I t AV A - AX'y ' I I up u aj..m Mi i :-' ' - . I 2Ma mmmhmm i IV.' 'i ii: A- .fjji I be Public Treasurer to borrow $140,000 toatrpply, a temporary deceit. IUtifie4 3rd M-rch; 1673. r : A X.a 33i7. An net to amend sections 31 anq -t8 so that they shall conform to section; 1:8 of the school bill, ratified February ; 22Gil4 1873. ' A mere verbal atncndineut. MAYS AJtD fcOMttENT. j 1 . .., ture was stored in bis brothers house and was WU.UVW. .; ; . t S .1 r. 1. r . ' I " ' 1 . .. 1 . ... ... 1 i lawyers w lilt ! Just 25, say i Gen. Gordon Senator from Georgia, I think how the centrv of the creen bajr smile was called to the chair Unlay and presided; over at ' the sagestiori 1 . . . . NaT, but there is a the Senate for a ahorttive. This courtesy was bettet way, infinitely better. What will you .j. i .ii i t. x-,a. ... vlto eive Untards daing the ieorl t It is an op- MICUUCU IU U1IU UT 1 iWl miunil ; It ovu. -' - . 11 T a! . ... a I ... ! . . - . .1 I " -' i r - - J J - r Henry - W. Connbr, of Charlotte ; N. (X, called to preside over the senate, LAnem-ij familiea,;and to: the poor of the community practical answer, - It is in the power of the admission to witness the execution, sloml FPFCTT Courts to iabate public nuisances. What will j maa0 teir exu frera tbetcciie. . r. ' f ULj5U 4w'i Uat.fied tho 3rd of Jilarcb. 1873 '338 r An act to establish a public ferry Hcross the YadUn riFer. The company died in Iltimore aliwdays ago: He hadbeen 'GenI Whittlesey, formerly of the Freedman's in which you lire, if, indeed, the pond is mayiauthoriaehe ferry, and wken onenl doing business at Bellies? Foard, but Vecentl Barulias Mn taken to an Insane asylum. - the fruitful source of the iUs complained of ..,1 J --.l.i:l.- .n ot:fi.,f oA . . . ' ' - , i t . What will you tnvp.l A kraf word! A X'arlh73 T ause in Charlie and was on ms th n Rnd 59 j An act to change the time of hold- taken with Pneumonia, whicU resulted as aboye qq qq 1'ig the terms of the Superior Courts i iji ,uted.T HU father fjnaexly represented his dis- The fie i no counties comprising me iuio joaicmi i trit in Cnntrre. J m : r.::.s j.i. r-.T , v i - . -.. I , i uvubc aim uincr uuuuiuh, at xiuiirs. iam i guns tubiiuus, anu acnuiouiuuo nuius. I - - - I But cheerily and nobly respond with a deed fieaviwtBnowjtorm of the season extend- oiJ onhe pa?es oi iuis uwi js, t . .i . t. . 1... booK. vno says iieinl . It is ajnxxi wonu 1)'U rit. Trm inmmpn.m.itl.n.ii. 7 "T J. .. . 1 u " .fU4 " " Let the will and the deed iro together. A . " . " - - - : I VVa uaa it Mrl iMt ITf.ijh mm I h.l I rp i I ' k - . ... VIE BCB M h BLaLCU 1 B LIID Akm.dBfKa XlbH . M 1 1 IM 1 S W 1 i.. r. i. t .. n i i : ,r . o : j i . V i f Phillin S . W hite lhi orrtiat lmiwrani lAi-turpr. focptcmber, and the oil.tr counties regit- ?i . . . . . , . t I irljfs thereafter, alio whig as now - two v' " iT I " ' There has been ho chance VAi OF SPR1XG AXD aii mauer i iiin-n:ik mucmnir me. i . i j . i aisiory 01 iuis nnionunaie man we giTe the following. s: " TUE STORY OF TIIK CRIME. On the rn"niing of Friday, i 29, April, 1871. New York W arned that dun ot her eitizftis Avery 1). Putnam by name bad been i ru My mm dered the previous evenu g while ult(-uipimg to protect two ladies frum the insults of a drunken ruffian. Mr. I'iit iara bi forc be died made nil aiitronr t-m sta'eraeut in which be nil rated the t leal to infoi-tri their many frierKU an J the A despatch from New York of the 24th inst. appeals to' all for aid- for its promotion. A i L"- i says: Airn.f osier wiieoi itnam foster wno was t v , question? I unn tnr th mnrA&rnt- A 4rV'-'; Ti. Pot- P b The drainage of this pond f f t .J. ,4 , ' ... . -is a casein point, and it is nothing but right in the Englul nam, i4bel evedtobedymg. A consultation of L. t .5" 0-Mnprt lip nrfitt4 f romitshould aid in performing the work. March 24th, 1873. CITIZEN. 1873. lift An art to nrovidp n cmtral idale I Cabinet yet. It injw slated that Gladstone ha doctors is to be held thia aAernoon. f. ,r IcomDarinsr! tka - j lect Io:i retuins hi consented td contintie id office as Premier. m .T. " I . . . i B ... . . ... I TTT . 1 ! .1 ! . llriinnwii-lt roiiutv. 'l iioomi aie-i six stores, rost omceL and twenty dweiunca L-r, nt ni.isu touay tne u oi cap Keetbams j" the place, iu Town Creek in Lake City, Chaiot ioiiuty, Arkansas, were tious lo the laws and resolutions passed END OF THE CAR-HOOK by the recent st ssion of the Legislature. I iTIURDCREK If VKurp tn inrli'o trnm llim tli r Vi nr r ter of tbej Lfgielature, we would say it is yf. a real piddliug concern. There was bnt Scenes and Incidents of the Execu little done other than of a local and per sonaii character. - There was no measure vivivn.l.in , Tf .ilfi.wl M.1.' lft7i I I tU. oA.iJ;n.ii t. 341 An aet to ameud section 29, chap Mr. John M. WaUonL' formerly of the Char- I '4orj2 1 3f public Laws vbf 187 l-'72i JLd lotte 06erwr, has tkkeij charge of the local and f suinistratious grankd prior to the law pf business department of the Rock Hill, (S. C.) 1 869! to bo Bettied according to the pro- I Lantern. ikious of the old law. lUtified 3rd March, J873. 342 An act io amend an act to provide nor iuo paying ou anu construction oi a 'puuiic uiguway in me couuiiea oi xjurtie The Passenger depot and ferry house of the Erie Railroad at Jersey city, have been burned. John Lewis Baker, the well known actor, is dead. ' I tion' of gonerar interest, or of general relief, I I I such: as the people expected, if we except Gen. Sickles, the great unwaged, sent a llltJ Kevtime Act and what was attempted MtiAr WtrifU naaacH nt upsftioil nf the - - - , - j r ... . ' t ..i - ... . . jUeneral Assembly 187 1-'72. Gives furib- telegram from Madrid March 22nd, instant, to ior ;ne penent ot public schools. Ve ir tirao to carry out the provisious of the Secretary tisu to tina; efiectt iiumeoiate em- could not give tho procecdiucrs of the jacit. Ratified 3rd llarcb, J873. . J ancipation law fot; Turto Ricoipassed to night K,g1jatqre whjje jn 8fggion eo we uave : m I - I Y1.L. .L.I .:.!. ! . V . I I , . ixf nnimmnua t. iiresienmnsiiuui iu me aucui- -i .1 1 . , v. j - -. 1 n-ivcii me cannons mat our ronnra mitrnr 0 ----- --- 13"- . iuiv. AU bwi m irycai iuhuki 'wit imblic laws of 1871 and 1872- Tbe act bly. repealed, allowed the exchange of State! Caldwell: the briber" has sent in his resiima- Atocks for bonds RaUfiedd March, 1873. tion as Senator from Kansas, to prevent being 344 An act for the relief of tbe Sheriff! kicked out by that body of innocents. And Tax Collector of the county of Fbr ytbe. Permits him to collect arrears of faxes for the years 1870-,l-'2. Ratified 3d March, 1S73. ! i 345 An act concerning the ratification .of the laws of the present session of the General Asecmbly. Acts with no ratiti. cation clause to be in force from and after lliirty days afier the 3d March, 1873. Kaiified 3d March, 1873. i 346 An act to authorize tbe Western March the 22nd insjanl was the birth day of Emperor W'illiani of holiday, and the toadies, boot-licks, and Para- eites illuminated. Tl years old. The Pope of Rfrne know what was done. Whether our readers will thank us for deins: so. is rather doubtful. If we could recall what we have 'done, we would. Prusia, and Berlin had a SALE OF BONDS. e Emperor is seventy six Oiv Friday last $39,000 of the Flint Mortcnee Bunds of the Western 2i. C. Railroad Company were Hold bv the Treasurer of the' liorth Caro- has appointed two Bwhops I Jina Railroad ut public miction, brought 1 1 cents JTistorg of Hit '2lurdc. ill , , j BT TELKGRATII T6 Til E SKXIXEL". THE DAY 13EFCRE tllE EXECU i TION. . I jj . New York, Mareb, 20. HOW HE SPEXT TIIK DAf . Foster passed the day quiwly and re muincd during the greater part ufklie time in, his cell. - 1, 2 HEARS OF TIIE "FIJTAL EFFORT TO "SAVE HIM. He bcaid early in the day of the final effort of his counsel to prevent, na h-gal tevlmicalities, the execution to niorrpw and his hopes revived. .THE SEWS OF ITS FAILUEeI vm receiviisff in nueiKcrenco taat the for the United States! Very Rev. M. A. Corn- u dollar. On Saturday 20,000 dollars of had proved Vziui he beai.De v.try - .,.....1. A xr u r the same JJonds ca!i I A ,.A , A i,..., 1,; ... I.; . " r XT V I t f1 I juvii'o uc mm nk iiuii- uiivik'ii in i u i tn hiiu iiuiig uiii urau 1111 uw ifii-nt, i fu,iJw;.u'-ululX I 'his Ciiy and brought only five centsin the doN ad desired that i.o one would spfak to lus' I lua iinrk'l lL libA llin I - 1 1 1 1 hU.aH I.- .... k. .... ...f;.v.. . v .vs.alUiC t't lit ill excent his w lie. ' I We see it state thkt Mrs. Brown, widow of U..;credi iiai rwad muci.. , .T1.T. Ilis wife had fainted uii healing if the . ltailroad Coinuanv to issue bonds. Mav th late Swift BrOwnfwho was killed by accident The state bonds would sell for verv lit . . . r . . 4 i .i -w r- n 'i it ..r. . t i i jiih witf iiuu 14IHIC-U uii iieuiiiiir wi i ne issue coupon bonds and secure their pay, on ... i yean, ago, no Inoref and vet, llierc are gome ,e f , of , , fc Q , rec.iverv, ukani V.U mArtff.iu nt' tUa rA it I sued the romnanV for S10.000 daiua'ea. I . . . . " I . . Circumstances Ul MIC Bicau l; IUU ICClJJ putMtc pnnwn "i v n nvw iu mxiii i nized William Foster as tie person who ajar and welllertiJ &cick. (inf in cimmitted the tow. nUy attack np biiu tlFJS? J i t- i i Shoes, IlarlwaiVi Jiine and IUmns l'owder, Hie facta of the case as published at iwbs. 1VU and Dve SiiifT. Thev kern nn- Btanllr onlianJs the B4 Anchor Bjiilinz (lotlm Dm wi the tiraeJ wers as follows,: At 11 Istantlv o'clock oil Wednesday otehu Mr. Put- I and are Aircnl for the best french Rnrr miil nam, a tn -reliant doing business kt No. Nones' iney are aiso agenu ior trie d rer 68. lVa l .tn et, and nsidia- at No. u,'rc " , ' ,. " - ' . "P. and see them at the old and w known Mand, 3 CoHeire rlace, accompanied by Mme. v i f.,r,.KriirnlLn it,,. -.f.,r-.u..hin - -, -1 SalUburv N. C. 'March 2ft-3mos. '.. 1S73J - ALSO "WTiita OoodiSabrqlderlei, . S i AHMSTRONG, CATOR k CO. j Impoiters, Manufacturer! and Jobjerfl ! Csaifl. IrlaBsatat. Xtt il ftsik KlVvW, TKLVKTniDDSXSEtRTIr I Bonnet Sills, SaLm, Vdkts and Crapcit ;fU)wrK. rK4TUiXA,0KSiItciT.rK1li.ae. Miiw SssaeU aa Lsclss aak CkUirras'i IUU tcimmcd axd cxtaiXEn. I axd ix cussonio irAXimooKs! . IVaH .tn-et, and residia- at No. u,'rc,a " ,. 1- . ' . r . and Me them at the uld College rlace, accompanied by Mme. Sol i Mnn.hr'sUnuiite uuval, uioaisie oi io. uronu way, i elsewhere. and her j daughter, entered car Po. 40 of Bioadway and Seventh nvtMiue line, to ride up town. Mr. l'utnqui and th ladies took weals io the forward Dart of I The Creditor if the Estate of Robert EUi. tbe car, nhd at Sixleetb,street:Foeter, and a hervbr notified and required, to ,we th-ir j I. -r .i j it.r- . 1 debt rs. aaid rvate, by the Sih day of April. TP(, mUr , . . v " V 1S73, or they will be excluded from the Admin- plattorm. lie men siareu pjr-i3ienuy at Hmrton aa-ount lo I stated I Miss Duyal.l and us fhe paid no atti ntmn I thereof made to lo him, lib opened tbe front door and look-1 County, in April ii rK C4ors. livos. tartaiorxiw rrs, XtU, CUIart, &t, .nlrrAs, Try tTII Lacrt, Head Ads. L4 j . I Xos. 237 and ZJJ Ita!tiim,re ft, Bl Jmori. Ud.' L TbcM titod are uiauuraclurod Lr in i . bought for Cah directly fronf tbe EorpeSo and , I ... . r . . .iiulthm Aianuiaciurer. enJiuraciDf au u . . ;, lota iiuTekietf, unetjjailtjl in Tariety at.d chanrtes in any uiaiket. I V f Orders filled with care, promptness abd dey, " i - i i i. : .. BETHEL PEABODV INSTITUTE, uauwoa vair, . . MCDOWELL CO., N. C Is the cheaiot school in WVstera Korth CamJ ed directlv at ber. Mr.' Futiiam. seeini? . L T.;U. IIALUHTU.N, Seferee. - - , r O 1 W T. ITT ' Foster thus insult the youiij: lady, rose ' '- Irom bis seat and closed the door. This AIfiNFF" &IF.. A4iiial h Aaliv tan riAnr I t HV-l'O U m. "o is vs uvi a,V I . isJ s? fL D t i'. i -l j i 1 i umwni 10 iu wrnrr i 1110 x"nknini vonn .ksjiii a. Iiis'lt v l . i ins 1 i fi ff I cf sKhrrl hv I . .. .. ... "b "i " " -TV lor this District, I will sell for cash, at the (imrt Mr. .Putnam. When tbe Tear reached HoUse door in S-tlisborT. on Tumlay the 1st I w at- . ... . 1 liirilelhl street roster came UlsioV, and I Jar of Aril IS3. al eleven ocl ck ihechoseaiu reiuafkinfir that be bad naid his fare and action of Uwu JIn-s, Bankrupt. v I i I j 4 1 1 v ij iii.vrpnrAV ed to a seat, ?at down close be- ! r:'":V "vr,ii-. xvuiai ma uiv ii uv ti4 x: in m ; to l stated br me. and rci.rl "T c"I- " f?n orth ,UmJ the S,iperior Court of lwau ,,fn,.,;,r ',H w,0 WM? to fhu,rr"a kwtW? i873 wl the bullish braiH-hes Wihr, mathediafic who assert that these bonds should be paid she rati; to her hnsband, and placing her to the last farthing rathar than that tbe pol- nnu ,u u,s eat oy mm i..r nours but fpojee icy of repudiation should be adapted. The people must pay dollar fir dollar, demand- little Ment by mortgage of T the road and its ued the company fo $10,000 damages. franchises. - Ratified 3d March, 18734 The Wadesboro Atgv has suspended publi 347 An act to provide for and regulate cation. I the adoption of minor children. Persons j The Oiarlotte jDocrat of the 25th instant, desirous of adopting a minor may file a Lars: John Allen lletckev. the notorious lK,r8e j petition, stating -all the facts and their lhief; wa8ftt the lioufe of Mr. M.H. Hutchison, ; by these bonds on tbe-face, -although filla parting between Foster and hiJwife intentiona lowarus sucn minor, ana tue insar tftia cj.- on -raav niirht last. An attemDt thev are not worth more than ten cents on a It..ih w.rpd..lv ..fTt II.. ' - J j O : " I - ( : I --- ' " " " "J "w,.x. v was made to arrest llim without success. the dollar. If these bonds renresenU-d kissed her reucalelv. and she clunff t hiiu i f ' i: i ' I ' 1 The house of Mr. fSamnel Koontz, of Surry aii honest and leffal debt, or if thev had I uUli, overcome with emotion, t-ho tujuttd Jl . " . " - I i ; ' V I . J I L I l.l county, was burhed Sunday before last while hi;-, !v ,irl hnntlv i-o.-d !,.. anu w !ls curr,cu awav ,,, r oroluc THEY PAET FOK1.VER. Ibout half-past eight this evening the was entit side Miss brutish man nor, and made a noise with his lips which induced th youitir lady to change lu-r scat. Mr. Putnam then inter . i .I k.- , . j . , , et.ke pleasure inlaying lo ftur many liil.iii in n ii'it in llif. nar vnt lio w.inlil I... .' .J " . .i . . i . I 'rieiid not suner me la.ues in ins cuarge to te iiisnlttd. At rorty-sixth stteet the &ir was stopped, and Mr. Puliiain alighted, Jeavme the car by the trout plalfono. Ai he was assisting the ladies to alight Fos tr went out and ftod upon the fionl platform. lie had previously said that he would cive Mr. Putnam hell." and seizing the car-hook proceeded to execute his Uin-nr, striking Mr. Putnam on il.e head with i: and fractured, his skull ai d iiifiictingwouuds iroin the eifi-cts of which Mr. Putnam died the next day at bt. Luke's Hospital. Foster . was arrested, tried, cotivic:cd and sentenced. Subse quently ihe Couitol Apptuls atHimed the sen fence J ('ourt may grant letters of adoption, there by establishing tbe relation of parent and .child between the parties, tyuified 3d March, 1873. 'l . i , : 343 An act touching the sale of spirita fus liquors in certain localities. Act pub- lisbed in full iu the News, and other pa rjears. JJatified 3d March, 1873. 349 An act for the relief of Northamp the family were absent at church. George Franctf Train has been sent to a Lunatic AsyluujJ A little son of Mr. Wm. Maxwell, of Ashe VISITS HE REFl'SJiS TO SEE HIS Villi. i 4 1 I1RKX. count v. fell and ton county. County trausfcri'd toi 1st mgto crawl wfough tbe crack of a Barn, on a) ndiclal Uiatllct- .fiutified 3d March, tbe 20tn instant. , t w 1 IUU. J ..! - j 350 An aet to provide adequate clerical force iu tho o&ce of the Auditor.. Allows the Auditor to employ an additional Qleik At a salary of $50 per mouth, Ruttficd 3d March, 1873. - j 351 An act to prevent the sale of spiri lous liqiiors within three miles of the corporate limits of the town of Murfreies boro, in the coHtity of Hertford. Ualified j3d March, 1873. f j , V 352 'An act for amnesty and pardou. Heretofore pirbiisbed in full, llalitied 3d aicb,l 873, - - j 353-An acttOufSfovido for the prititing And distribution ofrtlie acts concerning revenue.- Secretary W State to Jia-v 4,000 of revenue act publulied and distri buted. lUtified 3rd Marcbj 1873, j 354 An act to proliibit the sale of Spi:i- tuous liquors withiu one mile of Wehfall, in Perquimans county. Ratified i 3rd :; farch,.1873.- ' : -A j j j : 355. lAii act to core defects in certain Judicial ptoceediiigs arising from mistakes id juiibilktioii aud other causes. Provides that alljercojs aud ir regular iies in rebdrds And judicial proceedings shall be cured ; and tbil orders siencd by the Judges in vacatioh .shall be valid. Hatitled 3rd KxM 873. , , r . . 5 356 An act to conttnue in force an act to charter ithe' Hickory Kut Turnpike iSjouipauy4 ranueu uy me uenerai Assem jbly ojf Koiili i Carolina the 11th January, 1841. The otigtual act coulhlued in force nud new corporators named; provfdjes a (able ot tolls. Katified 3d March, 1873. 'I 357 An act to amend an act concerning inspector m the city of Wilmington, Aorth Uarolma, ratihed 21stday oi: Ue ocmbfrp. 4870. being chapter 6, pfivati , jUa J 870-'71i No article to be inspected x-Xcept upon the request of. t,he vendor or ciiuru.ur iiir agciik vi citucr.. xvauuvu March;1873. t J It 1 353 jAu act to protect publjc highway crossing the Dismal wamp 4;anai. Canal coiLpany to constftjet suitable bridges wherever public roads ioss the. canals. Ommissioners of Camden county to ap- oint an inspector oi Druiges wno suai - report their condition, cce. j , i -1 " L - . . ' .. . .. 11 .. 35P An act to change the dividing; line between the eoUnties of Frauklirj and Oranvillc. r Purely , local, i and not to be chiinged unles a majority of the Voters iii theidistrict etpbrae d in the trrritory affect ed sanction it. Ka lifted 3d iHarcb. 1873 Judge Clark, duiing the recent term of Wayne ieoi'nty Superior Court, ordered the father to whip his son who had been convicted of forgery. Jfew. Elittrs .-This fai--fa:ned mill- The boy was 18 years of ase. loyally black, and pouJ, known ut present as McNeelv's uond. l put loriiicriv. Jiacav s doiki. iiesceiicicd irom ' the JuuVe thougU fhat if the father would ad- tfSW ,Rte A?! 1 " U'S- minuter a good, chastisement it would answer fvir. thn wnt rr!ii if?. i:J vno-pf i-a v en hoia-ivA -"VI j-..- vu. W.IVIV.OO. l& JlllV. j J. J O IV U J.'0 1 1 f ot t ae oiaen time. Doubtless it has been a It broke hia neck while attempt- argument for paying them would have .( i ' ' I b oster was also viMted during the ilay ia no reason to nope mat ine peopie win by hii bn.iher in-law and by Fathei iJu- e$Ver consent to paying them, aud it would ranqnett, Cutholic priest, but refund to be a wrong for them to do so NEW GOODS. - w s and ciiKtoiuers, that we ure receiv ing our stock of SPRINGGOODS, Consisting in ; part of a good stock of Uroceru-s, tudi as Sugar, C'tffcf, l'tpl'Cr, Suili, Bac 'ti, Isird, j tfc, dC. BOOTS AND SHOES or the SpsnUli ami Latia lsnputjrw, l ' i nwrn pre aiiue tvr aillHMJ iff ZOT fil th -. Ue named MndiesySiKttliluriUarrrurBJ.M 7 1 board .1 ftr (4) doll-rd pee.motitli, Jibu ; " f T -iiK-luded, vbile engaged a scquirbig T(mmi ?"- 1 braiM-bes. J . - "A " Ftr further tarliniUrs polr, to any bf th 1 Borjrins' BinW or Lnlr-' ua Crooked t'reVk, ' fire miles South of Old Yu ot to J. A. Cxey, - 4 Tiios. I.ytlr, M. Burjnn, Tijiteev, 1 f ' ' Pii shoot ut sitiuled snmg the mountain ' anu ns eeery auraota lir hetiJtn. J : 1 Ilislx exempt frniu tbe letnpt&lions of m - r . ; vice mw Mien turt at the present dav. WM. H. I.lTTl.fcTON, f - J , Aianli Mli, 4w : M FOR TI1E WATCMMAX. McNEELY'S POND. undergo the ordeal of parting with hi; children, whom he has not seen tinee Lis arrest. ; ) i 1 FOSTF.lt EXKCUTEI). York. Much,21. Foster was fxeeuted at seventeen Uiin- ON In thisiCountv, February l.t!i, 1S73, Mrs Aliiru C, Wife of Mr. Sannivl'M. Murtin, in tht 21st year fner age, leaving an infant, one day 1 1, alo a sorrox-Mrirkcn liu-baiul an t many friends to mourn ovrr llieir;H.id bt-reayerueitl. On the third d;iv afui it-t birth, the infant duly ilvJicattd lo iod ia tliti liul v ordiinnee of lluptisr.i, lot Mirvived I lie oi:tli of llic Mother only Yd 'l:is, wlien the rvat uitioer wf nil eviiitn KUiamoncd the infant epiiii away from enrtii Mrs. Martin wa born of? Chri-tian parer.ts, and was early tnught to knw "the holy scrij- lures, wliu u nre able to make wie nolo nalraliiu thronuli fm tli wlinli is in CliriHt Ji-siK. In 1 I tne i ie-:iytiTi:m I lm:c:i .11 Jim I rt k, mi iu exeiiiphry n:euibeishii Valuable Land .for Sale. I offer for hale th? tliLlHin local ed iix miles Siuih W-t ,,f si4nry and f.-xir m3a 1m.ii C .in Grove De;st k the X.C Kail mad. The UiuU wes frieriy the propel tjf of tho lati-Dr Satu'l. Ecir. Thuje an- tW aertts in tb tract of which ahoat one half cleared tbe tr inaiuclcr ln-iii p hi-arilr tiinjberfd wi:bA bkkt. ry tc. The sod is f. riileuuJ adapted towbrat. ih1 s, corn, ti'liaci-o, clover de. There art ax the plaeea TmkI drrl'iurju itrb"0e anfia well ol jtinJ waUr. It will JiViJrd. if bee"sary, to nit th waats of rirchar. Cob It. il. (.van of SalisHory will'uw tb inlij, and ina.e imm with parties desirous uf purpiir.r. For further inf ruialion aply to Co K. 11. ('iwnn at Salisbury N. C-. W addxciS tu at Wilmington X. C. I - -J It. K. Hf AN, Kientorof March fi tf. X. X. XIXOX. dee'd. of all kiudc, styles and prices. Diy gds, a large vatietyif Print, Muslins, l'ercals, &C. A fill line of Domestic, b;li hli ath ed and biown, which we are ofj.-iing at greatly redut cd pnci s. 'r. cti the altfutiuq ..f the publii ttais A lull ttcck of Yai.kee notions and ' a 'u.irabie iuTntin' II ia -sially rreutn fancy oh1s. I imU'lrtl t 'r".at- f-iniis, biiif imrrtii- ln :idJiiiai! o the abo-0 we have a large ' '"r pick nihoe. sHt rmiajriuj; mMd SMITIRS .iM PROVED 1'atcnt Well 1'ixtnre F--r ilaratilitr it is unurp l..i ,A tf:.,.,K l'l..it.;.... I..-. ;.!.- m urauinjj. A. jioi uiiii: lino IMIIiiril' 1 i,,.. mL I. 1.. .1 .... iro baxiti: an Ir..u citrrd Ti. th. wiu.1- r .,-,, ,). r la.-i'. riiM- mid l.urk. t af prt-et-u ln 11 T r .vv. atbcr. 1 1 1 .irrafifHd as to "?nrr aJ- H i?s in e. .b. ss yan.-ty In f ict any- N.f. fv frM1 nrcid.t. .rr3 in the h.bds llilni: vn uuhl call earlv and irt-t tiiVt ,.f 1'... - ....1 .i.i nf. iL . 'I'l It I I 1- . . I t I ... I 1 . 0 a - 1 u-iiianw ior ine iiot'iai ta-roiiage prrsou. we atk a c-n- tull century since the dam was erected. The waters ot the pond proper, when at ordinary height, cover about three hundred acres. Beside thia, there are some three or four trib utary or- collateral streams running into it. These several side streams make their way into the! pondthrousrh widely extended lov- lauds which are usually submerged by back-1 water from the pond ; so that, including all, ' there is; at least five hundred acres iniiiiLi- ted by this sheet of water. To the pleasu re loving community, this oond has. from mv earliest recollection, beeri Hie rendezvous of Sing .sing. KAATli. J New Voi:k, March 21. OX TIIE EVE OF EXECUTION Foster awoke ut 7 o'clock and partook of a cup ofcoQ'.e, bulate uoihiug. lie was very pale, and his strength sem- d t ast tailliiig. as well as a two year's termlm that inst itutioii. We agree with ihe Judge, but think that the Sheriff should have been the party to apply the punishment. They have a jase of small pox in Wilraing' ton. ' - 8 ' Itia8aidthatjth(!Kuage, on the N. C. Rail- road between Charlotte arfd Greensboro, is to be ehangetl soon J " i Nearly all the Pf-eachers in Gotham last Sun-f .t. . t .1 . . . ... 1.4 earliest recollection, beert rti rendPTrnio. V tJtns M'nff. lie encased iu devotional --rLr i I those who are fond of niscatarv flmiKomonfa exeiu ses un to 9 o'clock ftntinn I'ocn ,.f V.,,!., llI 1 .. ' ., r ' I . r " - ... . ijI....v.o v. ..i..,-, ag weu 3 lUe more earuegt uibciples of Isaac dum seem to cloat over the crimes and tragedies I Wa'toni The nnnd w-oll dr.v..A -wi. iv i. .... I. . . ; I . : . t - " ...... i A.I. or their favored but sin-cursed section. The ot various kinds, and of the finest quality. ii iniuuies past v o clock j lie was Sew York yeroW closes an article, headed the Hnce tbihing in its waters has not onlv been ,ed 0,,c supported by Sheriff Bteuuan and I M ' I riAK.AA a. 1 . - I .1 pnl pit on Fosten ELIGH'US SERVICES- He and Rev Mr HE 'EXGAGED IN 1 PAYER, was attended by Ilev. Dr. Tyng Schooniiiaker, chaplain of HE IS LED TO THE SCAFEOKD. Kialistic: clown and ajwistei age, and that the days of old foiv- b"ouK,,t T,,d to nV" "!e eje of mercy iallyHiintediniiia ism are passing away. Perhaps I was wrong, untrt lu1s ,n erv,," the scene was hush led relic of barbar- an1 doubtlea prejudiced in favor of the old ed J"1 impressive in the extreme. !il,ii,.nli. 48utci of pleasure, but also, a source of tho under sheriff. w.-. n.nfif Tf .;ii . .;4. 4-....K x- . "Our readers wit bereeive that the chief speak- T," ; T. '"r?"1 A V at luE Last RE. . i , r - ; pvi iu nicuouiuiunuy win see tins ,, i ,. , , . ers in our coIlecti(n or sermons to-day devoted old familiar place of public resort oblitera- ."UT.walked nufaltei ingly tc- the scaf aportion of their ierv ices to a reference to fart ted. But puldic sentiment is inexorable. The fold. His face had a hectic flush.! Arrived week's tragedy, and ony one to the'tragedy on writer is souiewhat of an old fogv, and beneath the scaffold, Rev. Dr. Fyng, as Calvary eighteen centuries ago." The majority Meof those who has Udieved that sisted by Rev. Mr. Schoonmaker, read of the these modeln saints took the ground that fw fSfnuT f V 1 th.,u8ht lle 5 1st Psalm. As the solemn words Capital punlshWi nt is a relic of jbaroaHsnt. hff read, in which th Rev. Dr. Tyng Henry W ard Beeeher, the socialistic; clow ritualistic humbue, was especiall v-toi!nted denunciations 6f thia ao-called relic nf K im. Such views! and such Dicarlim m th F?ua remaining tor the sake of old associa- DOW FOSTER BORE THEM i ' r i r,. f f 4?i.: e t i r I main cause of t alarming prevalence of crime QZt ifond. Be this' as it T Dn""K U,e A "S f lLe 'crvcv' Vn' in these times. TJiere UUhin-so well adapt- fic sentiment is against me. Leaded men stood beneath th scatTdd. his head ed to the presertion of law and order, to the and physicians concur in saying that the bowe" down and iis left hand shading ufevention of crime, and to the christi.mi ration pond is detrimental to the 'health nf thn his eve.. of the whole people, as 'the Gospel of tlie world's cmmanity It is represented bv some be a Rev. 'Dr. Schorrnmaker shook bands Savior; if it wjerl only presented by those who Vf 1 l?L f Pittsm,V iuing forth its pestif- with Forter and said, -God bb ss tliee, my i . e - - . i i t'trfiiiH ciiiiivia ra ncinrr w n i a a me to teach: and lead as ministers, in that cLis. fr ."T plain, piticalminner and devoted spirit which or disprove these allegations ; and yet al- it inspires, uncoggedJ" Trew theories, .fcn- niost everybody believes they are true. And man logic, prejudice, and passion. Itlabtliev- thus, from Dan to Bersheba, Doctors, Law- ed that if there as'more seal, more real chris- Scjentis, and oTd women, young women, ut ITih year plie inrclc h oublic onfi-.-ion of u r Cliri-l,i:in I'uiih, by coiiin-ctiu;; licr-elf wish llic l le-iiiyliTiaii v iinsc i .it jm k i rt-K, which shej cotiiiiii'tcd iu t-xciiipl iry i i I io (lie D'.ip ot iter iIcjiIIi, J.v her uia-suii- eonsi-tcut re.in'oiis deportment, s'i- plcx-iu evidence of exiHriuient:d of h. i ;r. p:ircdns fur her exit from hcn toroie xteoded to us. liiiiiai.ee of ih same Mj NKKLY & WALTON." M ireh 13 1 sno. :-lf. MI'UOXEV Jc II liO. i njr aii.i iietv, an tlii- wurlit the dead which die in the Lord." oi i .i i 1 1 an.l wrrow. "Ulcssd are tit N fclSv AD V J : III' IbEM K N vs. ki2 STOCK. m-iA. 1TERPRISE SOCS &1 BROWK, a -e now receiv- Tne Bcliable (i:ft Distribution in lh in their usual larre stock of Snrii:s Gools, ConKisiin of all ciasi-e of goods adapted to thin sect ion of Country. Theif s(ck is full nnd coiuplete in ail descrip tions of 1 Linen mill Drills, Dress frotuls in the nt wet styles, Lru setcctiun lints, Black and Brown Domestics, ics' ready made suits, a most beaiiliiul f fas.- liners and Coaling, l'ant Jean-' of nil kinds. Tlicir stotk of C!olhinj..liirts and furnishing gools is il.e larlost and most desira ble to be found in this market. A full aud com plete stoik of Shoes, Hats' llosey kIoycs, Kib- bons&c. iagar, Cofl'ee, Molasssis, and all kiudsof Countrv 1 860,000 00 110" V ALU azrTs ! TO lit DISTUlEl'TED IX L. D. SIDE'S 100th IIIJOULAU MONTHLY GOME TO THE BOOKSTORE j BOOY. - i - i Iljiao Gr G-IFT E ROCERIES. Their terms are strictly cash and barter with a few exceptions. Those Who are reliable and prompt in paving their accounts it alTords them pleasure o accommodate. To enable them to sell Kds at dase prices, which they are tleter mined to do, thistmliev hmt been adapted, when roods are sold on time lo indiricr!iii!ii9i nnrlln ... . . i i i - . ... .... . heavy losses will occur Irctu the Bankrupt and j ,JU5 r lue-fuieuuosewiM-Kj 1'ianos worth .sX! rovisionsofihe saw, and when loKses 1 en raiuily bewiui IFT ENTERPRISE. To be drutcn Jlondaf, April 2SA, 1873 TWO GICAM) CAPITALS OF $5,000 eacli in Greenbacks ! Two i.rijfes S1.XK)1 Five prize S-00 Each in GUEEXRAriTK Ten prizes $hJ0j 1 Ilorte & Bwj'jy, Kith Snrrr-Xouhtcd llarne. W IH li OVA. And grt Bible. Prater Booki ItiMtks of uv kind fiu want: ltiL..riM. BiurMihis. Munic B-ik. Music X or els of the best Htitbwin; BUtik B Miks. Albuilil vf th n.st stvlish kind; St-rrCirirs and i ... ... .t ...... iewr; Ii.n.1 lok. all kiud-ut ;rDrral ue. UteK. Inks. Witfh. l'iiM-r f t he Ut quality : VI' I,Jtp.-r j.ud Window Sh4rs in erejti varie'j. .Mus.e I etchers f ir vmcsI, I MU..S. B.1I jo, VpillliS iic. a 5 a wosj) to rAnraflius. - . " ' . ! j . , , i . , ""ei'J "iown Willi wnn upline mieinoniui inn mwiwi idpk vnni.i . ; . .1 . 1 ... e- . . - 1 w muis ui nuiiu. m. uunti prcttcncni I in" countrv, ana piaymi; truasli with oali - I ,-i i Blind Soldi ek Wife. A Wash. 1 (ngton t correspondent of the Louisville Uourict ; wiitea - as foljows ; "I Ji4te re Vitly met a lovely, Kentucky lady jMra. (lencral Paul. She ia from Krwporl 4jenfral Panl bad both bis eyes atiot out in battle, "lie bears bis aflliction wth tbe r' stguatioii vi a Christian martyr, t the ( 'ooke ball the Geneial was in full uniform sud, would playfully repeat the eiflama tioiis lie lieard about thn lieaiitiful flowers, Ills beaiuiful wife is the staff uponfwhom ')ih leans, and -"be eo tenderly waiches and guiden : bifl steps, that she jia, eyes and ev'ervlhinc to him. I In the carriage be litad fjmp gall int speech to her, and tlie i;ud. Vth, husbnud! I hate charied so tbat I don't, believe you would know me if you SMW.'iue. it is so long 8,iiee;yia,have Been mc" . Such rare devotion as iheira gives eyes to the soul, and I he los bf the .outward puts is not tecoguijjeu. dear friend. " Foster's sdBL takes fight! A' if cv'euiceii ijiUiiiii s -us; niue o'clock the Viol: was dra wnt'iinl trie body rose in to the air. T V" THE DKtH STKtT.fi LP. The cond' umwlj in n eave one slight snsjliht s t b almost -. . 1 . . - -. r and religious clowns, such as Beecher, are biiW- bury, in particular." I am not personally , 1 ' 1 " V t , VVe" ing religion intotontempt. u t, nor pecuniarily concerned in the fate of Salii lfWHl ,Uf!.v,l,nr,,t ' "f V . - ..4l. . . I; f bury: but I've "been abott" inst Pnniirrl, I here was a snjrty rou:rartinn d i hr lower lhel residentj has again given out that he jjoow there are people aplenty who make VwX 1i "rely perceptible mUtion of Mill .ln 1 m .lJib U 1. . t S - X . . . " - 1 1 1'' t i .wmiiuui; u?iiuicouiu,hu mo luen worniu- u incur ouisiness to aecry the place out of ' hanris. . . j persand dirteatcrs are making ready - to Jfall reason ; and almosLevery aspersion, sooner THE EXAMIXation of THE BODY i I .... . I rt. I.n. .. If .X- 11 3 ..I . ' 1 ' upon tneir marrew uones to noot-ueK, and fawn uiuou jieeeiy a pona, as tne After hm.Mnc fivo tidnntr. d. k ,'h ..ux. i.Li utZlir-L.A ereat brewer of noisonoua ka. Tl, AHer; liaiifrmp ho n notes, tie body uuuu iiuu. jiwu uiaui aiiunp iiuincil IHS I ' . v. , k . , . - worthy people tion tution and the genius of onr government! we o use to tuallenge neUborins towns to a be druwrt. the nuhic ceased to Lent. Via -I..II f..l Hl.UiJ I t t." i 3 I Com n.l 11 son nf hlllanf nmrtn itv fn.lK.-.illl... 1. J )M 1 1 . uuuu icn ie p cicuiuuig niui muoog un tna i - ... , MtCj niuiit-f uaa oieu almost w u until a SI ponferring npon hin, such honors as he would 1' Uan ixc.DEKTS. . t ' -. ... i t uuo, iuc ucupie ui oausnurv. i vutu w qinuwj um we can noijoia in f im kre M PfWtrt4lW flm . if tl.n It wnn Pid... d..Vir tl. n.-.d;.. LL.fi j 1 . ii rr:-.T jl '" - . no-e. yjw wpuiu uo nun greii nonpr merely proceeded from Orcus. They are shut up the service thai Foster whs rapidly sink irv-BiiBo e ftjfymtm io -jv r rctuociiu vTt iOQ re-1 1" mc lass, ui uumg n ueai oi aitcmnff, ana I In" and 1 was se-irn I v ti t ! 1B t 1 ' kll-fiinn tl. Ih. .In). I. - 1 I . !. . '. . . ,pL'v JOB Ulgll ill represn aUveof a free and independent Kft.J miauies thereafter abont a foot fir her! I I ' ! ii .. l . ' I ... .v umci -vu. UIUIIT BCl lieu I '" t , and apfdies himself to the administra- as the base of the Black Mountain, and it i IT IS PkoxorxCED dead. of the laws in strjet sccord with the consti- of no use at all to talk against it. It is of At twelve mi-mtes after the bolt bad irnirzie le to stand The fffice which he fills, but we can plcaning, tobreak the stk in trade of her physicians notietd this, and U-v. Mr not allow thbfait to Influence onr action toward f"!16!-.. l1.1". llt " take Schoonmaker l..d ;-t .l..M.k l.-..d wi.l .i t 1 rill T thia 1 . n -W MLf A -rv-k am - . A. r J L - - '-- - --. ...... - him who is using tliat fBce to crush nut the Z V i3 L hluZ i . i-u , A J . i . . , $uccecd, and lend a helping hand to abate libertuss of the people ,of whole jUtesinniur khe evil, whether real ..rf.n,u otitic loved SouthJ; ook at Louisiana. If Urant same, f- I ' ' come let our pepple show him hat cowtesy and The McNeeiy mill has been a public con consideration ;fr which they as southerners are Venience, wbUat at the same time, as is well noted, and whjic3i they do notdeny ev: n to their 3jnown h source of income to its A fire at Waco, Texas, destjwypd SqOjOOO labor and money, which may require time worth of nrottertv. .a- t for reimbursement. Now you who believe A fire in ettevillee. . G. ates, oi) Uillsborostreetj and twostables, tr be drained. How much are you dad 't loqsc, IUv. J. A,yater furni-llt is a practical question and demands a anrl (fwpllirif foster and said. "G-od bye, (lod bless ynnmy fiiend," when the fatal bolt was draw i. 'After being allowed t bang a lit tie over twenty'minittes. the body was lowed into the Coffin and conveyed in the deadhouse of tbe nJ'omh, whence if will be taken to-day to the residence of Foster's widow , The ii'tcrinent will probably take place on Monday next. At twenty minutes before ten tbe crowd of deputy marshals and others of the one huudred auu fifty persous wbo bad gaine ig Machines. Worth $100 llomestcakl i are susjaihed by mcrchnnts, ii is n well stated I each ! tact that sucli losses are met and it is reasons- nLl irvi,- A- ,1 aa , ' wn7 hie to su,J pose that the lo.s to be made uu as f " VS'i "'l? f?"' k cheerful. Try it t I".:. ..1.1- r..n., .... 1 . I " ' .....en jiumini: alcnos. worth ur I'rnrm "ir, miikuii uic iKHirrt paving CUS- I each lonjers.. 1 ney nave aeierraineU to ,top this way Ten Ladic' CJold Hunting Watches, wortl, $7o of doing business, by selling at the lowest cash each! "", urui unworthy of it. w ... owrr wwr iiurn; 11 (u Thev are thankful to their dailv friend an.l 5asj encA. customers for iheir very liberal custom and con fidence, and hoiio bv selliOl! G(mm t'oods at low .1? .1 j prices 10 secure ineir coniinuea lavors. MtKK & BROWN.. March !27 tf. i r uy a few dinars i worth ! lsiki every year for your sons and handsauJ tav a g"d uewsoaper. they u ill vcork better aud bo uor .1 Gold Chains, Silver w re, Jewelry ,&e., Ac. Whole Xwumbcr Qifts, 0,500. U'iikets Limited lo 00,000. A GEXTS WANTED to Sell Tickets. A WORD TO rlKTYlUng S0Z73. ImmisI in.lu.-!rial You hare StimHhing to b propj and to ast i.f. The farm is tb keytont tu errry pursuit. 1 hen it sueeevda all pr..spr; when it fails all fbtg, Llnu't think you cau't be a jjreat uian becauss y.a ars v.. . l " " tn 1. him 1 !.., . 1. j 1 .1. . r r . . - WW WW ITT1M fTlVf VTAf'L' API ii 1 n-uiiuiui wm uc pna. mf miu 111 a unnrr. asningf m, WetM" L WW .lIliilulllL MUIK (Jl1 Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets Twelve t,d C,J fruierT .u, bulwhiUthey .nr.i.in fickels 510; Tweniy-fite Ticket $20. t.ule.1 they sfndit. J.i je. Ikra w a iii rvs w. r sb awja w n 1 - 1 orninu anu uiuiucn GOODS. ;els 510; Tweniy-fite TickeU$20. t.ule.1 they sfndif. do ye. Buy a g-l t-ontaining a full list nf prises, a de- on- at a tim' aud digest it. a4 of theiunnner of drawing, snd'other then au-.ther. j j ion in reference to the Distribution. uJ m and look over looks. r. I I Circulars I script ion informali will be sent to any one ordering them. All let lers must ie auiSressvu lo MalX OFFfCC, L. D. SINK, liox 8G. 1U1 filth ClVCIXXATl.O. LEaNEAnpT eons are now receiving at their Store, their large and well selected stock of Sprinsr and Summer Goods. Con:s:ing nf Dry (loodsN aions, Ready-made Clothin;jof the very latest St v le. Hardware, ijrocenes isoou aud blioes HaU Lsidies and Gent, inifact all goo Is which are uauallr keui in a tirsi class General ShKk which thev are selling low for Cash buyers. All we ask is for you to call and examine our stock before pur. chasing elsewhere. I We return our sincere thanks for past favors and hope, by fair dealing and lricl attention to business to merit an increase. - All kihids of produce taken at the Inchest 1. . . : 1 . e 1 V uiaiKek prices iu exen-msre ior gOCKld I BERNIIAIiDT & SONS. JMarch ZO-Smco. ' SHOT curi CfrBfaiLW THE WOHUngT ASew York Office 27 BEEXHAff BZ April 20, 1872 32:1y COME TO TUE Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and various other blanks for t-aie here, ALL KINDS of COURT AX DM A GISTIIATES' BLANKS at this office PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, I i And Get a Good Picture. r l- -' W e will give you a good picture r t let yoo take it away ; fr we danH iinteid that auy bad work shall g-i from tbisfuCtu in jure us aud the busiuMS. Call and try. ' . Lp Stairs bettcetn 2'arters ami Miss 21c Hurray's. j j. Call and etatuin ny stock of Wall Paper Wiudow Shades. Wilting )mprrjlaks Ao. siiua 1 uou t luteutt tu vv uuder srfa. 1 t r it xVb. 27. it I 4 1

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