:-:;':H- ''-f;v-p;: '!"'.: ''I !' ' '.' ;:vV; " ' ' -: - - . - -. . Si' " . ... ' .1 T - ! 1 ; l .--... . 1 7 Carolina LOCAL AITB CTAgn Igfl 7 O iULiSBVnY MARKET. 'i FEimUAKY 13. CORN new 05 70. . cotton n m. FLOUH-43.75fti.a3. Ufp. ATI 70 4 75.: ' POTATOES Irish, W ft 40 Sweet, 65. xiEGGS 20. ft , ... : .. CHICKENS 2.50 ft $3 per doz. j . iLARIVUl 15.?Sr'.'- ,vi. i . t FEATItERS new, 50., . fr J TALLOW 10. : I I- 'IITE 75 ft.80. !' I- : BEE8TAY 28 ft 80. I WIIEAT $1.40$1,60. f : DIIIE1) FRUIT Apples, - ..t . : . Peaches, unpeclea, 34 J , J da , peeled, 8(12 r BlftekberrieC, 7 7 J. 80 pr. Ib $5.00 to $7.00 7.00 " 8 50 8 00 12.00 20.00 47.50 SALISBURY TOBACCO MARKET From Billet of 18700 lbs on Thursday February Cib 1873. - TtQg common dark Medium red 1 Yellow smokers . ; 8.00 Leaf common dark 1 00 ;. red 8.00 Common to medium rappers 14.00 Yellow ranncrs 24.00 IIkavy Eaxn Fall. The heayest rain fall of maBy; jears tisited this section last Thursday night. Nkw ADVXitTiSEHENts. SeeMr.Thos. Dickson's drerUacment. Mr. 'D offers his serTices to oar peoplo ast a Tailor. He nnderstands his business and we hope he will be liberally patronized. jV , f Mr. David Atweir invites those wish ing Hardware to eall and examine his el egantly assorted stock, which is new and fresh ftiid of tKQ bft1)rands. ; l ! ji mile from here, and nearly, block op the cnt, which it orcr 100 feet higlithe largest on the IUad one train will rim fWm e aclt end of lliet lloadand transf er, Mails Baggage &cniaii the tUde is re moved. :: :A'JW .A- More Cajis. We'hear great complaint of want of transportation from this place over the North Carolina Railroad. Pro duce1, corn, meal and hay, not nnfreqnent ly lie at -our depot diree or fonr weekt; hay has lain on the platform until it rot ted or become woithless. Now, this is a source ot great annoy ance and losa to our bttsinest men, anO 'w$$o njtwondel that tbey complain. Jtt strange that there are not more cars pa; on the Road in or der to meet and accommodate the, busi ness interests of the Country In a tatisfac tory manner. Itj would seem that such a policy would prove advantageous to the Road as well as to the public. Please. give us more cars and better transports, tion accommodatibnsi In this county bo the ROt inkimt. fr. YVt XT riA t mi r nlivrfn WT 1. aiujixi iAifiiarKiaj&MHO were luuwa a few days ago, by, Mf. Thos. W. llaynes, of this county, a lot 6f clover seed of his own production. well cleaned, and Mixxd PAlSxa We direct attention to the advertisement of Mr.'C P. Knight, Baltimore agent for the popular mixed paints. Thcso paints embrace every va rlety of shade or color, and as far as they have been used in this section, have prov ed entirely satisfactory. See advertisef meat and testimonial. I were would compare favora- Tle seed. fine, bly with any raised in any section of the country. Mr. Haynes informed us that they were of the second crop of clover : The first he made hay of, realizing about brty dollars per acre pn value of seed and hay. Mr. llaynes found ready sale for bis seed at from $8 to $10 per bushel. This will do we" think, and" we are elad that Mr. Haynes has been so successful in this home enterprise, or rather, new branch of industry, one too, i we have no doubt that can be made Profitable. We can not understand why our peo pie do not raiue all their seeds. It is be lieved, and really stated as a fact by; the bett informed, that 'seeds raised among a$j in the same latitude, no matter of what kind, yield better than foreign seeds, the crop from them is larger and uaore certai. This can be easily tested, though-we do not doubt the troith, and; large sums of money could be silved that are annually expended from home for seeds. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. a ne nrm or amiuideai , liitiihanit a Hn t. YOU. HlltD7AUE. J wuiiuiuau niuiui.RiiiE. ue final na l i - . . will becontitiued under the nam- tiu .a I RR A T.T 17VJO T 4 mnXTm i Bernhardt & Bona, w : 1 i rff4 -: & v IV XU X O AN. D O YO nR OWN i P A TTVTT NCI When' yon ' want Hardware at low gurescall on the undersigned at No. 2 tt : n d. a. atwelh ! Salisbury, N. CFeb, 13 3mos;; v C. T. llKajriiAariT, . P. M. Berkhasot. G. M. JjE2rHARXT. A mm T EXAiMEIY P;INfl IISlJRA!f CHI QFFiCE ALLEN IUlO WNV TAILORING" SHOP ,Bt 8AUSBCBT. The undersigned after an absscf of more than 20 years, dorinsr which time he ban gained much experience and knowledge in the proper management ot buraneaa has returned to Baliaburv, and opened a Tailor Shop next door Id u Rational lioteL,1 room formerly occupied THESE PAINTS are compoiwl of Pcaa Wttttw Inn 7ln ..I T .m.-.l. sw. It is with rerret that, the OBdernnl with. I with nth- mi.rd!a . .CI drawi from the late firm, with each and all of durability, elasticity, beauty and atreneth of the whoae membera hi. relations have been of the Paint. Tl whole are chemically combined, to most agreeable and pleasant nature; and in doing that the pigment are held in permanent solo so, he desirea tb return thanks to the public for tion, thm forming a araooth glcj, firm, eUmie. the very liberal patronage given the firm1 of beautiful and durable Paint. The OIL which u Smithdeal Bernhardt & C04 and honea it will be the real life of the Pi continued to their successors, .whom the people absorbed by theauhttanceto which it U applied, will find to he in every way reliable and acscomr I aa it does in the painta mixed in the ordinary The iflost Econotnicaly Deautirui and Durable. : , Ko 2 Granite Rov, Salisbury 2f I iMire yevr buildiar If erchandlae. and property. I'oUce la euiicr of iht kjl lowing Ctfa, Uaned on favoraUe term. Three and five year Pulices writlen on good Isolated d telling. Or tificatea under "Open Fin Pulicy iareed r, terms leas than 12 moutha. - l ; I ; Iiverpooi and Londoa and (jkb ' ' ' i (London,) Aaaetta, 30,000,600 gbid. 4 OP a Jan. 23 Imo.! W. SMITH DEALl'. ri NATIONAL HOTEL, T VlO Via. ral-Ak ka .1 1 w by theAIesara. Horah, as a Silver Smith Shop, Hotel, and am prepared to accommodate Gents ,Tf a ' m.? injr ?ther P1111 .ktKwn Where he is ever ready to receive calls and obey by the Month, IWeek and Day at reasonable K !TW4UllinUme,M orders 1 in hiailine. , All work warranted and prices. - jU i "8 " the bert Lead and OU mixed in tha or- ue, to wash and rub Off in a' few months or at farthest in three or four Tears. Thla Paint U unaffected by changes of temperature, is perfect ly impervious tolbe action of water, is well ad apt d to all dames of work, and is in every wav t.M..D.t.ir:..!ii r i -v ... in r uukKrciuiernAueoriyuiauie tvorc orders ! in bia i line. AH work warranted and good bU guaranteed, Every "possible expense saved to his customers. . He is in regular re ceipt of the new styles and fashions. : ' J Trade taken in exchange for work when suit able to parties contracting. - . IM i THOMAS DICKSON. Feb. 12, 1873 tf: 22 prices. Jan. 2 ImoJi -J J; A. BELL, ! -''. Proprietor, i Underwriters Agency I (Sew York;) ' PrankHn (PhilaJ r " - Georgia Hone ' i tOoIuaboa Js, :? I 4,000.006 over 5,000,000 a or Sale. mm dioary. way. , A1FT" lledy ?br V M.Satay Applied, . jiold by t QaUon. ONE GALLON COVERS TWENTY SQUARE YARDS. TWO COATS O. P. KNIGHT. Solo Agent, SALT! SALT!! I ' : '' ' x 4 ooo sAcKsGRouifD alum 38 1-4 acres of land, partlv within th nw. E orate hmiuof the city of Salisbury, eligible for uilding lot i, and also well suited to the culture of cotton. Upon the premises is already a beau tiful and com modioli RAaidwA rf fan vrhsmai Ko. 93 W. Lombard Street, Baltimore. ! Specimens and Price IaUX Furnished Gratis. OA A SACKS MARSHALL'S FACTORY FILLED ! lmDrovenipnU r nflv RAW .nil .f iL a J 1 i . . . " " me uiusi aeMiraoieaescripuen ; sisO a lot of 14 acres upon which is a irood'aUe for a lanyard. The property will be sold greatly below its realvalue. Apply to the subscriber. . J. A. BRADSHAW. ; Salisbury, Jan. 30, 1873 tf:20' J For Sale, to arrive from Liverpool by. is 7. Garden Seeds. 187:i ' Just feb 13 2t DeROSSET & Co.. Wilmington N. C. , it receiTcd a lanre and carefullr selected stock of Warranted Fretdi and Genuine Garden Seeds, embracing all the leading sorto grown by 21? Baltimore, Dec 10, 1872. Mr C. P. Knight Dear Sir : It afford me much pleasure to say that the Bradley Patent Enamel Paint far exceeds my exjweta tion in economy, beauty, and, I have every rea son.to believe, in durability. More than twelve months sioee I painted the roof of my Hotel (Mansion House) with the Bradley Enamel PainL and I was no well pleased with it I deter mined to paint the outside of the Hotel, and am most happy to say that it rises me perfect satis faction. In conclusion 1 will say, if this testi LIFE1 f Insnre your Ufa la the well' EsfahlkheJ aJ most rxrtiolar of all life Co' tiM I "Rmilf.MJi of Srv York. , AateUe tlKJDQCLDCO. AnimJ f come K5,uuu,uuu. All polices now tsmad ooa-r-feitable after the 2nd rnertiuam. Diyi denda declarwi annual aHer the 1st payment, i TiuiMi amaaeuiaiciy ascaaa tq parsMiu Xtl premiums. ,. 1 . 1 , 7 J. ALLEN BROWS Agent , . OSSa2GraaUelIflw Salisbury 5. CLr Janiatooa., . . j 4 , 1829. Charter PenetnaL' Motto of Ben Tranaltn " i nen ma nar be an re and tata veor rreali with yoa.'ForrwanedFcveumed.' ' fc FRANKLIN-: A-ir PIRB INSLTR A TTOE Gdr 1872. V . ;A t or Pajwca Gnui'i Cocittt. Mi.. Oci. 54th. 1572. C P. KxiaaT.iRso., Baltimore Iear Air. Harinc frivto oof Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint a test for nix month, 1 take pleaare in urine Utat 11 baa fall come i te Tour rr present font, and 1 think looks as wt now as whea flrt applied. It aUsOed witl oaUaU anr etlier paint 1 aare ever I Accrued Sorplai and ufihnv mmonv , w a awaws I PHILADELPHIA. Capital, . aUOO.OOO O C. P, 2,916,316 Kaio SPIRIT OF THE AGE flHE Spirit of the Age will present a pair X of fine pictues worth $3.00 to every sub- Bctst, Laxdueth and Johnsox a Bobbins. AppreciaUng the importance of sellinff and SOW' ing otaly unch jteed.4 as are known td be freBh. i I have thrown out every paper left over from last M" 5iamcc trvyry paper now oi BAirlMoaa. Md..fiept. icib. 1871. Casli AsscUKov.30,1812, $3,316,316 8Sf 3HT, H-Q. lcar Sir; I naed the Brad-1 ' ' remiutns, October, 1S02, t252.780 CO pat i ; have bad bussiuesa iutereourse, fr several years with Messrs. Griffin & Hotfinan Advertising Aleuts, Baltimore, and take pleasure iu Wsufying without solicitation to thuir ' promptness and ; reliability. Waco Vex.) Examiner Jan, 4. 18i3. i . 1 rI.Wc, too, have had business dealings with M ara. GriiEu and Uoffinah and can iulj ' aiidonoVtIiu above rrm.trks of the Examiner, . ? Bro&b jAIL.-John Allen Ketchey made his escape fromkhe j iil at this place last Monday eveniuj; about dark. Ex- tly bow, seems to be a mystery, lie was thought to have Wen securely ironed and closely watched. useless precautions. GaiEatar Pjsiks. Mr. .Makz, TaoiiA- 803T, of JbVankiin Townhipf has sent us samplo of Tears kept through the win ter. They! are in excellent preservation, mid being alaaanl to the palate. ( Mrs. Tbomasoa is one of the most industrious , and licrect ttvauacni of tho farm, and doieavJe affairsl geuerally Xu the couutyj. Disabilities .iiEM0VEDi-The political disa- . bilities of the Hon. AVm. A. Graham have been . ' removed. We ire glad to hear jtSBut why this removal of disabilities by piece meals ? ., If oar members of Congress who are reported to beduiny all in their power to have the disabil ities of all our banned men removed, can get in . Oraham'a name, why not Burton Craige'a and other, who are yet unpardoned ? Wedonfann deratand why any discrimination between these reotleuin should be made. Put all the names . ' of banned men in next time, gcntlmen. gone, to the great chagrine of the sheriff and . the regr;t of thej entire community f there is blame, it is hard to tell to whom it ait ichos. As Jar as we can learn. escape seem to be I Tn Dailt News. -This excellent Paper is very irregular iu its arrival at this place. We havo been requested by aubscsibers to enquire the cause. It seems -lo go up; tjbe)' NVcetcrn N. U. R. tt., and come back! In' tho evening or not at all We think Uol. Long would be a proper person to apply to in regard to it, and we have tfo'doubtl ho would exert himself to have the matter arranged. ... -.A, H : fl , .. . ; ..... , , n WxtL 1 hey Infobu Us. Four or five days; before John Allen Ketchfy made his escape from the jail here, it was announced by the New North State, at Greensboro, that be bad made his escape I i waA also' announced by the lUeigl Sentinel three or .fuur days., in advance Will these papers give us their authority for the announcements or the names of the persons who; gave them, the information And thus anticipated Ketch ey's out brake c Tbe combined Catalogues of Seed and Plants for 1873. of Petes IIkxdekson 6c Co., 35 ConrtUuJt St, New York, is jast received numbers 175 paga; i beautifully illustrated, and in addition contains a colored plato of the new "Foun tain Plant,, and also a handsome litho graph of agroup of New fuchsia. jThcsa catalogues are mailed to all applicants by eter Henderson & Co, on receipt of 25 ccou. 10 tneir cusiomTs ot last, year they. are aent without charge and to al purchasers of their books, Gardening for jprofit .-; jkid f1 Practical Floriculture' (price $1,50 each, preptid by mail), jjijcy also send them annually, free of charge, f A Slide ot1 mr WJ N. C Jt. B.l A Jetter from Mr. j-L. Uailey, the accommo. atiugIail Ageiit on thj W,N.a U. Rv dat6 Bfidgewatcr StaFebruary J2, 1873, 7i LTbjs mirning we ''run into? vciry large altdej, one of the largest we ever liaJ, Fbicb wilj detain ns for so we k sj6 orTik lU ib tJtie J:uvoCtttttbmt m'd a it so, tuese were At any rate, he has years Rale. fered for sale to be fresh and nf ihU anrinrr'. r.m scriber for 1873, who pays $2 50 in advance for chaws. My customers are therefore insured ai vears mbncriDtion. liie pictures entitled I asrainnt the nnnnvanM anH W Mnw) k.... RaphseFs Cherubs is executed in the finest style ine old or mixed seeds. I resDectfullT ask that painta w.reoeiTl from yon been applied to of Lithoeranhic nrintins: the printed surface of all ma ive m n IZ." tr1 of " own. buildincs and to. thoae Of onr .1 . na on! "i J .1 i lt?.t..l i . . . 7-' " n r" ' j monial will be of any advantage to yoo, vOu are Isy'a Paint en onr dwellir.4- In Howard Conntr. la J p: a a a 1 nsn w wn t nnaa iiti TaananrTii 1 r w aiaaa" " an. sa n n inai aaa ass m nasi svnAa aa aa jm Ma a . M IArvm. fMKloJywHwaswT 01,876 64 Mansion House nteL N. W. corner Favette i -rer VB to P.r1 Uo f 1 ela 1 w DM IT.. 1 ASkt fmlv DANIFX if. WOBTTJrStfJtyN. BeereUry Bkltlmofe Btaaca Peeaiitr Life I Clear ance Co., 35 P. O. Arenoe, Baltimore, lid and St. Paul streets, Baltimore. 1554,057 31 CBAMasBaacao, Dec 10, 1873. Ha. C. P. Khiobt. Baltimore Dear Sir i Tbe J Editors. each is 22x28 inches,, and the pictures sell in the stores for $2 50 per pair, Rev.T. IL Frttchaed. D. D. Rev. II. T. Hcuson, The Age is a weekly Family Paper, adapted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Tradesman, alike in every section of the State; it is not sectional in its .character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of chasing elsewhere. Orders by mail promptly miea. i. rices jow. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Drugjitl and Seed Dealer Salisbury, N C. Clover and Grass Seeds. Orrhiird Grass, Bine Grass, Timothy, Clover, and HerdnGrafs Seeds. A full awortment. care- . at mi iv aaionion ri'i raanvn vwaa su r.- the davi collated with a view to correctness ana - wremiij acenracy, its columns will be filled with the cleaned It don t pav to row weeds, therefore choicest matter appropriate to the different de- T" w.h!ch can relll upon. Prices low to the country .: He his cell by means the particulars of 4 hid as follows : ! ' 1 The Sheriff having business that re quired his attention pit tbe Court-house, cautioned the jailor1,, asihe left the jail after supper, to seejlhat evpry thing was right in .Ketchey s cell, ljhe jailor proceeded up stairs to the;priionorg di-partment, caving the doors unbarred behind bur, and As lie passed on te examine the d if ereut cells, Ketcliey, who had escaped from his room, camel down unooserved, and so made his wayj made liia escape from! of an iron bar which shad-, been by some means conveyed to hnn,nbut'jby whom is net known. lie Was also fastened by a chain around his legs. After breaking iho lock which bound the chain to his legs it is supposed that he broke open his prison door with the iron found in his . .. 1 .... possession. , 1 j ; - Once out of his room he must have con cealed himself until tbe jailor had passed up. when he descended the steps to the . 1 jail yard with his shoes in his hand. The jailor very soon discovered that Ketchey l 1 i ! . - I bad escapa, ana at once gave ine aiarm Diligent search was riromplly made, but of course without avail. -1 1 Workmen weru tip p the jail , during. the day making repairs, the sheriff was UD there several ti tries Jalso, one or two of a - ? ' appropriate partments Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketches. Travel and Adventure. Sabbath Read ing, Wit snd Ilnmor, Agricultural, Correspon uence, ah pitone of the rews of the Day, xc I i OILXCa'ZIw'AXi SS021ZI2S. iThe publication of Original Stories is a special feature of the Age, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of popular and interesting writers. In this Department alone we can promise bur readers entertainment equal ins character to that of any of the popular story papers, i I I ! TERMS IX ADVANCE : One cony one year, (with 2 picture,) $2 50 "I t" i " ' without pictures 2 00 j 4 x montiui ao ,1 -3 Every 'reader of the Spirit of the Age as published before the war, is earnestly requested to j-enew ; their- patronage ; send for specimen copy, j Address, I i iiDW AKLIS OC liUULilili l UiU. Feb. 13, tf Raleigh, N.C for cash. At Jan 23 tf THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. State of North Carolina, j DAVIE COUXTY StTEIUOB COCIIT. John W. Gray against Peregrine Hays. Summons on money demand, and Wwranit of 1 1 , Attachment. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Peregrine Hays, is a non resident of this State: li 1 Ordered that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in the Town of Salisbury, for four successive weeks,. 'notifying the said Peregrine Hays to be and anrear before the clerk of our Superior Court at a tourt to be held for the county of Davie, at t'e court-bouse in Mocksville. on the secouu Monday after the third Monday of March, next, and answer the complaint which will be deposit ed in the jomce oi the Clerk of the buuenor Court pf said county, within the first three days of the term thereof, and also the warrant of At tachment sued out against his property in flu action,1 and let the said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint and warrant of Attachment within that time the plaintiff will take judgment against him for the nm of (4150.) rour thousand One hundred and fifty dollars, with interest on that sum from the 20th day of IOvembee 1863 to the dav when judgphent js rendered in this action. This 5th day of February 1873. IM H". B. HOWARD. j ? j C. S. C. of Davi County the County Commissioners, but nothing unusual or suspicions was observed. So that Ketchey must Lave done the work of releasing himself within a few minutes and very quietly, lie; is quite an expeit at breaking locks arid smart fellow wiUiall. addressed deal the subjrUued of which is iu the books) a w-" j iiis, ana a very Before leaving he poetry (a good to a Mr. Elliott, who is coiifintid iu the jail for murder, and it shows what his watch word is under difficulties : NEVER GIVE UP1 : Never give npl it is wiser jand better ' Always to hoe, than unce-ti despsir Throw ofl'the load of doubts' cankering fear And break the dark splell of tyranical care. Never give up or the burden may sink you Providence kindly Jiasj mingled the enp, h , And in all trials or troubled bethink you, , The watchword of iife!6htftild b Never give Never give up I there are chances and changes, Jlel ping the liopeful a hundred to one, And tufd Jjiechiion, high iisdom arranges Evencews 4f you oiipy Hope. - -Never give up I for theisest is boldest ' i.' Knowing thai Providence juingleS the cup, - J And of maxirncihe b It as! the ohlesV-TT.- ? Is the true watchword if,-iNver give iipU NeveV giveu'pl thor the grpehot majrattle, And the Jfull Uiuoder cloud over yon .burst, Stand like a rork and the storm or the battle , Little qm harm you, though dyin the worst. ' XSever give up, 11 auveruy -purwur, . Providence kindly luis hiiii;Ied the cup,' And the best cotuiftd in! all,your distresses, la die stout watchword bf-Ntver give up. Fools and . obitjnate men wUtqa law King of the Earlies ! Tlie celebrated Irish Potato, and also the well known Early! Ros Goodrich and Peerless. varities. Just received and for sale cheap. Call eariy. 1 i THEO. F, KLUTTZ, Jan23:tf DruggiA SalUbwy, N C. S- W. TERRELL FAMITiV GRGCEU ANI ; Produce Dealer, Staple Dry Goods and Shots All kinds of Country Produce bought and sold. i GFur8 and Birds Wanted. I 10: tf. 1 ftiends, and haverivea entire satisfaction in cover. tag quant.es, in gloas, and la adaptability to all kinds of surface or material, aad we cheerfully re commend it, especially to that class of consumers who have to depend upon unknown partiea, or E winters, to mix and farnisa materials, wherein we ate found the mo&t deception. Youra traly, JACOB BTOUFFEQ k S03T. If abti.and Link, Bait. Co.. Md.,fpt 94th lo79 C. P. Kmoht Esq.. Agent Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, Baltimore Pear Sir The paint which I parchased.from you has given entire satis, faction, so much so that all ray neighbors intend to follow my example, and have their nouns painted. It is not only durable and cheap, bnt It looks better after it is put on than any paiut I ever saw. The painter I have employed is delighted with it. Be says he can paint twice as fast, and at the same time do a better job. with the Enamel Paiat 1 than any other he ever ued. I can therefore, without hesitation, recommed il to the public ns one of the very best articles of paint ever introduced. Yours very respectfully, : JAMES HALL. Amount insured in the Barn ed District, Boston. Amount insured on Out skirts of same, 1453,199 00 . 1. 39,100 03 It has been definitely aacertaiaed that $1,000 will cover all claim upon tho Last iteaa, whilt) salvages aireaoy aetermined iadicaia a Act loss ot not over S400.000. Mn.FoRn. September ?4th, 172. Ma. r. P. KyicnT. 9 W. Lombavl 'n.. Balti more Pear hir As i have lcen n.ing PradVy'a Patent I'n im ?I Pint and ivit finding one instance where it his fiile-1 to give xati-fact;on. I am there fore frank in recommending it to the publ c as the bertpali&i'i uh. It irioipromnUv, adhere finely, Yours truly. JAMF.S M. TUUiTT, linage and si?n Painter. Milford. Pe'twie. BAT VtMoaa. Ud..rVri. aOth. 187a C. Pj Kkiht. Esa Dnr Sir: I have had tba Bradlej'i Patent Knsmel Paint, which 1 pare baaed rrom yoa, nsea inside and nataide, both at my daell ing and store, for ten seasons. It gives great pieasoia to De able to say that It corals rally p to yoarreoommendationain nvcilitica of use, teoaomy, aaraoiiHyana Deanty. Yonra tmly. . THOMAS J. IBVTSG. j 163 West Baltimore street, Bltimire, lid. 1 t f BOM flO'd. JOHN WETT1ERED. AsBLTXs, Baltimoae County. Md.. Mat 27. 1872. Mr. C. P. Kxnar. At the recommendation r f a fnend. I was lad teed to apply yoar p;teat Brmd- ley a Paint to my hp use. I bare pimar in stat ing that it has provrd highly iuiUiracUry, covering more surface lima yon promised, is mure eoonoai eal. an carries better gloas than ordinary paint. aaa ta reer iron atsagreescie odor. Yours respectfully, JOHN WET 11 EH ED. The following letter H strong and raloable: ! tULTrxoKB, Md., Dee. 57th, 1875. C. P.f Kkiobt, q., A ent Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint Pear fir : The paiat we purchased irom yon we wuicteerruuy enaone aa im mm or T TT, rt. . I naed, ita covering qualities I J. T . VUUllltAIM CC bUIi, 1 any kind we have ever 1 are everything desired, drying promptly and with a hard glosa, which murt welhiak, reiit the actios of all kinds of weather. Tills is oar experiente and we ean recommend it with certainty, aad in tend to tore it on alt occasions where we desire a good job of work, j Verv wpert fully. EMMAKT A OU UCTKRLY. 376 W. Baltimore st. House, Sign and Freseoe Painters. Feb r 1873. tr.. J. K. BURXK. TKHRELL. BURKE & TERRELL Auction S: Commission I Merchants, (Sale every SATURDAY 11 o'clock.) Inniss St.; SALISBURY, N. i tr. . i r 1 Weed Family Favorite f 1 M I sewing macnine. 1st Premium awarded to the' "Weed" at Salisbury Fair. The cheapest, rnost durable and runs easier than any other Machine. For Sale 011 Tivie or Cash. S. W. TliliRELL, At. 10: tf. Feb. 13, 4t pr. fee $10. Attention Everybody! A lltflacTnCA hftVanrv rlsima arrainiai W V 1Vb son oil T. C. Watson, either as principal or as security will present the same to Burton Craige on or beftr the 25th day of December. 1872. By sodoin they may benefit themselves, and oblige the undersigned. ' f 2ov, II, 1872.1 .W..J?. WATSON.' 6w:f 9. 1 i TJC WATSON. ! SETTLE UP. All thce mdeUed to me for subncriDtion to the irmtaer, for advertising, or job work, are respeeiiuliy requested to come forward and set tle npj without further delay. Corn, Wheat, FIour Pea4 or any country produce taken in exchange Tor claims and the market price allow ed. I J X , J. J.STEWAUT. Sepl, 5,U5l:tf . ' : j AdminiBtrator's Notice. Allpetsons having claims against the estate of Thopliilii Alphunw Allison, deceaed, are hereh notified to exhibit the same to the un dersigiKH) oh or before the Hth day of Novera bcr, Aj. D. 1873. I '. I WILLIAM A. LUCKEY. Not. 13, 1872. Adm'rnf Theo. Alplionso 9: t j . Allison, decd. AiipoiLFouTiramixioift ran r UM UNI t marry mm la. nt id. In. I.. I ' mfm .in 11 1 laHat OMmwmriam ta ptuimttat mm amaailaa iSMlak d&W fCMWW tsa wMBsalBtaBsftsVb4) Talal aa UHmiiIm wwk f ! kaadrM aa4 atetf a(a, with aagnilaM. aa4 aaataiaa vataaal Ufonaatioa tt Umm va rHi iitai rten.1 SiUiaUa tort amt aa wtnliHi aaa Mr, aa4 aolal4 nil inly ttwtttotmi. - ItMotais h aaptrttaw aaS a4He f a rtoaaw rtaniHiilit la rla.ida, mm rt.iM aala ta ri- vatawrf awlaaaSa ai ah mw M.j It ? atwylfclaf mm ta ajmaf iag . mrmmT 1 Un ta vwth aiiaa.aai aMthtaatls WMWijma UH ta mrmr mm pMbiirnhmi la aay alfear aatl aa? trm m , iXarrtftvOaata. aa.j aadma Dr. aaua Mnaaaan Jla. la ': i X&LmU Xhk ifiletel tai ynferieatai Bifcta aaylrtatf taa ailwUi a aStarMaa ta- . - MbU (Mr.,.r aatac mmj Mk ftmi&ltm ftmmt Br. --. aafw ! waatyaaralHiiiiajattawaatlav -m aalayaar aiaalilia i 3 Dr. Bas aaaaalaa a Seabla kwaM f tvaatMana . ' ta ;t ttadr ayaaawarUaat ataWatataa h jjalnianiriaflfclaiaaaaj umt aarsaa.aa4aaaaaata 1 mai mm aiailly ar ay iU aw imtm anaHias in rtrwTBaiLMM - pa warn, ww prwoiav w MmMrtMaaaaMasiSiUa,aa. if MItS. S. W. TERRELL. . MISS V. KRWTlt. Mrs. TERRELL &KRETH'S MILLINERY, Fancy Hair and Wool Work Switches, Braids and Curls s ! Made to order. I Alo blampmg done at short notice A Share'of patronage is respectfully solicti eI. batiffnction gtiarnnteed. !Next door to Mewrs. Burke & Terrell's Auction Room, InnLs Street. ! l(h: tf. HAIil WAITED. Mrs. Terrell will uav a lilieral nri for lni man hair. The price will depend on the length ami quality ol the hair. 12At. FANCY WOOL WORK. At the Solicitation of some, wS have corwenf. ed totexth'a. limited onoib-r tfW art. Thoae desiring can call for terms, particiilar &c ..j At MR$. TERRELL A; KRETH'S. I j Milliners and ,iair Dtalersi Jan. 233t. . County Treasurer's Notice . Having determined to move to the ctiuntry I hereby give1 Notice to all puron having btisi ness with me that 1 will be iu Salisbury at inf old office on Saturday: of each week ami on the; first Monday in " eacli month. - Mr. Jolrn Di (laskillis my regular deputy and will attend tod aii rail at my oju omce in my auseoce; or per. sorw living in the Western jwrtiori of the count j can call (if they choose) on me at 'my residence II miles ttcst of Salisbury; T J.fWIoCUBBlNS Dee. 5 12--tf, County Treasurer. INS XJXtE YOUR LIFE OF PHILA mm life mm co $ Alfred G. Baker, President; GEORGE FALES, I Vice-PreilcenL J. w. McAllister, 4 : Second Vico-President. T1JEO. M. REGEB. Secretary. SAML. W. KAY, A Stall alt ft ft t fiaPawaW a General Acents, I LKILSCTOS, XT. ; . J. ALLEN BROWN, At, . : Jan.l8Smoa, Salisbury K. C. BUSINESS CH.ANGE.H Tle firm of J. A. CLODFELTER 4 CO., L. this day dcsolved by mutual conaeot byS.IV iiiiuum miuurawinz. J ne OUHineiS WUI PC eonUnoed by J. A, Clodfelter and P. N. IldtijL" a . mx . m Zt"r nnaer me same style or Lrm as heretofore. TVs; are thankful to our friends and the public for tba' i:i I . 1 , r. . ' uw iwunici citcb ua ana nope u DIT um coouauw iu succeeaing members oi ute nrm. J. A. CLODFELTER, P. N. HEILIO, . S. R. 1IARR1S0N. Jan. 2 lmo. , S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,8688; GEORGE W. HILL, President, JOnN S. WILSON, Secretary. BOARD OF TETJSTEES. ALEXANDER WnitDEN. Hox. JA POLI)CK, I. EDGAR THOMPSON, GEO. NUGENT, ALBERT C. ROBERT, PHILIP B. MINGLE, ISAAC IIAZLEUURST, L. M. WI1ILLDEN, i GEO. W. HILL, JAS. L. CLAGHORK, ICON. A. G. CATTELL HENRY K. BENNETT JXO. WAUNAMAKKP Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. I ' ALL POLICIES KON-FORFEITABLE. PIIE AMERICAS' ha been in active operation for nearly a quarter of a century, haabesa i l governed and cu trilled by gentlcmeu dijstinpnirhed for thcii baciocs experience and Commercial robity, and has txen eminently suorenfiut. ; It has mclrits obligation with viirnal i nmiptncs, and in a most liberal spirit. Amonjt its Insurinj? members, the Company ha the honor .f nujnberii-g msny of the most eminent and loading men, in all professions and c!as-a, UJ'oua'hoot.urth Carol. s a. Keliable AgouU wanted, who should aptily by letter oi iu person to REV. L. P. WAT, Oen'l Afcct. Statesville.N. Or to 04. St. Claib Dbabikq. SupL Agent. Wilmington, N. C. ; lmayJc:t3:ly FURNITURE! Executor's Nolice. Having qnalified aa the Executor of the es tate of llnnah KincaiJ. deceaseii, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to said es tate to make pajment withont delay ; and those having claims against said estate to present thetn duly authenticated on or beajra the last day of Januarv,' 1374. . J. J. BRTJNER, Executor. Jan. 27tU, 1373.: 6l20. 17 i -;l -i- -. ' . dh. c. A.i xzazTSSS.aoxa' Re- spectailly announces that he haa rmuued. the practice of medicine, and will be pleased'to re-, cei ve the calls of Ids former patrons and the mbli generally: . - .:rv .-' Calls left either at bisnl Jcnce, formeffy oc- cnpien by Jas. ts. McUiWnrw, or i r. KIuttzTa J. A. CLODFELTER k CO. " Wholesale and Fetail Deahr$ in Funihtre, Ikvite attention to their stock of Cot tage lietUteads French Chaimber Roiu, Walnut ami painted Cane Scat Chairs. Hocking-nhairs of all dHKcripthins, Extension Dining Tables tables of all kinds Wardrobe Bureaus, ' Washstands, What-Notx, 8fas, Eeceptioa Chairs and Parlor S nits. fAlo, many wther articles which we are prepared f sell as cheap or choajer than any flouac In the western part of the Htate Be sore to caU. nearly oppnftite tbo Mansion Hotel, next dor below the Express office, see oar stock and bear out prices. Our terms cah. 8pecial orders (made from photographs in ourof&ce) will be supplied.' - fc 2V DO! Y0U1 LOVE ME? A YV ana lanUne tternime, with a area t a. V variety of other extracts for ll handker chief, including all kind of toiled articun, al a R. BARKER A CCS Drng Store. A full assortmentof Rosewood, Ifetalic nd Wain at Burial Caves, which can be f ar Qished at :t hours notice. - ' Jan 18 ly. r DR. J. F GRIFFITH, v ' DENTIST. Having located in Salisburv, solicits 'a prac tice in, the tuwn and anrroundinz country. OFF I C ft I- -.- ' i Hi x o. i f ' . - i ; i ' ?mvm.miJML awmmw., . r.i. v ' V ' "M r--t f.l V ' : , I 0 you with to e.njoy a good smoke I Then Af try some or tlw genuine Havana Cigar jut receirea at C. IL BAREEB A CO6 Drug Store TANNERS Oil, Magic and Tranapareot Maclime Oil I lake great pleasure In recommending to tL' public my former partners and occeasors la lbi Furniture trad knowing them to be gentletaesx 1 ! - nr. .. . .j. . on wuou aue puouc can reiv wiui perMct cco-i &lence. o.lL lIAkLBISON.. Jan. 2 lmo. 1ARRIS0N..' OF ATjTi KINDS Fuinuhd to order, at Short Kotlesw at Stcaza Saw Mill on Western N. C. IL Rl twenty cailc. irom oaiiaoorj. 1 .1 Price at mill $1. At SalUburr llL Kiln Dried at SalUbory, $1,0. f ; BTTERJIS CASH. i 47; tf; B. H. COWAN. East Bend Male Aqaderay, Eatt Dend, Yadkin Co., IS, Ca' Rer. M.BALDWIN, A. RPrindnaL f Mr. A. L. BALDWIN, AiaUbU J Tliia InatitotMMi has basn, for more Uiaa fiv yearw, in succeaaful oueralioo, nndcr the preaeta aojU'ices. t . j The next sesuon wi 11 open on the 1st Motv day in January, 1871. The conn of stodj embraces Ancient and Moderd LanguagrN Mathematica, and the Natural Hrieaeea, wit ft such other branchoa as relate dirSdly to loti? neaa. Good board can b had on aatiafactor terms in the village, or wlib the rMacipaL i: Tuition, from $5 to $20, according , to ad' vancemenU For partimlara, addraas lha PrioJ cipal at East Bend, Yadkin County, N.C 11: 4t ) f - :.t NOTICE. t. at NO.! 1 low prices at Cj R. BARKER & CP'S Drug Store. VE RESPECTFULLY call the attention f V of Physicians, Merchant and the public generally to oar well, selected Block of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Bptslies, Dye Stvffs, Lamps, Lftmp Fixtures, dc, dc. I LL GOODS warranted, pare, fresh and genuine, and prices to suit the time. Airorders promtly attended to. pecial care and attention given to our prescriiticn de partment. I C. R. BARKER A Co Dmggwt, (Siiccessor to Jxo. 1 1 . Kkvisk,) 20:11 j 1 Sali.btiry. N. C Settle Your Accounts ! The Firm of SumiiercU & Gaither will end with the year. ThoVinebted to um by account will please ctjnie trwanl and settle tip.- We have laltorad faithfully tor our paliruU (nr Iwt yesris and want to enjoy now the fruiu of orr labors. " ' Onr booka are porttjt and ready (ur ul raent.In iu abenc Mr. Gt-orge Bul, or C. R. Barker will receJra roooew aW gf re recelrr for the sam?. (8: tf.). I SUMMElELLr G4ITUER. . Valuable PropertT for fl ale He a SUteiTlUe. I will sell lot I of Land, sit' earv walk from the center of tba (healthy arxf ' thriving town of StatcaviUa, N.C, OnllBadrw4 and Thirty Acres, (130) one-third or mors of timbered. It haa on it a 2weUlB( ZXonas. with 3 ZLooms, a tciall SzaokeXXcttse Crib. Barn, aad a rood Orcbard. Arjr' one wishing to purchase this property will iW' well to call on CapU J. J. BELL, biaocsttoiu Houae, SUieaville; or T. B. B EALL, J of tU! mercantile House of McCUBElNS d CO, at! Salisbury. jany. W. N. C. AGBL & MECHANICAL Fair Association.! ' 1 r 1 1 - XTotica to Dellnqnrnt Stocklxoldera. At a meeting of the Directors of tbo above CooiMny held 00 the evening of lb Z5tb laaC, it wn onlereu Uiat puMMation be aaade lor Six miccefcftive week ia tb r?atUbary ( Watdtaaaa notifying all drliqnent Stork Itolders to com lurwanl and pay to the Treasurer nf aaJd Cbca pany aii tneir arrears on cMibacripuoiM of otora; i of Mkl Company, under the petuutyiif payment I ahall be deferred (or Twenty day's after tbe ex pi ration of thU notier, of foHlHtitig'anjr sbarrf of Sleek thev may have subacriSed fur, aad al previotM pMyments made there on. 1 .r Saliabury N.C. Nov. 26th 17. ! ' . .' D. A. DAVIS &'y. ' - T'f ' .. f - IsUTIUK I Is hereby riven thai aTSleaiIoa wCl tesnad I tho fwcarnt. LegMaJere Uw an iAaaCndad af Charter to tho Town of SsJaaUurr X. C . Dc.S12:lmu. XMembrrlSTX ,i 4 r f 1 ; n. u i li1

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