: ' ' ,.' 6 i ; . n i- i . . ,f . ..... I ; . i - : '"'TZ' '-yi -"f"" r-':i-'-cr-T-.-'- ,. I ..... ... r" 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ;4 II It II II III ' 4 WvXS II V '.-SY fr-"l If II S I VV , i XT II I xSTr-C,-ffr i r VOL- IjV.-rT U iftD SERIES. r" : : . ' 1 1 . , , , ' ,, . " .1 ' - . ; i ' f r . - m i a i i i ii :i .1.. . if KJ--- .A . I'' ?hcs, Oriinn tl drnnkardV lute I -'j I i '. ! Is "I- ' ' j'-.-tcw lim jovs liuWnguih great; - 'Ste&a B00K STORE ' jV, J. J . I I5RU.XER, ' . i Proprietor nnI Editor; Ose "YeMi, paynMeiu nlvant. ....$12.00 Six Months' ' - I ".....; 1.00 to one address, .......... 10.00 ... v r ., : a.. .SAWSBlTKYi N. C MAY 1, 1873. For over lOUl'Y YEAliS thw i . . . .. tl VKlt MEDICI N'E Km proved to be the ! oueat'lnfailing specific for LlVEtt CoilPLAlST nndit painful offspring, ' DYSl'KIWIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaumh'.-e liillioun "attntkii, SICK HE AD AC1I K3- Colic i I)preiiio!ro! S;iri t . JH T'RSTO M ACIC, Heart ;baru;0lIILLS AN1) rEVKUdc., Ac. ; After j-carsjof carcfiU pxpiThiionln, tennocta prrtt and urgent demand, xv! Uiiy,v prwduce from oar original iicltHuc volent i- . a Liaula fun. ( RIMliON'H LlVEli 1?EGU ili.vrOilvejntAiniiitf a I its woiudeiiul and val j uahle prrrimrtle?, aiid ijllr it in 1 Theorderi(fiicc aWfore,) I.Hipr.p.u-kajro ; OVlAk lJ man I . .. NO.,33. WHOLE NO. 873 lxxiiis ol nny kind jvou liioyrauliiHS. Music 13'Hiks the best authors; UUuk thdihnost Ptvlibh kibd; Aid pt Bibles, rrarbr HooTts, Hymn Mrant; llisUtries. Music.. Nove is of ook. Albums of I Stereosctpes and Woe he to the man who lives li the iale of that which giten Such tierce luadnexa to the brain, So inuch trouble, ao rauch pain 1 jreaveii'ii 2iden eale. alaat Drunkard feet nhall nerer tm Andfiin slnit ax clone, methink,' Against thoe who sell Klrong drinks. ' b aToid that thorny way, L. Leading far from light of dar. Down to deeient deutlm of gloom-f-rr i.'j l..i- ...r..i a.... I" UlUIIkdIU a IHIIOltlWIUi itBe it evermore vo:ir aim Some poor drunkard to reclaim; Ihitjof -that deep cup-bewnre, ..Whose last drop will bring despair. 1 fhould like tp retire asenon a;:of-! a letter whose intelli sible. for ruy jvrpai inepl waa xcvusirpj j ; ' earprise : 'CVrtatnljj i 'I lie womatr. ftarted bp witlr nlacriiyj j?- : , . j j ence filled nae with Where, are j yoa cmg to put Lliu 7' arked ray guide. . 1 'Up chamher. j 'Put biiu in Iaac' room.' 'It the mq8t cnrofortahle ( 'I tell ymiliio !; Unt here 1 1 interrupted the whipppred colloquy.", j , ,V ). 'I am not particular I don't care w icre yon IndgR inji only make hau.' So 1 waa conducted np a,1 steep lai dcr that stood in a corner of ihe mom, iut ,an apartment peph'd with flrping ifnms aud vrntilrtt-d by, one rmall tviudow, whrtri a cot tiodatpndf crowded itve- agai'istjjhe board parlitirii and a pine taLL'j wiihUvi o or nine ci)M8, lorini-n ine sole atteqnpis From the AiLiU Herald, lCth. ATATALERKOR POISONED BY .MISTAKE. ' on the i i-hl of tlicfI7th of October. Alice! nine rim k last Atlanfa had not been well for some time : In fact. lrt bJ a rnnrUui two or three I must tell on potnethinir verr. verr strange,' wroie my snter, Mhat happened Vitrs; School ? Hooks, all kiud in eneral use. Slates. Ipks, Writing Pmiht of th best cjualty; Wall Pa p' and Window Shades in great variety. Music Tiacbera for vocal. 1'iauos, liaujo, vioiiiis & A X70HD TO rAIlMSRS Bhy a fr Jollarg year, f.r your sons an worth of books every 1 haiulsaml take a d uew&oaper, they will Workjbetter aud be more cheerful. 1 ry it. CAU ..1.C4 rioN i A "K70XIZ SO FAHfiSSRS SOUS. ! Bay no poWdcror PKEPAK ED SIMMONS' JdVEU UlUlUEATOK iinL-Ki in oar engraved wrapper, with Trade ijiark, Sump and fcigna turc unhrukon.' None) other is genuine. . I : J. 11. ZE1LIX co., j IMacon, 0a. and, Phil ado -phia. rou 8 ALt uy tiieo. r. kluttz. ; Fcbf'JU UJ I I Salisbury X.G. fpllK S'flrttTOKTiifc AfiK will present a pair ; I. -of tine pU-tuen Worlh Uf evt-ry sub- : scriher for IT1," who jjiay ?- pO.in advance for' ! a yearV suhription. 'The picture-eniit led 'ISiibB.Put 'lieiiuhi--iHexw:uU'd- in llielii'.vst s4 ie " Lidioprsiihie printing; piinicl sui I'.iee each is Tl1 Whe, -and 'ihe pictures sell in "tiir i siorcn rr?J;iO per pair. . j lltvT. 11. t'r.i ri'. iiir.u, ! D , i Contributing 1 lu-v.ill.t.lllv..i i ! lvli'oi-a. The i;i:l i.-a wvtUjy Kamy lfapVrt adapted i tl)i-.J.i..one ( iri If, t)if Fjimii i, ihe Mvchanie', ilc Tr4leHnji.ii, aiikii in'.'evqry m-;iii of the 'Vou have something Ut last of. Tk6 farm inddstrial jtursuit. prosper; when it fails, al is the keystone tit every von eau't be a greatl the nu of a farmer auc Clay were farmer's .aj So tniU-d thev studied then another. Cull and see tne atid luV over bdolfs Lshiugton, Webster his', hot while they l ye. ltuy a giMid Ireaitaud digest it, and COME to tbtc JStiae; it l ii. in, a 4 nli it i ct'n naT init elniraeter, nor i.irrtA or k-etaiiau. Ii4.M'Us aH i!:e my.'s ul the d.tr,- colbjed with a vwwio eorreetnefand aecuracy. il eid'inink l.e tlhdwith the luleert in liter appr.ipii.ite t.. i!.e ili'll'eient do-partineiits-JSitrief, llistt.rieal Iliora phical hkttehe,Trat-eland Adyentiire, Sal-hatli Eead in, Wit and Ilunior, Agrieullural, Correspon dence, an Ijpiitone of It lie Xvufs j.f the Day, Ac. 'Tle piiblicalion of Orisjiuafj Slriri.es is a special feature sofljie: Act:, sand for j thif year we have procured several from the pn of popular and lnUrrstiuit writers. In this : Dejiartment alone w can jiroinW our readers etileijUiinmeiit e-pial in eharacte- io that of any of tlr? popular story pupccv nd Get a T'liKMS IK ADVANCE Qae Copy on year, (Kviili '2 pictures,) ",' v f f "." without pictures, ijx montiis at furniture. on the table. The woman set the light an oil lamp be proud and to ten it succeeds - nil flat, Dou't think mail -Itecaase ' yni are w TO T i E PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, '('' UNDER THE MOON. Under the moon'two lovers walked j The silver moon, the round full moon Under its beams they softly talked I Of yonth aud love and Juue. j And they plighted their vow9 in the silvery light. - For their hearts, like the moon were fall that uight. Under. the moon they walked again The setting moon, the wauiug nnwin Aud scarcely a word was said by the twain ; Oh. moon, you sett -o goon. And love in oueof the beans, like the rim Of vlie waning moon, grew faint and dim. Under the skies a maiden stood ; ; The cold uight skies, th6 inoonless skies She heard the owl in the lonely wood, ; And shehard her owu' deep sighs. 'Heart and skies devoid of light, "Godi" she cried, "what a dreary uight !" Under the skies is a narrow mound ! The watrhfull skies, the starry skies And tl rays of the moon, to full and round. Shine down where the maiden lies. And they shine on the tickle loyer who .Walks, with another and woosanew. MY MIDNIGHT PERIL. tod Picture. a oil picture or not let or tve t intend tnat Voiii rlii ollire to in ! e will give von ydu lake it avvav ; any bad work shall h iijje ns and the husilnesk. Call and rv. Up Stairs beticctn Paricrs a;l dliss Mc Murray's. "Ca.lanu exainineiniy Wuidw Shades. W ritlntr paper. Ink . i Mind I don't iutejnd o be under sold. Feb. 27. tf. THE $2 50 2 00 o I 1 iO "Fv'err .reader of the SiMIUT OF Till: Age ns published Ufre the war, is i arnes'.ly rwpiester to renew, iiifir puirunajje, wiw iur nimmwi I'll copy. Auuress, L 1 YY . l .13. If " 4 ( Feb. PLANTERS should )S & RllOUGHTOM. ilafeigh, N. C rr 0-ieterprise Tht only; Reliable' Gift Distribution in the . ' '! lr ', Country I ISG0,000 00 V xn VilZiTJA33Z.Z3 QITS I tO HZ JJISTKlBtfTED IN L .j i D. - s m E S 1CUI liKCL'LAK MONTllI.V GiFjT Enterprise, To be flfaicn 3ondanfJunc 2d, 1S73. ' TWO GUAND CAPITALS OF 'Anythiiipj:inore I can get you sir.' 'Nothing thank j-ou.' 'I hope you'll sleep well, sir. When shall I call you V . j 'At four o'clock in the morning, if iyou please. I ninst walk over to It Sta tion in timet for the ecven o'clock j ex pros.' 'I'll be snre to call yon, sir. I She withdrew, leaving rne alone in the gloomy littl apartment. I gat down and looked aiound me with no very agrequbh sensation. 'I will sit down and write to Alue,' I thought. i hat will sceilie my n fives and quiet me, pe rhaps. I 4l f ceiuled the. ladder. The fire still glowed redly on the hearth beneath ; ray companion and the wojnan Hat beside it, talking in a low tone, and a third person at at the table eating - a short, stout, vil lainous-looking mui, in a red flannel shut and muddy trowsers. 1 ask for writing metrnal?, and relum ed to my room to write to my wife. 'My darling Alice.' I paused and laid down mv pen as I concluded the words, half smiling Jo thin what she' would say could she know of my strange iiunrp-rs. Nor until ..both sheets were coveted" dn 1 lay aside; iijy pen nt-.d pi j ire to (dumber As I loj.luii my jper, 1 happened to glance towards-. tin- (oiic:i. T II R I LLING AD YEN TU II K. Was it tire "le rv:nj me ill rleee: h of Drtn- 1 here was a ci-ac bi-i- I-hbali 1 ever foiirei i;s lVticbv dai k TUe i , i ! it of i be sevi r - i i i i ivi,- iv- l atk, ' iiaiKness icvoini f- I I . . - -. ne?s lllieionlr of the uu! uii.ual wind through , Ut tfoiin I hing Ji.ni i mi a Ir.i'n in eve ob Irian) li;i I litilir.i ? !i -i c, but only blank i : l e if.itt Ii ivr s ue iiau oen connneo io ntr oca ifariy a wet k, and 1 was silting beside heK read- lisp, Jt was late - the clock had struck one when ail ot a sndilen she seamed to aint away, growing white and riid as a cirspe. l Hastened to ca 1 a i tnce, hut nil our efforts o restore animation ... - . i were in vain. I was just about fending j lor tlie doctor, when her senses returned as suddenly as thry had left her, and she sat np in bed, punching back her hair aud 'Alice!' I exclaimed, 'now you have tenirted ns all. Are you 111 T j iNot ill f he Huswered, 'but I feel eo stiang. Gracie I have been with toy hus Oaiut I And all onr reasoning failed to convince her of the impossibility of her as?eitions. the persists to this moment that she saw you and was with yon on the 17lh of Oc tober or rather on ih morning of the lStb, h -re and how nlie cannot tell, but we think it must have been some dream. She is better now, and-1 wish yon coald see how fast she Is Impror-in-.' ? This is my plain, unvarnished iale. I do not pretend to exnlain or account for its mysteries. I simply relate facts Let psychologists unravel the I abyrinthlcal skein. 1 am not superstitions, neither do j 'fe "nd death men bad bni .poisonejil by mistake at Heard, Craig ic .V drbj store, and that they were d)'iug or d'-a. Uon ioventi gation, wf f.mn 1 that Teten!y aln-nt half past five o'clork. Dr.J. W.Craig and Judge Thos. PaJInro, two members of the firm of Heard. Craig & Co., had gone I into the cellar of their store to take an evening tot'dy, Judge Pal In to complaining that he was feeling unwell. When they reached the cellar, Mrl J. F. Jones the head pharmaceutist, who was wojking down in the laboratory! proposed to fix mem np "an extra nice untta. ltuy cousentcd to his preposition, aud chatted away easily until ho announced that the punch was ready. Tbfjy then partook of it, and were very much pleased, Dr. Craig drinking more hardly tlwn Judge Pullum They then return up stairs, aud in about thirty niiuutes discovered, from violent symptoms, that something was wmn with them. They ascribed it to the drinks they had taken, aud upon investigation fouud ibat by mistake a large qnanity of aconite, a mott fatal poison, had been mixed in their toddy.: Ine symptoms increased in violence, nothing appearing to give relief, nntil at half past nine o clock Dr. Craig died in grca.t agony, leaving Judge PuIIara barely hovering betweei I believe in ghosts, wiailhs or apparition but this thing I do know that although my wife was in England in body, on the morning of the IS b of October, her spirit surely stood before me in Xer York in the moment uf the deadly peril thai menac ed me. It may be that to the subtle in stinct and strength of my wife's holy i Dr. Craig wai poisoned at half-past five, and died precisey;at half past nine He bad a very hmd death, indeed, scream lug all the time as it in intense agony and frothing at the mouth plentifully. His eyes were very much dilated, and every nerve seemed strung up almost to snapping. He seemed-to be unconscious on PROPAGATION OF FL3H. " A New York Unxtld reporter Jin ng and interesting talk wkh. 8rr Gheex, the ardent and iudtfatigible tUcJ. culturist, in which he expressed himself as follows; iv It is too bad when we tave tnonrinJ and thousands of miles of rirera aaJ' trooka, and vnt lakes , to ssy Bothing of 1 the minor poads, that wa shonld not beuf a we are by nrtare, tle grcaleit sh-rau mg peopic in me woria. I. ' f j if you get all the people of Amerfea eating shad, white fih. salmonf and hm.i and if yo breed these fih so that it only I cutis mc iroauio io seine loeia, men au mrvat ltnnnrt.nl n t nnlMMna .?.1. . food on the table for a mere long. Peo-j " pie will cat fish instead of leefJ Beef bc-j log in small demand will thnl cheapen.' ana so win an other meats iu cotnparisoni . Now what does this all mean!) It taeara , the elevation of the laboring classes. J' tells one list Le can go to yonder UV brook, catch his fish and have theme a1' his table. Socially and moraDy 6ih nU I tnre is a blessing and a bona U ioilla uomanuy. i am surpnsca intl people 04 not see tue economy involved in Mr. Grkxx added: ved io it. , ling, men In tar In this way I am edocatinr employ in the art of spawning, and bj an4 by we will have a profetsion'of experj iu the country. Every man tannot be a) ; . ..? t- i . T pipciruuuiiai. ii require! many quail uri , and long experience. I love, all thing are possible ; but Alice sure-! ?f everything around htm and kept ..brick I' saved my life iug' ''Ob! what a horijMe death to die what a terrible death!" At one time he was conscious, I think.! He begged very pileously for bis mother- kept calling ''.Mother! aud saying, "I want to see her I am going to die!" ol :i .led balefnliv :.t the J Oiiely forest, and the ii.eis.-aut down- nu pcur of th e I'm 'u I I took on ni v.-i'c'i t w.if one frilns comics of snort cuts,' I mu'te'red o'clock. It. was scarcely worth whth; for petui Klfp avoic iiitly t himself as I plodded aim in' to undress for three I t onus slivep A SUIT FOR THE PURCHASE MONEY OF EIGHTY "SLAVES. In the Unitrd Siates Circuit Court, on Saturday, a case w.15 tried which involved, to some estent, the question ot the validi- A Two MtNUTKS' SeRUOX TO Yorxo ty of bondrf given f r th purchase of L.U)IEs.Lad es-cng rl bi.ds of beautiful slave.. In-1SG0. Mr. J. M':te iAllston 1 ,.l.im;i;:,.f but sicklv Uks - pile pets of s !d eighty slaves to Mr. J. L. Manning, ,j, . I(.or wjl0 vlj;'iAv j,, nnheallhy at f.ir whn-h In; received o a? tlr.d ctli, I.1(whf.r(. lik- llif n.it.i.'to r-rrmiintin-in a !'S.'55,OOy ) and tin- bond of ihe ptirchaser t j.' c,.ijar wi,y , viu net go into tie for ill.: remaijii:;:? portion ol ill tf i: chase op, ail. wann ,',:lsl.;:ie and add lua inonev, s-.' Mr !! Iv end..ri n -ua of Mr. .... , a 1.' ,n , ,... a .. a-.:d ). 1. ilidi ir.ls m. bro'iglit a f.-w years .m;o ,y air:!t:i;?i t-io principal a id sh recover tin ,'1(1 J r 1 ! ' 7, ' 1,7 , II, , lC. ooit wis (.j ,iti-cit v to votir steni am !n-;pi.u.i'ia frames ? Take exercies, run up the bill sun ues to ..,, inneV ill'' Ol Hi- l.r.inl Which ,1... 'a 1'... f-nr-.a l,..o I hi. ?..r..l.l . I was given 1:1 iaou. ann mo d v.gor to your roam stock of au I'aner. BROWN COTTDN GIN examine the above-named old and reliable Oiulbefjue, bnyirg any other redlqua'.iues ol Siniplicity. Utyj. It bins la-st and clean, t,(eften bringing l-4c. to 1 ; . . . ng elope to the trunks of the trees to j would lie diiwij l:i my thnhe? mid -snatcii ihe de p lavine, tbriKigh which I "bat .InriiLer I c-ubl. S , placing my could bear theioar ot the tui buleut.sireain ; valise c-si to the head ot my yed, and forty! or fify feet below. My urood ran ! banicadingl the bu kless door with two cold.lis. 1 tjionghtwhat might be the poS. j enans, 1 exunguiu u me r.giu a:ut lay 8 ble-consequences of a misstep or move i down. in the wrong direction. Why bad I j At firs: I was very wakeful but grad not been contented to keep iivtlle libl ; "ally a soft drowsiness seemed to steal roadl i ver me iiko a niisy m inile, until, all cd llldon ! Was that light, or are my a sudden, ! onie startling electric thrill eyes p a idg me false! j coursed thmugh my veins, and I sat up, T -r.,..,...d lir,Ln"i.Mr'n ihft low resinous excited and trembling. rr r - bourh of a hemlock that grew on the ( the Visit. lr f.ir it ncliiallv seemi d through t!ie room "-i,v,-- , j - ( fr trial oa S itu da v. on a wager aud do'-vn again for lun tin; fields, clisiib the f : ease rune on a , ..1...,. W(1.l,. broils, and after a d v I.i piiu; li was - ..xl.i'i raiir r cxercist; at;d U'jrcstii.ied a w r l -a .i represpiiteu-iey -Mntsrfi.-AifOrair Cte-ii - Uheny, c b-mr Wiih hn-anpetiu acquir and Hon. J . Ii. amph-ll ; Jli-ssr. l'ortcr ,., h. ,e.,ly M,;oyme it. The beautiful and Co.inor appeareil fir the defendants After the testimony and the arguments had boen heard, :hr-. co irt charged the jury tha if t!iey found, fotn the evidence, that the bnul mentioned in th proceed ings was given for the purchase of "a cer tain number of slaves p'irchied by the and a dooming young: lady rosy cheek ed and brigh'.-eyvd whu can darn a Mock ing, mend hei o;1n frojk, command a regi ineutnf pots and kettles, aud be a lady when required, is a gjil that young men Dnt your pnung Detoce the war, Aroericaj received la thonght from Europe more than she gavel the gain is now tbr other way. ' It is, in deed, curious to note that the tontinuancf of oar mental leadership of the English race seems to depend on that'ef an injai lice to our writers. Howcvejf unfair mi be the alienee of copyright wtb America the recognition of it would bfl a crushfn blow to our intellectual supremacy.- . IiOndon and Edinburgh, our only publish ing cities, could not long hold their owp in America against the free cdm petition of Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, of eviery" village iu the States, indeed, for there trV signs that America will possess that which has been wanting iu Englaad since this Revolution a literature of- the land, wholly free from the centralizing influence of great towns. For the prrseiil, no Atai tic.m poet, no philosopher can sLand. against the competition of "lllTennyson for fifty cents," and Mill for' the price of ink and paper. As long a there is r.l . copyright, Lrndon and Edinburgh writ for Ameiica, withont, indeei being paid! for it iu money, but not wit b6ut helping to preserve the unity of the rate. Copj right, however just, however, necessary, bo-vever certain, will reduce London frota thy raglc.of eapital of a world-wide Enf land to that of capital of Greki Dritlan.4 Alhcnrritist. - r I How to Begin' ax A&TictE foa Pc? LicvTiox. A great many people are-apt to hit upon happy ide"s in Isocicty, aad when tbejr go home they write ont tor publication, and most of these good folks know bow hard it is to begin an articJa A luminous, softness seem'd to glow . 1 are in quest lor a wiu wasn-w a'steJ. doll-dressed. -consumption- Manning, from tlie pl.uitiff, Allslnn, and murt2:1KPdt music-mOrderiug, novel de- that the puce agr.-. d to be paid tor the Vouiing daughters of fashion and idleness, satisfactorily. A word to them; Cow- s.me was a fud price, and that the plain yi,n arp MO more fit for mat:imony than hnence with your very finest writing aoi titt delivered them to the UelenaaiU in a n l..r tn l..U ar,i.P n l.rond of four, moil beautiful v-rounded Beateneea. In, It coiuliins the reou Strength and DuraUiastyf. niakes excellent 111 I'fic. per lb. above Uiipket,) and is muverwi'Iy ininitted to ue tne (Igatest rnnnii ; itln mace VVe haveTha.l thirty: Vqar'a experience in the business, and warrant dvery gin perfect. Gins cbnstantlv in tl e hM-idsjof our aA-uts, to which weinvite inspt-ctioii. J j I (Mrculars, with tetiiaonials and udl partieli Irs, may be had byknldressinp. ISRAEfiF.jlJUOWX, President, I Browvtt'otton Ciin 'o , New London, Conn. ICKAWFOED it LtEl!LlG, Agents Salisbury S. C i March G-4moK. . i ... i- . My voiie. rang through the woods like a clarion. 1 plunged onward through tangled viaes, ' dense, briers and rocky bdiiks, until gradually Hearing, I could perceive a ihguie wrapped in an oil-ciolU no light of ihe m on healiby and sound stale, such as the price tl.pn c;,'K.keiis. The: truth is, ray dear troduce vour subject in yoof most ellUr- giils, you want less fashionable restraint ate style ; be poetical, rhetorical, didaetK, and more librity of artioc ; mrc kiicben as your mode may be, and when(jtn aud less parlor ; more leg exercise and less think fit, gradually drop into the discos sofa, more pudding aad less piano; more sion of the subject matter, Y ben ta frankness and Ices mot k modeety. loosen article is nuiriied, oegm at tac opening your waist strings and breathe pure atmos- I sentence, and read it ualil you find torn p'ie e. and become Bijre hiugas good and I have commenced to say something to $ha point. Mop at tins place; strike foi as: if the wiod w -nld seize me bodily and i r stars was ever so penetrating and by warranfjd, then the plauiitT wa entitled aiid burl me down the pietipitous dt s- the 'tl window 1 saw Alice, my wile, to recover in this suit such a sum as may CLi1ti f .1 j dressed in floating garineutsof while, with remain dan on the bind? That if they It was a liht thank Providence it ' her long, golden hair knotted back by a found from the evidence that the price whs k lio-hl a uo iuis fa'.uus to lure nie blue libboju. 'Apparently sin; was beck- agreed to be paid bv ibs defend tnt, Man 011 to destruction and death. oning to nis with outstretched hands, and ning. was a full and adequate :p;ice for 'Ilalloo o '' eyes full of wild, anxious tenderpesj. the slaves, and that when the said slave 1 sprang to my lect and rushed towaid her, but m. I reached the window , the fair appaiifion seemed to vanish into the stormy d iikness and 1 was. left al ne. At the selfsame. ius:ant the sharp report beautiful as nature designed Two prizes $1,000' 1 ; : Five prixea $500j Each in GREENBACKS. Ten prizes. $100j X JJorte ( Jiutjgy, tfith SUrr-Mqunted llarnt3 - r, iroi'iVi ? bQO. ' ! t)ne Fine-toned Rosewood Pianos worth $500! 4Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 ' each ! - , ! - ' . :j " ' xv... r..i.t in.. r. ...!. . i"viA 1. t Five.' CJubl American Uuiitiiw Watcher, worth I r 12 ' ... . i:!?acTi ,Sl2o eaehj j M . Tn"' LadicV viold IIuntaiigAVatchcs, worth each ;, ; I -r i:-' S00 GM und Surer Lerrr JIuntiuy W:tche.;in ': - a1lt) worth fiity 3-0 10 ki0 carft. Gold Chnios, Silver ware, Jewelry ,Ac., :c. ' Wb!oio lanraSar Gifts, 5.5CC. Tickets Limited to 00,000. 2nd ANNUAL pISTRIIBUTION ! 75 ,730 j Premiums. U I RANGING IS VALUE FROM t ! $10 to!$5,000 ? f I to the Subscribes of U OUR rHE HIDE 7B.ZST7XI I I Every Subscriber is sure of .one pretniom any way. aud. also) has an equal ch uee of re eeivinir ia CASH Preiiiium, UU A PIANO, Organ, wat ji, sewing machine tc. etc. '! I ' H' FIRST GRAND .CASH PREMIUM L 5,1)00 .... f ODIl FIRESIDE HUIEND Fiffht Vagcs, tje sl;e, lUnstrhtct the Family U'ccklli in its TH Ilil) and baa attidnd the Largest Cl RCUJVaT I OX of any paper publish hi in the. Vet. UESfT, MOST DE3IUABLE AND MOST USEHUUOUIUINALHEAUIKC MATTER IN GUHATI VARIETY, that mover fcaubyy aiid toinakteithllOME WEEKLY shiU feJ to ihe ; wants o evbi v lamily, Saasenption price 5"J. per year ot .rj 'nnmlKtca. cane, or cloak, cirryiog a lantern. As ' of a pistol sounded I could see the j .g- fair price for the person in the condition alj, WOuld hopelessly enslave the work- the dim light fell Up )U bis tJCe, 1 almost g-' siie iiH 01 ore auove ine piuow 01 im se uenvert u o y i..e p. uiiuu in iuu ing classes. Think of labor thus going recoiled. Would 1101 solitude in the woods ; stia:ght through the. very spot wbeie ten defendant at the. tim of sjicIi delivery. 0 ; nnoionollJ, :llld eternal cycle, be pirtfcrablelo the companionship of this minutes since my head had lata. Aud it the jury lonnd m a ine deienaaiit. forever on the t ack, fingers forever withered, Wiii.kltd old man 1 Bat it was ' th an: iustantous realization ol'my Manning, the principal in the bond, had 8,rajnjnjr thc brow ftievcr sweating, the too late to recede now. danger, I swung tnysell over the eitge ot l waived any detence -t want 01 consider.-!- r,M.t fori.vcr plodding, the brain forever WbatV wanlipg? be snarled, with ,1 the window, jumping some eight or ten lion, arising from the alleged unsoundness throbbing, the sbonblers forever drooping, neculiar motion ot ihe lips that seemed to feet into tangled bushea below, and as I ot the persons pure! aed by him at the tne 0jil3 forcVer aching, the restless mind leave hi yellow teeib all bare. crouched there, recovering my breath, I time of their delivery o him, such waiver f(,reVer scheming! Think of the beauty more San, in reporting thc proceeding 0 I am lost in the woimIs ; can you direct "Pra iuu irampi rootsieeps miu my on ins pari uiu urn prrciuae 1110 sareurs it would fface. the imerry-lieartcdncss it the Medical and Chirnrgical Society, Af AGENTS WANT KD o Sell Tickets, i to wliopo, j Liberal Pieiniunisi will bo paid. .Single Tjrfcet $1; Six Tickets $5; Twtlvc . ; J Tickets $10 ; Twenty-five Tickets $20. t ireidrJi containing a full' list of prizes, a de jcrip4itiil of ihe minner ofdrwing, and Aither information In reference !to the pis'ribution, will be jirni to any one ordering jdiem. AH let- iriiinust Ik aihlressed So MAiNon rrr, L. D. SINE, Box 80. 10lW. Fifth St. 1 jcxxcixxATi. 0. were delivered to the defendant tbev were unsound and diseased, the pi liulfT would I be e:ititled to recover suc'i a sum id money as the jury might think, in addition to Tilh H)lO.O MIUOL I M.MJAl. tlnr sum already paid, would h iye been a Think bow be abstraction of the S ib- evervthing bf re it, and let your article begin just there. 1 ou will then probablr find that it opens well, and thai by Coi lee ing all your labored com position in one place w h re it can be readily stnciivt out "rou will hive saved vfcurseH' all ItWa trouble that ould haTe been necessary bad it been scattered through the article but ntccr write on both side rf the shret. Frank II. Stoclljn, in Scrilncr's fvrjfag. I A M auvkl or is twelvo miles me to K i Station Yes : R Station frdm here.' Twelve ini'cs V I stood aghast. 'Yes.' ! 'Can you tell of any shelter I could ob tain from the night :: 'No.' 'Where; are you going !', 'To Drew's, down by thc maple swamp.' 'Is it a tavern ?' ! 'No.' j Vonld they take me for the night ? I could payj color. Aeknowledeed bvulltob the llASDSOMEST and MQST tY A ED ABLE piniilin "nietnre in Ani-r.ea li'VEuy srK.-cirii:kri'isir,"ented w:.t. this tL'hioiK'eJ a ti e ti::;lut Lub-eiit i r votcnifiwj) lir.tl assn receives a It Til EEKED I'KKTIr'I :AT.E EN LIT LI Kg the uoldku xo A fcilAEK it. Uie-dlitribr.tion d$'5,au in ah i:u! ll.er peii;:u.(.' f ": I T LI !ui 1 I -iTit I J ftJTl ON TAKES PLACE on t!ie second Tuesday ii Jure next The Cui-kiuo. jiind CeiUrteate'selBt4tj recept e.f price. . sil'E-i H5LMK.N rOPIEiJ. PKES1IUM LIST, Etc! JIVING FCL-L f AUTTlCULAiiS tentfeei to nnv a-boess. i ' ; pi ; I A ''fiiTMTQ il!,er b'Mor can- JMJtUll U J vassmg in evrryj Piar 'A IUU Jdn ow . Largeieash llfiUpay and beint. fit. ! Send at onteltor terms. ' Address. OUT! FrRESIDfrFIUEND, Chicago. JH h -tf. 1 And Baltimore. Ma, Feb.? them well.' lis eyes gleamed ; the yellow stumps stobd revealed onio. more, 'i "guess so ; folks do stop ihero.' ; Ia it far from here V Not very ; about a half a mile.' 1 'Then let us make baste and reach it, I am drenched to the skin.' : We plodded on, my companion more than keeping pace with me. Presently wej left the edge of the ravine, entering what seemed like a trackless woods and keeping straight on until ihe light gleam-! ,ed ri; tally through the wet foliage. ! It was! a ruinous old place, with the Windows jail draw 1 to one side, as if the jondaiioiij had settled, and the pillars of a a ru-:e parch ueaily rotted away. A woman answered ray fidiow-travel- ler's oj:k. My companion whispered a Woid or-tw.9 to hcr a,'d she' turned to mo With smooth, voluble .words of welcome. She regretted the poverty of their ac- cdmmodatioiis ; but I was .welcome to them iacb as they were. Y here is Isaac V demanded my guide. 'He lias not como in yet.' I sa4i dawn on a wooden bench be- sido the fire, and ate a few mouthfulls of bread. -1 f . ... room. 'Is he dead?' ciied a voice up tho lad der- the smooth, deceitful voice of ihe wo man with half closed eyes 'Of course he is growled a voice back ; that chaige would have killed ten men X light,. I line, quiet, aud till Tom to be ready A cold, pg.tiized shudder ran through tne. What a den of midnight murderers bad I fallen into ? Aud how fearful! v narrow bad been my escape. j With the speed that only mortal terror J and deadly peril can give, 1 ru.-lied through the wood., now iHuuiiuatcd by ,:i l.Uut glimmer of starlight. I know hot what impulse guided my footsteps-1 never shall know bow! many times I crossed !my own track or how close-1 stood to the brink of the deadly ravine : a merciful Providence encompassed me w ith a guiding .and pro tecting carej for when the njorniijg dawn ed, with faint red bar3 of oticjnt light against the stormy eastern sky I close to the hiuli road, some scvon rnues from R Once at. the town, 1 toi.i my ptorv to th police, and a detachment was sent wiih me to thespot There were two actions, one against the principal and one against the sureties. In both cases, the jury rendered In verdict for the defendant. Charleston Keics. on the bond from setting up in their behalt woj extinguish, oflihc giant strength it scribes thc subjoined cac;J the delence ot want ot consideration, nun woutj tam0f nf ,jie j.esonrcea of nature it The patient who was exhibited to'tha less thev are shown to have consented All w nuiu vi J k iuu on.au.co vrt4 diiviv y u vw f va va a-aa iviia jm and agiced to such waiver. ij,ing. of the proiecta it would wreck, of diseased for twr nty-seven years with what the groans it would Mtort, r.f the live it had been called cauccrby many surgeons. would immolate, apd of the cheerless To remove the entire disease, both lids at craves it would nrrmatnrelv diir ! See them toiling aud moiling, sweating aud fretting, grinding and hewing, weaving and spinning, seeing and gathering, inov ing and repairing, j aiding and building. digging and planting, striving and strng bug in the girdep and in the field, in well as the skin from ihe side of the t had to be removed, leaving the leftjeya A SOUTHERN PROSPECT BY PROM I NET RADICAL. The Babimore Sun's Washington cor A (h'n only good one) exposed iu a frightful gap. 1 o protect thc eye, and at the tama time to remove the hideotj ronfortfchy, Professor Chisholra nndertne-k the delicate operation of manufacturing two lids4-th respondent writes the following views of the granary and in the barn, in the facto- J upper lid from th-j skin off the forehead. a nromineiit Radical in regard to a flair a in ry aud in the mill, in the warehouse and I and the lower lid from the skin oft tho 1 e 1 . . . .1 . ...1.. .-. a...!... the outh ; i in the shop, on the mountain and in the cheek. ro very snccessiuiiy uaaitnu A prominent Rpiblie.in Sedator, who ; ditch, on the roadside and in the wood, in I been accomplished, that it required Fery has laiely had the opportunity of seeing the city and in the country, out at sea and close observation to detect, tho difbrenc between the lett side ot ttJ lace with lot manufactured lids, and the right sidi oa tnre had made. The case his been ajverr satisfactory one to both surgeon aed patient. j j r the South for himseb, h is remaiked since ' on the shore, in t'hcjday of brightness and his return, that if ihe present condition of of gloom! What si picture would ibis After much searching and many fils;- t, :a aiarras, we succeeded 111 JiuUing jhe ruin- mis oiti house : bill 11 i cmpiyoiir birds bad flown ; nor dil I recover niv i- 1 ' tt..r. 1. vause and waicn ana cuaui, wuitu latter 1 l..,,';.. I had left under my pillow. 'It Drew's gang, said the leader of affiirs coniiuue, such States as South Car olina and Florida, for instance, must ine vitably be Africanized, 1 he 'result, of course, must be the exodus of the whites, the utter decay of materia! pro.-pi rily, and nltimatelv the relap-ing d tlse State into a wilderness, 'i'hese observations ai- ply equally ;;s well to L'ui-.aua as to the States uientioH'-d. world present if we Jnd no Sabbath ! no, douht'd tha? pe:s.iml contact Tun Sau Fat of ax Author Foley Hall, the au'Iior of "Ever of Thee Fin Fondly Drr nuiog," wa a genllerain of wealth and gre.jt intelu ctu ii endow mMit b a with fie n"M-le of the Sou:h. and ptsou- bts !-"' bread, fl he woman h; hid ni exie ii. -nee of its conditio i v.il go very j loved discarded L:r4. In th: deepest dis- 1 1 j 1 1 a far to modify the views a. m'.ny of lie- i trei-s he compos .1 j.iij cn.irming u.ng. Lai'.don pui .i.-oer gave ntin one uu rireu dollars for it 1 mi-re pittance for such a spend:!. rift, lie wrote other successful songs, but in a moU':nt of we.iki.e, de pressed with poverty, be forged the name of his publisher; land, notwithstanding most strcuous fforts in bis behalf was made by his Lb'tids; in which the publisher joined, Foley Hall! was thrown into New gate prison, wbcre.'ho died, broken-hearted, before his liial-caae or; A case which i likely to rail forUi all .r t . T 1. 1? ircr ui h a icncunry In 1 oni' iHiooal re 1 , 1 1 1 13 told a i-'iio .0. . 1 ws : A vounr man ring Admired an'rl petted, he led wild, accepted a chab rge frrm rdnofed durliat, elpiess life. i:i w !icii bis wealth melted goe hotn" and tc! bis mother all boot way, uptil he had aot wherewithal to buy u. The good lady rnbej off distrletrd leading tu -ti of the North, members of Congits and ot'irs, w!n haVo already up or who nronose to d.iWti S.i'.i'li the-police, 'and they've troubledvs these between now at d next winter.: It would two years. 1 don t ininu, moitgu, they'll he well itthe knowlodgetbus gained should come back here just at present." ,e.l(j to gucil moditication of tlni legislation fsor did they. .Ifffecting tho South as would restore it to tin? strangest part of inf. story is itg wonlCtl prosperity, and promote good yet to tome, oome three weeks aubse- intr -mA.io- nil rlasse of iu neoTde. in. qnentlyilireceired a letter from my sister BtcaJ of dissensions, which; now pre- to l!ie hou? rt ihe nuf!ir, Vhom strelinus . practicing with n pist'd i:i his garden, atnl what is worse, bitting ihemtrk every lime. She implore hi mercy, biit is ohl!f rc p-ilsed by thi m-irkmm whodrea bis iutenti-Ki to kill her soi. Thereupon i 1 hT aiatb and terror, the poor wiman snatches up a pistol and shoots thejdnc list dead. The ehtnees arc that ah will be acquitud, and iudeed, it is d Qcf It to imagine any cae which oiler wort, or . more geuuine, extenuation. A jar of Lrnothcrs, at least, woTild not very long dc I terate upon their Tcrdict,! 1 .?