r; ' Qmy4': . n ! ' ' 1 1 ' : - l: : L f ' : "f s ...... . ;. : J ii i TftlKD SERIES. PUBUSUKrj WEEKLY ; J, J.i BRUNEIi) ' Proprietor and Editor. J. J.,pTEV ART, Aa.ociate. Editor. a 1 apposing Dr. W A SALISBURY N; C.. MARCH 27,-1877 f riy&.XO. 28 .--WHOLE NOJ 8C8 4 ii RATES OF 8CBCRIPTION 'euson, mem- He Charities. SI 873. ; of A M Lewis, yf lor services Mostns, " 3 Cpi to one address, Adrauce. 4. .$2.(K ...1.00 .10.00 of J.II Eauis. ). Ratified 3d ; Kor orer FOKTY" YEARS thU rimBX'S' VEOHTABLI3 LITER IIEDICINE an proved to be the GRKAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC Lit CoUPLAlKT audits painful offspring, nvsi'EISlA. CONST I PAT I OX, Jaundice. ltilliunY attacks. SICK 1IEADAC11K, Culic, Dpre-ion ol Spirits. SOl'R STOMACK, Heart bum, C111LL$ AND FEYE Ki, Ac, Ac. After j-eaM of eareful experiment, to meet a : put and urgent demandj we ljow produce from wur wripnal Gchuine J'oirda TJXn PUB P AILED. "a Llfluid form ol SIMMON'S LIVER REGU- L HOIC, ctmiamiu an us wooiuenui auu vai uiWe properueu, ana ouer is in 0XTH SOLLAXl S0T7&B3. The Powder, (price a before,) 1.00 pr. package. ut"bv mail. V GF- CAUTION !-5S llarnoPowdrwor PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVElt REGULATOU unks in oar engraved wnpuar, with Tralejjiark, Stamp and oigna tare uuuroscu. nuue uiufi ii- vuumu. J.1KZKIL1N &CO., Macon Gal and l'biladelphia KOlt SALE BY TUE0. l KLUTTZ. Fcb.&tl, ' Siilwburv N.C 194. Resolution Sharhc and Captain U If D ers Jof I lie Board oi jPkibli xtanutu jj uav oi jiarcu 195. Hcsolution in fa Jr. Il'avs inni S3 ner . - . - -r midtreil tlje Chu f Cler sionfof 1S72-73. IUtifie 19G. Rcsolmion in fa Pays Lis account, 84 1 March, 1873. 107. Resolution in favbi of J. C. Brews- ter.f Pays him S125 ftfr work done on iue fjapital. Ualihed 3dUS4arch 1S73. 198. Raolution in favcjrjof VV. II. Mor- rit?s:0cco Tavs their aecbnnt Rill. fiedj 3d March 1&73. Jl f - 190. Resolution in favhr of Enrollinsr and Engrossing clerks. Makes their; pay tliefsame he principal fcltrks. RatiGed lstMarch, 1873. , H j 200." Resolution' in lafror of Samuel Reives, Jr., John Beard aud David L. Brfcgle. Public Treasury directed to pay them $300 for apprehending John Alien Ketcliy, an escaped convict. Ratified lsl Aiarcn, i73. i I i 201. Resolution in favdr W. V. Mor- risett and Eertbeei ef Camden cbun tyl Pays the former Sip, 00 for taking certain testimony and tile latter $10,00 fof serving subpoenas- Ratified 1st March 1873. ! I :202. Resnlution in rira d to Venna Exhibition. Directs ther late Geologist to- prepare maps, specimca s, &c, to send jlof Europe, provided thel United States government pays the (expenses of trail- 220. An act t revive an Act to incor- tiary of one of th North western States ) Ii 26 porate the Bank- ot Ralegh, ratified 1st j 243. An act to iucorparate Cleveland Pf M flwreu, iou. acv or iow ennunuett m j Lodge, JSo. 202. J ree aud Accepted Ala force. Ratified 28ih February, 1873. 1 BOns, Ratified 28Lh February 873. 244. An actto allow the County Com. missioners of Tmhs Ivania to levy a spe cial tax. lax to build. a Court House in prtation, &c. Ratified 3 203. Resolution conceining the distri- bution of the Uws of the the clerk of the 183. GOOD ADVSCE. MARIA, da yon know tliat larire loiise o It. & A. MURPHY, next-door to Bingham & C'oV,U Mrlliut; ull kindi of goodi) at niiir.ie dvnlrd 1W price? Now after liotixe ek'uiiing, yon lind best see ' what vou 'iieed in their line uiul jrn i lu re and i;et, it," rwi, can do mncli betler tlicre than to uy at 'n olJicr store. Adviite all Jour fricot'.s to ko and nva Murphy 3 R. & A. NEV STOCK OF FILL WINTER GOODS For 1872. - ' -' " . i ' We take pleasure in announcing to the citl ten of Rowau nud the adjoining counties that we are now recti ving and opening the 7- ' L A R G 'AND of 1808. Directs fivecbgies tobftsontto each county, and one t court. Ratified. 3id Marc i 204- Resolution in reglird to the Wil mmeton, Charlotte Sc lutlheilord Kail road. .Governor and ilorney General directed to investigate tle - proposed sale (if this road, and prevent It he same if pas siblo. Ratified 28ih Felriiary, 1873. 1 205. Resolution of instruction to the Secretary of -State. Secretary directed io fjurnieh the copy of the ict changing the limes nt Iiolding rruuswiK atiu itoberson Courts to the Jiobesonianlior publication. Ratified 3rd March, 1873 . I 206. Resolution in rieUtion to the Pub lic Library. Joint Comfnl ttee on the Pub lic Library euipoweredj o contract with gome ore to do the duliea f the Librarian. Ratiik-d 22J Fibuaryy 173. f 207. Resolution in rig trd to adjourn ment. Ajrrred to adjoin i at 12 M. Mon day, 3rd March, lS73.pj 208- An actto incfrj orate the Ply uioulh and llydi-Park Itnlroad Company Capilal I'tock" 400.00, to he suWcibe'd ly individuals and 'corporations, t con struct a road from Plytiojuth, in county of .Washington, to. Hyde Iiik in Hyde, and ihence id Faiified in jif eastern part of laid county ; power .gtaiited to borrow fnoney and mortgage jhq property of the Uompayf Ratified 28thjFebruary, 1873. I 209 An act to iucordofrate the town of t'inex ille, in the county of Meckleiiburg. Usual act of incorporate n. Vroters in the jcorporation to, vote foifj. 'license' orno and the sale of spiritsfo depend upon the Vote cast. Ratified 2Sfij February, 1873. f 210. An act to amci4.,ne to ly iOfl and establidli lue county oi uare." Alters oiie of the boundary lines, Ratified lit March, 1873 j 211. An act to amend chapter 241 of fthe Public Laws of 187(1-71 entittled an lact to incorporate thj qpartanburg, Col 22 1. Ah act amendatory of an Act an thorizing the sale of certain land, ratified during the ses- I 27th day jaf March. A. D. 1870. Repeals 3d Match 1873. 1 so much of tec t ion 2 as requires deeds to he made to actual settlers, and that titles tsliall be withheld until 100, families have located. Ratified 28th February, 1873. 222; Art act to allow Commissioners of Washington1 county to levy a special tax. Allows them to levy $2,000 Ratified 1st March, 1873. j 223. An act to incorporate the town of Averyib to -in jllairu tt county. . Usual act oi incorporation. Ratified lft of March 1873. 1: ! .'! 1 ." ' -4 1 224- An act i to incorporate the . Bell Cove Oyster Company. The company to have the exclusive privilege of planting arid growuig rbyster8 for 60 yeafsrwithin a plot of 1 80 acres adjoining Long and rmey islands in ; Hogue bound, Uarteret connty. Ratified 28ih February, 1873. 225. An act to. incorporate the town of Castalia, in the county of Nash. Incor porated with the ordinary powers aud privileges. Ratified 1st March, 1873. 226. An act to authorize the Commission ers of Yadkin to levy a special tax. Vot ers shall vote lor or against the tax to pay the debts- of the county. Ratified 27th February! 187$. 227. An act in relation to town lots and town property.) Board of Commissioners of any incorporated town empowered to sell and convey upon thirty days notice at public kution, any real estate which in their opinion would be to the interest of such town to sell. In towns not incorpor ated, same power is era n ted to Couuty Commissioners. Ratified 28ih February, 1873. . ' 228. Ah act to authoiize the Commis sioners ofiMecklenburg county to sell the present jailj and for other purposes. May sell the old and purchase a new site, lay a tax not rxceediug one fourth of one, per cent, aud 'build! a uew jail. Ratified 28th Februaryl 1873. 229. Ail act; to amend chapter 27, pri vate laws ;of 1870-71. Amendment pro hibits the: sale of spirits in the town of Asheville for medicinal purposes. Ratified 28ih February, 1S73. -230. An act to authorize the Commis sioners ofBeaufort county to levy a spe cial iax.; I May lay $7,000 to supply de ficiencies and Support the poor. Ratified 2S:h February, 1873. 231. An act, to prevenMhe obstructing of aalual water passages by willfully fell i - : ----- -l - - . .. . .. . mmm i 6- .An actio incorporate the Ulage', wet-ks adTcrtlmitj Ratlfi 3d March, contract for loildinr, &c Ralified 3rd , i lorcsville the. County of Imltll. 1873. . . V' " 1 - ' - .March. 1873. . j V .1UWMID WU An act fm. a donation of a U 311. Anact for the benefit of h. K.a' -K C ? mP? I Tl o" 8uf ud an pil.: Iu.til.lfcW for tfci Deaf and Jamb and f kte limits. JfrtifiYd lt March. 1873. , i ii.... j n nnn t ... . r ' t T: .t.- iti;j t it . . ,-7. 1 nft. M . ' . .. " . . u - - . r ' I " I J i aii aci iio re-cnact ana continues in? an Jusuiutiou M the roli.ml d.rinJ 000 made in 1870' from ih in force an act entittled. "An act Brevard proposition; to he submitted to I ROer the commiffionrrs the qualified voters. Ratified ruary, 1873. i ' 245. An act to repeal sections 6. 7. 8. and 9, md to amend secMons 10 and 11 of chap. 2. Revied Oode, Agrkulture and Geology. Repeals' ihe privilege of form ing couuty societies ;' allows the counties of Burke, ("aid well, j Catawba and Alex ander to participate in the benefits of chap. 2, Revised Code. I Ratified 23tu l ebrury. 1073. a special tax to incorporate the Hair Hope Transportation and 28ih Feb- tkmwijr to levy ifarcb, 1873. i 1268- An act fjver aud New; Itunu fact urine Company. Companr with a Vapiial stock, of $100,000, with the' privilege of being increased, with the power to makel navigable Haw ifiver to thelN. C- iaijroad, and New Hope to Prices' Bridge ; to use the water power lorvninuracturlng purposes ; to condemn An act to em-? dumb 'au ij blind. Gives' an aen- !u 'he fuuds, . for I of Cumberland' Kintheaienrp.rtloiiof i!m? city, and S5,- IUtificd 1st ax- TJatified l$t) 000 to erVri suitable acrominMJatious. 312 .An d March, 1873. special session ing trees llttitiii, or otherwise. Makes it a in,i'dt meauor to obstiucl w a. er courses, except when the water is needed for mo tive power orjwjipn dams and wires are made for catching fish. Ratified 2Sih Feb ruary, 1873. 232. An act in regard the Courts of Craveu to the terms of county. Gives 246. An act to iucorpoarte the town of Rockingham, in the county of Rchtuoud. Ratified 28sh; February, 187; vV 247 An act to incorrxnatu the town ol Apex, in the county of Wake. Persons residing within the corporate limits 90 days are qualified voters. Ratified 28th February, 1S73. 248. An act I to I incorporate Eureka Lodge, No. 28th Ancient York Maous. Ratified 28ih February, 1873. 249. An act to cure my irregularities that may exist in the title to certain lauds in. Macon and Clay counties. Makes valid the entries made in that portion of Macon, which Whs annexed to Clay in 1872. Ratified the 28ih of February, 1873. 250 An act concerning Stanly Cieek Camp Ground id Gaston county, and to incorporate a Bkud of Trustees thereof. Trustees incorporated with the usual powers. No person to sell liqnor withiii two miles of live Camp Grounds during the time of religious exercises. Ratified the 28ih of February, 1873. 251. An act to incorporate the trustees of El Belhal M. K- Church South, county of Cleveland, Misdemeanor for any ode to sell or give; away liquor within one half mile of the Church." Ratified the 28th February, 1873 252. A Huntersv ual act of incorporation. A majority oi the voters can prohibit the sale of spirit uous liqnors within the corporation, iiati fied the 28ih of February, 1873. 253. An act to authorize Comity Com missioners to make certain water courses lawful fences. Any live citizens may apply by petition to the ConuuigiMoncrs to t na t. uiit n iiivi vimiiov.. ui xirtiru u ill n t I I fence who after due notice, upon the hear ing thereof shall have power to declare the same. .'Gives County Commissioners jurisdiction over-the entire matter, iili tied the 28.h of February, 1S73. 25.1. An actto incorporate the town of Aheboro, in the county of .Randolph, Usual act of iucorportioti. .Ratified the 28: h of February, 1873. 255. An act to change the line between the conniii-& of Bladen aud Columbus lanis for the improvements ; corporations; inaj inbscrlbe: Company can connect ita improvement with the Chatham Jkilroad lUtWrd 1st Mkrehf18734Vw.-..riti 29. An actjto abolish the Scotch Fair, neart Laurel Hill, in 7?ichmond county.' I heimeetines heretofore held on the ae- Ratifi.nl Im March, JS73- 292. 1 11 net fimvidinr for two addition al terms of GrauvilJ? Superior Court. Terms to be held 3d Mondays in January 293.' An act in relation to the sale and completion of Western 'North Carolina Railroad. Name Gov. CaldwelL Georee Davis, M K Mauley, J H WiNon icd W bteele, a committee to act in conidnction - t .mm ith the commissioners appointed by the U. S. Circuit Conrj, (Messrs. Erwin ic Woodfiu), who together, shall have power to. arbitrate all debiT and claims U.t and against the com nan K settle terms of sale and payments. Also makes the purrha March, 1873. condlTuesdayriii May and November b aira arp forbtadeu. .Ratified 28th Feb- ruary? 1873. j 270- 4n act to amend Sec 1, Chap-139 Laws'jpf 1870-71, relative to fees of Coun ty officers. County Commissioners may receive $2 per; day and mileage. .Ratified 28i.li February, 1873. 27ll An act to authorize the Commis sioners, of Mecklenburg county and for other pWposes. Commissioners may sell t tic cotinty, or transfer, exchange or dis pose of them as they deem proper. .Rati bed 23111 Fobruary, 1873. 272. 1 An act to incerporate Lane Field Academy, in Duplin county, near War saw. I'nrely local. Ratified 28th Feb' ruary, 1873. j 273. u4n act to amend an act to incor porate the People's Building and Loan .Association of .Asheville. Authorizes new series of sti ck to be itsued. Ratified 28ih February,. 1873. J ! pedal Ux I .i . j iue sopport r the iosutcUon. 3larth, 1873. 312.. An set to extend the time for iha registration of grants, deeds ind other couvejauces. Usual act extending the 1 time to two- jears. Ratified 3rd March, ! 1S73. ' 313 An act to amend section; 34, chap J 113, Laws of ISGS-'CD. Add Uliid see-1 lion the following proviso: Provided, That the risht to refer claims finder tkis . section, shall extend to claims favor of J, the estate as well those arainsiit. 4 Ratified 3rd day of March, 187. , : J 314. An act to amend the charier ofthe . Western N. C. Railroad Company.' Fn4i lure subscriptions may-W -maScand r- -4 i-A i w- 1" i- . l - crivea in reai estate, itauaeq am cay el. invested Ratified . ser 01 ino roaa a -corporation. ith foil power to complete it. 3d JUaxcb, 1873. ; 294. An act to amend an et. entitled .n t 1 . t l . Ratified 3d March, JS73. f 315. An act to authorize the Commis sioners of Onslow county to ell Aluta Springs, the former site of the Poor House. . Purely local. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 316. An act to authorize the Board of county Commissioners of Brunswick 295. An act to incorporate the town of county to levy a special tax, and for other Fair Bluff in Columbus couuty. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 296. An act relating 1o fences, and for the protection of crpps. Provides that in the counties of Person, Orange, Alamance, Cabarrus and Mecklenlure. an election MOST ELEGANT Btock ff GOODS we have ever had to ex- fnuibus and RutherfordiRjailroad company tuvii 10 our iiuuicrouH nienuH ana cuniomcrs. 't hkie taken much time, and unusual pains mriiun anu lUMumvio. ,.a vnl I lw awotimi: 7 I tl liter flip crii-iirp ts;riikveu. .... w..-.. ,. , .....-. 6U,ki.n 'UM5t..A, ot llic roaa as same as inai oi -me v w that alFpersons wUhing to buy will find it to jngtoh, Charlotte andj Rutherford road ineir advantage to call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK, , purchasing anything else- and prices before where. ! . ' - We have a large stocV of all kind of Ratified 1st March, 1$7. 212.; An act in regard th collecting speci al lax. County commysbiie.s of Forsy the may allow theSheriflf hjasonablfc compen- 6at:o:i for collecting thef tax ou railroads. Ruified 1st March If 73. 213. An act in reference to the statue of limitation. Provides! that the statue ... . . ., l ' shall bar suits brought against the stck lioofsShoes and Gaiters for Ladies. j .J. .k. t:...? u5rl icci .u,. , ' - ' ' teieu oiiu toe otuic uciuiu ioui, no iue GciuS. Misses and Children, all good purpose of collecting penalties under the V Stock rand noRhcuM,, tmrk J iudrvidtial liability clausfe of their charters, -JJ: : 9 ' I Ratified. ULOTJIIXG, CROCKERY, UATSl Craven four Superior Courts a year. Two j Question of changing the present line to terms as held now, and :wo others to be j fce submitted to qualified voters in the held on the 17th Monday after the 4th t.rritory aff.-ned by such change. - Rati Monday inl February and August. Rati- fi a the 28ih February, 1S73. fied 38th February, 1873. 25 '. An act to regulate the penning of 233. Au act to prevent the obstruction.; sheep in Kuiuekeet and Ilatteras town offish passing up the Roanoke river. Be- ships in the county of Dire Purely In side the penalty of Si 00 for each offence cal in its provisions. .Ratified 23th Feb- rury, ioj. 267. An act to incorporate the .Roanoke Iron Company. Company with a capital stock of 100,000 with the privilege of its being increased, to manufacture iron, steel, construct road. May hold 50,000 acres of laud. .Ratified 2Sih February, 1873. 258. An act to authorize the commis sioners of Pitt county, to levy a special tax. $6,000 may be levied in 1S73, and the same amount in 1874, to pay the out standing debt of the county. Debt to be 01 ) ry Goods, (Mps. Wfolionst Gloves, Hosiery, ' Fancy North State Insurance Cjbmpany." Incor- " mii iuy uruai fVyvSCy CI 1 1 vl JSI'V vides for a capital Stqek of $100,000, which may be increased to $1,000,000. Ratified 1st March. 1873. .'if 215. An uct to extend the time of E. A. Gupton, former Jhpriflf. of Franklin 214 JAn act to incorporate the " Old it is made a mideanor to fish with, seines or nets in (the Roatoke from Saturday sunset to sunrise on Monday, between the 1st of March and 1st of June. Ratified 1st ot March 1873. 234. Anfact to iucorpoarte the North Carolina Closes. Grants corporate pow ers lu Rtlv. JnvUiiah lngold, RtiV. George Wj W lk. r and Rev. Thomas Long of ilifr Reformed chu.ch, and their successors: for iliir:onf, educational or burial purposes. RmuVd Ut March, 1873. i - I 274. An acf to extend the corporate n act to incorporate the town of limits of the own of Wadesboro,' in the ille in Mecklinburg county, Us- County: of Wilson. Ratified 28th Februaryi i7a, j 275 j yln act to authorize the town com missioners iu the town of Murfrcesboro, County of Hertford, to levy taxes. Taxes iiot to exceed 25 cents on the $100 of pm perty Ratihtd 28:h February, 1873. 276. An act to charter the Raleigh Bucket Company, N. 1 Exempts the members from miiilia duty and serving as jurors. The company is to form a part of Fire Department 277. vln act to incorporate the town of (3oleruiu, in County of Bertie The ordi nary act of incorporation. .Ratified 1st day of March, 1S73. 278- An actto incorporate the town of .Madison, in .Rockingham couuty. Rati fied letMarch, 1S73 279. -riu pet to incorporate the Flat Rock Camp Ground, in Guilford county detailing, a misdemeanor, within one mile of the camp ground duung the meetings .Ratified 1st March, 1873. 2S0. An act to amend the charter of the city of .Raleigh. When owers of lots avow their intention not to repair their sidewalks, the city authorities may repair the same immediately at the owner's costs. Where ther have never been any side walks, the owners must pay such portion expense as three appraisers will Retailing within half a milea miademcaaor. Ratified 3d March, 1873. , 318. An a:t to incorporate the Ladies' Co-operative Association of Wilmington. Ratified 3d March, 1S73. j 319. An act to empower the town Com missioners of the town of Milton to issue bonds. May Mine $10,000 of, bonds, to be used in building a railroad from Milton to the Richmond ic Danville Road- Bonds to bear 8 per cent, interest. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. purposes. Authorized to levy a tax to purchase the ferry across Brunswick river, and run thesame for the bearfit of the public. Ratified 3d March, 1873. ' j 317. An act to incorpoiate (Methodist Episcopal Church South Cold Sonar t .it t i . i . . . i r.' . . . . I. , V snail oe neia to acyrmtne whetber or not varap Urouud ana Cnurcb iu yit county persona shall be required to keep op their of Cabarrus. Usual act of incorporation. twtfc. ai auco uevisiou oe in iue amrma live, a tax shall be! levied to Wild a fence around the county with gates across the public roads, aud it shall be a misdemean or to permit oue's stock to go on another's land. If any of the counties named do not adopt the provisions ofthe act, Town ships may under tlje same regulations. Ratified 3d March,: 1S73. 297 An act to j incorporate the Cross Creek Benevolent Society in the town of Fayetteville. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 298. An act to authorize Granville county to subscribe to the capital stock of the Granville Railroad Company. Com missioners to determine iho nnmber of shares to be subscribed when after sixty days notice an election to be held to de termine if a majority cf the people are iu favor of the subscription. Couuty may issue bonds at 7 per ceoL interest, aud provide for the payment of the iuterest, &e. Ratified 3d March, 1S73. 299. An act in relation to the Peniten tiary. Directors directed to mnkc within the enclosure 800,000 of bricks and to prosecute the work under the direction of an architect, whose salary is fixed at $3,500. The Stqward to be disbursing officer. Work to be done as far as possi ble with convict labor. Ratified 3d March, 1S73. ; 300. An act o corporate Shallolte j Baptist church iii '.Brunswick county. A ! misdemeanor to sell spirMuous liquors within two miles. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 301. An act to amend an art to incor- I porate'the Newbern Co-operative Land aud Building Association. Company may j introduce a new series of shares. Ratified 3d March, 1873. j 302. An act in; relation to the County of Pamlico. Officers elected last Aognst Ratified March, 1873. Ratified 3d 235. Ah and Garvsh Incorpoiait Let In incorporate I he Weldon rg Road & Ferry Company, paid according to date. Ratified 2Slh Feb- company with capital ruary. 1873. stock of SIOOO, to construct ilo- road and ! 259. An act to incorporate the villaee allows l hem! to charge tolU- Ratified 1st ofDaplin foad, Duplin county. Uusalact March, 1874' 1 of incorporation. I -1 mainntv of voters 236. An let t- prevent the retailing of may probhibit the sale of liquor in the RalifieJ lhM 3l d of M'irch- 1S73' spirits in thp -town ol Statesville. "Pro-. - - -.1. .. . a a award. Ratified Ut Mjich, 1873. I l,hId l,hei.rc for lwo)'car8 ... . !, . . . -aa Marcn, itva. t 281 n act to incorporate the town of nn ' i , , , Stantonsburg, in Wilsou couuty. iJatificd I 3?3' A" ct jconcen.ing the sale of 1st March, 1873- i j Prtuous liqnors at Lndor in the County . . , . . .; of Chatham. I he depot at Egypt is not rat.mnra aP t tr t in Ain ill tr tA lvv I rfk t K al tax to pay the outstanding debt of the ' I M . I . couiiiv. i lie iiiien.tni 01 ui or no mi 10 be su coun 283. iln act to prohibit the sale of spirit unas liquors in certain localities. This act has been published in lull in the Mews. icffect the 1st ot May, next. ny. i. ue ciue.Bi.oii oi uii or no iax io i BjonPrg ; J ubmiited to the qualified voters oftHe ! fDecjai hX ity. TJallified ihe 3rd of March, 1873. ! wortjJ f Goes into Gmis, Sole jLcathcr, Calf Slins, Xiiim Stops, Druggs, Spices, I Soapt, and a Large jStock of Fine Groceries of High quality and low prices. Salt, Syrups, Bagging and Cotton Ties, t ' Cheese, Crackers, Clover Seed 1 h county, tor making liia settlement with the county Treasurer. Allowed till 1st Monday to settle, and rejlieves him of any penalties heretofore 1 incurred, Ratified and infect nearly evervthing wanted and all at 4 A JUrtrcu .l04- J ' I sio. au act to amend me scnooi laws. hibitioo" or "no prohibition." to be sub mitted to ihe.qualified voter?, if carried.no one to sell fiuder 5 gallons. Ualitled 1st March, 1873. 237. An act to regulate sales by cor porations and sales under the same. Sales under a mortgage by a corporation to transfer all -property owned byj the cor . corporation, it'atilicu 2!;u r cbruary, 137J 260. ln act lo amendatory of au act ' eiitill-.d an act lay oil' the Homestead aud Personal preperty etueiopiion Proviso to be addid to section 25. "Pror'vkd. That where any pernou has hud hs home stead laid ft" in accordance, with the pro- 284. An act for changing the time of holding thei Superior Court of Cumberland county. To be after the present term w . 304. An act tci authorize the commis- a a a sioners ; ol itanpoipu county to levy a A levy of 0 cents on the property, and 15 cents on the poll, to pay the floating debt authoriz ed. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 305. Au act to establish a House of Correction and Refuge in the County of New Hanover. County commissioners may locate within the limits of the city of Wilmington a House of Refuge under art. 1, sec. 4 of the Constitution, and have the held on the last Monday in January and . eenerl supervisfon of llie same. lis inT and July. ! Ratified the 3rd of March, mediato direction to be under the super- m - a visioo of a Boat 4 of Managers. County visions of sections 2 and 3 of th- above recited act, the Homestead shall not therc- poration at he time the deed was made, after be vacated, set h side or again laid LOW PRICES. ratified has been published in the News, and other papers, iu futl ) Ratified 26th T ii i .i . .s . i V.. I. ......... ic- !' tKiuiuiHK uur lunnH lor me patronage fOj 1873. . . . iiueraii.) oeMowea onus since we oiwntd in 917 An ?, r!lvU.Lt Tc. f.rv March we trust ly strict attentUm 'tob.ai-f T i "'T'' . V7' lies, .lid Relies. lo our customers to merit af Al ,W8. l ,elr8.t0 Pf4 an e,,try ma continuance of the same. - -r . ij by their father, in (aniden county, and , yery Respeetfultr, I R. cC- A. MUHPUY. All orders shall have our prompt at tention J ;. i , r6)jt. MURPHY. . ANDRW HIRPHEY, Salisbiry, Oct. 17, 187. 27: lv ! OP ALL KINDS j FumUlied to order,' at Short Noiice; at Steaut Paw Mill on AVentern N C. Ii. R., twenty mile4 rrow jsaliaburj'. r ' Trice at mill $1 At Salisbury $1,20 Kiliijpried at Salisbury, $1.50. 47s!tf: ' ! - IL. 11. LOW AN. to take stock. Jcc, grauied. Ratified 28 ih 4:ebruaiy, 1873. latified 1st March directs-a graut to issue 1873. ,' . ; ! " .: '.. I! 218. An act to incor berry Iron CoalXJompahy. Capital stock not to exceed $5,000,000. Ratified 2Sth - E S February, 1873. f 219 An act to incorporate the Gap Short Line Railroad pauy with a capital stock of $3,000,000, to construct a roadi frpm a "point at'er near the present road, leading from Frank lin, N. O-, to'Claytoh Ga. to the Tennes-. ' see line,..where the .Toaesse river crosses to the line in Smoking ual powers, including p bonds secured by mort w porate . the Cran" Rabun Company, Cora- sMoun tains." Va 1 . a 1 t ' age; corporations but that acquired subsequent thereto, up to day of sale. Purchaser to have the same franchise, rights and powers as the cor poration Had- Ratified 1st March, 1873. 2387; Resolution of instruction to the Keeper of toe Public Grounds and Build ing. . Permits persons who have erected j houses oil tUe public" grounds to remove them during! the yerr. Ratified 2o;h Feb ruary, 18731; 239. At act to amend chapter 27, pri vate laws of187l 72, and to re enact sec tions 8 and 11 of chapter 123 private laws, 1869 70. Relating to the charterer Eden- ton, N.U. ltatined 28tb February, IB7J. . 240. An act to incoi porate the Farmer's Loan Bank.! Company incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000 with the usual banking Drijk ileges, except the issue of bills as currency. May loan on forthcom ing crops, Upon which a lion is ereated. Ratified 28th February, 1873. 141. Au act to amend chapter 93 ofthe liws of 186$ 6.9, relative to special pro ceedings. Makes all judgments valid, though not signed by the presiding Judge in petitions hnder chapter 93, if otherwise regular Ratified 28ih February, 1873. 242. Au act to authorize the imprison ment of persons covicted in the United State Courts in North Carolina, in (be Peuitentiary ofthe State. Ratified 28th February, 1873 (Heretofore such prison ers were obliged to be sent to Albany, N. Y., Washington, D, C, aud the peajteo . i- t on by any oilier jinigtueut creuiinrs tor whom a levy shall be made, except for fraud, complicity or other irregularity." .Ratified 2S.h February, 1-373. 261. -rlu act lo authoiize the employ mom of a polite force in ihe town .f Si:ttes ville. .Auihoiiz-s the coniiiiissioiH-rs to employ Tin many as th y d '-m proper, aud duecis the jailer of Iredell to receive all prisoners sent to him by the proper iii mus. ialified 1st March, 1873. 262.' -4 u actto amend the charu:r of the Halifax aud Scotland Neck .Railroad Co. Terminus to be at or near Hill's Ferry Counties may subsreibe, and issue bouds at S per ceut. .Ratified 28ih February, 1873. 263 An act to authorize and empower the Board of Commissioners of Forsythe County to appoint a Tax Collector. Pro vides that if the Sheriff shall fail or refuse to give the . additional bond required to cover the tax to pay the railroad subscrip tions of county, a tax collector may be appointed. .Ratified 28th February, 1873. 265. An act to promote stock raising. The price charged for the season shall be a lien upon. the colt, which shall also be subjected to the execution without being comprised in the personal property ex emption. .Ratified 28-h February, 1573. 265. An act to incorporate the Wilmin ington Trust Company and Savings Bank $20,000. Minors and feme coverts may become depositors. .Ratified 2Slh February rary, 1873, 1873. 2S5 An act amendatory of an act au thorizing the sale of certain lands, ratified 26:h March, TV73. The requirement tliat the laud shall be disposed of to actual sit'ers, and ihe title withheld until 100 families are located, stricken out. Ratified 28th Februiry, 1873. 286. An act to amend an act for ihe support of the Lunatic Asylum for 1873. Prohibits the Board of Directers from drawing more than one-fourth of the ap- ' privileges. Ratified 3rd day of March, propria! ions at one time. 1873. : , 287 An act to change the lime of hold- 307 An act to amend an act to estab ing the fall terras of the Superior Courts lish a Turnpike road from Slatesville lo of Robeson and Brunswick counties. The 1 Ml. Airy. Directs that the mad be hca- courts in Robeson to be held on the 4tb ted by Jonesville ana rJaiu ltiver uriuge. Mondav in February, and on the 6;h The Goui.ty. commissioners ol lrcuel a m la a commissioners to levy a tax lor its sup port. Childreu taken up and committed a vagrants, or j committed for criminal offences shall b received and provided for. Provides, in detail, for the reformat tiou of such children. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 306. An act t6 incorporate the Cumber laud Savings Bank. Company incorpora ted with the usual baukiug powers and Monday after the 4th Mouday in August. The courts iu Brunswick on the 6th Mou day after the 4b Monday in February, and (he 4th Monday in August. Ratified 3rd March. 1873. 288. An act to submit the proposed Amendments to the Constitution, to the people of lite estate for ratification or re jection. Election to be held 1st Thurs day in August. The act will be publish ed in the papers whenever the ropy is ob tained for that purpose. Ratified 3rd March, 1873. 2S9. Resolution declaratory to the meaning of section 4 of the resolution io favor of Sheriffs, ratified 6ib Dec, 1872. The expenses referred to in the resolution to be paid by the Public Treasurer. Rett ified 3d March, 1872. 290. An act to repeal chapter , laws of 1868-69. No sale of lauds to be made by the Board of Education until after 6 Yadkin or Surry may make a rcqui.itiou for 50 ablebsdied peniien'iary convicts, who arc to be furnished, unless their labor is necessary in pudding the penitentiary. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 308.1 An aet m incorporate the Central Fire Insurance Company. Capital slock $500,000, which, if subscribed, authorizes the stockholder to meet 1st January, 1874, at Raleigh, aud organize. Usual powers granted.! Ratified 3d March, 1873. 309. An act to re-enact au act, entitled "Au act to . secure advances made for agricultural purposes." Ratified March, 1S7. i Said act is contiuued in force. Superior Court inserted in lieu of Court of Uommon 1 leas, ijuaunea j jaaicu, ioo. 310. 'An act authorizing the Publie Treasurer to pay Messrs. Coleman Bros, for resrindiug Peuitentiary contract. Directs $35,000 to be paid out of the pcaieutiary fond for a rescinding of the 320. An act to incorporate t-c Lockvilla Locomotive and car Company". Capital stock $250,000, to manufacture Loromo tives. May purchase, build: and use steamboats, etc. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 321. An act to incorporate! tljer Haw River Irou Company. Company with a capital stock of $250,000, to I make irva aud steel rail-, etc. Ratified 3rd1 March, 1873. j 322. Au act to authorize the Board of Commissioners of Alamance tcoanty to levy a special tax. May citlier levy a special tax amountiug to $10,OQO, or to issue coupou 8 per cent, bonds to that amouut. Ratified 3rd March, jl873. 323. An act to amend the charter of the town of Monroe in the couutyjof Union. To enable the Commissioners io extend the streets and alleys by purchasing or condemning land, &c. May levy a tax to pay the expenses thereof. Ratified 3rd March, 1S73. j i 324. An aet to authorize the Com mis sioners of Hertford county to levy and collect a special tax- To repair the Co art House. Ratified 3d March, 1373. i 325 Au act to allow the Commission ers of Anson county to levy a Special lax. To pay the iuterest on the bonded debt of tho county. Ratified 3d March, 1873. 326. Au act to incorporate the Onslow County Agricultural Society.1 Ratified 3d March, 1S73. , 327. An act to authorize the Commit siouers of Wayne county to levy a special lax. If voied by a majority of the quali fied voters, may levy $6,000' of special tax. 323. An act to amend the charter of the Western Division of the Western North Caroliua Railroad. Authorizes convict labor to be employed on th road, the Company paying therefor 40 eqnta per day each. Counties may subscribe, and pay their subscriptions in labor, ,'prorisions, ice. Ratified 3d March, 1873, 329. An act to incorporate the Mechan ics and Laborers Mutual aid; Society of North Carolina. Ratified 31 March, 1873. 330. An act to authorize the Commis sioners of Wilkes county to issue bonds. May issue bonds to the amount of $15,-, 000 to pay off the indebtedness of the county. Ratified 3d March, Jp'73. 331. An act to incorporate! the Gran ville Railroad Company. Company with; a capital stock of $1, 500,000 f to build a road from lowt.sville to the J. U. Rail-i .. a I .9 road. Municipal ana olncr corporations allowed to subscribe for stock. Ratified 3i March, 1873. j 332. An act concerning Reht of way to Churches and places of Pabhc Worship, Roads laid out by the Township Board of Trustees upon petition and notice, as olbcr public roads are. Ratified 3d March, 1873L 333. An act to amend "an ast" to itv corporate the "Wilmingtou Ship Canal Company," with a capital stock of $500 000. Authorized to eonitrutt a canal from the Cape Fear of the North East river, to the Atlantic Ocean, jfoc sea go ing vessels. Company may issue co a pot bonds, mortgage the caual and franchise eondimu laudr, ice Ratified 3rd March. 1873. j 334. An act to incorporate the Mer chants Bank of FayeiicvuTe. Capital stock no, less tban $25,000. Grants the usual banking powers and privilege. Ratified the 3rd of March, 1873. I 325. Resolution in favor ofj Mason L Wiggins, of Halifax. Vmyi him $60 mileage aud per diem, for performing ex - l ,i .v' r tr services as cb airman ot tue isommis sioners of Finance, under the order of Gen. Sickles. Ratified the 3r of Mi 1673. j 336. A resolution to provide aer oj Jarclk for i ea.ual deficit in thcTrcaiuxy. Aoihorix B 1 I I -'