m ti I r . V j.r ; " J : 1 1 - . v: ')- si 4 h if !! i r, i s m ;i ; 1 ('ft' 4 4: 4; ' i 1 n; 'V I- '-4-, in s i1 ti it UNIVEUSA1LY COKDEMNEDr 1 Vmm all nni(ri Mm a a nr. t Via a a mil rejection nd rebne for GoVWalker wild on finan. North, 800th, Ka.i .udesl in the SU and out of g newspapers of the most diverse opiuionf, acuity, situation, lnuuence ana cnaracier, 1 unite in condemning Ms scheme. Were it worth while a Joufc lint I might be made not Inrlndin thi ViminSnn f KnrlXlk. xf: nA ti.'mu.Lk Ler- rMA? 'itlcbmond, the Alof, Petersbor, tlie rri.,7. naairpwcaw n, 7cnDurg3 J:, the American, fi'Mrt and Gazette f4 Bait!- more J the Courier of Charleston, all the Yirgtman and Republican nf Lynchbarg, laree dailies of New York, and in short 1 niuc-tenlhs of the Journals wh'ch hsr? t ; jooticed the matter at all.l This unanimitr I ; I far from surprising. The wbhder is 1 ! k.t .71. Jt v:.J..t- l,alto 1 - . . w - '. I ; oeeu iea w give loriuai nuerance ..w.iwo sucn proposuions, tue urn one aosomieiy vn p vi ttniMuicni, mic ncn'iiu it""M- i tionary and destroctive sit one blow of the whole substance of the federal sy stem . Probably there is not one mati in erery ten thousand who can make himself b liere that Congress would listen, to the proposal of assaminc; all the debts of all the StateaJ and even atteh a man would I know that the whole plait, ir accepted by r - n 1. l . 1 ill r"f r.T oecom oul V6ljr or vae oeuent 01 rpecntatora ana nura.; 1 0 oeuent 01 rpecniatora ana nns. to the iecond; proposition, that the 1. deliberately extinguish tbemsel fee As UMKD. UCIIUCIMCIT CAklllKUlOU lUCUirsi ;,(g I by a constitutional amendment prohibiting them from raising money and contracting debt, the whole country is as one. it la patent to all, no msn denies, that the theory of the States Rights is no looker - . u . .P . Observed as , It once was. But this foet noma omy sirengtncn pur aeterminanpn to retain what remains of our system. This tact has already caused ja wide and deep reaction in the North and West against the encroachments of the Federal powr. This fact makes it more wonderful, more monftrous, that the Governor of Virginia shonld oroDOse the destruction of States. the transiormation of them into something lest than counties or municipal corpora tions. Petersburg Index. ' MaSSCDUSETTS TO THE Front. To an honest man who happens to live fin , MaNachnsetts, it mnst be pleasing to See , what an enormous proportion of the til- laniea that hare graced public afiaira of late, must be credied to that State. Bat t lerJ Alley, Ames, Wilson, and a hostjof lesser liehts among tbe CreditMobiler rascals, all come from Massachuetts. And now, unabashed by the exposure tliat hare astonished these j men aud aroused tbe con u try, Mr. Twichell, another Mas sachusetts man, and member of Congress, rises in his place to pletd for a grab at the 1 public land in behalf of the Atchison and i SanU Y Raifroad, of Which he, himsejf ; is President. ! . ? .. The result of his little attempt is briefly told by a World' reporier, as follows : J Mr. Ginery Twichell of Massachusetts, rose and pressed the jbill to vote. Mr. Holmanj of Indiana, asked that the rule in relation jto members voting npen meas ures in which they were interested be read and said he make the i point against Mr. xwictieii wno was rreamenioi tne ran ; 1 . ie a a 'he Speaker ruled .that the point was at the roaa company, 'l tne time to present the poi end of (he call, if the members vote;?. Various lamendments were suggested by the opponents of the .bill, and some' of them accepted. Mr. Millard objectedUo the featNro of the bill allowing the road to make a mortgage before any work was done. And then Mr. Twichell explained the condition of the road, and said a mort gage had never been executed except aa twenty miles bad been completed and equipped. lie arguedjthat the comple . tion of the road would j effect a great sav ing to the Gorernraent, the old story of the land-grabbers, but as Mr. Twichell persisted in ufeinff the! bill in the face of Mir. Ilolman's hint, Mr. Cox rose and de yJA .u.. : .11 .1.. n, i 1 k-. n rA tb-tln .11 ll,AllmJk!hsTli.il hlon in linn grist hehadneTerseertfoshameful an ix- - ,,1? I BPb,,r . p , hibition a. that of the president of a rail. T5"Kr ? ' road company advocaSng hia own busi- G ?A?h P"" nessontnofmorofthelllluse. It is more Dhel:ativ!amp80n, T disgraceful han the credit Mobilr an- P District-Columbus and Robeson, dal, because more unblushing, and he did j . wnvm. rnn.i.ti.0 i W j" fs!h"!l" ? r! rioicu 111 ppcaKinr iu larur ui tut? uiii inai be would not Tote for it. Mr. Twichell, considerably abashed, retreated to his Scat and never said another word. The House ery properly refused to pass his job. ; Many women who before their marriage make it their study to please the man they wish o marry, lose their affection after marrying by carelessness in dress. Men are fastidious in this matter. Even wn appearance tako delight in seeing their wives neai in appearance. They miss ik... .A...ni.l.T . -1 . j dressed hair, anil the thousand tasty land fanciful anieles wiih which young women IUUOU adorn themselves more than they wpuld be willing jto allow. The neatness land order which charmed them too often give place to a slovenly mornmsreown, frowsy hair, flip" shod and unlaced shoes and! the I like. . Men reason that they should have . chosen after marriage as before it. The last .new song loses its chaiiu, corning from the lips of a slattern. The poetry roes out of life at a glance, and the house hold loses its brightness. Tbe wife who account of household cares, neglects! tier -personal appearance, commits a grave mis take, which to often bears bitter fruit, and her husband leave her society for that of others without really knowing the cause. Receipt for: Killing a Town. Ah ex change very truly says : "To kill a town underrate every present and prospective public enterprise; speak illof the churches ! aud aehoots ; tell everybody the hotels are bad enlarged the Tices nf the people, es pecially the young people: never subscribe for a lobajj paper ; and if you ate in buU ness, refuse to advertise." ..Tearful eyes are considered to 3 be a . beauty in ctrli of the gushing kindr In lew of this a chemist, who deals in cos ; tnetics', has invented an application which produce ?n desired tender effect far bet ter, than: onions can. and without I their disagreeable odor. ' ; Senator 1 Ransom baa introduced a bill in the United Senate, .prorHiing for tlie nppropriatjon of $30,000 to build a Post otSee, Circuit Court Room, ice, at Ashe Me, K. 0. 1 - NEWSPAPER LAWS. !We recelVe go man v inquires as to the law gjTTOndlBaUUparfilWItlat wfinHtT SSSTil tT H. Subscribers are considered wiaMo to con tin o their nbscriotion. . -. .x 12, If subscribers ordering the diseonti nance of their periodicals may eontinueto send them nnti'JaU arrearages are paid. -4 vt ' 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take ffcSt" TCLi HZt Ibbind ordered the they hare settled their bUUand ordered them aiseontin ; 4. tf ; giibscribers more to other, places without Uformioir the publishers, and the lBlackwell. con. papers aresjeot to the former direction. they.. are new respopsiwe. I . ; .po pyun. nxm take papers from th office, r removing . 1 " 11 'j r t- i ana leavine ineni uncaiiw ir, is vnawvuetc evidence 4t Intentional randrTf s4f , 6 An ynon woo receives a newspaper ana maKet s oi4t, wneiner MOM OTUerea it or not. is held In law, to be a subscriber and wast pay for it. - Letters jcl to any part of the United States faf three tepts per half once, if prepaid. Unpaid! letters are sent to the JJead-letter offiee at Washinirton i wersmeigmnK over au ouuw. uprr. naid a smsrle rate, are forwarded to their des- dnatio.a1idthe baUnce due collected on MiiTerT j 1 - I cityeyrs must be prepaid two cents per I n.ir(Minek.1 .11 ,. . i , j -s i JJAII OQUCe.' - i - BooksPostae on books, not exceeding four ounces in weight 4 cents. Each ad4itional four ounces or fraction thereof f .C?1?' iPtJS office of nnbhcation may be prepaid at the fall(,wi J rkte8 per quarter: 1 nailie l . 35cta.perqr Weeklies, 5 Monthlies, (not over 4 02) 3 Quarterlies. - " . 1 s - 4 Miscellaneous Matter. On unsealed ejre u. lars, maps,! prints, engravings, music, cards, photographs, types, cuttines. routs, seeds. &c, on op4 package to one address, prepaid. not excelling fonr ounces 2 cents ; over: four 1 and not pJtceening eight ounces. 4 ents. The weighjts of packages is limited to thirty- twn ounces Monevldrders. Monev ran he senttoanv part of tHel country with Hbslute safety, by obtaining a Mouey Order, for whieh fees are ; : j On not ess than $1. and not over $20, 10 cents I - Over JK20 and gwN'xeeeding $50, 25 cents. No ordV - isuedaor less than $1, or more than $2f. J 1 Sundry 'eines It coats 15 cents fxtra, besides the; regular postage to register a let ter. ! ! . Stamps jent ou from Stamped Envelopes are not allowed to be placed upon other let ters.. M l I ' t ! rfTlMtT1!? AT f A QaTPTUrUT 7" trJliiN JtiKAli AbbJiiMiSAj X . SENATE. 1st dilHct Cufrrituck, Camden Pas quotank ! Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perqniinjfths, C Wl Grandy, Jr.' Joljn L Chamberlain Republicans j 2nd Idistrict Tyrrell, Washington, Martin, jl)are, Beaufort and Hyde John C RespVlsa H E Stilley, Republicans 3rd district Northarnhpton and Bei t,e H f p-PW district-liahlax, Henr enry Eppea, 5th dwirict Edgecombe, Alex McCa be, Republican f 6th dUrict Pittr J McCotterj Repub lican'. II 7th district Wilson, Nash and Frank lin, Wnij K Davis, Jno W Dunham, Conservatives 8th district Craven, A S Seymour, Republican j 9th district Jones, Onslow and: Car teret, James G Scott, Conservative j 10th district Duplin and Wayne, W AAIleniL W Humphrey, Conservatives. 11th Ipiatrict Green and Lenoir, R W Kingj Republican. ! 1 ...1. i xt tt - r v . XfcU ft1 A,"w.. "cr, Vjpo X. hieth district-Cumberland and Har nett, Wl C Troy, Conservative. 17th, district Johnsou, 1 ; William H Awera, ton. 18th district Wake, James H Harris, col'd, Republican 19th district Warren, John A Hyman col'd, Republican 20th district Orange, Person and Cas well, John W Norwood John W Can, ningham', Conservatives 21st district Granville Bourbon Smith j'iK . " . L l?1" trict Chatham, R J Powell, I uonarrraiiTe. wonservaiive. I . X jj? lieM" nservative 24th 'district Alamance and Guilford, J T Morehcad, Jr., W J Murray, Cor. servative. 25th iflistrict Randolph aud Moore, J M Worth Conservatives. 26th district Richmond and Montgo mery, U T Long, Republican 27 ih jiig tract Anson and Union C M T McC$nley, Conservative j 2Sth idistrict Catarrns and Stanley, J C Barn hard t. Conservative. 29th diitrict- Meckledburg, RP.War- e i 30th district Rowan and Davie, Char les Price. Conservative. i 31st district - Davison, John T Cramer, Tlonnblfrsn I bUffiird, Conservative. j v iioii ivw Sk m a j Auuniiii v t f iatnf Kiirpv bsiH w riktn I A It Cow lee J conservative. I 34th district-Iredill, Wilk.s, and Al- exandel, Thos A Nicholson, Phi o eaa Uortonl conservatives. I 35th Histrict Alleghany, Ashe, auga.'l"' W Todd conservative. Wat- 36th I district Caldwell, Burke,! Mc- DowellJ Michell and Yancey, W W Flem- m' n C sG uu gercon senrs lives 37th IdistrictCatawbi and Lincoln. James R Ellis conservative. j TO3Sihitrict-Gaston and Cleaveland, W J ililller, conservative. 4 39thi district-Rutherford and ?Polk, Martin jWalker, republican. i 40th district Buncombe, and Madison, Jaa H Merrimon, conservative." aisirici uaywooa, uenaeraon, and Trany lvania, W P Welch, cbnserra- tiye. 11 42d dalrict Jackson, Swair, Maeon, Cherokee, Clay and Graham, W L. Lore, consenratirc. . . '; t'":':v- , Republicans l&i ConsenraUcs 32. FOB H0T7SX 1 07 BXPaXSKafTiTtTXS. " Alamance Gannt con Alexander J M Carson.' Alleghany, A 51 Bryan, dcm Anson K T Dennct, eon.- m AsheSqaire Trirett, rep. Bcaafort S.nmael Carson, rep. Bertie P C Miller, rep. j Bladen A F-Perry, rep.j Branswiek J H Brooks, rep. BnncombeT D Johnston and Darid - Barke Pinkney Warlick, con. Cabarnis Shinn, eon. Caldwell Ed Jones, eon. , Camden Simeon A Jones, rep. Carteret Silaa Webb, eon. Vaawell i d x oster, txeo W Uowe, reps. Catawba XI B B Houston, con. Chatham JM Morin Uanna, eons Cherokee B K Dickey, eon. Chowan John L Wiuslow, rep. Clay Anderson, con. Cleaveland John W Gidney, eon. Columbus V V Richardson, eon. 'Crareo I B Abbott, It Dudley, I reps vumoeriana 8 Lntterlob, rep Cnrritnek-J CumberlandG W Bollard, con.,T Cnrritnek Jamf M Woodhonse, con t Dare Oliver N Gray, rep. v - -. Daviaoo J T Brown, John Micheal, reps. Davie -Charles Anderson, eon. Duplin JaoBStandford, JK Outlaw, broider over tbe edge, L ' - Mmaklnraneatandbeaa- . , - ... I idgeeomte W r Mabson, Willis Bonn, reps. . Forsythe W H Wheeler, rep. Franklin John H Williamson, rep. Gaston William A Stowe, eon. Gates Robt H Ballard, con. Granville Rich G Soeed U, T Hughes reps. ' Graham Greene John Pattrick, rep. Guilford Joseph Glimer, Wiley, cons Halifax JnoBryaut, J J Uoodwyn, reps. Harnett J R Grady, con. I Haywood II P Haynes, eon; j Henderson James H Bly the, rep. Hertford James oliarpe, rep. j Hyde Wm S Garter, eon. Iredell Shinn and Turner, eon. Jackson. J N Bryson, con. Johnston Wm. H Joyuer, Jesse Hin narit, cons. . I fones Jacob Scott, rep. Lfnior Stephen Lassiter, rep. Lincoln A J Morirson, con, Macon J L Robbinson, con, I Madison II A Gudger, con. 1 Martin J E Moore, con. contested. McDowell Dr. Freeman, eon. Mecklenburg Jno E Brown, S W Reid, con. Mitchell J W Bowman, rep. ! Montgomery Allen Jordan, rep. 1 Moore Dr John Shaw, cou. : Nash Lindsey, eon. ! New Hanover , Jaraea Heaton, Wil liam H McLaurin, c il d, Alfred Llody, col'd, reps. j Northampton -Burton H Jones, rep. I Onslow J W Shackleford, con. Orange Pride Joues, Jones Watson, con. Pamlico, Pasquotank, F M Godfrey, rep. Perquimans, J R Darden, rep. : Person, Montfort McGehee, con. Pitt, WnsP Bryant, Guilford Cox, reps. i Polk, N. B Hampton, rep. I Randolph J W Bean, Harrison Fra zler, reps. Richmond, Robert Fletcher, col'd, rep ltobeson. VV S XMOrment: 1 . A McNeil, M,n. ?? I . - 1 Tk' u T'Jt3 i Tr 1 "wvuiiigiiim, Aiuoi, a uiouesf Cons. I I nn,. v V T tr n : 1 servative Rutherford, Eli Whitsnant, rep. Sampson; J R Maxwell, Bryan, cons. Stanly M T Waddell, con. Stokes, J G II MichelU con. Fnrry, Harrison M Waugh, eon. Swain T D Bryson, eon. Transylvania F J Whitmire, eon. Tyrrell, Bertlet Jouee, eon. Union Lemuel Prcsson, eon. Wake, Richard C Badmr. John C Gorman, Stewart Ellison, col.. Rob't S 1'erry, Teps. ! Warren, Goe H King, J Vm H Pas chall, reps. Washington, D C Goyther, rep. T -W W m watanga joa. u lodd, con. 11T T s-t m l - . . v ayne, j j iiuoaea, m. iv Uoaeland, reps. Wilkes, A 0 Bryan, T J Dula. rent. Wilson, H C Mess, eon. Tadkin, J O Marler, eon. Yancey. J R Byrd The Great Democratic Journal. THE NEW YORK Weekly News. SZ3Z77. WOOD, Editor di Prop'r. A Mamraoih Eight Page Sheet, Fifty-six i i i (immni nr Kamnt M -iff or -"tj . ll Contains all the news, foreign, domestic, ooiit- i01 nd general, with full and reliable market (reports. Each number also contains several stituting, it is donfidently asserted, the most I r- aa. w a j aa sw c snivel U Mi 19 vr4U J m I swmniAiA WdAlrlw nawansnA S l TERMS $2 A TEAR. Iducemeiits to Clubs: . Five copies, one year. .j.. ...... $0 00 Ten copies, one year, and an extra copy to the sender $15 00 wenty copies, oue year, aud an extra copy to tender $25 00 1 'Fifty conies, one Tear, and an extra copy to sender...... ..$55 00 Parties sending clubs as above, mat, re- . . . . . . '?in '9 received by them, as commission, , Persons destrine to act aa arents supplied with specimen bundles. Specimen copies sent free to any address. AH letters should be directed to IfBfT YORK WEEKLY TRXIU, SEW YORK CITY POST OFFICE. UUi 3,795, VH-C THE AMERICAN Button-Hole, Overs&aming . 1! AND . ir iirrrvTi CompliU SeWinff MACHINE, r The first and only BUTTOX-HOLE AND BClVTVn t A (Ml IKK enmhihrfd tKat K.. made its advent in this or any other eountrv. tar The following reaaoos are given why this is tbe best ! Family Machine to Purchase. lj Becanaeit will uo, 7. uecaaoe yo caa everything that any ma chine ea do, aewlBK from ! the fiaeat to the coarsest aateriaU heat mi nr. failinr. cordiac. qnicklj raise or lowerthe feea to adapt It to taick or UUBCMIB. b. Becaaaayoa aave a ahort deep bobbia bv erijt and aewing'oa.at braiUiaf, bindiax, gatu- which the thread ia eon staatly drawn froca the tits : aaae ume ranuafr. ceatre : tbe tension la qailtiag. ete batter than ooaaeqnently even sad sbv etner mac Biae. aoes not break tbe thread. 9; beeaoaethetenaloaa 9m Ueeaosetbe oresaer. a:a mnreaaMly adjaated than any other machme. foot turaa back; that tbe cloth caa be easily re 3 iBecaoaait eaa work a beaatifttt battoa-hole. moved Alter being aewed. IV. Becaose tbe best making as fine a pearl as' necbaaica pronounce it bv the hand tbe best finished and 4. i Uccmqm 11 win m- made on tbe best prlnci pie of any machine man aractarea. It has no tirai border on aay gar- springs to break; noth meat. ing to get oat of order. 6. 1 Becaaae it will work II. Because it is two a beautiful eyelet hole. macbinesin one. A Brr fl.i Because it can do Tox-noLB Woskiko and Sewio Macuink com over-hand seaming,! by which sheets, pillow cas es sad the like are sewed over and over. bined. No other Machine can accomplUli the kind of sewing stated in ros. 3, 4, o, and 6. Parties noinjr a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all tne improve ments. It is to last aXIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do it the I best: and this machine can do several kind of sewing not done on any other mnchine, besides doing evcrv kind that all others Can lo. ! The American of Plain Saving Machine. (ithout the button-hole parts), noes all tnat t done on the Combination except bimcn-liole and'overseaming. U MHKONEY & BUO., ARt, ! j Salisbury, N. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. t do not hesitate to say the American Combina tion saratseit all other machine?. lUHides Uoinp all the work that other machines can. it oversea ms. and works button-hole in any fabric, from Swiss muslin to Beaver cloth I have med Sinccr'n stoats', Howe's and the Weed machines, and find the American far superior to them all. j Mis il. RCTLErGl. I have ned six difterent Sewing Machines. The American surpasses them all. j .; j Mrs. A. L. Raixet I have u wl The Singer and other machines and would not exchange the Aimricnn fnrsny. i Mrs. II N. Ukixgt.k. Salisbitrt, X. C, May 221. 1S72. HKROXET I Bao., Agta. ADiericnu Com. S. M SiK: I have used ti e Howe. Sinper, Wbce'.er & Wilsou, i!roxA Oibba Sewinr macLiiie. and would not give tbe American Combination for all of thura, it will do all that is claimed for it in the ci'colar. I consider it snperior to all othtrs I have ever acen. Very Uespectf ally. Mm. (!bi. W. Hakbixsox. Wetho afidertge4 take jrreat pleasure in giving our U-timotiy In fuvur of tlie American Sewmp Machine ir f idereuce lo any other, lelieyinjr thkt ih it trnthfully recomtnended aa the best mchiii made. ltwHimple, (lurable. runs very light and does not get out 01 rder or drop Rtitches. Mas. Latra M. Ovkrmax, A . L. Foi-st, " J. Allkm Frowk, A. W. NORTHKRN. A. K. Jokes, !. il. K. TnoM asox, We haveeen flsminv &dvertiametita and liarrl murb said by tgentaol other machines. nr. 1 1 r : l j -i 1 1 . . . i. . c win ivncik ufic imDuicu uuuar. w iDf con tending party, if after a tail trial belore competent jnngestne American Macbiae will notdoaa well. if not better, the work done on any other machine, and do valuable work that no other machine can We bare been Agents for Sewing Haehines aince 1856, have sold Singer's, Lad Webster's, At water' and Florence's, and have abandoned all for tbe American. ! Send and get aamptes of work. 27: ly MEKONEV A BR0., Ag'U ROWAN MILLS! THE proprietors of these justly celebrated Mills am iu the market for WllEAT, and solicit calls from all "who have it to sell. Ther pag the highest market eath prices. Flour! Flour!! Thev also solicit orders for Flour Ther mannfacturo four diffipj-ent grades of Floor, ranirmff JJest Tamilv. T,a.milw. T3x. I . . ' I xra, ano Doper, Tliey aTso sJlicit orders fitr Iiran. Ther exchange or rrind foT toll, as mar be desired. cj EMMERT, BROS A CO. SJhfimp'd K QeMrare of Couritorfelts I a u , . - " . ' 1 "' rassXMrlMir ooCfTSrMat. BUSontit Drutr- m am mmvmv avi - smisim ra tt trm rn sas a r i WtiUavxTas fttmint AsmAs nam J b Tb Msvin, PiUj are-SQf&Uin i th ears of aU thoM cainfal and daneron diapuea to which tha fcmsla eoattittitlen Is snbjnet. Ther modems sll xcmet aqd rmnoTf alt ebttracUoos, from what-' 1 Js I ;TTto nAfutmy zadtes they ars pknjetifif fuit t tier wiu in a thort j en uts nxmioiy penoa WTtnTernUrtty; sad Itboojrh Tery powerful, contain nothing hort ral to tha constitution. Ia ail caaea of Nartooa and 8plal ASacUons, Paina in tha Back and Limba. fatlcna on slltt rxartion. Pmlpttstton of tha Heart. BriUrlca and White, ther will alTeet a enra whm oil other mean hare failed. Tha eirenlara aroim i. c.paea sirs ibii oirmmni ana auric, or wlU b aant nea to ail wriUnc for tham, leeiad frost haerrstion. . B. In ail easea where tha oaTvm cannot ha Siia, or ratarn mail, teuruy nmm xrom any wiedo of ta contents. , RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. I mrr aits pm-atoiao waters Cura Cocoaa, Colbs, Aitbma, Baoaeains. Soaa Tsboat, HAuaiiaa, PirricciT BaaAraiao, I eiPfaav Coaararnos abb Lcaa Pissasbs. Ther hare so taato of medicine, and say child win take than. Thousands hare bean restored to health that had teetora de-paired. Teetlmooy rl- nlnhnndreda feaoea. Aak for BaTAN 8 BXJlMOn 10 WAIIlg. Price JU eenta per kcx. JOB MOfiXS, Proprie or, IS Cortlaadt Street. New Tort THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. I Ha. S14 Rne Lombard. Paris. . Thaee Qla are hirtly raooismeBdad by the entire Medical raen!ty af France aa the vary beat remedy ia oil eaaea of BpencWrha. or Seminal Weak aaaer WihUy. Dally or Pnmatmt Kmieaione ; 6az aal Weatneee or Imptrnrw ; Waaknaaa arWnctroaa Secret Habttaaod nrol Xtetmm ; aeteroW of tha GaoitaJ Orcaaa; Weak Spine : Pepeelta la tha Urtao, aad aU thajrhastly (rata of Diseases artrn froaa Oremeaot XeMe. ' They ere wheat ail oCherrem fWa fciU aarhie of Adrice ia e-h box. er wUl beaentrreatoaay addreea. Prtrwfl r Box. Bant by ami L aaaairefyieafedj ew ail eteereartea an reoarpaae artea. Ueu A a tr. Hue as, ia ijobti. abbb aw To ax. Sola uiaarii Acaatarr i an 14,72. 48: ly. KINDS of COURT AN DM A I I GI&7JLATES' BLANKS ai this efiiesi SPIRIT OP TOE AGE 1 . THE SriRiT of the Aoc will present a pair, of fine pictneii worth' $3.00 lo every mib- scriber for 18 3, who par $2 50 In advance for a vears mwcription. Tue pictnrcn entitled Raphcfa Cberal w executed in the Snot wirU of Lithographic printing; the printed mrUct of each is 22x23 inchen, and the picture sell in the tores for $2 50 per pair. Rer. T.! It. Prttctiard, D. Contrlbutinj Ber. H;T. Ucueos, ) Edi'ors." The Ai is a veeklr Family Paper, adapted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Tradesman, alike in every aectioa of the State: it i notaeclional In iu character, nor partisan or aectanan. lieudea all the neva of the day, collated with a view to correctnejw and acenmcy.! iu columns will be nlled witn toe ehoiceat matter appropriate to the different de- partments btoriea, IlmtoricaJand Itoraphicai Sketches' Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Read- in, Wit and Hnmor, Aaricultural, Corre-pon- denee,an! Epitoneof theNewaof the Dav, ic . r? tw t 1 OZUOZZ7A24 S507JLZS8. . The publication of Original Stories is a special feature of the Aoe, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of popnlar and interesting writers. In this Department alone we ean promise our readers entertainment eooal in character to that of any of the popular story papers. TERMS IN ADVANCE : One copy one year, (with 2 pictures,) $2 SO M " without' pictures, 2 00 six months do 1 25 M Every; reader of the Spirit OFTtiEAoxas 1 published before the war, is earnestly requested to renew' their patronage;! send for specimen copy. Address, I EDWAUU3 UitUUUHTOM. Feb. 13, tf Raleigh, N. C j TIIE Scientific American, j FOR 1873. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The Scientific American, now in its 23th year, enjoys the widest circulation of any aula eons periodical in the world. Its contents embrace the latest and most inter esting information pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, and bcientinc rrogrem of the orld; Descriptions, with Eeauliful tngravings, of New; Inventions, New Implements, New Pro cesses, jnnd Improved Indotrie of ail kinds; Lseful ;Notcs, 1-acts, Kecncs, Suggestions and Advice, by Practical rilers, for Y orkmen and Employers, in nil the various Arts. Descriptions of Improvements, Discoveries, and Irijjortant Works, trtaining to Civil and Median ;cai Kngineerinr, Muling, Mining and Metatliirgv ; Records of the latest rrore in the Applications of Slenni,, Steam Kn;hieering, Railways, Ship-building,; Navigation, Tele graphy, Telegraph Engineering, Electricity, Magnetism, Light and Ileal. 1 lie Latest Discovcriesint'hotoraphr.Chem- istrv ih the Arts and in Domestic or Household Econoanv. ; The blest Irformntion pertaining to Teclino- logv, Microwopv, Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Geology, iVo!ogy, lW)tany, .Morticoltiire, Agricultnre, Architecture, Lnral Ecrmomy, Household Ecou- omv, rood, Lighting. Heating. entilation. and Health. In fhnrt the whole range1 of the Sciences and Practical Arts are emhrnred within the scot of the Scientiuc American. o K'ron who desires to bcl intelligently informed can afford to be without this pajcr. ? ratmers. Mechanics, Engineer. Inventors. Maniifiiclnrers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clcrgmien, Lswver. and People of all PfofeisMons, will find the Scientific American to be: of great vslue. It should have a place in everV Family, Library, Study, Office and Count ing Room : m everv ICeadine Room. Collese. Academy, or ScIumiI. ; lublihcil weekly, spletididly IUnstrn(el onlv $3 a year. Hie yearly Aiimler of the bcientinc Ameri can make two splenoid vplnms of uenrir one thuniaud wgcs, epiivalent in content lo i'tmr l hovmnt ordinary Honk I'ogr. A n Oi!icial I .it of all Patents buned is tuhixhel wt'eklv. Srpecimen copies -ent five. Address the pub lishers. Mrsx tS: Co., 37 Park Row New York. In connection with the Scien tific American.McBSTs.McxN L&IX areStdicitorsof Ameri can and Foreign Patents, have had over 25 years' experience, and have the largest establishment in the world. Ifvou have made an Invention. write them a letter nnd send a sketch . they will promptly inform yon, free of charge, whether vour device is new and patentable. They will also end von. free of ckarar. a cotv of the Patent Law- in full, with inntrncUoo. how to proceed . Ii.' i . ill w vr luuuuiiii a LNtiCTii. nuurm jiina a Park Row, New York. Subscription tu the Scientific American taken at this office. Price $3 a year. nov. 28:11 tf DISTRIBUTION ! 75,730 Premiums. RANGING IN VALUE FROM $10 to $5,000 ! TO TIIE SUBSCRIBES OK ' OTXXL TOlTlSTPn XZLX2H7D Every Subscriber is sure of one premium any way. and also has an equal cbanee of re eeiving a CASH Premium, OU A PIANO, OttGAN. WATv-H, SEWING UACUINE fiiisT grand cAsn toeuiuh OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Eigh t Pages, Large size, lirustratea the Faintly ftecklf.it in its THIRD VOLUM and has attaind the Lnrpet CI KCULATION of any paper publisli ed in the Wcht. I'.EST, MOST OKSIKABLE A X D MOST IJoKFUL ORIGINAL KKADINH MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, that mouey can buy aud to make it a HOME WEEKLY snit ed! t the wants ot evere family, Subscriptiou lnce pei year oi nunibcrs. I The X21eg-ant Chrorno "CUTE." Siee 1G x20 iftche. If. colors. Acknowledged ujr an to ie in ua.mjsomest and MOST ALL A liLL preinimn picture in America EVERY SUU.-CRIHEK i-. presented with this Chronio at the tiueof pulwcribinp (no vailing) ana ait o receives a .NailitliEL) CEKTIrl UATIi EMITKlMi THE IIOLOER TO A SI ARE ii. the distribution of ,iV0 in wh and i.tber premiums. jTIIE DISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACE on tne second Tuesday in Jane next. The- Chn.ino and Certiiicate sent on reeept of price., SlE CIMEN COPIES. PHEMIUM LIST, Etc GIVING FULL TARTTICULAILS sent free t nnv adiireas. ft C tTRTTC Either local or can- vassinz every W A WTFIV00 Large cash (WW Ail 1 luU pay and best oat fit. Send nt once tor terms. Address. tirrn fttif.stdk irnrrrvn m Feb.aT-tf. And Baltimore. Md. A desirable Brick llonse w-itb 7 roocaar ail necessary out uodsch s siipaled in tha most drirable part of Town. Persons wiahisi m jiun-BBe, can appiy at IBIS otbee. tf:W in Wfl 9lfrt AeeeawaaWI Aa'rwaf area fa aaWa el aaraire. rTanl i PATENTS 1 illULliU S J 3Lm 23 TIIE WATCHMAN OFFICE Is wll supplied with A Urge and elegant assortment of PLAIN I FANCY i i EBB WEBEB Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, j 1 8uital)lofor all kinds of PRINTING. Also- Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Visiting,' Party and Wedding Cards ; College and School 9 Circulars of all kinds ; PAMPHLETS, Tobacco Notices and LABELS for all purposes ; I 1 1 j T OT V.'ierKS, 3iaGTlSt ratCS I T ' and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in the Printing Line. THE (Iar0lina iDatcljmah A3 A NEWSPAPEH, Is a candidate for oublic favor, lta i t circulation is good, and its standing anl patronage improving. It is one oi tne rest aavcrtisintr mediums in m the State, and offers its facilities on as : liberal terms as any. TICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1873. TbeGtTiDE is oowpob iahed Quarterlt, 25 cents pays lor the year. fnr nambe-ra. which is not half vbe eost. Those who artrr warda smu! inony to tbe atnouut of One Dol lar or more for Seda may also order Twen ty-fire Cents worth extra tbe price, paid for the U nide. aara ; ar ae a a mm I he January numuerit beantilnJ, rinar placat for makina; Hutal Homes. Designs tor Ihnxng Table Docoratwns. If indoar Gardens, &e.. bod eontainiar a mass of iafortn alios a a a . a a invainanie in tne inverot nowers. use Hondred and Ffty paces, on fine tinted na- per. sotre rive llnndred Eograviors and a superb Colored Plate and droavo Cbrer. Tbe First Edition of Two Huxdxed Thod- SAXOjott printed ia English and Grrman, ; and ready to seed oat. ; JAMES VICK. EOCI1ESTEIL N. Y mB i December 512: tf. rrotjectna foric7X--Ilixlii2,ar - TUP If nmri , inc. iLUlUt,- : An Illustrated Monthly Jouriitl. utire- ' aal!y admiird U be the Uahdaontjt j renodical in (he World. A Hep. mcnuiive! and Champion ' Kotfor Sale in 'Book or Xers Stores, r TIJE ALDIXK thile lasaed ;whk .11 re;nlaritj, baa ftooe of the tewjorarv or Hm Bterest charart ensue or ordinary rrriodWu It is aa elerent misctllanv of pare, lirkc ar.i irracef al liieratnrt ; and a rollectioa of pictoer, tbe rare specimen of artistic aUIV ia black and whit. Alt boos a earn succeeding nossWr " aCctrds a freab pleasctr to its frieads, tbe real va'.oe and beaotv of THE ALD1SE will b most appreciated after it baa been; bound a at ' tbe doae of iHe year.j WbiU otbet pcblinauoiai iar riainfl aapenor coeapoesa, bm compared ilb rivalaof a similar claw, THE JLLDISE i a anion and ortrinal. wmctptioa alasa and onapproaKked-balatelrwlLbotrt coaopa. litioa in price or cbsracter. Tbe poaaeaaor of - a a a . . " - a conptete vol me coo not capltcsle the emu, tity of fine paper and enrravinci ia aav !hr shape or number of H!cmra for t ten fmcs itm a .a -a m m m " ceat araxr Unt, Uert art U thxvmm. hemdal . AIL? Z) ZI? AUTXXQ Kotwitbatandinc tbe iacreasw in tbe price ef MbsrriptunlasialL wbea THE ALDlSr awiroeu iu prearnt oowi propewvona ajM rep reaenUlirt cbaractet tbe ediuvn wjsj aaart tin doubled durinx bt past year: prariar that tb Americaa pnblie ipprenale. and will awDDorL I a einrert eflort ' ia the cans of Art. Tbe peb liabera, aazioos to itsUfy tbe reailv cobSdencs ihns demonatrated, biv exerted PbenMeJre to 1 the Btmost to develop and improye tbe work: and tbe plana tor lb con In yeaf?, as on (bided a .a a a a t - - - MJM montaiy issoe; will aaMftiah and delir. even tbe snost aanrniow . friend of TJ ALDIXE. , F Tbe paUiabera are; anlborked to ummmm tleaijrna from many of tbe moat etaioest aniata of America. I t la addition, THE A LDISE will mrodoea examples of tbe beat forrijrn masura, aelccfed j with a view to tha hifchest artistic aocceaa, and ! irreatest reneral Interrst; aroidii such aa bare ! licrwne taroiliar.throusb phot orra uha, or copiaa of anv kind. i ( Theonarterlr tinted rlatea (br'lST wilt ri" T produce fonr of Jobn p. DarU inmiuble child ! kHches appropriateto the raeaaona. Tbes i plates apearinc in the isawea; for January, April, July, and October, would fje alone worth the price of a year's ilscrisiion The popular featurr of a copiofaly illostraled "Clirimas" numterNrill be continaed. To mssess sorb a yalnable epitome of tbe art world, at a cost so trifling, will jrornmand tbe snharripttona of thotMinds in every section of Iheccwiritrr ; lmt, as ila? uaefolneand attractioos nf TlIEALIHSEttn be enhanced, in protr. tion lo the numerical increase of its supponeca. ' me pniHirnera propose io mat "jaai ranee ooo ble aore," by the following nn paralleled cCero. grcmlnm Cnf omos Tor 1873. Kvery sobscriber to THE ALDIXE, ko pays in adramv (or tle year 17$, will recti re. without additional riarpe, a Srof beaulifol oil chromoa, after J.U, 1IUL the eminent Kcr lish ttaittter. The pctnre entitled, 'Tbe ViiT ajte lWUe," and -(.'rcinK the Moor," ara 14 It 20 inches arc irinied from 25 different elates. requiring impn shjons and tints to perfect j earh picture lite sm chronios at aold for ! $30 pVr pair, in Ute rt stores. lAs it ia ih de- ; lerminalton of its coodiK tor to keep THE Air- DIXE out of the reaf h of conjjtitioo ia every i department, tbe rlmihKMi will Uxiad ctrrei- j poiidiryly ahead of any that cai be oft-red by i Kher xno.li.-iU. Kfrery snbacrlber will rreeire x cerlilicair, ort-r Ihd signature tf the pnUifb j era, jytaratfrig that the ehromoa ddirrred ' shall lie equal to I he simples furTttlied lle aprnl, i fr the monev will M refunded, i The d'mtriL- f lion of pirinres of this prade, free to the subarri hera lo a fire dollar priwliral. will mark an e- lorli in the li4orr unprrreilttitel rlieapneas of the price of THE: ALTUXE iieelf, thehnarrel fatlU liule Wt t4 a rairscle, eren lo ihW beat aaequaiated with j Ike achiereinenta of inrrniire eeniiw and im- ! proved mechanical appliano-s. ((K illuetra- i lions of ihee chromqa.se Nori-mLer issue of! THE ALDIXE) J ! Tbe Xdterarv Department j III rootinne nrnlrr lie care of Ma. RICHARD ! IIENKYFTODDAKD, aitod by the beet1 writers and poet of iie day, who will strife to j hare the Iitrt store of THE AZ,DLF alwarai in keeping with itaafltaic altratliooa, TJZJL21. . S"5 rer annub, in advance with Oil ChUmoa FrW. THE A LDIXE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by anbacri4ioni There will be no redoe I ed or clnb rate ; cask for anbscriptioas moat be i sent to the publUheri direct, or handed to tbe ' . -.a mm 7. . local aent, riuoat rtrptnuUnify UlXe pblitken, except in caare where tbe certificate ia fiven, bearing the ae-eimuU aipiatare bf Jajcd 6ct- ; tox A Co. f AGEIVTH WAITED. Any person, wUhin? to act permanently aa a ! local spent, will receive. full and prompt in for- j mation by applrinc io I J All t .SUTTON & 0 . P.blieliers. 58 MAlDRS LAS El SEW TO LIT. &Mf. 1 t i TIIE MORNING STAR, J i DAILY EDITION: ; THOUGH ONLY FIVE YF.AE3 OLD. I HAS THE Lareesi Daiiv CirenUtion of aay I newspsprr in the 8tate. and si eirealatioa la j ilmuiffton fifty per cent, Urjrev thaa that ! of any other paper.l i WEEKLY EDITION t Now eonilHoed with ibe claoUXA FaI- MIR. making one of the lat A aXBOXJ ZTetfftpapers in the Satb. Cirtolatioa i I very large and rapally iurtvaing. "j UnSCKIPTION PEICE: ! Daily Star Lf year J 7 fAl " Q moot ha..; 3 0 j " 3 uonths.. 2 0 i Weeklt Stab t y-ar i J2 Jo ! 0 months.. J 1 00 " ' 3nrunths..4 0 It n.sv b saMv asserted that no news- paH-r ever establisned in Nortb Carolina has made soeb rapid proaress aa The MoaJtiSQ Star. I LarS' nJ for spefiinen copiaa. Address. ! WM. It BERNARD. IWILMINUTOX.NC MTbe Oldest and ,llest of lie Eclectics,- 1873. Ecleclte Magazine. tSU BSqUIBE N )W ; With tbe nnmber f.r Jaaoary. the ECLEC TIC entrrs upon 1st twnty-imtb -yrar. It l .1 1. .. . .1 gleans .ne enoirty-i anicies rrom tne eniirw fcVld f f trrin prsdieal litersjtore. asa ffars. The bt SCIKTIKIC AUTICLtS- The best ESSAY.5. Tbe beet REVIEWS. Th best CRITRISMS Thabt HUKsltAI'lHCAXSKETCUES The Hrst NOVELS- I Tbe best SHORT STORIES. The best POKH. J Th Wt MISCELLANIES. The finest STE.EL EN GROWING 8. The aim of tbV ECLECTIC istebe in- st rod ire without eDe dalLDdratertaiaiaf without betiiK tfavl- Readers who sees instruction as well ts atnusetf eot sboald C it a trial. Ten-i. S a year Singl Copies. AieenU. Liberal terms to dubs. The EC LECTIC anfl be sent ntk any other period- I eal at loret eluhralet. Address. E. R. PELTCTN. PnaOiabew. 109 FnltoB Sired. Nsv-Yora. December 6 l&tf V J 1 I I t 1

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