I -WmT.r I" p.sw ,.1..1..) n i , - ; i m - ' i " 1 ' : Carolina HaUljman O C A L . (SALISBURY MARKET. A JUNE, 26. CORN ner715 a 75. COTTON -16 a 16. FLOUR $4 10 60 MKAL 75 a 78. - gACONr-(coaDtj) 11 a 12 hogronnd. I'OTATOKS-Iriuh, 50 a 75 Sweet, 65. G0g-ili to 15 . C1II0KKNTS 82.50 a 83 per do. LARO-15- FKATHKflf -new, 50. TAlXOWi-9 a 10. ryK 70 a 80. HKKSKWAX-80. W I IK AT $ 40 a SI 60. Bl -TTBR-20 a 25. UKIKD FUUlT Applet, 3 a 6 pr. bl I'cac lies, a nn-1d, 3 4 ' IdT Cut 8. D. Pool, of the New Bern Journal of Commerce, yrm jn oar city last week, ou busings connected with a iiewa. pipei be intend issuing soon, to be call ed, "Our Living ail( 0ur Dej- ant which is to be devoted to sketches of battlta in which N. Cj Troop took part during the late War. jre Colonel should be liberally encouraged, Hta efforts o pnefve a record of tfmj action of North Carolina soldiers will rve moat valuable and it ia gratifying thai one so worthy has undertaken the task. His sketches will first be publish in; hja paper, and af- terwards revised and oWrecte J, and pub- .. i) . . Jt 'J Moriied in more eudunig form. Persons Ifi possession of interesting fact or tncU dent connected witlj North Carolina's part in the late war, should submit thein to Col. .Pool without djahjy. do Hlmkberries, 7 a peeled, 8 a 12 J MEDICINAL ffOISOXSON THE WANE, The patriarch Uok no mercury, no bis muth, no iodine.too bromide of potassiifm. no Strychoria, bo quinine. Hatpy old gentle town ! they did opt even know of the exist ence of throe '8$ci6c5.M sod yet they lived until it permed- 'f if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines Were herbs and roots. They have leffthis. facto:, recorl, and, the World Seemsjl bn now taking note of it aud returning tothe first principles .f medi cation. Hoetettir'a Stomach Bitters, the purest and in stefficac!otis vegetable restor ative of the drty.y a also the most popular. Thousands of person who ouly a fe.v years ago believed impliedly iu all the poisons whjicb jt.ures iathe pharmatBpia. now pro nounce this palatable touic and alterative an all sufficient remed f.ir dypejsia, nervous debility, eoottifjatiou, bilious eoin plaints, headache, intermittent fevers. ami all the or dinary disturbances of the stomaeh. the liver, REASONS WHY THE. PAIN-KILLER, Haxf'd bv PERRY DAVIS & SON. la THE Beat Family Medicine of the aye ! And why it should be kept always near at hand : 1st. Pa rv-K I i.lkk i- the most certain Cholera cure that in -dtcal science has prodouced. 1 5 ' . - - re- lJEDVERTfSj:MENrrt I ) SAMPLES sent br mnil for 50c. tkat tail a'licV fur !IO K. I . V ll . t I'f lul Cliariwro-.ure, N. Y. 4W WOUWi MS3m MALE OR VV MAWh, $JU wwek giMraiiievtf. RerJl4i.itf employment at home, dar or eveninr ; no ;: ii uii rvu tii reo : inn intrtiction A vtluaUleiLk age of goods seat free bv wail Addres 'ih -ix cent return utamp. M. Vounc & Co. 173 ireen- rioh St., X. Y. Aw THE BROWN COTTON GIN PLANTERS nbould examine the aeo 2nd. 3rd. V NUMtU OtS TEsTft HAVE PKiiYFri . Pa ix-Killer, a Diarrhoea and Dys- nvcr nriuniT, nriuuiu u iw tans. mUi n raaa 1 IirSlCe. 4th 5th 6ih A pairol spectacles, found on the pave rtentj, at thin office for a cUiraant able to dccnb'; them and willing to pay a fee for tins notice. Warm Spuings, MADisoar Co , N. C. Qurnlri friend and fellow ciiiien Mr. Wra. lUwgieJtbe HoltfIi"t has opened a House at i be nb v ; imnied Springs where he it . tepdd to serve all comers in the best style during the present summer. Special Term of Court. A special term of the Superior Court for Rowan county has beeu ordered by the Governor. Court will begin the 2nd Monday in Au gust. 1873. It is understood that Judge J. W. Alhei tson will preside. th- discharging organs ami th brain. The Tht? Latr Disturbances os Fay- i timH 5s ."'tiar dtHut when toost of the pow- ETTEViLLE STREKT 4- Th E TROUBLES ' M Ve",!f uru9 f recklessly AMOSO WoRKMfNj-Lato on Wed- J'lT g" if . I r J " , school, in itss that mt 'ht -.hily b-controll- ne.diiy atternoou a crofv collected around ed bv ,niMtM- treatment, wiil be nfterlj - is the premises on ajfetteville street, on ! charged lv nil IhihisoBhWi t.hvsi;.,;. As which Messrs. Willmboii. IJpcburch ! i.--, the Thinking 'inblic. whn are enerlly ane-n i ine ronesstonats. ii iv aircaov put the da:lgeronS ptpa ratio asiile ami ad.ir?ed llosfttVs 1 J i r t i4 in thir stead as a safe and Mr. O'Neal has in eiiiploy a- nnmler i dtMiseh$d m.lh iue. adapred to nl--i th. A r 1 ; . ' B 1 . . 1 sx, i moiiihs are now froc:tri( their new store. These gentle miin have contracted wr.h Mr. O'Neal to bhild their structure. Information for Teaciikr8. The Board of Examiners will commence their icssion on Friday July 11th and continue aa many days thereafter as may be ncces ury. Those who intend to apply lor certificates should be here as early in the esfion as possible. 2ls. The young gentlemen of Salisbury Male Academy will eive an exhibition 0 w onn for the benefit of the Orphan Asy linn. We hope to see it well attended, far aside from the merit of the entertain ment, certainly no man can give his quar ter to a more deserving charity. ! special o rira; WAGES Colored1 Masons! There was quite a flutter among the colored people here last Tuesday. The colored Masons were out in force and marched in procession t & All 1- T through the streets in lull regalia. We did not bear the speeches -oh the occasion, but Qtiderstuud that it was declared that they possessed the only genuine and un disputed title to the Order. N. C IIail Road. We learn fi on WT. H. Green j Hsq., Master of Transportation, that horeactelr Mail trains bound east on this Uoud Will not run east of Company Shops on Sat unlay nights but will lie off at Company Shops until Sunday nigh, wlifm they will return to Charlotte. Goldsboro on Sunday, p. m , but will etart on their westward trip at Company hbops. HiiOMO OtiLOE-VLUM. This valuable deodoriser aivl disinfectant can he found for sale at M,r. Then. P. Kluttz's Drag Store. It, is recommended by good author ity a a very valuable auxiliary in the prevention oflthe spread of disease and for other purposes. Now is the t'me.of year itsuse is most demanded, and Mr. K . is entitled to credit for his enterprise and promptness in securing u supply. Mr. Klut'z has also a diarrhea specific that has grown, very popular aud which is undoubtedly rery valuable. To Mothers. We repectfuUy call the attention of mothers to the card of Dr. Whitehead and jo the excellent rules he has kindly furnished us fof 'publication for the treatment of children during the Sum mer. These rules are prepared, it will he seen, by gentlemen who stand at the very head of the medical profession ; but it should be enough that they are endorsed and recommended by a gentleman so skill ful in tho profession at Dr. Whitehead. K very mother should not ouly preserve, but observe them in the treatment of chil dren. If they would all do so, many a sad scene might be prevented. ,.f miiJ,...:.. i iJkLJL " - l i i "iost we'V attm!ui except to organm ami ... "2, t V t T V l i r deadly .outadisensea: For more than brought from Salisbury u do the work . tWeIlIy y.ara tUH fliI11H! rtoraiive nnd pre l he cause Tor the eollecUOn of the crowd ! rentive has hee, annually stre.ithenitie Tts at the point above specifier was berattse I h ild dpou .lie pIpHe mfldenee. atid it now of the refusal of O'Neill's hands to conform i takes fhe'Tead o every advertised medicine to the eleven hour system scooted bv the I manufactured infjthis r..nntrv " 1 j.ft J Raleigh machauics, and (the attempt by some of the latter to fofce a compliance with these rules. Theae Ipen demon sti a-. I tionsm tde against Mr. p'NeiU's me t mus ed considerable excitement and resulted in a fuspeusiou of thi work for the time beinffl 1 I The appearance of the crowd cn the Streeti blocking up the pavement to u con siderable distance, resembled an excited mob and attracted considerable attention. ' Notwithstanding we were assured by the Mayor one hour before this scene oc curred, that should an at tempt be made to interfere with Mr. O'NeilU' men he would order out his full police force, and if ne cessary would call out fhe (citizens to'main tain law and order, aitd not withstanding the disturbance took place immediately in view of his office, yet we saw no attempt made by his Honor a the time to pro'ect the threatened mechanical, or to disperse the crowd, or in any 'manner to preserve the peace and dignity of the crty. e 1 e a The threats against O'Neill's mechanics, because they work a longer number ol hour than are allowed by the rules of one Society in this city, cannot be justified in law or moral, espeially as O'Neili's m n are nat members of ttjatjrociety, aud are under no obligations to bp guided by its regulations.. I We repeat, this is a frfre country, in which e tcli citizen is free tol act. free to think and free to work. Kvry man has a right to pursue his own true and substantial happiness by lawful means and no other matt or set of men have a right to molest or in. ike him afraid, o to coerce him into anysystem of labor gainst his wishes Mild judgment Pai s-Ivilleh, will cure Cramps Or Pains in any art of the system. A single dose usually affect a cure. Paix-KtLLEa will cure dyspepsia and In li ;e-i u.o, i used according to directions. Paix-Killer is an almost never failing cure tor suaden Lolds, uougus, Ac. pAtv-Kir.LER has prtved a Sovereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever ; it has cured the most obstinate cases Paix-Kilt,er a a liniment is unequalcd tor r Cuts Pain in it i-m and Neuralgia after years stand ing Pais Killfr will destroy Boils Fellons hitlovrs Otd .Sore, giving relief from Fain after the fir. application. lOlh. Pain-Kille. cures Headache, and Tooth seke. 14th. P.mn-Killi:r will save von davs ofs'ndc- t. nesss and n n.v a Dollar in time and .Doctor's Bills. 12th. PaI.v-Killuk is a purely -Vegetable pre- WATER WHEEL ft am 21 E9r IS 5 0.0 0 0; FOR 8-2!!! GRAND aift CONCEftT aFTIIKClTT pP LfcArNtlt h., In TOOOfilnnre ttt.iU mt l u.k L .-.'a.', r sn1 l.u-ir Aficl. ! Ion .rj ... rf.eu limu.t '.d-tnd r-liliU Cin lw.f..r- Kn4.. I - w m ww i uik mi; i oj jtttonj.iuo..vi 'i.i u .-. . . ..ii.iiji tr mjnirdaaaUtieo1 implicit r. Gramd Gttlt Loncrt a! DtMr.Umtu. U L. tnri. at I. and Durability It fi .Jt . 1 L among the iioktt-lot.ler, of makes excellent liut (often brincasc l4c t 9392,969 IN CASH j -c per lb. above market.) and is tan venal I y at Longs Hall, Leavenworth, on the l'5:h day i admitted to he the Hgfctet nxirsirsr gin anade. of June, 1873, for Hie benefit of the Librarv. Wo have had thirty year's experience is lb 51.933 Cah G.4-s amounting to $Btfli bnineiw. and warrant every gin perfect. Gta This enterpise ia endorsed by the Governor contJ,t'j n tte hands of -our agents. tatrLka - f . . I . m n . ... I W am turtle i i ni t .i rrrvwrv in .'lit?, juoiior 01 c.R'.c, r"uierin-I " " iiiuiiK, uii irvj iioinini ana ran nunm. lars, euy be had by addressing. 1 S K A K I . F. BROWN. Ifnwn t ou.u Uin Co.. Nrw tendentof Public Instruction. Treasurer ot Sute Mayor and Common CouikiI of Leavenworth, Ta bs the lest ever lavealed. and all leading bustnesn nun of the Ftate, and I tne certainly ol Uie fiistnbuiian x vnirul of -P-fo fre5" Aldress, YORK Pa4w gifts " advertiavd is fully guarantied. OMES7f? a I 1 t ir a f i n-Killkr lyis cured cases of Bhen- MAOjlXE CO., NEW YORK. 4w. Neglect a Cough. Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation for fntureevilconseqoencae weiift carbolic Tablets are a sur cure for all diseases of the Kestdra tnry urgaiis, feura t hroat. Colds. Crouu. Dio- thurin, Ahma, Catarrh Hoarseness, Disease of luitgs. t In nil cses of sudden cold, however taken. tnese 1 atiiets should be proinpt'yand freely ued They equalize the circulation of the bhxxl! ini-i- - i . . - i - i . i . . . . ..... pnraiion, sat lo keep and to use in every fami- l1t.r ol theatuclt and wilt in a very y. The simplicity attending its use, together I"", ""r: awsawj action to tue auect with thtfr-:it r:irietv of dt.4f.i that ma v tie I ed organs, t entirely eradlcst ed by it, and the great amount W,U' Cf rbolic Tablets ate jjnt np only In of oain ami snHWrin tht can h alleviated w" ooxe. Take no substitutes. If thev can't v : . i l e .!..... - . :. through its ne, make it mperative upon every ,ou,,.u ai.?r',Mr, oruguisrs semi at once lo the person to supply themselves with this valuable "8"" VT lorK wnowi lorwaru uiein Dy remeitv, and to keep it alwsvs near at hand. return '; Tl. Piiv.fniin a Loii i ou teceiveo oy imitations. . i - . Ai.i ivi ui.i... in Miwnu uiiu .U'iMi ; U.I. 1.. 1. ' ..- , . j r.i - i i j 11 1 H k.' i -1 i i ice ..j cents a nox ciated in every quarter ol the Globe. Physicians T . f Tn in o.JT. . v" TT recommend it in thier practice, whileall classes rV "2? . i c . .T'.V i- -.IS r . i e i ia. , j r . "w bend lor circular ole A cent for the L lilted of society have found iu it relief and cam fort. a,.tlM V u Give it a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. Everv. Drug gist, and nearly every Country Grocer through out the land keep it for sale. Valuable Plantation for SALE. . fTAl.fsiO 4V.UUU 35.0110 .. ..3MM Sth 9th f v ; FOR ALL W4IO ARE WILLING TO WORK. A bjlj person old or young, of either sex. can in ike from $10 to $50 per week, at home or in connection with other business. Wanted by all. -(Suitable to either City or Court try, and any season of the.' year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of. money, to inake an independent living. No capital bern ' required. 0'ir pamphlet, "Row to make a Mving," giving full instructions, sent on receipt ofljO cents. Address, A. BUR TON & CO., Morifeania, Westchester Co., N; Y. 1 P PVT? everywhere to sell our naw and novel :1U.L.I I 0 Enibrbidering Machine, send for Il lustrated Circular, to the McKee MantKtcturing Company, 309 Broad way, New York.? inn PARLOR CO.'IPAM N. Every"Lady wants one ! Every Man pnghito have one! 1 Sent on receipt of Ten Cents. Address, L. F. HYDE &CO., 19 Seventh Avenue. New York. ..15MHI ..li.uue I ...8U00 ...5.ono ...a.uuo ...tfm States, Write far Lirjp lUesl rated Prlcr List. Address. Great Western Onn Works No. 179. SMITIIFIEIiD ST. PITTSBURGH PA. Breech-loadihg Shot Guns $10 to ?3(X Doulde Shot Ghns. $4 to Slot). Sinele iinns to $20. Rifles. $4 io$75. Revolvers. $6 to $26. Pistols, $1 to $i Gun Material, Fishing Taekle. Large discount m Dealers or (Mutis. Army G'in (foods I offer for Sals privatelv, a valuable farm situated in Rowan Count v, one mile from Ro wan mills, containing two hundred acres more Revolvers, &e., -bought or traded for or less! said to he one of the best farms in the sent by express . O. D. to be examined before Conntv. out houses in cood order, dwelling need- paid for. 4w in repaires. Any one wishing a good farm, a bargain will be onered, applv to LUKE BLACK MER. June 12, 3w. 12.000.000 ACRES. Cheap Farm ! We are informed byftlic Chief of Police tdiiit iiis iMitii i; police i re e was read v to protect O'Xt-iH's meli jr-atciday uiorn ing V'e have hcird the namns of none of threading white mechanic? jf " Raleigh in connection with tbfs disgraceful affair and we do not believeit rpcei vps t heir-approval or etdeavorsemrrt.j Raleigh News. ' n I hfany inasrazine the year. It Iwrifcrs no Je?s Pyndall, who KCLKOTIC MaGAZIaK for July is on our table, the most, brilliant number that iias btteri issued dlvrii I ha contributions frojm eolinent than Professor ! writ os of ''Niagwt F(ils Professor ifi.-i i, a:. il .ll,. o O-.i.i , ... Hill,' ,, woo ui?ius."i-b iii.j i r 'ticf- vi j the Depp Sea ;" Prof. Mujc Muller. whote ' Lectures on Mr. Darwin s Philosophy of Lanynuge" ire the mt important of res cent attacks on "Dtrwinfcm " and M"r. Torn Huges, who treats in a most sug gestiv manner of tkejj various ' Problems of Civilization." Other valuable papers Comte de Montalembewt ; Icon Painted by a Contemporary ;" Homes pun Songs," by Sam 8Ucg, Jr. ; Maling ering ;" Northumberland House and the Percys ; "Some One Payi; Too Soon " and "Capt. M, F. Maury." There is a fine portrait of Captain Maury, and the Editorial Departments'hav the customary interest and variety . - j This number begins a nfew volume and offers a favorable opportunity to subscribe. Published by E. R. Peyton, 108 Ful ton Street, New-York. Tenuis, $5 a year ; taro copies, 89. Single number, 45 cents. OON-TON p III MTIOM S CN Jl, Sent on receipt of2-3 cts. Unique l'rintins; and Publishing House, 36 Vesey Street, New York. VhK MECKtVMI 20 P Rl'ABL' PA.H1LY Mfl C JI t it M OX Days Trial ; raan advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or $i0 refunded. Sent com plete, with full .directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 8G3CBroadway, N. Y. THE IVB flv BXiASTZC TB.V3S. .4a Important Invintian. It retains the Rupture at all times, and under the hardest exercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if on night and dy, effects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sdd cheap, and sent bv Mail when requested, circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to Th Elastic Tntss Co., No. 6S3 Broadway, N. Citv. Kohody uses Metal Spring Trusses; too paiufnl t!y slipofftoo fre quently. NEW AllV V.W flSEM KNTS. 3 "5 cent! ! Kluttz's fciarrhea SDaoific. For Piarrhea. Bolic, Cholora-mo bus, dys entery aitd all' b wel complaints, this inval j liable Family Aiedieitie is truly a specifi . j It is'fda'sant tohe tas?. rwrfHetl y ' saf un j derallvircuinstapces. and his im; c niti:at.e i the bowels afWrlusinc, Certific;tts conhl he f our bescitwetis, but the Trv ii only b v Something New. An elegant Album for 25 cents, holding 24 full size cards, bouiid in full gilt cover and The Cheapest l.snd la Mrket, far naif by tbr UNION PCIFHJ RAILROAD COMPANY In tne Qrat Platte valley. sold at the low price of 25 cents, suitable for 3 000,000 Acres ire Central Nebraska Now. for the pocket or centre table. Order a san.pl sale in tracts of forW acres and upwards on Five sent tiy mail, p ist pail on receipt of Mb cents nnd Ten l ears Credit at 6 per cent. .No ad' Lor 6 for SI. Address. BURROW & CO. Baltimore. Md. IP" Agents Wanted. Cutalogucsof Books. Pictures &si.. sent tree. 12 1873 8t. A P110CLAIMATI0N. t Bv t lie Governor r,f North Carolina. j tiiveu iroiu faiaiiif I . " . ti IB i ,4V. r.ki.i i1! f i r jaied'neiue is offeid simply on its merits. I lie tccrtc, . A single dole will prove its value. Sand is urobably Prepared aad EXECUTIVE DEPAR T M EN T. ItALEian, June 9 h, 1S73. Be it known to all whm it may concern : T .at in Cotif trinity ith section 9. chapter 253 of the aets id' the (j'ar d Assembly pass ed at. the sess-iin of lS72-'3. in relati-'ii to ameiid iM-uts f tlie ' institution qf 'he State : I. Ton 11. t"ALUwn.Li Uovernor ft!ie Ma e of Nrth Carolina, do order so much of the prea i hie of said act as sets forth th alterations pr. n-.Si-d and agreed to. and the second s.-tinii of s.d act. to he published for thirM itays pvc ding the farst I uisday of Augu-t. lri7J id t!ie-Raleigh Oaily Senti iifl "Daiiy F.ra" and the '-Daily News," publish in Raht'gb.,' and alo for the same length of tiiio ru i'.ie folloaing Weekly p--pers. published i:: th'e varions Congressional Distriets of the State, (-vvit : Firt nistrict .or'h Carolina." Eliza- vsnce Interest required Mild and Healthful Climate, irrtile Soil, an Abundance of Good Water. The best Market 1 in the Th! The frrent Mining region of NVyomin, Colorado. Utah and Snvada, Iwing supplied by the farmers in nit i nine .inc; . S0LD1RES EXTITtED TO A U;)MESTL AD OF liO ACRES. TIIUHESTLU. A ;I4NS FOU V LOttlEV TICKETS 12 BACH 3 lor S5 6 for $10 Memorandum of Cash Gifts lo b disturbed June 2th, 1873. ! GrandVatk Utf 1 Grand Can Gift I Grand Cash Gift I Grand Cash Gift I O'raad Cash Gift 1 Grand Conk Gift I Grand Cash Gift 1 Grand Cash Gift I Grand Cash Uil 1 Grand Cash Gift 1 Grand Cash. Gift 1 Graud Cash Gift; 1 Grand Cash Gtftw For balance of prise id for circular. This concert is irnder the supervision and dir ection of the following Board of Directors : C 11. rturfee. Men Uhik. W. U. (iouid. City F.ngr H. L. NVm .n. Hi.. r. P. U, Iyrr. CspiUli. H. ll. Uosb. Ln ruber. C. R. M 'nJ Mercliant I II. W. nillett, Mir. b..t.t. J. L. Wrrer. M . D. G. F Prespott.fomtlierrtal. J. W. Foc.ih-l.awrer J. B. Kitchen. Faruirr C. Moiler a-k rCer B. E. T. t'arr. Afeh tect. Officer : EH Durfee. President. II. L. New man Vice-Pre. Geo. P. Preueott. -. ("a--. Mol'.ri. Trras. Th well known Jrhnracter of the director of the erchsnlile Library Association and the endorsement pieeattl, i a suthcieot guarantee to all ab- ut licket-liidders that their iuleraat will lie tally fruanted and proiected. All correpanden ':rictlv confidential, & any person drawing a rite neiil not be known un less they so deire. j Tickets drawinx pr'ies will he cashed on sight. This is the vruttit trnt and best enterpiite ever presenteil lo the Public. Onii'ial lists of Mlnning numler will he ent to purchaser ol I ilk els immediately alter the distribution. For information aud tickets addnss. Bamberge & Co., General Agenl, 9-i I,ilerty rirrvet, New York. Tickets sent C. O. I) at our expence. Agents wanted. Libiral Commissions paid. 4w KhfW SPRING STOCK. BSOCS dL SROWN, are now receiv ing their usual larpe stoik of Spring Goods, Consisting of all classes of goods adapted to lbi section ol Country. Their stock is full and complete in ail descrip tion of l'riirs, itl.ick and Brown Domestics, Linen and Driils, press goods in the newest styles. Ladies' ready koade suits, a most beautiful selection of Cxsximen and Coaling. Fnt Jeans of all kinds. Their Mock of Clothing, shirts and furnishing good i ifie largent and most deira ble to be found in ths mark t. A foil and com plete stock of ShoesJ Hats, Hosev ph ves, ltib- bons&c. Sugar,C'ollde, Molasses, and all kindsof CRAWFOLD 41 ULTL1G, Agenta . C. . March 6-4i Sahsbarr. G. G. McCOY & CO. Grocer and Pro vision Merchants and sale Jealer in Conireiionariea, Dried V.).is.i lobweco and grain old rosr, jr. CA Wool, Hides. Fur, Feathers, Teas, Cvtton, Betswmr, and all kind of Country Produce. Cotton IkmieMics, Nails, Powder, and CaJ Al. alwara 1 a t - on hand. Agent for the beat guano and pfcospknles, ordeis solirted. " lfvW.ehi in Mountain ApLas. Few A V) V ' snta by Q. G. McCGt A CO, I mot lot of canintrv cured hams. ForaaU l low by April 17, 1873 If G.G. McCOV AOO. JOHN S. HEN DERSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Laic AXlt Solicitor in Baaki SALl&M'UY, N. c: I iT Bpeetal attention paid to iug: in Bankruptcy. Feb. 20,-lf. BAILEY MAUNEY ATTORNEYS BALISB.UB.T, zr. a Practice iu Rowan and adjoining tics. Special attention paid to BA.1KRIPT PRACTICE. One oi the firm always at lite affice. Mir I :mos. !! In order to make room for mj S prior slock, I am compelled to sell off my r maining Winter Stock consiiiaf fj UEADY MADi: CLOTHING. UAT8, HOOTS, AND SUOKS. in all If wbicji UUEAT 13 AKO A INS are rirenl VICTOR WALLACE. Feb. 6, tf L. I .IDS AY'S r rce ITomeffor an! ilill inns of Acre of ehoiee ftDverntncnt IJcmda open for entry un der the Hmetead L;w, ner thin Great Rail road,' wiSr good markets and nil the eonven ieneneesof an i!d nettled country. Free pasc to purchasers of Raildioad Land. iSectionul Map, looting the Land, also new eilition oi uscripuve I'.unpulet itn jvcw Maps Mailed Free Lrefywhere Address, O. F. 1A IS, Land Gjmwiaior.cr U. P. R, R. Omnha, Neb June 2(v tf. STHEO. rue-jtst F. KM Salislnrv rTZ. s.c. SPECIAL TERM OF ROWAN I s Court. up pr ior iare : "unaries, 't ' T nil i c A7! .Concert. The. musical concert, given last Friday evening by Mrs. Rumple's scholars, was a treat not often enjoyed in Salisbury. The music was skillfully se lected, and tbe performance excellent. The cholara showed decided improvement, as they should, under the guidance of so talented a Teacher. Tbe house and grounds were beautiful ly illuminated, and decorated with flowers and evergreens, giving quite a festive ap pearance, and adding much to the beauty of tbe scene. Seats were arranged on the lawn for tbe comfort and convenience of the numerous and attentive audience. Tbe evening passed pleasantly, and we thank Mrs. Rumple, in the name of all present, for her excellent entertainment. w- : Low. large tractof mineral land in Chatham tounty, S. C, has been purebased by an association of Canadian gentlemen, or which they paid $165,000, 111 ey have lablislied one furnace, and are now pro ducing rery good metal. Two morn fur uacea are in tbe course of construction. A Speeia! TYriji of Rowan Sum-rior Court for the trial of (Jrimlmal and OinV i.vuvs, to beuin on the Second Monday in Aujru-i 187", li n l.een ordered by A excellency Tod. K. Cald well, Governor of North Carolina. Suitors and ati j persons bound mi t!ic rriminal Doi'ket as well s all witnesses in rivil and criminal cies are required to attend said Term without further isbtiee. JOHN A. BOY DEN, Clerk Kiw:in Superior Court. Salisbury, N. Q., June 25th 7w. J. M. MCCORKI.E.J WM, H. B. I LEY. jyjcCORKLS & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS Sc COUNSELLORS, SALISBURY. X. C. Practice in llotvan. Mecklenburg. Csbarru, Davie, 'Davidsotiv Foray the. Iredell.. Yadkin. Stanly aud Montgomery and in the Federal aud Supreme Courts. - John W. Mautiey, Esq., Special Partner. ll June 2fi tf. beth City ; 'Espn-s Se itnl District "Nevvt " -Mail.' K ..-Ly M. unt Third Ii-i riet 'Statesmau, ' Si;i.-:'' Wilmiiortnu. F.fiti listrict-k New North State, born : "Ciirouiide," M i It. m Sixth l);-t riet I)i".nociat." Charlotte Si'itit of the iiit'u."' Hockineh m. SVashinirt'in. Goldaboro ; Fayetteville Greens- net ineiicun." Statesville Tor LOSS Of Appetite, j Dyspepsia, Indi eeslion, Depression of Spirits & General De bility, in their various'forma, Fkruo-I'iiiwpou-at eo Elixir f Calisaya mide bv Caswell. Hazaho & Co., New YorK and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic. Asia stimulant tome for patients recovering,; froraj fever or other sickness, it has no equal. If taken during the season ii prevents lever and ague and other in termittent fevers. 4w. SWINDLKR8. Our' renders .canltoiir-d against tbe innumerable number of swind lers who aie sending circulars, ice, Uirougb tbe mails wttli elbwiue deecrip lions of hoi s s, farms, : pianos, cliromos, jewelry, See., Sec. giving j away. Thev are very generally swindled, persons bav iug money to invest, better be sure to use it for the payment of such irticlea as they are sure to receive ; do not send money to swt.iuicre, , ! Cawxibalism. -A b-tter from tbe Fiji I si, i uds reports the insssnerjeby the rooun tain ertvagea of a white family named Bierns and pome Polynesian laborers, makitig iu all sixteen persons, Some of the bodies were found horribly mutilated ; others bad4een carried off for a caooibal feast.- ANe.w Fif.st Class two-horse wagon for Bale, apply to I M cCU 13 BINS Sc CO. June 19, tf. : ST. MARY S SCHOOL, RAiiEIGIl, X. C. FOimD&D MAT, 1842. Right Rev. Thosi Atkinson, D. D., Visitor. Rev. AldervSmede-', D. D.. Rector. Rev. Bennett Smedes, A. M.. Assistant. The sixty third term of this school will com mence on ihe 29t 'day of Julv. For a circular apply to the" Rector. June 19, lmo. to GROCERIES. THEGHEAT FolSUN NEFTKALIZER. A Sure Pre rent ire and certain 6mre Jot and all species ot Miaematic utseasts. i t i . Their terms are f rictl v cadi and bnrter with I C. R. BARKER & CO. a few exception. 'Ilione who are reliable snd ' April 24, le73 Gm prompt in laying their accounts it nnonisthem 4e:iure to arcomin)idate. To enable the in to sell coods nt clow jirjcen, which they are deter mined to do, thiolfry has levn adapti-d, when j,,.'.- arc sohl on lima to indiscriminate parties, heavy lo's will (N-eur Iroiu ihe Huiikrmit snd Ia & J jrW"l a BM . t ST A HI SALOON. Persons wishing pure homemade liquors and the very best imported wines can always find them at the StaH Saloon, on Main Street, 3 rfpr below the Salisbury House. AM ray whiskies and Brandies are obtained direct from the best and most reliable distillers in N. C. I keen no others. My wines are im ported and are oft the best varieties as anv judge may see by calling f nd examining for himself. J. A. SNIDER. June 19, Gmo. nd. SADDLE AND HARNESS BUSINESS. The undersigned has removed hiit Simp lo bis residence, North East Conner of Lee snd Fisber Streets, where he is givins con stant attention u his business. Gustoujers and friends invited to call and see him at bis new location. Seventh I "Watchman " Salisbury. Eighth District "Pioneer and "Exposi tor. HS'ieMHe Tint j ortiou of the tr-a uh!e foddered to be published is iu the following words wit : Whitens, the last General Assembly, (three tifths of the whole number of members of each Hotie concurring. J th- bill containing the same having r,nen readtliree timesm eacn House, proposed the following alterations of the 1 onsntuMou of the St te, to wit : Al teratiou in relation to theolhce of Superin- lendeut of Public Works ; alteration iu re lati n to the State census alteration in re lation to exemptions Irom taxation ; altera tion iu relation to the University ; alteration in relation to the t thesessious of the Gener al Assembly ; alteration in relation to the Cod Commissioners; alteration iu rel tion to Federal and other officers holding office." The second section of the a.tid act ordere I to be published is iu the following words to w t : "It shall be the duty of the Sheriffs in each and every conuty in the ttate to open p dls at the seve al election precincts in hi conn tv on said FIRST TUURSDAAY IN AU GUST NEXT, aud the same shall be kept open for oue day. from the hour of eight o clock in the morning to tne nour of seven iu the afternoon, when all persons qualified to vote according to the Cons itutiou may vote for or agaiust the ratification of the said ameudme ts. those desiring such amendments to vote with the written or printed ticket For Amendments.' those of a contrary opin ion to vote with a writteu or printed ticket. 'Against Amendments. " The attention of County Commissioners and Inspectors of the Election is also called to the 4th section of said act of Assembly which provides that separate ballot boxes shall be funds ed for each amendment to be voted on. Done at onr city of Raleigh, the ninth day of June, A. D. 1873. aud iu th ninety-seventh year of American Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor : J. B. NEATtaERV, Private Secretary. June 1G. 1373. 5w. The sUrtlingdrawino icron nearly all medicine nents have ever been that in their process of fmrgation ana punnc.iiiifi iney nave awo ae- j ii lit ted the system. Tot obviate this diflieultv physicians long sought fof an asent that would PURGE PUIIIFY ANDSTiiESGilEX At one and the; same time. Their research has at lait Lecn rewarded by a discovery which fully real fees the fond et desires ol the medical facility, anil which is justly re garded as the most import ant triumph that I har luscy has ever achieved.; This important de sideratum is Dr. Tutt s Vegetable Liver Till. A'hicb purify the blood sfd remove all corrupt humors and unhealthy nccumuliitions from Ihe body, and yet produces no weakness or lassitude whatever, but on the contrary tones the stomach and invigorates ihe body during the progress of their operation. They unite the heretofore irre concilable qualities ofn Strengthening Purgative and a Pnrifyinif Tonic. Dr. Tutl's Fills are the n)ot nctive and search ing medicine in existence They at once attack the very root of diseases, nd their action fe so prompt that in an hour pr two after they ate taken the patient is a ware; of their goa tnect-, TIkv Dior te taken al aiiv tune Homestead provisiousof the law, and shcnloM- are sustained by mirpbanU, it is a well stated fact th .t sm h i..--i 4rJ met and it reasona lile to suppose that i ie lusses to le ma.le up an lar afr pr.ii-'ieal'le. fills on the liot.t-.t payingens- tomrrs. Tney have determined lostop tin war of doing business, by Celling at the lowel -a,h ami barter prices anjd credit no man who i unwnrthy of it. They arc thankful lo their dnilr friendx snd customers for their very liberal costom and er fidence, and In - by telling flood (ioods at low prices to secure their continued favor. MIX K & IJUOWN. March 27 tf. FRESlTmUVL OF SPWXCAXd" SUMMElt GOODS. Valuable Land ?or jBale. Having become the sole Proprietor of the valuable Tract of i.M.d formerly owned by Jeremiah llarringt r, and located one mile South West of Kowan Si ills Nation, and having do asm for i, 1 propose te I! it. This track, comprit ing 0-V5J acre, is regarded by road judges an one of the very IxM and rooat eiigitdf situated . ;n llie county. It is admirably adapted to the cultivation of corn, cotton, tobarco, and lh gravies. There is at leaM IVO acres of holloas, of u'.icli bImuiI Z ." ia iti rullivstinn TKr ta .u-o, an exci llrnt dwelling and other out build iug- in great number, a good well of water, Ac- l eraiM wi-lung lo see the land il apply to Mr. lotaa Itcaver on the place, or my tell net Ml. PletKont, N. '. JuneoGmos. MOSES BARRIER. SAMt EI. 200 Beeves, jr. JOHf BCABJ. Or BEEF. Caltlr Uanlr4 The undersigned wi.h to purchase Tara Hundred hue Bet f Cattle, for which they ana prepared lo pay the highest cash prices. They woi d also inform the ltisrna of Salisbury that they are furuishiug the mark- ..ti . i c I let wun twei loi.r iiines earn -ea ; nameiy ; Monday. edto-.day. rr.day and hat. on urday morning. Ma v 22-if. REEVES A- BEARD. i e- Hi i i mil.. & co. h-2 leal to inform their many friends and the puldic generally that fliry are now in receipl ol a large and well selected Stock. Consisting in part of Dry (ioods, (i fineries, Ilatu, Boots and Shoe, Hardware, Rife and Rla-ting Powder, Drug, Paints and Iy Muff-: They keep con LAND FOK SAtE. Pur-.i'ant to a decree of the Soperw Conrt I will Mdl at puldic auction at the Court Hooseia I Salisbury, on W-dnemlay 1st of krtpber J87X, 102 acres of land on the YVilkbor Hoed about S miles N. W. of Saludsury, adjoin Uig Adaat Ia Mi. Abrann Na-h and others. For further particulars see Mrs. 'FJlaaUcfli : llorak traint of uiet or occupation ; they produce neiih- wk'liout ce i "tanl,!r on banila U lit Anchor Rdting Clah i Miller, who lives on the land, or J. jM. ., iV"''.' ' and are Agents for thb lest french Burr mill Esq.. Salisiaary. i Stones, Tl.ey are ali agent for the bct Ker- Terms &0 cash ; balance on C months credit. Mar 29 -tf. W. J. PLUMMEB. er nausea, graping or deWI.ty, and us a family , ; , m mifln.n a 1'iiie h'H'ii tw rivil medii iue thev have no rival Price 25 cents a lox. fold bv all Drggbds. Principal office, 18 ond 20 Plait St., N. Y. 4w DR. J. F GRIFFITH, DENTIST. Having located in Salisbury, solicits a prac tice in the town and surrounding country. OFFICE ' Corner of Main it Bank Streets Two doors below Hoyden House, jan. 16 It. and see tiom at the oil and well known tand, , No. 1 Murphy's (iranilr Row, beibre purchasing j elsewhere. Sali-burr N. C. March 20-Cmoa. Mar 1-tf. Rl'FL'fi BARRINOEB, ConlmM NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN iCOl'N TV SPIRIT OF TBE .iC-E F' HE SrtniT or tue Aoe will present a pair I of tine oiitum worth $.1.00 lo wverv sob- Spring Term 1873. Is the most powerful cleanser, strenglhsner and remover of Glandular Ob tiuctioi.s known to M akruiMedica. It is siieci illv ndanted to constitions "worn down "aud debiliuted bv the warm weather of j Spring and Summer, when the blood is not in active circulation, consequently gathering im purities from sluggishness manifeied by Tunior Eruptions, Blulthes, Boils, Pustules Scro&ila, Ac., drc. When weary and languid from overwork, and dullness drowziness and inertia take the place of energy and vigor, the system needs a Tonir to build it up and help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperative owier. In the heat of Summer, frequently the Liver Splcin do not properly perform their functions the Uterine and Urinary Organs are inactive, producing weakness of-the stomach and intes tine and a prediqajsitjon to bilious derange ment. Dr. WELLS' Extract Of Jurubeba is prepared directly from the South American Plant, and, is peculiarly snited to all these difficulties; it will cleanse the Vitiated Blood, sireghthen the Lifc Giving Powers, and Remove all Obstructions from Impaired and Enfeebled Organs. It should be freely taken, as Jurubeba is pro n on need bv medical writers the most efficient Purifier, Tonic and Ueobtrucent known in the whole range of medicinal plants. 4w ot tine pietum worth $.1.00 to every 1 scriber for 1873, who t.jv S'J -A) in advance for a year's. sutcripf ion. The pictures entitled . r, c n . , Raoiu-'i's Cher iU is executed in tbefinest atyle i Rowan Superior Court, , :,,, .,, nrilllim,. lh, llt.nt.a mxtrUri i each is 'tlx'lH inchea, and the pictures sell in the : stores (or $2 50 per air. Rev.T. H. pRifcnaBD,D. Contribarif 1 Rev. H. T. Hcusov, f Edi-ors. Tbe Age is a weekly Family Paper, adapted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Tradesman, alike in every section of la State: it is not sectional in its character, nam parttzan or sectarian. l. --nle alltpeaewsae E. Mauney and S)n again tt ! Wm A ( oit nml ' Amos Howes It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Win. A. Coit, is a liou-roidciit of the Stale it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the "Caroling Watchman'' notifying the said Coit that an attachme nt has been iued against hi property forltwenty-two hundred and t evenly-nine dollars aail three cents. Warrant of attachment returnable next Term of this Court at the t.'ourt Hoise in Salisbury, N. C, when and where the defendant U required to appear and answer the complaint, lo April 1S73. J.M. M. ( LOUD. May 32-Cw. fpr. $Sj50 pl. ) Judge. LUMBER OF ALL KI m'DS Fni ii -bed to order, at jihort Noiice, at Steam Saw Miil on Western N. C. R. R , twenty miles from Salisbury. Price at mill Si. At Salisbury $1,80. Kiln Dried at alishjnrj 1 1 .50. ITTERtIS cash. 47 : tf: K. H. COWAN. H VRL) W ARE, When too want Hardware at lo figures, call on tbe undersigned at No 2 i eo Granite Row. p. A. AT WELL. S ilisbury, N. C , May the day, collated with a view to eornaaesaM accuracy, iu coluuina will be filled with the choicest mailer appropriate to the different di part men t Stories, Historical and JtlogravMnl Sk'etche-, Travel and Adventure, Bahhalh Mmrni ii.fc'. Wit and Hnue-r, Atncullaral, t dene, an Epitone of the News of the Day. ORIGINAL SYOmXSS. The publicatKiB of ( Original Ktoriewi a special feature f the A.R, and for this year we havu prnctired several from tbe pens of apnlar sad . interetcina wriierr. In this Depart pjcnl aloae we can promi-e our readers enterlainirt nt equal in charade- to that of any of tbe popular atery paper-. TERMS IX ADVAXCEi One cony one year, (with 2 pictures,) t4 " " ' without pictures, J 00 M "six luontha do 1 tt Everv reader of the SnaiT or THE AOS as pobliahed tere ihe war, is earnestly to renew their patronage; send for EDWARDS tc BROrGHTOal. Feb. 13. tf Ralelgh.X C Marriage Certificate (br aale berg, i mm

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