I 33on rertfl- tt- t : ti ti ti i i xzer, i ouit uie rtme in anv qaaituea mrair- JLghiray HUerv.-Yif karnM yr- ed. at oer ion. ea-dn-iw'nfVnM-X t i... lernay ini one nay last weeK, wnile Mr. alrctlr JJ ten t'n. Thi Fcrtilitr baa bwi Y m vill V - 1 1I.-OJI Ired th at MoorfS' rj"vai t m a if av a IUV LT'CVlUItCIVI ru C'ontr. was ricimr tn the cuH.itrj netir Columbia, S. (J-, ho w affaukcil, knocked from his horse, and robbed ol $200 in mooey. Mr. WiUou arrivca in inarlotle yesterday and was ulct u to his home on the States ville train. These are fhe facts as we heard them yesterday, j The Columbia Union, how ever, states that Mr. t ilson was thrown There is another report from Washington tnai tne so-caiiea is.u-is.iiix are to be par doned ; but that all new cases will be punished 1 with the utmost severity of the law. BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt notices have been coming in so ra pidly recently, that we begin to fear that we shall really have to eo into bankruDtcv ouraelf. WW t 1 tfST I m n m m m I w v uerscnei vJOunson, oi ueorgia, nas been The business has grown to considerable magni elected a Judge. tude, if we are to judge from the long list of a. f . ii v . I . toreigner travelling; in mis country t0 ensare tbe destruction of obnoxious about tool remarks: "The term "NuVifier which, like the word ' "Radical" in Kugland has now grown into common use, was first adopted by the members from South Carolina, in Congress about two years aero : the doc- I - ? t .1 . V ll. ' - 1. I Pkarlu ThiitMi. h.a ;H I . iL. If 1 W " I .... i . . . . ' . . . . r 1 1. . u . i t . . r r trine tnev protess was Droactied about the k-i ti . r . ttiMl tntt tintinthAriuwl mtwl nirif tftBKIiBnin I lO IDB JuVSierV OI J!ilWin ArOOu LAirofl?h Ilia I noLli?tVLhi! flrllnwincr nsnriAa fvtkm Kwn imnn. I . " . .... . . uni ucr. J. lie unuirs vi " - fire at such places as would U most likely b L'u Lo an pron0Qnce8 the robbery to ensure the destruction of obnoxious nxrt untruft. WV have our version of ih 1 - j i , Baionnp. The men engaged were tbo landlords of a tavern outside of the limits of the town the accommodations being repre sented by a email stove, a couple of stools, some loose boxes, a card table a negro I story from !a gentleman altogether rvluble. Char. whom we deem Observer 4th. A separats bishopric for Geneva. The Coofer enos at Basle, has determined to establish S rrand bishopric of dissidents from Borne, . , The rule in counting the votes of the Elec . ioral College, in Joint convention of Congress, is that; upon objection to any vote, the Senate hall repalf to ' its chamber, and each House . stall consider the question. Unlaw the House concur the vote shall not be counted. It is un der this rule that the vote of Lousiana will I probably be thrown out j j 1 i A telegram from Washington, dated Februa ry 9, sajs some important movements ef troops " Medium " in Vermont, But if it is no better than the part he wrote before his taking off, it is hardly worth while for any one to gb into ecstacies over it. KingAmadtus of Spain has abdicated and the Kingdom has passed into a Republic by a large vote of the Spanish Cortes. r ' j MARKETS. New York. jFeb. 12. Stocks active i weak Gold steady,' 14, Money tight, l-32al-16per cent. Exchage long Q 3-8; short JO 14. j Governuieut3 dull ; steady. State bonds dull. Cotton weak, sales 673 ; uplands 21 ; the advertisements in the Statesville American : same time. A nullifier is a person who holds that the federal constitution is mero- steady. ot 1 a vi : ii. tri .i x !n'Ji:- ..i . i i ..t . iirit:ausi r mur eieauy. rv neai uuh. i -roareu oy uie w ar ipartmem, Corn quiet polk $U 5Q ye and that paper are reaping a rich harvest, i cuc wnicu wm vw w iaaa irom ine favo buyers; ; western steam 8 3-lSa8 if no one else is. JHaies oi n-emucay, worm ana aoutn tjaroiina, 4 Turpentine favors buyers 67 l-2a68 Alabama and Tennessee, the great portion of j Bosin quiet $3 G5 strained. Freights quiet. the United States military foices stationed In J. A. H. Lippard, Wilson Trott. Joseph us Ir a cbmnact or lea&rue between the several W. Hall Newberry F. Hall Joseph Blackwell, bUlcs ; and that each state has a right to George H. Gheen, James B. Gibson. Thomas j j 1 1 . if a Watson. D. B. Wood, Phillip Owens, Tv. ecule for itself concerning the infractions Wiseman. of that league by the federal government, From Davie county, we notice J. W. Naylor, and to nullify or declare void an act ot John Bailey, Caleb Bowden, J. B. Ellis. the federal Congress within its limits." Burke county. Thomas J. Hallyb.rton, Jos. UsO of the term, "rcitr," as applied to Bnttain, and Lh P. Moore. 1 j ttrrn j vv j Henry M. Rhine, Robert Rutledge and J. S. Cfked meat8j "Tl'e. Wo.ri r?rJ', "I ! Wells, of Gaston county ; J. H. Forney and E. that ' ud which is given by Johnson, D. Hawkins, of Rutherfordton ; Mills Higgina, on the authority of Drydon, is no doubt of McDowell. one of many which have retained in A mer- The above is a pretty respectable list for one meaning iu which they are not now issue of the American, and shows that the law- U8cd ,n England, but which was doubtless were Coiner, Swimey and fclder. Coiner was first arrested. He was honnd, but strnggled desperately, and at one time tore the rope from his hands and tbo ban- daze off his eyes, but was brought to to terms by a grip on his throat that bro't him to his knees. The effect was to ex tort a full confession. ' Swimey was then captured, and m.ireb cd to the ice bound river. An open place was eut through the ice. He was thrown in three times, and three limes drawn out, still refusing to confess. By way of va a v . . riety, XjMvt, lne negro, was strung pp FEDERAL AID FOR THE SOUTH. those Stoics snd to locate them at other points where the interests of the government may re quire their presence. It ia learned that there are no troops now under . ordem for service In Ptah and Idaho, and it does not apoear that the department Immediately contemplates sending rwl Invrprrri thrno timra Hp. tno. waa carried oyer the Atlantic by the settlers a pap cxpregiM it, " as stubbum as ot a nunarea years ago. icontess that 1 a muie.' Then these two ; worties were was for some tnuo in error. 1 beard every confronted with Coiner, wh; had acknow one around me giving order that his meat hedged all, " the three glared at each oth SUOUld DC "rare, ana 1 thGUglli It a mis- P likr wild ni.imala." t'oiiier and Klder PREes ASSOCIATION. The I rh Nnrthrn nanra a -t pronunciation ot tue word rrare . j .i . I last edition of Webster says : ' This word At Night. Here is one of Thackerar.'s pliasant tonclw s : ' It is night now, and here is horuc Gathered under the quiet roof, elders and children lie alike at rest. In 'he midst of a grrat peace And calm, lhe stars look out from the henveus. The sileuce is pimpled with the past ; sorrow ful rumors for sins and shortcomings, me mories of passionate joys and grief me out of their graves, both now alike calm and sad. Eyes, as I shut mine, look at me, that hive long ceased to shine. The town and the fair landscape sleep under the starlight, wrcaihrd in the Autumu a ' a mists, x wmaiing among the houses, a light keeps watch, heieand there, iu what may be a; sick cbsmlxr or two. I he clock tolls'sweetly in the silent air. Here is uigbt and rest. An awful sense of thanks makes the heart swell, aud the head bow, as I p.t.s to my room through tbe sleeping bouse, and feel as though hushed blessing were upon it." IMn.valltf IffnMM.A m I.I. - A. . kcucimii iwuicrgcu iriiu uie IIODOrianCO I ... . 1 IT'. 1 o . . 0 lujimi wiivs 1 . , .Ammnn I1MO in IhA lliiilori Ktsla A short tfme since tho Wtlmiugton to the whole nation of putting the South- hnt it ia not. at nresent. in rood usa in r !.. .k . i il . . . . I Zl . " ' ' " o - journal suggstea tno toimation of a Stale I era states on tbeir lees again, financially. 1 Eueland." I w-. . j'. ... .- i 'i 1'ress Association ; and it is gratifying I as speedily as possible ; and the' pleas auy in addition to the ibrees of the government tbat the suggestion has met with much lantly startling proposition for an issue of already serving in proximity? to the Mormon I favor from the newspaper men of the Statr, one hundred million dollars of bonds by country,;! A regiment wiU'BOon be sUUond The matter is one of much importance the Federal Government in aid of th a on iua w uranaii v account 01 tne iron- and wj jXLa good uo step backward Journal' put he will now For the Watchman. Mansers. An Englishman, some years ago, visiting this country remarks : were then irnt to ail. Swimey still remained. Silently the spectators drew 1. .1 .a lots, and nve men separatea irom the cowd, took Swimey in their midst, and .w a. - m wa departea. At dawn he was louud hang ing in tbe woods dead. hies in that seeuoa, and in other parts of the Couth they will be gradually withdrawn. ' ' 1. . j-. t , An adjourned meeting of the survivors of the Utxicao war held at Pittsburg, pa, on the 8th Inatailt, and a memoaial to Congress was sp-N proved which sets forth that almost a genera tion has .now passed sines the conquering col iMuo dictated an honorable peace with Mexico, and but few of the men who participated in that war are left to ask bouuty of the government. That in f lew of th benefit derived by the na tion through the acquisition of California and Iff ew Mexico, they ask Congress to grant a pen sion' comDssnMarate with this results springing from their services and achievements. That as these provinces were acquired from Mexico for tbe sum of $15,000,000 added to the cost of the war, and that heritage was fcogb t for by private soldiers st seven dollars a month, thsy appeal to Congress to remember them in their declin ing years. It Is said that His Majesty, King Amadeua, tjttoftin, manifastsa diKpoaition to abdicate the Crown. The people of Spain oagU never to hart allowed him to be crowned King of that too much governed country. The Geneva. Grand Council has decided a gninst the complets separation ui Church and ''-The Rev. A. W. Mangum, of Baleigh Is stil dnable to perform bis pastoral duties. ; . Gorernor Smith, . of Georgia jent a message tt the Lsglalature nf that State last Moftd to tin x&iiihixt ijrb jwUlion fit hundced and six A COLORED WEST POINT CADET ! W1TDRAWN. Cadet Samuel Gibbs, colored, son of the Secretary of State of Florida, with drew from West Point on Monday. im 1 u DDI waa innointM m. rnjfi in 1 he following, taken from tho Weekly Mar. 1872. bv a eoWd Herald, published at Grand Haven, not examination, and entered the Academy in uiiiy answers iuc uulsuuii, uuh coaciu ti-d in I to wan and Ifdll, and (ruTod to be the bt ret trie.!. i O.-dr lrft at lne Store of Mock A Brown ill rcerire prorni altrntion. Ifnopd E. A. ntorsT. SALE OF VALUABB-Q' LAOTD. Br virtue of a Decree of UeSan-ior t'onn Howan CVHinlr. I will ofTer for Sale at iLh auction, at the Cuirt-lfciic door in'KalwlMiry, n aaxaraay, uie nrsx aay 01 xebnr- ; ry XText, the foiloaig Tracu U Land, to wit : line Tract onntaininir atmut I SOU AC It EH, lying on the YjulViffTviTer. adjoinint Uie lands of the heirs of WiirtamTocke. dee'd-and of JoA II. Jenkins, dec'tL, and ImmediaU-ly bn the line of the N C K ft. Alau, one other Tract eooUia- ing nbuttt 40 3-4 Acres. Sitnits on the Sosih Yadkin River, adioinia ik Unda of Lewis Correll and Peter W. Ilainion. SaM Uraia belong to the Heir of Jacob CorrHl decd. fb?" Terrua, ooe-ihird Cah, one-third Is air month, and Uie rcmaiader in tweltf nxmlhs, witli rnd and aptroved!wciiriiy. Title reaerv ed nnlil the purchase monev ia paid.) JOHN A. HOYDEN, ComV. January 11th 1873. ' J At the aame tiros and place I wdl sell the wiJow'a IXjwcr in tbe above 303 acres of land.' So as to give the purcliaacr an oaisenmbered title to the whole tract. I J n. 22 tf. j J. A BORDEN. ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. move will take South Seem, to be very generally regard th Juristic of the Americans : and 173;" CT. vlik. i! J POe U est Point . , A the ; Wilmiriston with favor. Forney. Philadelphia Press th.uk that tbn is ereat tmth in the. re- VUt. 7 ZZ.Z:' -uulZ " e wituarawal. lie : jii ball in motion, we hope I in discussing the matter says'' mark ; but 1 do uot like it when it is so Gulf at Pensacola: President Bennett closed about a week Zo snd whfeh'i.rovl) designate a time and place of "The financUl condition of the Southern Wry c?mmnu't r-Unfarmu us that be has secured a loan death to the military aspirations ofCad-t we have no doubt will be SlaWs is now a more serious problem tban c 3 , V .1 7? . i o ' 8umcient to construct and camp tbe rail Qibbs, are j represented to have been nn- i their political eonditien. The war of course. umVT w" ' ' HV". 0,lCBt road he lias sometime been. laboring at. meeting which generally approved by the fraternity!. COUNTRY fiDITORS, ATTENTION. ing a r w" " - a w. V. V. W M B w. .. . . . ... . . I left them impoverished and burdened with wilhout observiag inrttviflnals l do notjfroin Grand Haven through Ohio via Co- laeD. 11 was oxpecieo mat tnev would ran I say many 1 wno woum utiuvhiit t; ocen 1 lumbus 011 to IJ neinnAti snd 1 inr h. ... . .-...! - : ' 7 . . . .. I - " " idly recuperate, out instead tbe indebtedness very sorry to have been tliouiii guilty of Pensacola, Florida, conwrct.pir the best i . t . I . , . 1.1 i. ui ludt nas swoieu mountain nign, repuaia I any uon or uauarupicy aremeoniy alternatives, whfn itho The first is now seriously considered bv some I 2r ti m 1. of these Commonwealths, and may be resort-1 !a".'; i . . , ed iruprouriety, putting tkew hats on seryicc was over, in the very trTn, W rUnU ,T.!J eousWered a. part of the national manners, i to ni less some plan is devised by whieh , , 1T r. . s . i . , in may be averted. In Virginia the State Bat in the United Suts there is no stand lable topay its millions of bonds, proposes Iu .manners their political ludepen- There is mora than una way of kil eat. and more than one way of striking at tbe liberties of the people. It is unfortunate ly, not generally known, that Secretary I rum mm, Miiwiut i nnjtniA in rMT lta mtllinna nt lwtnls. nr.imua scheme (TOou Congress, which, if success-1 a :L drnrn la fltnt imi-a StnnurriTitilil w idi'titi ... -,. w. . . , . . . - i I fc" us luauiauw IHWUCM, UU IU I --."....- f f J fill W III .iiBlllt In Avtwnln Half 3 I a . . . i. . . . . . . m . . ' . ... wre...uM..s " I ery part or tbe lately insurrectionary section. I ned witn independence ot D navior tbat o-thirds, of e newspapers in theUJnited poverty, procures for individuals an unfavorable ouner u a pruuwiuun - ui require bii I .irrrtrtMiil nM.n lnti... . .t - i .1 jui.: : i .o- .,KY;;..;o .v- I r opiniUO ui wuicn uie im-n anu.iiieir minus UKPWi ? Lcaiwa uaipujBuviB aa uiruai SixaiT uihubkc i t.aiA as Kah mm il. r 1 1 . a KuUail & . ri . 6R. z . . I are alilt r- w. 1 eiai ijovernment come to tne reliet of these office eharees now Dald bv each subscriber;! ., i r . u-i- j :. s i.:. J . ! I WHIK9I BUI UIUO HIVIMTU Ik IU UU ... . and Isymg tbe- burden upon the publisher. J cent Speech on the eorriipUons of Southern PtSM?n,,tD inclination to nave the hats, i nere are Yery jew newspapers, oui 01 we politics and business men in all the great "owis, cioats, gloves occ, anjusieu auo cities, which cOpld bear the expense. This J trade centres eordially approve it. The debt I n readiness for egress, while the bei-edic- isascwroein viaWon 01 we spmi onus of North Carolina is $30,000,000, Sooth Car- J tion is pronouncing This is very irrever constitution, wtblcb . guarantees the freedom, oIa $16,000,000., Virginia, $47.000, 000, eut and uiiheeoming. , o( the preM.ngton Caucasian. ; Georeia. $10,500,000. Miasissioni.5.000.. W ilit . rAn. ml!' a 1 1 I nnrw r .. aas nnn rvs w as I ; o o i r Honey sbatrs are trying to govern tbe ' 1,wu', ,orMUU, I man, after the service was bomph iely harbor ou Lake Michigan with the best harbor on the Gulf of Mexico. The loan also iurludes sufficient to construct a line of ocean steamers, connecting the trains by direct route to Uuba. I are at iite nnworttav. Theie is too often in many pf onr con Trial of the Plymouth Mail RoUbcrs. It will be remembered that the post office at flymoutu was robbed by some person or persons on the night of January. 15th. Since which time, Col. T. B. Long, the usually severe and searching and about twenty of tho backward young men wen foud, which implies that they ai e deficient in marks, and foiled to pus an examina tion. In other words, when a eadct is ' found,' he is lost to the Academy, and returns to civil life." The same corres pondent slates that, while Gibbs was not maltreated! he, with 8milb, the other col ored cdel was completely ostracised, so cially, by t,he otbr cidtls. No story of heathen mytltoht&y (kts writter iu App'o's Jiwrnal). whieh tells .a. ! n tint i aii8irmaiiin ! nnmau or eI-stial u. : -.1 . .t r- l r. . '.i rt w'K" iiiii I'wuu ir irrt-a. arc ro itriau gou .ur onn Carolina, fo, a, .hal 0- is w,eh ,h.vorth Anian nas Deen on me iracx oi tne onendersw Indian- ivihi i.riiu t.f tlir -t.t,K . i a m t . n- - r " aw --- 1 " - r rioay nteni last, ioi. Lour caused to be is. iu aub..isur. tbat a b. antiul drt. nor. arrested Gray Griffith, Joseph Griffith, J. J sued by a river gl. took rfugs atiKiug the tr. Usbome, V lilt Ilallis sud John A len ireeils, tw iainir thnn sbnt her to bide who were duly tried before U. S. Com- hen-flf. upon wbieh hr slender trni was missioner. Wm. Atkinson, at Plvmnmb chantrM inf.. a rae-iui sta.lt. ht-r tnaa into nnnnnn t . j i . 1 r r I ir ,f ...... . 'I mllr.wh.tMikt.nilii.aiiJ kiva.lv. fl..uti. hair , a -w w - a - - . ava a.Ma -- . w a 1 - ... - - - a awr w a a a. mm 1111 laaaa a 1 1 . r .anai aw w . . this plan suggested is that Coneress authorise f" ".7 lUB QOl f.'"?r A fn, At" a',. X'T J 1U beudi.g sulk of In oynisiside, said, "flou t do lhat; r- ti . . v i i I UMkVCO VI CaMJa.AAf .UUU, everything;" now-adays. And ' this I plan soeeested is that I.- Li.. :J.iilthai8aii nf tim fYWflYl nf KnnJ. liw thm OJ nlSj Side, 8a ,o- o .uFf e.. cou.ry w y ns awwn would not do that.' tnailA tiA 4 am K 4ha : swa4aawAavw mm 9-Awmm. 1 . I . . w I "? . 8u,taw restrictions, among tbe Southern olixing the business, f Rings arid MoAotv V1 Jiabilitiea eontrwted since fNapoleon IV," is tall, slimed of nn- fiee, were bound over in Je;sum of $2, ii w . l nrip inv vnrtft Ar-mrnrnsi imnmrarnAnt h i iirruuBar-asinp' innraranrj? j ' 1 ' m rw ' ' '-'V 1 IS I w T es;sassvr (wpvi vauM v w w j " Z " 9 T IT oJiesase the childron of lUdiwItsta. t jAIl i their respective Sute governmeou.M Eitherlittlo attention to dress, a are the cwuoiesoj Uo pcouJc. . 1 ; jthia or sojjjy other iueasuje nuwt pe adopted I pass for a JivbfSiV, pcu ...r fcUC ue..uni.,fni tne prose- ji.n .n, . ,hatt afu.n u th. rottUj canon was conauciea oy jonn a Moore, nf A wavinr corn field, red man eoaU hear Jbsq, and uoi. Jing. X be two Griffiths, the starring of a company of timid girls, one of whom was a clerk in:tbeposl of-1 1 - i tmm, fiee, were bound over tn the sum of $2.-1 The oldVst member of Queen Yietoria'a ww 9 ' I . a a r . m. c w - tee. pays very auu to appear oetore tne Spring Term of Priyy Council is Lord St. Leonards' aged i, and would easily, tbe United States District rort. - 91 ; the youtifffst. Prince Arthur, affed CssQTaUiPEiSS Beliable Gift Diatribe doo In lbs Coantry! SlOO,O0O 00 Z2T VAXTTASLS QHTfl ! TO BE DISTEIBCTID L. D. SliMfs'S 40th SEMI-kNNlUt I FT JuNTERPHISE, To be drawn Modt Marck 2U, 1873 ONE GlfAND CAPITAL PljlZE. $10,000 its Gold: One Prizo $5,000 in Silver! -1 Firs iwliMi tLOOOl Mve nir lXX resell JS U Ut.. liACSwO. ! Ten prise- $100 J i Two Family QxrrUtr ttmd JJafekett lUmt jmkk MrerXwUd Umuml worth 100 eaeS Trj Unrie. Horses, kit. Wtnih 3n0elif - TwiiFiu-t'nnlUiwwMvlrUwth$20ll ' each ! Teu Family SwiSg Maebinrs. wwrtlj . flOaracb! 1500 Gold oad SJwer htetr Hunting Walekft wvrtk from $tJ0 IS $J00 euch t Gold Chains Silver ware. Jewelry Ae Ac, , Whole umber Gifts, 10,0 0Q .. Tiekets Limited to 50,000. AGENTS WASTE!) u SdliTickeU to whom Liberal Premiums wilj be paid. ; 8inr1 Tickru $2: fclx Tkkeu $10; Twelvf j Tickeu520i Twentyve TkkeUtiO j Circulars containing a full! lit of prlaea, ifc scription of thsroaaoerof drawinj and other ! iniormaUon In reference )o the PiatribwtJan, j will be sent to sny one ordsrinc tbeni All lev Cera moat be addreaaed to i - J t K CTVP M KAI A ur rut, 101 W. Fifth St. Fcb.U7S-it . p. sixi SlXK,!BoxE. i! i A. J i

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