(Carolina UJatrffman L O C A x : SALISBURY-MARKET. -. , ;;may,8. , CORN f . ' C0TT0N4 15 a 16. FLOTU-3.75 4.25 MEAL--70 70J. UACON (county) 10 l 18 J hogrind. POTATOES Irih, Ctf k 75 Sweet, 65. KGGS-15'.t.:.-:;'!:. ; CHICKBNS 2.50 i f per do. LARD-12 i$..f j ' ; TALLOW-OftlO. RYE 70 n 80. 1 HEESEWAX-30.. ; ; V VlIEAt-1.40ftSiX0. ,.. "IJUTTKJI 80 ft 25. f ; ! DRI ED FRUIT 6 pi do ji i 12 V Blackberries 7 a L "i.TKe WJjws ifjth Eanitible Life Anting tJbepftftt tone years exceeds that of any Stiver life Co. In Vie wWld. Call on J. AlXRN Brown, Agent, who VtU abow you the Xk'i'.Sfcir'icij'AL EVkctjo. -last Mon day pai:d off juuily with ;t f.dlnwiag result; j . ' 1 Foe Mayok, DR.T. W.KEEN, , 172 SAM'L II. WILEY, 117 8N:.)P. -The Evangelical Lutheran In no revenue and deterioating in value . r "I - vwyiMiit ueiu, last wkk. i ii!iuaii, ik was mererore ucraiiu "iac mm seventieth sifSsirM in St. P iulVhttrcl lby tli ljoard to dispose of -it almost 'rtri -i"T v'vHy . .rtembf m I my-- pn'a rather thin hold it oader these ueta'of busiuess tiuhsacted was a resolu- Jquestioqi tlicir mottves-or tha correctness tion deferring all ajrtutjon of a union with of their judgment. We hope the sale will v. n' " a' ' j (-.- pi i " , " - r ine lx-nnessee oyndd, br any other eeclesi4 trun out for the good of the town. This, the astical body, until the year 1878, at which future alone can prove. time the subject of thought advisable" Svnod. . f'rppon iau .matters, jn ,w atlie creaU f -'.a endeavoring lntoi an euqflwinetttlNQd ioube purposeJjtnpartial jrtetice Wall f cttlbfiAlar aoTiieiottillVeminsrr ' --.i:..'. somewhere wituiu tuo bounds of Synodi union may agrain, if I he bfouirht before thel prove, In thb mean time, we desire -all public Boards to remember that we" sliall exer ciae our own discretion in commenting hlch the public 1. at all times to do all concerned. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U-U--ii v'tl -j.-ry ,;T,; .v';; r.:n j-)' r ,7..1 :::'?; t-It?? '- - .Tj:m 'in o'j :!:r " " 1 r - . 4 - - iax70T-:otr OF UNCLVIMED ITtHICIlTJ OFFICE 1 X?2SSS fKPlStJ BAUSBtrKTT, N 0 mj1 fe'J, J. Bv instruction, the Freight' packat- buxfs, &a, Libted below an not called fur, will be eoJd at public sale, at the office of the companr, the 23d dajrof May next, for the Expreswchara thereon, unleas called for before that lime, viz-; s - - . ' i ji Destination. Article Ah?eille K. C. 1 packacs. The ttjpreltre.tbouftfthd ddllarsT ? T ses?iohof this b'fldy fs to bei hetd in St." Paul's chdrch W it C. obening on. W.ednesdiiv before first suuday in' Blky"674. , RAIL ROAD MEETING nllfi ANNUAL MEETING of Stockhold .5'Wi fhe Client and Salisbury Railroad VV;lm;nnn K 'LVPnipapyi wiu ue bet Jt, o;lorajce. 4. u.. on 1 p(.vivi IUC, 1I1U Vl.UHJ IICX, U XI fcuc o ciock, a. ii.i f -I -J. H: McIVER, Secfy. n -meraw, l a April i73, The Salisbury Mouse. -This is to NOTICED be tlie title 'of the New IToUl. (formerly! 11 peHona having notes or accounts against ... v!.. , . , i ! v, . me are hereby notified to present them within 90 uie iauonai; 10 oepenea nere soon, oyi day. or thVnoiice wiii be placed in brtf re- Airs. A. K. Troy, df j Alamance, assisted; cpvery by her son, lit. T. pJTroy, wai oq opened ie iJMonaay lor tne re- gnea jas. k. Kutty, tor the sum of $zw, and cepu'on of guestsr aodwill be yell f Ornish. 1 aw? " 4f ' ; - ' EDW RD RtJFT Y ed and keDt on Uie Leatstvie. iirs. lrovi ADrii 20th - t -i i . i s. " "1 - Name. . E J Aston GWAkerell Marion . " E Aabury ; H- ? A" noons I lill RnghanvA Co. Salibury w irown & Weant t " " II Bailey , Iinrn'wvillo . 44 Mj. M A Byrne Salisbi ry " Mr r 11 liiake Shufonl-ville " C Black - Salwbnry . M B Bass Statetilte M Van Brown h Old Fort " rpi A TT,.. t v V1110 Kf mk; pj-e aiw nouneu airainst irnnirp 1 nc npwC;i .i a ui,.H i M1 t;. .:Ti -j v hat been lit charge jofj the Hotel t Com- i pany Shops for a number of years withs great credit to herglfjaa a splendid hou?e- ; O. a.lVXeCby. v J. L. Bailey, G. GMcCOY & CO. Grocers and ProyWon Merchants and ivhole Foft COVMUBSIONKRS. ortt IFti E it i s ii ii ii II. Marsh, 1 P.s llroney. Henry Cauble Vesl Ward -11. L. Holmes, " i K. B. Neave, " " Wms. Brown, 5om lftin-ll. R. Crawford, ii ii ii ii 41 II II I), A. Davis, U. W. PrTee, S. E. Linton. li'artf Alex. Paiker. j Btfnj. F. Fraley, ' J. II. Ennihart j 1). L. Bringle 156 293 13C 153 154 131 139 147 141 137 134 155 152 133 130 the rooms will be desirable. found comfortable and 1 keeper Tl buirdlag bar been suiwbljr wje dealera in Confectwnariea, Dried fruits arranged ior ine purpose ot a uotei, and vooacco ana gram r OLD FORT, N. C. Wool, Ithles, Fr, Feathers. Teas, Cotton, lieesicax, and all kinds of Country Produce. Cotton yarns, Domestics, ."Nail, rowuer, and tjoal Oil, always on hand.. Agents for the best guano and phosphates. orneis solicted Bk alley's Pat4nt Enamel Paijtt. This excellent paint! is now taking the place of all other. Wherever it las been tried iti has given entire Ratis taction.' The colors, the green csje$ially, are the most beautiful and lasting that have yet been obtained by the composition of materials The two firH Darned in each ward were i elected. ; D a if. a 0 E! . jW e learn that the havy rains of the last tew days h ve dme con sid'erable damage to ciops washing up corn, &c.l Sec. We invite aMentikm? to the certificates given Sn another column dress of the party fr4m wh'-ra it can b had. These certificates, we are satisfied, do not overate the Value of the paint ! 1 A A bushels fine sale by Mountain Apples.: For G.li. McCOY & CO. : a nice lot of countrv cured hann. For sale low by G. G. McCOY & CO April 17, 1873 tf Mrs. S G Campbell A lex. Bancomb Co. I TJ Candler Ashveiile N.C. 1 1 lfttii l tan. I 1 Paekagi? 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti Box. Mt. CUa Leicester " Old Fort Asheville u Gold Hill 44 Marshall Madison " " SVavnesville " Statesville it 'fJIE TV ENTIETFI A N'N UA L M EKT JL JNG ot1he i medical Society of the SUiteof North Carolina will be held in .STATES V ILLE. They conform withitlle expeiienci' of all N. C, MAY 20TH, 1873 at 1 1 a'.m. competJent judges kirn we have heard ?' V April 17 tf. i epeak of it. ' - Mayor's Office, MAy 3, 1873. At a called meeting: of the Btard held this date, there were present T. G. Haughtdu, Mayor, D. A. D.ivis, It. Murphy, J. M. Coton, J. H. Verbte, Jehu Foster, and J. J. Brunterjof the Board. The 0ommi4tee appointed to settle with Mr. J. M. liorah,Treasurr,'Wported"that they had .' f , . A f , . . .. . ana voucners ana m a MfltOXKY & li:o.-'o not fail to read tho . adVcrtiseuieut of Meronev & Bio. Then go U their ore and be convinced , that hat they say is true, j ; JoIhi I'doI is suirounced as th I'res -dent of an oiganization known as the United working mn of America. As a moi Ling man he, is out of Jiis element. The working mcu cau get much better representatives, j 1 examined the iucount t!em corieet. i Rjccipti from' all sou fees during the year Disbursements $4,20.-,.G9 4,1J8.56 Balance in hands of Tfealsiier 6.53 The following preamble and resolution intro duced by Mr. D. A. Davis, were unanimously adopted: j j Whereas the sale of tjhe ni irkct-house to Thos. j. Aieroney ior ine sum 4t 5i,usj s casii, i at the end of six months, linq at the end of twelve month?, with interest flrohi date, and title reser- -14- ' ved until paid, was coin firm cd by the Com mis- sioners kt their meeting on the.oOth day of April J' last; j Jt'U now ordered; by the BoanHhat the f; BAILEY & MAUNEY ATTORNEYS SALISRUIlir, 7. C. Practice ia Ilowan aud adjoining coun ties. Special attention paid to BANKRUPT PRACTICE. One of the firm always at the office. May l-2mos. - LAND IV; li- SALH. Pursnant;to a decree of the Superior Court 1 will sell at public auction at the Court House in FaMslmry, On Wednesday 1st of October 1S73, 102j ai res of laud on the Wilksboro Road about 8 miles N, W. of Salilmry, adjoining Adam Lentz, Ahr.uiu Nash and o hers. For fvirtlier n.u ticulars s :e Mrs. Kliz:iMtli I Miller, who! live on the land, or J. M. Horali 'Esq.. Salisbury. terms !o0 cash ; balance on G months credit Title reserved as security. :. RUt US "BARRIXGER, May 1-tf. Commissiuner. S FCowan' i M F Cliff Chan. Cliff W F Clinton J E Dewey It F Davis D W Dawdage W A Davis R Davis . Douthit (Druggist) V Foster j " Foster & Horali Salisbury H L Freeman' Alltemarle Foster & Ilorah Salisbury J B Green ; Stutesvile J F.Grupy i Salisbury urwyn ItarpcrtvCoa'atterson " W H Gongh ilamptonville" Dr. Graham 1 StatesvTIle u G W Holloway lliekory Station" KJ Holmes balisburv u J Huill Marion M J Hubburd 1 Roanoke Tsland" W F IlenJerson Salisbury 44 S Hogan 44 E R Harrell : Dr. L Jolinwlon Marion - ", Mrs. G Kirman Statesville " J Keaves Salisbury 41 RMLann Scottsviile " M M Lvneh Newton " W A Morton Big Lick T H McAlniy Columbus W J McKerrell Jdarion E R Myers Salisbury J D Miller T S Morris3 , Asheviile E II Marsh Salisbury J E Morris Sugar Hill J M Nihtholson Yadkinville it ii ii J W Name Salisbury L Tinkers & Co. Sa's sville . W E Parriss Webster .1 N Patterson llun'.ville J R Roberts Stoeksville J M Railry 31 Creek Rowzie & White Salisbury S W Rea & Co. J II Rii-ey J C Sullivan Stateville J P Vasnanian ; Mt. Motirite A P Smith Mull Grove W A Smith Ansonville ii ii i. MWSk'n .cr A hev'lle T M Ttxu r ; Salisbury L J C Wilt.ar Wilkes Co. J M Wilburn ; J J Sawyer Murgantoii Register of Deeds " 1 Box ii ii ii 1 1 1 1 lPackagl 1 1 " 1 Bfx. 1 Package 1 " 1 Trunk 1 Package 1 14 1 1 Box. 1 Package 1 44 1 1 1 1 Package 1 44 1 44 3 Box's 1 Trunk 1 Package, 1 44 1 44 1 Box 1 44 1 Trunk 1 Package: 1 j i, i .1 ? 1 Package! ICoil Wire' I Package 1 Bo x 1 Packaged 1 4' 1 44 1 44 1 1 YOU'OAN DO" VOUR OWN: PAINTING :) irrTJstXQ I BItADLKY'S PARENT "ENAMEt P . INT, Tisc S3 jl 3:cjiicialc.iSt Ilentilifol and Durable. rpiIESE PAIN'M are conipr-ed f I'lke t- White Lkau. Zinc and Linkhi friT with other materials wu!h add greatly to th' durability, ciasticiry, beauty and streiigtli of tha Paint. The whole are chemically combined, so that tb pigment are Jield in permanent mJu. UftythiH forming)! stoaiU glowor, nnn,hti, beautifuf and durable PainL The OiL which U the real life of llic Paint, cnnnol leave it and be airbed by theanbstanceto winch it is applied, as it does in the. paint mixed in the ordinary way, and thus leave the pigment dead and bra tie, to wah and rub ofi in a lew montl or a farthest in three or four years. , Tb'iA Iint i nnattL-ctctl by changes of temperaiare, is perfect ly impervious to the at tinn of water, ia w!l ad apted to all claA-ies rf workland is in everyway' a 6f'Ur Pnint for either IndeorOnteide5 Work or Boat Painting, than any.oiheT paint known to the trade, and will last at least three time aa long as the best Lead and Oil mixed in the or dinary wayr Always Ready for Use and Easily Applied. Sold by the Oallon. OXEGALLOXCOVUnS TWENTY SQUARE YA11DS TWO COATS. j C. P. KNIGHT. Sole Agent, ! No. 93 W. Lombard Street, Baltimore. i Specimens and Vrice IUt Furnished Gratis. SPECIMEXJ OF THE DIFFEB&XT COLORS TO RE SEEXJ.T THIS OFFICE. uircepfK.a Cbaira and row-ouier article which-w rv western ptrt of the Ht 111 r FURIUITUREJ ..' IV V..J lib n m. 't- - J. A. CLODFELTfcTr. rci TTWenU mmd EtUU Dealer, iVwrrJ JriTE attention to rKr f -V jrL. . ug BrWd4 Frencfc Chaimber SuiU. alnat aaii iiainiMTrvMi li i tCrZ Diuirx TaiUwUaJ of All Undi-WildrwW " "UlUU. )TDltBhL . KdjAm rarlor Suit. Alaq, aarheap or car Uaa any lWexStLt B aura to cJL nearly ororwiU lffrubia Hote . next 4r Ulw0&LS!2Z mm t r t r Ealtimohe, Dec 10, IS72. TnxPtAi.PACjCiCotkTT.VA.,Feb 6 ur . i . rv.Muiir iearir: 1 1 ailord me . it. f. Knk.btKiu t, I87S. afely to hand as order two kegs, live galtoaa each nu mree uucKeu one galjon eacb. At ractire was slack 1 iliJ the job ro-?if. I mowoeV sot coiuimii wora romplieJ tkc boua two coaU. ttie much pleasure to say that the Bradley Patent Enamel Paint far exceeds my expecta tion in economy, beauty, and, I have'evet-y rea- Kln tl twlil'VA ill llir'tiliililtf fnm tkon luralA .i r - r.V . 91 cu" "PPoea thick. aoJ it U bov senerallv months Since I tuimtPil I i. rr.rf nf n. ITrtlol l-.i.t.'.. ' i... . . genri-Biij (Mansion Hoiine) with the Bradley Enamel aad harmooy of colors thr1s not a handsomer Faint, and I was so well pleased witli itLdeter- job 'n the place. 1 ved txty-Br(f65) dollara by mined to paint the outside of the Hotel, and am he operation, which in ittmju.t now with mot happy to aay that it gives me perfect satis- llVt,i7iB leof,e,, 11 bould U generally adoj- r..,.t;..n i - i .T-n ':e.i.:. ; ted in this Mate ; anrcouatvlad run ai.t.lr it. I . ''"umii i wiii any, u iui ies- h.,. bmm..m,i.iI i- i .Tt '. 1:" ' ' or stock od iw price. ; fr PfBed. WPrtcea. Ourteriaaea (saa friajL ttotwraiJula A fall assortment of rjtu-ri.Tt ;nd Walnut Burial Caes, whie an Lelar, Jan 16 ly. . v i 18 7 3. :.h'f ALSO monial will "be of any advantage to yon, yDti are but I feel at iiocrty to use it. lours, mot rexecimlly, Isaac AiXKUTfoN, Wall -ice Ames J B Fitzgerald Jas. Eaton W D. Mace Walton House G W Wilson ; April 24 lino. joiix s. " 1 Package i " 1 4 I ii j ii " 1 Truss 44 1 Box 44 1 Tin can 44 1 Box ii .I " 1 Package " 1 PsC.Vtiiic 44 1 BiX " 1 Package ii j ii i " " 1 Box 4 1 Package U J u " 1 liox ii j ii " 2Pakg;r ii " haigl'er. Agent. Mansion House Hotel, N,W. rner Fayette and St. Paul airevts, Bnltlmore. rHAMBKKsuito, Dec. 10. IK7'2. Mr. C. P. Ksuiiir, Baltimore Dear .Sir tTLc paint we received from you Iiave Wen applied to tveral oTonr own bnildinrs noil to tliose tf onr r. : ... .i . ... t: . -' . . ricuuM, uu nave giveu enu.e sauMacuon in cover- frt1 VQ1, , . . . , ,,.;. ... . . lug.iuul.t.e,, m irloss, in adai.iabilitw to all-lni, ,, ".r"".": ut I fit a I so forcitly the jfat adaptability of your Knanicl Paint" to th.- aiU ot our imd'c inr. cellenoy of materia! in beauty of color, aod the faot of lUbeina -Iteai'y Mixed," that 1 rive)oo free periuission (if it dtirab!e to job) to make what us yon think pror of thia letter. Very rtrpectfutly and trulj. 8. McOILL, M. D. ni.TiMoK, ild.. Sept. 30th, 1673 C. P. Kxir.HT. E. War Sir:-I hare had the Biad.ej'a Patent Knaniel Paint, which I purchased kinds of sjifitce or m itarial. and we cheerful' y re commend it. especially to that class of consumers who have ti ilepcuj upon nukuowii paitiea, or painters, to mix a:U furnish uiateia.s, wherein we haic fmi!M tlie moiit le ettinn . Voiiis u-uly, J At ui; SIuCFFKIt 1 SOX. Makyi.axp Livf. Ball. Co.. Md.. Sept Ch lt72. 1. k.MUHT Eso.. Affent llradleN's Patent Ing aut store, for ten neanoca. It ir:vn me rreat pleasuie to be able to s.iy Uiat it coidm folly up to j Jr icorainenu:vi.oiia in facilities or uoe, economy, durability and beauty. ' Vonrs truly. THONf AS J. IBVIXO. IfW U'est Caltimone street, H-Itiuure. Md. FOOII BOX. JOIiyMVKTHECKI). Asiii.yns. RttltiinorcCountv. Md.. Vv27.I872. P. Kmoijt. At the recommendation of Mr r. Kiiamcl Piiint. Callunoie l ear Sit i he i naiut a friend. 1 wa mdnred to ipy yniir n tent Brad- which 1 iiurchasd from vim Las -rixen i-ntiieJ ,k is- 'L'5" " I'aint to 0.y house. :l ha . uleaure in Ut- f.u tio.i. s. iimcli sotl.at'ull iiiv neighbors intend to i hht it lua proved hily natisfactory. eovninjr LMr. Sallie L. Cole and Mrr Julia L. - . . - I rjmyilic nare contetoed to act as canvas- Mid xiion. J. Meronev! pay the first instalment en arid ldcl agent! for the tale of the of J of the purchase tuojney to J. M. Ilorah, .treasurer oi saui ijomrnissionera, anu on pay ment of said sum, and tilling his notes for the proper;sunn and tenorwth the Treasurer, Me- Lee Monument Portrait of Gen. Boht. E Le. This Portrait ii sold for the pur pose nf raising fnnds to build a mQnuuaent to the Great Christian Hero. roney to be allowed tp Cuke possession of said market-house. i 1 On motion, Mr. J. yf.. Ilorah wis allowed for his services. as Treasurer Jo the Board one year CoMMENCKMEXir Part. -We are ia 4lKf tfL ill Arwww y Vn M n'A 'atjA ws Ka 1 i 1 fi ff tnarthai, Mr. L. S. Overman, for eomDli- The Mayor aked M"l I A. Davis to take thentary ttcketb to the Commencement lbe chair anif retired, i hen the Board proceeded , Part. ttk tdi at TrinUv 'fJolh-n.-. votf him $200,0p foirhla sery'tce tw Mayor. tAii s iii'i .1 t The; following claims were examined and or- uhw liin ioj. . netner we atteun or . . . ., , l ' " . ' ' dered to be paid : ? ......... l. . i. . 1 1 . . . i I 1 i ofc ..ojK, ,,,ai an panics may nave a 0neinJ favor of John Eale good time. MRS. TERRELL MILLINER f A"D ZIAIH DEALER. Is now receiving her Spring Stock of Milli xeuy a ni Hair Goods. 5herenpect fully invites the ladies of Salisbury and surrounding Country to give her a call and examine her goods. Will guarantee satisfaction both as to price and goods, her stock is entirely new, and as cheap as any of the same class in market. Loso Straight Hair Wanted, for which a liberal price will be paid. Any kind of hair work made to onler. Jewelry, Braids, Switches, Curls, Chignons, Frizetts, e., &c. Stamping also done to order. Hats, for Gen tlemen or Ladies, trimmed in mourning at short notice. Xext door io Jiurke TwrtU's Auction room, on Inniss Street. Salisbury April 17 It FRESil ARRIVAL OF SPitlXfi AMI SUMMER GOODS. follow niv ex.unie. and hare their houses ruin tot. It is not on'y durah'c and i but it looks bettor after it w put on than any paint 1 e-r saw. : Te i)ainler I ha ve employed is delighted with it. He says I c . an paint twice as "at and at the banie time ilo a bettor j-b. with tLe Knamel Paint; than uii v oi !icr he ever n-el . I caa Hk icticv, w tiiout liesit-tiiju. reromrned it to the pnUi;- as oiie of the very bc-t aitidesofpaiut r-vi-r iiitio.'uced. Youis very resinii-tfully. t JAMUS HALL. Mn.FotiH. Septeniiier ?4th. lft"72. V.K. C. P. Kmuiit. 3 W. Loiiil.aid St.. Palti moie l-:ir Sir s I lnve lwn iirt-; Uradlej-'s Patent 10a:i in l P'nt and not ritnliup one instum e wheie it has fiileil to give ati.-faclibii. 1 am there fore frak in ri conmi" n 1 i it to tin pnbl c s the best paint in ne. Jt dr:c i: omntl v. aiiherestlneh". Pa nd in bcantv tl'Cie is i:oih- excels. Yoiiistmly. .iA.MKSM. Tltb'ITT, Hon-.- in;,! sifii I'-iii.tcr Mil'oiil. Pe'eaare. White Ooodi, a2xnbroiderief&i ABMSTBOXO, CATOB & CO. Importers, Mannfacturrrs and JobherJ rCLYETBIBBOM,RC(KTCS, Ronnet Sills, Satms, Velvets, and Crapes, fLOWEE. rtATHlfta. ou m tju utsjl straw Bieu Uiln at. CattirrtVi Dati TKijfMZD akd rmixm ' j ad tv cojixBcmro wiixiooxt , wniTK coom. Lixr.- nrttninVwrw o. 237 and 23V Baltimore St, lajdituWtMoV These roods art maaufactored br n. bought fort'ah directlj from tbe Eirropean aa4 niiviurwu jaanuiaoiurem, eBjuracrng all tiia latent novelties, nneoaalled in fvanVir .ni cheapness in any market. . t orovra filled with tare, romptne kid NSe, "Pw". March C.-tmOa. jd. CRA IGE & CRAilGE, ATTOniVEYS AT LAW. AND oliritorsinpflnhrDptftj: nSpccial aUeution paid to PVoecediogf in Bankruptcy. j j 8ept.5,$l:3njoiy i more suriai c tinin yon iroaiiM.'i. is taotv en. noun cat. and came l. tt r gbs than oidinaty paint. a, id i ireer iroin ms.Tprctahii odor. Yoai. respectfully, jJOHN WETHUliEI). The following letter in trnnsr and valnable: 'Baltivorb, Md.. I'ec. 27th. 1872. f. P KMnjir, I-jjy.. Azeut UradUvV Patent Enamel Paint lear Sir:-TLe paint we'nurchused from you we will .rheerfnlfv en'loie as the bent of any kimJ we have ever u l. its covering qualiti are everything desir-.-d drying jnonijitly and w ith a hard glo-a. w hieh nm-t wethiuk, reint the action of all kinds of weather. "I bis is onr experieiive and we cau recommend iti with certainty, and in tend to use it on all occasions wle:e n decile a good job of work. Yery resiei tfull v. EMM ART i 1V l:TKlil.Y. 27J'.V. RaUirnore st.. House. Siyn and Frencoe ?aintem. Messrs. Bingham Jt Co.Lgents Salisbury. N.C. j Feb 6 1873. tf. CouitECTioy. AVo leant that we were riot accumteiu tlv Report oC Jude Cloud'u chargp !t the. Gianl? J.iry in nir last .weekV Whp. What k lie I nd did charge Guardian o" ol in relation to tue renewing bond was, that the Clerks, or .Ltd so of it,-.. . r , - i ii ii; ii i.. ii uf 44 Joe. Horali ".J. O. lVhte 44 Brown j& ISVeant 44 Lewis V- li"own " J. M. q4n 44 T. J. Merpney 44 Craw fold J& Heilig' " liobt. Murphy lirohalr: were liable to bn indicted for nerletinj Yo give fiotie'-' to' 3uardians to i . - renew thcif bond. $2S.82 2.o0 25.55 4.10 24.10 75.00 15.75 34.07 1.50 $211.39 Tun MAAKET-IIduflE Agaix We re ThU, w are inform gret tjiat gome oi -howw B(ardj wi,08(? time has just expircid, have taken much td the sale of the mar to heart the rem n kts pf this paper last ! 9 - week with respect Wet-house ed iajjho Judge's version of.i. i EjmonsKMEKT ok xb;k Uible Causk iY the Lutiieban Sykod of North Oabolvka. At a recent meeting of the Jvangelical Lutheran, Synod of N.,C, held at St. Pauls' church, in Rowan Co., the following resolution was passed : 1 AYbercas the Synod! of North Carolina "l''M, and adveptejd to hayiar heard withf much satisfaction the verbody'i mouth j nhraely, We can assure those gentle men that we intoudpdno reflection npon themi In the line of ojur duty, we simply ifientioned the fact pf It he sale, the price wnai was in that it wad ,.!!.. t " ... BUtemenU'or iheilllev. P. A. Stroble. a,,Pea r at a greamennce. We matte I . . i ' I , . ! . Ac.nt of the American Bible Society for no c,f rSe u,iit lt wasjinorantly or cor Wnnl. n.vli. I ruptly sacrificed. 'Whjit right then did Resolved. Tbar e Lndose the Uev. P. lHvc t( "m H The citiz-ns had A. Stroble "Aseni of the AWricahilibhr a riS,lt 10 knftW whiU H Pr(Ie"y brought, Society nd-wcuraWend said Agent and Hnd tfcrenirt, bs mission; to the favorable and fraternal to H U mvJr0'l'W"&J?r reception -of onr churches. Si w awr ini8ira,iowortouo ..p.- - fho "news papers of tbe State have gen- ward4, as it waa conltiied to the pricr ob- f rally poblished: that ' the Irish peddler, ta'ned and not to theaet of sal. llany, shot it is charged by Crawiord IIoltshous r, and hejrieve'lhe. Ijifge majority of our . . - . ' . a ....... ASSIG-NEE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given, that I will sell at pub lic auction, at the Court House door in tlie Town of Salisbury,1 on Monday the 19th dav of Mav, 1873, at 1 2 o'clock, M. All the notes, accounts and chores in action belonging to the estate of John P. Clingnutn, Bankrupt. JOHN S. HENDERSON. April 24 tf. Assignee. ASSIGNKE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given, that I will sell at pub lic auction, at the Court 1 louse door in the Town of Salisbury, on Monday the 19th day of May, 1873, at 12 o'clock si., the following property belonging to the estate of John A Holt, Bank rupt : . ; 1. Two lots in the West Ward of the Town of Salisbnry,ndjoining the Homestead of said Bankrupt. - II. One Lot, containing about one and one half acres of laud, situated in the East Ward of the Town of Salisbury, adjoining the hinds of John I. Shaver, B. F. Fraley and others. . IIL One tract of land, containing nine-teen acres, more Or less, partly situated within the corporate limits of the Town of Salisbury, ad joining the lauds of Burtou Craize and John A. Bradshaw. j IV. One tract of land, containing fifty acres more or jess, situated in Rowan County! about one half mile from the coruorate limits of the Town of Salisbury, on the public Highwav lead-,' ing irom Salisbury to btatesville, adjoining the ians oi iiurton U'raigeand Mrs. Ann MeNeelv, V. Two lots in the City of Beaufort, N.C. No improvements thereon. VI. Fifteen (15) shares of stock in the W. N C. 11, K. Co. and all the notes, accounts and cuoses inaction belonging to said Bankrupt. Terms of sale Cash. JOHN S. HENDERSON. Anril 21. 1773. Assignee S.URIBUS jf ITIcCHlUJIS ifc CO. beg leaf to inform their many friends nnd the public generally that they are now in receipt of a large and well selected Mock. Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, KiHe and Blasting Powder, Drugs, Paints and Dve SluHs. They keep con stantly on hands the iest Anchor 1V( ting (.'hit Irs and are Agents for the best frvnch Burr mill Stones, Tbey are abo agents for tlie lest Fer tilizers sold in this market. Don't forget to call and nee them at the old and well known stand, No. 1 Murphy's Granite Row, before purchasing elsewhere. '' ' Salisbury N. C March 20-3:nos. A. - -- I l . i. t y : - . 2 ' i i . - A f iK v- smith's LixG nuum lsassircaiid edlctiial cure for CON S UMTTION And all the dieases of the THU OAT, ASTXXAZA, &.C. State of North Carolina Send for circular to W M.A.Smith, Concord, N. C, For -nl.'bv C. 11. BARKER it Co. Salisbury N. C. I And all principal druggi.-ts in the United plates. April 3 9ni j TAILORING -SHOP r FINE I7IPOKTEP EXCnAVISCS. Lirge size) f r Framiag or for Portfolios. Tim catalogue of cngrpvingj comjirises a list of elegant works, from ttye best American and Kiin.fciin itr'.istH. Evert variety of subject is represented Portraits, X.andscaes, Animals, Figures Marine Views, and Hixlurical Pictures from sncli well known artists as LAN DEES, HERRING. W ILK IE ROSA BoNllELR, and ollieiv. ) V E IF700 I) I IT K U E NT 8 U HJECTS. They are oTall siresj from 12t15 to 2Cx40 and can be icnt by niau or expres prepaid, carttaily done up in roller, and without injury. Piicr, from Si to Slfc, according to size. C5yA discount made; on large purchase. County Treasurer's Notdco Having determined to wove to tke country I hereby give Notice to all pursorm kaviog byaii ness with roe that I will be in Salisbury Sltayj old ofuce on Saturday of each week and on tha 6rst Monday in each month. Mr. Jehn l)j (iaskill is my regular depiUy and will attend td all calls at my old tiLce in ray Uce; or per4 nons living in the Western iortioa f tit oaootyi can-mil (if they chKel on me at my residence 11 miles West of Salisbury. j J.S. McCjUBBIN8 Dec. 5 12:tf. County Treamrerj SETTLE UP. 1 I All thwe indebted to me for subscription to, the Eiuminer, for advertising, or job work, ara: respectful i v renuestcd tn mm. fr-.rA mnA mtJ. tie up witbout further delay. Um, Wheat,. Flour, Peas, or any country produce taken io! exchange for claims and the market price allow.i d- J. J.STEWABT. Sept. 5,-5 l.tf , j Valuable Land for Salb, I olf. t ! iiitheJEabtern part of llo wan, has since died 1 hii is n." mistake. lie is nearly entiiely well. There has never been a dangerous y in torn in his case. Oulyr two shot struck him : one in' tha back part of the nfck, and li6 the'otLer a little above tbe ear, neither of tli em 'entering the brain, touching a Tital part. The load aimed at b!m, through tbe .cracks of a rail fence, struck one of the rails j and so the peddler lives5, while Cm wfnid fingers in prison to mwcr tl state oiijtliQ charge of having. delibeiniijcii-apicrii f jp order nd a robbery. citizens.-were in avor t)f the fate of thw property at eom6thiii ; ppj-oximating" its value ; hutihey were pit -prised "w.Uctt. they heard; thijlt he itaJo liaa been . m ido and connr'med at a price I less than half the prime cost, and araniig jthia number was ourself$;i Tet;'- ve"!Uve not seen ajbajf dozert njen who ere nt Jchariiatlfe enough to believe thatthfe bet was' done that 'was possible under ibe.clrcmntafifpsj; The ; - r . . 1 1 'r . . town was nu v a debt ,matuly incurred ia, building the market-noose whije khw, property was fsXber a nuisaaec than a fce.net, brjngtng ing ten per cent, lntcrpat on EIilSAY'S THE GREAT POISON NEUTRALIZER A Sure Preventive and certain cure Jor CHILTaS AT7Z rEVER, and all species of Miasmatic diseases. Send for circular. , C. R. BARKER & CO. April 24. 1873 6mos. DAVIE HOTEL, ; : iN MOCKSVILLE.-N.C. So long and favorably known to tlie public has hot been closed, as reported : but is still kept f by Mrs. Henry Austin & Son; who respectfully soucii. uie patronage ot their old, inends And the travellinsj public. No pains will be spared to give saiisiaction. Jan. 10 3mos. CAI.DWEI.L COl'STY StTKRlOU COURT. C initliit N. Ltrgeut against , V ; Divorce. John P. Lirgent. ) In this case it is made to appear to the Court, that the defendant is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina; It is therefore Ordered by tbe Court, that publication be made for six weeks in tbe "Cannina atcl.maa a newspajer published in the Towh of Salisbury N. C, noti fying the said defendant, that to "be and appear, at the next Term of the Superior Court to I e held for said Countv at the Court House in Lenoir on tbe 10th Mondav aflur the 3rd Mon- lav in March 1873; and answer the complaint of the Plfl. whieh will be filed in the office of the Clerk of Said Court, or the P'lf. will apply to the Court for the relief demanded io tin complaint and take judgment against I.im ac- cordincallv. llncss If. K. akchcld. t. lerk of our said Cbrrt tl;e 10th Monday aftev the 3rd Monday in August 1872. Thia April 31 1873. " ! 11; R. WAKEFIELD, A pril 24-6wl (pr foe $3 J ) C. S. C. WAREHOIJSE; For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco.' i.- J AS. L. SHELL, Proprietor. This Warehouse. opens on the 25th February, 1873. Sales every Tuesday and rriday. Feb. 20, 2mosi-pd. ; DR. J. F GUITFITH, DENTIST. Having located in Salisbury, solicits a prac tice in the town and surrounding country. CHAHOES BIOSSRATE, Ol'FICS - Corner of J A J'mi Street Tvo door below Hoyden House. Bargains! Bargains!! In order to make room for my Spring stock, I am c6mpelled to sell tiff my rc maining Winter -Stock consisting of READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, in all of Lich GREAT BARGAINS are given. . . , VICTOR WALLACE. , Feb. 6, tf is IS SMsiU"KY. Tlie undersigned afur an absence of more an 2 war-, ittinriir w.iuli liuie ne lias gaiuel much experience and knowledge itl the proper man iirement of bu-incss, has returned to Salisbury, and opened i Tailor Shop nejrl dr io the Aalioii.d JiuUI, noin loi merly occttfued )y the Mcs.-rs. Horali, as a .silver Smith Shop, where lie is ever ready to receive calls and obey orders in his line. All work warranted and good tits guaranteed. Every o-ism hie exjiense saved to his customers. He is in regular re ceipt of the new styles and (.ishions. Trade taken in exchange for work when Suit able to parties contracting. THOMAS DICKSON. Feb. 1 2, IS73 tf:22 WXLSOM'S L1VKB REMEDY. A sure and permanent Cure Jor all dcates caused htf a deranged L'ncr. such as Jaundice, D'jspepsia. Heartburn, Fe vers, Seriousness, Imparity of the Blood, MdancU jhf, Gsstticncss, Sic!: Headache, Fains in the Head, and all hindrrrd dise.isrs. ' EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HA YE IT. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared onhf bf V7IL30N & BLACK, I March C--m. Charlotte, A'. ('. UTALOCriS SKNT HtKF. TO 1NV 1DDKCSS. We also filrnisli the ELECTIC OALLBIIT 07 FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS. (Small lzr) for tbe Prt U1I , Straa-Caok sr lllBktritlea. Thee engravings bSive appeared in the Eclectic Magazine and comprise the Portrait of nearly every ditiiiguUhed man of the pat and present centuries. Oar liKt contains portraits of HISTORIANS. POETS, ARTISTS, WARRIORS, KINGS, STATESMEN, HISTORIC AND IDEAL PICTTRES, Ac, &c. 1 XeaHy 300 DIKKEIJEFNT SUBJECT-. They are printed on different sixel aper ; : either small sire 7x10, orVpiarto mzc, 10xl2,and can be sent by mail, careiul.'y done up iu roller prepaid, to any address.; Price kin all size. 10 elf. Qtirts ilze lit . A rperiinen of each tizc atd etUalojut tent on rr- ceijA of 5 real. CATALOGUES SUNT KIM:!-; TO ANY ADDRCSS Z3. XI. rSIiTOXT, rabUshcr, 103 FCLTOy.ST XL'IY YORK'. May 1, tf. SMITH'S IMPROVED Patent Well Fixture. We call the attentiop of the puLlie tthis a liuirable inveiiTioii' jt is especially recoin meaded to private fauiili'S. bein tonveni eut for quick CUiuc. s-l f emptying and ease in drawing. For durability it is unsurpass ed having an Iron covered Tp. the wind lass, ropv and bucket are protecteu fnmi tbe weather. It is s rrat:ged as to feecare ab s.dute s.fety from acenh ut. eveu iu the bauds of the most caiehs. and willfully uegligeut person. MEHOXEY Sc DRO. 7:-tf. cr for sale the nlanution Walj !'. miles South WeM of Salisbury and four ilea I'nun C-.ina Grove Depot on tbe 5.C. Railrta4,l These lauds were formerly tbe prtpeity of thai late Dr. Sam'l. Kerr. There are p0 cre ia ta tract of which about one balf is cleared, ItM rw mainder being beavily timbered wijb oak bkke ry Ac. Tbe al Is fertile aud adapted to wlti.i tiais.com. touacco, clover do. TMrw'arvva the place a rood dw ellinff.out-biMisea ana i well JnfgiMKl water. It will be divided, if riecearv. to suit the -wants of purchaser Cd.Ii. R.i Cowan of Salisbury will .hrrw the lanfl, aivd j make terms with parties de-iroas of prrba4oL, For further iuformation apply t Coi. H lL! r... ... c?i: i v . " i - . I it w oautuurj . . v.. or KWrtH-Dt at Wilmington X. C. t , - K. K. II RYAN, KxVcatorof March 0 tf. X. X. N 1X05. dea'd. A. M. SCLLirAX. J. P. Go WAX. NEW OPENING. I IIIE undersigned having assoriatcd tsen selves iu bufttue under tbe Cftn Dipt of" '; A. M. SULLIVAN, COl, I i i HAVE opened in R. J. Holmes new balld- j iug. uext door to the Hardware Slre. ! when- they will be pleaded to tneetdd and! new frieuds. Tbey have a magniQceat rowo the largest and beit in town ui , STOCK OF GOODS, t. - (COMPRISING a grmered astortmtut. Mvi J ware excepted, aud will guarrauU-s as gtmd bargains as can be sold by arv Uoase ia tbe Sutb. Tbey will deal heavily in firocerWr aud country Pioduce, buying a&J aellixia, aa4 iurile all who wish either tu buy ar seJI t eaU on them A. JJ. SDLLIVAN L Co. Jan 4th. 1P72. Iflnf! To Farmers Fertilixerm. OF ALL KINDS ; Fin niched io order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Miil m Western N. C K. R , twenty miles irom Salisbury. Piien at mill SI. At Satishnry SI 20. Kiln Dried at Sul'ndsuiy, S 1 .50. rTEJIMIS CASH. 47 : tf: K. II. I'OWAN. JOHNS.HEXnEUSON. Attorney aud Counsellor ut Fate AND Solicitor in BaAkruptcy," SALISBURY, X. C. Special attention paid to Proceed inga iff Bankropcy. Vb'':SiQ?rtL . ' Cheap Chattel Mortgages,! and various other blanks for eale bexe. ' For Sale. 38 1-4 acres of land, partly within the cor porate limits of the city oif Salisbury, eligible for building lots, and also well suited to the culture of cotton. Uon ihe preries is already a beau tiful and commodious ILwidence of ten rofn, and all m et Mary out building1, and a well o. excellent water. The inii rovenieM are nearlv i new and of the mo-t desirable lecritiin ; also a lot or 14 acres npon which is a good site for a Tanyard. The property will be old greatly below its real value. Apply to the itcriber, J. A, IiRADSIIAW. Salisbury, Jan. 30, 1873-tf:20 hard are. When yoa tut ; Hardware at low figures, call on the uiidtrsijriied at No 2 HAVING become agent for Jon MraaT man & 'o., Baltitoore, (or the le of their Iterior Amoniated Di solved SoBe TPertll zer, I offer the same in any fpialiilr mratr ed, at $-2 per ton, exclusive of freight. 1 Lava already sold ten tons. Thia Fertilizer haa bee tested in wan and Iredcil, and proved to ba the best yet tried. Order left at the Store of Mock & Brown, will receive prompt attention. .. . ' E. A. I'KOI'ST. n.wi Granite Row. Solibory, N. C , Feb. A. AT WELL, 13 3mos. Siobood : Daw Lerf Dow CeUirrd. the rdri1 enr lw4 4lclc) t riaa Atwaaa r a Woli. la rclnir rml Iwri, lirvrii. t, Mr U m4 n;4 rl lraflt 1 w pWlwvBK to Mmrrmfr, t. tonnrrxi, rriurn a4 fira, la aea by aa'f ta4afc rrf . "f I ! rHrrter. (, 1 tic -l r le t aat -t. la Ui diaalHtr raa.y, a)-atv dtwifuinln a rf.tr reel' tvoe'mlm' i rart Im. that U a arf iajr rori,ar9t tit act'.U mm? ta4i '1 rall cmd althoai lir Amu- ro n M'laaVraaJ axaV r ih- tifil rat a 1 ta knKr ; ao'ct'or rt a aia4a .( e jr at nct tiai, c lai.a - - S Tl-i.fcj aiM f l.lch .Trr) ffrfvr. I o l tr tt VI c ul V.'fi m.mj h. car I karlf rka ly, prirmtMy taH f Vlralty. tyT ti It l-ctur rald ! In iU kaa ;lca vota nu rry am Io !! lai 4. i e.l. fair Mil. aa a a rl a. t aay , p"w aid on rt-rlt ( I i. t ! i iitMft, Ala. tr. Calrvrv IS "Marrlarc KaHe," rVr erala AJde Um fabtialr. rnA". i. r wvi-r a ro., 1 27 Do wery. New York, Po-t-ofLre Box, 4 5 8 8. April" 17 tf. j Fresh Garden Seeds. C. R. Darker is. Co, woeld rPertfiTlly it. noo no that they have jut recri ved aJxrieAOfa plv of YtB fJiKPTS SaXli, of every vsr" from LndrV and Boiat. - '" The public ia invited to give them a tall -their hrni Store oo Maiu Street. Jan. 14 if. . J - .- - . - . : i i ' ! ) . ' . . I . - ! ' i -hi-..:-.. i ; I ' 1 ' f ' " x ' ' 1 ' ill i : Y. i. "- ; - I j.'' t ' j - - i .-'.:'' ' I; .. j j . , I - ' "

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