!: v - ' y - - - . Tr!?oa! mkswsmswsm mhmh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I I 1 1 MLlUUHUUih 'Myw!! MIX : . - s - . . ' . I ; . II Inn L O O A L . : , I 1 ' ' ,' 1 , M - I 11 .aft-' SALISB URY MARKET. 7 ! JUNE, 12. - rOTTON-15 a 16. i a.OTATOES-Imh, SO 75 Sweet, 65 VGGS 12 to 15 - , CHICKENS 82.50 3 per dot. XARD-12aI5. ( ' FEATHERS-new, 50. TALLOW-9 a 10. BYE 70 a 80. , UEESEWAX-30. a UUTTER 20 a 25. UmEDjUUUli AppI, j- Peachet, unpeeled. 3 a 4 do i" ppd. 8 a 12 Blackberriei, 7 a V J m:: i of JValua- Qbscrver that a frf occurred Jait The patriarch, took; no mercum no bia- M Vrnnrt7. ( - " day. g C Ur1dtMeU de mutl no Iodide, bo bromide of potassium, bo . j. v . etrordd tho ttore of. Mr .T,..T,!,ntAn itrveyrU. no auinin7 Hirm ..M ehtl- " ' V.wJ."ri,V" r""",Jn,r and the, ui-nVe , work bq Mr. F. A. Jtc- ItWy-did not erea know uf the .exist; Nincfr, iatedVEaaiiTfyoB ItweUMi. oltheaevP)fic,aDd jet they lived Johnston's loss U estimated at $1,500. lid Mr. MeNiQch estimates his loss at $1,000. .i i i if Mr. Johnston was.ins'qred for S50Q. The fire i beliered to hare been the work of an incendiary. a mil it seemed as if. Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were hebs and roots. They have left this fact on reerd, and. of Salisbury, on Thursday Ut SUUr uf June, 1873, the following property, bflonin to the estate of Albert. Iliggins, Bankrupt, vis : 1. An ondiTided interest ol one fourth In a tract of land, in McDowell County, N. (X, known as the John Upton Survey, situated on the Hunumlle Mountain, on the the waters ofSouth the world seems to he now takih note of it e"T"Ie Mounln' l?f ?fwicei? " i " . i aiiiauT vreea anu ioria muuot ceic. aaioin uu inmiuiug w yu ursv pnucipies ui uicui i iog me lancu oi Jonn . uoiorin, jaaon Allen cation. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the 1 and othera,;containin2 about 540 acres. ' ' - a . i r j m z a A . al purest and most efficacious vegetable restor 3 a 6 pr. bl If. An undivided interest of one third in a i buu must cuicwivub Ttxeiavie mvuc ... .i i nn ... . . ME. J . . H.AMPT0N.4 We notice that aUve of the day, is also the most popular. n Bracket Township, McDowell County, N.O. - Thousands f persons who.onjy a few years adjoining the lands of Joseph Small and others . ' !-.i.n.:i. s" n I Known as me . jonnsou irauk. ago believed implicitly in all Iht poisons , . . , . of OM ... . which figures in the pharmafcepia, now pro- tract o land, containing about 50 acres, situated nonnee this balatable tome and alterative an 1 on ilnntsville Mountain, McDowell Countv. N. all sufficient remedytfor dyspepsU. nervous & uSo t'0 'MlnS ... . .. . . . IV. All the note; accounts ana c nones in ac tion, belonging to said estate. Terms of ! Partt. JOHN S. HENDEESON. JnneAJ873. St. , . Assignee, tnis iorxner citizen oi oaJisoary was sen ouslyj cut $ an affrajr Mth ne Crabtree, in Rileighj ofjndkjii tening last.5 Sir. Hampton who is one of" he Sentinel Pub lishing Company, wiUife remembered as fW16 ?bIiCal.i0" b-dache. intermittent Of lUOJdNotth State Mew rather a qmet, dinarjrlst0rbances of , peaceaoiy -aisposea ma and from"' the Sentinel, his Brotlie Fnfmaa of the Asbville, (jitizen, pate throtith 'our city last Mon day, going south, J , , , , . serious, but not necessarily fatal. debility, constipation, bilious eomplaints. fevers, and all the or a ry disturbances of the stomach, the liver. the discharging organs and the brain. The reckiessiyl Assignee's Sale of Valuable are quite i administered by pracutioners of the "heroic JrropciVy. Thb PnRt8T asd Sweetest Con-Lite Oil M Haiard Caatwell'a made od the sea shor, frM fresh, elected Urer. Uv Hxz. ard fic Cm Xew-Yftrk It 1.4 abs'datr'ly pnrt and ttrect: I'tttiruts wh Unve once tk-a it prefere it ta all others. Physicians have d -eideJ it superior ju any, other oils inlotarket. 4w ! TDE SOUTIIERN MUTDAL NEWADVEUTISEXIENTS. HARDWARE. When 'you want Hardware i at low figures, call on the undersigned at No. 2 Granite How. .J D. A. ATWELL. Salisbury,. C., May 13-tf. ' AGENTS, I A RARE CHANGE We will pay all agent $30 per week ta coA, I sideratum u who will engage with us at oxcx. Everything 1 Dr. Tutt'S furntfthed and expenses pud. TVr A TTT ZiLC3UZUZ7Q CO., ! i BATTLE CnEEK.MlCH. The startling drawback u. . all lu.diciur aenu have ever been that in their process purgation and tKtriacaUon ther fa bilitated the pvstem. To obviate physicians Ion? soozht tot aq asent PURGE PURIFY AN DiSTEENOIl EN At one and the same Their research has at last been rewsrded bv a discovery which fully realireathe (ondat dofrea ol the medical faculty, and )rhich is Justly re garded as the most important triumph that Phar macy has ever achieved. This important de- have abode A) this difficulty 1 rat that would I REN Oil EN I tine. SfLi INSURANCE COMFANYf OP RICn510.1fD,.Ti woiuizria ciss malic ok e- MALK,$o"0a week guaranteed. BespecUble employment home, day or evening ; no capi Veretabie Idrer PUL Assetts, 1st January, 1S73, Which puniy the blood and remove all corrupt humors and uohealthy accumulations from the body, and vet produces no wekkne or lassitude whatever, but on the contrary tones the stomach and invigorates the body during the progress of their operation. They unite the heretofore tire- r $171867431 Zainei Annual, Term snd m oiiu irv aic iu' II1 a . m k . . cuned to tnink no; at all to- blame for the tim in WKiVttt a.n nA.t t ti nv. dimculty in which her wal cut. - As we learn I erful and venomous drugs now so ! wounds Ul reinired : fnll instructions A valuable pack- conalable oualiUesof Strengthening Purgative age of goods sent free by mail Address with six and a Purifying Tonic. f cent return stamp. M. Young & Co, 173 Green wicu St., A. X4w Participating Policies. Notice is herebv given, that I will sell it pub lic auction, at the Court House door in the Town I school, in eases that might easily be control ed bv milder treatment, will be ntterlv dis- State AaaicuLTURAt. Journal.- Mr. charged uy all philosophical physicians. As t!Z ZZ'Vf"Xl JohriSpelman lias w thdrawn from the tbe thinking public, who are generally Uuaie of Joseph Birttain .Bankrupt, vii : liicnu vi uic piuirraiuusis, um uriiuj Hul I 1. All IinulVKleQ lnierefl OI OuclIKIiin a irn ' . , ... . If . RotTTiiEair Home. this excellent paper 4'ki 'not come to1 hand tlif present week. iWe are alwaya g'a l tn.e it, and we hope wc shall tcarefter. : about 70 acres, situated in on the waters of a tract ol Sentinel, and united ;f th tho proprietor the daiTgeroils preparation aside andyad..pted of land containing at of the State Agricultufal Journal. Mr. Hostett'rs Bitters in their stead as a safe and Burke Countv, N. C, . I ' . I 111 .i. i . i i n i - .i i l tit Spelman is one of the best if UOl the best leireiieui nousenoia meaiciue, a'lapiea vo hi- I iiuniing vieeK, aujoining me jauus oi um. a - ik i itiobt. tsvifiv Kiiment eiecm inn unvni ana i i iiiiainn suu uuicrs printers in the btate, ad as an editor, and dadi- contagious diseases. For more thau Dr. TutTs Pills are the most active and search- in? mtvllrina in ijtnr T!i t mux at !! STaltKA'P uFKkKi. I i!":eJ trlTrt I arm property a bpec: We will pny all AGSX7T3 $10 per week Uken the patient is aware o their good eeet, in cash, who will engage with us at once. Every- They may be taken at any Itime without res thing furiiirthed and expenses paid. Address, traint of diet or occupation ziltej produce neith- 4w A. COTJLTZ3XL CL CO, Charlotte er nausea, or debility, and m a fsmily medicine X&it . i I they have no rival. ! I'nce 25 cenU a box. Sold by all DrnrUta. alty. DB. II. O. DAVIDSON, PresidenL I JORDAN N. MARTIN, Vlce-PietidenL "TSYC30MAKCY or Soul Crf ARMING Prfneinal offie 18 2A PUit Rt NY4 I lIIow kither sex may fascinate and gain P"cipal office, 18 and 20 Piatt SL, N. Y. 4w j NE IS W ANGER. Srcretaiy. a ml . v 4 E - not D0 disappointed nevsnaner manager ha has had much ex - . I , S I --a. ' "I'fT. perlence. Having beenjonnected at differ ent times with several pf our leading pas pers, lie hat shown a skill and ability that eminently recommend & him to the new duties he has assumed. We wish 11 ! SlX-TKEJf 1103 AT A LlTTEJt. Mr. ijohn (J. Miller's fine brood sow, which took the premiun at both our fairs, gave birth.to s Utter of six-teen pigs a few days L twenty years this famous restorative and pre ventive has been annually strengthening its hold upon the public confideuce, and it now takes the lead of every, advertised medicine manufactured in this country. II. All the notes, accounts and chosesln ac tion, belonging to Raid estate. ' Terms of sale Casii. JOHN S. HENDERSON. June 5, 1872 3t. Assignee. the love & a flections of any person they choose I Q X A AAA "IflT-? OO III instantlv. This simple mental acquirement all O U U U U I1 JJX O I 11 can possess, free, by mail, for 25c, together with I GrH-AJCTD Grift C ONOBR.T a marriage giuea, rypiian wracie, u reams, liin'sto Ladies Wedding-Kight Shirt, dec. A queen book, Address T. William & ' Co. Pubs. Phila.4w I ' 1 success. f KoTlCE.-Rer. B. Craven, D. D , Pre jident of Trinity College, will preach in the Methodist Church in Salisbury on I u - u. o r i . o . , ' I Time of arrival and closing the mails public is invuca io aueua . In Mississippi the negro barbers are in a quandary. If they shave negro brethren they lose their white customers, ami yet Salisbury Post Office Directory lItVlZ JJS and Mail ArTangenieiltS. ISon liis desperation the other day one of ju . I them shampooned a negro with carbolic ' I akiJ ' Jm7 1ih 411awaJ1 mam Vk M M Minn J awiu. it uav luiiu? cu vau un iuigiiicu. Assignee's Sale of Personalty! Notice is hereby given that I will sell at pub ic auction, it the uourt llonse door in the Town of JSaliibury, on Thursday the 26th day, of June, 1873. all the notes, accounts, and clroses, in action, belonging to the estate of Mills Iiggms, Baakrupt, lerms of sale cash, . JOHN S. HENDERSON. June 5, 1S73 3t, Assignee. Office hours from 7 a. ma. to 8 p. m a. m. Great South; Western mail from New Orleans, Louis iana, Memphis, Nashville and Chattanooga, Tennessee, Atlanta, Auguita, Ga Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, IS.U., due at V 40 p. m., closes at Tub pATtoys of Uu&bandry. Col. D. Wyatt Aiken S.sC, addressed a portion q n. m. of our Citizen's last Monday at the .Court, Eaatern Wilmington pewbern, Goldsboro, : . I Raleigh, Durhams, ; tLllboro, and Co. Shops, House, ana was Hsienea q inrouguuuw wiui due at 5 o'clock a. m., closes 9 p. m. "marked interest. AUer speaking, a grange ! Northern, New York , Pljiladelphia, Baltimore, I WaaliincrlmY I .ttv KiMintnnH anil TlanirillA V Was organized with about twenty mem-Greensboro, High Point, Thomasville, Winston, bers. i . ' I Salem and Lexington, due at 5 a, m, closes a. ra. -i - 1 r MT.-i. TTir r- l. inn iw , I t? UBlClll. nunc VIC. IXCMII.. UUIU CUIIUSO. SlMONTON FfiMALK COLLGE. We Asheville. Old Fort. Marion. Morean ton. Hick- tender tiladks to Prof. Martin, for an in vita "Sf' New' HhSfti Cawba, S'ation' I Statesville and Rowan HMiUs, due at 4 p.m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. The Law firm of Blackmer and McCorkle is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to them for professional services heretofore rendered are requested to make payment to either of the members of, the the late firm. LUKE BLACKMER. J. M. McCORKLE. June2nd-2t. tionto be present atthe commencement ex .erciscs of 1 this institution, to-day. We regret thatwe eoujd not attend. , riof. Chas. Phillips, D. D. of David .ion College delivers the address, and Rev. JV. A. Yood, tjie annual sermon. Iowan UMills, due at 4 p. closes at 9 a. m. i I - North Western, from Hnatsville, Yadkinville, Richmond Hill, Farmington, Mocksville, Jeru salem, arrives Tuesdays! Thursdays and Satur days at 5 p. m. closes, Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days at 10 p. m. South EaalernmaiLframCherrwS.C, Wades- boro, : Ansonville, Norwood,- Albemarle, Ken dais Store, Gold Hill and Rockville, arrives ivua utviv vyLLcvja. t.t o ttic,iuut-w.cu i and Weunesdavs at iu p. m. to Hr..Jphu Ueihc for a complimentary fi Agents ri Wanted for Kmnts.VJinners OF THE OfThe MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSO'N OF THE CITY OF LEA'ilN WOTH KAN In accordance with an act) of the Legitlatv and their Articles of Imcorporation the Board of Dirt&on announce their first 0rand Gift and Distribution by lot, among I May 22, ly. $332,558 IP CASH at Longs Hall, Lcatenwortl, on the 25th day 1 g. 11. JO !ES, General Art a J i. AULtsztjt xuuiTi,of jaiiioury, i Canrassinr AgestJ LEWIS C. HAKES, of Lexington. LocaJ and travelling Agents jj t: i f. nr i Tit. : i - J -i i. : - T. I - ?uure" iC1Ci " y'uluJ' "MCJjut - 0f June, for the bt-nefit of the Librarv. - I ti oi) r.A r:r. . !.: . ttt This enter pise i. ndoned br the Governor ecretary of Stat?, Auditor, of State, Superin- NUMEROUS TESTS II. r. Bttrnham's HAVE Plew PROVED I Turbine ANOTHER TOBACCO WAREHOUSE ZZT gAT.IgPTJlVgJ 1 WA m D n rxr TT Dl? T Undentof Public Instruction. Tressurerof State ii-JLAJlV V AlJUlJ AJ, Mayor and Common Counai of Leavenworth, Assigned Sale of Personalty. TO BE THE BEST IMPORTED. KVTSJS XT ? . , , . T ... . . P AMPULE T FREE. Addres Nrk PA 4w gjft u advertised, i fully guaranteed Notice whereby given, that I will sell at pub- . m imimm. M L HrJ'TI Tini'n.a to , lie auction, at the Court House door in the W Aa-t VI 1 Ifflkl I iiuadiom iii. jiorw. o ioroiu Town on SalUburv, on Thursday, the 26th. day BinlrfTrH 13j (JfJTl I Memorandum of Cash Gias to be disturbed a nfTTTTJ II U UZ4 HUOrC7: June zom, is. J. s rAiSttWy V Sl Grand Cash Gift j.. of June, 1873, all the notes, accounts, and choxun in action, belonging to the estate of L. M. tl- born, Bankrupt. Terms of sale Cxsn. JOHN S. HENDERSON, June 5, 187331. Assignee. ticket ic the commencement exercises of Koanoku College. The exercises begin at this rxccilcnt tinjritutioti on the 13th int. We wUh we could attend the ex ercises ot all our institutious learning, bat it is imporsible. Thanks to our friends for tho courtesies extended us. Mail from Milledgevijlle, Jackson Hill, Heal ing Springs and Pool,! arrives Tuesdays at 7, closes Monday at 6 a. n). Mt Vernon Mail arrives Saturdays at j.p. m., and closes, Fridays 9, pi ra. Money Orders and Registered Letters, Office .opens daily from 9, at in., to 4 p. m.. except Sundays. ' l , ! DAVID L. RkTNGLR Postmaster. Personal; We had mectiug in our office a the pleasure of few days since TZZZ3 PUBBXITf ZVX BU33ZZTZISS In an other column will be found a new an nouncement from the publishers ol ther popu lar family and weekly, IOcr Fireside Friend. Cant. John Brain, late of the Confederate I This paper is endorsed bv the prominent papers N.v U. nl A'.A of Chicago and other places, and is evidently a avy., The Capt did hcraic service in ,cefwg Thev innounce that their se- the cause of the South ' during the lata cond annual distribution will positively take J. M. McCORKLE 'attorney at law, I. SALISBURY, N. C. Office in the Brick Row opposite the Court House. Practices in the Superior Courts of Rowan Cabarms, Stanly, Montgomery, Davidson Forsythe. and Iredell Counties, and iu th Supreme and Federal Courts of the State. June 5 ouios. . SADDLE AND HARNESS BUSINESS. The undersigned has removed his Shop to his residence, North kr.ast conner of Lee and r isher Streets, where he is giving con stant attention to his business. Customers and friends invited to call and see him at his new location. ' W. J. PLUMMER. May 29 tf. ' NORTH CAROLINA, ! ROWAN COUNTY. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given, that I will sell at pub lic auction, at the Court House doonsin the Town of Salisbury, on Thursday the 26th day of June, 1878, all the notes, accounts and choses in action belonging to the estate of 1 nomas J. Hallyburton, Bankrupt. Terms of sale Cash. ! JOHN Si HENDERSON, June 5. 1S73 3t. I Assince. Assignee'slSale. Notice is lu-rebv given, that I will sell at pnl- lic auction, at the Court Houe door in the Town of Salisbury, on Thursday th 2Glh day of June, 1873, all the the notes, accounts and cliones in anlinn Kl nn .! t i lift lIlA ftwtatA tf W W 1 1 n 111 lft i.Xlft, V-i Vk.AI.Q .V f X-. J . k. . V. ... Uf J" ton. Bankrupt. I Terms of sale Cash. JOHN S. HENDERSON, June 5, 1S73 3t. Assignee. ASSIGNEE'S iALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given, thajl will expose to sale at public auction, at the Curt House door in the low 11 of Salisbury, on Monday the 23rd day of J une next, all the interest of W. F. Wat son, Bankrupt, in the remainder of fifty or ix- ty acres of land, being part of th$ Dower of Mrs. Mary Watson. t Terms Cash. JOHNS. HENDERSON, Assignee of W F. WATSON. May 29-4t . unpleasantness, having received several honorable wounds from which he is yet disabled. ' He is passing through the country lecturing as a means of support for Vis family. He deserves well of our people and, it is hoped they will turn out in large numbers every where to hear bis interesting story. place on tlie 20 of Aagust next. Their chromo is a beautv, and all thev claim for it. Read their advertisement, it will pre you full particulars. . 1 m " Success Mazes Jkzmie&. They who are eminently auccessfal in business, who against Wm. A. ! Coit Amoa Howes and Rowan Superior Court, Spring Term 1873. achieve, greatness, suit, must expect to make uemies. So prone to petty . jeal poor human nature i a distinguished is sure Death of Dr. It kid. We regret . to learn from our Raleigh exchanges that Uev notoriety in any pur ousy sordid -envy. is that whoever becomes to become a mark for the maliciouf sp'te of those who, not deserving success themselves are envious of the merited triumph of the more worthv Naraa'F. Ileid, D. D , nf the North (Jaro- Moreover th;e opposition which originates, lina Conference, died at Wentworth. on in such dflpicabloj motives is sure to be last Frid iy m .rning at 8 V o'clock. ot hQ mo8t """upulous character ; hesi- ',p, i n i . ' . . tating at no iniquity, descending to the The Dr. was about lorty six years of 8nabDh38t li.tleJes Oppositio.T, if it be age. i ,He was vrell known m.this section, honest and manly. Is not in itself under- sirable. The competitor in life's struggles, who is of true mettle, deprecates not op Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Wm. A. Coit, is a non-resident of the State it is ordered that publication be made fornix weeks in the "Carolina Watchman" notifying he said Coit that an attachment has been issued gainst his property for twenty-two hundred ahd eventy-nine dollars and three cents. Warrant of attachment returnable next Term of this Court at the Court House in Salisbury, N. C, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint. id April 1873. JNO. M. cloud: May 22 6w. (pr.$8.50pd.) jude. and, indeed, throughout the State. He was a popular minister and good man, generally ' beloved. At.tha time of his death be was the Presiding EMer of the .Greetlabbro.District, and'-President of the' Board of trustees of Greensboro, Female, College.- : ; ' position of an honorable character, bat rather rejoices in it) - It is only injustice or meanness which lie deprecates, and it is this which the successful must meet propor tioned in bitterness, oftentimes, to the measure of success which excites it. Cleaning Up. We; learn that the I work of cleaning up the filthy localities About the . city goes bravely on. The JU ay or. has fully determined to hve this J PQ at rpint Jreterjl opposite this city fmnortant matter well attended tn b "amber of gentlemf n have examined lioa-iiiA m,miitU.. - j ' i . relics of the 'human form divjne" at j - J i 17 - I IufpoRTATiojr or Human Bones. We team that a quantity of human bones. of kll sorts aud sizes, have been discover ed among a lot of ballast which is beW Z i o A thes id are ail gooa Citizens. N j3 fad to have beln brone-hth e also notice that work on the streets Boston, and is probibly some of the ruins ibas begun. It is to be honed' that this Pf faults" which.-; hate crumbhd under the wnrk will ,a nrrtfa4 .u. touch of time and have been removed to --- " 4 ' ' . make way for thai progress of improve .M .uul.vmea.repaiinapaiia. ment in the "Hub." "The fact irit is a bi -respectable condition. fict, argues an amifunt of indifference for We hear some complaining that the their dead ou the part of the Bostonians work cenerallv commences and ends on wjiicfai pot- very I creditable t tUem. W I If? I a rim the East nr 'South VrA wl,!!. ,1,- WWWgtOn. Jear. .tion.of the West Ward is ignored ; That aeven-eight of the money expended A. lft : it . i annuany, j, ea ue KaUomf of j4cksoville, Onslow county onV, r.asr, ana oonuv Warij, and that was destroyed by fire otr Mondaynight mo nest ward, while it pays a third huttogether 'wjthBUrge lot of rosin and . Says. the WUnj ingt'& ofihe 6th Tlulurpentipe !diitillery of Mr. B. L tmore tax tha;i the others, i hf vvifl.niit ttrtLs of turpentine. ' Mr. Kullum esti work or attention a!njo,t alto-ether. If hi 8 aHttl0O .i , , ,. tii i ' - mwo ."M u lusurauce. ine lire, .c w.r7 buouiu not oe counten- learu was no doubt aneed . hereafter by any .Board. It is at Seait fair that an equal amount ij done on ill. The taxes aonnally collected are euffi. i '. The Hickory ,Ti vera Press iavst Our called to the singular attention ban been fact 'that there in not a well in Mitchel tieilt to keen tliAStrpptaln nil nnrt. .. nfil.A I" ! f .n.i v,nnt a a n LOwi,hgoodorder,andthisistheniatuol-vl!ie. This is noljhe eise iri any other collecting them.' Then, let the county of the thi jtct for i greets and pavements in all parts of the tOWn be rut. in trnriA nrAr nA- ibsrji will no cause of complaiut. , " rteeu origiual colqnies It seems rather a Contradiction to say that a county is so wel not a well of walee but it is Dcverthelesa true. we be work an incendiary u tbe town of Bakers- watered when there is within' its1 boundaries GOOD WORDS. FOR THE PAIN-KILLER. We can confidently recommend the Pain-Kil- er. Toronto Baptist. It is the most effectual remedy we know of for Aches, Pains, flesh wounds, &c St-Johns News P.Q. We advise that every familv should have so effectual and speedy a Pain-Killer, Amherst S S, Gazette, . Our own experience is that a bottle of Pain- Killer is the best Physician a traveler can have. HamUton Spectator. For both internal and internal application have found it of great value. CAn's. Era. A medicine no family should be without Montreal Transcript. Could hardly keep house without it. Ld. Voice. Should be kept in every house, in readiness for sudden attacks of sickness. Chrts. rrcss. No article ever obtain such unbounded popu larity. Salon, Observer. One of the most Reliable specifics of the age. Old North State. It's power is wounderful and unequalled in relieving the most severe pain. Burlington Sen tinel. An indispensable article in the medicine chest. N. Y. Examiner. It will recommend itself to all who use it. Georgia Enterprise, It is extensively used pd sought after as a really useful medicine. Journal, St. John N. B. No medicine has acquired snch a reputation : it has real merit. Xetrport Ifly Xexct. One of the most useful medicines ; have used it and dispensed it for the past twenty years. Rev. Wm. Ward. ssam. The most valuable medicine now in use -Teaa. Organ It U really a valuable medicine, and used by physicians- Boston Traveler. We always keep it where wecanputonr hands on it in the dark, if need be. fiev. C. Hibbard, Bvrmah One nf the few articles that are just what they pretend to be. Brunswick Telegraph. In my mountain travels no medicine is of so universal application as Pain-Killer. Rev. M. H Bizbif, Barmnh. PERRY DAVIS & SON i MANF"S AND PROP'S. -138 HIGH ST., PROVIDENCE, B. I. Ill SYCAMORE ST.. CINCINNATI. O. S77 ST. PAULsT.. MONTREAL. CAN AD t, 17 SOUTH AMPTION, ROW, LONDON, ENG. Marriage Certificates for sale here. Valuable Land Fpr Sale. Having oecorae me soie I'roprieior oi me valuable Tract of Land formerly owned by Jeremiah Barrineer. and located one mile South- West of Rowan Mills station, aniliavitig no use for it, I propose te ell it. This track, compris ing 6oo acres, is regarded by good judges as one ot thi; very nest and most eliioly giiuaied in the county. It is admirably adapted to the cuuivauon oi corn, couou, tobacco, ana tne grasses. There is at least 100 acces of bottom, if which alxjut 75 U in cniti vatfon. There is also, an excellent dwelling and oilier out build ings in great number, a good well of water, xc., Persons wishing to see the land frill apply to Mr. Tobiiis Beaver on the place, oil myself near Ml. Pleasant, jN. (J. t June5:6ino. JMOSES BARRIER. SEW AXD ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Sewing Machine Is the D E ST i n T II E WORLD Agents VTanted. Send for circular, Ad dress : 4w Domestic" Sewing Machine Co., N. Y. NOTICE. .Reduction of Price of Board ST. CLAIR HOTDL, XkXonument Squar, Baltimore 2kld. On and after March 1st, 1873, board at the hotel, to merchants, will be $2,50 per day. The only hotel in Baltimore with improved elevator I Suits of rooms with baths and all other conven iences. 4w HAXXRYII rOGLIMkXaxiarer N E V E ft Neglect a Co'.igh. Nothing .is more certain to lay the foundation forfutureevilconsequencse Aycla's Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs, Sore Throat. Colds, Croup, Dip the'ria, Asthma, .Catarrh Iloaraeneas. Disease of Lungs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablet sshould be nromotlv and freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, miti gate the severity of the nt tack and will in a very short time, restore healthy action to the affect ed organs. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are put up only in blue bozts. Take no substitutes. If they can t be found at your druggist's send at once to the A cent in Psew lork, who will forward them'by return mail. Don't be Deceived bv Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a box John Q. KELLOGG 18 Platt-st, New York 4w Send for Circular Sole Agent for the United fctates, i i i -r - - - - .i H "1 i i i T0,000 ..4000 ..33,000 .30,000 ..25.000 ..20,000 ..15.000 ..12.000 ..10.000 ...8.000 ...5.0U0 June 25th, 1873. Grand Cash Gift... 1 Grand Cush Gift... 1 Grand Cash Gift.... I Grand Cash Gt'fl.... 1 Croad Cash Gift... 1 Grand Cash Gift... 1 Grand Cash Gift... 1 Grand Cash Gift... 1 Grand Ca&h Gift... 1 Grand Cash Gift... 1 Grand Cash Gift.... 1 Grand Cash Gift i 3.000 1 Grand Cash Gift j 2,500 For balance of prize send for circular. This concert is under theeupcrrision and dir ection of the following j Hoard of Directors : a II. Darfee, Merchant, W.Oi Uould, City Eng'r II. L. Newman, Banter, P. G. Lower, Capitslist. H. 1. Rosh, Lumber, C. Hi Murebeid Merchant H. W. Gillett, Merchant. U. L. Wever, Mi D. O. F.Prweott, Commercial. 4. W.fnjrlUh lawyer J. B. KitcLen, Frmir, C. Miilcr. Cah'r Ger.S. B. E. T. Carr. A'rch tect. Officers : E H Durfee, President. II. I. Xewmin, Vlce-Prea. (Cnrtltl(a Ulk Lr orTraAe. I We have opened on Main street: near the Depot, a House for the sale or Letf Tobtbco. W4 intend thU ahsll b aecond to ivo otker War bouein Western North Carolina. With the ad- vantages of long experience in bu&ines we thiak no other House can offer better inducements to producers thaifwe can, for Tobacco, Cotton, &&j RaJT" Oor first sale will take pi see. on Tfcor 'day 22d Iay, and every Tbundsyf therrafWr during tbe continuance of the aeaaob. ntrt spectfully refer you to D. A. Da via, Cashier, Hon. N. Botdex, Joux I. Shaver, llU.CK.HZX & McCoRKIX, J T. J. FOSTER May 15,-1 mo. OflhiiCUj. 1 WEST. O. O. McCoy. J. I. Bailey, G. G. McCOY &jCO.i Ordbers and Provision Merchant aod wbol sale dealers, in Confcdionaries, Dried Croita tobacco and rrain I ) " i UL.U J- UJil, i?. Ut Wool, Hides, Fur, Feathers, Teas, Cottoft, Betstrax, and all kind of Country Produce. Cotton vanK ordeis nolicted. liophatea, I J AA bunhels fine Mountain Aiple. For le by i i! DEnnnAiiDT & sons are now receiving at their Store, thei large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods Consisting of Dry Goods, Nolions, Ilcady-inade Clothing of the very latest Styles, i Hardware, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,' Hats -Ladies and Gents, in fact all goods which are usually kept in a nrsi class General, block which they sre selling low for Cash buyers. All we ask is for yon to call and examine our stock " before pur chasing elsewhere. - j We return our sincere thanks for past favors and hope by fair dealing and strict attention to business to merit an increase. All kinds of produce taken at the liiliot market prices in exchange for goods. BKKMiAttUI' SUS, March 20-3mos. SAMUEL REEVES, Jr. JOHN BE.RI. 200 HEAD OFBEEF Cattle Wanteds Mi The undersigned wish to purchase Two Hundred 'fine Beef Cattle, for which thev are prepared to pay the highest cash pric?. They would also inform the Citizens of Salisbury that they are furnishing the mark et with beef four tunes each wek ; namely on Monday, Weduesday, Friday and Sat urday moruings. REEVES & BEARD. May22-tf. 12.000.000 ACRES. Cheap Far in$ ! TIip Cbepft Laad In Ilarket, far tale ky Ikt UNION P CI FIC RAILROAD COMPANY Zn the Qreat Fiatte Valley. 3.000.000 Acres in Central Nebraska Now for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on Five and Ten Years Credit at 6 per cent. ISO ad vance Interest reonired. Mild and Healthful Climate, Fertile Soil, an Abundance of Good Water. The best Market in the "West 1 The great Mininz regions of Wyoming, Colorado. Utah and Xavada, being supplied. by the farmers in the Tlatte Yalley. SOLDIRESEXTITLEDTO A1I0MESTEAD OF 1C0 ACUES. THEUESTLOl l MONS FOR COLONIES Free Homes for sill II ill ions of Acres of T 1 P . . choice uoyernmeni Lianas open lor entry un der the Homestead Law, near Ibis' Great Rail road, with good markets and all the conven ienences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchasers of Raild road Land.. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet With New Maps Mailed Free Everywhere Address, U. t. DA. V lo, Land Commissioner U. P. R, R. Omaha, Neb. Th well known character of the Directors of Powder, and Coaltil, always the erchanlilc Library Association and the "'1na- , . . , ' I, endor-ement r.iented. is fl sufficient marantee Agents for the best guano and to all absent ticket-holders1 that their interest will be fully guarded and protected. All correspandence strictly conGdential, & any person drawing a prize need no1 be known un less they so desire. ' Tickets drawing prizes wijl be cashed on sight. This is the grandest safest and best enterpie ever presented to the I uLljc. Official listu of n inning piumber will be sent to purchasers ol tickets immediately after tbe distribution. j For information and lirkpt address. Bamberge & Co., General Agents, 9o Liberty Ftreet, hew lork. Tickets sent C. O. D. at ouj ex pence. Agents wanted. Liberal Uopiun-in paid. 4w NEW SPRING STOCK. i ZbZOCZI dl BZLOWri, are now receiv ing their usual large stock of Spring Goods, Consisting of all claaeea of goods adapted to this i i f v l m i A nice lot of coantrv cured haifes. For sals low by "G. G. McCOY & CO-i April 17, 1873 tf J NOTlCE J All persona having notes or accounts agaiaC me are hereby notified to present them within W days, or this notice will be placed in bar of w covery. 1 j The public are also notified against trading tor a note taken by me, (but oorr lost or mislaid.) signed Jas. R. R'ufty, for Ute sum -of $200, aid dated in 1871. ! ! EDWARD BUFTYi April 2Cth 1S73-6L JOHN S. HENDERSON- i 1 -i Attorney and Counsellor at Late Solicitor in Bankruptcy. SALISBURY, y.'iC. j tjT Special attention paid to Procctd lugs in liankroptcy. Feb. 20,-tf. ' , eection oi iAumrv. i Their stock is full and complete in all descrip tions of Prints, Black and Brown Domestic, Linens and Drills, ures roods in the newest r a T f I.V l f ! I T TVT TJ VT slylex. Ladies' ready made ifiiits, a most beautiful IJiXXljili I (V 111 A U 11 Ei I selection of GtsMiners and Coaling. Pant Jeans of all kinds. Their stock of Clothing, shirts and furnishing goods is the largest and most drsira-1 fi a IiIHTlTrRy, JJf. O. Die 10 oe loiinu in inui maricei. a iuii ana com-1 r . : - : n , j olete stock of Shoe-. H.iiHo-ey sieves. Rib- . PCtice in Rowan and adjoining cotn- bons&c Suear.ColTee. Molassas. and all kinds of ties. ; f a 1 f ATTORNBTS 1 LAND FJK SALE. Pursnant to a decree of the Superior Court I will sell at public auction at the Court House in Salisbury, on Wednesd.iv 1st of October 1873. 102 acres of land on the ilksboro Road about is prepared directly.froru the South Anieri 8 miles N. W. of Salisbury, adjoining Adam Ptant, and. is peculiarly suited to all th Is the most powerful cleanser, utrengthener and remover of Obstructions knowu to Materia Med tea. It is specially adapted to conditions "worn down "and debilitated by the warm weather of Spring and Summer, when the blood is not in active circulation, consequently gathering im purities from "luzgishness manifested by rumor Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pustules Scrofula, sc d-c. When weary and languid from overwork, and dullness drowiiness and inertia take the place of energy and vigor, the system needs a Tonic tj bund it up and help the Vital rorces to regain their recuperative power. In the heat of Summer, frequently the Liver Splcin do not properly perform their functions . ".. . 1 T - " . the Ltenne ana urinary urgans are inactive, producing weakness of the stomach and intes tines and a predisposition to bilious derange ment. . Dr. WELLS Extract Of Jurubeba Lentz, Abrarra Nash and others. For further particulars see Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, who lives' on the land, or J. M. Horah Esq.. Salisbury. Terms $50 cash ; balance on 6 months credit Title reserved as security RUFUS BARRINGER, May 1 tf. Commissioner. GROCERIES. j Their terms are strictly cah and barter with a few exceptions. Those who sre reliable and prompt in paying their accounts it afford them pleasure to accommodate.' To enable them to sell goods at cloe prices, bich they are deter mined to do, this Milicy bsja been adapted, when goods sre sold on time to indiscriminate parties, heavy lose will occur frofn the Bsnkrupt and Homestead provisionsof the law, and when losses are sustained by merchants, it is a well stated fact that such 1osm- are raet and it is reasona ble to suppose that the losses to be made up as far as practicable, fills on tbe honest paring cus tomers. They have determined to stop this way of doing busineM, by llirt at the lowest ctvh and barter price-, and credit no man who l unworthy of it. i They are thankful to tbfir daily friends and Special attention paid lo j BANKRUPT PR A CICC One of the firm always at the office. Mar 1-2 mo. j B ar gains ! B argains ! ! j In order to make room for my Spring stock, I am compelled to sell off my ft waining Winter Stock consisting j of READY MADE CLOTHING. IIATS. BOOTS, AND SHOES, tn all of which GREAT BARGAINS arefrven. VICTOR WALLACE. Feb. 6. tf I Fresh Garden Seeds.1 C. R. Barker A Co, ould respectfully fan- nnnnra that tlv Kai tuct rW-r4r-d la rv-9 M 1 cntomers for their very liberal custom and coc- pj uf KatPH Gardes Sxeds, of every variety, fidence, and ho by acIlingGood Goods at low from Landreth and BaUt. j S Tbe public is invited lo rive them a call a nriiv to their contiruied far on. AlUCK S BKOW March 27 tf. ' their Dnig Store on Main Street. Jan. IC tf. f i FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AXD SUMMER .1 v n w vtit ZxIZASZxZA Z3X.XXZZL. I THE GREAT IOISON NEUTRALIZES. GrOOOS Sure Preventive and certain eure J or and all fpecies nf MiainaUc diseases. Send for circular. ' j C. R. BARKER dc C). April 24. 1S73 Cmus. R. J. F U RIFFITll," DENTIST. j Salilmrv, solicits d id nTT, solicit a Jrc- sn-l Mirrounoing rwimrf. i Tictunnns sc co. bc leaf to inform their jinsnr friends anJ the Haying located i IHJC IU III", wm ii mi i ciiiivii'lC I I II 1 1 . CHAUQISS SSODSILAT33, offcc ! erica n ee difficulties; it will cleanse tbe itiated Blood streghlhen the Life Giving Power, a ad Remove all Oostructions from Impaired and Enfeebled Organs. It ahould be freely taken, as Jurubeba is pro nounced by medical writers the nioit efficient Purifier, Tonic and Ueobstrucent known in the whole range of medicinal plants. 4w C K A I GE & CRAIG E. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ana n.c , . , t. i public generally thst they sre now in receipt of uwwr' ""V '109U' a large and well slerteq CMock. Consisting in J part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Boots slid fihoes, Hanlware, Rifle iind Bla-ting lUwder, Drug, Paint and Dve SuUm. They keep con stantly onlmndri the lient AiK-bor Bolting Cloth and arc Avent fur the bt freneh Burr mill Siono, They are nl .ger.i for the be4 Fer tilisers sold in thi niiikfcl. Iv.n't d.rgelto call and see them at the old and wU known stand, No. 1 Murphy's Granite llow, be Core purchasing elsewhere. j S!itM-y N. C, March 20-3moa. cf Main d. Mak Streets j T House. I ) jan. 1C tf. AM) ! S0lirit0r5inpanhniplf9. IiySpecial attention paidtoProcenitiiip in Baukmptcj. j i Sept.5,-5l:3mo. ! i

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