ICmm f-T Li Jt JJ'imaiLllJgil'.'I'Sg1.' S. wi 1 sm'si IHUH 'i - -" 5 - , , : . : ; it I 'I v ' - ' i ! ? ; i i : ,t 3 ' r f i ; e ' , r - ... v I I TV' HIP YgEPTONG I" RiAU,INMTUE DEAD. weUet singerjrf W WwJMivL s&J&i&k fkfiak Qtomw. iJ I Jl 2 . . " X ZaMAaYBAJ Jtii ' I " -T" .J .- A I av W " WMU. .KULI CTBHa v M KM ft MUI 1 1 M"VW."Wlr til ..ir . iMiftM SU. married a Dooular !, - ' iii. t cmiA. - aw 1 1 aw BaiJiii wwte n a w w- v r r-r n -ww t r - m v i it - t . mi - w - w - - , f K?tS rnc,3u.u. knowjrt, ..ttlkrrr Byrne' from whom .Vi ' if WWtnd? discovered poU 4e .iib.eqaei,tlr parted, be following we dstc doi ipttra tnan are uiose oi an t r. , . r . , : ! of tbe Union. Tb Tuomber and charac- tire ev.dence ot the exigence in una c y , gcene aeacnoe 1,1 power as an orator. 7 1 J :,.;.,;n. ft1i of a secret Chinese socjety named Hip The ate wa a capiul flony i lieroiuie euuoauuiiui . . j" i. .. l Carolina lUatfbnan. 8XLtSDt)R1rvtHt?R8DAY AUGUST, 1. APOLOGETIC. Da account of licknets 'Jbeen able to get out our usuil amount of ditoril and local matter tbi week.; i NOTICE-' EVj2rYB0DYC l . Nexf week 1i the tlmr appointed for holding a special term of the Buperior Court for Rowan, and aa many of our patrons aud frienda will be in towri, we uggeat that itwlll be a good time for ettliog tap foe their paper. We shall be pleased to see oar friends at this office, x , .mm- The Wilmington Journals, a few days ago contained an article on the remarks of the Watchman relative to the lease of the North Carolina Bail Road and the action j of the Legislature with respect to it. t We Intended to publish the Journal's article and will do so yet if we can find the paper eontairfinfr it. The Journal is wrong in eaying that we charged that there had 'been; no Investigation. We were aware that some sort of an investigation had 'been had by a Legislative Committee. Neither did we say that "free passes" had iany thing to do with the action of 'those who lield that jjiveBtigation. The honora ble names the Journal mentions as having been connected with it, we.foel oonflduut could nit be influenced by such means. We should be very sorry to think that we 'bad done those genllenaeu any injustice. While we were aware than an invvsuga-; tion had been held, we did not knoir the gentlemen composing it or the scope or powers given them i r The 'Journal exh operates the Iegisla , .lure from, all1 blame,, We do not. We think the . Journal condemns, or rather, intimates 'that the lease was a fraudulent transaction. With tt we agree. The Healthfulness of Z&n.-Wben State ismgn te signify a great deal , but still more Yee Tong. formed for the parpose of the ignified by the native talent and liter- prosecution of a iracTln qh.oe ornen, 1 . , J . .L.-,.,u..-i.ii. in !k nM nto 1 vea of nrostitution. beven arv autituae oi tne moiuers mm uau-nvi. - - .. . , ,. Sfte-Ord-Nbrth UXCTTlir5a; Wmbefsere-arres bul ociety atiange and memorable that so many of consuls of three hundrrd and fifty, and the ladies of North Carolina have develop- the officers are searching for f be others. edfso much literary mlent, and that Jo The following are tho circumstances lead- creat acauainUnce with tue remoie ma-i ms; u tofy and earlier annals of their State-is exhibited by them. Uesides the plrtiy fictitious reputation of Miss - Evans, of Alabama, we know of no lady in all the South, who has attained the same laurels Several weeks since tho ehlef of poliee received a letter from three Chinese girl, which translated read as follows : 'This letter is written at onr wish. We are three poor girls, kept by an old man, in literature aa the young authoressof Ah Can, and an old woman, Ah Die, as of Valerie Jiy lmer." We hope we do slaves, to make money tor i hem by prosti not offend the jealous sensibilities of onr luting our bodies. Uiilesa make so own noble and faithful Virginian daughters ranch nightly we are whipped and tortnr by rendering a just tribute to the rare edi We would like to lead more honora artistic and literary gifts of their sistew ble lives. Will the authorities of this city of Carolina. But even at the risk of being aid s poor victim to escape tins dwgrace blamed by those whose favor is so gratefnl full iftf 'We will be grateful." and welcometo us, we are constrained to re- The girls could not be fonud. A few cognize the claims of the lady authors iof days later one of them, Ah Sing, escaped North Carolina as reflecting peculiar hoii- and fled to the City Hall for protection. nr.inat onlv on their Sutes. but on the She was Sent to the Kov. Mr. Gibson's uii. to iL Ptirml fntimenta Chinese mission school, and -was there ,hl.,' tl,v unhold i the local faUtorr married to Yat Lung. A few nights since wh ch the keep fresh and memorabli, and Yat Lnng was taken before the Hip Yee tlreir litcrarv reDutation. both in the Hzhteir Tong Society, nud there told that he must, and more seriona fluids, has been attained under the penalty of death , pay the keeper bv ;tieui.-P6terslurg I nebs and - f'tlie brothel trom which Ah Mng escap Mi if Jed 350, tha price of the girl. : -ilt bung returned to the mission and .1.iimu1 tliorn tlmt hrt k nfrniil tn crrk into THREATENING. ill ,mtraf,tM I t.liraom4 a f lift, ft in Ypo. A cloud of war has appeared W the Tohff Society the police -foflod large roils I . . x i .1 ! 1 i. e ... - 1 .1 rjuropeaii say. timay not oq larger man containing xoe bhidctwiub women buiu, a man' hand as yet, but it looks omjnouJ the amount paid for each, und the amount none the Jess. It' may. increase id siaejowed by enstoraers with the rapidity of a snmrner: cloud anq sooh grow black with the terrors .of teml pest and lightning- - Marshal McMahon, President ot France, has angered Victoa Emmanuel, lvng of Italy , and the latter; has Uttered the language of menace. It seems that the, new President of Francois pea It is thonsrht other -similar aooiuties exist. Every effort will be made to break them up. TnE RURAL CAUOLIN AN. I . The, August number of the R0rai Carouxian hat reached us with its ac customed regularity. The table of contents presents a varied selection of matter both i instructive and i a teres ting to the agricuU rtarlst and the Iiome circle. The "RuiUl" Is now established on a firm basis, having 1 nearly completed Us fourth volume It ..!s pleasing to learn that it it daily receiv ing now accessions to its already largo list of subscribers. The publishers aro determined to spare no efforts in further extending its field of usefulness. To that end, (hey are advertising, for Canvassing ' Agents in each County of the several Southern S)ales. This will afford an excellent opportunity for energetic farmers to undertake the duties of Canvassing for the new volume, which begins in October next. The terms are $2 per annum ; with club rates as follows : G copies for $10 10 for $16 20cppiea for $30. Address Walk- lit, EVASS & COG3WKLL, f Charleston, S. C. JJr.t Byrne rose in, the. co,nxt ropm amid deep silence, Yrooecded I to ! close Tot Ike! prpsccuUaoPlejM bt4UlAn4. lira, with Ionz flowing black, locks his eyes, burning aud flowing like a biasing coal; he tore the veilof sophistry," woven around the subject by his adversaries and aid the bald and awful facts- before the (try. Now raisins to awful denunciation. ic seemed a Nemesis to the cowering criml nal before him ; now be turned his voice to low persuasion as be sought to mould the jury to his wishes. But as he paused, afier a tremendous effort, his eye persaad edhipj, that, unless he called to his aid som? new and startling Una of action, the verdict would bo against him. At the time an okl 'eccentnet man was' bailiff of the court. One of. his peculiarities was a m to steep lorouzh the argumems or coun sel, and nauzUtaouId aro ise him save the command of the oourt, and the voice of the District Attorney directing him to do some official act, but at these well known sounds he would start from, his seat with an alacrity remarkable for one of his years rn : . 1. : r i his usual hap) Byrne. Jo, whom this ;do ayncrasy wel) kuown, , pointed bis fiogr. at the .peaoeful couuienauce, and then eulozizcd his faithful attention to hi duties. "Rut," said ho "he has in this caae left onc luty anpcrfrmed." Thou, with a voice that thrilled through men hearts dud made the afters ring: Mr U iilin, can u m. a iras. t H i oU men sprange from hi seat, and hurrying scro the 'court room to the entrance beyond called in a wierd, thick rainncr, the dn man s naratv ivuuam Aams, miiiaiq Adams, wiiiiam Adams, com iato tue oeonle feel the need of an acid fiber Wminr a!he and Sit Jeeiwra 6r afleavthey wmildfeil just as Well sausfied afcl. rcrtiv wjienimonsare cueap person should then purchase several dozen at once, and prepare them for nse in the warm, weak days of spring and summer when the acldes. especially cilrle and no iDlary. M sugfeitionl in jtue -tuaricei.' a fbaUc.orthe acide of lemons, are so grate ul and useful. I'tess your hand on the roTOT(Troirn-bacK anafo7lVT)risl!y on ue fable to make it sqneexe more. eailv : then nrtui the' iuieo into a bowl . r, . - i - ... or nimbler never Into a tin; strain okti ll the soeds. a they trivo a bad taste. Remove all the bulb from' the peels and boil in water a pint far a dozen lulb to extiuct the acid. A few miuutes boil iag ia enough then strain the water with the juice of the' lemons f put a pound o wbrte Sugar 16 a pint of the jaree ; boil ten miuutes, bottle it. and yonr lemonade IsTpady. Put a tabtespoonful or two of tin lemon syrup lit a glass of w'ater, and bare oooliug. healthful drink, ' ng bis balr. and feeling his col w J . a ifuiu iaiv a aa o i ua it unin nv " . ."?9V , Uhh'lbet .pec si reliemoT ari tie family'lls iangatnary. i.Jtjl jSGfiiating of prayer, exhortation tnd i a crerwj 1 1 insirucuon. At a o clock on TVj i Jmra.ih murdered man.ktlled iaoei Willbui FcltiAUita 4 ail 'aerved three yeArfiathe StaHVlison . . . for it. Two of bis brothers were killed in the battle during the war, and he him sell almoat fatally wounded. AH served in the Eighth New Jersey. James and Alexander were noted firemen of fxwarA- The brother, killed were Uavid A. apa. -Wallaee. Thi first was killed at the bat- lie. of. VVilliamiburr. Va.; an Wallace died from tb effeat of wouads recrifed at tin same Utile. At Alexandn4, vvifginia, Juries tadv : part of bis caff carried away bv a shell, and a bullet is still in his shoulder White James was in the State prison Alexander worked day and night and epeul every eent he earned trying-to shorten the ten from fie o three year As above stated, ha succeeded, I 't the erectirtonj.the spiritual advuer3 morning tne solemn Sacrament T 1 - C I .ni t , . . lli.m nrir.l.li, al,!.!. i.L . only will be present with them. mors Sun, July 30.. i'ne'fUoi laiodelW faVs-Lo. 8wrdaT,trfgbt!tst betwm M lniilii : o'clock, some one bailed at the front rul of the place where Mr. Levi Edward, u. ' ... wwufc vcoimues iroti tk town of JVilson. Mrs. Udwards oi : f - ertd , ! 1 the window and asked who 1t ra w iuiu id rcuiT mil U vas Dill- J will iih a note from Louis JoUcr, a neito, king Hr. Kdwards to come orexU, nt morning; acton to Joiner's ' Sloon th; window was closed ithoi aty. tbig aarw Uiag id aWoi MkMr if" wards Mr. Ejwards wtnt-te tb fn.- door for some pnrpoae, and Waring toic,! artUfraATgateasked wjaa. a, ! andM-taAd Ip.rr ply that Tt as Ji'i od that be whb'to deliver th T,oie by IXr. JolnerT Mr. Ed wards the. 1 out toibewgatrt nd the nrgro mai.fcri snch it pmvid to be, comrUMiced trU.k; into hr pkt fr tke note, Lai. U strrojtd not to-be able to fud it, Mr, Ld. ' wards told kjm th( be bad-Utter et in the haasettid have a ligbu''Tli! tu tUif f 4lord tVlwardstn.rAhe Hwin lliat"r1i ciioii.jwhetube Utier f-h a Mtrr blow ovrr thehntilder fronl an ax; llrr hlch Luck-i3 him down, the axe LitL e -fTTtp ovrr jsTTootiiig iTTe mik, e , aroce from tht ground he :m kiwk down by a lick Hi the bivk. and a preHm'iiary Ife or not les lhaif 3U oao ; "s. -r " ' - f ' and uixin the final decree of the Ccurl the i n ,,K' U'ch okr lnvr "r ' further sum of 91 4,000, aa well as th tosu 1 r,p !' . ! : ; Shc akthat ih.: bouds 4 bis i-tcap-. , A-na...; n brraHf and the Piei- 1 l ,cc ,na neuter Uu- t.u J dtMi! of iIk- Church of J; sua Clnfu and " w '.t ii pouiy m... .. fc of'ifie Liiurdavs Saint U- fuicvtr dia- "rrted n'1 ,g, Olon lrIal "l Kr"k as net Prof. TT. J. Harri, of L'Tiislfna, praC' tical phrenologist and physlttoist, deliv on a virtf mtrstm iiL'Car! in tliisi citv . - a m . mt t 'f J - . meJiUting mterterence wilU Italian anairs, last oisht; to a lai;;e audience He h in andahe cry is to go tortll, vave France died the subj ect in an eiy off h Lid w iy andUJowf'' The Julian King if not an wm 1Bara him vere biirhlv enter - - . a . - mm. I CJ ml ablesovereign, but lie is Said tq.be braver rwjrfed Prof. II irris nosdeasiM wonderful He will scarcely submit, taeaely " to anyU lntaitive nower. and his delineations of demonstrations that may be;made ortPi1;..lctpr cannot fail to 'convince tha moit Italian soil by the war-like rulei of thoi skeptical, of the truth of phrenology. Freijch. If Unme U to be saved to Papal As a pyrotechnist, Prof. Harris stands rulej if .French bayojiets once more gleam unriveled; At the conclusion of the Idc in tlje oity Of the seven hills and the uniiy! iqreji;3l nigi,t, he favored onr citizens of Italy, is to be destroyed, thero will 4e with one of his exhibitions, which con war Necessarily, and there Ul be other 8isted of a fire haloon being aent up to the belligerents than , the two. power referred height of two nr three mileK The baloon to. We should suppose that France had, had strings attached to it, in connection enough of war to satisfy Us !stomach for wjt wUndi, were h ills wbiqh fell some the flight" for decades to come, It is s lwo hundred feet and then esployrd in pityplers aud -Kings are so ready to tl,e air with the noise of a small cannon, appeal to the arbitrament of the sword; We could not fc?gui tn describe the beauty when wise counsels aid a-pacific spirit Uhia "grand pyroteeUnical display. It would answer so much "better. Under was novel, aiariling and beautiful exceed any Aspect war is a terrible alternate and fag' anything of the kind we have ever only I madmen, it would seem, would Deore witnessed. Xorl AH'&wm He- plunge into it recklessly ana uuwiseiy.--par(ert court." rhe'crini?iial shivered. in his'wat it .id r j .ii.i i.i . men a Diooa nowea couuy, ana us silence was aa death. Justice siMMii'-d crvlyg to Heaven for retribution ihc fue? of IHimih grew white and blueaud each man glnrdnd his eyes npon the dour as if he ex pecird ihe appaiUimi to answer tliesumraoiM. Ouile raen, continued B'rne, that witness can never cotpc. x ne one who can rUlo the circumstances of this tragedy I'ws in his cold ancl silent grave. No bailiff voice. can rouse him from his eternal sleep; naught, save the clarion blast of the Archangel's trump car pierce the adaman tine walls of his resting place. He has been deafened forever by him who now stands arraigned at this bar. Base, brutal bloody man, opon you hangs this awful responsibility. Your hands have dabbled in his blood, and as the instrument out- I raged society I demand your conviction." Genius triumphed Justice was viwlica ted and the prisonei expiated his offence on the scaffold. MAD DOG DITES.. The reeent cases of hydrophobia in &U city, says the Baltimore American, hv- eacl ed a discussion concerning the nature j nd origin of iliia ni v-ti rious disease whicl nay 04Mviribute sooiuiiiing of substantial ; VMlue to medical svii-noe. We find ibutat Jarge nbmbrr.oi. intelligrnt writers are of the opinion that cases of true hydrophobia are exceedingly rare, and that those dis tressiug symptoms which affect . patients 'who have been biltt-n by. dogs supposed to be rabid are due in a large measure to tbeJitttueoce of the imaginatiou upon the nervous system. ' Another theory fs that the 'poison, whrn communicated by the tioih of a jfabld doV,-' U held, as it were, jn a Utile Vesicle or sac which forms about the wound, hih! that it is not absorbed until thire'p;iclu.i destroyed by ihnseiiui aliiig prucPises of nature. If taken up y.iili bUxd imuiediateily, iiydrophodia It ft S woi.ia re.iit iminiMlnteiy. nic t.jct tmt ihe wMiud bfoim! aorejnst befoVi uiiJ iM'rf o nii ? Oil ihtWi tli it some dnioleti- sti nctiire TUE 9E VEN T E NTH -v MBS. BRIG HAM YOUNG UEQUIUES A SE PARATION. She swears jbal she bas agrcHl to pay i u'.iiuMA ami council a- reaonaiir.oo- 4 t-r Ifieir servloVs, atrd tlnrl she to means to comply with her t til I llil- 6 ! :- mi in tUau lliose andVr ike control 1 -iden't of the Church of Jesus S thri Littered ay SaiuU. She ihi .KK SzOOQ ia a reasonable aom for liirir c rvicrs.-i-8he further ahowabatche is without a hrtme, and stoppipg at a hotel in Salt Lake. .-She thinks it will require $1,000 a month to defray her expenses. She prays that Bringltam may be order ed to pay to her during lh petrding of i Li suit the satn of 31,000 per monib from the daiv of the filing uT bier bill, nd l hat be be required to pay to her eolieimrs preliminary tee of oot less lliarf 3u 000 of. the Com t. mairiajony oeiwre f aya solved, and I hat Kafhi; pniceAs In the c-lluUr si A PORTIOX OKTHK E.HTATK of the defendant, Mm.viuting to $300,000 mu"t b- takutg place. Ureat faith slionU b et n tor tlie 0eu nt ot Hie cm be put in the en Hing out und oauWi uiuy pplainanl ; fnriUer relivf as ihe f-qaiiy of of tho wound, for thero can be no d.mbt i her case may arrant audio iheOouit long I sjeiu lutft. SUo clones by aaking llul MitrUirate. .i i i li.. i ! . i 1 i f I'A FRIGHTFUL FRATRICIDE Wf A nnt ctftpn nnl!p nnw mniii Ytnt WARS NOW GOING ON. we are impelled to make some remarks When the millenium comes,: there will; upon a song recently published, and en be universal peace in this little planet of jl titled "Kiss Me Darling When I'm oura.ibut not before. Universal Deace so- Gone." The request itself is indeed of cieties do hot prevent men from cuttting j "n luteresiiug nature, ueause it suggests their -throats nor nations from! slaughter- I the inquiry, how, in the name of common ing people by the million. Men will ueverl sense, can his darling kiss him wheu he is beat Itheir swo:di into plowshares and4uei . U.ia too much to expect of a V their I New! GxnsbalClinquak. In his address now going on : spears into pruning hooks, fork World enumerates the The wars at Davidson College, the soldier and states man thus al "For the great war itself, North Caroli- i na was not, responsible. udd to the origin of the war : as a State nor were her- sons, Soon after its close, in De cember, 1865, I met the present Vice- President of the United Dtates (then I. An internecine war between the Re- puDl.an ijrovernraent of Spain and Don vunos, iue leguimaie neir oi--xne Uour- bons o the throne. This war has con- v woman. It is in a certain aspect, uurea sonable. If she kisses him while he is there, he ought to be satisfied, without -requesting her to perform tho osculatory teat aticr he lias left for home. 1 hat word, "osculatory," will probably bo used in this paper may times during the next tinued for some lime, with varying sue- .few j months. Whenever we start up a cess, f At present there seems no hope of iew and surprising word like that, all the a decided victory by either army. editors and critics ami reporters seize it. 11. Ibe war between Cuba and the and shake it at the public until it becomes e has con- Uiiesome,) But what we wish to refer to r n w 1. 1. . I. .. I nI rt Inn I l l-l I. ir. Mil. i i 4.... . .li . i .i j vi icnio, xk nits uee i uruae- t''"fcj'"ij niii; ouiie ia tut; uiew verse, ennlrl nnt ha r noon vnifltsH Iia nmnl r.C I . r I f . . . . 0 ' Vu - a .'- TV . v V 7- cutedlwith vigor on both sides and fero- which is as follows sry, "? ' Jfe? rmy waves FX.? ?. a - U 6'Vf ? "P.1 K I.iv4. The telegrams have informed us The fragrance of thy loving smile vo:.- ci" CC" , . lately that Khiva was captured and the ! W II waft new stratigth to me.. u. yjuT. oeymour, cenamiy mieuec- KhlinL.nn.rA,I n.,r ,1;. li Yni Will .nr il..t V,;u l.- contradict this rumor. Russia, though ming in thesaid sea he expects her to atand Senator Wilton,) in Washington, and he mot,r count Th- gU said to me "I am glad the war ,s over, it tinue4 for fo'ears. It has b a uni. a lew weens later, m lov. Seymour, certainly in tellec tnally equal to any statesman of thenlay, : remaraea tome that he had at the beein nibg of the war, been inclined to condemn ! the course, of the Southern men in seced , ing, but that he was then convinced that thr collision could not have been av. ided ! vci. iuniiuiuiiir, in uis aauress to the 'Grand Army of the Republic in Philaqel- pbla, sinet, has stated with irreat clearness ' 'aud force, rhat the war was the result of causes for which the people neither of the ' North nor of the Souih, of this generation, were responsible, and that -those who ' h i.Au :.i. i l i . i - i v" otucnau uorne iiiemscjves slie will doubtless ultimately he successful, somewhere and smile a loving smie, upou will have to earn lier conquest of the Kha- tbe fragrance of which, if the wind blowa uate of Khan and ntrhlincr his soldiers VI. Modoc war just ended. V. d he war between the Dutch and Hie bItall of Atchen. This conflict will. alter tue close ot the nreaent nrmed nin. iralityj break out before many months with renewed fury. V 1. 1 1 he war hetwen Sir. Samuel Baker ana ins forces and the slavo riRAlr n Uie White Nile. Lite distoache. rImw iu .the right direction, he expects to float asnore. it bis hones are realiind w. t - - a shoulft like to hear trom him. We shall take pains to patent that woman's loviu? f mues, so inat me iragrance of them cau be sliced off and sold as a life-Dresrvers SA wp.man. whose smiles posses such now er: would be invaluable as a Chambermaid 1-i like brave and honorable men in a cause ,C6" rlu"JU8U . ii has'noUruth in w.hat hypocntea the Northern leaders fore HOW PXPOntTiicr Iiifl'tnTafAn ?- iLU.u were! 1 hey pretended thai it waa a war hivirt At Afri. J Ck al.A I T.;.. i 1 m ..... y " Ior "e nogro, and To all these wars must be Added th thus they secured the aid of Maryland, occasional conflicts thatoccur on ihe banks Uelaware, Kentuckv aud Missouri, and na nf Mm (iA u. ... t . . i. . , , , 1 viiuiuv. ucmccil iue AXCSICulia "' w.r " "rer ",B7 aT0W tnat and the TeXans ; and. chronic revolutions ... .w.FM.e,r on eci was lo tree the ne- ofCentral and South America : thediffie.,1 gro . without the eo-operation of the lies between the ttnn-llal. 5n T,wl?J ....i rfMr.Li,Mi.i..'.k' n-ij.. . .. T O " i v w. umiu uuro iiiudea in inn t in wi m ihhua . .i.i rj r r. i r. . . i " 'i1"" ruo iMMiui-iu . irq .?.Baec.wn sowninineaontb,AboI.tionHdimculiies finally to be settled f 11 5 steamboat. If any body happened to y. fdl oyer board she would wnf. ihe strnie'ih" linuer on the smell better than if he had it. Sir Samuel is there- Inm.rT-flJ" Adder. that the painful rumor of the death of this turner on the smell of the smile to enfetv a. i h .. t i . ii .a . uaruy explorer ana ins accomplii-hed wile! Puer man ii lie had a cum thing around i )0 r ism could not have succeeded. mask waa thrown But the force oi arms ; and' the internal stUff'trics. off, when disguise was leading to occasional bloodshed, UONEST MEN FOR OFFIC 1 own. ntiers only by 1 j j, . . " : "t uivuuaucu. iu mosi " UKVnoai" uaiiotte uorne. countries of the world, not excepting our but that the poison remains there' a time bclore it is absorbed. Tragedy in Xewark, Neu Jersey A iFamily Steeped in Blood A 2errille. Finale to a Trifling Dispute. ! ' f Xew York Herald, July 30-1 TheimaU frame-house, No. 1? Beacon street, Newark, embowered in graperies and other foilage, and occupied by the wijow Birrell, and age Scotch woman, and her sons Alexander and James, was the, scene last evening, between 7 and 8, of a shocking murder- the slaying of on4 brother by 'he other, stabbing him to the heart with their father's almost worn out shoemaker's knife. But one witness waa present, the aged, gray-haired, bow backed mother, and, as she persistently icfosed to aay a word about the circum stances, they had to be gathered at con sidcfable Difficulty. As near aa could be ascertained by the Herald representative, of the shocking occurred. From WANTON MURDER. Atlanta Paper. Wo learn that on Friday the little villge of LogansviJle, in Wulton Co., was stirred to its profoundest depths by tbe perpetra- ion of, a brutal and cold blooded murder. From what we have been enabled'to gather it appears that a young man named tiara - metl, was out practising with his rifle. A ball struck the dwelling house of an old man naifocd Rock more. Mr. Rockmore came oot and isked ilammett not to homlaera,f the family and from the poliee that way any more as the ba la -might il appear lhat oflate Alexander Birrell strike and Will Some of tbe children. Ham 1 "as been mer "Cil. ,antd. TvF HXAirrixo the role of Kb xr tv.LL; aiidliftiiur hm rifle lo ma face, deliberate v shot Mr. Kockmore m the neck. Seeing James, on tbe contary baa been very that Rockmore did hot fall. Ilammett ran steady. After fiuishmg up a good day s to him and beat out his brains, breakititr work at hatting yesterday afternoon in us rifle off at tbe breach. Rockmore dfrd latel & W heaton's place, in I nomas almost instantly. . Ilammett fled to parti street, where he was employed, he pro unknown. Mr. Uoekmore is said to be a I ceeded home, and had some word witn oh a k m i iik o.igliam louu'be compelled to appt-ai b f.r- the Court al a ct-ruui time u.ider a crlaiu penalty, ihert to answer U qors tiona thai may be put to him. sue waa trngfdv at the scene soon after it man of family, and about fifty years of age. . Afc&mtoeti ia said to be scarcely twenty-one years old, and bump-back. brother Alexander about some vrlcuilta The latter, it seems, had eaten more ihn his share, so thallJamea had to go short when he came home. The quarrel was stopried and Alxaudcr lt-fi the houie "MAMMA IS DEAD." Virgiuia City Nevada) F-uttf prise. Mr. John W; Van Brocklin, of Twin Bridges, a shor distance away from litis city, w helping to -'build a church at Sherid an, aud wa away from home with his wagon and team from Monday moin ing till Saturday night. He had been several weeks t so occupied. lie was. therefore, absent from his wife and two little children, the eldest five years old, all week, except Saturday nights nud San days. Mrs. Van Brocklin and tho child ren enjoyed good health, and the husband and father had no fear for lb safety of the birds in ihejhoine nest. There were near neighboretoo. On Saturday even ing the two children used tn toddle a good distance along! the road by which their, father came, id mett him and ret a ride home in the wagon, Mr. Van Brocklin was returning home as usual, and the two little fellows had gone . Mrs. Waloutu Living .m Siko. Tbe miher of Frank II. worth, the muiWrerof his father, ao r J mni-d by b-r, youngest oa, Trwy!.: taken up her residence in a quiet K m ing house at Sing Singj NewW-k FVank has been formally install d :ti- i.fSce as clerk; of ibe shoe dt-prta i : He will be stt to work in the prvr ' office of the cleik of ihe shoe depirtta -i.j.S wbere.no strangers can see him in puM.j through the prion. , j , In regard to; the fling by the Womin't' Journal agairist Miss Atignil D?, Kite Field and ethers, calling thrnislj, roids( tbe . Ilochca'u r Democrat nr :! "We abal ventarQ ns remarks atia'ile, spe of thejotler Jadica ' mentioned, but Mins FiTd" antf "MiV l)odgf , so fr fr-a y being old maidi, arc only years back. r In p.ivl? eouoty sigea . 3 year. ( DIED, on the 27th int. N E V A DVERT1S E M E N TS . -scrroDr; notioi: On a late amrdaHp,jE1; tiAr Fm.,e l.laA atrutf a taught in Ihe Acaoemj in the rear of tht I Preshnerisn Church will be opened onToer quilt a distance! to meet him. He atrpped I SefKerolxr lCih, 1873. ! ' to rake them in the wagon, and as he lifted kfl-MVT'11' ffir"7 Ihem up be asked: "How is mamma ( I flrte CaLdwILI 4 ' Two little voices replied : "O, papa, mans- "J. J. BarE,i . "S :' visit Ibis brother Mi l iw, James Alio Ihk Battlk of the Bullfrogs W mm I -mm m m m. . m . Many ot Ihe cuuena ot Vermont wijl re-1 residing at rvo. 'cGl .N irfolk street, ai momko. tn. hovo J..I1- U'.ll C rl .. .... ,... V. U .-I tl ui.ui . n. uo r u ascu uu unvvi uiiij iniiiJCJljr u 11 lilt: f nnik iniiits. .-kiirvik oi iue u inanam. county oute uaiik; al told bim that lie had mms words wun vignette representing bullfrogs fibjing. James; and soon after left and returned Thia was engraved to. commemorate, tbe home! The nnarrel between the two t ...i r u.. i..iir n. i .i- i n n .in uuic ui iue uuiiiiygi, . i. ue Mcitwero nroincra was men renewed, ana Airca. as follows: Many years aeo. when the calledh'Jim" a "son of a b b." aad it is town of Wiudham was, newly aeuled, I said, nsed moat iusuhing language toward there came a very dry season. There are tke old mother, who stood by. Then the ma's dead." He thought he did not hear correctly, and asked again, "Your mam ma 1" The little voices again ehinaed to gether, "Yvs, papa, mamma's dead in the bed." Van Broaklin hurried his l an hoine. He found his wife indeed in U-d i-Hft-ufiUh-, and nl sinking in dealt. She A Ii rt alone; no neighbors werf near, lit call- d l-ouir- for b-lp ; the u-ihbirs if al umed ; a doctor was suiomooxl. ;. i. I ' fore he arrived the poor woman had , puucan conrenitpn in Iowa Incorporated in their platform aa audeln Jt declaring it "the duty of every (Bepooli- A PROPOSED NEW STATE. Th e; movement lookine towards the formation of a new Suteout of North Mis- can to oppose the election oT bad mrn t 8J8,PP Vest lenneasee and Western office, whether nominees of the RtmblU h,en.tuc.kT 18 '"sT discussed with consid ... - a s i w l . . t Rent an t' mi rv aw ft ' TT' w ..... ..i imi. xicreupon an lrtwa piper of the Republican pursnasion, the c CAroZ,1akcs the benefit of this declara- Hon by dropping from the Republican State ticket the name of Gov. (Caroenipr whose nomination Tor reflection it'resjads as one eminently anflt to be made. It is ' wholesome elgiv of tbe times that the Iowa Republican Convention has deemed (f expedient expressly to enjoin a non lepnblieans the duty of opposing the election of bad men, whether on their own crable enimatibn by the newspapers puh- ii?hcu in iue section interested. A con- vcntioix is to be held at Jackson on the 29th inst., when delegates are to be pre- m M ' . -t em irom every citv. town and civil d a tnct wjLhm the limi new iate. . iue eenera to be lajfaver of the i IHE LlEAtJI.-V (5T.A6Tlr PrntriTT A t , ' v. A. v. . f ' i I A... Singular cas ot locklaw came under th notice ot several reliable physreia'ns a few nays ago. A gentleman well-known business circles, and rather a heavy wcVht AllfiT.ttAl inlbn.olif . 1. 1 . . m .p.. .v.. .... iium i ue neai: Alter experimenting with a numbt r of cool i no- beverage, he settled on claret punches as (he best "steady drink" for hot weather. and absorbed several of tlipm A a Straw. ITnfnrtnnafoT-u k Kl J i - .m..Uiv.ij , llo uciu iue Straw- m the same Dosition aa . h flifl Cigarj in the corner of his month, with the f no resvmg against bis cheek., Al the expjraUon of a few daya, Uie intensely cold Jiquid had a aiogular , effect, and fprmed an abscess in. hia cheek-. Not knowing at firat what it was. lie continn to dispose ot bis regular number of nnnrh. es, and, was soon taken with ihe loekiaw 4f. uoagen ana one or. two otber nhvai. clans attended him, and with difSeultr saved bis life. They were for some time At a loss to account for the singular .afflic- two large ponds in .Windham, separated by an uiterreniu strip ot laud, of coasid erable. extent. Each of Uifse Donds was inhabited , by. a largo community of the repiilee above named. T'ho smaller pond a nea uppa 111 Miuauiiauta siaru-rt iu a body lor tbe rower and larger pond. They were met. i if tbe hi tr vea ing spnc by ihe colnniuiiity from.Hhe larger pond, .und a fierce and -Tong cnntumid 'battle .ensued between flVe,'uyaI cotninuuii ie. Sueb wa llwe hideous' belhWin? of lhe.lrma ilurinn' tbein fierce eiichMirter that it aUriui th irtdabitanU, who-it first aupjMiaed it fco be the whop,i.; ihe hostile savages. Bat curiosity gelfiilg the beller of their fears. they very cautiously' proceeded1 U tho spot wbence. the hideous . siand ismic d, and there beiieldVlhe .strange spectacle f .1' i - J. .i k..in men flew at each and then ensued other like wild beasts. L IOC DS1TD STRtTOOLI. Who struck the first blow is not bnt'tbaf Jim' was not killed w stiussle was mauifest from the cut and bruised condition' of Alexander's throat and face. Ji n, it should be stated, was until fatelv known as a denrate charac ter,oun who would kill a man as quick a look at him. and, possibly, . Alexander kiH)w ii)g wU the character of his brother, determined to make short work of him. and xher fore feeiaed hia father's well nigh worn ojit shoemaker s knife and plunged it into 'Jin: 's breast, on tbe left side juste- few, incjiea below the collar-bone. It looked a light innocent wound to tbe Herald re .;.; Mm. l hjv. i lie doctor said her attack t piraltic nature. This is the 'i story, gathered from them by .friend On Thursday eveuing Vau Brocklin called her children to her ad told them she was sick, and to run and call the nearest neighbor. Then she fell down on the bed. She, never said anything more to them, aud thy at firat supposed she waa asleep. Ii was growing dark, aud they were afraid to go for the neighbors. They slept in iheir clothes and tried to waken thVir mother in the morning but she would not rooe. kaownj P'lfj bat:frly; Joud iudV'ff it'M in ithout atllbf VfW n4jdc vl nib'e cpKaH.ra Ang. 7 tf. J. J. ScMMtartU VCora, E. H. Marsh.. ) I FOR BEST j 1 1 4 i armies of bulllrogs, covering ter ?a8 he vieweJ it jf grpund, Mg ged in a fierce di(! terble work. Jii - i i . . . ts of, the. proposed .T' 'S R new5 hX 8U)V gred iseotrment seems IP k-c wuxo reapoaaioie moyemeat; ?riw,i. ne soaerer, alihongh not m - ' ..' 3 ' ' (f'tirely recovered, ia out of danger. He Will r riiil 1 v mmtAA ' C t .ii i mi 2. tv r . a.um n, imure ail croOKea whereas u. jjowe; our -Congressman. a:nd da r.7.r ; . jnca . Biuen a aeiaiinn and mnr .nJ .:n rk.l w. A J . .L .. I I - I . . . . . . " ill npucHiDo m ne reaisn nia aea.t eilber tlr hia . " . I : ,: - W.KijLUB Louis Democrat. . a snare, or with sugar. or any other ticket. If they stiek to their in Ccnirresa. that hU .!np;in.r f. r declaration we fear that w will be called by an honest man instead of a thief Is noon to record a Democratic victerv out Resolution nnat h v-m x . m. j - . .. - V r ' in Iowa before lone. ' f7onrfl" " -.-a, .,.-wcrmw . Ualh0ic, Union.; in. the J 1 f . ' I Mnucd otatea numbers oyer-230000 last nipht. bat it muni' JUrr.a rf nmnnH en twi mA m Z i . . r.. ... V . J "'"l'-i',SV"M." UCiVCM ,1 IkrMhLi nrlr I m m ..... I . ,.l -uuuu.y qam, . . uaw eoniHiuea lae. mth. kitchen and extension into the Mian jwcwy-iour .urs, ana wnenn yard aad jn a few minalca fell raa . I. M A mm. mm 1 1 1 I with the slain, and it became necessary to avoid tbe noxious effiuvia, to gaLbexiand bury tuem Boston X.t an script. U CORPSE ON THE SWAM). PIANOS k CD C3 rsl t . 1 4TUNlNO it MUStCi SPECIAL NOTICE. ; Prof. J. F. Rl'KtfKERT, of Wiliainglon l ' in SxlUburv lie ia aent fur lite Celebrated TOebsr and Cbickering Pianos. na ftoaxii- hia rfvioe U TmA VkJ Ryu' , Pianha nn i trtnn t do well lf erurir.g aerrir irjnir.iixtrlr, a hia atar among ua i'l bes.YarU , i , OrJera left at Mewra. Crawford 4 UuUf. StorewiM meet witli prompt atttrtion. ' Aujf -7 tr. -j MrsTSarah Wilson's School, - a dence on the 27ih ofAugiAK "iCile, a Irr-' lofore. Tneurderer, who waannder the inflo. ence of liauor. at once realized what he had done and Harried from the soot. In a few Ccbaks Delighted. The statements minutes he waa airain at the hona f hi. ..v kin u iue ouminu r Tcaaeia iitieij i uroiuerin-ia w. ez-poiieeman Allison l.l.fin V mm . 1 mmmmtmmmm maI.K.. . I. 7 1 ilf . . Z . I . . T ... ... .. mij vuit nc". uiaaiuc kiiviri- vuucfiKai over, uim. saianet "me way to Uaba to aid the insergents are re- and Jim have had trouble, and I think eeived with much gratification by Cuban I I've killed him. He drew a knife on me sympathizers in New! York; The state and I drew one on him." He then remark ments, however, lacic, confirmation, 'Bat ed that he had better go and give himself u is .ne-generally expressed opinion that I up to tiie police, bhortly after S o'clock now ta Uoba'a t)pportniiity. Tbe bomejbe appeared at the First preeinet, in Wib government ts torn oy uissensions, ana 1 11am sireet, and oeiiyered bimselfnpto has as much as it can do to take care of the Lieutenant Portenfelder. tbe officer in 1 1 nrii . . t m mL .mrm..mn mtm tmmm lm mm m i t. i m m w m m i . . m m.mm Bmm. m . . ... t w . - m. m3 niiauiDU v.uw.ma j u imm . m.mMtmm k k . . . m . . ww mm iue m m-i u n in m mmm. I m. I - r I f- m V scarcely know 'from one day to another vaguely told tbe officer he bad trouble with wno tney are amenable to at borne, and I his brotber, and in order to save himself cannot ne fighting wun macn spmt. ill Had to qo wnat tie did. the Cubans were now to initiate some bold I: . Poor old lira. Birral waa distracted uiufcweni na sinae a aeriea oi aeciaive ana on f receiving toe corpse of ber mar blowi theynright iieeeip5 in obtainlor defed son tried," "My Oad !' tnVGod I tbir Indeaebte'. l"r ' ?i 'oc? 1 Oh, mypoor son T my poor tov'r laodtsi. iue tod evening to b milkc-d, but iJierc im nobody to milk them, audatllususoal m- they tornetl thein ont iut(,t(K.pasture -The neiglibV'rs seIqg the "cblidren at ibVir usual ok- suimba.-d of couiif, that i .' . '.! .ir1r . i Ij Mil was rini wiui uitrru hi noiuf, hbu h o happened that lion? of tlKta caIli-T. Th oldest child l gail to be alitlle fribtened, suggslrd lo ih other: "What If mui pa aheidd be dead. She muitf'bdead or ahe'd wakerr up," and o :he little boya timeo thy conciuaion Uiat thcyr mother baa gon iw'ay'froro tKAd and"" wondered what paper would say when he heard of it. .Their curiosiiy on th's point was ex cited, and with: 'heir hearts ' full ef hews they started out to meet their father com iug home.jnJiif wagon, Thev,had been forty-eight boura wlthlhe shadow nf dcaih in ibe bouse, and were not old enough to realize what it meant. t Tub Lamplkt Mcrperkrs - The Last Days op Nicuol-os ad Holla- HIS. Of the two eondemt-d mm now in the Baltimore t,ily j"i! awaiting the hour of ctecution on'J riday, llolujian, it ia said seems to retaio:thai physical energy and at times dogged tenacity, iu, rtferviuce to wordly affairs which baa always charac terixed hioo, thought al oiiir times be exhibits great devotion to religion, and ia always docile in thi prcseoce of his pirp tual adviser, towards whom he seems to bo warmly attached. Ktcbolaon. (ba other doomed man, appears to be unreservedly peniteot. If ba contemplates anything else than tbe boor of bis departure (torn time to eternity be does oot abowt ia bis actions. As the time draw's 'j&tr for PRIVATE BOARDiNCf Mr. Hr, TUevm propoe o; ue a P. hoahlfr. She liaa 'ine comfortV4e nare cbam- ber. fornihM, suiiahia Tor a married conri", . . . . . . a (or twaamle prjn. h will Ua .! 14 UWle bordr, mk IM per month in4 -iJ!al- act-otpfnoHAte transient euloneni, aoi b-Vtf alie will be able to gjlve atifrtinn 1 't Reid?fiee, Eat comer of Main f l.il-'T strtrcw. - i J.ilv 31,lo HBGrlSTRATION. The Volera of fialiabury Townhip, name arc fiut already in the liuok.of lci-ir-tiori. win call M my office; and r.egitT tln f Dime befure the day of Elertton. T. Q. HALXHT). r ATTENTION FARMERS. If you witi to raiae from 33 to 100 p-r cent. nyrfrl for at. tbe aar4 lanl extra eapenfe or later, call on JAcs S05, Grfn.bnro, Capt. L. C. HaXH, UV ton, nr J. K. Ik kkk; lraTlinK aS"itt, SaJi4. ii?. or addieaa the aodri ned i4 prortra r rni right Uept. ibat will Ull Jvmi bow itn U Parra cr Kcciirr. 0 i i r - . . a j 8 4 M H 5 10 J)w SI, Smoa. J. R RAY, -Karrerrrilk soryiheCo,N. - North Carolina College, Ml Pleasant. Cabarrps Co. X. Tl.S Tit cioiaii trtn of tbiS Iaatitaui ill oouratoct Aofuat iih. 1873- j , Exprrrrt W tWoo of T Utl.f : -J' legate Department, $H7to$lS7 j Academic Department, $133 to Slodehu rfcred at any time ? PbrCitlnftT apply lo f Rer.l, ArBICKLs, juij to, 4t. I r1 . f i f

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