Jn'MEKim SKA: 'Hrl Urn I a. II1IIJI11 '4 Si IHTW III Sammi ISSaVSai ISWaWSBI IBBBBWil lawaiBBT I Smsm I IBBBW, I I aBBBM i I SWaBBl I rHr'IHI - I n&. I BWSSBW. I I 1 BBBewa 1 I BBBm t SWawe I I BBBBa I IBBBW 1 ST I mBBWa I IBBBBW1 IBSBBBII I BBBWJ . I BBBBB I 1 IBBBW 1 I BBBBB I WaBBBI - : i ei.il V BWawaWSWaaW-m-'-- 111 ' A IBI JBBBWSB. a SBBBBB1 1 IBBBWWI LaSBVSBI I SBBBWi I IBBBBWI IBBBBMi I BBBBW I I HV AWJWSWI A , ri WA. HLV 1 BBBBBB. IV JSSBBVai I SBBBm . BBWJ I BBBBW I 1 BBB1 I BBBBBI 7 K I BBBBB I IWawaaav BSBBB1 I 1 BBBBB BVSB I X .10 ma no.n edl ito!.J iJ'ooar vd diiw -sad tif .,oj uufti- -.aa Us Joa bib sup ; w ' v- " m I ' . , u ., 7 -:d tilowob hr-id aid ho toi di ci rii risd! -swa-a io. ed It vIhk j hmubJ jdnm haadi-nsbue blrw n bnii 4.-., ..... I I dj bu . ' .-.fel tit M . i .Li.J oil U 5ilU 1 - -J -t-i . -r . .Uta t . - . . u-r " ' " " ' 1 a ' 1 i ' - P "1 i. J"7 "" " ?j 1 ; ,. . :. . ..... : : ; . ' ils t v. . . . w til . fT W "-- ,, , Cj 1w i1o -w lu isHki VOL. JV, THIRD SER1E& o.rni iBiiien WULT . n J J . B K u 2s H. J. j7?lltWA!ST, r1 i r. c c.nUi to oil AdarM .$9.50 -SO ...10.00 1 ..ii w ' ,?3 nfctUi IjV r I NM i The World di : 4 AJ 1RICAN V', W H AT IT H ;i: SOI S T0 K P 0 8 T Whan fVnior Caruenter launches bis denancMlMn al the fre pMot the fcoun- i . it 1.1 &. a. . try, Ana pnAtiMftcftiiy cumptwm it is free, be echoei the spirjt $ WAd- iniiiiiiritwa ia Loariitani. where i is sup 1 porters ire engaged in making war through 1 the ceufttW upou tiiie Uai e iefag popalar li!3ertgr. or comawMing a tiiu of Li.e electiou UDOU the eoud of Jacob Hawjun. a uieuher oi tbjs Board of Oanivacr, a iie d arvtd.lheprAwU riui i.r.jimltt mii acii'n l r libt-l acaiti ' VSm ilrinn PioiVUIir. UviukT hU BiittdnrHdle, 0yerseamiflg ItLfiX'L k i n - - AND Him mmii nil UjeLandWiiciiyotthefcaa- COMPLETE SEWING MACBTNE mlt-M mmdih,ibiUmkto hrt.. " - ' iw 1 Tlrna a intei rnmed. b ttjn tl cae Th fiMt and rmlvi BUTTON-HOLE AND . I..i..rit.d in iia if.rU a- a4 istWING; MACHINE i conibiiied that, has ; ,f W;.1B . ' ilU M- .he' lae a tt- lmtaVi4 iideiu a;iwnt thwor any ptHr eoamry. . lltlila to urn, if aajMiU .ne uew. , Li. - - .1.. a I. 1 H to ber "credit." not returnable in kind, tocratie nime vn inffidmu in make them but "payable." to berorder with intereitM exicuie the order, la thii manner taay So it would seem that- she had no money be obiaiued many valuable article, which at all and ought not to have listed any. ' he at once converted, at ruinous rate, into earth, r luallv the noln-e cautioned - j - r ,- and National Bank bills liable to taxation j newspapers, and then the prince became fc.lL . I O . A..J .I,l.,wrtl I l i:.. II - 1 .1 . UV UMIC. Aim ni i nuupu no w uivg a nini-mu i. tic vauoi ut inc seen, it is not necessary to the decision of atCarithne, in January last, aud sentenced the case, yet, as hia Honor's judgment to two weeka' imprisonment. This light was baaed upon it, and as it is a matter of sentence was undoubtedly due to his ex general interest, it may be proper that we alttd rank, and a clear violation oi the should express our opinion t upon it. It Uw. After serving bis two weeks in seemed to, -be settled by uutueroua cases prison, the degraded ynnng man went to til the United tates Courts ced in plain- Badeu-liaden, where he insiuiiated himself tiff's brief. Iweiuniiuz a ill) itcCulloek vs. wiih a uMr widow, who entrusted atl her Bank of Maryland, th.it United States savings, atnonnttng ni 200 florinl, lo him. Treasury notes' cannot he taken by the As security he gave her several spnrioas MODOC, Thfire exisu in Paris a cheap table A Weshsogtea letter sessea wm d'hote for the receptioa" of strsnge guests. " nB-, ' , .'.!? ? 7 " T" It goes by the name of The Monster from tee TbkvsnisnBsa atone, I Table. All those u.irortiM.sie persons to oomsMsaieoer amaa, et uaa x I this is Thb usriralled Southern Eemedy is warrant d not to contain a single particle o! MaactJaY, . . I ..Alahrta Kill in r sot injurious nwucrai uwwi r FamU Machine to purchase. presence on the bench wa Ahfr y 1. Because n winuo t. dccsuw j -" j n, - -. - ererythiug that aar ma-trtckfytitihevr lowCrths.pecUiig the pmutttt Judge byucM Ifoiiia only be proteciiug imust-it. , Ht X'raaglisrova.nceh lW in countries where Liver Uuysses roont prevai riieSvMrroiiaof J-,iver Complaint area bitter urtad iat in the mouth: Pain in the Back, Hid or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; 'Sour Stomaek; Lpas of Appetice; Bowels alter nulr eorttiveand lax; Headache; Loss of mem arj with a painful sensation of having failed to ao ioruetliing which ought to have bean done ; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance chfne can do. sewm teed t.. adapt it to ttu.-k or from the n neat to the ttun cioin. . nAaii'4i material, heui- 8. Because you have a mine. Wlthurr cord i air, ihort i Ueep bobbia hyl il It rhraidiagi, toadiag. gasjwwfcion IM tureaa is c ering aadwwing-on, atlatantly drawn Aow the - me same, uuie rugiiiiB.tci-uiej v- hU Uoard were deuottuscd far Leung Xtt? 1 1 V uf the grossest fraud in reJmiiii g indiv i- drale as elected wiio nevruuu ote.iet pd ajid a iudsre lioldii.tr his seat by tin- "lj t o - - . - , r sa deuounced. sits in lUiJguient dtmuueiatien. lie. not only l-tfcd hut he bullied thnlurrv luxe an" than any otlwr machine. Wot can isaiiy iraov- r.01iier JefifrjeB ordering the m bacK. U con O U.w. nsx it no n wm K Ail :l IItr It a HC W tSU. - L a II:.. Mkea IOC uawp o. 1 O.I M. nnaast. .hwptomaattswd wwaX,,, work f, , bui ie ii, m a beautiful eyelet lore. Ir, U iswierall the. seat of the disease, and if j 6 Beaa,, it can 4 LI . I . m a WT. . a mm isf n Ii n rl 1 1 a ;' I oi Keeulatea ioulfreMU"'"8) wiw.."- over-taana seaming, u sn th over andoTer. a beanurul button uoie io. ueemiw me in a Wine SS tine a pearl as raechsicfranone re hytnrksil4u., . ! the beat fiaiahad and made . a r.auim it will cm-lnn thai hast nrincioles of fdi Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough Often i mis- Uroider.over the edgs mak any muchlne tnanufactur- 4Heiii;- "T" f L; mLm kI kMatifa twi. It baa no sorinrs to uksa or Waax.aon noat,a, f APrlar. 11. Because it ii two f machines in one. A Brr-ros-HOLi Wokkiko and -Kwtso Mac his k com bined. Slate, because thet are of mean- used f r the inp port and at! mist ration of the TJ oi led Stales U"Veruineiil. Aud if a S;ate could tax i hem, then. untrjUidly Slate li ii ... Jti . . j .k.: illlgni so ihx iin-ui n ii UCT"i.rien oirir Uiietulnerts ; and in that way; and to that extent, destroy Hip United Mans liov r t m certiiicMtes of depU, which, upon being examined, were found l have been forgtni. Dm lug the trial the rreideiil of tli'Curt Ht-k'-d him whv htd not he tried to make an hin st Kvior. What was I lo do" a.-k Piiueo Charles ba-k. tt Work." re plied l he President. "Work ln exclaimed VOUDOU. Vuuduu Festival in Seic Orleans A Dis gusting (Jrqic The Queen and Her Court. lUU litmaUlMata. t which sheets, oil low Cas- no" w --p ... rju m ti nu Oreai Unfailing SPECIFICmU ao Mouad the LAOM usauHwn. a1 iHlliou attaeks. SWK HEADACHE, . To other Machine can accomplish the Colic, Deutsssionof SpirUa.SOUB STOMACH, kind of sewing stated in jnos. a, s, a, H. art Burtiic 4c. ParUes using a family sewing machine want Uanl!!?.; M.;ri..ae. .dUtm. Whole Machine, one wh 21 the improve- I, tb awaaast,.Pure44 Beat Family Man win the World! J. H. ZEIL1N CO., Macon. Oa. and Philadelphia. rfis,al, Said ea ait ftmsjgiO. . POIl 8ALfc BT THBO. F. KLTJTTZ. Jane 19 tf. Salisbury N.C. cine COME : j ... ... iii-.it. A.iil ii is roMallv well settled that the prisoner, scornfully ; "my high rauk ......... - . ... e. ' . . . . 1 . .. . . 1 the United States troverumeni cannot lax aoes not permit we tu wura . any ot the necessary meens ii!ed lo ad- tuiuigier the 8t ate government. Bul wheih- er a Slate Nattoual Bank bills seems to be debatable question. The. case cited aainel the power of the State i Veazie . p . . . . r ... , ... i 13 n.k v. .t eiiiios ai, ooJ. e do not think that cas supports iiie pociiion. Jt in there decided by a divided court that Congress may tax the ciicul it ion of btnks chartered by the Suite. And that although the tax was ao heavy about 1G per cent. as o destroy them. It is not pretended that thii tux could have been imposed, if the bank bad been chartered lor the use of the State, and as a means of administering government. But it is put upon the ground that they are corpor ations for private profits And as the power of Congress lo tax the circulation of State banks depends upon whether they are for the use of the State government or for private profits ; so the power of the S:aic to tax the circulation of national who live fev the 'dWav of their nhyahral infirmhiea come here to dine together and avoid tbeawentTon they would elsewhere The skeleton man pours oat the vin w quat sons for the" bearded woman, and the rrear Konsmn risntesi flirti with Riqael a U houppe, and the Sugar Loaf, whose Minted head is marc tfeaa eignteen incues . . .. .. i tmm the crown to the dun, U s musing with -talking of the animala, co-called from hia coatinir of fur. Made up Mon- atrrs ara excluded from the symposium; a . l.l - o era strangers, aud it is said tuai intru ders have niet with sack a warm recep tion from. the hideous shapei assembled round the board that they felt, oo making ihir escape, as tin. ugh they had just been release.! from Dn.tr's aen." The Kmirh journal wheh describes the dreary assembly adds rune information Maoi ceuerally known." Tliese mooeuoeiiiea, il observes, ere seldom natural, but arc the work of English pecialutt,, who turn ont Useae awt spectacles to order ct the bidding of tbc merceuary pareuta. T'hi revelation ougSi to produce national hiimiliation and nrostra'lion. if anything This cornea of reading Uomme Qui RiV t mm Itfhta j 7Z aamair. Bureau, aa the scene of lb has been able ta arrive ai eiaaion ia rsdoresaee la H 4 was caused by the wroegfei cat atf . V i jf wuita men. ni was tnsorssssx mm seemed to bin reliable aalhoritj tai Or m a Modoca were compel tea. to aicaygcjiaf a m m m t t ' - w borses tor looa ou tae cuimna rea uon, end having ex use tea. aufasiatenee were eomDelled seek the fishing and bunting their old reservation on Lost Lotuell urges aa kewecngat causes of the Modoc war. aad say that never was there a time organisation of the (iovsra- there was so much corraplicej anrf the DAortte. but aaaJawt tk as ta to day Deiog preeoefs! sttous ou the ractsc i aba 1.1 anr"r" arra- u t iiua mm a .... uliuntUv rdi.rirldfl t lieir lliaulllt V Ji . n i l..a n.tii ii ir ibem with neruetlUil impriionrdeM if-they itdena ver dict, and, at leal sUuuct af Kfl , Ute jurymen vs ho lubaequently protested that they succumbed only to superior force. ix negroes, foex KeJIngg s?n ad two eroocratrt, composed this tnie.iigcut jury . The Picauune'8 only course, it is evi dent, was to estahliab the truth of the al legations contained iu the offensive matter charged aa libellous. To do this it was heccesaary to prove the false aweanng oi AwnAt noon whether they arc for Hawkins a .lcmbf olr cmT fc v . & GoV(,rnmL.nt or fr pri. ru....a. Rnt Judsre Lvnch uerempt- I . .t -'j New Orleans, June 24 Last night the annual Voudou teciivnl ol the negroes was held along the borders of ihe Bayou . . . ...... . j t .lo in and i he UM L ike. A more uis TiiR PEJnr?TLVAnA Libel Law. The aettionofthe Pniivl vania Lonsltta linn Vrlatinr: the libel came ap again tor K. tf'ltlll nilU III' WSa X. J ' -mm . m gusting sight it has never been my lot to cnustderetio m ihe Omiitttuiicmai wkjb ...... a ;.nmA niimUr of mt ii section on Saturdav. Stroti? effort! were and women cougiegated iu the eveuiug at made lo secure llie adoption ol I liberal provi i I .: i..., , i .,...! it ref,ied lo Ul;ikl particular places and at a givei signal j simis, but 1 bo Couveuiiop .refused lo maac la svS i , . - . TO THE i'f r.i'i i s j m BOOKSTORE MiioJl i'f' ei !od a.!T .; EVERYBODY rli ti- oIa i i .T .'j.i't.rn i ' - ; lo haid a dhr ;i-ieM'.il vWy . btfc'! vftws vl oJ ta ,i- iat'i - tn i U is tc last a LlFETIM E, and therefore one is wan ted that will do the most work and do it tha huat and t h in machine can ao several aiiiua of sewing not done on any other machine, besides doing every kind that sll omen can oo. Tke Aaueruam. or Plain Setting Machine. (Without the button hole parts), does all that is done on the Combination except bottoa-hole and n vmvAm miner esuaa w v v ' ..wv . I t -a y-k A. a MfcttOM bi C UttU , Agts. u-i Salisbury N. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. t l I I.do not hesitate to say the American Combination, fl tracrposscSsH other machines. Besides doing atl I the work that other machines can. it o rense a ma, works buttonholes in any raono, irom uwwrat" tin to Beaver cloth. A have uaad Siocer'ii Bloats Howe's and the Weed machine, and Had the A mer. ican far supeiior to them all. j - Ml88 M. Rl TLKDGE. 1 have used six different Sewing Machines. The American surpasses them all. Mrs. A. L. Rainey . t ha nmA Th Sincrpr add other machines and wo a la noi exenange toe aaaiw a'i,.! Mas- B. . naiKoiB, 8ALISBC8T, &. C, May 88, 1879. Miiosey Bso.. Aato, American Com. S. M o . i l. A iuu.d.. Sincer. Wheeler it nift . i mn iin. ii m.p.wi,. a i ir i i. i,:i.Vva a.m,i(t manning, and YY n son, ucox vjiuu- "" 7 would not rive the American Cosablnsnon lor all of them, It wrtl doellthatiaeUimed lbrit in the iircn lar. 1 consider its npcrior to all others 1 have ever sseo. Very Respectfully. ! "Mas. Geo. W. Hakrisov, We the andersignedtakegre-t pleasure in giving riiin vnssera. asUtv rf.fnpd to let the counsel attempt It. He would not, suffer htm to mow now me pretended returns were made up. He . .11. . t ' 'e .1 .I'm. aitituui deuied mm me use ui mc vjy upon whom the Picayune reived. He re fused to let Hawkins himself be put upon the etand for the defendant. He would not even auffer the crew-examination of the plahitifTi witneaiese, and bi rulings from first to laat were auda- mnalv narlliil and MltalUOUS. r many the Judge abruptly told the Picayune's counsel thai he was oceupying time in discusiing the admissibility of evidence, and gave notice tnat Drancn wi the defence ahould terminate. Ana uppressing everything that couM be re lied upon by tue aerenucm mm btiucm, j .1 J the jury were tevereiy.cDsrgeaanu reureu. Their firat impulse was to give. aaw.u seventy-five thousand dollara' damages, but they diss greed, came back into court, were again hustled out by tka Bench, ami at length, after four houcs' further deli beration, came to a corrclusion. Aaihey polled one of them desired to make an ex planation ; whereupon Judge Lynch roei tr.td -We do not want any aeamrks" ; nd another iuror exclaimed i Well, safe profit. It is true they are authorized by Congress as a currency convenient ana useful for circulation, just as Slate B.uik hills are authorized by the Slate. But in neither case have tbey necessarily any connection with the Government. The act of Congresa authorizing xauonai Banks imposed a tax on their chculation ot 3 per cent , and su;ely that .would not have been if ihey had been regarded as a part of the Government, as that would a 4S . have been the same as tor the ijrovernmeni to tax itself. The truth is that ihe United States Government has interest in Nation al Banks. It authorizes them in order to nrovide a currency, not for the Govern ment but for the people, and it ha9 the power to regulate and protect them. 1 " this end il provides for the redemption of iheir notes, protects them from the impost tion of counterfeits, and from injurious competition of St He Ba iks by a heavy tax on Bute Bauk bills, and no doubt might further protect them by forbidding the States to tai them. But thii has not been done, and until it is done, we suppose the State -has the power to tax them. It seems that all that is to be inferred from the decision in Veazie. Banks vs. Feuno, Ii ll .),... i ,F their 1 ;inv VelV radical CU I II tea 111 inepreneni inw clothes lo actual nakedness. Bonfires Finally, Ihe following section, wuicn is a were built all along the shores of the lake, considerable Improyemeiit over the one and the whole appearance was such ai now iu force, was adopted : would almost itrike terror into a stout No conviction shall H had on any pro heart. The horrid orgies were inangura- secutiou lot ihr pubUcation of papeea.re ..i .i i n i.t .t. n. 1 1... , rii.-: . i fritul iiit of officers or ted by one wi.d. unvan my ... - rT aihrr oosIt hrokea frisaaUy a the assemb ed crew otnrfl itieir voices, m u in a puui.c -p-...7, --v . , - . an mi j . nnlia i,,vi -F.i on or family and announced himself ss a aud lor a moment atiei warns mere wan a wa-.n r Viy f - - , ' . ,L ""u . .... r .i :.. mIiim-. i h Wt d ii aueh tin b- man merely, anxious to obey u fearful silence, i he "woiuiuppers oi me "" demou" then contemplated their naked ncai'ou . . a t 11 I forms, upon which the hre shone witu a iy maue anan u y H l " t. . . . ' . . , , i ..nil...: r .1... U... . ..,,1 ,. u mi! ir 1 men 1 n N.ltOlrt)n. Me OSS Deen plS lu. i tfect snd with a li aeons yen i lacuon u jm j , , . . . . v ! ghastly meet. "aw" ftlP xhi. .1.-11 have the riffht to fr the imper.al sweeeestoo for tney uega.iioo.net, , . . nr th(, 1 has been lookmr forward to lb j . nju,..iAnuhv i tiKifrniiur lie " " cuv. ... -1 - - . . Sineine weireu iuhri Mt " -"- j i , , CO... "... - I I : r .1,., i nuri in roller rKPI. A Potaiaxa EMraxca The areesma oi rnoce Jerome ouspaxw is i nwjpju t . . . l-.. i :.k.. k tL. - -- ' w M-r un 'niiuiiuhui uh mf '(n n .... J f k ..iaMlk M(aM the curiosity of Frenchmen as I ihia peTl t'rcal deaigca. He has uat maaTc syajg planatton ot them, rrceee, he Saryat a entitled ts the right ot cfennsswf has Itfajr farm of raMniofit. aa mow sW aho ias-' . ft wm . I signers mare tne sou. ns a pUbiscile, st which lbs peopic only decide whether they wtU haaa a sa u - public, a kingdom or an empire, ksaa aJaallaia a I . . . at & I A- name the man wbo moat os at jyejMflBj. of the Government. This aajlobtedtr M meana that Prince Jcroms wcSald ssilslj, . the field aa a candidate for the Prestfejif ; It ia the only road opea to the gtaUtca 1 tion of his ambition. The PiMh 1MfWr,i k ial blocks bis way st the head of the ess. I nim. He boa. the re So re. very sjBWsMai-rt a W awi -s io.i, wlierc the fact that such pah- man merely, anxious to obey the wml was not maliuioaaly or negligent- the people. Jerome has brsjnaa-hjj hall be eatablished to the aatia-. ci y, and ia the phyaical image of the Irat ... a . V t II L L. .Latia mm bWsW mmM. . bnrstiug fith into a wild and piercing laugh. The song that they sang could not be identified with any living language, but seemed to be a communion of langna ges, as, occasionally, you would be able to distinguish geuuino Knglsh words, German mid Frerch. Around these bon fires they kept revolving wiih joined hands . . . la -.1 for over an hour and a halt wunoiu eras Camvhor ou Spider Bites. I was once ukmg up oats to bind, and was seis ed by a spider from underneath one of the bunches, and was bitten on the hand by it. I hastened to the hone and took the camphor bottle down, emptied a portion i .i... ..in ai,tliir liftile. and lor over an nom .nu nmi m m? cm iu ing, ottering their horrid yells and singing pUced the mouth of it over the apol where .i i .t.i.. . ,.,wo ii, nil iimu. I i . ., ,1 l.. 1.1 ii tlwrn fur a ti ne. tlw.Ir wil.l miearthlv soncs. On all occa- l l I " -T J J sions a woman presides over these orgies, under the name of "Quern of the Vondon' and whet, they ceaee dancing round the fires they go forward and make their sub ... It. , M ,;..itr' t.-, t a-bn ia miesioii ii. "j- i' j - 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 n j , - -ri usually seated on an elevated mound or a contained poison after having large rock, This Queen retain! her title OVpr the place which was bill . .. ..IL 1 : i.i.. .......I J...1 .l.n .mi. l .1.. . .'..I. V... li. n f and dignity curing m", piia-r the death of bis m ister of France, with only a s boy to d is pnte hia title. U " . ... events have c ban red bis prt f. .! 1.1 L - ne is ami . seeamg iuc ua. m tread successfully the thorny path 1 I . u i s trod f A IroKTAWT Dtctsrow ore me Court of this Stabs 1 the decision or Judge i uas W lesMwayr ; thi moit atvlish kind ; Sterroscopes and Views; School Hooks, ail kiuus iu Euer ue, Slates. Inks. Writing Paper of the best quality; Wall Paper and Window 8hades in great variety, Musi Teachers for vocal, Pianos. Banjo, violins & . A WORD TO rA&XBM t(nj .a ; utl . . ' put Wai-aMSi? hai4.t m:C. -' m'-: : ''' "'-'i'1' t . .,a all- .n.tk .A Wnrvka avert DOT a WW U'Mm.K ww.. j yearfoT your sooa and hendssnd take a good J do . .... j .... - i - . . - T A ' a 1 L itu . .. , .1 roAUIVi'n IH." A nO J uoge mj ncn ewk -"'" a vrrdiet rendered u'udrr presiurr, sa oc currence unheard of in the history of Louis iana jury trials. But thie waa not the worst f this icaudalcna at oak- Whra j t- tU ;.t i nn in ibe neeond k"1-" -. r-" , iietceiiHiiiK t i" J ' get out.of order erpf chsj. t.errier and deputy r-brriHi,.pn.i.t; ;A. A..roc8T. f i , edjuat tvetore ny -uoge ii)w "-ft'" J. Alien Browk, . . , . - - - - iLit inaerih. A. W iiowiasa. 4 ""i ? 'u !Tr . .rC A. at J"-n, and another juror 8apra, that is, not that National Bank bill Judge, they d k' LieF nnpt. but that Congress has the And get Bibles. Prayer Books, Hymn Rook, of ' any kind you want; mstor es, .1S'7rfnim BiograpblsS. Jftusic Hooks, jnuaic, nuifu ' I Machine in preTerencC to any otner. Denevipgwai th best authors; Blank Books, Albums of it it truthfully recommended as the best machine . it i t. . ..... n.l I a. ii ' i i ! mil liirtit anil does not JUNUC, i. ,tuipiv W mi newsnsoef. theV will work better aud be more -ckearlttl. Try It. SSOXfJs. .t.X -fO h fcsbitmfT! ! omwliinc to Ls ncood snd to bosst uf . The farm ti the keystone to orery ioduatrial nursuit. When it aikccenli all nr,.arwar. whan it tails, ail flajt, Dun'tthiuk m..n.mmmm'm Ka a trreal man because rn a the sou of a tanner. Washiugtoa, Webs . n r.lav were farinerV-aona, but while tt toiled they studied. Bo do ye. Buy a good tiook. one at a turn, raad and digest it, and then another. aJjBfNfr imf Call ajRd see m snd lo9 oxer boons. , ijgllt.i90' 'aHviU t3. iv! e. SJ iUJ a . . xr a J j 1 i... --.a - Ii al si - M. B tBoitAtrnK. ! nnn rrfnu U rou wiH en hh tbe r r.av sssan minir &dertinetBents and beard m MM.J;.t ir Lr 1S 000 much said b, Aassaw.elothhr athiaes. m u-e:L Here. then. U ius- We will lorieit one nuourcun uun.is v-- ' . , . . ttndinr paity, ff after fair trial before competent tjefJ nd Kelhgg U8iirpalon lit Lotus- iddgestac Amsrieao Machlao 'Bd iwa., U U certainly without a parallel Ifeot batter, the work don. - H-wki., who 1 I l ll l t l-llll lll.l W . jl d w wmwm aaatww-. II' -j elected Kello-rg, precisely as lie.eh cted . -i .1 ..-ti .... Lynch. lui ell only recignia a m-i ",' L,... irand. ftird the. Maiehai called np-u 1. Prolrlt t. to enforce the. decree. That tin M, I i-- v w - " the President is just as responsible lor thia flagraut outrage on common justice and decency aa he is for iUogg, thmogh lime II and Packard, need no assertion. . . .-, The whole combination is bent op urea inc down a free press, and $enstoi Oar a e exempt, but that Congress has l lie power to emempt them ironi otatc taxa tion, lluvcraed. Re.iDE, J. ( A hOYAL RASCAL. Prince Chatles, of Leiningcn, Convicted p iey and forgery. irnot batter, the work done on any ntber macnine. and do valuable work that no otber machine ca We have been t cents far I flaw Hag Machine since 1856 have sold Sinaer'ii Lad Wahater'a Ata-atet s aud Floience's, and hate abandoned all forths American. " ' . .Sndanl iret sample af mi k . IgVjtf-t MEB0?B Y 4 BROA g'kt. . THESCCfflFRMlirUVL -Is, -'4. ! -j i '! ;u -fi' i. xno(n fl MM M . :i,BaV .1 ,MmJn K tt ..'. -1 IT i k awa. s jLc ! .ril oi or arcane I i Prince Charles, of Leiningen, a not very distant relative of Queen Victoria, was eoovirted at Mannheim, in Germany, on the 19. h of April last, Of theft and forgery, and sentenced to a brief term of imprison- , ipent iu the penitentiary . The Piiuce'ia a tine looking man, about tbiity yeaiS of .. ... Il...i,.ir fun iivik he bus run i i.r-.n Ii with a fortune ol 1,000 000 fl.uii.s, visited every country on the globe, mid has been a guest of the Queen at Windsor Caatle, miiil hiik extravaeance finally utterly - f . I ruined him, eaused him to commit cmne. rind sent him. to a ducts things wiih a proper grace, and she is usually Chosen out oi the most socially at t elevated clsss of negroes in tne locaiuy. On this occasion the old queen, Marie l .ivodv did not attend on account ol ill- iie.ii, and lpr emblem of power, a garland of flowers round the head, wai worn by one Mammy Caroline, who has already been named and acknowledged as the successor toithe queenly dignity. After the firat part; of the peiformance was over, O iceu Caroline held her couit in an old . m .1 I . U , house on thd 0:nKs or ine uaynn. wnor she shone fth in all the resplendence of her -nude beauty. I saw with regret, that these degrading orgies were participated I .. i i. ... '.I...... iu by a young vvnite giti, anou ei-ni. -n years of nge,hiiid pos-essed of more than "ordinary boauiy. This hideous revrl was prolonged til latn a honr at night, but its sickening ami disgusting character forbids me euteiing jnio moie nunute oeta ia. Inn" iih sevdr il humlpt l n-;nea in an Adamite comttioii, d t cing. y-llitig, and ainsins all ifg'it nro.ind th" iunumer alile bonfire! hh u were lighted ou the bauks of the bayou. iew York World. IVnn nenr mv srrandatber s residence, traa once bitten h? a sniiler in the even ing and be next cveninc she waa tolera- kl- I...1 mid wit sufferiiur severely. Al III i m.mrmm - W3 l.. ! i Tre-o veesel was filled with IMtt ' O wild tniieh-meoiiot tea. and the girl was ulaced up lo her neck in the same, where .'. , i a t I : she received a good wasuuig auu oauuuK This relieved her and she recovered. Val. , i .. . l. ..,nnK. mine in inc ourawi uwi then 1 rciumea io my -1 " - -- , , . n ' .1 in ! hit. fmmm nf llnfnn r feelinr any pain ; neither did it ever pam r mi afterward. The camphor u.ed was dis- m.so.ier, o. m, i i ,i. .rf i .,.-,1 m,.A th State to tax United States A riasary solved in spirits, autl the part i used was Ml'w . ... thro-..w.r, ... lb. .pr.uion .b.t -? -"nZnH Dec n piaceu - . ALiaamA' s f .. . I -nrl nr. a .,rn,n I h JnaUM en. A little r--i 1 .tTa.i : girl iu the neighborhood of Laarel U ip, " . . IVcasury notes aor Nitavhal Baakh.Ua were subject to uxatioo by lbs State, eise that solvent credita were not lhllhlSj, ttS the deposit remained money either aa United Slates Treasury notes, or NetWsv .i n.-w kill. cV A a 1 1 1 Bh. uuie. We understand the Treasurer baa inrariablv instructed the . . . . in the State la rea aire tax payers aa last their eaonev on hand or USA dJSjeeJlin4ntaV CnnntvPniVfiui-cTnECoiflRorTni r,r loiTwe -B?- -a duty to see that tne law waa i Tl lTn t a i. mdden chances oi inn coior , , a - s -Sri ' i-si'i oin-S ti al a t -isvai Sill Jtfai .--4i-as ia joU -es alas v' COME adt tv4 aowt - mat at ai - vi .. ., ial aKli SM tiT . PHOTOGBAPH v ;aa I f'Mfl i :n i Lf' i aSd 1U' 1 yJX'tlt us- TO THE tin N :ii'e GALLERY, a ;auii. ea-j-jd INSURANCE COMPANY, ba -t:A. imii ii aid , convict s sell, ins n.e - rT-, - - IlialM Prince Georee. of L-iniugen, is a uenter simply .Otscioseo in w-i ----- - r . .. r . r7 ber of Oueen Victoria's household, creiakj;iT-,s .- ii io ;firi "hij 2i.''j i ' t - .w i a?.; - - - a -i ... i . i . r iiiaa una n!ifcUi.; , .-, M siii ol i u"8 u.ecorre,p.n.oer. . ...:r:- d n- SOLVENT CREDITS. tT i i t ji 4t rneln bnklsiif ib3'( ni nil:.' Aasetti, 1st January, W, - 472,W7.M 1 .STTr ;? ,JlHi Aad aet a aoo d Pic tmr e . We will give yen a good picture or not let yu take iaway ; tot we don't intend that any bad work shall go from this offlce to th jre oi aad the holiness. Call and try. . I p Stmiri between Par Jurs ad 4f 3Cc--Hurroy-a. H Call snd examine my stock of WaU Paper, Window Shades, Writing paper. Inks & ail. a r l.t..i t 1.0 under sold. . Feb. 517. tf. 1 i 4 nfuxqagjr TH5 GttEAT POISON NEUTUALIZER, A Sure Pmmtive and certain cute J or iu an apvciee OI UlUDBUC W, V, W lVr urcu .. Apsjl If. 6uiof. '-"T laawwh Annual. Term, and . f 9of09 bt:S f' -tik' b-iititJ .! ! c tjfw iid? . S .'-fi " ei f C. fl. O. DAVlPSto, Presideirt, JOftPAJST. MAftTlK, VTee-PreiideBt ff, B. JO E S, General Agent a alif iliaf WltnVVM jmf arm uun' -- - ? - , , f 1S ! 0 ! f. rnT Oaavwaafcgi ittt. Y.-tftaM ft in . n AN F.ft of Trinrtoai - mr" ri at wr - "' i c .ti, .'.!axai aosl UaattUtag AglMs as d jkA ' s . 1 i. . : art T W -Win wfly 1ft ?IWS If l ooer were found autograph letters from most ai the sovereigns of Enropr. About !.:...' I M. i I,- aet Ollt Oil a t . . . . , sen yeara ag" nuw J)ecwonQfAJtSMi)rewrfrnAry journey round the world. He visited two fraf . ? wisdw North and South America, and upon Ins . . j:. a-tnrn .nbUhed a volume of sketches, VV e collate importstu parts m me urcie- . . j0fltpJ m ion of the Supreme Coaof North Csro- ?hP W,nda,r.d 1aM M..sl on tm siitttisn New York snd Boston, lie neat took up 1 7 . r J -vs-rxiTTTj-. .-oi I hia bode in Paris where he was eonneci- dut whether solvent credits can be taxed : 1 nls aDoae in rris, wun , Theaiew -EuffintothefCnm. eawu missioners of Orange. The pliiBtm r-e " , hler deposit." Tfce amount ot ttretax was " " "1 , nsn W. native stricken foim her' tat list ? or, tf U, S. eouniry. xxm ..n7 -- Treasury not are eept and Natsewal marry the daughter oi " - ' I"TtL I tTf n,. . n a.l k.,t Un .hmnt v married a i rench mu. o u.f--d tn alter t.ho soon helped to get through with the re- v ........ ...--r- ------- --- . Ku-fort-ne. When he had lilt, P,am,lTTr. 'PP , I r-kf" l.f, the heartless woman de- ftuoenor Uourt, ana inai uooy oirwaiww b -i - . rjupe,. r L.nrted him. and the priuco became ha 4 ArniYiiBiinnpra lii riirrrct tiic; iiow kit i -w.. , - strikinTt tiw. Hi. Henor holding Uery poor. His relative, almost d,.; krie.iug re " i , m -,k.n he was absolnte- that neither United otate lreaanry notoe wwu-n S H JLl 8 bill, were ..bjZtti w 5 rf f-J- '2 . k tk. 8toip. on him a life-rent of twelve nunareo rrtt&t- noria.. The prince however, resumed tube necessary to the decision of the ase, hi. former habits and before long he had becauaeltisplain tbe plafrtiff had taeHber pledged nearly the whole of his life rent IJnTved Jet TrensSry nor NaOonnt until the year IwSO for loan. Wning Bank Mb -on, bAtnT S . Sathl. It is true' she deposited vio.uuv mw.' . f" 'h Prince Charles bntltwMnotaaeiaTdrpositjasapaek. dowubbua. Tnwfu"n tobkeptforberandreTrnediW became a .regular " ggj ordTgti mercbarin ttStas fc;t .esfcoh ylnaiooi-rvfli rl j t 'W There is a model prison, m called, in London. It islh Ulhway, and is man aged on the silent system. A traveller thus describes the punishment, there in Aided. The hhrieker at -Delaware jus tice" should siteotivcly peruse this ac count, aud te)l what bo thiuka of it. Whether the whipping post is more bat V. 1 roll J I It an the torture of nernetual silence uni VMO --' the average Nw England mind, (spinster, particularly," -count net prooaoiy uwc-m But other people might be dwposod te ,,r..f.-r the nnuialimul OI an uuwi iu v of hair from bUck to whue axe reported in a foreign medical mg is'tnc 1 1 appears that a physician of Beiliu, a strong. hcahhy ' .a Ma SI n I f and lesa than mHirMe sgea man, aeni ins wife and otre daughter to spend last Sum mer at a watering plat. The day I hat I, ex nee. led a letter intoi miuff him of their arrival, ihere c ime one saying that hia daughter hid been taken rick very sud denly, and was already dead. The shock . - ... a a I t. was terrible, and east ant lyhis natr or came e 'irely g ay HerlnJ to visit some pa tient. that same afternoon, aud they amrrelr rerosniaod him. His peculiar aetians rewealud the change to him- The other case was of a man 35 year, eld, liv ing in the Netherlands. He was one day passing the canal in Rotterdam, wheu be saw a chihf struggling in the wster. He plunged in snd brought it to land, but it waa already dead by the lime he bad rescued its body. Bending over it to try to leetore life, he discovered that the dead child was hia own son. The blow, io sudden and unr xpeeted. and coming upon him when he htrramlf was 10 mack exhaus ted., turned hia hair entirely gray, aud left him scarcely recognizable. the law imposed a tax en t&aa if bjnjh-j EPLY TO A 11U0K.ES HEARTED TUlN(i. f . . . A broken heart el yoeaaf tkiag to a weekly pp-r as follows : "About thteo rear, aaa I beca quainted with a young gsnilthbef lately I have no need a great aba him. Can he have ceased to lore Perhaps we ought not to interfere fa little matter: hut. is we anow what ahould be done with the wc feel as if we aught to speak oat. rintt tune he calls, take a monkey a fasten it rwcorely upon bw eaJ4uwBjR aa svsavaa. as n 1 m aawaaseaa cmaa, aaa!, n gars oat a CtttZZJ THE COLbUED . KAY OF BEIVG We quote : "It is an offence for a prison- J R.ALUL 3. er to spesk one word, snd he is never nth t gt JOBtpht Missouri, there is a cer- dressr-d except in whispers, so thst he . valb.ielJsckson. a person of color. may be iu prison two years without near. rpgret 0 tmj tht he has doubts of intr the sound of the human voice. The . ajji.. cf Un Naihaniel Jackson. effect of all this is so terrible on the mmd ;vb0n-er be has occasion lo be absent : 1 1 . r nr m nntfifn- i . that prisoners wm r.rcn. r ; MM b' tay tion, at the risk of any punishment, mi her thsn endure thst hernnie siiencc prisoners never see one another, but re main in perpetual solitude. Oue poor .i, driven to desDeration by nine months' solitude snd silence, recklessly bmke ont. in Mr. Greenwood s presence: liVor God's sake, governor, put me in another cell. Put me somewhere else. 1 have counted the bricks in the cell I sin in till my eyei ache." The request of the toriued wretch waa refused. But this is not all. The wardens all wear lu dia rubber ihoes, the place is bested to an uunatural, almost unendurable heal, and everything is conducted upon the most rigid rule, even to the aqneriug of elbows and uiiilorm posiliou of books at religious servion. Well may we exclaim, with Mr. Greenwood, the traveller : "God help them, poor Wretches. Um home, and he ia freduently absent, before departing he reads to sirs. Jack son the following impressive document : "Mrs. Marry Jackson : I am your has band, and you must mind no other nigger hut me. You know that I will never give you up i I will suck to you, if I have to rnrln to mr thin in blood to do it. I am a had nigger when I gel md, so look out for mc goes. I sm ramlll w . ... --0 Aud then be A little girt aged 10 years, committed suicide by hinging herself Ust Saturday, h nt known whether she did by I aeeWeirt or design, says the Madssco Em terprise. - R-.r hundred th idsanJ bdshell of grain will be raised in the Umpqua VaHey, n. Sa I b rn in a firm VOIOS a be won t snswer, twist the wren-en inrwa nr four times, and but his bead aa ihe etnre or the mm tie - piece. If he as be has ceased to love you, let your tn . n n . a . a - a dally with ht. ringlets lovingly a momenta and (heu suddenly 1m couple of haadfulhH aad have hand ta cease in asm sat naee asm , sod knock out bia teeth and j d wn est hiafn aad ba eat him g o, and oommeoee youx m e to rope m a trees man. PaT HO KB OF HCBBASDkV. era food and clothe the world Dromotea their Streets will also I. .11 - It In n tne lnicreaia oi an wma. - leii as well as wicked policy th depresw the agricultural prospeniy or a eaastry. T he tax on cottoa ana moacev ifii trated the folly as well ss tWfaWMaPl-' f.f the R.idical oartv. ... i . fk nrn-a .( ion above named wall m, - nrotrction to fanaar. sgs manopdim sod will grew aw education and inteligess ruliural e lamas. The unoo tbesa will be r . - mr and mill all morn ' -J ' na. . I I. ..... W aee no reason Why OwT- -r-r- - ' - . . xJ . sooa should not enter tne oraer aw-r Il Oregc oa, thia year t. na ! A I nn at- T Ci.tJin. a P.. who fought at Wsterloo, and ia so deaf you have to" .cream at him. SiU 'weifij every r.igr.tln the ITouss of Comfort. eh4 aeldom leaves aotfl tbeeu.Uihal sVdlf "Wbo goes home ?" sad pwte Wat mw lighu. a. m mt If