I -. .3 -4 t; Hi if . -,' : rmmmmmmm i iir , j ' ' r iMl 'A M fit 'A; i .s, 'it. "ff;.i f'1 1 1 V:i.! -.':; '' i 1 1 SiH !"7 V i ! t .1 '4 V. A -1 If it A-' V. ') 1 Mi an. 3 Alt $ D fj RT. T II U BSD AT APRIL 24. news and Comment. i. The papers aoy that ex-Senator Joshua Hill, o7rU; h purchased a fine house in Wash j ligton City- The effects pf bat1 pay. f j Mifi Jeannie Patterson is in Washington tnty. .-: ; . v I . -f Thji Chicapee Mill, at Springfield hate been burned.; The Iom is very heavy. 1 About eight hundred hand are thrown out of employment, laoBlly girl. . . . ; f' The gOTrnmnt nold tnillion and a half of c2j4 W &turfal.u'.; jr rs' ' Ur. Burkeray wood," of Baleigh, say the tSenlinit has been selected by the American Medical Society to report on the Climatology n'nd epidemics of North Carolina to the Twen- I 'iburth Annnal Session ojf that body, which vill bo held 4n St. Louis. I Mo , on the 6ih of ilay prox. ; . . j A train near Boston, (lnt gafnrday, went llirough a bridge at the Richmond nwitch.f Six tiirs burned and 13 peraons killed. Six todies I I ate been recovered. The accident was.cauHed by die freshet. J I Henry Fralick jas hanged last Friday at Hyracuae, K. for Uie murder of Peter Shofter. A diopatch ' from Washington City, dated April 19th lnst,'aays after two days gluing the ouoc uea to me nu.s souui-weH u, beds.' They took.butone scalp, i The soldiers tjook four,- including Scarfaced Charlie. Lieut !agan wa wounded in the arm. The Warm spring Indians fottght well,; stealing upon the Modocs and ever ready to take and hold any iul vantage. The total federal loss is ten wound ed and five killed. ' Eight Indians are known t be killed. The Modocs are traveling towards Willow Springs, j Tlie cavalry with their Warm Spring Iudian allies are in pursuit with three chrys rations.-It is feared the Modocs will divide tip into small, bands and greatly damage the jeU)eni. A. captured Squaw says John Schon i bin who, was wounded by Comuiissioner Meacham is dead. f Later. A Yreka dispatch-says Scarfaced Tliarlle had his leg broken in the fight and was killed' iy a private cavalryman of company j'-k. 'The Warm Spring Indians founcj a half uoten wounded 31odocs under the rockand Ncaipedtheni. f A correspondent had his ear dipped by a Modoc biillet. 1 f lzThe Carlist movement, to restore the Simnish monarchy, seems to be' substantial I v at an end. From almost every point, now, we are receiving dispatches announcing serious le verses to their arms, while not a few of them are laylrig down thcii arms and suing for pardon. So the great unwashed Dan1 Sickles, be will likely to con gratulate the SpanUh peo 1 again on the happy prospects' of .the permanent establishment of a Republic. ' jl J ' The destruction of San -Salvador is lonfirm td. The population, numbering forty Uiousand are ruined. Every city within fa radius of twenty miles sufferedmore or less. The shocks continued from 4thlio the! 19th of March, when l.he climax was reached. Fortunately such ciluens as had not left the city were living in tlje plazas. Hence theloxs "of life, though great was much disminished.- T)ie hotel Del Plaque ! and the Government palace only are left stand ing.1 The loss m estimated at twelve million ilollars. The aggregrate loafoflife is fire thous ! md.. ' j I- "' i , Two of tlie worst bands of the Apaches in j Arizona have submitted unconditionally They i have defied the Government for twenty years, lit two hiuidred of their warriors bejing killed last campaign, dispirited them. Gen Crook ac- ! cepted their surrender. The chiefs promised to j Bcndword to outside parties. Gen. Crook gave j passes to runners, spreading the news of peace, i The epizootic has nearly subsided in Arizona. And all the stage lines are runing. j ; Work commenced on the Texas and j San i Diego Railroad on Tuesday. 1 i IP Pib nono who has been seriously ill is said to be recovering. ' " ! i j Prof. Baird, United Sates coramiKsior.er of Fish j and Fisheries, has just dispatched Beth Green 1 and; four ittendanU to AugiuU Geoip'a, for the purpose of tliere commencing the wrk of shad j liatching, with a view of restoring the Southern j and Western waters. After the seasfon closes at ' j Augiwta, Mr,, Green will proceed I.iC orthward (continue Itiaj. labors successively at Newbern. , Veldon, Fredericksburg.! AYashing(on and oth ; er localities.! A ortion of the fih hatched out f will be placel in the rifer at eacH particular ! station, and others will be transmitted by rail to adjacent fraters. both on the Allanlic coast ! ahdin the Mississippi valley. J; , j A XT. 8. soldier was run over and killed by ' the trafti a jRfwdays ago at Charlotfe. J Mr. HeorV Clapp, of IGuiUbrd fnnty, was j found dead iu.-ttte woods about four hundred yrda from his house, a few days ago. lie died It in cam, iioi uyuricn 1HU1CICU Dy 1'etcr and Alson Sllaley.' JIL liitledog was with him vhen foond. . , ( .'' ,; :; . j ' The Injaaclion case, State vs. Richmond and Danville Rail Road, which was argued at Ral eigh las week, was decided by Judge Albertsoir at xrord, Pti C, last Tuesday. TJhe injunction ... vviiiiiiiku, nnu uv ui.no ui aunii varoiina is required to give security for fifty thousand dol larr. ? " . 1 ': j . , j Dispatch from Lincoln, Xeb., April 22nd savs j .ie ursi iraiR lor ine wt-eK on t lid Jiurlington . aadMiouri Road, arrived to-dayl The worst i ftorra everj known has preyailed Men were frozen to death within two rods of their hdtwe . while trying to get the stock in. Many women j and children were frozen. The destruction of j horses and cattle is great. Gullies! on the rail road were filled with snow as hard' as ice. lj In ay. riot at Frankfort, Ky., twelve persons were killed and about forty wdiuided. I m w iiww nwcu i.iiv me Aigaoo isaisns are still in the Lava Beds. Here is te latest from the seaf of war the Modoclndian war, about which we have beard r lunch of late. The dispatch is dated lava beds H.nday last, and. says a park train? with 21 men were attackted at the head Long Cave. The men sheltered themselves behind rocks. X)ne was killwl and one ! wounded. The train was fired into upon etitering the lava beds and again when Jt returned. The Modots crept withlnj 80 rods rjjnd",Brcd 'at the picked, and snt a volley tji rough the camp. Major Thomas sent a shell nmong thera when they disjiersed Theie were eleven Indians in theattacking party. The WsrVi Spring-Indiana will jstari to hunt the tUatcljin Modoca, but ijieyi are scattered in small paitiea. The roads arej not safe to Yreka, and the coun try is in great foment. ' LATEK.sjr lFacedOiarbey is-notykiitei It is thonght that smaH parties of IctiodtVil rahl around tlie opuhtry to secure good bon while a sufficient nnmber will remain in the lava beds to keep the troops employed.. The cavalry has returned, hating failed to find the trail. Col. Perry traveled 80 miles, making round the lava bcds THE FAlfi. x he ncxi jcair. as we u i air, as we earn, wn belield Tlie aa- Ociober 7thj, Bib, 9th aod 10th. . i ft Bociation is in die condition, well officered, and fully qup to snuff." i The premium list which will be large and attractive' ii being rapidly made out and will be pub lished soonj. ' Ahogetber j tbo, alUbary Fair promises t be one of the best, it not the beet, in the State daring the "jjrear. J We bopti thef farmers will exert them selves, as w u learn that the premiums in their eparfroeil especially, will amply remunerate them fur such extra 'pains as they may tike Maj, ReIjbk Witsoari - This gallant,' one-legged 1 Confederate soldier was in! Chailuue last keek. He was iudicM several years ago for an assnlt upon Star buck, District Attorney. Thb heroic Star buck has ittid a noble revenge.' rlji imi4 ij"gg,l the maimed soldier-five lhf.(nre Court ai an eXDenee t0 ,lm 0 $1,500, and each time had the trial post! jKined 1 The Major has at last got rid ojf the vexatious sujit, the Federal j Court at Greciisbord deciding that it had no jurist diction. Southern Home. j We'hardly know which to blame mogj. Starbuck or Judge Brooks; We think the part taken I in connection with thja matter disreputable to latter as a; JadgeJ About the titde of this unfortunate af- fair, their liwas . a bitter libelotis article is bed in a Haleigh paper written and pub concerning it. 1 lie author of the art icle was demanded and Judge Brooks, j we wei e informed, assumed its authorship!. Thi,'in connection! with bis aion hero, werespet fully submit was extra judicial, Vsay t tic least of it. SALISBURY. We visited Salisbury this woik. Court was in seseinn tit that place Cloud pn the Bench hn i's of the proportions phy sieally abd wfears black clothes we got a glimpse ofjhim from' the front door we think we could suggest an improve raent in his toil let. ) ! Salisubry is a great place -it is siinatcd at the confluence of the Western N. C. ll R and MKay'jj mill pond and has im proved greatly sjince its first settlement itjs "supplied wijh gas and water. Tlie Gas Works aftf at the Depof and the Water Wrks in the public sqntre. The pump works bjf water and has a large wheel on ip, which.is kept chained and locked, tojkeep' it from runing itself dry. They diinK a gfeat deal of water in Sal isbury. The streets are wide and well kppt and they jarc not afflicted with tlhe Nicolson i jpavemeiit. The Mercliauirof Salisbury jdo a lijirge, heavy, thriving np sperous, profita$le, wholesale and retail business. 1 hejl get trade from all part of the Sta especially from Concord a'ud States ville! reason w by they advertise liberally, column after column. We cnll ed to see BruneiSc Stewart of the Watch man. Brnner jby the way is hne of he handsomest men we ever saw,' to be an editor. Stewar , is also handsotpe, bqi, t ( a different! type j of beauty he is slhth Freckled, and don t wear nosd classes. The Watchman is one of the oldest pa- pers in iur . oiaie ana sounu to: tne core. As an evidence bf the prosperity of tin Merchants of that Tn Wt Vtrhnsi full.: - -, - VIIC that ho issues wfceklv a larse advertising sujiplement and expects to issue a qqin tuple Btieet, nncjci witn nothing but Salis bury a rtiemeu's-the v ry town ohows the sign o,f liberal -advertising -j-almost a matter of impopf ibility to get wailed on in any ot jh' Stqrep-.everylhiiigrvidehcep prosperity in Salisbury - it is always the case when the business men advertisi as liWrally as the da there. Tliev intend connecting Salisbury with Calabria,! by means or a canal from McKay a pond the work! is now in progress aud w ill be of incalculable benefit tn the Town. Salisbury has pne fof ihe best! Hotels in thetatej the VBiown Uouse,'' kepi by C d. ( S. Boyden, it is named after Mr. Jsat Brown, fprmely a promioet lawver of that place, and also a handsome m m, and nowj Judge" of the Supreme Court. Col. Boyden knows his business tt hi lloupe wS built for a Hotel. Therew af at one tipe a 1 'First National Hotel, in Salisbury kept by different parlies in the interest 6! tne Uovtrnmeiit it has I IOW- ever, surrendered its character, and is UuW hi mo -''v-" repairs. i We vUited the Masonic Lodge m Salisbury Mr?, Ed Neave holds thje gavl in the Flask They lave i limoft rn:guinceut Lodge room floor, covered wjth th-i finest B u-sela; ear pets, cealinga frt scoed aud the furniture of the most elegant and elaborate charac ter the fVnitre jof the style of ijjouie XIV.. Tne Lodge was crowded; with mem- oers, a very uiocuit matter to get a seat. They hive an Odd Fellows jLodge and ixood lemplar in abundance. A sudden death created a stir there a few ilnys. Y uey uoitsaqjuxer had taken "too much sugar in his coffee," and died from the effects o it some firw who knew no bet ter, attempted to. attach blame td Mr Snider fat jeciinj him from his pliicc of business bnt the Corouera jury ha set tle tuattnatteri ,-4 They summonded Dr. George Iagan of the Slansioiwho could findjnotbijig on or about-tlie body to show that he had received rough usuzc from Mr. Snider Snider is too well know n kind hUrtwt eren leman 'o be euilty of anvthin? ot the eortl Wiley was well known tn the commuity, andl was exceedingly disagree able and boisterous when drunk, but of a clever disposition when sober he has nanaea in his fcuecJts, and ua gone "into that war from which there is no1 discharge" let his virtues oulv be snoken of. We got a great many subscribers tn SaJiehnry also a great many , advertisements. The SalUbujrgers, ilways encourage aoj new enterpriseexamine onir colnnjnsolosely rea.d the Saliabnry advertisements, and when any of the Sck readers ever du go jtojSgUsVary,; bny nnlf- from, those who djertie.- Concord Sun. -. f &&", When our sanctum was honored the other day bjr a visit from the distin guished author, poet and philosopher, who in his capacity as editof-ila-chier of the Sun corps wrote the above, it did not oc cur to us that he was iff search of materi Bjls for a paragraph on aesthetics, nor did we imagine that so many remarkable and peculiar features in bur municipal economy Iro.ttld snggest themselves to his eagle eye. lad we supposed that it was the iatcn- ion of our amiable and extremely compli- entary friend to criticise our physiogno V and immortalize onr town br p-ivin . o o it such honourable mention ui the columns of that setless Sun whose beams are de stined to lighten our remotest posterity, we would have put on our standing collar and a pair of spurs with bells ou them and that jaunty cap which is so ornamental to friend Harris's countenance and we would have ordered out the horse marines, who are stationed at McKay's pond together with a jews-harp band anJ' Col. Boy den's gong, to escort our distinguished visitor over the city and show biqr the vaiious points of interest. But we failed in our manifest duty, because; alas f we knew uo better. If our eulogistic neighbor will notify us in advance of bis next visit, we promise him that he shall be received with I he honours of war and made the gnest of the jcity during his stay, and that he shall hbe mounted on a snow-white charter ajid i accompanied by troops of admiring small boys whenever he makes excursions to ihe navy yard, the fortifications or the jane tion. . j But we think that the v&it had better be postponed until after Court adjourns, otherwise the Sun might be temporarily obscured by a Cloud. THE LOUISIANA TROUBLES. The constant and unwarranted inter ferenceof ihe administration in the affairs of the Southern Stales, hi order to secure the offices to its partisans and to build np a mongrel party of carpetbagger and negroes, has caused nearly all the difficul ties and outbreaks that have occurred That is certainly the cnuae of the bad con dition of affairs now existing in Louisiana. It is somewhat curious, by the way, that lite parish in which the late disturbances iccurred should bear the nam of Gran', aud that the town in which the collision between the whites and backs took place should bear thu name of Colfax f We gave yesterday, as we could gath er them, the facts conncectv-l with the collision, but there were sonic anterior no- ctirrrnces to which we did not refer. We ' find thera stated in the NewN i k Journ al of commerce. That paper sayc ii an editorial sketch of the unfortunate nffiir : We have diligently examined all sources of information nt our disposal, and aro forc.ed to believe th it the negro party be gan the affray by deeds of organized vi,i lence. It ia a most unfortunate fict f.r the negroes if this is true ; for ihe colored race has. its hosts of sincere' friends at the South and at the North who deeply regret that they should ever take the initiative in bringing on a conflict fraught with such terrible consequences to the blacks, andnullifying every honest i ffort which is made to convert the freednum Into a good and useful member of the communi ty. ; The negroes, as we collate the facts, began their armed outrages as far b.tck as 7lh inst. They congregated in mobs, broke open houses, stole goods and wear ing apparel and ordered estimable citizens to leave town with ten miuntes under pnalty of death. They killed the cattle and hogs of white people for miles around. I hey toarded at nmer and robbed her ba con and floor. For pome days th-y kept the region roundabout in a s'atc of terror. THE MODOU FOZITUESS. Professor Hayden, in charjre of the United States expedition for the geologi cal purvey of the Territories, who last year visited ihe lava beds in Oregon now occupied by ihe Modoc Indian, informs a reporter of the Evening Star that the lava beds are an outflow of volcanic matter fa ming a perfect sea of melted rock which iu gradually cooling, became broken. Innumerable little streams have worked heir way through and ihe whole nlace is filled with caverns. Often times they connect with one another, and extend for miles under ground. They very iu length from fifty to five or sit hundredleet. The entrances to them are generally very small, and, then fore, can be easily d fended. ihe lava beds comprise from fifty to oofc htwJfSjl sqo. ire mile?. It will ie a nimcnu tuing m surrouiul the Modocs. and there is great danger of their eluding our. troops on account of the familiaiity of the Indian with the lava be4. Z' u, The MJocs are the sain n as the Di"v ger Indians, and liv npon ihe rabbits; snakes, . mice, and all kinds of bugs and insects which are found in the cavcs.' Decided at LAsr. Most of yester day was occupied in the Federal Court in hearing the case ot the United. States vs Mj. U ilson, Mitchell and Beard, charg ed with conspiracy under the ku klux act (or ansault on Mr Starbuck at Salisbury iwp years ago. An effort wis made by Solicitor Lusk to h ive the case continued, but this the Judge refused to grant iu as much as the defendants were entitled to it. - After hearing the evidence, and argu 'I'tuk ui counsel OIL.UOU1 sines. juare Dick charged the jury in a full, clear and pointed manner, that in his opinion the case did not come under ihe provisions of the kuklux act on which the indictment wa drawn, and belonged properly to tlio Stale courts, where it could be tried, aud not to the ederal court which' bad no jurisdiction in the premises. . ; .... i Thus ends, afterdraggins: its slow lenjrth along for two yars, this miserable burles que of justice, which ai ever should have found its way to the dockets of a Fedrra! conrt. Greensboro' Patriot. j NGj MOKE FJtEE XtfHANGES. -i- r: if- i ; . The Regulations Under Ike, New Postal : I .-: Xr.;'! I ' 'fA ' "'V- N " s . j' The ! fost-office Gazette for A pril, p ab -lisheel at Washington, IM the following important reminder to publishers i : The attention of publishers is called to the necessity of arranging their business to couform to ihe postal regulation cutting off the transmission , of free mail after the 10th of June.; Attached to the appropria tion bill for the Post office Department at the last session is the following : ! "Provided, That all laws and parts of laws permitting the. tiansmission by mail of an free matter whatever be, and the samejare hereby repealed"? fiom' and klttr June! 30lh; 187j - K '- :- , This law will exclude all exchanges between publishers, and weekly newspa pers wlpch are printed in the county wh re delivjered, frnni fete circulation. Ilegular postage must be paid, as provided for other matter of this class From and af ter tejSOth of June, then, newspapeis aud Ueriodials tiovr sent free wilt Wind. ject lb ihe following quarterly rates, of pos- t-i era .' ' ! Jvot exceeding 4. ounces. in weight, sent to auy lpart of the United States, weekly, 5 cents ; semi-weekly, 10 cents ; tri-week-ly IGcents; six times a week, 30 cents; daily 35 ee nt sivf Exceeding '4 "ounces and not exeetdiug 8 onnees, 10, 20,30, 60, and 70 cent, j- Exceeding 8 ounces and not ex ceeding 1$ ounerYl5, 30, 45, 90 cents, and S1 05. . Exceediug 12 ounces and not exceeding lb ounce, 20, 40, 60 cents, $1 20 $1 40. Tilfc JIODOC It seems that these ferociotis4f'iVv-igesrdo' not Ifve 'by buhtliig, bnt that they are root-eaters, thu forming an exception to ihe rule which assigns moU'eatcr's to the lowest clisa of Indians. Thev 'are said to have some proud tradi tions and fnspiii.ig legends. The Missouri IiepiiVlicdn, w hich seems well ve rsed iu their; history, relates ihe following; Not far, from where l hey now stand at bay they point to a high mck upon which a baijcl ol their warriors was once beleagur ed. j All retreat being cut off, and no es cape; possible except br volcnlary dtath, the Alodocs stood up in Hne upon the brink of the dizzy precipice, sang their dealhong wiih deliam gesiuies in full view of i heir enemies on the plains below, locked their hands and sprang Huh a shout of triumph to instant .death. SjiiXS OF Ddatd. The A?ac,emy of Sciences of Paris, in IS70, offered a pi ire f 20r000 francs for some simple and posi tive sign of deaih, which any non-profes-sional person could understand and apply. The inost praciical and nlifacfory one given '(says the British Medical Press aud Circular) is mentioned in a late number of Vircliow's Arcliiv. Ij depends upon the fact that, no matter how profound the syncope or how deathlike ihe person may appea-, if ihe circulation t-oniiuiirs. how" erer feblv, the :iersfii is not dead. Ail that ps necessaiy, lliep fore, is to tic a string li.nily around the finger of ilie sup phsed corp ; if iIm hlomi circuhiles in the least, the whole li sgcr, from ilu; string to the lip, will swell and gem-rally turn a bluiilj rl-' This test is exceedingly rim- pio auu conclusive, .y Diseases of the Bkajn Lecture BY l)R.' BkOWN'-SkQ'.JAUD. A large number of tlie medical fraternity of It -ton assembled in the ball of the building of ihe Society of Natural History on Satur day ; veiling, to hear the vi -w.s of D . Brown Seqnard upon the dieaeii f the hraiit antl the ir piienomena. The lecture ii pf an interesting character, and a generous round of applause greeted the ppeakei at its conclusion. 1 he fnl ..m ukt is s an extract imm I lie Adi crltscr $ report : Epih p?y, when caused by a moral state f the nerves, can be reduced by irritation f those nir a' in the w eak si.le on the 8aiu principle that the inhaling of carbo- uic acul might stop resptratien by irrita ting' the fibres of the lungs. He had U5td carbonic acid for many purposes, notably severe neauaciie, ana Had never known the 'remedy .o fail but in one instance : in caes of epilepsy it might also be made of great service. un regard to the t M et of btie pait of ihe body upon, another, Dr. Siquard mentioued that in a ca.e ol spinal epUj-psy a negro accidentally pineludoue of hU great toi s and found im mediate rc lief i bo in cases of epilepsy, where the neaa was suUdetuy turned round the fit wa!a; stonncd. He regretted th .'it t In Innn. , cj . . . graphy of the bexly was so little kno.vn af yet, a. id .ke i.i i, higfn-si teiuiKoi eau;tT7.i' jr on th- I. cad or between the shoulder f tr ej.il-nsv While it was not yet Kii it V hertuo a pply cuuuter-in itant . which tie coiiiiieri:.i a p.-rh-ot cure for conia, he recommjendi-d his audience lo try ine vaiiou. trcauneuu pu"it-(i. .uxl lv comparing uo'.r -r on the result they would adit greatly to medic fl i;)fiiinatioii. Davidson has ICS sludcut iu atlemUijte Jfc , t ' . Tne colored t' ot!o of the State aro to have a j leiuprnfHc'e cniiveuti n nt New- oeiii on tin- rnsr-v etin sway in June Miki- R.wchrii: Feler.il soldier was tun over lV ihe care a! CharSiHlce no Ftwliv night la'ft and 'horribly niultilnled. lie nui iiim a it .urn. jTIh Ivtn Im i f.ril Vindicator has U-en reiuovefl to Newjliern. Wtj'lru'st that this "new d- p iniire'twill provtj profitable aud agreeable lo th uirlhy editor. 3;Mr. William Killian was killed in fia- Ion county imi "ihe"lil inst.,: by having his leg caught in ilm wheel aud being turn-, ing over upon him. - j Governor Vance is to deliver ihe JIe morialiAddii-rk :it L'hailolti- Uid. II t' Jblies. ofCliailcjtKC. ii lo deliver the ad- aressnt ilorgauton, ai:d Uol.,1. A. (iilu er at (iieosboro. Who will delivtr ihe ad dress iu llah ih. ! The J. fferson Messenger says that Arjuila Draugher slabbed Steven Pew thiee times with a knife ir Ahe county on Saturday last. It also lays : j IWe learn from good aut lority that '.he Stpgg's Creek Church was' burned las l Saturday night. The fire as accidental. i ! ' 1 I ' I An Iowa minister, convicted of stealing Bibles, amuites himself in jail by butting Ivia' hivid dlV.i.il ttirk urall i rJl V.aatttirv litm ecu witn a club. ! t t . . i Ku Klux Cases at jStatesville A2CD AsnKTiLLE.-I have information from official sources,- hldi" ahthorixes: mo to say, thst, if .ih'fefidaiii in Kn Him cases do lint attend ii II, 8: Courts at Stat --ville and A'hvillrt at the next terms no-forfciturcs will be eJiJotecd ifiht parr ties will give traii l on recirg.iizt new be fore, a U. S. Coniniiitnert-with 90 tlays after these Courti,f,r ihere'appearauco at the Fall terms. -v ;:4-.. r-::J.- None of the defrndints1 in .these Ku Klux cases ne d go to Siitesvilie or Ashe villo at the appruaihiug terms of U. S. Court. ' I PX.ATO DUEHAM. April 12h, 1373. i ' "Give ue a Cuaw.'1-TIio. Utica Herald has discovered, that "it is unlaw- ful tor tobmcco chawers to give a cluw. Tin- U uiied States internal revenue allows no person or persons to aell or dispose of tob tceo in any form, no m titer how small or Imw great the bulk, without paying first a license of five dollars." ; We are told that ''a Boston girl who wtis married four years ago iu a dress worth 5 000-way now be seen rplititig her own kfndlirfg'.'aud - doing' hr owu washing," To' us the only 4 wonder. is that she hSisany kindling to split or any wash-, ing io do- -i V . . , L' . ; half alive. ; r 1 It is a sad thing to pass through life only half alive. Yet there are thousaud whoe hahttural couditin isine of lauguor and de bility. They complain of rio disease; they suffer iio poa-'tivw paint bat they hav uo re lish for anything which affords mental or seusuous pleasure to their ul'ore robust aud energetic fellow-beings. f In nine cases out of ten this state of lati tude aud topor arises from a morbid stomach. Iudigestion destroys the euergy of both miud and bJy. When the waste ofuature is not supplietl by due and regular assimilation of f hmI, very organ is starrej. every function interrupted. Now, what docs eoinm u sense suggest no der these eircumstauces of depression ? The sjtem ueeds rousing and strengthening ; not merely for an hour .r two, to sink aft V warda iutoa more pitiable state thau ere r (jjs itassuredly would do if an Ordinary alrolnd'ic' stimulant raa resorted to), but rbJicallfaud permanently. How i this desirable object to he acconi plished ? ThenusweTtthispiejli..ii. f.iund ed on the unvarying experience of a quarter of a century, is easily jjivett. Iufue new vi gor into the digestive organ by a r.ur?e of Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. Do not waste time in administering temporary remedies, but wake the "jstein'up by recuperating the f .nntaiu head of phyica!trenghth ami ener gy, the great orgau upon which all the or ga s tleptMiil fortheir nurture and tuj.jM.rt. Hy the time that a dozen doses of I borate vegetable t.in-3 and in vibrant have b--:i taken, the feeble frame f t!ie Jyspejtie w ill beyin lo ft el its benign i -llaeure. Apj-etite i!l be created, an l with appetite the ra:aei ty to dijfet what it rrave. I'.Thev. re nntii the care is complete innil healthful 1.I....J. tit to be the inaN-ria! .f ll.-sii a d inu5e!. bone and nerve and brain. 11 -ws tKrotili the chaii neb of circulation instead of he w.iti-ry p.ihu hnu with which they have heretofore been Imperfectly nourished. ' i . . SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE SUFFEKIXG. Tlie Rev. Vi!!i:im II. Xortr.n, while reridin in llrazil a a Miinn.iry, dicoverel in tlt.t land of ineiliciueM a rvinotly for Couunitin, Scrufnla, .Sore Throat, C'otijrba, Cold, Axihma. and Xervon WeakuenA. Thi rcineiy hacured inym'lf after all o;her nitilicint- had failed. VU!ii to benefit the miiS'term;;, I will nd llie recipe for preparing and tisin t liia rcraedr io all who d ex ire it Kke uv Ciiahck Ilcase mrnd an envelope, with your name and address on it. Addre-, llw WILLIAM II. NORTON, 67G Broadway, Felt. 27, if. yrtc York CUv. A CARD. A Clergyman, while rcidin$: in South Ameri ca a miionary, liscoverel a afe and simple renanlr for the Cure of Nervous WeAknex, 1'Iarly Decay, Disean? of the Ifrinary and Semi rtal Organs, and the whole train of disorder broHght on by hanefnl and vicious habit, tireal nuialten have been cured by thU noble renieIv. rrompteil by a desire to beiielit the afliictfl and uniortunate, I will nend the recipe for preparing and using this rat-dicine, in a sealed envelope, to anv one who need it, Free of Chary. Address, JOSKPII.T. IN MAN, Station D. Ilible Ilon.e. Feb. 27-tf. Xrw YnrL-City WAGES rOR ALL. WHO ARK" WILLING TO I WORK Ail v ex. can unke from Sl0to$o0 icr week, at nome or in connection with other bumneM. anted by all. Suitable to either Citv or Coun try, and anv aeaon of lh rear. Tlia i a r.r. opportanity for lhoe who are out of work, and ..nt ..f ... I. : i .. .. i . i- u v wuuci, iu m.iitc an inoei:iHU-ui living. .o capuai oeinji required. Uur pamphlet, "oic to make a Licing giving full inl ruction, sent on receipt of 10 cent. 'Addwa, A. I5UK TON A CO., Morruania, Weslcheater Co N. Y. r p'Tt'Cwcrjwhoretollournew and novel .IUIjA 10 Embroidering Machine, aendfor II W TRII,,w,rt1 Circular, lo the McKce " ' 1 ""Manufactunns Company, 309 Broad way, New . York. . HIK PAItLOlt CO.TIPANI-N. Every Ljidy'wanu one 1 i Every Man ought to have one! ! . Sent oa receipt of Ten Centa. Addrc, I.. F. IIVIP . If. 1ft". P .1. ' -V. 1 it x ljmu aw i j-i oevenin Avcnne, .ew lora, Sent nn reeemt ol eta. ifnin'n 'rnt- A HOM.TOI VI.UiriTIIIHllliiii : Publishing lloue, 30 Veaey Street, New York. TIIK I'LCKVVI II 120 P"ltrABL F.IJIILY frHI'H 7I4C'I1'M ON 30 L).it IriAl ; man advantage over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or 20 refunded. Sent com' plete, with full direction. 3 Ceckwith Sewin Machine Co 802 Broadway, N. Y. TTTT1 TJHOT TlT.AgmTn TTtTToei Aa I important Intention. It reUiiu the Rupture at all timea, and under the hardest exercise or ieveret Mrain. Jt u worn With comfort, and if on night and day, effect a permanent cure in a few" weeks. Sold cheap, and aent by .Mail when reanetited. circulars frde. wlu-nnhlxml K. letter aent to The Elantic Triiiw Co, No. C33 uroauway, . . Citv. wjlnnir ur Metal Spring Tru&-eH ; too painful thev Rlipofftoo fre- quemrr. ., ... FLOWER SEEDS. We acknowledge the receipt of a package containing various t lower ;eeda (root W.-1) Dimoa, J r & Co Seedmen and FloriiOa, BrooK lvn.N.Y. ' Thd Seetl buftinem ia crrowinsr ranilr. roirU year large amounts of capital is being invested in it ; and the returns must, of course, be tempt ingly large. INEW ADVfcUTISEMEXTSA ASSIGOTJE'S.SAIsII. ;! ; Notice i hereby given, that I will sell st pub lic aiictioa, at the Conrt Uonie door in the Town orHaluUirr, on. Monday Ui ITih day of Ma v. 1873ral 1? o'clock, M. ',- .- All tbe note, accounts and chnnes In action belonging to the estate" of John P. Clin-nian. Bankrupt. . JOHN S. HENDERSON. April 24 tf. Awixnee. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF j REAL JE STATE. Notice is hereby jjiren, that I will sell at pub lic auction, at the Court IIoae door in theTown of Sajubury, on Monday the Hhh day of May, 1873,;at Ii o'clock Mn the followinr property btlot.'giiig to the estate of John A Holt, Bank rupt? 1. Two lou in Ihe Wt Ward of the Town of Salisbury, adjoining the Homestead of aaid Bankrupt. . II. .One Lot, containing about one and one half acrei of land, situated in the Eat Ward of the Town of Salisbury, adioining the land of John J. Shaver, B. F. Frmfey and othera. Illi One tract of land, containing nine-teen acnas nrore or leas, partly situated within the corporate limit of the Town of SalWuirv, ad joining the lands of Burton Craige aud John A. BradiJjaw. 1VJ One tract of land; ceotainfns fifty acre more or leKs itnatl in Rowan County, aboot one half mile from the corporate limit of the Town of Salibnry, on tht public Highwav lead ing from Saliitbnry to Staterille, adjoining the land if iJiirton Crnigeand Mm. Ann McNeelr. V. Two lotfl in the City of Beaufort, N. U No improvement thereon. VI. j Fifteen (15) sharea of lock hi the W. N. C. It. !R Co. and all the notes account Jind , thov in action bebfpging tuaid Bapkrapt ' Terita of sale Cisit. ' JOHNS. HENDERSON. April 21, 1773. fc Ao.igttfe., j LISDSAYVS (2XZZASRZA a LISIH. THE pUEAT POISON NEU TKALIZER. A Sure Prereniice and certain cure jor cuiLL3 AriD rcvsii, and al fpecies of ll'asniatic diseases. Send for circular. ! C. n. BARKER A: CO. AmU 24. 1873 Gnios. i ' State t)f North Carolina, cUdwell tm-jtTY srpcnioa cocbt. Cor ik I'm N. Sargent ") ngainst i Divorce. ' Jolin 1 tjrnt. ) f InMkw cae it w made to appear to the Conrt, that. the defendaut i a non-ni Jent of the State offnrh Carolina; It in therefore Orderad bv tire" Conrt, that publ ton tion le made for nix weck in the "Carolina Wtcbmitr a nercer Niblixli(x in Ihe Town of talUbtirv N. C noti fying the aid dtfetidmit, that to be and appear, at the ficxt Term of the Superior Coort to I held hr Mid County at the Court Houe in Ienoiron tin: lOih Mondav afivr t! 3rd Mn- iUf in 'M an li 1S73; and nnw r the omilaim of the I'lir. wli'uh will be C:ei in the Police of the Cltirk of .Said Conrt, or the I'lft". will 'lr to lhe'LCoiirt. lir the relief demanded in the. complaint aud take judgment aaintt him ae- cor.linjraWy. itno K. K. Waktfithl.Ch rk of our na'ut Co. rt the 10;h Monday after ihe 3rd Mond.iv in Atrj.-1-t 1S72. ThUj.Xj.ril 3rd IS73. : 1L R. WAKEl'IKLIi, ' April Jj r-. (prfi-eSl) f. S. t". I AUCTION " OFirNa'AIMED FKEKillT. off i; s mum tirccw chitam. Salisiu:i:v, N. C, Apiil 21, lb73. By ih"tru'tion, ihe l'rci;:ht packao boxr, &c, Li4lcd lidutf an.i not calhd for, will I !! at pnl.ljo uU; at the otht-c of tlie company, nti the 'Judsilay u May next, for the Kxprrtm charge liurcunj unloi cailed fur U-fore thai lime, vii: Nave. K J Afin (i W Ak nil Du-TlNATtGN. A-hvcille N.C. Marion M Annum Hill " aIi'bnry ' V .1 ARTICLE. 1 package. 1 1 Box. 1 Can. 1 TacLage 1 - E A. ;rr rint:!:.i(ii iV Co. Hrowu Weant 1 II Bajlcv nuriiiKville " Mo. MA Rymc SaiisU.r.' it Mi. i- li IWake Shufordville u Box. C Black SalUburv B B.ia ; State-ville u Van Brown Old l.rt M Mra SUCami.bcll Alex. Ibincoiiih Co. 1 TJCaitllir A-hveiMe N.C. 1 " S V Cowan Ml. L'lla l M 1 " i j a j M 1 Backage 1 - M r LliJI Leicester t ha. Cliff Old Fort W F Clinton Asl.eville i: Iwev t;ohl Hill ii F Iavi Marshall I) W I4wihge Madioii W A Davu Wavne.vil!e 1 Box. 1 I'ktkagr 1 " 1 Tnink. 1 l'akagr 1 1 " 1 Box. 1 l'ackae 1 " 1 Box 1 -1 " 1 Tackagi I. M 1 " It IaTi- Su:eville D.t'iitll)ni2zUt) " " W lter M Foster Horuh S;libnrr " II L 1 rremaii Alleinar!e " Fi later i orah .Saliborv " B (in-i-n .Stale-vile F. Onipv S-ilUiMirv 1 tirwyn Harp rACo.PairenKin 11 (tt!gli II inipto ivillc' Dr. (iraiam Statevitle i llellowav IliikorvStation RJ Ilotmca SalUhiiry " Marion lloanoKe Ialand" SaliWunrv' M J Hi ill; M J llitbhnrd W F iWndenton u 3 iWx'a 14 1 Trunk- 1 Package u 1 " " 1 M 1 Box u M " 1 Trunk 44 1 Package 8 IK-an K II Harrell Dr. L Jtihnoton Mr. O Kirman Mation Stateaville - HalUbnry Scotinvillc Newton Big Li k Columhutf Marion SaiUlifirr J Keavo R M Lah M M Lynch W A Marion T II MriAU.r W J MeKerrt-11 E U yinr J l) Miller T S Morrint E II Mh " 1 " U J u 1 M 1 Pack are 1 Coil Wire " I Package u 1 IV.x u 1 Package - 1 - w u 1 Box M J " 1 Package j i. M 1 Tr-i M 1 lU.x " 1 Tin, an M 1 l-.x 1 - M 1 Package " IP-r, ting M 1 P. x ' I Pa- Wage . 1 ' I " ii.iyn.KR. A if en t. Abbeville Salibnrv I E Morris Su;r IUII J M'Nic ho!ion Y'adkinville J W Nance L Tinkers-& Co. W E TrriM J N I'itiemon J U Robert J M Rajlrv Rowzie ti AVi.tic S W lin & Co. J II i:i.jey J C Su!Cvan J I' "a"-oinu A V Sia h W A S:M:'h u f M W SW n .er T y. Teli.r L J i ' fiih.r J M Vij .:rn Salicbory Fa a svilie WeUter IIunoville StockxviMe 3.1 (reek S;i!i;H:ir S)alviile Ml. M oui ne I-.il! Or-.ve Aninviilc Let- t :illlHirv Wilkw Co. v'OIIN .. April gl -luo. ILivlnt I. x a ted in Si,;lio- iu prac- lice .u lib town ai.d l .u ilje town ai.d urro .ti!!n. cu:i:r. '.Comer cf 2Ijlm &uL SlccU Tra JiMfrt Mine Hoyden Home. Jan. 1G tf. Chcbp Chattel Mortgages' ind various other blanks for sale bere. MRS. TERRELL MILLINER " U now receivinc her 8prinr Sutek of y t, , j re-pectfull invitettWIdiiof8JLA--l and mrroandins Coantry to girt ker cjfj -examine her good. WiU fnaraatec u.lh!aZl both a t o price aod lrr Kock i eaTiri! new, and aa cheap a arty of iKe'aame cUm Z market. Losa STKAtairr HaiaVarrtn tl which a liberal ! pric. will U rmidj Any tJZ hair work made to order, j Jewelry. BeaLU Switches CurU, Gngnov, Fri2,Ze, Stampinx abo dooe to order. Hata, for i llemen or Ladiea, trimmed ia inontiuitj u ibort DOV5- , " ' i I - f 3jf door to BrU Jt TtrnZTt UaenV nml on aautt &m. . ; -' 8aIUImry Awfll7-4tf f ' ' . APRIL 16tb, 1873. I xMORE NEW" GOODS v R, & "A, 33IJRPHY I j -i t --T are now reccirinx and open In- Uieir Urre aaJ U-mutiful ock of - j 1 f SPRIXO AND SltMMEttGaoJs Conflstinf of Dry gondii for iea laa Iimu . - . . '- wear olall diacnpiiooa. ' ' it GROCERIES, BOOTS &! SHOES J Straw f T-rt. r!.i. J t R E A D Y.-M A D ll " LOT H I N gI t In fart all sool reiirrtllv kept a a rtelaii general rti-k hieli' theyfsre mIHbj Wtbr' cJ or barter. Ami tbry ntccifaUy k a a examination of their tueav before Waking your' IMtrvhaAea a they are dcteraiWlto aell at ike T -LOWEST FIGURES. ' m : i Ther lake thia onmrtnnilv of tMimint iL thank-for M favore avad bope bv fair a4 honei dealing and strict aJtenuoa to "-iitaa lo met it an incrvaae. j I j j j It. i A. MURPHY; i Sa!iHiry, April 17 do. - J, Q. Q. aicCoy. p J-'l..2Ianry, vG. McCOY & CO,i rcer and rroviioa MrrrhaaU ami whala- lv dealer i n Lvu U-c(iQiaries Iried frail. lobac-co and grain I OLD FOttTt N. C. ; !W, Hides, j j ' Fur, Feathers, v Tias, CJlon,' 'V ' ' ' '1'" '"MltCSKUX. I I all kifvl of Omntry;IVQ.!ncaVCuCtoa) Tarw. Vnw-Miea, XaiU, l'owder, n4iMl Oil, aj war on iiati.i. j j Aj-n( for the bct riano and phophaW ordtin Milu-te'l. . I l i letJ,eli Ce ( Kjntain fArnJ. Fvr I UV.' aalfr by U. a MoU) V A CO. ' tiirv lat of country enrrd kanr. Kra.le I 'w l.y ;. O. MAX) V A CO. April 17, H73-tf . j 1 PIIK TWKNTICTII ANNUAL UDT. I IX: ( llie nieliJ Sinietr f I be Sialci' j Xr:h 1 1 ar..!i.ia w, I. M, iQ sTiTESVILUl , MA V 2uTII. U t 11 a;m. 7 JAMKs MtKKK, M. Il ! ccrelary Medical Surirtv55, C. 1 17 if. ? j April A 1 P. Pi IMG- a 1 STOCK. 1 j MOCK St BXIOWir.aWMwreeei; ing their H-uial Ure Hovk Movk of spring Uooda, of gooda idjed to this' Coiiting of all cl M.-i-tion of t'Minlrr. Their atork ia full anj core pine in ail uWria tion f Prim, Blark and Bmwa kjnMly. j i.i ik n ni iuiii., ire gootla ia the nett j Myle-, LdiV ready mide auila, a!na4 brautifitl i Mrh-cticn of Cjhuer and CtMliiig. Pant Jrana I of all kind. Ticirftk t4 Cba bine birta sad fnrnUhing goU i the.lanrct at.l h4 deaira- ole lo I e. lot ind in iliu market. A full and ph te 4o,k of Shoe. UnH, Ho-ey rWve. Rilt' itOUhSjc. Siigar,CotTee,Mola,iii4alJ ksdaaf GROCERIES. 3 Thrir term are atridly ekh ad barter widi a fvw exi-epti.ax. Tho-c win are reliable ajj prompt in paving Oieir accoiwiU O-gMrda ibeax pleasure to accommodate. Toynablc ibeni to -rl j-mU at cbx lrice, which hey re deter mined lo do, rfctIic ha bewtadapttfi, kea gaU are oM cm tune m ibdiVKninate parties, heavy Io-vn. will oc-ur (rttm thejBai.t rupt and I lomfdead pn. vision of iW law, nd wkeulofaes are antaineU by mrrvkanl, 'a . a well tatel fact thai -nch luea are m anil it ia mwwoa hie to mipMe lhat the tu lie BUde M far a- prai i able, fallrfim lite tf44 fVHgrua tumcm. They have dHnniud UtMnp lki wav of doing bttine, by ellin aj the Kweat rali and barter j-rice '-ami credit no aaaa wka U uiiwurtliy of it. . . j . j -jr They are'lhankf d i tbei'r daily frierdeand ntatomer fr deir vi hr liberal amiaA mod ra tiJeiH-e. and boiv br rlliii Ouirft Tjouda at lew .' . . pncea lo aeourt inei: owMMoea aarora. . i March 27 (f. XEW AMI naCTlVEf STOCK Or SPRING AND SUMMER ! GOODS. i. - BUnryiLaVtlDT CCITB j are now recei vig at their Stor& their larre J ellelectcdtni-k of spring andSainaoer Goui. ConMiing of Dry Goods, Not iom, Ready-uaJe Chrfhing-of the very jUteH Sttl. HardaTr, (iroeerie, IkxU. aiwl' Shoe, Hats Ladiea 44 (Jcnt in fact all gooda which ire uaually kept in a Cri rUw (ienefal Stork wbich tfcey -elling low for CeUt Uiyer. All we aek yon to call and examine our stock Ulore par-. ebaing eI-ewWre. j ( We return our airwjere thank (or paM and boj by fair dealing and itrict atuti4 te bnintiM io merit an tncreaae. ' ' . All kinbi of prwhtce takew at the kigW market price in excaanre for-l. BERN II A liDT 4 ON$. Marvh 20-3moa. . i Bargains BargainB!! In order to malce room for ray Spnnf tock, I am ; com pclled to kcll off XDjV mainttg Winter Stnek eonfiaiinff f KEAUY MAIJE CLOTJIIKG. JUT6. HOOTS. AND SHOES, jia all o rLuck GREAT HAllOAINS art given. I VICTOR ATMcg' Ynr, ool anJStraw HjRa for Gebu and . E W S Feb. C, tf k. j 4 it fl t ' ! . i i: 4 I

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