i Jr ;--! N-' r.-tv : - ..'.! -.- I '.... : I - - .. " :i ! :!:- ; V - - . : . 7-- ff .r ' -.r't:' "r-.!V- -! B--- ::-:- v-.f j X X y .V lV ! . . 11 1 ' . 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 'i : I 1 - ; ! r .51 j ' - - '.'i.ti:! ch- ::--) : .. i i . i v,r.;-,v.-. 2 f -rh .. r . ,:i .... 1 t . i. 5.1 ..... i . ; ; . T, 1 1 1 - i ! - I - I. - I ' 4 " - (IN VbL. IF WTHIRD; SERIES; j PVBUiSUKD WEEKLY ; J; J; BUUNfiR, rroprietor.pnd Editor. :y J. J. STEW ART, ' T Editor. -i niTrtnn crnrtiinTiniu 0t t SAR, pajt1in Advauce. ..$2.00 Six Woxtub. , .1 : 5 Copiet lo X)ne addreBS, -..i . i i ..... 10.00 II :T. . , vn SALISBURY N. p., FEBRUARY 27 ' 1873. ! a i . NO. 24. "WHOLE KO. 864H From tM Charlotte Obser?er. GOOD AdVICE. jj 8UKSET.1 . i I from Olen Alpine' ZXeights, Burte 'CO., y-. " . J -lX '"MARIA, dt yon kno tiki lanre house o A. MURPHY, neil doorlo Bineham & ' CoiS jmllm aU kind 1 of oods at pnnr 'SHELTON,' 41--. Now kfter liwwe' clenrjlne; Upon Glen Alpine' airy heights I Four chariiied couples' stuod : : Aud as the King of day went down. e all bis beauty viewed. j'on hM best see wjiavyxw neetl'in Uieir liheknd rtPi-.r4 uuy at any pther rtore. dvie all your friends to go and see : f i. ?i ;!;; -U;-J-.t-n" u-i-.h-. IKE V STOCK OF performed upon Aldo-Ben Fesi.; lie hail seen 1 he tortare; which his wretched prede- cn?ar had lo undergo, and strn A LOCOMOTtVK. A .MAN L '"Bloodtt Aitray WeVcoriT utho'foi- M ANGLED BY I lowing from RiddieksvUle For over FORTY YEA R3 this ?X7ZU3L'SfV33QZ3?ABLS . , . LITER iaEDIClJi l a- proved to b the . CHEAT LNFAltlNG SPECIFIC - ( ... i;Jv, i 'i. . i .; ' ' .!' for Liter Complaint and its painful offspring, DTSHEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Ilillioos attacks SIClC HEADACHE. Colic, wl)epreaIion n(S?Jrit(,SOCI STOMACK, Ueart "4urtf, CHILIS AND FEVEK, fc0., &c. , I After yer4f cArpfuticipcriincntrf, to mpota inreat and urgentdomand, wo now produccfrom our 6rigiual OtHuinc I'otutera 1 a Liquid Kfm i mmua'S ia r-ii utui- rphv's We lake pleasure in annouhcinor to the eiii- ( zens of Kowail and' the adjoining counties that we are,oow receiving ajHiiopenHM; tna? snlk ; women would not reffret fror would both torn to the bast whh t!ie'miat'n!ltn' wjen to undo ue present.. Llirir bordths , would bejighter by the eliaririg pf thcn their diseoiitents be oltened b ymp4 tbetic unfolding. : Their waa might he dark and devtons f biit' the couscinnnr4a that ther j should , walk f WhcreVr thW wen i, cioseijana lenaeny logpiner. wonjd hed euch light ; upon their; pathway tlmt the daikness would b dispelled tind the devioustiess iriade straight. It1 is ncvpr too late to 'resume coropHnionBijip would that they who 'need it most might remem ber thiu I and yet they who havg snirend-. ered it rarely-look forlit asJln. When they step apart, the shighteet channel iif thetr eeparattonybroidens and deepenj until what waa a crevice becomes a yawn ing cuaem, which tew have strength ior I 'Upon the far off sleeoinsr rale I II ep reeds his thining lied.i t And,inaks you high, uplifted peak ;j A'Piiiow ior nis neaa. . . . i . He hangs ujon the: lofty peaks , - f , n , Jlis dazzling robes nf day. j r And forth bis form jinj beauty comes Without a single ray.- Upon ' hi, couch he sits and views r T&e golden tinted west., - . Jhen draws his fringed curtains round In peace li-s down to r s. 'l The 'zephyrs from tpe flowery plains ,rT" Sweet 'scented hast'ning come, .; jAs merry children 4uMt play . , - At eve come raaniiig home, j All Kature hushed. ! and from the bills courage to leap. If they would but stretch their veamin arms across: wounded jifr$i I tcrrille: accident occulta yesterday Wigtown, CvUorfrW to ledfeeUy hrening, about 6 bK&, to the track of lffJ f 9Ul UrUed IfPa , drawal. If tlip companionship coold bnt J innately, for the tu&wihe died instantlyTl TERRIBLE r ACCIDENT P.meTTedi " 0,1,, ouW proTfj a The same atroncions operation was then RUN OVER AND MANG misunderstandings would diminish rather. than increase, because the action of coni.! . . i -' -T . J S nSanq :.oJ0.V rmn the pWl .band, of the exertion- :wJ oVJn.' 1:::; l..jBrualodtf by a.dMPWati fighl, end,; euiiace- io one luouicr. meu would ml rr se zed him. i.TU.Tilm i;r i , . r , . ; . " t- ; f1, im;.t- A:.u l Z- r.u- isn y inq name oi jnnu jjiwe- r v -r-- . ? - "' . 1 ...j 1 : - I eombAtUnts. t It aDocars that 2fr. Georm 4 urnng seems moans, .ana presenting an tj i, .u" f i,. ;. v . I nompson made a most violet wsault appearance than" which n irnihagined more horribl pj it it emed utterly the, and did. Alosiem.. ritlv IT- SENSIBLE . VER oiliine coald be i t ' .it i.u u i ' . non a younar man bv the name of jhar! 1 e. The third V!- ;ri4i wiin a t tU.v i..-,..t Adklni In tie eathursalooo f tWlai-' inaiff.renltohi.rateJ:7:::fJ: Th assailant wal wwitsdlr -vM '4 sajig . fioid of true I j - ,wu., u. j J to co a war. bit as often reiosexL, He-then X ,.--: :y-,lr it was foind that one leg had been cot I t aihibi io come into ins t,irrXf an&fj lMmnt.tiffk.tAti,. I n the youncr man 'did .eo. be lit I J pon'him1 most fuiionjlr. tnckinehtm several times and inflicted tcmble. tfpon his face and tecroles b ni uig uv ueaoiy- "urass anuca'cs. a wo And there in' silent awe we stood - - 'j n ' ' -' Ana: mere yn suent awe we L A R G E S T : . ' ; "" w'1- AND i U i MOST EliEGANT Stock I Of GO(t)DS we have iver had to ex hibit to our numerous friend and custom ere. We have taken much time, arfd unusual nains ! lo look up bargains for Oiir prttrons and do say l... ..ii : .1. : r . i . i . . fiti' I'cimjim iy ouy Will UQQ 11 IQ ill . l.I.!! .11 . ... 1 ...r..l 1 ..-1 j f - ji uua, Bunwiuius airiwi r.iiuBiiui.uut vai- teir advantage to call aitd uuuiurui;riirn, null tiiici it in ONI3 DOLX.AB. DOTTLES. The powtlerfl,(pripe as before,) 1 .00 pr. package eut by mail . . . . . -.! .M X3T CAU TION 1 -t h ' ' I J' lny noPowdeMor PUEPAliED SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR 'uuUmh in our engraved wrapperwlth Trade mark, Stamp and bigna turo nnbroken. t None other is genuine. LJ III ZEILiN & CO., j . - iiaeon,"jGa. and Philadelphiai - FOR SALtJ lit THEO. P. KLUTTZ. Feb. 20 tt. Salisbury N.C. fRltiMPHMT! 'i -S3 C5 C3 casaa 1 EXAMINE SOUR 'STOCK. ? u r and prices before purchasing anything else where! 1 . . We have a large stock of all kinds of Br T Gdods, Bootd, S7ioest and Gaiiets for Ladies y Gent8y.Misses and Children, all good stock (and no Shoddy tcorkj CLOTHING! CROCKillY, HATS Caps, Aohom, Gloves, Hpsicry, Fancy ormon and intcreBt, We compile the And as I stood and watched, en traced. ; His last departed ray. A whispering spirit: spake to me : "Hear, youth, what I shall say.". j'Hs thus the good on earth expire Serene they sink; to rest. And dying know that they wilt be, Through eudless ages blest ! 'And when thy evening beauties fade From off the western sky, j Be thou resigned fur fading earth, Heaven, not a single sigh.) j . . I '. i ; . f j 'Lire well, that when. thy sun may set, Bright han Is may point the way. Where rising suns in glory shlue On one eternal day." . i ! ' CLASSIFIED POPULATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. We are under obligations to Hon. A. M. Waddell, for a copy of the Niuth Census ot the United States, beiug the Reports io detail from the Superintendent of Census, making a volume of great in' faith, broken affection. 'bruised tenderness could pass over the natural bridge and be made whole once; more by receiving back what had been their own and must soon again be mutually possessed." Women as Companions," by Juniue Henri Broicnc, n February Galezy. TOftTUREj IN TflE EAST. TritTw- a .r4 and both hands nearly so Th .nuf-r- JP00 hl1 SSSS?x-B0DT""A?:- tnnate was sent o the City Hospital, ER USING. ' lU- Where he waa promptly attended to by r.. of.ibernal CowMcn, New York t Uary to : lip the A'xn to remove tho re. ?"J PwenV accelet n partlngn . ' . f. l L.;R!.i..4uikt a. t. them, i wbwupon younff Adkibs- awhl rcopie who uervonsly w counting r-V T 7" V walked in loh?s saloon. and aaln and .aW pgaudswearC succeeuedj ehimoncfl lllg drummers, and navillir fnr othpr wll 1 lowinir itCn ainrvinf nnv4rtv in ltrwttr. I ...... f J.' JT. . .. t. - - rvj --o - , , , rI -i w.u iiiui . iui lutir in iiitfc Ulk WliU t Miown appliances oi , trade, have ettectea lyn: i ,. : . : ... . . no human eyes to, -witness the? soewC targe sates, but swallowed up toot large al sramstresa was arrested the other Thompson reeeired hw lmost!instabebu day, lu Brooklycii for pawning clothing death from horrible wounds Inflicted by - which she j had tskeu home to eewf and tome deadly inatrament. The woundoii I upon her examination the following evi- roan succeeded in reaching his room aboui f j dence was ielicited : :She asserted that she &Uy yards distant where falling npon bia ii was employed by aJIlss Phillips, of this bed, he iostanlyjdied. His clothes were. r city, who ( paid her J7 cents for making 1 deluged with blood, presenting; a horrible : four pair of trnwsers SO cents for making I and ghastlysight. The wound; producing y twelve paii of drawers, and 25 cents lor ! ueain about tne neck, se rving the jagular Goods, Sold Leather, Calf Skins, i s Liking-Skins, Dntggs, Spices, 1 Soaps, and la ilargc Stock of iFinc. UPWARDS OF F G roceiies of High quality Salt, Syrups, Bagging and Cotton Tics, 1 FT? FIRST PRE MIUMS aiul GoU and Silver Medals were warded !t'o;(.t HALES M. Stiefj for tliti Lest 1'iaiKi in CDiniictiliou wih all the leading niriiiufactur- ' -j . ers of the j country. Office and KTexsr Wareroomsj No. Nrth LrfeWy St., BALTIMORE, Md. , Tli9 8tielF(i pianos (Mntaiu all thelatesHm provnent to he found-inl a first-class Piano, with Additional - iniprojveriicnts of his own in veutioil, not to Imi 1'nurtd in ithcr invtrumentft. The ;toncf r touch j" and finish of their-instru-jnicnta cannot be exccUud. by any mauufae.tur ed. r---y.'Vy. .;-;.;;! ; . , . , A largo assortment' !of second-hand ' Pianos slwayn on hand.froid 75 to ?.M0. Parlor audhurch Organ, wiuie twenty dif fercnt'styleai'on haiid'troin $T0tfud upwards. Send' for nUuHtjated Catalogue, containing lye hundred Southerners (five hundi-fcd of'whielr" are Virginian two hundred Kirth 'Caroliutiiii one hundred and 'fifty East Tennes-maiiiJ. and. othera throughout the South). ho have buught the StiefT Piano Uiftccse, Crackers, and infajct nearly evcryth PRICES. & following interesting figures m regard to our State. , North Carolina in 1790, had a total nnninaiinii ni .h.i niii. r:iiiK.iiiar hh iiiiz i . r. t J, . s . ' . . . . he iii uowcr uian lie vtntfci ins thud Otate m the union, Virginia Deuig . mn Vi. , ! I liv cavvvr andj low prices. , CUvtr Seed i ng wanted and all at BfrfJu All orders shall tcntiUn.T. Ii)BTj MURPHY AN DRW MURPI Srtlibnryi Oct.U7, or tiie natronaire ro Mnte we oiened in Renrhing our thanks liherall letowel on us March last, we trust bv st new, and politeness to our customers to merit a continuaiife ol tlic same first arid Pennsylvania second, In 1800, Nonhj Carolina had a total population of 47S,P03, being the fourth; State, exchanging places with New York. 1 In lSlO'hor population was 555,500, holding her ranks as the fourth State. In 1820 her population amounted to 638,829, still holding -her rank. j In 1830 Isiorth Carolina changed places with Ohio, ranking fifth with a population How Defaulters are Treated in 2 unis Barbarities of the Bey. r Theodoms of Aybssinia has been con sidered the most cruel and blood-thirsty ruler of modern times, but he has a rival sovereign who lives near the confines of civilization, and whose atrocious conduct should arouse the indignation of hu man i cojde throughout the world. That sovrrign is the present Bey of Tunis, whose wholo career since he became ruler of his country has been marked by arbi trary oppression and cruelties. A few of the aged shieks of his country, who had known his character before he succeeded his father a mild aud amiable prince nrged his mother to let her younger son ascend the throne at Tuni.. The heir appareut heard of this, and with the help of a few -of his boon coraparions he seized j the rtins of government. No sooner was spue upon onlv were nine of hnniA... j - t ' - ur uiOQCUi -luai. was luiureu. m it-man. i cummers to take E br ,Z3 wLo W. believe is 4 ' stranger in the city ' requestear lbompsQn , to lei '"Mr" jtl? can Wt.-Mobilelteaistc?. ' f on went auto the. treet, curs. r ... (,uCfU11U miium , j , l'g, na again, by great abusct he bargains they have t offer, will Ml-iP:n ';1T.aTrinYftmvrnTV l irritating Adk:n.a.ockc mc aeasons very unpropitions. JVlany of l "t - - I more lo co lorth.' They, cliri those .who have spent large sums in bir t The Naw York Times relates the fol- hot ihl tim tn.v.rnm WA share of the receipts in such enormous at leuaant expenses. I he best remunera tion has been foMnd by those who hare returned to the more legitimate, old fash mued methods of pushing their business. We say it, not (imply becauso we are in terested in this Hue of expenditure, but as our best advice to all who wish to be en terprising, or io secure a large , custom, there is nothing now so effectivfeto this end as judicious advertising. We do not a . making six shirts. Because she did not I vein, slanting down, aud thought to reach, j ie trowsers as soon as she had j the heart. A poet mortem was held upon, v to,) Miss Phillips refused to pay the body. The community was greatly, . finish the agreed rich harvest by continuous-advertising on a large scale. y oi ail was dead. There believe that any who has valuable ervicc hlt.r ail(ieiie ihereuhon pawned them to horrified, but the svmpatb ... ..vr...t Vivxj wuuer, tun iu i a tepp ucr im,y trom starring. Here is more lor tue living than the a case which ought to interest those wo-1 ' ecarcely any blame in the afUir attach men who arc continually crying out against ed to young Adkins, who Is krown to be toe tyranny oi men. it was not a man i who exacted from this poor seamtress such a preposterous price. It was a womau who refused to pay her the wretched pit tance which she asked, on the pretence that she had uot finished her work suffi ciently soon. THE BODY OF ONE OF THE MISS ING PILOTS FOUND. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning, a colored fisherman discovered the body of a drowned man lying, on Battery Island, near Smilhville. Au examination of the body disclosed the fact that it was that of Thomas Briukman, one of the five unfor tunate pilots who were drowned nt sea some two months since, while attempting to board ar vessel off Main Bar. the bodv was re'comiized aa tliat of Mr. Brink- J man, by the finding in his pocket, ol his )car9 oWi married there a convict named A French. SwijETHEXnT. A very pretty instance of devotion in adversity, much prettier to look upon than to prac ticeno doubt, was witnessed recently at a quiet, and inoffensive young inan. CORN IN HILLS AND DRILLS. At the Michigan A gricul tarsi College in 1SC3 two plots of land were aet apart, substantially equal in character of soil, each measuring forty-tight rod in width. The gronnd was ploughed May 5th, and manure as spiead evenly and Worked in by cultivate r an I hair- w. Yttlcw Dent cam was planted May 21st, inirows four f,... . ..-..r .t. u.:J t . . . J 1 n ' c. T i r iii'.iii , uuv ui lilt l.l UCIIIC piaWU the Chapel of St Joseph prison in Lyons, u ,,5,, lbe otbeJ. b arQU. Tile ploU . France. A young girl, only seventeen his victims bastinadoed in the most iner s 111 1 sit t I liu .1 1 1 1 7ij a 1 1 ciicss manner, tut ine eyes ana tongues j aflvnncr(, At.fllv'A ,,10 llf.aii ' branch,' ns a pilot, and an rrdir for the a,va but two years older than herself. payment of pilotage fees, on a merchant Salv ad been scutenced by the Rhouc city. The bodv was in verv I court 01 assizes lo uveryears ot haru laoor. n . . 1 ot them were torn out, nnu they were thrown, in tiit terrible and utterly I helpless condition, in the middle of ' July, into a desert spot, win re they pcr . ished miserably, a prey to the pitiless 1 rays of a scorching African sun, aud to the equally p'tjles beaks if tho vultures anu nuzzarus. kjw tne otn ot rsovemoer In a few days he was to undergo tran4- of inquest Was portalion, and the girl, who was exceed 111 neariv an troue. mrv v " 1-. 1. . . riimaiini ll. H m.rt a v. r-iint ra.jnru,l i,n I incly pretty and modest. WIS X " - ......... .V.V. " i .. . h- iet attention lo brsi- enme to his death bv drownmjr. f C7 I The boat in which these pilots were i lost was some six irjih-s at sea when she j was swamped and 1 he fact that Mr. Brink 1 man's body .-htt!l have floated in two of 737.9S7. During the nexL decade, ,:... . j mcnths alter his drain, and be thrown up North Carolina fell; from the fifth to the " . It ZT e ,1 ,r . wi;lli" 3 lia,f nii!e ,,f his h the strangest things that we have heard Very Respectfully, A. MUIiPHY. aliidmM Oct. 7 i. M. ScLlivan Mn c have EY 72. our prompt st- 1. her nonulation 111 1S40. remtr . , 1 . . I 753,419. In 1850 he numbered 869.039 S .117 fil' 60me time' II "eem inhabitants, being the tenth State, and i,A 10 UXCB .f 1 UmB IclA l .l.,,ra 1 wmS ome instinct attracted it homeward so I860 she held the twelfth rank with 992,- t,e "P' negotiated a h avy , thal mi hl finJ a . laec ,u tlie ' - ; ' . loan m I ranee, and some greedy Italian ! Aapll, aiwienl..i tA ' 1 ..--. f27:lyj U. P. Gow an. 'since the c 22:40t 111 ii 1 oho of the war. J.'lAL'LEN UROrN, Agent. Sahsburv, N. C. "5 ' , . . , r T Lr. L.': "' OPENING rI',lIE iiudersigned having associated them JL selvC: in busjness under the firm nanie of "(aI'm. suiiiv4N co., T T AVi opened iivR. J. UofeneV: new baild- LJLiiiir. nie.t, door to tlhe Hardware Store. ' ' ' IN SI IRK IN w ,,--. rr--T " . Georgia HomeInsurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. brcoRPORATEn, 1850H Cai itai.. $3."0,000 J. RHODE'S IH10W?CE, President, D..FI W I LLCOX, Siieretary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly Paid iii Full! TroDertv owners desirink to obtain reffh-hle In urance will do well i& proieet themwlvcs by securing a IVilic? in " (ieorgi'a Home Insurance Co." Airencie iit prominent points in -ull the Southern States.' i ll - ! J. ALI7EN BROWN, Agent, ' , Office No. 2, Oranite Row, ! April ii,;72. ly Salisbury, N.C. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION ! ZXoxriago' I A priraU CuBMler I U lMurrid r th.M abealM htM lMrrlM U f rMlng and jr.n.uUaf (T.prUfc k.w u prMrra th. .mpl.iio. . . T.1.1 . laUrmtlnc rH f fcandnd ad aiztr Mm, vllh iibwiu aagraTiaga, aad aaatalaa valaabl U&auin far tkaaa k. an Mrriad.arcaatamplauaiar rteca. BUII ll 1 a book Ual aaa t la ba kapt aadar look ' aai kay, aad a.ilald aaralaaaly abaal laa , , 1 1 ..auiaa iha atpartcne aad adrtca a il ' pkaataU aaaaraaatadoala arld-lda, aad ahaald kala lb. prW aa drawaraf t.arr mala aad hmaUtkraabMlibaaaUra Iaaa. It aatbraaaa aTlhlnf oa tka aaajaat af tba la araUTa niua aaat U wank laawlnj, aad .nk WbM U kaipaMaikadU aaratkar wk. . . S.atwaaaaaIMaraaiaffarriRrCala. . Addraai pr. SalW DUpaaaax.Ka, IS'- i Si. Laaia, Ma . ' j J . i. .. Kotic to til Afiictel aai UafbrtnsiU. . IAm .b.iJi.. u k. uaiai uuki ka adrartUa la pawl, papara.a? a.iaf aaf aak raaMdiaa paraaa Dr. a.iu' w.r. m m.ur abat raudUaaaaU, ar kaw aaplar- kbla vaar omnium i Or. B alia aaaapUa taaaMtl aladaraad bf a. - Ipratoaaaraaf iklaaaai dOabla kaaaa r iwaa7w aaflkaawalaaUbratad aaadl- aanr mA Karaaa. aaa aaa aa wmm- aliad poraaaallr ar kf Mil, aa tka diaaaaaa aiaailaaad la iiavaraa. umaa aad aarlara. Ba. 11 . aUMam lWMBjgHMalltM dMOMIM VAsr good barg the Sputhj au'd-unuii in its all on thejni Jan. 24 bankers have likewise advanced him large f tt Os1 K 1 C c-ti-T si i Awiyimu. inim oi. ljtir' uiia.M pouuiauou 01 i.wi.uui, ucmg wic .urn- . v,. ,i, p r T..;a ,., 1,: . r crcdHors in thai country punctually, but 1 j() nas lit ue respect lor Italy, ana last sum mer! several Italian men of-war had to threaten his capital with bomdardmeut be fore he made arrangemeats for paying the interest duo to; Italian bankers. Being ihus a constant prey to financial embav- led by his tax collector,,. Now, on the fon, we har j the particu ar. of the bove mentioned 5th of November, he rc- , . J ... . . - . , T In 1S70 North Carolina had a total nulation teenth State, of which 678,470 were whites, 391,650 were blacks, and 1,241 were In dians. Her rank now in white population is fifteenth, in blacks sixth and in Indians third -Wilmington Journal: ' TRUE MARRIAGE. True marriage isl complete companion ship. As the companionship grows less, K 1 .1 t 1 . f . 1 Air. DniiKmaii was liio oiacst or the party who were lot and was steering the at the Hum of the accident. u. Miaac. SIIOClvING MURDER. ..- From a gentleman who arrived hero J from B'urgaw, hi this county, yesterday bed to be united to her aCUuced husband before bis departure, jhoping that by having her position legalized she might be able lo join him in tho penal colony of New Caledonia. M. Cousej deputy mayor, ad dressed some feeling Remarks to the young coople, after tho civi rcarriago had been performed, reminding Salva of the da lies imposed upon him by law and society. The convict shed tears as he professed the most sincere repentance and the re mainder of his life tiouhl bo devoted to making himself worthy of hi young bride who had made such a sacrifice for him. Salva'a mother, with whom the young woman resided, accompanied her and attended the ceremony, taking Iit new daughter "away after her husband had embraced her, while be was sgain fettered and led back to his cell. wcro cultivated aud hoed June 15lb, and again July 7th; the plants being thinned so as to leave the same nnxnbc of stalks on each plot, including the equal distri bution of plants throughout th subdivi sion of the plots. As near as-possible", each of the jwo plots received the same amount of labor and cultivation.' The. stalks wrre cut at the bottom September 17th, and stacked in good order;lhree weeks afterward the corn was husked and weighed. Tbj stalks then a gain! carefully slacked, and were hauled and weighed, in good condition, October 12th. Tho corn on the portion planted in .hills was, better in quality than ou -that planted, in drills. Dul the drilled portion produced. 74 1-G bushel of shelled corn fnd ihrto . tons of stalks to th acre, . against G51 . bushels of shelled earn and 1ST tons of sulks per aere prodnfed by tlic portion' in uuis. liar at yvoruk RAT-PROOF CORNCRIBES. . There are cot nviny ; farmer! who do not lose corn enough, by rats ererr rear.' to Day the extra expense of tnilunr theiril .. in vui, iiuui la IIS U1DID'.I ' H'...,.T-M . T ... , 1 . f I I f .1 1 .1 . .1 n r f : iff jiiif:iifi j- iiiiirj . i . k.iii til . i ii- a ut ill .ur ir inn nil iiitii vi.a. iiaa. m. w - 'i . . - r - - - - i r .- mi. dvui yu - a til v la. J 1 1 is Napolcon'has revived the old question corn rests should be at least Uirea feet.L as to his true parentage, lhc belief is above the earth. Pillars of this her-htn where they will be pleaded t meet old-and a , t rm. a - t S new trientis. xney nave a niaguiticent rooui- the larg4-t and best iu tokvu land 1 jal xleirreo SZi.osii.dlc3L vJU to ISING a genet excepted, aud :l a wil jiin a can be sold m anv j House in Th(!y.vill dea ivhowisih" either AM b. 1872. 00DS, the mamage becomes untrutlitul, loses its U.VC mtuuuI,tu 01 ovcranrr ue rt ! plae. on Monday which a colo -ed man by omversal in ! raiirope that the (lead r.m- above ground far crib sills should, havel earliest spring, dwindles from its apex. ceiyedtrunw.r liyirfo-maihnihitthcrrof ,; jje of J' p murdered his Pfror was lhc son of the Dutch Admiral, plates of line or sbect-iion extending six The deepest expression of lovi; is longing ficm Badu-B n-llakim, Aldu-Bcn-Feei wjfe ' jvrrY Ured at a place called Lil- vehnel, and, not of Louis Bonaparte. or eight inches on all sides before the sills for the object loved. Whenj, the longing nd Diakr-Bcs-Logu had for years com n ' a s'Iuall '.cUiCTOJn't up a Twenty-four years ago, when the Empire are put upon them. Rats going Ip to. the,, decreases, love has decreased in th? same niitee defalcations upon tho B"y's tiea- e,j,rtl, of coiorvfi pCoplo about one W,IS rpstablinlied, Prince Napoleon openly pillars (whether wood, stone or brick)' proportion. Companionship; is lbe realU : n,y accounted lor only two-thirds miie and a lialf from Bnriw Soma lime repudiated him as a crow in lhc eagle's cannot pats tire sheet iron or k:ne, nor z iiion of the longing; and tlie realization of jibe taxes they had collected. The j ?n the WJ.', part of eck' a jiv. nest." It is related that Ch.trles Sumner can they jump three feet from th grotmif Ji which does not produce satiety touches Bey sent for the faithless collectors, and . . j 1 , r PJ,rP;mi i,.-,- a short time jsincc referred in the Senate( and laMcu lU uistlves to the side of a c'rib. m .1 a. - . - ... ... and blends with the ideal. I All the ro- attt-r telling them of their misdeed, de-; .. ., j . .j.i i..i . 1 i hsortment. Hard- mance ot the freshest emotions tends to manueu w nai iney were going to no annul guanantee a aud demands companionship. The most ,l- i 1 he tUrte we,c to tnghtened by the heat ly InGroefcries rv Vioiluep, buying and-selling.-acd : t ,i.. .!... 3 i . -11 lerm uy ir sen to. can SULLWAJf Jfc (Jo. 19-tf is Daphne and Apollo anger of his Highness that they fell upon ch the. soft infection. knees, and, confessing their crimes control hi3 rage, BRIQaS & BROTHER'S ILLUSTRATED three birvels of whiskey, and S.mi, im mcdiitclY.commrnced indulging jn Jt'3 fa voied tKia'.inio of getting drunk, in indulg ing to such an extent that'lic was attack ed', with dclirurh tremms and became a terror to tho whole neighberhood. He was finally taken iu hand by Magistrate John Penny, who locked him up for threo a u.uarterir. The lour ddre.-s, by mail, for 2T Cents. iThc richest and inosii nisi nwin o . iiiusiriKieu wiu iwsir uuve i .1 i 1 1 .1. n L.1..f.kl fS.Ji.Io ...il. 1.11,... I l Thi.irt ..- mvii "Villi,. liii-l " ill patrfn M ordered Seeds laxtiyear and were "t beside a stagnant pool! and see lbe credited twath US cents, will receive theiour heaven of their hope mirrored on its turbid ' Quarterlies forie73. jThk.se. wpo order Seeds e,ace. Thev will walk hand in hand i rf I aat h!o ulitpi ntinn I- . I through barren fields that are to them as : this yv?ac till be credited with' a subscription or upon them. They j glide to each other like concurrent streams. And, once togeth er, their rustic silence is more eloquent than moulded words. Their sole thought, r I 1 la. m FOR; JANlUAlir, 1873 'If OTV ODT.'Tssued a iheir one desire is companionship, whose number sent to anv Dresence and influence lend color and a.. i . 1 a e warmth, rhythm and rhyme to the rud3 orqiuarv lovers are as when first thev cat The sentiments with which they are in implored his merry, snrred warm them with Doetic fervor, and ' The Bey, unable to the common thinca that comnoscs their : "Prang to hie feet, and crying, "Voo shall life assume thehues Of remembered dreams. ! doK8 1" ordered the Kadi of Tunis to J . The iustinct of companionship is strong appea- wurewm anairy uig prisoners in kKKUl UrtUtC T till HIV Uill .11IJC1LU1 lW . A UU , 1 . U l. t tuun, iiji ue wuum uci'.av wt f 1 r i i . ix ai.v r. .' . i - n I. i . U r. "" l I .1 l I . V "v 11 "ls 1111:1,1 i However, o went, iij his house, seazed a loaded ride and shot his (who had acconi the First Napoleop as the 44 reputed The steps, by which, enters the door of cle of the ; Emperor." He was chair- the crib, should be taken awar at ail time t man of the comraittee pn foreign relations, J when not, iu uo. In UiU way a Lirmcf 4 to uuc aud tearing on nrbwliou that the cxpres- can easily kctp raU frim rating, and pol-,i sion would appear improper, coming from luliug his bread-corn. Where rats bare I such a source, he sent an autograph note access to oni's crib, they multiplyrapidlyl to the reporter of tho Associated Press catch chickens, g to "the dwelliag-bousa i after the debate was concluded, request- J and become a pefect nuisance there also, ing him to suppress the word " reputed M J All this evil is du, in a large deirrce. to m a a . a . 1 . I . . w . " ' . at the note reeding and breeding rats at a cbrn erib .1 the parlor TEI, Catalogues Aur l Kadi appeared, found tho punishment ' si o ild be mulcted. The Kadi thai the law was that those who stole money from the cxchequ?r of lbe Caliph, the Sul i n. or one of his vassals, t-h uld be impaled. "Let them be impaled, then," said; the Bey. Vainly did the wretched prisoners implore his mercy. The Bey n mained ii.fiexiblo, and the cruel scn'ei.ce wa3 carried into execution on the morning of the following day. An escort of fifty ldiers took the three condemned men to a saiid mound mi which' had been erected the three instruments on which they were to suffer their excruciating agony. Tho doomed meu looked dejected, but had reached that calmness wich characterizes the Mo's m when he knows that death is inevitable. Those three instruments of an agonizing death were strong iron spits about ten feet high. About five feet from the ground there was a heavy nud nail through each of the spits. When the criminals reached the foot of tlm mound theyi were seized by six executioners. They quickly undressed the three doomed men.! Two of them placed a high step ladder close to one ol the spits two of them held the ladder so that it did not fall and one, ja fellow of herculean strength, carried Ban!u Ben-Hakim up to wards the point bf one of the spits. Rais ing the unfortanate man above it, he put him upon the spit. The victim uttered a w ild jscream as the cold iron entered his flesh: and seized ithe spit with his hands, . : - a . rtaittliAa&VMrmt aAww mmao Al hi m f laW SI hAaa of Pictures, Books. ,, sent free, ea prose, i e poem reprr.. ?uu,p--, riM" .IT . . f vl, ava nut rrlaafi him nn Mnt'div nn IhA J 1 - ...... - , I rr-i . , - ,. l t . i . .1 I e r i u ,v-.i i nc renoner compuea, uni xepi inc noie rccaing an 1 ue. ; , , , . , , , , . , I , - nossible CUrioaitV of the future. I 1 bis is tbe rnosl nnnrofiLatil afnrr .farm, f c niuiseii auu i r ' i . i r s Immediate- fur 174 ?The Jjinnarv noinber t'ontnins nearlv 400 lingtafings. Two'Satierd d'olored Plates. suitable fur framing, and also 'Hinted Plates f our ubrsreohs Floral Chrouios; iiifonnat'u n reli- tive to Fwvdrs, Vegetables, AcLand their cul tivation, and all such matter wai ftirmerly found m our Annual Catalogue it it fou order SHEDn be A llitO.'S OUAliTliKLY narisbn on kiiality of Seed and prices and sixes ofakets Our '"Caleiwhir Advance Sheet and Price! List ffr lfT:l," sent Addresk. BR If ' i Se'jdimen it Floiis FelkBtfJ GE.VER.IL-.LEE, EC.. Va., April, TilE SrililEXIIEii HF At Appomattcz C j H 9th. 1 A MAGNIFICENT 1 ine of th surrender of Gen. Ley. beautilully colored, fiiigrav in the highest style of the art and printed on heavy pjatejpaper. It truly a gem of art, one which should hapg in .. ' ' :. t e l.. .J of every Son Anuida's enchanted garden. They will be surrounded by poverty j ami meanues, ' and personal contact will conjure these j into affluence and splendor. In all such You will miss I externals companionship is the trans par- tore seeing BRIGiiS I ent power, the cunning creator of beauti U C Cliallenstecom-I fill ullnaK,n th smritn.il nrrrrer that compels the outward state to reflect tho inner mood. ! As with coaise, so it is with fine hus manity. Like seeks like throughout the universe, and this see king attains its end in. companionship, j The masculine and feminine in all the kingdoms strive toward each other ; wanting rest until co joined, and wanting development until contiguity be secured. While companionship con tinues satisfaction lasts ; bnt both are un usually temporary from absence of condi tions. Marriage, I repeat, is companion- thern fhome. Sent I shin, and with the termination of com pan- free. ! GS & ItROTnER, : S, UOCnEUTKR, ri. i . t 4 x 17 tuchEngravi by mail, hiouuteil .rr a Wler a;nd post-paid. ionship veritable divorte begins. Wedlock, f.r 20 ceuti or 3for 50 cints. AfiESTS Wan- generally seen is a cuulb rsome volume, with W sweet prelude ol verse fcllowed by tedious chapters of awkwardly construct Address jTi C. A. W. I. SUZLZLOW, Bristol, Tenn . . la' ' ' . ionsbip, and the subeeqm ut part ta with- il until J10 reched the cross nail. For (who .a ft a a a tnrough tho ttrrast, ktiling taiily. Mr. Penny and others heard the report of the weapon when Perry' house to sec what was the milter, appieheusivu that something terrible had happened. Upon arriving there they found the poor wom.tu weltering in her blood, but the mari'en r had disappeared, aud when infor mant left Burgaw ytaterday no trace of him had been discovered, though every iffort was being made to find out some indication of his whereabouts. Sam Perry is about 40 years of age, his wife having been some 5 years his senior, lie is a native of South Carolaa, having come to this county with Sherman's army, and h dark cotnp'.exioucd, of medium size and about five feet four inches high. No inquest has yet been held over the body of lhc uufoituiiHte woman, but it is pies. lined lliat coroner Hewlett will go up for that purpose this morning.- WU. Star. ipaniod him home) pln of the tai..iter 'S ho never smiles-f ' tiling her almost in- IIt5 " R man nf ability and no mean a- er rai.es. l he next are tbe eurcujois that He Nevek SmiLEV. The Christian destroy his peaches aud plums. 1 Leader presents a portrait for the contein- J , , I A FaENcnyAX ox trk Socrn. In case you are acquainted with any person iu Metz or Strasburg, pray write him warmly on this subject, aud urgqhim lo 1 uin ci aiieuiKiii 10 mis country, as ot all others the best uitcd lo the FrescU peo ple. Tbe Southern people of lbe; AiuerU can Republic are nearly allied to tho French in tastes and cast of mind, though they lack the vivacity of tnanaer anj qiiircmcuts. tie preac'ics wi n, an 1 ins life does not belie his 1 doctrine. Lut I has the habit tf taking', a severe view of t O neatly all questions and everybody's con duct. Ho is very seriobs. He maintains au impenetrable rigidity and immoveable sobriety. Tlic conviction grows on his people that be believes? mirth the unpar donable sin. He sometimes preaches abont ' . 11 1 a I nt j 1 1 1 p n (i wnirn tw ii ? 1 1 1 v mrir a& tbaM-. checrfulne-s, but it is always in 1a way to pIe Tbe .S u: hern "people ar4 prou, make it seem the most Solemn of subjects. pn8ionaUN chiralrsus, hospitaUf, open- hearted, generous and noble. It Mobility conits in contempt of death and of money. lAiler in Jlubilc ilegnfer. In a word, he allows himseii to become an embodied moral cloud casting an ui: welcorte shadow ovet every home he enters, and moving about his parish a grim HXtinguisber 0f light atnd joy wbeu he should be lbe nspirer of both. 1 . ,a I A voodou priestess tnld a New Orleans mother that oil Wednesday, the third day after the deatli of her only daughter, the young woman would reyive. The Repub lican says : MTbe Wcdi.es lay named by the voudou the mother: was allowed to visit the tomb, and at her request the vault was opened. Suddenly the sound Wonderful Discovery. Ninety-six physicians of Montreal have rigned a de claration regarding alchol, and say "that total abitiuenco from intoxicating liquors, I of load shriek broke ttpou the ear, and whether fermented or .distilled, is cousis- tearing open the comu tbe mother clpea tent with and conducive to the highest her frantic child in her anus. She bad degree of physical and mental health and just come in time an hour later and the vigor." This may be considered a won young lady would have lalleu a victim ta derful discovery in Montreal, and the phy- the terrible fate of the buried alive. He icians deserve credit fur announcing it. did the roudou' know it t" Senator Thurmin, cf Ohio, one of tho tnos. pioniirieiit derao&ruis of l hq' North; i said to Imvk besi boru in rldeittion, irt this iMa.i. While he was quitd. young hi parents emigrated from NorlbiCaroli. 11a and scttli-d Wi tbe West. We Iran itx inforiuatwu fmru a friend wto,k6av in the tutern part sf ibis Siate.-C&ar loite ObdtTKr. t I D'm'Jifiooi Onrtcoil TLc pstjoortem. exatijnatioti bf Gov. Geary's body lead U the couclusioii that bis nimo nasi bo tLJed to the long list of the public tutu who have worked themselves toj death. With his physical orgtnirfioo lit ourtt to have lired twenty years longer J ' 1

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