!.i nm jiiiI : .. i : ).". 1 " r- - 1 : : ' ' X ' :. ' I 1 L U. . ' ttti V inlasvs tf bo ,ioJ . ii .1 .vsra .u w .va J1 u T .tM m.'K i rBI '.Pf-f-T n y i.n.:i .. nl ..,( , ""W-J I iaM .1. iaj .iK .avndioHVatue ,r,r. I ii If HiJL me: !o-0 ooiraw &jm 9ir.a&ww. dribo-q JaJi a 'j . v1 g. e i -if fni'M.A ii .mew mJtiiC SALISBURY N. C.,"JULY 24, 187; J. aiUWA J- ft !-. I 197 0 to tuwi . a ....10.00 50 -" -ui.iT . TK5. unrivalled Southrn Heme At onished. THE d cj V mmvm ad ii f "yd dj di t i nrmui ! . ' ji Cm ?';. PTicLk lb lBut(ot-)loite, Oyerseaming COMPLETE SEWING MACHINE. tii 8fe'd irti ".)b4rLiif w rfi i- d ' I . . . k g l i ' : . u . Tcm mm or uyiro ouniry. .-, m& The following reasons are ttiven whv Ihis it the best. i i ,17 FmV MckitU Purchase. ihi UnjllkUftf If MTTIialt, 1. JilBII Itwilldpt 1. Bcut vou can or any iniuriou mlncMi twUrffc WiavT 7 I Uir3rtW that any m .ckly ie or lowailtbc ..Mum.Mn I obine can lu. se wine feed to adautit to thick or ruii ffff"mti Jftbli the finest to the thin cloth, containing those Southern Boots arid Herbs, eoaraeet material, hetn-f 8. Becaose you have a which an all-wine Providence has placed in mint?, telling, cording, Isliort deep bobbin by IflM Wtm 1 im WWmm mHi ir " U h1 dlng, gath-whichtke thread is cm- . r - - - U same time rnfllln,centre ; the tension con- MHHVMi ftL.a.l,L .l ,i j . .v. v. r .... -.v.- any otUet mscttine. not breafc tlieturead XtfTHOtftf lfTTttu CLEOPATRA. am Iymg, Hgtfpt, Doing.- I am dyiog. Eeypt. dyiog Ebbs the crimson life-tide fast, And the dark Plutonian shadows ' Gather-o th enjoin Uss. jj . .., tet thine arssioA ! . Queen, support me, Hush thy sobs, sod bow thine ear m t a .-as. . Uearkeo to toe great, neart secrets Thou, and thou ad on a, most bear. Though my ses)rssr1 and vebi Bear their eagles high no morsKH j,-. v! And in y wrecked and scattered galleys Stew dark Actuin's fatal shore : Though no glittering guards surround me, Prompt to do their master's will, I must perish like a Romnu-r " Die the great TrfumVlrttUi; ', i is al f I l i si a st s t . t V . ! i 1r" Mock tbe liop thus laid low ; , Tws no foeuian's ba9d.lbaA.liew blBfc. Twas m own that stfwk 'OWssW; Hear, then, pillowed rh thsbosdn " Ere you star shall lose its ray. Him. who drank with thjr caresses. Madly threw s world away ! i ' 2 -. A t . J . kSBFW aV I Aeron, whom be had slain in.single com bat. How much .did not thejmall band of desperate, ouUaws adauro. the Great Romulus, as with sutwarf' frame and martial head W strode atone tbe temnle or o upuer r eretrios ; vv as nc not elated l ti ana nappy in tne tnougut tna. ne pad ob- ' 'J uined the h jgM i JVMmmL of human amoi on ( aa xaDO eon. tne arhitf.r nf tost 7 t a. r.urop an in ncooiy nt e soecta- aloue was Why ! bla own granted a legal tribunal and a legal trial the result would have been tbe same. Richmond Dispatch. KATE : STODDARD. If. iIHJ Joinu, often saUtskea far Rheumatism j are mors easily sdjnMedhol toyas back ; that the r ta-eyeel Egyptian or bad taut in the mouth ; rain in the Baca, 3 Because the tension Because the passer Widei Xomr ataasatii: nately euativa and lax ; Headache; Loaa of mem ory. wlwsTwIbrsdaMiaalioa of having failed lo of the Skin sad Eyas, a dry Cough otten mis taken far Consumption. Sometimes many of thaasaymasoma ataand the diaease, at others, very I b few: but the LlVKB. the largest organ in the I notBesjhiaTed in tlmaQw utm J . m" -i . i 1 IT ,7 , . 7 .. nsaa and DjtaTM will ensue. TkU Ureal Unfading SPECIFIC will not UJmad the Least Unvleatant. Paeirr8PBPM A, C0N8TI PATIOX, Jaun d1eer BUIious attacks, SICK HEADACHE. Colio, Depression ml Bplrits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac.., Ac. gtauntna' Ll?er Erg BkUr, tr lesMthstiva la tsfeuplLPurest cineinTnsWoriai MA KUFACTUBEl) OWLY SY . J. Ii. ZEIL1N & CO., . I MieSD, a. and rflakfalpaM. Price, $1.00. Sold by all ( DruggU. FOR SALE BT TH EC F. KLUTTZ. JunelUtl. ' Salisbury N. C. ETf.1 COME TO THE 4a 1 . is.i . ht. atll is4firf. should the base plebian rabble Dare assail my fame at Rome, Where the noble spouse Octavia, Weeps within her widowed home St ek her eay the gods have told me. Attars augurs ctronog wings. That her blood, with mi oe commingled, Yet shall mount the throne of kings. '.kwj S t f.it ' at .f s t , ; ?r:l . ' ! BOOKSTORE cucDVDftnV f t II I BP W as a s u-'iyf 'aa.t i U -U'i ''oj T-tuC'- ,191 . ' s to M a (It SW ttl t Ja j. Uirl a tb.t Ijn l ok S'.tTo T.t fcdl vu t,; And M Bibles. Prayer Books,, Hymn BuTraftrrrwlSdsW bh.Iis. Musw.-dfa the best authors ; Blank Books, Albums of the uioet atvliah kiad; Stereoseopes and Views : School Books, all kinds in general nss. Slates, Inks. Writing Paper of the best auar.tr: Wall Paper and Window Shades an Sny other machine .cloth can be easily remov .a oeeaase n ean wont ed arter reing sewed. S beautiful batten holel 10. Because the best auM aafinf a pearl asimarchanica proaounca it by the hand. f jthe best tinisbad and made 4. Because it will em-on the best principles of broider.o ver the edge mak say machine manufactur ing a neat sad beautiful ed. It has no springs to uoraer ou any garment, ipreas; noiuiug wj gei out 6. Because it wrll wortlhr order, bean tiful eyelet hole, i ; U. Because it ia two can do machines in one. A But- aaaming, by tom-sjole Won king and which sheets, pillow cas-iSawiNG Machine com- es and the like are sewed bined- oyer sn over. MT No other Machine can accomplish the kind of sewing stated in; Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Parties using a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. 1 -R'' It ia to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do toe most work and do it the best ( and this machine can do several kinds of sewing not done on atfyotacr machine, besides doing every kind that ail others can do. The American or Plain Sewing Machine. Without the b -Vf1r nsji') do all that is done on the Combination except button-hole and overseatning. MERONEY & BRO., Agts. . Salisbury N. C. Examine them before purchasing sny other Sewing Machine. I,do not hesitate to jay the American Combination, surpasses all other machines. Besides doing all asnuies caa, it y hfr ratrne, Yrfrrn swi (In ta Beaver cloth. I have used Sinner s floats Howe aand the Weed machines, and find the Amer. ican far superior to them all. Aft. ft.v ft lri . 1 have ased six different Sewing Machines. The American aurpaaaes them jail. Mas. A. L. RjkiwFY. I have used The Singer aud other machines and would not exchange the American for any. da i: Mas. H. H . BatNei.s. Samsbosy, N. C May 20, 1872. ManoNET A Bao., Agts, American Com. S. M aL t li.i7A nuri thHt. Mincer ."Wheeler A Wllaan. Wileax UibbS Sewiar machine, and won d not cive the American t ombination lor an oi . . a ... . ... . . . f L . , i i . 1 . l : 1 IBenl, IV Will OO ailUISl lCIBmiCU ion in me vircu- lar . I cousider its uperior to alt otiiers.i nave ever aeen. ery Kespecumiy . . Mrs. Gsr. W. IIasbK)M, We the undersi g ncd take gret pleasure in giving oar testimony of favor of the American Sewing Nacbine in preference te Siryorner, neiieving mat It ia truthfully recommended as tbe beat machine made. It s sunu p, runs very light and does not at otat of order or drop sttcbes. ftft W If rf-V . u ttas. juaoaa at, viisim, " A. L. FOP8T, j , J lit aw Rinvx. " A- W. NOTHKKN. Glorious sorceress of the Nile. Light the path to Stygian horrors With Ue splendors of thy smile, Give the Caesar crow us and arches. Let his brow. the laurel twine. I can scorn all Caesar's triumphs. Triumphing in love like thine. I am dyiog. Egypt, dying ! Hark ! the iusultiug fueman's cry. They are coming quick ! my falchion ! . Let me face them ere I die. Ah ! no more amid tbe battle ' Shall my Voice exulting swell, Isis and Osiris guard thee Cleopatra ! Rome ! farewell. From Harper's Monthly for July.) IMPftOVISATIOKS. - r BY BAYARD TAYLOR. w - j : Fill, for we drink to Labor ! Labor, you kndw, is Prayer : I'll be as grand as my neighbor Abroad, and at home as bare ! Debt, and bother, and hurry ! Others are bureVned so : Here's to the goddess Worry ! Aud here's to the goddess Show ! Reckless of what comes after, Silent of whence we come : Spleudor and; feast and laughter Make the questions dumb, - la 1ST . C Mftftl p, more bappy T JV ,r.r-I.i tk.t WmImI, f.Mft.tft' aoepiy inougniiui aim . meiai was uii a man connae destiny, arid at ajl times void of persouat m Qiitl I 7 Oft i. -ft BH , . tear, lie could not on that oay apprehend the sharp shot or the exroeive sIipII of the assault. Was ho deposed by the thought that his career hadbn interrupt ed and that he had failed Ao make Iialv free from ihe Alps to the Adriatic ? Or was ntt luruitaiiug on me ncaieness oi toe breath of pnpiiiar auulause ii dreadiuz the upeavaTofaosne newiWvt.Wtinary earthquake 1 Did he fear to fall from the giddy height he had attained, or did he simply reWTte the truth that he who has climbed to ihe topmost roundjpf tbe ladder of ambition, offtn seums ta the public lo sink because he does not continue to rise still higher 7 Or did the shadows of com ing events, mysteriously and by strange anticipation, darken bis mind f I know not; but neither the gorgeous display around, nor the triumphal march, nor the spirit-stii ring ttompet or drum, nor evon tbe galdaome shouts of his soldiers, as .i -I. 'Jj laliA Iav J. i uey cueereu ineir iciprious commanuer, could cliauge that thoughtful countenance. Only once was it lit, for a moment, with a smile when his little son, in the uniform of a edrporai, was brought from the side of tbe Empress and placed on bis horse before bim. Twelve years passed by, and that majestic column, of more durable materials and grandee height than those of Troja i or Antoninus, bad fallen to tbe eartb by tbe hands and amid the shouts of a beastly multitude wbo were far more vociferous than they had been on the day when they cheered the imperial arbiter of Europe. His armies were all captured or vanquish ed and he a prisoner in a foreign land, dying with as much pain as did bis greater uncie. Pharaoh In the Red Sea ; Nebucbad nezzar among tbe cattle; Alexander tbe Macedonian, dyihg in a drunken fit ; Han nibal in exile, by. poison ; Julius Caesar stabbed by his friends ; the two Napoleons captive's, sinking . under gloomy defeat and painful disease; these are, by. con sent ot mankind, the chiefest representa tives of human greatness aud gl-ry ! V Inch of them, young gentlemen, do you envy the most, and which will you choose for your model t As in the case . H :i K v 1. m i-i ! ab i if at .'?. .rsat:v Ltiim-.T 0 1 aV4,l !,4 ,c Buy a few dollars worth of hooks every year for your sacs and baadsaod take a good uewsaapor, they will work better and be more -eht V: a sprAmMmoir laaasaiUA L-ji is , -va V iJNii .3 Yoa have something to be proud and to boast of. The farm ia tba ksyaton to every iodussftsl wursh. Whsb it wwssajds aU prosper ; whan it fails, all flag, Doatt think you ean't be aBfTMC ssfsM ftwaaWiPa nra thefaferlsv. Was and Vtaj ware farmer's aons. but while they toiled they studied. So do ye. Buy a good book, one at mhme, read and digest it, and then another. Call and see m and 4ook over books. issyoasdl m to enw.T Hj.i of ,:. I ,, iwasBi a'a'isa.viiat aaji i ilia.-- a V-J.-'v .klMlat lo Miliaai4 ,BV-l, .... - Uiw 1 boa -na a.i.t nU ti,LtfJi .. : m Siufct vB i-.v l bnalr. GALLERY -"5 a"! . ' fI tJ vt- COME TO tfBJR PH0T0G R AP H Aa Oat a Oood Picture. edjsso haa alni' .oaip f ems ni 11 Ws will give you a good trpsturs or not let you take It a tray; for we dorft Intend that any bad work shall go from this office to in jure us asttWtoa. Oaltaad try. A. M, JoNKS. Tho mason, We have seen flaming advertisements and heard much mid by Agents Brother machines. Wa Will forfeit ens hand re da dollars to tbe coo- tending patty, if after fair trial before competent turtles the American Machine will not do as welt if not batter, the work done on any other machine. and do valuable work that soother machine can do. j j Lsi r- .e.ca We have been AgeYitsTor Sewing Maebfne since 1 836 ham sold Si nsre r's Lad Webster's At water's and Ploiencs's, and have abandoned all for' the American. . Send and get sample at wok. -Nsftv.-tf. MEgpfiy BBO. Ag'st,. , Nobody naeds to know : Here's to the goddess Worry, And here's to the goddess Show ! Fame is what you have taken. Character's what you give : Wheu to this truth you waken, When you begin to live ! Debt, and bother, and hurry ! Others have risen so : : Here's to the goddess Worry. And here's to tbe goddess Show ! Honor's a thing for derision, , Knowledge a thing reviled ; Love is a vanishing vison. Faith is the toy of a child ! Debt, and bother, and hurry ! Honesty's old and slow. Here's to the goddess Worry. And here's to tbe goddess Show ! EXTRACT RfkM EN. CLING J MAN'S ADDRESS AT DAVIDSON COLLEGE J It was once, my good fortune to witness a remarkable spectacle, the review of the army of Itaty;-4n its retnrn to Paris, on the 14Ul of August, 1839. The entire area of the' magmnceut Place Veudome wss converted into an immense ampin theatre, with vservet cushioned seats, and graceful hangings of crimson and gold, anl'll' les hi iese examples have Deen proviaea "to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of .t . i men, aud givetn it to whomsoever nc win. and setteth over it the basest of men ." A TRAGICAL FARCE. - i : J I" - 4a asgd nwginres vlftBjrT ..II M A .not snav;;aitrsp W eitvli Aoid kvjjjrio . snsirsa 'itimm :a'iiI ei aaos a 7 .; Of -tontit. r '.t.asWsFi .HTrfaafTTaiiirfi.i OF KIC (B U I i q" I iul .a wr a Assetts, 1st January, 1873, - $478,867.23 nti oq "KlJ est shl Call and - i ar.il- tr. I Window Sha Mind I don't 11. I t ... . ies, Writins: paper. Inks under aold. II' ' " t.-.V;fc . J ahi Paxtifiipatiitg FoUoieffi. a L a-.; f:,uiI bus v i . Fana Property a Specialty. 1 DR. H. f. DAVIDSON, President. ssMfMsnj i r. riuciiwx A l . t ) m i GRMAT POsBON NW'XHALIZER. I amtradmeases. B. . .. .1 I . w. Bin ;! u?t. , Vice-President. ORDAN N. MA :4 e J. E. NEISW ANGER, Secretary. THE A Sure I OS and alffpsesrs sd M- April 24. 1873 6tnos. SU Bfa0JY$8r,Gencral Agent J. ALLEN BOWN. of SalMtor. . Pwnr Agent. i.- 'pk i 05-10 a aiajte' tAWIwdiA May 22, ly. gton m I Captain Jack and his companions are to be hung for having killed General Canby and others "contrary to the rules ot civis ed warfare:'A"Tbat"is to say, the Modocs are treated and tried as if they belonged to a nation distinct from tbe United States and a- if they had the right to declare war and to prosepute it in a "civilized" man ner. This i 8 'one of the most absurd farces that ever a great nation took part in. The MoeWe kae always lived within the territory of-(be United Stales. They owe allegiance to this country if to any "Civilized The Woman tcAj Murdered Gooodrich. A correspondent of tbe New York Herald baa visited Ply month, Mass., and had an interview with tbe mother and schoolmates of Beisy King, alias Kate Staddard, now under arrest, charged wkb tfce murder of Charles Goodrich, in Brook lyn, N. I. I he correspondent sayi ; Although the ;stories of the singular tragedy had been read and commented npon here, no on could connect the -name of Kate Stoddard; with the yonthful and handsome Betsy iKing, who, until, a few years ago, wan not only the belle, but the model of propriety ot the whole town. f he papers-received In Plymouth on Mon day eon 1 11 i ued the- first news that Kate Stoddard ai.d Betsy King were one and ine same person. 1 1 1 be news was con veyed to tbe family by 4 neighbor, when; Mrs King was agoniz ed with grief. Kate was born in Plv mouth, and so were ber father and mother before ber. and jshe may, therefore, be considered as a praty direct dependent of-the little band , woo came over on tbe May .r lower two ,'or three centuries sjro. She is the youngest of a family of two daughters, ber eider lister being married to a Mr Bartlett. a worthy citizen of Hyde Pari, Massachusetts. It was her sbter aud not Betsy wHo taught school here in Plymouth county, although Betsy is Said to possess a far superior education. She is a graduate of tne high school, and dur ing her tuition she was particularly cele brated as a writeri While she was clover she was always regarded as sly and art ful. The circumstances of her first goincr away are hi keeping with her lingular and charactertic conduct ever since. One day she suddenly took it iuto her head to go to Boston, and ber parents fitted her eat and give her 1 00 in money . It is said by some of ber lady associates that there was a young Boston "runner," wbo bad become acquainted with her during one of his peregrinations herein Plymouth, and that it was to; share herfortnnes with bis that she left; her bouse. She hsd cultivated a romantic disposition by a lib eral persual of story papers and novels, and it is more than likely that cheap liter ature is the prime cause of all her woes and misfortunes. An interval of several months then elapsed, when her father was informed that she was sick -in a Hotel in Boston, and when he wept to her assistance he 4l?uUbTrTten rVcW skfnrT'W months she begajn to improve, and at about the time she was to beturtied out as 1 cured" s'ie look It into her head to leave without going through the usal formalities of .1 discbarge. Securing a eooplo of dressos and other clothing belonging to one of tbe matrons, she stepped into a buggy that was standing near the institii tioo and drove off to a relation's in North stated seasons and under regulations. Tbe fact that over two hundred thousand ani mals were sscriUced in ; less than twelve months, for so small a sum of money as their skim produced, created no little excitement and indignation in the cities of tbe plains, and in the bide markets of this eountry and in Europe it necessarily led to the cheapening of the article : and at present the hide that the hunter conld bave obtained 5 for a year ago' be would be glad to sell at 81.50. The markets everywhere are glutted, and it will be some months, at least until the fall, before the stocks on band are worked off. Several European governments, taking advantage of tbe low price of theses kin-, are manufacturing them into knapsacks for soldiers. Tbey are largely used in tbe French and Belgian armies, snd army contractors everywhere are large buyers for the purpose of making tbem up iuto all kinds of regimental material, such as strap, cords, harness, Sec. They are used in this country principally for mak ing a cheap iort of boot god horse collar ; but their introduction u connection with machinery and general woikshops is only a matter of time. Tbe tanned skin is said to turn out inferior leather in consequence of its porous character, : but dealers who profess to know, say that tbe fault is not with the bide, but wi'h the hunters and tanners. The hunters sometime kill the 1 buffalo at a season when his hide is al most worthless for manamcturing purposes and makes no attempt at preparing or even preserving it. ALL THAT IS DONE A8 A GENERAL RULE is to wash and dry tho blood wet akin, and in that Hate it is brought to the near est railroad station and shipped off by the agent to Chicago and elsewhere. The tanners as a rule bave never experimented on buffalo bides, and they follow the same treatment as for tbe farm bull and cow. 1 here is no doubt wbatever that buffalo skins can be used for almost all purposes to which dressed leather is sp pled, and that improvements can and will be made in their preparation that must lead to their becoming a valuable article of commerce. Most of the skins shipped lo Chicago are consigned to Wolff & Epstein, Kiusie street., snd by tbem forwarded to their customers East and in Europe. They came chiefly from Sargebnt, a station on the Kansas Pacific railroad. The balance of the hides are principally handled at Leavenworth, Kansas, aid are sent thence by local dealers to the different markets. The ordinary weight of a dried cowskin is from eighteen to twenty pounds, and of a dried bull skin forty to fifty pounds Of course the price varies, but it averages of shipment and transport, commission, and all expenses of handing have been taken out, tjie hunter may calculate on an average of abont occ doner per skm From the shelves of the modem library ideas have been gathered respecting tbe killiuz of buffalo that ate totally at vai- iance with the facts. The hunter, a sym metrical being, generally, in loose cut 011- NO. 45. WHOLE NO. j88C; WHAT THE BOSTON POST AND THECH1CAGO TnlBbN - THINK OF GRANT'S CHANCES FOR A THIRD TERM. 1 u . Tbe Boston Post says, with lifsiefHsj to tho eatly nomiostian 4 Qftmmi third term, the Chicago Tr, burnt im salsa a tbe fact that tbia is only part of ike Is moua Rawlins Forney bargain, nasaia sbbVjv i fun. Ki A. c .!..,.; 'I k. .1 1 - - - ftft.... virvinrii . j 11a urifAOU Oil the part of Grant was, that be ahoaid bs continued President long eweagb fa eosj penaate bim tor the loss of his salary aa General of the Armies of the United States. To be sure, by doubling his salary for his second term the psrtWssT the second part in this contract nSrVert ' manner discoanted bis claim tern ttillsV election ; but the Chicago doubilesa right in its statement 1'resident is "not the sort of sasssiWSBBmaK a release deed, sf when double that holding an to it." Tho also that Grant deserves tbe best living embodiment of tbe jog principles of his psrty.t ThUaajertioo. . .. t . n n . . J 1. at . . .' 1W S c cujipuinu uj luk Btaicmcni, inre ence to the salsry advice ,; thatneTgi bed more than anybody dse," "believed in tbe grab, lobbied for tbe signed the grab bill and is now n pocketing the gTeb.', His oiher principles of his party kv tba lnbune by references to bis end ment of Hingises after bis constituents bad cfuuxad Congressman ; bis alliance with Baatlcr iSL, Massachusetts ; bis support of Kelfojrr and Durell in Louisiana : and his diabe- ief in Civil Service reform. Tne TVBaMsf certainly makes out a strong case fbr the 'resident ; and the reply of OonrresksaMMr 1 tfawley, through bis newspaper, iheB'tflBBV" osld "put the party in a position 3 sskfi core it defeat ia tbe next PreauiaaUai , election," has no bearing upon the, fact that Grant deserves the llepublicaa oonai- contract with wieAlWrai SkMdrnwaa. Mormons Mo country. They are not more have a better right Bridgewsler. There were no apparent diessed deerskin Icggins and tunic, adorn BJ 111 1 J IftJ O ,71 I M , f 1 I I I , IIU VII' "HIV I'll- thought, even after this .little freak, and the patient wss peonounccd sane aud al lowed to go. Subsequently she went to i Middleboro and lesrned the straw hat and j bonnet business in winch she is said to have ! been an expert. Providence was ker next objective point, but she remained there 1 ith his ; only a few months, when she went to New York, from which place her parents ; h ive heard very little of her. Her farther I is a man of considerable means, and has ed with dyed quills, and-fringed, leaps on bis panting steed and chase.- the terrified bison ninny a long mile,: and at conven ient distance, with his ttroug right arm throws the sinuous lasso, midst the mon ster to the earth in ihejmidst of its wih . . k . c.treer. Calmlv he lages nnernug aim goodly backwoods rifle, and lodges THE LEADF.S MESSENGER OF DEATH eflT a- llal he gf- nation, in view both of bis Forney and bis conduct toward his of the THE GRANGES. Those who speak with contcmDt nnlitirjtl nnmr n( fK Varmora' r - - - - r r " ..ft.. t. - know bnt little of the itrenrth and tbw' influence of the organizations. Tnee1:4, lory in Illinois, where tbey overcame a party majority of forty thousand vote ssjtl'' efeated tbe nominee of the Repablieaas, was sp earnest of their power which casae - upon the Western politicians like a thnn der boll from a clear sky. Tbe eagemeee lib which the t art v bscks have state courted their cause snd the warmth wfrttr which they at-sert and mainUin their doa- M'7ivyi"rewrTTTwg rmmvnsrm, ' " , 1 i : j: 1. independent than Mormons. Indeed, the ' ",W"V "" crr,,u,"B Ul" r ... I wr.ftltli fnr tlif rr ri inn anil Mm Hit nl ill. ,11 lain ,- .... 1 and gay feitoou'e, and countless flags, and j War against the England, England clear- ornate commits, surmounted with gilded statues of victory. Between tbe great triumphal column of Napoleon tbe First and the balcony of the Kmptess, formed of clotb of crimson and gold, and alike tasteful said splendid, there was barely left space enough for tbe army to pass. And as the 80,000 picked men, covered with fresh green luvreis of Jfagenta and Solferino, with elastic Step, Came along dowu the Rue de La Paix, their glittering bayesmtaH gjidsA bjr, tbe ion bos ma, re minded me of a field of ripe grsin, gently waving in the breeze. With, rapid pace tbey swept by, with cheering shouts and tbe music ot a hundred bands, and their caw pence U and .arms, infantry, voltiguers, zouaves, Toreof , guards Im nerial, sMirrem Walled Ahd Crested caval ry, with captured, cannon, and banners, dinted or torn, fitting trophies ot victory. Lsufceng at their splendid array, with its kn pesvnr smd 1 e-aevewas swrroondings, andttfitlfenWaeeefflWagtof intelligent end polished spectators, such as tbe modern civilization ot Europeand America could alone furnish, I felt confident that day'e pageant surpassed any drni bad hitherto been presented to the eye of man. The Roman triumphs came up lsi fancy before me. and remembering ibat Caesar had won tbe empire of the world at Phar salia with. only twenty-two thousand men, a victory which any one of tbe batteries then passing wpuld, If used against bim, have converted into a deteat, 1 compared the display before me with that which tbe narrow streets end comparatively rede population of Rome could have furnish ed. 1 ait . , , .. . As the strains from one of tbe martial bands filled the air, my mind went back suddenly to tbe first Roman triumph. when Romulus in bis robe of state, and j-r ' jvlij warn i nni. rii' -mim aJ s-t : k-i I- 1.:. 1:1.1 1 ? ,1.;, . :UI . 1 . : docs claim to be no part ol L ucle cam s 1 m . V- 4 r : .1 I. ,- I 1 If HUHeiHIH III 1113 Ut.-IIH.IM- l .115 lO lUCll- subjects, and to live on tbeirowu lands. If,, , 1. . 0 J the Modocs had tbe right to decla.e war !- P-7 Pf ,nl- against the United States, they must have had the right to delate war against Eng land : and if thev had the rizbt t- declare From the Chicago Tribune. BISON IN CHICAGO. ly has the right to wage war against the., Wliere tlte Wagon-Loads of Buffalo Modocs on their own territory that is to Hides Come From-Where they Go, and say, on our terrltitory. And so it follows tcAaf is Done tcith liem The Commercial that if the Attorney -General be right, aud Value of Lastzeur'S Slaughtered Bison. the Modocs were lawfully tried, tbe British or any other Government has tbe right to j Almost every week in tire rear heavy that library picture will do well enough carry on a war on territory belonging to loads of buffalo hides may be aeen pass-1 but the reality is tomedroes a rather grim taeets of Chicago, and i affatr. The bison run tn berds or from -I a- mala a Iwitjr leere.1 9nJ9i I aooar of triumph, marched eloog on fodl dcarried onfabvM$d&, ansnod- pby, tie arms of King at a ed on an oaken a a aa . a a V in the brain of the lassoeil brnte. leaping lightly from his steed, the hunter then ad vances cautiously, knife in hand, and the bison's heart has scarcely ceased to beat ere the luscious steak it on tho glowing coal. And so forth, and so 011, until the remaining meat has' been hung up on a tree, or buried lo be cojne for at another time, and the auimal duly flayed, and aud its skin out to dry u tbe sun. For a gill-edge young genlldman foud of ro mance, who had iba geod luck lo find a terrified bounding bisoiiou. all alone, with his hoofs and horni safely locked up al home, and his teeth in his waisco: pocket, togs held in Western towns on tbe Fourth) of July, monster gatherings of tbe saaa of toil where the anniversary of a naSkan's birthday was celebrated by tbe rending af new declarations of independence and tbe taking of pledges to free themselves from the tyranny of monopolies. The farmers have formed a party, and tbey threaten to sweep the West in the next elections. The Convention held in Des Moinetf flto Saturday, adopted what may be truly termed a "square out planters sdsllQi . The resolutions declare that do man erne be supported fnr office who is not. -the friend of the producers and tbe enemy of monopolies ; that railmads bave no vested rights which fiee ibein from legislative control ; they d noui.ee the salary grab and the President for approving the hill. If the lowans win on this platform tbe old prty leaders may well tremble at the uncertainties of the lutnre. Cartmrcaf T Sent, nil. the United States. .., I ing through tbo fire This train of argument shows that shipped hence form all points East and Captain Jack and bis companions have for Europe. Few people know whence uot been tried according to law. It shows, l they come, whither they gA, nr for what too, that whan executed they will be cxe- j uses tbey are destined. Yet they form a euted not simply without wsrrant of law, not considerable item of the infant com bat contrary to law. In a word, tbey are mcrce of tbe great plains of the West. to be murdered. If this is not a logical' It is estimated that some 200,000 conclusion wo know not where the flaw buffalo were shot last year (up to the end in the argument is. I of she your). For sosae years previously All these unexpected results flow from the supply of skins bad been small, very the Attorney-Gmierars recent opinion in little more, in fact, than those of animals the case of the Modocs. And that opinion slaughtered by Indians and white hunters was wrong, because he assnmed as a start- for subsistence. Khe price was there- tng point that tne Modocs were an Uidepen- j fore rcmnroerative, tanging from 84 .o 85 dent nation, basing tbe right to wage war , for cow skin, and $6 to 87 for a hull skin, according to the rales in nse amongst Many reasons contributed loan increased civilized nations. It is time that sueb , supply. Hunters found it profitable to nonsense were at an end. The Indians kill the animals as a means of livelihood owe obedience to oar lews, and should be punished for failing to obey tbem, just as Caucasian?, negroes, and Monogohnns are punished. Captain Jack and companions ought to have been turned over to tbe civil authorities of Oregon for trial and punishment. But sncb is the way of the world. An absolute ruler alwa)s finds net only an excuse .for but a way of ac eomplishing his purposes. A powerful government, whetner republican or mon archical hr farm,' does likewise. Mr. Snrratt end a number of other persons were murdered in Washington City soon after the close of the war. The military commission which tried them was organ ized in -violation of lew. So that tbe Modocs may at mast bare the satisfaction Of kuowiaar that than ah eondemued to licelh by.ati unlawful tribunal, they bave 1 had no worse fate than better people have at these prices ; the. herds, confined by railroads to a comparatively small rang ing ground, became "easier ef access, snd supply. Hence buff il bunting became a pin suite of considerable value, and hun ters from parties, or limited companies, and went forth in regular hunting expedi tious of much greater mngniurle than bad ever been conceived! before. Their suc ceasei became lbs theme of the new towns that began to dot amd fringe the plains more hunter? joined in the enterprise, and THE WOaX OF SLAUGHTEaiJfO B ' TTT A LO for the aake of their skins became an es tablished bnsiness. The readers are fami lar With the pluint that came from the plaias over the wires Isst spring of the irigbtful destruction ibat bad been ac eomnlishad. and the demsnd thst was made on Congress tq pass a law prob two to four thousand hdnd, and when hey are alarmed tbey scamper off, and when they scamper off God kelp tbe hunter or score of hunters wbo are luckless enough to stand in their way. A hundred hunters wonld be swent off the: earth into atoms as certainly as though Ui y were to oppose with their bodies a Iocomalive engine '1 he bold hunters do nit chase the bound ing bison in that Way. They bave learned wisdom and treks since tbey shot bison for the eastern markets. Tbey adopt all kinds of stratagems., tbe successful of which is the digging of little pits, or hid ine in natural boles, where the buffalo 1 are sure to pass. Hete they wait many weary hours before the uerd lakes up such a position that they eaji be safely scared from the rear with ihfc certainty ot ad vancing in the direction of the bunten. Onee seared, they wilf come tearing on like the wind, and the hunter ean pop at tbem in front out of the pits, while those in the rear pop at tbem behind and on the sides from saddles. ! A bnmn will al waysjnmpa hole, bnt if be turns and means fight, most banters prefer not to abide the issue. It is a risky business, and only fit for Indians aud whites of the most unsettled habits. ! A NORTH INVKN- CAROLINA T ION. The newly invented eottoa ehepper end cultivator ot Air. j. a. L ndei wooev sif ;' Fayetteville, is attracting match at in ills in the section iu which it has been ralro doetd. Mr. W. A. McKay, of B "Unaend county, an old farmer and a gentleman ei high character, has written a letter pcsJt- ing of u in the h'ghfst terms, bays ha; ' With tho present scarcity of labor Re value lo a farmer can only be apprecjeJfldV, by those a ho give it a trial. Uavu hagi. . , a life lime experience in the cultivation 0 cotton snd knowing the requirements of the plant in its several stages of growth, and tbe necessity of a rpeedy redactiod ef tbe plant to a stand while young, f made a special examination of this feature offte work, end pronounce itatborongh vuceeee. It bars both sides of tbe cotton at same tiov. much better than ran be by the ordinary plow, and chops oat sutlIus cotton, leaving the bills inches apart, and it thoroughly cleans the cotton of grass. Tbe soil oa which thai test wss made was oar river swamp assjda possessing a diversified surface toaluding much marsh, clay and sandy loam, abound ing with the usnst number of Humps on uch land. There wai no difference in its workings no dogging or difficulty In passing stumps, it was drawn by one mule with as little effort as the lightest plow now nsed in the cultivation of col and waa guided with more e ordinary plow. I am satisfied front Wl a at at I nave seu 01 tne machine that H I coo have gotten one tweny-daya ago on my farm, my crop to-day would have Ween benefitted by its ase at least 50 per eenev 'I shall never plant another cotton ercm without one 01 your machines. vas 1 it ibl- ; had before, and that even if lb fey bad been ting tbo killing of buffaloes, except at well To Clean Cider Barrels. The Scientific American says : "Put lime wa ter and a common trace . chain into the barrel through tbe buug hole, first tying a strong twine string to -the chain to draw it out with. Shake the barrel about until wears off tbe mold or pomate, then rinse ith water. Itrsa, than an II V OI. Mosby declares that Grant M the "ablest man in America.'" This ft e4 tainly very complimentary te Grant; bed." then, it is deuced hard on tbe rest of snrT I An exchange tells ns that ''Baaisat Is dies put on clean stocking when tboy hassha their photographs taken." Why is it, thaws. 0 that their husbands don't persuade those to have their pbotegraphs taken ofteot thau semi-anuually ! ,(!