; Si.' -I . r - 'I . :' . ' ! 1 i ; I . i ! I I t I ;-i ' . . . r i . - . . And the Wilmington, Charlotte and Tinth erford ! Jfctilroad, and anv- other?, and to Ilia' : ' 1 complete tlie same, powtsr to borrow mon- s 1G7. An. 'act lb . ibcorfrjfnktfe the "Farnvi y, execute mortgages, &c : iiatined 20ib ierT-PWUATM. OjO il mj Feb,,; 1873. ! "v! cSK5a - lrifyljjprjyK 1 32 v4n Act, to provide for the print leges, exceptvWuin' ifiik. May lojtn fog of Battle's JZevial of the public statu- money on crops; ; to bo planted, and on ten, and for other purposes, Enacts Bat- mortgage. Ratified 2Sth February, 1873. W$ JJevisal as reported; authorizing the iC8. Anact 6 provide for the collec- laws o?iU rrrcnr?W. a K i6nQf t'enae. ! Machinery Act. "Rati iiudci Jhe BOnntendancc of tho comniis- fietV28ih February, I873(. (This, tf gether MWf til MVI fied 20 ih 133 JAn Act,' to amenl aft act:4ntilleLl Directs the-Public Treasurer to pay cer- if- i I 1C7-1 Mi act di Hic6rfnxte the 4fFarnii :,.. ' " '-L :, , , , ... j.i " " 111! I PXl.i.llJ! VVJAJXJUX1 A .A fire ha occurred in Bowery, N. Y7 caus ing a loss! of $d0,000. , , , A part of U. S. noldiera captnred thirty five honwaYrdm thi4Modoe IndiaTis. They -would have killed the riders,. but-for GranU pacific policy. t,. . 10 8m Vf r?t acii-n"ueai W FCCl UV"? TT ,5- rt 1 " A Fr4 in Elvria, Ohio, burned elegant 'An Aiitm relative ta th-Wefitemjrurn tain expenses mturred by iheriff. in bring-1.- T4nnftnh ' t -IV .: v.- . eiilJUntiary. Hati- : The ITpusedf John Sinimons,- fanner living fi vnr TTnn Wm near nicago, wan Dqmro, wiui uiq lamer, ngcu citizens ?of Haywood tiay:ot the Buncofe Hj Bittre. LlUy hiralfor rcviainfc thel and cKYd, ad ?,y" 4 be gaU, ind tice-i 'versa. .t f J2tUfie4' 20llj 1. ars, $1,500.. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 4-,ThericuIiuraI works a't! Ciuncj, 111, have Xeb,.lVU.). 'f.,..i-.i-.: n"lfi " 171.tReaolut ing crtulj bo rnorq palablyv.fslse. I do notrebenjber eVer ;tc have'seen that grand scamp1 ;neter,ftheetective. .1 certainly never, tnade way"-, confessions of any kind to bioa'pf tQ-uny Vther person.- Nor have I;ny to T&tkQp'-Except yon rself, 1 know ofnoonel wtfo has lidd his patience and forbearance so severely tried by a set ot rascals who I believe care-nothing for the death of Stephens except to make politic cal capital bat f it. I haveya tTfteyi, wnose eviaence cannot op impracneu, who says ipai.a uuae ann s iswrrr oui-ren hitri two thousand dollars to proenre evi dence -against ' me, is tbe murderer of tStephensL VVhwjthey knocked tne in the head iwith a fence ran, and put. me in jail without acenfation, I thonht they wonld pre me a lirtle rst; Yo ean aa- mn my peTsetttors that I will always be on hand ready to meet any charge their malice may invent.-r , , ; ' 1 amy bur friend and late fellow prisoner F. A. WILLIE. tn lh 171 :RBlniimi roiiolni1nr the Pablic I been bottled. ;134. Inr-ACt, for llic relief Of' Mike PrintinK. AlHws nubuc printer 90 days 1 , , Heavy mail robWrie are reported between ;n Alamance iaiL V 00a4. Allows nuu to coiieciei arrears f0rm toe adjournment Id execute tuo Jug-J St. Louis and Jvew York Vitv. 1U?r. Ti P' " Sii rl'W-PuriT ''Win Ogensbnrg, N. Y4 deatrpyerf$100,. 1 f V1" J0 - "j- T?1;1 J 0m1- The old CalUolic Chorch and ten other buiW nuhd, in vuwcu couii., vuuiu(iiciuM. uil, door keeper 01 iqe . iiouase. , rays era antorized to i tne boafdi. v Kat W.au aci. loincorpornioiu. rTHfi 173. KoSOlUtlOU in Iaror 01 Munuaue r -r--:- . t onmmttM tn- MTib.i.ii ; An arnfi. hiv ta ;Of UieCustom Jloiwe Will WlCCec-U i innn1 tlirnn.l. Ill A Tinnor' ftf tl TO THE MEDICAL' PROFESSION OF N0RTU CAROLINA; ' I inr t;NrrriBtown;P w!l,iirti1 i -' At the Inoettn? nl the btato Jlfcdical bUranneiet occurring m hun $70 forswmmoum.witnesses. Rati- .l : .,; , ' Lipy jMd last May, in thc: tewrt of .fUFeUn.ary,.. 6ed l.tMarcUM were annoiulcd v.': ntr. ri 1- .. n . r i nn .t n 9 I to lurni a nv Mmulrr. I . 10 incorpornio f iu. rTH 1 173. -Kesomiiou in iayor oi Dam i uaue 1 r 1" pect Oamp Oronndr'inf the' comity of Sccretarv of Satc directed to issueacrantl . Cnl.Janie Union.1 IE-Jlrby I F StartiO-B W U& sec:.33 dfcjtrict 10, -jib Sam'el Cabe. Geifl. Jonea as RlchardsonJJ r Beck Jrnd Jesse B'MU; f Ratified 1st Mareb. 1873. . v . . I TlieP lonana tueir succcsscrs, incorporatca.as 174 . ReSoUtfon in fkror of John H. son, ofS. C,'and Wm. & DuPrkt, of N.C. vwunyiiu.vvir..".u.-,v..T door Keener oMUesilouee. f ava mm iTiieywere Ku Klux. xu uiuur, iu u bwiu wiium unw uinu v 1 27 fof contingent tne camp 'grounds, aunng rougHs exeri nrcf. 1&73. clsea... Ratified 21st February. 1873. h . l.r 1 - . , t . a,. -T '137.- flqoard f mtt B Feb. 28, 1873. ; tt iT? Lrr lfW" ny bard- C3-IV1J iJM XUUJkt XAArl tv ..xrwr ,rrt id war-worn veterans or so man fonght bauleafo niedical advaticemjeut in our good old StateL' and welcoming' inariy new recruits, zealous tq gi re battle io the zreat cause of medical prozrcssl : .1; Rpn&jfuUw-ttbnihtt.il f ' ,lwitmn-tao tnodin;oi lartn, tneir uxaU0.pro Uespee.sttbmn ' ! 1 All persons liable to a town' tax aroherebv notified to give In to me at the Wstcbnjm Office, within tae modih of Jlarth, their taxaUcr.pro AYKK, N. J. PlTTJlAW, 8. S. Satciiwkll, - Committee. uoouie tax. m PERSONS LIABLE. Tle law requires "all perrons subject to a poll tax to the State, who retidt-d within the liiwiu of the town on tbe first of FLbruarr, 1873, or who ... 1, . ' ' nad oeen enipioyeu in any proieouon or vsca GlAKTS OF! OLDEN TIMES. Ii a lecture of Piofessor Silliraan, Jr., 1 mdiatW Drlin2 the tfrt dr of tVlruar ie alludes to ihq degeneracy of certain I last, and au persons vhbwroedor were pOMe r : 1. ... a a r wi .r vsi.itwuMtnAHv wi hha iha 1 c:ve.ity of bl3:foshi(nTby rWerence-to M firrt day of ,!Dl?s;TDdl' , TR,M,lti ijct "p"1 -iWwellinoWnexteTnf&abtsin oldeh . before thejartin tnonU. of MafcltfaJl. I )' Uxo ix ooxxBcnxo -Wmooi " '7n -j. 1 i- . r v u 1 otuieirsaiu poiwanu iaxsuieproiKrrty;-anauTniirK C0OIs. LIK.S; ratlUlIOKlIM t.mes. Tlte? folio wing list furnishes the ,hmU tiJC of all sqch pirJn. i rfve in L ' v Sl iribL I r5 data on which be Wes I.I hypotbesis : Mid lUt wiiMn th tip ified.'. S-ul IlnJ1 ' rc' ' The giAniexbititeatllouen, in 1825, oal'! riubefn iLEaltini3rc.a Las the.Professof, measor-d over 18 feet. U or parU of lots given n, with the value at ; HUarh51U II : r r.f V TThlto-; Ooods, Habroiderie 1. 1873 ! ALSO OR I CO. ARMSTRONG, CA Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers JUaseU TrlsiBlsg.. I etk aa)i Saikr felsVaas, " i VKLVftTiiinoo5s;3riuTcswLi f i jr Bonnet SUls, StUns Tdcts and rqjt. L .ruwsK8.rETiias,0EXAMtsia.ratM,Ae. Straw Cssacta aal Laalrt ae CalKrrfk't Dats '4- j rtI u- . i 1 ,,-f .a 1 1 which they are aa-esed ifur taxation by the u.urJl. WaA1i feel.hl?V-lSute: the number of white and colored taxable rl tic ciant, trsrtauna. nrongnt irotn Arabia n.,iu. ri.tin on th u ri i,t aT Kk. , . . . . , - - I .7. . . . -TV T . tn- Home, under Uiauuius V ffiiar, was near tuarr on the lands of 1 km Hon eivinr tn meu 10 fi:nt hth. annum, who lived in the "ft- And tle lwt so given in rhall b sworn to besure me ciera. t have been thiw Mrticnlar in reeiting the law order that there tany tbo na exeiwe lor any 1 . 1 '1. t' . . t " I OJie OClIl!I IIOUIJIV Ult-U. WHO M UiNIHJPCU WCVOH cuveriid ot that i mountain tne ' bead oil ply with llic Hw. flic Uonimiuiicrs are de- U kirv tt Viiimnn TT tnanriil 1 1 1 1 intf I Tinlr rvf 'IVnpriffi'. . fittlitd " In T one of 'tliA I .... neam.ijeoruary, xoio. i - jvGrilesoIntion In regard to the sale of 135. AiLACl, io incorporate iuq ocia booka by the Secretary of Sute. Authof liOdge of Ancient, Free j and ; Accepted ize9 tbe Secretary tr7sdll bound volumes ified 21st Fcbruary,1873. ; : , j ! 13d.-'. An Act to authorize the comniis sioners of Bladen county to levy a special Ux. Ratified 21st February, 1873. post master at ew ork. , Mat, - to eo-operate with them in " the resident has pardoned John C Robin laudablj and tioldcf'bbject's of that scienti fic bfd i he society has Leon in.exis tence i twenty Uii CO) years. . . v has nobly fercnt expanses. Ratified 1st t. ti( hbT iw Af n ,a wi.hstood thd opposHion of all croakers r--y i ' i I . r bt viii5'""V I , . j j- lL . , . avd without the rcgnlar.T4tnks pf lhc t.ro ftseion. It has suryiyed the, shock and, convulsions l war and still live, a bright and shining light amid the glaiibg (cmi gogmsin ot this age, and tne general de rSntuirli rhirh hun QD ti'-tli.: unH it w l terminal toiuaitt. XL a uuitaUr in evcrv cau rt! supposed: Bis-'iSdd; Waa'ofJicss than l'5 lur toMV Wm": i '' Mt.lHWLCpr frctbigh.,TbeliantFeri?igiiJl slain by W ' c'pt'ti' t pt p r tl cbirt a-WM:ortWW r 1 i ''Ji h'it' ru.TlU. : ' r '-iJ' OltfVVVRT, C II. U - Jim r Uio who wish Jr?irva kootfedg Orlando, , ncplitjr jol CliTcmanc was 23 rb.2tKT ji r, ; Jk. k I the KnglUh brandSes,' liSeratlematic 1ti-t Uigh.j In I4H, near Si. Germain, : or th S,-mh and LatiVTarrtyt waa found Uie-lemb of the cUht- Isorenl; ' " O-ffiQ'.C Rrlrn'll.Tl T T TCo tharcei-areiaade for tuiit ia av of tha S w.; I n i m 1 I v mm B H B H than Vfl tprt hlirti In I . Ki U f who WaSjHO 1590,' near Roueti, waS f mnd a skeleton wboe skull hi Id a bnehel of com, and To be distrMlcd bt the 1 w'iOta body musi have bren -near 13 fee 1 1 -. laerc the human iiiuvuuuiu ariwuuuuu Lf W U x'r.vsH6rYT3,, auds are niAnuricturrd tr bbeght for Carti directly frunithe Eoropcaa knj 3 yt American' Mancfactnrern, mbracinpall'tLo' latent ' nuTfltic, cocq.iaIkkl la Taritty ao.4 .. '( cheapnes in any niarkt-U I . . -- Orders filled with care. promptc and ft-. spatch. Harfch C, JatPsTpdr BETIiELEABOTll IXSXIIDTK, :.-rs tls ., 1K ! -r j C CUwbJAlc,';Sf.ti j dead. -He died Of the injories received in a fall 1 ' . J 1 ft A t TT'll 1 1 1 1 . 1 liOitainnnn m ixvor 01 Ai o. uui. 1 . i.ntKnn. pn.. 1...: .l.h.l An Act, to incorporate ithe StoheLci.I.;r1f nfeUkM rodntv. Allows' him 1..,. tr'L.r I'V, yj Lodge, No- 10.-, Anciejnt York coiiccVtAxes for 1872. Ratified 17 lb' Fcb ilfUU; l 'TiK Z , in the town of Warrenum. Rail- -Vrt. I f 7: U X.ir ' 1 .v o - i 1 uEib ! uiu f ic of the laws. Code of Civil Procedure. &c. Ratified 2 1st Februaryl 1 873. - 177. Resolbtion for the relief of John J. Hasty, Shpriff of Union comity. Re lieves him fipm the penalty imposed by 140 "An Act, to amend an act, entitled Jhia fail a re to settle the county taxes in "An Air" Ift iiiirimnmln HtP tnn (it i:at- I l t;ft.,A 1 4tli I1V.K.M1 rir ISTr awba Vale in the c-mnty of McDowell. 178 It is now; stated that Foster, the Cjir-hook I rnoraliziition which now, more than ever murderer, . will ' : certainly, be executed on. to before, pervades alt the purs oils and pro: morrow. Tnegovernor,f N. Y., having rcfua- fessions of life. The progrcjs.of ucienceand intelligence, togeih.er.with the honorable rfTurta.of the SK:i;ty to elevate the standirrd of medi cine in the State, and thereby promote the' highest interests of her citizens, have long pinco most effectually rilencrd the tongues of those against us, who formerly indulg ed in ntimanly muenuoes and open nl-jt-c ed to interfere. . The final hearing of the Stokes case is set for the 22nd of jpril next. Mr. J. Coffin of this city has been appoint ed by the governor a member of the Penitentia ry Board, Vice Gen. Alfred Dockery resigned. Resolution iu iivor of Jaraes M. J W. A, Richardson has been made secretary of . , ,.. y 1. .1, .-t 1 " "--w.-, - .-5 t I ; . J i u ill uuuiami h.mi nuwi 0 u it 11 Name cbangedto qid ort. RaUfi young, Sheriffs of Buncombe. Allows the U. 8. Treasury to succeed Bontwell who has tions to our benevolent aud scieiUific aist February, U873. ' llf.'An Act, to incorporate the Tri8- tees 'of Marlon Baptist church. Have power to accept or purchase aud hold land to'ctect a church ; to make by-laws, Jrti. Ratified 2 1 st February. 1 873. "I day of March, 1873, to set- Ratified! 14ih of February hith until 1st tlo the taxes 1873. 179. Resolution authorizing and direct- ins the Governor and Treasurer in certain matters connected witfi the Western North been elected Senator from Massachusetts. i Mrs. Charity Mangum, relict of the late Hon. I Willie P. Mangum, died at Walnut Grove, on Flat jlivcrj in Orange county, on last Saturday night; the loth inst. i ! i Thf smoke from the gas works at Raleigh as- 1 j O ' A n ' Aft - tn "-nrnllMlif t!lA b'1a r.f I O.. ; ., l)Miffrval pALn.nv finvnmnr . M . .w i' . . v vv ' ' i vaiumi4 &vaitivnv vMufanii v'.w.tui. i ... . . m , -ntrtfiinn. 15rtAr. wkhin ' lA rtil.. nf tho i. A1..A tU fML .K- J.,o. BUDM4 the )0V f aboVe tl,ut Cdurt'Uouscinthotown of Morganion. ,ucn: of the Uniid States Circuit fw days ago and alarmed a great many of its :At ari election to bo held, unon 10 davs 1 (.rt fr ihn Wabrn TiUtrirt ioth "mocent denizens. It js strange.lhat good pco- nollc, the citizens may voteibr "proljibi- Supreme Court of thj United States, and PIe wu becorae frightened at such thing, tton," or -"no prohibition a 'majority if necessary jto bring! new suits, &c ; and. Avery Powell, son of Dr. A. M. Powell, of decides It. Katihcd2nd February, 17 J.J requests the Treasurer to give boudd pay Catawba, died in Texas a short time since, UitiliL'd the 15ili ot eb 143. An Act; to aulhoiize the coramia-j expenses, &cj, aioncrs of Alexander county to levy a pe J ruary, 1873.) cial lax. Ratified 22ud February, 1573. 180. Resolution ,144.. An' Act, to auiuorizo tho cototnis- Edgecombe and aiouers oi diokis county, io levy a special i. uuuc i n-upura tax.. Ratified 22ud Fc ill favor of Bra -v icver whs aw ho much R. fC. Badger Eq., sujer!jcdeH Starbuck as U. S. SDifitrlct Attorney'.' A happy change i. i ' IIJBWIIK., I rvf; Parlor nf tlio AclioviTla T?rM.Hr olntu, Northampton counties. I-., . ,f , i , . , ,, . . ?,. F. I that he li!i8! ascertained that , arrangements can ts directed to repay to . J.,, ..j. .. , bruary 1873. I those counties, the bapitation tax over- .j . ' T ' x. .. rt. .... ... . . , . . - ' ' . L. ' l.,l,.U;.. IRflhJ tain P .umw.Ciw f eovui xurtu vruuita iMiiruu .145. An Act. to incorporate the V'ty '.u 1 '7 7.7-0 I.- and that the work will beirifi within ninety Hall Company in the .town of Charlotte. """ :',UUI HurI'uetBf "" davs i : j ' Unm'u iri -i.nitl n nt ! lr tba 1 C fibniarY, 1873. '1 ! !. ftrtnn .. - J!.,i.tUK..;i t; ...Wil is.1 n.iftn,, l Arthur The New York Tiines shandy denounces the usual corporate-powers. Ratified 24. h Feb- Dtsunis: Public TJeasnrer is d. reeled to President for nppmnt.ng Richardson secretary K;g"fa without aa well ias .with diplomas, tbi r - : :,v him fti.trh Ifnr rrMiir.n--W.. ofthe treasury, and James, iost-iuaster of New who infest the ..land, dwgrnemgour pro- Vr-" ' 1 , ' : .t . '.i I ..." Y..rV: ; I 140 North facturi endK. We now stand npon a fitro and inde rendent basis, under the protecting wings of the State, and we most cordially in vite every good arid honorable physician to come and join us. r We believe it is a duty you owe yonr- selvcs, your profession, yotir country aud your God ! j The legislature has recognized the society, and demanded, in order to protect llic citizens ol the Mate From incompetent practitioners, that no physician who bf gnn? or ahall begin the practice !f medicine since the year IS59, ean collect his fees by law unless lie has from the Board of Medical'Exnminers of the Sfiite, a certifi cate of his moral aud profefsional qnUiii- cations for the high aud responsible duties of a practitioner of medicine such a wise and beneiicient needed aa now,' in view of the swarms oi medical huiubu&s, imposters1, and d-ma- lotig. " liatonios'saw at boues of a,Sutiject 10 fet lon. "The giant Baeart was'22 feet high ; b; thigh bones were found m 1703, near tbe river Modexi. In 1613, near the castle iu Dacpbinc, a tomb was found 30 feet long, 20 wide, and b hiph, oti which) was colon h gray stone the words. "Keulolochus Hex." The ; 10 feet across the shoulders, and feet deep from the breast bone toj the. back. ?tear Maraztno, iu Sicily, u 1516, was found the skeleton of a guilt measuring bO feet long, and iu 1550 unotlier 33 feet long. ! It is an established fact that there were giants iu those d.lys, aud the past, perhaps, was more prolific in producing ihein than the present. "Modi m times have given us a few giants of huge proportions, not much leys remarkable than those of olden times. The past was as remarkable for dwarfs as for giants, several of whom were even smaller than tho Thumbs and Nulla f our time. OF NEWj lORK. Daily Drawings ! ! ! A PIUZE FOR UYEUT TICKET. '75 Cask nifU.ea.Sl.090 -$?r'to :uo .AM U l.'0 ...itoh2TrlHTU " oO to HAi W0 ICO 140. ,An. Act, to. incrirporate tho ?01d Glenn, an escaped speimentiaryconvtcu lorY Orth 9tote Lumber, Mining and Mai,u- Ratified the-jB5ili of jFobruary, 1873. Thpy;cx.tinguish cturing Company. Capital stock, $50,- lS2- Resolution nitavor;of Enrolling and Vinegar and Pickl fire al Hickory Tavern with klca. fession, and distracting audi injuring the uouy pomic. V')nri:iiiiu invy ate oppos ed to all medical improvement, because it exposes their own do-ires and jrrovclinsr A Fmich journal announces the forma tion in Paris of un association of "Frends or Order," which his already extended into three departments, with the object of protecting property aud persons against inceiiOiansm, pillage, or riot, i ne mem bers of the association arc bound to resist attack and defend each other. ;me:ri::e), i In this count v ttn tlie Ot Ii Ftimiarv hv Rev. NY. II. Cone, Mr.; John llicliie bod Mi Sarah Jane Iles-. Also1. )r the f.ime. n t!e Iflili March, Mr. Obudiah V. Haughtun and Mi- Marv jane Lentz. ICasljCil t JJW.OOO Ol'ah(;iru. ea. to UXl 13 " 23.0UO 30 " " " 6,000 4Kl O.dd Watche W7J fHjwiap Miichf ue4... 75 Llrgaut Kiancm.-..: 50 We!KletUH CashGifts.Silvcr Ware, ere rained at $:.MiO,tM A chance to draw any of the asve vr.v u.t 2. ecat. Tickets !eciinjr Priie arr sral;i in lunvelojiCH and wcllmixcd. On receipt of '2Tt cents a sr.Ai.Kn ticket is drawn without choice, and rnt tiy nd to any nddrci. The prize nauun npon it will he tlelivcrod to tlx; tic k e t holder payment of u.vk1LLAB. Iriie are immediately scut, ;q any auurcss uy eiprcr or return map. You will kii.w what Vonr nnze i 1-f.re ven par for it. Any Priz eiehaned fir another of the Mir.e value. No lilauL. Our patruMK tan depend on fair dealing. OpiMo.v or thk Frkv :-p-r air Italic? can le reiiti or,. .V. 1. ilrxbl. Ang.v:L A jren uino !itiiliutio!i. WurSd. Snt. y. Not one of tl.c UumbuL'Hof tLod:iVv H ull 7V.nJuly 7. They ivc ccucral patintoclion- Slants Z-i!nuJt, Av.jt. o. KKK3K.cE5: Tv kiml penn.-;.on e rffr tothe 1 iilowiu: -r rrtiiklMi Ii e, liin i!l-. drew i:i,tK. Ma Lin tlie lanker. Carle.-l.n;. ?.l.mj. Mr. LcmiiaT.' Wake. St. Pant, tt.ni... $7t0. Samuel V. 1Lijhu., J l.t-uoi. $.'Ji. E i?ene l". I!rat kett, Tiihurp Watch f-WK". Mihs Annio 0-iud. X gv Orleans. $j0U0. Katury L. Piatt, Cht uliu-i, .) bi. ,''. Onk Cash (Jivr inewry package W tick ettl glllri:U.te 1 tiell is (,r, 1 JHI; I I f ir V'" for ? t.o:i ',0 f..r (I); l.V- f-r xl..l. Age;its .ni'et'.. tn . lum ve i.uVr liberal in dieeuie:it.4 and daill'," nntUf.etwiii. AddrcNt, T. U. SOl TIIAhM) 1 CO., March ' ,m. 1 1 t I !. .aviiu Sr. iive nanu-ottiuiiai, anatAfitjtaartir'ravb Inboard al Ljaj4) Ootlampef mouth, Jirlja 1 in.ludv.-d, W1tt .iicd ifi i acfluir'tnx Auosfc ''-'t' Lr.nehe-. V '1 T 2 I ror lunnrr, rH vcr..Am fr4k4i kut oi lum IkiirxiuH Rirdrt or LytUa aki Crooked Cretk," ' five Tui!et South of Old 1VH, or to J. A.CSryv Tho. Lytle7M. Rurgin, Trjirtet.- - A. Tl'U 1mkj1 u Mtuatcd aiuoug the moanValh, and ha rvcry advanlarv fur health. "' -" ItU alo exemiH (ra (he tctopuiiana f !. rO ie:zi, often me t at the pnNnt dav. j WM. II.. LlTTLKTON,i J. . . II March $th, ICTS. 4w:2li Valuable Land ifcir Salo. : r I offer, for nale tV plantation located rix -mile S.uth Woi f afh-Uorr aid iur mile ' 1 friiui 0 .in Grove IV-jkH oil the N. Cliaiinoid. Theic laixl were ttrtnerlyjUie pn.petty of tb late l Sam'l. Kerr. Thert? are KW arrr ia tb trac: of which abotitone half in elearfd, the rrv. uiaiuderlieinp b-avily tiuil-red withnak tkkn. "' ry ie. Tho aoil it C,rtilc aiil adapted Vow, oatotn. teliarc, clovvf Je. There "ajV'n the flare a pnl d ellmp,ntit-honr Snd t well f ?..d Ut. Itwill be divided, if aeeeary, t.i Ktul th vaot f ur(har. Col. It. 1J. , Cowun of Si!ibar will fhow th and, and , make u-mum ith partiedcaroaofparcloA4or. ' For furtlier inr. ruiation apply to Qnl. R H. ' Cowan at Stli-buiy N. C or aJdrtKS me at 4 Wi'a.ii:tfiou N. V. I t f :ft MiTh C tf U. K. Till ator of . N. NLXpX. di-c'd. THE BROWN ! GOTTOH GIN H)0 with privilege of .being iiicicaea to "o t 7"wr? fltatesvi le no longer enjoys the luxury of onj8 , Thev-'b'avo no other ei.d than -ain 1.000,000., Company to have powVr to ibem addttujial clcr cal assisUnce for the GrogLshopk d iower no mc s tl Vt such bold In W raf-Wtata atul m'lnertl rfirl ts remainder of the sbsion. Ratified tho , ... ana powei, tut no ucans to att.un utli nedeS5ieWa 2Slh of February, li873. - Prpf.MjaKerr.of this State, ha, receivel an ends are too un.crnpulou U tl.c.r u;e. for the purpose of mtiinuig and manufac-1 : 183 Iveeoluliou m tayor. ot James JLc- , ,r . . f ,. . . ' ,nI1ir fr mf'.prii. ;.. nnr oi v,,, , J ..",. -'j Li , t m ti I r . n - i -T a .i- under the action of Congress providing for 17 appl lor memenip in our society, oe tllrrnc taelaU: Coal. wood, biicks: &fei to Oowau. t Allows Inm $35 for takmcr an u : . " . . . . i :.t take- tck. rCw'yjmar imJ. lUtea aJtS ol l,raary, W "ou r..w "amourg imrnw, or .,. .;,, , n a nniini mill ' painniiiiii nn ni ipp n n v i i ni.k. i i www i i . a- I i fil - r ' . I UI (lUf UllUU. IIWI where iu the J; .'-Ratified 24th Feb- ! rttaryvn873.t' . ' .rA' lu 1&5. Resolution iu favor of Jvlin S. liirrifliiii. t'lililir. II i'cumii rT lrt tlircr.lorl i ' ;i4Tto'laltineln8ire.)"An Act;-tosalte to pay him 22,73 j upon the warranto! Jh Constitution' of the -State. Katiiiod the Auditorli Ratifiod tho 13d of March, 24th February,, 1873. (Tbe several facts; 1873. !, forthe amalidment of theWtitutin of 18f) Rlulion jin resard to tho pub- ISutwlMwe beertli laW8 of 1871-'72.I Secretary; of Slate and will aga.ivbe.pnbltshod in fully ii tho directed . to texpend! $175 iu purchasiug liewspapcra onhe.htate.) . 1 . lbe jawM 0f S71 .'72, fpr certain, counties "AnuAef. i .f Judge l)ally of N. JT, is eonsidering the Pro priety of Sending George Train to an iusane Asyluniv j ; , The Price of cotton seem to be on the decline. THE CAPTIONS. Ho the exclusion of editorial and local proteir!iinnl prog This i the just estimate placed upon it by the leading representative men ef the otatej and this most ciiiighteiied por tion of the coniuyinily extends to it 6 object their warm sympathy, and support, and bid the society God-speed. 1 he same eentiiaent has been echoed and re-echoed for it till over the country, and its achieve ment in the career of science utid huinani In thin countv, Jannnrv 6th, Charles Walton, ai;ed 17 yearn, noh of Thotnaa Wiilion. Al, February 24ib, Mr, ilary Jane Itioe, wife of Thomcki L. Mice, aged 27 yeara.. In tin county on the ond March, 1873, after a protracted illne, Mr. Mary Wir-ctmin, wife of J. P. Wiseman in the frlrd year of her age, the deceased h.w1 a conriinlent nicmlr of the Mcthodixl F.. CUurcli almnt 40 year, which f.iilh ' if he hold firmly until tlie dav of her death, and - m. ... r.:.i . i i - 1 lli 11 iruui) .1111 iciillM'in ii.i.c IC.IHllin J IH'J V from her i'pright and Cliri-ii.-irS life that bhe L now in paradise with the ndociued. li, "'to; incorporate ; th'Ni C Iia Also dirtxts, suits tp be brought, agaiiistj matter, we give as many of . the' capUaiU ty, and in elevating the medical profession, Jomparfyi v,Usrial acl of thcor- the further. Secretarv. of Slate for not siiD-1 n..V n.tnii.mi r-A l.v t U I,,',,;,.' reee.ivn . nublic aeknov. leileemenU niul Mining ComrMnyi t' Ustiar act of tfrcbr- khe furifaer. Secretanv, of State for not&UD UOratioiiL forllhe Dnrbofle Of; minlocr mica, ridviii ihoaA'lawa. ind for other nuilfi xn. , 1 a V mf 9 m W y 9y W U . mm mmr - mmm. m . mr . " m mmw V mtmmmm w - m mma mm- t 0pptrJ tead,r rd transporting; iiho ances. Ratined JstJ March, 1873, :x fwr. tftaarkcu :BaUM-tii Fbrtiary, ! ,iS6.. Rolutioii laising a Jofnf Co'm 18!3r i'"; "" r's :ir :' '',V mittoc to negotiate with Coleman Brothers, 166. An Act, to incorporate the qolds- for.a surrender ; of kheir contract' for the nor tanain5 ana i joan Associauon. :co-u8lriiclion of the stone and brick Woi Capital stock, not Icsa Uian 5,000,fLoiii. oJ the Pduitentiaryl(Oommitte-boughtD any. graiitea usual .uaaKiug ,flr.v8, fa coU7acs for $35,000.) Ratified 22 .with, Ppwer. W Jqaa ou :iaartgage- and lien 1; FiA.riiir4C' 1s7!ti 1 -! : . f ' .r .1 - I . t..:. I r . :J ' "t? . - i -r ' ed ! and! resolutions passed by the last Wis-receive public acknowledgements aud latnre, as we could. get; in. Next week . """""f t7" " J, , " V " N li W ADVKRTISKM K N TS. FRESH ARBIVAL 0? mm AND SUMMER GOODS. j McCIJ&BIftS ;& CO. heg leaf to inform iheir many friend anJ the public generally that ihev are.tiow in receipt a urge and well selected Mirck. Lonirtmi; in THE N. Carolina Home Insurance Co., OF RAI.KKill. n. c. In.-urf jhf-Ili,i.j. fitrr.J,"ffvr?a'h'jief atl ILL fLiSSKS Ol" lrt:ttBLK PUOPKKTT. Aga:ru-t 1 -lm? or I)aT:t:r;e l.v i- ire, cm tlie Mtr4 Favorable Term. It Stockholder are pcntlemen intereUd in lauhli:i up North Carolina In-linilij:, and atn.mx them arc many of the proninent biuiiu- anl tinancil men of the Stale. AU ,osACS Promptly Adjusted and Paid. ThU Company ha, alrea'ly, rluring th ihrw year of iu cxiUiice, p:iil a laro an.friint of !-!, yet it aw-vU nri Uaililj inere:iij:. Il appeal with coin'enc to ike insurer of 1 roperiy in ortli Larolina. KNCOrUAfli: IKir: nSTITL'TIONS. U. II. IlATTLi:. Jr., I'n ue:il C. It. K-ii.T, Viet-lVeideLt. P. t.'owi'su, S3-n i.-or. SeaTos (J vLKs, S. relaT. A. UL'Kl'IX V. Acetit SaCl.v.:' V. C. 1 1 ii. vr-kL Bargains! Bargains!! . Iu orrW to. make j-oom Ur my Spiiug slock, 1 am compelled to si ll olf inv IT- inter Stock Pl.ANTKflS hoa'.J eanliH! th aboreJiamed old a:id reliable Gia befort buvinjt any trther. It eombin tbe n qnired qaJitieuf Hiaipiieitj.: :miv:i11i uni I .rAlility. llCiincfaanueleaH, make e ell-i.t lint (f5eu brii-j'.Sff l-ic. m' -l-2e jer lb. aUive inxrki.) aud in lin.rer a.hnilU'd to -c the fiht-oil nmnii.j;rin n.a-Vr. W't !..ive had thirty yeal eipcr.eSee inthw tmtine, jij.d war ant evi ry pin pci-c1. tiin . i!tnntly in tt"c h-ind. t eorat-nti .in m l.u-h weiatite inM-etin. I'in u'arh, with Jc-t imoiinN and f.-lll partlro l.irp, iay lw h;wl bv silJroVinr. IjK KI. r. ItjfOW.V. PrW-nt, Tlremnt'ot1' n Hm Coj, Ne on, C(nnr rUAWFOUl) A lltlLlC. .Vp.Mallnry. N.C. " March U 4.ro. GOME A co!iitin? ol wejwilljtry and fdrnisl. the-balance; ,: t an4 U Ucvoted lolUc cood of hu; Ilardware Rifle and Mgring I'wd. UKAliV MA DM CI.OilllNd. HATS. : :V : ' mauiiv -the best intercatof bin fiatemilv i)r"' 1 ainH'nftd l-e Srri&.t Tlrey Icrrp con, IMKITS, AM) MlOKS, iu all of bicb :'riUn k.-rrrtV rt.oir.X v- """'V ,J f1'"1 Ierc Uw liaicrui j, rtant y on haiMl th lW Anchor Ihn nx Ck4 w ;iM. 'V iXXUr iv l.;MI .. MEETTSO OF THE LI RECTORS OF TTIR . nn iU welfire of th rnmmn.i 1 v r iiukiI i r , i a. i t -ii oliliAl lit A I r art riven. w n--: w:.,..j,4....t.i a ao W .veiiarc oi. toe cmtnnnny, caunol niul are Asrf nta for the bent fVench L.irr nail .,.Ti, tv ui t k i j ilX- . V I Vv w ,V I bl advocate .the aims of thp . society, yet, Stone, Tliey ar alo agents for the bct Fer- J , y -'w . -vi.vy. at ' ? J k . T- i nly one-third of the regular physician tilnu-w w,hl in th. market.- D-m't fir;ret to call i--..o. uk l met in Sllhshlirv TfStfrdltT tVllllli(r. JVriil iur. I . -.!. I j . .1. . .u li in 1 . 1 I ' 1 ' ' 1 . ' -r- Ifrcfr tMr otganuatinli bj ,lSi II. -, J S SL A'ADKlN It It' CO. . . I r'..U-i 5!- a-t. .! w -a 'Viua I. 1 Iws is a.Daiiuul aud humiliatmz com- ...i. 1. ' 1 laiiw.i a. a. v. CoWlesJSec. & TreaS., aud W. A. Eliasou, 1 " 18 -PV,,,..l iW,u ,""o elaewhrre. meutary upon tlie want of devotion and Sali-bnry X. C.J March !I0-3mo. .- ' - ' t . ... " I Pkif 7ir. r tinn t n a .l...n - .'.'.1 .1 .. I I .limtt. rnanlnriitn in r(riM lu ina uuin tiusiur uuv. iii.i ik.iuh'i nu man Utll f cUluary, loJ . i; .... '; ' ? .., , . , I k;l ' ..i -. :i.s.:a-s.. I by them on Col. Tate for the dob ession of leuternrise m the uroFepsuin. Many 61 our -157, Aa act to lucorpoialo .the Creatl:r-r'0f pb;fe.(i(.rnhM ! in the' vekr IR7(5 r"? road and rfu8,J bJ Win a the'j?rouni bet practHiMirs who are with us in . Air-Liuvailway Company. AnrvMand dirae. tbo noosed er: trf1?5"1 ift.b JWP " to recruit our rank. DiuUukk: S5,000.Q0(L 10 construct a 1; r.T" " JJ ,A .h. L lAf IK. V5 olH,n n wrr Ircm socuiiy has been moratory in order IroadfromAVlan:toCbarlotto;allow. mnmiv to 'conao idato w th othermads. rL i 'J.. I , 1 -i ue; uungrici. anu w.t, woc-uegono nhvbician. zoed and true, and tbus enable 1 inuiniiiTH 4n .1111 urfKH mw iirinniiiH 1. um . a . w , IVeslrtro Ua 'Cjvcn. the ama prK'ih grs as the K. C lUilrbad tth February, 1S73. ; ; , .1581 An, act to repeal cliarterjf, pri Vale' la w of 870-7 1 . J Chapter 6 h is an ac?intWrpo.raiing tho town 61 Muirphy, in Cherokee ' couuty. iUali6ed 26th It'eb tuary,' 1373. ; ' ! ' ! ;159;An (act to incorporate Datibury ; JodgelKoa of Free and Actjepted 1 Masons,; it Dan bury. in. Stokes county, i fNv CL. .Ratified 25tb February IS 73; j 160. -AnTact' to i amend chapter l00 ol private. lws of 4S7 1 -72, entitled "Art act UVJpprporal;etlielQwii ol Boouo inAVayue o;tity. fChana the ,i corporate .Wits ;.awnea,wjii, r euiuary, iqo, ... f 1 I i I,;: . i-n .1 .. i I i . I I . il.a lw.a a,.,,- R ltifi. d rr,il. lVkri.i.rv. op"g Be oi ieiiow -ujai wo rcuicmiier iiim to c?ue aua ueip o in nur owwtigiu icio ) i ,v r . - - ever to have aceii on the atrt-ett of Salii, upon "itrnoranee, deranpouisrn and un- i . 1 I ! .i ii.i t. -i i I rn liiV'ttjl. . vJ.jiati-jnir t.f -th Tn-al eid nf 188. Resolution in. behalf of Jonas pory, were tuese wouia-oe uaiiroaa gentry. K, ,. , .... a - " .... . no, oaiawpu coun.jr. i.rcc AJuey jwoutu aauuiocr aiong mo mwi, ag sja,-u;iur j cur prolVh.o, and tlie Ireusdrer w pay 'bim, ipon dodging 6rl into this 4ind then iuto that physician wbJ doe not move onward in ui iuu auuuui we eutu ui . ii.. !-.. . .1- . X-k" J-L.-" .EV lb ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SPRING! AND SUMMER GOODS. . ! tea. Clii-e, Sher the l'oblic the warrant S470 60, takes assessed, 'ou the Western N.X). Railroad, and prevented from being collected bv iuiuiiciioii. Ratified 2Sih Fcbi nary 1873 183, Resolu'.iotf toauthorize the Auditer pri vaUi office, looking sad and disap pointed. Their deliberations were hud a private room over the post office, i, iu j we understand, aud occasionally a cornier1 would be sent out for a Railroadtst. Other- i .- ' j - tho lori'U! !juch proror1 luual take thi.- doj n wari! gr.-nie, ith thoie HttajrirlerH and droi.i-jt -who hang uHi tb- ouiwk'M ts. ptitiubiig hlocits; to Ive evuhed by the advaneioir wuecU 'l eivilu tt btn rhtu i Tlie annual mcctine of the A'adkin I tail ll'ad Company will lrebcIJ in Albemarle on Wili.ei day JGth lav of MjixIi next. It udoirvdtbat all the Stock he represented. V. M ALNEY, Trcst. 27-tf, ; D A VlX2t HOTEL, JN MOUIvdViLl.D, c. So Ion? and faTornWjr known to the imhlir. linn m la-en eh.s.l. :i reix.rtcd : Um "Mt-lill k-i-t hv Mm. llehrv'Aiiiclin A Hon, h ret-ircetfitllr Aolicit the ftatroiiie of their old friendx and the'travellin public. - o pains will bv spared io give sjii-uun iou. Jan. 1C Snioo. TO THE 00K STORE DY. And ct ltLWfJfT I'tHyt-r liA. Hjim llnk of mV.j kinl u Want "xy Ui.rii: r.'nr.ii'l Jf.. Mtlbic lUrlvn. ilimirioVrU ( tli i.i-sL aujlota; HUf k ikok. LMbdiua 4wr EEH "J 4C BO tbtf luio-l tlih kilwl : SlTr-n!-..!. atKl ViiM Svlnxd lUxiki. nil kiud-i iu CM-ral U?C. Stntes. Iiikn. Wril iniS l'a-r:tf iL nullity t. Watt l'r an.l Win in erri variety. aiui i t-r-nf I'UlioS, vbdiw ie. Ia, "CVOILD TO A fr vWJ. BS7A7?nATlS7 Si A rilOCLAllATlON ii aai;: An act io repeal section 1 of "An T ?rT T' acVfor the Wttcr protection of oyesters h T l' J L and'tetrapjns W.tlie.Water. of N. CiRati- 19VolW ed 5fitW WJrV-'lsnrs . ' ' certain railjoad ta ,8eAr physician in the St,:tle, outniJo of lol.jahMarrdl,faefO,is - . ;- ... ; scif rcoec.VuUy, invite . ho II ttltH IOPVU fcVf SUV vvyufct; a m tVUOUf v. it tf X)iislow,LTo. J187, and transferred by Sire that their action should be kept horn hlni;to;tho Sherili, lost. Ratified, 28ih the public. ' are now receivinff at their Store, their bre anil we scud tins appeal to every U o.wisting of Drvj Hood, Nulioni.. K. ;uly-made rt. t r i . . . - . M . - - i ?L:tie, putaiao oi our t lotliuis of the verv latent btyles. Hardware. nj to tiroecries, 1ooU and Shoec, Hat Ladies and iil'uie army ti'nU' 'n fac,t itjood which are us ially kept rtM, iun firsl da (leneral Stock which they are From the Raleigh Sentinel. Sn riilatbin tn n.ftiiiillntr terranins In the waters of N. C J Rati- 4"!r"r r-" VL".""." S :fecd26tbFebruarV:i873. ' ' certain railroad ta to ti.e & nerin oil reaeii f TJIE STEPllENd MURDER. 4. 'k-.i .1 i itttrt.:.. I coauty. , 1'ublic 1 reaurer directed to pay 1 1 - r ... . nm-f JSJ5ri V back "294 28 UUU. Unified l.t : .8C0Mrjt,..M,:iV-. on. Josiaii 1 urtier, Jr. : .; . ftlt Dear Sib1 have written ,, Mr. liu tie 'Governor rf Xorth C-mJhifi exec i; r rA' i: n e pa irr 11 en t. KalJ(.ii. I'kb. 13, lr73. Whereas. Official itiforwa.ioo lut leeu received at this department that onJmis Al.LEN Ketc'IIV. confined in the jail of Ito wnu County ou a charge of Ilae, did eraj thcefor-n on tlie night of the 10th iost., is uow at large ; j fttia-'Aicvlei nlasWMn-Mre-wunty Ma"rV' ,'.. K'-' ii I lUtlfitlrFebruaty; 1873-' f , off .i1"-111 'ffj rC?1! i ili: 4 1UIO. 'ifncviB iiwuiivu vvuitnuvuiiiiii-a "MSnatan I ...... i i i .r. . r . . . . and uistribiitea rporate : -Txdge, No. 1318V"! Freet and Accepted Ma-. LaoasniUtified SCtli FebMary, 1S73. . j-164- An act to incorporate i thoiTrus-. ;4tccs4)f, Onord Colored Educational As- .fociatigirof jGranyille couuty." Ratified .GvU February; 1873- it ;j -X ' ; ; 1C5. AuacC to reNenact an act, cjitttled ''an act io incorporate the French Rroad' I'UMuike CJiflDanY.' BaUfiettSoili Feb- V lpa-An'i Norwood, our Senator, relative to certain uuito wi;h the ednc:ilor, the philosopher, . w . . . 'ti ll. . couie loi waiu iititj j"io our 1'eCru . e . , . i r .... . ' """I""'1"'"'1 "J- iui; ubui- selline low for Cash huver..' All w,. kV ia fnr . , 1 V 1 1 I C7 ' " ------ oera or uie taeaical- pioieasiou uavo uglier y0ii to call and ckamine our stock before jair functiui s thau ever before- to nei form, uot IchasiDi; elsewhere. oiilv in the adtiutiun of undoubted iiuurovc- 'We return our,t.incere thank for nasi favors . . .. . I 1 .1 i. r: t: J ... .. ... I r r .1. . u. ... I r v i. t i: i m. ni- in r...i.n, l uuri Rnrienl nml pp nuu "ow uv lair lueaunir anu ainci attention to governor oi w .-lair Ui ivirm nwina. oy " r- ' "- I 1 I . . r.x - -. . Il . ... 1 : it. i- , r ..it ,i . . . , iw muni an increnxi virtue i me ainnoruy in ine ver-ici oy uw. a.i anu in tlio aniilicaiion ot ail those means - n ir:,iJ f ,.t ,i . . . . n , 1 r i rrm ' . .... ..... I All allium Ot nroOllCe taken at llio hlirlml I iccha thwmv l'n,'l..iAvli.n nfrririr 9 r.ir.ril - . -j. i ... l ; : o i .. tr 1. .. i . . . i - - .- -- , ....v . . ai cou.inanu or ui .em , ... wi.uuu- market prices in txrhan-e for ,rroda. of TWO HUNDRED DOLLAKS f-r the uiiSij, uut iut7 uiu a.u im uu; uuami, ici luvriui a; CUCv. appreheiiMon ;.iid.UHvery f the said Ji.hu accuiuniK IO ilia cia.uia w uvaiwuyii, w -v .... ( , Allen Ketch V U '.he Sberill id Uowau county Ton. R. Caldwell. ate uf North Carolina, by linv a f-w d.'llara ! worth d Loi.ka very year fir ynjrf4.0" auhatdti4 .ake a (C"l ne5!aN-r. tbev w ill wtirk txrlter aua l UMr eb'-erful. Try it. a wosjd to rinnmns noun. Y'.u have . n n thing to be proil and to UtaM of. Tbe fnn i iImt keyUiie tw etery a -a. heu it Sucei--dii all unlustrial pnrmit. prper; when it fail yon ran't 1 a grrat the on of a firmer. and CUy were faruie toiled tlo-y tuh-d. all flair. (DB't think uian lNfraSM a ar Vahintu. VrVtrr rr kous. bat while thrt rSo d ve. I Ray a koVjJI InM.k, ot4 at a ttutc. rVad aud dlzeet lU asJ then auother. J Call ud e iu aatij UmA nxri booka. f lainl I iln liltl H-t' i.liinln i 4 I lfi-rsii! I hr air. a v v in lll i' i r i - - j - - - - anamsuiuuieu pue .to eacu uoacer auu reporU that X had tied to Uanada, and Had the phiUnthropist and the rhridtian, with tt.JlUllt O HLL and all ?o,l ei'iz-ns ao hsm-i in apprrheud- inembef of (the Assembly, aird one ! to tlie Confessed to.: Judge Tourgee and one aU their, varied ubilitiea and resources J for Porauant to ari Order of the 'Bankrupt Court a.jd hnlgin aid ioffeoder to juatin. Superior Court CIcaks. Ratified ,.23lh jHester, a detective, and given all the par. ameliorating the condition, ot society, knd this Diatrict, J will ell forcaah, at the Court Done at lhe City '.T lUlein. tbe !h day hVhinarv. 1S73J' i 4:...ii... .1.. dnhm.. mnnler linw In .L.: T ' ... 1 1-. ..'r i. i.. i . LL .. lloune door in Sjilisbnrv imi Tiw.1t,t- thr of fVtirnarv. A. I).. IrTtl. aul ia hj 192. Resolution, in favor of Principal jwas killed who did it. Since writing to amJly.. Evrry inerobtr of our profession. fef Tl!?,' lulll'V tchKtk tl" cho in n-nrnV-A'?,m-lM-t; w'luUuwe' Clerks. , 1 ys 4ach S100 for extra work. Mr. Korwood I have been advised to write lhmLc, w hde.ires the advaicemcftX of ' U " J oft HENDERSON IW the c!?lr ' Ratified 3d.Matth, 1873.' r t t0 you for publication, a contradiction of .ciciico and knowledge, and wishes to1 cc Skllsbury N. cJ March TtKL' 'Arwignee. J B Neathkuv 193. s Ri'solutioir declaratory ol the theae calumuies against 'me, all for party ,j8 profession leave iis poaitioit and stag ' ' . Private! Secretary. meaning of section 4. Resolution in favor nnrooses. .1 went last year to Mississin Pm nation and (Tninr:ilizati;in. and in iiiiiicU I LmKmf VV JLjxC nfi rlJJS. I J of Shetiila; fl. ratfied"eeember 3th 1S72. have k i j'iii' l-LA-i .u cj.-: l vv neneveruie. county jjoniLuieBioncra tct to incurraip lueimower ,r , . v f-., ... .. I ' . i. . .atiliifl Willi tlia-'XIioiifta tir rnnVPVirtfri ' i j -v.; raMSrirtaiSi. WindatlWkWm-im the. Trraurer nnrDOfies. went iuslj ear iw imseneiirui i nation anrl dmoranz anon, aua in i to e my brother onbusiness, and was J pleJaa well an iutcllinrence, and usefulness. 4. 1 T ' I. I . 1 -. .. -.. .-' . lniy;eone a few weeKs. . i was mauc au la most, earnest I v. luvited to cumc into tlie y! gone a few weeks. . It was'made an ja mosLearnesilyiuvited to c cassionfpr Republicatiatosay that 1 d State Society ! '"' ' d i the .country , One Ufajoy Foot, 1 The next meeting will be h learned, eld at States- 7i machinery "and buildings exeuip from ed. in Lis miblic spcecbetJ charged vilIe.oii iheSd TitesdaV. the 20lh. of Ma that'I bad murdered Stephtiis ; and 'fled. iB73! We'skall iminlze in- the pleasin As to confessing to Judge Tourgee, noth- J hopo of there meeting again in couucil the COME TO TUE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, We acknowledge the receipt of a oackaire i.K&Crrnqx : . conuining varioun Flower .Seed from W. I). Jotui Allen Ketclij is abonl liveteet frs Diraon,JriCoi,Sedmen and Floruts, Brook- inches hi.-h. share inade. large n..M, dark lyn, N. Y. j .. Moe rjrs.jaalUw: cuphio. ihin Ward. The Seed bnainesa ia growing rapidly, vearbv dark hair, and "lias a kcarTTn f, right st.!6. ' year large amouila of capital ia beinsr iiivesttd . JdrSalubury Wstchinan. New Ninth in it f and the returns must, pf course, bw tempt- State. auI StateviTo Aiiericau .pj, fo'.ir ingly large. ' weeks and send bilUito'ExecuttCe' office: i- . And Get a: tood Picture. . Vtm i W till gin jron fc gofHf picture f atlet j yoiiliki.lf aiaj x. Cor sr ibmjt IdUd4 that ! any bad work ahalli frutu tlus o2ic tola- ' jure us aud tie hnna-5. Cat; aodtry.' j :" yeb.'tf. I Vv Stairs bctrsc JJuirafs. . -

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