t i . ;i . ' 1- . : -i -. !: ' v . - i- , . 7, ; ; . ' '-r-.: ::v ' - - . : .- : . ; j ,. I '.- , ; - 'jr.- ; ' ' . -'." 1 1 "-!. V.--;1 :j " ' . ".'y; r- f ?r JVr-" "-'iK-V??1 "i 5:vffSV:r"" -'v "-. v V-'' ::.."J V ". I . . ' j ; . -' . V 1'.. . ' . j - i Jr Jocal axis i-'ssAsa; aix?- or- SALISBVR WARKET.i .J 'iVl;nrttTlnA'',: : -j.t f'f.T i:-V1 wa. ut uvi AbeuM'seniailreS. Mer. ijMitcry and tVyTj The Matter i. . l-t'en;ki:titiil frotu lu 4 tuit IVr never I d ys dtiru.v. the 1 t-t wcvkl bit i alwava I I .: v. a ... . ' ; ?: .-a . ,. ii ! . f ' u vi ir - I. - . 'Mil .ic vT .70 a .75.,.. ,-:.. roTAlX)Elri, 00 a.75 Swect;-p5. . ill' 'A J lfl . , . , ' 'Kt iuret1 Lot U tai ke5r CUhJ U House of which bii friends n ay well be proud. I ; ' J: : j1 ' . j VDr. LeckevFaa ifiltft ULecrialalur. Hnd, wa8fwell knowu ;as bejof Us moet uK'fal arid efEcient members. Dorinir the . ? . . .. . i ---L . -o present session ne lias tabbrea with great diligence aiul'dtal lin.tha pt4forh)aBce of his public duties and isj etititled to the t))Hiik8 of Ijidcotitiientsjanil of the peo ple,of the SaWli. etrvfet i their An K'WiSi2i. kbirr lei-, . aV- AVhcn you sec a cnoss' npon your jia pcryoii.mayJv.tUAt youc titoC.) nn and 'votf arc'indc'btaVto tlio office, or that ydur tunc wtlr .eoojvilm.up. eithdr! cvcW 8criptio5i t;r ntr.i LlTTtEFJELD inis '.DoKKTOR rnE;FL0WERr LjiKD.-frie tiule !tate result oE ix-grS tand Sarplt ba2?& I'.i 'I Here is? not a dollar in tlie Treinr Ahd J.ha bopped and floitins dl bf, according to tho pport of iIjb cbm9tnll(r, .is S5,844, 42 1 Asltbore are voters. "liifb and bl ickm the Si?lte, taking the iaie;i'iesidentul election aa. a test, it fol lowfc that each oter' prjnortiop tlifi debt Is TvV SfcS.'d'd' U jli SJfciinty and' municinat debt?, and the funeral w arefage will donbtlefs rojn iip lo 200 for eath voterlo UnnttIQtmst tfrifclttKe I' '- t f t 1 a - - neen snnannerea, was suoivn m the ac t - . . . . . . . 1 ... - . fount we pnblincyi f the pUser. day of the 'tisctncntrhcatlcd, givi- in yovr .laxable property) &c. 1 Make out sit once. NE'Jr APVERTISEM Don't fail to, read the e'ardrf of Mess i PcrndiiaTdt Sc Sunn, and of Meuere, Mc- rnl.tmia A: "Co. ThVpeVfiuu are n cei- iag tltcir Spr.injgtock and tjiey mvitc the public to come and iupect thew. Oo and see tlicrn everybody. he List and Iiand it in cw Good- ! 0Q V k nleasnre I q Mvihs to-otir ninr riddand customers, that' we itt rcceiv !i Jr. 1Tt Ll frr 1 I .r.T rsivfi'T" t-. : , .... ' ' -T- WUlUm Foster. Geo Vy :Fm,, ' T -r'zT'- T rt Vf,;. tT, 1 ? llAlbert Rice and wife IVU, i the children AIrt-ffFuW.K- PcaallXll. U,1'A n fal Ci'I M J JJ-"r I B ' -f Ml V v. 'Ill I -ri (1 I 1 mt "T""fc I '-' sm ftjgfi i vjonsisungi in . par ttocene8,--&atu aBi i-v. of a,:good, stock. .of of all fettd ty les itji tUesi 'Dry gisoV; a largvarieH of'PrinU:!Miltilihs, rerca!, &c1 fuJllMJC of l)omegj(i ed and brown" which we are 1 oflcring at greyly reduce.aIpjjcesfiA xj,?;T.::iaT A rot i; stock ofi Yankee notions .and iancyooaa. ; 4v;,j ri w-,,v - . In mldidpn to the abote we have a Uree lot of IteadyMad Clothing and iarui mg bou4dapuiV'esia4ry-A the wints ot our tniu. " 'fH'.. tt... j.. I Lit si T.4riV.-l' . hoid -iriUIeifLaXlitfieto;.i; 4 ; b 1 u j it 1 1 1 sv11? YOUR OWNRAINTING ! . - A. Sain, George OLfiaio, LboU Said nd with other jraatcrisAi'wIrtel. ttii pVt '"hf t'llai-I. Albert Sanw vfgs A Y I fcfel flSpecial ProceedioWKPiaUioii to scIJJttod for inal l"e P'fivnu areiuiroiant sphi- .. j AiwetA. In thl, ca it! aRearing toTthe laii.- ,on h"5 IV'tSTJXi'! f facUon of the Coiitiddrsoticr. PIlr beautiTal anddijriDel'Arnt Tli t-MeVi' oi Albert KKeTaitf UKst-miareror ttie J i , , , ' , , I V. "v!rT v , dee'd. to wit : Mary M.-Kiifi, Joh Gain, hrBed by the -nn-tancrto rhirh It i afplifd, Maa A.Sain,GeorgeG.SaTnrCofiSN.Siin, theMiMUiyMwIjUL tlwArdiBarj, . U Albert Sain, JiirH-Al-Law of Krmi Foster ?UfePf ti?:?T"VfeVfcnl.. lina-.Watcliman."a neWaPcrpOblwhedatailia- unaliactctl vchanrMtp ralJiI-rwrfceU buw (UWsiTf. rVeKeqaW L U rH'J t tl.e . ti:irfalri wU.4 dcan1.inta ar.im.ai o lh( mllrt-!lnll' ltU apt! HI ail Ci 71 burT, saul defendants to appear alJhecourt-ho 1 A - . . . " th bit favor fcr tlm rvIihCilt-mam February i&bj 1373.- ' 17',, r T.i K 41. 4 av- u.fcL .111 . . ...... r - . I 'Jf" fa." .1 ....!. 1 . JohnaVG.ayaain rgryie.Uaia.L . . ! -r ,f ' . . y 1 ...wV FfirnjsUed Gratis, v - ' r-apprtngKUieJJMWactlbn or:(htf4nrtvl VI i undrr the corrupt ,11 tildcnadniiisistratiou Florida 1'aper, , . L I . . AKUK(JUUl.TUUAp ITEMS. K ' Fear plight i22MStjriioJdgardner sAys, may be dirstioyqdj Ay sprinkling frofci half a iwck oi . misStdre of air-olrtkcd liino, . wod ahea:aad couou tajtr nboj;t j thd tret-j to be applied' by "removing' the . t.i . ? .... poll siroiiii uie.lftes to life depth ot tour or live iiu-lxjrf. naJifar ahliu ronls uztoiid. It :pirtuld ap'pu'fcdi)nel.uc iwiceni ear lie don t tell us when 13 he Ltst time 'Kdwa'rP CalwEli. the great Canada Maslffs and thejiorcn jalout fruit tries I trmpcrancei iiumtriss( wm nuurets me - q vjirv" I - ' V XT ftf North Carolina al the following I , , . , '. i 0 r vi.'--f -.. - .1 4 0 vcarB oxncin.ncei ne nas never sren 1 p. places t v I' , ! borer itjirtut trecis whe;M ashes were iie j M,.rt.',triiMii8".&Fri4av Man h 20 &2Is ly;oseui i'aiid that he conifders theni worth Saliiiar.-8'ataW(&' itM "I 5c24th, j per buthcl' fdr putibg . around trees FayueViU. Wednesday ';Uleifih..Tliirlay Kinston, ;Ff!uay Wilsou. Satuf Jay 1.1 - 20th. ai?u,;- I 27th.j ; Woofpt iiky' 3aWJ1 was', ustil hyh : 2&u,l Frenchman in Cunipij, when planting - 20lh. t out liia Jfruit trees on titir land, each tree i-rt " i....:i,- irl.ftUiitjr. Tlii taaiflre is verV;rieli iir" - ' '. ' , - , r 3'tef and id said to havb prouueed woii aa jurituiu, r . v f i ; - drrul retfultsP ..1 .:..! 1 r.l.i...u ..1..t. ni.i.tnV ' i . .! t lt gc 1 ? 1 la. u(u f 1 4 ,1 rw j il3 it 11 nasi; iiiiy iq i Ir iiKlv ffr.uli ami thrUiv I r . . . varieties - fo renin reeoiunieiidedi by a ctf?pon(Icnt ot the , an fairly to captivjite- the eje of any hver Tribune le.Hppi) -iljlo lus wholu siip of the'garjc.u, lly-thway, thie young face infjiinfc awd raiikusg iujup in vdm centlrrhau fciifl nYvolAm d a very decided ' tbk ?giiAcip. udotcctfc . ' 1 V 1 il I' ..1.'.. fidlen buif. ! 1 Apiilc 'Sites, fcattrtjd in a M om-formerly ei-npied !,. TiV. ' .nL r ill t: 11 ! the Mirs. llurali, us a Silver hmtth fchon, ate, over thp str iae lm la I ,ero ,,4 irt.evtr rcttlve caiUandgbly. a voiuii v at7 asn i -w r--.. . ;i T7 t j- t , 1 '111,1. .. LMtrBec-m:18T2. .iri. MrC.P. KxionTU-iliiItkiiojme C. IV Kauisr. iuttUoprljcaf Sir!- ....1 -cA 1. .1 ' .1 w" i 1. r r - ... . . .. .' . 1 . AMaa uie-XkfAaiev 1 iibthizkitcii jour urmu :er a rauni r.niiRi rami a test tor 'ix uionths, I take nlrafturrTinvaH tribal ml I hTe ever re: "It ha fattyebni ap Vvy'oar reptwettiatiobi. u. L tu.I.'LUriI.lni-:'1ir.wili1i-1lia "w'""" nowaawiieo aim epuiea. VUfJ.ntt.l. . .. .. ... -jaa rrt -,.- 4 J wnh the Bradley Knarael gm. Very rwpwlnilf;1 ,f I f Premiums. ' " " ' ' 2 9l6 3H8f ",t de of the Hotel, andani .. , feriect aai is- , t jj 4 LT. 1 inwjesu-,, c.; r. KKianT. I yon are ley a r.nnt on oar MwyiKW&WH'- -H Mjtrch 13 -lmo. " p-"!' - 0 ouui.rpai uiv.wuwiuw vj n v'v" Hiotiiiis bince'l fia at a jCoiirf to be held Jr the eoiirity of Da at ; (MaVion Houm;) the 'court-!-. odse in 5IorkHvill, the sore nd Patafaii'i waa i For the! Saleof iLenf 'J'obaeco. - I ! ; jASB.SIlELL; Proprietor. ?Tn TTafehouse oixm on the 25th February, 873;.8ard everylucsday and Friday. l'cb. , 2Rit,-pd. ; , -, i:,,;,..(Wl,ICB. ; Ail ncrporla indebied to up, ar6 hereby noli- ue to come forward and settle tin within thirty days,,, else iheir arcounUj will be placed in the IuhuIh of an oSicer f,r colicetion ; for we need, U1U llUKMlHUYilllUC WllUh ih uue I In. ' r . . . ...... . . ...... . Feb. 2o,Ht. ; ; -j ' H 4.1 R 0 W A It E . M'hen ' you Want Hardware at low fitnirea, call on the Uhdereigned at No 2 uraniie Ijiow. ; i 1 i- r 1). A. A t WELL. Salihnry, K. C , Feb. 13 3tuos. KNEW TAILORING SHOP A ,. .. IS; SAIjlsnCRY. talputlfr gardenings and wfi learn that tba ranlia ftf Imh LlifirH in this regard lire IJwf for , , . . ,f f it - I powdered ffat-. over the F-id ulai)t tniirveloup, when ihe unfiivorahh - ,4. . .1 t., in ' , , or early in ppiii fr, :t ll rale nCM 01 Sim wwivr lorau .Hu-..u..r, uppeii.- pi.r jq,tare rod, i$. saidJjy.a wiitter in the lions aofiiden-d. Mow cntttfc li bv. il cJltAt llictull tu be iitfA Luiiicial. t U l he inherit h 'ro:n hU ven-ral le Tjie jj; r(& fMbutus Mzlcsilj grand fiitlwT,1 Dr. A. Long 7 than whoir,- is a California evcrgrii'ii, which, na an 'there have bfen lew .; better skilled i:i this rnamital forest tree, U m'ul to. bo "tin luout pleabiiig art; p- ' ' suip isled for gfanUeVf jaiid variyd bcau p -h . p pp. y Tire ft llowing haiibven eent us fur ptiljlication ly lit. Limk: ' -. ". ' 1 ,'dtliof..sVlTihtrict Attorney, , ,AA'iETtti':3ltarcli 13ih, To' ff wioin .it w'aw Cower'.-', f ' ' hiiau ailments. Its syuiptoms are ahiwtst in- 1 All iHrrtfin".! Sum'tuoned 'rer62nizel or jjthcr-1 finite ii! their ritvw-!i!d the forlorn and des W bouiul for their ajpearank a witneane at n.-r,.i4-' 'lUtlHii-'. riiv : tlw U. .Circuit' or Iisirht CVuirtu, t0le held ' i . . I , X lmMr &May,it eiudng; eUheV a ,reen4U,HVt ! ? Vry Cvery known II : a.l.a- . 'II . 1 ' I I mm - al. L . r....I...ai . fr.a.i la.a 1 r. -..i . 41.. l ...... ! haUf.he,lf..fe, BRiiiit parties indicted nhrler s VUipatji y Iwhicfcwsa Ulstrvei-u hki VjRtomach l.o l.,f...,.m, A- TTi. Vint 1.1 Oru' )NI. t ' ! . . I . 'f7!!?Va";"3VS I and the brain, nud iu Mart also to the fad ntu'cu i Kill rMii.il iiui,iiuiii;b us w inrpisiTi, ahii i 'I. . they are ft! beevby diochar;ttd fwm any ihrth-1 that aliy ttistufbance W the Uige5tiv tnc- -r attcriJancc U witn&ae, in any of safd indict- tionrweeessanlw .disordJg he liver, the bow- els aud the nervous sfeteui.' aiid eikcfs, to i .t .. . Thci undersigned after an aliscnce of more lhaa 20 rwirp, durin'r which time he has ;aiiiel miich experienrV'an'd . -knowletlge in the proper iiuniaseinent of buineAH. luxs relurnct to SalisUiiry, ai;d -opened a Tailor Shop vrrt door LJEDBEI roKrtgrv roUcw laHaef fithailiowirt5pa,a " " .1 v imnd m laTprable tertoa, Tbree ndrTer tlpoAHtandOiieti: Fire lJk7, fcr.i.ljk ICTlMJCTiUlin .aWMNIltaa.- r:-1 f-b nt tr i p- 1 8 II Llrexpoel aDd taidon an'd r.Ioli r- (Ubn lertApeaey, i;..,;ir..., . j J Franklin (Phila-i otW Xnon noo I t . i Georgia lloma -' v ("M -.'lA- . r f ir: (Colombua hL) ' J . O00.0C0 .''i-.i-. ri - ' v .. . ..Invre your life in tU well Krt.lJVW a-l moM pornibr ofall Ufafatlw rKuItaUa"! 7 crfXcw York.' AaMrtu $ 1 000,000.' A nnOal la It-1 eou.e WO.UX). All pu-tceanow bmoi rHd-IU-... v iruioiwiurr iiteoo pajtneatol I'muuiia. Ditw 1 denda decUrad annually after thi 1st payment, araiUbla immediately M cash lo navmelt "Q prenuuiaa. . . --: .-4 7 ;it . r? J " I. ALLEK UROWS AgU 4 ; vrucxow7UrautelwBaIiabryK.a1,I ,:Jailr3oa.v.' . ? j ; g . 1S29.V. Cbarter PerpetdaL- 'ifeTl5' Motto of ln Franklhyl- v " ' f'lT t'. Whc'o 'tia fair be' aura and taki Vocr frca coal S'J . wkhyoa.-ForewarneJFoimnbe.. ,"ji:1 .franklin;, t PIRE;INStrit&lTOB CO. - PHILADELPHIA 4 - . 1 '' - Vt'iirr.o V.'ir i. mi.m. y.r V -1 mined to paint the ontaide or the Hotel, aodAO. '' i ... , Va'1 - '.;:;. u 'a 1 ' , '1 S3 1aai;rTt -rt ,kap,:y t0- vKt ' B"-M-t. m t, Cm acu 30 .9, .?C; l roil ; Wwt i lkt?uMipr faction., ja C9.ndusioi I, will My, ifthisr., CJ. P. KviooT.KJVf:Sir'-rsrthUra4. ' . : 3 T I -v "'"'t111 miiiialWnW-ofkrffthnf ley'aP.iint on Onr JmeUing in Howard Coanlry. ia Prctniami, OctoWr, 1S02. 252.73 CO ' M - ophe termlhercof. and also the warrant of At-. nt l?MTly tatKeiori'.rWriec4flr,i October 'aand tJ.a eoc ia a. go-. aad tbt aur Vnal Kowufcr IS75 01 ri 1 lachment mied out against his property in thi . .-;' i. IsaAG JL4fcJrsoi fe a4 Kto;ww aj it waa wheo llrat put on. If 1 rciaafci r0Tembcr, 1572, 301,86.64 1 Hf i if iii in i if i. ifif v;iiii i ii'ii mi: ! i' ( T'lua' iiii 1 1 ' i r . - i t r ? ' t r . . a ... anwarruiwa axi iitidl a nn naaa ir-i in h nm a a vi i. bbw BMHBMMMawMaBMi that if he fail to answer the said eonmlaint and 1 5 T i ui.:i 'J is lfttiTsttaty, ' . wr I i 21 r 1 1 I .-M I I II I a.1 riMlIK I J I I I lllf IIP warrant of Attachment within that time the 1 . ' , . M. woUTUIApo.N. plaintitTwill Ukc judgment against him -fi,r the . i L ' . PwU;' .LTo smof(4150.) Four thousand One hundred Y r p , 'SeSdar oTCem haT?LbeeS " ' Ma..Bert. 30tk tSTl me XVHIl uay oi .Ovrmoee loDo to ine Oay -WUen I uvtral of our dtrn Imihl ntri n.l tn lluKi at aur n' n tt i.. . . ,x :. ., t i .. jiHtgment hrmideM in this action. h frieads, Siii.l havugivea eatiiesatishiction ia coter- BiaJIeiU P.tentEaniel PainL which I inireka-ed llnaolh day of iebruary lb3. n? qnalitiei., iu plos, and i a adaptability to aU fro,oyo.i.o-ainilandiMiUiUe,bothataiT4well. 4 Amount i nan red in the Bum- j cd DUtrict. lioetou, $48,196 00 " J aoQnni msnrra on uat- . y skirts of same, ZO.tvO 00 Feb. 13, 4t 11. B. IIOWAXrU kinds ofsj, race or material,.' and wc cbecrfuhy rc: .,nR on)i ,UrCt far teB Ktll)Ua itgivea tea great .f,1 . S. C. of Davi CountV. c"1mnnd ,l- ciB;iaHy to that cjaaa of oi.mera . pleMIIIe lo be able to a it that it corns rally op to l nrfeelO who have to depeml nwn dnkpwn paitit, or voir teeoinraendation. ii facinticaof u,ec6DOffly, , " r " I iaiuvn, w mi iinn Miiuriii iuaMraip wucii i uarauilitr and beauty. 1 aave luiid t.'ie pioat uetreulion. ., .' Yod trnlr I , Vou.3 truly, J A.tH JU jjTOUFFEfi & SUN1. ; 1 168 Wi Baltii Executor's Notice. THOMAS J. IRVIXfJ, Weal Baltimore street, Bltiia-re, Md. FROM HON. JOHXTWETrHEItED. Havintr oualiGed ai tlie Executor of the' en-I f avi, T.tw hoV V' ir cnt oni." ir?i tatc or Hannah Kincaid. deceasel,. this i to O. P..Kkiut lZ.$.. Agent Jlradley' PrnteBtf- ''RaitTafm,,, via. iia-orr tm give notice to-all persona indebted to Paid e?- Enamel ' Paint, JlaHiiupre Dear I Sir Tha paint Mr. C. P. Kxionr. At the reeoiaiweiidatiwa of tate to make pavment withont delar ; and tbofe wulcu 1 I'urciiasea noiu you bas given euuie saua- a fponj, i U M induced to ai ply your p.-ut Brad having claims 'against Raid estate o ireent -5l?.t,Mn' InucL ftli-i joy nebors intend to , ?aint roy ,l0US0. ! Uave vetutt Ia .Ul. . . .... . . i u mow iiiv pviii n p. aim mrp riioir noiimi nninvo. z .i.ii. i j , "v.i . . t i . j ...... - - r . iiirr i n. . i r i .mii i i i i i i v . inuruirTj r i h w .. . ,.v. uu.j '""n' i-nc.i. yu more surface luan you promuea, it moi ecooouiH i iicr , t j.ui ii auswi 44iu . .. i cal. and carrie tetter srIos than ordinary paint. It haa been definitely ascertained Uiat K.000' ill cover all daiina vvom tL laat ileoi.Twl.ila . Ivaaea already dettnuiuod indicai a Dct loaa , of not OTer j ' 8400,000. 1 i Airred G. Baker, President. UKOKGE FALE8, Vice-rrcsidcnU them duly authenticated .on or before the day of January, 1S74. - J.J. BRUNEI, Executor. Jan. 27th, 1S73. Ct20. . ne Kauuer i nave einpioyca is aei:jriiu;u wnn ii. -ud rr froB, Hisayrecab e-odor. VMU lie say he cau paiirt twice a. fUJ and at the aam Yours reSitectnitty,- JOHN WKl t&UED. time do a t-ettcr job. -witli the Bnamet Paiut than any otiitr iie ever u.-e(Jt. ) i .1 can tlicrcforo! withont h'ttnon, recoramed It lo thepublir as'oncof the rerl ailicWsOf iuiaf I . f a . ' T . . 1 .. . a 11 i lar-snd carefullv .elected r 7,; -- Kan,ci lra nt 'reiharidCJc'ninne'GAkpEN . i - . knr kiJ we Larcever m!. its all tlieleadmsorU ?:rwhby I ' tiLFbnn'Vcptcrnl.-crTlh. 1R7. are everythins diired, drvin and JoitNsoir Konnrxs. I Mr. r. P Kxioiir. TO . Lombard UalW a fcartl gloss which mart wethiint. OI OllC Ueek ! r.r.'jre in lw IJhp All wnr!r wirriiif.'n mid I I .... .. . . .;. .............. ....... good htxj Kunrantepd. Kvery tMUde expense saved to his CaoJ:ne.j. lh Uk reiubr, .r e eeipt of le new style aud iahion. . Tradeftakesi in jexchujnge fur work when euit nble to nartieij coiitraetiin. i - i ( TUOJIAS DICKSON. , Feb. 12, I87S-f:2i 1 . 1 j ,1873. 1 Dy?epia is iBe iiw8t;jMrp:esTng .f aTLjiu- i IQWO fin Mfln a I an v otlif.r lif pvrr up(I. 1 . j. I , I can tlicrcfort.', withont iiititron, recoramed It AT KLUTTZ'S. - Just received a stock of Warntiited V Sef.ds, embracing mi hav vonrs fertnl chase. Mr distortion are thtrefur'e iiiureil against the 'annoyance and lo? cau-ed by buy ing old or rinsed seeds. I respcetf!il'yak that all may srive rue' a SciiH before ordering or.pnr- hasing ewewhere, ( Orders bv mail pronnitiy rilled. 1'riccj low.) TIIEO.F.KLpTT?, Dfugijixi cnd Sctd Dealer SoIUUiry, X C. The foliwint lUf itmn and valnabja: MUltimokk. ild.. Iee. 27lh, 1873. C. P. Ksioht, Aseal HradieyV Patent we parr bawd aa fbe het of .:. j j i - - '5 - 1.. a ' S3 3.-4L aerefiof land.pa'rtlv witliin the cor porate iiiHits of tlie city jof Salisbury, eligible for btiililing lots' and ab0:well suited to the culture of cotton. Upon thp premised i alrendy a beau- UJiH ana coniiiKMieiH iuu-nee 01 ten rooms, aiai nllneccsi!ry ut buildings, and a well of excellent wattr..: lane iniiroTenienu ore nearly ne'i. and of the utiist defiraldc dvinrription al-o a lot off 14 acre jnponvhich a goo-l siie for a lanvard. The uronertv will be sold greatly 1 I ' ' ' ' ' a - ' ' k 1 'a 'it. J'' ' Ov'low iifi real vap.ie. A5piy to me Fiwrmcr, Sali4urvJajl30, .173 t r :20 m iiT t linlfoai rninmmnnii : '. -i ;,- -i- j . - V.S. LUSK. I 1 -r r . U.S. District Attorney. foine extent, tli qinidtjr ot the blood. . A .. v . ,l. niTuiii iirinnvi luenici i in.iLiitiej J.iiewei jiiiers, di 1 ... only toned ine sjc inacni nut at xne same viiite GEMSOFBKAUTIl'UL WUXT1NQ.. i.nntrlis, ,lle liver, nroduees a reirnhir lwiKir Ml 'I' J 1 '.3- T . I - I A netf CompvninoiA (fiPenraanhlri, com- iof bdf, braces the nerfves, purities the fluids prised in a cuipiete Penes of c.i)y-slii!S,;has Hl)J .,,initerskd a nrifdiUscased." is there- just beiMi pnblisliVd. 1 he sntAofl'rot. UAS- .. . , r. 1 Uui -tviLTiirt .ifth,llrr.,.tA- Str.tn .fur ih trlU! aUd nll,i fP0Clfiw f,r chronic .11 1 At . Vi 11 1.. 1. ltfiMrstion. Such 13 thd ODer.ition of this fa- known aathw vPrluce of Atnerieau Pfjunev," mous 'veget ibfes r..f tvti,ve. It uot only M4Si4Wdiltl of FatWlHnjeerMi'iy 3 vsi .insi "hnV klsu all i-miftmiiisinl ! lias bee it no oiie to dispute, this title. ,1.- , ,", ul,. , r., . 1 ,. ; .. rl .aud cotisequeuces. din'ever, it is mvulua- I Voiji wupiiuii 1 in, itif; n iwgc pair iu r jriJirii';il ities iuid ' fhroughoulj the L,u as v prsve!illve oaantr useful irTeredi ' 1 want .to WrtHfw'rbiiiUWaiia ekcavtly. I hUfd "flh Pltcs8io!? Il1 ati,,e- uauea and Wwherelan. ran thiv get so gv4Ju- sour efuctatiotisAiHaijyfwtWer--' indicatious a ast;itnilii- usruor en ipreciating the iniiMrianceorselHrigand tiow-l more Pear Sn Aa.4 Iwve kn uivg Uradlejja or all kinds ot wcatiier. lias is onr excrM:Ote 1 V - . - I I......, r.. .... .1 !.;... '...! n. t it ...l: ......... n.. a a ...1 u.. n v.,.nmni.inl il u- it K rirl i i nl w an.lln. : only fiucli 8ccl.-:nt are known to:te lresi, l 1 ...rv....vs . , y r-r-- ethroan out cr -ry paper left oyr from last Tt.k rtwjniB,t-U l:;tUe lrtlbic ssthe jrood Job of work. - . sales ann guarantee everv paper n.-v 01- i,.-tnhiutnu-. Jt .Ujcr p.omptly. adl.wes finely, . . aVnr rt-nctf.illy, for sale to l fresh and of this coring" pur- un.t hi boantv tltpi-n ii nutu- exroit. . f EMMART A: OU tUmtl.V. 275 W.:Ba'4imor t.. J. X. McALLISTEIl, Second Vice IVcUHit T11EO.M.BEQEU. ' ' SccrtUry. j BAiflW.KAV, ' Anistaut SccrcUrj. coVcrisc qualities J W. OOCURAX k SON. Uencral Asruts. LXXISGToarjKT. J. ALLEN DROWN, Agml 1 Jan. 1C Suioa. Saliabury Jf C r z ptotnitly and with reit uieaeUoa Jf : Yonrs tin:v. J.UAH- M. Tit U ITT, f Huu.-e anuiii Pititite.,' Mfiloid. Die arc. Ilonsc, Pirn and Preseofi Painters. FeU.6. 1873. If. e - ,.R 1 IHSIJEfe ! YOHH ' LIFE Or.haf.1 fira, Rhic.Gra Timotliv, Clover, V VI Pi II 1 M IV nd Herds Gnu-- JreiM. A full assort'inciit. care- lllu Ul UUllll 1 . ? ... ! . 1. 1 LIFE URAHCE INS CO. OF PHILA nni llerisijrai-i reii. A 11111 assoruncm, care- nlfar n . . Ani . ..It, I . Illfi 1 I fM. 1 l ft1 M ,n Wf Ml I V I --B .1. i ll 1 V MM WW T l 1 I VTil stll" l lllkHIIll I . ' I t ' If. ' ' - - j"- etean.il. It don't pay lo sow weeds, therefore tL iS .J UOmCr lOUrtil QllQ VY aillUt DtrCeiS. buy peefls which can be relit' d r.pon. Prices low for cash f OF AlaL KINDS Fui niched to order, at Short Notice, at Steam . Saw Mill on Western N.CH.IV, twedly milos' J r. e..i!.i . I . IIVIU QailMHirj. I Trice at mill 81. At.SalialuiJ 110. ' Kiln Dried at SalisLary,4l,iO. j ' 'm lTER.tlS CASH. ... 7 1 tf : K. II. CQ WAN. . ' SMITH'S "IMPROVED. Patent-Well -Fixturt. Wr. call the attention of the noWla ta thW t L t ftl - "ff . . M- Ttizo:r:Mxx?&, ' piiGA.IZEP 1850., h . .pATBB-.Perpetual. J;:r., m rr . J-rwg fMiirs . . . V I nt b I AsseUs . 53,638,86488. : BOAUD Oi? TRUSTEES. ,;.. i. - ..nil,:. .. ii , .. . '' ' ! ALKXANDEUWrilLDins..: ... , . - ... if inisf fSIIiMtf mJ I itn a-kt U rw ' -rw -uVvs k au.vuiLiiiuuL wW- f in drawing. F.r durability it ia n$aarpa , eJ hariug an Ima covered Tpi tit wind-' llfifl W. .1 Va a M I . .1 1 k I I t . .t aa a .a. A. f ffa'.SM 1 . A . JOIIN1. WILSON, Secretary. weather. It U .rranred aa to fteeoraau-' - ' '' ' ' !' - 1 salute skfety from aecldeut. even iakbeh 1 tYty from aecldeut. eve1abehana of the'Tnot careless, and willfully peclifraVj '"'7r MEHONEY atttO. - CK A 1 G E & CKAIGE; Alt) '. . f ' ! UTEnpmsE trueti,ia la this way. it is 8eut by mail want of vigor in the digestive "and a tA ay.adafor.$i. Wrhefor rt. tU u The- a, j;irity an.ilail r- .- , , , s . periuaui'.eii.uy iioi wewtnex are niiineuiateiy aud pettnaiieiitly r-lfcgyd by the ni''lers.'ana eKN4ll ir .. . . ii' Hi only Reliable ' Gift Distribution in the " ioo;ooo oo i : ra be disteibuted. i jt -! 40th SEMI-ANNUAL . .. -. "V ' . . . 'A,T3tijn'r3fAK Confesses Having pfrs..ns who are c.onjitutioua'ly iuelinl n 5liritefcrf xK6'CinLbTtKy--lNliAXA t"'kir"n liM'i Uiihh..alaa.tdarkly,'? wrii,$Xt H-rl.4"Ullliam!i; Heck brighter and more hope- ... V 'i i 'd yieRV.pf tjie .Mitu;i'bfn uuder the genial in- a bl.ud man and iiotonoiii character, re- fll, Af thi wTiepne med c-iMl atiufn- fndms:.m,No. -f4r Doil-l9 street, iu-tliif aut, I . i f! ciiy has lolde.a confession of the inurder J rtr: 'WS'l.1? W: fnncrbyand atl.r.ne J"fPKCAX IwOTICK f. vcar .iThe . murder was committed in I June, 1S7Q, aloatho'tank-ol the Vhite -Ji.-r ili?4,i t-i -i- -taallt ia"'.5 r j'ix. '.r I .i The Rev. Willi iani HJ Ndrtfcnj while re-ruling riyer, aittUlls sty,' atu4, fi.r0V?l in llrasil a a !MiionjJry...l i-eovered in that intense excitement at the time, butj w(' ;ljnd of medicine a remedv for Conmimption, k surraunucd Dyfan opirentlyin(Mr(rtra Neroiuta, $xte A'tataipugu, .tnnK Astbma, lie bjstery, i and no ponaihlc clue rouldj and NiirvoAKftaiiS renStTy haseured e'oWnei S o the ghiitV party. Beck 111 j1!01! -I0-1 f'"- , 'L a-" ?" 'i ..'I . ' J ,, , W iug Vo.U'iielil.tlitnl&in,, Lwill end I .arrV,,lVe,,.r.y tbW IBOrnlf- IIp hg the aeeipa ttr atiiriiy prwl. SaifigHlHs-tvmwIv j Kittphusiiuje tlpc mu io all fho dere-it FifiSK CiiaucVe. ' deii,'..l,J,'.''ij'. fJ: .. J I Please eiid'tfr.efivii4t wfthyour name and ' - ' ;1 a.Iilrpsi, nift. ,Ladriiw 1 . . i i , CmSCIpEJcrs blokes h L Fink on the firr-t Safiirday in .Innuarv. I873ftnd 'Vis'cnJvM't41'vl,i.n'unh'r in ttiv liiti ie- .Ucri.YJLL :'''f 1 .-i,;.i Feb 27, tCi i " AI.U,NfjJlTq :G76 liKOAJiW.AYi: , 2?ew York dig prcoou iheifii-t 'hMhiday-iii J.tuuory. j . t , j : AlIJf, loj, r is it i au me oyna. J.im:irv,. S73 4 Li:, . 0 . . i v;, . i ..i:r:-.ir'A- L - CVrgriann, wbdeJiippidlngiiT Son'.h Amen and blokes iiii'liJeo, to neuii, otil v ' '- , - 'i'.f a., . iiiisMuiirv. dtm$vered a' safe aud simple renieily for f f is Uures wRerTonvVe:iJ;Jiess!, Early lIXKnyvTl'iaeaae-pflaeilltttiary a0d,pvai4 Ulhmc ultMJie )'ritrt,"i Where mI Organs- wndt the jaibole train of diffOfdiora 6lb of JapjiiiiyJ.lS? 't'M, 1 al Ibat'bUrly kCMinp who ba liowiei ixty brought nn ny iane;oiamj vicious liabJiS Jj-rent (, thrur.J.earivfor rnio'd fVihit n w;tittry Wlteremmilera hava heencuH-d'hy this n,Vf, remedy. la lIJi' ov fj1!.' .... ' na r.in anl Il tl '1 i ' 'l.lM I PrdlU til 1 KlT K I A bennfl 1 illO flMfl.lt Slid II, taU hkejio rtin him tr.roi gh a planing,! uolortunate, Iwijl senathp.ie rlin If waltY, mi; nit him i pn-witha and -w"? flfcipt. ina, wale,! eiiyelojar. mum Fiu.k.i,ii.( mi i.nu mil w, rWsy'YJ T." T Lvll" ' V ' ' ? J'I lllu 'i a i. iii .lit nit tf l ir, .ii4fM M M..H i , iSi rf vft ; a l r.4 '. i eve won mill' -nWfl to hf north J !n V ""nUM lirn ! n Jt Xrf ni yf?6a biidU fliwlul wrelcU I Ihmbuiy iScir. 5 "Ull Ii ationlelfouVei; i:il7 .r " A King oi the JSarizs ! ; ' 11 ail71f 1 1 S, J X.a v r- wa. -av , a. . - - , rarities Just received -and forasieiheap. Call early.' : " ' ' r- .'' TIIKO. F. KLim'Z, - JL I(. j w POLLOCK;.- .I,KUOAUniO:Ml.SON, GEO. NUGT, T-5 ""aa ALEiG..i;6iiERT.iviur.uu mingi.b;: uun. a. g. catikll, -TZ UsAAUJlAXl.L'lUi: V)llLLl)KX. 1IENJU' Ki. DtiNXF.'P : iarn. ttasaaTSQir geo. w. hull,.- ,VaVS'..U'.ctA(iiioiix i-.jno. wauamaif.p ane,.4 fully: aiiaoaneeajinat lf.c rsurrrixVt , 17 . i , ; .. t . J.. . . . . I ' l 1 '. ss it f j ' pracuce-oi meure.ne, w,, weiMMn . ISSUe3...alL .T0MIS 0T . JAIC ami .JIUIUlCUlViU,, al.UilW. . 1 M! 1 1 1 IHI b I U fl UH HlUni I ..-J l Speial at tc lit ion paid toProccediurg in Uaukruptcy. j . ., . ScpL5,-51:3moa". County Treasnr'er'B Notico Having determined to move to the country I nerei'j give .xhiit lo an Mirsons nsvins; oust nxs with me thsl I will be !a Sahtbary at tor old orTirc on Saturdav of each wek and oa tbaf first iUonday la eadi month. Mr. John D UaidtiU U my rrrnlsr ileputy and .will attend Q all calls at my old office in roy absence; or rr- sona living in the Wodern iartion ffUie county can call (if tney cboor) on me at fiy rrideo I mile Weft of aalubury. I J.fi.McUBCINS. Deo. 5 12dC County Treaaurar. i.uiiu iL. U nf liu mrm:r untrr.iw ni!il!liel: IWUMcfiehJufat.biKr " ni' LO-WlsST- RATES 1 I.v at!fuhbhia-t.pT.,F.-Ktntaii ' : : . I. 15"? . ALL POLICE XOX- 1 T T I I - , ' - P H p 1 POSSIBLE. 1F.T ! XiNTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, Itarch 2Wit 1373. ONF GtjAXD CAPITAL PUIZE. i 83006 ia Gold! One Pipe. $5,000 - in Silver ! LFive prizes. $t$00) ; Five prizv-s liacli 111 li.Kl.Jj. JIAL lv& Ten prizea "$100 J 5Ctt Ftimiltf Cutriaqet and Matched Jlortcs Kith : . .Jbitcer-AJvtitital Uarnes, vorlh l,ouU acA Two Bniriiies, Horses, e.. worth $G00 each ! Two Fine-tuned Rosew.Mjd I'iauos Worth $'5W) 1 a.' a a aw as eau : Ten r atnily oewmg Macniues, wortn SlOOU'ch! .1". L ' 150Q fo4 ol! Silrer Levcr Hunting Waldtex, 1 j vortkjrwn to each. ; Gold Chains,! Silver-ware, JewelrT,&r, Ac. Whole XTnmber Gifts. lb.COO. r I Ticketa limited: to 50,000. , ' ilGKtfTSiXVANTIlD t6 ScILTickeif , to'wlJoyaJLiUernl PrPWttiis will Le paid Siuele Tick'etL : $ Tn kets $ 1 6 ; 'Twelve. ..! T)cket.$2b ';; Twenty-five Ticket $4a Cireulhr rontrnninsf a full lh-t of priie a de scription Of the manner of drawing, and. other lmoctoaiioil iu.iwii:ihi; )uiih lywiiuuiiui: willJjaent toitfitroiie onleringtheni. . All let terjnin4 be auoresised to . , -, .. MAIK'kNWICS, j ' I - L. P.. SINE, Eox 8(t , Feb. Id '72-htf. ti jjahcl Diicds, Trustee Deed?. Cotiiniissincrs Deeds, Sheriff1 Dcell, ClibiteKMurt-'nirc?, &. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION I " aM mm- mvtrn tka pmjmmiomUi CUldQ. . -aj.lrtaB r..layoaf tUMiaalt7Mw, iSlk tetMt UMTriM ta .r.iatoc a4 rra,aiia Starts haw U araMrr, Ik, MaiplxMa, aa. TkUt aa lalaraauaa rk f tw haa4rS aal mtMif -' M(M, vlth UMIH, awavtofl, a4 aaawiaa Talaabl (afaraaOa far iaM waa ara Barrid,ar aatemalauw.ar riat. aUUUlis Soak UMMkuk, k'pa4r leak sadkaf, 4 aatlaia aaralasal aheat lb boaM. II aaataiaa lb asparieaM aa4 a4rlca alb pbraiaUa whoOT rapawMiaa ta wartd-alda, aaa abaaU ba Is tb prl- . Tata trawnof vrtrj Mta sad fcaalataiwacbaat lb aatlrs f lob. It embrace, rarjihlut aa tba aabiaci t tb ffa catiraavMam that la warib kaawtacaaa; Baablbbl is M(UbMIuiMberawt. - . ' : Baal ta any aa (fraa af paatagal hr F1fT Caatf. ' -. A Air Dr. BatW DUpaaaar.Xa. Xa!. KJebth mtrmt St.UsU,llt,;;,.i, y... .; ,i: v - Kotlca to tl.9 AEictei ani ViMtffi&tAa. Befor aaplylsr alaria aaaaka wa aaT-rUa, tar eabllo aapan.ar aata aa aaart WanSbn aaraaa Br.. Bins' wark aa mattat a bat y aar ainaw Is, ar baa aaplarf ' ablajaar aaaditiaa. ' Dr. Sltla eeaapWt s aoakla baaaa f rawatrara - ra :ttaSaid by rati f tbt BMabaalabrataa BMdl., a I pralaaaar af tbls Maatrr aaS Barapa, aa4 aa ba aaa altcd ptraasaHyar by aiail. a tba ''" ataaitaaaa Is - kU wark,. OSes aaa partar. Va. I . aitkt straak ' batwats SUralaa4 Cbaamas 8. Uaia, Ma. FORFEITABLE, j "IIK .VMF.Ial." N has ln w. actitQ ' -per! ion ftr-nparlr'tyrVr e txturtf. baa been 1 governed aij'l:vj-'f Jifd bv g"VtJue6'. rtistinifui fj ttjeir bujucja eAjH-rieu.-e and comi.rciifl pobHy'.-ltW.tJ.'' 'fen emroentlj- sueccbtlul. ; , j Jt iw met it oilinirnH with mens) tToiptiK(, and in S most l.Jiorfl yprrtti - - A'liiUi: its ihuTnp-uimuberHv ll.e.Jwvp'iyty h honir'Ti1ertBpmhy W tb most -m;neiit and leading luonJin all pi-oferiou$ u:d.cUei'. tl.roupbout North Carwhta. . , : iablqf2m.auleLwby ould.sy hy leu.r VAf . (jinPeiit. ... ' '.' . . .. ,' ... . - Si 4tHviUe, N. C Or to Col. ST.CT.AtR'tht.vaixa.S'lPUAg'rit. Vr1rhiPfen,;N.', JO UN St HEN DEHRON. . Attorney aud Counsellor ctt Lai&i j - - - . . -1'' ' ' ' V; and 8oIici,or in "BanUrupJcy, ssiiSBUiir, ,C. - ;! Lj Sptscial atteiitirMi oaiJ4 Pfuceid uiSh uvxauvrjio Feb";.0,Wfj- FURn5tTUR&! J. :A-.:CLOD'irELTKR CO. W hnli-tale-uitfliUiiler'in Fr7ir iy tajjc pK-Uteiuli lXineli t'haiinbcr foil-., lfi3a JValiort -i''Jttd;n CUirii. l'eki'rhuir. t),r.li deirrijiti -i.i.. iTVK'IMOTl flining IVtUleiw-taUle of kU Iriifd-. WrdlHV, RnreiinH., Wibtij:dJ What-N'ot, HoM. If ec. pt ?on'' Chair? .Tid -lParkn' Knits.. AImi, iu..ny oibe.-Art;i',rbieh. e are prepared to aelrtH rteip rr-keiper than any Jlonsciu the 'veterrt T'fiTt of rbi Ktati - . : . 7 iW-urp to ei11.nesrlvopTosito th0 yauan Hotel. net Uvrtr trelow'tl.e liiprpMn office, oc orir ntock snd hoar tmr prfefs. Oct term qaJj. Siptdr.l.rderffiTmrt(.from iiuoiorujiiia m onr office) will be snjrplMMl-A '4- '?:.: il:l i :. V. A,. DAT?, lmaUr.:t3tJy.) A wc and parmnnen t Cure for qU , h leases m n i , 1 iwjeara, "fa.' ar-- av .-Tn-.:aa f L a E,J BP.TCE SILL HEW 1 1 I . aw' a. i and permanent Cnre for ffU diseases san mj , - - i . ."y 1. '.i.i-Jtilii.mii.a Taavts&A I v n A. rUl aHAttuieutW JLfcowtHu, AVanc "J, V Walnut ilnriai .Cat-.s which cau be lur. JoHMhec. pfispximritornjle. ni,hed at .'.hours Lotrce? ' ' r , - - IT w 7 . . ' mt I V - ' J : ti:Sii& ' tlftadAthd. . Pdiiis ' tn il ' ' !' ' ' - 1 ctclliad, andal hlrrrlrdfsfqsrs: EXEKyrA MIL Y Silo Ul b itAvji'iT. 3 OLD & V A L L 1 K tl K tj lf T S, . :VaViT fite&Uhmw-W. HAYS & SILL DaTtiggiEt fi: Apotiiccarics. . Having .purchased the contents of thr "Drug Store formerly occupied by Dr. Edaad Sill, We re.jKctfijlly call the at tention of ' lite Citizens of 'SaiMbury and the surrouidiM country, to tho iiew ar- rauiremcr.l. ana n ioriu iu m mat we win continue to carry on the Lnsincss at the rame ilacr, and the fame excellent way. We w ill endeavor to keep ioi hand all the various good the people may need per taiuiog to our line, and ilu.rtfom hope by etrict aatcutioi; to Lufineet. to receive a liaM-ral patron.ige. .. ' Physician's Orders Prompt To. - For Bale At tliis .ojT.iV . - " ! . ' . - W A . ' Frash G-arden Seeds. bf It. tortef Oii,' wo-dd reiWry' s nonnee that thev ltavehit mir.l alarKemii- I ! a a I fn srva i a 1 iit'V vlt; .- wa C r. s-r tf ariklif - - - a SSr-S M. 'aW ' - ' . 1 J tM - B-5l 0.1'C. -W t M. , V V S S SVS -f aL" wiwaw -a - . i t rnni i aa ii i rsi n nnii 11111 i. , Marcli (M)aia.i ir-...-:A'.--UrWi' Hie iMil.lieiiiKtvltvd fio dre Ihenf a callibt 7 . . ... . 4. . n Tr : fiut 'i i i MtheWTrnirtoTcWnaStwtrt--- ' n29'V'l . Marrionn I !rw , fl .i . IOF Kn In n.rn I lfa. a . . - 7 . t-. , - ' T 4 ' ' ' I - mi' .m' r. Miiiaiv' j.iiv i.i i y. jan."iD U. ly Attended Ltito o.ir 43' ly SETTLE TJP. All those indebted to ma for bcriptioo to. the Eitmiwr, for adverti'ing, or jb work, ara refpei-irutiy mitoteu to com twrvaru ant at ll np wiihout further delay, Cora, "Wheat,' Flour, Pra, or any country rod. ice taken t eachaiigt for claliu and the market fnca aJlowa. ed. 1. J.bTkWAKT-.' Kept, 6,-Sl.tf ' ' ... To Farmers --Fertilisers. lIAVlNObeevwie arent for JoircMcny. MAV A CVx, Ikiltiiaore, for the sale ef 4ku - Ixncr Aaiooiaieu itMsoivra aU QUO jrfUTU ixer. 1 oiler lite same in any qualities reoair ed, at $-j2 jx-r ton, eiclnive of Irththi. X bars airrady sold tew tor., Tm r erlijtter has fjeca leste.1 in lljwsn aud Iredell, andr provwd tabs) the ret Tet tnwl. " i Order, left at lh tsiora of Jltck 4 Crowa. will recrive prompt Uvain. I - ' , ACEXTS VfaKTIO T03 Tlas IrU aa4 w ceotpicsa atcOILLW. klaborr flU Pacific Slooe: lcri-ir-a" V ' . I tWSm l roducta. MnwnmaA C n ; . bl VS- Icra.ft Lair.. Korrt. W atrrta ka. L-j.. a Ilaj WTV aoafs, ao tUuaimiona swi Mwa. - III i M 1 1 1 1 1 itoaWrs irm. . waaallatITACa,anSafcaaA DR. J. F GRIFPIT11. ; DENTIST, 1 PrirriitirAiA nur.ttratrlti trnd. L" 'trr. 1 i It ""f lcaJial,-4xuT,a:iiU itW ICareflflfo COmimUlWCfl. fw feUaUtX tie ia the tawn and otruindinrciinrT. ami .competent , ururfyutis aay or CTT ATI 3 2aX0B3BATaC:, r .... MeSeelf Lildin$tEntmce MeNcctyi llolt. . Jan. 10 O. la r - 1 I. -.--.a. , "O-, kt.lf.l-jlMili.v. ,r-i w. I 1 r-.t. J. 1 .i I

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