;ji7i77 -a (JJfeiTO 7:"7 . i I " ! I " ' - I. - 11 ' 1 - t ' ' ' - 1 I II a ! ill I II I 11 n a I II In 1 . 1 1 bt Mr I , V ' -j ) 1 - i , , . ) .11 VOL. IV. TH IRD SERIES. J PUBLISHED WEEKLY J. BR U NEK, j proprietor and Editor. ' J. J. STEWART, Xsaociate Editor. RATBS OP SCMCIIIlTION Oyx t payWe in advance. Six MoNTHSf v ..... 5 Copie8o one address, ..... . SALISBURY I N. C.l MARCH 13, 1873. r i- a. - nucnwi io me uasineas irom rlnch the mirtihv v.l.... .1 i u . .i ' j j -i j -i t r vr n . j ' ... w v aa h unr w r &h a h. mm iMiirHHnii : nm ami r-mi mm n naa iin n A K.uan in im m vui ii in mi nv Mt r sm ia Dy uie Oommuaioiiers of the coui.tr. tipalarmt ball be IUlle therrfor. Ertrnr . t i iieki nl:ir deufls o8tfi fcu' taurcr GOOD ADVICE. MARIA, do yon know that large hose o There is ,nQ death I The stars zo iown, ) To rif' upon ioiri fairer hor And right in Heaven's jewelAl crown Thy shine Turevermore. 7j-&3G9 7 piauyi t. 1 sm v i An . T . linomiv J . .7 . I 1 nere IS Ho death i Th dnst we tread . i.y , rt. mumiii, 1'wtoooriownenama v ; t-t-r T iu.w . so iiiiisc ii uuua ii cuoui mi nnnrece- i . . d , . dented low prices? . j m I I Now after house ileaning, yoii had bent see what you need in their Jin and go theife and get it, you can do much better there than to buy at any other store. Advise all your fiends w guana see i . ! To golden grain orl tnllow'd fruit Vt rainbow-tu.ted flowers. R- & A. Murphy's NE W $TF0CK OJP ITER GOODS FALL VI For over FORTY YEARS this j PTJUELTT VEGETABLE LIVijR ii EDIC1NK has proved to be the UREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC fsr LivKR Complaint and its painful offuprine, UYSPisrsiA; Constipation, jaundice. Hilliou8 attack SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression l Spirits, SOUR ST0MACK, Heart bnrn, CHILLS AND FEVER, Ac, ic, ! After yeara of careful oxperiuicnt, meet a great and urgent demand, wo now produce from our original Gcntiine Ponders. I i T7JE rHEPAHED, a-Liquid form of SIMMON'S LIVER REGU LATOR, containing all its wonderful and.tal uablo propcrticrt, and oiler it in : OriE DOLLAR BOTTIiES. 1 The Powders, (price as before,) 1 .CO pr. package. Scut by mail - l.Ul i CAUTION ! t c i Buy no powders or PREPARED SIMM6NS' 'tlVER REpULATOR unlesi in our ; engraved wrapper, with Trade work, Stamp and bigna ture unbroken, rvone otner is genuine, y J. II. ZEILIN & COl, Maconf Ga. and Philadelphia. FOR S ALL BY THEO. F. KLTJTt. Feb.aOtt. i Salisbury: N.C. For; 1872 We take pleasure in announcing to the citi zens of Rowan and tKe adjoining counties that we are now receiving and opening the LA il&E S T i lAND -: MOST ! jfetiEGANT Stock of GOODS we have ever badto ex hibit to our numerous friends and customers. We have taken much . time, and unusual pains to look up bargains for pur patrons and do say tha t all person wishing to buy will . find it to their advantage to Call and f EXAMINE OUR STOCKi ! ; f ? and prices before purchasing anything else- We have a large stocV of all kinds of I Dry : The' granite roek duorabgise,' j Aim feed tile bnnery moss thev bear : The forest trees drink daily life rroin out .tbe viewless air. There is' no death ! The leaves may fall. Aim flowers may fade and pass away They ny wait through wintry hours l ne coining ot May day. I There is; no death ! An angel form Walk's o'er the earth with silwtit tread : And bears our best loved things away. And then we call them "dead." . He teaves onr heart all desolate. He plucks our fa rest, sweetest flowers ; Transplanted into bliss, they uow Adorn immortal bowers. - -; .5 ii : . ! '- The bird-like Voice, whose jovons tones Made giad tnese scenes ot sin aud strue, Now sings an everlasting song Around tne tree of life. Where'er he sees a smile too bright. Or heart too pure for taint and xice. He bears it to that world ot light, o dwell in paradise. j Born into that undying life. They leave Us but come again -; ; With joy we welcome them the same, i Except their1; sin and pain. And ever near us, though unseen. The dear immortal spirits tread; For all the boundless universe Is life There is no death ! (uvuuit: w tienvrn, mgciuer wun tne neces ary expenses of supporting the family, which' shall j'inr no iustance exceed one thousand dollars. -Vfl j ' - 5 The tajx -payer simile return to the assessor the net amount of his income, which return the assess thall Ifile in the office of ilo County tmmissioners. Iteal or Personal Estate, by descent, I devise or honin'st. .lfI m pnuita'.l to two and a half per ccnL, according to the degree ot affinity, and under the pro visions of this act. See Revenue Act at large. J LICEKSE TAXES. Goods nie.JoIlowinz taxes arc imnosed for tho privilege of! carrying on the business or doing the act named ; and nothing in this a j " scueduie contained shall be construed to relieve any person from the payment ot the ad valorem ux .oh big property as re I quired by. the preeevding schedule, and no wijr, iuwii, vr oiuvrmuujcipai corporation shall have power te impose, levy or collect any greater on real and personal property tuati one aud one-bait per centum on the value thereof. Provided, That this act shall not apply to cities or towns where i a rate of taxation is fixed in their charters. Theatricals five dollars for each exhi bition, or filty dollars per month for sea sons of not less than oue month. Concert, or musical entertainments for profit, five dollars for each. Lectures, for reward, five dollars each. Museums', wax works or curiosities of any kind, natural or artificial, (except paiutings or statuary) five dollars each exhibition. Circus or Menagerie, each day or part of a day, oue hundred dollars, and for each side show, ten dollars. Itinerant exhibitions, other than the above, five dollars each exhibition. Exn A Beautiful Prater. We hope I hibitions without charge for admission or many little children will learn the follow- tor religious, educational or charitable ob ing bcaatiful prayer : jr'jf ,. . . o r " : " r '4 B wwuu iJivtel8, boarding bouses, (except those such company, lahall be in quired - to ap. 1 as portrayed in a sworn confession b a n-afor educational purpoem,) res tan- poiut a general.. agmtfjw bo . .shall ob prominent Democrat cf.CjuwelV whkfc ranUand eating bouses, on e fourth of oue . tain a .liceu frptn the 'J'rrasnreT before one Heter, a Radical detretrer prefcaeed per eftnt. n gross receipts. j trausacting any baniui-M.l herein, and be to have obtained. Mr. DowteanV petkesj PitUit Ferries, toll bridges and gates . foie snch license is gtantYd the applicant and the tears of the negro members were acrofa highwajs, one. fourth of one per Ihall show to the Treasurer his appoint- somewhat ekecked whetr Mr. iMcGtbrt cent, on gross receipt. incut as general agent, finder seal of the read a letter from the alleged eoufessori a . Foreign Danlctr$ and Mong Brokers, company, and there n pool the licen shall gentleman irreproachaUt cbxracttr. Every money or exchange, bond or be granted by the payment of one bnn stating thai confession was toanefartarei titer and hai to htsif 'ahs! note bmker, private banker or agent of dred dollais, end such license "shall be re- that be knew nothing of II a foreign broker or banker, in addition to newed annually by the ipaymeut of said never made any statement the ad valorem tax on their capital inves- sum. And It shall be the duty of said had no confession to make! i,' or the tax on their net income, shall general agent to furnish j each of his sub j any one else, y, if employing j a capital toi twenty agents with a commission authorizing him I We would like to believe 1 1 II mm . f.a ted pa to bixa or u I and trast Iff. thousand dollars, a license tax of one to do business.! And any one foond soli- Bowman was sis cere in reeling this mis hit ud red dollars, Afja capital of less than citing Insurance without such commission erable forgery. Bat at least be baa let twenty tliousaud dollars, and not less shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor Political teal ran away with A judgmett. than ten thousand dollars, fifty dollars, and be fined not less than one thousand Hester is a swiadler and aeonnr! 'A and if a capital of ten thousand dollars, or dollars and imprisoned not less than nine-1 his appointment as a Federal detective less, a tax or twenty five dollars; and ty days. Tbej sgent affecting insurance was an outrage upon North! Carolina, also ten dollars additional for each county shall, on the first days o Apil, July, Oc his more recent appointment to a Foreign' for which they have an agency, -the tax tober and January, make returns to the Consulship is a rcandal anCaisgTaee" vpoa to l paidtd tha Sute Treasurer, the Register of Deeds of tlie Country in which the whole eoantry;'- i aisenaiUa ai" license to be given! by the Auditor. the insurance is effected,' of all the busK Mr. Bowman should riot have been e- Auctioneere Oie per cent, on gross ness done by him during the preceding ceived by such a uesUoniUe cbaracier, amouut of sales, subject to Chap. 10, re- quarter in said, county, and shall pay to we are forced to believe thaj bad be deitr- vised code, aud not tq apply to tobacco the sheriff the county taxj assessed on such ed to serve the cause of truth with half ware-housemea or j to persons who keep business. The general agent shall also, the seal he has shown to serve the ends of warehouses exclusively for the sale of on the first days of Apt U, July, October party, he would not have been tbosita cotton. and Januarv. make return to the Ree-ias I Dosed anon. ! 1 n , - . o i j- . . 1 I ng. The the Informer, i lobacco TFarcAcwscmtfn. Thirty five j ter of Deeds of each county of the amount J But denials go for noth dollars per year. I I of gross receipts for premiums received famous character of Hester Cotton Warehousemen Fifty dollars from such county for snch quarter. It 1 and the spotless character of Mr. Wile v. per year. j shall further be required of the general the accused, does not stand in the way of Commission Merchants one eighth of agent or his local agent to pay to the the scoundrels who intend to carry tor one per cent, on sales, provided that when sheriff of each county tax assesed upon ward their political ends, although North nlrilnnn. . L 1. K U- Z . C II a . J ! PimI!..1. 1 , cmhuvuo, miiuuo ur wait iiuuwia no duiu i iuq eives receipts 01 preuiuua couvcicu in I muiiuab vioeirciiij ana cOOU BSIDe are uj vuuiuiioiuu merfiianis, luey ruau pay a i bucu couniy, wnicn snail noi exceca one I pwiiuccu. ietriy a loil column of theSO - on their sales of such sacrificed. per centum on such gross recepts at the I base falsehoods are telegraphed to the time and in tne manner as requited by ew lorx lime, and in the scandalana two dollars for each I the State, and no municipal cort oration I columns of that paper, life in North Carlo. horse kept for hire! at any time during the shall be allowed to add any additional tax ; lioa is depicted as beset with attacks from year, to be collected by tho sheriff quar- Ion failure to make returns or to pay as I midnight assassins, and the whole land as kciij , iiiia id a nob io apuiyi io araymcu. i aiorcraiu, aaiu agenis suau pay iwcuiy- i '""""g uu muruercrs itinerant Vcnti$ts, medical practition lax oi nve per cen liquors. Jut very Stables ! triumphant) UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE j muyiS and Gold and Silver Medtds ''H ivcreawarded toriALEsM. STiEFt" ' i - f. for best Pianos in competition with ajl the leading manufactur- j era of the country. 7 I OfSce and Zew Warerooms, , No. 9 North Lrberty St., BALTIMORE, JId. Tho Stio(Ta Pianos contain all the latest; im provements, to be found in a first-class Piano, with additional improvements of his 'own in vention, not to bo found in other instruments. , Tho tone, touch and fluish of their instru ments cannot bp excelled by any manufactur ed. Boots, Shoes, afyj Gaiters for Zadies, i I I ' Gents, Misses frqd Children, all good stock (and no Shoddy icorkj CLOTUING,- CROCKERY, HATS Caps, Notions, Gloves, Hosiery, 'Fancy Goods, Sole Leather, Calf Skins, . Lining Skiris Druggs, Spices, . Soapsl and a Large j Stock! i of Fine! - ! 3 i Groceries of High jqtjiality and low prices. Salt, Syrups, Bagging and Cotton Ties, Gficese, Crackers, Clover Seed : and infact nearly everything wanted and all at LOW (PRICES. - i . 'I ' : 1 Returning our thanks for the patronage ?o liberal 1 bestowed 1 on us since we opened in March last, we trust by strict attention to busi ness,.and politeness to our customers to perit a continuance of the same. F ! . Vefy Respectfully, 7 i R. & A. MURPHY. All orders: shall have our prompt at tention.:. i : I J - - ' ROBT. MURny. I 7ANDRW MURPIIEY, ! nve dollars tor eacn policy etlected or ers, portrait or miniature painters, da- I negotiated bv him in said eountv : rrotid- : 1 w 0 j r J W gnonan artists and other persons taking ed, That no county or ; corporation shall likenesses of tho unman face, five dollars bj allowed to tax insurance agents' for li- ilandj as iwman's for each county on such bnsinessJ in which they carry Itinerant dealers in cense. Tax on Receipts or sales to be listed on oath to the Register of t Deeds uuder ccr tain penalties, (bee sec 26.) Trades and lrofcssions taxed by this act to be listed with Register of Deeds jects exempt. j Gift Enterprises, or on any person or establishment offering any article for sale, and proposing to present purchasers with any gift or prize as an iuducement to pur- prize photographs oue hundred dollars chase, ten dollars aud oue per cent, upon for each county. ! the gross receipts. And on any lottery, I l'eddlers of goods, wares : merchandize, whether known as a beneficial association drugs, nostrums dr medicines "no matter, or otherwise, five hundred dollars and five how they travel, (except manufacturers (See sec.) per cent, on gross receipts, to be paid to or their agents selling by sample, shall I Form of License. (Sec sec. 28. See the Treasurer of the State. This tax shall obtain from the sheriff, by order of the I also sections 29, 30,31. 32 and 33 for the not be construed as a license or to relieve I commissioners, a peddler's license, to ex- machinery for carrying the foregoing into suco persons or csiauusumenis irom any pire ai iiiceua oi fix mounts irom itsaaie, I eneci.; penalties incuricd by a violatiou of the I on the payment oj ten dollars on condi law. 1 tion that but one person shall peddle un- Bank Aacncics. Everv airencv of a der each of such licenses : 1 and Drovided I Tlie taxes embraced in Schedule C. bank incorporated out ol the State one that this license shall not ri lease peddlers I "hall be listed and paid as ep-cially there-1 rope was ordered to be drawn tighter, and hundred dollars, to be paid to the State from the tax imposed in this act on per- ,n directed, and shall be for the privilege the negro was ordered to get a bucket to Treasurer. j soas who deal in ihe same species of mer-1 f carrying on the business or performing catch the blood. This dene, one of the Billiard Tables. Twenty dollars each, chandiz, which tax shall be collected or I lhe aCt named. ; I crowd severed the jugular vein, the ne- Bovcling alleys, or alleys of! .like kind, I received in the saine manner as in the case I Express Companies- two .per cent, on 1 gro caught the blood io die bucket, taad or bowling saloon, bagatelle, or any other of other merchants and traders : provided, j g receipts, on or before the third Mou-1 Stephens was dead. His body was laid rODer, on a pile ol wood in the room, and the t t I I t .a Vm U Mr II.. U M-.aU. I J a . m or play, witn or without a name, unless construed as to reqnire a tax to De paid Dy ,WI "otu u Bw " tor private use, aud not prohibited by law, j any porson other than tncrchants andPcnB,l7 oi ei.wa. twenty dollars each. 1 peddlers for bateriug cotton, iron, earthen I Telegraph Companies. two per cent. Dealers' tn Liquors. Every dealer in ware, yams, salt and heavy cotton do- ,or eacn lDrce mouins under a penalty oi SCntDCLK c. Father, now the day is past, On thy child this blessing cast : Near my pillow, hand in hand, Keep thy guardian angel band. And throughout the darkling night Bless me with a cheerful light; Let ine rise at morn again, Free from every thought of pan ; Pressing through life's thorny .way, Keep me, Father, day by day I THE REVENUE ACT. The following is a carefully prepared synopsis of the Act to raise Rcvcnu?, re cently adopted by the Legislature and arranged by Mr. Spelman, the Senate Reportei of the Sentinel, its entire provi sions being brought within a convenient compass, j The synopsis will be found vorr irtnvrninl fnr rplprcnpa oD(1(Tinu , Th. fut.rni A CWmU nf table, stand or place for any bther game that nothing herein contained shall be so dJ t January, April,' July and October, xrfi. nr.lr. a vumt tua or play, with or without a name, unless construed as to reonire a tax to be paid by 'r cn of we three- months, hereinafter designated, payable; in the ex isting national currency, shall be assessed rand collected under the rnles and regula tions prescribed by law. EDtjcATiOKAL. (See School Laic.) Polls. -Each taxable poll, twenty-one Giving an extract from Ur. Boi speech, depicting Hester's tTaphic decn'p- tion of the murder of Stephens, under a flaming head of "Lira ijf Noktii Caach lixa," the telegraphic despatch to jUo New York limes, tells bowjthe victim wa decoyed into a dark room, Strung np with a lasso, and finally, as the tory goes J He was told that he must die. He then asked to be allowed to take a last' look from the window of the office atlii home and any of bis family that might be in view. The request was granted and when 8tephens stepped to Ithe widow he beheld bis little borne, and bis two little children playing in front I of his bosae.' He was then thrown down on a table, two of the Ku-Klux holding his arms. The spirituous liquors, vinous liquors, porter, meetics ; and provided, that nothing hereiu lager beer or other malt liquors, shall pay contained shall prevent any person freely a tax of five per cent, on the amount of all selling live stock, vegetables, fruit, fish, purchases-; aud every agent; who offers oysters, books, charts, maps, printed to fifty vears old, except those exempt by liquors for sale, shall pay the value of all music, or other articles of bis own growth County Commissioners, one dollar and five liquors of every description sold by him -. . . . i i - i . i j : t A largo 1 assortment of second-hand Pianos I Salisbury, Oct.; 17, 1872. 27:ly I always on hand, from $75 to $300. , . 4 j i Purlor and Church Organs, some twenty; dif-1 A. M. SuLLIVAH feront styles 011 hand from $50 and upwards. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, containing names of orci twelve hundred Southerners (five hundred pf which are Virginians, two hundred Ndrlhl Carolinians, ono hundred and fifty East Tbnnesseans. and others throughout tho South), who have bought the Stieff -JHano sine tho cUs of the war. t J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, ' . 22:40t Sa1ibury,N.C.,. J. P. GOWAN NEW iOPENING. 1 i i : ''I'HE undersigned haxing associated them X selves in business under the firm name of A. M. SXJJLLIVAN, CO4 j & j , HAVE opened in R. J. Holmes' new build ing, next door to the Hardware Store, where they will be pleased to meet old and new friends. Theyjhave a magnificent room the largest and best in town and cents, the proceeds to be devoted to edu cational purposes prescribed by law. If I any poll tax shall not be paid within sixty day 8 after the same shall be demandable, it shall be the duty ot the bbentt, if he can find no property of the person liable sufficient to satisfy the same, to attach any debt or other property incapable oi manual delivery, due or belonging to the pcison liable, or that may become due to him before the expiration of the calender year, and the person owning such debt, or having snch property in possession, shall be liable for said tax. or manufacture within this State. Retail Liquor Dealers Every person Liohbting rod Mentun dollars for desiring to sell spirituous or malt liquors, each county in which they do business. Tax on Seals Seals of the State De partment fifty cents ; ; Public Treasurer, fifty cents ; Notary Pqblic or other officer, twenty-fivo cents where scrolls are used instead of seals, same tax. (Sec sec. 3 of this schedule.) murderers went up stairs, took part in the meeting, and stamped and abplaudod Dem ocratic speeches. f ' 1 And what is all this fori Most the Mast the Northern heart be fired again I President's leniency be checked t Most the compassion of Congress be stifled ? Must the animosities of the section bere- kindled, and the wounds of the war reop ened T And lor what good t Possibly to save Kadicalism in North Carolina. wiucs or cordials in quantities less than a quart shall before engaging in said sale, obtain an order to the Sheriff from the Board of Commissioners of the county in which he proposes to-do business, to grant him license, which orders they may grant or refuse at their granted he may take out STATE TAXES. Splencticl STOCK i OF GOODS, COMPRISING a general assortment. Hard- J ware j excepted, and will guarrantee as eood bargains as ean be sold by any House in the South. They will deal heavily in Groceries and country Flounce, buying and selling, and invito all who wish either to buy or sell to call on them- i A. M. SULLIVAN & Co. Gipsies, fortune-tellers, or beggars fif ty dollars for each county in which they practice their craft ; but this shall not exempt them from the penalties imposed by law. j . Drummers orl travelling agents of any option, and if perro .8 who spall sell; any spirituous, license for not vinous or malt liquors, goods, wares or less than one year, and shall pay a tax I merchandise, by sample or otherwise, therefor of twenty-five dollars Every whether delivered or to be delivered, ex retail dealer of malt liquors only shall cept agricultural implements and fruit pay a tax of fifteen dollars per annum, trees, an article of hi- own growth or raanu Prov'uled, this section shall not be con facture, shall, before making any snch struei to repeal or alter the provisions of sale, obtain a license to sell one year, from any special act prohibiting or regulating the public treasurer, by paying said trca tho sale of liquors in any particular lo- surer an annual tax of filty dollars but rjilitv. shall not be liable to be taxed in anv coun- Merchant's Tax. &c. Every merchant, ty because ofliis sales. A violation of UJ n February of each year are hereby jeweller, grocer, druggist, and every oth- this section subjects the offender to a fine repealed. Jan. 24th, 1874 19:tf BRIGGS & BROTHER'S ILLUSTRATED j INSURE IN Georgia Home Insurance Co. floral WOlfk ! Real and Personal Property, including moneys, credits, Iraud, stocks, &c, twenty cents,! ad valorem, on every one hundred dollars valuation, subject to exemptions made bv law. This for the genera) fund. A sWcial tax of seven cents on the one I er trader, who, as principal or agent,' car- of $50, or imprisonment notexceeding one hundred dollars shall be levied and col-1 nes on the business of buying or selling month, and a forfeiture besides, of 8200, lected on all the taxable property of the goods, wares or merchandise ot. whatever j by distress or jotherwise, one-half .to be '.State jto wet an existing deficiency in the name or description, except such as are counted for as C-ther taxes, the other half treasury. That whenever in any" law or specially taxed elsewhere in this act, shall to the informer and the sheriff equally, lact of incorporation granted either under pay one-eighth of one percent on the tbtal Banks and Insurance Companies. the general law or by special act since 4th amount of purchases in or out of the State, The chief officers ot banks, including sav July, il868, there is any limitation ot tax-l ior casn or on crea a tion, the same is hereby repealed, and oi manufactures ana agricultural proaucia ipiii auu uciouer oi cacu year, cerwiv Marriage License fifty cents ; marriage Wilmington Journal. contract, mortgage deed and deeds in trust to secure creditors where the amoant se cured exceeds $500, a tax of one dollar. See section 4, schedule C Oiarters f Incorporation granted by the General Assembly other than for bene volent or charitable1 purposeswhere the charter can be secured under the general law, &c, 4 tax of : twenty-five dollais. res k i.ji Jn i Collectors of Fines, dc , See section 6, schedule C ! Embezzlement by officers. section 7, same schedule. i Taxes by, county Commissioners. All' laws requiring laxesito be levied by the County Commissioners on the first Mon- 3 EC- 10. That this act shall be in force from and after ratification. "FIRING THE NORTHERN ! HEART." - ; r A POWER IN THE LAND.! t A statement in the Philadelphia Ledger shows that the capital stolcof the Penn sylvania Railroad Company at the time the supplement doubling the same- was passed, was S75.000,QOO,and that conse quently by the act ius( signed by the Governor the company Is authorized to increase it to S150,000,0(K). The com pany has authority to create a debt in amount equal to its capital, and thus with out further legislation the capital and debt of this corporation may be increased to three hundred millions 1 j In connection, and by Way of compari son with the above, it will be interesting to observe what the Financier gives as the latest data of the other expansions of the Pennsylvania Railroad corporation. This paper prints a tabular statement of the miles of road controlled by that com pany, by lease or by ownership of a ma jority of the stock. The Summary shews Tho dirty work has begun again. The that the Pennsylvania Company controls it, except, the products iiigs banks, aud private; bankers, shall, in I political hyenas, whqwere mutured under I sixty-three railroads, including the Union d agricultural products April aud October of each year, certify I the auspices of Uoldu, are again at their I Pacific, the Texas Pacific and some others all the property aud effects of all such 1 of the State. And no retail merchant on oath, the amount ot profits which I unhallowed labors. Men who have put j in course of construction, with a! total :: . 1 HI IMI. .. r..1l . I ol.nll k A ...... ...... . n v A . liiiva lu..n narniul anA sliall mi v An inuli I mnntv in tKfir nnrmiii Kv tfin hatred mnA I lonirtli nf 1 fl AOrt mil.. Unt m Tn f wULU rVlliUb, Ura.7 wno t a vtt a wv iri Knxv-nrir T.anAil I like nrooerlv owned by individuals. purchases made from wholesale mer- profits five p;r cent, to the State Treaa- the strife of the past; are determined that 070,000,000, together with 250 miles of . . J . ' . I i . ' - . I . . I I -1 . !1 " . . ? .. I . A a . V. Cna. Mn rv. m n .na n m - A t nn.ti 111 KIa rfllirfcJ.f . 1 1 1 1 HAT K KnriA1 I ..nil Hint m 1lr.A f t!.. Tli.. iA Bpeciai tax oi nine cents on me one vuauw reeiumg in mis omnj. jc mn , auucui.u iusuiiitcuiiupaureo i-um ,kihvv uj.iv. .. . v.u.i uu m uu cuip. uurt hundred dollars suau oe lected on all the taxable stitution for the Deaf. Dumb and Dlind. I on oath to the Register of Deeds the to- have beeu five per cent, lo tho State penitentiary to a few; convicted Ku Klux, monster corporation, and, prudent persons A special tax of six cents on the one lal amount ot his purchases tor the pre- treasurer, un failure to comply wun tne miserapie ereaiures in mis oiaie woo may wen nnd a source ol p rotund uneasl hundred dollars shall be levied and collect- ceeding quarter. The Register of Deeds the provisions of this section said banks, have grown great arid opulent upon the ness in view of the rapid growth to such edbn ill I taxable property of the State to shall keep a book in which! shall here- companies or persons, shall pay as taxes blood and liberty of their fellow-citizens, imperial proportions of 4 saoney making be applied to the support of the convicts corded the lists given to htm as herein oue thousand dollars to: bo colleceted by begin to raise a grcit hue and cry against corporation, having no sympathy with the ijicoKi-oRATEi), ioou. capitaij. 5)000,000 I a Qnarterlv. The four numbers sent to anv ''' J. 1UIODES BROWNE, PraidcnL- address, by mailfor 25 Cents. The richest and r v wirimv c I most instructive-! Illustrated and Descriptive v. t. NILLCUAi, becretary. , Floral Guide ever published. Those of our All LOBSOS Elllital)ly AdjllStcd cxeaSiaafcentswllece Quarterlies for 1873. Those who order Seeds e cents on the one chants residing in this State. h,very urer ; and such insurance companies as are nuch valuable adjuncts suau nor do nuncd. canal and a line ot stesm ships. lbu be levied and col- person required by law to list his pur- by the State incorporated by the 8tate, Now that Congress has shown a disposi- by a careful estimate, welfind that nearly hie property of the chases shall on the first day of January, shall April and October of eaah year, cer- tion to pardon "traitors," and President onetbird of the railroad! in the eonntry Vsylura and the In- Aprl, July and October in each year, list tify, on oath, the amount of profits which Grant has opened tbcj doors of the Albany have some under the domination of oe And promptly Paid in! Full! Property Owners desiring to obtain reliable In surance wJM do well to protect themselves by securing sj policy in "(Jeorgiall . I lome Insurimce Co. Agencies at prominent points in all the this year will be credited with a subscription for 1b74 I Tho January number contains nearly 400 Engravings, :;Two Superd Colored Plates, suitable for framing, and also Tinted Plates of our gorgeous Floral Chromes ; information rela tive to Flowers,yegetablcs, &c.,and their cul- i .nuunu l)iu l ii( niiui. i f.-.j . ... Innhn fata nma April 2$, i72. Office No. 2, Granite Row, fly Salisbury, N.C. A BOOK FORTIIE MIULIOIf j Guido. NtrrU r U.m iknt lt mmrrf U pk7tolgial G,ttria aad rltioaMl ThUI M lilttwilii rk f t kaan4 ul UtT fm4, milk .r Brmta(, U4 mttlM lamkta of the Penitentiary, aud the erection of I required, and shall turuishi the Shenh the 1 reasurer of the btate. s . J-' . . . I .'. ' , .... .i. , I It. r . r n theonter wall around the same, and for with a copy ot said lists, witpm ten days i foreign insurance wmpanics. livery no other purposes. - after the same are given in. i It shall be life insurance or assurance company not Net Incomes and Profits, other than de- the duty of the Sheriff to collect from ev- incorporated iu thir State, doing business & BKO.'S QUARTERLY. We challenge com- rivd front property taxed from any other cry person on the list furnished him by therein, shall pay annual tax of two per parisc onqm souM whatever during the Vear precede the Register of Deeds the taxU embraced cent, to the Treasurer of the State upon of packets , Xur Calendar Advance Sheet and . : - . , , . 6 .. . J . r . r U..a .uii W. J..,;. rm Price List for lV sent free. i ing fine nrsi aay oi April in eacn year, a i mercm. ; i no ivegwici vcub duui ,vrK '"wf' "l UIU o finu- Address. ! I ! BRJGGS & BROTHER, I tax tot one per cent. The income tax shall I Uave power to require me mercnani ma- mms cnargcu ior uiiurauce ouiaineu mere- You will miss it if you order SEEDS before seeina BR1GGS toinunM.Maomiluiw rltM. f Ull Ulk Uat.atkt tab k.pturle aa mwj', o Br...a7 an mm mui. - ItwMalM U ip.rttmo. kdrio ml m pknMk km rpMtle U rarU-wid. ui mhmmM mm Im Um pri nu 4ranrr mt mvmrj ukul fkawl lfcr.(lul Uu raitr fVcb.- abfMTrytkli M tk wbiM( r tb ca rmUr, nnn that U worikkaaviscMti Baob lkM la M ,abt.hla 7 Uer wwk. ft BBiMTB(frwrpoULC)wrlftrCta; ' Aiitmrnm Pr. BW PtepMMrr.X. XU M. KiskltrMl .. SU Lom,Mm. ,; j j , , - Kotlcs to the AfSictei and T7nfbrtTm&i. Vtmrm ppl7ta to thk Mterleaa qMki pwto kdrOTttM ta IablU !.," in rdM Vran Dr. ' rMHitUt Vkk7riMaMls kbtfar sad i lioa. tmmm. t a tdri b, aam. f tha mm aalabtjM. aa I praMaara a f Ibl aaaatrr and Saropa, mm aa ba mn.. . mlym paraaaallr ar tj mil, aa tha dUaaaM ' At. mt. nmmm and aarlara. Na. It W. Klaklk aaraak t tkvarka. - OBlM and parlara, Ua. 11 m. W Swtvaaaf MarfeaaaaS Cb-aaaa, 8. Klfktk i Seedsmen Jfc Floruit, Rqchebteb, N. Y. Feb 6tt, j j . THE SURRENDER OF GENERAL LEE, At Appomattox O. XX., Va.i April. ilPth, I860. A MAGNIfJpEJNT 14 x 17 Inch Engrav ing of th surrender of Gn. Ie. beautitully c)Iorel. Engraved in the highest style of the art and printed On heavy plate paper. It is truly a gem offart,one which should hang in the parlor- of jlVery Southern hnntt. Sent bv mail, mounted on a roller and uost-naid. for,20i cent, oj3:for 50 cents. Agekts Wan ted..! i . - l Address J. qi &. W. Tfl. OTJZIZLOW. i -;. Bristol, lenn. Catalogues of Pictures, Books, Sc., sent free. .ran. 23 ItH4f. include interest on the securities of the United States of this S: ate or other States or governments. In estimating the net iucqme the only deduction by way of ex pense 'shall be : J.L Taxes other than the income tax due this; State.! ing his btatcment to submit hs books for examination to him, and every merchant refusing on demand to submit his books a ft in. unW s the company shall exhibit to the Governor, Auditor aud Treasurer a I every slander against the Southern peo- sworn statement of investments in real I pie. to such examination shall bej liable to a property situated in this State, or loans The introdoit:on of the Amnesty Bill penalty to the State of two handred dol- seeured by mortgage to citizens of (he into the Legislature of our Slate, is mov- lais, to be prosecuted by thfe Register of State of an amount equal to oue:half of ing cause of this new mannfdeture of Deeds, and recovered in any court bavins such gross receipts, when the tax shall "Southern toutrsges and the rehearsal. t f e l :i J: .i i.,.;.,!;,, nftlm lamp. It shall further I b one ner. cent., said tax to be naid auar-1 with horrible variations, of oh. ones, tor property or intererst oi. encurabrauce on be the duty of the Rogister oft Deeds to terly, viz : on the first day of April, July days past j the Ualelgh .ra, U lladica nmLrtv n.01 Jr. iK. (...oinao. frnrr. -,1.1, Krii.fr an it nrrainot everv merchant refua- October and January of each vear. Each I Stale organ, under columns of sensational thulneome ia dftrived. ino- as aforesaid in the Superior Court of genernl agent shall be required on the headings, has rettied ww chapters ol , -31 iUsull or -ordinary repairs of the the county, as may be prescribed for spe- above named days to make a stamement imaginary patrages im Alamance, which bnildinM fiom which th in,nm i dP J eial nro-seedines. to tho end of 'obtaining ti the Treasurer, under oath, that the th Senator and Representative from that . . -1 11. . II 1 . . 1 . a policy caicuiatea io resiore peace ana people and scarcely anything lu common quiet at home, and harmony and reconcil- with them. When such a bower is brought tion to the 'country at large. to bear upon legislation there Is no telling And unfortunately these creatures are I what may happen lo public rights and in- not at a loss to find ready tools at the I teres ts. North to aid in their disreputable under taking. The columns of the New lork Times, once coutroled by ibe lamented Raymond, 1 is the receptacle for any and rived. I 4j Cost ir value of the labor, except that of the tax payer himself, raw material. iood and all other necesaary expenses jn ' I an.h oVnmmatinn and comnelfinf nflv. I amount bv lUm returned is a full and cor- I county have. I I . t o i I . . . I . . W..nt of the nroDer tax. Audi for such r jet statement of such quarter. Un tail- false. eivica the. Register of Deeds! shall be lure to comply .eutiiled to fifteen cents ior eacn return i section, evry Irom their seats, branded as And daring the receut debate up An nnsophisiicated maiden in itlioois has in veil ted a sitPple but (ogemoas device of securing by one operation both a has band and a lortune. She offers herielf as a prize to be raffl.-d for l 00,000 tkkcU to be issued, at SI each reserving to her self the right to reject the holder bf the lucky number on payment of $500. A New Hampshire clergyman, who was arked bis price by, a yoongl tnan whom he had just married; replied that the law gave him t. The youth prompt ly banded out fifty cents, remarking, M Well, that will make up' t2 50 for ftm," and defore the astonished, man could ex with the provisions of this I on the Amnesty Bill, Mr. Bawao, ef ' plain ma ters he was off with his bride on .a -a.. - - Such company shall pay as JlitcheJl, moved the Radical negro port -bt hot sy moon. ii i. III

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