' ! .11-- I'V 5 4 i - .1 1 f . .A s?rr:.-v'"" !.-'.' i ' - " ' ' - - . - : - (Carolina tUatch raon LOCAL. Tow MBETisa.JUWe I call the nttentjon of out tct that tlire will Li a held ly the working men are requested citizens to the tmUie tueetins: uf tlie town At T SALISBURY 3IARKET. i lie Tnwu lltill iii.ihorrii4r niglit for the COHN new 63 65. CO'J"rON-15 4lG. - FL0TU-$3.75 a 4.25, MEAL 70..1 -liAOON-(eonnty) 10 a 11 hog POTATOES r-Irih, 60 a 75 Sweet, 65 CHICKENS S2.50 a $3 per do LARD-12 4 10. FKATHEtlf-newO. TALLOW-9 a 10. KVE 70 a 80. 1 11KESEWAX-30. VHEATf$M0MLG0. DRIED FRUIT ' Awl". ::! - L ; PcaeUra, angled. 3. a 4 ' d ;4JtrrH812t . .. Waekberries, 7 a ' 1 TCkir la acHine iu this market at 2 1 cent per pound, and rather iuqMtu of nominating cam or and Commissiouers. Aa ing in which all out ciiuens may -take part, is th e proper author candidates, it is to be hoped that our citi nigut. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - - '-'-Vri i -Tl'i -ruinxui-tn jru-u lixtl' i xlTuji yT.nn. FRESH A3R -'..' s - -t susmm: ni nn ! lb VI M'MAU ait &oods. idate lor ;M aj ar public meet- ty to nominate out to-morrow h. -. ; it ITIcUUCBIS A: CO. is one of great public as Well as profes nd rt entl i the 1,0,1 frfnch. BJ!r'. : . ! , i I , : - Stones, Tbev are also agents for the beat aional interest, it is jcxpedted to be very tilitrs!old inUbV market. Don't forget to from 8 to earee at that. TltaP, 0.;ddrr of t Iter, R. O. Clif ford; will hereafter In? Ueidviil.-, Spartan- (Wg'distrtetrpi t." J 4 .., ; ; . t "- MXOical society. We call atten tion (o the notice, in auqther column, of beg ienf to inform their many friend and tke public generally that they are now in receipt of t ,,T" I a larprf aRt'i well MnRd ntoclc. UOnailin in cal Society ol this tete.tl'his jnoportanl part of Dry Good, Groceries, Hats, Boots and assemblage will takd plac on the 20;fi of "r,1wiir a9 ing iwden " : 1 I l)mm i Citinfa mntt IIwa SCt lit! j Tha bun vn. May, nexf, at StatcuVille, N. C, and as it Utantlt unhand, the Bet Anchor Bolting Clotha mill Fer- tn rait . B f v a t - ari - " ... tifto mai .w tv. 3 a 6 pr. bl 'lirirH rp. ,pntPai iL.ujJ,, r,p s.atMTr;ile and nee tJiem at the old and well known atanrf, LtiT ' ! r I nrphyGranUe Row, before purchasing win, uuuuucbb, iu ii cuuvcuicui ivi i elsewhere. ' ' ttanr Wettern nhvaieianar to attend who i 8alibry N. G.J March 20-3moa. ;. i ------- r - - have not heretofore done io. TTi iTT I T -.tTi-xth- fn' ' SMITH'S LUXC PRESERVER lit aaare and effectual cure for UMPTION 1 the dieae of the Home Made Machikbt. -VVe hare heretofore spoken ot the elegant mnsic! stand mnnufncturtd by Mr. Lewis V. ! Brown of this city.! This stand is the tnost perfect, substantial, and beautiful in use. There is scarcely ait improvement possible, it is so arusticly jfininhed and so j purposes for which uiaciuiiery nsen in i I . FkoitJ A heavy frost viaitcd these j well arranged for the parts last Friday moruingt and strange to t was made. - The arVrsry, little dlmage was dona to vege- manuf ie-uriug these iatian.-" -.. ' knd exact that there is 'm'" , r Idiffirence to be observed MKSINGlTIl.-f-Wie understand this ter-j Hon of tbonsands of them ribla disease Is raging in the neighborhood Vtrj was made: by Mr. L f Rowan alills. beeeral death have oc- Uelf, orat last all the more :urrd. I r stands is so perfect no perceptible n the examina- ; all this maclii " ; . . fconiplicated and State. C ON S f i 1 And:al THROAT, ASTIIE2 A, &C. j , i - - Nsw Ducti IpTORK. Messrs George Ruis ic Co., havjej Opetied aDrug Store at Sill's old stand. South comer f Main am " , l i H vishcr street; j j! ) LiNfiDAY's MtAsii Elixir. We learn 'from- Messrs. Barker & t'o , who are sell- ingenious portion of it. lie has a machine of his own manufacture for cutting thieads i on tubes or hollow pipes, also one for bunching and cutting ou: of brass certain paternaor pieces used in mc maae up or the music-stand, and these machines are if very superior merit, j t is not believed that they have been surpassed. They Send for circular to r WM. A. Smith, Concord, N. C, For aale by t C. It; BARKER & Co. i Salisbury N. C. all principal drugguti in the United April 3 9in., i- I m r. aw iEAlNTING J 1 7 ! I - I J TO v icl IE YOU dAN DO YOUR OWN- BOOKSTORE I - - ... f ' ; - - i; - I t .. . S And eet Bibles. Prayer t Rooks. Hrmn Btoks of nj kin.1 you waut; Histories-, r"?" Bioeraphi-s. Music Books. Mosie, Novels of U the best authors ; IMauk Books Albuxs of tha most strllsh kWtJ; Stereoscojies and Views ; School, Bks. all kind in jeeneral use. SlMes. Inks. Writiuir PWpT of ibn In-r quality; Wall ? Pitpr and Window ShaJeit in great vanefy. Music Teachers for vocal. 1'ianos, Baujo, yiolius &c BItADLKY'S PATENT IINAMRL j Thcnt Icouciuical, ncau.ifu njid Di:rnb:c. rllEsjE PAINTarei-ompoaed nf Vium m.. White Lead, Zixc and Lixskkv ' ". witli otlrer material wbkb add greatly to- the durability, ela-ticitT, Lvauty and atrencih of the ' " huh: mcuiruiiVAIIJ coniDineQ, BO that the pigmenU are IkTJ in permanent 6lu tion, thiM forming a atnooth glwy, rui, el.wtir. Denauiui ana uurauie rainu ilie Uil, which is the real life of the Paint, cannot leave it and be ahaorbed by the mibotance to which it ia applied as it does in the painta mixed in the ordioan way, and thua leave die pigment dead and brii tie, to wah and rub off in a few months $r farthext in three or four years. This Paint i unaffected by changes of temperature, ia perfect ly impi rvioo to the action of water, ia welj ad apted to all clawe of work, and ia in every' way a better Paintforeither InaideorOutaide Work or Boat Painting, than any other paint known to the trade, and will last at leat three time as long as the best Lead and Oil mixed in the or- FURNITURE! way. i Always Heady for Use and 13 as Uy AApUed. Sold by tie Oallon. OXE G ALLOW COVERS TWENTY SQUAltE YAIiDS, tVO COATS. p. P. KNIGHT. Sol'p Agent, ' l No. 93 W. Lombard' Street, Baltimore, I , . 1 Specimen and Price List Furnished Gratis SPECIMENS Ot) THE DIFFERENT COLORS TO RE SEEN A T THIS OFFICE. Baltimore, Dec 10, 1872. TasPtitjfa,FirqCiCocxTT Mr I. Knight Dear Sir: It afibrdimt Ma, O. P.. Kkiobt Sib Z much pleasure to j aay Vi..reb ,'1873. Ttit riat cane Bradley aafely to hand as order two ktkt, fire gallon eaeh that the.. raiem cnamei i aim Kir exceeds my expecta- !." gumn cn. n practice tion in economv, beauty, and.l have every rea- WM 1 dld the ,k.a,3rlf Tw0 week" mot son to believe indiimhiliiv constant work complete J tbe Lbnae w coats the - .7 M?reJhn lle lT last coat applied thkk, and itT is now feaerally montha since I painted the roof of mf Hotel conceded Uat tor -Knamer likWbardnos and body )kn there U not a kandaoner J.l CLODFELTER 'M COL ITTcWc Ettail Dtmlcrt in r.ritmrr. ImTB attention to their Mock of Cot. T- t Uedxleads French CLaimU Rt.. f 3 A alnut ami painted Cane Seat Otalraf Si- 't'iV1 wf.t" Ki tension I liming Tables- -tI!e of all kinJs Trardr..ho.! Oureans WMh.tanda. What-XoU 8Ua! : r coaira ana raiiarRnttai . many oUier articUs which we are prepared to aa cheap or cheaper tUa any lloctela tbe niM V,lea"nar,T Prite the Mansion Hotel, nit d4Hr beluw U Etf rea ,f3ce. see our Uck and bear our nriees. Our terms eah, P!11. ror (mart frrta pbetorranhaia our office) will be supplied. I - FT" A fall assortment of RoVewood.hfetalie nd Walnnt Burial Caw. wiichn" beloj. uineu at s coura notice. 1 ' Jan Ifi ly. . - 18 73. 'tot. - NEW TAILORING SHOP jjC SALISBUUY. fever In a, lingla iiirtanee. See Adver- tisemrht. The new business of the -Equitable Life . during the past tew years exceeds that of any jothef lifejfjo. iu t"ie world. Call on J. Allen I BRQWMviAgeut, who will show you the '.figures, j " 32-4t. Tlie undersigned after an aWnce of more than 20 yearn, during which 'tune he has gained much experience and knowledge in the proper: management of business, has returned to exhibit; wouderful ingenuity aud mecbani- oAATI;ooi Hotel, room formerly occupied f - . - - . . I . . . L .1 l tf i. 0"1 ny me niewnt. iioran, as a Oliver oiniin oofpt where he iitever ready to receive calls and oner orders! in hi line. All work warranted and good fits guaranteed. -Every iKfcuible expenne waved to his customers. lie in in regular re ceipt or the new styles and Imshions. ! Tratle taken in exchange for work when suit able to' parties contracting. I THOMAS DICKSON. i Feb. 12, 1873-tf:22 A W02LD SO rAIirrTTJIXfl. . ! Ii -; r- Buy a few dollars worth' f books everv rear for your sons and haudsand take a good uewaoa per, they wil work better and be more cheerful. 1 ry it. ; A. T3TOm fO PATtMTITI nnrra Miiuuun iiuuw wun ine iiraaier Knimci 111 urmonr ori J ' . . . K ' faint, and I was so well pleased with it 1 deter- Job ia tbe place. I s red sixty-Ire (lS) dollsu V minea to paint theouuul You have s.unet hint: to he proud and to mwtappy to say that ktnt i.f. Tli- f:.nn i. th k.PJt..nu ... laetion. in conclusion - - - u nrioK'iirj v r vji 9-f. m ' ase ej uvf Cl uuilf?t fj w industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all i """, ; oi any aaraniage to yon, yoo are but 1 feel so forcibly the rrst sjaptability of roar misper ; when it fail, all flae. Don't think 7 l " lpUr?' n, fPtf ni"7. "Enamel Paint" to the want o our pple ia ex tr,. 11 .i.'t lv u r. ,..i '... .. I Isaac AiBEKTaUa, ceticnry oi nateriai in beauir 01 color, ana tne you cau tbe a great man because you are Mansion Hon. ITftl v w V....,,L faet ofiubeln 'l.lr iiif" tfc.t l ,ir.r the son of a fanners Washioirtuu. Webster c' rtit: &m wnkiMian nrit u iHinhviaiotAmik. ' aaiiva ki. a am hi r a-a'i m. a 111 iiuirp . - - w j w w m - what um yoo tliink proer of this letter. I Very reMpeclTully and trnly. b'. Met; ILL, U. D. HABBEKSBl'EG, Dec. 10, 1872. i . Ma. C. P. Kxiout, Baltimore Dcsr Sir1: The . u -v ic-i painuwereceiredfroai rou hare Uen auilied to n "T: Lr"rrt7-:.-. ereri oronr own buildings and t friends, and hareirirea entnesatisfa mip nnliifu.. lit .m.I i lt..tuK liZ r' .. ' 7 ' --r--.v ing and store, ror ten season. !Jt gives im great kind ofsjrraceor matsnal, and we eheerfuhy re .,1..,-,. u b mh'm t. ih.t it n.iir iu i j - r - iue, econouj le of the Hotel, and am wperauona, vmck u aa item Just now wit it gives me perfect satb- jriT" 11 . , 5 rner1 y f. op; I will aay. ifthiateaU- uomucku 1 rKumoniaia. nd Clay were; fanner's sous, but while they niled they studied.: So do ye. Buy a good MMk, one at a time, read and digest it, and then another. , r Call and Bvt ine aud look over books. ing it,' has not failed to cure chill, and N, akm n u! au(l ld be sorhcietit iu themselves to secure auy other person but the modest and nuassutn inr inventor a world-wide fume and a princely fortune. But his has numerous Other tools and machihes of his own handi- work that are really wonderful When the tabor aud skill necessarV t produce them Ire taken into consider! ion. They are hard to bett, if, indeed they have ever If you want to see something rich, rare. and racy, 'call at Barker & Co'sV-Drup been beaten in point of mechanis u.i': - J i . iJ. t TT ... .1. .7riTcn.i I ? I 1 1 oiotfijauu laae a peep hi uinr uucu show ae nf fine lltfiikerclmf Extracts, Colognes, Arc, 5cc ! m. R Saunie fjKtm Keachie, Desoto pari'fh Ii ; says 1 UiVy had a severe frcezu there hich killed i . r. . i- 1 iall theruit. . . ' 11atiterip arn lh the busy time of crihi- ransg uir crops, 1 JLnnxiJ3l"Keoting of Rowan County I j SOCIETY. I : ' Th,e. annual meeting of this Stfciety will ' t held in Salisbury, on the 2d Wetlncsday (l4,li)of May. llfclcntes from the various hun-hc in the County are invited iind cx '"jtectird to attend, Winging any contribution t he; people "may dipire to send up- for.this ;''aue, . ( I i lly order of the Executive Board. vi I j ; J. J. Bruskr, Sec. April 24 I At a meeting of a j portion of the Citi Z mi of S -iliiibury held sk the Town Hal! oa Monday night April motion Thos. J. Foster 2lst, 1873. On Ksq , was called A. Gcoghegaii 1 - t to the Ch lir nud Df appointed Secretary.! I O.i takins the chair Mr. Foster cailel ihe meeting to order.f liiifl K (plained the stibirct to be. to take joto consideration the noufination of ituttaUlc Candidates for Mayor and Commissioner to be voted for at the Election to be hjnlden o i the .'S.hdav of May. After some discussion, it was moved to order that a Coromitteer of Eight, (two 0W AN COUNT Y IS TUE SUPERIOR COURT. Lewis : B. Ketchy, R. Ketchy and Henryj I). Ketchy, . ! i ayainst i Alfred I). Lusk and Thomas-E. Brown Planlifis. Summons for Rfijef. Defendant W72. from each of the four w he appointed, to suggeel table persons for 'Mayor ers, said Committee to iourned meeting to be t'ejt SstKTfsTKf,. This popular daily ,iKla ,iext. Whereupn4 i 1 - ..... . . I - -II - rontlnues to grivw in public favor, aud w pointed the following destined te wolld a a we' influence in the . affairs of North (Carolina. We are elad 1 . .-i - 1 ! ' . 10 note tne tact tuat Messrs. lYingeuurr and Bpelinan bavrnmfd their connec , tinu with ft. j Its editoiial Trorps is now complete inble jsnd exp rtenced. The J frienrlil of the i ipw r tuty take h ait and P'Xeal aud Henry SuiJer aud Juhn 1 Torfo IVard. I. P. Caublei 'i , I VEatt Ward. 3. A. Earnheuirt. - 1, i youth Ward. J.W. $ossamau aud Win Barker! I WcslWard.-Browu. PA ards of the City). the names of sui and Covninission repnrt to an ad loldeu on Friday, the chairm in up Ftereks aud William, On motion ordered. That Fifty (50) LAID AMD MJOt Last Fiiday, hand Bills - be printed failing a general .nfsrJlyWJUlLialihisciuity an Irish j meeting ot the Citizen at the Town Hall ; Peddler was Wa'l e Secre te Editor of th a copy ot these proceedings, with a request to pub- THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ! To the Sheriff of Rowan County On ektixo. I ion! Sre hercuv Commanded to summon Alfred 1. Liifk and Thoma.4 E. Brown the De fendants above namelt if thev be found within your Count vi to be and appear before the Judgt of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the Lonuty of Rowan at the Court limine in balishury ou the 4th Monday alter the 3rd Mon dav of March 1873 and answer the complain which will be deposited in the ofliee of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, wi'.hu the arfl tiiree days of :uu term and li t t!ieKaii Iefendailts take notice that if thev fail to an swer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rtliel demanded in the complaint. i Hereof fail-not, aud of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court this 12th dav of Marvh 1873. (Signed) JOHN A. BOY DEN I . C. S. C. Rowan County Whereas it appears to the satisfaction of thr Court that Alfred D. Luk one of the defendant herein is a non-resident of this State, ami cai not after due delligencc be found in tha State and whereas it further appears that a cause o action; exist against the said defendant, now therefore ordered that xcrvtce of the summon a to the said defendant he made bv puhih-atioi of tli? same in the "nlishurv Watchman" t week It iiewMHiper published in the town of Salisbury once a week for six successive weeks j i JOHN A. BOY DEN, ! Clerk Superior (iurt Man-h 27-6w. (pr. fee $15) Rwan County COME TO TUE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY And Get a Good Picture ; 1 i ' We will givi you a goid picture or not let you take it away; for we d-m't intend that any bad work shall e-Vftoiii this office to iu- jure us aud the business. Call aud try. ji btmrs tetivecH Parkers and 3lisi Vc Murray'tt. v " CaM and examine mr stock f Wall Paper, Wiudow Shades. Writing paper. luks A:c. Mind 1 dou't Intend to be tiudrr sold. WAREHOCsf; IiIOCK3VILr,I5, r. c. For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. JAS. L. .S1IELI, Proprietor. Tliis AVarehbuse oens on the2oili Februarv, 1B73. Sales every Tuesday and Friday. " Feb. 20, 2in.is,-lw. H 1RDWAHE. When you ant Hardware at low figures, call oil the undeiobi.ed at No 2 (Jratiite Row.: I). A. AT WELL. Salishnrr. N C , Feb 13 Sums. been appiea 10 c. p Kkioht. rj.-lir.r s.r:I hare had the to those of oar Bradj' Patent Kna.uel Paint, ; hirh I purchased . -"VlL'n fnm in,Je SndoQlsiae: both at my dwell- t Hi 1 1 1- - tn All . 1 . " ,"v ing ana store, ror ten season, atgi e cneerruliy re ,ts,ale to be sb'e to m v that i( cow ssol colsumers vojrrpomuMiiUt:iii fi-i!it...r r -o vrj u Ujun ua-nnwn iir, i durability and beaatr winters, to mix and farnisb materials, wherein we Your truly, ave found the moat deception. icq iv,.t n.'iii You.s truly, JACOB STOUFFER A SON. 168 tt est Ba.Ui THOlfAS J. 1RYIXO. timore atrevt, U.Itimie. Md. FROM HON. JOHX'WEXllEREl. Mabti.axp I.ijf. Rait. ro..Ud..Kt.t Q4th 1870. Ashltks, Baltimore Countr. Ud.. May77,1872. C, Y. Ksiuut Esq.. Anent Ursdiev'a Patent Mr. C P. Kxiaar. At tlie raconimendatioa of aniel Paint, Baltimore I "ear Sir Tbe paint a mera. 1 was inoucea 10 s fMy jour p lent uraa lich I uurchased from vou Lai riven entire matia. ley's Paint to my Loose. I bare iileaure in atat- faction, so much so that all mr neighhors intend tD lK that It has inured xfM' satMactory, covcrinjr follow my exAnip'e, and hare their houses painted. raorc surface than you prum.aed. it more ecottomi It is not only durable and cheap bnt it looks better f' deames better rlom thah ordinary paint. after it is put on than any paint 1 erer aaW. aw u rw rrom a The painter 1 hare employed is delighted with It. ours respectfully. JOHN W ETHEREI). He saya lie can paint twice as 'st. and at the same " time do a bettor job. with tbe Enamel Paitt than The following letter Is stronp add r?nalle: any oilier he ever ued. Baltivorb UJ., lye. 37th. 1872. I cau therefore, without le!ttion, rerommed It C. P. Knight, m)., Airent liradley V Patent to thentililie as one of the rery let artlctescf paint Enamel Paint Dear Sir: The paint we pnrrhaed ever introduced. Yours very rope-tfnllr. from you we willcheerfullr enJ irse aa the let of JAMES HALL.. any kin-l we r.are erer u-iea. iu overio qualitir are crerytUing dwi rt-d. ilrytns promptly and with ... . a hard rIohs. which ninvt Wrtliiuk, reit the action V- n p v: '"""mw" 'V"k:. !,,... of all E.nd. of weather. lh. ,Poor exprien a - n . .wi " ss l IU- ,1 . M rA.nrr rriw I it arith .a- - m,1 I more-lear Sir-As I haVe been 1 iJif Bradley's tend to u it on all occssions .ere we deairea Katjnt Kii tuiil Paint and not finding one I nHtai.ce jreod job of work. wheie it has failed ti give t-atif;iction. I am there- 8 Very respectfullt fore frank in recommending t to the piibl e ss the E VIM ART A 0U tltTERI.V. 271 X. BaHimo-e st.. In vt paint in use. It driiiomHly. adhereafiuely, 'and in beauty ti.ere ss iiore excels. I Yours truly, JAMEM TRVITT. llooe and Sipn Painter. Jli'.toid, De!ew are. House. Sign and Hrtvoe Painter ilcsirs. Biugbam Co., 'Ajrenti Palisbury.K.C Feb 6, I8T3. tf. ! j -iLso j White Oooda, Embroiderltt, . Cxi .VBMSTBOO, CATOE & CO, Importers, Manufacturer tnd Jebbert Benet. TrlBBlif, Xrrk ail Sah tTaUnt, TELVKTniBDOMS.NsTTKTIl.aL Bonnet Sills, SuUntt YtlttU and Crapn, rU)WKR8.rEITUfK,0K!tAMKSV.rftiMVjL. Strtw Bsiicts as Lailes ai CkU4reu' Bali TJUXMCo axd cirTmixzrx J AXD IX COXXiXTIXO WAUXOOVI . WHITE GOODS.; LHEAS. UltOlDtl.t. e . ioa, .vu, VuOart, Srtlt, llantmkij, IFftZae, Head AWs. . de. I "os. 237 and 239 Baltimore Sc. CahitnerY, Md. inese gixKin are manuiacturrd If si m bought for Cash directly from the Eorvpf aa and Aiucncan . jaanoiaciorers, embracing aJl- tie latest novelties, nneojarted in raristv aad cbeapuess in any market. I uruers blleU with rare, promptness kltd ae paU h. March 6. 3uoi. pd. m j ATTORXBYS AT LAW, J, 30lif itors in panhrnpfrij. I Pt? Special atteution paid to Proceed ingi in Raukruptcj. - I ' Sept. 5,-Sl:3tDfti. Idler wa wVUid and shot. We haveloh Friday night the 25th inat., jearnVd the prddtri's naiHe. We un- t Ou motion ordered, That tlu dcrstand that thrrr biickshi-ts eutTrd the! Ury 1 instructed to .furnish th ! VadYanVi hujnlpverj ie tUuU to be- tbe "CUnUm WatcHmAn" will not t doubtful. A nan hr tLe uAMte of Gnrntord Holt housrr has bten arretted and eonunittrd. charged witL iie crime. : TiiE.0rK5iKa at Mbrokkt'sv Mero- nfy ic Rro. bat added to their varied ! i atock orMerchandHc, a full Hue f Milli- nerjr Goods, and engaged Miss McMurray nu -iri. xiaii; Durtou t supervise V, iiah. 1 t On tttotiUiii ad)ourifid. ! j T. J. Foster, Chairman. .S. A. Geoghegan Secretary. I Eci.ECTiC MaoaziseI The Eclectic for May is an exeptianal!y ooa rrUiwber of that sti-rling periodiral. It has no less than fif teen jutpers, scarcely one 1 u li h if uot atMive the average ; aud.jiu addition to these . HVj! bd A craud epeninsr of their neei al tityUfij4 ' Wbicli waa 15dWrial deijtuiuta prvsutihe ' IWcwil.tVMed'fe di.a nod 'f der !tU !he fr-5h4tfuJ ,,,,,9t iPrtaut gentlemon. The aruncruent for display of wenIIati, ribboni, iarvei, te., etc., waa fine,' and the cxhihitioii. as a whole, informHtion in the literacy field at ho;e and abroad, tn science and art, aud in uiiscellau 1 eous matters. J ' . A: IWashingtox, April 23. Legal pro 'We are in receipt of a long, well Jjwlf ncouamunication froui a gemlenian fU lS 'wit'r Part otlhim county, on the heceiiiijf s t ic1t U !l is muotheVie plrteA Farmer" whr-iV 1h Cfedins l JO- lave iorj pending ia vhc courts. tunnt Rail Goad iu Virjriniaotva inortcaire Application was inndi to ihn Alios nev General 4n ai4o thej rad imd?r tli act ( 1861, mi i4ie g rouitd -th it it waa c. .fi rroer Whose lrtter ami. r. n cited tn I he I'ovi-riiineiit . 1m aia a fall. mine ji wo or three weeks ao. itrnced and used in thi'jre bullion. 1 . The writer' sf the coniutcation before l, lTh? A,'on,r' Htf has j.,st decided ha. written ou e,erv n... .if il.. .I..-. ' " 1 tkla.ua. ... of par- . f , ',!. 6 i , f 0 " ft'n i imJS opeiaitxi e-oas l restore to ana made his artirii tuo Jiiiicr ,.r 1 ,1.. . j.J 11 ti -r-'i ? 8 -i ii u 1 i 1 I . -TTr"1 ."i- r "i.UjCaiiioiors at. ineir htv j JTs xuqit ibc'nore eiteuse us for not ribt5;f an.d tht-rorcjiWij.ttf 'tlie-O-iy-eivioga jUit 'nt prent w.tli oor limi. r?,mtV ' t!iuU..Wrd..v.Tic ted space. i Pf1;'- ?V-fl,7tlJ,;', ?Hr,, 10 :! " I'Jt " rili" h ' . . citmi.ti srAeeed tr4'sitM-'tr(f.rWlor tbt ! 1 ' turrilll III (lhwdiojriisd session of the Legislature, "wilt te; a y,d lime for our ftrnjer to inake kws.siifft j.bxj jn resrd to th icjirc Jw, some time lieen nainst tho I?icd- NEW GOODS. ! I .. I- : We take pleasure in saving to our many friends and customers, that we are receiv ing our stock of SPRINGGOODS, Consisting in part of a good a lock of 0ioceriee, Such aa " Sugar, Coffee, Pepper, Soda, Bac m, Lard, drc, drc. BOOTS AND SHOES of all kindh, slyles and prices. Dry poods, It farire variety ot Prints. Muslins. Percale. Sec. A full line of Domes! ic, both bli nel - Hl and brown, which wo arc ofL-iintr y reduced pricei. mil slock uf lankee notions, anu goods. ' iaddition to the above we hare a larsre IteadyMade Clothing ud furnish f"R gN adapted peciady to the wants nt our trade. - - f lata in endless Variety In fact any- it. .. r . - tiling yon want call early and get first choice. Thankful for the liberal patronage S.T-1860-X Dii-rtgare pmmi to Ai4 Coi.edeiale Gov eri'iueut.'ou tU r..uul 44iat tlie eou'.i act -;it.. . . i 11 ! 1 . . . is a nniiuy. All prncijeriinga ajrainst th f ' ! ...1 . ii.,-, . . " roau will tw dronoexir 1 he interests at iaf ue Here, about a millions and u half o uVdra, reat A fancy lot of heretofore extended to' uv ask a cou- tmuaucc of the same. Uf nWPl'T V t a t -nnvr Mrph 3 Irno. wn.son3 liliVER REMEDY. A sure and permanent Cure for ull diseases caused by a deranged Liver, such as Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Heartburn, Fe re fst Nervousness, Impurity of the -JRUmll ICrfvMtcAoTy, Costiveness, j $icJt Headaclc, Pains in the 1 Hcad, and all hindered diseases.. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HA VK IT. 9 fl l I I r art i.nt. . ... ifVl 1 i Ahh UUU Ii U 151 C? I Prepared only by - . IZTZIVSOTT A. Ttr.AnTT March C-Jino. . Cha.iotte. X. . P MITERS THK ' CELEBRATED TOllC AND APPETIZER T8 FUSZZS A TEG ETA TTLF PBEPAaUTIOX, potodatmplyofwrll-knowr. RCOT3, HERB8 and FRUITS, comHard with other properties. Whka te their Xtarore are Cathartic. Aperiont, Xutri ttone fitarette. AtteraUve and Anti-naions. The Whole to pesscntid la a safleicat quantity of spirit front the SUGAR. CAJf E toAaep thdaiaaajcU. aaaU, which" Tn'aVas the TiI)LMtTA110n ' 1NSUKE YOUE LljFE i UN LIB INSURANCE CO, OFlPUL sSSS S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. & ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. I Sa. Assetts, j $3,638,864.88. i AI GEORGE W. HILL. President, JOHN S. WILSOXi Secretary. S BOARD OF TEUSTEES. i ALKXANDKR WHILDEX. I Hon. JA. rOLLOCK. I. K DO All THOMPSON, GEO. NUGENT, ALBERT C. KOBEUT PHILIP H. MINGLE, HON. A. Gi CATTELL, ISAAC II AZLE HURST, L M. WHILLDEN. - HENRY K UENNF''"'' GEO. W.HILL- JAS. L. CL AO HORN. JNO. WAUNAM AKKP I " 1 Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST. -RATES POSSIBLE. I ALL POLlt'IES X0X-F0RFE1TABLE. j IHK AMERFOA Jf has Wn in active operation fr nearlr a timirter of i eentmrw. has been 1 governed and controlled by gentlemen diitinpuibed for their boine.s rintii:f and cwuiiuereial probity. and has been eminently suceewful. It hax liiut it!i .u"ii:iti.ns with icnal ironitHncioi, and in a ivont liWral spirit. Amonft its innring inemher, the Coiipany ha the honor of i.uinlerirp niary of the rool -lainent ind leading men. 111 all pnfeHonK ami elates, tl.nu-r.i-ui Aurtt Carolina, kelialile AirenU wanted, who ttbould at'uly by letter 01 in ner-011 to i i f UKV. L. K. WAY. Crru'l Apeuf County Treasurer's No tic o I Having determined to move to tha country I herebv sire Notice to all puraon kavirif busU ne with rue that I will be in Solisborr at snr old office on Safurdav of each week and; tm the firat Monday in each month. Mr. John It. Gaakill ia my regular drrmty and will attend to all calls at my old office m my abarnce;' or r sons lirinjj in the Western portion of iLrooaty can call (if they rlioie) on roe at my residence 11 mile Wo4 of SalUburr. i.S.MtUEtINS Doc. 5 12:tf. County Treawirer. SETTLE UP. J All tbor indebted to me for subscription to the Eraminer, for sdvcrtirinr, or job work, ara rv-pectfnllr requeMed lo conic forward and sH lie nn without further delsy. Cora, iW heat. rlotir, lVa, or any country trodice taken in exchange for claimn and tbe utarLet rruw allow. ttl. J. J.-bTKWAirr. Pnt. 5,-51 :tf j Valuable Land for Sale. I olTer for sale the plantation bcted six niles South NVext i.f Salit-bury and f.ar miles fntin 0 .in Grove l-jKiton the N.C- I Uil road. These lands were formerly the propeit j of tha late nr. bam'l. Kerr. Thrrr are K acrrs tn tu frnct of w hich a'lorjt one half is cleared, thr re Lml errd witb-k LhLw leandadi.ft-d 14 wheat. lover J r. 1 fterf are em the ltUcea ?mk5 d w ell mp, oJt-bouea sadatll of riMl w ater. It will be divided, ifnecertarr. lo ouit the wacts of parthayrrs. Col. K. LI. Cows n of Salisbury will kLw the lird, nd make tennswith iartieuei.imaaof purthash.tr.; tor furUic r mrimiat! n apply to C4. K U-i Covin at Salii-liuiy X. C., or cddressi tarn at! Wilmirf ton X. i I t It. K. I1KTAN. Eircator of March C tf. X. X. X1X0. da'd. T A. M. Bullivax. J. P. GOV AX. I to Col. T. Clai Deabixo. SiipL Aeut. Wilmington, N. C. Klbtc i! le. X. may 3:33:1 j NEW OPENING. 'PIIE anderained hrin asaoriattd tkear A selves in buine under tbe utui name of A. M. SULLIVAN, COv UA VK opened in R. J. Holmes Uii'4-j inc. next dr to th Uanlwarr Si.tt ' Where tlie will be Reared tw bMMA r4 awM aa . M. - j new ir:ei.u. j ni r nave a mauiiUAi u ! the lirpti-t aud brt in town and I i STOCK 0? GOODS, rOynUPIVGa Mitrd orsaMIrd- Vj ware eicfted. and will in arrant re cood bargains aa vfiix Us sold by bt Boee la, tbe South. They will deal hx-avily iu0"eerWf 4ulMuu:rr Iuhlu-e. bayiojr aud aelbaf. aaa invite ail who w i-h eiths-r to bar or aejl UrU M.fcULUVAX A Co on them A. Jan 3tth. 1KT2 Iwilf I To 5S1TTEBS 1 Of the moat oasinbteTeaUesua1 CataJsuaaw tlcalBtbewwU. Tbay are inteode strictly aaa Temperance Bitters clytoUnsed saa aMdicina,aad always aeeordiac todireetfoaa. They are the sheefc-epAor of the faeble and debOU 4sie4. TheyawponadisesaedUrer. aadettiaalaU to sweh degree that .a keatthy sctioo U at once brought about. Asarqiaedy towhlch WssMavt specially aabject M is saperseding erary other aMmnlsat As a Sprtjas; avwd saauacr Twwla they have so eqaid. They are a mUd sad gtaOt PargreaaweUsa Tonic. They purify the blood. JheyareaeplcadW Appetiaer. They soak tha weak 'atrowf. Theyporlry and Inrigorat. They ear Dyspepsia. Cooatipaiton and Headache. Theyaetas a spedflatn all species of disorders which tmder BbM tha bodily atmurth sad brssk down tha aaimal pteita, ' I S-.-Jkj?ii 63 Park PUca, Sew York. ATH, Only 50 Cents per Bottle. tt promote a tbe CHOAVTII, PltaSClZTCS Uk COLOO, and Increases the Vlffer i and BEAUTY of the XIAirX. , s , ''Onm Tamrrr Taaas aco Ltow's TZxtna-ami roa VWa Haib waa flrat placed ia the market br lrufaaaor EL TLumaa Lyon, a frnwlwUo of lrinretoa I'ollvee. The name ia derived from tho Orock, K AToao," jc tttTjiuf to cltante, mtriff. Trjwnmmlt, r -r'.'or. Tk f sror it Uaa receirod, and ibe 4BuUntr A Las obt aincd, l wspnieedeBted and i:TvdiUc. It tacmiM-e tko Qaowra and Beactx vt the ilxts. It is a delightful fiair from turmmr rray. It kecpa the brad cool, and "t girea ust luur n r.tli. tmrt. irion.r V twraace. sAwa in Qcastitt nnt (ivxixrr a it n itt naof f l.vrunr Ait, antMaoldbraUlmi7iat! Voaauy bum ot only nny veavta per For Sale. 38 1-4 acre of land, partly within tbe cor- poraie limits of the city of Kslisbnry, eligible lor building lots, and alo well suited to the culture of cotton. UKii the premises m already a beau tiful and com mod ion FU-Miience of tun room. and all neretMary out buildings, and a well o. excellent wtr. " The iinproveacnl are nearly new and of the mul desirable deKTiprion ; s!in a lot of 14 acres npon whiHi ii a pjnl ite for a T:uirard. -The rotertv will be m arealli Farmers Fertilizer!. - ! HAVING lireoine stool lor Jons Wcaat- M ax A Co., IValliiore, fcr tbe ele leir.-: ; rior AiiM4.ialed Ih lred SoD T crtlli izer, I oflVr the fme iu any qualitica rHluir td. at S.2 tier Ion. en luwve of freifiht I bare nlrmdr dd ten to. Tl hertlufaa berw i-tcl in Rowan ard Irvdell, aitd proved tO be ihe lirl vtl triL f I Order left at the Store of Moik 4 IVown, will reit-ire pn un-t attention. I j JJacbocJ: Dow LeU Dcwlftlira. Urluw ha real value. -ttply id the solHriber, J. A. WtADMlAYt. Salisbury, Jan. SO, 1873-lf:0 X. J,X. sxa , Ja iMbt'leS. a-e4 tU-r Prl 1 1- well ft fHauJ s-ay a rl mar- ilt- laser . Vru sax r"- il ImiiI;, la p -Ut.-a a VI -or. -r r- .r Baal X'ta rSre.L. 1 . a aralnl i.vl a tm tr 11 .! .hia 4 a f, H l tT. ! p f vir. r- f . Iror rira, tefttls4l 4 t r$AJ 4 "U i. at- tfxrtr t il k jr fr-a' rca aa ( iikHc, I a' ib ear : . mirf r -I ui -' W I' I YftWJfi DAVIE HOTEL, IN MOC-KSVILLK, X. C. i lonS and favorablv known to tlie jHil.lic, ir' cr- .i h-.' "'-t " af been clol. a- m-.rted I-., b still keM '1 ' :LlV7;.T aTJeTf Jtiathe Lv Mr. Henrv Antin A- Ron. who reapertfuUr i.i, .r.rt a s-rer. M rf -a.tl.ia a t-twearj L"?? soiieit the i'tronee of their old friends and r err 1 1-- .-a ly. Hi..-, .4 l- AtotUe. tbe travelling public. Xo jJiin will be spared ,JJ,.ery m u tht Un4 f to pive sstbfaciioa. ! i. aler aal. U a ' l re, Jf ss.j ,t1w''r.", ."1! AUelatwar T. . -AU wa-kiux pWr.of r-Wrr wz, rosaaar aM.aukaaorDcratw.rkf Mla Ulair tuwa at. aatrHniDMiMttinifU'itfiM. Wm.m t irsa. iiUxu a. Hum., a r. WkJ.U. Jan. 10 3ino. JOHNS. HKXDKR SON. Attorney and Counsellor at Imic AV'D Solicitor in nantmptcy, SALISBURY. A C. ' i VST Special attention paid! U r-oceed iugs in Bankruptcy. : Feb. 20,-lf. .. aM r. t lp f e ii.-m -r- AK Or.C.!.r l.-kiarri,.. aMoe," 4 J idlu HW Ntl ihr. ' ryi j . r Li r cr. I271e.wery. Xew York, 1'it-otLce liuJS, 4 5 8 C I Anril 17 tf. Jfresh G-nrden SeeSs C. H. Barker O, woold r.-t-4,,-r n noonce (liat tbey havejo4 rrrri.l a larTatj plv of KantH fjaanrs Hmus of evriy tariny, frvMii I-aftHreth ail Itut4.- Tlie public is iuviied U. pre tl.ctn a ea!J 1 their Dmg More on Main otrccv ;o. 1C tC a- . ' k AJarriagc Certificated forsak he:. ! i V - i -l