, - .V- :--l-:v,;:: v,v:,v:y- ' - I ' v : . - rf- : 'f -.' . f. ' ' -' I -"' ' '- ;- ' - ;-; .r- " - : " " a';"y"V" . J-oj. .-, ;j . ...-NO.. 25. WHOLE KO. 8G5.' C t i Ml B- II I II J V WW I III! i I f - f! !W,-tr : 1 Tie Urt narL if not alli tb. I " 7 l " T. l:lV: I ii vfi.. ?. "UI l" .m '? on? 'V1. .ol lH" Pla eirtUn.- i ibm nt HrHH . " mm mm ai h mi mm f : . j"" - - i . ' ix-viii a a im rii r v mi v t 1 ai.i t ft at vwkM ar ttt i n aa m - a. . K , . - m. i i i -i . r. i . r . i p wwwenuniraini n me riret i lme, ...j . it' J:. ' "t,,rK "w.oi : uimttjrmh, is rrer brtlarro. Uirre U a rry nnrrow l and Mid that tL onlr mvrwe L i mm . ' . v w i . " j Vt , V' V-Uar,one aUnlt-y etrp. t ""' thercntUnfT nd JiU help Ud wai Uit be thoald iiaioUia m Itnil If Blirr Li. rilpeifi na pnminuiiniiaM I ..H tl.I .TU. . nL i f .. il.. u.i .1 ll.i. 1? 1 . i o m.Twrm nmr iiriiripinrinv i s si i . i .iuu a. unrauer wmii inn mirre muiiini i uav camo aii iaml niin ii was iaih. . . . . -i . ,r." - -.-. .... . i j - b o --t - w v I 1 - mm. m m w . , . s s, . I - - - - - - -l D 1 I ' MIT' 1 W Ilf Srill V in MllOt t Willi I h k 1 , 1. . I . . t l.T I .V.llII I- 1. . Is . . i ado uienaa win ine ocean 01 vpar. i nrv f imii..i . .!... w . . . . : - : i i f-r i-iw w wwi nu.uui m iuitmoh ioi Proprietor aal Editor. . Atew-art, Auo cl at Editor BATES OP SCUCItlPTION 0k Texu, payiLl in advauce. ... Six MrtXTiu, !. ." ..... S Copies' to one address, . . . . . 52.00 .1.00 GOOD ADVICE. MArJA, do vein know tliat laree. hone o A, MUHrtlY. pext door toUineham & ..10.00 Cafivueliiiif ai kfp of goods at unprece dentvd low prices? i Now after houe cleaning, yon liad bestPee wuai you nvea in meir line and co there and get it, you can d. raud hetter there than to friends buy at any otlie? Store. jAdvise all your to go and pee fj . ; 'l j 1 ; n. ei a. muronv s NE W STOCK OF For oyer jrOUTY. TEAKS thia rTJIUSST VXiaH7AZ!X2 MVER ilEDidlNE tai proved to bo the OKEATi.LljFAILlNO SPECIFIC ftr Litis Complaint and its painful offspring, 1TSPKPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice. BUHoxts attacksj SICK UEAOACHB. Colic, ' Ueprcsnion oi SyiriU, SODK 8T0MACK, Ueart burn. CUILLji AjND F1SVEU, tc, Ac. ;After rears of careful experiment, to meet a great and urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine I'owdcra . TZZB rUBFAZISD, ,. LLuid form' of SIMMON'S LIVER REGIT. , LATOU, containing all its wonderful and yal- nable properties, jaud offer it in , OZXB AOLXkAJL SOS7X.SS. Tb Powder s,( price as before,) .1,00 pr. packago. iientby uiail.l,. 104 CAUTION ! -t Rny nolWderHor PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOU urles in our engraved wrapper, witu Trade mark, Stamp and bigna tore uubroken. Js'ono other if geuume. 1 i J.1I. ZEILIN &CO.t I i Macon, Ga( and Philalclphia. FOU SALE BY TI1E0. F. KLUTTZ. Feb. 20 tt. i ; . -J Salisbury N O. TRIUMPHANT! ftIMiGOBDS OU I ja wonderful stream U the river Time. a u giioea inrougn ine realm oi yeatu, WitU taulilem rhythm and musical rhyme, auu a broaaer rweep and surge mibhue, AOd blends with the ocean of years. ,,- ..!:..., ... ' ; . . . . IIow the winter are drifiing like flakes ofsnow, : And the rammer' like buds between,' And: the Tear in the hcaf so tht v eoine nnd pt. On the river's breast, with its ebb and flow, m ii guues inrougn uie siiadow and siren: I TljereVs- magical isle np the river of Time, 5 nere the fort est or airs are iiayinj5;: . There's a clondlesRfiky and a tropical dime, And; a Kong m sweet aa a vesper cjunie, And ine pi une where the rosea are stay inj;. ! "... . . I S .' And'the name of this iele is the Long Ago, -And we burr oar treasures there: : The r'are Lriws of be.oty and bosms of snow, 1 There are lieapH of dtr, but we loved them sol "I fiereswinnKew ttml troves of haM7'- We take pleasure in announcing tothecili teps of Kowan arid the adjdinine counties that no uic nuw rcvtivng anu opening Uie LA MOST R G EST AND j ELEGANT mock ot uCMiLKs we have! eTer had to ex hibit to our numerous friends and customers. We have taken much time, and unusual pains to Took up bargaihn for our natrons and do say that all persons wishing to bey will find it to their advantage to call and I Thefe'are fragments of songs that nobody sings, And a .part of an infant s prayer; I Tliere'sa lu:e nnswept, a harp without strings mere are broken vows, and pieces of rings, And the garments UiaWA used to wear. A re hands that are waved when the fairy shore liy the mirage is lifted in air, And we sometimes hear, thro' the turbulent roar bwret voices heard in the day's gone before, W hen the wind down the river is fair. Oh I remembered for ever be the blessed isle, All the davs of life, till night When the eve'ing comes, with a beautiful smile. And our eyes are closing to slumber awhile 31 ay that "Greenwood of soul be in sight ! -" "vvai .n uiKiiig m U!.; rOU. nnd CS iquiaaie tno interest ur-mean The larirer nart- if not all ol th In... mw y wvd ued and txpendd amup th cont rxctnrs aud eacli other creditors of ihe rond whsc wants wre spressiiie and immediate. Vaw day came at; last and it was found uccs ry to contract another- debt to par. this one. In other words, to chanpp m.it.r In thetneart while i Colonel Tu hid become ftestdVnt of thfe road, and lie nuaii contract 'd a new loan with Lan caster, Brown & Co., financial scents at that time of fliram Siblrv.,.. Ii muT- 1 remarked iustlliere. that wlipn Air. Slott was pnccwdc cl; in thnl presidency nf the road bv uoloncl l ate. h had ihr n'mno f Colonel Tatft jt apon llie notes for tb, EXAMINE OUR and prices before purchasing where. We have a large sloctc of all kinds of STOCK, anything else-. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ! RAIL ROAD. Report of the Joint Select Committee on Western North Carolina Railroad. Dryj Goods, Boots, Shoes, land Gaiters for JLadics. ! i ; 1 Gents, Hissts and Children, all good f stock (anfl no Shodfiy work) CLOTHING, CROCKERY, HATS Caps, NoiionsGlores, Hosiery, Fancy UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE- Goods, Sole, Leather, Calf Skins, i . I Lining Skins, Druggs, Sfices, Soajfc, and, a Large - Slock of Fine Cjrocerifs of Ilijcti quality and j low prices. Salt, Syrups, hogging and Cut ton Ties, Cheese, Crackers, Cmcr Seed - ' i MIUMS awl Gofd and Silcer Medals were awarded to Cn a lks M. Stieff iar the bet Pianos in corapctilion ' : with nil the leading nianufactur ers" of the country. ' Offlce .and new Warerooms, No. 9 North liberty St., BALTIMORE, Md. The Btieir Pianos contain all the latest, im provements to be found in a tirt?clara Piano, with additional limproremeuts of his own in. veution, not to bo foutid in other inKtmments. ;The tone,, ttmch and iini.sh of their iuKtru-. rueuts cannot bd excelled by any manufactur ed. , 1 i"i '- ' s ' A largo aflornicnt of second-hand Pianos always on hand, from 75 to 500. Parlor and Church Organs, some twenty dif ferent styles in hand from $50 ami upward. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, containing names of orer twelve hundred , Southorner.-? (five hundred1 of which aro Virginians, twoj . hundred North Carolinians1, one hundred andi fifty East Tennesscans. and others throughout; ' the South), wihojhayc bought the Stieff Piano since the close of tho war. J. ALLEN HUOWN, Agent, 22:40t i ! Salisbury, N. C. and in fact nearly LOW everything Wanted and all at PRICES.) I T . ' .', I . . i lveiurninR ouriinanKs lor tfie patronage o Iibenill bestowed j on us sinc we opened in .BlaFch last, we tfiist bv strict attention to bi si hess, and olitenkss to our customers to merit a continuance of the sunie. i Very Respectfully, i R.0 A. f X- All ordefs shall have lentinn. ' j -. , i RoiiT. MLiiipnY. ANDRW MtJRPHEY Salisbury, Oct.! 17, 1872. fc7:ly I I.. ! . i ... iunu in n is own eieaq. -uoi. lat,. in negotiating t lie loan ; with Lancaster, Brown & Co., refused 1 toUVe any ner sonal liability in ithe matter,aad got bis name fwiro the tKlten'HieVitef interest on this loan was 1G neiicent.. less, to Le sure, than the Cit one,! but sufiicient to exhaust the rcfontces of Ue most prof per ous Portof enterpiiee in phort older. Uoionel 1 ate entered to stipulations with the lenders lliat lm iv ouM pay in 30 days and, in cane of default, that the bonds deposited might be sold to meet the debt. Malum t came, but the condi lion of the road and its finances was such that there was default in payment of each ana every part ot the lo$n, and the $1, 057,000 of the bonds hell as collaterals were sold and bid in at the $atnount of the Lancaster, Brown Co.,dbt and the charges ; for selling, total "amount bcin about S250.C00. i The' mortgage contained a stipulation that in case of the failure of the company to pay I any installment of the interest w hich might be duo, for three months after demand, or substauM.lly to that effect, the the entire principal of the bonds should become, due. bach a stipu cur.y. eon fro u npinir ot me Stoc&holders. will negotaic a tnU. of all interest of the State and iudividoils and others in the enterprise npnn sitcU. l?rmr' under such rules and regulations as to time of sale, terms of sale, seenrity for,iho purchase money, as may be considered proper by them, and that tbey be empowered to pas npon the claims Vf a such - creditors of the. road now ihMi:igtion as1 may. submit toihier action, nnd that they ;be empower ed to compromise the indebtedness of the road; that this pnrrbasrr at such sale bo required to give guarantees for the immed iate and piorapt resumption of the w oik. of building and pHaluug iorward-llia uucom picieu part ot up: roan, and that the mon ey arising from the sale, or the uotes, or bonds to secure it, be applied to the claims of such persons as submit to be jurudac tion of the commicsion or otherwise es tablish tlu ir claims, and in caso there be I Rose Porro was tho firt conducted to an excess th.it it bo paid to Such pcrsous I the block, and when the jailor wis a bo at as are m law entitled to it commission, or a majority niiiioiji-d nonve, wi'.b a lilllo bolt or bo.k in fmnt foil f.islehlnc ihe neck se- Ire unfortunate, wruncn warn in? this 'fcccrie prayed aloud and cried hyslciieall. The usual prayer was recited, and when concluded the jail or passed- to the executioner . a long int. strumenjt in an ancient looking scabbard of. leather, covered with steel and brass platings. The executioner, thnngh evi dently a young rqan, seemed familiar with the paraphanalta-of bis snrrowfa) craft.- He' adroitly unclasped the heavy scab1 bard, drew forth t ' : - L LAKGS bLlSTXXIKO JkXC- L i with H blade. HVe a colossal raxbraud took op his position ou the rear nf the platform. The criminal's eyes wre ban daged (with long strips of linen, which left enough to Llnd theltead to the block. The Joint Select Committee annointed in pursuance with the following resolution, ! lation is said to obtain a cortvcy.ir.ee of to wit: .' this description in ucoflate.t Whether MURPHY. our prompt at- a. offiJSfiy , INSUUli IN Georgia Home Insurance Col Of COIiUIvlBUS, Ga. IacoapoR ated, 1 850. Ca pita $350,00 IODES BROWNE, President, WILLCOX, Secretary. ! J. R D. F, AndP AIL Losses Equitably Adjusted "romptly Md in Full! Property' owners desirins to obtain reliable Irt- snrance Will;' do well to protect themselves by ecuTihg a Policy in "(teorgia Home Insurance Co." Agencies at prominent points in all the Southern States. ' J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, I -- Oflice No. 2, Granite Row, April2f72. ly Salisbury, N.C. i J. P. Gowax. - - HE undersigned hating associated them selves in buHiQcs under tpe him name of A. M. SuLLiviir. NEW! OPENING. T A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., -IS 1! TT AYE opened in R. J.l irtines' new build LJ.ing. next djoor to the Hardware' Store, where theywilljbe pleased to meet old and new menus. They have a lnagmhcent room me largest, uuu uusi. in wwu-j-anu JSl. Iiarge tXs Splendid stock! of goods, lOtOMPUISIN a general Assortment, Hard- J ware exwuited, and will guarranteo as good bargains as can bo sold jby any House in the South. Theyj-ill deal heavily in Groceries ond country PioUtice, buying! and selling, and invite aa who wish either to Buy or sell to call on them X. M. SDLlflVAN A Co. Jan.24tb, 18T2.f 9:tf "Rcsolrcd, By the Ilouse of Rrpresen- tatives the Senate concurring, that a Select Committee of five from the House and three from the Senate be appointed to in vestigate the indebtedness of the Western North Carolina Railroad that gave rise to a late decree of the sale of said road and to sec if any means can be devised by the General Assembly, by which the sale of said road can, consistent with the interest I of the State, be prevented, and report byi bill or otherwise submit the following re port:" j The committee have examined a large number of witnesses among them Presi dent Tate of the road, Mr. Mott, ex-president It F. Shnonton, R. Y. McAcfditi, N. W. Wood fin, T. L: Clingraan, and several others, and they have" elicited a great : man facts in connection with the road which are rendered irrelevant in the report in view of the late action of the honorable the General Assembly, in directing the . appeal from the decision of the Circuit : Court of the United States, for the Wes tern District of this State, and the fact that such appeal has been taken. And while your committee is by supplementary resolution directed to consider and report of the grave propositions of laws involved in the matter, they have concluded to leave those questions to be reviewed and decided in the Appellate Court, which is not only learned bat august. ' they sub mit that the moving' catiFC of all the em barrassments which have of late fallen upon the road was the mortgage executed under color of an act of Assembly entitled 4aa act to enhance the value of the bonds issued for the completion of the Western North Carolina Railroad, and for other, purpose?, ratified 10th day of December, 1SGC and the nctioti of the Hoard of Dir e- tors of said road predicated upon said act. Under color of std act, and possibly m it was competent so. to stipulate in tho mortgage, without express authority to that effect in the act of Assembly, is a grave legal question lipon wbiclrreapecta ble lawycrB are at Variance, and your Committee leave it to be answered in the Appellate Court in ibis case, as that ques tion is one of points sought to bo! review ed, j The decree of the Circuit Court of the United States in the case which was ap pealed from, was in part mado up of the principal and interest; of the bonds'issucd by this road and embraced in the Lancas ter, Brown & Co. 's claim. Of oilier tUims computed in that decree, some of them have been refused by the company? and are litigated now at the instance ofome. of ihe officers of the road. Tho itotal amount of tho decree in the cause? was t about 81,300,000, some $500,000 of which ! consisting ot imperfect bonds, have been cancelled. j That this of them: be clothed with full power to act inthe place! ana stead ot the legislature, m this par ticnlar. . And in order that any failure to act may be cured in advance aud provided for the following alternates to take the placesof the commissioners In the order in which they m.iy be appoioti-d, to wit ; W. T. Dortch, Wm. Eaton,:W. U. Bat tle, James A. Leak and Alfred M. Scales to succH-d each of them to the full powers of the original commission, in case they fail to act. It is believed that in this way a solution of the difficulties of the situa tion may be had and the road be poshed forward to an early completion. Your committee herewith submit the testimony taken in tho investigation, and beg to be discharged from further consideration of tho matter. BcNJfETT,' Fl.ElIMING, Wa'kixo,: HoUSTOXj Jonx T. Cramer, Brysox, to placo the linen over her eyes sbc tta? gered back and made a Tiolcot movement with her hands as if sbe would burst bsr pinions. But the chaplain s TOice calm ed hef, and according to bis admonition she repeated tbe dmne prayer, 41 Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commcud my spir it," and fell upon her knees. Margante Coraldi was removed to tho entrance of the yard, and prevented from witnessing her accomplice'! death. The prison bell of Castle d'Novp was now tol'ing slowly, the clergy and nuns were praying fer vently, and Rose Potto's while neck was made fast to tbe block and exposed to the glittering sxe of the executioner. Tbe chief warden of the castle, who may be called a shire ff, came near the platform with two medical men and the Sindaco. The chief warden motioned to all present to preserve strict silence, and then torn ins: toward the iexecutioncr he raised his blsa, rtnulr;. iabto: I car ter was stronger than bis loyalty : hi waa young and handsome, ft well ai Idprti iionable, and perhaps tht ? X-Prin WM wa I not sorry wbru, her pretended father dy jing, Daubs nd offered blntsclfjto berai hus band. If she had really renounced all' thought of resuming herjrauk, be argued, why should sbe not wed an honest ma a. rbo InTed ber I Tlioogb not a Quern, ia him rbe slioold ercr htre a deroted sub ject. She ennsentrd, tnd, H te dolrrgt afforded one of tbe strarfgest Tcitodew of fortune that history lias recorded p tW i marriage witb an humblf otocer of mfaa try of o who had becd destined for tbe .1 : - - ' f t i lurano oi uussim, ana iwuosy-fiiur actually ocenpytng tbal jot Atna,. marriage was a happy oae. and bora After ten years. Datband bela bled with some disorders which tbe prac titioners in Louisiana Could not core, re rnoTed with bis wife and child to Patuj t get medical advlca, andj on bis reearrry obtained from th Gcrremmeut an ap-' pointment in tbo Isle of, Bourbon. VTMla in Paris the wife and daughter went U walk in tbe Tuileries, and conrrrsitg ia German, were oTerheard by Marshal Saxe, who stopped tq consider them. Mme. Dauband's embarraiimentcorifirtn ed bis sur pieions, and bis recognition of her was complete. Sboptnuaded brmto promise recrecy. lie called ouber. bow . i w m. sl wa TLa frah HronJ often afterward; for Bourbon, la- Ter, tbe next day, andi and when she departed formed ihe King of wht be had discov ered. Orders were sent to the island that the greatest respect should be paid to ber and the K;ng of-IIungay was also made acquainted with tbe position of bis aunt, sent her a letter inTitinj ber to bis court, but on condition that she should quil ber husband, which sbe refused to aoJ In 17-17 Diuband died, having been prtced- right band -the signal for the fatal blow. I ed to the grave by bis daughter, and tbo Tne executioner, whose mask had been widow, came to France with tbo intention staring wcrdly at the sheriff awaiting the cf taking up her residence in a convent. signaL, lifted his weapon and stepped to In p!4ce 0f doing so, however, sbe lived tho left side of; the prisoner, lie raised iD great retirement at Vitri,aboat a burns Two Women On Ihe Block. TJe Avful End of the Halt) Farnrrt at Naples. The Necks of the Two Murderesses Bared to the Axe Hose Porro and Margaritc Coraldi Expiating their Unparalleled Crimes. The two baby farmers of Naples, whose appalling crimes have already been nar rated, recently paid jhc penalty of their deeds on tho block ia the Castle d'Novo, near Naples. The prisoners were brought We cannot, in justice to the witnesses ( before a judge and jury, and after a brief who have examined,; some of whomsrc tr;at durjg which the most revolting dc orweie officers of the road while these 1 of tcrriblc crime wcre elicite( PVPiT wi-ff! trrtiiRiiirlii rlnsp tin rpnott without saving that'every witness who i bokn 08 Forro has been summoned before the committee . has appeared with commendable dispatch, gi-en his test:m 'ny with ei ti f' njss ' so far as the coniaiitlee can ju lge, aud -in '. and Margaritc Coraldi pursuanceof its proviMon?, BRIGGS & BROTHER'S lLtbsTRATED i ! 1 FlomlWosrk! A BOOK FOR TUX MIIXIO!f J I ' H.mmm.M A WlttHC UfU lfc Guldo. mmrrj U pk7tol(iral wimlii mm riiilllMN( Ml UMmclM U MmO m f muu Obrriaa, . lUiliulMcNiliwktinintMlriiT MM. v BUMtMS imtap, u4 muIm Tilatbl J t ton M fc IH" W rrtor mm ttm f m f rtoM. StIUUIa mj AbMracktMM lnti4lMt I mtilT. Mi4 ! MMlr WuUOmm.. f 1 1 aMtalat U HMrtnn mm 4riam f ptnhb km nftlallM ll imll-vM,, M4 ikaaM Mia lk ,rl i . vM raw W ttj mtmi am tank UmkM Um ! f HM, niMMIIWTMiniMIUWIIIIUI raHntMi UM to VMM twr)B,iM liMfel mmk aka.k4 Ik ur atkar wark. ' S Waa 0W ! f-mf) torfgtr CmX. A44nMlr. SIU PtMHryt. XS t.aisatkaWM fkiMii,iu. j r ' j jf jVotIc la til USlcUd t&i V&ftrtBsatfl, 1 lalM aaOU tM) U MM llJwU aftlM U fUa MMrt.r MtM f " f aw wrfc mmt mmtjt llmwlw w Saylf Mar - wr. aatM iiiiiIiI m aaaaja iiw mi iwanj' lilMfM aa aa af taa mnm MUaraiaa ; Ml ,fna, af tall Ma t ' - try mm mil, mm mm Baraaa, aa4 Ma M laaaUMMMaMaaV Ma.1 VVaafk, )Ula FOR JANUARTJ 1873, NOW OUT. Issued as aiQuurterlv. Tho four, numbers sent to any "ddress, by mail j htr 25 Cents. The richest and most instructive Illustrated; ami Descriptive Floral Uuule evvr nuhlisheu. lhose, ot our niitrons who ordered Seeds lkst rear aud weru credited with 25 fcuuts will rt-eeive the four Quarterlies for Thosy who order Seeds this year will btj ereditod wjith a subscription for 1$74 The January number contains nearly 400 Eujrravinirs. i'fwo Sunerd Colored Plates. suitable for frambiijr, and also TinteJ Ii..ts .f our ircrtfe'U Floral Cuionios; information relv tive to Flowers, Teijctab!es,itc., andlLheircnl tivatiou4 and all ech matte as was formerly found in our Anuual Catalogue You will miss it if run order SItKDS beforb seeinir 1JR1GGS & HHO.'S Q.UAltTKRLY. Vo challenge com- pan son on quality of beed and prices aud sizes of packets Our '! Calendar Advance Sheet and Price List fr 1T.V sent fre'e. Address. I tfefdsmen.itl Feb 6tf. J I RBIGG A BROTHER, Florjst.S, liOCUSBTKB, N. T. I I THE SI RREXDER OF CEXEULLEE, At Appomattox C. H.. Va,, April, vin, iseo. A MAGNIFICENT L14 k 17 Ineh Engrav i rig of th sirrf4ler of GO. Le. beautifully colored. Engraved in the ighest styUof the art and printed on heavy plate paner.! It is truly a gem f art, one which should hang in the uarlor of every SoutHera home, i Seut bVinitil. n!tunti tn a roller and post-paid. for 20 cent, or 3 for 50 eats. AaESTS Wak- Address J. C. W. XX SXTZLHO W. bonds were issued to the cxtMil of nearly one million and a half of dolU'.s. a mortcg exc- euttd cn the road in the full lopo ami ex pectation that the bonds would tind ready purchasers at t ! ino-y unrkct? of tbe world. The unfortunate complications in Europe, , recoil tng from the rupture of friendly relations bt;tw"-eu Fiance and Prussia, shut up th:t n-oure of sale. - The credit of tbe State was greatly im. paired by excessive loans of bonds for like purposes as these, ana m a snort time whatever remained ot that credit expired in tbe utter failure of the Stale to meet maturing interest on her bonds, and be Cause of other acts' which are painful enough without being paraded in this connection. At this juncture the officer who stood at the head of the road resorted to the ex pedient of hypothecating tho bonds as collateral security for the loan of money, supposing that at no distant day the press ure; might lift and he would be enabled to . uegotiate the sal.e of the bonds upon more . satisfactory and advantageous terms than were then Jiinsible. He eflVcied a loan of ubout $225,000.' for which he gave his notes, and by way of further assurance i deposited about $500,000 of the mortgage ! bonds then perfected, and perhaps, an equally large -amount of the bonds not then or now perfected. Ihe bonds were inarki tabio tin n at about forty cents on the dollar, with some deduction for com1 missions. Your committee do not think that the hyp thecation was excessive so far as the amount of bonds deposited was concerned, w hen we consider the fact that Ja a. our opinion, so tar as the testimony ad duced goes, ti e charge of fraud, collusion or other complicity jbotween the officers and outsiders or any 'of these witnesses is unfounded in factj and upon the evfs deuce as adduced wc are of opinion tht there is no good'gmikud that such accu sations should longer continue ag.inst these geutleraen. It i a sti iking ftct that a man's hindsights are U tter than bis foresights. It is: caHvr to lookback and tell how errors cdnld have been avoid. ed than to point theia out in advance and 8u?K'Sl their cure. IThe scope of the re solution under which the committee is acting is of so broad a character that we feci it inenmbent on us to m ike snch sug gestions for the action of the Legislature as are consistent with the interest of the people of the counties through which tlm road is to pass, and the parlies to the re cord in thesuit now pending. The appeal already taken from the decision of the Circuit Court opercrate as a supersedeas ol further action in tke di rection of the sale of tbe road under tho judgment of the Court, except by consent. The crowded state of the docket of the Supreme Court of the; United Slates, which consisted at the beginning of the present teim of several huhdred cases, renders the hope of an early: decision of the cause forlorn. , lu the meantime the counties through which the! road is to pass are deprived of the facilities which its com pletion would offer it their doors, all ac tion is suspended and the best interest of the people of that section is ignored, if we fold our hands and await the "law's delay," Your committee suggest, with the view of accomuiodating the aforesaid interests, that it is competent for the Cir cuit Couit, notwithstanding the appeal to the Supreme Court, ;to order a sale of the road by consent, auid all its property on such terms, by such persons under such regulations and restrictions as may seem meet aud proper, fl'liey are of opinion that the Court could require guarantees for the completion of the road. To this end your committee recommend that tho Genet al Assembly pass a resolution ask ing the Judge of the Circuit Court to wero sentenced to death. The sceno in the court room on their being pronounced guilty was affecting ia the extreme, the women sobbing hyrlcrically and kneeling in the dock to supplicate for mercy. A Naples letter thus describt s the execution : Karly yesterday morning, wbeu hardly a soul was astir in llif narrow aud bois terous thoroughfares of Naples, an omni bus looking vehiclo stood iu front of tho Prefect's chamber, near the Chi;j i. On the uppermost floor of the prison is the chapel, w here the conoeiuned women were attending mass their Ut mass and the mournful strains of the "Miserere," chant ed by the Sisters isi their choir, could be heard gloomily waltieg through the lone couidors. Tii pnsocrs, still in black, knelt near the altar, and at tho appointed time received their last communion. TO TBE EXECUTION. Towards half-past six the prisoners, fi inked by an escort of ten gendarmes aud preceded by tbtee clergymen, moved fiotu the chape) to the vail in front of the prison door. tbe Tan efulaind too pria- oners, toe cnapiAin sua assistants, two Sisters of Cbariry, tbe prefect and bis lieuteuant, and the usual guards on the outside. While lh van was rolling over tbe paveineut on its way to the Castle d'Novo, which is built right ou tho edge of the bay of Naples, many harsh com incuts were madu from groups of strag glers, while au occasional merciful one vouchsafed au ejaculation such as ' the lrd have mercy upon them !" for well the axe about ono foot from the neck of Rose ! Porro byi way of taking aim, and then swinging it above his bead, he bro'l the havy blade down with all his might, , i ana j THE HEAD DRprrCD OYER TITE BLOCK. The trunk rose nearly a f ot and a half, as if living, by tho sudden spasmodic ac tion of the several nerves. A lifier was immediately at! baud, and the trunk and bead lof what was Rose Porro, the infa mous' baby farmer, were removed, aud Margarite Coraldi was' led to tbe block She prayed constantly, and did not evinc aay great fear until her bead was forced oa the fits! stand, when she uttered a brief j nervous ' scream. Her bead was not completely severed with the rt blow! The skin of the front of the neck remained nncnt, and the body, springing back, cxpostd a ghastly gap which made every spectator shudder, and caused the platform to be smeared with blood. A pall Was thrown over the body and It head, and both were removed on a litter to await, likej Porro's corpse, burial in un consecrated ground. The I ul filing of the icxecutioiier's contract was to wipe and 'w het the nxc be used, and replace iu the tcabb.ud fit for futore emergencies. RUSSIAN ROMANCE. Ii Bristol. Teon. Catalogues of Pletnws, lUoks, sect free. Jot. 3 UTfU. a large propoition of them were imperfect. appoint brce persons in addition to those aireaay nauica kt tuai purpose, ana that the five constitute commission ers to sell the road; ; the Court make an order for the sale, tbe term of purchase to be credit pf eighteen months or two years ; at all events such time as will insure the decision of the Supreme Court on the appeal. (Title to j be retaiued and the purchasers to be put under compulsion to build the road, beginning immediately. Aud lest the action of the Court may ac cord with! the suggestions iu consequence pf supposed wont of power in tbe premi The rate of interest and commissions, with contingencies, on this j loan reached the crushing figure of 17 per cut. per annum -a rate w hich would grind the life out of an enterprise more prosperous than the Western North (Jaroliiia Koud. 1 his loan and its security was negotiated by Mr. Molt, who was tUen President of tbe road, and in his lancuage was concurred in by those officers of the road with whom he s poke and consulted. The receipts of the road were not sncb as to enable tne I ofScwra to meet all expenses incident to retcr the Grelil's JJaugUer in Jaiic Once an Exile n Louisiana .1 Strange Story of Real Lfc. To Louisaua, in the beginning of tbe last'century, cam an old German emi grant with hi only daughter, aud settled here. She was young and very beautiful and attracted much attention, especially . - a W MP a t that of one Uanuand. an otucer ol the colony. The officer had been in Russia ; and what struck him upon seeing the young lady, was the very remarkable resem blarjce which' she bore to the Utc wife of Czarowitz Alexis, son of Peter the Great The history bf this Princess bad been a m a j a a a very sad one. though sistsr-io-iaw to Charles Yl., sbe had been treated by ber husband as though sbe had been bis slave lie bad attempted to make away with ber " - mm aa by poison, and at last be struck ber with such violence, when fir gone with child, that he had caused the death of both her self and ber Infaut. After a great lapse of tjime, the Czarowitz himself died, aud to iXuiband's watchful eves it seemed that y all knew the missiou of the rusty J tbq intelligence of the Prince's disease was from Paris where sbe died In 1772. Chamber's Journal. A MINNESOTA TRAGEDY! A tragedy as exceptionable o its atroc ity as it was unusual in Its features occur red at Woodville, a town of Waseca county, Miun., on the 17th Inst. The story iu brief, from its beginning o'tts euding, rnns in ibis v ise: 'A German named Rnff, residing si tba place fcacn tioned, about three years ago wrota to a country man of bis named Alexander Iluscr, residing iu Wisconsin, inviting iJm to come to Minnesota and make bis boas his home. Buscr accepted tbe offer and removed from Wisconsin, bringibgwitb him b's wife and three children and. par chased from Ruff a half ntertst in the tbo latter's farm. In a short time the rner. became enemies on account of Mrs. Baser. Quarrels often ensued between Busier on one side and Mrs Busc r and Ruff on tbe other, and eventually Baser was forcibly ejected from the bouse. Iletiirniag subse quently to tbe rcidence.abqut a year ago he was agaio directed away, afld'aioca that lime, aud until the tragedy, 11 u FX and Mis. liuaer with the children, remained in undutmbed pofcssion of the prtcalises. Uccenily nun and .Mis. linser learao alarmed at an effort that Bu'ser' bad Wade iu the county court to have them i a dieted. and it Was under the infinence of tbii fear the murder and suicide! was rrssrted to evade, as they thought, i tbe actio if tbo law. Oa the 17th of Feb. three of tito children on returning from school, found a a a ra i I the house fastened, l ne alarm ws given aud a neighbor went to inveallf ate tbe matter. When tbe bouse was catered a dismal scene was presented to tbe gaze. Upon the floor lay KutT; lace downward, with his throat cut from tar to ears 6n tbe bed, with their throats cut ?B ike same received by bis fair lodger with such sn- snicious interest and excitement, that he taxed hur with being in truth the unhap py lady whom all the world thought to be dead and buried. If such were the case. heidcclared himself devoted to her service lb wheelrd bUck vu of the prison. During the tedious drive tbe prisoners prayed aud sobbed alternately, and spoke little and only in whispers to the kind Sisters of Charity, who never cased offering them religious consolation. A guard of police men occupied the gates of Castle d'Novo, I and prep tred to sacrifice bis prospects iu and doffed their hats when tne van drove I the colony ni order to escort tier to uus up and the prefect made his appcarauce. I sia. ' The gales being thrown open, the trcm- J Then Cbarolotte Cusbman Sophia de blintr prisoners wer? led through a long, Woolfenbuttxl, (for such waa her maiden stonv nassace wav. darkened by biirh I immc). narrated her pitiful story. She J I o -f- I 1 a. - waifs. Upou reaching the rooms of the jailer, the sisters, assisted by other wo men, removed the cloaks and bonnets of the DriooiMTs. The prieste.: sisters of charity, and prisoners then knelt and prayed, the officials standing round with bowed beads. At the close of the prayers for the dying, the executioner appeared, wearing a black mask and black singlet shirt. Assisted by the.jaiior the execu tutiouer pinioned tbe arms of tbe crim inals. The plain white colars around the doomed women's necks were remov ed, and all being ready the living cortege moved through two passage wys until the place of execution presented itself. It was a very unique sight. At tbe extrem ity of a small, stone-surrounded and stone bottozuod yard ia a Oat rock shaped into way. were Mrs. Buscr and tbe youngest child, an infant about two years oldj Tbe traces of blood died stockinged feit about tbe floor and ou the foot'of the bed kbow cd that Ruff bad first jkilled tbo'4otner aud then the child, wbicjb be bad carefully laced in its mother's arms. After that : bad laid himself npon tbe bed and in at position cut bis own throat, j tFrom waa, indeed, the person ho had imagined, and bad made use ot a fraud to escape from the cruelties of her late husband The blow that had been given to her bad almost caused ber death, but she bad re covered. Byitbeihelp of Countess Coniga- mark. mother of Marshal Saxe, she gain- i ' - t nit i ed over tbe womeu ot tier ocacuamocr, so that it was given out that she was no more, and a funeral was arranged accord ingly. Then, being conveyed to a secret place, she was carefully tended, and, when slrq'ng enough, removed, in the guise of a pleasant girl, to Paris, under the guardian ship of a trusty German, who passed as her father, aiid finally from France to Louisiana. ' Having beard ber story, Danband re newed b offer to furnish tbe means of c that position ent bis own tbe bed in the death-struggle be bad fallen to the floor. Tbey left several notes be hind, affirming that the bad resolved to die together, and fixing the re possibility ot their deaths upon Baser and another man. Oue of these note signed ;MAnnie Rilter," and written by tbe woman Was to t bis cfiect : "Ixt nobody charge this deed to Ruff. John Dedrict and Alexander Buscr drove him to it. I folUwi him chert fully, and thereby the world shall see that our affection wai sincere." In a statement left by Ruff be said, referring to the woman, "she was ready to die'and I swore I would follow ber, a motuer's:love. j Limit tin o gives this illustration "In some spring freshet, a river widely Wash ed its shores and rent away a bough where on a bird bad built a cottage for ber: sum mer hope. Down tbe white and whirling stream drifted tbe green branch; with its wicker cup of uuflrged.song, and flutter ing beside it went the mother bird. Ua hcading the roaring nrer, on sbe rent, her cries of gny and fear piercing tbe pauses in tbe storm. Hbw like th4 lore of an old fashioned mother, who foilowiag tbe child abe bad plucked: from ber bcart, all over tbe world. 8wept away by pass sion that child might be, jt ntterednot ; though be was bearing away witb bin tbe fragrance of i battered robf-trr, yei that mother was with bint, a Ruth tbroorh all ..... . a-a. . m ' bit life, and a Kacaei at b)s OeaiJ.;

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