r i i: V, -: " . , - t - 'r, . - - -1' ' - : - : ' U' (j ' ' . :- "c. -1. -v;.'. -V . i : - . - I- - . U i;- - . ': 'to Iff ' 1 4 - " - ; ' ; ' :;!-! TT--' ; I .. I i j i 1 - . .'. r' '. '-'" . . - - . --- ; .. - J 1 A- : VOL. , PUBLISHED WEEKLY : J. BRUNfcll, r Proprietor nl Editor. jf j: ST!w AIIT, i I AiMcUte Editor. - ; mates of icncniiTioN A..ttiR. payable in ad vauce. ....$2.00 Six Months, 9 4 t .. ' - - . : - . " ' ' POnFl? SONG OH; THE MYSTIC 1 r WVJ'XYJIJCA ' BY FATHER RYAX, .XU--JHl-f;.. IVTillRD SEllIES. r- - r ' i ... . z : . . i i SALISBURY! NJ C., MAY 15, 1873. .. 1.00 10.00 BOOKSTORE WWct F0UXY YEAKS tliis BODY. PU1XULY VBGSTA31.2S LNFA1L1NO . SPEC1F1U AaikT unditR paibful ofBfprlur, CBEAT: fr Uvi(B Com AaJ c;t Bibles. Prater Books. .Hymn Books of iiny kind ybii want; Histories, it"t;rniniit-B. ixubic u'wiif' jiusic. iuveis ui the beat authors; BIaiikBKks, Albums of the tnost stylish kin4 if Stereoscopes and Views ; SchKl Bitoks; all kinds in trneral use. Slates, Inks, Writing Papr of the best quality ; Wall Pap?r janil Window Shades' in reat variety, Mustci I eachers for vocal. - i s . .-m in i Will V: I . i ti J I tAA liYPEPSIA. uyaniiiA1"4''' SfStackL SICK liEADACHK. Colic, biuSo otS JrlU.80UK HTOM ACK. Ucart- )iJ) FEVKU d.,.e. l'iaiios, B;i'"j, violins ft-r fc--u..f U:ir.-lul xeriHeutM, to met-ta rrrat ud iirprutftomatia, we now produce truin our .rif;M tlaUinr 'or ders A WORD SO i Liquid form o 1.1 1M UL co'.itaii ublc prp;rtii'ii oriED b?2LBPA3LIlD. SIMMON'S LIVER HKGU iuj5 all iu woudeilul and val- LXiAZL FAXUtiCBRS. 1 walk dnwu the Valley of Silence. ' J-wn the dun, roicdes valley alone I Atid I heat not the fall of a fo it$tep ' A oand me save Gd andiny wu ! And the hnh)f thy heart is as holy As hovels w ere augela bare flown. Lon ago was I weary of voices : . ho music my heart eoQld cot win ; -Lnlng ago was I weary of noisws , tTliat fretted my soul with a dia : 1 ! Long ag I was weary of place Where I icet but liuuian and sin. I walked through the world with the wordly; J craved what the world uever gave ; Apd I said ; "In the world each Ideal, .That shines like a star m lues wave J Is toned on the shores of the Real, Aud sleep like dream in the grave. auu nil uiu iuti Kir tuv x riicvn ' t r !Anl etill fi.iin.l-1 Aalaa vrifti flia I rn I soHght'uiid the Hainan for Heaven, ' . But caught a mere glimpse of its blue ; ; And I wept when the clouds of the-tnrtal i Veiled even the glimpse from my yiewr t. And I toiled on, heart-tired of the Human ; !And I moated 'mi l the mazes of men ; ' Till I knelt long ago at the alter j And heard a voice call me ; since then I Walked down the Valley of Silence That lies for beyound mortal ken. Do you ask what I found in the Valley ? 'lis my trystmg-place with the divine : And I fell at the feet of the Holy And about me a voice said, "Be mine ! Bity a few dollars year for yoursons and newspaper, they will work : Cheerful. Try it. .worth ot books every liaqdsand take a good better and be more ThlWde;(piie as before,) 1 .11 pr. pai kajru. Sut byWiail..; ,i4 ; ; r-k?- b A UT I ON ! t,....ii.tt-.tiLir PREPARED SIMMONS' A V ri RECiUulvTOU iuhVm in oar engraved i anbnikfn.' I one other in genuine. J. H. ZE1L1N JlLwm, via. and Ptjiladelpliia. A WOB.B TO rAUKTERS SONS. You have something to! be proud and to e keystone to evt tur TOR BALL Feb. au tl. IT TUE0. P. KIA'TTZ. . Salisbury N.C KPinit OF TBIK AE rillE Srir.tTjLTHE Age will present a pair 1 of fine pikiea worth $3.00 to every wiU scriUr (or 187a Who pny. $2 50 in advance -for a vear'- wiliHcAprion. The picture-eniuled lUpllChcru i-ri executed in the fin wt Myle W litbottrkphid printing; the printed suifaee ot a-U U -"ilWutflH, and the pictures sell in the Jurca for S'2 "0 Wr pair. U. T. II. Vkin i'lAHl.U i).,"t Contributing K.v.UiT. 1 f'SOS, Y boast of. The farm is! thi mdustriMl pursuit. When it succeeds all prosper; when it faib3,alflaar. Don't think you can't he a great tnati because you are the sou of a farmer. - Washington, Webster and C'ay were farmer's sons, but while they toiled they studied. o 4o ye. Buy a good book , one ut a time, read land digest it, aud tlien another. - i Ca.1l and see me and look over books. I COME TO THE Kdi'oM. The AK U 1 Weekly family Taper, ndapteit iotiie ir.lne 'Circle, ilje 1-arnur, the Aiecn-mie, tlic Trvivoitn, jaliko in every ecuon oi me Klatr. it Hot sectional in m cnnraeier, nor m " T 1 1 i II it... ........ 'Uitrtuin or wl m. i;enie an me i : tbe dr.icatea flFilli a view to correct ne and accltflkoy,. jrU yiin5i woi "v- uii - dtohixt ni:UterbpjroJt.ite to the o iicreiu ue- lurtmeiiU-Sturao Ij-wtoicaluml l.io?raiucai hkctclieSTnvt llaod Ad veil tn re, Snl.hu. I h Ue:ul; iiiAVit an.l llijnUor, ARnOulturai, vciicxpon, dence, an EpiujjJLUe $ss of the Dav, Ac, OUiaiNAL STOIHS2. The publication of Original Siorien i a special feature of the A(ok, and for thi year we have tirured liiiveiill from the neiw-of jiopular and TnUnntiuji "wrii er. In thi Department alone we can prdruim; ourreader entertainment equal la characte- to fchat of any of tlie popular itory PPr. ; i' v TEIlilS IN ADVANCE : tn mnf nmi'Vesir. (with 2 picture.) , $2 50 a, a jM- without . picture,- 2 00 44 u six months do ; 1 23 Every readci of the SriitiT of the Age as published jH;fore the war, is earnestly retpiested to renew! Iheirj patronage; send for specimen copy, i Addrewf, 'Jialeigh, N.C. PHOTOGRAPH Aiid Get a Good Picture. And then rose from the depths of my spirit An echo : "My heart shall be thine !" Do you ask how I live in the Valley ? i weep, ana l aream. ami i pry But my tears are all as the dew-drops That Jail oo the roses in May ; And my prayer, like a perfume from ceuser, ; Ascendeth to God, night and day, III the hush of the Valley of Silence, II dream all the sougs that 1 siug. And the music floats- down the dim Valley. ! 'Till each f nds a word for a wing. That to men, like the doves of the Deluge, uThe message of peace they may bring. But far on the deep there are billows That never shall break on the beach. And I have heard songs in the silence That never shall float in the speech ; And I have dreams in the alley ! Too lofty for language to reach, And T have seen thoughts in the Valley j Ah, me ! how my spirit was stirred ! And they wear holy veils on their faces I Thti.- footsteps can scarcely 1 heard ; 1 hey p s through the Valley, like virgius. i Too pure for the aid of a word. Di eon nsk ine tlif ttl:ifo nf tli Vuller. GALLERY Ye heart&4hat a e harrowed by care ? ii uetii Hiar ueiwecu iiioiiuiHiua. Aud God aud his angels are there ; And one is the dark mouut of sorrow, I And oue the bright mountain of prayer. Ve will give you a koch picture or uotlet you take it away ; for we! don't inteud that Hiiy sbiid work shall c fiilui this office to in jure Jus ami the busiWjss. 1 Call and try. lip btutrs bettceen I'arkers and Jiiss Mc- Murray . j . The Withered Bouq.uct. BY ANNA SHIELDS. , A gay party of yonng people were play ing crouquct upon the smoothly shaven r sofid for it whti patient, manly , devotion I willing to give nil homage to the weaker one, yet" never qnnging , if iorely trifcl bjr Ethel's careless manner. ; The gaiue was over anil another' was being formed, when Eihel pleaded fatigne aud rnn Into the honav leaving Harold fst bound by the mallet he itad taken, believing' she would be Ilia -partner. In the wide, cool! draw)ngroom the prong girl ilirew borfcll intol a dep arm chair, aud was half hidden by the window cur tains. ' - i ; j - - j 'i . Annt Grace 1" shrt cried, springing forward. did not Uuow you had re turned from town.- A. 'Two Lours ago, dear." , "Why auntie, you have Wen crying ! You have heard bad newtl" ' ? No dear, . o oewa of any kintL' "And you have my- booquet" in "yonr liand. said tnu touner rirl. in a wonder Jng roicrl "I Uionght you dt uot like t m rosta. ; j ; "I found this on the table.' "Yes ; Harold brought it to me, and I tossed it down here when we went to play croqnet. 1 have had to dodge Harold all day, auntie, she added, laughing ; "ho is bent upon making a proposal, and I am not ready for one. Oh, Ethel, my dear child, do not trifle with bitn. If you do not love him, dismiss at once. Human hearts were never meant for playthings, and you may find, too late, your on bruised aud bleeding. I know the tempatton youth, beauty and wealth are to a eareless nature, for 1 was lik you, twenty years ago. Sit here, darling, and I will tell yon why 1 was weepm over your bouquet of tea roses." r tbel took a low seat beside her annt to listen, andaftcra moment's pause Grace Stanrnnre spoke : "1 was about your own age, Ethel nearly nineteen, when I met George! Holmes, a yonng artist, wh se name nowj has attained 'world-wide celebrity. Hq was even then known a an artist of great talent and piomise, aud society operjedj her doors wide to receive him. Shy iti a.1 . .manner could be won by .interest in his subject, to a complete self-forgetfulncss that would betray him into positive elof quence. Willi a gentle courtesy and mod csty, he was yet manly and dignified when occasion required. "I was then, yonrself, an heirea, pet ted and courted,! and really believing in my own heart that I was a little above the lestofitOii anity in virtue of my pretty face, my accouiplidiuients aud my well- known purse. 1 had suitors aud friends, and tuned away tl.eir respect in more than oue ao ; It give me a pleasant sense ot power to lc.-iu my lovers on to a proposal, and then mortify lh ir vanity .and exuih their, hopes iJ a .-jtl'usal. A paltry auibiuou that brought its punish meut. 4For it was not many weeks after I mctThira, that 1 found I loved George Holmes with all the strenght of my heart. He never flattered nie, ytt a word or look of approval from him would please me as no houeyed-speech had ever done b fore. He recpocifiir to me, as a woman, but ncv- NO. 35. WHOLE NO. 11 X "Ii abP,,Jr: larneJ fro me l Vc been ve7 annei!rly, ste.lbg ,d parts of the Island bare desired U mke and li-ft the room. r ptlfenng goods, cominfttiug rolberic of ihemselves leners in ordev .7 k?t.! 'All through the long evening Twttch ill-kinds.and even kidnapping people, ft7ln this w2Tw of deLth ' At? ed for his return, Ut he did not crne. filing them for .Iave,V TI.I tmublml imTi When r was alone inmy one room pnee sultedMn a declaration of war. and no ,he uraf.o .i.h. UiSl ino:e,Itook tieboquetfrommydre'.ng 20.1. of March a force of 4.000 i.if4n,ry, that there might be lo this Waiol table, wrapped In soft tissue paper, fand . art.lU-fy and rivalry. Reside 250 officers ley a tirer Jordan into which tbt. put it in a bo,. Then with tears andWd. and 1.000 Coolie, sfaried for Atchin.unler 1 VS UdSiS ness I put it away, as we 1 nrr our dead, the command of Seneral K.nhler. What tt.5.J! r t?- at . BeBr "He would eras no more I knewjth.t will b the result of I,e tremendous eon- .errant seems to be IrrcroSllr fiteT.n.: the suent parting was a final one though test oar information is! not sufficiently fall on them' - 3 1 I could not guess its meaning, . Yet did to allow the exprriofi ,.f auj opinion. not doubt him even then, believing tome In the Dutch Parliament a member of the good reason exUted for his cilenc , land opposition denounced the Home Govern- tl . 1 1 1 n rm till t .1 1 J I ll. . .1. I f t . . J . , . 1 . . , nailing kin hui cuuuiu icfcu tuc truui i uiciik tur iia aciiuu, anja saia mat me war to me. . . .. i I would be the last blow to the Dutch an "I heard of his departure for Europe, l thority in the East, k there was note and two years later I beard of his mar- I sufficient number of soldicis nor sufScient riage. Ou that day I opened my box for sbtps to bring the expedition U a success- In Madrid a new weekly paper camel the first time, to throw away tbe flowers ful end. The llinlsfer replied that the Las Dttcaniitados, has appeared. The I had no longer a right to cherish. Ihey onor 'of the Dutch flag must be maintain- name means, "Men without Shirts' 'anl -The Icproar of Kaaman shah eleava nnto thee and unto thy seed foretrer. . ; I 8HIRTLESS SOCIALISM. I A Spanish Advocate Anarthw, were withered away, and I saw, fof the f ed, which we presume means that the I the paper, like the revolutionary French' urn uiuc, wuat iuo Dovcrpana leaves nan l tmnamtm oi si hidden with such fatal security. Tied in I sary to preserve Government, j forces under Gen. K4ufman, are advane- given in one of its leading artlcUs. which and a diamond ring, He had "He had wutten to me asking my:love ing on Khiva, and the English journals for Infamous abandon and reckless disre and telling me his own, and he begged are declaiming on the ineccessity of inter- gard of all ueceoey, we hare sever seen me, if I could be his wife, to wear the ferring in tbe matter, Rossia. and Euglaud excelled: ' ! ring when I met him in the evening.! But beiuj-now like two rais, who, by assid- Anarchy is our only formula: T.rerf.' the sting, Ethel, the punishment iit that ous boring into the Central Asia cheese. r rww fi ..wJ i 1 - - . t 11- m . I I 1 . .1 leuer were woras letiuig rac ne aarea not nave ourroweu very cwsciy to one anotn- women. tiu beautiful diiorder. or rP. wub u. u uj4ucuc, wnoiaugu. ...u urn m icw mure .cr.p- nihtr 0rgauid disorder, will result the en at ner suitors when they ottered ner mgs may oring tbem into contact. Attne truest harmony. The earth and its pre Iava Yr 1 1 A urrntA ll.al tVtAteswlef wma I m lima f Visa T7 ! 1 1 a 1 tntirk f!Avsramsnt a m w" vas hiuic llia UV tSVUM SiJ w I vww kuw uw a a a9 M VIVl VI U ftU (,u i QQCU Q T (QQ prODft T Ot CYCT'Y Glkt ouu me m proTB v uiiu i ius .ui(iuuu -ui me wuwu wuu i robbery, usury and avarice mult cease; i nno uoh iuc ucarucej uir. aociciv can I uuciwiick, auu mc uvccssujr ui invcri ed me. "And when he came to me, Ethel, I I day, the next hour, miy be beard upon smiled in bis face, and offered hitri my I the gales the sound of war, not from tbe hand no ring he bad given upon it. I lava beds of Oregon, where an inglorious "Do you wander he left me believing contest is waged with dirty, root-nubbing, all be had heard of my false heart and snake-eating Indians,1 but "Where the cruel coquetry T Do you wonder the 'sight gorgeous East, with richest hand, showers and a perfume of a tea rose has made my I on her kings barbirie pearl and gold," heart faint since the day when I discover- which place the discerning reader will necessity ot tnverrer- .he f.miU kin d.trov. nrvOn. ing is diseussed. Thus it is that the next inilifnted, there will be an end t all puW. lie and private prostitution, thus1 realixiur the ideal of tbe Greek legislator that young men' should love and respect all iheir elders, seeing in every old man a father, and a mother or a sister in every woman. By abolishing thatj bugbear wnicu is cauea uoa, ana trancing ms mission to frighten little children, we shall ed how it had hidden from me the happi- easily understand is much more desirable pat &Q en(j lo th0ie businesses which are ness of my life ? j than the lucrative pursuits af the trade of M'jed religious, and-whieh only serve to "1 never saw George Holmes again, war. Baltimore A mefican. provide food for those low comedians fas Callandexaminemy stekof Wall Paper, taw u of Godfrey Stai.more's aristocratic er paid subservient homage to my posi Wiudow Shades. Writing pupV-r, Inks &c. CoUlitry Beat. The Bhinig waters of the tion or wealth. 1 thi,,k he knew that I Uind I don t intend to undersold. Hu son rolled at the foot of the lawn, was not all the vain butte. fly of fashion V- : i 5 e ' ' and manv a hard hit ball SDranar over the others believed me and the thought of me THE BROWN He is happy in Italy with his wife and children, and I am an old maid fori love of him, weeping over a bouquet of roses that remind me of the past," "Tear it apait," Ethel said in a low voice. "See if ray fate is there." j. "No, darling, there is no ring here, no letter ; but yet I tell you my story as a warning. There are fortune-busters, I know, who will woo any rich girlj but they will need not gain the trumphof de basing your heart by leading you through the maees of a flirtaTioir Quiet dignity will soon tench them iheir hopes are vain. Yet, if a true heart is in your grasp, do no? play with it: gently discourage it, the plea is a vum one ; it not, is you value vonr Imppiut-ss, do nut trine with a. love ritisn." "But, anntie, you were not to blame if yon did not know ihe letter was hidden among the flowers." "Not for that, but for the conduct that pi evented George from speaking to me, for fear of heartless trifling. There was a very grave-faced laty re turned to the croquet grouud,and Harold Goldy wondered what had happen while he was knocking balls round with: more energy than good-temper. It disqueted him to see tho bright face clouded, aud he watched an opportunity Feb. 13, tf j4 : r-r : ie onlj - ! Tbe ooW Uelbble (rift Distribution j Country! XII !y ALU ABLE QIF2S ! jTO l)K DISTIIIBL'TED IN L. D. SIIME'S ie v a nard nil iall SDransr light iron fence, to float merrily down the and the thought of this aroused all that . to snggest a short ramble into the woods, sunny ripples, to freedom. Uver the was true in my nature, iu uis presence heads of. the players stately tress met to I dropped ray vanity aud coquetry, and shade them from the rays Of the July sun, tried to meet his own mental powers and and wherever the eye could reach, flow pure high toned conversation. He taught eis wen Bread in ic'i pr ftt ion. j me some of the delight a knowledge of art I Ethel ftanmore, only child and heiress, gives to the sight of a fine painting or of this stately estate and enperb house piece of sculpture. He trained my eyca that lifted its in.uble walls behind her, ! for me till every flower, every sunset, was leader and chief promoter of all gay . every sight iu nature acquired a new beau r una otanmore. it iy A LEPERS' VILLAGE. 1 t A Curious Totcn in the Sandicich Islands. In Willhra R. Bliss new book of trav el in the Sandwich Islands he describes as follows a "Leper Village." "mere is leprosy; in me Hawaiian blood, but none of ii in to be seen in Hono lulu, as those sent In tne lepers village, of Mnlokai. "To visit the settlement on Moloka:, which is about thirty mites east of Houo lulu, we embark on in clipper-schooner bound to windward touring down a cargo of sugar from Lihaiua a towu ou the inland of Maui, where Jepers may be seen in its oue broad street "After rollins: to stsiboard and rolling to larboard all night )ong, the schooner 'heaves to' nt sunrise off the southern coast of the i.-land, aiil we are set ashore from a small boat iu the Utile harbor of Capnnkaki. ' 1 he island is green with vegetation, but is nearly deserted. There arc less th.-tn fifteen hundred ' persons no it, aU though it contains onehuudred and seven ty square miles. As we ride on horseback from the shore ? up the afcendui!; Dupuy df fines the priests), whole minion will then only be to deceive tbejignorant. This is our programme. But before put ting it into execution it is necessary to purify society, a bleeding is accessary, but a great, an extraordinary kue:, It is necessary to cut off the rotten branches of the social tree, iu order that it may grow up lusty and vigorous. You now know our desires, our aspirations, Irx pressed w'uh all openness, mid with thi boldness e who areJafllicted with it are which conviction produces. Tremble, bar epers village, on the islaud gesses ; the cud ot yoar dominion has an. rived ! Make way for the shirtless ones ! The blavk fljg is hoisted. War against the family! War against property 1 Wax against God! j Whipping Tost. According to the new fa: gird notions of humanity the whipping post" is a relic of barbarism, but we submit tbe question, whether it Is more barbarous to keep a convict all win tcr in a cold jail without smelling a fire, or to try him b fore a magistrate and if found culty, take him to the whipping post and give him ' f r:y lashts, save one. v c contend that there is a deal more bo manity in the latter not to say auythiag of the vast expeue that attaches to feed in" convicts iu tbe jail at public etpense. There is not a ja.l in the State, but con- tains one m ire ornegrocs who are lemngt lars may be had by addreinfr. i ISRAEfiFi BliOVVN, President, Brown Cotton GiniCo.4Nw Loudon, Conn. CftAWFORD & UE1LIG, Agents Salishury, I N. O. D IS T R I Mareh 6 4mos. 2nd ANNUAL ie 1st II 6 I FT EG U LA 11 MONTHLY i Enterprise. i6lc)lracn Monday, June 2d, 1873. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each in Greenbacks! Two priies $1,0001 ' 1ve prises' !?000 V Each hi GREENBACKS. Ten prizes jSlOo) y Vllorte'Ji Bitfjy, vithSibrr-Mounted Harrusn, iroWA'$600. One Fine-toued Bosewood Tiauos worth $500! Teu Family Sewjng Machines, worth $100 each!. PLANTERS should examine the above-named dd and' reliiible in before buviiitr any other It. clmihinft the reqaired qnalitieNidfjiniplieitj. Strunjrrh and Durability. It Gin&ifta.ndelean, makes excellent lint (often bonding J-4c. to 1-m per lb. above market,) and i nsnvertiaily admitted to be the iijrhteft runnin cin marie. Wc have had thirty jiear'ij exnerienoe in the meetiiiEr for miles busincnn, and warrant feveiy gin perfect. Giua wa8 i,er iUiretiuity that contrived out do r . "He guided me through higher walks t i v j. ' r. e. ,w..-v . . ,.iI0T win, mi to ra i of literature luan i uau ai lemutea aione. we invite inspection. .... , .... .i qirculars, with testitnocials and foil particu- 8cenery lor DacKgroumi -ua wines, it Xiiiin, h ie u(e.y9 i pruiuug iub awty. was Ethel w ho made up the most delight- lie loved me ana ue won my love, ful picnics and the gayest of parlies. She "Y'ct, during all the months of inler was always discovering cozy liitle nooks cource that bound our hearts together, for luncheons, tiny half-hidden waterfalls ' George had never said to me 'I love you,' f jr artists, berry patchis for the girls and and sure as I felt of his affection, I kept brooks lor J lie boys. Nobody had such my own love hidden till sooie word of his ferneries and aquariums, such mosses and gaye me the guarantee to speak. It was hanging baeke:, as Ethel. vbe was pre t not coquetry that kept me silent, Ethel, ty, too, in a graceful, winning form, and but tho modesty of true, pure love. he was lively, good-tempered, and a lit- 4iWe ha eome to town for ihe wiler tie bit of a coquette. Uniting with all and j mct George Holmes constanly, at this the la;t that she was the only child jl0Uie amj abroad, when my uncle and of a wealthy New Y'oik merchant, it is not gnardian told me that voung artist had a matter for astonishment that Ethel was : uecu offered a most desir'ablu and lucrative a belle, flatten d, courted, and vaiu ot her pretty face and power to please ' Suitors were certainly not wanting to encourage this vanity, and the gay, little lady flitted from one pleasure to another, certain of attention and ! devotion wher ever ehc moved. As she knocked the croquet balls about ( on the sunny July afternoon of which I I rums ot 1 oiig grass are waving like signals of dis- whipping, i tress. I months. X aa.i. ta-"va I ia siliktrr ti rt ' n hoping to secure an explanation of the Diain. n a northeastern direction, we pajs nrvius terms of punishment, b imprisoo-l I" ' ... ..".I a . . 4 deserted garden pitclw s, fallen walls aud meut, aud who, if allowed a choice ta the. native hut, on which knots ef matter, would prelcr lo lake a rooa roana rather than lay in jail for o attempt to elevate this class, in luc way oi "Humanitarian ireairovni j has every proved of benefit nolhiog shore of the whippiug post has any flerrors lor. ihicf. If it could be revived thousand ot doll irs would he saved to the Slate, in ihe wy of jail fees.'eoits, &e. . m and that would, iu a great measure, be a check placed en these thieving Scoundrels cause. What was said, exactly, history does not record, but E'hcl whispered to her Aunt, as Bhe kissed her good night J "The new ring ia Harold's auntie. I did not let him bury his heart iu a WITH ERED IIOCUCET." B UTION h JVrc Gold Watch ft A Chaiu, il-orth $300 each! i' Five G"hl Aincrican Hunting Wa.tchtt, worth r :$I23cWh. r f Teh Indies' bold Hunting Watches, worth $75 L e:ichl j .-800 (Soldi and Silccr Ltver Hunting Watcher, in j. I ,) yorthfrom $20V$:tUO each. Gold ChaijiW, Silver- ware, Jewebry.&e., &c. Whole Knrnber Gifts, 6,500. 1 ; Tickets Limited to 00,000. ' AGENTS WANTED to Sell Tickets, jo whom 'Liberal Premiums will be. paid. Single Tickets" $1; Six Ticket $5; Twelve Tickets $10; Twenty-five TickeU$20. 'Circular containing a full lift of prizes, a de jcriplion of i he manner of drawing, and other information In reference to the Distribution, will: be sent lo anv one ordering them. All let- f.tt nuiKi ie atuiriMKi'd lo. MAI4 r 0 Jj, D. PINE, Dox 8U. i 75.730 Premiums. HANOI N G I Ni V k L U E l R 0 M S $10 td $.1,000 , TO THE SUIiSORlliES OF OTJR P IHE RIDE rEILIID Every Ssuliscriberffs sure of one premium any way. ami also nasan'equal cn uce ot re ceiviu a CASH Frenimi. OR A FIANO. OUGAX.-WATt 1L1 SEWING MACHINE etf.. etc. ! 1 FIRSTG RAND GASH FREMIUM i - - i commission for a painting, that would re quire him to go to Europe lor two, per haps three years "1 was sure he would speak then. It could not be that he would leave home for years, and eire me no word of love at pariing. We were preparing for a large party at home, wliei. the seivaut handed . l ...... v . ... ..d Mr 1 1 1 l J I I . I ... .... Write, one of her nnut rlevntprl vulipra. ! ... 6KRFIRERIDK FRIMXn KiJi Taaes. Ui.. : u i i.. i i compliments. 1 lovea lea roses then the bright leaves, the deep tinted hearts 85,4)00 btvrjrext CIRLUIiA HON I anv paper publlsit- u g'"u. a uiusiraieu oy me nine ueau cdiii the Woht." ItEtfT, MOST DESIRABLE ty's ribbons and curls. He was a tall ASllMOSTCSEKUL ORIGINAL READING vounff man. of the F.nwlisb tvne i.f mai.lv MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, that money 1 u'i i a "S..j, caabuy and to uiakeitjaHOME WEEKLY 8uit- J'-, b.m.5 ..mu. u, uu ed to the wants ot etjerr ftimily, Subscriptiou j enrhng brown hair and large Jblue eyes, anq a inouin uniting sirengtu ana sweet ness in a rare degree, as his disposition united a man's power with the spirits of a boy. He could meet Ethel Stanmore upon equal ground of position, wealth and birth and a very promiidug filiation had sprung up between the two. Lookers-on won dered if this was to be a matcb or only one of Ethel's amnsementi, ana Harold Goldly himself set his teeth hard at some of the careless coquetries that boded ill for the success of his buit. With all the strength of a nature that was sincere and earnest, in spite of sur face merriment, the young man loved the pietty blonde, reading the sweetness of ber disposition., aud tbe sterling good qualities of her heart and mind, as yet untried by any of life's rough discipliue. He wvited, hoped and trusted that be coald Jrratbe heart be coveted, and he nrice S3, per year of .r2 nmjiber.- The Elegant Chromo 1 "CUTE," Sijfc 1G x20 inches 1(1 coldr. Acknowledged bylulltobe the IlANDSqMEST and MOST VALUABIjE pretiiiim pictuie in America. EVERY SUBSCRIBER ipresented with this Chtomti at the tiuieof Mil4-rilii p (ho waiting) and abo receives a NTJMpLRED CEKTIFI- i CATE ENTITLING! Tllfc HOLDER TO A SHAKE iu the dUtributioA of S'iS.tCO in cath' and other premium, i f.. fUE DISTRIBUTION STAKES PLACE on the neeond Tuesday Jun. next. The Chromo; and .Certificate sent on. reeept of price. SPE CIMEN .copies. Premium list, Ete GIVING FULL TARTTIpULAES sent free; t4'anv address. I f K 17 WTTC Either local or can HULH I O vlssing in every ir A lVlTCtrho- Large cash vw fill x nupT? be8lou1, fit! Send at once lor terms. . Address. OUR FIRESIDE FUfEXp, Chicago. JU. iFeb.r-tO Avid Baltimore, lid. sniiliu? o of the open flowers, all seemed ... hope upou uie, as 1 sat iu ray room iun haling their perfume, and ihi. iking of :he Hver. It seemed to me a promise of all 1 hoped and wished, that I should, receive the lovely gilt! and amidst my tender thoughts I resolved to drop all ray care lees manner, all my flirting, heartless treks, when I! wa assured this noble, true heart was all my own "Never was I more careful of rav dress than on the evening of the party to which I referred. My choicest jewels, my rich est silk did duty for that occasion, and I dressed my hair as ueorge liked it best aud wore the color be thought the most becoming. "It was still at my post as hostess, rc ceivingmy fast arriving guest, as became m. I saw, as he advanced to meet me. that he was very pale, aud his eyes were fixed upon my face, as if he would read my very soul il smiled as I greeted htm my heart full of hope. He took my hands in his own, looked at tbem a moment again searched my face with strange wild J that State. WAR BETWEEN THE DUTCH AND THE CHINESE, j The trouble between the Russian Gov ernuient and ihe Ivtnn nt Khiva is uot he only contest impending in tho. East. From a point still furihor East inteligence reaches us of differences between the Dutch East Indian Government and the Sultan of Atchin, which are to be settled by force of arms. i The information of the general beader .a . a upnu these- distinct points is misty and vague, aud from lack of news an impres sion ia conveyed that the inhabitants of those regions live in peace and quiet, their slothful ease being disturbed only by bites and stiujrs aud other discomforts', of hot countries. It is we who have trouble with "Grassing a succession of green hills, we com? suddenly to the brink of the precipice of Iv ilaupapa, which looks north to the ocean and is twg thousand feet high. Delow, irom the loot ot lue precipice, stretches a plain diversified with hdls and vales, aud reaching to the distant shore, where it curves like a; scythe into the sea, turning np a white sw'nlh ajraiuet the trade Concvid Sun. wind. I he plain is covered with laxun ant vegetation ; but we can see no life on it. Here and there a lew brown huts catch the eye. Far on the right 'are dots of white houses. That is the leper vil lage. A steep bridle path zigzags down the front of the ptecipicQ, and we must de scend it. Under wreathing vines, white ,, l t 1 ,-a blossoms ana swinging trailers, wmcti adorn and obstruct tlje desceut into this valley of death, the horses step carefully and tediously. In an hour they reach The Lesotho- Days Tlic days art lengthening perceptibly, and roewt peoplf hare daylight cinongh to do al the work they aspire lo. We are now getting thir tpcu hours, good measure, between sao rise and sunset. e cannot pompare i this line with some of the European coun tries, however. At Hamburg ilw longest day has seventeen hours and UiS shortest seven. At Stockholm, the longest baa eighteen and a halt hours, an the short!' est five and a half. At St. Fetsrvlurg, tho longest has nineteen and the shortest fivn the ulaiu. when a eklloD of two miles Captain Jacks and Modocs, guerilla war brings U3 to the settlement. It consists honrs. At FiuUnd.the lougest Ins twen fare between races, and other enlivening of detached houses, enclosed by low walls ty-one and one-halt, and the shortest two episodes of domestic history. The reverse or! picket fences, standing in open pasture and one-half hours. At Woadorbus. In is prooaDiy the case ; trie news mamct is An&A anfj 8WPet potato fields. Capara, Norway, the day lists from the 21st af limited in extent, and without tfie area pahala, banana trees and a winding brook May to the 2ud of July, the sun'sot getting worked by journalists '.ho domain is per- gire a picturesque abearance to the vil- below the horizon for the whole time, bat haps far more fertile in the productions of a-e. Ils horizon is bounded on one side kimmingalong very close to it hi the north, news it ms of the rarst sensational and de- by the flower precipice, which shuts off At Spitxbergeo, the longest da lasts three lightfully horrible sorts, The semi-bar ih'c world, and on the other side by the mouih and half. I ous Slaie are always f etting and fuming oeeau. among themselves, and international poli tics boil continually like a witches' caul dron, with "double." ? The Empire of Atchin, which is now the seat of war, is in the northern portion cf the Island of Sumatra, the southern por tion being occupied by the Dutch East Indiau Company. In 1818 England made a treaty with Atchin. by which it obtain ed the right to establish a factory npon the island. Subsequently the Dutch ob tained a foothold, and iu 1824 made a treaty with Engl tnd, who exercised a sort Wilmington 'Journal r A FAIR OF ROYAL BARBARIANS. A shocking story comer from Africa. A treaty having recently been concluded "Every pro-pott plea -e and only man U vile. M - - "fvcry person in tins comronnity is a leper. Of those who Jiave not sore hands or feat, the men till tbe crnuud and wo men braid mats. Thbse who cannot uke between tbe King of Bonny and the KIdg care of thcmselve3 are nursed in hospitals of Opobo it was, iu accordance with the by leper nurses. The boys and girls go ancient custom, ratified by sacrificing! a to school to leper teachers, learning tbe slave in a veiy peculiar manner, from branches of a simple education which the crown of thehead down over the none of them can prijbably live long en- trunk an incision, "as if for halving, was ough to appreciate, 'lbey leave the school made ; then several stout men Seized hold with frolicsome shouts: they romp across of the victim, while soma others backed J e " i ... . 4 . I ..... . . . i ! of protectorate over the islaud by virtue the green held, enjoying the ir aud sun the bony iuf two pri.aiong toe line in . . . . . I , ,-i .ii -i i i .., i i I i- . j .t i. .1.. :::... r t..t of priority ot colonization, by which they obtained a greater portion of territory, but pledged themselves uot to violate the in dependency of Atchin. In 1840 they oc cupied a small neighboring State called Singhel, and the English residents of Singapore complained of ibis as viola tion ot the treaty. Another treaty was therefore 'made, which was not ratified until last vear. by which, in return for shine like the children in either lauds, uu- d:cated through the iocuiou. I Oae half conscious of their misfortune. I of the body tho representative of JVIMg "Iu a grassy field, near the sea shore, Binny, and the oilier half au ambassador stands a nine rnurn, visiieo an air bv the sun and sea-breeze. Here a na tive minister, a leper, j leads religions ser vices ou Sunday for his miserable fellows. . These poor people seem to be content ed. A raiiu of five pounds of fresh meat and twenty pounds of vegetables is issued oi Opobo, flung into lbs sea, by which the contract was cousiurred Irrevocably sealed. King Bouny tried ver( earnestly to avoid this uclcss aud cruel part of the e.-reraoiiy, but the Africans were not to be dissuaJed from abandoning a ties b mored usage. Tbe victim himself did some concessions, the Dutch again defined weekly, iu addition taj what each one eul- not appear mueh duturUd by tie late In tKotP .tat5M.a .ith Atrhin n.l diatluiin I tivates with bis own labor. This support I store for him. His consolation was that ed -interference with the government of 1 is ao much better tbaM any Hawaiian ever I bis batchers would be repaid ! with tks Meanwhile the Atehinese has at home, that natives bring on other same coin in tbe next wotld.