1 riT. TV T ITT PTi : TT?cl-.h';-; .r- r.-.--rrV-i-J-;-; .. - I -r-v- :- i ' ' I 1 VW J. IXXilJLT UlUXlXUCi . .V,, . 1 , ..... ri-r- V. i W .1 J . I M l I t l V.-lK- I J ' i I A (111 1 liftl i I ' 1 1 I a i ' 1 T- -T r ..-.) I L ; r . . -. I i ... : , NO. 30. WHOLE Kd. 87G . PUBL1SJI1SD WEEKLY : ' !; ProprieWr aad Editor. J. jrSTE W ART, . : Associkte Editor. RATES OP RI DCHIPTION Oxe I eae, payLleiD advance 5 Copies to one address, l.(K) 10.00 . For ov r FOltTr YEARS ibid LIVEU ME lilCl N E Las pruvud tu be tbe i OUKAT LX FAILING SPECIFIC fr tivKR CoJipiAisT andjts pnifffui oQVprinp, DYSTEl'SIA, COXSTIl'.AXIU.N, Jaundice Itillious- utUckU, 81CK HEADACllK. Cwlie. Depletion ! SpiriU.SOUIi SToMACK, Heart- burn, CHILLS AM) t LVliK, iVC, Ac. After jfturat of l awful experiment, to meefra froat und nrjrcnt demand, we now produce from oUr original uaimine I otruera TIZB 7ZII3FAI123D. a Linuid form .( SIMMON'S LIVER PEGU L r)U, cuntaittins all itn wonderful and val- ui:jlo prupenu'i' nun oiier n in ; f OXX2 DOLIiAXl Tho I'owders .(pricelw before,) l.(Hi pr. paekapre 8rut by mail..... J.l-4 I Lt CAUTION! -t Unv no l'oivdtror PREPACKED SIMMONS MV-KU UEtlUt-VTOU uuK-HH in ourengraved t'rai)ier. with Trade niiirk, btamp iind .Siirna tifr uaVroKen. j xsono oiuer in genuine. .1. II. ZKIL1N &CO.f Mntim, lia. and Philadelphia. HX TiiEO. P. KLUTTZ. Salisbury N.C BOOKSTORE E y B 01 D ' I . . I ' 'i- ' ' And pet Bibles. Prater Books, Hymn Books of riT kind ymw want: Histories. Bioeraphies. Music BotikL Music. Novels of THE ROTTENf GROSS: U lias been many a long ; day since tlien, yet I remember itall, just as tbotigb it bad occurred but yesterday. " ; ! 4 1 was a carp'iiter, tbe foreman of a large establishment, and as such poMees- ed the entire confidence of my employer, liot by the way, bad been a schoolmate ol mine. ; - - - . ' : .. One day he called me into his office to look at some rare coins, he bad just pur ' '-Here," said he, placing in my band a heavy gold piece, Ms one which is worth more than nil the rest put together. It Is h great curiosity. I paid C200 for it, and considered it cheap at that. 1 could easi ly doul le my money in selling ; and so you see, Harvey, it ia ' reallv a good iu .vettmenVr. ' " - ; r; "Mo doubt it is," said I, "though it seems a large sum to have lie idle." IJreathrd an involuntary sigh as I laid ihe coin down on the depk, for .200 the best iluthors; Blaiiit 'gftooks. Albums of ! WoalI have sieuied a fortuue to me jnst the mos stvlish Juu ; Steretscopes and i then. Views; School Bokst all kinds in general The tevere illness of. my wife, and one r . " W t b-w - TT w ' use. Mates, itus, wntJnJ Faper of the best of my children, and the death of anothc uamjr ; j hii x aper ana vv inaow snades m ide serioun inroads on my in Kreat farie'y. Music Tfachers for vocal, had required the excrci,e o 1'iauos, liai jo, violins occ. . 1 t r i J J economy to keep myself fre A wons TO "Herd it is,") I eaiid, 5'and as you fralue your toiil, keefj your word wuh roe. My wire and cliil Irp 4r $tarving, or I wiuld not attempt this work If I, die jhevtcati live on tbe hundred dollars tor awbilf-, until my; sick wife recuvers her strength. rUE MOON A PEAD WOUIiD. Among the ilIuiiori8 swent awat hv j Tbe Great QoetUaa f alL Lid a ihm present race oi man, more iinpojunt thin - . BATHING. VfrV few frnifc riumi.!ir all n m . - i - . -p-- . . . . i. i moder.. Science W the pleasant acv B b- oe,eraiH, oi he.l.h a, "'V T, . Pntuu atare- that the. moon wn. a habitable elob like "" W"B iui. H .H,IIe,K,uU "7 ". w.T .uirrworea W1U U the earth its .!. HiriifiiL V. ba.e re?u!.,rlv, bni ,b. y i ?f. h.6 U,tn too- stated by tbt .1 I II make it hundred aud fifty 1'tex- Uk claimed the architect,1 "and may God 6ro. form tect yon i at l; bad the sam rteceg-Hr to ly diect-T ed the probabilities of its beinir asbcnu iuat nerpie. i i wuhwi BbK no isrin inuauiuu oy a rce of sentient brings, to risk his life thereJ r But eme, and keip j with forms and faculties like our owu.ttud a steady iband and eyeV , 1 even Dronoundedaebeiiii- for t.fni..mvmn. 'n, v- I followed him into the church, then p ' inunicHiion with them, in case theyfcxis- i , m L,tn,,'lf ,Io;n Ut l"hy mnt have n into the i-pire, 'until: we paused beforela ted. One of these was to -construct on i 1,oroaK" cleaning very ttuturJjy night i narrow wintlowL 'Vint was the! nni.,t f.,i 1 l,n .r-? t,;..1.1.,. e a.:. - e laughed at. t . , , - vr J . " - yn nn.B ut regilarl), in lokU ioii m ha in fiac lioumis.' laiuier Biifbr, who has a rolo that everv m -mbers ..f Lin familv I must start b my perilous fell I had undertaken. ; - ; , which which Casting a single glance at: the peopl in the stret bewj-mere spocks in tb disiance I reached out (rout the wLidowl and, grasping blocks oneof the.ornaraentaj FARIVIERS. Buy fw dollars Worth of books every year for your sons and rjaiidsand take 'a -good newsoa per, they will work better and be more cheerful, 1 ry it. A TO rAHMEIlS 30278. You have something; ; FOR SALE Feb. 20 tl. SPIItIT OF THE IttE flIIE Si'iRrr oK THE Age will present a pair M. of fine .pituet worth $:5.(.!0 lo every sul ncriler tr lS7i$ who pny $2 oO in advance for n vearn iniliscriptiou. lne inct"1" enmieu lvajiliu l'n Uhcriiba b executed in the finest Hlyle of LillitKrra.liii; printin-;; ll.e primed surface of each i '22x28 iiu lie.i, iiiul the pictures sell in the Stores ftrrS'ioO per pair. ' Rev.T. II. Piutciiaki,D. D., Contributing ;t Rev. 11. T. Hl'uxon, I Edi'ors. i f TKe Auk N a weekly' Family Paper, adapted to tlie liicne (.-ircle, the Fanner, the Mechanic, the Tradesman! alike in every section of the State; it h nut actional in iu character, nor partiz in or sectarian, liesiile? ail the newa of the day, colt tied with a view to oorieclnesMand accuracy, ilii columns will be lillcd with the choicest mat er approriate to the dillerent de pjrlmenU Storief, lliotorienland J'iographical iketche-, Triiv! and Adventure, Sabbath Read Til!:, Wit nndll junior, Agricultural, lorresi6n deiuv, un1 Kpuone of the' News of the I)ay,Sfcc. oRiaxirAL SSORISS. The lMiblicaUoii of Original Storien is asncia.1 feature of the KK, and for this year we have procured sevtrtd from the pens of popular and tntcresiiii wiiiers. In this Department alone we can nrouiisuour readers entertainment equal in charade tolthat of any of the popular tory ( papers, 1 TERMS IN ADVANCE One ennv-onc yuar, (with 2 pictures.) $2 50 l. .4 without pictures, 2 00 1" u six rnoritha do 1 25 if Every reader Af the SriniT of the Age as published before Ihe war, is earnetly.requetted 1 renew their pulronngc; send for specimen cfcpy. Address, I " EUWAKUS K lMiUUUHTUM. Feb. 13, tf KaleighrJJ. C to! be nrond and to boast f The farin is the keystone to every industrial pursuit. When it succeeds all prosperwheu it falls, ill Hag, Don'tthink yon cau1 be a great tilian; because you are the Sun of a farmer. Washington. Webster and Clay were fanner's sops, but while they tnilcd thy' studied. Sp di ve. Buy a good bonk, oHc at a time, rtitd iind dlsrest it, and then :nather. Call aiid see me and look ovr boks. THE (jOME TO t M PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, And i Get a Good Picture. ! i i . . - j We vvill givi you a gio4 picture or not let you tnke.it awiy ; for ue fjiion't intend that huv bad work shall a i fioiii this olfice to in jure us and the business!. -Call and try. Up blcurs oeliceen lJdrfc$rs and Miss Mc 31 nr rail's. f A il Call ft ml examine iny toCk of W'all Paper, Window Shades. Writing paper, Inks &c. Mind 1 dou't intend to be under sold. ' S - .11 Feb. 27, tf. purse, ana it t the utmost economy to keep myself free from clebt nay, I had been obliged to withdraw from the bank the small sum. which, besides my salary, was all I possessed of worldly treasures. Thinking of this, 1 laid the coin down with a sigh, and turned-away to attend to my duties. The next morning I was again sum moned into the office, but this time I met with no friendly greeting as usual, "Harvey," said my employer, abiuptly, "that coin we were looking at has disap peared. I have made a thorough search, but it is not to be found. It has h'-en carried away "'by sonic one You alone saw or knew of it, and " He paused and looked significantly into my face. I finished ihe sentence for him, lhs. hot blood dying cheeks and brow as I sp'ke. 'You mean therefore, that I took it I !" "What else can I think? The coin whs here ; you alone saw it. I cannot re call having seen it since it as in your hands. Yon arc in need -of nionv : you have told me that yourself. . It w.-is a great temptation, and I forgive you be cause of "our old friendship, but I cannot retain you in my employ. Here is the salary due you " ''Very well," said I with forced raini ness, so be it. Since you have so poor an opinion of me after years of faithful ser vice,"! sdiull not sloop to defend myself." Then I look tire money he had laid up on the desk, and went out from his pit" Sence a well nigh broken hearted man. But for the tender love of iuy wife, I doubt not but that I would have buried my sorrows in the grave of a suicide. . swung myself out iton the spire II For an instant my conrage faltered, bull the remembrance of i Iny starving family came to my aid and, with a silent prayer for protection and success, I placed my hand on the next block above my bead and clambered up. From block to block I went steadily and cntiously, try each one ere 1 trusted my weight npbii it, Two-ibirds of the space had been pass ed, when suddenly the block that support ed me moved gave way. Oh,-heavens! never, though i: should live to see a hun dred years', shall I cease to phuddcr at the recollection of that terrible moment. Yet, even in the miJst of my agony, as I felt myself slipping backward, 1 did net for one second lose my presence of mind. It seemed to me tlwt never before had my senses been bo pr ternuturally acute, as then, when n horrible death seemed inevi table. ! Down, down I slipped, grasping at each block as I passed it by, until at length my fearful course was arrested, and then- geometrical figures on a scale so gigantic as to be visible from our plane ary neigh bor, on the supposition that the tnoon people would recognize the object) and immediately construct similar figures in rt ply ! Extravagant and absurd as i(ray appear In the light of modern knowledge the establishment of this Terrestiat anl Luna Hgnal Service Bureau was treated as a feasible scheme, although practical Rd.fiicullies, which so often ktp men from gnaKing ioois or ruemselves. Btood in tbe vav of actual experiment but tlm diima. ' . i - - As a general rule, the boys are made their own judges fis to htn they should ba:he the entire rtt reon. A whole winter passes often wijhont ibis Uing done. They go from wr.rui weather iu full, or from their last swjinmiog cicutthm, totiie weatber jn spring w heu they can throw IT tbei'r clbtlirs a iid jg0 juio tl,e crrek." They certainly rnjoy ibis nnual scrubbing and experience a sorjl of delight afterward. This scrubbing should be repeated once a week. Jf there was a good place provid ed and opportunity given, the Lw.ys would A . . ft- .I I " . .1 no Biow iu uaineT An it is, nicy worry Bion was kent nn .it ii.!PrvuU n.,i;i Jf n01 Bl0w lo ii.onv.nJ tt,i ;rti.. I i .u- throut.li the winter, wsshing rc cularlv u- w-. urn c uric yrt.ru ic iu mc I i . . . . nj-tilliey must be able to Five witbont l,ai,(,a ..a.nd jc1 a,ul occasionally a f mt UfeaThing or eating or drinking. P live without drinking. Then it ceas-a. Tin rc can Le no life without air. Beau fill to the eye of the distant observer, the infoon is a sepulchral oib a world of death aid silence. No vegetation clothes its vast plains of stony desolation, traversed by llllhllltrnni r.'ans k k.. . I lu ,,,c I i,L-a .I,.,. v ..L the room Im given -trijuiw, uiu, nit iii.u cmiiut luuiueiuiies i . iospace ; no lovely forms of clona float in ibi; blackness of it eky. The daytime is oiily night lighted by a ray less sun. Tpere is no rosy lawn in the morning, no twilight in the evening. The nighw are pilch dark. In daytime the solar beams ar lost against the jagt-d ridges, t the bathe. Thev eo'out into the world care liness as to cleanliness of their persous and with habits that ipust becorrt cted. Good health and pleasure demand clean liness of persou. And it is easy to meet this demand. A ba:h room is not a ne cessity. Let a Urge wash tub be placed iu the kitchen, a:ld uficr the work ia done up SIlCCCSHVliV to differeut members ef the f-nnily. S nd the boys in singly to that what is important t)tiHina tnav niit I... i...,t. I . .4 let every one :ba!ho thorougblv and dividwli, thengnU aud wclfaof ely onicklv.usinirasiooriowel ,"l ,.!... a,,d lLc l"'" tulturf of tL0d .v . - r' - w ------ olio n of ibia maiutge questiou is to comprehend Iim teims. We air iu tbe mhlt ota break icg up p rid. The old order jf things is j going to pieces, Vut the new is mat formed. 1 ue siaaa midway iM-tweeo what was and j filial it ta l. R. .lAnA J I Ltf. w u science. We suffer frcml the eoafo sion ioevitalle lo a transiUon epoch, a time for readjustment has cot c$me. ''Bot there Is no cause for alarm. The aexea, compliment each other. Manfwaa pA fof j - tonuu, and woman, for taan. tach attnets the other by aomeinexplu cable Jaw, and Cuds in tbe btlief libaVt wuicn noiuing eise can supply and with out which all else would be naatUfyiog Tbe set perpetually prophesy each to the other ; and, cut of their ceaseless ioo iug, all that is best in culture finest ia art, purest in enjoyment, most,' beaotiful and cndartng'iu literatue, and lolieit fa religion, come. In some form, the marriage relatiou will endure while cmUiuioB.iar vives, aud tbe ideal marriage! is ofooa man one woman for life. So much U be youud quenion, save with ttoseild theorist bo would resolve society back i us primitive atoms, and iusutala y and animal'rm ly statute. Bat all that relates to the form an$ circum- stance of the relation is open lor recon sideration. Iu discussiner -it. tliree nolnta are to be kept steadily in mind-tlbe affec tions and lasts and circumstahcts of la- while my. head reeb-d w-ith the sudden re- sharp points of -the rocks or the steep sides .is j I l i t ' . action, a great shout came up from the people below. "Come down,1 come down !" called the architect from the window ; half the sum shall he yours, for the ri.-kyou have run. Don't try again j Come down." But, no! more than ever now I was de tertuined to pucecd. I was not one to give up after having undertaken u diffi cult task. ! Coolly, but cautiously, I commenced the ascent once more, first seeking in vain to reach across to the next row of block', for I did tjot. care to trust myself agaiu on that which had proved so treacherous. This I was compelled to do, however, tin--til the space between the angles became sufheintly small; to allow me to swing across. Accom p'.ishiog roy purpose, at length, I u nt Up more rapidly, carefully testing each bloik as I proceeded. Ere lung 1 reached the crn!?, an4 there I paused Jo rcst looking down from tin dizzy height with a coolness that even then astonished roe. A few strokes with a light hatchet, that the architect bad heng at my back, and profound abyi-se, and the eye sees only grotesque shapes rtlieved against fantas tic shadow black as ink, w 1 1 la none f that pleasant gradation and diffusion of light, non of that mbtle blending of light and i-badow which make the charm of a ter- r si rial landscape. A faint conception of ty of soap md water. Once eftabli-h-d it will be easily to follow this custom as it is to wash the face every morning, and that it will refiiltjheiiificiaiiy to the bcalib there is no doubt. ren. CnisF-JrsTicE Ciiase ox tue Cos- FEDtRATE DeaU. San the Columbia rintniz : Chief Justice Chase, bile bold There is no color, nothing but dead :fnd black. The rock refbet pa-siVely lit of the sun; the craters and ubvs . . . ... - . es remain wrappidin sbadi- : fai;tatic feaks iisi- like pdiantoins in their glacial cemetaiy ; the stars appear like f potf in blackness of .-pace. 1 no moon is a dead world ; has no anti'",l,"-'", s the A BEAUTIFUL EXTRACT. I saw a temple reart-d by tiio hand of man, etanui. THE BROWN lucre & ll IB Ba i The fcnlt -. i PLANT should exaihirip the above-named tdd an reliable Giii before piiyiiig arl- other It couiIiihb the reqmreti qualities of simplicity. Strengfh and Durability. (It pins fast and clean, makes sexcel eut hut (olterf bnncinir l-4e. to l-2c. per lb. above markt,and is universally- aumitt?d to no the lightest umai g gin made. e hayc had thirty yeaf s fexpenence in the busiuefs, and warrant cvbryf giu perfect. Gins constantly in the hands eif ottr agents, to which (Mrclars, w ith testiindniajs and fall particu lars, nifiiy bp had by addrei1ig. JSliAKli r lilt(WlN, rresideut, 4Bt)wn Cotton Gin Co , New London, Conn. CUAAVFORD & HEILIGjUgents Salisbury, t N. U. i j March 6 4mos. Suppoited by that love, however, and the consciousness of my own innocenct?, I took fresh coinage, and set resolutely to j piece by piece the rolteu cross fell to the work to find an employer. I ground. r But poweiful is a breath of slander ; j My work was done, and as the last frag turn which way I might. I ever found ment disappeared, I found a sad pleasure ihat the story of roy dismissal ftr theft iu ihe thought that, should I never reach bar) preceeded me, and my application for the ground nlivje, my dear ones would employment uniformly met with a refusal. : have ample means to supply their wants jpM a v i i, im went on; piece ny pn-eeiur iinui- uum mj wm; iuh.ii uuiam ciupo-r oi m.. I I lI ture and every spare article of clothing : Sad and causionsly I lowered mystll A JLXX I found itg way to the pawnbrokers, until, from block to block, and at length reach at lentrth. even this poor resource failed us, and mv children cried in vain for food. Yet I did not sit down in idle cepair ; I could not afford to do so; the life or death of all I loved on c my t xeitio" and so ai ih turning li ! penned on awav from them with a heavy heart. 1 once more sei out on the weary search f-r o:k. All in vain ! refusal after refusal met mv entreaties for emnh ment, and I was ed the spire window, lamidst the cheers of thoe assembled in the street. Inside the steeple the architect placed a roll of bank notes in my hand. 'You have well earned the money," he said. "It does me good to see-a mau with so much nerve--but bless me! what is the matter with your hairt It was black before you made the ascent, now it is arau ! ing court in ltuhtigh, N. C, in 1SG9, was the horrors of a lunar day may be fortnr-d invited to participate in the cereii.oien of from an illustration representing a laud- decorating he graves of the Union dead scape taken of the moon in the centre of at Magnolia Cemetery. He wrote iu au- the mountainous region of Aristarchns. swer a letter ciniind ing sentiment of fur- white I giveness and fratemity with the Confi-d- crates, and was 'taken to tak for it Mr. J. E. William,! president of a national band in New Yoik, to which be leplied reiterating the sentiments cij-itsctti in the oiigir.al b iter. He said : "It is tint true pin i ii i.-tu r quires that , ' en-.t ciil w.tr tbould lx marktd not by pioci ip in ui-.,.hvm- isemeut, but by j manif'-ptai ions of sincere good-will, espt c(.t!ly from the shccim-IuI, a .d t'V jretieron it cognition l wlialever was le'sfly brave and carne.-t and iioLlx in those w ho fought on tie failing side. 1 liavc no sympaitjy witti me spiut winui refuses to ftrew flowers upon tbe graves of the read silder who fought against the side 1 took ; and I am glad to know there wan no such spirit among 'hose who join ed iu decorating'the graves of the soldiers of the Union w ho lie buried at Magnolia Cemetery. The Magnolia lavishes its pei fumes as fn civ, the pleasant air breath e a sofllv, and the warm sun shines as brightly over Confederate as over Union graves. In the,! letter w hich has incurred your censure, Is sought to put into the hearts of my countrymen mmethiiig of the divine charity taught by the tree, the air and the sun, as "well as by the precepts of our Saviour. Is believe it has done some good, and 1 believe it will do more 1 2nd ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION attracted by n group of men at its base, j And so it was! That moment of in Itiipi llt-d by some strange impulse, I fence agony, While slipping helpb-g-ly approached and mingled with them. downward, had blanched my hair until it A workman was standing near. ""by, appeared like fhat of an -old man. The looking up at the great steeple which work of years had been done in an in- towercd aloft some 250 feet above them, stant. i i?a high ptunacb & in the tar-taut p. al,. Ihe streams beat upon it the Cod of Kjture hurried His thun derbolts against it and yet it stood; as firm as adamant. Itcve'.ry was the inji's halls the gay, the happy and the beauti ful were there. I returned, and the temple was no more, its h'gh walls lay scattered in ruins ; moss a; d wild grass grew there The young, and the gay that revelled there had passed awav. i I sa v a child rejoicing in his youth -the idol of his mother, tin pride of his father. I returned : the child had become old trembling with ll he Hood the last of his stranger amidst the desolation around him I saw an old oak standing in all its pride oii th mountains ihe biids were carol ing on its b ughs. I returned ; the Oak was lenfiess and sapless, the winds were pla ingat their pasMiuc through its branch es. Who is the destroyer 1 said I to my A man in Wisconsin advertises ahorse for sale iu the following scriptftral, faab ion : i Thou canst trust thy labor to Lira for hi strength is great. ! ' l hou canst blind him with thy hand la the forrrow ; he will harrow thus rajlleji fter lh e. ! He will gather thy seed in tie bam. His strength is terrible, in' which he ujoiceth. ! He paw-fd the valley, andwa&tb proed in bis speed, lie mocketn at fear, urilher turning his back from the hobgoblin. Li ! bow be movetb bia tail like a cedar his sinews arc as cables. 1 His bones are like strorg pieces of brass vea, like Pars ot iron. lie eatheih grass like an ox ; brbolJ, he diiukeih up a river: and trdsteth that W ho can open the door of bis face I Yet thou cuusl approach him witfi a bridle His teeih are terrible round bjut. , 1 w i l not conceal bis past, nor bis come ly poprtio:is. He is gentle, be is kind, ( And bin fail sticks out behind. 1 1 wdiit to aell him for some: king I eaa pay my debts with. weight of years, generation a guardian angel It is Time" ing stars sang When the mrtrn in iy over the 1 IN iUTERPRISE i Reliable Gift Di.ttribution in the Countrv ! SG0,000 00 VAZiUABLS QXFTS I 175,730 Prbmiums. RANGING IN VlALUE FROU 1 . $10 to g5,000 TO THE SUBCIjlBpS OF CUH riHESIDE FRI2HD Every Subscriber is (sure of one premium any way. and also has an eual chance of re ceiving a CASH Preniitmi.j Olt A PIANO. ORGAN, WATcll, SOWING MACHINE while a gentleman, eidcnlly an architect, was addressing hitu in earnest language, aid, at the same time, pointing toward the golden cross at the summit of the epire. "1 tell you, he exclaimed, as I drew ' said he. together i ... i , new rra-.c w orm, lie coinmencen ins course And when he shall have destroyed all that is beautiful of t e e ilh plutk d the Suu Entering ihe bare, cheerless room w hich I f:oin his sphere .eiu-d the m-NUi in blod ; was now all I called home, I found a visi- yea, when he shall have rolled heaven and tor awaiting mo, my late employer. earth away ns a scroll ; thpn shall an an "Harvey," said he, extending his baud, gel from the throne of God come forth, "I have done vou a great wrong. It cot and with one foot on the sea and the oth- r i ft77 V near it must and can be done. The me a terrible pang to believe yoar guilt, er on the land, lift up his band towojds etc., etc. FlltifT fJUAND CVSjI PREMIUM ODfe FIRESIDE F i ltro be DisrmuuTED in" D. SINE'S il61i RKOtJltAIt, MONTHLY I Gift Enterprise, i To be draicn 3fontfap, June 2d, 1873. j TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each Jii Grccnuacks! Two pmes $1,000 V - Five prizes S 00 V Each in GREENBACKS. !Ten prize $100) 'tMortd&uggy, with Silver-Mounted Harness n v 'i "m it.- ,,-4rWH ed to the wants i ot everV laiiilyi Subscription OneFme.tonedRosew'KKlrianosw-orth$r00! price j'J. pet year of r,if uhmbi'rs.s Ten Family Sewing Machiiies. worth $100 She I31ccnnt Chromo "CUTK"! - Size lfi x20 inches, 10 cilor4 Acknowledged hv all to be the HANDSOMEST and MOST VALUAULB premium j picture in America . T 1 1 . , cross must De taten U(wn, or tne nrs? heavy gale will send it down into the street, and lives will be lost. Coward f is this the Way you back out of a job," after engaging to. do it ?" I didn't know the spire was so liigh but tbe circumstances against yon, that I was were so e: rnng forced to Vielieve il. I have found the com, Harvey; it slipped under llte secret drawer in my desk. Can you forgive me, my dear old friend T" Heaven eternal, and ray. Time is, Time was, but lime shall Le no more ! MR. AND MRS. MILL. A WORD FOR NOVELS NoveL familiarize men's minds wj.h so cietiea not contiaed lo any age, country, or clai-s. The poorest studeul tieads palace room-; the seamstress in her garret neuetra- lea into the most extlurivc Donuoii. i ue pauper w ithout ; a vote ukes pait in the hi 'hest tHi'iiica ot past times. c?ugges- lions if philosophy, of wisdom, clothed wiih ncrsoua ;tv. are eradully drunk iu . J r a and the reader lises bettered ; not tatigiu the most approved kind of dramage of woikhuurc ir lunatic asylum, but so lifted above the meaner thoughts of d.tilf l.fe that on all tul'ucts prt seiiled to Li in be is iiirp'ud to Uke a broad and generous view. Mau does not live by bread alonv nor by Ucts alone. We arc not ail of tis statcmen statiiiliciaus. ort students, careful lo read - w t , JOINED TWINS.! . Persons mho have seen fiomtimelo lime Hit; well-know ii Mamese twins, or the two young colored git la jaoed from the sbouldeialo the hip, that have been ex hibitcd in this country and Lqrope since our late civil war, have found (it difficult to refrain from disagreeable speculations as lo w hat may be the circa ntttauces of the one or the other of tuber of tbe pair w hen the fjoal uisotbIiou of dtalb snail .... . t -i?- come, i iiete m an instance on recora ia ihe Every Diy Bok of Home, which show t the fate of what were known as the Biddenden maids, born at Iiiddecden, England, in the year 1 100, ao who were joined at the hips and shoulders. Tbey thus lived 34 yesrs, when oee i them died. The other was advised j to be se parated from ht r at once, but answered, "As we co;ne together, we wRl auo go together," and w ukt u ill aid died air The wife of the deceased philosopher, everything on bnth tides of ihe questiou, .... . . . I . Ml IJ rEiglit Pages, Lurq&Sise, Illustrated me Familv fVeeklv. is initsTUlKD YOLUM antf has attaind the yon to do il." 1 he carpenter a walked" awiv with a Largest CIKCULATlON of ny paper publish- dogged, slouching step, and the gentleman ed iu the Weet. - ItEST.illOST DESIliAItLE about lo move away, also, when I stepped AKD MOST USEFUL ORIGIN A L KEADI.X0 A J ' "lSM AlATTElt IN GUEAT ViAlttiETr, that money caubuy and to makeitaII0MI3 WEEKLY suit- leach! ' :; I GoKl Watches t Chains, north $00 each I 'rive .Gold American Hunting Watches, worth : 5123 each ' Ten JjidW Gold Hunting Watches, worth $75 each I 800 Gold aml Silver pcrer limiting Watches, (in i " all,) 'worth from ?'J0 to ;J00 icA. ") Gold Chains, Silver- ware, Jewelry ,&e., &c. Whole Xffnmber Gifts, 6,500. ; Tickets Limited to 0,000. EVEftY SUU- CltlBLRtis presented with this Chiotpo at the tiu:eif siibsci and dfco receives a NUIBKRED CEIiTIFI DOLDEK TO A ..f $5,t00 In cai-h OATE ENTITLING .TUB SHARE iu the distribution and tfther premiums. TUB DITKII CTION TAKES PLACE on the hetind Tuesday in Jipne r?st The Chmmo A GENTS WANTED to St II Tickets, and Certificate sent on rktepl'of riee. SI'E U whom Liberal; Fremiums will be Paid. ClMr.N "COPIES. 1 Ki-MlUM LlbT, Ete o. , ...... ... ". IGIVLNG FULL PAUTTICU LARS i-eatfree oingie iicKets ?i t MX neKcio; i I Tickets $10 ; Twenty-five TickcV$20. Circular containing a full list bf prize, a de-M-riplion of the manner of drawing, and other In reference to the Distribution, to aife address. AGENTS ! information ! will be cnt to anv one ordering them.1 All let I. 1 l a . . ".ti".mii itr Hoorcssea 10 y ' u ' mais orrtcr.. ' I L. P. ? INK. Box 8rt 101 Wi Filth St. cincin J.Ti, O. Feb! 27-tf. bii g up there. D it yourself, if you want it My heart was too full to speak ; I silent done ! j ly preed his baud. '1 would if I were able," eaid the archi-' 41l will undo' the wrong I have done. tect. But go if you will; let it be! My All tho world shall know I accused you honor is pledged to have it done at any unjustly, not through my words onl but piice and I can find a braver man than .through my aetions. too. You must be my partner, Harvey. If you refuse 1 shall feel that you have not forgiven me." I did not rpfn. Instead, 1 thankfully accepted the offer which roy friend s. generou&ly made, knowing that no surer method could have been demised to silence forever the tongue of slande-, and free my name from the, unmerited reproach which had of late rested upon it. Unmerited prosperity has attended my steps ever since that eventful day, but neither prosperity or wealth can efface it memory from my j heart, nor restore my withered locks to their owu raven hue. forward What is it you want done, sir!" I ask ed. "I am a carpenter: perhaps I Can doit." He turned eagerly toward me. "I will make it worth yoor w bile. Take down that cross and I will pay you a hundred dollars. You will have to as cend these ornamental blocks, and I tell (uowaitiw) Can(it!,y they are not to be depended Eitherjocal or cau- vasstng iu every W A WTirn tTt Large cash HH ri.ll X Mu kJ pay and best out fit. Send at orice. f orterrtis. Address. OVn FIRESIDE FRUiXniClicaqo. 111. UMiMVf lj iu u. a .a on : tney must tie weak and rotten for. . . " j. they have been there for years." I looked up at the spire ; it was square at the base aud tapered to a sharp point,- while along each angle were nailed small , gilded' blocks of wood. i "It's a dangerous place to work. I said, ''and there will be even more peril -iu descending than in ascending. Sup pose I succeed ia moving tbe stoue, aud then- " 'If any accident happens to you, my brave fellow, the money shall be paid to j our family. 1 promise you that. Gve rjie your address. .Jolm otuart Alill, seems to nave Leeii a remarkable woman. She died in lb.OO, at Avignon, France, a few moinhs before, he published his celebrated work entitled Liberty." Tbe following is the uoble dedication of that, volume : To the beloved and deplored raemsiry of her who was ihe inspiier, and in part the author, of all thai is best in my writ ings, the friend and wife whose exalted sense of truth and right was my strongest incitement, and whose approbation Was ray chief reward, 1 dedicate this volume. Like all that 1 have written for many years, il belongs as much to her as to nie; but the wmk, as it stands, has had, iit a very insufficient degree, tho and to test evety assertion. Ihe woild is movtd by let ji.ig uiorc than by i.iterett or aigumcutalivx: of powir ; anable nove list may enlist On the fide of justice that large force of ptjblic feeling which is call eJ the opinion o the day without which the legislative m tchiue could not be made to move. To! lift men up, to make them superior daily needs, to make them forget animal wants and habitual little nefs, is iu itselfj of the greatest and pur est use. ' The telegraph bring us tidings of the death of one of the greatest men of this centnry. John Smart Mill, the eminent logicau and mit!physecian has just died. Ol course; he belonged to Great Britain. We have no biographical Cyclopedia by us and can not give the main points in his life. He was a writter of great abilities, and takes rank with the foremost thinkers tf this or any age: Liine, iu his splendid work, "The History of English Litera- --',."! ! ft ft lure, devotes an entire long chapter to Strange Pets oka Murderess Susan Ebeihart, the unfortunate woman who was banged at l'restou, O t., on Fri- inestimable day, while in prison waiting the execution of her lawful sentence, whileU away Itie solitary hours by m iking friends of ihe ... .1 ,i rats tti at had access pj ner ceu. gen tleroan called toee her a few days b lore her execution, anJ after some conversation with her, told bor that he had understood that she had son'' pet rat. Sb answer- grave, I .-hculd be the medium ot a greater I ed affirmatively,; ami he then lobi her be benefit than is ever likely lo arise" froin wanted to see tbein. She tapped on the m- : I . .a anvt unr that 1 can write unprompted flnnr when out ot their holea came uie n i . I 7 - - . . . - 1 advantage ot Iter: revision ; some ot tne more itnpoitant portion having been re served for a more careful re-examination, which they are destined uever to receive. Were I but capthle of interpreting to the world one-half the great thoughts and noble feelings which are buried iu her hours after. 1 heir names wire and Mary Chtlkbuet. Elizabeth The I'aiscE Massmo. The deatk of Prince Mascimo. the head of the oldest aud noblest families in Rotai", and a firm adherent aud champiou of th Pop announced. It is stated mat 14 anc.vut indeed, was lii pedigrte he claimed de scent from FAus 3fximus, Ue Catic tator," of ihe Pui.ic wars a cliim which, if true throws into thcsbadethcQoaitcniyi ol Eugl ind, of Fracce, and of jibe Eaat, and ''ail tbe blood of all. the Howards ' to boot. His death has happried alibe age of siuy-nioe. From the ime wkm King Victor Emminuel'a troops entered Rome he kept the gates of b'l plc clos ed, nod nedilv refosed tiihcf U retire from tbe Holy City or to have to the comers. anything and unassisted by ber all-but unrivalled wisdom. ' s rata until tin less lhail foUlteen of tbcM had answered the call. They climbed up on her lap and up to her shoulders, aud crawled about oyer her bead, suffering her to caress and handl- them as she pleas I'he Western press is very largely join ntr in condemnation of the dead-head and dead-beat system of legislators, and In ed, and not one of tbeiu manifested tbe him", and treats, him as tbe great "logi Kentucky they propose to make it an is clan, of tbia country. (sue iri the legislative canvass. j Wheeler's History or North Ca RofrxA A New EniTiox.--We are gUd to learn that Colonel WL ler, who has been for year back collee'ijpg mater ials for a new and enlarged edipia of hii History of North Carolina, has. so netrly brought bis labor to a elese. iTrrhtpe no one appreciate ill value of Colonel Wbe ler's llistory m"re fully than Editors, who have ulnoal daily need to geC accarant information iu itiatiou lo the Sste. We sincerely trut that it will not bfr long ere we have the beiifrfit of Ohme! Vbeeler'i labors f r the laal quarter of a ctaiury alaiftst, in the abape of a new arid etdarg ed edition. I It will be remembered that daring the war Colonel Wheeler raa the Iilockide aud wi-nt to England, where he roaioed until the surrender, engag in Xmjn ing the reeorda of ihe old Colonial Office ia London. His opportunitiea fWacqnir- iuz Tiy valuable information were good, . . . . .1 ! i smallest symtom.of alarm. Macon Ttle- and we doubt not that he made good nsa - 1.. . - r t 1 ' graph. of them IFiL Journal. 'I