-l . a. a -i . . ;. . ..... ... . i . . . i . . .-.! . r. n 1 ti j . 1 - It 1 i !n 1 Mil 0l mtTf Tl1' : ' " 1. U". i 1 j "-) ' ' t ...-- .. .... . ; , 1 ' - - t i " , . - t VOL. I ' 1 rUOMSIIBD WEEKLY . fjvp. BRUNEI, Proprietor and EditOP, J. J. STEWART i Associate Editor. BATES OF StJBCniPTlOTf Osi 1 Ciu, (pay able in advance. sit Months, 5 Copies to dne address. i ut iJ '!!L;-""" " 's I . 4 , , t - - ilimiilliiiniiriiAnii i Bi 1 1 If I II 1 ft a'I'II II fi I I I IIBr1HIrKnlBj HI U H II II Is ! i i l mm i mr mm mm mM i . n mm mm lill I I til 1 1 II I1 II I 1 11 la I II 11 lil . I aw cjb nil urn a V.THHID SERIE!?. SALISBURY N. C ABCH 2(D, 187J. . . 1.00 ....10.00 f y,J over FOKTT TEARS hi TpUDTtTT V23QZ3TAZL11 LI VER ISIEDICIXE taprpvea be the OKEAT liNFAILlXG SPECIFIC fr IiiVE Complaint and its painful offspring, nYSPKPSIAi CONSTIPATION', Jaundice. RiUioui I attack, SK'K HKADACUK, Colic, Knrn ILIA AND FEVER, itc.ic. a flr fftirti of careful experiment.4. to meet a Rreat and urgent demand, we now prbdace from oar origiiiai; Genuine VoKtfcrt j . i a Liquid; f.rm W SIMMON'S LIVER BEGTJ- Ij V l Olt, coiu.'uuine an an whuuciihi uuu a- i uablo pr(pcrtien, ana oner 11, m j 1 The roW4kr,(price an before,) I.C0 pjr. package; Sent by ail..f ... j... J'4 I 1-r CAUTION ! BuynoVowd r, or PUEPAUtn $IMM03& LIVEK RKOULATpit ui. in 4r engraved trrppr('jwUu,TraV.einalK. htamp ano oigna tarfl uubfokin. N'olio other i genuine. ! j. II. ZEIL1N& CO., Vii Mneon, Oa. and Philadelphia. FOR' SALT'. T1IE0. F. KLUTTZ Feb. lid ti. , I j S.i'febury N.C ARIA, da rcMi know tht Urgelioine o pexi door to JSinghara & CAPTIONS OF THE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS Passed ai the Session of the General As sembly lqf North Carolina, commencing on the Zd Monday of November, 1 872. ; J ' (Note. )Tle foUpwing Acta and Reoolotiom eliap. "ISO, !Xnw of 1871-72. entitled "An Act L rUUlih the rateg of tbt pab liepriiitiag Aotlfor other parpose.- IViot- ag committee directed to nuke a contract Mllini; all kiAuVW went into eflei-t frott the darof their nttinca deiltd low nritt? lis I tion. anleoa otherwwe soeciallv noted.) . . I . a , I . . : . ' . . ; ow alter home cleaning, too had beotnee wiMit Tim neea in ineir line f nt o llioro nt I 1 KASlrvlift inn tn aiittirtrtva lh mint Kt It. vnai Mn 1 mtlfk I J. .1 I . . I I . . . t." 7. .V " .v" .w." inn committee to examine the retnrns ot eiec yu7 .v .n7 oiner awrei AdTe aU jour frienda i-i aU.L. iJl, -... losoanuaee Murphy NEW STOt)KOIi, PALLi WINTER GOODS For 1872. 3T. An Act, to tion in Augost la'st, and to 'send lor per 2 RreiJation, in favor of David Pigott, tax collector of New Ilanorer county. Allow timi till the lt Feb.. ,1873, to collect aud pay over the taxes, and relieves aim frt-m all penalties for having tailed to do o.-rUaiified Jiov 1872. change Uie time k hold ing the Superior Courta of Wake county. -Allow tour terms of the Superior Court, a vear. 1st olnndav in .lannarvand .Tune l t .1 " ! . . . . i . . ri i. : - . c ptearare in annonncinff to th riii-1 nf Sth ifnHiv 4ft ti.A Or.,1 ln i'.hr.ro uvnn u t.,c nvij.niung t-ounueamai I nd Anrnnf RjitihAft 11 Tim 1R79 we ale now reoeivin n,l nrwinJn U ana AUgM8V 4unea JU uet' A0 j " i r-r t,"". . T , h . LARGEST AND J I I- MOST EliEGANT 1 I i i Stock of GOODS wi have ever had to ex- Inhit to our numeroiiii friends and customers. We have taken much time, ifnd unuRual painn to look up barcairm for our natrons and do sav I . r 1 ?t e ... .1 tT i ... ,.r t r inai uii itiwiiui wi!iuii'' 10 uiiy will nnn it tn I nt ivm . V:i ihn into siitnn nr Knwin meir auvaniage to call nml j .nnir iAlli fUm i.i is?i Hi m it a j T4ll u Ol VilC S1J t X V U.f & w J to settle! with tlie Public Treasurer. 1S72. vaV 4. Joint Resolution, to provide for de ficieneies (n lie anpual snpply of stationery. Rati tied 3d Uec, 1872. 5. Resolution, asking Congress to amend the! Pension laws. Asking that the law may be so amended, as to grant pensions o those who were enlisted and in read incpsr but mot in active service for. 60 day8.4-Uatifiiid 3d Dec, 1S72. 6. An Act. fori the relief of the sureties EXAMINE, pum STOCK, and prices before purchasing anything else where, i i We have a large stock of ihl kinds of D Good s, move the tfisabilit Hon. W.iN. II . ; - ' . I the Cordtnissk.neTS of Stokes. IWkinrU-m'f drrl.rin-r it m.in. 3nl lr.rt, Tlalrb aa AnM.t. lTt-Jr -i" Vl' and Chowan eount es, in their dwrreiion, 1873 : and lanbr amended hy relrirmj, Ratified 10th lVjt 1873. ' i . T V " to par overseers ol road.- not TtiVin I tim frnm' ii Mi.iiU r,U).M. 1 iaa L . . . .. L t ' 4 11 .t .27. whole y.ii3c r. 1 TTS?! T -1 -i 1 . I . l'- - to pay overseers ol roads, not exceeding 1 him frnm ill tM-imliU and fnrUiar! i-r uj. ivauuea icin .iaii ji 1373. rnirtxl. rtrrf Marvli. IK7T1 1 ffiTuT J?t- An Act, a exempt the eonnties of 75. An Act, to repeal chap f8. of the nlliu. I871--72. The act repeaW is L,d 5 Jfd LrS iS? 7 ' J"5"' f "Hif f -P- "2, entitW -n et lo pWvent theVeekW. Rating Si iCrfiT? 1869.-70. f The act ol lSOlVnake. destrnctioi. ot deer.- atinVd, 3rd FeU'f Ratified 17th December 1872. J il iDwdemeaneT to taka mountain ti 1S73. I ! . ' 1 v 100. Ah Act, U disewtio t p.Uit . " highway from Salem to Moaep Stewart A ,. ia torsjtheeottcty: Ratified lOthFtVy, " ; ; -1V1. An Act, to incorporate tbe Cap. Fear and; peopU'c 8teamboatUUn.n.Ji r is :i . .! rv- - . 87:A Act. t in-rpi.. theKC .1,. 1., .1 April ...d U 18.h i.. u,l.,'.L.r...EM,.l1?:v . '1."! r"vi7iiuir ratified 25th Januarv. I ytlb.w. thm 1 1 ltb 'eb Tr 172. . I 1 s I .... . .1 j- . (II-. :ll-,Jf Z2Z,VVV i no other leery to r . i aKm tor lue remo Ratified 4th Dec 7. Resolution. of disabilities. Requests Congress to re- esof Hon. Y .A.Uraharo, Smitn, J. S. Raker, Esq., company with a stock ot not les than1 8100,000.. nor over S 1. 000,000. K. Rattle and others, directors. r (The com pany- baa been organized. Ratified 17iK ieeeniMr , . I, 28. JLn Act. to recnla'.e the talariea of theGTerfiif and Public Treasurer.AU lows the Grovernor 84000 perannvm and theiPabUe TVanrer $3000 IUtlfi. d 20. An -Act, to change the time for holding the Sni in e Terra of Cabarrus Superior Court. Spring Terra, held 1st Monday in Jnly m each year. Ratified 18ih December," 1S72. 1 ..SO. An Act, to repeal see. 10, of the net entitled An Act to snspeud the Code of Civil Procedure in certain eases," and en act a substitnde for said section. Sec. 10 continues in force the law suspending the Code of C. P. until lit January, 1S73, amended so as to read, "This act" (the original) shall be in force until otherwise prorided by law. Ratified ISth Decem ber, 1872. 31. An Act, to amend the charter of the Wilmington and Planters Railroad Company to consolidate with the Atlantic and Pacific Seaboard Railway, with all the power" of the original charter. Rati fied ISth December, 1S72. 32. An Act, lo charter the Wilson and Tar River narrow gauge Railroad. Capi tal stock $.300,000, to construct a narrow Caue railroad from Wilson to Tur river fid ;J8th JanyJ 1873. 51. An Act, to authorize the consolida tion of .the Carolina Narrow , Gauge Rail- I at Newbem, fixes the fates roa i iompany; ann trie Chester and ie-1 ned 5tb retry, e973. I noir Narrow Gauge Rdlroad Co., hi Soma I T7 A n l f. 77.' An Act, in fere nee iux. .n Act, to incorporate1 EJpm. . . bm tKMbUA U Female Seminary. Jaint Stock , of tolU : U- pawy with a capiul stock ef UlOO.OOai ' Ratified Jllth FcbV. 1873. I " 1 , An Aet, U mcorporaU tike Cape -r. 1,' .1' . - "... . M IM I-TiJCl CIIM aruuna.-Authorizes snca consolidation, ud distribating the laws, journals, doc. Fear Wler Works Crr C.uA if ihe same be approved by the members i. 1 v;nf t-5j'J r .CI t.T.V. tUtBUattaf : of the several 0omoanies.-HaUfird 2id Z- 'a iLi7" ' M" V'" TFl 'BTWTO wu "PUI stck of 8 100, , - , . P .. i , -vj .lfuij ji .umnroi juV'1S73 t - i p . -r i 1 jr imanr-os wm. - ji . ..-..:. 3 ' I olber docnmenU to tbe&ecretary ofbutal w alert lUtl&mA iitk r.i.'. c; T : r 52. An Aet, o euro eertaln dffeets In within 40 day after idjornment, and for v 104 An" Act: m UrrlL H -''T-?. i the registraticn of deedaand other written the distribmioo nj ihe um1 number o Joh,on fjJv , stmment. in jBuneombe county, De. copie. : iatified 5,h Fcb'y, 1873. nUl " " tXtfV&Sl. "Utr a1 t V?' 78 An Aet " P. terTlo say 'whether 0 Register ot Deeds : Ratified 22dJan'y, 1. il, Pr.r.t Tjiw f ir,o U ..;u . i.,:c.j 1 i.l p a L .I.7T1 1 v " - - .w, . 1 - . tMMucu a i mi x cn y xo4. 1 1 l;i i. j. t u ic.A s.i.ji I . vJ u,-rr 1 A, A., ineorporat th. Alb. 'An 7. 'SM ' and ocupp. r iong Steamboat Trans Olive in Wayne county. Fixes the elec- ... rj inirrr.. v ii .vn:' 7Z ion Company. A joint stock Com- I tion of Mayor ard Commissioners on the! fiifJi .--i.i j? i ,T. IzZ .: , with a capital of 850.000, with the 1st Monday iu Mav of each year.-Rau. Xr . r. J V , Ivl07lT!PLT f ' corporate i powers lo build, repair fied 5lh Feb'y. 1 873. I "MfWJ1 A ' ' 79. An Act. to authorize the sionera of Halifax county U levy 10. An Act, to Incorporate the Midland Commis- N C., Railway company: Capital Stock. 7 'Pe- $5,000,00: to conitmct a railroad frrto -Aiay I Reaufort Harbor to the levy 88.000 to pay ouistandine bonds. rll i ..T "JT r..;r .,i c.i v i , " l v "hu". pou ioa rauacauort Ratified 6th r eb y, 1373. lLe ,ctt wilh all iheVowm'of thcmolt An Act, to extend the time lor the j favored railways; Co. has power to iuo 80. 1873. 55. An Act, to prevmt the felling of trees in Haw river and its tiihutuaries, Stony j Creek and Reedy Fo:k, in Ala mance county. llVnaliy of S10 for so doing; Ratified :27th Jany. 1S73. iiu nam is ; ioi i- 14. ann.ru mi ytvjij coupons. TVt 1 3noiiths loegrr to redeem the same. Ratified February I2lh 1S72.S Ratified 5ih Fcb'y, 173. 107. An Act, in reference tp 1J TRIUMPHANT! 03 UPU AS 3M UUDS Orl FI FTV FIRST PRK- Boofs, Shoes, anrf Gaiiirs for Ladies, f Oents,- Misses and Chilfrcv, all good i stock (and tijo Shoddy tcorJcJ Goods, Sole LeatJier, Calf Skins, I Lining Skins, Drug'gs, Spices, ooaVs, a?a a large Gen. J. G- Martin, Gen. 1). H. Hill, J. A. Craige, xq., Rob t Ransom, Esq., J. II. Hill, fc.sq , ami lion. Geo Davis, and all 18:h other 1872. ciiizens, i&c Ratiiiud 4th Dec. Hon. Hurton L raige, David Coleman, L,., t or near Greenville. Ratified December, 1872 33. An Act, to re-rract and continue in force the charter of the Favetteville and Florence Hailroad Company, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and to OiiUOAapiiJ , IIA.10 I lain Sheriff of Bladen countv. Remits 1 -mti tlio nfirl rC ifitfl i v i1 Hula nrnnrntinnt . j S 1 - I tF) l 11V I'UI VI IIIUI KIMdia II.IM L'IUtlVIr iMp8t ssouons, Utoves, Hosiery, rancy penalty and interest' tor tailing to settle Ratified I81I1 December, 1S72. GuuU XnU rJ,t7, I n1t 07.., taxes. lyaiiueu pill 17ec, lO. Si. An ael. toifeornorate theew York. - . w 1 - r U. An Act, to rt -enact cnap. ia, iaws Norfolk and Charleston Railroad Com of 1S70-'71 Py of officers and members pany -Capital etock $5,000,000 to coo- of the General Assembly, allowing the struct a road from the Virginia line to the bpeakcru, 87 pet diem, and 20 cent lr South Carolina lint- iu the direciion mile, to ami Horn home: .numbers ana Columbia. Authorz-a the eomnanv to Enrolling and EnroPr-ing Clerks, $5 per le.e exi.liiir road, to issuo bonds. Set day, same mileage ; l'rincipal and Assist- .lUtifiod lS;h December, 1S72 ant Cleitcs, f6 ;prday, same mileage, and . . , f: a! I , ! Uooi Keeper, coucr nay, aim same mne Stock M I C M S (itid Gold and Silrcr Maids were; a warded to Chai.es M. Stieff for the best Pianos in competition with all the leading m:innfactur- erg of the ciuntry. Office and 3Tox7 Warerooms, As, 9 North Lrbcriy St., BALTIMOtin, Md. The Sti'fF rianos contain all the latest im provement to he found in a first-class jjano, with additional! improvements of pis own in vention, not to )e found in other inntruinents. The tone, touch and liuifh of their instru ments cannot be excelled by any uianufactur- 1 Hi t ' M ' -I A Urge assortment of second-hand Pianos always on hand, fhm $75 to 100. 1 ' ParlQr and Church Organs, soino twenty dif ferent styles on hand from $50 snd upwards. . i Irend for Illustrated CatalojtueJ containing nun e "of over twelve hundred Southerners (firs hundred of which aro Virginians, two hundred North : Carolinians, one hundred and fiftf Em Tennesseans. and others throupbout the South), v ho have bonght the Stieff Piano since the clos of the war. I : ' ! J. ALLEN BROWN Agent, 22:40t ; ; I Salisbnry.N.C. of (Fine GroQcrieof Ilih quality and low prices. Soli, Syrups, Bagging and Cotton Ties, I Ghccse, Crackers, Cfyvcr Seed and inf.xct nearly everything Ranted and all at 1 LOW PRICES. 35 R'polut3ov, of instruction to the Attorney (Jeneral. Directs him to anneal to ihe Supreme Court U S. in ihe case of - . . I a. 10. Joint Kcieoluiion, concerning the t,n State v. Lee Dunlap. Ratified I8.h alc of ihe Western N. C. Railroad. I December. 1872. ! Returning our tlianks Air Ihe patronnge co libernll bextowetl oij us sine we ojem-d in Maft h last, we trust fcy strict Sttention to brsi nesi, and politeness to our cut4om.fs to merit a continuance of the same. j I I" Vprfr llpanovifiillir I - 4 t'--T j lt d: A Biu All orders shall have ten lion . y ' ROUT. MURPHY. ANDRW MURPHEY, alisbury. Qct. 17, 1872. f27:ly MURPHY. our prompt at- A. jM. SCLLIYAXJ J. P. Gowax. NEW OPENING. associated them 10 firm name of IIIE undersigned! having X Selves iu business under t J ; i i A. M. SUIiLIVAN, CO., TTAYE opened iniR. J. Holmes' new build- LAing, next door jto the llardwaro Store, where they will bo pleased to meet old and new friends. They have a magnificent room the largest-and beat in town-pand J9l Xjarco eftj Spiloxxcllcl. Raises a commititee of 8, to investigate the indebtedness, anld devise a way to prevent a sale of the rbad.- Ratified 7th Dec, 1S72 11. Joint Resolution, authorizing the the Secretary of State to send a special messenger to Glites county for the rlec tion returns. Ratified 7ih Dec , 1872. 12. Rpsolutiojn, of instruction to the Principal Clerkli of the Senate. DirectB him to make enquiry as to the number oi officers in payment of the University and the duties of such officers. Ratified 7th Dec, 1872 13. Resolution, to purchase National colore.-4 Ratified 7th Dec, 1872 14. House Resolution, to take a recess Time extended to Ut July, 1873. Rati fied 19i.li December, 1872. 37. An Act, for the support of Insane Asylum for the year 1873 -Appropriates $70,000 for the purpose. Ratified 19th December, 1872. 3S. An act, to authorize the Commis sioners of Guilford county to levy a special tax.-authonzes $20,000 to be levied, to build a Court House. Ratified 19th December, 1872. 39. Resolution, in favor of certain wit nesses, before the Committee of Privileges 1873. 53 a marie portat pany usual and run steamboats and other Waters of North ! Carolina ;: Ratified 24th5 Jan'r. ; - 54. An Act, to incorporate the SnoweaI tax. and for other purposes T"r list wa... I . - 1 uui, ureenvuie and Uoldsboro luuroad Co. Capital stock, $100,000, to cbustnict a Railroad from Goldbora to Greenville ny oucw uiu,and Irom UoUtfboro to ..-demotion of land for tae Oner.t.f -lock i-rriifiriit. I.l...l v II Faye.teville : Ratified 25:h January. 1. "1 .u r. ,.. -r .1. 'a " 'C VI "J" :'m" f'Wl w -m--9-n m ' m ( V- a,ni n u a a WIVAT UJU LJIf XI . I J VI n mm W mm vav I ExeentoM bl, An Act, to amend chip- 152, laws and. Administrators, who resided in th&l of 1872. Prohibits lakin; with nets. I part of Xortkaanton finnt4 whirt. L seines, nows aim arrows, etc., 11 mi hi mack liver, Cumberland county, between the 56. An Act, concerning tho town of I 13th May and 1st Deci uiU r ; also in cer- Goldsboro, in Wynne county. Authorizes I tain waters in Sampson and New Han dle Board of Commisioners to prevent the over. Ratified 5th Ftjy, 1S73. erection ot wooden buildings in certa-n 50. An Act. to provide for tU buildinc a w of a jail house in the town cf Hayes ville, Clay county. Comay Commissioners to appoint Commissioners to let out the build ing, and if necessary, to levy a special tax to pay for it. ' Ratified 5Ji Fcb'y, IS73. S3. Resolution, of instruction to our Senators in Congress.!--To exert them selves to procure the paseae of the act, applying pari of the proceeds arising from the sale of the public 1 luds, to thv Slates, for purposes ot educa ion. Ratified 5ih Ftb'y, 1S73. 84. Joint Resolution, in regard to the Rranrh Mint nt Charlotte. Requests our Senators and Representatives to prevent, if posdibb', the discontinuance of the Branch .Mint at Charlotte. Ratified 5.h Feb'y, 1S73. 85. An Act, to forbid the sale of spirit- nous liquors in the town 01 oneioy, Cleavel iud county. Provides for a vote to be taken, and if so decided, no liquor is to be sold, unless by fwceciiptteu w a I of lancey county : Legalizes the acta of physician. Ratified 7ti Feb'y, 1873. S S Peterson, Sherifi, elected in XnAtt SC. An Act. to amend ihe charter of the w" s "ltt f lb t ebruary, J573. iu. An Act, lor lbs relief ot cert km cases t lUlilied 27th Jan'y 1873 5S. An Aet, in favor of ihe Commission ers of Madison County. Provides for the support of J. Sawyers, a lunatic ; Rati fied 27th Jan'y, 1873. 58. An Act, to change the name of the II olden Hook and Lidder Company, No. 1, of Newbeme. Name chaugad v Me chanic's Hook and Lidder Co : Ratified 0J 27th Jan'y, 1S73. 59. R"sol'ir.iii, of instruction to Re presentatives in C'nress. Requited to use thir iniluercc to prevent a repeal of the Bankrupt law : Ratified 27th Jan'y, 1873 ' j, CO. Resolutions, in regard to the Joint Committee on the Penitentiary. Provides that the Committee heretofore Appointed shall remain 36. An Act, toextrnd the times of tak- 88 u '8 : w : :TmI II r T 27lh Jan'y 183. 61. An Act, to amend an act to incor porate the Wilmington Insurance Com pany. Concerning the notes and bonds aken for premiums on insurance : Rati fied 28th Jan'y, 1873. 62. An Act, to prohibit the sals of spirt- j - 'hwmim ii u ijh wuicn was afterwards aeuesed to Hertford eountt: Allows such persons to settle their sc- counts in Northarapisn ccmntyj Ratified February, 12ih 1873. 1 , 10S. Isolation, an ihorkipg the Audi tor to issue a duplicate warrant for 83.9 to the late treasurer of Yadknx county I " Ratified 12th February, I673j 1 . 109. An Act, to authorize the cnmtnp sionersof VVaUoga county to lvyasprelU . tax : Empowers a levy of $3000 to bu&d ' a Court House. People jusC toyotfn the propositiou : Ratified February 13th, 1873. I P 1 110. Resolution, in favof of the forstiea of Jesse Sumner Sheriff r.fj Buncombe county, in the year 1869 : Relieves ihim ' from all fiues and penalties incurred lor the Sheriffs not settling according to Uw. prorided, the same is accounted for by die - m uctooer, 1H73: uaiibed I3tb KcbnUy. ' 111. Rrsolution, confirraingthe contrict with Patrick McGowan : RstiEes the CO n ' Irset heretofore made with htm, and ap proves the bond filed : Ratified 13th February, 1873. j j - 112. An Act, in relation to the Sheriff N. C. Spoke and Handle Manufacturing f n 1 quors within two miles cf Excelsior I Company. Name changed to N. C. College in Burke County. Makes it a Handle Company." Ratified 7th Frb'y, misdemeanor to sell spirituous liquors with I 1S73. in two miles ot the College : ifatihed 28tb 87 An. Act l,MMrprate the X. C. uanr, ioio. . Steel Rail Company Capital stock 820,- G3. An Act, in relation to depositions. 000, not over, 310,000:000, to manutac In suits before a Justice of iho Peace, ture steel rails. Ice. operate railroads. and Elections - Public Treasurer directed f,,lh" Prtyk .ra' "PP .to .lLe C'eof J-nipikci, i:c, and na, gallon companies, to pay them. Ratified 19th December, Ordering aj-ecefs from 19th Dec , 1872, 1S72. to 15th Jan , 173 Ratified 11th Die, 40. Resolution, to provide for the can- 1872. I collation of the vouchers iu the Tieasury 15. Rcsolntioin, in favor of the Sheriff I Department. -To bo cancelled in thepre- of Dare county. Allows him until 1st J sence of the Joint Committee. Ratified Feb., 1873, to settle with the l'nblic 19ih Uecember, 1872. Treasurer. Ratified 1 1th Dec, 1872. 41. An Act, legalizing the levying a 16. Resolution, iu regard to the deft special tax in Johnston County .-Part of the Court, obtain a commission and take for purposes in connection with their works. the deposition of any one whose evidence I Ratified 7th Feb y, 1873. tax payers iu Lanoir Co.: County Coin !..: f t .1 . . ! . k. lu.aBKJuen miy rriuua me uxes Uiegsiiy collected for school purpose! in 1870.4 Tm . M - 1 I Aunca, iin e Dreary, ibTL I 114. An Act, to define the powers and duties of county Surveyors t Tbey are also to act as processioners. : lUU&cd 1 ih February, 1S73. i 115. An Act, lo change (he name of Boon Hill in Johnston county, and to ho desires. Deposition to be icturned to I gg An Act, to amend the charter of prohibit tke sale of spirituous iliquyta I lerk and by lnra, passed upon : .Katificd ,he C-pe Fear iron ad Steel Company. lSUi Jan'y, 1873. The Com pany empowered to build any 64. An Act. to allow the owners oflroadon its bran ekes to ioin with other Catawba Toll Bridge 'and Horse Ford roads as their interesirnay determine. Property, to list it for taxes and register Ratified 7th i eb y, 1873. a . ' a -, I the same, l'artics in a civil action betore co np.nlntlnn. muinir a Joint eomnnt. therein.: Name cbanred I to Phtsee- ton. Unlaw! all to sell liquor in the plaice : .Baiified 17th February, 1873' IU. .in Act, for the relief of John G. Williams Direct! the uitUoraey 5eec- al to snake hiaa a deed for the &0v acreo STOCK OF . r.:., .( .1 . n f. .i.s. ' ?- : . . I. L .1. tju. eiencv ot seats in the House of Represen. the tax was uncollected-authorir.es Com- a "a.ce 1 CT " lUB tee to ex. mine andcnce vouchers in the J-T;..r,a th donr lcr-r m nr, missioners to collect. &e.-Ratified 19th BUC J,n?J .ia n P?""0" "8 ,,c Auditor's office.-Ratified 7ib reb'y 1873. KaiB V V I -.-w - - - - f I - 71 w,.a . llUUiJb. eure iheUecessary seats. Ratified 1 Ith Decembci, 1872. uac.t iq i i i 4, ivesoiuiiun, 111 rrgaru i" xjuro COMPRISING k general Assortment. Hard ware excepted aud will guarrantee as eood bargains as can be sold by any' House in the South. They will deal hefvily in Groceries Ljj:, and coiintrr j-hhjuc ; uuyingand selling, and fo purpose 0f manufacturing "Farrars invito all who wish either to buy or sell to call a Il.i -is-t n..;..i nii 'lhAiri A. M. SlIfaTil V A N A-. rV- rjiecirsi, iin viuw im.uinu. """ ; 17. An Act, to incorporate the N. C. Square. Anthorizcs the SqnarP to be Medicinal Co. --Company at Wilmington, leased for two years, for academic pur 1$ C, yii a capital stock of $300,000, poses. Ratified 16ih Jau'y, 1873. j Jan. 24 th, 1872. lS:tf 4- BRIGGS Si BROTHER'S f ILLukTRATtED nvwiiTsiJ" fivr I : i r Georgia Home Insurance Co. S2fI "WOffk S v ! v far -n II I Jl KskJU U iVlXJ U O, Ura. FOR JANUARY, 1873, NOTV OUT. Issued a IirrjoRroaATEP, 1850. J. RHODES BROWNE, Pmidcnt, r I most instructive HMstrated land Descriptive - D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary. Floral Guide ever Imblishedi Thocoof our I patrous who ordered Seds laft year and were All Losses Equitably Adjusted edited with ar eek. win rpceire the rour - ! ' ' I - - Qaiarterlies for ls73J Those who order Seeds -ABu i rORlDtlV 1 Old IU rUll. I ?sar wil De credited wi$i a Hubscriptioii . i - 13th Dec., 1872. 18. An Act for the relief of Simon God win, tax collector of Jphnston county. Allowed him until 20th February, 1873, to settlethe takes. Ratified. 13th Dec, 1872. i-j 19. Resolution, in favor of Ware and Miller, jDirecti the Auditor to issue a ' Property owners desiring to obtain reliable In surance will do well to protect themselves by securing; a Policy in " (ieorgia Home Insurance Co." ; Agencies at prominent point in all the fSohthern! States. ' ; 1 1 J. ALLEN BROWN, Agent, ii V 4' ', Office No. 2, Granite Row, . . f1 April j. '72. Ttly SalJbury, N.G, 1 1. I . a. j . a dMk a P . I f Camtai SLnonfa wnaneriy. 1110 inur numbers sent to any duplicate warrant lor iou mr ine use 01 -uuico, iui,. ijwvcmw Auuii-viiCBa,,u vv are and Aliller. 1N0. liM. tvaunea uui Dec, 1872. ! 20. Rrsolutidn, empowering the joint ! committee to investigate the sale of the WesierniN C Railroad, to take tesumony under oath. Ratified 13th Dec.,872. 21. An Act, concerning the election of J Judges. nereifler to be elected by the voters in the several judicial uietrtcts. Ratified 14th Dec, 1S72. 22. Joint Resolution, in regard to the for 1874 Tho January numlKeontaius nearly 400 Engravings. Twio Saperd Colored Plates, suitable for framing.! and alsoTinted Tlates i f our gorgeous rioral Uhromos; Inturinatu n rela tive to Flowers, Vegetables, 4k., and their cul tivation, and all such' matter is was formerly found in our Annnal Catalorua You will miss it If you order SEKf)S before Iseeirfff BK1GGS fc ItitO.'S QU AKTFiRLY. Vjo challenge com-1 manner of drawing jurors for the F deral parison on quality of Seed amtprices and hizes Courts, in this State. Asking, that iurors Address. JlBIGGS & BBOTHEK. I Seedsmen fc Florists, Bcuerteb, N. Y. Feb 6 tC same way that they are drawn for our Superior 1S72 TIIF CrftnrnFD HP f FYPR l I FT I 23. Resolution in relation to the per lilt IftUL All Ln il IidAMiAL LLfc, diem of Uscut members. No rxr diem SHOTCUtll? tyBESt.m THE WORWSlf 'O er At Appomattox O. U.j Va., April, stn, aooo; A MAGNIFICENT 14 x 17 Ineh Engrav ing of the surrender of Gen. Le. beautitnlly diem of allowed Courjts. Ratified 14lh Dec, kbseutl members. No per diem except the absence is caused by eicknetaJ Ratified 14th Dec, 1872. 24. Resolatidn, in regard to the Supreme 4. -5jiwTPne tr v a, . V TUT I U I K X IT 9 A . e.4or. Engrati;iiiil, hii.rtrtjl..ftr.. Com ,;, i Auli,oril.., ,!, clerk of t&2a?u!: H- S-par, to e,ptd th. rf , w - J 5 akAnuiMAfl f fm '- I a Aet 9 if v aak aa t ima ih 1 Im w Xork Office, 27. BEEKMAH BZ April 26, 1872-32:1 y V - CJicap Chattel -tMortgages, ap4 various 6tber blanks for solo be& the parlor of every Southern home. Sent by mail, mounted pn a roller and post-paid. for 20 ceat, or 3fof 50 cents,' Agents vy an ted, 'h ' . ? Address J. O. Sd W. SXiSTTBJLOW. ; - llriatnl. Tenn. receivedsfbr; Licenses to practice, in the purchase of books. Ratified 14th Dec, 1872. 25. Resolution, in favor of the employees of the General! Assembly. Allows them Catalogue, of Pictures, fffcSW 1WlWD(,1?Bl 26. An Act. to re-enact and amend r 43. Resolution, for re-aesessment and valuation of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad The President If the Road directed to furnish a list, assess ment aud valuation of all the effects add property of the Company in order that tle same may be ro assessed. Ratified 16ih J.-nuary, 1873. - j 44. An Act, to amend nn act, ratified the 25th daySpf Jan'y, 187 1. Allows the Government of the U. S. not only to pro cure sites for Light Houses, but also Itr the dwelling of Light Keepers R itificd l6h Jannary, JS73. 45. An Act, for the relief of certain school teachers.-County Treasurers direct ed to pay certain teacher the amouns dne for j ostservices. Ratified 17th Jan'y, 1873. 46. An Act, to amend an act, entitled "An Act to enable any persons not lers th in three to become incorporated," M- Rcstricts the holding of ral estate to 300 acres Ratified 17th Jau'y, 1873. - j 47. Resolution, in regard to the pensions of soldiers of the war of 1812 -Requests our Senators and Representatives to pro cure, if possible, et rtain mendmen:s to the pension laws, in which utjust discrim inations are made on account of loyalty, &c Ratified 17th Jan'y, 1873. 48. An Act, to amend chapter 18, Pri vate Laws of 1870-71, being an act de fining and tmeudatory of the Wilmington N. C. Lifn Insurance Company, ratified I6ih Feb'y, 1871. Capital stock shall not be less than $100,000, nor more than S 1,000,000, providing for the payment of the stock subscribed, and the notes given by stockholders. Ratified 18th Jan'y, 1873. 49. An Act, to repeal chapter 79, Laws of 1871'72. The aet of 1872, allowed may apply before the Clerk of the Sup- euor Court : .Ratified 23. b Jan'y, 1873. 65. An Act, for the relief of Sheriff and Tax Collectors. They are authorized to called to collect the taxes assessed from 1868-69 to 1st day of Jan'y 1674 ; Provided, they hate settled with the Pub. Treasurer : .TCatified 28lh Jan'y, 1873. 66. An1 Act, to amend an act incorporat ing the town of Farmville, in Pitt County, j d urlhcr lime to obtain grants from I f9 .Ratified 13th Ueual sctof incorporatin Jan'y, 1873 67. .Resolution, of enquiry in regard to the Keeper of tho Capitol. Provides for a Committee to investigate whether the Keeper has appropriated State property ... I. : . .-.. . . .. .!. .,ir,aal OQlli la..'.. 1873. - 8. An Act, to amend chiptr 185, Laws of 1868 -'69, entitled. "An Act con cemmz townships-. Allows apoeuls in regrard to road mattars, from the Board of County Commissioners to the Snpcrior Court, and from thence to tho Supreme Court: iatifid 29th Jan'y, 1873. 69. An Act, declaring Neose river a lawful fence. Declared so to be, from Johnston o line,! to the upper falls .Ratified, 29th January, 1873. J 70. An Act, to investigate the aff.iirs of the Western Division of the Western N. C. .Railroad Company. Continues tho joint committee of j investigation.'empow- tiary, upoo bis surrender of 56 Bond Is sued on account of the purchase, JtM t .Ratified 17th Feb., 1873. 117- .in Act, making aa avnropriatiea for the year 1873, to the Deal and Datnb, and Blind lostitotion. ippropristea $45,000, for that purpose : JZittified Ulh Feb.,lS73. j f .. j 118. -4 n Act to empower the-cotatsit a. .ii.ii .. i An Act to allow tntercr. of vacant M Ux . Mfied 19lh . 3. f 1 t 4n Act, to empower the comrilt a WW - ( 90-91. Resolution, in favor of James McQueen of Roberson county. Directs the public treasurer tQ pay bim tbe re ward offered in the ait of 13th A pro. 187 1 , for tbe apprehension oi Boss Strong: Ratified 7th Feb'y, 1878 : Amended 1st Mareh. 1873, by inserting r ebruary lor Appnl. 92 the State. Allows titles to be petfected until 1st July, 1873 : Ratified 7th Feb'y 1873. 93. An Act, to empower the Commis sioners of Caldwell county to sell certain land : May sell the Poor llouso tract Ratified lO.h F-b'y, 1S73. 94. An Act, to incorporate ihe town of Jackson, in the county of Noithsmpton : Usual act of incorparation : Ratified 10th Feb., 1872. j 95 An Act, to repeal ehsp. 146, laws of 1870-71 : The act repealed was 10 lay out and construct a road through Ashe eoumy from Jefferson to Piny Fork of Cranbery Creek : Ratified 10th Feb., 1873. 96. And Act, for the appoint en t of an additional constable' for tbe town of Chailotte : Ratified 10th Feb'y, 1873. 97. An Art, to incorporate Seaton Gales Lodge, No. O. O. F. in the ci:y of Raleigh en them to send for persona and papers, IN. C. Usnsl act of incorporation : Rati- fied lotb t b y it7J. 98, An Act, to incorporate King Solo mon Lodge, No 313, F and A. Masons, in Roberson county. Usual aet of incor poration : Ratified 10th Feb'y 1873. 99. An Act, to incorporate the Chapel Hill Iron Mountain Railroad. Incorpor ates a Company with ai capital sVek of t m aT w- not less than B , wun uen. il. 1, and oblige thm to report at the; present j session : .R-ttified 31st Jauuary, 183. 71. .Resolution, of rrqnest to oir Sena torsand Ifeprescntaiivcs in Congress con cerning tlie Indians- Approves of the policy of the President in regard to the Indians, and deprcea'es any interference of the Government; with their occupancy of the lands allotted to them : Ratified 3lst January, 1873. 72-73-74. ln Act, for relief of Timothy F. Lee, Sheriff ol Wake County.: Allows him until 1st March to settle county taxes. .Ratified, 1st February, 1873. (Amended 120. sioners of Hernei county to leyy a special Ux : iUtibed 19tb i cb., 1873- . 121. An Act, to empower thc.comtiis eioners of Swain county to lety special Ux : liatified 19th Feb., lS7p.f j 122. An Act, to empower the'CBU&ils sioners of Granville county to levy spe cial tax : Ratified 19th Feb, JS73. 123. An Act, to empower tke commis sioners of Lenoir county to levy: a special Ut.- .Ratified 19th Feb-, 1873L j 125. An Act, allowed lLe C on miss lon ers of Moore county to levy a i peclal tax : .Ratified 19th Feb-, 1873. 125. An Aet, to allow the ( om mlsf lon ers of Columbus county to leyy a special tax: Ratified 19th Feb., 187. J 127. An Act, to allow the Cjommlstioo. ers of Person county to levy a special Ux : Citified 19ih Feb., 1573., . 128- Jn Aet, to allow the commis lon ers of Montgomery county to levy a tot cial Ux : Ratified 19th Feb.J 1873.-1 129- -In Act, to allow the commission ers of Greene county to levy a Special tax.: .Ratified 19ih Feb-, 1873. j 130. An act, to Incorporate tho Ta chanie'a Hause coapany, of Wilmington. X. C. Usual aelof ioeorpotaiion : Ilti fied 19th Feb., j 131. An Aet. to incorporate the Caro- ! t . t n fi ft L aT 1. 1 tt 1 j ..1.. M v mMvI n.a, j tf- JinA L.cnLrai jlauwbt coin d any udrai Chapel UUI, Iron Mountain to North Car- $10,000,000 and more il netewanr, oiina Central at some pomt at or between to struct a railroad from Wdminjio. Cary and Hillsboro, or U some pdnt bo- to the Tenn, line, with tho jhrivilegti of tween Cary aud Apex; lUtion 00 tka purchasing the Western C? iUUroad; r