(ft. n i Carolina SALISBUR )r -MARKET. " APRIL 17. rf)RN new 63 C5 ' " ?nTRl83.75 a 4.25. " TiirOK -(chanty) 10 11 bogruand. ATOKS-Iriil., 0 a 75 Sweet, 63 ShKK-S2.50 . $3 per aoxfT TAIXOW-9 a 10. BYK-708O. - vriiBAf-tiSio ai$l.C0. lH!'rTEK-20 25. , DlUEDFttUlT- v, Apples, i r peaches, on purled. 3 4 Blackberries, 7 a a 6 pr. D We are requested to announca the fob- Iswing ticket for Mayor aud lionen: Fou Mayor, P. N. HE1L1G. For CoMMissiosKRf, tV"ib.& ihe "Maaoiou", lias been subject NRW ADVEUTl SEMENTS. mb hnaa - was, innAiiiAliw in I r .Ti: jet -r F3Esnia?mu ofot; ixd '".TIt1 s UEIMEJ Ilj GOO DS. niu every hht imcrret jlq new era ? ' i . .it i .. instituted by the war, and by the intro duction cfc I iiailroak ? travellings and the various modincatio&s iu trade and human ivine.i bsave i greatly disturbed tie old systems and routines in ihts.branch also. No haphazard woik is iadmissible'now. System system of thof most exact and nsid sort, with close attention to tue .a , ' i i, . .. - . . . . smallest details, can alone 'give success Commt IfXcCl) D BII S & CO. Th Ijii-kiof these karo nrobnhltr been the I W leaf to inform tlieir many friends snJ tfae .-i i I m ..' . i-K s i. i nnhl'u? fff-nerallv that tliPT are now in receipt of fruitrm cause ot .tue ciunges rierrea o. ; ui"nA !w, wleitelf stock. ' Conrf-tinr in -I.. I : .llliIiriLiSK tliA-1 Shoes, llaniwirlp, Kifla and Slatting Powder, after ai while, if not already &andia the Pjl;ni,UnA rL sufl&. Thev keen con- present new prwpiiciur,, jir o. rmmit un nniH uie ivh aucikh uuumiBmui 1, t I I - ' . f: TOiiTHE . YOU CAN DO YpUliOW PAINTING r.ulf ky! "PATEN 1 ri FURIMITURE! -f: rr ,-. w rpJlRSE l7INT ar compel .f laaj Li White Lead, Ztxc and Lixseeu'Oii- Lr.iJ I . :t- t . l i i i - 7 w fun umcr iiliki wiijVI,! U4 KrvaiiT u ine Uuraltilitr, tlartiiiiy, bcant anrl utrtngth of tlie PainU j The whole arechemically combined, ao that the pigment are held in permanent aolu-'. Con, thiw forniin; a wiontU glyt firm, tloi-iSc, enutifnl and durable Paiut. The Oil, wlach w tlie real lile of the l'aint, cannot leare a and be ofUwrbed l thesittxtanceto witich it ia applied iv it doea in the paint aiixed in the ordinan War, and thus leave the pigment dead and brit tie," to, wah and rub off in a lew moot!. or a frlheft in three or four year. Thin Paint u upuai "j 111110101 iviiieraiare, jperiert 1 imi4rTiow to the action of water, is well ad apt d to all clae of work, and ia in ererV Way a txttet Paint for either Jn4deorOuide Vprk l w . w -a . . a I a" mm- . p s . i a ' J i ta-a U pIiaM. : 1 1 I uc wss a Minf fin awri iKiius aviivtm n " tuansioa ?wuab wiu w MV i uiizera suiu iu wins mmrnei vwuwigcuuvi MjtwBf . " ntai juu un sswvurt, i jjUI- ? wv ' I - es m t i - w . ' t - j j - Yankee Nation a great events, long lire the old prosperity to all its managers. s success. At all "Mansion," and and No. elsewhere. Bali - t 1 Wttt tyarjL-3 P. d" wan, j aud J. J. XortvVard.E: ! U. Marsh atd Jobn I. Shaver. -U1 -K0sf Warfr-ti. F. Fraley and V Ovarmaa : - .WliVsrJ.S. E. Union Davis. a!od D. A. SurxniOR Court. Rowan Soperior His llonor bis usual of interest Court is In session this week. TMJ nlnnd nrcsidine with dignity, j There is but little transpiring in Court. PiitsOWAL We bad the pleasnrc of neeiingln onr office a short jrhile 1 aea dsy, Mr C. l Harris of the Concord Sun snd were glad to learn from blm that bis papar is flourishing. U the people 'of Cab'srrus stand up to Mr. ': II arris he will rivs thsra a good paper, and this we hare bo doubt tbey will do. i BiLlCIOCS. Lat Sttndaj, (being Easter 'fUnV.a)-) the chnrcheS of this place wcte well attended. The tjtrfne of ser nons was he resurrection ofhrrst. Some i.f the! churches were handsomely decora ted with flowcis ai:d oilier becoming de-corati-liis.L Seven persons were received into full membership iu the tuthc -ran, ar.d . one blithe Episcopal. , . New Ads. We invite special atten tion to dnr adTertieing! column. There are many bargains lost tiy persons failing to readl the advertisements. Thorougu business men never fail observe closely the advertising columns bf their news pa tra. nd this rule will abult to all classes r"-i : .-11,- of readers, u ' ! i This week Messrs. McCoy fe BaOey, Messrs. R. & A. Murphv, ind others, ex tend kn invitation to the; public. Messrs. McCoy & Bailey have opened a store'at Old Fort wbefe Hu-y can be of rreat rcrvice to the peopLe 6f this sectio in procuring for them tujeh articles as the people of the mountains bave to dispose of, 4d vice versa, Tttgr bave tock and energy aud will succeed. . Messrs. R. & A. Murjph' announce the arrival of their well assorted Spring tock and invite the public to give I hem a call They are too w;ll known as busines men to require any recommend atioit from us. 1 aee them it the old and well known stand, I Uiosrapliies. Music! Books. Music. Novels of 1 Mnirhyfs Granite Row, before purchasing tbe best authors; j! ItUuk Boks, Albums.of the; most stvluh kiud: Stereoscopes and Views; Schfxd l3ioks. all kind in general use. Slates, luks,; Writing Pnpr of th best quality; -Wall PHfrj and Wiuibw Shaden in great variety, Mnsie THachera for vocal. f lanos.-lSabjo, vfolias xc. J. A. CLODFELTER CO. TmoUmUand RtUul IVvlrrs 4a TvrmttT, , ' 75 1STITK aUention to llir Hock 0 Cot- - up ieuMeao r rettcn ubaimber EoUa, alnut and tainted Cana Krit t i! Rckis Chair of all dcc:!rtior3. Extnt'm Waing rabies -table or all kin J Wart5h.be, -Knrrar. WahfUnd, What-VoU, iMa. ueceptjoa Cbaira and Parlor Suiu. Aiw, many other artjc lea wUcb we are prepared t ' o3l as cheap or cheaptT than any liouaeja tbo . rmra pan or ine Mate7 II no ware to call, nearly rf pou tha Uiouoa our Mot k and hear cnrrniciMc Oar termi raidu Srtoria.1 nr.-W (mU fn .m ..a.'. 1. . it . i bury Nl March 20-3mos. j A VJOUD TO T AB.SX32ZLS. SHlTn i LUXC PRESERVER Is s SuJre andj effectual cure for CONSUMPTION And all the tliease of the Always Heady for TJte and 33asily Applied. Sold by the QaUon. pXE GALLOX COVERS TWENTY SQUARE YABDS, TWO C?QATS. 0. P. KNIGHT. Sole Aricnt, No.93W. Lombard St reet,':lUlti more. . ; Spcclnicua and Price LUt FiirniMhccI Gratis! 'ECIMENS OF TUE DIFFERENT VOLORS TO BE SEEXJ. T THIS OFFICE. v, - "V A fu!l akMrtmett.f Koewed. yetalla -tad Waiant Itarial Cae. Lkn caa La lea. 1 nlhed at :t hour notice. t Jan K. ly. f Buy a few dollars worth of books everv z - : J . . ... year for your soof and Iiauasaua taue a grMi t VV 1 Q 7 Q 0, a ii 1 1 . White Goods, Stnbroideiiet, Send for circular to For sale WM. A. Smith, n ,-.1 v n WUVV1U) AV. w, Cleax Up.-t-As will bl een from the following from ihe Chief of Police, houso-keejn-r and lot owners ar called upoii to Dut their Dreniises in clfaiily order. It is to 4d hoped that this wartiing will be at once beedfd and acted npoh, in th genf.r- al health during the suiumer month), -de pciids in a great measure upon prompt wotK 111 mis aip cnon . ! ; ka an Ordinance of thPUy of Jlnleigh it is made my duty to j!eo!tht all filth ar.d n fuie matter liable to bred s-ickiiei, Jcc , is removed bv-owhern from all lots within the? citv limits.! This is, tbt-relore, tn give notice that I shall immtftlwtely nmki' a liiili inpectioii of all prelude Wilhiu the citvJnnd shall strictly ehforce the ordi ' . . . ' t rx .. . . e wwiirrs u C. R. BARKER & Co. ! Salisbury K. C. And all principal druggist in the United 1 1 a . . -1 n m States i I April o vw Baltimore, Dec 10, 1872. Tnt Plains. Fatqcis Oocstt. V.. rJl 6 IStl fMr C. P. KxiOUT Dear Sir: Itaffird ne M. V. P. Kxicar ia: The faint eame uew.oaper, th.v will work better aud bm..7'r ud& VaVkSi Z lloYlZVr rZ cneertUl. lrjlU . . . I.- , 11 waaalatkl tlij the it uell. Tae vecka not v.. ii .. 1 1 iii 1 ii vniiiiMii w iia 1 1 1 w Biiii a vaa aawavrw rai. i. " V i- 1 ,! ' w Ti I 3 1 eoaatantworlf com;lteJ the hoaae ieo toau. He 0n m believe, 111 durabiluy. More Uiart twelve i,t coat applied thick, aa! it U nor Berallj montliM tint-e I iKunted I lit? roof of in Hotel ..nn wHmI ii.i Ia. r..m.; i.i .. lAWOZLDT02'AZl.ZSlZZ3XlSSOr7S. (Mansion House) with the Crtfdlcv Enamel and karowny of color Hwre ia not ai bandMOicr L'aint, and 1 waa no well plcaed with it I deter- Jott ,n lUe P'ce. I ned a.ij Be (t5) UolUm t v mined to paint the oiiuide of the Hotel, and am he pneratioas. which U so iteinjut r.o- itL ihont happy to say that it gives me perfect salia- Jfn "w iS. . . a T ?. l1 ', v . ..,. . tea in tluaUte: anv couutr lad canan lrit. I faction. NEW- TAILORING SHOP IX SALISBURY. The utiilersiorned after an absence of more iTJ-than 2d veltr.J during which time helms trained mrrcli! exDerience and knowledser'in the unnHjr m:iiKisrenient or businesn, i;im retnruen to Salisbury, arid openetl a Tailor Shop rttxi rfoor to the NationU Hold, room formerly occupied by the Mesra. Horali, as a Silver bmilh Shop, where he M ever ready to receive call and obey orders in h i line. All work warranted and rood fit guaranteed. Lvery possible expense Yiu hare smetbinf to 1m proud and to r ri. .u I . .... ooasi 01. 1 lie larin m ine K?YMutf to evf ry . , , . , 1 '. . u, . . , , . Bionial wil) be of any advantage to vou, you a industrial pursuit When it succeeds all i,i;u,i,i,it.;i v.,r- rLt lJ.tt... , . r ., ,, ., ,v . , at uoerty to Uke it. lour, mow repectlully, prosper; when it fails, all ila. Don't thiak r ' l.ii.iiri.!Nni you cau t be a great j man l-ecause y-m are Uiansion Uowe jjoUf N W cornef Karette the son of a fanner. ; W ashiugtou, W ebster : Mn4i , 1U..I .reu. R.iiimore. and Clay were farmer's sous, bat while they toiled they studied';. So do ye. Huy a giMd book, one at a time, read and Jist it, and then another. ! Call aud see tile and look over books. ju wneiuNun 1 win any, 11 ims ieu- h..a ever dabbled in h lock ai TemoniaU are but I fee! o forcibly thegtat adauUblity of oar "bnauiel rmil u the wai-U ol our iKu)le ia ex cellency of material io beauty of color, and the fact of iUbeint -Re1j Mixed." that I cirejoa free iermiion (if it i tt table to you) to aiaie what ue yon think pr er of tLia letter. Very reapec'.fully and truly, h. Mt04LL, M. P. I RivBr.kisarru, Dec 10,1872. ; Ma. C. P. Kxioht, Baltimore lear Sir : The paiut we received from you hare been applied to several of onr own bnildma and io ho.of onr friend, and havegiveu eotiieatisf.iction in cover ing qualit:e, in glot.s, and in aduptabiltty to all kind of sarface or m itrial, and we digitally re comincnd it. e.-pecially to that cli of cxrinuiaer Dai-tikokk, Md..Pept.Sth.l9T1 C. P. Kxiout. Ejq. Iirar S:r:-I are had the B.-ad.e't Patent Kniuiel Paint, whi-l I parchaM-d from yo-t, ued inside an jouuide. bthat my doell injf and atore, for tn r-von . Hp.vi n-cicat pieuaae to be a'o'e to .iy tli it it ooinf fully v to yo jr recoiutnen lnt'.nnii in facilities cf uW. econon:y. saved to his; customer. He i in regular re ceipt of the ew styleii and fashion. Trade taken in exchange for work when suit able to parties contracting. 73-tf;2,: - i - O W AN CO U XT Y - IS TUE SUPEUIOIi COUIiTfc Iewia Jt4 Ketrhy, 1 Feb. 12 R Planlifl-i. f Samuel Ui Ketchy.aud Ilenrv I). Kttcliv. aiki&utt H f Summons for P.fi-ief. Alfred Lusk and Thomas Ii Brown J ; DcfciidanU THE STATE OF X0UT1I CAROLINA Io the Sheriffof Rowan County GkeetIXG l)EAt.Wilcy Holtfhonsiir, the fimous 1 iiHhce iu regard to Uih ijanie. Owners nt ; , - . ' Sunday evening he was taken with con- .1 back vards and Uin cleaned immes r0ur SmVrior Court, at a Court to be held for XJdionand. died early Monday morning, lie leave a large faniily Poor Wile)' ! whatever ninv have been thouirht or said of hiro,l be I possessed many redeemin qualities, asw bo dots not. C A SlKGULA.it Cask. -Mr. J. L. Trex ler. reildcintr in tbe Southern nortionvof 1 . villus aim lr. diately, and all rt-fusej matter and other filth removed.! I ! 'j ' Ja6. C. King, ! l' j Uhief of Police. Ealeigh, April 8, l? Citizens of Saliebnry, we copy the above as ft reminder. f tfoti, of the duty to our towu) I We are all well COME fPO THE j . PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, And Get a Good Picture.) : - i i . ' i : i i ! M ' . - ? We ntiM give Vi'i a good picture or not let you take it away ;i for we d-m'tinteud that any bad work j!ia! g f.0111 lhi.o!licM to iu- iuri' ns and 1 1 - l.iUiiiM ss. Call and iry. ( p bhiirs lel&-ci)i rarlcers and juss Jlc Murray'. -j . Call ami examine my stock of Wall Paper, Window Shaded. Wi'itiutr paper. Inks Arc. Mind I dou't inn-lid to b- uiidr sold. ! Feb. 27, tf. who have to depend upon unknown paitiem r durability and leautv pt.ii:ten, to rat and rurnisli tuatenaU, wliein e Voitm trnly. TUOM S Jj IRVIXI5.. have f.nnd the most deception. - lw Ve,t Baltiiaore-treet. -ltiinie. Md. Yoma truly, JACOB STOL FFEii &SOS. , . ( FROM HON. JOHN H'ETIIEjtKD. MaaTLAMPLis-B. Ha'l. r0..Ma..Rept 2-itll 1R72. Af hlyns. Kalt.more t ourty Vsy27.1b.2. i k-vmn i.-d i..m iir.,i.....'p.tiit Mr. C. P. b.M'HT. the rccominrridaiion c: Knaiost Paint, P.a tim..re-IV.ir Sir- lhe paint a fnecd. I waa mdneeJ to a i.ty yonrp tent Brad- which i purchaaod from vou ha Riven ciitjie satis- W Paial to my honse. I Ij v .eure m lat- fiction, so much no that all lay neighbor tnteud to 5 th - l ha proved higt.y .at.afaett.ry. tuvmas rollow my example, and bare their houne painted. airfare than y pruiu.KP.1. u oij.re e. oi.oiui- It i not only ilmabie and cheap but it looks belter n4 lXU r oid.aarj- pa.i.t after it i, pot on than any paint 1 ever ar. nJ fwr fr"m 'l rClJ" .....-., TbeiMiuterl haveemulored i tlelishted with it. oora respectrutly, Ju.l.S ETiiL!.h.. The naiuterl haveemulored i ileiichted lie ay he can paint twice a t. and at tlic same time do a tiettcr job. with the Enamel Paint than uny other he eer ni-ed. . 1 caa therefore, witho it.l-e-Ittion. recohmied il to the public as one of t!ie very be-t aiticltg of paittt ever inUo Juccd. Youis very reixrtfiiUv. JAUIvs HALL. Th-; foilowin;; letter i nTip aid va'nab'.e: it ALTiMtnc, ivc. S7;h. C. P. K?ftcnT. A r-nt liraS'e Patent die. AHM STRONG, CATOR k CO. Importers, Manufacturers and Joibera BssBft. TrlatailBjE, Xrtk aai Sata tlkboas. tblvkt mnnaxs, nkck nt s. Bonnet Sills, Sat,ns, Vdrefs and Crap rLOWErs. rZtTnC5,OSMIC3r?f.rKaMvS Se. Straw Btsaett asl Liiln sal (fcU4rta,a fUts TRIMMED AJCD C3rntIMKZH j AXD IX COSSrXTIXO WARECOQXS uniTE COODi. LMLNS. l.XXlOlDrilEjt, Laref, Xt U, CJlart, Stttt, IlarnktrtHuH. t'sJiaa, Head ytH.dr.d-e. It No. 237 and 2X PaliimoreSln Baltiiaore, Md. These pood are lnaoufactored " byj na or bought for Cah directly from tbe Laropvaa and American Manufacturer, embraricg all tie Utet noreltien, uaeq jailed in variety aod ch.-apne in any inarV L. I I Orders filled with care, prom pt Bess. and de-spuU-b: it arch C pd. . CKAIGE&CltAIGE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, axi f 1 rSpecial attnition paid loPrococdiugc 1 1 1 111 uatikiupicy. ' 1 Sept. 5,-5l:3oos. County Treasurer's Ndtico Having Ji Urnuned to more to the Cii'.ntry I hereliv give Notice to all urfn having bui ncHi with nie that I will 1 in Kslinbury at my old (ifiice on Saturday of each week and cm tb brt Mor.dar in ruih niontb. Mr, Jthn II. j (Ini-kiil i my revnlar deputy and will attend U we owe 5Stiieri theCouniv bf Rowan at the Court IIoue 111 Salisbnrv pii the 4:h Momlav after the ord Mon day of M.-vrch 1873 and anwer the ciniplaiut which will be deiiosited in tbe office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said Counfy, within the first three day of -iaid term and let thevaid Defendants I take notice that if they fail to an wcr the ii!l complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Lonrt lor tue rtnei Ipmnnt'ed in the comnlnint. ' Hereof fail not, and of ibis summon maRe due return.!: i Given Under mv hand. and seal of said Court, thi I'ith d.iv of Marwh 1873. (Siznedj) JOHN A. BOYDKN U. . j. Jtowan ouniy the satisfaction of the one of the defendants thi State, and can found in the Slate, anitcar that a cause of 1 .... .. 1 - . 1 r.T. - . . 1 - - - .... - v brows.-and eyelashes, and beard, share of sickness climatic and other dis- action exist against the aid defendant, now ,7 .. 1. I 1 I I . . . I i...-..r,.. ;.wla..wl tiit u.miw rf Imp summons . 1 . W . , t l L.I. 1 ? J 1 - A. .. t . nnt I llicitiuit yiuwi... Ana ail IBIS liappenea ill opm cases wiiu- eases aim 1 u .u.oiii...t nm lo ,he nid Ut,ft.Uant Ik- made by ptihli. ation WAHSHOUSE, this county, ! called on aturdav last, and apprised o( tbe acandalopsly lalse reports ihibited to us his head: whicli is entirely which have cone abroad! in all directions hare of hair. He is now ibout 45 ycarslconceriiitiK the bad hUllh of Salisbury, . I '. . r 11 ''.n.J ! 1 ? . 1 -If il.... h Lin.nn aiimtrrli In 1 I ol are. in ine iau 01 10 1 nis nair nr sna 111 uiw pan iuer b.-o.m t 1. . ' i ' i . s- i i. . ) - . . : . ! Whereas it appears to came outj In March following, it grew induce every citizen awning property, to . a lfrej D Lmk stain as (isual. But in the fall of '72f it make a special effort to refute these false- herein is a jnon-reident of . T ' .1 J . . . r . 1. , . i 1 . 1 . 1 t not after due dellnrence be dropped dut again-hair of the scalp, tbe hoods. 2io 0110 tteniea we nave uau our : . . . - .. . , out anyjlcktiess whatever, IfrsM his usual avocations. ; from disease ; may be cleanliness, then let to binder him j Nevertheless, if eveit partial immunity 0f ,ie ,an,e n the ''Salisbury Watchman" a us have-it, for our ASnaors Accidrst.W regret to LftmfoIf-.ake.aswel! aa1 to please the eyes " aa. a r r w I ; a " learn a Utile boy. by lua 1... ... I -.Uv ufwbitDer nublished in the town s J 0 Salisbury uiice a week for six successive weeks, iscocxxsiriz. 77. C. - 1 ' r r lit t or l!ic o iu fit V'iit 1 od.icco. , 1 For 1! jASi L. SHELL, Proprietor. This Warehouse open on the 25lh February, lt73. Sales every 'Tuesday and iriday. Feb. 20, 2moi-iMl " Mn.roan. September 54th; lR7i iia. t . T. ksioiiT, VJ . Lombard . I., ua.li- ,.n,i . r,n r,,,,n;,n,,ni tt .;?h . t-itiintv. and in more Penr Sir A I have bc.Mi ti.r- Hradley s tend to u.-e it on a!! occasions w I v;e we desire a PaUnt tin tm l Paint and not timlinp one 1ntaure good job of work . 1 whcieit ha failed t Rive tatirctiin, I ani there- Vnv reiM-tf-il!v. fine frank in rceon:ii'ti.dir.tr it to th jmbf c s tl e KMMAllT A (jUMtTKItLY. 271 V. ptltimo-e t.. I.fht pnir.t in use. It drW pu.inpfly. aihercsf.iiely, Honsc. Si-n aud FreScoe Painters. and in besntv there is Loni- exr-li. .. . . . , ,. . v. Yi.nf t.nly. .1 Mi M TKl'ITt. Messrs. Binghaml Co.,.--nt s(thbuiy.N.C. Houe and fcipu Painter Mi!lo:d, Peeviare. Peb . 1873. tf. ! 1 1 1 1 j at rnv .f t.r. ia wi clnM'i a srhAaw F.:.au.e: Paint-IVarSir:-ll.ei.aiMtKe puri-haeil ' V " - ,7 vv . - 7.Vi 1 . rr .m you vie wiiu-heerfullv e ,dr.-.Jis the -t ..t h"n? '? ,he WtMen. i.rton cf tbf eonnly anr k:nd e have ever ii.-d. its ov-in quality r -n r:,n (if they choe) on me at my rfMdtnct are evervthine liw'r.'i! ilrriti? niomi tiv and with i 1 1 mile AYcst of Salifburv. t a hsni ploss, w hi:h mnst wt-t'iiuk. rait tlt action I ofallkiiid ol weather. Tli is otir exp-rifn-re Dec. 5 12:tf. J.S. McCUBpINS County TnKuorer. SETTLE UP. j All tlioe indebted to hie for mVcription to the Efuutintr, for advertising, cr job work, arc n-spi-eifuliy requested to come foi ward ad act tie up without further delay. Corn,! Wheat, Flour, Peas, or any country produce jakrn in ecLncc for claims and the market pnoe allow 1 it v;Ttui trr j Sept. 5,-.11:tf t YOUR LIFE II kRI) WAllE. When yon; v. ant Hardware at low figures, call on the' ujulcrigi.ed at No 2 Grai.iie l'ow. i 1). A. AT WELL. Salisbury. N G , Feb 13 3mos. nnm of Huie I. i of those who may visit our town i ' . i . A lit- Salisburv bitce a week . . x x vv a. Jill I A. UUl DM, Clerk Superior Court j March 27-Cw. (pr. fee $15) Kowau County. AGO and aephew of Maj. .Iamei K. Kerr, was j ff the nar if each property AlrlAf- fit IflliV shotMn tl,e face, ..ear MiNecly's Pond mt 'u LxUse. would con- llJLi!'V U W V U J - last Monday by aliuU s ol the Hon. i h ' aeal ihe ,tuinment of ...OU(Uer. iiiewonna. uospwie doub!e j, of serious, is ii. t considered dangerous, j It health. Anlfirst of aUractircneit and all. bfffin ihe work a ' ' a' .L a w'w u i a ts thought However that itiie tt me win pyrin. Use dry dirt as a deordo we can nier. probably lose an eye. . From what Uarn the Uys were tK small to under- dfy u,ed eL day, in s stand the danger attached tu a .gun, and j.j, will rfleltuLUy destroy u ailSM HIT DC llliuuim v mtn It is now to 1. 1 itaotance in this respect, waiidiig to parents. It should be a n l Tit Mansion ; Hotkl. -There is no House in Salisbury 'better known than this. It has been kept as a Hotel for 50 years, or more. Its oldltme bell has been run1 tWe iimes'a day foir all these years, making jan aggreg.ite ol, nearly 35,000 liujiugs; Millions of people have sat at its ample board, and ruled beneath its roof. Milliob have gathered around the geulal log fires which have glowed in the Hall,jiispening warmth and cheer to all within. "X Gould the man who travelled by borsAortjr at fifty years ago dUmouht again before its door, be would be met as then, by ono olbtatvd aud gratified coun tenance to welcome bitn to tbe hospitable J 'Mansion; j He would hardly expect tbj find, boweyer. Ezra A. with his long nose, Still presiding. Or, if he were ot' quite so 'ancient a tiaveller, he'- would liardly't eipect, to be met by that nervous, crackipg , little man,, Rj VV. 1-. , who did the landlord there about 3.yanr ay). Kay, nay, 'alihough the njd "Mansion" still ftauds, in defiance 4 all the fires which have swept through tbe town, sometimes .'scoilthing and 1 blislcing ils boards, it yet looks f resji and comfortable j And is j hi ficl, one of ffie pleasatitest peaces u town. It U one of (be things wbkb 'earti its age wrfl' j 4 .": I 'iiut .like every tbin ebc jof buuiau to do more 1 1 e mall f nnaiatiiiP II .If . - I i - M nuisance. ex, an ine itucueo aioa.e, roeelw i: . ' E " .... 1 I . " manure piles about tne barn or stables ; then paint or whitewash - fences, trees, outhouses every thing! A smart hand Can do a great deal ojf such work in a day ; and if all will accept the suggestion and act upon ti prouipuy; we can, onore me 1st of May, have thj town to look splen did. There will thcii be no need for the We tak4 pleasure in" saying to our many friend and enatoiuers, that we mo receiv ing our stock of SPRING GOODS, YEARS mmm, immm in part of a Such as good stock of Sugai-, Coffee, J'epier, Soda, ( , Bacn, Lard, dc., d'C. BOOTS AND SHOES tVas first . known !n Amtrtrav. Ita merlta uro ivrll ku tliron glioit t Ho fea.blln.ble florid. It liutihc olilrt aviid le.t vceortl k.f mny L nlm. u t it tli xyoild- Viom the millions rjKa mill ions of boiiitf rolti . eciuiliHt " Ttr rcavenca ua,juua oi u iiug t.uu INSURE AMERICAN LIFE HsURiCE CO, OF PHILA S. E. Corner FoHirth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. Assells, 53,638,864.88. GE0HGE W. HILL. President, JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. BOAED QF TRUSTEES. ALEX AN I) Fit W II ILI) EN. Ho5. .TA-. POLLOCK, I. KDGAlt THOMPSON. GEO. NUGENT, ALBEUT C. KOHElt r-, PHILIP U. MINGLE, HON. A. G.TTELL, ISAAC IIAZLEUUUST, L. M. WIIILLDEN. Hr.Mi lv ' GEO. VV. HILL, JAS. L. CLAG HOllN, JNO. WAL.NAMAM-P Issues all forms of I Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES NON-FOUFEITABLE. rntfE MRRI0AN baa leen in actiteouerat ion for nearly n aitnrtrr of a century. b:i be.-r j ! Valuable Land for Sale. I oCVr for falc tbe plar.tstion located six mile Sotitb Wft .4ii.;urjr aud '.fair mile I inpu C .ina Ornre IJrjx.t on the .(.. ua:lrod. 1 TLcje laiiil were forioerly tb propel tr of tbo I UtelV Sam'l. Kerr. ThprearetKA'acrealutbo ' trne-t of which a!wmt one half i cleared, tbe ra ; a -i . a -B--.li1 in;;tt:ucr ik-iii rcat u nui: rt-u .;u a 4mw ry lc. Tbe -.! i G rtilc uud ailapted tto wheat. iiau, coru. tobacco, cb-rer dc. Ttere are en thf p!;ice a dwcllinr.o'it-hnaMHi af d a welt .if friNil watT. It mil 1m- diridil, if reeeaary, to huillLe r -iita of purcbsrr. CvL It. IU ,tt Trnrl) T 4 t ! Cct.-a.i of Ali:iury 1 ill bow tie ard.ana itlAlvl Hilt 1 CTpClliai. r ake t"nni.withpirticv.dcrt.nofpurrWlrr. I1 For farther infi.nnat!'n apnlr to C'pl. U M. (;.. or addreaa mo at ("uwau ut Ra1iburr X. Wilniir.giou N. C. I U. K. U It VAN. Enetitorof I March ntf. V X. NlXflX.dec'oL A. M.St LLIVAX. J. P. GolTAX. NEW OPENING. rriiE nart.-rH.'net navi.if 1 aioctated tletD- ai lvo iu Lumuui cutler Lbe Sim pame of A. M. SULLIVAN, !CO II I AVE openwl in li. J. IlolmeS tew bniU imr. licit ibr to t'.ie llardre 8ukx. wbcre ll.ev will lc wle ed tJ jn est old and new frifi.u. T!. v have a uusnitittSnt roai i tl.e Uri't un J b-t iu ttwn ai.fl j j STOCK OF GOODS, I PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT, 1 i tT 1IAS NO EQUAL. It la rccoRixacbdeu wiili unbounded aMtiranceln alcanof t utJ Lcut., Lu.t., t-(.riuit. l(ieiiina t:m. Uard bwtlliu-a. liiw-a. thUb aina.. Kt?ffneot tb Jo.uu. Jkuieu i't, lara, Kc.. c. aiuuug all pevaouv. aud f .r ndi.n. Tnr.ndr, E.Bf.-ue. J 11 Kvit Hcralcbre. t"iad-TUla. Hoof-nV. HpaTina Sorinjf halt, gad die. Coll. r tail La.uvj Gala; luo Lc-e of tbe Eye and Ear in fom, Mules or CnUlc. Commissioners lo splidrout an inspecting Corps to hunt np nuisances. The head of each lauiily, self-ap-poliited, constituting ibis board, can do d hpndred fold better than any committer tbe Commissioners can send.- ; j J I j We hope' the lad esjwflf lake thesnb ject iu baud and "j ay down the law? I their basbsnds irbbs cThis ta be done. If you are tooj buy to attend to it, gire me the meaihs,!and I will drive it myself. Let it not beldtlared. ' of all kind 1 1 a larjre vai; &c. A ful MBSrSGlftSh-It if now Mievedjby -inar.V oh sicinns that the terrihle disease, cerebrospinal meiniigBis. wlueb appears at this seaaon in Jeafion parts of ihe ctmtitry, aiid of w-iii a"f.'wr supposed casow ltaofJIUrwdiJijtJbi' eStyj U direct ly traceable ; bad Crainage. - 1 1 ia so sudden ao-1 awiu fn iu aei ion Uat -I Lie car..f U reniwd?Mi!len Wo4e time but i is a-frtiWI by thise vim b 1 vc made a suidy -of tbe disease, tliat " it scarcely oecnrrea iare wuero uau se.weragff exieie. If ibis U a fact, i: ! another strong argn BTit w'it onr eitV; fathers shonld look e, styles and prices. Djy goods. lety oi Pi lots, MiIms, lVrcals, 'a i . ; t . .1 t ! lineoi uomesii&i., U0111 oic.ici.- ed and b:own, which we arc ofiviiug al greatly re iuced prices. A lull stock of Yankee noi'mns and fancy gooas. " In nddi ion to the above we have a large lot of Ueady.Mdr Clothing and furuih big goods, adaptcl enptcia ly U tbe wants of our trade. 1 : . Hats iu endless variety . . ! !" ! . : .. T UiiiiiT youi want! call eatif a" choice, il hankful for tue i.U hfretofoyeexteudel to , tiuuauce of the same. McNEELV & WALTON. Mirch 513 lino. 1 -v..r..! laA i..i:ir..llid be L'e;itb-n.eu di-ti: trui-ln d l.r ll;eir bustat eiperuuvO aim ; Jw. . , , xt.jA I : .1 It.... I.n .nii.iAiil 1 1 iir.(i.. III.. I 1 . - ... . ' commercial pr ..i.h.i yv i;,.ri ware c-;ted. and xrill pusrranieo a' It ha metitu omijfaxions wun Mjrimi roup.. , riH,. iA ...ir.s m cn mld br anf Houms in Anion it inKurii.tf u.e.ubera. the Ommauy l.a the honor of i.um Wr.np imp.y of tbe mot., f";" a'S L.le f finrie ;,.-..t nil H.uliinf men. in all urofeSrioiia ai.d cla., tt.roihout . rib Lantiina. . 1 .u;- .A 'ami conn rv i kviiit, uuiii?k bum ! Jiiuvix v- - -ci a .at a. Uclwblo AgenU wanted, wbo biu&l apply by letitr ot in prrM.n to i StatevTille, X. C. nrtof!ol. St. Clair Dkarixu. Supt Ai ut. NVilniirit.m, X. C. I n i.y.XV.ly UAGAN'S invito all bo wib either to bur or sell tocall, n :.em A- it. SULM VA2l ii Co. Jan -Mth. j j DIJ. J. F aitlFFJTtl f DENTIST, t well to tbe severs. Yd. Journal. Im f ct any- OUge 4 a com- If II! ... IlMillT I wxz.sorj'3 A sure iivd permanent Cure Jr alt disease caused tyj a deranged Ltrrr. c as Jaundice, Ditspepsta. lie'irtbHrnrfe- rcrsl Nervousness, Impurity qf the JiloOdL MetancuQiy, uostusncss, Sictil Headache, Pains in the I lead, and nil kindcreddiscases. EVEinA FAMILY SI10UIDJIA VE IT. 60LH BY ALL DllUG GISTS. Prepared only ly WX&30XI 6L BLACK, March C-lCmoa, CJuulotU, A. C, j WlLl. AIM C-bt Kmnkji fc euTnstibrn. Cont, Lama Back. Kalt KLftn. 1 soi-Siua l.ltcm Ixtcrcal lume aud Muvrla Afte-t tti Sor ripr!J. and may ba j aal.y tanked tUe yatuact a tor a 1 1 EXTERNAL "WOUNDS. Sir Ileawert fieri thU Llntment did not rlwa apis at A or m rr,prodnciiigTH nor iBKtD aj rMiAirai. crxia cijuij t Vsw-ltoax KT) V.rnwoov ijuntiMa. l.ntweLava tba ai patience 6 1 cvr lllrt yeniaof trial, with ta ucat aub. teat al result, tad by a amUltoda of wltmaaea. j ; I f tbe liniment f a not aa rcrmmended, the For Sale. t IHviiiz lA.-i?cd in Sali-burr. polirits a t'.oc ia t lie tosn ainl nrriu!"tiij country. " CZZAS.GSS ItlODEUATi:, C.VlV. MrXtrly Budding, Entrance Id McXrrtys Hall. jin. 1G tt. Money will lie Refunded Magnolia Balm a rrw applIcatioss VAtrr. a. Pure Blooming Complexion. G3 .ktk of land.partia- within tbe er- poraie limits of theeiiv of S.iiibury, vl'mible for b.iib'in Jul, and n wtllmiM to tbe culture of c'tioa. I'lrfni tbe preiiie uairen'ya bou- I , .TI tifni nn-i enmmodiou. lie-ideijr-o of un n. n-. , To x armera x eruLLzera ainl all li:ii -nrv out build!nj(-, and a well of i . I . . ) . ....... . . : t Lxi Sent water. 1 1.'- inii-rovertieiit- nre ne-ny H I.Mi lome agtni lor joh ' man- "t t:o , Ilntiiiiore, for lli- lf ol llieir I ...r.iiiwl ItMiIir,! SrvftA Fcrtil wnio in any qnaMiie renir escluive of frrtsht- J havS . - 1 ft im. 1 in J- tmiiwr ia oeew ld.l in liiws; ai.J irjilell. audroTed to bo lw ln-t it trfell. " I I Or!rj l-ft at l?.e Ftore of Mick A Hrowr :n ! .. .... .,..,!.... 1 . win nm.r jti'jwijn . iivw anil of the mo.-t ileirahle Hc-np'ion ; niw. a ImI of It .n-r.t iuhiii wiiirli i a sxl "iie for a raiicard T!ic proMTiy wil bv jtrently ; (2CT, I otur the il v .lue. A:plv ! the ub- r!!n-r, , v t at pr ton. J. A. nK.iSII.V. i alro.ulv .M U-n to H :w re fialiitiry, Jan. P.0, li-1f:2 c. DAVIS HOTEL, IN MuC'KsVliLLK, N So lonr and fuvorablr known to tl.e public. ha vt Li-en closed, rvporied : but "n li'.l ke l l.yMr". Henry An -a in "t Son, jw'io r. -j itfiiHy I mj'Mt.',t il.o in'iroiiio of thi old frieii'l ar.d H Ajl'COrST. Co not be iisrpoKd open by cring any other Llsl I&rDt claiming tbe astnc piopritifv or reeuita. Thry are a cheat aad a frand. Le auie and get nothing but Mi t 1W1 M MgrBoLXt bt aix psdooiaTa atd Coram Sioaxa at 20c, 50cL a&d $l.CO per Eottle. tt la Parely Vetretabla. and ita operation Is aeen aa feltatone. Itdoeaaway with tb rioaiwd Appr, mnrm cuiMd br Hrat: Fttirat. and Exeifaunaat. uul KmiiTM all liloteheaand PimDla. diTrJlinn dark and anaifthtly apota. Drlra away Tan. FrnckW. and Boabwrn. and by ita gentle bat powerful laAuenct p'"" tna laded choex wiin YOUTHFUL BLOOH AUD BEAUTY. Xpo the travelling p-iblir to (.MVe usiliH'.actioii Jail. Id 3huh. Xo paipi III be nd FLOWER SEEDS. We 8f-kno!td-? ihe rwupt f a parkaro mr.tainii vn:ioo Fbmfr SeeN fnmi V. U Dimon, .1 r.. A ( Svtlnirn and 1'lori-ia, BroiiV trr. X. Y. I The Ki-f.1 br.Mn- l ?ir w;r rr.jn...J, Tear" : ' r t . .la Appr, T 1 T V 1 I I V li Q f tear larye amoonu f eajMfal u VHur Teea ' Hdak IfMjlXCW . ";.,;,. x,c M!im, nitiM, of co-Wi-e, I impi- .i!5 .. J t'.rn!i nuil ditim srflor lit Ixi f it.-lv S.irr-. I JsOTIca lZK or Lonix. Eitix, 4 c, IiYON MFG. CO, Bold br all Trnrit and Tzarr Stores S3 fara Waca. icw xor-. -jt ALL KIN US ut"COVRT AjDMA G I STB A TES BLANKS at this office Marriage Certificates for sale here. Feb. 20,- At'ornrg and Counselor ut Isar and ' oliciloi in K.inUpupCcy, SALISHUir,N. c. XT Specul attention paid U Proceed. in in Binkroi tcy. f Scedc. Freeh Garden Ii. Rarki r i C" , w.4iJ irfi-vtfu aa- r:..:r.ci. :bat ll.y htvvJuM i4.-T-. fl a Lr,;cjn ( ply o V ursii ( t: Prn h rr frtnti In Irelh and Ut. ! The public U inrii-.! io rive flieia a call i their Drug btor m Lreeu Jan. 1C tf. : I i i - 'i -- , ' i.