1 1' r ; ; 1 : . - :!- -' . J. '. - ' -" i-..-. !'.: -t ' - ;V. ri- i :.:.! vv. . ; ' .. . t-. r. , . ; ffif'::' ... .a' ii . i m ! . . ' " ! .... I ' ! ! rt I ! r1 - h 1 1 - - : 1 ? ' i ' ' j . ; !' V()L. IV. THIRD SERIES. . ' , ; - i.-.'l ,1 . '" jh " 4 rUBUsuisD weekly ; I ' I f- iL? " i' tl u I : I ; ; ONLY. .! I - T TT)TT V1M i ' I - I i 1 e I . A;; : ' ; I I I - til I. . I - K I i Proprietor anl Editor , ' i'rtl OAiv -I -o i ;:: jj.8TEWAiiT, -mmmSK . 1 QAl : tell. t' ' I-V" VX i--: - I M AtilO AQWJi. IT D. F. W IliLCOX. Secretary. 1 '1 -.iiil- SALISBURY NJ C, APRIL 24, 1873. NO. 32 WHOLE N6: 873 : ' i Only l fLitvrvT that he gar me. Ouljjpla flivrr nthing more. " Bot Iirlierih it tenderly. darly. Aa rt th b liflit days of yore. Owly s oy that was fleeting Fa iom 8rtd heart to rove, . Yet lifBinory delight still to Hnder O'ei klie jjpeil that its fragrance v For over rOUTV thU LlYEK JUDICIISE tas proved to be the GREAT LNFAILINO SPECIFIC lit painful offspring, I)YaPKP3lAi CONSTIPATION' Janndice. , eptehonotSriU,HOCKSTOMACK,Heart- . Aftr Tear of careful exponuients, jo meet a H CTeataudurgentdouiand, wo now produce Iropu ear origiual Genuine VotnXera j TJqold form of SIMMON' LIVER BEJJ& 7 ..r.t ...,:,.! nil it wmidcrim aiur 3 LliU,CWViiu,"n ....... w . uU!e propertie. and oifrr it in r j jf. OWXX OIiT.AB. 350TT2iBS. ' Tha luwder.(pricc a before,) I .t'U prj paclsnpo. tUiutby man .......... i 1 CAUTION! Rnf noTowAernor PREPARED SJMMOSS' ! f IVEli RKOULATOU nnli'SfJ iu our engraved , ! wrapper, with Triule mark. Stamp and bigua 1 hlt unbroken.' None -otner ikou' ' 1 i- J.II.ZKILIN&CO,; "j i if aeon, Oa. and Phjiudelphui. " : Spirit or the se f iVjiK fcruiiTO thk Auk will orient a pair 1,1 !of fine pietucH tsort.OO to jeVcry hu!) Xiber for 1873, who Wy- S2 n' Hdvance for ; A year .ih. i- . .... i;.,..,. .irl,. if LUhographic prii.tt..S; -' V"!,UH J't?c.,,f X r ;ch ij. 2228 iciie, and the V'iclurf aeil m. the '.ii' toreiforfOlK.rjmr. . RV T. II. 'PBITUIIA.RH, V. D., 1 t-pnir:om.nS lUTill.T-HUiWOX, :-)hdi.ors. klv FaiiW PajH'r, adapieii Georgia Hamp Insurance Co Of COIiUMBUS, Ga. Ikcorpoeatep, l50j Capital SpoOjOOO J. RHODES T3ROWNE, Pi-eaident, D. F. W fLLJdOX: Smetory. It v 111 Losses ! famitably Adjusted ! And Prompt y Paid in Full! Property owners deainnrr, to obtain reliable In surauce will do well jto protect themselves by oenrins a Policy In ' Georgia Home Insurance Co." Agencies &i prominent points iii all the Southern States. :i ! i i f J! ALLEN EROWIh; Agent, I Ofiice No. 2, Granite Row, j ! April 2o, '-72.'- fly x Salisbury, X.C. j wove. Only Aletter I cherifh, f Gnardvd with ra'e many Tears, Tho Itk wordsl oh how few, yet how tender Are bluri-fd and blotted with tears. Only a: promise to love me, Toi love tue while love should last. In dreams I oft hear it repeated As .npy heari goes baek to the past, I , i Only a vanished presence Only a yearning heart. Only a, voiceless longing. A oice that will noi depart. Only ;a weary soul wAiting, Waiting that haven of rest 1 Where the onion of hearts is -etcrnalf And! true love forever is blest. any danger; land I (urtuer state that on les Ward and Flawtra are rerrtovtid from that parish there will be a fcaiful amount of LWdf hedi - - jj i . i I - Ward liaa full posFessiorior (lfax, and avows Ins determination w remain at all hazards. J i ! ' I j 1 think it lost to etate U ati there are colored people there who eadlyjdtprecate ific occnrrenf, and, io fctr manhr f them iikc mvseu. uave ueeu corapewea Dt threats f violence, to leave tthe Iace. I do not believe that the white oeonle of Grant parish wonld provoke f qaarrel, or harm the colored people r at all, unless positively forced to do so ;,and a believe mat mere aw not reauy exist sny cause for the conduct of the negroes! jn this.' affair, except; it be; tlic haired Ihey bear tnc white peopio or tue parisn i neg lected to ttajio that Lawyer Richardson, of Colfax, had been driverf away from his uflmp, anu nie notiae nrea into reieaieoiy. The foregoicg 1.1 believe Ufcb tle R its details : jj Y All that Ij know about it is, that this man Flowers, col. who was a member of tfie bayonet, Legislature at that time, with a p-irty of tn or twelve otlif if, jwent to Mr. iladnot;8 house, and took frlm there a cofHu in which his (Uadnot't) etiild was embalmed, ; thinking that it contained ORIGIN OF THE FEUD. money. They then took it out into the In a&lilioh to the particulars heretofore road an? ? PC" ; but finding what for a settlement of ihia imbroglici And that! also. That" nnihiuf n.: . i . I .!. r. An art shall ex- THE SIGHT AT COLFAX, La. FURTHER PARTICULARS. Congress, lackiug the moral conrage to rmpt the rrl estate of afsoeiaiin fnra settle it, left the whole subject to the'dis-1 -ither Stat( county or muoieintl uxe to cff'tion of the President, as the two houses I the same extent, jeeordioj; U h value, as left the Mormon difficult? and that the Prei other real state s tuxed,". i ... dent adh ring to the Kellogg gottmraeuU J . Alo with the following" Act approved nshe had notified Congress he shonld do it I February 10, 1SC3: - "' " left to his owu discretion, has made it de "An Art in rt-ljition to faxirj h.trr in facto the State government. We come, J National Hinks'j 7 v then, to Governor Kellogg, tie advised I Be tt enacted by the Strife an J House b compromise of thi Colfax difBculty but o ltrptesenhUices of thf Utx'cd States f it was bis doty to inform himself of the America in Congress aisembletl, That the exact situation of atXiirs there, and to ar- words "place wbtret)ie Back is located, rest Ward and his negro followers before and not elsewhereMn ccin tortyuine or immedutcly after their advabced apon of the "Act to provide a natioaa! curency,' the town. For this duty he should be eall I approved June jhird, eighteen bandied ed to account. He is evidently unequal J and si xtr-foar, shall be construed cnl to his position. As for iho slaughter of held to mean the State within which the the negroes, it is a punishment which they Bank is located and the Legislature of stupidly brought upon themselves. v.W e each State may ! determine and direct the hope' the lesson, throughout the Sooth, manner and place of taxirrg all the shares will dp them good, in teaching: them the of National Bank located withiu stid folly of appealing to arms for tb redress State,' subject to the restriction that the 6f fancied wrongor the vindication of taxation shall not be at a great rate than imaginary" political right. They ought j is assessed upon any eber iaioey&capi- to know that a war of races means tbettai in the bank nf individual citizens ot examination of the black race, and that such Stata: Arid pracided ahrays, That in every appeal to arms they are sure to the shares of any National Bank owned be severely puuixhed. President Grant, by non resident! of any State, shall be meantime, should bring Governor Kellogg taxed in the city or town where said bank to a strict account for his aparerttly crirai-1 is located, and not elsewhere sndden turn in the road, when the tad dlt tamed, as the. horse was in the actor making the circuit, the was da bed be af long against a tree, aud feiriifeless anj rnangled to the ground, never to rise agaioL Hrr chest was completely crashed, an4 without speaking m word, shie ceased t breathe in about fifteen mi pales, Bhp wss only sixteen rears of arrv was In tie Ihtom and flash of maidenly beauty, anil her sad, unexpected death Was a hard ' blow to her widowed mother and the ref mainder of her. family. The disceaaed was a native of East Tennessee and Cxbm to this country about a rear! arts. !Uoc family re nor but respectable people." ti 1 .i - 1 .r i. ' . i ui-jr mix voc uianini tympaiiiirs 01 irje . .. .! ; . . . iiuiic currouuuiuc cviamunur in liiia si t . f. ucrrat riucui. ROWAp MILLS! rr,IIE proprietors if the-se jastJv celebrated I Mills ani iu thojmarket t'r WIIKAT, and solicit calls from ll-jwho bavet to sell. They p4y the highest vtqrkpt cash prices. 'ij Flour Flour!! desired.' , ordtsra" ftr Flour diiflevent errades f They also manufacture fonr ranging Best tra. aud Super! Tiicy also soreit orders lor jiran. family, ramilti 3Sx- oi I -TH GOTl They Flour, giiud for toll, as maj' be EilMKRT, BROS & CO. BROWN N Mechanic, Tl. An i a wet ii..... f -ri Farmer. tii i pvitv rctiiiii of the iliio iraoeiiuai, r late- it;i m-t eeti-.nr.l in tbhractt-r, nor -. i:id.-s aiUhe newnof 2il a . .vilut..t with a v4ew to coirrectnw ami SVXiiratiT,! lis columns will Ub rthoicot malter sppfoirrte to t'te k..v;rtri. Histo'ru :l ami Trnvt-l and Adver.lnri' fineT W it Vnd 1 1 unior, A Rfio lihur a nr. n Ei'ttone of tlie News of t At-nct. an Epitone kliirtrcnt de- !iographicaI Kilibath Koa-I- , CrrcsHrti ie Day, &o. S. PLANTERS should! exanHne th aborc-nnmed d and reliable 0njbi;f'ore. biiying a?j-othr. It combins tho i(llri'ii qualities ot .Simplicity. Sfreiifitli and Il'.u; iility. It Gins fatand clean, nlMkes eC4illeut i$t (often brinjiinjr l-4c. lo l-yc. jir lb. abor narket.) rvrnl is uoTve-nlly adinitted to e thd gh-t:e.Kt:ninnii.g jiin made. fo h ive had tUirfy year'' experience in the busini;ss and varjaht every gin pe-rfrct. Gips (nstftiit!y intte Ij lud.tof our agents to wLii-b we, invite insptctijn. i ! I Circulars, with H4iinonia's aud udl particu Urs, niav 1ft' lu.d llat!dresii'g. , j i ! ; ISItAl-m IMtOWN, Presidontj j Ilijowu ColUtiHtjin Co , JSew Loudon, L!onn. CUAWFOKD tfpCILlG, A ginits Salisbury, ji 0; - i March 6H-4mof. -H ' 2nd 'ANNTJTAZi' DISTIIIIBUTION I "The publication of Original Stortes is a special Vesture of the Aok, and fo h.--car we have Locurcd several from tW Pn c( popular and Surl-ating writer.. In this Dl t.nt,, alone can promise our x - -? c- pnhlisljQd by us, by telegraph and edito rially, hi regard to the recent bloody affray in tho jtbwn of Colfax, Louisiana, we give the follqwmg. Thei Captain of the steamboat South' dmptokf ho was the first ;;to take the news to New Orleans, makes, the follow ing Rtitytuent : Weiarrived at Colfax Sunday evening abont o'clock ; found that the white people! and sheriff, I suppose, at their head, had captured the town after having a con flict with the negroes ; it was reported to roe that abont 100 negroes had been kill ed and I many others wounded; we saw from the boat fifteen or iwenty lying around ion the bunk dead ; one white man was reported killed, whose name I d'd not learn and two very seriously wounded Messrs.! Hadnot and Harris; Mr. Haduot was shot ihrongh thebowels, and . uj posedito be mortally wounded; we brought Hani? land Hadnot down from-Colfax to A!exinrlria ; three or four oilier while men were jslightly wounded. About 100 negroes escaped, but it was reported the whiles wt-re ill pursuing All of the leader? ol the not es especially the white men. The having amhusradrd -themselves iu the tourthouse, and the whites finding vpia no other mode of nttnek left Net fire to the building. The whiles !er- in tlio- iK-iglioo-noou ot l.'U The fight lasted fiom 12 o'clock nparly 5 l. M. The whiles are now in possession of Colfax, and when I left iast Sunday night everything was very nal hegligeuce in this business. N. Y. Herald. it was. left the dead body of the child on tue roaa. uuiier, -a coiora man ana a respecWible merchant, and another man, gathered up the child, replacing ifcas well as they could, and carried it back into Iladnot's house. s Bntler then saw Flowers and etpostn- latcd with biro at what he had beendoing, telling him that, ii was wrong, and that he ought not to hare done as heIid. Flowers and his party becoming exasper ated, then gave Butler twenty-tour! hours. in which to. leave, ot which he toqfc ad vantage, fearing for his life. . Wx. Ilnditot then gathered twenty-five men logeiher, and sent word to the ne grocs that they must remove th -ir women aud children 'as he ii. tended ni.kipg an attack npoit them. Butler say; that he cannot see any rea son in the world f r th attack, except it be the aninnus that the negroes yi-ivc agTtjns't thei whites ; and that, in his pin i)ii, alone prompted the action. Section eleven of "An act to provide for the collection of taxes by the State and the several! conntics of the State on property, polls and income," ratified 2Sth of February, 1$?3, is as follbws : "All other porsoual property whatever including money, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock compmies or r . - t sn r rr tt t j 1 1 otherwise, and .all taxable polls, aud all ( (larrMnnntMirfl. ff III Attn l nrk nri(it . . .. . . . v J ' other subjects i liable to taxation, ex- t this sal "A ARE WE TO HAVE WAR t rREI'ERATlOSS AT NFW Orit-EAKS EIGHT MONITORS READY. cept such frandliiie and personal proper ty a! herein speeialFy provided for shall I e iTen iu the to nal i4i in h'u h the per s .n charged rcids on the first of April. I he residence j of a corporat on, partner- I Premiums. N VALUE IKOM them capecl, negroes then; them nam men, until n charade- to that of .any of the -aDers. ' ' !.- TERMS IN ADVANCE : r tuies,) ictures, $2 "0 200 1 25 Ont cony one ycBq (with 2 pic af . I" witbO'it fie i$ ri s it month no k Eterv resder of the SrntiT qV the Ace as VuUUhedlH-fethe war, is tarnuy req.ie.ieu ito rehewi their-patronage; send, for specuueu copyj . AAilI)3 & iniotoiiTOM. qaie : : I ORIGIN OF TIIE FEUD The! origin of the bloody and di plora V.le contest above related is given in '.lie New O i leans Picayune of the 6th inst.J which i publishes the statement of O. J. Butlerl a colored man. residing in the toiwn ol Colfax, to the following effect; A band of negroes were, a ehort time j 75,730 . li.liiu 111 jr u L Slilito 65.000 j to the Subscribes; of ! ftTTVl TTTtl'STTlT! ?nTTtWTJ f Kverv Subscriber ia sure of on uremium ago, organized in the parish of Grant, and any way, aud l4j'haaan ejual chfuee of re- headoa by two men, named respectively eeiving a CVASH Ifreuiiuin, OU A$PIAXO, William Ward, ulias Captain and Flowers, nun t' -A'T. ''IT UI'U'IVC. lHfl4TVir i i . i . r.l uiujix, L -i oii iur mayuMii nave seizeQ anu taKeii possession oi ine via., etc. ! 1 - i i : FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM - $y)oo i n l 0DR FIRESI0 YlllEKD Efyht Page, LdUjcSize, lUn.stritcd the Family's H'e-clLf. is in its TlllKl) VltLUJl and Has attamatne Largest ClKCULtTlOS of any paer yublklii td in the WckU IlBST, S10ST DISlKAltLE AN'Il MOST USEllUL OlifUIN A L tKA U1KG MATTEli IN GKEAT Vr A K I ET Y, that money can buy and tonutkit aHOlIE WEEKLY suit ed to the wants o everr iamily, Siibicriptlon price $3. pei yettrlf f2 numbers, j I j The Elegant Chror&o j t 'CUTE," I r Thonlj illeliable ... ' 1 v -t i fa iv, courthouse .in Colfax, and driven all the white men from that place. They broke into the house of Judge W. R. Rutland, and .other houses occupied by white peo ple, and pluudei cd litem, la Mr. II ad not' house was the bndy of a dead child, embalmed and in a c fiiii. This the ruf fians hclually carried away, and threw upon the banks of the liver, 'i hey then destroyed a tine piano in the; same house. Mr Shackelfurd was hhot at tliree times while lattemnting to cross the river with his family, by the saint band. A lady school tear her was driven out of her house and robbed of her jewt-ls, which the scoundrels sold for two bottles 8iz5 16 x20 incliesi 16 colors. Acknowledged by all to b.i tho ij AN DSOMKST and MOST V A l.n A It I.K ovpniiiim liiptnic ii Anirii-.a. wiTi-'iiv L'iT.'P5 di:p 1.1 I .f 1 I I-u r Pj.i.tiiii ituU lui iA?ti'ir tliu UK I 1 1 Flf PlflSE Chromo the Uuiof ubcribiig (two H'o) jexre 11 into thj hands of one who re- V X Md Ui t l 1 l'i4V lliu iiviivuu -aw I Gift Distribution in the ' . Country ! ; SG0,000 90 VAX.TJABZ.3 v;OirTS ! Q .JK PISTItlUUTfcD IS L.J. SI W E'S t60;h REGULAR MONTHLY filET EiNTERpiSE, 'bp drywn Monday Arid 2Sth, JS73 - ij TWO GRAND. CAFITAIJS OF. :$5,600 each in Greenbacks ! -Two urws 81,000 1 - . f - ! Fira:rt?M? oo Vih Ip'Oeevcks. j a en prizes i- p;i Harti & BaQfy, with Siltrr-jrountcdtLirnciia, ' iOaoFi&e-toned Rosewood Tianos wrth .")0O! t I Tm Family Sewing' Macbj ties, worth 1 UO Uchl! ,. .j; ... v M 1 J7r jCoWj WatcJtrA.il &hnii, nwiA .$00 rath! -jrire'Chdd Atner.icau lluntiw WnteliiUj viorih ,$125'each. - ... 1 f , - i1,; j Tfen ladies' Gold Huntinc Wptclfes, worth $7o 1 ' facht -J . ' t ' i B00 Gold ((tut Styvr Jivr Jfuptlny IllrjA-Ai".", ( in j all,) uvfthiom 5t) (.J :.T.U eaifil' ,(ioll Clwiiuv Silver- ware, Jewtlry, &c. Whole rTumbcr Gifts, C,500. - j Tickets Liiniti d tei ((,0UO, IGENTSlWANTVH U Sell Tickets. to whom Liberal I'lejuiunia will lo rmid. -i&mrls Tickets $l;Six Tie'if t $.:; Twelve " I Tickets $10; Tycnly-fivi Ti l;i-ts20. nlteulars coril.'iiiiiiiij a foil list of prizes, a de- scription of the manner of draw'1112, and either 'tawmuion' ln reference to ftlie. Pistribution, - 1 milll I... 1 . ' I .1 I. ..! I till... etnt ttiist le addrVhscd to - j: i 1A1 orncjv r L, 1. iSINK, Ix SC. 4IIA11K iu the distribution of $i5jl00 ia cash i;id t.ther vemiun)-. I I TUEDlSTUllTION TAKESHI; A CP on thu second Tuesdwjf hi June next, "jho Clironio find Certificate sent on recept of pfie. BPE- CIMlvN t'Ol'lESJ 1'KEilIL-M flST, Jtt C UIVIXG FULL tfAKTTlCULAltjS sent free to anv address. $ ! Either lojcal or e.an- vaseii'.g jio every town. L'irgccash AGENIS WANTED pay aitq nest out fit. iM-iid at oois- i 1 tr'itns. liddrces. tHjn FWtt:S!D&fcKIESiT;Chleiig. Ill ' Feb. 37-1 f. If And lli!iitvr, ihl. i ana ffrm OF AtL KINDS I Fuioisbed to ordt'f- at Short Noticp, at Steam fa w Jtliil on WestfVn N. C. K. K-, twenty miles from alisom v. I ' Puce at mill Ml.' At ' SalilTiry $1,20. vi!n Dried at ijfylisbnry, SlfiQ. iTz:n.ns cask.- , 47: tf: !-! L K. Ii. COWAN.' if- JQI W. Fifth. St, I, ' ' 1 aSHOTCUM (IJirUdAO. SEliiQRACtflCDLAR' Jffew Jox miA 27 BEEKMiN S 1 I -April 26. 1872J432:! y h Cheap Chattel Mortgages, aid various othjei blanks for sle Jberje. them jiba-t-they were doing wrong, and begged them, for the sake of their families, to desist. I told them that if they con tinned' they and tlieir families as well would be killed. They took no heed of what 1 said, but asked me if I was in col iusiou with Judge Kutiaim ; "anu it vou are,' 'they said, "we 1 will give you only twenty four horns to leave the place; and if you do not leave in that time we'll kill you .""j I, knowing their desperate nature, com plied w it it their demand, and fled with tny family on the first boat, leaving my all at iheir mercv. This man Ward, without the consent of he people, declared himself elected to ihe bayonet Legislature from the parish of Gi ant, and,, on. the supposed grounds of a ballot-box having been broken open, he was seated and after the session of that Legislature was over he returned to Grant parish,, declaring himself, as it were, a ditatjnrr aud assu.zed the authority of putting out of office thoe gentlemen who then had h'gal possession. Ward demand- d that Sheriff . N:ih wonld deliver the conrtfhouse to his charge, which demand Mr. Kash refused tojcompjy with. Wheic upon Ward broke: op-n ths building, and then took possession, and dared Mr. Nash to proclaim himself sheriff of that parish. The iwhile people wjko held oifice then gave jup to the negro rule, without any n other resistance. It was at this time, after Ward had taken possession of the court-house, that be calledjiis band of marauders around him, stating to them that his life was in danger, it having been threatened by Mr. Hadnot, the whole of which I had no hesi tancy in pronouncing false, as I do not A WAR OF RA' ES IN LOUISIANA THE 13 LOO D Y A FFAIR AT CC L FAX. ; I The war of factions under which .ifor six tunnlliA, L uisi;io t has been suffering ill the pe llsif not, all the evils, of auarcr.y ut last take that inost dau'erons sh tne to the blocks of :a war of races. The bloody affair: at the little hamlet of Colfjix n the parish; of Grant, near Alexaudrig, on the R'-d River, from the details which we publi.-hed 'yesterday, was cleaily 9 conflict nit between the Kellogg faction an.l the Warmelh faction, but betweeit the whites aiid blacks a conflict of tht- two races, jail olhor lines of distinction be- ing merged ;iu the distinction of color.' The quaird'grew out of the political com plications jof the State, but in this bloody aflair at Colfax it-was, by the stupidity of the negroes,! re duced to a question of the local ascendancy of the white or the lacks. j It anyehra that Grant parish or county was recently f.rn.ed out of a part of the arge parish of Rapides 011 the Ked Ktver above Alexandria, and that, whdu the new paiisli or county was named in hon or of President Grant, its county seat, a small hamlet, wa named after the, then Vice President, Colfax Grant and Col- ax. beiog thus associated wiih the crea tion of thd new parish. Nex it appears that, by accident ignorance, neglect or design somen litre, the returns 01 the last tlfclion for this new paush were not of- fically reported, and that, in the absenee of any official returns both sets- of the lo cal candidates concerned claimed to be elected ; that they both appealed at length to Governor jKellngg at New Orleans hr ill .1 .1 . a decision, ann inai lie aavises iue con testing phi-lies to settle tin; controversy among themselves. The fusionists or anti- kejlogg faction were thn in possession of t he county offices. Roth factions, tm appolnted, returned to New Oilcans iu anything ,bu$ a condition t:r a compro mise; and, S (o make short woik ot tho matter, some two jvecks ago a negro 1 y t,he name of 'Ward, with a band of ignor ant and credulous negro followers, look armed possession of the Court llouto V formerly a sugar houte), proceeded to throw up iutrenchruttitts, and drove or frightened tho whites from tho settlement and from all the neighborhood within a circle of i twenty or thirty miles Irotn the military jhculquar'ers ,f Ward and his army; of; invasion and occupation at Colfax. ; I The resort to arms aud war thus en forced upon the whites was promptly adopted, jand their sig, storming and capture of the Court House at Caifax, ac cording to the details so far received, was 'thort, sharp and deci.-ive." The hosiil blacks, niimicring, in the outset, fiom four to five hundred, were first driven into their citadel, and be Com t House being set on fire, the in their eff ris to escape, were exposed to a disch-irgo of musketry, frin which cigluy or a hundred of them were killed anti-many Wonded. Their linglead- er, it appears, escapee, and all the sur viving blacks of the locality, after this terrible dtfeat, quickly disappeared Now. the ioucstion arises. Where lies the responsibility for this bloody and dis graceful affair! The responsibility a' taches first to the national admtnistiation-; next it falls upon Congress, and next upon Govi rnori Kellogg. The mi-taken policy of Uencral Grant in ia.iiaii ot nescc in Louisiana! hais been productive oniy of mii hief, confusion and disorder. It is but justice to; bim, however, to say that he Washisgtov, April 9 There is a great deal of speculation in this city at the present, as also cousidera ble anxiety, iu regard to certain measures rprpntlv Irtbn bv iKo (tnvprnnipnt whii4i yj -j - " ! ; .5... ..-.l. r.. .1.. are thought to look towards! war with UIp J L , -00.., some foreign power, but the precise mean- P"rp ( this, set, shall be deemed to be ingot which no one seems fully to nndi-r lbo township m which its puncipal stand. Common report and private ud. fice or PU,ce Pf business is situated ; if. vices from New Orleans, taken in couriec howcvfc, the corporation, partnership or tion with what is klwwn in regard to the M-ociAion, had separate places of bust- movements of United States troops upon PM.ln m.orc lfia,n ne 'P. the Mexican frontier aud the offidal i. given in each, the property or effects spection of Federal fortifications in the therein, but anybody of lauds belonging same neighborhood, incline most people to 10 P"0"9 or Morporauon, p.irt.leh.p or believe that before long the Government uuc.au.. u.,u u. u. u vj v ..... will make hostile demonstrations againet Hall bo giveq in which tho larger part Mexh-o. Yet there are others who believe ll"Lr,, ,w ,tsited- , . that the snl jective point of the expedi- Ihe language of this section is explicit lion nill bo Cuba, or even Wnezuela o the place where the subjects speci- which is to be forced ,0 ,v it long neg- fieifru,t0 Masted for taxaUon. k-cted debt to the Uuiiid' States. It is'l The law imposing the taxes on moneys, known that (i ncr.,1 Grant does not feel credits bonds, stock, &c . is 111 accordance entirely at cn.e in n-g.nl to ihe position'lu.tbe reqqirement, .,f iLii State Con : 1:1. 1... K i.. mnjf, titution.aud fho State I rcasurer, a Minis- . 11 1.1:1.. : . :i.i 1 tertol officer must carry mto i-ff-.-ct the would very iu icu iiki-, 111 ;iny iiossiuiu 1 . i , , ' ,t- . ' ! 1 ? nrnrimons of the law. wav. to limit ontiiic iiitcniJoii irom ins , r . own personal acts of commission and wil ful oni'ssi n and, for th; sake of the party THE GOODRICH MURDER -THE MORAL OF A MOURNFULTALEl Sudcicnt light has been thrown on tSe -lite and somewhat 'xnyileriaias tnurder pF7 Goodrich, in Brooklyn, to. point; the moral of the crime. Hero was a man, (says le N"ew York Tribune,) "ihoogk ha kept a fairseeming did honorable exterior to the world, through the vile channel of fnggs tive Advertisements, scught the means laf establishing guUly connections with' ml- guiueu women. lie nan uainuunext an unhallowed relation with one or two of these persons, aud had been Involvrdlo a degree which most have vu&c his life a -burden. One of these women had bern privately placed in the boose where the man finally met his death. He had,jit would appear, been prty ;to a etimioal act of abortion committed ori this perso : and he had, when tired oj the liaison, tried, with much difScalty ind shameful struggle, to shake her off. We have ho heart to do more than allude to the 1 ha use ful scenes which must have cone before to cause tho "aek-i ivers minreuvre 1 Money on ; hand or on deposit in any bank in or out of the State, including therein all fends invested within thirity, . 1 tr ,. ,t t : 1 : i.i 1 . n in: i t . i uari uiiuic luc iti i .11-111 in .hit nn- nuu the licail Aioouner scannai 10 uc . . , , . - . t a v . ro t? in rr Trnnnri v with i hp iii ipii l iii evade the paymeut of any taxes, must be of guilt and hame ; but the lesson must the taxes paid. le read : Can a man take lire in bis do ft .1 The tax-payers must likewise list the amount to solvent credits owing to him frgot:cn in the place of some ctriking ac ti,t Tf ij irtgiii ill if til ore 14 snnifl liinr .1.... v...i. 1 listed and Mil I'iim, anu iii.it uiiirii; lung iv .innj . is likely to be startled by news which will J be anything but pleasing to; Quaker, that in which the nnhsppy sun's life went out w,ith violence and blood. We catch only occasional glimpses of an ill-regala ted life, of lnwless nassion, ind of p radi ces at which a high, and pure manhood 1 .. . 1 . loots wuii enmson inaignauon. ai iui, the crop of evil bore its lrgilimite fruit. The thoughtless sower resptd the whffU wiud. j . '1 When an enraged, jealorrs tnitrfss,ia San Francisco publicly shot ker psiamohr, ho was tardily repenting rf his faithless ness to his lawfal wife, there was a grfat cry of horror that a manl of lesrnig, wealth, culture, and high position aholhl be so struck down. As if his whole lifo with the dreadful creature who killed him bad not been a natural preparation (Tor the bloody event which terminated it.'' We may never know just how and why the Rrooklyu murder was copmittcd. The i deed may have had no human wi loesses who will ever publUh their dismal itfry to the wotld. Rut out of 1 that tragedy has come inoogh to warn the templed, alarm the guilty. Purity aid honor tarn , away from the sorrowfnl ending of life som and not be burned t t i . 1 .-r .1... 1.. 1 1 1 11 .1 11 em 1 . ( WlilUirr ill or oui oi im: 01a cj uy lmmiu, however well the noble army of filibusters V"UVk" 1 . .. r ' i i note, bill of exchange, open account, or tinaylikeit. i ast wnuer Lrenerai issuorue - t - t r r . Won.lR Ab, aud Major Savage, will, due and payaUe or br any Covernenneni iithers. were in New Orleans, as cotnrais- , r ' . . i i ?. ' r-n ted States. &C, subiect to deducation in I n nr j rrk i cYirk r ii ii a i iii u 1 1 grievances of America citizens against .Mexico nitranders, and now that General ( Ijcrs, the Secretary of War, and the I Iiieutenanti-Gencral of the Army have giine to inspect onr Mexican borders, and . i . . . . . a k . . a .1 : . : . I A,, i i..A..4 nie iroopa nave uiuhu, it is aiuiit uriuuu oqiici mat jiaxico is not io near t'aVig of American gunboats. sorae- snbdivisions 5i.li, sec. 9, of the ''Machin ery Act." ; Roods issued by any govenrnment or corporation, except those of this State or of the United States, must be listed at tlieir market value. The forgoing conclusions arc reached. THE PLEASURES OFj HANGING AND DROWNING. A lady writer in the New York Tim es thus discourses of the pleasures of drown ing aud haitging : Hanging, like drowning,! after tha trt disagreeable strangling fi-elirig, is adrliht ful thing no doubt. There was an told monk, of the order of St. Atigutline, who used to regul-uly retire to! his ctll-aud hang himself up on a peg by his nock, ii AiT INPORTANT COMMUNI'W- entirely consistent with piincipVs of the law as based upon the constitutional pro vision on the subject. 1 IIC IlJIi'lllg tAlllMilfiuilil ni. i it v v.. 1 rj , I after a cartful consideration of the Acts of attended by a brother monk whose duty the General Assembly in relation to Rev enue, and I am pcrsnaded that they arc TIpN t FROM JEN TREASURER KINS. State of Noktii Caiwlixa, Tueasi rv Deiaktment, Rihigh, April 16 1873. lihc following opiniou is published in reply to such persons as have ias-ked my . r . I I : . 1 . I. co.istructton t NELLIE GRANT AND TO.M MUR PHY, Jk. The New York Herald has been guess ing at the reasons for the present visit of of ihe law in resp-ct to the rvsmciu yraiu anu uri u ao a ..ie8 axation of stocks, bonds, solvent credits, "'-' to that city. Among oim r u.eories i. . m its aiilopnririiiKV rfenrkrlsr Mill sif fltliilt la money, and for tho liilorroritun ot - corpdra.ions and stockholders therein.and one to the effect thai Miss Nellie is cng,g all others interested : . wf 1 Murpl. y the late o .- rt .. i .1.- : A - co'.lector oi me pori oi .ew xorit. air i .. .... i i j. e t t. hnmii M urnb v. Jr.. IS a VOUli? revenue, lui.neu me j:q aay oi Jiarcn, r y' ' 1S73 nrovUts that "ihero shall be an ad "'Jlv ij r . valorim tax of twenty eents for the gen Jjeliee that he jeycr "thought he was .in ' jialed o Ponjjreas a.t the late session In wheil era 1 fund on every one hundred dollars value. of real and personal property in the State subject to exemptions made by law, including inouejs, credits, bonds, stocks, etc : Thfc snbj cts menu in d in .eetion I are also taxable under sections 2, 4 and 4, im posing taxes for special purposes. my opinion the slocks. in Dan its irr National ll.uiks or banking in- stitutions esiablisuea uuaer me laws oi this State, and in all other corporations or associations of the nature of joint stock companies, ate taxable. ; This const ruction of th laws, so tar as it affeicts National Rank stock, especially, is consilient with tho following provision of tho Act of Congress, approved June 3, "Prociiled, That nothing ii this Act shall be cons: rued to prevent all ihe shares in any of the said Associations, held by rtny p-'sv.i o body corporate, from Ix-ing included in iho valuation of the personal property f Mich persons or corporation in the assessni'-nt of taxes imposed by or un der State authority at the place wheie sucli bank is located, and not else here, bat ot a greater rate th in is assessed upon other moneyed capital in the hands ot individual citizens of such State. Pro- and a blonde. lie has a gentlemanly, prepos sessing appearance, and will b: very rich ly endowed, it is said, by his fjith'r, whose wealth is well known. Miss Nellie is a young lady of about nineteen years of age, and, .while not pretty, has a fasci nating, pleasant, jaunty look, and a gen erally very fashionable appearance. She looks on the present trip better than ever, and has alieady seen a good deal of the -world. She is the f jm cial pet of her papa and mama. The report is that the iuteu- ... ... a ti.m of the two families is to nave the m a it was to count fo many and to cut ti:m down. The sensation wai to delicious, the uiagnificeut visions presented tohis half choked soul were so ecstatic, tlia ho could uo more forego the futoticatioi of hanging than can ihe opiuuj eater intermit his dose. Then like the effects of las heesh, tlf result of hanging is ntvcrff icy alike. The gorgcons delirium ever ta'kes' new shapes of delight. Arid so the monk went on, till his attendant got earth-, and one day didn't cut hlin dwu bou enough, and theic i an end of it. j The writer of this ImotrJthat drowning is all it is said to be, for she unco took a header out of a boat after an escaping tronf, into ihe waters of Likc Chiu;ery. I Afior ilia Aral nln nf rti1in IT Witer. mm ol r . . ' r. ; . T V with ncr unmisiaittnie nose ia ine hmu, with gorg-ju., floating dream sinking like far-off mnsic through her brain, tran quil, supreov-Jy content, conscious of tba siir in the water made by lkoe whoctove three times afur her, she ws onutlerably lmppy. The shadow of ihk moving ot above darkened the shining sands aroind, and it was actual inter fereure with happi ness when a pioping hand unaneb&red your correspondent from blissful repoH aud shot her opto the sublight. With the first touch of sir came inseasibijity, and whh a return of consciousness cam But marriage solemnized this Spring, and that misery ana sgooy bu-..uu.. SO I ; 1- . 1. .1.- t :ll immeoiauiy auer mo yonn-j wupie wm - i i 'i.i. 'l :, nroceed to Europe on a bridal toor. It believe hanging may be also, although tt i . . . . . was even said that the purchases made a o rj i has some unpleasant features. few days ago were for the wedding trous scau of Miss Nellie Grant. Whether all this is true or uot. the Ho raid does not vouch. lfih Fniu tho SoinervilU; Falcon DASH TO DEATH FEARFUL FATE OF A WESTTENNESSEE YOUNG LADY. It is rarely we arc called upon lo re cord any evmts so sadly h- art-rending in its nature and details as the one to which we now allude. List week a young lady Stew iit. wl The colored voters of Philadelphia are 'ou the rampage," and ine Ist upon aifair representation in ofSci! circles. "l!hey object lo de all the voting wiihoot hating some of the j lasant places voted for Jand hence they demand a recognition of their service in a more subi taiitUl uiauucr thu the mere woid.4 of appiofl that lave hilherlo grecU-d llnir labors. This lb while Radicals object to, .Lecanwi bey want all toe public pluuai-rilbcnjjilYj The L vingtoii (Va.) Galctte 4y the Hon. Judah P. licujauiin.i tufchlrale Si tictary f named Lnz btewini, wliose mother re- tided further. That the tax so imposed' sides on the farm of Mr. Clay Irwin, near under the laws ofany Mate upon I he shares Macon, in tins cour.ij , earn u .ui i. f fil. o-aiatlftiu MiithiiriKed bv ride on a rather wild horse. B yi - j . , -1 i I this Act, shall not exceed the rate iinpos. reckless rider, and wiping to -,1 hnnn iIia Bh:irea in anv of the banks exercise, she laid whip lo Ihe amraa " - - j ... .."..r.. I ... ... 1 ' .1 : j i iknrii i i Ki.t. m.mp tin nuid iDetd. da sue went. I asbiorton auu where suchasociation is located. Provided unmindful of dauger, until ho came to a ' Messrs. Kruttchuitu. i . . ; lvt, 1. . 3 .1 Stale and unvf one Olj tier to lake Majesty Quceu Victotu's couusellos at iriug a law. will viait the Uoited Sutc doriiig njoy the I the Summer, aud probably L-xiug'loU. imal and Two of Mr. Reiijauiiu's nephews are at Leo Uiurcrsity-j-uu 1 - ! . . i f 1 i i 1