1 1 r- . .' . i , :! ) ; ' ' ! !; : ; 1 - ' i . : t - i-i ' 5 r mm LOCAL. SALISBURY MARKET. CORN new 3 a 65. , UPAL-.70. J : iiACOS' (eAanlyV40 ft 11 hognmnd pOTATOKS IrUh, CO & 75 Sweet, C5 , eggs-is .' j --r'v1:- CHICK JSNS-S2aO a S3 per do V , FKATHfcIUVn50.r TALLOV 9 10. - I RYE 70 80. t BEESEWAX-30. . WHEAT-$U0 3JX0. r lHrTTEIlr-20 25. j ". i-URIEUFHUlT Peaches, unpeeled. 3 a 4 dot prJed"8.a 12 j L Blackberries 7 V The uw business of the Eqnlitble Life jorini the yast! tew years exceed that of any lib Cu. in t'it world. Call L Allen 3 ft 6 pr. bl a!!t ht next Mondaj. ;TUiipropoaitin most I f' Pawson, aeut lor the JLee, of courM.be submitted for their acceptance. If I Memorial Association,- baa shown Hi firif rcf wed, that I the end of it. :notii.j of ail interest might be agreed npoii merely make the We t If not, then a mi for to-morrow night. suggestion. Those w!ioj are more. Interested than w ae might test te racttcftbifit41 I. this way harmony and good feeling raiy be re stored and preferred. No mors laudable ob jects couldbe attained. Blrt withont such change or compromise, we feel it to be our dure to auo- port Dr. iKeen's ticket, and we think it the I ihont d hive wise. J- - i ' a . I ptcturo pf the General which. i a i being sold for tha p-trpoe of raising fundi to. build pen.R E.j Leo ft m'oqane it? ttl hi tomb ftt Lixigtoo, Va., Mr. D iwioa U lure for sue purpose oi esiauus utnjj an agency. ' These portraits of General tLee are on;- o passed in beauty, art, and life-like appear- nee of , the trreat hero. Etitv formilv E IT M ARSH. W rrrret to learn that this gentleman, Ions; "Master Maehi- ni of iht Western Ni q. IUU Rnad,bfts been removed from that, position by Maj W. A. Smith, the newi Reeeiter. Mr. citixen to do like J. J. ax one. i . IIeco7j:rikg. Wc are informed that the Irish Tjeddler, who was waylaid and shot by an a88assin near Gv!d Hill, some jwp eets igoiftrecoreriii.r Marsh is 1 JT1 ARMED,' Mr. Alexander 1). Mo ie to Mis : w . r - M i - . tn experienced and skiliroi I v " r'" ' "I ,n,f nu '."rv. lveT- r.. maehiniit, audi it is to be hoped he will either e& fnVith scne one, or establish I Chamber-J Eq. Foundry himself in Salisbury. We should be sorry! to lose him 4s ft( citizen, more es- pecially as ft leading niid practical meehanS ASSIGNBfS SALE. t 1 -trA A .... I ' .'I t S l :-t '. Laura E. ec'ond daughter of the late Thomas NEVVpq)VEliT SEMENTS. ic, at we can not offord to lose such man. SxKAiiTiKKER We ftre glad to learn that a eolaartncrshiixhas been formed I i -J " . . ... t : .u- I . i r . . , IlROWH. ! Ageut, who y""1 between Mr. Smith, bf Jfciison, and Mr. iT'.. ! i Tn BinLE Cauk. 'IV Uy. IV A.1 Strobel, 'general ngrnt f lc American Bible Society in North Carolina, will vwit this place on Sunday next, and preach at the Methodist church Sunday, night, Go wan, of Salisbnfy j ! ft the purpose of establishing a Steam Tannery to be loca 1 Notice i hereby eiTen. tli'nt I will nell at pnb- ic auction, at the Court House door in.theTowu of SaliKbnrr, Monday the 19th day of May, 183,l izo clock, 11. , I All the not!e, account and choses in action belonginfc to the estate of John I. Clingman, liantrnpU.' i , ' I t; t JOnN S. HENDETtfX April 24 If. -Assignee; - ; , 1 i UP oil n Ittfgv rvnio Qiiut unci niv ua imnrnved and acceDtabte manner. We dcrsfand that Mrl'Sniitli has already i- ' R A I. 17. ST A TPK v .. ; . i ! i- i .... t ni . . I .iuu(.' ih iiureov given, inai i wui sen ai puo Lic Hiirlion. at llie Court lloiiae dttor in lh Town cone on -to bny the ubcesary machinery, of 8lishury.!on Monday the 19ili day of Alar. on."th solirct ol his mission. This work ceM to it and all sioriUr iinprovetrrents. JJ3 Kl )2 Oic,,ock M- onf Property UD AUCTION- OP UNCLlilM El) FREIGHT ' ' - -j : . j -1 - -- . '' OFFICE SQDTnERSYlPBEW CnSPlST. j SALlSBtTRT, N. C Apiil 21, 1873. Br tnntractiona. the Freight package boxes. Listed beiow and not called br, will be sold at public aale; at the office of the' cotnjwny, on the Z3dday of May next, lor I lie express charge thereon, unless called for before that lime, viz : Name. 1 ' Destisatiox. Articxe. EJ Aston ' UahTeille N.U UWAkerell Marion P E Ab.ry ' Aumons Hill4 Bingham & Co. ! Salisbury " Brown&Weantl " " . 1 II Bailey ' Biirnistille " Maj. M A Brrne Salisbary " Mr. F K Blake ShufordHtille " C Black ; 'SalwlHirr M B Bass : , . , Sutenville VaiBrown 1 ! tOld Fort 1 package. l 1 Box. 1 Can. 1 Package 1 -1 -1 Box. 1 " 1' " 1 Alex. BuncombCo.l Aohveille N.C, 1 Mt. Ulla - lficewter Old Fort " Anheville 44 Gold Hill 44 Marshall 44 MalLn . 44 Vayneville 44 H M M M t In the interest of , all the clinrches, and lbs members of them are desired to at teud. '!' " 1 Manufactories, foandr ncs just the things we are most sadl iu need OI. i &c, &c, are Cu, u V. O. AT RowaX MlLL8. We regret to learn that the Post Office at Rowan Millf has been discontinued hy the order Ulackme E a,t.itnb4y nirl,t. Tl ment. I he reason lor wfe ;n Mr Blackmdr'i room iu thr An Atkmped Kobbrrt. A boM at- temnt was ra ide to rob tlie- sale or JnKe of ili K 0. this is that no one will qualify or Has done Court hrtns building o yet, who will attend to tlie olnce at that llic Court-honse: ad point. We hope the. people ,bf thai section will get up a petition in favor of the ap pointment of Mr. lrd or some other good maoi who lives tlWe. office hut, after breaking" the doors ot the sate. la He wast either a bjingl frishtenid. lie would '.4 1. Two lots in the West Ward of the Town of: Salisbury afijoining the lloiucttead of said; Bankrupt. ! lis One Lot, containing about one and one half acre' of land, ttUuutcd in the East Ward of: heTftwn of Salisbury, adjoiuing-the lands of John J. Shaver, B. F. Fraley and othern. ill; One triict of land, containing nihe-teen ncreSj'more o"r less, "partly fiituatmi within the fiorporate liniit.- of tlie Town of Salisbury, ad joining the land of Burton Cr$ige and John A. Bradhaw. . v ' . , IV One tract of .land, contain'ns fiftv acre the bar across I'more br lcs, ituated in Rowan County, alout I i.Ar . f .i . i: .1.-. M. . I II Hit IlllltS -I I Ulll lilVJ tlfl UlIT' lllllltT. l lite to enter it. r,.,. f s,.K-,rW-n iI.t,.,m;. h v i ,rl. or he hreame I Ina from Salishurv to Statesvilie, adjoining Uie ve gotten noJh- h v Two . ... Ci f Bc:tx.rur, v ;:. 'Itie t thief entered m a ie room t lie Foundry and Agricultural Warr Hovst. We referred some time since to the that Mr. P. A. Krercks, of this city, bad boaeiii property on wincii lie latchura to erect a r ouaary aa Agricut- 0f Salisbury, held in the lown liall on taral s Warehouse. t It -is gratifying to priday evening, April 251873, the pro know that this grnth man is iiow engaged cecdings of the last meeting were read '' ; U !.:.! 4jt 1 j t 1 :i . t in if he had succeeded in entcrine the saf . I ICo imnrnvtments thereon. 0 . i It trr ! r:c. ,.t .ii. :.. va v is i.r. u. i mjv... jv q) and ,u the notes, accounts and ing out all valuables! at night. ' L-hoKes in action belonging to paid Bankrupt. - I -t - Terms of sale Cash. At an adjourned mooting of theitizens of Salisbury, held irk the Town Hall I April. 21. 1773. JOHN S. HENDERSON. Assignee.; k in arranging and peifrcting liis plans, and ' will begin at an early day the work of reeling suitable buildings. ' i- 1 1 ' . - A ' " r" ' r j OCR MCJIICIPAL KtKCTIOV NEXT MONDAY. A tin time for our municipal election ap , proachei, tUe uiual bi tter and excitement in cident to uch occasion are to le observed. So much fvelingand prvjudice are manifested in 1 tbe election4, tliat they are f.i.-t becoming a nuUance. At any rate, the e(!e:.t is rather to d.vnge than to promote the better interest of our own. - Fdoli-tli an I iii'on-tiderate men raine I thenne-uiou of distinction n between median- I , utcri'ii ii vi, nii'i 1. m'l -iwrti, aim iimicaii ui t'ie guod or more influential citizens eudeavor l ig to harmonize the didl-rent classes and stifle ' useless and hurtful discussion by turning their bscks upon erery issue foreign to the general welfare, they rather cnco iraje them br obsii nacy and thoughtless expressions. The effect j hM'been felt upon the prosperity of our town 1 in the several wards and approved. The eommitteei appointed at tjre lat luerjtiitg to suggest tho names oauitablp' persons to he voted for for ilayor and Commissioners, mae their several lenorts which w-ere received. which resulted II ffDS AY'S i SXZA3XAZ3LZZZZL. THE GREAT POISON NEU TRALIZER.! A Sure Prerentice and certain curejor CHZLZiS AND FEVBH. and all species of Miasmatic diseases. Setid for circular. - w- a w- - ri : I i J. K. ISAUlVriU CC tJU. April 24. .'1873-fiinos. . ' Mrs.SU Campbel T J Candler rt F Cbwan j M F Cliff Chas. Cliff W F Clinton i J E Dewey ; II t LhivU , , D W Dawdage W A DavU 1 J R DavU ! Statesrillc Docthit (Druggist) J W oter ; j Foster & llorah S-ilisbury II L Freeman . Albemarle Foster & llorah Salisbury J B Green State-vile J F.Omny f i Salisbury ' Grwrn liartcr&do.PalterBn ' " 44 W 11 (lough i jll.imptonvirie" Dr. Graham ': iStatexville 44 U W llollowsy Hickory Station4 R J Holmes j, Salisbury 44 J lluill Marion " M J ftiililmrd liinrt liJrind" jj W F Henderson ! Salisbury iSHogan 44 K f larrcll i Dr. L Johiiston Mrs. G K inn an J Keave K M Lan M M Lynch V A Morton T H McAImjv W J McKerrell E R Mvtn J D Miiler T S Morriss E II Marsh J E Morriss J M Nihcholiaon i u J W Nance L Pinker & Co. V E Farriss J N Patterson J R Roberts J M Railrv Rowzie & White Salisbury S W Rea & Co. u J II Rioev , " J C Sullivan J P assaruan A P Smith W A Smith A a Mai ion Statesville Salisbury Scottsville Newton Big Lick (.'iilnnibiig MaVion Salisbury 1 Aslieville Salisbury Sugar Hill . Yudkinville Salisbury YOU CAN DO YOUR OWN PAINTING ; BRA'DLHYIS PATENT ENAHllL; P.; LIT , ... .... r-..-.. ...... 1 ; . . ' 1 v 4 The Hunt Kcoucialcnl, Dcau.ifal and Durable. J Iill rAlMarecompned rf White Lkad. Ztxcand Lixtti. nr with other materials which add sreatly to Che durability, elasticity, beauty and strength of (lie T,l. I ln . . : that the pigments are held in permanent s4u tion, llnm forming a snvnlTh glosyt firtareliiir. the real life of the Paint; cannot leave it and hr absorbed by theaubstanceto which it is applied as it dors in the paints mixed in the ordinar way, and thus leave the pigment dead and brit tie, to wash and rub off in a lew ronntbs orfa farthest In three or four veara. Thu Painf L unaflvcted by changes of tvinperatnre, is perftt-l-ly imu rvio4in to the action of water, is wr!l l aptrd to all classes of work, and in in every way a better Paint lor either Inside or Outside Votk or Boat Painting, than any other paint known to tlie trade, and will last at IraM three times aa long as the beM Lead aud Oil mixed iu the Or dinary way. 1 Alwav H6ady for XTae and IJasUy Applied. Soli tv the GaUon. ONE GALLOX COVERS TWENTY SQUARE YAltJfS, JWO COATS. O. P. KNIGHT, j Sole Agent, l No. 93 W. UnmbardStr.it, Bait: aaore. Spccimpn and Pricje 1.1st Furiiiahetl GralU. SPECIMENS OF TIIJC DIFFERENT? COLORS TO BE SEEK AT THIS OFFICE w Baltimore, Dec 10, 1871 TniPLAixs.FarQriattorNTT. Va..lb 6 tsn. iir i. i KSICUT Uear air: It aU.rd me T- Ksn.ur sia : The Fum eaice much pleasure to say that the Bradley fc'X to hand a oruVr itiro krjts. r.vop:!o:is eacJ. Patent Enamel Paint fa'r exceeds my expecia- nJ lJire bckei oi.e kt es.t. As irtt:ee lion in economy, beamy, and, I have every rea- " t 1 V.rk . 1 " "ol son to believe, n d,.r-l,i iiv Mn . ?Vtx" w n J " coat., tie A ballot was then held,! fttfoilof : , I For Jflayor: s i j ! . THOS. W. KEEN. I For Conutiissianers : North WitrtT,: i i. Philip PjJMqroney, SoutK Ward State of North Carolina, ; and will hereafter bear its evil fruits until there i more charity shown toward one another, and 1 bcttfer counsels prevail. . ; j There are now. out three tickets, and there will probably be more, appealing Jo tlie public for support. Is it possible-that we have reach- K ed that point that the good citizens of our town : can not get together and select a ticket for mu nicipal officers that a majority can support ? It would really seem so. This looks ns though our citizens have no common interest, but ' that they are inc! ined - to bad feeling, to pull one against the o'her ; a-id wa must ad mi t that the tendency of thills'1 is in this w.t. Asl tt tlfesw Klisritsi tt I lias fVrr KsfktA ba I do not propose to- pa upon them ; but we do ' ot hesitate t express o'ir pinion as to the one entitled to the sunportof o'ir citizens by every j consideration of propfitty, usage and justice, and tint ticket is the one noutiii ited by at least . a portion of our citizens in public meeting as sembled. All the other ticket arc self-imposed, so to speak ; and whether it is palatable or not, jthtj' ara the l ouMimn of disappointment and Reeling." They are brought out to beat, if pos jsible, the ticket nominated by the meeting, be- cause that ticket djci not happen to suit A. B. land C: A half dozen, men sre disgruntled and . they must have a new ticket. The meeting that nominated the ticket headedtby Dr. Keen, 1 1 was advertised and all our citizens were invited to attend, wjiy did they not turn out ? Then Was the time for all good citizens to consult together and to bring out such candidates as ' I were, si jeptable to thej largest number, But this the; r obstinately refused to do, notwilh s'anding a second and a third opportunity, was ' given th!ni.;; There should be no clashing, ho bitter leeUngit between the different classes of oar citisens (or there is really no such thing a class distinction allowible in this country, land no one who has the welfare of our town at ; hsart will encourage or countenance a property I j holders' ticket to the exclusion of the mechan j ic oryice rerHa,although one to the exclusion of the other might do no harm ; then again by the influence of restless and evil disposed per son It might. We are, as we have si way been, ' in favor of, harmony, and j in our opinion, the way to bring this about is to get up a ticket-representing the varjous interests of cur town : mechanical,, mercantile, and proprietary. Such a ticket might have been gotten op at the meet ing on the 25th of April. It is now' perhaps too late, but it Ss simply the fault of each and svery individual who did hot attend that rueet- i Now, as there is. no money ai hut little hon or in being a Mayor or Commissioner, we have no doubt that the gentlemen, who clearly have the sole right to the field, would icome down if jproperlT sppronched and submit their claims ;to another tneeting, if tiieyj can be a sured that tUs large majority of our citizens j will turn out and iiomin ite a thoroughly repre wptatiye ticket and then onite iipon it t the e. - 1 Samuel E. Uinton, Robert W. Price. 3 i Etut hVarJ f i Alexander Parker. CAMtWEM. COUSTY SCPERIOH COURT. Otrtiblia N. Lnrgent i? against Dirorcc. John P. Lrcrent. j In this case it is made to appear to the ConrtJ that the dej'endant is a non-resident of the Slate of North Carolina; It is therefore Ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the "Carolina atchmm a newspaper published in the Town of Salisbury N. C, noti fying the said defendunt, that to be and' appear, at the next Term of the Superior Court to be held for said County at the Court House in Lenoir on the lOlh Monday after the 3rd Mon day in March 1873 ; and answer the complaint of the Plff. which will be filed in tho oflice of the Clerk of Said Court, or the Plff. will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint and take judgment' atinet him ac cord inga I ly. t itness R. R. N aki field, Clerk of our said Corn the 10th Monday after the 3rd Monday in August 1872. i This April 3rd 1373. i ! R. R. WAKEFIELD, April 24-Gw. (prfeeSSA) C. S. C. M W Sk n ier T M Texier L J C Wilbar J M Wilburn J J Sawver Register of Deeds do Wallace Ames J B Kitz-erakl Jns. E:iton W D. Miice WaPptVl louse G W Wibon April 24 Invo. 1 r -l M i u . 1 Package 1 -1 1 Btx. 1 Package 1 i 1 Trunk. 1 Packag. 1 44 1 Box. 1 Package 1 " 1 Box 1 " 1 1 Package 1 1 44 3 Box's 1 Trunk 1 Package 1 " 1 44 1 Box 1 1 Trunk 1 Package 1 " 1 " i 1 Package 1 C.jil Wire I Package 1 Box 1 Package 1 1 " 1 44 r 1 Box 1 " 1 Package 1 44 1 Trusa 1 Ilox 1 Tin can 1 Box . 1 1 Package IPsCa-ting 1 B. x 1 Package 1 " 1 44 1 Box 1 Package H II i II U II 1 II 41 1 Box U II II " " 2Pakgs. U J M JOHN S. 1IAIGLER. Agent. Xr- t ii I nut 1 i .j ..- T , r r . '""'riwiMin nnu ii is i.ow cenerallv , "m"?"""i paiinwi uie nan oi.my uotei conceded thai lor "fcnan.e," nUharduts .i d bodr iiuaiiMiw iioiisv; whii me Xraaiey tnimel ana ntrmony or colon, titer i uoU liao2wuur l-aint, ana 1 was so well pleased with it I deter- JoD " "e pUce. I i-aveM ..mv Imc iU) Uu.lso Lv an item jot i,ot fk ko.J 1 1 .rurtaliy alow tj tad cs.ii apply it. 1 . . t - a L. - iwi mii-i vauviru m wi U HOCK U I UIUIlial. V L o. anynvaniagu u. yon, yon arc but I feci so forcioly tl g.e.t adaptability of yonr -.-""v ' " iuiii. mwi htithiuiit luiiiici t aim io ii.exiMi ol onr ieii.e in ex r:int, and I was so well pleased with it I deter- J0D in tlie place. I i-avl . mined to paint the ontsidt-of the Hotel, and am t&eoperat.ons. whjci. is ai most happy to say that it gives me perfect satis- 7flhr.n 1'.e,,,,eV. M l" faction In concision I will say, 'if this testi- KiVbbr I sville " Ml Webster Huntsville SttK-ksville 3d C reek i Statesville Mt. Mourne Mull (jrove Ansonvillc A.-hev'Ue Salisbury Wilkes Co. Morganton it John H. 4' Went arrihardt. Ward, Ed. B. Neav Williams Brown. FUESII ARRIVAL OF SIMUXG AI) SUMMEK GOODS. FOR MAYOR: 0 IHIT1?I Ai ii. R QY AN COUNTY IN THE SVPEKIOR C0UKT. Iewis B. Ketch v, Samuel R. Ketchv and Henry I). Kctchy, Isaac AmKitTsox. Mansion House Hotel, N. W. corner Fayette and St. Paul streets, Biliimore. i i UBEKFcrro. Pe. 10, 1872r. Mr. C. P. Kxight, Baltimore Dear ."Sir : The paints we received from you have been applied; to reveral of onr own buildmps and to those of 4nr friends, and havegiveu emiie satiaf tctiou in cover ing qualities, iu gloss, a-id in atlapUbility to all kinds of surface or material, and e clieeiful'y rc commend it. esjjecially to that class of coiM.mrrs who have to depend upon uiiLaown patties, or pointers, to mix and fumih materials, whei-elnwt have fnnd Hie most deception. Youia truly, JACOB STOUFFER k SON, Makti.ano Link, Bait. Co.. Ma.. Sept 2ith 1872. C. P. Kmout Ksq... Agent lir.U;e'i- Patent Enamel Paint, Baltimore Pear Kir Hie paint w hich I purchased from you has given entite satis faction, so much sot lint all tnr neighbors intend to follow tny ex unp'.e. and have their donees painted It is not only durable and cheap bat it looks better after It is put on than any paint 1 ever saw. The painter I have employed is delighted with- it. tie says he can paint twice as 'at. and at the Fame time do a better job. with tbe Enamel Paint than any other he ever ud. - 1 can therefore, w-illiorit hesitation, rccommed It to the public as one of the very bet ai tides of paint ever introduced. Yours very respecttnlly. JAM US It ALL. Mn.ronn.vptein).er 04th. 1R72. Ma. C. P. Kmoiit. 93 V. l.oml.ard ."t.. Hahi inore Iear Sir s i have Iwen iiMPfr Bradley's Pat. -lit Bn unjl Paint and n4 liadinjf one instance where it hn railed to give otiriciin. I am tltere- fore frank in rerommerdinp it to the pnbl r as tl e lest na;nt in use. it nrHpiomptly aOberesnnely, and in bennty there is none excels. tours truly. JANKsJI TBI" ITT. Houe and iSifrn Painter, MiMoid, I'e!ear. cellency of material it Leant r of color and the fact ofiUbeine "Kearfr Mixed"." that I rive ton free permission (if it is 0eaat to ou) to make wna ose yon tuiiiKircier or tli.s letter. ery icspecUully and truly, s. McliILL, M. D. BaitiuoVe Md..STt. 30th. 1S7J V... l hsiouT, LsQ.-t-lirar sir: -I liave had the B.a l et'i Patent Knimel Paint, whh-h 1 purchase irom j-o i. o3 J msiu an4 '''it-sUe. tmtb at my dseil inj an l sioro. lor tea sca-i?i. It pires n.-pieat pleasuie to be ab.e to ,V tli.it it coui-s fully up to ) ir recoin:neni.tt onsiu tacilitASCf c.se ccoaoiar durability and Wauty. . Yonrstrniy. 1 TI1'MAS J. TRVIN't;. 163 West Ba'.tliSore street. B.Itiunie. Md FROM I!OX. ItllX'WrmiCREn. A sh lv KB, Baltimore lopi.tv. Vu., V a v 71 . 1 ST2. Mr. C P. KM'iHr. t t):c ieoiiimrndat!oa of a fricr.d. I was indeced o j ply jour p m.t Brad ley s I'aint to my hoime 1 ii;ne ileacre in slat inu that it hs proved hfeUIy satiKfjr tory. coxerinp more iumcc tlian you isi:r.tc l is more eroi omi cal and carries letter fr!o- than ordinary paint anu is iw irom u-s.iirrteaiiie r-nor. Yours reapccUtilly. JtlllX WETHECHI) FURiMIt URE! Jl A. CLODFELTER 4 CO irinUtaUand Eetait Dealer Hm riitmr- IktIte attention to tWirVtcfk of Cot IUraJ I'rtnch Uiaiair Soil. slnut ami iuininl fin. kI. r -v . ! It nil.. . ... . T-" rwmm R -iai:eaof ait kinUs-.XVWdn4es, ...... .u.. na:.iai:d. WUt-XHs, fUs. vu. ra bru riniir sniv ai any other arUclra which we are prepared ti sell as cLenn or .-hn.-., .... l 'Hem pan of He A.e ' -J ie .are to caH. nrafly mit tbJ UansUa oar atock and hi sroar price-. Our trftr-a tW Special ..nler (made fn m pho .kraa U XTT A full assortment ..f Hoewio4, Vetalie rid a5cr.t Bnriil CarN wlich cat Ulir. ULed at :t hours notice. ; ia i uu Jan K Ir. 1S73. AISO The foilowln? let'er istrrirt and ra'rah'e: llAi.Tia'Fc K.p. 27t!i. 1ST2. C. P. Kvicnr. Acent Brad'ej-V Pateni Enamel Paint IVar sir 1 lie paint we pnrcliaed fn:n yon we will rheerfllv endorse an t:e let of any k;nd e I are ever u.e 1. its ore-iif qnaliti. k are erervtliinp d-s-r.-d Sryinr prompCy aud with a hkru jttoa. wbiih rt: wt-ilunk. r -it Die act on of .ill klids ot westLer.1 Tl.is is our cxp rien-e and we ran recommend )t with rertafi.ty. and in tend to n it on all ocuasionn nl.eie we desire a good job of work . i Ver rr--rrifiiJlr. EMM ART A OT HT'.R i. V. 27 i A R.V.t.nwe t.. House. Shrn and Frecoe rai titers. Messrs. ningbaini C'4. A?"nts ?a!iibnn-.X.C. j Feb 6. I8T3." if. White Coeds, XSobroiderlckt, Ac ARMSTRONG, CATOR ijcd."'- Impoitrrs, Manufarnrcrs and Jobbers nsBssi. iriMiBs, Swk atj f$h tlkksts. VrLTBIBB3s,!IlfKTirB, Bonnet Sills, S.tt.ns, Vtlrets anisCrapt$t flcwcks. Frii!iR.orxijjEns rtiMrs.a. Mrsw Bsssrta sas Lailn aai CkIUre$ks OaU TBtllMED AMJ CXTCIMm. I " ASS IS liSssiXTtXO WAKEAOCrS WGITK CB0DS. Lins. CaiKOtblXIKH. Iacct, N.U, GMnrx, .f(, UaulerxliffA ToLae. ' " "mi UaltimoreSt, Baltiirvwe, IS& u. i-c nra in an ui act u red by ms r Iwngiit for Cah directly from the Kurofesn ar.d Anicncan llasiuCacturers. embracin! all tk. latent Bi.rcltics, ur.cqaalled jn Twiety ard cheapness In anr mcrkit. ! Orders filled iih care, promptness! ard de-pat-b. Msrth6.-3aps.pd. craige&ciuigeT ATTOK.tVS AT LAW, AXD SoIiriIors in paohrnpfrp.' tSpocial attcut ion paid lo ProcVediors iu bankruptcy. " Sept 5,513raot. , County Treasurer's Nptico I Is vinp determined to move to the rrxmtrV I hereby sive Nothx to all ptirsons liavmr bus. nca with me that I w III 1 in 8alihrv at ssy old e.fiice on Saturday of each week and oa tk fitt hi'id.iy in each nioetb. Mr. John D. (;a.kill is my rcpilir deputy and wi2!urod lo all calls at my old fD m my al(tce orr ton livinp in the Wot.rn s'rtion of die county can call (if they cl.oe) on nie at mv rVsidcnca 1 1 milts Vt of SalUlurr. " I T r J. s. Mccrrtmxs IVr. -1) 12:tf. f cainty Treasurer. SETTLE tTP. f All thoe indebtetl to me for suborn .1 ptiooje the K iOMifccr, fur adrc rtiii.p, or job afoik, are I respectfully rt-rjiic!cl to mmt forward snd aH tie tip withont further delay. tV.rsl Wheat, Kioiir, Pca or ativ count rr t.rtMliut skew I I Alfred I. Ltisk and Thomas E. Brown Plantifls. Summons for Rflief. Defendants INSXJUE YOUR iLXFE WILEY For Cominissioners : 1 Norit Ward Ed. H. Harsh, P! Meronev. llea Ward: Moses IJ. Hoilmes, Julius D McNccly. ? SoHtfi, Ward i ' -..: i D. A. I)avis Robert Grawford. jticfjt'Hiiis & co. leal to inform their msny friends and the iMiblic ffenerallr that thev are now in rmript ot a! large and well selected Stock. Cousistin in part of Dry (hmmIs, tirtH-ertes. Hats, lxts and Shoes, Hardware, Rifle and Iila-4inr Powder, Drdcs, Paints and Dve stuns. 1 hev keep con stantly nnlismUthe Bcvt Anchor BoStin? Cloths and are Atrentsl for the best french Burr mill Stones,; TTiey are also ngents for the best Fer tilisers sold in this market. Dm t forget to call and see them at the old .indwell known stand, iNo-i I Mnrphy sGranite Row, before purchasing i elsewhere. Salisbury N. C.. March 20-3mos. East Ward: D. L. BringU, Benj. F. s ion ere: . . .-S SMITH'S LCaG I'RESERVER Fralcy. We jiawebeen reqnestrd io pnbl:sh tLe following ticket for Mayor and Co rum is i j lis a sure and effectual cure for CONSUMPTION ; ; ; And all the tl leases of the i TnilOAT, AST2AZA, 1 j- Send for circular to jj ! WM. A. Smith, r Concord, 2f. C, I I For sale by a R. BARKER & Co. j i ' ... Salisbury N. C. And i all principal druggists in the United I States. ! April 3 9m.. THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Rowan County Or kitting: Yon arc hereby Commanded to summon Alfred D. Lusk and Thomas E. Brown the De fendants above named, if they be found within your Countv, to he and appear before the Judjt- of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury on the 4th Mondny after the 3rd Mon day of March 1873 and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within the first three days of sjtid term and let the said Defendants take notice that if they fail to an swer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rtlief demanded in tlie complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under mv hand and seal of said Court, this 12th d.iv of March 1873. (Signed) JOHN A. BOYDEN C. S. C. Rowan County Whereas it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that Alfred D. Lusk one of the defendants herein is a non-resident of this State, and can not after due delligence be found in the State, and whereas it further appears that a caiir of id ion exist :.gitinst the said defendant, now therefore ordered that service of the summons is to the said defendant be made !v publhutinn of the same in (the j 'SalUbury Watchman" a wecklv newspaper published in the town of Salisbury once ai week for six successive weeks. JUIIN A. HOYDK.N, ! Clerk Sdperior tourt March 27-6w. (pr. fee $15) j Rowan County. ' i -NEW TAILORING SHOP The undersigned after an absence of more T,.fjf,thnn 20 years, during wliich time ho has trained much ex jerience and knowledge in tlse proper management of butness, lias returned to Salisbury, and ened a Tailor Shop urxt doer lo the Nutional Hotel, room frinerly ticciipied by the Messrs. Horah, as a Silver Smith Shop, where he is ever readv to receive calls and obey orders in his line. All work warranted and good fits guaranteed. Every possible expense saved to his customers, lie is in regular re ceipt of the new styles and fashions. Irade taken in exchange for work when suit able to parties eoutrsctinz. i 1 THOMAS UICKSOX. Feh. 12,I873-tfi22 For Mayor, j A. BEKC1NI.1 r i j J Fob Commissioners. TT Ward - S. h, Wili j, and J. J. S.tewarl. - i U ' I ' " South Ward A.fL. GUrk, and J. W. So9san)an. - - -"; i .". East, WardD. i,. Bringle, and J. E. Moose.! . North TFarrf JeKn I.&hiVer. James s . i ! -s . . . CTX&SOH'S LIVER RMMEDY. I A sure and permanent Curejor all diseases Caused by a deranged Liver, such as Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Heartburn, Fe 1 vers, Nervousness, Impurity of the ;! Blood, Jifelancholy, Costiveness, p j Sick Headache, Pains in the if I lleadandallkindcrcddtsensps. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE IT. 3 OLD BYjALL DRUGGISTS 1 I Prepared only by I I TTZZiSOrX l TIImA.CH. Marca C-Smos. Ckarktlt. N. C. AMERICAN LIFE Mm CO.! OF PH11A S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. ) CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,864.8. GEORGE W. HILL. President,: JOHX S. WILSON, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ALEXANDER WIIILDEX. ! Hon. .TA-. POLLOCK, I. l'DOAR THOMPSON, OKOj NUGENT, ALBERT C. ROBERTA PHILIP B: MINGLE, HON. A. G. CATTELL. ISAAC II AZLEHURST, L M. WHILLDEN. HENJiY K. BENNE,,, GEO. W. HILL, JAS. L. CLA(iH0RN, J N O 4 V A L" NAM A K V V Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, 1 LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. I ALL POLICIES SXOX-FOKFEITABLE. tiruliulikM lit exchange for claims ar.d li.c market irife allow-J J. J. h'TLTf AKT. Sept. 5,-51:tf t - . . , Valuable Land for Bale. I ff r fi-r n!c the plantation lalatrj ni f.i'.e" Smith Wot i.f Sali hury and fnr tnilea fn.iii C ina (IroTc Icp.t on the N. C- Kail road. Theic lands crc f..rn rly the propetly of the latcDr Sam'l. Kerr. There art-H(ai acrr io tta tiaci of winch aSnutu::c haifi cleared, the re niair.dcri cirpl cntilt t ml f ; d l'.h tka Lkl.j ry Ac. The ul ii frr'tiit-ardudapltd lo wbesfj atsct.Mi. ti.lia ci. Chan a-. - There are rn ! ine p.jt f n sui um-.jji t-t.oors god a wall if t.mkI water. 1 il! U- divided, if -earyJ tn Mi!t tl w.ir.t t. ptirchuer. Col. ll. Ii J (W.mof Sslihury iil ,l..,w It e land, ar.il ; male tcriiih with parties ucrironf if plrcl asisfj For further inh niiat i n n-ulr lo fVL It 11. i i.uwan m .s.i;i.,Lir . L Wilaiin?tnn X. C. k. k. d::yax. nx March Glf. . . IX A. dc'd mm' I r aucrtM me at rfor of A. 31. St'Li.IVAX. J. I UOVAV. NEW ePENING. i 'PIIE nnl-?rs:ncd h iTinjr associated tiern X selves in lui!icis under the lliuicame of I A. M. SULLIVAN, 'lIlR AMKRICAX has bion in active opefit ion, for r.carlj n. quarter, a rotwry. hi been L (jiiverned and controlled by pontlenieii;distit:ptii-hed fur their biuess i ipcn l.ic aud commercial probity, and has been eminently succei-l'ul. ; It ias mot its ohliatuius with Mjrnal ? roiMitness, and in a most lilcfnl spirit. Ai4'ifr it insuri.UK nieinbcrs, the Compapy hn the ho:ior T i.uinbi ;ii jr ir.anr of the mosl eminent nd leading men, in all pnfcMns ai tl c!ases, throughout Xorih Carolina. Keliable A cents wanted, who should anplv by letter o; in perMiuto ! t Ut . L.. . )Aii tietri Aper.t. Or in Col. St. Clair Dk.vriso, Supt, Aent. Wilmington, X. C. snaylfcXhly HA v I. opr-inl 1 ti K. J. (II tries' $ew boildt ir.p. r.ext dimr to ih Hardwire StHej wLctc incywi.lhr plpftM-d ti me old acd r.w tne!(i. They hare a niapnilif (fit room i the l.irgt rt aud W-tl iu uwu aud STOCK OF G06DS, COill'KISlNG a arneral aortttmt. Uard J war excepted, aud will piarr ac tee as p.Kwl bargains us can lc sld br anvf .Ilonse !ni the Sotr.h. They will d.al hcafilr In fmeeriw ar. lc iun rr I'mhIhci'. l uyinp atd sSllinf, arnS invite all bowi-h either to bur or Sri) UxsJI oa them A. 11. bL LLI VA2 4; Co. Jan 21th. IC2. inf f For ISaleB SMITH'S IMPROVED jPateut Well Fixture. Wr. call the nttetition of tlie public t this 33 2 -4 acres of latd, pnrtly within the cor- admirahle inveiiti.ui- It is especially rccoiti- Nrate limits of the city'.of SalULury, eligible for mended to private families, lein tonvetii- building lots, ami al.o J.ll suited io thcMiIture nut fot quick hlline. sell einptyiujr and ease of cotton. Upon the prcniies is already a bean- in drawing. For durability it is uusurpass- tiful and commodious Residence of ten rooms, ed Iravitic an Irn covered Top. the wind- an' " ne-ess.irr out i.uildir.3, and a well o. lass, rope and bucket are protecteu from the exrellenl atr. The iniprovenentare nearly weather. It is so arranged as to aemir ah- u "n;l,1fl,,e n,UJ,t 'Iq-'rable description ; alo r. r,ir, :j, r-n !n lUK.iJ, acres npn which is a good site for ... ... a Tantrarrl Tli. nwin.Hr will lui a. 1 . t 1 1 Tq Farmers Fertilisers. HAVING Leconie spent for Joip Mc8BT4 max A ("o , Halt'.mcre, for the sale ef their soJ tnor Amcmiateil Dissolved SoCO Zertll izcr. 1 -fTcr the sr.me in anv onaltfic reooirs d, at $'j'2 per ton, extlusire of freight. I Lave alrodr Mild ten ton. This rVniliaerhaa teeej letted in Itovan and Ircdill, and red to h tlie ie.t trl tried. Order. left at the fciore of Mock & Bresra ill rec ire prompt attention. i' 2uio2U,kI R a. I'Eorsr. WAREHOUSE, axocssvzLiiS, rr. c. For ilie Sale of; Laf Tobacco. JAS. Li SHELL, Pruprietor. This Warehouse opens on the 25th February. iso. oaies every auesaav anu rriuay. Feb. 20, 2mos,-pd. DR. JTi. F GRIFFITH, DENTIST. Having located in Salisbury, solicits a prac tice in the town; and surrounding country. CXZAZLQSS &XODE21ATX3, OFFICE i j Corntrl 0 Main & Bank Slrteit Tre door beor I?eyj Ilottte. i I jan. 16 tl. Cheap I Chattel IMortgages, and rarious; other blanks for Bale here. uir.ii..oy vniTT.oo. nimuu; ".iu btfloW its real Value person. k' ME RONE Y & DUO. ;7:-tf. Aply 10 the siil-scriber. a. i;i;alxiiaw. Salisbury, Jin. 30, 1$7 tf :2Q ibF ALL KIDS Fni niched to order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Mill on Western X. C. It. It., twenty miles from Salisbury. I Price at mill $1. At S ilishnry $1,20. Kiln Dricil nt Salisbury, S l.0. EP TERMS CASH. 47 : tf : K. II. COWAN. hvrdwareT" When yon want Hardware at low figures,1 call on the undersigned at No - 2 Granite Row. ; d: A. AT WELL.? Salisbury, N. C , Feb. 13 3mos. II i DAVIE? HOTEL, IX MOC-SVILLE, X. G. So lonjj and favorably known to the public, has not been closed, as reported ; hut is still kept by Mrs. Henry An-4in f- Sm, who resectfiliy s dic'it the patronice of their old frierls and the travd'injf pnblic. Ko pains will be iared to give satisfaction. j Jan. 16 3iius. JOHNS. HljX PERSON- Attorney and Counsellor at Iak i i ; w Solicitor in Unnkrtip'cy, SALISBURY, X. C. Lv7" Special attention paid to Proceed itis iu Bankmptey. ! Feb. 20,-tf: ! Xaokecd : Civ Loa Dew Krijirrd. Jl mSM: iwv tU lr- rati arl CC e f mn 4-S-ear ami M f.'.r. rnl i y. Imrort m T, Mr-1 n4 rkjiis ral lrrte I, l-p-- r--Ti'. P Mtrfrt, Ha. a'M i Cc jsrrva, Irurt td frra, v metitf w immU '" r. a-.l.a-r.,. ' : j j TJTr-1 rtve'r aj I r. . j 1 uc -.! br If t aat r. In th 4.rfcW rM-r. r ' 4. Bsn.rti l i 'IT j rea e rff t radar! tbr a r- Iiv n r- l.f'N -A H -m' mt ? k s icallt c9-t4 al'l.oul IU. .'r.f r m l 'Ntmal In r in Tpl rat" u f kr la I. - rai r i.i ! err. at or. r .ft I, e tain a 4 .a- f .1,, a, a - I.lch .rj . ff. rcr. t.n .! rr I. I kla t arf t t aaajl tf fiiff ib- a tr. rUt ' .svt r .VP i 9f r n I ctort .' m Id l it, Uw ba i,T; fUt au4 ' rtf man lai .1. j rl. t1- aal In a f !n p tJ aT aSi a, f at-- aid na r.r.lf af S r a. ( . . a ) i--v--'V.,,"vrrt ra-ermss aairr u rMiwr. i t has. j cut r co 1 27 Bowery. New York, Post-office Ex, 4 5 8 &J Ami 17 tf. 1 '"aaaI j t Fresh Garden Seeds. C. R. Barker A ( o wrxild rerrifrllv ssJ nWur.cr that they havcjtit recti red avlarjccfvps ply o r arsii uahi-ls sirx., o: tisry from Land ret h and Bnit. The public is invifed to cie thefa a ctH A their Imie Store on Mstn street. Jan. 10 tf. t- : : i