J JL x - -TZaiKMfr'itii VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. CU APRIL 17, 1873. t J - i NO. 31.YVUOLE SO. 871 1 ' -f ' ' f " ! I ! ' ' '! " '!)'.' I . i- , J ' I 4arunW t Miff - ,! ' m l ' - 1 T . r - " - - -.. - L r iti.i sii Ki WKEKI.Y ; J. J. BRUNEll, Pr oprietor auii Editor. JnSIEWA.BT, V. XWlate Editor. ' OF RCBCBIFTION Ox k bau, payable in advance. .'..'.$2.00 tx MqjCTHS, " l.C0 ft CopiSfti bhn address, .. ....10.00 tT2 Kffor.TVOfiTT TEARS tins fVRSLY VEGSSAELE lilTKR atKOKi N E has proved to be the '6 Ilk AT LNFA1L1NG SPECIFIC for Li tm Comi'LAikt and its painful ofl'sprjnp, llrsPAPwA, UOXOTIfAWOX, Jaundice. j)cprh.rSIirits,S()rRSTUllACK,H4ar bum, CHILI'S AND KKVEK, if., Ac. j After vaarsot' careful cxpcmnmits, to nioct great atiu urgent demand, we how producefrom our original Ccnuinc Powders TBB 3PB.ErA3.ED, ii Liquid fon of SIMMON'S LIVER REGIT L AT J It, containing all iu Wuttderful and -valr liable properties, and offer it in 5 OWE DOLLAR BOTTLES. he Powder.-, (price a before,) 1 .00 pr. packngij. eut by mail i P hH caution . -m Hny no Vo der- or 11? E P A RED SIMMON S' LIVER KIT. A TO It unk4 in our engraved wrapper, with Trade mark. Stamp and bigna tare unbroken. None other is jrcnuine. ,). II. gEliifK.fcCfl, Macon, 0a. and Philadelphia. FOR SALL BY THE0. I KLUTTJ3. j I pcl,. ifo tt. Salisbury ft.U. SPIRIT OF TIIE .IGE raftr Rmbit ok the A;k will present a pair 1 of tine luetic worth S'.l 00 to every pub- :. r,. lK?:t wl,, itavx S250 irt advance fiw - -ir- iiiHrrimion. The inclures entitled mpmei m.nniiu--r ... . : - r i ' i it r i L. w ..M'titftl oi the finest nt Vie i of Lithographic printing; the pnmeu M nw j each is 22x28 tocl, and the pictures sell lit lit stores for "0 per pair lU-v.T. U. Pimti HAii, 1. IX, ContriWting j Rev. 11. T. Hf aiHOX, J xwiro. 'J'Ue Ad is a weekly Family Paper, adapted t4be Home Clrele, tbc Furno r, the Meciimic, the Tradesman, alike in every section of the NiiUo- it is not sectional in it character, nor partir.rm or secfiirian. the day, coll ited with i mmm .ilf ltd Cnllllim Besides nil tlie news of i view to correct m4 and will be tilled with the --- inniir nunrooriatc fo the differem de iiartments Stories, Historical and Ilmgrapgieil Stftclies, Travel and Adventure, S:LLrtli Kjead iofc Wit and Humor, Agricultural, t orrcf poii deiicc, an Epitotiie of the News of the Day, &c. OUZOZNAZi STOF-IBS. f he publication of Original Stories is a special feature of the B, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of popular and iDterewintr writers. In this Department ailoue We can promise our readers entertainment equal in charade- to that of any of the popular story papers. TERMS IX ADVANCE: a ki coot- one vear. (with 2 pictures,) $2 50 ii without pictures, "six months do Everv reader of the Sri kit of the Agk s IMihlisbvd lcfore the war, is earnestly reqitestetl 4o renew their patronape; send for specimen A EDWARDS & BROU.GHT0M.. 3. tf itaieiyn. rt. . NTERPR1SE lieliahlt Gift Distribution in the 4 '.Mint ru H ,$00,000 00 TO 15E DISTItinUTED IS D. SINE'S Oil; KHOCt-AR MOSTULT TP I FT XiNTERPRISE. Tobedraurn Monday, April 28th, IS73. TWO-GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each iu Grenbajcks! Two pruc 1,000) Five prize $00 luich in GR EEK HA IKS. Ten prise $100 ) 1 Jorse Bugyy, rith S'ilw-Movnteil Hnrnem, vorth $tW)0. iL3Jti2sUy Feb. Gift t The only TV 13T One Pi ne-toned Rose wood Hanoi worth $500! Ten Family Sewjiig Machines, worth $100 acb ! Firt GJd Walche A Ckiiin, worth ..'UKakA Ktv Gold American Hunting Vatclii, worth $12o each. Ten E:di e' Ubld Hunting i'..:t-bes, worth $7o eachl $00 Gold and Surer- lmr lluatiaj Wuteef, (in Mil,) worth from $10 tu .W0 wA. ' Gold t'hains, Silver ware, Jewelry &c. Whole Wumber fiifts, 6,500. Thkets Limited to 60,000. AGENTS WANTED to Sell Ticket!, lo whom Liberal lVemiuina will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tkket $o ; Twelve Tickets "10; Twenty-fire Ticket8$2Q. 'irewl.irn containing a full li4 ol prizen, a de eriptUu of ibv manner of drawling, ami other Inftrmnti.ni in reference to the Distribution, wfll L m-nt to any que ordering them. All let ffh 1&UPl Ijc addicsced to MAIN okkit k, L T. RINK, Box SG. 101 W. Fifth St. os&ttUTi, O. IVUI'Dt? ( nvr a Home Insurance Co, Of OOIUMB0S, Ga. Ihcorporated, 1850. Capital. $350, 000 J. RHODES ! BROWNE, President, D. F. WILLjX)X, Serdarj. All Losses Euitalily Adjusted And Promptly Paid in Full! Property owners deirin to obtain reliable In surance will do well lo protect themselves by securing a Policy in f Georgia Home Insurance Cq" Agencies at prominent points in all the Southern States. j J. ALLENi BROWN, Agent, Office No. 2, Granite Row, April 25, '72. 1 Salisbury, N. C. ROWAHjlLLS ! 'JlIE proprietors of these justly celebrated I Milh are in the market! for WHEAT, and solicit calls from all who have it to PelL They jKty the highest market eashkriee$. Flour! Flour!! -They also solicit order for Flour They manufacture four different , grades of Plonr, ranging Best lamUy, Family, Ex tra, ami Super. 1 They also solicit orders for Bran. They exchange, or grind for toll, as may be desired. EMMERT, BROS CO. 39:fimp'd ' THE BROWN COTTOK GIN PLANTERS should; examine the above-named old ami reliable Gin before buying any other. It comhins the reanired aimlitiesoi Simnlicitv. mases excellent nut (otten unueinz J-4c. to . . ,. I ? 1 . . . . . ' U2c per lb: above miirkefU and is nn.vers.dlr admitted to be the llghtesj rnnnirg gin made. e have had thirtyi year experience in ihe business, and warrant every gin penect. titn constantlv in ti e hands oflouraireiiis, to which we invite iusiKctiori. (Jircnlars, with teittimorauis mid f;dl particu lars, may be bad bv ncidrcsirtr. I S 11 A K f i F. BtOWX, President, Brown Cotton G3n Co New London, Conn. CRAWFORD & IIEILIp, Agents Salisbury N. C. j March fi 4mos. 2nd ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION 75,730 Premiums. BANGING- IN VALUE F ROM $10 to $S,000 TO THE SUHSpUIBES OF OU& FIRESIDE rRXEND Every Subscriber is skire of one premium 2 00 ' any way. aud also has an equal ch mce of r 1 25 ; chiving a CASH Pi-eiu'iuln, OR A PIANO, ORGAN watch; SOWING MACHINE etc.. etc. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM $5,000 OUR FIRESIDE i FUlfiND E'xjht Page, Lntge Size, Illustrated the Family Weekly, is in ifs THIRD VOUXM And. ha attair.d the Largest CI KCCLAflON of any paper jublisl -id in the Wet. REST, SlOST DESIKARLE AKD MOST USEFUEORpGlNAjj KEAlHNt) MATTER INOKKAT VA!HIETY,that umner can buy and tomakcjitaHoME WEEKLY suit ed to ttie wants ot ever'' lainiiy, Subscription price $3. pei year f TvZ nujnber. She Elegant Chromo 'CU'DB," Size 1G x20 inches, 10 colors. Aeknowlodged by all to be the HANDSOMEST and MOST VALUABLE premium hicture in America. EVERY SUU-CRIBER S presented with this Chioiuo afc- the timenf siibhcribieg (ho iraiting) and aho receiver a NUMBER ED CERTIFI CATE EINTlTLrStf HIE IIULDE-R TO A SHARK iu the dtsWbuUju of a.lCU in cash and other premiums.. j ,. THE DIS'i'RlDUTiONi TAKES PLACE on the second Tuesday in Jnfte next The Chromo and Certificate sent on reeopt of rice. SI'E C I VI EN V.l)lyl ES. PRHMIUM LIST, Etc C.I V1NTG FULL PARTTCULARS pent free to anv address. A ? MT t Either local or can MljILll 1 O jaseing in every hl A N TIT Hi lowu" ,,r6e cah W M.11 1 Ed U Iy a'd best out' fit. Send at oneff lor (ei m. Addreg. Ol'R FUIESIDE FUIEbl), Chicago. JU. Feb. 27-tf. And Baltimore, Md, LUMBUE OP Alii, KINDS Km oisWd to order, at Short Notice, at team Saw Mill on Western , !. R. U.. tarenty mi lea from Salisbury. Price at mill Si. At Salishuty i,20. Kiln Dried at Salisbury, $ 1 ,50. 47 : f t ft. IT. COWAN. turn aw r qi(BESr iN THE WORL. Vtm TorOfl 27 BEEKMAN BZ April 26, 1 872.-32:1 j Cheap Chaltel Mortgages, aad various other blanks for sale here. THE WRECK. Down . down, into the deep ! Into the ocean's iw. Hitting, with foamy lip. The swallow the freighted fhip Like a lamb in eagle's claw. Borne off with oue fell swep ! Don, down, into the deep ! Tf ' ! ' - - 'Sniji ac the lightning glare. , it In the black midnight air. Came tn great, throe? of pain. Torp. witlt the cruel rock ; , R' niiwiih the fearful shock ; Cretikjing in every chain ; Cordage rope snapped in twain : Down, with agonized leap ! Down the nnfathomad deep ! v Wbtjre are tbe loved we knew ? The gentle, the brave", the true ? Lips we we iv wont to kiss ? 'Tomtits we s'.alhever miss? I ! earts that were yesterday ours t Dead like tbe frosted flowers. 'Neath the remorseless ware. Swiftly is cleft tbeir grave. At in dnight was heard a cry i "Th bridegriMim draweth nigh ! Go yjj;, your king t meet ; Forth;, iu the nixht and sleet ; Forti . wibout piayer stay ! Past s the time to pray." On, let sweet merey draw The Veil in trembling awe ; Give throbbing spirits rest." And k-hisper. "They are blest-' Else-would our sorrowing fears Melt all life iu tears. Sprinpjield Republican. From the New York World. NEW YORK 01TY IN DARKNESS. Gas Men on a Strike. Notwithstanding the announcement yes terday (Sjunday) moruing that a "strike" had occurred in the works of the New York Gas light Company, many persons were surprised last evening by the sudden darkness which settled down noon that portion of the city lying below Grand atreet. For the past forty-six years this city lias been abundantly supplied with light by Its various gas companies, and lo he thus and de uly drifted hack to a period only to be remembered by those who have passed the meridian of life, was not a lit tle startling. People looked wondeiingly at each other, aud in a helpless way ejacu lated : ''Why, the cas is going out." It ! wa? oiilviwlien the darkness incrensr-d to w I such a tiegree as to render the pursuit of any occupation impossible, that thry be gan to fefl tbe necessity ol procuring some subsntultrfor that upon come to (Ci)n?ider as light as the sun ifse dated as any which Aladin when, searching for bis losWch.irm, tic onerea "new lamps tor old, were drag ged from their dusty depositories and r i a , ii, Ft made to jdo service 6;;ce again. Candles of Adamantine wax, or sperm, and indeed even mul'Mdefpised udipa" weren.vious ly songlit for in out-of-the-way cupboards amid fojrgotten debris. Bottles, boxes, potatoepf tin plates, and even shells of the succulent oyster were eageily seif nl upou and converted into impromptu candle sticks tq assist iu warding off what threat ened soon to become little less than Egyp tian darkness. In ihe streets the scene was djmal in the extreme. The street lamps, where they still burned at all, shed only so much light a served to make the darkness visi ble, and! to make matters worse a dense fog, accompanied hy penetrating drizzle, had settled down upon the city and was drifting! through the nlmoct deserted thoroughfares. Standing in Chatham Square. for instance, where the energetic i lV.tr: s of godless shop-keeper still kept up some how of brightness, and gazing down tlje streets which radiate from that point, tljie scene presented w;ie one of des olation, f The d irk outlines ol buildings on titliejr side s'retching away into the eoml rt? tui.-ts aud fading ii. to the dim em bhtnee of phiiuton forms s.-rved to impress one w ill) the vnj.1 e eease of d'-cad. Solemn policemen pact d op ai d down through the gloom, And the lew p-d 'Straus w ho had ventured out made ludicii-n efforts to steer clear of one another, which idtcu ended only in ignominious fa lure and cllisionj. Passing by the City Hall through the square an instinet of self preservation suggested solicitude for one's pocket-hook, while fancy saw a possible robber behind each harmless cvergecn. Nassau street, dismal enough at the best, last night presented the appearance of a cul ilc sue, and Broadway even hardly seemed an inviting promenade, lighted as ir wa by lamps which scarcely rivaled the glow-worm iu briliancy. Since Dc ceiuberllSjl, no accident has deprived New Yuk of ita accustomed supply of gas, and on thai, occasion the darknens was Confined to that portion of '.he city above Thirty fourth street. -IJad the men employed in the other gas manufac tories ctjnsenled to join the strike" ves terday it U impossible to estimate the an uoyaucej which would have been occasion ed. FoJrtunaudy, however, these men refused to do so, and even the strikers appear to have selected a timewhen their action would be least productive of incon venience to the public. A CuF.ERFCLpROSrCT. A praacher who holds forth in private circles only give it as his opinion the other evening that, from the pre nit disrupted. state of fiiiigiuiij it seems as if we were leaping back to; heathenism and its riles. He drew -a ltve!y picture ofouralf.us aR they are to be. of the sacrificial ceremenies to be cerfered upon them, and of the various fetishes (which, he predict, will ere long employ (the invention' and ingenuity ot fair head and hand. He doe not think that old custom of burning widow at their husband's grave will be revived, unless it may in the ease of mothers-in-law. N, Y. Worti. unfailing a sonrce of , , , S. . , , ., nn f. Lt.nj.s, as dilapi- . i,r...llir tA,(, :,.,.u vnn .;ii fillfl' linf r i' 1 l. c j"" " ii uno me nn ot From Lippineott's Magazine. PEN PICTURES. ... COUNTBY LIFE AMONG THE ENGLISH QEKTttY. , r: How Victors ere Entertained Tlie Sports and Pastimes Dinner the Great Meal The Pomp and Ccietnpny qf the Occa sion. Let us pass to the daily routine of an affluent home. The breakfast hour is fiona nine to eleven, except where hunt ing or cnthusisasts iu shooting are eon cemed. The former are often in the sad dle In fore six, and jotv g partridge-slayers may, during the first fortnight of Sep tember - after that thefr ardor abate a hit be found in the struggles at an hour after sunrie. A country boase brrjkfnst in the house of a gentleman with frofn three thousand a year upward, when several gnesi are in the house, is a very attractive meal. Of course its d gree of excellence varies, but we will take an average case in the house of a Squire living on his patera! acres wi h five ih it-saud pounds a year aud knowing how to live. Jl is 10 a.m. in October; family prayes usual iu mine countiy. house or not as her pleases, are over. The company is grad ually gathering in the break fas trooni. It is nn ample a part met t, paneled with oak and linng with any appreciation iTor fine plate and yon are to be pitted if y u have not yon will mark the charming shape aud exquiste chasing of the antique urn and other silver vessels, which shine so brilliantly as on the day they left the silversmith to Her Majesty, Queen Anne. No "Hrummagem" patterns w ill you find here. On the tables at equidistant points s'and two tiny tables of dumb waiter, which are made to revolve. On these are placed sugar, cream, butter, preserve, salt, pepper, mustard, etc., o that every one cm be'p himself without troubling others a great desideratum, for many people are of the same mind on this point as a well known English family, of whom it was once observed that they were very nice people, hut did'ut like being bored to pass the mustard. On the sideboard are three beanliful silver dishes wiMi spirits lumps beneath .1 T . I I . i . tnm. Jwft n? iook under tlieir covers, liroiled chicken, fresh mnsk-rnoraa on toast, and Hewed kindney. On a large dish is a fish, and ranged behind these hid viands are cold ham, ton cue. nleasant - rolls, toast of which two or three fresh relay are brought in during the breakfast buttered toast, muffins and the freshest of egg3. Tliu h H dirhes at breakfast are varied almost je very morning, and where there is a good cook a variety of some twenty di.-hes is made. Maim ilade (Ma: i . Malde) ot Oranges said to have been originally prepared by .Mary ( icon of Scott, when ill, and introduced by her into Scotland - and "Jams" of apri joi and other fruits, always form a part fit an English or Scotch break- fa-t. TLc living is jast as good-often better iimong the thousand pounds a year gentry as among t'le very wealthy, the only t-'iderence lies iu the number of servants and guests. The luncheon hour ijs from one to two leg of mutton or some such pience de re sistance, and a made, dish, such as minced veal a dish, by the way, not the least understood in tbis country, where it is horribly mangled two hot dishes of meat uud several cold, and various sorts of pastry. . 'I hese, w ith bread, butter, fruit, cheese, sherry, port, claret and beer, com plete the meal. Few of the men ol the party are present at this meal, and those who are eat but little, reserving their forces until dinner. AH is placed on the courses. The ser vants h-ave the room w hen they have p c d everything on the table, and peo ple wait fin themselves. Limb-w alters, clean plates, glasses, etc., tt nd at each corner of the table, so that there is very little need to get up for what yon want The a fur no iu is usually passed by the ladies alone, or with onlv one or two gen tlemen who do not care to shoot, etc., md is sont in riding, driving and walking. Englishwomen are great walkers. With their skiits conveniently looped up, and boots well adapted to defy the mud, they brave all aorta of weather. Oh, it raias! What a bore ! We c m't go out," said a widow at a house in Ireland; to which her host rejoined, "if you dou't go ont here when it raius, you don't go out at all;" which ia pretty much the truth. About five o'clock, as you sit over your book in the library, you hear a rapid fir ing off guns, which apprise j'ou that tbe men have retnruedtd f rom shooting. They linger a while in the guu-ioom talking over their sport and seeking the record of the kilhd entered iu thegame-hook. Then somo, doffiag their shooting gear fur a Iree-aud-jasy but scrupulously neatattiie, repair to the ladies' sitting-room or to the libiary for ''kettle-drum." Oa a loar table is placed the tea equipage aud tea iu beautiful little cups is being dis pensed by fair hands. Thj is a very pleasant time in many houses, and parti cularly favorab'e to fun and flirtation. In bouses where there are children, the cou sins oi the house and others very intimate adjourn to the sehool-ioom, where, when t:ie paily j further rem o cd bv three or four boys home from the holidays, a scene of fun aud frolic, which it requires all the energieB Of the staid governess to prevent going too far, ensues. Some time speed on until the dressing bell rings at seven o'clock, summoning al! to prepaxe for the great event of the day dinner. Every oue don evening attire for the meal ; aud so strong a feeling ob taius on this point that if, in case of his I and srame-nie. lincc nintps of wood. which they had i ... w..t i I , ,...c.i i ' gO'g wroig or other accident, a uju m leiupt ia-a lojoin i lie party in morn- ' it, aIaiIia. i... r...i . . e.ii i.i? i - . ... c iceir puHivHj, -IIHNI4I , watensh. ; We know, indeed, of a case in which a guest absurdly sensitive would not come down to dinner nuiil the arrival , of Irs things, which did not make thtir ... - , r I appearance for a week. Ladies' drees in country house depend altogether upon the occasion. If h be a quiet party of intimate friend, their5, attire iw of tlie simplest, hot in many fashiona ble hnueee the amount of dressing is fully as great as iu London. English ladies do not dre nearly as expensively or with so mnrh taste a (he American ladies, bnt, nn the other hand, tbey have subject math Irs in their thought, which is perhaps even more desirable. There is a degree of pomp and cere mony, which however, is far from being unpleasant, at dinner in a large country house. The party i frequently joined by the Reclnf and hi wile, a neighboring qnare or two, and a strange parson, so i hit it frequently readies twenty. Of course in this case the pleasantness of the prnuuiai perma aepenns largely npon whom yn have the lock to get nejtt to ; hat there's this advantage iu the situation over a similar one in London, t hat you have, at all' event, a something of local topics in common, having picked up a lit tle knowledge of places nd people daring your ty, or it yoa are quite a new-comer you can easily set your neigl.br r a-going by questions aboni surrounding. Gen erally there is some acquaintance between most of the people staying in a house, a hosts make up their parlies with a view of accommodating person wishing to see other whom they like, loung men thus frequently get a good-natured hostess lo ask ome young lady whose society they especially affect, and thus country-houses become proverbially adapted lor match making. There are few houses now-a-days in which the gentlemen linger in the dtnning room long after the ladies have left it. Habits ot hard drinking are now almost entirely confined to young men in the army and the lower classes. The even ings are spent chiefly jn conversation ; somctiouc a rubber of whist is made np, or, if there are a number of young people there is dancing. About eleven wine and hiscoits arc brought into the diawing-room, and a few rainir.es later the ladies retire. The wine and water, with the addition of other stimu Iant, are transferred to the billiard and somking rooms, ti which the gentlemen adjourn so soon as they have changed their black coats for dressing gowns or j lounging to the caprice of individual fan- I cv. w The siliiegs in these apartments are protracted until any hour, as the servant generally go to bed when they have pro vided every one with his fla: candlestick that emblem of gentility which always so prominently recurred to the mind of Mrs. Mtcawber when recalling the happy days she "lived nt home with papa and v i a i mama. in some last houses pretty high play lakes place soractiomes. It not ui. frequently happens that the master of the house takes but a very limi ted share in the recreations of his guests, being much engrossed by the various avo cations which fall to the lot of a country proprietor. After breakfast in the morn ing he will make it his business to see that each gentleman is provided with such recreation as he likes for the day. This man will shoot, that one fi.-h ; Brown wills to have a horse and go over to see some London fiicnds who ate staying ten miles off ; Jones has heaps of letters which must be written iu the tnomiug, but will ride with the ladies in the afiei noon ; and when all these arrangements are completed the Sqairc will drive off with his ..Id confidential groom in the dog- cart, with the fast-trotting bay, to attend couulry meeting in the neatest cathedral town or dispense justice from tho bench at Poltleton ; and when eight o'clock bring? all together at dinner an agreeable diver sity is given to conversation by each man's varied experiences during the day. THE EMERALD. Oue wintry afternoon in Janruary.away up in the bleak attic of a miserable tene ment house, a pale, sad-eyed womau sat sewit cr. The garment on which she was working was a very rich dress. The twilight closed in rapidly, with a blinding fall of sn w, a bitter, wailing blast, that made the w indows rattle in their casement Slill the pale faced woman sewed on "Mother," pined a slender vWe, from the cot beneath the window, "shall you cet the fine dress done ? Oh, ray mother, I'm so hungry. If I could only have some tea aud a bit of sauage." The mother worked on steadily for a few moments, pausing only to brush a tear from her white cheek. Then she arm j and shook out the folds of the glim mering robe. u"Ti done at lat," she aid ; "now mother's little girl can have Her supper. Only be patient a little longer, Flora. Rosa Ross, win r..' are you my boy V A manly little boy caoiu out of the lit tle bedraom beyond. "The fine dress is done, Ross," snid his mother, "aud yo l must run h me with il as fast a you cau. Miss Gracie will he out of patience, I know. Tell her I couldn't finish it an hour sooner, and ask her to give you tbe money. We must have -it to-night. And you can stop in at Mr. Ray's as you come back, aud buy some coal, and we must have some bread aud lea, and a mite of butter, and you mu it get a sausage for poor little Flora." "l'H get them all, mother, and back no time, be said. "Ton sausage, little sis, wanl lli. nnt l;And you shall have half of it, Ross," she piped, in her slender, birdrlike voice, r. a. v. " . . . w . . v . j .1 ., j' n'i vnn not er nnt on V Our miCK jacket, my boy " coujitinetl the mother, me wind cuts I ke a knife. ' l.i, i l i - , . . . ind the - I I'oiiaw, mi ie mott er ; I don't rain the wind." And mv lieumi down cracking st aiis, aiul ni into ilte stoin Mis Graee Foiitfimv ia ,-rf. itenay wa ui a i t rf ct furor of cxciti-mcM mi.d ang r. Her ih i r fiv'f hundred fiienHv were waring fu the halls heh.w, and the hand uu dirs Um4 not come hone. -What did lint i beggar woman mean by disappointing her 1 At that moment there: .wan a ring at the door and a voice in the' hall. "Plee tell Miss Grade, my mother could not finish it sooner ; she want the' money to-night." Tbefeirant took the handsome dress aud message. T -w -I J I " "I 11 never give htr another stitch of work," cried the angry beauty ; "I o ight to have it three hoar ago. Here Fanehon dress me at once ; there ia't a moment to spare. No, I can't bay to night ; I haven't time : he must call to morrow." "But we've no ire, and nothing to eat, and my little sister is sirk." cnFted ihe boy, pushing up the graad aiairwny. "Shot that door I" commanded Miss Gracie, and the doer was sJuit iu his lace. From the porch ' at ihe parlor window Pautie watched he' whole proceeding: Her violet eyes opeuefrhl ehildUb am ixe ment. - - - "Poor little boy," she said, as Koss dis appeared down the etatrwav. .Sister Gracie ought to pay him. It must be dread ful to have no fire and nothing to cat." She stood for a moment balaaciug her self on the tip of one daiuty toot, h:r rose bud face grave and reflective ; lheu a sud den thought flooded- hex b!ue. eye wiib sunshine, and suddenly snatching some thing lioni the table, he darted down star ; the seivaut had closed the street door, bt she llnttoird past him. On the steps sat Unas, brave - lit'le fel low thai he was, Ins face in hi bauds, sobbing a if his heart would break. uWhnt' the matter, little boy ?" ques tioned Pansic. "O, I cannot go heme without the money," he sobbed;: "poor mother work ed hard, and Flora is tick, and so hu.i gry." Pansie's eyes glistened like the stars. "Here," she sa'd, "do you take this, little boy, and buy her lot 'o nice things. It is worth a great deal ; papa bought it for a birthday present, but you cau take it and welcome. She extended her dimpled hand, and something like a sower of hailing Mars tinkled al the boy's, ft t. He caught it up in amazement a necklace of emerald, lustrou, gleaning tilings, set in gold No, no, h cried, running np to w here she stood, I can't take this necklace." But Panrie shock her curly bead de c;dedly. "You shall take it," the commanded imperiously. "I've lot of jewelry and fine things. Ituu home, now, and gel something to eat for yon little sis'er." She closed the doer with a banc, and Rosa stood irresolute, in the stomy gloom. Should he ling the- heil aud retain the jewels to Pansie's father, or should he do as she bid him? He thought ot his v.-r ti er and poor hungry little Flora watching wistfully for hi return. He could not go back and see them starve. With a sud deu feeling of dcspuraliou, he thrust the gliterning necklace in bis besom and dach "ii.g down the snowy! street. ' 'The gaslizht bluicd brilliantly in a fashionable jewelry establishment, and its bland proprietor look down inquiringly on little Ross as he qpproched the glitter ing counter, ."Would you like jo bny this, sir T" There was a trftnour iir the boy' voic as he utked the qulioU, aud the hand that held the rm -laid tiiook visibly. The lapidary took the gems aud examined the m ch scly fr a moment, and then fhot a sharp glance at the lsd. "rive here," he said presently, his voice stem and commanding, "1 waul to know how yoo came by thi 1" The boy'b ch-ar ejtra fell, he bluslud stammered, evidently; embarrassed. The jeweler put aside the' evneralds, and tak ing the lad's arm, led him into a small aote-ioom. ;. "You are u thief, sir,. he raul " That necklace belongs to Mr. Fontenay he bronght it of mc not mofc than a month ago You stole v. Tan are a ;tnef. "The little f-llow straightened himswlf, and his yea blazlcd.; t "lm no iheit," he retorted "A kind little girl gave it to me, and I kti w t was wrong, lo take it bat not my mother and sister arc starving. The jeweller hesitated. "You don't look like a hie," he said, i "hut I will send for Mr Fontenay ; that will settle i lie matter at once He dispatched a VtcPsenger according ly, and Ross sal down in one corner and gobbed bitterly a he heard the driving winds, ana thougni ot ins raoiucr ana Flora. Iu half an Iiionr .Mr. Fontenay came in, his daughter, Tittle. Pansie, being w lb him- The little creature f'ated like a humming bird, her eye fl isbing. "He didn't steal my emerhl !" she cried, "I gave 'em to him to ell 'em and buy bread tor his little sister " Ross sprang t his fret, siruggling hard to keep back bis tears. He put out hi little brown band, which Panaiu instantly clasped in her clubby palm. "I am not a thief, sjr," he said at last, addressing Mr. Fontenay ; 44I never stole anything iu my lif 1 know it was Wrong to take the necklace but, sir, my little ster i starving!" The merchaut drew 'his baud acioss his eye. You are a manly little fellow, he said, patting tin fad's head, "and I do not in tbe h ast blame you, bat I wdl lake Paa- i . i.-i .l J ou shall have a b'g i emerald, and yon shall have some be added, turning to- tiling more available. ; Heie, Pansie, you - i. . T .i i:..l... .: I I "... i ... ... lid Hi mis iu yotii imn , i. j He put a gold piece Into rnie s Hands which she ndered to . Itoss, with the iu- l : . . . ; .!... l. al.Aul.1 n twl ,ni InU uireowu u v wv, Wv. w-r .v.. '. --1 A ol goodie fox hi sieier en miucttea which he wa not slow to oher. "1 think we will not Loo eight of the fit tie fellow," continued Mr, Foienay j Itoss disanneared in tit 1m o . I ii J Bom disappeared iu the gloom, "shall 'we pet Ui' aee, what can -e do for biruT He promising young ladaud an honest one, I'm sure. Mr. Lcnnbx. ran'- 1. need ofah errand boy, why ot try him J l wren you would." The jeweler consented, to Panaie fe. 1'ghl, aud on the foilowinr dav Uau r i i - r. 7 wisiaiieu a an errand dot in t4tciuunuic esiaoiui.meut. I .. 1-1- n- year Uler, one Uoaleri Match morning, vounc nan mat Kki the counter of thriving jewelry establish- men i in one ot the .Northern cities. Ho wa a handsome young man, a echoUr aud traveler, a man of tasta, intellect aad money, ibr he wa junior partner in tbe fiem, which waa proper on. Bat despiw U tun good fortune, Roe Dun bur waaoot happy. Hia mother and 1 Ail Flora had gone to their long hajaj acid he waa ill aloue without kith or kin in this wide world. Silting alone one morning, with tbe roar of the March wind in hi eft, his thoughts were running back to the day of bis childhood, to his mother's humble home. How vivid ibo post seemed, and bow dear and racred, despite it privation aaad I row. A tender smile softened bis ad fai he recalled that stormy niglt on the steps of Mr. Fontenay 's moaaifn little Panaie, the reooemlrance of her sweet Cite as he saw it through the now wreaius mat night, haunted him contin ually. In all the fifteen year, never for oue hour, hod he forgotten her. But eke . - 1 1 . . a. m I w gwif 7 iovt io nroi lorcver. Hi reverie wa broken by the entrance of a customer, a lady closely cloaked and veiled. She approached the counter with a jewel case in her band. "Would ycu buy tbee" she akd simply, iu a clear, sweet voice that stirred the young man's heart a no ether woman voice bad power to do. He took the casket aad ubcloaed it and sprtad its contents, a watch, elegant and costly, a diamond ring, two robie and an emerald. Ross Dunbar barely suppressed a cry of surprise as hia eye fell npon it. He turned it over with eager, trembling fingers, and there on the clasp wa tbe name that lived in hi heart for so many year. "Little Pans'ie," "You wish to sell them all ?" be asked, striving to steady hi voice, and the wild throbbing of his heart. The lady hesitated an instant, then she put out a slender hand and drew tbe emeralds toward her. "I dislike to part with this," she aid. "It wa my father' gift iand - hot fto matter, take them all ; I must have tbe money." I o hi t eagerness she had thrown aside her veil, revealing a lilly face little lustro sapphire eyes. Ross l)unbar stood silent a moment, every nerve in hi manly frame thrilling with supreme delight. He hid found her at last, the one idol of hi life, "They aie very fine gem," he said after a moment, "and I am willing to give you a fair price suppose Wa eajr oia thousand dollars, will that dp I" The g:il flashed a dazzling glance of surprise fiom beneath her heavy veiL "So much as lhat ?" she aid tremul ously. "1 ou are very kind, sir. O, yu cannot know bow much this money will help me." The young man made a polite reply, and proc-cded to put up the jewels aad draw a check for ihe money. 1 he M: wind were siill blustering without, and and the girl shivered nod drew her wrapper closer as she slartcd out. "Won't you la mc run down to tbe bank for you f" said the jeweler, catching up his hat. "Yoa can play shop-lady the while ; it won't bo but a minute or tea." "But 1 am troubling yoa Of." ' Not ajbit ; just take this warm ett, nlease : vou'll not de likelv'lo have tar customers and seating b4f beside nt desk, be took -the check aud1 hurried oat. Pauley Foiuemy threw hack bar vail aud leaned her head on her hand ; a uiix z!ed. reflective look ou her sweet sad late. Where have I seen that face T" si e asked herself over and over again. 'Il's so familiar ; who in the wot Id can it befl" Hiaifciarn broke in upon her medita tions, nud after receiving bet money she hurric l away lo her humble lodging. , The following afternoon we even more blustering end stormy ; tbe Wind roared and the eloet beat and tinkled against the windows of the little room in which Pin tie and her father sat. Severe m'ufortuui-s and reverses had reduced thei lo powriy, - and the old man being an invalid, all the j cue fell on Pansie's slender shoulders Bhe sat w ith her sewing, whle her father read aloud from a new look she Hod bought for him with some of the money received for tbe jewels. Her cweet face wan and sad, and her future stretched be foe her sad and gloomy. There was a ring at tbe door, and a servant brought up a package for Mis Fouteuay. An exquisite banco of pans ir, fragraut and gold hearted, dope dp in tie sue paper, and attached to them a card bearing the irmple word : "Roe Dunbar ha not forgotu-ii Utile Pane." Panaie sat am izid for a moment, and then tbo rich bloom darted up to per Checks. "O father," she cried, ul knew him I knew luai !(), we have found Rom at last." An ioataut later lio wa Iu the room, clasping her fluttering bauds iu bis, aud ( looked iuto her blue eye oath a glance . that brought tbe rosy hue to her face. ' And n few weeks Inter, when the Mutter- ing wind were over aud the bluo birds sang in tbeir hedge, and gotdeu hearted pausie bloomed on tbo gaxcu border, 19 . . huh- Pansie became Uoc Dunbar brde, j and for her bridal .gift he gowe her hick ,1Tr; rm.it wi -Ji-'wiic 1. - .iJ.saI j - ' ; ' : - - - i ; 1 I- J ,1 1 - ' j L J . ; I I j. - i , ,

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