) :::: Tr4 1 1 t I , i " i. . i - . t 1 ' VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C, JUNE 5J 1 873. - 1 PUBLISHED WEEKLY; ; J.;J. BRUNER, proprietor and Editor. J. J. STEWART, 1 Associate Editor. COME NO. 38. WHOLE NO. 878. BATES OF SCnCBiPTIOW Qsb It satb. pyMe m afl vauce. '. . . . 5 Copies to one address.. $2.00 . 1.00 10,00 TO BOOK SJIjORE .... 1 S ' , . , h .. .--, 4 -. And Books, Hymn tf'et Bible.. Prror Books! of any, kind tow want: Histories. wiuinuiiirB,' Jiiugic DUUKg, JUSIC, IMOVeiS OI the best authors; Blank! Books, Albums of the most stylish kind; Stereoscopes and viewst seaooi noons, an kinds in general use. Slates, Inks, Writine Paner of the best QUE AT; LN FAILING SPECIFIC quality; Wall Paper and Window Shades m great Yaneiy, music .eacners lor vocal. Pianos, Banjo, violins ice. a word to rAaaiEno. ! For over POUTl YEARS this rUJLSLlT.VSaBTABLB LIVER MEDICINE baa proved to be the for LtVKR Complaint and its painful offspring, DYSPEPSIA,! CONSTIPATION,' Jaundice. I miS .tia-lL SICK HEADACHE. Colic, Buy fa few dollars wortn of books every year for youuons and handiand take a eood newsoaper, they will work better and be more cheerful. Iryit. eprtMlon 1 8iirit.,S0l3R STOMACK, Ueart Urn. CUILLsTaND FEVER, Ac, &c. After yeara of careful eipenmentrfrto meet a mat audurgpntdcmand,;we now produce from ur orjgiual Genuine l'oicdcr$ txxb prsfahsd. a Liquid formof SIMMON'S LIVER REGU "liATOR, containing all its wonderful and val uable properUea, and wfferj it in OND DOLLAR HOTTLTJS. The P'wdcrV,(pricc as befdrc.) Mi pr. package. Sent by Jrift'il ......104 : lr CAUTION ! -a PREPAREUSIMMOUS " I . 1 I ----- " ' - " w " Tifvi? KKflTTLATOK utilesi m our encravea i.iatrtul wkU! jV lil - . auuci an a aitpui. if iiru wrspjwr, with Trarte mar &iamp an o.gu. pn)Sper;; whf n it fails, all J.U. zklLlN &CO.f Macon, Ga. and l'niiaueipnia. From the Statesville Intelligencer. THE STATE MEt)I. SOCIETY. SxATEsviLLKj N. C, Maj 20, 1873, MEETING OF CAU, turu unbroken. FOR SALE RY TilEO. F.KLUTT Ftb. SO tt. Salisbury N.C. SrilUT OF THE .1GE rP HE SnKlT of the Aofc will present a pair L of fine! .pictues worth $3.00 to every sub criber for 1873, who pays SJO in advance for a tear -euOrfcnpuoN. -w i"u,u; 7 n...i..i'.rii'ruflA iaexeunted in the finest style of Lithographic priming ; the printed surface of each i 22 W inclies,.and th pictures sell in the st.r,for$2 W per iair.j , f ReviT. 1L Pritciiar1, Di D-, Contributing Rev. H.T. Hd.won, J I Edi'ors. The Aoii.w a weekly Family Paper, adapted to die Hoiile Circle, ttielFarnivr, the Mechanic, the Tradeaniiin, alike in every section of the UtAtri it-'iA not Heciional iniits character, nor partisan or Hectarian. lieides' all the news of the day, collated with ai view to c)rrectnesB and i-iir:irr. . ii 'columns kvill be filled with the choicest matter appropriate to the different den, partment Storie, Historical and Biographical Hketche-, Travel and Adventnre, bat.bath Keaa in, Wit and Humor, Agricultural, Correspon dence, an Kpitone Of the Newof the Day, &c. ORIGINAL STORIES. The publication of Original Stories is a special feature of the Agk, and for this year we have nrdrurrd several from the pens ot uopular and interesting writers. Ii this Department alone we can promise our readers entertainment equal in character to. that of (any of the popular story papers. . '; TERMS IN A WORD TO FARLSCDRS SOTCS. 3 ; 1 1 ' : If ; lou have somethine to be proud and to boast of. The farm is thw ltevstoue to everv 3 2 it. succeeds all e, Don't think you can't be-a great man because yon are the son of a farmer. Washington, Webster and Clay were farmer's snl, but while they toiled tbeystudied. So Ujye. Buy a . good book, one at a time, read add digest it, and then another. Call aud see me and look over books COME TO I ; - ! ! 1 PHOTOGRAPH TUE iALLERY, FIRST DAY MOBNlKO SESSION. The Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of th State of North Carolina, convened in the Court House at 10 o'clock, a. m.l and was called to order by the Presidenjt, Dr. Marcellus White head, of Salisbury. mm a w w, - i be Secretary i bavinjr announced that the Society was ready to proceed to busi nesS the President appointed a committee on credentaiis. U Dr. H. Kelly, S, S Satchwel, Patter son, Hall aud mith were appointed said committee ' ' ' Upon a call of the roll of the members. there were found; to; be present about sity members, which1 wits said to be a much larger number than usual on the first day. Dr. S. S. Satchwell, from the executive committee, brought in a report, which was read, received, and referred to a commit tee of five, who were instructed to bring in a report on the subject matter. The following'named gentlemen composed the committee, viz : Drs. Satchwell, Foote, bharpe, Wood, and O Hagan. Dr. C. T. Murphy reported the name of Dr. Francis 'IV Fuller, of Raleigh, for membership. Referred to committee on credentials, with request that they report what they consider proper for the action of this body. Upon motion, a committee was appoint ed upon nomination. 1 he President an pointed the following" named gentlemen as the committee : Dr. J. J. Sumerell, En- nett and Wood, i Upon motion, a coramitttee was appoint ed 011 finance, composed ot the followin named gentlemen: Drs. J. K. Hall, Gib son and Jones. 1 The qnes ion of the committee on obi tuaries elicited quite a discussion, result ing finally in the appointment of a com mittee of three, who reside in Wilmington, and whose duty it shall be to report the death of every member, making it retro spective, so that the report of the present committee shall take up the list of honor ed dead where the last report lett off. The committee on the examination and license of Druggists were discharged from the further consideration of the subject. ; A motion to adjourn, until 3 o'clock p. m., prevailed. j AFTERXOON SESSION iu loe report oe aaopiea unanimously. After the delivery of the annual oration l WHY THE CONFEDERACY FAIL- Auoplra aiif.rcoB.meraDieai8cu8sihi.. the societr waa culled to order hr the ED. UDOn tnotiuti of Dr. Ennett. a n J.:j . . I ! a " - ' -mm ai aw 1 a rmmrn . 1 . , . 4. of the eonitltntion:wai imii.imAn.t. t- t .t. ' j. 1.' I" From an able review in the London ' - 1 w w 1 aji. nurcuiu ciiniianni a naw an Larnw mann 1 - . 1 trickenut,and!the board of eenaon.. L n s..kw.ii k.;. -v.. t Standard of aa article upon Ueneral Le. forbidding its publication eutir4 i Its failure bad notbiur to de with if recommend The committee appointed to investiat ntbir. rti.?nt in tt. k.. the difference between Dr.Porter and On motion the societv adjourned unUl wuc Uicmuil a VI , LIIU XI CW Ilinarrr ln.fnnrrnw mnminv O.VmV n xt- i ,. ; ; V ! t wwmiiit Aieuiea-t aocieiT were nir h..rro-t 1 v m J -r -. I.. and the whole matter was referred to the board of censors. ! The committee appointed to renort on the relative merits of chloroform and ether as an aesthetic,' asked for further time. I he committee, appointed to assist the Secretary in clearing the books of delin DAT. t alleged demerits. The South waa crush ed by weight, not broken by 'weakness. Three things detenniued the fat el ths war the closing of her ports, the so per iour wealth, and far above all the over whelming Humbert of the enetny. The North was a corn rrowlnr and imanufac THURSDJiT vouarixo Tmao i The Society was called to order at 9 o'cUek, President Whitehead in ths chair. The committee on credentials sumbitted a partial report, recommending Drs'. Wal ter J. McLiendon, of Anson ; J. W. Vick, of Selma1: John A. Allison, of Iredell: qnent members, made a report, which pro Albert G. Carr, of Carey ; W. duced considerable dissension, and was I sonJof Farrington ; Jacob M. Uailey, indulged In by JJrs. liiue t oote, Jones, LUrange ; Johu m B. Gaither, of Salii L.ucey and U'Ungan. JJr. O'Hagin eanittir remark nhnnt the - rfalinnn.ni members elicited considerable daughter, ship V t tr7-v Bbf? f no n"fetures and Rpnnri 'mlftSMtiA trXin-t Ki;JTMra I ; MM;t.. Mn tk. Tet aha lived by manufaturea not by on the Secretary to notifr everv member! apnojnl-d. and consists of U)rs.Thna. P. H"eon.Bre? 7 prodaein tiawg, VI . ' - I J- ' , - I V J II a...llk a. a a mt " it an u ucm uirscui Bl IUC lUirCillllT I " ""M VJI . vr. IIUUIM 1UU I . t . iJUIC, Ut I .. . . , , 1.1 . . - " vl ..... ' I n a h aMM.k.lA.ai ftl.Jh klA.lr m fi m Wm ri 1 Jb K t turing country, and had open io her the G.John- 'r"W 0,,MlBt. ,nC B5"m lUhe heavens, and I. hivU n.'verfart: ed command ox ait roe resources ox we i ev. i .i... l . . -i0-- eivilix-id world. TheSotth waa . a a -a ' Knro . p i. m.,,i;. xr. tt. I suoiect tome aiaaurantarea noui 01 an delinonent amU Green, of Warren, to member, agricultural ana oi non-agncuiipratcoun- f . CL. of this Society I for five years, that dues I Wilmington, N. C. must be paid, or their names would be I I he committee on nominations reported stneken from the rolls. the following officers, which were, on mo- Dr. Satchwell stated that M s D;mraok tion, adoptee an honorary member of this Society, had President Dr. W. A. B. Norcom, of i lenton, N. C. received appoiutment as Physician in 1 t t " . a v cnarge oi a nospitat in tJoston, Mass., in wiucu now position she was wuiuing uigli positions as to her abut y aud use fulness. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. JJr Ilyatt, under the call of written communications, presented and read be fore the society' the details of four impor taut cases which had come under his care. Referred to the comuiitte on publications. Dr. Cr.-nehaw read an account of his action, in the county of Franklin, during the raging of tlio small pox disease last tail. The committee on finances reported in part, that the society has on hand SI 43," 00; and it is owing $3G.6S. Recommend ed that the members be assessed three dollars. Report adopted. Upon motion the society adjourned un til two o clock. ; AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2 o'clock, p. ra., the society was call ed to order, President Whitehead in the chair. l)r Satchwell explained that he had Vice Presidents 1st Dr. J B Jones of Charlotte ; 2d. Dr R F Lewis, of Lum- berton : 3d. Dr C G Cox. Richlands : 4th J L Knight, Tarboro. Uratpr A B Pearce. Treasurer - Dr. II T Bahnsen, Salem. Secretary Di James McKee, Raleigh. Delegates to American Medical Asso- ciation--Dr T P German, Warren ; W W Lane, Washington ; II Kelly, Iredell; C J O'Jlagan, Pitt : F M Rountree, Snow Hill. U Alternate R L Payne Lexington ; J F Shofbier. Salem : II ll Hyatt, Kiuston : D X Pltterson, Richmond ; G G Smith, ConcorJ. Committee on Publications Drs E B Hay wo4d, P E Ilines and James McKce, of Raletgh. Dr. Hah n sen, the chairman of the com mittee oq Anesthesia, (cholornform and ether) riad an able eisay on this subject which wlis referred to the committee on publication. t . .i. j.. -i ? .t-t-J : in insoraei oi uusinesB me uour arriv ed (or the installation of officers for the ensuuif year, and jJrs. oummerell and prevented her from selling her cotton and tobaceo and sugar ; her supplies were cut off, and she had a bare sufficiency of food and a total want of every other necessary f life and war. She obtained power and arms from the enemy ; boots and clothes and blankets the had to want. Her finances broke down at once ; for her exports were her wealth, and exports bad ceased. Bat above all, she was crushed by p ambers ; the North could recrait at boms four men for one, and eonld hire the off scouring very tips of the dark hills seemed tinged with gold, and the vapory diaUnct Lover igln the west was like a silvery lined cloud, between myself and the sue.. But this beautiful scene toon passed away. The sun went down, to me, for tb second time, and arose no mora that night, "Now all was gloomy and silent. In. a few momenta 1 coald see just the first faint outlines at a few liny start, away Liglt above the clouds. I waa now aLma U the clouds and presented. I thiaxi onaof ue most; j rxxrxcT aid bodixo pictuxm or BOLrrtTDaV . I- I eret heard of. It was tay first hlzfct ta feelings of that hour. . . i -After having seen as much sis poasihit, I palled the yarve rope and slowly com menced to descend. We eama' down gently as a feather and landed In a ravine, aboat three milea fonvtheJfSorrd Hon' hottx,oa Ut Morgastown toad. tsade ope of the neatest landmps Imr formed. ."About a doxen men io hB neighbor hood, residing in the farm houses above which I had so gently rlided. assisted ma in bringiog the netting and a portion of the balloon to the above hotel. The rest of the balloon I left behind, as ascensions can only be made onee in them, j I endeavored to procure a conveyance to return home, but could not; soIeaving my netting, &c, behind me, I journeyed homeward afoot. I arrived in the city at 1 1 o'clock, tired and hunrry. thourh n. tremely well pleased with the success of of Europe. And it was this alone that . , mi !. ' T r oeeiuea me ibsuo i oe r,ai30urg Jievicw fir M - k. . , adds the want of discipline ; but we be- -f ."XiT 1 liev that in the es.ent ala of militarr dia . . 'TT . "TO Pormea - i- .i. o .u i 'Q rsi and only paper ba oon ascension cipline, the Southerners were always tup erior to their foes, and that if the troops Grant and McClellan had been tried as Lee's were tried, they would hae melted like snow or died like rotten sheep. Lee won almost every battle bo faogbt, and against odds of from two to one' to four to one. Wbat destroyed him was Gran't cold, cruel policy, which only a Yankee, a Nepoleon or a Prussian could, have de- librrately adopted ot ssennctnr men a . ever accomplished in the world. "Washington U. Donaldson P, M., the Society was President Whitehead in And) Get a Good Picture We will give you a goddj picture or not let you take it away ; for w-jbrn't intend that any bad work shall e frdw1 this office to in jure us and the business. -Call and try. Up btatrs Qcttceen 1'arkers and Miss Mc- Murray sr. Call and examine my stok of Wall Paper, iuqow onaues. w niing paper, idks vc. Mind I dou t intend to be under soul. Feb. 27. ft. At 3 o'clock, called to order, the chair. A letter was read from hc Medical So ciety of V'rginia asking the appointment of delegates to the meeting of that Society, to be held at Norfolk ou tqe llth Novein ber next. A motion to appoint delegates prevail- ADVANCE : On cony one year, (with 2 picture,) tt a a aa . I . l.a. ! .- wit sit months THE BROWN ed, to include the retiring President and lout pictures, do $2 50 200 1 25 GOTTOXI GIH Every reader of tlii Spirit of tub Age as publUhed before the war, in earnestly requested U renew their patronage; send for specimen copy. Address, , j -s. EDWARDS & lmOUOHTOM. PLANTERS should examine the above-named old and reliable Gin before buying any other It comhlns the required Qualities of Simnlicitv. Strength and Durability. It Gins fast and clean, makes excellent lint (often bringing Mc. to the following -gentlemen were appointed : Drs. Thos. F. Wood, W. A. B. Forcum, James McKee, Summerell and Foote. Dr. Wood Introduced a resolution, which was carried, in regard to delinquent members, and clearing from the roll uch members as were dead, removed from the State, or refused tp comply with the re qnirments of the Society. A committee of three, composed of Drs. WTood, Sharpe, and Knight, was appoint ed, with instruction to report to this meet ing, for the aetion of the Society thcieon. been requested to urge upon the society y elected! President the selection of Guhisborn' as the place 3 Korcum o for the next meeting of the society. ...t . Letters of invitation were nlso read from Charlotte, and upon a vote being tak en, Charlotte was selected as the place, and the thin! Tuesday mi May, 1S74 as the lime for the next meeting. The hour having arrived for the con tinuation of the discussion between Drs. S. S. Satchwell and Norcura, Dr S. took the floor an able essay upon the subject of pathology and modern treatment of acute and internal, influtnation, and the discus sion took up the remainder of the after noon. EVENING SESSION. W' are only able to give to our readers the following brief synopsis of Dr. Wood's elaborate address, deliver at the Presby- teiiqih Church on Wednesday evening, before the State Medical Society. The address, is of course shorn ot much vf its instiuctiveness, but we believe it will be read with pleasure. sYNorsis or the address of dr. wood. "The science of the art of medicine dis- Feb.13, if Raleigh, N. C 1 . Upon a call for reports of County Medi cal Societies, the; county of New Hanover covered," he said, the especial attention of l-2o. per lb. above market.) and is universally alone reported. Report received and en- , tlie student ct ptnlosophy, trom antiquity, admitted to be the lightefit runnirig gin made, teied upon the record. because of its close connection with intel- Wo have had thirty year's experience in t he Photographs, representing the hip die leclual development, from the earliest business, and warrant every gin perfect. Gms . v 0 tr t e r vr v u , a ;.. !.:,' ,i .-. l constantly in tbe hands of uV agents, to which ea8e- Jaken bT ,Ir- Sears, of New York, times ai.d its intimate relations, with her we invite inspection. I 1 were prescmea 10 me oociciy Dy ur. kocihi orgameui- wrr tusepnrauiu iroui Circulars, witn testimonials and tall parucu-1 Ivorcum, of. rsewberne, and examined by lars. may be had by addressing. i ISttAEfiF. BROWN. President. Brown Cotton Gin Co., plcw London, Conn. CRAWFORD & HEILIGi Agents Salisbury, N. C. ! f March 64mo8. 2nd ANNUAL D 1ST RI Bp TION ftinVPXi 75,730 -Premiums. w" l lauiHiii uiwa RANGING IN VAJLUE FROM Th only Reliable I Gift Dintribution in the $10 tO 5 000 , : ; Cbuntrv ! J L Ot ffi tff t4 ttsrIL EHrv--J ZZT VALUABLE GIFTS ! J ! TO BK DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE'S Gift Enterprise, To be drawn Fridatf, July Ath, 1873. ONE GRAND CAPITAL! PRIZE, $10,000 in Gold ! One Prize: $5,000 in Silver! Fiveprites ll.OOO) ! Kivs prises i $50Q I Each in GREENBACKS. ieo prises $100 J I JVo Family Catriaqet and Matched IJonen with StJvrf Mounted Harness, vorlh $1,500 each f Two Buggies, Horses, Ac., worth S600 each I To Fine-toned Rosewood Pianua worth $500 ch! ;r ' ' Ten Family SewingMachines, worth $100 each! 100 CM and SUoer Jjtver Huntina Wutches. VALUABLE premium picture in America, 300 each. KvKKT SD B.w Cl BER4-presented with this many of the members. Under the call of the President, Dr. R. S. Payne read an article on retroversion the advance of civilization. Layman have regarded mediciue so much as amystcry, which the high priests in the professions alone should know, and have never given of the womb, which was referred to the a w illing ear to learn how fearfully aud committee on publication. I wonderfully mail is made. A comparison Oral communications being now in or- of it with the moie perfect arts and more der. Dr. Summerell asked the opinion of exact sciences connot te justly made. the Society in regard to the use of chloral , Take astronomy; for instance : Though it hydrate in the disease of lead colic, stating rests upon mathematics! data, as a basis, that his exDeiience had been very satia . it falls far short i of perfection. Most of factorvi. Similar experience was express- the arts and sciences stand upon paathe- TO THE SUBSCRIBES OF OTJB. rZXIBSZDS FZLXX1X7D Every Subscriber is sure of one premium any way, and also has an equal chance "of re ceivings CASH Preminmt OR A PIANO, ORGAN. WATCH, SEWING MACHINE etc.. etc. if:' FIRST GRAND CAH PREMIUM $3,000 OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Eight Vages, Latgetiize, Illustrated theFamUy Weekly, is 4nits THIRD VOLUM uidjias attaind the Lai pest CIRCULATION of: any paper publish ed in the Weht. BEST, MOST DESIRABLE AND MOST USEFUL ORIfjlNA L READING M ATTER INXJREAT VARIETr, that money an buy and to make it a HOME WEEKLY suit ed to toe wants ot every ltftnily. Subscription price $ pci year of 52 numbers. 1 The ZSlegant Obromo "CUTE," 8hie lfr20 inches, 16 colofs. Acknowledged by all t6be tbo HANDSOMEST and MOST ed by different membeis. Dr. Lewis read an article on extraordi tiary fecundation of the womb, which was received and referred to the committee on publication. During a discussion between Drs. Nor- cum and Summerell upon hemoragic, , mm m . tm malarium levers, in tne treatment ot a certain preparation of quinine and mor phine wore required, quite a compliment was paid to Tbeo.F. Kluttz, of Salisbury, for his manner of preparing quinine aud solutions of morphine. During the oral reports Dr. Sharpe mentioned a case of caucer in the stomach, when ip connection, it was related that a patient in Davie count suffering with this complaint, as was tevealed by a post mortem examination, bad vomited a quan tity of black bugs.; The society, not de sirious of entering' upon the question of entomology m detail, ridiculed the idea, and upon motion adjourned. WEDNESDAY 2IORNIKQ - SECOND DAY. Hines were appointed to conduct the nc to the chair and Dr f Eicnton, took the seat. s 'ihe retains President. Dr. Whitehead, returned his thanks to the society for the distitiquisued honor which had been con ferred upoii him, by his having been called upon to preside over the deliberations of the noble body of men, who compose the State Medical Society of North Caroline, and in a beautiful, instructive and eloquent address upon the advancement bt the science of Incdicine, the duties of the pro fession, and the relations of art to the prngreFsive science of medicine. He paid a glowing compliment to tbe patient la- b r and 0j by the aid of which his pro fession had .been able to keep pace with the advancement of science and art. and through which new visions of truth were constantly; being recorded. It was in truth an e ahorate discnsision upon the merits of the profession, and nothing that we could say or write would do justice to the theme. He took his seat amid a per fvet roar of applause ; whereupon Dr. Satchwell offered the following resolution which waa unanimously adopted : licsohccl, That the thanks of the socie ty are due, and are hereby tendered to our retiring president, Dr. M. Whitehead, for his impartial nd efficient administra tion of the, duties of his office, and also for AN EX-CONFEDERATE CAVALRY OFFICER PROPOSES TO END THE MODOC WAR WAS THIS FITZHUGH LEE 1 j One of tbe happiest incidents connected with the visit of the Board of Regents of Mount Vernon to that place, on Wednea- without stint, whom he could replace to I day last, was ths interview between a wear out an enemy wbo could not recruit, young and gallant ex-Con federate caval- Uuder different cireums'ances snch a pro- ry officer, who had won his first distine cess might last longer. But k general tion as an Indian fighter, and Miss Nellie who can afford to sacrifice three men to I Grant. The ex-Confederate, having ae kill one must always end by Uaving his cidentally met an old friend among the enemy without soldiers ; and therefore lady visitors, was introduced by her to her greatly superior numbers, thus used, must daughter, and also, and to his great sur prevail in the long run. It is no longer prise when he heard her name, to the possible in wars between civilized nations President ; but, being as courteous as he for prowess to prevail against the nnraeri- is brave, he strove to render himself agreea cal odds of great weight. And this terri- ble to bis distinguished acquaintance, and ble lesson a State like England will do by his affability and genial Southern man well to Uy to heart. This, and this alone, tiers was so successful that in a short lime was the cause of the fall of the Coi feder- the reserve of new acquaintanceship was cy ; this is the dark and painful! moral of worn off, and they were talking together .1 If A ? . a 1 , .a ., . . . me Virginian campaigns, .trains. rr; 1 as iamiuariy as 11 mey Had known each things but sheer "attrition Uee was vie torious. t li a anr an1 nlnnnAnf w I iA tfW A A just delivered, and that he be requested, expenment, but never risked a free ascen to furnish a copy to the secretary for pub- ?? A paper balloon was msdc lined worth Jrom $20 to $300 each. (Jold Cliabin, Silver-ware, Jewelry ,Ac., &cA Whole 1M timber Oifts, 10,000. - Tjckcts Limited to 50,000. AGENTS WANTED to Sell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums wll be paid. 6ingU Tickets $2; Six Ticket $10; Twelve Tickets $20; Twenty-five Tickets $40. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a JU- cription of tha manner of drawing, and other information In reference to the Distribiition, will be nent to any one urdering them. All let er muni be addressed to aik orricRi ' L. P. SINE, Box 8C. 101 W. Fifth Sr. cikciknati.O. Chiomd At the tiicenfsnbsdribiKg (uo vetting) and alro receives a NUMBERED CERTI Fi ll OLDER TO A of $25,000 in cash Marriage Certificates for sale here, CATE ENTITLING THE SHARK iu the distributiori and .ther premimns. 1 THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACE on the seeisnd Tuesday in Junejnext. The Cbromo and Certificate sent on recent of price;' SPE CIMEN COPIES. PREMIUM LIST, Etc C.I VI SO FULL PARTTICU LA RS sent free tt any address. jj, A TVJTTC Either local or can- iniVj Ju Vi 1 O vassing. in every W AMTPn' Lae ash nt. Send at once, for terms.' Address. OCR FlItESJDB FBIEN& Chicago. IU. Feb'.7ftf. An&PaUimpre, Md, Society called to order at 9 o'clock, Dr. Whitehead in the chair. Committee oni - credentials submitted rrpcrs from the New Hanover County Medical Society and Lenoir county Medi cal Society, and recommend their adop tion as auxiliary societies. In the case of Dr. Fuller, of Raleigh, petition for membership, it' was recom mended that he be not admitted owing to irregularity in application. The executive committee reported a substitute for sec 4, art, 4 of the Consti- py and best out, tce and - Tide8 jQr the appoinUlieilt 0f m board of censors, j ! On motion of Dr. Foote, it was moved matical formulas. Not so with medicine; it rests npon knowledge otherwise obtain ed, and in a great degree from inapprecia bly delicate prpcees. Vitat phenomena, in all their intiicacics, have cont tuted the mysteries with which medicine has been dealing through so many centuries. It has grown by the accretion of apparen tly unimportant particles, and has at last attained the dignity of a science. The circulation of the blood cost the labor of more than twenty nntomists through a period of more than a centnry. It was discovered by a great scholar, Win. Harvey, and it has made his name glori ous and immortal. The discoveries of oxygen, vaccination, anesthesia, separate nerves fibres for: motion and sensation, and other discoveries sncceded each other so rapidly as to leave the world to believe that all this is the easy and spontaneous evolution in intellectual development. But not so contended 'by Wood. Unre quited toil, labors in the face of the neg lect and objections of the world ; opposi tion to dissection ; the false charge that med'ciue was opposed to religion, and that a search into the ; minutial of it tends to materialism ; these are some of the charg es against which progressive mediciue has had to contend, outlive and riso above. In no respect has the profession been more benefitted than by the disenssions, which have taken place in regard to inflamma tions and fever, the - opponents of ihe modern school of ratioual medicine have been carried alons: with tbe current of progress, and they bad to abandon the ground formely held as to the nature and treatment of the profession in modern times, is tne wonaenoi improvement in the direction of disease, or in diagnosis. py to tne secretary lication in cur transactions. Dr. Foote related certain eases in his practice op the nse of the hyperdernic syringe, in apoplectic convulsions, &c. Upon motion 0f Dr. R. S. Payne, the thanks ofi the society was tendered to the citizens of Statesville for the kind hospi tality extended to the members of the so ciety during the present meeting. Dr. Kelly read a letter of invitation to the society, from Messrs. Wallace Bros. & Stephenson, to visit their herbarium. The invitation was accepted. Dr. Satchwell urged the prompt and and vigorous work ot the board of censors. Also some remarks denunciatory of the quack ciiicer establishment at Goldboro." Dr. Summerell made some practical remarks upon the treatment of eclampsia. On motion, the society adjonrned to meet in CharU ote on the third Tuesday in May, 1874, at ten o'clock a. m. other for years. On their return! he particularly attentive, pointing out to her from the deck of the steamer the several objects of interest along the banks of the Potamac and narrating the legends at tached to them : and as the boat; seared this city he expressed his regret at not being able to escort ber home, saying he would certainly beg that honor were it not that he must meet a near and dear rela tive, ao invalid lady, who was sxpected to arrive here that evening. Then taking the hand she proffered him as be arose to leave her he said with a smile, "Please bear my regards to the President, and be kind enough to tell him that if he'll only furnish the necessary rations arid trans- e Readiog Eagle porutioo I'll take a squadron of the Black is daneerous feat. I Horse Cavalry and promise to lend the atoaoc war ana maae mm a present 01 Captain Jack, dressed io Central Can by 's uniform, within thirty days, and, lifting his bat, bowe himself towards the com paniouway, down which he disappeared, she having laughingly remarked as he with muslin, and allowed to ascend byl d er adieu, "Well, sir, I must say rope, in 1782, in Paris. I have entertain 1 73a re me most impoaent man' i ever TEMPTING PROVIDENCE -TnE iERONAUT DONALDSON MAKES AN ASCENSION IN A PAPER BALLOON. The seronaut W, H. Donaldson, whose reckless and foolhardy exploits have pro cured for him a world-wide notoriety, and whose chief pleasure in life consists appar ently in conning a horrible death, baa hit upon a new expedient for tempting Provi dence. He has recently made a successful as cension at Reading, Pa , his home, in a tea .I. i.t oaper Dstioon, tne nrsc ever unaenaxen in this country. The gives an aecount of th and publishes the following letter from Donaldson : Paper balloon ascensions are rare. Several French seronauts attempted the Tns Mo docs Before tiie War. The Philadelphia Evening Iiulletin pub lishes a letter from Mr. Elijah Steele, a lawyer in Yreka, in which the Modocs are pnrtially described as they were before the outbreak of the late troubles. Twenty three years ago they were a numerous and powerfuf tribe, and those who are left are not renegades. They were not, as has been a -sorted, in the habit of loung ing about Yreka, but went thither twice a year to trade furs and goose feathers for supplies of provisions and clothing, and thus provided themselves well. Their good with tho merchants of ed the idea of constructing a piper ballon for a long time. I constructed tbe "John D. Liibler" upon my .own plans, gave it a coat of vanush, and 1 was so confident in its worthiness that I should Have been willing to have made an ascension in a storm. "After I left terra fiima I viewed the thousands of people below wib tbe ut most satisfaction. Of the many ascen sions I have made in this city I never before had such a magnificent view of Reading and the surrounding country. I was not performing on the trapez, but was simply contentedly sitting and looking upon the wondrous beauties of pature all spreading in : BEAUTIFUL PAKOIUallC view below me." ! After describing the nether andseape comorising Reading, Birdsboro, the green hills of Nebraska, Mount PeonJ number- met." Alexandria (Ya.) INTERESTING RELIC ONE OFj -TUE PHAROAUS. j The oldest relic of humanity is the skeleton of the earliest Pharoah, cased' in its original burial robes, and won derfully perfect, consi aVriog its agf, which was deposited eighteen or twenty months sgo in the British Museum, and Is jostly considered tbe most valuable of its arehsro. logical treasures. Tbe lid of the coffiii which contained tbe royal rnomnjy was inscribed with tbe name ot its occupant, Pharoah Mykerimus who succeeded the heir of the builder of the great pyramid, about ten centuries before Christy Only think of it: the monarch whose crumbling bones and leathery ioUgaments are now exciting the wonder of numeroos gazers of London, reigned in Egypt before Solomon less villages, and the beau tit ul Schuylkill was born, and only about eleven jcenlu'r- winding amidst them all, as they appear- ties or so after Mizraim, the grandson of el in the deepen iug twilight, Donaldson eld father Noah, and tbe first'; of tie proceeds : ' Paroahs, had been gathered to his fathers. "Slowly the earthly objeets greir small- Why, tbe tide-maik of the delog eonld er and smaller and tbe earth becime dark, scarcely have been oblitearted, j or the It was twilight when It ft Rfadinr, and gopher-wood knee-timbers of tbe ark have when 1 bad readied a latitude or z,ouo rnted on. Mo ant Ararat, wtien tins man feet the earth seemed daik slowly I as cended to the line of the clouds, when suddenly the brilliant rays of tbe sun came up from behind the western horizon, and AGAIN IT WA8 DAY. credit was- pood with tho Yrekn, who trusted them from fall to I It seemed as if I had been io a dream ; spring. They were, however, always re- and that the night had rolled aay and quested to camp out of town. Capt. Jack, it was morning once more. The side of who was alwaya the spokesman, never the balloon was like a golden ball, aud as drank any liquor, and invariably punished I east my eyes up the sight was beautiful, any of the tribe for any wrongdoing, I looked up through the mouth of the whe'her they were drunk or sober. -They balloon, and though the transparent paper are, according to Mi. Steele, a superior I could see the meshes of the netting as race of Indians in intellect and physical plainly as from the outside, the, same as development, and they are resolved to dio if the paper was so ranch glass.; Indeed rather than yield.- In Capt. Jack's own the balloon seemed like illuminated glass words : "To die by bullet docs not hurt with its Tarnished side turned toward the much ; starve to death ou reservation hurt sun. a heap." 1 "Far away down toward the west, the of the early world lived, moved, and had his being. His flesh and blood were co temporary with the progvuilors jof the great patriarch. His bones and shriveed kin are eoteorporary with the ninej-teenth century, and the dt-? of tbe cmciftiion is only abont midway between the date' of his era and of our. The Cincinnati t.nquirer asks some pertinent qnesiions in relation to Repub lican rule in Ohio. It says: We are" told by the Governor thtt "oar I party (Republican) has bad control of thjngs in Ohio for sixteen years, and that rjo man has been able to find and evidence ff cor ruption, fraud, or mismanagement." Tl-a how is it that the taxes have increased from seven to eight million Jq 1S$4 to wenty-five millions in 1SJ I - i i V ! I 4

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